#twicestung ( angela )
ficjhtclub · 5 years
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TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS : closed starter @twicestung​ for Angela.
For the most part, he was PLAYING PRETEND. He pretended to look the way humans look, feel the way humans feel. He’d been assigned to this girl after her mother had died, and for a while...he hung back. It wasn’t time to show himself to her, yet— he helped her from afar: moving speeding cars out of her way in high school, nudging a hiring manager in the right direction after her college graduation.
Her success was his continued success.
She’d been going through a rough patch as an adult, now, working at a job that didn’t respect her passion or her competency. So he’d stepped out of the shadows, met her in the middle of the street and said what she wanted to hear.
Named himself TYLER DURDEN.
And now, here he stands, knocking on the door to the apartment.
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        “ Hey, ”         he crooned after she opened the door,         “ what’s going on? You weren’t answering my texts... ”
Weird, mortal boxes. Illuminating all of human knowledge in a matter of minutes if you were connected to floating satellites correctly... The amount of things he turned a blind eye to just so that he wouldn’t blow his cover. The number was climbing higher every day. 
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mrf34r · 4 years
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< haunting of hill house starters >
@twicestung​ asked: ❛ I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well. ❜ // Angela
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That made him laugh, very short and disbelieving. He’s sure he looked worse for wear, exhausted and worn down from the session he’d just got done with. Krista still upheld her restraining order, which Elliot wasn’t going to contend. She wasn’t reporting that he’d broken it, and he wanted to let her move on. But she’d recommended a specialist, and after Sam had relinquished control and Elliot had come back, well. 
He needed to work through more than he used to. He couldn’t ignore that his panic attacks were getting worse, way more frequent. Especially now that it was getting colder, moving through October...
But he hadn’t lost Angela, and she was still here to get him after all the awful shit he’d put her through. By accident...
“ Thanks... ”      He smoothed his fingers through his hair and smiled again.      “ Um... D’you think we can go get fast food? Like, a milkshake or something? ”        He knew it was cheap to give in to cravings every time you felt shit, but this new therapist was very adamant... 
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rebeltypedarc1-blog · 5 years
GUESS  WHO  IS  BACK  FROM  THEIR  HOLIDAY?    me,  i  am  and  i  am  actually  feeling  refreshed  and  motivated  to  write  again.    so  i  am  going  to  be  slowly  building  up  all  my  blogs,  making  sure  i  have   a  queue  going  on  all  of  them  and  that  i  am  semi - active  on  them  all.    under  the  cut  is  a  list  of  all  my  blogs  and  the  order  i  will  be  making  them  active.    i’ve  missed  you  all  and  can’t  wait  to  get  caught  up  on  things.
-     @srpentpack​  :  archie  horror  comics  multi - muse. -     @coophunts​  :  the  hunger  /  vampironica  based  betty  cooper,  sideblog  to  srpentpack.
-    @twicestung​  :  multi  fandon  mutli - muse.
-    @rebeltyped​  :  total  drama’s  duncan. -    @kincaided​  :  mr  robot’s  angela  moss.
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riddl3r · 5 years
kincaided / twicestung
@kincaided / @twicestung
Do I Follow Them?: YES!!!
Why Did I Follow Them?: cause I met them through my tyrell blog, and I love them and they are awesome and talented!
Do We Role Play?: not much yet in this blog, but I certainly hope to more things! as I hope I will get back on Tyrell.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: I REALLY REALLY DO!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: with Angela, it’s already an AU really. villain Ed/Riddler and Angela interactions could be interesting too? as for twicestung muses? Hmm Dr. Harleen and Ed? For Oswald, we could have them meeting in arkham first?
A Song For Our Muses: mind is blank right now, but if I think of anything I will let you know! and please do the same!
Do I Ship Our Muses?: with angela, no (cause my ed is gay), but I’d love to explore their friendship! with harley same thing, but they have a different dynamic. And with oswald...OF COURSE I DO
What I Think About The Mun: AKJASK I love them??? they are so awesome!!! so sweet and such a great friend!! like there are no words to describe the awesomness okay? okay.
Overall Opinion: perfection! they are so talented and their love and passion for their muses shows! I miss our ships in the other blogs, which are ships that I never thought were possible? the writing with them is truly an amazing experience. I am so so glad i met them and get to interact with them ooc and ic!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10!!!!!
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mrf34r · 4 years
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< the haunting of hill house starters | accepting >
@twicestung​​​ asked: ❛ I’m so sorry our last words were in anger. ❜ // ANGELA
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ANGER WAS ONE WAY to describe the taste their last interaction left in his mouth. Her frustration had seeped out into his, melding together in some awful, coagulated wretch. He hadn’t even known where to look for her. Tyrell and the buildings, and Elliot wouldn’t go see her unless it was through a closed door, as if seeing her was physically too much for him to bear. Maybe it had been. Maybe it was.
But she knew it was him, right now. She could tell, she said. So he didn’t have to talk about what Elliot said through the door, this was something else.
“ Takes two to have an argument, ” he muttered. Maybe the sting was gone from him, but he still was holding her gaze. That wouldn’t change, not unless something big rocked him. He swallowed. “ Water under the bridge, right? ” He fisted his hat Elliot’s jacket in his fingers. “ It’s good that...Price hid you away like that. Protected you.” When I couldn’t. “ The...photos were...very convincing. ”
He cleared his throat. “ We’re...sort of in the middle of something, again. Y’know, Elliot... with fSociety, sort of. We’re not done. ” Kept on fiddling with the jacket, twisting it in his hands. “ And I’ve — I’ve already tried talking him out of it, so no offense, but I don’t think you’d be able to, either... ”
A part of him wonders if she knows the entire truth. About Elliot. About the whole thing. 
He really wished he had somebody to vent his frustrations to, but knowing there was even a chance that Elliot could hear about it stopped him. It wasn’t his place to ruin that utopia he’d built for him. No matter how much it was starting to sting.
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mrf34r · 5 years
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The Haunting of Hill House Starters. Accepting. @twicestung​​ asked: ❛ Some things can’t be told. You live them or you don’t. ❜ from Angela.
He hadn’t known where exactly he’d been g0ing, but Angela still caught up with him, anyways. ( Shit. I don’t think I can tell her to go away without sounding like an asshole. )
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“ It’s nothing, ” Elliot said, his voice even, “ I’m just — not gonna go back to Gideon’s and ask him to...change the — TV. ” Nothing was making sense, his words, his f00tsteps. He felt like he was two feet tall, but that didn’t make sense, either. He couldn’t stop walking. If he just kept going maybe the tempest in him would die down... Elliot started walking faster away from Gideon’s, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his hoodie.
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ficjhtclub · 5 years
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NONVERBAL MEMES : accepting. @twicestung​​ asked “[ kiss ] for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning” from Angela.
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Joe chuckled after some joke Angela had made, something soft and cheesy and exactly what he’d needed to hear. He was cooking in the kitchen, the burn on the back of his hand from last night still stinging sharply. She’d wrapped his hand in gauze after cleaning the wound with blistering peroxide while he’d cried giant, crocodile tears, so he’d made her breakfast in return. 
And lunch. 
And, now, too, dinner. 
She’d spent the whole day with him and he had no idea why. Tyler had said she was really good-looking, and that if Joe really wanted to, he should try and make a move on her. But how could he? She was light years out of his league. And even if—
Joseph startled, setting down the wooden spoon too quickly against the stovetop and setting his thumb against the hot burner. He groaned in pain and his hand flew away from the stove, but the movement was...slow. Distracted. 
Holy shit, she’s a good kisser.
He didn’t want to turn it dirty or anything, but he really wanted to be closer to her, so he did both. Kept it chase but leaned in a little. Pulled back enough to part their lips before he leaned forward and kissed her again, softly. Softly.
His face is hot.
“ Wh— ”         Didn’t she like Tyler? Everybody liked Tyler. Fuck, Joe liked Tyler... Even if he’d never ever fucking tell anybody that.        “ Wh-what was that for...? ”
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ficjhtclub · 5 years
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@twicestung / nonverbal starters. accepting!
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Dinner and one of the most recent blockbusters out at the theater—Tyler stepping in to offer commentary about the theater itself—and then he’d invited Angela back over to his house on Paper Street—but only to sleep. That’s it. He and Tyler were looking into getting another apartment together, but Ty1er wasn’t happy about it. A townh0use would be more acceptable, in his eyes.
Joe was sort of embarrassed about the state of their house. It was in such disrepair on purpose...but he didn’t want to let Angela spend the night here if she didn’t want to. She was asleep in the living room, hands tucked under her cheek.
God, she’s...sweet.
“ Uh, ” Joe said, reaching out and gently shaking her shoulder, “ Angela...? ”
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ficjhtclub · 5 years
RULES : bold what applies to your muse and tag some people.
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1. go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride
2. scary vs. sweet
3. sweaters vs. boots
4. socks vs. mittens
5. bonfires vs. football
6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies
9. bake pie vs. bake cookies
10. rain vs. fog
11. black cats vs. owls (apparent dislike for owls in general)
12. ghosts vs. wizards
13. harry potter vs. halloweentown
14. go hiking vs. sleep in
15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg
16. reading vs. writing
17. hot chocolate vs. tea
18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7
19. candy apples vs. caramel apples
20. blankets vs. pillows
21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts
22. coffee vs. apple cider
23. red leaves vs. orange leaves
24. braids vs. bows
25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods
26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie
27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes
28. coats vs. oversized sweaters
29. beanies vs. berets
30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups
32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire
33. corn maze vs. haunted house
34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch
35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
TAGGED BY: @kincaided @twicestung (“Thanks, sweetheart.” -T.)
TAGGING: @behindaccents (Angela) @0dayvulnerability @powertook @snowbrn and you!
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mrf34r · 5 years
❛ Some things can’t be told. You live them or you don’t. ❜ // ANGELA
answered here!
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