#tw sex crimes
venting-town · 10 months
If me being glad that somebody harms or kills a child molester makes me bad or s” supportive of evil “, then that’s what that makes me
I’ve been labeled worse, not that it matters
Correlation does NOT equal causation. I’d be super happy ( words don’t describe it ) if Beau would kill himself or if somebody else killed him. And that’s okay.
The law/“ rules “ somehow say SOME murder is justified/okay, or that’s it’s okay for certain groups ( such as the military or cops, or people defending themselves ) to kill others
However, let’s call it what it is. It’s called murder. Yet we try to add rules and boundaries as to what is “ acceptable “ murder and what isn’t “ acceptable murder “
And we do it to try to make ourselves feel better/have order.
Yet. Order isn’t always good or best, neither is chaos. And you don’t need either to be honest, with or without or etc the reality/“ reality “ of it
Anyways. I, for one, think that if somebody murders somebody who is rapes/molests them or somebody they care about, is NOT inherently bad and they do NOT deserve to go to jail for it
And if they ARE jailed because of “ law “ or lackthereof or etc, they deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion
No. Not all murder is bad. But it IS bad that things have to come up to murder. Such as when victims get raped/abused/molested/etc. Then THEY get labeled as “ monsters “ or “ liars “ or “ family destroyers “ or whatever else when they retaliate.
And they aren’t. It’s okay to acknowledge certain laws are unjust. Even when it is law.
And some laws need readjusting with new perspective. Because of society/“ society “ and all that
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themilkcrate · 1 year
We have never had an accurate read of how many trans people are in the United States. However, researchers guess that "the number of trans athletes [in the United States] can't exceed 100."
In 2023 alone (as of Aug 25th, 2023), there have been about 566 anti-trans bills passed. The year isn't even over and this year alone has produced more anti-trans legislation (over 80 of those bills have been passed, over 300 are being discussed, but have been introduced), particularly with a focus on trans people (specifically trans women) in sports, than there are trans athletes in the entire country of America.
The United States has a population of about 331.9 million. Politicians have decided it is more important to focus on sludge topics that in the grand scheme of America's struggles, is microscopic in comparison. In some cases, laws prohibit A SINGLE PERSON in a state from participating in sports at their school.
Not only is this singling out individuals that already suffer (healthcare, school, discrimination, poverty, homelessness, etc), but is also hurting cis women.
There have been several recent reports of young cis girls being harassed for "being trans." This includes elderly people yelling at children (about 8 to 10 years old) and saying they need to see their genitals to "make sure they aren't trans."
If anti-trans bills continue to be passed, it will lead to extremely invasive examinations, especially for women's sports. This will lead to an uptick in girls (mostly cis girls due to statistics) having sex crimes committed against them by doctors. To anyone thinking doctors wouldn't do that, I urge you to look into the Olympics doctor Larry Nassar (500+ victims).
Helping trans people doesn't destroy women's rights. Discriminating against trans people does. If this doesn't stop soon, we will soon have a bigger pool of people to pull statistics from.
Peace and love <3
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
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A horrifying read.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
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"My brother was messing with escorts, masseurs, sexual content creators and drug dealers. Now, he's gone MIA. Among all these people, someone has to be the culprit."
PLAYBOYY (2023). Official Teaser.
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demonsinmysoul5000 · 9 months
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frankiebirds · 5 months
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so. i love this line.
but i want to talk about her expressions after gideon asks if she's alright:
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i dont know. throughout the first season, elle expresses the strongest negative feelings towards sex offenders (reasonable!) and sure, she came from a unit dealing specifically with that and that's her specialty (remember when all the characters had specific skill sets and specialties?) but especially this reaction here seems very personal. and this is pre-randall garner, so she doesn't yet have that connection to being attacked in her own home.
also. the team knows sexual offense crimes are elle's specialty. they know that's where she came from. but her response to gideon when he asks if she's okay after she goes off on scott isn't "i've seen a lot of this and it gets me riled up" it's to get defensive and evasive. if it was anger born of something the team is aware of, why hide it? her response to gideon and her expression afterwards very much read to me as someone hiding something.
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Statistics Canada recently released its figures for the Crime Severity Index (CSI) for 2023. Data shows the rate rose 2.1 per cent between 2022 and 2023, which translates to a rate of 80.5 per 100,000 people. This is the highest the CSI has been since 2010, but well below when reported numbers peaked in the late 1990s. Homicides were down in the majority of provinces, with Manitoba reporting a decrease of 15 from the year before. Both robberies and vehicle thefts increased by five per cent, but when compared to longer-term data, down more than 50 per cent from 25 years ago. The biggest contributors to the increase was a 35-per cent increase in rates of extortion, a 32-per cent increase in hate crimes, and a 52-per cent higher rate of police-reported instances of child sexual exploitation (CSE). British Columbia accounted for 79 per cent of that increase, while Alberta made up 14 per cent. Manitoba’s number of cases came down slightly. From 2014 to 2022, reported cases of CSE have increased by 217 per cent across Canada. That figure didn’t surprise Manitoba RCMP Cpl. Gord Olson with the Internet Child Exploitation Unit (ICE). “We’ve been inundated over the last few years since COVID, really,” Olson explained. “From luring cases, to making and distributing child pornography cases… unfortunately I’m not surprised that the numbers are high nationally.”
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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venting-town · 6 months
Ex-step fucktard enjoyed calling us names ALL the time
Poor bastard projecting so hard onto children because his mommy didn’t love him :(
And sold him out for sex over and over as well
And that bitch ( nor does his gang ass bitches or their buddies, nor any entity of any type or etc ) doesn’t get exemption
Names such as:
Goth wannabe
Smart-aleck little brat
Spoiled brat
Whiny bitch
Big baby
Smart ass
Ungrateful bastard
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painandmovies · 2 months
Casey Anthony getting off for the m_rder!ng of her child and the Mendedez brothers still being in prison for finally snapping at their ab_sive parents is what's wrong with the world and the justice system.
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weird-an · 5 months
Wilson opens the door to House's office. He hopes it's really an emergency and not House wanting to get a snickers.
"You paged-" The other words become a noise of surprise and desperation.
House stands right in front of his desk. He's pulled his pant down. His boxers, too. They're on the floor and look suspiciously like a pair Wilson owns.
"My leg's stiff," House announces proudly. He's leaning against his cane, almost posing and he's -
Wilson looks away. "I'm not a physio, House."
"It's just a dick," House says, voice rougher than usual. "You're a doctor."
Wilson finds a spot on the floor that looks vaguely like a star. "You're … hard," he mumbles. His face is probably as red as House's erection.
"Only for you, baby," House leers.
"I'm not… gay," Wilson says lamely. The most frightening thing is that he desperately wants to look.
"Wrong," House corrects him - that dick. "But not the matter right now. You think I'm hot."
"No." Wilson swears he wants to say the truth, but it feels like a lie. A lie he has told many times - to his wives, his girlfriends, his own parents.
"You're hard," House repeats Wilson's words from earlier.
Wilson stares at his own pants. Shit.
He looks at House and he shouldn't have. House is way closer now than before. Wilson can't avert his eyes, gets lost in the blue of House's iris, like a ship getting wrecked during a hurricane.
He sinks, so he grasps the only lifeline he can find. His hands find House's neck, pulling him closer. The kiss is chaste, soft and shy, but all caution gets thrown over board when House's teeth graze his lips.
When Wilson catches his breath, seconds and eternities later, House laughs against his mouth.
"Can't believe that finally got you goin' - you really are a slut."
Wilson huffs in annoyance and well, unfortunately House seems to have a point. "Who waited naked for me in his office?"
"You don't mind," House states, pushing his hips against Wilson's.
"No," Wilson breathes. "I really don't."
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An Alberta dentist will appear in court later this month on sexual assault charges. Shouresh Charkhandeh has been charged with four counts of sexual assault, and one count of sexual assault-threaten to cause bodily harm. According to court documents, the charges stem from incidents that took place between 2012 and 2013. Charkhandeh was criminally charged on Aug. 23.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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frodho-slaggins · 2 months
Also it is patentedly incorrect to write a character as a morally cogent and politically literate feminist and have her blame her boyfriend for getting literally unambiguously raped without narratively unpacking it. I think there's room for Annie to feel betrayed or even for her to fuck up in the way she did in the show (by treating this as an infidelity) and for hughie to respond as tho he has something to apologize for (although its clearly not his fault) because ppl are allowed to be hypocritical in their politics, misinformed, blindspots, momentarily blinded by stress etc but only if the framing recognizes the reality that hughie was raped and should be treated with that in mind from a narrative perspective. He's clearly traumatized by it. It's rlly goddamn obviously not even a little bit his fault. It would have been very interesting for Annie to respond this way with the narrative understanding that she is essentially victimblaming but instead it's not intentional just another character writing fuckup. Kripke learn how to write about gender challenge.
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thegreatobsesso · 2 months
The American Panic(tm) is omnipresent but I've been coping lately by 1) painting miniatures and 2) writing pure fluffy gay nonsense like this.
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✨ WIP intro
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📝 all posts from WIP: gay crime bdsm story
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wild-wombytch · 9 months
As if changing your papers doesn't change your socialization and violence 🤔
Male violence and feminicides shouldn't be classified as female crimes when they're not. Coddling to males and their need for "validation" somehow outweighs literal sex-based murders in terms of importance. By integrating such male crimes among ours, it will completely change the statistics and erase the patriarchal sex based violences we face. These statistics are made to protect us and can be the foundations on which we make laws! WAKE UP!
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cantsticktoasubject · 8 months
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Trainspotting 1996
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gacha-incels · 4 months
this is a documentary from filmmaker Youjin Do about the illegal spy cams/“molka” epidemic in South Korea. I’ve seen it going around recently so I’ll post it here. There’s a short interview with the filmmaker I’ll also post below, and after that some information from the HRW report on the issue.
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You can read the HRW report here, I’m in the middle of it myself.
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