#tw typing quirk ment
intersex-idiots · 2 years
someone sent an ask with a typing quirk i am about to start crying uncontrollably, this is why i don't like going on here man :(
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Looking for excerpts?
Purple=My Favorites
Main WIP: Syndicate
Terran is an assassin in Calson City, where a criminal syndicate controls the city. Raymond was working with them until he rebelled and saved someone they were going to kill, and Terran was supposed to execute him but faked Raymond’s death instead. Terran’s learning morality, realizing that he doesn’t want to be in this situation anymore, learning right and wrong, but simultaneously trying to hide what he’s done to avoid getting killed as a traitor himself. Conflict is mainly whether he learns real compassion and freedom from the syndicate, or if he resists this in favor of keeping up his cover. Mika is Raymond’s twin sister who doesn’t know he’s alive and had to take Raymond’s place as an assassin and hates it. There’s also magic and gay. Raymond has mind magic, and Terran can do various enhancement-type spells including making himself focus.
This story gets dark and I've included trigger warnings. The flufftober section should be much safer to read in general. But the story has a lot of trauma and fire-related discussions, so if either of those is a major trigger for you, no worries-- this isn't for you. "Abuse" indicates references to actual abuse, "trauma" may refer to depictions of PTSD
Insterested in more? Read more about this WIP here Add to my taglist
Terran & Raymond “Breakup” TW: killing/death ment
Poker Flashback TW: fire, abuse, trauma
Mika & Terran’s truce TW: killing ment
Card & Falling Asleep (Raymond’s POV) TW: ment of fire, abuse, death
2 Truths & a Lie  
Martel Bridge
Homework Flashback
Zachary being threatening TW: Manipulation, implied arson, killing, death
Rock Climbing Flashback  TW: mention of killing, death
Raymond and Terran discuss trauma TW: Discussion of trauma, abuse, fire
Scenes that 1. End a story/chapter/arc; 2. Is important to a character’s development, & 3. A sad/tragic scene TW: 1. fire ment, unconsensual mind magic(?) 2. Kidnapping ment 3. Fire, anxiety/panic attack. (Note: All 3 scenes here are on the longer side)
Scene that contains cool worldbuilding TW: death ment, unconsensual mind magic (Discussion of)
Peaceful scene
Descriptive text & favorite dialogue TW: Trauma--Not explicitly anything major but there is a depiction of a trigger in scene 2
Embrassed/flustered & put a lot of work into: TW death/killing ment (Note: Scene 2 is the same as 2 truths and a lie above, though I think it's shorter)
1 character protects or cares for another TW: Fire & burns
Action/combat & character introduction TW: 1. Suffocation, killing ment. 2. [not sure, nothing explicit]
Terran & Raymond kiss TW: killing mention
Flufftober scenes
Candles, Lanterns, & Fairy Lights TW: fire (candles), discussion of trauma
Caught in the Rain
Bedtime Stories TW: literally the tamest tw for burns
Hot Chocolate TW: Fire (fireplace), trauma
Soulmate AU Warning: Not really fluff
Poetry, Music, Art, & Craft TW: Trauma
“Oh, you’re a morning person” TW: killing ment
Supporting Each Other’s Quirks and Hobbies
Thick as Thieves
Slow Dancing
Game Day TW: minor death ment
Shooting Stars
Other WIPs
This month I plan on working on a different WIP, Second Chance. If I post any excerpts I will add them!
Ardisci: A scene from the POV of the god of knowledge in the universe of Second Chance, not official content. TW: Death mention
Drake Knight: a intro scene for a story about dragons. TW: implied dragon death, fire (like y'know. dragon breath)
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arsynical · 2 years
im arsenic, a relatively small p-did sys. i have multiple pds, autism, and a number of other things wrong with me. this is my vent blog, so look out for potentially triggering content (it will all be tagged accordingly) such as:
suicide and self harm
eating disorders
and whatever the hell else is fucked up!!
have fun! (actually probably dont...)
my main is @ars3n1cc, which is also where ill interact from.
trigger tags will be done in the format of "tw [thing] (ment)" so for example if its a post about self harm, it would be "tw sh," but if its just a post that mentions self harm, it would be "tw sh ment."
also, i have a typing quirk that i will most likely use. key is e = 3, i = ?, j = ¿, and o = 0. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs -> th3 qu?ck br0wn f0x ¿ump3d 0v3r th3 lazy d0gs. translations will be provided on request.
[NOTE: i most likely wont use this blog much because i have an awesome boyfriend who is there for me almost always]
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tsukikento · 4 years
Empathetic Chapter 11
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: Despite how long it might take me to make these chapters, I promise you I have not forgotten about this fic. School is...a lot. Anyways, please send me messages to keep me motivated, I love y’all!
After a decently long walk full of quips and sarcastic comments that made time go by much quicker, you and Bakugou arrived at the nearest subway station.
“Do you have a card or are you that new?” Bakugou asked as you passed by a help desk.
Quickly, you swung around your bag and grabbed your wallet out of your small pocket. You pulled out a small blue card and showed it at Bakugou with a wide smile on your face. “It was one of the first things I did,” You exclaimed, reminiscent of your second day here when you and your mom went from task to task, only stopping to eat delicious food when necessary.
“You want a medal or some shit?” Bakugou asked while pulling out his own card. He pressed the reader up to the machine and it dinged to signify he could go through.
You pushed on after him, using your own card to get through. “You know, I don’t think I need a whole medal,” You shrugged, “Maybe just a golden sticker.” You chuckled at your own joke and Bakugou just groaned and went off to find the correct station.
You followed closely behind him, feeling rather nervous because of your unfamiliarity with the area. As you brushed past a group of large ment, you unknowingly grabbed onto Bakugou’s jacket, putting your pointer finger into his pocket. It was something you always did to your older siblings as they lead the way.
Immediately, Bakugou turned back to look at your hand and brushed you off of him. “What are you doing?” He questioned, squinting his eyes at you.
“Oh,” You shockingly shoved your own hands into your pockets. “It’s just a habit when I get nervous.”
Bakugou looked at you for a couple beats before turning around and not saying anything else. Silently, he led you as he weaved through the crowd. Eventually, he stopped in front of a yellow line and pulled out his phone to check the time.
“The train should get here soon,” He mumbled. Bakugou stood fairly still, the only movement being his thumb gliding across his phone as he scrolled through social media in his pastime.
What social media would Bakugou even use? You questioned as you tried to peak over at what app he may be on.
Eventually, you gave up and pulled out your own phone, pulling up a random app to occupy your time and you primarily focused on the blond standing next to you. You glance up from your phone and take a peak at him every now and then, admiring the soft curves of his muscles. The visible sunkissed skin paired well his dark clothes and deep vermillion eyes.
You turned back to your phone, knowing your face was just as red as the eyes you were admiring.
You took in a deep breath.
Don’t think about him that way.
He’s just a normal guy, You reasoned as a subway rushed through the tunnel, eventually coming to a stop. When it finally screeched to a halt, you and Bakugou were located just to the left of the opening door, something you believed Bakugou did on purpose.
He put his phone away, you followed quickly after, and watched as crowds of people filtered off the train. The station wasn’t as packed as it was the weekend you ran errands with your mom, but it was still packed enough to make you slightly worried.
You concentrated on Bakugou, knowing he could handle himself in a busy environment like this. When he stepped forward, you stepped forward.
You followed close behind him onto the train, you two being some of the first people entering. There was a handful of seats inside the small compartment and Bakugou led you to one immediately.
“Sit,” He mumbled while motioning towards the seat. You happily listened and posted up on the plastic yellow chair. Despite the empty seat next to you, Bakugou remained standing, his right hand grabbing onto the fabric loop attached to the ceiling.
You pouted up at the blond, jutting out your bottom lip and furrowing your eyebrows. “Why aren’t you sitting?” You asked, patting the chair next to you.
Bakugou was pushed forward, much closer to you, with the masses of people piling in. You tried your best not to become flustered from having his hips pushed to your face. He looked perfectly nonchalant during the whole predicament and simply shrugged his shoulders. “I’m leaving the seat open for people who need it,” He answered.
Before you could retort his argument, a younger teenage boy slid into the seat. He looked like he might be about thirteen years old. He snickered like a hyena as he squeezed in next to you, his friends who were only feet laughing just like him.
You glanced up to Bakugou, trying not to look at the boy who was very obviously dared to sit next to you. The blond accompanying you today was clearing glaring down at the younger boy. His piercing, merlot-colored eyes were glaring daggers at the kid.
You just couldn’t tell if he was dared to sit next to you because of your looks or because he wanted to see if Bakugou would kill him. You would argue for the latter though.
The train doors closed and your journey kicked off, the low hum of the wheels and engine creating a rather peaceful white noise background. You went to pull out your phone to distract yourself from the silent fight going on right next to you. However, before you could even reach into your pocket, Bakugou spoke.
“Beat it,” He growled at the kid, who immediately rushed away like a scared dog with a tail between its legs.
Bakugou immediately took his spot, moving slightly to find a relaxed and comfortable position. His eyes stayed on the group of boys for a bit longer, watching as they whispered to each other and looked occasionally over to you.
“Idiots,” He mumbled, while nudging you and pointing at them.
You laughed lightly, “Come on! They are just harmless kids.”
“Harmless?” He doubtfully replied. “Anyone of them could have a quirk that could kick our ass.”
You laughed louder. “You trying to tell me you weren’t just like them in middle school?”
The blond scoffed, “No way!” He left it there, rather silent for his usual self. You would expect him to try and spend this time boasting about how naturally skilled he was or how he trained everyday. Except…he didn’t say any of that. 
“What were you like in middle school?” You tentatively asked, playing with your thumbs to calm your nerves.
Bakugou cleared his throat and adjusted his seating position so he was more upright. “So focused on being a hero that I was blind to everything else,” He practically whispered. His voice was eerily calm and quiet. You almost didn’t hear him speak.
The loud sound of the subway filled your ears as you carefully debated your next words. You didn’t want to start an argument, but it was tempting to tell him that he still was.
At least to some degree.
You didn’t know him in middle school, and from how Ashido talked about Bakugou, you were sure he was a much better person than even just a year ago. Despite this, he was still clueless and not as in control of his emotions as his peers.
Quickly, you backtracked, and chuckled at Bakugou just before the pause went on one beat too long. You nonchalantly slapped his shoulder and replied, “Are you kidding me? So you really didn’t do anything fun or risky? Not even like skip out on a class?”
“Nope,” He grumbled in response while making sure to pop the ‘p’ in his comment. “I may be strong, but middle school was when I needed to prove myself good enough to go to U.A.”
You hummed in response, wishing you could relate to his struggle more. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what that feels like,” You reasoned, “But I do know how it feels to come from a strong family.”
“Sounds pretty nice,” Bakugou scoffed, almost offended that you tried to compare his strife and your benefit.
“Trust me,” You mumbled, “It is not all it is cracked up to be.”
Bekugou looked at you from his peripherals, noticing the small opening to learn more about you. He was not one to care about people’s past and he definitely did not try to hide his lack of care. However, after your tantrum the other night, he had been slowly getting more and more intrigued in your family and their past.
What could be so horrible that you refused to answer why you were so unlike your mother and siblings?
After debating for the rest of that night, Bakugou ended up typing your mother's name and ‘family history’ into a search engine. Just before pressing ‘search’ he stopped himself, realizing how this could invade your privacy.
Bakugou was not one to care about others, but he did respect his own privacy and knew how annoyed he would be in your same position. He closed the tab on his phone and huffed, realizing he could only feel good about getting his answer if he had you answer it yourself.
“Care to elaborate?” He suggested, tugging at the possibility of learning about your past.
You turned your head to look at the blond and debate whether or not to answer. You were brushing shoulders with him, allowing his emotions to rush through you. You knew his heart beat faster and the prospect of you. Although you couldn’t tell why he was so excited, you knew he was tentative and yet unavoidably curious.
Something you studied throughout your adolescence was communication and specifically relationships. Your quirk revolved around knowing people and understanding them, making this aspect of your quirk rather niche, but still valuable.
When forming relationships, it is important and natural to slowly reveal information about yourself to enhance a possible friendship. Despite this analytical thought process, your heart raced and craved for you to rely on Bakugou emotionally and test your relationship with him.
“Well,” You began, “I obviously don’t have a quirk similar to my mom or siblings.” You crossed your arms and tried to maintain a stoic face. “They are so strong and my quirk is so hidden. To me, we are on different scales, but I am always compared to them. They know my quirk so well from training me when I was young that I can literally never win against them. No matter what element they use, they are able to use noise to block out my ability to hear thoughts and keep me at a far distance to make sure I don’t put them to sleep.”
You exasperatedly sighed.
“I just wish people wouldn’t compare me to them or expect me to be as amazing as them when my quirk is so different!” You exclaimed, your voice drowning out fairly well because of everyone else on the subway.
You and Bakugou looked at each other for quite some time, you waiting for him to speak and him having no clue what to say.
Bakugou hummed and looked down at his hands. Your eyes followed and saw him picking at his nails.
You didn’t need Bakugou to respond, and you realized you shouldn’t expect him to. While some people would rush to comfort you, Bakugou would ruminate on your words.
“I’m sure you will kick all their asses one day,” Bakugou mumbled, giving you more than you expected.
You didn’t bother to reply and simply nodded, appreciating the small words of encouragement.
A few silent minutes passed before the train came to another slow stop. “This is our stop,” Bakugou explained while he got up from his plastic seat.
You stood up after him, your two seats immediately being filled. When the doors opened, the natural stream of people exiting guided you and Bakugou out. Despite this, you carefully kept close to the blond, not wanting to lose him in the crowd.
Bakugou guided you through the underground subway station until you finally came to a bright opening. Walking up the stone staircase, you were greeted by the bustling city of Musutafu. 
“This way,” Bakugou mumbled, drawing your attention away from the scenery and back to him.
“Ah,” You exclaimed, rushing to catch up to the blond. “How far is the office?” You asked, finally walking next to Bakugou.
With the streets as crowded as ever, you were forced to walk rather close to the blond, your shoulders and arms delicately brushing as you took long strides to keep up with him.
“Just a block,” He explained, while grabbing his phone from his pocket. You saw the screen turn on for a flash, just enough for him to check the time, before shoving it back into his pocket. The large text had read 12:42pm, meaning it took you about 40 minutes to get here.
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the tall building full of small businesses, but the walk was quiet. Bakugou was taller than you and his strides were long and quick. You were much too focused on keeping up with him and monitoring your breathing to actually hold a conversation.
“It’s up here,” He commented, pointing to the brick building about 5 stories high. This part of the neighborhood was older than much of the city, meaning the architecture utilized more brick and clay than metal and glass.
It was quant, sweet. Not something you would associate with the uptight Bakugou. You would assume he would go to a top-notch, modern company. Then again, he did say Kobayashi was a family friend and old employee of his family.
“Hoo,” You exhaled, “Okay.” You shook your hands and stared up at the building, trying to calm your nerves. You lightly jumped from one foot till the next, hoping the excess of energy and nerves you currently had would go away. You gulped down the lump in your throat and went to step forward before you were stopped by the muscular arm of Bakugou.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Bakugou questioned as he recalled your weird and awkward nervous dance.
Wide-eyed and innocent, you looked up to the blond. You cleared your throat and mumbled out, “Nothing.”
Bakugou scoffed, “That was definitely something, you idiot.” His raised eyebrows and wide smirk made the pit in your stomach enlarge.
You stared back at him, watching his intense gaze. It was practically begging for you to confess, and it was honestly working. “I’m nervous, okay?!” You exasperatedly explained.
“Why?” Bakugou asked, his voice more critical than he wanted it to be. However, instead of correcting himself, he kept silent and let you talk.
“I don’t know!” You replied. “I’m meeting a new person, he’s making my hero costume, which is a big thing! Like, this is how people will know me, really know me!” You groaned out, gesturing in a random direction to show your frustration. “On top of that fact, my mom doesn’t even know I’m changing it! My family has a themed costume and I am about to change mine.”
“Jeez,” Bakugou grumbled, running a hand through his hair. “You sure do have a lot of family problems.”
“Don’t we all?” You groaned, rolling your eyes at him.
Bakugou barked out a laugh, a genuine laugh. “I guess so,” He shrugged, before reaching forward to grab the door. “Ready?”
You nodded, also trying to convince yourself. You stepped inside and Bakugou followed closely behind you. Close enough that you could feel the heat of his chest. 
“We are going to the third floor,” Bakugou mumbled. He raised his arm and pointed around your shoulder, pointing at the elevator to your left. Ignoring the body heat that was exuding from Bakugou’s arm, you stepped forth to change a major factor in your future.
The meeting went great.
You checked in at the desk, was brought in almost immediately, and Kobayashi guided you through every step.
Meanwhile, Bakugou sat in the waiting room, on his phone. The young lady at the front desk knew better than to try and start an attempt with the son of Bakugou Mitsuki.
When you exited the room, about an hour later, Bakugou immediately got up from his seat and tucked his phone away. He bowed at Kobayashi, albeit only slightly.
“Thanks for bringing her in, Bakugou-kun,” Kobayashi greeted as he opened the door for you to exit into the lobby.
Kobayashi’s fashionable black clothes outshined both of yours, but it seemed only appropriate. His hair was dyed a dark auburn and his skin was clear and tan with a slight pink flush.
“Of course, Kobayashi-san,” Bakugou replied with the smallest smile on his lips. “Thank you for seeing her.” His posture was much more appropriate and formal than usual, but his hands were still in his pockets, giving him an overall nonchalant appearance.
“Anything for a Bakugou,” The costume designer grinned, his gentle features making him look much younger than a 32 year-old designer. He turned away from Bakugou and faced you once more. “I’ll send you that email within the week, sweetheart,” He explained while casually waving goodbye to the both of you and walking back into his office.
“Thank you!” You exclaimed, bowing at him before he could no longer see you. You then turned to the receptionist and bowed as well, mumbling a small thank you. 
“My pleasure,” She smoothly responded, fairly surprised that Bakugou would bring along such a kind person.
You gingerly smiled and turned away to look at the blond boy accompanying you. “Ready?” You asked, watching as Bakugou followed your actions.
“Yup,” Bakugou replied, leading you into the hall by opening the door for you and back to the elevator. The walk was pleasantly silent during the short trek. “How did it go?” He finally asked while pressing the button to the elevator.
“Good,” You nonchalantly spoke. 
A bell dinged and the automatic doors opened. You stepped inside first and Bakugou was soon to follow. He pressed the ground floor button and casually leaned against the back wall. You had positioned yourself towards the back wall too, meaning you were within only a few inches of him.
You cleared your throat, trying your best not to focus too much on how close he was. “I showed him my old costume,” You continued to explain, “ and what I want for the new one. He made a couple rough sketches and then took my measurements. He said he would email me some more sketches and we would talk from there.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, additionally tired from rushing through your explanation because of how distracted you were.
Why didn’t I bring water with me today? Why is it so hot?
You fiddled with one of the earbuds in your ears, careful not to take it out. Despite being tempted, you were sure that Bakugou was not thinking about your current proximity. That knowledge would just disappoint you further. You consciously removed your hand away and tried to open up your posture to make yourself more confident.
“Damn, you got a lot more than I did,” Bakugou snorted. “Literally sent him my measurements and a detailed list of what I wanted. Got to say though, I got the perfect costume.”
“Oh yeah?” You remarked, a slight seductive tone to your voice.  “I haven’t even seen your hero costume yet.” The tone of your voice was more flirty than you expected, but you attempted to roll with it.
“I’m sure you will soon,” Bakugou barked back, a smirk gracing his lips and a glint in his eyes that made your insides turn.
That was something you couldn’t help, but obsess over for the next few milliseconds. “And you will mine,” You choked out, trying your best to stay calm, cool, and collected.
The elevator doors once again opened and Bakugou motioned for you to exit first. You felt a slight heat on the small of your back, but no touch.
Was Bakugou going to touch me? You questioned, making sure not to look behind you. Better not embarrass him by letting him know I noticed.
You heard Bakugou clear his throat. “The restaurant is just a few stores down,” He explained as you opened the tinted door to the bright outside.
You stepped aside and held the door open to allow Bakugou to come out into the warm sun. “Lead the way,” You offered, gesturing for Bakugou to move much like he did in the elevator.
Bakugou nodded and began walking, this time slow enough to you to easily walk beside him.
“So,” You began, not sure how to approach this topic. “What is good at this restaurant?”
Bakugou shrugged, “All of it. You can read the menu when we get there,” He suggested.
“Yeah,” You paused, “I guess.” You bit your lip, wanting to ask more questions but knowing he didn’t want to answer.
���What?” Bakugou questioned, looking at you with a more teasing expression. When you didn’t respond, he elaborated, “I know you want to ask me something.”
“Huh?” You looked back at him with a surprised face. “I’m don’t--”
“Just because you can read minds, doesn’t mean I can’t know something is bothering you from your awkward as fuck body language,” Bakugou explained.
Although flattered that he noticed, you still couldn’t help but laugh. “What even is that sentence?”
“Shuddup, idiot! I am the native Japanese speaker here!” He yelled back over your giggles.
“Okay, okay,” You sighed while clutching your stomach. “Sorry, Bakugou,” You rather teasingly apologized.
“Tch,” Bakugou snickered. “First off, remember your honorifics,” He held up one finger and looked at you with a serious face. However, you still knew he didn’t mean anything rude by it. “Secondly, you don’t need to apologize,” Bakugou quickly added, “Even if I can tell you don’t really mean it.”
“No, no! I do!” You emphasized. A few beats of silence and you laughed again, unable to keep a straight face.
“Ugh,” Bakugou groaned, and increased his speed.
As you jogged to keep up to the red-eyed teen, you saw a small smile grace his face. Not a smirk, but a genuine smile.
You tried your best to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you finally fell back into step with the blond. He had significantly slowed down his pace and eventually came to a stop. You looked up and saw a large sign reading “Greek Pizza” in katakana.
You grinned at the blond and he guided you into the restaurant. It was cute and quaint with 2 waitresses immediately greeting you both.
“Reservation for Bakugou Katsuki,” Bakugou spoke once close enough to the front table.
You didn’t pay too much mind to the waitress as she brought you to a table, because you were observing the interior design of the restaurant much more. It looked so much like a typically greek home, with uneven white walls and gorgeous photography lining them.
It was so bright and cheery that you did not expect Bakugou to be interested in a fusion of Italian and Greek food.
You sat down across from Bakugou at a small boothe. The waitress left menus and excused herself as she went to grab glasses of water. You spent the next minute glazing over the menu while you waited for the waters.
The main section of their menu was greek themed pizzas, but they also had a few sandwiches and classic greek bowls that focused around Greek and mediterranean veggies with some Italian additions. Your mouth was practically watering from the select photos they added.
“The family that started this place are a married couple from Greece and Italy, but they hire Japanese staff to make the customers more comfortable,” Bakugou commented. “I’ve been coming here since I was a kid.”
“I can tell,” You smiled as you read over a pizza. “So,” You looked up to Bakugou over your menu, “Explosion of Flavor?”
Bakugou snorted at you just as the waitress arrived with two glasses of water. “Call me over whenever you are ready,” She spoke before bowing and leaving you two to continue looking over the menu.
“I don’t know if I can deal with all that spice,” You commented.
“I’ll get it,” He explained, “So you can try some.”
You looked up at him, but he was simply looking over the menu. You couldn’t read him, but you knew his ability to share was a good sign. “Thank you,” You simply replied, a sweet smile gracing your lips. You continued to look over the food and settled on something you thought would pair well with a spicy pizza.
It was a classic styled pizza with meditteranean toppings, such as artichoke hearts, black olives, and spinach. However, it was topped with a swirl of a fig balsamic glaze. “I’m thinking of getting the Balsamic Classic.”
Bakugou hummed, his lack of complaints making you hope it was an overall good choice. “I’ll order,” He mumbled while waving his hand for a waitress to see. One, who was currently dropping off plates for another customer, smiled towards you.
“Yes!” She exclaimed before finishing up with the people in front of her. Afterwards, she rushed to you. “Ready to order?” She asked, pulling out a paper and pen.
“Yes,” Bakugou began. “Could we please have two glasses of ice, a bottle of blood orange italian soda, the veggies and hummus, the Explosion of Flavor, and the Sweet Classic.”
“Of course, I’ll be right back with your drinks and hummus,” She replied. “Anything else?”
Bakugou shook his head and she swept herself away towards the kitchen.
You not only noted that Bakugou was surprisingly polite, but also realized that he ordered more than you expected. “Drinks and an appetizer?” You question, looking at him quizzically.
The blond simply shrugged and looked up at the wall away from you. “To celebrate you getting a new hero uniform,” He mumbled, clearly avoiding eye contact.
You smiled at his explanation, but didn’t speak, not wanting to tease him or make him upset. You did, however, very much appreciate this more chill and kind persona Bakugou had. You watched the blond look around the restaurant as if he had never been here before, all the time admiring his looks. His jawline and neck muscles grabbed your attention in particular.
After a few moments, you were interrupted by the waitress approaching with your drinks and hummus. You gladly accepted the glasses so she could easily place the platter of food in the center of the table.
She then placed the bottle of italian soda on the table and bowed before leaving.
You cheerily grabbed the glass bottle to pour two drinks while Bakugou grabbed a carrot stick and dipped it into the hummus. Once done, you passed one of the glasses onto his side and took your chance to also eat some of the platter.
“Mmm,” You hummed, noting how great the hummus tasted compared to store-brand containers you’ve had before.
Bakugou chuckled at you as he dipped another veggie stick into the bowl.
“What?” You pouted, looking at him while pushing out your bottom lip.
He laughed even hard, “You are such a child!”
“Am not!’ You shot back, scrunching up your nose is disbelief. 
Bakugou smirked at you and picked up a carrot stick, dipped it in hummus and took a bite. He then proceeded to wiggle and wave around the rest of the carrot stick while humming. He was clearly mocking you.
“Ugh,” You groaned, rolling your eyes, despite knowing this was all lighthearted fun. “Am I not allowed to enjoy good tasting food?”
“Guess not,” He shrugged before finishing off the carrot stick in his hand.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, while he remained cool and simply leaned back into the booth. “You’re so mean!” You exclaimed through your laughs.
“I could be meaner,” He retorted, smirking at you while crossing your arms. It was as if he was just begging for you to challenge him. You, however, were much more focused on his flexing arm muscles. His milky skin had a beautiful golden tint to it and the shirt he was wearing on made it look better.
A little too late, you eventually snorted at his joke and shook your head to refocus yourself. Once done, you looked up to Bakugou and smiled brightly, not wanting to tear your own eyes away from his vermillion ones.
Beats of time passed as you smiled like an idiot at Bakugou and he simply looked back at you, a small smirk on his lips. It was Bakugou who broke the longing gaze first. He blinked, cleared his throat and rotated to look almost completely behind him.
You widen your eyes, not sure why you stared at him for so long. You extended your arm forward and grabbed the ice cold glass of water. You cautiously sipped on it, worried that if you gulped it down, you would choke. The cool water soothed the heat you felt on your face, but you were sure you were still noticeably red.
What can I talk about? You thought, craving something that would make you both completely forget this moment.
“Um,” You mumbled, struggling to make eye contact with the blond. “Kobayashi wanted me to let you know, by the way,” You took another sip of water to try and help swallow the lump in your throat. Bakugou, whose face was very faintly red, looked at you. “He has a new intern that is a student at U.A. He said that once he’s done with me, the intern would be who we could both go to from now on.”
Bakugou nodded, not bothering to vocalize a response.
The air was awkward and you both knew why. You, however, doubted that this would help your relationship with him. It honestly might hinder it.
A few more moments passed before Bakugou finally spoke. “So,” He began, “Is your offer to train with me still on the table?”
You looked up from your lap to meet Bakugou’s eyes.
This looks promising.
“Of course it is,” You replied while smirking, “I’m always up for kicking your ass.”
“Hah?” Bakugou exclaimed, loud enough for multiple other restaurant goers to look over at your both. The fury in his eyes was evident and it made you laugh even harder than you already were. “What makes you think you will beat me again?”
“Maybe because I beat you before?” You suggested.
“Tch,” He scoffed, tearing his eyes away from you. “I was going easy last time,” He explained, practically grinding his teeth as he spoke.
“Ahh,” You replied, “Of course you were.” You raised your eyebrows and slowly nodded before grabbing a carrot stick and dipping it into the hummus.
Bakugou silently eyes you, his furrowed eyebrows and red eyes making him look terrifying. You were determined not to get scared of him.
Eventually, Bakugou was forced to look away as your pizzas arrived. The two gorgeous and ooey gooey pies were placed in front of you, the platter of hummus and veggies being pushed to the side.
Avoiding Bakugou’s eyes, you grabbed one of the small plates they provided you and immediately grabbed one of your own slices.
“Stop being an ass or you won’t be able to try my pizza,” Bakugou pouted as he grabbed his own slice.
You laughed at him, “Although I would love to try your pizza, I, for one, feel like I am not being and ass, and two, feel like you are being a baby.”
“Am not!” He retorted before tearing into the baked dough.
“Are to!”
“Am not!”
“Are t--” You stopped before finishing. “You know what?” You questioned while grabbing one of Bakugou’s slices of pizza. “I am not going to argue with you. I will let my own fighting do the speaking for me.”
Bakugou smirked and you wondered if he possibly was proud of your quick retort. “Clever,” He mumbled before grabbing one of your pizza’s slices.
You smiled, happy with the little praise you were receiving. You didn’t bother continuing the conversation and you dove into admiring the amazing food in front of you.
You and Bakugou ended up spending another hour and a half in the restaurant, meaning you didn’t get home till 4pm. You still had much of the day ahead of you, but spending hours with Bakugou definitely took a lot out of you.
You were glad that your conversation for the rest of the not-so date was pleasant and humorous. You walked into the door with a smile on your face and Bakugou told you about a time when Kaminari spazzed out after only 3 minutes of training.
You immediately saw Midoriya and Iida sitting at the dining table, Sato and Koda in the kitchen, and Hagakure and Ashido on the couch. The smile on Bakugou;s face disappeared and he immediately ushered you to the elevator.
You felt a pang in your heart, wondering if Bakugou didn’t want people to see you together. Then again, Bakugou also seemed like a very private person, maybe he just didn’t want to flaunt around like other people would.
You let him lead you into the elevator where you watched as he sighed and leaned against the elevator wall. You looked at him curiously, not outright asking for him to explain.
“Sorry,” He mumbled, something you did not expect him to say at all. “I just didn’t want to get caught in a conversation with anyone, especially considering the look Pinky was giving me.”
“That’s okay,” You replied, flashing him a kind smile. “I don’t always feel like being around people either.” You felt your phone vibrating non-stop. You were sure it was all texts from Ashido as she has clearly seen you with Bakugou.
“Cool,” Bakugou quietly replied.
The elevator singed and you walked out before Bakugou. He immediately caught up to you and held his phone out to you. You eyed it questionably, not wanting to take it from him without knowing what for.
“Your number, dumbass,” He explained.
You smirked at him before taking it and beginning to put in your number.
“Tch, so we can plan a fight, obviously,” He added in response to your knowing smirk.
You nodded and sent a text to yourself so you would have his number. “Have a good rest of your day, Bakugou,” You spoke while giving his phone back to him. “See you later.” You waved goodbye and walked to your door, knowing full well that he was watching you.
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bkgmaid · 4 years
Comfort text ♥ shigaraki opens up to you
// tw alcohol ment, bar setting, family death \\
The day was no different from any other day in regards to the LOV. a few petty thefts so they didn't have to pay for lunch, mindless chatter between the assorted members left a slight buzz constantly filling the bar, but the only difference in behaviors was shown by shigaraki. It was well known by the rest of the members that some of his days are just worse than others, and they knew not to bother him when those types of things occurred. He was the silent type, and would usually snap at anyone that even tried to get something out of him. So when they see you approach him with looks of worry, they almost all go to stop you before he says something to you he’ll regret. But before that can even open their mouths, you inquire about his condition with a tone of worry tracing you words. They were all left speechless when they didn't hear a scream erupt from him. Instead, in a much softer, calmer voice, asked everyone to get out. 
Replaying the request in his head you felt like you could hear him choke on his words just slightly. But as you trailed the rest of the LOV as they exited the bar, shigaraki spoke your name. “Stay.” was all he could muster. So you did just that. There was a sad bit of silence, as you both sat at the bar’s counter. He hadn't spoken to you for several minutes, and after the rest of the LOVs presence was no longer with them, the energy in the room was the only way to truly read how he felt. As your thought finished, shigaraki finally began to speak. Calmly, but with deep sorrow, just all of his thoughts. 
Some, more random than others. The beginning of his ramble began with his usual rambling about dabis less-than-pleasant smell, to how toga wouldn't shut up about the boys she watched on tv. But as he lost himself in his words, you caught on to a few darker things that he slipped into his ramblings. Insecurities about his quirk, his deep appreciation for the life the LOV has brought him, and worst of all how much he missed his family. Once that phrase escaped his lips he stopped immediately. Seeming to have come back to his senses after such a ramble. He immediately put back on his defenses, deciding to get up and get a drink from the bar, leaving you in stunned silence, curious on how to respond to such confessions. 
As you’re processing everything that he just told you, he shakily gets 2 glasses down from one of the cabinets above and places them in front of where you two were sat. as he turned his back to search for which beverage was to be poured in said glasses, you swiftly got up to approach him. As you got closer to him, you placed a simple hand on his back side. You knew he wasn't one for touching, so no matter how much you wanted to smother him in love, you knew you had to stay within his comfort zone. But, no matter how simple the notion, when you looked through the sliver of his face that wasent covered by his hair, you notice tears streaming down his face. 
Out of impulse you automatically direct your attention to his face, and without thinking, cup his face with your hands, and softly jerk his face sideways to meet yours. Once you were able to take up his whole face, you saw it littered with tears. His mouth was twitching in anguish and it was clear to see this was all too much for him to handle. Once you had realized what you’d done you took your hands off of him as quickly as you had put them on him. But once you did that you heard a faint ‘no’ escape him, a no laced with so much sorrow and dejection it was almost as if you could feel what he felt with just one word. But it was enough for you to know his normal rules didn't apply here, he was vulnerable and just needed someone. Still standing behind the bar, you cup his face once again, looking into his longing eyes. You couldn't even begin to think how long it's been since someone truly looked him in the eyes, let alone touch him. 
Fighting back your own tears, you promised tomura that he’ll never be left alone again. You promise to him that no matter what, he’ll have a family here with the LOV, and if nothing else with you. That made him break down. His last wall, his last emotional defense was broken as he just fell into your arms and cried. For hours, it seemed like. But throughout it all you held him. You let him know you were there for him for as long as he needed you to be. Stroking his hair to calm him down, after some time he finally let go.
 As he whipped away the last of his tears, you rushed to your bag and pulled out a single stuffed dog. Before he could voice his confusion, you explain to him what that dog meant to you. How you had carried it around for a while now, having named it after him to keep yourself collected in rough situations, Knowing he was always with you. As he sat there is shock, beginning to tear up again once more, you offered it to him. To rename it to your name, and for him to keep it. So he always knew you were by his side, no matter where you truly were. As he carefully took the puppy into his arms, he looked at you one more time, and mustered a shaky, but very grateful ‘thank you’.
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kibybun · 4 years
Yandere villian all might hcs please?
I didnt know if you ment alternate universe where all the roles were swap or something but I hope you like it nonetheless!
Yandere Villain All Might
Tw: Yandere, god complex
💛All might had always stood for justice, just not the type the public saw. He believed that quirks were a curse, similar to overhaul, but admired them at the same time. He loved the raw power he felt while making a low tier hero disappear or talking out a villain who opposed his ideas. He wanted to monopolize quirks, make it to where he had all the power and the abilities to protect all. And he always got what he wanted no matter what.
💛Once he saw you, he knew he had to have you.
💛All might is the type of man to wait years to have his plan succeed, you were no exception.
💛He would watch you in his skeleton form from far away, he would always step in to save you from danger in his hero form, he would always love you no matter what form.
💛Whenever All might did save you he expected great praise. He would flaunt his muscles more and smile even brighter. It didnt help that you were a huge All might fan.
💛Eventually, he'd ask you out after saving you around 30 times. Of course you say yes and had a very pleasant and secluded date with him.
💛Your dates with him were mainly in his big form but occasionally in skelly form as the two of you grew closer. Your dates took place always in areas with few or no people. Your dates always ended with you praising All might.
💛Slowly, All might started eliminating everyone you knew. He made it seem so natural, like no outside force had anything to do with it.
💛He knows this will leave you devastated, leaving only him to be the right in your life. To let you rule as his queen when he becomes king.
💛It was hard to see the red flags with All might in the beginning and it only became harder as you fell for him. He had the perfect masks to put on to make anyone believe him. It work too well on you.
💛You would always follow his command simply because he asked. Would praise him and grow his already huge ego because you thought he deserved it. You even let him do anything to you even if it hurt because you loved him so much.
💛You will be there for him when he succeeds or, atleast, be the pawn he needs to succeed.
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!ntroduct!on T!mes Whores
repetitiveRenegade [RR] has started pestering you.
(Typing Quirk Info: Replaces i's/L's with !, doesn't use ' for combined words, and every other punctuation is tripled. Emoticons are alike to :))), >>>:(((, :///, but can range with longer faces. Just usually never one. )
RR: so,,, an !ntroduct!on to tumb!r,,, yeah ok...
RR: we!! my REA! name !s Tob!as but my pa!! fr!ends ca!! me Tob for some !dot!c reason,,, m!spe!!!ngs and what not...
RR: as the b!o says ! am 7 sweeps old around,,, ! a!so am v!et as ! am not a tro!!,,, duh...
RR: not to ment!on ! speak v!et f!uent!y,,, !m !earn!ng as! tho...
RR: ! rea!!y !!ke M!tuna !f you cou!dnt te!! cause your see!ng orbs have evaporated or someth!n...
RR: my hyperf!xt!ons go !n and out very qu!ck!y,,, but ! c!ass!fy homestuck to be a !ong stand!ng one,,, a!so sorta an!me style art tho ! suck at !t !o!... m!necraft !s a!ways on there too cause,,, yeah!!!
RR: ! !!sten to mus!c ! often happy tw!tch to,,, !!ke dense mus!c,,, tho ! often dont put !t too !oud,,, hurts my ears !o!... a!so art supp!!es///stat!onary make me shake very happ!!y... ! dont p!an on buy!ng !t cause money a!nt m!ne yet but ! !!ke w!ndow brows!n...
RR: not!ced ! say !o! and !mao a !ot more un!ron!ca!!y !ate!y,,, ! fee! !!ke an o!d person... (((necessary poggers to !et everyone know ! am !ndeed a gen z::: uhhh,,, be my !!tt!e pogchamp???)))
RR: f!nal fun facts,,, ! am f!ve f!ve exact!y !n he!ght,,, ! !ove b!ue,,, and ! have my p!tch to pa!e quadrants f!!!ed... okay !ater !!!
repetitiveRenegade [RR] has ceased pestering you.
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mx-shigaraki · 5 years
hold on {bakusero}
tw : mentions of medication, insecure Sero,  kidnapping, mentions of rape and torture.
It was another normal Monday morning, Bakugou had woke up early to make breakfast for the class. Kirishima had already left to do a quick early morning run. Bakugou never really liked the fact that Kirishima did this so early in the morning, but out of all his friends he was probably the one with the best stamina. So it didn't bother him as much as it would if his electric friend did this every morning. Kaminari always tried to get the most sleep he could after falling asleep at 4am. Bakugou always made sure he was the last one woken up and made sure he still had time to do his entire routine. 
Sero was the first one in the kitchen with Bakugou. Sero almost always was the first one in the kitchen with Bakugou. Being the only other member who can cook something that isn't beans on burnt toast. This also helped Bakugou out with reminding him to take his medication, Sero has always hated taking medication. It made him feel weak and like he would never ever be able to be a hero. Bakugou stared at him with loving eyes. He was so proud of his boyfriend. He adored everything that he saw infront of him. He especially loved his arms, he didn't care that he had his unique elbows. He admired them. That's where his power was and he had learned to embrace it! If Bakugou had that, he would wish for himself to have no quirk. He wouldn't of been able to handle all the mean comments. You can guarantee that anyone that made those nasty comments would be blown to bits! He loved Sero, he made his heart go boom every single fucking time.
"Hey shorty, what ya making?" Sero asked him and planted a small quick kiss on his cheek. No matter how many times Sero kisses Bakugou, Katsuki will always become flustered. It annoys him that some random extra he met turned into one of the most important people in his life, he became the most important person in his life. He was no longer an extra, he has grown to be the boy he wants to spend his entire life with. Yes, he may be young, but he knows what he wants. And his is Katsuki Bakugou for fucksake, if he has a goal that he wants to achieve. He will achieve it. And he will do the best he can. "I thought I told you not to call me that, Soy Sauce?" Bakugou grunted in response to Sero's nickname. He had also hated the height differnce they they had. But he never let it get to him. Although he always ended up getting smothered in forehead kisses, not that he ever really complained. "Oh shut up, you love it when i call you shoty. Now what are you you making?" Sero asked again, a small subtle smirk on his face. "I am making pancakes and orange juice." Bakugou smiled, knowing Hanta loved oranges. And seeing the small look of excitement on his face made him grin. "I can always test out the orange juice to make sure it is a good enough quality for our classmates." Hanta chuckled. "Well, you can help me make it. Go juice those oranges for me." Bakugou ordered. Pointing to the oranges and the juicer. "What are we going to do about Mina?" Sero asked, Mina's quirk being acid ment she cant have very acidic foods. And Oranges contained a lot of Citric-acid.  "I will just give her a glass of water or milk like I normally do." Bakugou replied. Focusing on making the perfect pancake batter while Sero made the orange juice.
Soon, the entire class were sitting in the common room and were eating the pancakes and drink their juice. This was the point were Sero began to zone out. He was just thinking about how he compares to everyone. He would never be as perfect looking as Aoyama, or have his level of confidence. He would never be able to save people in the way Mina can. He would never be as capable as Asui, or have as many abilities as her. He will never be as hot or rich as Shoto Todoroki. He will never be as powerful as Denki. He will never be as cute as Ochaco. He will never be as amazing and strong as Kirishima. He will never be as smart as Yaomomo. He will never be as talented as Jirou. He will never be as strong and powerful as Tokoyami. He just had to look at his boyfriend, the future number one hero, too see how weak he was. He can shoot a little bit of tape and that's it. 
Him not paying attention alarmed his boyfriend but he didn't think much of it. Maybe it was just too loud or him, or he was thinking about something. Bakugou didn't push on it though and he let it slide. He was willing to not question it at all as long as he seemed fine through out the rest of the day. What if something was actually wrong with Sero but it was being ignored? What would he do? 
Now it was Bakugous favourite time of the day, sparring! It ment he got to kick some asses and impress his hot ass boyfriend. If he wins the match he has a guaranteed kiss on the lips and plenty of cuddles. And Sero's cuddles were the best. Who wouldn't do anything to be wrapped up in those long arms, being spooned by the tall boy. To Bakugou you couldn't make anything better, unless Hanta had his shirt off. Any form of affection from Sero to Bakugou was heaven. Whenever he looked at Hanta he swears he believes he had gone to heaven, it was like the boy had a glow around him. And his scent was heavenly and made Katsuki feel so safe. He could probably go on a rant about every aspect that he loved about Sero, but we would be here for eternity. 
"Hanta Sero and Katsuki Bakugou!" The two stepped forward. Looking at each ither. Sero simply looked like he had already given up, he had a disheartened look on his face. This concerned Bakugou, but he didn't want to loose the fight! What type of hero would he be if he just let someone get away because they looked sad? For all he knew Hanta could just be guilt tripping him so he could win! That would be a very smart tac-tic if Katsuki would actually fool for it. Katsuki was better than that, "You know you shouldn't underestimate me babe!" Bakugou snarled, sending an explosion his way. It was a warning shot, he expected Sero to move away. But he just stood there and let the explosion make him fly backwards. Which caused Bakugou to have yet another victory under his belt.  But he was also left drowning in guilt and concern for his boyfriend who he had to help up. Because there was no way that that boy was going to get up himself. He just wanted to stay led down, he slowly processed what happened. He just knew he had no energy left in him. 
Now it was time to go back to the dorms, he had to help Sero get changed. Which resulted in a whistle from Kaminari. Bakugou obviously threatened to blow him up. He picked Sero up and carried him all the way to the dorms. He was going to force an answer out of the ravenette. A real one, not a lie to get Bakugou to stop worrying. Because clearly something was wrong. So Bakugou would not stop until he got a real answer. He doesn't care if it means he gets no kisses for a month. He wants his love to be happy and feel confident, not sad and alone.  He would do anything to protect the person he loves the most, and that person was the future hero Cellophane.
"Love... whats wrong?" Bakugou asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked into Hantas big eyes with his red ones. He spoke gently, as if Hanta was fragile and would break if he wasn't careful. In a certain sense he kind of was. Sero looked like he could break down any second, Bakugou couldn't figure out what had happened from this morning to now. What could of possible changed his mood so quickly? Was it a person? If so, Bakugou would not be afraid to explode a little dicked extra's ass. "Who made you this upset? I swear I will fucking kill somebody!- huh?" Bakugou stared down at Sero in shock. The boy had began to cry and just ran out of the room. And away from everyone. Bakugou was still surprised and confused as to what happened. He thought it was him, so he left it and didn't push on it. Silently cursing himself for doing that. How could he be so selfish?! He was so stupid. Sero probably hated himself now and he had no idea on how to make it better. That was until Kirishima knocked on his door, he hadn't realised he had been crying until he looked in the mirror. He shouldn't be the one crying. He hurt his boyfriend, causing him to run off. He hoped someone had ran after him, because Bakugou had no idea what happened. 
"Hey Bakubro? Can I come in?" Kirishima asked, knocking on the door again. Assumng Bakugou just hadn't heard him. "What do you want, shitty hair?" Bakugou grunted at his red-haired best-friend. Eijirou took that as an invitation to enter the boys room. "Bro, you look upset? What happened Sero ran out of your dorm crying? Bro did you too break-up?!" Kirishima questioned. Sitting down besides Bakugou on his bed. Bakugou just launched himself at Kirishima. Practically forcing Kirishima to hug him, he felt so guilty. "Bro... what happened?" Eijirou asked again, this time much gentler and softer. Playing around with his hair. He knew this was one of the best ways to calm him down. "I-I think I upset him... or scared him... I have done something to make Hanta upset... I fucked up my relationship. I fucking love him- I love him so much- I don't know where he has gone. Do you know?! I need to know- I need to fix this-" Bakugou rambled, his face bright red due to the feeling of panic and stress. "Bakugou... you need to breathe. Ok? Deep breaths. You cant help him if you are like this. I think that Kaminari followed him... I am not sure." Kirishima cooed. Rocking the boy gently. He was kind of glad Sero did this, now he could finally see how much Katsuki cared. The explosive boy may struggle to show his love and his concern sometimes. But he did truly love him. Kirishima knew that, but the amount of times Sero had came crying to him or Denki or Mina about how concerned he was that Bakugou was only doing this to get people to stay off his back, or doing it out of pity, had amazed Kirishima. 
Now Kirishima had a sleeping Bakugou in his arms. He couldn't exactly move. So he just laid down with Bakugou. He hoped if Sero saw this, he would understand it was platonic cuddles. He really hoped that when they woke up tomorrow they would see Sero sat on Bakugous lap while drinking his orange juice. He didn't want to see any sad Bakugou. He didn't want to see a room with no Sero. He couldn't handle the thought of one of his best-friends going missing. Lord knows what could happen if Sero went missing, how would his boyfriend react? How would the Bakusquad survive without the tape that holds them all together and keeps them unified? They would be lost.
It was now Saturday afternoon, Bakugou came out of his room for the first time in the past two days. Sero hadn't come back. But when Bakugou ran out of the room he looked like he had seen a ghost. He mirrored his phone screen onto the common room TV to show a picture of Sero tied up, he had a white substance covering his face, bruises all over his abs. And blood trickling all the way down his arms. Then he swiped left and he showed the entire common room a video of Sero surrounded by large grown men. He had one person entering him through his ass and the other one was thrusting his hips into his mouth. Sero was sobbing, he looked so broken and traumatised. He looked like he wanted to scream. But he just couldn't. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get any words out. It was a heart breaking sight. His boyfriend was on his knees crying, Mina was crying too. Kirishima and Denki were sniffling as they looked in horror. The rest of the class looked nauseous and pale. "W-We need to go save him- w-we need to go find him-" Bakugou yelled. Luckily Aizawa was there, he was meant to be doing the weekly dorm inspections. He was able to see the whole thing. He was heartbroken. He had too watch his student go through that. He was helpless. He knew he needed to get him back. 
That's how they ended up here. A beaten up passed out Sero in the arms of Katsuki Bakugou. While the rest of the class were fighting against the league. "Baby... baby... baby hey..." Katsuki cooed gently. Running out to one of the ambulances. Sero needed medical attention as soon as possible. He was put on one of the beds, being connected to a drip and had an oxygen mask on his face. Bakugou had to leave him... he just wanted him to be safe.
2.3k words
tag : @tokoyamis-luv
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