#twistedwonderland headcanons
Some of my random twisted wonderland headcanons because I feel like being even more annoying on main then usual
Azul does drag and is a semi well known drag queen
Cater is nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns but hasn't come out yet because they don't want to bother anybody with using new pronouns/is always wearing like 8 masks anyway (she is so deeply troubled someone PLEASE help her oml)
Jade slowly becomes more and more alternative in his fashion during his years in NRC, including heavier and darker eye makeup and a lot of different piercings! During formal events he takes them out and uses clear studs/magic to hide the holes though. He also probably experiments with his hair style but not drastically as he enjoys matching with Floyd
Floyd wears skirts and dresses!! They're flowy and fun to spin in, plus they aren't constricting!! He loses his shit when he can find a dress/skirt with pockets
Riddle also likes wearing longer dresses and skirts, but does so very rarely due to having a somewhat strict routine with his wardrobe. (If that makes any sense aksgrksjdg)
Almost the whole cast is autistic and/or some form of queer and you literally cannot convince me otherwise
Kalim is genderfluid!
Jamil is FTM!
Idia is autistic!
Jade is autistic!
Azul is autistic!
Look under your chair!! ITS AUTISM!!!!!!!
The octotrio all just agreed to use he/him on land to make things easier for people, but all of them have either no gender or a gender so nebulous it cannot be described with mortal tongue. They're cool with any pronouns but when alone together, Floyd will default to she/they for Jade just cuz it feels right. Jade agrees
Azul's blood is blue!! He's self conscious about it because it's something that makes him different and he doesn't have a good track record with being different from others, but if you compliment him he gets a blue flush to his cheeks under that layer of foundation he puts on in the morning
Azul can and will carry Jade and Floyd at the same time, one in each arm. This boy is STRONG and he will use it to physically remove the tweels from causing problems (and maybe to give them affection but shhhhh)
Octotrio are qpps sorry I do make the rules
Jack, Jade, and Riddle will get together and talk plants!! They all sit in the gardens and have tea and talk about recent developments with each of their roses and cacti and mushrooms respectively
Azul and Jade are both scares of heights and get very motion sick. Brooms are rough and they're very thankful they haven't had to ride in cars too much since coming to land because that was a rough two hour trip of nonstop nausea. A plane is literally their worst nightmare. Floyd also gets slightly motion sick from cars but it takes him much longer than it does the other two, and heights don't bother him at all. He (lovingly) teases them a lot about this
Rook makes bombs in science club and Trey pretends to hate it but then they sneak off campus to blow something up together
All fae are gender funky by default. Except Sebek. That's a cis man and you can't convince me otherwise, sorry
Floyd and Jade are both mommas boys. They love their dad and respect him greatly, but mama eel just hits different.
Speaking of the Leech parents, momma Leech is the head of The Family while her husband takes the role of second in command in a sense. Grandma works behind the scenes as well, but the twins still aren't exactly sure how. She's a secretive fish.
Riddle will take a rare holiday break not to see his mom, but to hang out with Trey and Che'nya. He isn't the most knowledgeable on how one should normally spend free time with friends, but Trey and Che'nya are more than happy to lead the way. They both live for Riddle's smile and make it their personal mission to have him smile just as much as they have him cheeks puffed out red in the face with how annoyed he is with their teasing
Ortho helps Ruggie shop by mass searching what websites have the best deals for whatever he's looking for, in return Ruggie hangs out with him and tells him stories about his home and his childhood
Rook "The French Freak" hunt has locks of certain people's hair to try and make Potions to transform into them temporarily in science club. Trey is scared
I haven't slept or eaten and my brain is failing so I'm leaving it here, but I might add on later! Feel free to reblog on which headcanons you agree with or just shoot an ask to talk about them!!! The brainrot is real rn so I'm okay with social interaction for once SKSHHSOAHDBD
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rayroseu · 5 months
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i cant wait for malleus, king of silly, to be back ON (with his equally silly tsum nonetheless!!)
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pumpkindevil · 3 months
I am completely and wholeheartedly under the belief that Grim being in the same dream as Yuu is confirmation that Grim's dream/ideal world is one where he's with Yuu.
Like it's no secret that Yuu genuinely loves and cares for Grim, they've literally gone to hell and back for him, but it's also pretty obvious that Grim loves and cares for Yuu. From voice lines about him only behaving when Yuu is around to him trying to protect us in Book 7 to even the recent event with Stitch, we can clearly see how much Grim cares about Yuu (and their opinion) and sees them as his own family.
It's always been Yuu and Grim, never one without the other, two sides to the same coin.
And I think that's just beautiful.
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ninjaart-fan · 3 months
Part 6
After Neige and the boys took the stranger to the infirmary and the nurse gave them the green light to stay and take care of her overnight, waiting to see if the girl would wake up. Chenya joined the group out of mere curiosity, not really to help, but just to find the most comfortable place to rest and have all the tea.
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
parte 7
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katkit14 · 11 months
What's its like being a female in all the Dorms
So I was making characters from my last idea and then it came to me. Headcanons for being the only female in each dorm!
Prompt : So rundown, you are the only female student in the whole school. You were an a talented young woman who was reached out to, as a great opportunity for NRC to open their doors to both females and males alike. (in reality Crowley just thinks girls on campus would be less rowdy then all boys. Means less work for him. Or maybe it's cause RSA started to, and Crowley is offended. Either way you are here now!)
Warnings : Reader isn't yuu/Mc. Reader is born female. mentions of sexism and harrsement. A little cussing to. Mentions of Periods and Bras.
Riddle would be just as hard on you as the other freshmen. He sees you no differently. Male, female? Doesn't matter, you are still a student. You must obey all the rules to a Tea (get it?). If you don't then it's off with your head just like everyone else. Which if your sorted into this dorm there is good chance you are okay with that. I could see you being more a stickler for rules but even if your not at least riddle is fair.
If you're more chaotic and less strict then Riddle would treat you like Ace. Don't think you are getting away with things just because you act all innocent. He will make you write a 100-page essay on what you did wrong and why you won't do it again. That's if it's after his overblot. If not then it's "OFF WITH YOUR HEADU".
Though if you were forced into a bedroom with boys, Riddle might raise a fuss saying it's improper and get you your own bedroom. He will make the mistake of going through Crowley though.
Trey wouldn't act any different either. He'd also just see you as another freshmen. Carter though, he would avoid you. Like oh no, he has sisters. He "knows" what girls are like. He will warm up to you though.
Ace will flirt so much with you it's unreal. Cheesy pick up lines, smooth one liners, etc. He'll become annoying with it. Like get a spray bottle kind of annoying. Deuce is the opposite. He is super respectful and always a gentleman to you. He may become less stern if you befriend him but he'll always be a bit soft around you. If you ask, he'll beat ace up.
Now the rest or heartslabyul really doesn't react to you, you're kinda just another student. No one looks out for you but no one in the dorm harrases you. Now when it comes to female stuff, everyone in this dorm gets real awkward about it. On your period and are Bleeding through your WHITE dorm uniform? Everyone swet drops but only a few people speak up. If you do end up having to share a dorm room (even with riddle throwing a fit) the other boys in the room would be respectful and change in a bathroom instead of the room. They also would allow you access to the bathroom first ( unless it's ace. Then he pushes you out the way saying "Ladies first my ass" ).
Anyone who harrases you will face Riddles wrath though. Oh and the one brain cell duo. Riddle will be more proper by lecturing them but if the One brain cell duo gets ahold of them, then lights out.
Leona let's you off easier then the other students. Mostly cause he is mildly intimidated by you. He knows you aren't a beastman, but it's still ingrained into him to respect females. So if you just stand up to him and be like "yeah no" he won't really fight you. If you are on the softer side, he'd slowly but surely start to have a soft spot for you. He'd still respect you, even if you weren't a fighter. He'd just be more of an asshole if you didn't scare him as much.
If you were forced to share a room, it wouldn't be long before you had your own room since there are a lot of drop outs. Leona would put in the hardwork of making ruggie clear you out a room to yourself.
Ruggie's mostly the same way, he mostly respects you and your stuff. He won't take your stuff either just because of that slight fear. If you befriend him, he'll be more likely to share his food with you then with a guy.
Jack mostly treats you as an equal. No more, no less. Though he can be kinda awkward at first, once you befriend him he's a lot more chill.
Now the rest of Savanaclaw is spilt into two. Seeing you are the mom of Savanaclaw or being sexiest against you. If you are a fighter then you can easily put the sexiest ones in their place. If not, Jack can do it for you. Mostly the ones who see you as mom, would go to war for you. Like you are highly respected. Now if you accept the title then it's a whole lot of caring for dumbass's after fights, and making sure everyone hydrates after work outs. If you don't accept it, it doesn't matter cause they aren't dropping it. But you can kick their ass if they get to annoying.
During sports you have a whole line of bestmen and humans alike cheering for you! Like personal cheerleaders. And during school hours you have a bunch of guys coming through checking up on you, seeing if you are okay. They gotta take care of their dorm mom.
If you get your period, the whole dorm knows. Fun fact, period blood doesn't smell like fresh blood so they know it's your period to. Expect to find a basket of chocolate at your door, with a note saying " please accept this, in return don't kill us."
Azul has a different opinion depending on what you are like.
I imagine if you got sorted into this dorm then you are more like a shady capitalist. If that's the case then he constantly feels threatened by you and has the Twins keep an eye on you.
If you are more Naive or more sweet then he is a lot less afraid and he puts you to work at the Lounge. Like as a hostess or a waitress, in order to lure more costumers.
If you were forced to share a room with boys he'd arrange another room for you...for a price. Man has no chill.
Jade doesn't really treat you any differently. More or less isn't fazed. He will still beat you up if he has to, and it won't make him go softer on you.
Floyd also doesn't care. He treats you the same as well. Honesty I could see him forgetting you are a girl. If you are a bit curvier he will squish you more. If you are the skinny side he likes to shake you. He swears you raddle. He will base his nickname off your personality, rather then your gender.
As far as the other students? Well everyone tries to budy up with you just purely based on business. It's an opportunity to get you to do stuff for them. If you're at negotiation then you'd be sitting pretty on favors, thaumbucks, and stuff.
Now if you choose not take Azul up on his deal and you are forced to share a room, they will be respectful and not change in front of you but other then that? You are on your own unless they owe you. Need pads/ tampons? Sams shop isn't to far away and you have working legs. It can be kinda hard to make friends in this dorm, with everyone being so shady and always wanting something from you. There really isn't anyone to help if you get harrassed either (unless you befriend the twins, then big scary dog previlige), though if you complain to Azul enough he will step in. You have to be pretty independent to be in this dorm.
Kalim and you are besties. It doesn't matter if agreed to it, he just thinks you are so cool! He treats you like his little sister...so basically like all the other students. He is always inviting to parties and he will take you out on magic carpet rides! He may come off strong but he just wants you to feel comfortable. He does put a lot of stress on jamil though with this...well even more stress.
I feel like if you had to share a room with boys and said you weren't comfortable with that then he would build a whole new just for you! Oh come on, it's the least you he could do to make you comfortable.
Jamil takes a lot longer to be cozy with you. He treats you with respect but doesn't really interact with you more then he has to which he has to a lot thanks to Kalim. Unless you befriend him somehow, then he slowly becomes more protective over you.
Kalim tries his best but doesn't understand female problems. Jamil on the other hand is the one to call if you have really bad cramps that wont go away or need help getting pads/tampons. Just take it easy on him, he's already got a lot to deal with.
The rest of the dorm is pretty nice to you. Most of them try to be helpful where they can, and it's really easy to befriend guys your age. Not a lot of harassment happens here but when it does Jamil will handle it unless you take care of it yourself. Even if he doesn't like you that much, he still doesn't believe in acting that way to girls just cause his little sister.
if you refused to let Kalim build you a room then some of the boys would move in with each other to let you have a room to yourself.
Vil is even harder on you then he is on other students. He doesn't want you to get away with stuff and not put your best in just because you are female. He will push and push to do your best. From skin care regimens and diets, to work outs and class's on etiquette (depends on what you need according to him.) you would be his secret favorite but he would never tell anyone. Best believe though you will have your own room, and bathroom. He'll get you to chat with him. Tell him who you like, who bothers you. I can just see him judging whoever you like so hard. especially if it was another Dormleader like " Really? Couldn't you do a little better?"
Rook is a little more flirty to you, but not to much that anyone notices. I think flirty is just his personality. Anyways he is a real gentleman, still does as Vil says but gently. He also seems to get a bit protective over you, often getting people when they make you uncomfortable, even if you can handle it yourself.
He thought you were just a girly guy like him at first. Once he finds out your a girl, Epel thinks he has to look out for you. But makes a bunch of off hand comments that make Vil smack him. He is one of those "you can't hit a girl" kind of dudes.
As for the rest Pomefiore, they don't even notice you are a girl. Even if you very curvy. They just think it's drag or something. If your Skinner they just think your a normal student. Unless you tell anyone you are a girl they won't know. If you do tell them they don't care. I can't really see anyone in the dorm messing with you. If not from pure "I don't care enough" then it's the fear of Vil and Rook.
Vil refuses to let you share a dorm room, even if you are fine with it. Unlike Riddle he won't try to go through Crowley. He'll just do it. If there aren't any other rooms then you can stay with him. He if that does happen, he will be very respectful but you won't be able to escape his nagging.
I can see Vil kind of catering to your needs. Like he keeps tampons and pads in the dorms bathroom and giving you ways to get blood out of your clothes. He wants you to feel comfortable.
Idia, talking to someone? Let alone a girl? Yeah no. He maybe talked to you once or twice because Ortho made him. He stays as far away from you as possible.
Ortho and you are friends. He is just so adorable how could you not? Even if you are shy, it's fine cause he's not. Once you are friends he constantly trying to get his brother and you to interact, but that works as well as trying to introduce water and oil.
Don't worry about sharing a room either cause if you have to, your dorm mates are never there. They refuse to interact with anyone. Hell, I can imagine a student making a wall divider just so no one doesn't have to talk.
It's safe to say no one is gonna harass you. They would feel scared being around you. I guarantee you that they have never talked to a real girl, and they don't plan to. That does mean you are on your own, about everything. It can also be hard to make friends but not impossible. Just hard. But hey you have the best wifi in the whole school! I imagine if you are in this dorm you are probably more antisocial yourself so you are probably fine with no one talking to you. But if you aren't, probably look for friends outside of your dorm.
I'm sorry this one is shorter, there isn't a lot to say on this dorm.
Malleus is more then welcoming. Though he will keep his distance if you are scared of him. If you aren't then you will quickly become friends with him. He doesn't really see you differently then other students, but he does understand you may find some challenges that other students won't and he tries his best to accommodate to that.
If you share a dorm room, and you aren't comfortable he will get you another room to yourself. Very easily to. If you are fine with it or don't say anything then he won't know to so speak up. Feel free to complain to him. I don't know why but I see him being a softer dorm leader.
Lilia has to adopted you, sorry. Sebek and Silver both betray you, and point to you whenever Lilia asks who wants to try his cooking....if you survived feel free to punch them.
Speaking of Sebek and Silver, Sebek dislikes you. Or at least at first. He thinks your far to close to Malleus, but also you should worship him? Can't have your cake and eat it to. But after awhile he accepts you but barely.
Silver likes you just fine. I can see really anyone getting along with him. The only thing really wrong about him is sleepyness but he can't help that. So you two will probably become friends no matter your personality.
As far as the rest of dorm goes (is there other students? But nah really) most people leave you be. Not really talking to you or paying attention to you. I don't really see anyone fucking with you here, but if they do lilia will see to it if you don't handle it yourself. If Malleus finds out though, boy do they get the hell out of NRC. Malleus doesn't believe in sexism. Really none of the Diasomnia boys do but Malleus and Lilia have the power to do something about it.
Lilia and Silver is a lot more understanding of Female problems then Malleus and Sebek. Silver is a very understanding kind of guy, and Lilia's old has experience. I imagine fae also have periods but they are different. So lilia might not understand entirely but knows the basics. Malleus is clueless though he tries to understand. He will ask questions on everything if you allow him to, if not Lilia will explain. He just wants to know, so he can help. Sebek though just refuses to learn or care. He doesn't see you any different from anyone else really. So he treats you like he does all the other first year's (your poor eardrums). None other then Malleus ( if you've befriended him) are that protective of you. With most viewing you can take care of yourself just fine.
If you do end up sharing a room though, I feel like it'd probably be with Sebek. Who doesn't care whether you are Female or not. He won't change in front of you or try to peep at you. He will leave your stuff alone to. But sharing a room with him comes with it's own challenges.
He will still keep up his shrine to Malleus. He will hog the bathroom half the morning. He will be very loud in the morning and at night. Great seven forbid you stay up past 9pm.
I don't really see you sharing a room with other dorm members but if you do, then they mostly leave you alone. They won't change in front of you but that's it. Not really much to say there.
If you leave Bras around your room in ignihyde, One of the boys will faint.
If you're in Pomefiore, you will be one Crewels favorite students.
In Heartslabyul, if you leave a little pad station in the bathroom, some of the first year boys will start using them as badaides.
The Savanaclaw boys use Hair ties and Srunchies as a weapon so if you have long hair, good luck.
If you are in Diasomonia, and rooming with Sebek. If you leave blood on the toilet seat, he will freak out asking in a very tsundere way if you are okay, once it's explained...Lilia will not let him live it down like ever.
If you are in Octavinille, don't ever leave a bra or undergarment in the open. Floyd will use it as a sling shot. (ace would to)
In Scarabia, Kalim forgets you are girl sometimes. Like" hey you want to go swimming with me? I had a pool put in yesterday! Everyone was getting way to hot!" "sorry I can't im on my period" "What?". Jamil faceplamed, cause Kalim knows what a period is, he just forgot you get them.
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ravenpunkofficial · 5 months
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✨He's Slaying✨
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt. 6]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if mc's Cinderella night just-- had to be ruined?)
(not really filler chapter anymore shits getting real‼️‼️/angst/not proofread/injuries/mc will be happy again soon I promise TT-TT/very, very light swearing)
(requested tags!: @chxrry-blxssxm-tea @missotaku34 @aprityormarj )
if you want to be tagged in future chapters please comment or message me! I will only tag you if you directly ask for it and I will only tag you once unless you asked to be tagged on all future chapters of a particular series. now let's wrap this up and head straight into part 6!!)
the ball: the clock strikes 12
(follow the white rabbit)
your breath hitched as the head the body that held you then started to scramble back from the embrace yet held your shoulders in their hands. those green eyes, those fangs, the horns, the outfit that correlated to the dorm of a powerful fae. yeah, as you feared.. it was Malleus.
"oh how I've missed you my dear.." Malleus's mouth widened into a relieved and joyous smile, his fangs out and all and his eyes full of adoration. "you have no idea how bad it's been for me, for all of us since you left us.." he let out a small sigh before he brought you in for another hug, squeezing you a little tighter this time but knew to be careful of his strength.
"Malleus.. stop it--" you attempted to push him off with your arms on his chest yet he wouldn't budge. You continued to squirm under his arms to part from him and when you finally were able to push him off all you could see were his eyes widening in heartbreak "fuck Malleus.. I said stop it!"
"I..." he took in a deep yet shaky breath "why did you leave..? I've dreamt about you since the day you left, why would you go?.." he then held your hand in his, trying to get some sort of answer from you. "I mean I understand why you'd go but.. why not at least bid all of us.. bid me a farewell my dear?" you could see his face slowly get desperate as his vibrant green eyes got misty with the longer he looked at you "if you come back my dear I promise no one will ever hurt you again, I will always listen to you, I'll take care of you-- I'll do everything you need or want just-- please come back to me."
"then you clearly don't understand well enough as to why I left." your face subconsciously formed a scowl "I am not obliged to say goodbye to you or anyone else at that school, not when you all just kept dragging me in the mud whenever you all felt like it." you scoffed "I can admit that I have missed you all, I've missed all our good moments and trips but I can't forgive any of you for breaking my arm or cutting me or--or scarring me in more ways than one" you could feel your voice slowly raise in volume.. little by little. "I do not owe any of you an explanation as to why I left, I don't owe any of you an apology for doing what's right for me."
Malleus stared at you as you kept on talking, his mixed feelings swirling on his face, his features contorting into phases of emotions that you have never seen before. It could've been almost terrifying to look at but the thing was that-- you weren't scared, not anymore. you had more people, better people, people who never forced you into chores or missions you didn't want to do, people who didn't dump everything on you without first asking you, people that actually fucking cared about your feelings.
Malleus cared, oh he did and obviously still does. It's just he's never cared enough the way your new friends do, he never truly has.
"I don't owe you an explanation as to why I left Malleus since it's clearly obvious- that even a blind man can see it-- that I'm better off here." you stared him down in a way that sent him chills down his spine, in a way that made him feel small instead of vice versa. "I'm closer in finding a way home than I ever have at Night Raven where I wasted months of my life for people that just liked dragging a magicless human to feed their own little and fragile egos. and if you can't except that I'm better off here and better off at finally going home then you clearly have not learned anything from your overblot."
oh how you, a magicless human prefect, astounded the fae prince of briar valley. you may not have power in magic but hell did you have power in words. whether you yourself thought your sentences were powerful or not either way it astounded Malleus since it seems he's gotten used to the quiet and almost obedient version of you. his features were almost unreadable, it was unclear if he was even angry or upset. the hair on your body raised up when you sensed a few distant thunderclaps in the background and the sound of a few stems of sharp thorns grow and reach out from the floor and beneath his feet. in the end all Malleus really did with that blank expression of his was reach out to you but you flinched away from his touch.
"you look stunning tonight my dear, shining brighter than any star in the sky." his soft comment was almost random and out of place, but he seemed genuine when he spoke with that true yet strained smile on his face. he slowly pulled his hand away when the stoned room you two were in started to be filled with various large stems of every size and shape, littered with the sharpest thorns you could think of. the stems popped out from cracks in the wall, the window from the ceiling, to even more below his shoes. as they moved the thorn decorated branches all seemed to reach out to you as you backed away slowly. all this whilst he sang a gentle tune under all the ensuing chaos..
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream..”
“I know you that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam..”
"tsunotarou-- " you quietly begged as you continued to back away until you felt many sharp pricks on your ankles which caused you to scream and fall down to land on your rear end in pain. Malleus had to immediately cut short the tune he sang as he desperately reached out to you with a panicked look when he saw you fall but kept himself from moving any further since it seems that all he ever does to you is hurt you, even when he doesn't mean it.
also because a curious, rabbit-chasing blonde already ran to your aid.
"_____! hold on I got you!!" Alex exclaimed as he picked you up, one arm behind your back and the other under your legs. The room quivered and the stems of thorns grew into bushes, slowly reaching out for Alex's legs as well. You looked over to face Malleus who is seen clenching his chest with fistfuls of his uniform, as if he's clenching his heart.
Tsunotarou looked at you with pain and concern with quiet tears rolling down his face from seeing how he just-- keeps hurting you. Even so, he lets you go.
Luckily Alex was fast enough to jump over the growing thorns to then quickly exclaim a spell you couldn't exactly hear well with how the rumbling and stones from the ceiling started caving in.
your last view of Malleus was his sad and pitiful face before the stones started piling up and covering eachothers views. officially ending this short yet aching encounter.
Alex ran headfirst into the wall where you first came from. once you two were now on the outside of the entrance you were both hit with cold and harsh raindrops from the sky. Alex continued to run and run as far away from the collapsing structure as possible, the tower being wrapped and hugged tightly by many large stems and branches of thorns and the roof of the tower now halfway caving inside the building. Alex huffed and puffed as he dodged a few rocks of the tumbling rubble from the building before dropping down to his knees to use the wet grounds to slide against the back exit of the school dance, not entirely protected by anything but a small roof that hovered over the back door but it was much farther away from any falling debris and awful rain. as the tower continued to roar in destruction Alex basically used himself as a shield as an attempt to cover you completely, holding you close to his chest and covering your head under his chin so if anything attempted to hit your head it'd hit his instead. he held you tightly until everything went quiet and all you could hear was just a few rolling rocks.
Alex slowly turned to look behind him with you following suite. as the dust slowly started to settle and the rain just getting more violent as time went you could see that the building was on the verge of completely collapsing, there were no longer any walls up with only the many and bushes of thorns holding onto the halfway collapsed ceiling and the rest of it's stone body. there were many stones of all sizes that held up the building now on the grass floor or stone path now ruining the recently polished or beautified lawns and floors.
Alex was panting and catching his breath before he finally faced you with a very exhausted look on his face and sweat and rain dripping under his chin, the adrenaline rush slowly sinking down now that everything is somewhat quiet except for the voices of afraid or shocked students running out from all openings of the ballroom to see the scene. "are you alright?.." he asked.
you nodded while also slowly coming out of the adrenaline high. "sorta.." you paused to catch your breath "how'd you know.. that I was there?.."
he lightly shrugged as he then slowly forced himself to get back into a normal breathing pace. "I noticed that the magic you were following felt-- more sentient than it seemed at first glance..." he slowly let you down on the ground gently whilst explaining to let his body rest "when you went through the wall-- I had only gotten more- curiouser.. and eventually walked in a bit after you but I hid in the shadows." he paused to finally get himself to breathe properly, his body shaking now that the energy high was now at it's last drop. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop I really didn't but-- I felt that if I left that something terrible would've happened. I guess it's good that I stayed, plus!..." he let out a light chuckle "the bathrooms are inside the ballroom, opposite side from the back exit so-- "
you let out a breathy 'hah' as a way to still laugh with him despite the lack of energy. your ankles were stinging and pulsing with blood that was coming out from small holes decorating your skin. Alex noticed how much blood was dripping from your skin to the ground and he prepared his body to pick you back up the same way he did before. and as if on cue right when he properly held you close the chime of a large clock rang against your ears as a way to announce that it has now struck twelve. you felt your now tattered, drenched, and dirty attire now fade off of your body and back into your previous outfit. same happened with Alex with his attire shining and poofing off of him to show his school uniform yet despite these sudden outfit changes Alex immediately started walking to get you help from anyone nearby. all the students that jumped and ran out to see the commotion all gasped. some stood in shock, some were asking for both of you and Alex's physical health, and some were even offering help. Alex would accept the help but would immediately ask for anyone to get Raps over here so that he can heal you with his unique magic. The rest of whatever was happening around you slowly got a bit blurry since as you laid in the arms of the young man you slowly felt your eyes slowly close, not because of bloodloss or any of the sort, but because everything you felt in those fast and short moments just emotionally and mentally tired you out, you were feeling incredibly exhausted after the shock and adrenaline finally now had it's run on your system and you couldn't help but feel safe enough to fall asleep in the warm arms of your friend.
when you let yourself fall asleep, all you dreamt about was sleeping back in your home world while laying in the softest covers you owned. the covers in your dream were so warm and cozy as if they just came out of the dryer. you heard distant yet familiar voices of family members in the background outside of the room you were sleeping in and the soft orange light from the outside peaked into your room while gently kissing your sleeping face. the air was filled in that specific smell your home always had. your bed and covers smell just the way you remember them, your room looks exactly the way you left it and the pillow under your head seemed to hug and warm you back to sleep.
for a moment you felt that you really were back home.
Back in Night Raven College......
Malleus teleported back to the school, Lilia awaiting him inside the Diasomnia dorm after accompanying him to RSA awhile ago. Sebek and Silver beside their father while watching the prince brush past them and ignored them while opening and slamming his room doors shut. There was an eerie silence before the slams and shatters of glass and wood were heard, roaring and shouts of frustration were booming from the creaks of the doors yet boomed throughout the halls as well. The three couldn't do anything but watch, they did everything they could to get Malleus back to himself to even getting him to see the former Ramshackle prefect again. but it seems as if it only made him even more bitter and frustrated. In this moment as a group Lillia, Sebek, and Silver accepted this temporary defeat. they won't give up on the young master, but they have given up in trying to get him back to his former self. now they will attempt to still bring in his favorite things, items, and hobbies-- but they know it wouldn't be the same anymore.
meanwhile the entire rest of the school was in disarray. everyday the students had to use umbrellas or raincoats with the never-ending storm hovering above them constantly, P.E was cancelled for a whole week with how bad it's gotten and the people you left behind mostly all have a sour attitude towards the mention of you. Heartslayul, Pomefiore, and Octavinelle students were pushed on harder than they were before, the dorm leaders of those particular students basically almost, just almost going back to their former ways. they still try to keep the lessons they learned from you and their overblots but their pettiness and the grudge they now hold against you holds them back from their true good potential. Savannaclaw, Scarabia, and Ignihyde were unique cases in it of themselves. Savannaclaw's dorm leader continued to try to stay on top of his responsibilities somewhat but due to your absence it's like he's neglecting the dorm even more than he ever used to. Scarabia's dorm leader was still generous and kind as usual, maybe even more! he held you close to his heart and continued to do good and more in your memory. Ignihyde's dorm leader.. basically neglected his position fully, he's almost on the verge of falling out of the title of house leader of Ignihyde yet his younger brother continued to be his shining and motivational light to even keep this stupid title. then of course, the dorm leader of Diasomnia, not fully neglecting his responsibilities but it's clear how much he's missed out due to his constant naps to fade away into a world with you in it.
people tried to fix all the issues that have smacked the school into rock bottom but no matter what their efforts are always fruitless. some students think they can keep on going without you, that you aren't needed to keep the school running again.. while others think that the only way to revive this place is if you're back in it.
(hopefully everything here made sense! I'm not the best at describing dramatic ongoing environments so I hope it all was understandable somewhat. thank you all for the excitement towards this part! I hope to excite you all with this series even more with the stuff I have in mind for future chapters.
also this is kinda random but I also draw too! and just for the funzies I may or may not draw my version of mc’s RSA friends that don’t have an official design. maybe tho.. depends on motivation..)
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ashieeeesh · 24 days
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His Background music for this card
Please click this : Cater Background music
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daduic-lacuentista · 3 months
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Fanart 2 Cater Diamond
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alice-angel12x · 4 months
What do you think of Swan Lake AU? With Y/n playing Prince Siegfried, Kalim playing Odete and Jamil playing Odile:
AU History:
Y/n is the crown princess of her kingdom who will soon turn 18, and although her father knows he can command her and leads her kingdom alone, The people are insisting that the princess find a suitor. One day, while traveling through the woods, she encounters a swan, and discovers that this swan is actually Prince Kalim, who was cursed to transform into a swan, and returned to being human after sunset, he was cursed by someone who used to be his best friend, and the curse could be broken if he fell in love and was reciprocated, the curse would break, as time passes and they fall in love, so Y/n invites him to her coming-of-age ceremony, Kalim replies yes, but that he could only go at night, and Y/n said that the ceremony would be in the afternoon and last until midnight. At the coming-of-age ceremony, while chatting with the other candidates, Y/n expected Kalim to appear, but he was taking a while, so he appears, only he was wearing a black suit instead of white, and when Y/n goes to introduce him to her father, he asks to call him Jamil, and before Y/n was about to say who she chose, another Kalim appears saying that the other Kalim was an impostor, so to find out who the real Kalim was, Y/n asks a question that she knows only the real Kalim would know, and after Kalim answers correctly, the other "Kalim" reveals himself to be Jamil, the sorcerer responsible for cursing Kalim into a swan, After Jamil leaves the party, Y/n decides to go to his cabin in the forest to try to convince him to undo the curse, she goes to Jamil's hut and asks him to undo Kalim's spell, and when he refuses, she says that she will do whatever he wants if he undoes the curse, and he says that if she lived with him for 1 year without running away, he would remove the curse, also saying that she can only go out at night to visit Kalim and his father. During the time she spends with Jamil, she discovers a little more about Jamil and also falls in love with him, only she is still in love with Kalim, leaving her confused. But one morning, as the two were walking through the woods, Kalim (in his swan form) appears a little injured, and after tending to his wounds, Jamil being the only one able to understand him, they discovered that one of Y/n's pretenders was attacking their kingdom, because he was disgusted that she hadn't chosen him, and when they get there, they discover that this suitor was actually a very dangerous and evil sorcerer, and when Jamil tries to cast a spell to stop him, the sorcerer casts the same curse as Kalim on him, making him also transform into a swan (Kalim turns into a white swan and Jamil turns into a black swan), and when he was about to attack Y/n, the stone in the necklace (which belonged to his mother) starts to glow and in addition to protecting Y/n and everyone in the kingdom, he casts a spell that hurts the sorcerer, making him run away. Then Y/n's father reveals that her mother was the Fairy Queen Guardian of the Forest and the Kingdom, and that she always faced the wizard to protect the forest and the kingdom, and that the Magic Crystal was the only one capable of defeating him, so Y/n together with Kalim and Jamil decide to go on a journey to the sorcerer's castle, defeat him and undo the curse, and along the way, they make new friends and allies who were also transformed into animals by the wizard
If you want, you can change some things, but what do you think?
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This is a really cool Idea. Sorry for the supper late response, I am very bad at checking my inbox. But I really like this concept. I might just want to draw this.
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rayroseu · 9 months
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I wanted to see a dream where Meleanor can react to Malleus' finally hatching too😭💚
The part where she croons at Malleus still pains me 😭😭💖💖💖 MOTHER MELEANOR AUGHH,,,, SHE JUST WANTED A NAP WITH HER SON ‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭😭
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I'm thinking that Lilia's reaction to Malleus will be the opposite if Meleanor was still alive 😭😭Lilia will be like "This thing??? Meleanor calling it adorable?? It looks like a lizard-" (Like what Malleus said about Baby Silver lol) and then Lilia will get struck with her lightning 😔😔✨✨ Also I'm really looking forward to what she meant by "as handsome as Levan".... so Levan truly looks like Malleus?? 😳‼️ So far Mother's prediction have been accurate ("a terrifying star for humans"=Malleus, "You'll hatch that egg because you love us"=Lilia) so based on that line Levan SHOULD be revealed right-- righttt🥹🥹🥹 dont tell me he'll be at book 8 and we'll wait for years for it to be released again like b7 lol
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pumpkindevil · 3 months
Ace and Yuu are respectively the embodiment of "Mixed Messages" and "Red Flags" by Tom Cardy and no one can convince me otherwise.
And because I can't draw it (yet) I need someone to draw this, it's too perfect and hilarious not to.
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
dorm leaders when they realized they are in love with g/n!reader please
I'm so sorry for answering this ask so late, I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved making it !
Pairing(s) : riddle roseheart x reader, Leona Kingscholar x reader, azul ashengrotto x reader, kalim al-asim x reader, vil schoenheit x reader, Idia Shroud x reader, malleus draconia x reader
warning(s) : I don't think there is anything too angsty or scary, just fluff ! The reader is gender neutral and mostly addressed as 'you'
Dorm leaders realizing they are in love :
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would be in denial about loving you, not because he doesn't want to but because his mother always said that love was a distraction to the rode of success.
No wonder her husband hates her
As much as he found the idea exasperating, rules were meant to be followed so Riddle would push away any personal feelings aside to concentrate on what was 'more important'.
He tried to do so ever since he met you.
He brushes his crush off as platonic to avoid getting distracted by these foreign feelings. You're just a friend he thought to himself, Just a friend and nothing more.
However, it's impossible to not notice the occasional blush that adorn the red head's cheeks whenever he's around you.
The way he stutters when talking to you despite being normally composed with others.
Riddle will also want to spend more time with you, what's better than a nice study session ? If you aren't the brightest, it's ok. He'll still propose to study with you even if you are the best.
In comparison to how he tutors his fellow dorm members, Riddle will actually be a little more strict. He wants you to surpass yourself and he wants to be the one to help you achieve that.
Gets flustered when you get too close to him, will jump a little if you surprise him at a time where he leasts expects it. It stops being funny the moment he yells : "OFF WITH YOUR-"
Trey will quickly realize his dorm leader's fondness for you and will try to talk to him about it. He also tells Riddle to confess at some point because it's possible to never get a chance like this again.
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona...I don't know much about how he would react.
The entire thing is quite complicated, he acts as if he doesn't like you but not in a way that tsunderes do. Leona is chill and treats you like he would with others but with more affection and favoritism.
Smooth talker. B*tch knows what he's doing and if you don't pick up on the signals, he's kissing you and waiting for a reaction to come out.
WILL act softer around you, he's not denying it either. "I like the herbivore and so what ? You gonna cry about it ?" Ruggie really envies you, you don't need to deal with as much stress as him...fucker-
He is a lovable *sshole and I'm not taking that back, he'll chuckle when you say you hate him cause he can get annoying. But in his mind I imagine him panicking like :
Wait seriously ? I mean, I hate myself too but really ?
His ears perk up at the mention of your name, very possessive and very jealous but he trusts you wouldn't try to date his sworn enemy.
After all, who doesn't want him ?
Although he acts prideful and confident he does have his doubts about you as well as if his feelings are reciprocated. Brushes it off like its nothing but someone out there is gonna notice that the dorm leader is ticked off.
He'll invite you to nap with him cause a human body pillow isn't all that bad to be honest, lunch at the botanical garden are a must as well.
Won't care of you're late to class, he's keeping you with him wether you like it or not.
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Azul Ashengrotto
B*TCH- trynna act cool and composed when he just spits out ink the moment y'all get too close. He cries about it in his octopus pot and says he'll never crawl out of it again only to come back and make a contract with you to get married I mean- go on a date.
That is totally what I meant....He scribbled 'forever' on it though.
Cute octopus, very shy, won't admit it.
He invites you to Mostro Lounge often, wether you wish to come or not is your choice but just know one of the leech brothers is dragging your ass back there.
He only trusts jade with this task because Floyd will not hesitate to tell you his dorm leader is madly in love with you.
One compliment is enough for him to try and impress you by being almost full of himself. He stutters a lot, it's adorable, you can tease him about it but don't go too hard cause the ink projectile is still an option.
"Why hello there [Name], I was wondering if you could work at the Mostro Lounge ? I promise I can give you a generous pay~" "Actually, your heart is all I need to be repaid but thank you for the kind offer."
Jaws dropped, face flushed, glasses foggy, the heart you wanted exploded and Floyd wheezing on the floor.
Azul rn :
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Kalim Al-Asim
Sunshine, so obvious, so adorably stupid he can't even realize you know.
He is a very generous person in general so expect a lot of gifts and plenty of attention directed towards you.
Always celebrates your presence with a party the moment you enter in the scarabia dorms. Jamil is pretty much begging you to invite him instead of coming, because he can only cook and handle so much.
If you're more of a flirtatious type, he will get flustered but not as badly as Azul. Just very bashful and proceeds to laugh it off to calm his beating heart.
"[Name] ! [Name] ! [Name] ! How about we hop over to the dorms ? I'm organizing another party and I think you should come too :D !"
He loves to say your name, he can repeat it every day non stop until Viper drags you back to make him shut up since no one had a second of sleep.
It's been three days, he doesn't wanna listen. (rather he can't listen cause your face is clouding his entire mind)
"Oh ! [Name] ! Wanna head to the light music club with me ? I wanna show you a brand new song we've been practicing !"
He spends most of his time with you and will insist you join him in a lot of activities, of course if you don't want to then that's ok as well !
if you want anything special to eat at lunch he'll buy it for you ! Money isn't exactly a problem for this prince.
He isn't all that flustered when he confesses to you, if you reject him he'll be sad but will understand. He will stay your friend though, poor cinnamon roll doesn't want to ruin your friendship.
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Vil Schoenheit
Confident and unbothered by the whole situation, you can't even tell wether he likes you or he's constantly trying to insult you.
It may seem strange, but I feel like vil wouldn't necessarily care when it comes to appearances. he just wants the one he falls for to at least take care of their complexion. He wouldn't love someone with no hygiene that's for sure.
Pays extra attention to you, even Rook could be jealous if he was capable of it. Oh and speaking of the hunter :
Get ready to have rook in your shoes for the rest of your life because if he follows vil around then he'll chase you around, bye bye privacy.
Potato this. Potato that. "Your posture should be better." "You need to fix your hair." "You have something on your face." "DID YOU NOT USE THE SKIN CARE I GAVE YOU- ?!"
He doesn't go soft, its the complete opposite for this guy. Vil really tries to bring out the best out of you but he can sometimes become overbearing.
If you lack self esteem, I'm sure he won't hesitate to show you just how beautiful you are.
*Pulls out mirror from nonexistent pocket* YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL
He balances his time by your side though, cameras are all around when a famous model attends one of the best schools. Rumors will start to spark and it's gonna be a little hard to ignore those. But he'll protect you from them and just deny the ones who talk bad about you.
You bet he's gonna confess to you when the moon is out. He's just smooth like that.
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Idia Shroud
Denial is a river in Egypt-
"No, I don't like anyone love is for idiots that have a social life." "Are you sure about that ?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH-"
He is Meg in Hades form, it's ok to be in love blue haired man. You have a crush on someone blue haired man and it's not the end of the world.
He will avoid you, a lot.
If you managed to become friends before he fell for you it will be even more awkward, he wants to continue playing games with you but it's different now. He's scared he'll embarrass himself in front of you and it wasn't like that before. Ortho is the only one pushing him to talk to you, but how can he even look at you without turning into a fireball ?!
Whenever you manage to have small talk he just immediately switches to his tablet to hide his gorgeous face behind. Flirt with him and it'll be the end of it.
The ends of his hair become pink and he heats up like crazy, you'll kill him one day you know that !
The more extroverted you are the harder its gonna be for him and even worse if you like to flirt for fun because HOLY MOTHER OF THE HEAVENLY GODS STOP LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT-
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Is this joke getting old ? Because I still think he is a ticking nuclear bomb that is triggered by strong emotions such as confusion.
God that would explode so easily.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus. Dragon boy. Precious. Just how rich are you-
I'm sure a lot of people have said this already but of course Malleus does not know how humans court other humans.
So he brings you diamonds rubies and other precious stones (necklaces and bracelets too actually) to show how much he fancies you.
Wether you refuse them or accept them is your choice but he gets really pouty when you don't keep it.
Malleus is a little confused, he doesn't understand why you don't comprehend the reason for his actions.
Lilia will probably pop out of nowhere before you meet Malleus again to tell you the meaning behind the expensive gifts.
Just so you know, Dragons are a specie that mate for life, and he chose you to be his partner forever.
"Do you wish to go on a stroll with me, Child of Man ? You would make me a very happy fae if you would ever so kindly accept."
Night walks are very frequent, you can notice the green fireflies peacefully floating around you. It's such a wonderful sight, but the only beautiful view he looks at is you.
"The moon is quite beautiful tonight isn't it ?"
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” is a phrase that means you're telling that person that you love them without actually telling them you love them.
Either you're dense or you just rejected him the moment you respond with a yes and looks at you expectantly but nothing happens.
Not a kiss ?
No ?
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thank you for reading and lasagna-
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simplyycherry · 2 years
Spoiler again ig? I have been getting into these theories on chapter 7
There are so many theories and they can make it end up in any way and it's scary
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valsdelulucorner · 18 days
Literally cant get this off my mind, Leona either has silky smooth hair all the way through or dead ends
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~Twisted Wonderland Headcanon #2~
Riddle has bad nosebleed randomly
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I rest my case
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