bluebutterfly1 · 5 years
Why is TWDG series important to you?
The Walking Dead Game Series is important to me because of the lessons it instilled in me. It has taught me that no matter how tough things may be, you always have to push through it and “keep moving forward”. Clementine took a beating every day, every minute, hell, every second of her life, and she kept on moving forward in hopes of finding that light at the end of the tunnel; to find a place she could call home. She taught me that no matter how fucked up or depressing things may be, you have to find something to live and fight for. That lesson has gotten me through the darkest part of my life where I almost gave up. This game has given me determination and strength, and without this game, I wouldn’t be the sweet, friendly person everyone knows me as; I would have pushed everyone away and isolated myself.
TWDG was the first game that made me realize that gaming can be a storytelling medium instead purely gameplay. It's the first game that had me emotionally invested in its characters and story to the point where I did nothing but talk about this game for weeks on end. No piece of media made me feel this attached to the characters and their struggle, and playing a game and being in their shoes really amplified that feeling.
This game also holds a special place in my heart because it inspired me to make this Tumblr blog to share my love for it, and through that, I got to meet so many great people and made many amazing friends. I also got to see beautiful artwork and read wonderful fanfiction by people who are just as passionate about this game as me. Seeing all the mediums that people made to express their love for this game made me come out of my shell and try it myself. I got to doodle a couple TWDG characters, and although it is not as good as the other talented artists on Tumblr, it was a lot of fun to do! It reminded me of the passion I had for art that I haven’t had since middle school.
Finally, this game is very valuable to me because I felt like I grew up along with Clementine. I was 11 years old when the first episode came out and was 18 years old when the last episode released; I was a kid when this game started and an adult when it ended. As she matured, so did I and seeing a character age along with you in real life just provides for a more emotional connection.
Honestly, I do not know what I would do without The Walking Dead Game.
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A while ago, I was talking with one of my co-workers who knows I run this blog in my spare time and that I enjoy writing. I was telling him about how much y’all mean to me and how much fun I have talking to you during our character and ship nights, but also how I sometimes feel like I don’t do enough.
So, then we started talking about writing requests and all those prompts you guys sent in a while ago. I asked for those because I was looking for as many ideas as possible for the writing challenge last month, and I actually wrote quite a few of them!
However, there was a lot that I have yet to get to. A lot of great ones, and I feel bad that I haven’t had a chance to write some of the ones that you guys were passionate about seeing. 
Because of that, he gave me a suggestion that I liked: a contest/giveaway. After some thought and some feedback from you guys, a handful of you said you were interested so I’ve decided to go through with it. 
So, I’m holding a fun little contest for you guys. 
How to enter: 
Write an answer to the question “Why is TWDG series important to you?” in 200-500 words. Treat it like an essay question, not a drabble/short story.  Please do not write a one-shot/drabble as an entry as I will not count it. This is YOU telling me why YOU love twdg. 
Tag your entry under #twdgdecembercontest.
Tag me in your post @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale​
The contest will be closed on December 18th, so make sure to post it before then, otherwise, your entry won’t make it to my list that I’ll be using to keep track of everyone.
Anyone following me can enter! And yes, I will check!
That’s it! Super easy, right? 
I’ll contact the winner on December 25th through DM on here before making the post about it. Depending on how quick the winner gets back to me, I may make the post a day or two later. If the winner does NOT respond within 3 days, I’ll pick another winner, so make sure you check your messages! 
Now, I don’t have anything physical that I can send you for a prize, but I can write you a story. Once I have all the entries, I’ll pick a winner and that person will get a one-shot from me about anything they want. I’ll give you an example: 
Say Jane Doe wins and she’s like “I want a Lousim story that takes place after Louis loses his tongue and Aasim and him grow closer and fall in love, and a year later, Louis decides he wants to confess in the most Louis way possible, despite not having a voice anymore. It’s also winter time and lots of soft lousim cuddling and smooching.” I would then write that one-shot with the details she provided.
Essentially, you give me a request of what you want and I’ll do it. I’ll take extra time to make sure it’s my absolute best work, take the things/elements you want and incorporate them into the story to the best of my ability, and then post it with credit to you as the winner. I’ll work with you as much as possible to make sure you love it, a gift from me to you this coming holiday season.
Now, I do want to make a few notes about the one-shot so that we’re all on the same page. 
I won’t write any sexual content. I’m okay with some smooching that goes into a little make-out territory, but I won’t do smut. So don’t come to me like “I want Lou and Clem to do the Devil’s Tango all night long!” because I’m gonna give an exasperated sigh and be like “Sorry, but I said the Devil’s Tango is a no-no! No smut!” 
There are certain ships that I’m not comfortable with writing. There are the obvious gross ships that have Clementine with Luke or Javier, and those are huge no-no’s and I refuse to write them. Other ones that I won’t write: Jamesentine, Violet/Louis, clemerva, marlontine, or any other ships that are toxic/underage/ect. I know there are a handful of people who are into clemerva and marlontine, but I know that I’m not personally comfortable with them and wouldn’t be able to write a proper story for them. 
Like I said before, I will work with you the best I can and we can bounce ideas off of each other, but there are certain topics that I’m unfamiliar and would worry that I wouldn’t do them justice, or I’d come off as offensive without meaning to. I won’t list anything specific, but think of things that you would usually tag with a trigger warning, I guess? I’m not saying that you can’t suggest certain things if you want a serious, more dramatic story, but it’s something that will need to be discussed. Again, I will work with you as much as possible on this!
The one-shot cannot take place in the canon of my [reasons to survive] AU or my [dreaming of you] AU. So don’t win and then ask me if I’ll write more of [with you]. This doesn’t mean it can’t be an AU or anything, but it can’t be apart of those. This is a completely separate story!
I also want to add that I’m going to remain as neutral as possible when it comes to picking a winner. My plan is to take a screenshot of your entry with your name and whatnot, but then take a separate screenshot WITHOUT your name and add it to a file. When it comes time for me to read the entries, I will look at the file without names, pick the one that I feel deserves to win, and then match it up with its name. 
Does that make sense? Haha it makes sense to me so I guess that’s all that matters! What I’m saying is that I want to be completely fair and unbiased when it comes to picking a winner.
I think that’s everything... I hope that’s everything, haha. 
If y’all have ANY questions, please let me know! Y’all have two weeks to submit your entry, so take your time and tell me why twdg series means so much to you! I look forward to reading any entries that come in! 
Hopefully we get some haha, a handful said they were interested in the poll I posted so... yeah! 
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lyndexv · 5 years
Why is TWDG Series important to you ?
(For the december contest by @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale)
As far as I remember, I really started to follow TWDG when A New Frontier came out, back in 2016. It was my ‘Telltale period’, I used to love watching differents playthroughs by differents Lets Players, to see which was the good choices, the choices Lets Players made (*sigh* Pewds...Why did you have to hate Gabe?) and how much the relationships could change based on choices.
I don’t have the same attachment for Clementine as other does, since I never watched S1 and S2 until recently, so I didn’t have the nostalgia of seeing her ‘again’ like you certainly did. And when she made bad things (sorry to hurt you but Clem isn’t a saint sorry--) well, as much as I liked her I was critizicing of her acts, but I helped her anyway. I still liked Clem, I liked Javi, Gabe…(And I grew to love those dorks even more as time passed XD)
It convinced me to buy the game, and I don’t regret it (well, except the glitches and other optimizations problems…)
BUT definitely the installment that made me LOVE this series, and entering its fandom, is the Final Season. Like S3, I first watched it on Youtube, stressing with other thousands of viewers on the livestreams (DomTheBomb, for example, or ugh GuzzLive) about what was going to happen to Clem, AJ, and the other kids...AJ headshooting Marlon shocked me deeply (like when Mariana met the same fate in S3), I rarely felt it for others games, but TWDG made me feel those again (Marlon killing Brody) and again (Louis losing his tongue if you didn’t save him) and again (James backstabbed by Lily)…
Between S3 and S4, I became a big ‘shipper’, and when I saw Louis and Violet, I squeaked like a fangirl over them, and the fact that you could choose whoever Clem would romance. I always shipped Clem with Louis, but I don’t hate Violet, like, at all. If anything, I was more shocked by the ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of Lets Players picking Violet, just because their first impression of Louis, or even worse their impression of him after Marlon’s death (you know, his BEST FRIEND a stranger just headshot in cold blood ? People were seriously expecting Louis to take it well ?) was bad, they saw a clown, a not-so-funny coward, kicking out coldlessly Clem and AJ...
I don’t hate Violet, I like her as much as I like Louis, but for different reasons. She’s not a ‘people person’, she’s keeping her emotions for herself, having her ways to communicate them differently than the others kids. As a boy with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) I recognised myself in her, I had a special attachment with her. And, in plus, I have a far-right family (by it, understand homophobiac, racist, antisemitic, islamophobic…) so having family issues, I’m used to it.
Both Violet and Louis are great romance options for Clem, in their own ways. I like them both.
But the biggest thing I accomplished this year, is joining the fandom, like, actively. I went on to only reading fanfics, watching streams, Lets Plays, to actually create characters (Geoffrey, Shaun, Esther...) headcanons, theories, ships out of nowhere (SophLou XD)...and writing my own drabbles, thanks to the community, to my online friends that encouraged me to write and post my drabbles (The last ‘story’ I posted until I published my drabbles was back in April, I had to cancel it down because of my baccalaureate…), when I didn’t have faith in myself. I loved the Final Season and I went to share my love for it here, on Tumblr, and on AO3...I probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t played, watched The Final Season…
TWDG Series is important to me. As a fan, as a reader and as a newbie writer.
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baddie-mattie · 5 years
Why is TWDG So Important to You Contest
When I first started playing TWDG, I was around 8 years old. I was baby Clem age. When I had to shoot Lee, I sobbed to the point I had soaked my pillow because... he had become a father figure to me, albeit fictional. No matter how short I'd actually been playing with him.
When I got s2, I cried a lot more. Luke dying really got to me and shooting Kenny, as well. I had really liked him during s1, so it hurt a lot to do that, but even I, at that age, could see that he was dangerous. Dangerous people do things that they don't mean to and others get hurt, so I shot him and cried some more.
S3 was happier than I expected, but losing Marianna hurt. She was just a happy little girl who got shot in the head. I cried some more with that loss. Finding Clementine made me happy because, well, it's Clem. Seeing her little schoolgirl crush on Gabe was cute, too. And Gabe. God. I got attached to him. He died the first time around and it made me sick to my stomach. I had to pause and take a break because I was truly nauseous from it. But, even with that, I enjoyed it. It was a little piece of home.
The Final Season broke me, built me up, broke me again, and covered me in duct tape to fix me up for the last time. Having to see AJ hungry but still worrying about Clem did something to me because I imagined my little brother doing the same. Pretty much the first scene and I was already crying. Once at Ericson, I was skeptical but optimistic and already loving it. The memory of Lee had me sobbing to the point my throat was sore and seeing AJ bring the axe down on Clem made me cry harder because, I knew it was the right thing, but I just hurt so bad because Clementine, the girl who I had grown up with and cared about so deeply, was dead. It left a hollow part of my heart there, if that makes sense.
Then they brought her back and I cried. But something about it just... filled me with a happiness I can't explain.
I love TWDG because it has always been a part of me and I can't imagine it going anywhere anytime soon. I love Clementine, AJ, Lee, all of the Ericson kids, and so many others and I can't leave them behind. I will always have TWDG in my heart, even if it's over now.
I follow you under @fus-ro-dah-bitch and I really thank you for creating this contest because I never really thought about why TWDG is so important to me and I think it was good for me to write this down.
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Hi, CJ! I want to participate in the contest but when I first started out on Tumblr, I was a dumb little filly and made a side blog for my main. So this is the one that follows you. Just want to know if I could do it on that one since that's the one I post on constantly. Thank you!
Of course! That’s perfectly fine, just remember to tag me and use #twdgdecembercontest! 
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