#twice bitten cos
mirror-lock · 11 months
I have absolutely no idea how many active Twice Bitten fans there still are anywhere out there or where they are, EXCEPT that I know for a fact that there are two of you here on Tumblr, so I'm just going to leave this out here on my virtual back porch specifically for you:
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By popular demand...
(comission posted with permission of artist: Senshilandia)
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
Nico is pretty sure, at this point, that something has gone wrong. A chasm has opened up, a trap went haywire, an explosion went off and blew up half the camp. Something drastic has to have happened to make everyone go quiet.
But the rocks of Zeus’ fist are sun-warmed. A sweet-smelling breeze ruffles brand new leaves, musses his hair, although it’s hot enough that he’s rolled up the cuffs of his jeans and forgone a sweater. Will is on guard duty next to him, and no one has come to bother them in hours, and he cannot bring himself to care.
“Found one!”
“No way,” Nico protests, leaning over to see. “It’s been ten minutes!”
In the palm of the cupped hand Will holds out between them, held loose so as not to crush it, is a four-leaf clover. One of the more picturesque ones, too; emerald green, heart-shaped leaves, delicately crimped, and a thin curling stem tapered perfectly down the middle.
Will shrugs, smiling. There’s enough bitten-back teasing in his expression that it looks more like a smirk. “I guess I’m just lucky.”
“Lucky I don’t smite you, maybe,” Nico grumbles. “Go away. Your bad vibes are hindering my success.”
Snorting, Will does, shuffling back over to let Nico comb through the clover thatch in peace. He stretches out on the grass — he ditched his shoes and helmet and armour the literal second the rest of the team ran off, the dork — and shifts ‘til he’s comfortable, ankles crossed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. Nico pictures him with a piece of straw sticking out of his mouth and a cowboy hat resting over his eyes and giggles to himself. The image is so clear he’s half-certain it was a vision.
“Though you were tryin’ to focus,” Will mutters, cracking one eye open.
Nico sticks his tongue out. “I’m trying, derpface. All your shifting around is distracting.”
“I’ve moved maybe three times.”
“Yeah, in as many minutes.”
Will, without looking, plucks a blade of grass and flicks it at him. “Stay focused, Death Breath.” He stretches his arms above his head, sighing. “I’m gonna nap.”
He doesn’t move when Nico flings a handful of (regular) clovers at him, infuriatingly serene. He’s trained himself to fall asleep anywhere, anything to catch up on the sleep debt he’s been wracking up for years, and the sunny patch of clearing in the first they’re in is one of the nicer places Nico has found him passed out. At least here he can stretch out, sit in the sun — Nico found him tucked in between the camp washer and dryer, once, curled under a stack of laundry baskets. He’d made a valiant effort to hide himself from accident-prone younger siblings and best friends who invite mortal wrath, but his snoring had given him away. Nico’d heard him outside the building.
Here, though, no one is bothering them. Chiron’s playing field medic, the infirmary has been stocked, the Ares kids were cursed by Clovis and co. last week and have been asleep since. There haven’t been any echoing screams of agony. No desperate IMs. Nico, even, makes sure to keep his sword within reach, armour still firmly strapped, quietly on guard so Will doesn’t have to be. For once, he can take up as much space as he likes, bare skin absorbing the sun that has outshined the clouds perhaps for the express purpose of keeping him toasty even without a blanket.
Nico drags his eyes back towards the clovers, smiling. He’s cute when he sleeps. Sometimes he mumbles, nonsensical ramblings of the half-conscious, too slurred for Nico to make much sense of it. He catches bits and pieces of words and phrases as he picks through the soft leaves; lemme try, twice, as he watches a ladybug hop her way over a stone; careful with that, as he tosses a handful of regular, three-leaf clovers into the air; and notably diphenhydramine as he digs his hand through the soft dirt to yank out a worm.
Nico turns to face him. “You’re a nerd,” he says solemnly.
Will snores in response.
“Sleep quieter, why don’t you.”
The thing about Will is that he is like a tapeworm.
Nico means this in the best possible way. They start out invisible — sure, you might feel the irritation of something new burrowing its way into your person, but it’s not your most pressing concern. You’ve maybe got other things on your mind. You’re not focused, intensely, on how tiny changes are happening to you; you’re eating more, moving more, sleeping weird. Sometimes this happens. It’s nothing notable.
Slowly, though, you start to change. There’s this…cavern, inside of you, that you’re suddenly aware of. Maybe it was always there. You’re struck, more and more each day, with the need to fill yourself. To consume. You are aware, for the first time in years, that you have not had enough. There has been an emptiness inside you. And now there’s this driving force making home inside you instead, pushing you to take enough to not just survive but to thrive. You’re capable, now, in a way you weren’t before, to feel your needs, your wants. To listen to them. There is something that has worked it’s way inside you and grown and grown and grown and forced you, alongside it, to care about yourself enough to maintain its life inside you.
Will would probably not appreciate being compared to a parasite. It might be funny to tell him anyway, though. Watch his eye twitch as he tries to find a diplomatic way to ask Nico what the fuck his deal is. He’ll have to tell him when he wakes up.
A quiet groaning noise has him looking up again; the sound of rustling clothes and twisting grass.
“Y’r smirkin’.”
Speak of the devil. Or parasite.
Nico picks at a tangled stem. “What are your thoughts on tapeworms?”
“Generally bad,” Will says, yawning. He doesn’t seem fazed at all by the random question — he usually isn’t. People ask him a lot of strange things, generally. Like, how many consecutive concussions are medically unsound? (any, dude, please), or what is the recommended liquid amount of iron to swallow to fortify your blood? (none, please don’t fucking swallow liquid iron), or perhaps most notable are you up for learning how to un-do cerebral paralysis within the next ten seconds? (no, Jesus Christ, get off the fucking roof and set down the wax wings, do you people learn nothing ever).
“What about tapeworms as a metaphor for friendship?”
“…That’s a new one, I’ll give you that.”
Hell yes. Point to Nico.
“D’you find one, yet?”
Nico’s face drops into a scowl. “No.”
He doesn’t understand how Will found a four-leaf so quickly. Nico’s been looking for much longer, and the clover patch is huge — statistically, he should have found one by now, right? It just makes sense.
Will hums, dragging himself to his knees and then somersaulting over. He lands legs sprawled over a smattering of pebbles, head by Nico’s knees. Nico reaches out and flicks his temples, just to watch him wrinkle his nose in protest.
“Whattaya so bent on getting one for, anyway?”
Nico shrugs, looking away. “Luck.”
“Duh.” Will pokes his thigh. “What for?”
“None of your business, nosy.”
“Well, that just made me a thousand times more interested. I was going to let it go, before, but now —”
“You’re so full of shit,” Nico huffs, grinning. Will matches his look with a shameless smile, placing his hands under his chin in a caricature of cherubic innocence.
“Why, whatever do you mean.”
“I mean —” he punctuates every word with a pinch — “that you have to know every detail —”
“Ack! Stop!”
“— of everybody else’s lives —”
“Hey! Derek Hale! Put the claws away!”
“— at any given time —”
“I am going to scream!”
“— or you’ll die.”
He acquires, finally, to Will’s screeching and writhing, pushing him away with one last poke. He pouts, looking at Nico with round, wounded eyes.
“You’re so mean to me.”
“You invite it, honestly.”
“By caring about you, you butthead.”
Nico rolls his eyes, fighting back a smile. “Yeah, yeah.”
Looking for the four-leaf is different with Will watching him. Different, somehow, even though he’s quiet, chin resting on his knees, eyes following Nico’s searching hands. Every shift has Nico’s breath catching, fingers twitching at his minute hums, his tapping fingers. He’s distracting. If Nico was struggling to find the lucky clover before, it’s hopeless now. Will drags his attention like the core of the Earth drags everything towards it.
“Hey,” Will murmurs, poking Nico with his toe. “Take mine.”
Nico glances up to find his hand, again, outstretched between them, four-leaf clover centred in the palm of his wide hands. His eyes watch every minute shift of Nico’s form, his stuttered breath, sweating palms. Bitten lip, shifting eyes.
“…You don’t know what I need it for.”
“I don’t need to.” Blue, blue, blue eyes. Ridiculously so, really. An exact match for the sky no matter what time of day; olympic blue, now, an perfect reflection of the late afternoon. “Take it.”
He thrusts his hand out farther. Heart pounding, Nico does, lightly pinching the stem between his thumb and forefinger, keeping his hand curled on Will’s.
He promised himself. One to ten thousand chance — if he found one, he’d do it.
It counts.
“Hey, Will.”
Blue widely above him, encroached by the canopy. Blue flapping in the wind behind him, perched on Zeus’ fist. Blue on the plumes of his helmet. Blue in the lavender, in the grape hyacinth, in the cornflowers.
Blue, blue, blue eyes, meeting his, flicking down. Flicking hastily back up again.
Nico tugs, gently, on his wrist. He moves where Nico directs him. Easily.
Up. Down. Up again. Perfect rings, thinning against a growing expanse of black.
Nico darts forward and kisses him. He sighs into it, immediately, hand going limp in Nico’s hold. The clover flutters to the ground between them, disappearing once again in a sea of green.
“You didn’t need luck for this,” Will mumbles.
Nico tilts their heads to rest closer together and kisses him ‘til he’s quiet.
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Fic Library: Seokjin
Worldwide handsome, sexy, absurd, funny, steely Seokjin is always a star, and even more so when he's written by these amazing writers. Check these out and show them some love.
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Wrong place, wrong time by @bangtanintotheroom. Seokjin x f! reader in an established relationship, Seokjin's on good form in this hilarious story with the funniest one-liner I've seen in a Jin fic.
The Flower Bridge by @yoongsisbae features Seokjin as a ghost and is soft, sad, poignant and beautifully written.
You can take it by @7deadlysinsfics is soft and smutty and this Seokjin is naughty, sexy and charming.
Fall in hatred by @jimlingss. A sad, stunning and truthful fic about relationships and when they fall apart.
Mood lighting by @sugalaritae features new parents Jin x reader. Sexy, eager, sweet dad Jin is such a treat.
A game of two halves by @madbutgloriouspond was written as part of a sports Jin collab and features an injured soccer player Jin who's snarky, bratty and snappy with his physical therapist reader. There's so much going on below the surface in this story and I love the way Seokjin and reader are written.
Soul on fire by @vyduan is an ongoing soulmate touch AU with a ridiculous but self-aware Seokjin and characters that you root for.
HoHoNO by @imaginethisbts. I always have time for a cracky Christmas fic and this is cracky masterpiece made me laugh so much.
I dream of Jinnie part 2 by @bts-hyperfixation. Written for Kinktober, this is another cracky gem that features a semi-awkward striptease and a fez as well as a subby Jin.
Love language by @augustbutwinter. This office co-workers AU features Seokjin x reader and features a sweetheart of a Seokjin in full hyung mode caring for everyone.
Once bitten, twice shy by @fantasybangtan. A Christmas fic featuring a stellar Bangtan ensemble cast and a warm, fluffy, perfect enemies to lovers setup for doctors Seokjin x reader.
Kiss me by @minisugakoobies is a 90s throwback story set in a college AU with a BMOC Seokjin who's sexy, and dorky, and so so endearing.
A Comedy of Manners by @vyduan is punchy, funny, absurd and beautifully human. It features Seokjin x reader in an arranged marriage AU.
Second first meeting by @taleasnewastime is a supercute Valentine's themed story with an annoying, cocky but sweet Seokjin.
Winter solace by @floralseokjin. A holidays themed story with Seokjin x f! reader that's heartwarming and touches on themes of learning to trust and love again.
Love, lust and life mushrooms by @miscelunaaa is the explicit Super Mario bros themed Seokjin smut of my dreams and I won't hear any different.
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
Hello! I have read some of your fics and you are an amazing writer, I love your works, and since I saw you have request open for my current hyperfixation, I wanted to ask for some jealous Anthony Lockwood , thank you :)
a/n: yesssssss thank you i would absolutely love to write this! I'm so, so glad you like my writing! thank you for all your support <3
warnings: mild language gn reader
"Who are those flowers for?"
You look up from your book, curled up on the sofa in the living room, watching as Lockwood strides in. Something in your chest leaps at the sight of him, longing to watch his usual routine of pacing, then sitting and reading a magazine, but you fix your gaze back on the book in your lap. You've just started a particularly interesting chapter.
There's a pause and a glimmer of tension in the air. "From who?"
"Ned Shaw."
Lockwood scoffs, and when you look up again, he's sitting, glaring at the cluster of roses stuffed in some random vase you found in one of the cupboards. They're a bright, blinding red on the window, bathed in golden sunlight.
You suppress a smile. "You're just full of questions today, aren't you? Well, judging from the little note that came with them, he wants me to go to the Fittes at Fifty ball with him tonight and thought the roses would be a symbol of his good intentions."
Lockwood scowls. "Ned Shaw? Of all people, Ned Shaw?"
"We've talked a few times," you say with a shrug. "Not always willingly. I've bitten his head off already for how he treats you guys. But, behind all the grumpiness, he's actually an alright guy."
"And he asked you to the Fittes ball?" He's still staring at the flowers, and it seems as if he's trying to burn them with sight alone. It takes all your willpower not to laugh.
"Yeah, is that so surprising?"
"No, but..."
"But what?"
He sighs through his nose. He seems mostly at ease, except for his expression, but there's something more to it than the rivalry between Lockwood and Co and Fittes. Ned Shaw is part of Kipps' crew, and, sure, he's not the nicest guy ever, but he's saved your life a few times and you've caught up over coffee once or twice. It's not like you're interested in him. You're quite caught up over someone else entirely.
"And, so what if I said yes?" you ask, pretending that your focus is still on your book. Really, you're watching Lockwood out of the corner of your eye, or admiring him as Lucy would put it. "No one else asked me."
"You're going with us, aren't you?"
"If I didn't know you any better, I'd assume that's jealousy in your voice, Anthony Lockwood." Grinning, you glance up from your book.
Lockwood scoffs again. "Jealous? Of Ned Shaw? There's nothing to be jealous about."
"Well, he did pay for me at Arif's yesterday when I was getting some snacks. Awfully kind of him, don't you think?" You turn to the next page of your book. "He bought me this, too. Heard I was into this genre and thought of me when he saw it."
"Bullshit. You don't read that genre at all."
You raise your eyebrow, gently shutting the book. "And what makes you say that?"
Lockwood leans forward, his infamous 'Lockwood Grin' making its appearance. "You don't read anything by that author in particular because, in your words, he's a 'misogynistic prick who has never seen a woman in his life'. You don't read that genre because it reminds you too much of real life when in reality you want to escape it." He points over to the windowsill. "Those flowers? You prefer orchids over roses, a fact you've made clear before, and you think that red roses in particular, such as those ones, are overrated. You like orange ones more."
Speechless. He's left you completely and utterly speechless, and he knows it because his grin is triumphant.
How does he know all of that? They've never been topics of conversation, merely things you've said in passing, but he's remembered it all. Your cheeks flush, and your smile becomes more shy and subdued. None of it is even that interesting, but he's gone out of his way to remember it.
"What do you suggest I do, then?" you ask, trying to keep your elation hidden.
"Don't go with him."
"Who do I go with then?"
He knows it's a leading question, you can see it in his eyes and the way his smile softens slightly at the corners. "Me."
Internally, your brain is throwing a party. Fireworks and confetti cannons are going off, a disco ball is flashing a rainbow of colours, and your heart is dancing along to some music, but you make sure to keep your face as casual as possible. That proves to be harder than you thought.
"Oh, is that so?"
There's something in those dark eyes of his that has butterflies swarming in your stomach. "Yes. I think I'm a much better dance partner than Ned Shaw."
"Who says we'll be dancing?" you say. "We've got a job to do tonight. I'm sure we'll be far too busy."
"I'll make time."
And now he's done it. Your breath catches in your throat, and a smile plays on your lips as you look away from Lockwood. You can feel his gaze on your face, still, and you feel all giddy and mushy inside. When you turn your eyes back, he's still watching you, studying your face intently, and you find yourself doing the same - enjoying tracing your eyes over the shape of his face, the neatness of his hair, the green tie he fiddles with the end of. The only sign of his emotions behind that bright, cocky smile.
"I was never going to go with Ned," you admit, your eyes firmly locked in place with his. "I already declined his offer."
"You did?" You don't miss the relief in his tone.
"Mm-hm. Told him about the roses, too. And, really, this book isn't that great. Quite naff, if I'm being honest. There is no way this man has ever seen a woman. I mean, seriously, in what world is this good writing?"
Lockwood laughs, and you wish you could record the sound and put it on repeat to use it as some sort of painkiller. You find yourself laughing, too. You feel at ease with Lockwood, comfortable just sitting with him. It would be a content life just relaxing here, curled up on the sofa, with him for the rest of your life, laughing and talking.
"So, I know I haven't bought you flowers, or a book, or anything, but will you be my date to the ball?" Lockwood asks.
It sounds a bit like a line from some fairytale, enough to make you laugh softly.
"I will, Lockwood. But, I have one request."
His smile is so radiant it lights up the whole room. "And that is?"
"Don't kill Ned."
"Ah, well, no promises."
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how common is it for (non-venemous) snakes to bite handlers? i work at a nature center and one of our non releasable snakes bit me recently- i had just put him back in his enclosure and he did something that startled me, so i jerked my hand back, which must have spooked him as well, so he bit me. my co-workers have told me that they've also been bitten by some of our snakes once or twice, but i was wondering how common it actually is for that to happen among people who actually keep snakes. i don't keep snakes and i don't know nearly enough about snakes as i'd like, but i do feel bad about it... mostly for spooking him.
Depends on the snake. Wild-caught snakes are far and away the worst for it, I get way more bites from wild snakes (I work at a nature center too!) than pets.
Socialized, adult pet snakes generally will not bite. Babies can be snappy and defensive, and there are always exceptions, but most adult pet snakes I've known simply will not try to bite anyone. You'll have some snakes with excellent feeding responses (like kingsnakes) where mistaken feeding bites can happen, but in general defensive bites are rare.
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ask-a-w · 1 year
Long recap about Death Island
Death Island aired on 22 June 2023 in my country and I watched it on the opening day.
Go in with low expectations and it's a fun action movie, don't expect a strong plot. The formula is similar to the previous RE CGI movies so the plot is pretty predictable!
As always, Leon destroys a vehicle and dangles from something with one arm. Leon is no longer cynical and depressed like he was in Vendetta.
Shipping is non-existent. Maybe some Valenfield if you take some scenes out of context. Cleon wise, also nothing since Leon only talks to Claire once or twice in the movie and it's about the mission. No Ada, sadly. For Jilleon, if you consider them being in the same room as shipping, sure. They conduct themselves professionally and Leon is his usual sarcastic quippy self.
Rebecca is just there 'cos she's the medical/science expert. Honestly both Claire and Rebecca don't do a whole lot in this movie.
There are no post-credit scenes.
I will be posting super lengthy spoilery recap below the Read More as I write down what happens scene by scene. So grab a drink and buckle in. If you can do a summary, feel free to do so.
Movie starts with a 1998 flashback featuring Dylan Blake, his best friend JJ, and other Umbrella soldiers in a truck that is headed towards Raccoon City in the very early days of the outbreak. They are given orders to evacuate Umbrella personnel & government officials only. If any civilian attempts to get through, they are to be shot on sight.
The truck reaches a blockade on the outskirts of the city where some uninfected Raccoon City citizens are scuffling with Umbrella soldiers. A government official’s car barely scrapes through the blockade.
The scene then cuts to Dylan, JJ, and team hiding in a butchery. Everyone except Dylan and JJ have been bitten. Orders are given on the radio to quarantine anyone who has been bit. JJ & Dylan separate themselves from the infected and hole up in a storage room that has a glass window that overlooks the adjacent room where the infected soldiers are. New orders are given that HQ won’t evacuate any uninfected Umbrella soldiers unless they kill their infected comrades. JJ readies a submachine gun (SMG), Dylan disagrees and briefly scuffles with JJ as their teammates turn into zombies and bang on the glass window which shows signs of fracturing. JJ gains the upper hand and starts shooting the zombies as Dylan lays on the floor and screams at JJ to “Stop it!”
Opening sequence time featuring each character’s mish mash of scenes from the games and this movie. You see everyone’s profiles and Leon’s profile is all redacted in black bars. Even his nationality is redacted which amuses me.
We are then shown a street in San Francisco in 2015 where Leon has parked his lime green motorbike on the side of the road as he listens to instructions from Hunnigan. They got back the OG voice actress for Hunnigan but we don’t get to see Hunnigan's face for this movie.
Hunnigan mentions a government employee who specialises in robotic engineering by the name of Antonio Taylor and he is wanted by the government for leaking military secrets to overseas groups. He has been kidnapped by terrorists in a white & orange truck and Leon is tasked to intercept said truck and “rescue” (aka arrest) Dr Taylor.
Leon spots the truck and there is a very exciting motorbike chase scene with the super powered Maria (from Vendetta) who interferes with her own motorbike. Leon destroys her motorbike but she manages to jump onto his motorbike to fight him off. Needless to say, Leon gets thrown off the bike, rolls on the road with no damage but his bike explodes in the process as he laments, “I loved that bike.”
Next scene is Claire investigating an orca carcass that has washed up on a beach. The local fishery official noticed a TerraSave tracker on the carcass and that’s why Claire is brought in because TerraSave has places trackers on marine animals for some reason... She measures the bite wound and the official asks if a shark caused this. Claire says the wound is bigger than a shark's mouth and is puzzled.
After that we are shown Jill in the dark in a garage of a house. She darts around carefully, repeatedly clicking her flashlight on and off as she searches the house. Chris orders her on the comms to secure the street but Jill responds that it's too late as she is already inside the house and then she shuts off her comms.
You might be annoyed by Jill turning the flashlight on and off because I found it very distracting.
Anyway she reaches the second floor of the house, notices blood stains on the wall and finds a female corpse on the floor of a bedroom. She gets ambushed by a male zombie, tussles with it, smashes through the second floor balustrade onto the glass table on the first floor and kills the zombie. This is the scene that is shown in the trailer.
The SWAT team and Chris in his BSAA uniform enter the house. SWAT surrounds Jill and point their weapons at her as she raises her hands. Chris says "She's with me" (feel free to count this as an out-of-context Valenfield moment) and the SWAT team disengage and search the house. Chris admonishes Jill for going into the house without backup while Jill says she's not gonna stand by and wait if there are innocent people to be saved.
We are introduced to the final main character and Rebecca is in a lab doing some research on a laptop. Chris walks in and asks for updates regarding the infected that have recently popped up in San Francisco. Rebecca says the twelve corpses in the morgue have an advanced strain of T-virus, no bite wounds, and only have needle marks. Those that are bitten by the advanced strain zombies do not turn but die from their wounds. They talk about Jill and if you watched the trailer, the conversation is about Jill and her lingering guilt of being brainwashed by Wesker.
We get to see another trailer shot of Jill shooting at targets in the gun range. Chris walks in and I don't know how Jill senses Chris is behind her but she knows he's there and takes off her ear mufflers. (Another Valenfield moment?) Chris discusses about Jill's recklessness. He talks about Piers Nivans from RE6 and how he was going to pass the baton to Piers but he tragically died to save Chris' life. Chris says people in their line of work have to be willing to die.
I can't remember much of the dialogue/argument between both of them but there's something along the lines of being soul-less and empty inside and how Jill continues to fight so she won't dwell on being empty. She ends the argument by putting on her ear mufflers and continues to angrily shoot at her targets.
Finally, we are in the big bad's secret liar where Maria and Dylan are holding a hooded Dr Taylor hostage (you won’t see the doc’s face until the later part of the movie), forcing the doctor to do some stuff on the computer. Dylan is shown with a limp and a cane. Dylan empties his revolver and leaves one bullet in the chamber. He plays russian roulette with Dr Taylor and since the gun does not fire, Dylan merely remarks Dr Taylor "will die by some other fate". Dylan also has a weird tic where he taps his cane on the floor at least five times in succession. We will learn why later...
Dylan then puts the gun to his own head and there's another flashback to the butchery in the opening scene. JJ is momentarily overwhelmed by a zombie and gets bit before he finishes off the horde with the SMG. Dylan tries one last time to plead with HQ to evacuate him and the injured JJ but HQ says all those who are bit must be killed.
Dylan and JJ fight over the SMG, and JJ fires the gun in the tussle, shooting bullets into Dylan's leg (which is why he has a limp in the present day). Dylan manages to get the SMG in the end. Flashback ends there with Dylan in the present day pulling the trigger of the revolver but nothing happens.
[From this point onwards, I might not get the scenes correctly in order but the content of the scenes are fairly accurate.]
Claire goes to the same lab where Jill, Chris, and Rebecca are in. Rebecca has analysed the bite wound on the orca carcass which has some remnant T-virus in it. The orca has been part of the herd swimming around Alcatraz. Rebecca also says this new T-virus cannot be transmitted airborne or by saliva which is concerning.
Anyway, all the victims are linked to Alcatraz so Jill, Chris & Claire (gonna dub them the trio) go to investigate while Rebecca stays behind to create a vaccine, and also be the mission liaison in case things go wrong.
The trio join a group of tourists to visit Alcatraz while Dr Taylor has escaped. Dylan tasks Maria to recover their hostage as he notices on CCTV that the trio have set foot on Alcatraz. Just when the trio plan to split off from the tour group to do some private sleuthing of their own, the tourists take turns to become zombies without being bitten.
Lots of impressive fight scenes as the trio try and fail to save the civilians. A security guard with a SMG is surrounded by zombies and their combined weight makes them crash through the floor into a sewer(?) tunnel below. Even though Jill loses her gun, she jumps in after the guard to save him by kniving a zombie but the guard sadly turns as well. Jill is now separated from the Redfield siblings.
Dylan also releases a cage full of lickers underwater with marine-like ear features that remind me of the monster from The Shape of Water. I am calling them marine-lickers to make it easier.
The siblings are now alone, surrounded by bodies. Their comms are jammed and they are worried about Jill. Both hear a thumping coming from a cart and they open it to find a cowering man hidden within. He gives his name as "Tony Davis" and I could spot from a mile away that the man was Antonio Taylor. They all try to get out of the island.
Jill, armed with only a knife and flashlight, carefully explores the tunnels. She spots a shadow in the tunnel and to us viewers, it is very obviously Leon's shadow. Jill and Leon briefly brawl with one another and come to a stalemate as Jill finally gets a good look at Leon's face and just exclaims in surprise, "Leon?"
Leon recognises Jill as well and they disengage while Leon gives Jill a spare gun from his vest before they get interrupted by a zombie. Before they can kill the zombie though, it gets pulled away by a long tongue and Leon briefly mentions "Not good" before he motions to Jill to stay silent.
Jill also has her back partially on the floor and against Leon's knee/foot(?) and Leon has one knee on the ground while his other knee/foot/hand(?) is propping Jill's back. I gotta admire Jill's serious control over her abdominal muscles as the marine-licker comes out of the shadows and uses its tongue to "taste" the air around Jill's knee and face. Jill is very disgusted and is grimacing.
One of the containers beside Jill's face begins to fall and she manages to catch it in time but she does not notice a small cartridge on top of the container which clatters to the ground. Leon shoots the marine-licker ASAP as two more marine-lickers join in the fray and they try to run away.
Jill's ankle gets snagged by a marine-licker and Leon dives in to grab Jill's hand to prevent her from being pulled away. Both of them try to kill the marine-lickers behind each other.
They run again as a bunch of marine-lickers come out from the shadows and there is a funny dialogue of Jill asking "How many are there?" as Leon replies "I am not stopping to count" before he kicks up a jerry can and shoots it, incinerating the tunnel of marine-lickers. He then replies "Zero" as Jill goes "What?" and Leon clarifies there are now zero lickers. Pffft.
The Redfields and "Tony" are holed up in a cafeteria and when "Tony" learns Claire is from TerraSave, he accuses her of being a bioterrorist for what happened in Harvardville (Degeneration). Claire angrily retorts that TerraSave was framed.
"Tony" wanders off and gets ambushed by a zombie. Claire steps in to save him and "Tony" apologises for his behaviour. We are then shown something's POV as it flies around the three of them. It aims for Claire's neck and she collapses, seemingly paralysed. Chris rushes to his sister before he gets paralysed too. "Tony" just runs away before he sees Maria on the stairs.
And we are back to Rebecca in the lab as she receives a call from Hunnigan about someone hacking into the DOD (department of defence) to obtain confidential information about bioterror attacks that have happened since Raccoon City along with files on Leon, Chris, Jill & Claire. Rebecca says she has not heard from the trio for 2 hours and decides to go rescue them. (This scene is in the trailer)
Leon and Jill are squatting down and making their way through a tunnel. (Leon is taking the lead btw) Jill questions why there is such a tunnel down here and Leon says it's probably used for transporting weapons from when Alcatraz was a military base. Jill quips Leon should be a tour guide.
Leon feels a draft of wind coming from a nearby wall and he pulls apart the wall brick by brick to find a crawl space. We do not see them crawling as they next appear in a spacious liar that has baby BOWs that are being incubated in the water, an armoury loaded with a ton of weapons that is next to a submarine dock that was "probably leftover from the military base".
They find a console that showcases bio-drones which are essentially mosquito drones. Dylan cackles over the comms and taunts Leon and Jill to go back to the prison compound where Claire & Chris are waiting.
Back to the prison compound they go while Rebecca is shown gearing up and carrying a case of vaccines as she is escorted by a SWAT team.
In the prison compound, Chris is in one jail cell while Claire & "Tony" are in another cell next to Chris. The Redfield siblings are pale and clearly unwell. Leon finally notices that Antonio is in the same cell as Claire and reveals the doctor's identity to everyone. Leon is also bit by the bio-drone and he slumps down to the floor.
Dylan & Maria finally make their appearance to the heroes and there's some egotistical villain dialogue. Dylan briefly name drops Glenn Arias from Vendetta as it is revealed both of them were acquainted. He hired Maria as she has some unfinished business with Leon for killing her dad.
Dylan says they should all be fighting the big organisations like the government who hide the truth instead of going after companies like Umbrella and individuals on the black market. He especially mocks Leon for working for the government that is clearly corrupt and Leon just says "It makes a living".
Dylan jeers at Claire for working with a NGO that does nothing but "only provides bandages" instead of doing real work to prevent bioterrorism.
He also ridicules Chris for having people die on every mission he's on and he keeps bringing in new people every time only for them to lose their lives.
Jill is spared from infection as Dylan wants her to feel his pain of seeing close friends turn and having to put them down. Claire is on the verge of turning and Dylan encourages Jill to shoot Claire before she can attack Antonio. Dylan taps his cane again and we flashback to the butchery.
Dylan has the SMG pointed at JJ and he pulls the trigger but it's empty. JJ tries to rummage through the mess on the floor and finds another SMG but Dylan grabs a metal box and smashes JJ's head with it at least five times (same rhythm as the cane), killing JJ.
Jill has her gun pointed at Dylan instead of Claire and Dylan shoots Antonio in the chest anyway. Maria and Jill fight a tiny bit before Leon manages to throw a flashbang as a distraction for Jill to escape. Dylan and Maria leave after that for "their final plan" and Dylan tells Maria not to go after Jill because there is nowhere else for Jill to go.
A dying Antonio asks the heroes why they keep fighting when things are so bleak and Leon and Chris say "There's Jill". Claire tries desperately to staunch Antonio's bleeding before Antonio reveals a secret code for a failsafe hidden in his pen. He hands the code to Claire and passes away.
Back to Rebecca on a boat as they approach Alcatraz and pull up to a choppy dock. The SWAT team notice a bogey approaching on the boat's radar which turns out to be an infected shark. Everyone dies via shark except Rebecca (plot armour is strong!)
Jill meets Rebecca in the tunnels as Jill heads towards the secret liar and she tells Rebecca to go to the cell block as the others are infected.
Back to Leon, Chris, and Claire as they shudder in pain and try their hardest not to turn. Rebecca arrives and Leon recognises her and calls her by name. Rebecca administers the vaccine to Leon by injecting him in the neck.
Jill arrives at the secret lair and the baby BOWs have released tons of bio-drones into the air which has now spread all over the globe.
Back to Rebecca, Claire, and Chris as both siblings are now cured, albeit still weakened, and out of their cells. Leon is absent as he ran off to the secret lair as soon as he could stand.
Leon is back at the console in the secret lair and tries to stop the bio-drones but he is interrupted by Maria who wants revenge on him for killing her father in Vendetta. It's a very fierce battle since Maria is super powered and Leon is still recovering so he is barely dodging her attacks. Leon gets his head & body smacked a lot in this fight too. Ouch. Maria is the one that throws a chair at Leon in the trailer.
There are also meme worthy scenes of Maria trying to put Leon in a headlock with her legs... I'm sure dirty-minded fans will have a field day with this.
Leon gets a sudden rush of energy and manages to kick Maria so hard she gets impaled on a rebar and dies. Leon shows no remorse btw and he never flirts with her in this movie.
Jill finds Dylan at the submarine dock and he injects himself in the head with the advanced T-virus and falls into the water below to merge with the BOW shark.
We have all five heroes grouping up and pointing their weapons at the mutated Dylan which looks like a cross between an elephant, RE6 HAOS, and RE4 mutated Saddler. Trailer shot of all five of them jumping to avoid the tentacle and then all of them separate after that with Jill and Chris finding caches of weapons to attack Dylan, Rebecca and Claire fire RPGs before Leon asks Claire to use Antonio's passcode on the console. Rebecca decides to accompany Claire.
All the massive weapons deal no damage to Dylan. Leon even drives a truck full of explosives into Dylan too. (Second vehicle Leon destroys in this movie)
Jill finds a short-ranged plasma rifle and asks Chris and Leon to lure Dylan over to her. So we get the trailer shot of Leon driving a humvee while Chris mans the machine gun turret on the back, shooting at Dylan and trying to get Dylan within Jill's range. Jill fires the weapon and while Dylan is seemingly dead, he still comes back to life.
Jill tries again to fire the plasma rifle but it needs time to charge and she gets smacked away by Dylan and Chris runs up to her to make sure she's alright. (Another Valenfield moment!)
Jill, Chris, and Leon run around the dock as Dylan rampages.
Before Claire can enter the killcode, Rebecca stops her and says they can control the bio-drones and the drones attack Dylan's body, "messing with its DNA".
Dylan tries desperately to escape into the ocean and they all try to close the gate leading out to sea. The gate lowers very slowly...
Jill has found a bag of weapons(?) and pulls out a flare, taunting Dylan to follow her as Leon and Chris try to assemble this huge-ass RPG that requires two people to carry.
Jill then dives into the water, Dylan follows after her, and she tries to shove a grenade into Dylan's mouth but is briefly strangled by the strap of her bag of weapons. She knives Dylan's eyeball and cuts the bag strap to free herself. It almost looks like Jill loses consciousness & sinks but then the camera cuts away to Leon and Chris firing the huge-ass RPG on the chains of the gate to make it drop down even faster.
Gate drops down on Dylan's head but doesn't quite decapitate him, Jill's bag of grenades (I think) goes off and Dylan's body explodes in a shower of goo.
Jill climbs out of the dock, miraculously dries off within a minute, and looks at the water with Dylan's gooey body. Leon and Chris are further away behind her, look at the body for a few seconds before they turn and walk away.
Scene transitions to the outside of Alcatraz where it is now sunrise. Leon jokes he can add "tour guide" into his resume as three helicopters are seen flying towards Alcatraz.
The camera shows an overhead view of Alcatraz and slowly pulls out... before the end credits roll with reels from the movie shown on the left and names of the people who worked on the movie on the right. (Kinda like Damnation's end credits)
So yeah, that's the movie. Pretty linear and not as messy as Vendetta but still predictable as the villain turns into a BOW.
Thanks for reading! I know I got a little tired at the end. I would say to watch this movie when the blu-ray/DVD comes out, probably not worth the money to watch in the theatre.
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detentiontrack · 2 months
alter intro???? ALTER INTRO??? (only if u want! /nf. signed, another system)
Sure! Why not. So I can’t make them front on command so this is all written by me (sage)
(Also I’m very early in awareness so there could be more I don’t know about yet. But these are the main ones.)
Cameron/Cam (do NOT call him Cam unless he says you can), 21, he/him, bisexual, protector/deals with triggers and self care, has probably been present since the trauma started.
- comes out if I’m making bad decisions or not taking care of myself (like if I don’t eat or drink water and have no motivation to make food)
- comes out if I’m extremely distressed and can’t use my coping skills, and then makes us do the coping skills himself
- frequently flirts with men and changes my tinder profile to show men
- hates taylor swift for some reason (is a weezer/the front bottoms fan. Also dabbles in boy genius and phoebe bridgers but will never admit it. Sorry Cam lol)
- other than me, he knows the most about psychology (our major) and in a pinch, can function at school (doesn’t like taking tests though so that’s MY responsibility)
- the only other part besides me that knows how to drive (he was the most present when I was learning how to drive because I was so anxious about it)
- yells at me for not eating or sleeping and leaves me nastygrams if I don’t take care of myself
Lily, 17-25 depending, she/her, no sexuality (not aromantic, she just hates everyone equally and thinks all people are inherently untrustworthy and bad and thinks we should not have ANY relationships. We’re working on that in therapy.) persecutor, been present since about age 9, deals with conflict, holds residual eating disorder symptoms (mostly body/appearance based symptoms) also can’t experience social anxiety or insecurity.
- is the only one who really meets the criteria for BPD (shocker /s)
- deals with interpersonal conflicts like relationship and family issues.
- literally hates everyone. Especially Cameron. It feels like trying to gentle parent kindergarteners when they’re both co conscious.
- hyper feminine. Will dress my body up with makeup and hairstyles and fancy clothes even if we’re just going to the grocery store.
- sometimes comes out or is co conscious when I’m feeling really insecure or socially anxious
- that annoying vegan + low carb + low sugar girlie. Yells at me if I eat bread twice in the same day.
- to be fair to her, used to be a LOT worse. Her role while living in an abusive household used to be to be super oppositional and stand up for us and our siblings so no one gets hurt. She has bitten someone before and would do it again. Literally isn’t afraid of anything. This can backfire though if someone hurts my feelings and she wants revenge.
- doesn’t like driving and doesn’t know how to drive but always wants to front while I’m driving
- doesn’t know anything about our education or the things we learned in school, and thinks our major is cringe.
- thinks literally everything is cringe and lame
- just told me this post is stupid and everyone should “mind their own goddamn fucking business” (I, Sage, don’t feel that way though!! Ask whatever you’d like /gen)
(???) I’ve been referring to him as Jared. Ageless (but I get middle aged man vibes) No pronouns or sexuality (I just go with he/him), present since the start of trauma, last resort alter
- by last resort, I mean his job is to completely shut off all emotions if it’s not safe to process them in the moment. During the abuse, it manifested in going completely “blank”, and now as I navigate triggers, he shuts off all emotions and makes me numb like a robot and fronts until I’m in a safe place.
(Like it happened a while back when I got triggered at a grocery store. He kept us together until I got to my car and could breakdown and allowed me + Cam to deal with it)
- Cam HATES him because he believes that we should be processing our emotions in the moment and not repressing things (which is fair, because I repressed all emotions and trauma for a long time, but sometimes I need to keep it together at work or in school or in public)
- rarely ever talks or is co conscious. It’s all or nothing with him.
(I don’t feel comfortable saying her name online for personal reasons so I’ll call her C) C, 8/9-11. She/her. No sexuality because she is a child. Child alter (the term “little” personally icks me out)
- rarely ever fully fronts but loves making her presence known
- my therapist and I’s best guess is that she’s basically me if I hadn’t gone through all of the trauma and lost my childhood innocence (I also was always expected to function like an adult in my actual childhood so I never really got to act like a kid)
- likes “childish” media like amphibia, toh, and inside out/io2
- likes to dance and be silly
- biggest fan of lily but lily HATES her and thinks she’s annoying
- comes out when listening to certain pop songs or when I’m being silly with my little siblings
- doesn’t have the ability to feel angry and doesn’t know what abuse or trauma is. Remembers absolutely nothing from our childhood. My therapist and I are working to understand if she even knows if she’s a part of a system
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beeatrixi-study · 1 year
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Week 2 of university done!! It’s been a pretty successful week, with 100% attendance and all caught up with work :)
Things I did this week:
Got my engagement up from partial to good! My lecturer keeps pushing the importance of engagement, and he is pushing it hard. He pretty much says that ‘if your engagement is below good, don’t bother coming to class or trying. You are likely to fail’. I understand that this is true, but the engagement algorithm that the university uses does not consider things like: students living off campus, being ill, downloading material beforehand and not accessing the learning environment, students taking the weekend off, etc. It is very demoralising to see your engagement only being marked as partial, just because its the weekend, and you have the textbook downloaded...
I don’t live on campus, so I don’t get the free points from just being connected to the university WiFi, but when I am on campus, my engagement hits the high level. I am, however, still consistently above average!
My daily planning is very useful! I plan out pretty much every moment of my day, and this week, as a part of my academic skills module, we had to hand in a time log, so I essentially got a free 10% on the module, because I do that anyway. I showed the lecturer to ask if it was acceptable to hand in, and he took a look at my work, safe to say, he was a little shocked. My planning comes across as a little insane, which, I guess, it is! I need a fairly rigid plan, otherwise my brain does not think of tasks as urgent, and will put them off till the last minute. For me, this includes things like: eating, showering, going to the toilet, taking medication, brushing teeth. I require a visual reminder of things (hence the reason I carry my water bottle everywhere, I am very prone to dehydration).
This weeks coding work was pretty easy. We use a language called processing (which is pretty much just Java). All we had to do was copy an image of a house using primitive shapes in the language. Took me about 40 minutes because I literally colour selected the proper colours from the image, and even found the exact co-ordinates. I’ve always found co-ordinates hard, something about them just doesn’t work in my brain, but processing works weirdly; it reverses the Y coordinate. Imagine a four quadrant graph. When faced with a co-ordinate with two positive numbers, you would assume the top right quadrant is where the co-ordinate would fall. But no, in processing it falls in the bottom right. As the Y co-ordinate gets larger, you move downwards...
The computing theory this week was difficult, simply due to the fact of how long the binary numbers were! We had to convert a string of binary sent in hamming code, find the error, and then convert the hamming code to regular UTF-8 binary code, then to UTF-8 hexadecimal code, and then find the character it referred to (which was an obscure Ethiopic symbol, might I add). This left lots of room in copying errors, which happened to me… twice… I got the methods correct, just issues copying down the initial number… My assessed theory problems were much easier, as the numbers ASCII and not Unicode! We have been assured that the binary numbers in the final exam will NOT be Unicode!
In my numerical methods module, we have been working on a quiz for the past 2 weeks, and mine finally got marked! 100% in every problem!! Woo hoo! I’m not so good at maths, but I’m working hard to get the top mark!
Finally, I bought myself some makeup as a congratulations for this week! People who know me from elsewhere will know that I ADORE a clear gloss, so I brought a new tube of my favourite Rimmel Oh My Gloss, and I am trying out some new products: The Revolution Pro Hydra gloss (Shade Mode; clear of course) which, I’m not sure I like, as it is a plumping lip gloss, never really been my thing. The applicator feels strange, and the texture is… unusual. And my new favourite Revolution lip oil (Shade Bitten Kiss; once again, clear)! I adore this oil so much. It’s from their Halloween range, so it looks like a vial of centrifuged blood! I migh have a look if they have other shades next week, and I’ll keep and eye out for the lip tint! I also bought a new Nyx Epic Ink eyeliner, in black of course. I adore the brush applicator, and I think this is my new preferred eyeliner. :)
Go check out my instagram for frequent updates through the week!
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by the wonderful and beloveds @honestlydarkprincess, @heartbeatdiaz <3 <3 <3
the usual suspects are tempting me away from my current wips:
demon possessed buck which i'm pretty sure i've talked about before
buck gets bitten by a werewolf during the lawsuit
buck goes to a bdsm club during the lawsuit and has a bad time
but i also rediscovered some other wips that are now tempting me, spicing things up:
buck adopts a safe haven baby and she has some medical complications and it's full of angst and buddie co-parenting and pining
buck during his recovery from the lightning strike burns his hands and eddie patches him up
buck dissociates hella hard while taking new sleep medication and ends up in the middle of nowhere and bobby has to come get him
tagging @rainbowtartt, @morganofthefairies, @swiftietartt, @maygrantgf, @lovebuck, @herodiaz, @icarusbuck, @princessfbi, @homerforsure, @monsterrae1, @rottenmarigolds, @shortsighted-owl, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, @alyxmastershipper, @devirnis, and anyone else who would like to participate! (sorry if i tagged you twice and it's kinda late so you can count this towards wip wednesday!)
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mirror-lock · 1 year
Hi, I'm Kaiya.
Nice to meet you all, Tumblr! I'm a writer, editor, game designer, and performer in the indie TTRPG space.
You might know me as the creator of Her Odyssey, a solo journaling game where you follow the journey of a wanderer trying to find her way home - or find a new home. Built on the Caltrop Core system by Titanomachy RPG, this contemplative game is played with just a deck of cards, a handful of d4s, and a place to record your journal entries. Her Odyssey has received almost six thousand downloads and is coming to print with all-new art on May 5th!
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Or perhaps you've heard of one of my other indie TTRPGs:
Pearl & Provenance, a two-player game about two nameless demigods fleeing the ruin of their old world and creating a new one together
Galatea, a solo journaling game about a living masterpiece struggling to live up to their creator's unrealistic expectations of perfection
Untitled Moth Game, a solo journaling game about a cursed were-moth seeking to rescue her true love (written as a present for cassimothwin)
You, Beyond the Pale, a solo journaling game about being a monster living alone in the wild, bewildered by a world full of mortals
DIY Identity, a one-page two-player game about missed paths in life. Must be played in an IKEA store.
The Traitor Princess, a one-page multi-player game about coping with upheaval and subliminating emotions. Must be played while donating your clothes.
I've also created my own SRD, Aspire, for both experienced and first-time game designers alike to write TTRPGs with! Aspire is built from the design principles that went into my first few games and is set up to provide a framework for narrative-driven RPGs with turning points that change both the stakes and the rules.
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And if you're more on the D&D side of things, you may know me as the player of Lilissen, the secretive and frail half-elf from Curse of Strahd: Twice Bitten. Twice Bitten was a 100% Rules-As-Written Curse of Strahd campaign, played by five former CoS DMs and DMed by DragnaCarta, best known for his popular Curse of Strahd: Reloaded guides. The campaign is fully complete as of February 2022 and can be found on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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You can find all my games on my Itch page, and you can find more about everything I do (including voice acting, interviews, TTRPG design advice, Lilissen's epilogue, my mailing list...) on my website.
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werewiire · 8 months
anyone on this webbed site listen to the twice bitten CoS podcast
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simply-whump · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy (星汉灿烂) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Ling Buyi (Zisheng) played by Leo Wu
Synopsis : Ling Bu Yi, foster son of Emperor Wen and a talented & ruthless general of the Black Armour Army, was on a personal mission to uncover hidden truths about the past which had led to the massacre of an entire city & of his clan, when he met Cheng Shao Shang during a mission to apprehend a fugitive in a rural village. (MDL)
Genre : Historical, Mystery, Romance, Political
Note : This one of my all time favorite Cdrama, so I made an edit (not whump related) for it. If you want to, you can see it here >> LINK
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
Ep 1-3 : None
Ep 4 : Emotional, angry outburst, crying
Ep 5-11 : None
Ep 12 : Shot by an arrow while protecting someone, concern for him, stumbling, worried for someone, riding his horse to rescue female lead without treating his injury — Doctor doesn’t know how to get the arrowhead out of his body, sweating, concern for him, treated by female lead, in pain, pressure put on wound, bandaged (Gif set)
Ep 13 : Wound infected, treated, in pain, emperor (his father figure) worried for him (he cares a lot about him so their interactions are alway great), scolded for not properly treating his injury sooner — Given medicine
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Ep 14-16 : None
Ep 17 : Fighting
Ep 18-19 : None
Ep 20 : Kneeling for six hours, scolded by the emperor, refuses to get up, kicked twice, more scolding
Ep 21 : None
Ep 22 : Almost falls from a roof, barely hanging on from the edge of the roof with one hand while holding female lead with the other, struggling, pushing himself and female lead up — Old injury relapses, in pain, concern for him — Injury strained, in pain — Emperor worried about him and goes to check on him
Ep 23-26 : None
Ep 27 : Upset, drinking
Ep 28 : Leg cut, angry — Doesn’t want to see the imperial physician to treat his wound, emperor worried about him — Female lead worried about him — More worried emperor
Ep 29 : Exhausted after waking up super early for many consecutive days (comedic)
Ep 30 : None
Ep 31 : Crying
Ep 32 : None
Ep 33 : Biten 
Ep 34 : Hand bandaged
Ep 35 : None
Ep 36 : Worried for someone — Small bandages on his finger after practicing the zither for a long time
Ep 37 : None
Ep 38 : Scolded, repeatedly flogged, groaning in pain, bleeding, female lead very worried about him, shielded, hugged — In bed, looked after, given medicine
Ep 39 : Attending court while laying down in bed
Ep 40 : Worried for someone — Crying, angry
Ep 41 : Hit by a piece of bread, scolded — Grabbed by the collar, pushed, scolded
Ep 42 : None
Ep 43 : Surrounded, fighting alone something like 30 people at the same time (such a cool fight), almost stabbed (the blade was stopped by his armour)
Ep 44 : Worried for someone
Ep 45 : None
Ep 46 : Has an allergic reaction, unwell, groaning in pain, concern for him, has rashes on his hand, feverish, leaning on female lead — Angry
Ep 47 : Angry outburst — Devastated, shouting, drinking, getting drenched in the rain, concern for him, collapsing on his knees, screaming in despair, comforted, hugged, emotional, crying — Grieving, bitten
Ep 48 : Confronting his archenemy, fighting something like 30 people again — Bloody and injured, stumbling, angry, laughing a bit crazily, sword digging into his shoulder, finally gets his revenge (this scene was sooo great and satisfying), half crying, half laughing
Ep 49 : Emotional, teary-eyed, resigned to die, shot by an arrow, stumbles, keeps walking, shot a second time, stumbles, pulls the arrow out, defiant, saved, chased, standing at the edge of a cliff, shielded, falls from the cliff on purpose, concern for him — Half-dead down the cliff, barely hanging on, passing out
Ep 50 : Found, pulled up from the cliff, unconscious — Treated, gravely injured, doesn’t loosen his grip from his wrist so the physician has a hard time treating him, concern for him — In bed, truth revealed about his true identity, talking about his traumatic past, emotional, crying
Ep 51 : (previous scene continues) Hugged, comforted — Crying
Ep 52 : Fighting on the battlefield, exhausted, collapses — Falls from his horse exhausted, concern for him — In bed, looked after
Ep 53 : Crying — Worried for someone, stopping a blade with his bare hand, bleeding, in a carriage that’s about to fall down a cliff, hanging from the edge of a cliff while holding female lead, groaning in pain, saved
Ep 54 : Teary-eyed — Ambushed, fighting
Ep 55 : Attacked, fighting, isolated from his troops — Trapped in a burning room with no escape, coughing, concern for him, almost saved, stopped from escaping, LOTS of concern for him (everyone thinks he is dead), appears alive and well (he managed to escape at the last second), hugged, forgiven — Fighting
Ep 56 : Worried for someone
>> More Whump Lists
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blueflower-sprite · 1 month
Monster High - G1's Continuities Summary
Only for G1, even if again, this can be murky at the very best (G3 is my baby, too, and G2 may be deserving better).
There is many who thinks that Monster High is a straight line, think that the new YA content is a sequel... I want to clarify just for the continuities inside the G1. And judging by the growing of this Gen, I think we will receive other continuities to introduce all ages.
Also, I'm not a ultime fan or something - so take in consideration the date of this post - 20 / 08 / 2024.
Because Monster High can evolve, and I'm only a fan who attempt to show another part of the fandom and the brand's possible takes, basing myself on the official Wiki and my own experience.
I'm also a fanfic writer myself. So... Yeah. I'm reading fanfics and give them a chance. Even ''licensed one''... I can like it or pass, like everyone.
This post, even attempting to explain, is subjective. You can correct me.
Canon = What is approved by Mattel in term of products.
Continuity = The different ''universes'' of G1. Yes, that exist. And nobody should impose you his own canon, but his own is canon, because the content used is canon.
Particularities - The main G1 universe if you like visual medias, and if you base yourself on the movies and cartoons. Well... The Volume 1 is even a different continuity than the rest, but I digress. There is 6 volumes, and ''specials too'', that take place in different volumes, apparently.
The movie are also a kind of logical continuation, pairing with them. They are kinda the ''must'' of Monster High G1, but when the G1 was cancelled, the cross-over with EAH, her ''twin universe'', was cancelled too. And yes, for me, this is the main continuity too... Why ? Because you have EAH connections in the whole MH universe, even in G2 with the Legend of Shadow High Book. Gigi Grant also was helped by the Giles Grimm... A EAH's character. And Cupid is a former student of Monster High.... And the Boo York's movies cameo ?
Well, it's canon.
Particularities - The main G1 universe, if you base yourself on the dolls, because MH being a Doll Brand and all. Diaries are a must for character lore, and are mostly considered a deep insight into each. The past of Draculaura, for example, is revealed there. But keep in mind that this is his own continuity - there is references to the movies, and as such, but it's only my opinion, I put them together naturally - but even, it's supposed to have a individual continuity by Wiki's word. G1-like lines were continued on the basis of G2, and as such, many were confused between them. So, just in case, I'm here to tell you that diaries follow until 2016, if I remember, then stop the diary G1 continuity.
BOOKVERSES (with a S, please).
Particularities - Some may be sad that books and comics impose a new thing - but hey, Monster High DON'T have a linear book / comic continuity - it's the more AU things you can't ever see in the whole canon. More a different playground. You can choose you're own elements based on you're reads, and every books series is virtually is own continuity inside Monster High. The main fun of Monster High is that everyone can say ''ho, fuck that book it's not part of MH story, but this one is the best canone ever I adopt him''. I'm like that since childhood. I adopted the two last if you want to know my take, Lisi Harrison is just a crack, but a funny one.
Lisi Harrison's Monster High Series (2010) - Yes, before Once Bitten Twice Dead screw you're G1, there was Lisi Harrison. And strangely, we were more receptive of a content that was also very different ? I don't remember being a fan of Lisi Harrison - I was just fascinated. It's actually do a more light co-habitation between monsters and human, introducing like the book AU elements like RAD. Also, it's give Gossip Girl vibes, and american series vibes, too. Not my type, but is kinda sharing the bucket with OBTD in terms of ''weird YA vibes''.
Ghoulfriends (2012) - You're fed up with the main squad ? Well, follow Robecca, Venus, and Rochelle in their own adventures ! Yes, Draculaura and the others are not whole MC, and this book is the canon proof that the ''Normie Bad'' plot is not a surprise, and a recurring thing.
Nessi Monstrata Diaries Series (2014 - 2015) - The closest to G1 lore in my personal opinion. Draculaura gain a new stepmother called Ramoanah, for example - knowing her backstory, I think this was cute and interesting. Also, Deydet, Cleo's mother, return, too. But read the Hexiciah diary, and you will see the beautiful thing of canon continuities...
For me, these two lasts are the G1 canon, but you are free to have you're own opinion.
I'm legitimate to like the G1 ? - Yes, even if you prefer childish content - it's not make you a ''unlegitimate adult'' or ''immature person''. But please, remember that G1 is by nature a whole multiverse by itself. Some hate that, but it's a doll brand, and so, a necessity. I think the true tragedy will be when they will want to impose a canon against all continuities that make people's own canon.
2022 and additional contents (yes, this seems separated from actual G1 for me - if you doubt this, I invite you to remember the first steps of G2 who were also not clear, and the Canon's definition of MH on the Wiki - many conflicts were also resolved in the main G1 continuity, and the authors just put them again).
General Particularities - Follow the webisodes, but seems more a very light reboot of G1 for YA, actually ? I don't know what is that, exactly. The Haunt Coutures Diaries were... fine, but off ? It can have potential, but G1 is technically finished for me.
Webisodes are the only other media included in the promotion, too. So... YA reboot ? YA new continuity or ''parallel dimension'' ? Or something.
Diaryverse - Nothing to say, for now. The Haunt Couture Diaries doesn't even seems canon to the novels and comics for now. Clawd is always with Draculaura, for example, and the themes are more MH-like. Too little content to judge yet, so for now, separated just in case.
Particularities - The IDW-verse seems to be based on G1, but cherry-pick the lore. Despite the fact that this came very late, and shouldn't technically be G1 as the Gen was cancelled before G2, it's actually an AU or What If by judging the fact that this is not considered as a Sequel in advertisement, but just a canon book (Canon mean ''Mattel accepted and published'', but doesn't mean a linear canon, sequel, or following, of the main G1 continuity and contents). The comics are not finished, so I can't say more, for now - because obviously, it's not finished.
It's a Sequel of G1 ? - No already judging by the book, but it's canon to the MH multiverse and start his own continuity. I invite you to read Ghoulfriends and Hexiciah Steam's SDDC diary in parallel, to have a more clear visual of that ''continuity'' thing, and see why I'm saying that... These two elements are canon too, if you ask.
I'm legitimate to like the IDW-verse ? - Yes. Despite the fact that I'm hating the new YA novel (can't judge the comics for now), I'm not hating you and you're choices. Do what you want, accept other fan's opinons and let them know to respect you're also.
Upcoming YA Movieverse ?
Hypothetical particularities ? Universal and Mattel are producing a Monster High movie right now - not sure this is G1, but I doubt this will be the IDW au (technically, IDW is separated of other continuities). I'm hoping they put another storyline with better vibes personally - reflecting another side of Monster High. The YA novel didn't sound Monster High to me, but as a licencied fanfic (fanfic are not bad, but are not always serious on the lore, vibes, relationships, and all...).
Be yourself, be unique.
Don't be scared.
G1 will be more vast for the future. But if you're a G1 of old, you know that continuity is part of Mattel's brand. One continuity never erase another - G1 fans are in their right to accept the new contents as part of their own canon (and canon, like I say, can be the same or a different continuity - it's a taste and fan's specificity), and other are in their right to reject it as part of their own continuities / canons.
But all of this is Canon in general for everyone, because otherwise, everyone would not have the right to have their own continuities and canons. Monster High is for diversity - remember ?
You just choose you're own Continuity - and you can even have different ones, different stories not connected at all, that you will cherish as part of you're favorite childhood and hyper-fixation.
We have the chance to have a doll brand for everyone, for every stories, and every generations or playground, remember ?
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intersexalastor · 1 year
twice getting an itch and having to lift his mask briefly to really scratch at it and shigaraki glances over and clamps his hands (minus pinky) over his own neck and glares at toga, saying, "is that crazy bitch going around biting people?"
toga turns up her nose and informs shigaraki that she uses a knife (or other sharp instrument) like a civilized person, thank you very much, and has bitten no one (except for spinner that one time on accident, of which shu verbally notes).
shig would squint his eyes at twice who's only halfway in this conversation, asking if a hero chomped on him the week prior and wtf does he have another one peeking out from his back.
all questions that twice stutters in answering, force-laughing through the crazed words he's strung together to sate his leader's (and now toga and co's) curiosity
everyone's curiosity, that is, except for dabi, who laces his replacement boots with a little smirk on his face, enjoying the public gawking of marks he's left over (all over) his lover's skin
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track2hack · 2 months
On a scale from 1 to “being bitten twice by a baby rat before letting it go” how dumb are yall? Cos I’m a solid 10 today 🥴
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