#tw: odin
riveracheron · 11 months
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mechtober day 19: narration
so i lied about not doing bifrost. happy birthday to me heres lyfrassir edda going through it
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Or, Sanjuro as an Odinic figure; a discussion.
Warning for spoilers for Yojimbo (Akiro Kurosawa, 1961)
So. Sanjuro has a number of parallels with portrayals of Odin in Norse Myth, and the plot of Yojimbo contains several points that would not be out of place in a story about Odin.
To begin with, they are both wanderers. Odin has a number of Heiti associated with the role, while when we meet Sanjuro, he is travelling the Japanese countryside alone, with nothing but the clothes on his back and his sword.
They both also, in their wanderings, have a dependence on the hospitality of others. This may, in part, be due to the regions and time periods they are indigenous to having a culture of hospitality, but I would argue that simply strengthens the parallel.
Their treatment of people is also determined by the hospitality they receive.
The Farmer who is Sanjuro's first encounter provides water at Sanjuro's request, but is too busy berating his wife for their son's decision to run off and join the Gamblers to share it with Sanjuro or give him any sort of greeting, and so Sanjuro leaves without a word to him.
The water is repaid, towards the end of the film, when Sanjuro spares the Farmer's son, but they never meet or converse over the course of the film, and Sanjuro mocks and insults the youth before sending him home ("Children should not play with swords.")
The Constable too, approaches Sanjuro upon entrance to the town. He gives information, informing the Samurai of the principle players in the town, and of the opportunities available to an obvious fighting man, but then demands payment. Sanjuro ignores him for most of the duration of the film, only to instruct him to kill himself at the climax.
It is Gonji, who owns the restuarant in town, who shows Sanjuro hospitality, offering rice, water, and sake, and not withdrawing the offer when he learns Sanjuro cannot pay. Instead, he instructs Sanjuro to leave, for his own good, because there is nothing but trouble in the town.
It is this hospitality and concern for a stranger's wellbeing that leads Sanjuro to decide to clean up the town. A clear similiarity to Odin's tendency to wander disguised as a vagabond and reward or punish hosts depending on how they treated him.
Another example of this is his response to overhearing Seibei and Orin plotting to have him killed rather than pay him. It could be argued that he already intended to double-cross them, given that this occurred after he had decided to clean up the town; it is just as likely that he was expecting them to plot against them when he made the offer to work for Seibei. Which would also be a very Odinic move.
Sanjuro's handling of the feud between the two Gamblers and their organisations also mimics Odin's behaviour in various Norse myths. His guidance of the conflict by controlling the information available to both parties (As when he discovers Uchitora's complicity in the murder of the Imperial Inspector, sells the evidence to Seibei and then informs Uchitora that Seibei has the evidence) mirrors Odin's approach to those he chooses to favour temporarily.
And much like Odin's favourites, when Sanjuro withdraws his favour, he does so suddenly, without warning, and makes sure everybody knows about it, before settling in to watch the chaos.
TL:DR, a stranger wanders into town. Decides he is going to repay hospitality in kind, whether the principles want him to or not. Through the magic of lying, cheating, and excessive violence, he resolves circumstances in such a way that those who showed him hospitality are better off, and those who wronged him are dead and suffered the entire time it was happening, without any idea who encompassed their downfall until the very end.
Am I talking about Odin, or Sanjuro? Both? Both. Both is good.
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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Group Date R2 (Part 2)
@bakersimmer , @theosconfessions , @moonfromearth , @simsinfinitylt
another shenanigans happen..All of this give me headaches and had to make a U turn not continue what I plan for them.. alright, let me explain what happen...
Adriadne caught Gemma with Felix which she supposed not to come down from her room cause its their solo date after all. but yeah it's happen..
Gemma caught Adriadne with Aria and also, there was Max involved. at 1st, I was like oh ok,they want to have sometimes together, so I just ok, go on..and I got notif that Max join them after that 🤦🏻. ( I don't want to post that "Spicy" post here cause they totally naked.)
Adriadne tried to apologize but Gemma can't accept. Odin was there saw what happen.
He also had being caught trying to "seduced" Felix but Felix refuse cause he is straight. I don't blame Odin if he had different intrest.
After Gemma left,Odin asked what actually happen to Adriadne.but they end up fight.but both not win the fight..
one more things that me feel like..wo.. this is BC challenge after all,not in relationship or married. cause there's a call that gemma got from Nephinea, telling her about caught in cheating. She told her about manner and so on..I didn't manage to get the call notif and I don't know what mod cause that and i know that i don't have any mod like that but I just pretend it was a new update from growing together.
I'm aware of what happen. I feel guilty about this.We decided that 2 of the contestant who got the most lowest or lost both friend and romance relationship will be eliminated. I know that I said before that group date didn't effect the point, but the main things will be effects was relationship bar. So, its is what is it.. Everyone in the house had bad sentiment with each other. So its fair...
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bitchliteraria1906 · 2 months
Asgard royal family headcanons! (Specifically about Loki and how he relates to each family member).
• I really like the headcanon that Frigga was pregnant before Odin took Loki, and she lost the baby. Mostly because it makes sense logically (that would make Loki easy to explain! He's not some random baby that spawned out of nowhere, they can just say he's the child she was pregnant with!). But also, it adds another layer to their relationship: he's an adopted rainbow baby.
• Because of this, she remembers baby Loki very fondly, romanticizing the memories a bit. I'd even dare to say she remembers Loki as an easier baby than Thor, even though, objectively speaking, that's not true at all. Loki cried more, screamed more, needed special care. Which was to be expected: he was way too young to be separeted from his mom, and the bright lights and warmer weather of Asgard (in comparisson to Jotunheim, that is) were bad for him. Odin even feared that it would be too much to Frigga, that she would beg him to take Loki back or something, but his fragile state just made Frigga want to take care of him more, and she rarely, if ever, complained.
• Odin's feelings were very different, of course. He remembers Thor as the easy baby, because Thor was predictable. Familiar. He didn’t need special lights for sensitive eyes or cold cloths pressed into his forehead to be able to sleep in hot nights. He did all the things, both cute and annoying, that an Asgardian baby is supposed to do, expected to do. Nothing more and nothing less. And of course, he wasn't a secret and a stolen child.
• The golden child vs black sheep dynamic was set from the start, is what I'm saying.
• Odin's treatment of Loki has so much layers that it probably deserves it's own post, so I won’t talk much about it here.
•Constanly comparing him to Thor. Sometimes it was subtle, but sometimes it was literally just saying "Why can't you be more like your brother?"
• I'm not sure what Asgard's stance on physical punishment would be. Like, I can definitely see some people thinking it makes kids stronger or whatever, but Idk.
• Regardless of what the common Asgardian stance on hitting your kids is, I don’t think is something Odin and Frigga would automatically jump to with young Thor and Loki. Frigga doesn't want to hurt them, and Odin prefers other forms of discipline.
• He's definitely not above hitting, though. It may not be his go-to method to actually teach them things, but a smack for talking back from time to time? It has happened, especially with Loki.
• Every punishment happened more with Loki, actually. Odin knew he specifically hated time out, because of how it forced him to think about what he did wrong while completely alone in his room. Sometimes he'd come out ashamed of himself, sometimes he'd just be angry. Either way, he wouldn't willingly talk to Odin for the rest of the day, either completely isolating himself or clinging more to Frigga. Most of the time, Odin wouldn't even notice, and for Loki, that was the most painful part.
•Frigga genuinely loved Loki, but she also had a hand in perpetuating the racism against frost giants (either by action or by compliance) and let a lot of Odin's treatment of him slide. She also had a "defending the person who isn't in the room" approach to conflict, so in the rare occasions that Loki vented to her about Odin, though she was a good listener, she didn't really validate his feelings that much? It was always "I know your father can be difficult, but he just wants what's best for you!" or "I guess he could've been nicer about it, but is he wrong, honey? You already know he doesn't like it when you do that."
•When it came to defending Loki (or speaking up about how Odin was raising both him and Thor in general), she mostly worked in the shadows. She’d argue with Odin about it when they were alone, but never in front of others, and Loki took her silence as agreement, basically thinking "Well, if Mother doesn't speak up when Father is so harsh to me, maybe it's because she agrees. And if she, who is the kindest person I know, agrees, maybe I actually do deserve it."
•Despite all these issues, she was still the person Loki felt the safest around, and a very self indulgent hc I have for them is that they had a special place they would go to when Loki was exceptionally upset. Maybe it was a special room in the palace, or a library, or a garden, or even a little house in some woods nearby. Regardless, they'd stay there for some hours until Loki was feeling better and ready to face the world again.
•At some point Loki decided he was too old to keep needing her this way and that he needed to change that if he wanted to be taken seriously, so he stopped going to said comfort place with her and overall leaning on her too much. She was pretty heartbroken, not only because of that "Damn it, my kid is growing up and changing" feeling that leaves a lot of parents distraught, but also because, knowing Loki too well, she knew that this sudden change came from a place of insecurity and wanting to be taken more seriously by Odin, Thor and his friends, mentors, and pretty much everyone.
•Thor and Loki's relationship as kids was innocent and simple and pretty much what you'd expect from 2 kids who are royals and raised in a culture that values warriors and strenght: lots of competion and sibling rivarly, play fighting, but also a lot of teamwork.
•Thor took his big brother title very seriously as a kid. Yes, he teased Loki a lot, but he was also protective and sweet. Whenever they went on little adventures together, like exploring some place they weren't supposed to go, he'd put Loki's safety before his own.
•This might have been half fueled by Frigga saying "Take care of your brother" whenever they went out to play, or by Odin constanly saying that Thor was the strongest one between him and Loki (see 6th headcanon). Probably both.
•The real problems started in their teenage years, when the golden child vs black sheep dynamic became more obvious. Thor was the perfect stereotype of an Asgardian warrior and king, and was surrounded by friends (and potential romantic partners) who also reached some amazing standards. Meanwhile, Loki was a quieter, more fragile looking and weirder person, with an interest in magic, a different way of fighting, an aversion to most social gatherings and no friends. Most of Thor's friends just tolerated him. Some took interest in him the same way someone would take interest in an exotic animal: they'd listen to him for a while, just enough to see if he really was as weird as he looked, and then leave as soon as they got their answers and their fun.
•This, along with Odin's favoritism becoming even more obvious, really soured Thor and Loki's relationship, leading to some arguments in which pretty cruel words were said by both of them (I might write this).
I could go on but I'm tired lmao. Maybe another day.
Some inspiration was taken from @taw-k and @unityrain24 btw!
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sigyn-foxyposts · 4 days
"The punishment of Loki"
Even though this is a old and outdated comic that I made of Sigyn's POV before the horrible events of her life. it's probably the longest comic I've ever made.. 😭👍
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jenkys-hoard · 11 months
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Whumptober day 5
I failed hard this year oof but hey I had to finish this one xp
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markopoets · 8 months
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Marko Saaresto as (Young) Odin Anderson in Alan Wake 2 "Herald of Darkness" aka the "We Sing" level in the game.
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alice-the-arcane · 5 months
So let me get this straight:
I swore an oath to a bunch of baby bunnies to protect them since they were birthed into this world by my front door and they now live in the pampas grass by my house.
A few days ago I saw a rat snake go into the pampas grass and today I found it and cut it's head off to protect them (sorry, Loki).
And while going after it, as shaky as I was, I called upon Odin and Tyr to give me strength and courage.
After disposing of the body I noticed I had cut my left hand up with the wooden body of the shovel.
It hurts like a bitch but the babies are safe, I didn't break my oath. If the snake ate one of them I would have been able to see it.
Loki, I'm sorry I had to kill the snake.
Odin and Tyr, I thank you for the strength and courage.
And to the snake, I'm sorry it ended like this. Your body will go on to fertilize the walnut tree behind my house.
(Living) snake pictures below
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In the bifrost incident Odin gouged out her own eye in an attempt to learn the runes and glyphs that make the train move, like in the myths, and thats why she has an eyepatch now
Ooooh fantastic!!!
-mod andy
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odinspattern · 1 year
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«I have the appetite of a cormorant, am full of life, and sleep well.”
Like last year, I am reading along Dracula Daily. I do love Lucy Westenra, she is such a delightful, funny gal who is finally doing well.
Sure hope nothing happens to her.
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ryebread-x · 2 months
Files:Vanir studies 
Tw:Mentions of ethical experiments,manipulation,and implied torture and later murder (nothing graphic)
Created by: Odin Borson a.k.a Dr.Allfather 
Property of Asgard and the Aesir government 
File #1
Name:Njord (unknown)
Age:Psychically anywhere between his late 50s or early 60s
God affiliation:God of the Sea
Children: Freyja Njorddottior and Freyr Njordson
Threat level: low 
Dr. All Father's notes:With Njord, there is not much to say. I find him rather unless all he does is sit in the corner of his cell and stare with a cold expression. I really didn't have any use for him except leverage against the twins. I couldn't find records of his family or the twins' mom. I did find he had a sister, though. Since he'll have no use for my plan, like the other three, I plan to keep him around for a bit. Then I'll just simply do away with him once I set my plans into place.
File #2:
Name: Freyja Njorddottior 
Age: Psychically in her mid 30s
Goddess affiliation:Goddess of Fertility, Love,and War
Parents:Njord and an unknown mother
Brother: Freyr Njordson
Threat level:Very low
Dr.Allfather's notes:Freyja ….what is there to say about her. For starters, she's beautiful but that besides the point. Freyja served as [Redacted] right hand in the war. Just like the rest of them, she arrived with a fight in her. However, I found her easier to break. She is associated with love, after all. I just deprived it from her until she was finally left broken. She was easier to manipulate from there. I made her think that I'm the only one she could rely on. She'll be a vital part of my plan ,Frigga was becoming a rather borish wife anyway. 
File #3
Name:Freyr Njordson 
Age:Psychically in his mid 30s 
God affiliation: God of Fertility 
Parents :Njord and unknown mother
Sister:Freyja Njorddottior 
Threat level :Moderate
Dr. Allfather's notes:Despite his threat level, Freyr only attacks when provoked. He's very protective of his twin sister Freyja and almost beat a guard half to death for hurting her on time. Other than that, just like his father, I can't say much about him. He seems too laid back for someone in the situation he's in. To the point where he is too laid back, to where I find it honestly suspicious .Though just like the rest of them, I'm sure I can find some use.
File #4
Name:Sigyn Ivaldidottior 
Age:Psychically in her early 30s 
Goddess affiliation:Goddess of Loyalty and Victory 
Parents:Ivaldi and unknown mother
Threat level:High 
Dr.Allfather's notes:Sigyn Ivaldidottior or Svo-6 is one of our most dangerous subjects. She has put up a fight since day one of arriving at my lab and hasn't seemed to stop. Her father is a dwarf and her mother, I presumed, had been killed in the war. She seemed to have had an unstable life since day 1, which explains her attitude. She is not easy to break, that's for sure, not like Freyja. I can't tell you how many times I've seen doctors and guards lose their limbs to her. It got to the point where I had to make Tyr guard her. It's a good thing he has already lost a limb before. Despite all that she sure is a fighter, she'll make a good guard dog someday.
File #5
Goddess Affiliation:[Redacted]
Threat level:[Redacted]
Dr.Allfather's notes:
By my bread what have I done…..
VO 5 file remains missing
I decided to make this au into a fanfic! I'm unsure when I'll have the first chapter out, so I wanted to give kind of a little prologue first.
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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(Solo Date R2)
• Odin Sands by @theosconfessions
I can't separate this 2 love bird cause they keep having moment together and one things that always giving me anxious was,what if she pregnant before the bc end? But lucky its not happen 😅
*umm..is that ok with this post? cause Odin being too sexy 😂.
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galaxythreads · 11 months
I have a question how come a lot more people on YouTube like odin but everyone on tumblr hates him?
people are more willing to discuss abuse between characters on tumblr than they are youtube. You're not going to canceled on tumblr for discussing how you think x character is abusive, you will on YouTube unless you have a PhD in psychology, and even then. For some reason, the YouTube community really, really likes to pretend abuse just doesn't happen in media unless it is explicitly stated by the text. But even in cases like the Umbrella Academy, where the abuse the main characters suffered from their father is the driving point of the plot, people are still unwilling to discuss what happened to the main characters as messed up. It's kind of weird.
YouTube also doesn't really let you have contradictory opinions on things, like once you say it, it's set in stone, you can't take it back. Tumblr is usually more fluid with opinions.
And honestly, you do not see Loki fans on YouTube...anywhere, and Loki fans are usually the ones who point out the abuse. Thor fans, I've discovered, are also willing to talk about it when you poke them right, but it's more of a Loki fandom thing. Which again, does not exist on YouTube.
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mintyscuriocabinet · 3 months
Odin is doing well after his surgery! (Nothing serious, we just got him neutered) He has to wear this onesie so he doesn't pick at his stitches and it looks so cute on him! I want to buy a matching one for his brother, Loki (he's also a poodle but he's grey)
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someobscurereference · 9 months
The moment the door to Laslow’s room slammed shut, Selena whirled on them. “Alright! The first meeting of the What The Hell Is Happening To My Face club has begun!” Or: After the end of the war, the magical disguise Anankos gifted them starts to fade. Other people take notice. So do Selena, Odin, and Laslow, but they're mostly focused on the wrong things.
Happy Holidays all! This is my holiday gift fic for @kimium for the prompt "Trio start losing their disguises but only care about their looks and not explaining themselves to others." I hope you all enjoy! Hope you're having an easy holiday season as well!
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You have an "admirer," apparently. One that has no sense oncesoever.
Odin, the All-father, iron fist of the Norse.
You use everything in your willpower, hidden deep, to not flip your shit each time he graces your weaker presence.
Odin comeths baring no warning. Does a King need formal reason to wander inside his own castle?
Suddenly, day after day, night after night-this intimidating figure finds you worthy of not just a simple glance.
Not a word spoken, without distraction nor misdirection. He is elegant down to how he walks, with purpose and unwavering resilience.
The All-father is supreme and tyrannical in godly definition, of the legendary Bifrost's chosen few. A rapid tide in constant pursuit, edgeless flood overcoming building after building in its merciless path of endless devastation, devouring those who dare oppose the roaring waves.
Odin is... just there.
Next to little ol' you, a lowly servant, the great All-father. Without a care in the world. The sheer audacity to treat this like it's not extremely unusual for an all-powerful god such as himself to take interest in another out of the blue, let alone someone so painstakingly simple. Someone never pinned on the radar of another god, definitely not one of their strongest ancients.
Either you found him, or likewise, the latter; waiting ever patiently by the bay of your active sector, stuck in the ground like a tree stump. Is he even breathing? Feet rooted, immoveable as stone.
It's hard to not miss him in this lightful realm, a towering candle of stern darkness-permeant arrogance written on his face. Wrinkles forming indifferent strokes, old indeed, but nevertheless immortal. Long scars, they decorate him in tight and unnerving brushes. A bleak void carries the stinging yellow jackets in his eyes, stoic, unrelenting. A force to be reckoned with, even then, any blind fool can tell this highly dangerous god homes a deep attractiveness mortals are blessed to witness. The devil is hideous on one hand, yet beautiful on another. People become frantic in trying to appease their quite unexpected guest, you can't blame them, if you didn't know what Odin was here for-vaguely at the very least-you would've tripped on yourself to ensure no bloodshed as well, no one wants to wipe up intestines and tethered remains off the walls. Frightened assistants question one another, curious bombarding. A sea of peeking servants and turning heads, eager but not too eager to learn the answer to the question lingering in everyone's mind- -Why Odin of all damn people is in private servant quarters? Endless blunt remarks of his loyal crows fill the air, interesting how they obviously contrast, scolding unlucky others getting far too close for their liking (Getting used to that nonstop bickering and annoying flaps of their feathery wings deserves a round of applause admittedly). Shouting in a voice you swear can be heard all across Heaven that the All-father needs not justify himself to weaker masses. And soon, the crowd disperses till Odin is all that remains, looking upon reality like it matters little to him in that current moment. Continues to stand moving not an inch, dead to the knowing world. Maybe he was ready to stay there for years, just for you. Ridiculous, but the determination itself is admirable, terrifying as the person it belonged too. Holding, distant, stubborn on holy soil older than your great grandfather until you're unfortunately noticed; The only servant Odin made eye-contact within the past few hours, a small part of you immediately died in that current moment. Caught. Well, better to accept fate then delay the inevitable.
Furthermore, Odin never fucking leaves. Unless swayed by the heavy burden of his responsibilities to Valhalla, he is practically glued to you. Hip to hip, never behind.
Where you least expect him, somehow, he has unadmitted reason for popping up into your vision like a mole, driven by curiosity.
Coincidentally, in your most favored places. Including personal ones.
(There next to your bed watching you sleep, there behind you during your break, there standing next to you as you dust the priceless artifacts of the great halls. Wherever you go Odin is almost certain to trail after, turning this into a childish game of follow the leader.
Odin goes where you go, regardless of actually where 'where' is. At this point, you can only expect but never predict. Quick as lightening, an invisible thundering sound in the distance, appearing where most convenient. Your face sinks the moment his face enters your sights, you won't shake him off matterless of whether or not you really tried, both stuck together till night falls from Olympus.
(Yeah right, you shaking off Odin. No fool can ever dream hard enough to achieve such a feat.)
It's an unlucky series of unwanted occurrences that all servants know better then to suggest otherwise.
You swear, this is on purpose. But for what?
This torture of constantly hanging on the end of the cliff, not knowing if someone behind you is waiting the perfect moment to push. To see you fall down into the bottomless abyss. Thor and Loki had to get their tendencies somewhere.
You are fairly confident in yourself, even when it comes to dealing with the gods. You have worked for Olympus long enough that little to nothing surprises you anymore. You've witnessed aplenty things, from disasters to miracles, you have never seen-
And Odin just...stares at you the entire time, much to your intense confusion and unbridled fear.
Odin grants no hints and admits nothing, an intimidating statue of a great towering godfather who can erase your mortal existence off Heaven in under a millisecond. Completely and utterly unpredictable, reeking of boundless bloodlust and pure fighting prowess. Won't take the unrivaled intellect of Tesla to recognize Odin can't be a bearer of good news.
He irritates the sensitive hairs on your neck, pricked up, suffocating in fright. His aura scorches you, a transparent brand of godly fire. Daring you to move out of line, defiance is forever intolerable in the biased eyes of the Heavens. You can't imagine doing anything to potentially earn his ire.
You have no intention of betraying Valhalla, unfond as you are about the gods, not that you'd foolishly announce that to fucking Odin.
Your conclusions are empty stales of bread, no meat and cheese, sauce, mayonnaise or mustard. No excuse for this argumentatively, obsessive behavior about following you like a shitty puppy. You can't guess why Odin is even here to begin with, why he bothers you with never-ending oversight.
Thankfully, Odin only looks. Just watching.
Seems merely seeing you just living is a newfound hobby for Valhalla's ruling god, whatever that means for you.
As deeply unnerving as his constant observation is, you suppose it could be worse, as you and your beloved nymph friends speculate. All you can do is wait for something to happen. You take it as a sign to perform your duties more perfectly, though it was more out of crawling desperation to live than inspiration.
(You read and carefully organize the ancient books in a quiet, knowing patience.
Counting the lively torches upon the grand Olympian walls, which ones are lit, which aren't.
Writing down assigned addresses, preparing for the awaiting visitation of the next Pantheon for Hermes.)
Non-blinking, holes burning at the back of your head. Analyzing the most basic specks and wrinkles of your face and neckline, fair hair whistling silently against Winter winds. Eyes of an eagle locked onto their target, dreadfully focused. By far the most scared you have ever been in your entire life, and that's saying a lot from a mortal servant of the gods. Luckily, it gets easier and easier to ignore. Silence seems to be Odin's consistent trait.
Odin is a walking blank slate blessed with legs. He does nothing, says nothing, and acknowledges nothing. Nothing but you, in the slightest form of a distant bat of thick eyelashes thrown in your direction.
You can't be certain if that's better or worse.
Apart from constant observation spilling not a single question, Odin hasn't raised a hand or tried to bring upon you any sort of harm. Made not even the tiniest peep across your numerous encounters. Done anything other than made you incredibly creeped out.
Odin is a constant, looming shadow. A curse, razor-sharp, an unpredictable element of nature. A sinking feeling of never being left alone in peace, sticking on the very edge of every corner of your unrest. That dark gaze is something no one ever forgets.
Certainly not you, a victim of that judgmental pair of golden ores, staring into your soul. Every truth of you naked to his eyes, like glass.
You still have no clue why Odin decided that you must be the center of his undeterred attention.
(Oh, you poor unfortunate soul,
If only you knew the storm coming your way.)
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