#twitter evacuation
walroose64 · 2 years
so hows everyone doin
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mikainacup · 2 years
Hello. I don't know what I'm doing.
Hi I'm Mika and I'm a Twitter refugee. Help is appreciated because I don't know what I'm doing, I didn't use Tumblr since 2021 which isn't a while ago but I didn't post anything just read stuff and liked it so if any of you have any info on how to use this thing I'd appreciate it if you tell me. Thank you very much, on a side not I draw and like:
Project Sekai
Obey Me!
That's kinda it.
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noxxplush · 2 years
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Hey Everyone! I'm bringing back the Tumblr!
Twitter has been my main for a while but uhhhh WE KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON THERE. Gonna post some of my latest patterns and plush! <3
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twitter-refugees · 2 years
Thoughts on this site so far
As you might have guessed I came here from Twitter and am more used to that site UI. Tumblr takes some getting used to so I thought it might be fun to talk about how different it feels
- Being a blog site, it feels like there’s not much reason to post unless you actually have something valuable to put out there. On Twitter you mostly just hang out or whatever but here it’s like I’m actually publishing shit. I don’t really think I’m going to post much unless I really find it meaningful.
- Posts have no character limit, making them feel more Big and Important. On Twitter you can just dump a dozen sentences into the void but on Tumblr that feels profane for some reason.
- The lack of an algorthim is really nice, you only have to see stuff from people you actually follow. Turning off infinite scroll is really refreshing too, like you can just get a self-contained set of posts from people you deliberately followed instead of a flood of viral bullshit.
- For the most part, I’m on a website with complete strangers so there’s less pressure to maintain a list of mutuals. If I like seeing your shit on my timeline (dashboard!) I’ll follow you and if you like my shit you can do the same.
- It seems like people really have Thoughts and Opinions on reblogs, and I’m not really sure how they’re different from quote tweets. On Twitter I was very conservative with using the retweet button but here it seems like if you don’t reblog enough you’re an Evil Villain or whatever.
- I’m going to miss the threaded comments on Twitter. Tumblr is probably the farthest from a traditional forum site and that makes me a little sad. I saw they did actually add a comment system under each post so you don’t have to wade through reblogs but it’s not really the same.
- I’m not really sure what the culture around tags is, on twitter if you use hashtags you’re cringe but on here it seems like people are more liberal with them. Sorry if I end up spamming tags.
- Even though everyone goes ‘lol hellsite’ and tries to scare the twitter people away by posting cringe, I’ve seen way worse on twitter. It will take more to faze me.
Anyway I really don’t think that I’m going to use this website all too much, but things may change in the future if twitter continues to shit the bed. In the meantime it’s nice to have another place to see and share stuff on the internet.
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You know. There are folks on mastodon. You don't have to stay here.
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copperhairtwink · 2 years
The days of old are no longer, the days of new shall rise further, far beyond the veil of old
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coffee-shop-gay · 2 years
i think an underrated bit of twitter people’s return to tumblr is seeing blogs you forgot you still follow -because they haven’t posted in forever- just,,, come back to life. Posting like usual. It feels like being an in-keep and having a traveler you were SURE had died walk in and request their usual. A return to a normal neither of you quite fit anymore.
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brasskingfisher · 2 years
Elon Musk seeks to move trial out of San Francisco, claiming bias against him | Tesla | The Guardian
So at what point of presenting the argument that you shouldn't be tried somewhere because the jury is too likely to include people you've pissed off do you not realise that maybe, you're the bad guy?
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Did we all leave Twitter and return to here?
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huygensblog · 2 years
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It’s difficult to underestimate the cringe associated with such actions. How do people look at it and go “I would really like to get a photo taken in front of this …. 🐐on a 🚀”
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lupincall · 2 years
I'm back
Well however that works. I've not been on Tumblr for about 6 or 7 years now, and I've spent about an hour going through all (read: as far back as I can be arsed) my old posts and removing anything that my younger teenage self put up that is a bit odd now. I now appreciate an old friend telling me once that he didn't want all that appearing on his timeline! One issue is I started tagging it all with nsfw after that but Tumblr in its post-nudity/sex ban won't let you search your own blog for that term 😂
I'm back here now that Twitter has descended into a weird hell loop, and I figure why not, let's get ready to tumbleeeee. Okay that was bad sorry.
But yeah I'll be posting personal or fan related things, maybe posting some blog posts or links to youtube/twitch if I ever start that up again.
Lots has happened in the last almost-decade. I have got married to beautiful wifey, I am now a dad to a beautiful girl, I have a large German Shep who is lying on my now dead legs currently. I bought a house, then moved elsewhere. I've had about 5 full time jobs. I'm now a Engineering Team Lead at the largest UK based software company (The Access Group).
I like Harry Potter, Supernatural, Marvel, The Witcher, all that general stuff. I'm also big into data privacy, infosec, and big data engineering. I'm a full on feminist if that is still a thing, all about equality. I'm currently a Labour voter but at this point anything not Tory is great. I like to track political dramas and laugh at how useless everyone is.
Looking through my old posts was fun. Me and young me would have got on well methinks. I've stayed loyal to the person I was, just grown a lot.
Find me on Twitter (while it lasts) for general bits and bobs, Mastodon if I can be bothered, and I have a website too.
I'll be around, probably.
I attach my dog photo to apologise for my absence...
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tundralwhisper · 2 years
So, haven't been on this Hellsite in a while. Not like anyone had reason to notice, I don't do shit on here... or anywhere else, for that matter 🤷
Twitter was my main thing to scroll through, post on, comment on, etc. in the interim, 'cause most people I wanted to hear from are on twitter but not tumblr.
Twitter has become a hellsite in the bad way tho, so here I am, crawling back to the old void to scream at it once more.
If you scroll here, prepare for edgy, depressed, and nihilistic posts, interspersed with stuff about TTRPGs, Computer Science, and the occasional ramble about a piece of media I got really into all of a sudden.
Also, as for how to refer to me (please don't refer to me if you have a choice btw):
Whisp, He/him pronouns, that'll do it.
Have a great day, morning, or evening, and if it's nighttime, sleep better than I will :)
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P.S.: whenever I post art or music or memes, assume I didn't make them and just don't know / lost the source unless I specifically say I made it
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soullessjack · 1 month
‼️important post‼️
hey!! I’m getting more messages from Palestinian families so I’ll be making another donation list for all of them! if you’re able to, please donate, and please check out the first donation list as well! sharing/reblogging is also helpful if you don’t have a means to donate <3 thank you!
• Imtithal’s family / @d-imtthal
• Osama Al-Anqar’s family / @osama-family
• Mohammed Almanrasa’s family / @save-mohamed-family
• Ashraf Alanqar’s family / @ashraf-baker
• Sara Hussein’s family / @sara-97a
• Ehab Ayyad’s family / @ehabayyad23
• Sameer Al Khaldi’s family / @sameer-17
• Kareem and Carmen / @adham-89
• Ahmed Alnabih’s family / @ahmedalnabeeh11
• Mohamed Jadalhaq’s family / @motaaz37
• Mohammed Ayyad’s family / @mohammednasers-blog
• Hashem Muhaisan’s family / @hashem-fromgaza
• Zaen and Yahya / @zeanyahya
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twitter-refugees · 4 months
Going to start calling reblogs "quote tweets" to remind myself of the old country
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calware · 2 years
where were you when hs2 was announced
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johnbierce · 11 months
Magic school book sale
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Into the Labyrinth, the first novel in my YA magic school series, Mage Errant, is a Kindle Daily Deal today! (November 15th.) Books 2&3 will be on sale as well for the next couple of days. Mage Errant follows the adventures of Hugh of Emblin, a young student mage whose magic doesn't want to work right- though his anxiety works just fine. Mage Errant features found family, a convoluted science-inspired magic system, a non-neurotypical protagonist, a queernormative setting, Machiavellian politics, lots of explosions, and more kaiju than you can shake a stick at. (Though, uh... I highly recommend against shaking sticks at kaiju in general.)
Mage Errant is heavily inspired by Diane Duane, Dianna Wynne Jones, Will Wight's Cradle, Andrew Rowe's Arcane Ascension, and a bunch of cheesy shonen anime. It's part of the new(ish) genre of progression fantasy, which is much more heavily focused on training and growing in power than average in fantasy. (I like to call the genre "books for people who like movie training montages way too much.")
The whole series is complete now, sans a short story anthology coming out in February. It's also getting a webtoon comic adaptation, which is super exciting! Oh, and whenever I got a bad review for having queer characters (of which I got MANY), I hit a mental button reading "make it gayer."
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