#tw: use of blades
xxrainydazexx · 3 months
maretu stamps i made! free to use :]
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if you want one of a song that's not included then you can make your own, no need to credit me for the idea (template i used)
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ratwithhands · 6 months
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Hi Hello apparently I didn't empty my tank yet.
So fun general headcanon: Emmet likes to cook. He makes most of the meals in the house and often brings homemade food to special events as a way to show his appreciation of whoever he has over. It's how he relieves stress, shows affection, tries new things, it's one of his key interests beyond battling.
This has slightly different connotations in Battle Addict. See Emmet studies the physical properties of pokemon, how they tick and how to make them stop ticking. A key part of his studies is sketching pokemon and outlining their internal structures, but there's no teacher like experience. His favourite way to improve his knowledge is dealing with the subject hands on, and cooking is a very good way to do that. He specifically practices butchery, breaking pokemon down section by section, noting the musculature, skeletal structure, and organs inside. This information helps him to find weakness in an opponent's pokemon while knowing how to cover his own.
This also serves as bonding time for him and Ingo because Ingo gets to be sous chef while Emmet turns a monster into mincemeat. He hands him the different tools he needs and they converse while Emmet slices and picks apart the carcass. Emmet also gets to explain the inner workings of the pokemon, which both of them enjoy analyzing and discussing.
The book Emmet is holding is his "butchery book", which is really just a collection of different biology textbooks he uses as guides to best break down carcasses. They always end up getting messy and after a certain point, he just stops caring and uses it, dirty as it may be. They have to be stored in a sealed container away from their other study materials, and are only ever brought out for processing. Emmet is probably the only person who can stand to be next to the stench of the concentrated dried blood throughout the pages, Ingo usually wears some kind of face cover when Emmet is working.
And for those who want to see the real mess of the work:
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Washing up is half the labour of studying through butchery.
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geraldofallon · 1 month
Purveyor of spices and sweet smokes. The only reliable source for dreams. Do not accept imitations.
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ishhbowl · 4 months
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orange, lemon, lime, + a tangelo
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justaz · 4 months
merlin still roams the earth thousands of years later yet arthur hasn’t risen. his hope has been waning for millennia and he’s been scraping the bottom of the barrel for centuries, his hope being a meager thing - barely tangible. it’s more caution than anything, he’s been getting by these last few decades on the thought “what if i give up right before he comes back?? just wait another year” and he’s held on for more than fifty years by that. then…nothing. absolutely nothing. not even a ripple in the lake. he’s still alone.
that’s when his barrel has been scraped clean, he has no hope nor caution to carry on anymore. the dragon got one last manipulation in before the end causing merlin to live for centuries upon centuries in agony and despair, held together by false hope that hurts more than arthur’s death did. though maybe that’s time talking, he’s pretty sure he was comatose for a couple of centuries after arthur died, but the sentiment remains.
he marches down to lake avalon and greets freya though she hasn’t responded since arthur passed. he requests excalibur, and she does not respond. he asks again. still nothing. again. nothing. he demands this time for her to give him the damn blade. she does not. for the first time in millennia, he uses magic to draw the blade out but something tugs the sword back, refusing him his last request.
he yells in frustration sending small waves across the still water. he tries again and again but freya doesn’t budge. he falls to his knees, tears escaping his eyes, and shouts for her to give him the sword so he can finally put an end to his agony. arthur isn’t coming back, he can’t keep wandering. he’s exhausted, he’s run out of hope. he just wants to rest. he gently attempts to coax the sword out with his magic one last time but freya still holds it from him.
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
Whump Prompt #1326
Anon asked:
Hi! Could you do a scenario of a stoic whumpee x caretaker where the caretaker sees their SH scars and whumpee is shocked that anyone would care, and tears up when the caretaker touches the scars gently (w permission from the whumpee)
Sure thing: “How long?” It was a question that flawed the whumpee. How long? How long were the scars? (Ranging from an 1-3 inches) How long ago did they last do it? (Three months) How long have they been doing it for? (Since they were X years old) How long have they been hiding it for? (Only up until recently, when the scars were harder to hide. Oh, and every summer since they started) How long do they take to heal? (Two weeks or more, depending on depth.) It was a loaded question that asked everything but nothing at all, but what completely threw the whumpee was the caretakers tentativeness. They were expecting to be met with anger and outrage, but instead they were met with comfort and concern. It was jarring, but welcome, especially when the caretaker pulled up the item of clothing to gauge severity as opposed to shaming them. The whumpee didn’t even realise how their hands shook until the caretaker clasped them in their hands, and looked them straight in the eye. “When was the last time?” “[X amount of time]” “That’s good, that’s very good, I’m proud of you.” Tears pricked at the whumpees eyes. “Do you feel like you need to do it again?” The whumpee shook their head. “will you show me where you keep your blades?” The whumpee hesitated, but nodded. “Thank you. I trust you, okay? And I’m proud of you. I’ll help you wherever I can, alright? We’ll do this together.”
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harmeu · 10 months
Hellooo~ Hru??
So- I was enjoying your stories a lot, and I decided to make a request!!
I was wondering if you could make Return Of Blossoming Sword? Cause- there isn’t many people that makes those fanfics and I really like your style!!
So, here is basic idea that I have. Rebirth Chung Myung was chilling random place (like near the random cliff or something) almost falling into sleep. Then he felt a presence approaching him! Just before they touches him, he grabbed their wrist. When he opened his eyes, he saw his bestie! Like- a bestie before Chung Myung was reborn.. he was confused yet happy.. but the reader is trying to hide that they were reborn bc they didn’t want to drag Chung Myung down by making him remember the past… and Reader suddenly run away but Chung Myung catches them- and they talk- then reader talks about reasons why they hide themselves. It’s because their faith was same. In past, during the ChunMa war. Reader died first, even in this second-life reader will die first by unknown reason!
And that’s it! I wish you liked the idea! I will leave the ending and other stuff to you! I hope I didn’t made too many errors since En is not my first language..!
Anyway! Thx and love you pookie!! (≧◡≦) ♡
   A Friend From The Past
(Return Of The Mount Hua Sect)
(Cheongmyeong Reuniting with a friend he knew from his past life)
(Love ya too pookie)
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Cheongmyeong was resting on a very high hill meditating to himself and occasionally cursing out the higher rank disciples and other sects till his ears twitched as he felt another presence behind him.
Him automatically thinking it was an ambush he threw out his hand and grabbed the wrist of the so called ambusher just for his eyes to widen and mouth to slightly drop as he took a step back in unbelievement. 
It was you. You were his friend from a hundred years ago. You were the person he’d laugh around and wouldn’t hesitate to speak about anything around you. Before he died in his past life. 
How were you here?
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You tried to get out of his grip which you successfully did as he faltered from the shock. You turned and began running because you did not want to drag Cheongmyeong into remembering the horrid past.
Cheongmyeong for him he isn’t one to give up easily and immediately began chasing after you with a fire in his eyes.
“Hey! Come back!” He yelled pointing at you. You yelped in response, clearly surprised he was going such lengths just to chase you and sadly for you his speed was unmatched and he caught up to you. 
He grabbed your wrist gently this time.
“It's you!” He says happily.
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“You remember? But..” You mumble making Cheongmyeong’s face drop a bit.
“Aren’t you happy.?” His voice cracked a little which was a surprise for him.
“I am I am! I just wanted to hide myself.” You said looking at him directly.
“Why?” Cheongmyeong said, frowning.
“Because it's faith. Our faith was the same. I died first in our first life remember? It’s going to be the same again. Because you now know.”
“How does that even work?” Cheongmyeong replied looking hella confused.
“I don’t know. I guess if two people who have rebirth meet, it messes with their death.”
Cheongmyeong’s face faltered but soon a smile perked up. 
“Might as well make the most of it then? Also who knows if this is our final life? There could be another.”
Your eyes light up and you smile in reply.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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mchi22 · 2 years
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he's your best friend!
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
Can I join the club of wanting the darkling to be more monstrous and an eldritch horror cause damn if that isn’t super fun to explore
hhhhh yes!! eldritch horror darkling is so interesting like I am always thinking about just how far his powers can go and the effects being a shadow summoner could have on him at a deep, primal level. like I love the idea of him acting just this side of human, but he always knows when you're approaching he can feel you in the air he can grab you from anywhere he is a shadow creature but not because he is master of shadow and they all bow to him. anyways...
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ninithegreat · 1 year
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Dir. Alejandro Amenábar
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Animatic for Fault part 1: Conviction
tw: blood, gore, general abuses of the Foundation, minor needles
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ectonurites · 9 months
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
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The Rescue
Part One | Part Two
Jesus, V. Vamos.
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Had fun taking and editing these tonight. Been wanting to do some scenes with blood and mantis blades so this was great practice.
Thanks @rosslincyberpunk77 for the tips on using blood.
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limpfisted · 1 year
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she then tells him to be a “good boy” and not “naughty.” considering that wyll has lost his mother, his father cast him out, he seems to genuinely believe mizora, i think…. well its obviously grooming, but it’s a lot like cazador in that he met mizora when he was 17 and she still calls him a “pup.” so hes a naughty child to her. hes a pet. its soooo gross but also. i think a part of wyll WANTS her approval, and thinks he NEEDS her because of her power. what is he without the pact of the blade that lets his charisma and arcana checks guide his hand?
he has a -1 for strength! he does not have proficiency with swords despite being called THE BLADE. for all the abuse, he was only “made” a hero bc of her. (in truth: his own bravery and self-sacrifice and naivety and innocence.) without her… without her pact… without this dirty secret of this sexy demon woman who yanks him around but also acts as his sole…. i want to say, if not parental guardian, then the only adult in his life at 17 when he was disabled and kicked out of home… without her, there is no blade. she raised him to be the blade as much as his father raised him to be a flaming fist and a duke. ooh boy its so bad
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luck-duo · 1 month
hey ….
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x x x
x x x
x x x
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