googoominami · 2 years
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snoopilittle · 2 years
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これ は私があ なたを 殺すまで 終わらない .
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cannedf0wer · 1 year
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I Didn't anything bad but This is my First time My Twitter account is suspended. \(^o^)/
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urusura · 6 months
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herl-saga · 7 months
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homuraholic · 6 months
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まどマギまとめ by mimio [pixiv] [twitter] [instagram] [[tumblr]]
♡ reprint permission was granted by the artist.
Individual Posts: Madoka - Homura - Sayaka - Kyoko - Mami
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animepopheart · 4 months
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★ 【もとび】 「 犬夜叉まとめ44 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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kaiju-storage-no-8 · 2 months
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[ X(twitter)まとめ【保+α】 | や ]
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rennebright · 5 months
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PAさんまとめ by 夜桜ゆゆ [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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straycatj · 1 year
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ただいまオレは 家主のおみせに
Now I'm negotiating my landlady should treat my goods on her store...
家主のおみせ:her store
おみせのついった:store's twitter
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今森茉耶 & 一ノ瀬瑠菜 / maya imamori & runa ichinose
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arctic-blade · 2 years
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タケウチ リョースケ on Twitter: "SPY×FAMILY×アニメ2期×映画化 おめでとうございますー🙌🏼🎉 成長ifなアーニャ×ベッキー https://t.co/TMmzTTr5IA" / Twitter
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leomacgivena · 6 months
(あんちべ! 俺がS式だ)さんはTwitterを使っています (via leomacgivena)
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shinojiscans · 2 months
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tamayula-hl · 1 year
I have illustrated many Dad!Ominis, but as I have not yet published my headcanon on DadOmi, I would like to explain it in drawing and text because I am not good at English😳
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In my headcanon, Ominis discussed this with his girlfriend, MC, while he was still at school, and they chose to drop the Gaunt name and elope together. The pair jumped ship on a steamer to the USA soon after graduation. As you know, the Gaunt family has ties to the USA, as the mother of the founder of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the USA was born a Gaunt, and there is a Slytherin wand buried in the garden of that school.
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(This is an illustration of that scene that I posted on Twitter in May, but there are lots of things I want to correct 😂)
They then started a new life together in the USA, where Ominis was lucky enough to get a job as an employee at MACUSA, which had just moved to New York and was short-staffed. (I have no idea of the details of how Ominis, under a pseudonym that presumably hides his Gaunt family origins, was hired as a permanent employee, and whether his obvious posh English could hide his identity in the US. Never mind the details!🤣)
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And secondly, how Ominis became a father in the place where he eloped. In my personal opinion, he would surely be reluctant to leave offspring, even if he became a couple with the woman he loved. A witch named Rionach Steward, daughter of the founder of Ilvermorny School, has become so thick with Gaunt blood that she is rumoured to be a Parselmouth. She remained celibate for the rest of her life in order not to leave her cursed blood to future generations. Ominis is very serious and thoughtful and, like Rionach, would not want to leave the Gaunt blood flowing in his body to future generations.
Where Rionach and Ominis differ, however, is that he is a man. If Ominis were heterosexual and had a healthy body, it would be difficult for him to completely abstain from sexual desire for women. (As an aside, I think this dichotomy is the spice that makes Ominis' smut more attractive.)
Two young, loving people who are financially strapped and starved for entertainment are sure to indulge their carnal desires. Soon, they find out that MC is pregnant.
In other words, in my headcanon, ominis become fathers for the pathetic reason of contraceptive failure. I guess there are two sides to this, but of course I am convinced that Ominis is not the kind of irresponsible man who would run away from an unwanted pregnancy. Ominis will be very bewildered, but he will be cheerful in front of his pregnant wife and will support her with dedication, as in the manga and illustrations I posted the other day! During MC's pregnancy, Ominis will be repeatedly struck with anxiety, but as he sees his wife's belly growing bigger day by day, he will gradually develop paternal feelings for her. And after the birth of his first child, when he holds his baby for the first time, Ominis will be moved by the preciousness of the creature in his arms and the weight of life, and he will awaken as the best dad…!
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I hope that Ominis, who became a father after unexpected events in his elopement, lives happily ever after, chewing on how precious a healthy family is😍.
Of course, it's all my headcanon, so I like different people's different ideas about Ominis' future! Anyway, I am happy as long as I see Ominis living a long and happy life..!
Thank you for reading my long story 🫶🫶🫶
A Japanese translation of the text is placed in undercut. (ほぼTwitterで書き散らかしていた妄想をまとめたものです。画像内の文章を和訳する元気はありませんでしたすみません…😂)
私の脳内設定(headcanon)では、オミニスは在学中にガールフレンドであるMCと話し合って、Gauntの名を捨て、二人で駆け落ちすることを選びました。 二人は卒業してすぐにアメリカ行きの蒸気船に飛び乗りました。
その後二人はアメリカで新生活を始め、ニューヨークに移転したばかりで人手不足のMACUSAでオミニスは運良く職員としての仕事を手に入れました。 (おそらくGaunt家出身であることを隠している偽名のオミニスがどのように正社員として採用されたか、また、明らかなposh Englishを話す彼がアメリカで素性を隠しきれるかどうか��ついては、私は細かいことは全く考えていません。こまけえこたぁいいんだよ!)
ご存知の通り、アメリカのIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardryの創始者の母はゴーント家の生まれで、その学校の庭にはスリザリンの杖が埋まっているなど、Gaunt家とアメリカには縁があります
そして次に、駆け落ち先でオミニスがどのようにして父親になっていったかです。 私の個人的な意見ですが、彼はきっと愛する女性と夫婦になっても、子孫を残すことを嫌がるでしょう。 Ilvermorny Schoolの創設者の娘のRionach Stewardという魔女はParselmouthという噂があるほどGauntの血を濃く継いでしまいました。彼女は呪われた血を後世に残さないために生涯独身を貫いた。 オミニスはとても真面目で思慮深い性格なので、Rionachと同じように、彼の身体の中に流れるGauntの血を後世に残したくないと思うでしょう。
しかしRionachとオミニスが違うところは、彼が男性ということです。 Ominisが異性愛者で健康的な身体を持っていれば、女性に対する性欲を完全に断つというのは困難でしょう。 (余談ですが、この二律背反こそ、オミニスのsmutをより魅力的にさせるスパイスだと私は思います)
金銭的な余裕もなく娯楽に飢えた、若い愛し合う二人は、きっと肉欲に溺れるはずです。 そして間もなく、MCの妊娠が判明するのです。
つまり私のheadcanonでは、オミニスは避妊失敗という情けない理由で父親になります。 これについては賛否両論かと思いますが、もちろん、オミニスは望まぬ妊娠から逃げ出すような無責任な男ではないと私は確信しています。 オミニスは非常に困惑しながらも、妊娠中の妻の前では明るく振舞い、先日投稿したmangaやイラストのように献身的に彼女をサポートするでしょう! MCの妊娠期間中、オミニスは何度も不安に襲われるでしょうが、日に日に大きくなる妻のお腹を見ていくうちに少しずつ父性が芽生える。 そして第一子が誕生後、初めて赤ちゃんを抱いた時に、オミニスは腕の中にある生き物の尊さと命の重みに感動し、最高のパパとして覚醒するのです…!!
もちろん、全て私のheadcanonなので、オミニスの将来については、色んな人の色んな考えも好きです! とにかく私は、幸せに長生きしているオミニスが見れればそれで幸せなのです…!
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a-titty-ninja · 9 months
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「Xまとめ3」 by たわし1623 | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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