#tw r/systemscringe
Whoever made the Google page for RAMCOA is getting a talking to by me because I am not tolerating the fact that the second thing that pops up is r/systemscringe saying it's not a real thing. Wtf.
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I’ve never joined this godforsaken subreddit in my life and I feel ill. Why the fuck does it say I joined? I’ve spoken against it and ”users of systemscringe” is in my dni. This is probably my 12th reason /hsrs
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I left it like as soon as I realized.. I feel like I was hacked or something happened and forced us to join?? all I know is that the content of the sub is gross and horrible
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
r/systemscringe mods are now encouraging people to doubt abuse victims specifically because they say they have dissociative disorders...
Yesterday r/systemscringe added someone new to their hit list. Part of this included accusations of grooming against this individual. I'm not going to talk about those specific accusations since they aren't anyone I know nor anyone I expect my followers would be interacting with. (As I understand, they're an anti-endo TikToker)
What I do want to talk about was this disclaimer r/systemscringe mod u/DizkoLites added to their post:
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Now I will note that there can be good reason to be skeptical of any allegations. People do lie for all sorts of reasons. I've had plenty of lies spread about me personally, including directly by r/systemscringe members and moderators. It's unfortunate that there are bad people out there who will take advantage of the trusting nature of human beings in order to lie and hurt others, and that this erodes trust in genuine reports of abuse.
But this has gone further than just general skepticism and is arguing that abuse allegations from systems should be distrusted just for them being systems and talking about being systems.
So here is a reminder: if any systems from r/systemscringe are reading this right now... these people are not your friends. These people cannot be trusted.
The hatesub r/systemscringe is not only pushing ableism and hate, but is specifically encouraging people to disbelieve trauma reports from anyone who dares be open about having DID.
This is not innocent. This is not harmless. This is not victimless.
Their members over the past few months have attempted to rebrand their subreddit as a place of education. And it's unknown the reach of their 30,000+ members. How many are medical professionals? How many are lawyers or judges? How many are police officers? How many will become these things in the future?
Make no mistake, your so-called friends in r/systemscringe are actively working towards making the world less likely to believe and trust you when you report being a victim of trauma and abuse. The next time someone doesn't believe you because you're a system, remember that it's because of people like this.
Shame on you r/systemscringe. And you specifically, u/DizkoLites.
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thetentsystem · 2 months
does anyone wanna come try to get r/systemscringe shut down
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ramcoa-safe-space · 2 months
Hi there people, welcome to the RAMCOA safe space. Some clarification, this is not a place for people who are pro-RAMCOA causers, it's for survivors of it. There are some trigger warnings below the cut, specifically for discussing of RAMCOA, cult mention, syscourse mention
We do know that the term OEA is also used frequently and we are both a RAMCOA safe space and an OEA safe space. For the questions and answers below, RAMCOA will be used but OEA applies as well.
What is RAMCOA?
RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse Mind Control Organized Abuse. When people hear that, they tend to think of cults first and foremost which is what many (Not all but some) survivors went through. There is debate on if ritualistic should count with ritual, on this and any other blog we run it does. If you do not, please do not come and try to debate us. We will delete any comments and block anyone who's trying to be offensive, we don't care. There is another commonly used term, OEA which stands for Organized Extreme Abuse. It is seen as more accepting.
Is RAMCOA just the satanic panic?
Good question, no it is not. RAMCOA also is not anti-sematic, it's people who went through extreme trauma
Is it even real?
Yes, Yes RAMCOA is. RAMCOA survivors are not just systems, they can be a non-system. Some systems (people with DID/OSDD 1) prefer to use HC-DID if they have been through RAMCOA/OEA.
I want to follow you but I don't know your syscourse stand
We want to keep syscourse out of this blog however, if you need to know, we identify as a mix between anti-endo and endo apathetic. We do not wish to talk about syscourse, if you want to then we are @anti-endo-safe-space and welcome communication there
Can I interact if I'm just curious about RAMCOA?
Yes! We do want to provide a safe space for RAMCOA survivors but at the same time, we want to give any information we can. We do not have the best answers. Another good blog for RAMCOA survivors is @crystaledhearts. However, if we find anyone has harassed them we will rapidly block. Harassment is never allowed.
Who we are
You can call us Spidey. We also run two other blogs, @anti-endo-safe-space and @npd-safe-space. We have a CDD (our therapist is still up in the air on which type), PTSD, MDD with PF, and NPD (we have other disorders but that is all we are comfortable telling).
We have decided to make this blog as there aren't nearly enough blogs for RAMCOA survivors.
DNI/BYF (Before You Follow):
Do not bring syscourse onto this account
MAPs/Pro contact paraphillia
AspenFrosten followers/her
Fake claimers
Racists, homophobes, anti-good faith
FDC/SC reddit viewers/believers (fake disorder cringe/systemscringe)
Anti-RAMCOA. You are not welcome here
What can you do here?
Vent, rant, info dump, ask questions (might not answer everything or be able to), talk about hyperfixatoins, talk about experiences with RAMCOA, submit posts, just chat
Please make sure to use proper trigger warnings
Something final we want to add. To those on places like FDC or SC, do not post things from here. I know that's just encouraging all of you but this is for trauma survivors. Rather or not you believe in RAMCOA, would you want people mocking you for daring to find a space you were welcome in? And we will give this as our official do not post. We know what is the definition of cyber bullying/cyber harassment. We don't want anything to do with you, leave us and everyone here alone. It is not a hard request. We won't harass you or bother you, don't harass or bother us, including posting our blog. Any of them.
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i refuse to name the account publicly because im not stooping to their level but. Oh that's a slightly popular system account saying its perfectly fine to post endos to syscringe subreddits because they're not being "harassed..." i wanna fight back but. Not worth it :/ (i say this as someone who genuinely doesnt give a shit about syscourse but DOES give a shit about stopping syscringe subreddits)
:( That’s not okay.
No one deserves to be posted to syscringe pages. Endos included. Even when someone is being ridiculous. Posting without their knowledge is NOT okay. It's a much better idea to speak to the person one on one rather than potentially harming them.
I'm fully against sharing content off personal blogs and social media, e.g. screenshots, especially when usernames, and things that could identify the user are included.
There are some exceptions; like when people have tried to do their best to stop the person's behaviour, and it has continued to a point where it needs to be addressed further; for example when the Felix Cypher drama happened and his family was involved.
There's a fine line between analysis and straight up mocking — which is what syscringe and disorder cringe pages do.
Besides, a lot of content posted to those pages simply don't care that some of the people they're laughing at genuinely do have those disorders, and their symptom set is slightly unusual. It's extremely damaging to those who are posted.
That goes for all syscourse stances. I don't care if you're anti-endo, pro-endo or anything in between. There is a person behind almost every single account on the internet, and posting to syscringe is a form of cyberbullying and harassment.
Some people will always be shitty and cruel, however it's up to you [reader], to not contribute.
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syscultureis · 7 months
Just wanted to let u guys know you’ve been posted on r/systemscringe a few times, idk if it affects you or anything but I wanted to just let u know
We're aware, we don't really care honestly
Fakeclaimers are always going to find a reason to fakeclaim systems, we do our best to just ignore them. Their opinions don't matter to us
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river-runs-fast · 8 months
r/systemscringe isn’t anti-endo, they’re anti-system.
Sign this petition to get them shut down.
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musicalmonstrosity · 4 months
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TW;bodily injury, detailed abuse, cringe culture, ableism, Domestic abuse, child abuse, CPS mentions, the system cringe subreddits
Fakeclaimers are so funny ngl bc they’ll be like “if that happened where’s the scars and proof why aren’t you being abused!” And then I’ll just be like oh word? Which scar you wanna see, this injury is the freshest (I still can’t touch it even while it’s scabbing the bone def got fucked up again) (thanks dad), or we can cover the hundreds of scars all over my damn body. We can cover my malformed legs from being broken so many damn times and the CPTSD fucking up my joints worse. I could audio record the horrific sounds my body makes due to abuse I suffered still effecting me into adulthood. I could show them the pictures of me in secondary locations to be abused. I could send them my CPS workers info and the social workers notes the day I came to school with a stab wound and bruised ribs.(and that shit happened 6 years ago, guess what my ribs are still fucked up!)They don’t actually want proof because when you show it it’s “seeking attention” or it’s “overdramatized” they have to move the goal post because they will dickride for abusers so hard. You could show them your damn diagnosis papers and they’ll sit there and say it’s fake or doctor shopping. Fakeclaimers and their echo chambers don’t care about “stopping fakers to protect disabled people” they want to sit on a high horse when ironically they don’t even have the conditions to speak on it or have such obvious internalized ableism. At this point their groups are becoming blooming hate groups that are becoming dangerous. I’ve actually been victim due to their rhetoric, guess what ,the majority of them are teenagers, ignorant and think they know it all. Back in high school a student who loved those fakeclaiming groups decided that I was faking my disability that required me to use a cane and the elevator (literal doctors note is required for either of these on school grounds and I got banned from using the stairs anyways because I kept getting injured on them). So what does he do? Threaten to break my cane, and eventually he actually did, feeling all righteous until I wasn’t getting up. He had to learn that day you don’t know people and your assumptions can get people killed, if I had hit my head when I fell from him kicking my cane inwards I could’ve died. All this because of what these people spread. I’m sick of it. And please try to fake claim (sarcasm) me so I can pull out my diagnosis papers and therapy notes. And for fucks sake you can see my meds, it’s not like I hide em on this blog.
And the funniest part about all of this? No one owes random people proof or great detail of their abuse or disorders. If you’re not their doctor or psychiatrist why care? It’s simple, they don’t care for proof, they care to target people and protect abusers.
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crystaleddreams · 24 days
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(Anon came from crystaledhearts, replying here)
It’s a smart idea, honestly. I’ve been thinking of having screen time limits on apps as a means of doing other things (such as gaming or cleaning), but I also don’t have those limits set up.
I hope things can get better and that the limits help. Maybe you could also write down triggers in a private area so alters are aware of what to avoid if possible? I know it might be hard to avoid certain things, but I know we usually have something that tells our triggers so we can work on them.
I do hope things get better for you soon!
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Just saw someone on r/systemscringe unironically call systems a cult over a system telling a singlet not to argue with another system about their disorder I'm. 😦
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steence · 10 months
guys can i complain about something?
like tw venting FR
because like. i used to think i had like. osdd. that thing whenever you have different people in ur head or whatever. and its soooo awful. the only reason i was able to escape that horrible, awful time in my life was when i went on r/systemscringe.
cus they b out there pointing out bullshit. and it snapped me out of it. but the remnants are still so awful. i still hear voices. i still can talk to people in my head and hear a response that i dont think im making even though i definitely am. i still feel so awful
whenever i thought i had it i was so shameful pf it. i didnt tell ANYONE. i was so scared that someone would find out. anytime someone irl brought it up i felt fear.
there are still things that i remember doing but that felt like i didnt *do* or like i did it in a dreamlike state. kind of like when you first wake up. even though i DIDNT.
i KNOW you guys wanna hate fakeclaimers but theyre the ONLY reason i was able to get out. and its still awful.
so if ur a system i KNOW uou dont wanna hear this but PLEASE make sure 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is true. please dont go down the awful path i did.
ok rant over <3
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cringegenic · 1 month
TW for mentions of r/systemscringe
Cringe plural culture is being a former member and supporter of r/systemscringe, then introjecting the mascot once you finally accept that you're plural 😭
Cringe System Culture Is
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
r/systemscringe found my post about imaginary friends! Reactions are exactly what you'd expect from the hate sub!
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Don't worry @lxions, I assure you that the hate is mutual.
Anyway, let's put aside the reality of non-disordered systems for a moment and remind everyone that alters in DID and OSDD often manifest as imaginary friends in early childhood, as I recently discussed in the Plurality of... IF
From the DSM-5:
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The problem with our current culture for children with dissociative disorder, a culture that treats "imaginary friends" as fake, as delusions, and things to be ignored and forgotten... is that it leaves children with dissociative disorders even more isolated and encourages them to view their alters as things to be gotten rid of.
Children with dissociative disorders are inherently setup by society to view their alters as enemies.
And you can't tell me that this doesn't contribute to the stigma. That this isolation doesn't contribute to the rates of depression and suicide among people with DID.
Yes, I realize that the trauma and abuse themselves are also big factors. But isolating children so they can't even talk about the other people in their head without being considered crazy, leading to them hating their alters, sure doesn't help matters.
We need to do better.
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This is somewhat true. But not all abuse that causes DID is from the parents. And it's not always from both parents. And many children may end up being saved from abusive situations and placed with better families.
Even if their particular parents are like this though, normalization has other benefits.
If it's normalized for most parents, then it can be for teachers too. If a child feels safe going and opening up to a teacher and talking about the people in their head, that they consider imaginary friends, then it might make it easier for the teacher to pick up on red flags.
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What a bizarre way to phrase this!
"I fear their children wouldn't develop DID."
Because I HOPE they wouldn't develop DID!
Imagine if getting to a child early enough and encouraging communication between headmates could prevent heavy dissociative barriers from forming! And actually, the longer you wait to address it and encourage that communication, the worse the symptoms will get! What if you could prevent DID this way, or at least reduce its severity, before it even forms?!
A child not developing DID is a weird thing for you to be afraid of!
Two Paths
As I see it, there are two paths for the future.
Down one path, nothing changes. Systems continue to be born into a world where plurals are treated as crazy, and having other people in your head is something to be stigmatized. This leads to isolation which leads to self-harm which in some cases will likely lead to suicide.
Down the other path, we actually try to change the culture. We normalize being able to talk about other people in your head. We educate people about plurality. And we show a willingness to accept the possibility of children being plural. We help foster communication with headmates of children and we set them up for a healthier life of plurality from the beginning.
These are the choices. And unfortunately, when given two choices, r/systemscringe will always opt for the choice that results in the most suffering for systems.
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eskzerek · 2 years
Tw // Fakeclaiming
Saw this and saw some other systems answering so we want to too! (Note, we don't have DID, but in the case of Sysmeds they interchangeably use DID and System as the same thing)
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❌ we post about our interests a lot.
✅ They describe our system members' roles easily, so why not?
❌ We have a few cishet people, and I think only a couple use neopronouns.
❌ We have never dyed our hair.
❌ Our hair is just past our shoulders and we have a regular middle part, our fringe just frames our face a lil.
✅ We get new Headmates often in times of stress, and if we have a character who brings us great comfort, why wouldn't we introject them?
❌ We've actually never been fakeclaimed. We've been posted on r/systemscringe twice I believe, but one was because of an inside joke that the poster took seriously, and I honestly can't remember the other one 💀. Not once did they say we were fake. One person did comment "out of all the star wars characters why introject Ezra Bridger" which was. Something.
➖ We do if we're talking about system experiences. We often forget on here. While talking to people on discord we often use pk. It's so people know what they can and can't talk about i.e Don't talk Abt Belos around Hunter, Don't talk about the Kraang around me(Leon) etc. Also I'd like to sign off because I use they/he and hate She Pronouns, whereas some people use He/She and hate They pronouns.
❌ I don't think so? Most of us are super outgoing. The most "edgy" I can think of is Hunter but he's just traumatised.
❌ Never worn eyeliner
✅ Yeah? We are under 18. Minors can be systems!
➖ We don't talk about how we interact a lot. We have a couple times but we don't see any point.
➖ Don't a lot of people use discord? Also no! We have a carrd but we prefer Rentry.
❌ We talk about being plural a lot because it's a massive part of who we are but sometimes we just wanna talk about tmnt or the owl house or star wars.
❌ We don't want to be diagnosed with DID, because we do not have it.
❌ Typing quirks are difficult for us to read and understand, why would we do that to ourselves? Yuno types in italics but only because he likes how it looks, and Evelyn puts ᓚᘏᗢ before her messages because she likes cats.
❌ We don't have any of them. Our most introjected media currently is Rottmnt.
❌ We'd be happy to educate them and if they started getting aggressive we would simply block them.
❌ Headmates who are aggressive and/or would cause distress to other people do not interact on social media, and we strongly believe in system responsibility.
❌ We don't record ourselves ever, and our switches are very small and unnoticeable.
➖ We are Praesigenic. We will not say if we are Traumagenic or Endogenic, although we do completely support Endo Systems.
Overall we relate to only 3 of these things.
Note: Even if you relate to all of these things, or none of these things, that does not mean you are faking. Plurality is different for everyone and as long as you say you are a system, you are a system. <3
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tempesttz · 3 months
unnecessary rant about an
unnecessary (but very odd) debate
i know this is not my usual post but tumblr just suggested me another account (as it does), so i went to check them out. openly endogenic, wonderful. inclusive, check. "if i block you, you're probably not inclusive enough." sure? then i scrolled down a bit more, and... tw: mentions of discourse, nazis, the holocaust, and ai art. i'm also just not very nice, so tw for that too.
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".....ai art is still art and arguing otherwise is spreading nazi bullshit regardless of if you personally like it or not...." ....what? at this point i'm thinking okay, op has no clue what a nazi is or something. right? right??? there was a link, so i, an unwitting fool looking for more elaboration on this take, clicked it.
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"blocked a long time follower because they were being reactionary. here is your reminder that regardless of your stance on copyright, as soon as you start regurgitating that ai art isn't art, you are spreding the rhetoric authoritarianism. you are being reactionary and conservative. in fact, you are literally spreading nazi shit. read up if you have the spoons for it: link here. the focus should be on mitigating harm to those more directly impacted, not on trying to erase the art now exist.s not on ai arts legitimacy as art." i'm not going to just sit here and say "oh wow weird take, point and laugh guys." that would be weird and frankly no better than places like r/fdc and r/systemscringe. so instead, we're gonna break this down: first off: what is degenerate art? well, let's check their wikipedia link.
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"Degenerate art (German: Entartete Kunst) was a term adopted in the 1920s by the Nazi Party in Germany to describe modern art. During the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, German modernist art, including many works of internationally renowned artists, was removed from state-owned museums and banned in Nazi Germany on the grounds that such art was an "insult to German feeling", un-German, Freemasonic, Jewish, or Communist in nature. Those identified as degenerate artists were subjected to sanctions that included being dismissed from teaching positions, being forbidden to exhibit or to sell their art, and in some cases being forbidden to produce art." okay, so op is claiming that dislike of ai art is comparable to the suppressing and banning of large amounts of art in nazi germany. which is a wild take. but why is it wild? 1. ai generators clearly do not experience much suppression or banning in places considering that they are an active threat to artists. 2. the main issue with ai image generation is that it is stealing from actual artists to create their images and putting people who have trained for years to hone their skills at risk of losing their jobs. this diminishes the amount of artists who will actually pursue a career in that field, thereby reducing the amount of actual artists and directly harming the art community. 3. a lot of people will lie about being ai "artists," attempting to claim the work as actual art. 4. the concept of comparing something like this to the holocaust in general is just... wildly insensitive, frankly. this should be common sense, but there seems to be a distinct lack of it here anyways. 5. people are allowed to have opinions? you can think ai art is a valid form of art. i'll think you're weird, but that's a valid opinion. some people don't think certain genres of music are art. some people don't think certain kinds of art should be considered art. for example, those pendulum paintings that were everywhere, and might still be everywhere. i saw a lot of discourse about those. some people did not consider them to be art, or at least not on par with things like large, dedicated paintings. does that make the people who have that opinion nazis? .....no????? there isn't a moral to this post. it probably shouldn't exist. i just saw this and needed to rant, and decided to make you all my unwitting victims, lol. if you agree with op, then... i don't know, have a nice day? maybe stop conflating something like ai art (which is basically inconsequential unless you are in a community it effects or witnessing a downgrade of media quality due to its usage in production) to the holocaust (one of if not the worst historical event to this day in history)? okay wait, i have a moral! you can dislike things or have an opinion without it having to be taken to the total extreme. for anyone who read through this entire thing, thank you for sticking around! have a cookie. 🍪
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