#tw: teenpregnancy
simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Sweet boy
Thalia didn’t know she’d feel this way when she finally held her son that she’s been carrying for several months. She knew she’d love him, but this is something else. Her heart feels full.
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Thalia looks in the mirror one morning and really looks at how her body has changed already. She is in her second trimester and it is showing. 
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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ultimatesimmers · 7 years
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I had my first good night sleep in months and I was ready. I contemplated telling William today. This would be our 12th time meeting up. But today was different because my mom and father? I don’t really know what to call him now, but they were out of town for his work party which was nearly 6 hours away so they’d be staying in a hotel for the night. I was excited. We’d be spending the whole day together. It would give me all day to tell him. I had rehearsed and rehearsed what to say. How Id say it. What words id use. I felt I was as ready as i could be. But yet, I was nervous this could end of our relationship. From a father to a grandfather in just a few months. I wouldn’t blame him of he ran, but at the same time i knew i needed to think positive. My hopes were somewhat realistic…or so i thought. He wouldn’t be happy but maybe he’d accept it… possibly help me out of this terrible home. I had a gynecology appointment to hear the babies heartbeat and potentially check the sex of the baby. And i had no one to experience these things with. I know my situation wasn’t ideal by any means but I would of liked just one person to be there with me for these things. I always hoped its be Chase but i would never ask him for that. I wanted someone there for support and appreciation for these small but so special things. Things that i’ll appreciate forever. Chase will never appreciate these type of things. He’ll never support my decision to keep this baby and I’ve learned to accept it. I don’t want him involved if he doesn’t want to be either. But as time passes I’d like to enjoy these moments. Get excited about the miracle I have helped create. I’ve been so stressed out about my life... About the baby, about Chase, about William and about my mothers potential future abuse that I haven't even had the time to think about my baby... Names, future, how I’ll raise him or her or if its going to be a him or a her. All these things mothers think about and enjoy, I haven’t been able to and I would really like do to all that... 
But now it was time to go meet William for lunch. And try to push these words out. 
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wylnprtchtt · 5 years
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[ jason dohring, thirty-six, cis male, he/him ] ━ did y'all see [ waylon pritchett ] walkin’ into [ splittin’ hairs? ]. they’ve lived in frostford for [ thirty-six years, ] and you can catch ‘em around town working as a [ garbage man.] I reckon they’re pretty [ straightforward & loyal ] but I hear they can also be kinda [ dogmatic & nosy ]. if ya see ‘em around, be sure to say hi.. ━ [ ooc: autumn, 25+, est, she/her] 
greetings, i’m autumn. i like cheese and dogs. let’s go.
teen pregnancy tw btw, just in case
my main man waylon, way way, the wayster. to know his story and not just his name, i must take you back to the golden years of high school.
waylon was, shocker, a football player. he was a running back not a qb because i’m NOT a total cliche.
so imagine sixteen year old waylon, walking around school, letterman’s jacket. body checking nerds into lockers just because he can, knocking books out of people’s hands just because he can and walking along like nothing.
that’s just jock aesthetic.
he was that guy.
he was born and raised in FROSTFORD. does the name pritchett seem familiar? that’s because his mother, the queen, the only woman he loves, the only woman he TRUSTS, owns splittin’ hairs.
splittin’ hairs is his fave place in town because when he goes there all the gossiping old ladies are like, oh waylon you’re so handsome, oh my how you’ve grown, if only i was twenty years younger. you get it. lorraine’s his woman, gimme dat aquanet
loves a good ego stroke.
anyway back to high school.
the football team was all about beers and bonfires, duh. and waylon here was king of saying “ain’t nothing to do in this town but get drunk and have sex haha!”
it was 1999 so like, you think frostford is tiny now? imagine it back then. they didn’t even have the whole enchilada around yet
so friday nights were wild, the falcons would bring home the W, then have a big party and try not to get arrested when the sheriff inevitably rolled up like why yall like this
sexual relations occurred
and occurred
and occurred
do you think waylon was being safe about it? he wasn’t. boom, we all love a cheeky #teenpregnancy
she was a frostford local herself. their parents went back and forth about what to do, while trying to keep things hush hush? 
that didn’t work. you think wanda pritchett could resist talking about the little minx that seduced her sweet innocent waylon? no way
it was a big town rumor~ because, in classic let’s hide the pregnancy moves, the girl moved away to spend some time with her aunt.
nine months specifically 
bada bing bada boom, waylon is not a father, the girl came back, everyone pretended it didnt happen because thats the healthy reaction
the baby actually went to live with baby mama’s older sister who was like 25 living in sc
waylon has like a baby pic and a second grade pic of the child and thats all
throughout high school it was like a godsend that he didnt have to take responsibility for a CHILD
during high school and college it was a dream, then as he got older he had regrets~ and was contemplating what could’ve been~
now he’s broody af because he’s old and can’t party anymore and peaked in high school and blah blah blah
he was a mailman at one point but people expected him to be happy and chatty and that got annoying
now he picks up your garbage but makes more money than you
he only gets joy out of playing the alumni game at the high school for homecoming
and dressing up like frankenstein, with painted face and all, for the haunted hayride to scare children
thinks luke bryan and thomas rhett are sell outs what is that pop country SHIT, but his go to karaoke song is honky tonk badonkadonk so..
he doesnt do karaoke though, only when he’s blackout drunk and he forgets it happened
but it’s always honky tonk badonkadonk and nothing else
tell me how he is mostly quiet and keeps to himself but is nosy af and loves to gossip with his MOTHER
he’s always like “you learn a lot from people’s trash”
like yeah playboy waylon KNOWS you gotta use that real top shelf viagra to do what you gotta do
he also knows every middle aged gal who thinks shes fooling people coloring out the gray
only wears black, dark gray, and navy
loves a good plum
somehow wins all the cow milking competitions, he just knows how to get ol’ bessie to fill that can up
went to a miranda lambert concert and cried when she touched his hand, we don’t talk about that though
doesn’t have a vehicle because he just walks places, he’ll break out his old mountain bike if he’s feeling wild
used to eat spiders on dares
pretends he hates when people talk about plays he made in high school/college, secretly loves it
older folks call him waylon, obviously that’s his name, people around his age know him as “pritch” anyone significantly younger he doesnt want to associate with you, so you may call him mr pritchett and nothing else
scared of turkeys
i’m done now this is too long
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Thalia has been feeling uncomfortable for a little while and once Maria and Tony got home, Maria noticed her daughter looking strangely. Tony had seen his wife go through 5 pregnancies thought that Thalia might possibly be going into labor.
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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It’s going to be okay
Maria knocks on Thalia’s door and goes in when there’s no answer. Her heart breaks at seeing her daughter so distraught. She puts her hand on Thalia's shoulder and hugs her. 
Maria: We’ll figure it out sweetie, it’ll be okay.
Thalia: He hates me, dad hates me.
Maria: He does not, he could never hate you. This is a shock. I won’t lie and say that we are not disappointed, but neither your father nor I could ever hate you.
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Did you two know?
Maria is the first to speak after the abrupt departure of her husband and daughter.
Maria: Did either of you know?
Junior: I didn’t...
Maria: ...Tina? 
Valentina: … I found out a while ago after she took a test. Please, mom, don’t be mad at her, she is so upset with this and with Ace.
Junior: Ace? She’s still seeing that asshole?
Maria: Language. Ace? Who is that?
Valentina: Ace Morrow? He was Thalia boyfriend, they broke up recently
Junior: God, what a fucking asshole, he can’t even take responsibly for something he helped do? 
They were silent for a bit longer until Maria spoke up again.
Maria: I’m going to go talk to her.
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Doctors Visit
Well, the good news is that the baby is healthy. The doctor gave Thalia a bunch of guidelines and medicine to take to help with the baby. The Doctor also asked if she wanted to know the sex of the baby. Her mom perked up at that, and Thalia was a little hesitant. She feels like knowing will make it even more real. Not that she hasn’t accepted that already but it's still strange.
It’s a boy. Thalia is carrying a baby boy, he is still pretty small. which Thalia find hard to believe with how much weight she’s gained but whatever. 
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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He’s Here!
After fairly quick labor, our newest baby of the Esposito Family is here! Baby Salvatore is here!
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Future Thoughts 
Thalia does feel overwhelmed knowing more about this baby she is carrying. She has already felt constrained by her parents and she can already tell that they are getting more strict. She turns 18 not too long after the baby’s due date, so technically she doesn’t have to stay in her parents home anymore. 
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola · 6 years
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Both Valentina and Thalia look up at their parents' question on the silence. Valentina looks at Thalia as she is taking a deep breath.
Thalia: I have something that I need to tell you two… But please don’t get mad…
Their parent's happy demeanor changed in an instance.
Maria: What is it, honey?
Thalia is quiet for a beat. 
Thalia: I’m pregnant. 
Nobody says anything for a tense second, it is Antonio that speaks first.
Antonio: Excuse me? You are what? Because I knew I am getting older, but I do not think my hearing is that bad. 
Thalia: I’m pregnant dad, I’m sorry…
Antonio opens his mouth to speak but instead leaves the table in a hurry slamming doors on his way out of the dining room. Thalia runs up to her room shortly after when there were no other words from anyone else at the table. 
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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I think it’s time to tell them
Thalia brings Valentina into her room to talk. She thinks it's the time to tell their parents about her pregnancy. Thalia just expresses how she really needs Valentina's support when she does.
Valentina wanted to ask more about if Thalia knew anything about Brycen since he’s apparently friends with her friend Kamden, but it doesn’t seem like the right time.
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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To the Hospital!
The entire family heads over to the hospital, Thalia is not feeling the best and is trying to keep calm when she’s honestly getting annoyed at her family constantly asking how she’s feeling.
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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How Are You Feeling?
Valentina comes into Thalia’s room and sees her staring at the crib.
Valentina: Whatcha thinking about?
Thalia: Everything.
Valentina: Well that's a lot... Wanna narrow it down a bit?
Thalia signs and shakes her head. 
Thalia: The baby, Salvatore, is gonna be here soon.
Valentina: Yea, are you excited?
Thalia: Yes and no. I- I don’t think I’m going to be a good mom. But I am excited to meet the kid�� Love him already.
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simsccola · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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How Am I Going To Do This?
Once it stops raining Thalia calls Casey and Kamden to go to the park, she needs their advice. She has accepted that she’s pregnant and the Ace is a complete asshole. However, she can’t keep this a secret forever, she going to start showing more noticeably soon, if not already. She already can’t wear a lot of her clothes. She asks her friends how she can even attempt to tell her parents. They know that Thalia’s sister Valentina knows, they tell her to get Valentina and tell their parents together so at least she’ll have some type of support. Plus maybe they won't be as mad is their perfect homebody daughter is there as well.
Teen Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-672-2296
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simsccola-gameplay · 6 years
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Esposito Legacy
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Thalia is getting closer and closer to her due date. Their house doesn't have any extra bedrooms so Thalia has the crib in her room. It feels taunting. 
She’s thinking about what her dad dropped on the family, safety? Money? People doing what you say? it sounds like a good deal.
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