#tw: ryan haywood
stealthclaw1 · 2 years
I haven’t really watched RoosterTeeth or Achievement Hunter at all in the past 2 years, after everything Ryan Haywood had done came to light I felt it best for my mental health to keep their content at arms length at best. I only ever really watched a Mario party let’s play once or twice and then the first of the Uno: Infinite livestream but other than that was content to just not watch them and hear about things from my friends who continued to watch their stuff.
After hearing everything from Kdin’s accounts of how genuinely monstrous the people can be there, and looking further and further into it all…. I’m just done with them as a company, as a group, as a place to even really think or talk about. There’s only so many times you can hear about a toxic environment or a bad individual and see their or response amount to “sad and teary-eyed Geoff Ramnsey goes on a podcast or twitter and says they’ll do better and reform what they’ve done” and then never see ANY progress actually be made on that front, followed up by another account of them being a little bundle of monsters to come out before you ask yourself “are they actually trying, or are they just sad that they got caught?”
Because it feels clear as crystal to me that is mostly the latter now. I feel bad for a lot of people who are really coming to grips with how bad this company is on the inside, worse still for the handful of good people still in the company who don’t really have a choice or say in all of this and are as exploited and overworked as Kdin was there, but corporations and internet celebrities aren’t you’re friends. They never were and never will be. You don’t know them personally, you don’t know how they’re truly like behind closed doors with no recordings.
I truly want nothing more to do with them. There’s still some people there that I’ll likely follow individually for some of their streams and content who seem like good people, but like I said, you never know. But Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter as a whole? Fuck them. Throw them and their toxic little companies exactly where they belong: the trash bin of history.
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moss-sprouted · 2 years
watching some try guys videos i never got around to watching before everything that happened and im honestly really struck by how hard it is to feel disgusted by ned because of the personality he put forth even though we now know who he truly is
like i genuinely dont think anyone "knew" unless they saw it irl but even then its disrespectful to say they did because with his general outward personality in the videos i can actually watch them, be uncomfortable and notice some things that are off especially in videos with alex but still its hard to see him as this horrible cheater which i think is why guys like him get away with it a lot
which is so weird to me because i was in the achievement hunter fandom when the thing with R*** H****** happened, and everything with him was MUCH worse but he honestly wasnt too dissimilar to ned but i think he was much much more, beloved and sexualized and i cant watch anything with him anymore without a profound disgust
like he did do much much worse,but his personality shined in a similar way and he is very similar to ned, was a "family man" he has two kids,and he even looked similar and was more fit that some of the other dudes in AH at least at the time like ned was and sometimes his negative personality traits would show and people would Love it, and i think a lot of people Did love ned's negative personality traits and sometimes i found it funny, and because im familiar with both of these fandoms and these dudes and the things that has happened it strikes me how like, better at hiding it and acting and being likeable that ned was and so i really dont think anyone expected it because no one at all expected it with RH and he was extremely similar, yet worse,and often could be more rude then we ever saw ned except when he was drunk
its just weird man the similarities are just Weird
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aerial-ace97 · 1 year
Why in the FUCK would Clownfish TV put that bastard on the thumb nail for Achievement Hunter ending. He hasn't been there for 3 fucking years. Don't attach him to that. He had to know that that would hurt people. I did not expect to be triggered opening up youtube today. I dunno why I don't have him blocked. Can we not just have some damn peace without this guy showing up.
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achieverooster · 2 years
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Finally got off my ass and cleaned up my room
There were. an absurd amount of posters on my wall that I just couldn't look at anymore.
I know there's a sort of underground market for posters with RH in them because RT stopped selling them, but I think they do better in the trash. where they belong.
The main reason they were still up was due to the absolute shit show condition my room was in. I'm cleaning it out finally and these were some of the first things to go :)
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majorajackson · 2 years
Ryan Haywood, 2015: “That’s all I really hope for in life...not to fuck up the name 'Ryan Haywood’.” 
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resonating-kitty · 2 years
Seeing even more shit come to light about Rooster Teeth makes me more and more convinced that the whole messed shit that H*ywood was doing was known by some of the higher-ups in the company and just nothing was done about it.
I find it very hard pressed that a company would be out of the loop and ignorant to the fact that one of their arguably biggest employees was 1) leaving out days earlier than normal to go to events and 2) coming back much later than normal. Especially over the course of years where the pattern wasn't established before.
Also not to mention the expense. Either it was put on a company card that the company paid or it was reimbursed back to him.
The pattern would've been noticible and I bet that too was just swept under the rug and shrugged off until it came to light and couldn't be hidden anymore.
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neoriots · 2 years
i was there for the rayn thing and he was my favorite so it really hurt but it really is just not the same huh this feels so different because i thought for sure he wouldn’t do something like that ig it was a reality check for me, i left that fandom and joined this one to distract myself and now i need a distraction from this fandom what a cruel cycle
it really is such a cruel, cruel cycle of having your trust broken, learning to love again, and having it broken again isn’t it? it’s terrible, but it’s okay i think. there’s nothing wrong with believing in the inherent goodness of others, and it’s a terrible life to live only looking for the worst. there will always be others that won’t disappoint you, and you should keep them in your pocket for times like this.
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kaykayparade · 2 years
First Ryan Haywood, then John Mulaney, and now NED FULMER???
Universe please give me a break and let me like one man in the entertainment industry without him doing something insanely stupid and/or unforgivable 😭
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vulqan · 2 months
idk if anyone would be interested in any of these, but i figured i'd put it out there anyway - i have a few RT/AH pins i'm looking to offload!
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RWBY Zwei matching set
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Fallout Burnie
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Christmas Immortal Snail
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Tower of Pimps
send me a message if you're interested in any of these and we'll see what we can work out - i don't know where to look to see if they're worth anything so we can chat about it!
i do have one more as well but tw Ryan Haywood under the cut
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King Ryan
if no one takes this one off my hands it's going in the trash - it's a very cool pin, art-wise, but i think we all know why i don't want it in the house anymore tbh
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acheemient · 4 years
One day we're gonna get to the point where we see people starting to forgive him. They won't say it with words, but they will say it with casual posts and fanart. And the world will have moved on, and these people will feel safer and become more bold. And then he'll be back in your dash, the same monster that we helped create.
To those "fans," I say this: I won't forgive. I won't forget. Do not feel like you can bring him back and pretend nothing happened. He destroyed so many lives, and I refuse to let you bring him back.
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afeatherinthewind · 4 years
Reminder that there is a separation between content creators' public personas and their real selves (from u/berkeleynoob)
((This is not my post, it is originally from reddit u/berkeleynoob but I got permission to repost as I know a lot of younger Dream SMP fans are on Tumblr and Twitter)) --- This was originally a comment I made on another post, but two people pm-ed me and told me it would be a good standalone post so I decided to expand on it a little. Given the amount of new (young) fans there are, I thought it might be a timely reminder.
The different levels of personas:
I'm using Tommy as an example here because that was what the original post I responded to was about. There are at least three levels to Tommy (and probably most content creators in the DSMP as well). There's c!Tommy, the character he plays on the Dream SMP. Then there's the public TommyInnit profile that he portrays on Youtube and social media (e.g. Twitter). Then there's the real Tommy, who we as the audience obviously aren't privy to see.
I think most fans are fairly clear that c!Tommy is very different from the real Tommy, and criticism/negative comments about the character are very separate from their opinions about the real Tommy. But I've heard less about differentiating Tommy from the TommyInnit persona that he portrays.
Criticism towards the persona vs towards the person:
There's a reason why Tommy starts every Youtube video with a disclaimer about people finding him annoying. The TommyInnit persona is a fairly polarising one, and I too found it somewhat grating when I first watched him. Even now I take my TommyInnit content with breaks because it can be a bit much after a while. But clearly Tommy knows his audience very well and he knows that the TommyInnit persona appeals to a great deal of people, as evidenced by how he's one of the fastest growing Youtube/Twitch creators and his fanbase is huge.
I think it's valid to have criticism for or to dislike the TommyInnit persona. It's not for everyone, and some people probably do find it annoying. But I don't think any of the audience has any basis upon which to judge the real Tommy since we know so little about him. The closest we got was probably the Eboys podcast, in which Tommy impressed me with his maturity and humility for a 16-year-old kid who skyrocketed in fame less than a year. Even when Techno was complaining to Phil (on stream) about how exhausting it was to stream with c!Tommy, he added something like, "and I mean the character Tommy, because believe it or not, Tommy is a entirely different person off-stream". I've heard nothing about great things about how Tommy is off-stream and there's no doubt he's an incredibly hardworking person.
So even though I don't love c!Tommy and the TommyInnit persona can get a bit much for me sometimes, I have nothing but respect for Tommy the person and how much he's achieved.
This goes for just about every content creator out there. Despite how much of their content you may watch and how well you think you know them, that is still their public persona, not who they really are in normal life. It's valid to pass judgement and have criticism for the personas they portray and how they portray it, but it's unfair to use the personas themselves (e.g. "oh Wilbur was mean to Tommy in non-roleplay video", or "Bad swore in this video so he's a hypocrite") to pass judgement on them as people. As fans and audience members, I think we have to accept that we may never really know much about who they are as real people, and that's fine.
The other side: Why being overly attached to the persona is bad
I'm probably older than a lot of the fans here, and I've been in and out of fandom for over 10 years now. I've lived through the terrible days when fandom was all about LiveJournal, ONTD and Tumblr ("I like your shoelaces"). So I know how easy it can be to get sucked into obsessive fandom and become overly attached to actors/singers/content creators. Here's a cautionary tale to show why you shouldn't make the mistake of thinking you know the content creator just because you're a superfan.
I used to be very involved in the Achievement Hunter (a group of Let's Players) community, I watched them since I was in high school and I enjoyed their content a lot. Roleplay wasn't really a thing and they did a lot of behind-the-scenes type of content (e.g. podcasts, recording random shenanigans in the office) that made it feel like I really knew and liked them as people.
One of my favorites was Ryan Haywood. He was a witty, sarcastic guy who was known as the 'madman' and 'evil mastermind' in the video games they played. He was happily married and had two children at home, and for many years I admired his perfect life and how he had gotten to that position: playing video games for a living and enjoying life with his family.
In 2020, it was revealed that Ryan had been having affairs with several female fans. He had messaged many young fans manipulative and explicit messages and even met up and had sexual relations with some of them. Some of the fans who came out and told their stories testified that they were underage when the affair happened, and they felt pressured into having relations with Ryan. There are a lot of other complicated details that I won't go into here. But this news shocked me and many fans to our core. I didn't want to believe it at first. This was so utterly different to the Ryan Haywood I thought I knew and loved.
That was an extreme example but it's a reminder that we are fans and audience members. We don't know the content creators, regardless of how personable they may be or how much of their life they choose to share with us. Especially for younger fans who may be delving headfirst into a fandom for the first time, it's a wild and fun ride and it's easy to get overly attached or obsessed.
Please use this as a reminder to take a step back and remember that there is a very real wall of separation between TommyInnit and Tommy, between Wilbur Soot and Will, between Tubbo and Toby, between any content creator's public persona and their real self. And similarly, there should be separation between what you feel about a content creator's public persona and the content creator themselves. We know their personas, not them. And that's fine.
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rickmeister · 4 years
Oh hey, how's it going guys?
I'm just here for another reminder that Ryan Haywood is a monster and doesn't deserve any respect from me, from you, from anyone.
Fuck. Ryan. Haywood.
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luxceon · 4 years
We all want this man to rot but please leave Laurie and her two kids alone, leave his old chat mods alone, Leave the other AH members ALONE
They already dealt with enough pain, stop that shit
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spottedinfinity · 4 years
can somebody make a video that is jut “the safe parts of Uno: The Movie” I’d be forever grateful
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ah, yes. the perfect song to “welcome” RH back 😊
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mossthemushroom · 4 years
Jfc can Ryan Haywood just fuck off? Everybody hates him, nobody wants him back and then his “apology”??? And the audacity to come back on Jacks birthday??? Go away dude no one wants you here
Please make sure you’re unsubbed/stopped following his twitch
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