#tw: psych ward
jack-laurens · 8 months
*he wasn't doing too good, he was on the ground, sitting on the ground of this blank room, his broken leg casted, out to the side, looking at the wall, not to mention that he had a mask on because of spitting, and his arms restrained because he was was hitting doctors and nurses*
The nurse came in to check on him, " Hello, Mr. Laurens. We've contacted your primary care provider, @alexschneidermd , so he's going to come visit you today. " She took his arm out of the restraint, giving his medicine to him as fast as she could, putting it back. " You know, Mr. Laurens... we could take the restraints off of you if you would be nice. And not take off your bandages from your stitches you have in your arms... "
*he just turned his head, giving her the most 'Fuck you' face he could, before turning back to face the wal. He could barely talk from all the screaming he's been doing, huffing*
Go. Away.
She left, propping the door open.
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Just! Yeah! Can we pls not fall into the ~old fashioned mental health care was so fucked up bc they did horrible things to NORMAL WOMEN, (not just freaks who deserve institutionalized torture)~ trap like pls I am begging!! Modern psychiatric care is also rooted in the same saneist and ableist annd racist and misogynist bullshit, just dressed up in a nicer outfit. Institutionalization is incarceration, and people suffer enormously in psychiatric hospitals at the hands of horrible power hungry staff and also approved treatments every single day. Autonomy in mental health care is not a given, and we need to be very careful about assuming that non consensual torture does not happen anymore in mental hospitals. I think it’s important we discuss it, and I am eager to hear/see more of what Taylor has to say (I think her bringing it up is suuuper reasonable and a very ripe creative world for her to explore so I’m not saying nobody should talk about it). Like. Just. The assumptions. Pls. Can’t believe this is a post I’m making on my swiftie tumblr but here we are!
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teething-possum · 1 year
So fun news!
I recently had to go to the psychiatric unit of a nearby hospital, and honestly? It was so inspiring experience-wise that I just had to write a fic about the Core Four meeting in a psych ward.
I’ve only written the first chapter but I plan on writing more as my schedule allows!
So without further ado:
Core Four on the Seventh Floor
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traumadumpjournal · 1 year
i have been so low this last week, & i think that has been enhanced by her birthday & their anniversary. do i reach out? do i not? do i dare make myself vulnerable & open to more heartache? earlier this week, it felt like someone had physically pulled my heart out of my chest & was stomping all over it.
i am filled with so much self-loathing with the how i left things off, in person, a year ago. at night, it’s so hard. the memories, the flashbacks, the thoughts.
the psych said recently that i need to look beyond it, but to where? i am a product of my upbringing, no? without a point of reference, what do i aim at? even with reliance on god, in the physical realm, what do i do??? in what capacity do i exist? i am no-one’s child or sibling or friend or colleague.
today a doctor said that rather than a formation of diagnoses, the team are trying help me ‘conceptualise my life experiences’ to help me process them.
i have a session with the psychologist tomorrow, in which i will attempt to discuss this further. i think i need clarification as to what exactly they mean by that, because as far as i am aware, i have conceptualised the things that have happened, at least what i remember. i am hoping this will be a fruitful conversation.
generally, it has been a while since i updated. to be honest, the last few months have been such a haze, but to surmise—i was threatened with being sectioned which would consist of forceful treatment via ng tube, which made me (reluctantly) start eating, then they started me on a medication that has actually given me an appetite!!! i’ve not had one in years, so it feels good to actually want to eat! although i need to discuss with the dietician next week about my concerns re: bingeing. but still, a win is a win!
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a-hospital--for-souls · 4 months
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gayhenrycreel · 3 months
psych wards are organised abuse but society isnt ready for that conversation
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moistrodent · 5 months
“Psych ward aesthetic” NO. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? PSYCH WARDS ARE NOT A FUCKING AESTHETIC. I GOT SEND THERE BECAUSE I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF. PAIN IS NOT AN AESTHETIC. If you call a psych ward an aesthetic, you are basically just saying you have never been in one and are most likely neurotypical.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
not that people who've been to the ward are immune from being pro-psych, but if you've never been to a psych ward*, i sincerely don't want to hear about how psychiatry/psychology is good because you've had such a good experience with X provider, or X medication saved your life. *i also don't want to hear about how the forced treatment was what you needed or how the ward you went to let you have your cellphone etc. etc. i genuinely do not want to hear it.
like. the first hospitalization traumatized me so bad, i became dangerously delusional, was re-hospitalized, and sent to state. when they transferred me, i was strapped down into a gurney at all points on my body, *head and neck included*, and loaded onto an ambulance. my parents lost most of their parental rights; i was a ward of the state and had near zero rights. when i got there, they made me choose if, "if necessary," if i wanted to be wrangled down and forcibly injected with a sedative... or wrangled down and locked in a padded room all by myself (but at least i had a choice, right?). i signed consents and paperwork that i did not fucking understand. then i was told i'd be locked inside for 2 straight weeks (which yes, they followed through with). the psych ward was remote, nothing but barbed fences and trees around us. cant even see the sun through the heavily tinted windows. that was the *start* of the stay. i'm sure you can imagine nothing good came after.
so like. if you walk out of a place like that thinking it was good for you, then i can only imagine how traumatized you are and i hope you heal someday. but if you've never faced the destruction of your autonomy like that and go around being like "oh this is good actually" then shut the ever living fuck up.
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shitswiftiessay · 4 months
Nothing to see here, just Taylor Swift’s TEAM being casually ableist in order to promote the remix of her flopping single.
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They’re still dead set on using that “psych ward aesthetic” and treating it as a joke or a quirky trend.
If you wanna go and flood their mentions so that @taylorswift can finally get cancelled please feel free to do so.
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cluster-b-culture-is · 5 months
Cluster b is hating Taylor swift for writing the line "you wouldn't survive the asylum they raised me in" and using electroconvulsive therapy imagery in her music video knowing full well her privileged ass hasn't actually gone through that like YOU have because YOU /WERE/ raised in a psych ward and /HAVE/ under gone electroconvulsive therapy and that's YOUR mental illness rep, not something for a privileged billionaire bitch to make an """""aesthetic"""""" out of.
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the-alarm-system · 4 months
this is a troll account but when does trolling become too dangerous,
this person fakeclaimed me despite the fact that I have traumagenic DID just over the fact that I support endos, but even if you're anti endo you are not safe, this person is after disordered plurals
I made this post because they are actively trying to get people doxxed and hospitalized
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please reblog and help warn people
@/ 3duc4t3d4n0n51d3bl0g
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Idk just yeah this will be a lot! And good but a lot! My aunt was institutionalized following the extremely shameful end of an engagement in the mid 80s, and has been in very intensive out patient psychiatric treatment ever since. There is a shroud of mystery around that time of her life. And some of the most extreme horrific cases I dealt with as a victim advocate were related to systemic abuse happening in those places. Things just are complicated!!! And misogynist psychiatric care certainly didn’t end in the 60s….
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auschizm · 4 months
And I think it's perfectly valid to joke about your own mental health struggles if you want to. Like your own experiences and symptoms are fair game for jokes if you want them to be. I'm not telling you not to joke about mental illness or trauma or psych wards. But let's not make a mockery of OTHER people's trauma
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traumadumpjournal · 1 year
guess who just has breakfast for the first time in a very long time! 🥰
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
what the mayor of new york is doing with psych hospitalization is not a new application of the way psych wards are used--psych survivors know this and we've been talking about it for decades the way that involuntary hospitalization is used as a form of social control, and the power and danger that a mental illness diagnosis holds. what is frightening about the way the mayor is talking about this is the way he is giving this quiet rhetoric legitimacy and a voice. psych professionals have been using involuntary hospitalization as a form of incarceration for a long fucking time, and as psych survivors know, you can get hospitalized involuntarily for Many things beyond just "being a danger to yourself or others." what's making me nervous right now is that this likely will lead to more interactions between police and homeless people where police feel emboldened to enforce even more options of incarceration. I think it is important to understand that New York is not the only place doing this and in fact this is the way involuntary hospitalization generally operates. New york is not an aberration: the whole system is intended to work like this and is completely fucked, which is why we need to be fighting for psych abolition and building in mad liberation to our understanding of prison abolition.
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a-hospital--for-souls · 4 months
Me when a BPD episode comes:
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