#tw:animal abuse
damagedward · 1 year
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♚ Backstory will be posted below
♚ Will be updated / added to frequently but sporadic
♚ Dark Mature & Triggering Themes Present
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*** ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ***
*** ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ***
The following triggers are present in what you are about to read :
tw:abuse , tw:physical abuse , tw:mental abuse , tw:adultery , tw:affair , tw:non consensual sexual relationship, tw:non consent , tw:rape , tw:arranged marriage , tw:imprisonment , tw:animal abuse , tw:magical creature abuse , tw:mention of death , tw:background character death , tw:abusive father , tw:abusive parent
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She was born just a month after spring came , and she was his pride and joy — that was at first . Before she was born at least , or one could say even when she was but that lasted all of five minutes and then the announcement of the Queen’s having bled out reached the King’s ears .
The baby girl was no longer a cause for celebration , no now she was a reminder of his wife , now she was the reason his Queen was dead .
And so his hatred for his own flesh and blood began before the child even opened her emerald orbs to see the world .
By her fifth year the nightmares had begun to plague her , the fires without explanation , the explosions of vases around the castle always seeming to coincide with when the young princess grew angry .
Magic .
Uther knew what it was .
And now that the Queen was dead it was easier to blame her for the curse , to blame her for the magic that infected his child . The entire time never offering Morgana any explanation for what was happening to her , instead yelling , hitting , hurting her for the things she couldn’t control but he told her she could .
He took a mistress by the time she was seven and on her birthday the following year they announced she would have a baby brother — or so they hoped sometime the following summer .
Their hope paid off . And when little Arthur came to survive his second year , as she came to be ten she was sent away , beating her senseless was no longer enough to keep her magic at bay nor her tongue as she had developed a smart mouth by now too . Uther had decided so he sent her elsewhere to let someone else handle the problem , a nunnery , one that didn’t shy away from harsh punishment and heavy hand .
In the meantime he focused on his bastard son , working to legitimize him and in making his mistress into a Queen .
When she returned home on her 18th birthday her father greeted her with a suitor , a husband to be , explaining to her that she needed to produce an heir if she hoped to carry on any form of title and inherit anything from him .
She lost it . Her magic flared as her emotions did , she destroyed half of the forest and took down a turret that was luckily no longer in use at the far end of the outer wall . She ended up in chains that night , in a tower guarded by some of her fathers own personal guard , and in the morning both her father and her betrothed had visited to assure her she would be married by weeks end .
She was forced down the aisle and sure enough into bed . Luckily for her one of her ladies had slipped her a dagger which she had placed into her garter when she had a moment during dressing prior to her walk . He met his end before he could touch her , she had stabbed him in the back and then just kept going once she’d rolled them afterwards to be sure .
Afterwards she had fled into the woods , in just her bloody torn nightclothes , she looked a mess . Her freedom didn’t last long before she was chased down and caught by her fathers men .
They were cruel when they caught up to her in words and action — they took what her dead husband had failed to , her dagger not there to help her this time , and she outnumbered .
She spent the next two weeks in chains that kept her magic at bay in that same tower she spent time in before her dreaded wedding night . She received constant visits from her father in which he would tell her each and every way she had disappointed him .
Then —
The day he released her . He disowned her . Disinherited her and tossed her out of the kingdom . To fend for herself .
Her magic was known , magic was envied still by some , hated by many , and others just wished to hold something with it . Her power was known , to have someone with power on your side was always a plus and she was still young . Her beauty was known and men liked pretty things , and she knew and learned the hard way already what they did when they found and wanted them even if it wasn’t returned . And then even if Uther had thrown her out and aside her kin was known and that could make her valuable in coin .
She was on the run and never staying anywhere long for the first year . She heard too many whispers of the runaway princess disinherited but missed . She found it hard to believe that Uther actually wanted her back .
The second she found a tower to stay in . It was somewhat funny to her at first to think she spent so long trying to get out of a tower only to seek comfort and find a home in one now . She found her little dragon there , her one and only friend , her Aithusa . The one light in her life . The two had nearly a year together alone , just the two of them , learning one another . Bonding . Magic and flying lessons . It was a glimpse at what life could be , what it should be . Magic and dragons free to live . To exist . To be . It should’ve lasted forever .
But after a terrible storm that forced them out of the tower she was caught by Sarrum and his men . And her hell began anew — or rather her true hell began because she had thought Uther bad but Sarrum became her number one enemy .
The man had been at odds with her father and tried to use her to demand a ransom of sorts when that hadn’t worked he had begun to try and extract information from her about Camelot .
The man threatened her dragon and she wouldn’t let him do that . She gave the information of the kingdom that betrayed her and disowned her . She thought that was all he wanted for the safety and protection of her precious dragon but she was naive in that .
He was just another cruel man , like her dead husband , like her fathers men , he would be another to want more , to take what wasn’t his to . Only this time she would break in the end and let him because she couldn’t let him hurt Aithusa . The poor dragon was already hurting enough being unable to fly around daily anymore .
One night , emerald orbs flew open , she peered over at the little white dragon , she had enough , she decided she would get them out of this . And so when he had been dragging her off to his chambers she had just grabbed for a dagger from his belt , slashed for any part of him she could reach and ran once he collapsed and stopped moving .
She and Aithusa had been lost for nearly two days after their escape as she had teleported them in a panic to simply get away , not having had any destination in mind , so it had been disorienting .
They realized they weren’t too far from Camelot and they became their destination .
When she returned to Camelot she found herself instantly greeted with chains , she found herself pleading her case with her bastard brother of all people , the one she blamed for everything in her life up until now besides her father .
It somehow worked , but when she then tried to bring a blade to Uther’s throat that night she was the cause of the sounding of the warning bells and had to escape into the night .
It wouldn’t take long before she succeeded in taking her fathers though and then she would return to Camelot to fight her brother for her throne . One day maybe she would succeed in taking her rightful place on the throne .
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Authors Note :
this puts Morgana to be a late 22
at the end of this
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
Shout Out to all the vegans who aren't insane. There's actually a lot of them out there
and I hope they're all having a nice day =)
To be honest, while I'm all for humane farmers (shameless promo for @dairyisntscary, they’re darling and I get to lookat cute cows when I see their blog) but if they made a milk substitute that doesn’t make me sick, I’d be all for quitting dairy. I’d still eat eggs though. My point being:
veganism is not inherently unhealthy, sickly, or even prompted JUST BECAUSE people want to help animals. Some people just honestly like the lifestyle. And good for them.
Vegans and vegetarians should not ever have to feel like they made the wrong decision or that they shouldn’t have meat+dairy eating friends. We can all coexist so long as we all fight cruelty to animals- the road to which is going to involve a LOT of trial and error (and 0 PeTA). The fact is some people (like me) can’t go vegan where other people can’t eat dairy or meat. You shouldn't badger people about the ‘right’ foods that will magically ‘fix’ them. No food does that. Let people live how they want if it isn’t hurting them or others. Don’t EVER shame indie farmers and rescuers for keeping and caring for the animals they love. Alternatively, it’s good to do research and not make blanket statements about how something “can’t be” cruel. ((Ex 1. Sheep don’t shed their wool. It needs to be shorn and most farmers in the US are good about this. Australia and New Zealand’s wool on the other hand? A LOT of abuse goes down there esp with genetically modified animals. Be wary of buying wool from Australia. Ex 2. For all the Joe Exotics and SeaWorld’s of the world, there are absolutely wonderful wildlife sanctuaries and zoos that need our support. Zoos are possibly the one inhumane form of animal husbandry that has evolved to be about the animals and not the people keeping them.)) I get mad for my stupid veggieSis and cool vegan friends when the arbitrary ‘good guy’ in this argument has to be the meat eater. I get mad at people hating Lisa for turning vegetarian in The Simpsons when the episode where she does so is so obviously critical of the meat industry. You guys deserve your representation.
You know what you also deserve? Literally anyone who’s not ThatVeganTeacher.
Katie Karen is the epitome of the worst possible kind of vegan and the reason actually sane vegans don’t feel comfortable sharing their diet/lifestyle. They know people will associate them with Katie. They’ve been hurt too many times by vegans like Katie who shame them for not being vegan “enough” or using her diet -their diet- to trash talk their culture, beliefs, and sexualities.
No nonJew has any right comparing meat industries to the holocaust. If something involving the treatment of animals speaks to the humanity in you; like it did for Robbyne Kaamil who wrote a song comparing her enslaved ancestors to Lolita the killer whale; make what you will. And yet it IS sick to proudly value animal’s lives over human rights. We are animals too and intelligent animals care for their own first a foremost ((elephants, dolphins, parrots, pigs, primates)) before we care for the animals around us. We should care about the animals too but people always come first.
Not that Katie cares about animals herself, fyi. Any decent dog or cat owner knows their pet can’t turn vegan with them. Raise a freakin’ pig if you want an animal to go vegan with you. Katie is abusing her dog, Bella, by forcing Bella to eat vegan food that she can’t digest because she’s a fucking dog. Bella should be taken away from Katie and given real dog food. She’s a carnivore.
One of the most disgusting things about Katie is her treatment of minors and people younger than her. I pray to god she’s lying about being a teacher because jeezus christ. That woman would make me hate myself if I were in Elementary school. She shouldn’t be allowed near children especially when she makes comments to teenagers like this:
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Katie is a gatekeeper. Everything in her life has to be about her and her brand of veganism. She is a walking, talking PeTA advert. She makes life so much harder for vegans as well as Animal Right's Activists. She’s a living example to people who hate vegans why they think all vegans are bad and her call for veganism is ultimately all about her and not the feelings of anyone else.
I feel like this is an important post to make because any time there's this kind of discourse about creepy vegans or PeTA or whatever it HAS to invite some pos eating meat just to stick it to the big-bad vegan-crazies like Katie. You're doing nothing but adding more fuel to the fire and you need to be taken out of the arena. No one wants you here - farm-guy who thumbs up next to the cow carcass he's strung up and mutilated just so you can see a creepy vegan's reaction. You're creepy too.
Both avid meateaters and devout vegans have disturbing alt-right racist ties that are worth addressing BY the people who share their diet. They need to be taken down a peg and not just by people that'd hate them regardless of their politics. They need to be taken down by their contemporaries.
This post is for those vegans who are done with people like Katie and want to save her poor dog. I want more vegans coming out of the woodwork and roasting her with their vegan enchiladas- served with a tall glass of oat milk.
This is a vegan-friendly blog.
This also a kosher-friendly blog and vegetarian friendly blog. This is a being-a-decent-dog-owner-friendly blog. I am not irredeemable by respecting these people as well. I'm irredeemable if I support abuse, neglect, and bigotry, which is what Katie supports.
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puff-yy · 3 years
and a big fuck you too people that purposely ab/se animals like BURYING A FUCKNG DOG PAST ITS NECK AND UP TOO ITS EYES IN THE GROUND for clout and make videos of it on TikTok
please die if you do this🥰
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Okay Logan, fetch. 
He watches as Logan runs over to the small toy, gently picking it up and walking back towards him. 
“Deliver to him.”
He points at Mel, Logan walking slowly over to Mel holding the toy in his mouth. 
“Put it down and come back to me.”
Logan once again does what he is told, the toy not having a single mark from his teeth.
“But.. more importantly he is trained for this.. “
He feels a little bad doing this, but he learned to fake his own panic attacks and other signs when he started training Logan, also knowing he had stopped several real attacks from happening. He showed off his normal ones, as well as arm scratching, and generally any attempt to harm himself. Logan carefully stopped every one of them as he had been trained too, putting his weight on him when he panicked, sneaking his head in between his arms if he tried to scratch or harm. 
“He stopped me from having several real panic attacks by now, not just these signs that I have used to train him.”
He looks at Mel and Carl, scratching Logan behind the ear.
“As for a bad start, we got him from the police as a last resort, his first home had mistreated him.. “
He still remembers his first meeting with Logan all too well, fur matted and ruined, burn marks from cigarettes on his skin, a dog so scared he bit the hand that fed him..
“To mention just a few things, he was malnourished, his fur was mostly missing, he had fleas and skin infections, and.. as you will feel them when you pet him, they used his skin to put out cigarettes on.”
He takes Logan a bit closer to them, asking him to sit down, splitting the now shiny black coat showing off old round scars. 
“So I'm hoping you two will give him a chance.”
He stands back up and looks at Mel and Carl.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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monochromemedic · 5 years
Who’s Whitney Wisconsin?
i’m just gonna put this under the cut cause it’s not prettytw: animal abuse
like a few years back she got popular on youtube from a video she had where she explained the ‘health benefits of having sex with your dog’She’s known as a dog fucker and she’s like publicly proud of it. If you remember LeafyisHere yeah that youtube they had a whole fight on youtube and it’s just... grossI could have saw her on the street and didn’t recognized her christ.
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revclverheld · 6 years
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“Just sayin’ - before anyone’s goin’ to torture puppies... I’ll take all of them so you can’t do that.”
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urlyn · 6 years
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is that CAMERON MONAGHAN? nah, that’s just URIEL LYNCH. he is/are a 20 year old FAE and is/are currently a GRAVE DIGGER. they are known for being PERCEPTIVE but also VICIOUS. Word on the street is they’re HETEROSEXUAL and they run with the HARPY. They are AGAINST the cure. 
Uriel is a troubled soul and is likely the person someone instantly get bad vibes around. He used to live with his eldest sister (really his mother, but he is oblivious to this fact), but she moved out unable to deal with his rotten temper.
He was raised by his grandparents (whom he thinks were his parents). Both had lived centuries and found themselves unable to correct when he got out of hand. They never even acknowledged his psychotic tendencies.Most of his acting out done when he tried to follow his elder sister and bad things happened.   
At a young age he got great joy to cause fear into anyone or anything. Through various methods and whatever worked to his needs.Sometimes he even crossed the line and sent the things to the final fear of all - death.  He doesn’t kill people from feeding off of them, but he has in the past put them down into a grave. After being fed satisfactory to him, he would then close them up into the freshly dirt grave.
Currently Uriel is a grave digger and also goes to school to become a licensed Mortician. Because the only thing he seems to be good at centers around death. 
He enjoys stalking and chronicling everyone’s life in his brain. The patterns of human life amuses him, and his attention to detail is unsettling. He would be the person to notice when someone orders decaf instead of their regular caffeine drink.
Most of the time he’s alone, unless you count the corpses he digs the grave for as company.  He’s against the cure only because the fact it could do any sort of good. His chaotic nature makes him find this unacceptable. 
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mahoy · 4 years
The Brit Who Saves Caged Bears Farmed For Their Bile
Wow this is incredibly depressing. I had no idea this was even happening.
It’s late and I have to go to bed, but does anyone know of a donation site for places like these that are trustworthy and actually use majority of the funds on the animals?
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gleamof1ove · 4 years
Guys,pls spread this post
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The owner of this account calls himself international class’s cynologist however he actually treats dogs violently.His name is Denis Paradovsky.He takes really high payment for his services however the methods he uses for making your pet more obedient is horrific and inhuman.Here are short list of them:electric shocks,twitching,halters,kicking,violence.
On his page and in his highlights you can find videos which are evidence of his abusive actions.Please throw some strikes on his posts and his profile.
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thief-commander · 7 years
oh gosh today is such a good day
first of all, my ex (who I thought had killed herself) posted on her blog again so I know she’s alive and mostly well, thank goodness. I haven’t talked to her in years and I don’t want to, because we were not on the same wavelength and we didn’t see eye-to-eye, but I’m glad she survived those hard times. I’m proud of her and I hope she’ll be okay
the other thing is, there was this incident where they found an injured cat in my district and everyone thought the kitty was abused by two guys. Later she died at the vet’s :/ But today they revealed that it was not the case at all and she just got hit by a car in an unfortunate way and she wasn’t abused at all. I’m so so sad they couldn’t save her (and this is the reason why I would never let Nico out, there are so many dangers outside, cars are the worst), but i’m glad that she wasn’t hurt by humans she trusted and loved 
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lupienne · 5 years
You know, just when you think you can't hate humans any more than you do. Drop every one of these fucks off a fucking high rise.
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harmonscorner · 7 years
I’m getting really really really REALLY fed up with the neighbour’s bullshit with their fucking dogs
because???? you know it’s super great when you already have troubles sleeping but you can’t fucking sleep at 7 in the morning with open windows BECAUSE THE DOGS WOULD START BARKING AND WHIMPERING SUPER LOUD
I mean fuck me I don’t care about it during the day BUT IN THE MORNING, I’D LIKE TO FUCKING SLEEP. And my brother is fucking pissed off too!!
These fucks just DON’T KNOW HOW TO KEEP A FUCKING PET. you know why??? well I’m 100% sure the dogs ONLY GET FOOD. they have two BOY puppies WHO ARE KEPT TOGETHER in a fucking cage, their mom IS ALWAYS ON A LEASH. ALWAYS. mom says they sometimes let them go BUT I DON’T THINK I’VE SEEN THEM TAKING THE DOGS FOR A FUCKING WALK.
oh also puppies??? yeah because a random stray dog sneaked in since the neighbours usually keep their gates open and guess what??? A FEMALE DOG ON A LEASH??? AAH YEAH
wait??? maybe they should’ve got her spayed??? AAAHHH NO THE DOG IS ONLY FOR DECORATION RIGHT?????
they too have cats but I’m less concerned about them, cats are cool with food only too BUT DOGS. DOGS NEED CARE
mom says it’d be awkward and wrong to report THE NEIGHBOURS to the police but I swear to gOD I’M SUPER SORRY FOR THESE DOGS!!! they deserve a better place
also they should’ve trained them too. maybe then they wouldn’t bark so often.
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khiphop-discussions · 7 years
Somebody could paint the most VILE picture of someone and there will still be people like “but still I’ll give him credit”. Like bruh...there’s nothing you could do to redeem child sexual abuse, domestic abuse, animal abuse, and rape. Like oh my god. Like this isn’t just “oh they said something problematic a few times in the 1950s” or “oh they stole something before”. These things are NOT redeemable at all but for some reason people keep trying to redeem it and I just...”what?”
Conext: that hugh hef post I just reblogged and like half the people in the comments.
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mxndanemagic · 4 years
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“I don’t want to eat cats! That’s horrific! Abusive! Cruel!” She’s disgusted by the thought. She loved cats - why would she want to eat one!? “I’d rather take a dare from Feral than eat a cute animal!”
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goreprofonde · 4 years
"In the end, the death of the solar monster was performed cleanly, with the beast blinded by the scrap of red cloth, the sword deep in the blood-smeared body."
- Georges Bataille, Story of Eye.
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spoonfulofpills · 5 years
Just finished watching the haunting of hill house on Netflix, and it's oddly beautiful? I didn't expect that??? So here's my take on it!!!
I don't recommend it for everyone though. There is drug abuse/needles. Animal death. And mentions of miscarriages/stillborns. And it might irk people that the main antagonist causes death to others due to their own mental illness.
If you have those triggers, I suggest not watching, and maybe just enjoy a synopsis.
One major good tm point I will point out is the lgbt characters live! No lgbt death! That trope can die! And no " doesn't get the girl/guy". The bi girl doesn't continue alone. (edit: actually gay, I think I got some scenes confused with the sisters)
The way the two time lines mimic or contrast through out the story is wonderful. It feels like slowly putting a puzzle together with each episode giving a piece to the picture. Some might be bored with how each character's background/pov is shown with some repetitive linking/connective scenes, but personal like the visual clicks.
The horror aspect does rely heavily on jumpscares, and I hope they branch out from that in the haunting of bly manor.
The message of love be it twisted and in some cases selfish is one I can appreciate.
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