#two big bingos by the swedish beauty.
pendvlums · 3 years
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who  had  s  brings  a  new  muse  on  their  2021  bingo  card  ?  bc  i  certainly  didn’t  !  but  when  i  got  an  idea  for  her  ,  i  couldn’t  stop  writing  ,  so  beneath  the  cut  is  a  little  information  about  miss  amelia  bones  !  please  give  this  a  heart  if  you’d  like  to  plot  but  i  will  be  putting  a  plotting  call  in  the  discord  chat  !  i  would  like  to  add  that  there  will  be  mentions  of  murder  and  death  ,  so  if  those  are  triggers  for  you  i’d  suggest  avoiding  this  post  or  to  read  with  caution  !  
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬  . 
name  :  amelia  bones  .  nickname(s)  :  millie  ,  mils  . age  :  twenty  .  birth  date  :  august  4th  .   gender  &  pronouns  :  cis  woman  &  she  /  her  . sexuality  :  pansexual  &  panromantic  . languages  spoken  :  english  &  swedish  .   house  :  hufflepuff  .  year  :  six  .  allegiance  :  the  neutrals  .   character  inspo  :  nadia  shanaa  (  elite  )  ,  marianne  sheridan  (  normal  people  )  ,  beth  march  (  little  women  )  ,  fiona  gallagher  (  shameless  )  .  mylene  cruz  (  the  get  down  )  &  belle  (  beauty  and  the  beast  )  .  
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲  .
“  you  never  cried  as  a  baby  ,  ”  amelia’s  mother  would  say  ,  “  you  practically  came  out  of  the  womb  smiling  ”  and  she  had  all  the  reason  to  .  her  childhood  she  remembers  fondly  ,  filled  with  laughter  and  play  ,  summers  spent  in  the  garden  ,  on  an  old  tyre  swing  ,  and  winters  building  snowmen  .  never  had  she  experienced  hardships  or  suffering  but  unbeknownst  to  her  ,  she  would  spend  a  lifetime  in  pain  before  meeting  a  cruel  end  ,  a  fate  the  same  as  her  parents  .  her  life  leading  up  to  that  moment  was  seemingly  perfect  and  more  than  she  could  have  ever  asked  for  .  she  never  asked  for  a  lot  but  somehow  the  universe  decided  that  two  loving  and  doting  parents  and  two  older  siblings  ,  that  were  often  annoyed  by  having  a  shadow  but  endeared  all  the  same  ,  were  too  much  for  her  .  still  ,  a  fourth  child  came  ,  a  little  sister  ,  who  she  loved  immensely  .  amelia’s  parents  had  no  fears  about  her  being  jealous  of  their  new  edition  ,  her  heart  was  much  too  big  for  her  body  and  overflowing  with  love  .  she  hasn’t  changed  in  that  respect  ,  with  not  a  bad  bone  in  her  entire  body  ,  far  too  pure  ;  an  angel  sent  from  above  ,  her  father  would  say  .  she  can  recall  the  time  she  was  five  ,  on  her  tip  toes  to  look  into  the  crib  when  her  sister  was  first  brought  home  ,  and  promising  that  she  would  always  protect  her  .  such  a  big  promise  for  a  child  to  make  but  she  vows  to  never  break  it  ,  and  would  never  forgive  herself  if  she  did  .  
with  each  day  and  each  turmoil  ,  she  remembers  that  happy  childhood  less  .  it  slips  away  from  her  ,  the  memories  snatched  along  with  her  older  siblings  and  parents  .  the  wounds  are  still  fresh  however  the  bruises  have  faded  ,  but  she  still  feels  them  on  her  skin  like  a  phantom  ,  from  her  younger  sister’s  flailing  limbs  ,  kicking  and  punching  ,  distraught  .  she  remembers  her  heart  pounding  ,  the  tears  brimming  in  her  glassy  hues  ,  and  her  hand  firmly  covering  her  sister’s  mouth  to  muffle  her  whimpers  .  she  can  still  hear  the  shuffling  above  the  floorboards  and  those  two  ,  small  words  repeated  four  times  :  “  AVADA  KEDAVRA  !  “  and  how  hard  she  flinched  when  the  bodies  hit  the  floor  .  in  those  moments  ,  she  grew  up  so  fast  ;  a  perfect  childhood  gone  within  seconds  .  but  what  she’ll  never  forget  is  the  BLOOD  CURDLING  scream  that  left  her  sister’s  mouth  ,  and  how  hard  she  fought  to  escape  her  tight  grip  ,  collapsing  on  the  floor  and  begging  them  to  wake  up  .  all  she  can  do  is  stand  there  ,  frozen  ,  and  she  knows  in  that  moment  she  had  broken  her  promise  .  she  couldn’t  shield  her  from  this  harsh  reality  .  she  just  went  out  to  the  old  tyre  swing  and  swung  .   
it’s  a  tale  of  unfortunate  events  what  happened  next  ,  the  girls  shipped  off  to  a  distant  uncle  that  they  hadn’t  even  heard  of  .  amelia  didn’t  have  to  go  with  her  ,  old  enough  to  support  herself  ,  in  fact  she  tried  to  give  up  school  and  become  her  sister’s  full  time  guardian  but  she  wasn’t  granted  permission  .  and  she’d  be  damned  if  anyone  thought  she  would  leave  her  in  the  care  of  a  stranger  .  fortunately  ,  and  unlike  the  count  in  the  novel  ,  their  uncle  is  not  all  bad  .  sure  ,  he  sees  them  as  a  burden  ,  or  one  last  “  fuck  you  ”  from  his  brother  ,  in  his  sick  and  twisted  mind  ,  but  she  is  still  grateful  for  the  roof  that  he  puts  over  their  head  ,  albeit  one  that  lets  in  rain  water  ,  and  the  meals  he  puts  on  the  table  ,  which  are  always  either  underdone  or  overcooked  ,  but  amelia  has  never  asked  for  much  and  it’s  food  and  shelter  all  the  same  .  
now  the  two  girls  have  returned  to  hogwarts  after  a  traumatic  summer  and  they’re  not  the  same  as  they  were  before  .  the  news  spread  fast  that  the  dark  lord  had  murdered  her  family  ,  and  she  could  feel  all  eyes  on  her  .  it’s  a  lot  to  deal  with  but  she’s  trying  to  keep  her  head  down  and  not  make  herself  a  target  .  she  has  also  sided  with  the  neutrals  ,  as  she  fears  for  her  sisters  life  ,  but  less  so  for  her  own  .  
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬  .
prior  to  the  death  of  her  parents  and  older  siblings  ,  amelia  was  like  a  breath  of  fresh  air  and  comparable  to  a  summer’s  day  .  she  was  always  glowing  and  radiant  ,  capable  of  uplifting  anyone  with  even  ,  just  a  smile  .  however  ,  now  her  cheeks  are  hollow  and  the  circles  beneath  her  eyes  are  dark  .  her  smiles  once  beaming  are  now  fake  and  that  sweet  innocence  is  gone  .  her  beautiful  soul  stays  intact  but  she’s  fighting  with  some  inner  demons  .  a  once  loving  girl  is  now  scared  to  get  close  ,  in  fear  that  they’ll  be  ripped  from  her  life  too  .  she  has  a whole  lot  of  baggage  and  she’s  trying  her  hardest  to  not  let  it  show  ,  trying  to  hide  behind  what  is  now  a  persona  ,  and  the  fabrication  of  the  old  her  ,  because  she  is  one  “  are  you  okay  ?  ”  from  breaking  down  .  
she’s  an  exceptionally  bright  girl  but  her  studies  will  definitely  take  a  decline  ,  and  she  has  dropped  out  of  all  of  her  extra  curriculars  .  honestly  ,  doing  anything  other  than  what  she  is  mandated  to  do  ,  right  now  ,  sounds  like  a  nightmare  .  
amelia  is  in  love  with  love  and  she  has  so  much  to  give  !  although  ,  at  the  moment  ,  she  finds  it  exhausting  .  she’s  panromantic  ,  pansexual  and  polyamorous  and  wants  to  give  love  to  whoever  will  accept  it  ,  romantic  or  platonic  .  she’s  an  absolute  sucker  for romance  !
 she  dreams  of  working  at  the  ministry  of  magic  ,  however  she  feels  that  dream  slipping  away  .  before  the  summer  ,  she  was  on  track  and  that  dream  seemed  achievable  but  despite  what  determination  she  had  before  ,  she  doesn’t  feel  like  she  has  the  energy  anymore  .  
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬  .
all  connections  are  open  to  f  /  m  &  nb  ,  unless  stated  otherwise  ! 
01  .  her  bestfriend  ,  the  one  person  she  can  always  turn  to  in  her  time  of  need  .  they’re  fiercely  protective  each  other  ,  and  she  considers  them  family  ,  almost  all  she  has  left  .    
02  .  unrequited  crush  /  love  .  as  i’ve  mentioned  ,  amelia  is  a  huge  romantic  !  so  ,  she  definitely  has  crushes  on  people  ,  whether  or  not  they  feel  anything  back  .  bonus  points  if  they  see  her  as  just  a  friend  !
03  .  her  bully  .  this  would  probably  be  best  suited  to  slytherin  ,  pureblood  characters  ,  just  due  to  their  nature  .  perhaps  they  see  her  as  weak  ,  especially  since  she’s  basically  on  her  own  now  besides  her  sister  ,  and  they  prey  on  that  .  
04  .  someone  who  notices  a  change  in  her  and  doesn’t  like  it  .  i’m  picturing  quite  a  selfish  muse  that  amelia  used  to  always  take  care  of  and  listen  to  their  problems  ,  but  now  that  she  has  her  own  and  big  ones  at  that  ,  she  doesn’t  have  time  for  them  anymore  and  they  think  she’s  being  selfish  .  
05  .  someone  who  notices  a  change  in  her  and  tries  to  help  .  they  check  up  on  her  ,  make  sure  she’s  eating  ,  bathing  ,  brushing  her  hair  etc.  they  care  about  her  so  deeply  and  want  to  help  her  go  back  to  the  girl  she  was  before  .  
06  .  childhood  friends  .  one  of  her  most  deepest  connections  because  she  has  known  them  the  longest  .  they  spent  their  childhood  running  around  the  garden  ,  giggling  and  screaming  ,  maybe  they  even  had  a  fake  proposal  when  they  were  six  and  always  joke  about  it  now  .  
07  .  someone  she’s  trying  to  help  .  she’s  seriously  too  good  for  this  world  and  would  be  at  their  beckon  call  whenever  they  need  her  .  could  have  a  romantic  element  to  it  or  could  be  platonic  .  
08  .  first  love  .  whilst  i  won’t  specify  how  they  ended  ,  she  probably  still  feels  love  for  them  .  though  ,  depending  how  they  ended  ,  she  is  probably  not  in  love  with  them  .  they  were  the  first  person  she  ever  dated  ,  her  first  everything  ,  from  the  age  of  sixteen  .  
09  .  i’m  unsure  how  to  label  this  one  but  it’s  a  romantic  connection  .  before  the  summer  ,  things  were  going  so  well  for  them  ,  they  felt  deep  feelings  for  each  other  and  promised  to  continue  over  the  break  and  write  each  other  letters  .  but  all  of  a  sudden  ,  she  stopped  sending  them  and  abruptly  too  .  your  muse  was  confused  and  hurt  but  the  news  of  her  family’s  death  travelled  to  them  not  too  long  after  ,  and  they  bombarded  them  with  letters  ,  but  they  were  just  delivered  back  to  them  and  unread  .  amelia  has  been  avoiding  them  ever  since  they’ve  gotten  back  .  
10  .  someone  she  tutors  /  study  buddies  .  since  she  quit  all  of  her  clubs  ,  she  has  a  lot  of  time  on  her  hands  and  she  offered  or  your  muse  asked  if  she  could  tutor  them  ,  or  just  work  together  in  general  .  
11  .  bad  influence  /  the  devil  on  her  shoulder  .  she  has  always  shied  away  from  drugs  and  alcohol  but  because  she’s  struggling  to  cope  ,  she  gives  into  your  muse  and  follows  their  league  .  potential  for  a  fwb  situation  too  ,  just  highly  hedonistic  and  toxic  .  
additional  plots  i  would  like  :  friends  and  enemies  plots  in  general  ,  including  family  friends  ,  friends  that  drifted  apart  due  to  being  put  in  seperate  houses  ,  unlikely  friends  ,  someone  who  rejected  her  crush  ,  reciprocated  crushes  ,  etc  !
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Our 10 best destinations to visit in 2018
Each year, there’s one day in our calendar that brings us a joy equal to that which Mim feels at Christmas (Mark is a festive grinch): the day that Lonely Planet releases their ‘Best in Travel’ for the next year. For us, it’s like a big game of travel bingo; the two of us poring over their lists trying to match their picks with where we’ve been and where we’re planning to go (and patting ourselves on the back for being so on-trend), while getting all inspired by the places we didn’t even know we wanted to see yet. The release of the Best in Travel list also gets us thinking about all the incredible places we’ve been fortunate enough to visit in the last 12 months ourselves, and it’s safe to say we’ve been doing plenty of travel research of our own. Here’s our own personal guide to the 10 best destinations to visit in 2018! OUR TOP 10 DESTINATIONS TO VISIT IN 2018 #1 PORTO, PORTUGAL We discovered the antique charm of Porto on a warm weekend in early December last year, and we’ve been dreaming about going back to explore its quaint alleyways ever since. Once a thriving port city with the Duoro as its epicentre, today the UNESO-listed city of Porto offers up an authentic slice of Portuguese life. Days here are made for lazy strolls, sangria-hazed afternoons, overindulging in delicious coastal cuisine and Port, and watching the sunset from one of the city’s many beautiful vantage points. And there’s Pasteis de Nata – need we say more. #2 MENORCA, SPAIN Often overlooked for its more boisterous, party-loving Balearic neighbours, the Spanish island of Menorca is quite simply, paradise. For two sun-starved London-dwellers in desperate need of some vitamin sea and sun, the week we spent here in May was utter bliss. READ MORE: WHY MENORCA SHOULD BE YOUR NEXT SUMMER ESCAPE The island is home to more than 70 Mediterranean-style beaches and coves, water so blue it’s beyond any adjective we can slap on it, and stunningly rugged coastal scenery. Not keen on beaches? No problem; how about exploring the postcard-perfect towns of Mahon or Ciutadella, the many hiking and cycling tracks, or settling in at a coastal bar with some fresh seafood and a Pomada instead? #3 SWEDISH LAPLAND, SWEDEN  It’s hard to imagine that this land of untamed wilderness, stunning beauty, and arctic lifestyle exists just a few hours from London. While the snowy, Christmas-like enchantment of winter is what the arctic north of Sweden is known for, it’s definitely not its only charm. As we discovered in early October,  Swedish Lapland has so much more to offer than icy tundras and snow days (although they are epic). Amongst the endless green forests and mirrored lakes, there’s  a rich culture, wonderfully warm locals, and a deep love of the outdoors unrivalled by any other destination we’ve visited. If you’re after a land of adventures on land, sea, and ice, this is your place! And for aurora hunters, the Aurora Sky Station in Abisko is also the best place on earth to view the Northern Lights. Win-win. #4 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA  Perhaps no city has surprised us like Bucharest did this year. For a start, it had never really factored into our travel plans, and admittedly, we’d both slapped a big ‘grey, poor, former Soviet Bloc country’ sticker on it and shoved it straight into our ‘maybe one day’ travel box. BUCHAREST INSPIRATION: THE 9 BEST THINGS TO SEE AND DO IN BUCHAREST How wrong we were. Five days in the charming decay of this city were enough to convince us that Bucharest is one of our favourite places in Europe. The food is world-class, a trendy coffee and underground art scene have bloomed, and greenery can be found around (almost) every corner. Since our trip, we’ve discovered the city is being touted as ‘the new Berlin’, but we have to disagree. This is a city most definitely coming into its own:  a heady mix of Latin spirit, Balkan passion, and a fusion of communist past and capitalist future. #5 LUANG PRABANG, LAOS Luang Prabang is a city unlike any other in the hustle and bustle of Southeast Asia. Nicknamed the ‘jewel of Indochina’, the expectations were set pretty high for our visit, and yet nothing quite prepared us for the sheer beauty and tranquillity that awaited us when we arrived. High in Laos’ north, Luang Prabang is UNESCO-protected, and for good reason: there are 33 active gold covered temples, beautifully preserved French colonial buildings, lush green riverside forests, and a thriving Buddhist monk population clad in saffron robes. It’s hard for us to describe this town to Laos’ north to you, mostly because it’s one of those places that you really have to feel for yourself to fully understand. #6 SRI LANKA The savvy amongst you will remember that Sri Lanka featured on our ‘best of’ list from last year, but you know what? It really was that awesome. One of our all-time favourite travel memories was watching the sunrise from the top of Adam’s Peak, having climbed up the 5500+ stairs to the top in the dark with hundreds of locals celebrating Sinhalese new year. What Sri Lanka lacks in size it more than makes up for in sightseeing opportunities, dense rainforest, friendly locals, easy transport, and delicious food. Basically, it’s the definition of a tropical paradise, and you need to get there. Right now. #7 NAMIBIA  Namibia is unlike anywhere else on Earth; a place where you constantly feel impossibly small just by virtue of the magnitude of your surroundings. When the desert rolls on endlessly towards the horizon and you haven’t seen another human for hours, if not days, you start to realise your own insignificance. To be honest, along with being in constant awe of Mother Nature’s finest achievements, that feeling was the most exhilarating one we’ve had on our travels. LEARN MORE: OUR IN DEPTH NAMIBIA TRAVEL GUIDE With the ship-wrecking Atlantic coastline to one side, and the world’s oldest desert on the other, Namibia is seriously rugged, and full of sightseeing opps. There’s Fish River Canyon, the towering sand dunes of Sossusvlei, a wildlife mecca in Etosha National Park, Spitzkoppe’s ancient rock formations, and a rich indigenous and colonial history to explore. Importantly, it’s also home to some pretty darn good beer! #8 HONG KONG  Hong Kong is far more than the Insta-famous phenomenon of coloured apartment complexes. It’s where concrete meets jungle, modern meets traditional. To step into its humming streets is to enter into a sensory maze – it’s chaotic yet orderly; loud yet quiet; multicultural, yet steeped in Asian tradition. While it’s filled with too many attractions to name – our favourites are Victoria Peak and the insanely futuristic ‘Symphony of Lights’ – our best tip is to get off the well-worn pathways and just explore. Around every corner is another photogenic street, the unmistakable waft of Peking duck, a local market filled with colour and life, and friendly locals quietly going about their business. Above the concrete jungle lies actual jungle, with hiking paths leading to some of the most epic views of the city. #9 CHEFCHAOUEN, MOROCCO  The Blue Pearl, as Chefchaouen is otherwise known, is located in the north of Morocco, and sprung to popularity with the rise of Instagram. Prior to its insta-fame, Chefchaouen was a sleepy, backpacker hideaway where marijuana was easily found. Now, its blue-washed streets are busy with travellers seeking a perfect Instagram shot, while enjoying the laid-back atmosphere and traditional medina. Tourism has definitely taken hold of this beautiful town, but it’s not completely overrun it. We managed to escape the crowds and find truly authentic experiences almost daily. The medina is a must see, filled with all sorts of items, as is watching the sunset from the Spanish mosque. Furthermore, the food here is absolutely to die for, so make a bee-line for the Plaza Uta el-Hammam and enjoy a tagine or five. #10 LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM It’s kind of ironic for us to include London on this list considering we make a point of trying to escape it so often.  But we’ve only been living in this city for the last year, and nothing makes us quite as giddy as seeing the Thames as it snakes past the big London attractions; Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the slow spinning London Eye, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, and the iconic Shakespeare’s Globe. For travellers, potentially one of the only good things to come out of last year’s shock Brexit result is that the dropping pound have increasingly made the UK a  ‘value for money’ destination. Ever dreamed of exploring the sights of London, but been swayed by tales of extortionate, budget-blowing prices for, well, basically everything? Now’s the time to go and pay Lizzie a visit. Feeling inspired? You might want to read these: Why you should travel solo at least once in your life  7 amazing European destinations you need to visit  Our 12 favourite experiences from 12 months of travel 5 reasons you need to get to Laos, now  FOLLOW OUR ADVENTURES ON FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | PINTEREST LIKE THIS POST? PIN AND SHARE IT!  JOIN OUR TRIBE & WANDER WITH US Join 30,000+ people and receive travel stories, tips + hacks, and stunning photography to inspire your wanderlust. Straight to your inbox We hate spammers. We'll never be those people. The post Our 10 best destinations to visit in 2018 appeared first on The Common Wanderer.
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Our 10 best destinations to visit in 2018
Each year, there’s one day in our calendar that brings us a joy equal to that which Mim feels at Christmas (Mark is a festive grinch): the day that Lonely Planet releases their ‘Best in Travel’ for the next year. For us, it’s like a big game of travel bingo; the two of us poring over their lists trying to match their picks with where we’ve been and where we’re planning to go (while patting ourselves on the back for being so on-trend), while getting all inspired by the places we didn’t even know we wanted to see yet. The release of the Best in Travel list also gets us thinking about all the incredible places we’ve been fortunate enough to visit in the last 12 months ourselves, and it’s safe to say we’ve been doing plenty of travel research of our own. Here’s our own personal guide to the 10 best destinations to visit in 2018! OUR BEST IN TRAVEL FOR 2018 #1 PORTO, PORTUGAL We discovered the antique charm of Porto on a warm weekend in early December last year, and we’ve been dreaming about going back to explore its quaint alleyways ever since. Once a thriving port city with the Duoro as its epicentre, today the UNESO-listed city of Porto offers up an authentic slice of Portuguese life. Days here are made for lazy strolls, sangria-hazed afternoons, overindulging in delicious coastal cuisine and Port, and watching the sunset from one of the city’s many beautiful vantage points. And there’s Pasteis de Nata – need we say more. #2 MENORCA, SPAIN Often overlooked for its more boisterous, party-loving Balearic neighbours, the Spanish island of Menorca is quite simply, paradise. For two sun-starved London-dwellers in desperate need of some vitamin sea and sun, the week we spent here in May was utter bliss. READ MORE: WHY MENORCA SHOULD BE YOUR NEXT SUMMER ESCAPE The island is home to more than 70 Mediterranean-style beaches and coves, water so blue it’s beyond any adjective we can slap on it, and stunningly rugged coastal scenery. Not keen on beaches? No problem; how about exploring the postcard-perfect towns of Mahon or Ciutadella, the many hiking and cycling tracks, or settling in at a coastal bar with some fresh seafood and a Pomada instead? #3 SWEDISH LAPLAND, SWEDEN  It’s hard to imagine that this land of untamed wilderness, stunning beauty, and arctic lifestyle exists just a few hours from London. While the snowy, Christmas-like enchantment of winter is what the arctic north of Sweden is known for, it’s definitely not its only charm. As we discovered in early October,  Swedish Lapland has so much more to offer than icy tundras and snow days (although they are epic). Amongst the endless green forests and mirrored lakes, there’s  a rich culture, wonderfully warm locals, and a deep love of the outdoors unrivalled by any other destination we’ve visited. If you’re after a land of adventures on land, sea, and ice, this is your place! And for aurora hunters, the Aurora Sky Station in Abisko is also the best place on earth to view the Northern Lights. Win-win. #4 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA  Perhaps no city has surprised us like Bucharest did this year. For a start, it had never really factored into our travel plans, and admittedly, we’d both slapped a big ‘grey, poor, former Soviet Bloc country’ sticker on it and shoved it straight into our ‘maybe one day’ travel box. BUCHAREST INSPIRATION: THE 9 BEST THINGS TO SEE AND DO IN BUCHAREST How wrong we were. Five days in the charming decay of this city were enough to convince us that Bucharest is one of our favourite places in Europe. The food is world-class, a trendy coffee and underground art scene have bloomed, and greenery can be found around (almost) every corner. Since our trip, we’ve discovered the city is being touted as ‘the new Berlin’, but we have to disagree. This is a city most definitely coming into its own:  a heady mix of Latin spirit, Balkan passion, and a fusion of communist past and capitalist future. #5 LUANG PRABANG, LAOS Luang Prabang is a city unlike any other in the hustle and bustle of Southeast Asia. Nicknamed the ‘jewel of Indochina’, the expectations were set pretty high for our visit, and yet nothing quite prepared us for the sheer beauty and tranquillity that awaited us when we arrived. High in Laos’ north, Luang Prabang is UNESCO-protected, and for good reason: there are 33 active gold covered temples, beautifully preserved French colonial buildings, lush green riverside forests, and a thriving Buddhist monk population clad in saffron robes. It’s hard for us to describe this town to Laos’ north to you, mostly because it’s one of those places that you really have to feel for yourself to fully understand. #6 SRI LANKA The savvy amongst you will remember that Sri Lanka featured on our ‘best of’ list from last year, but you know what? It really was that awesome. One of our all-time favourite travel memories was watching the sunrise from the top of Adam’s Peak, having climbed up the 5500+ stairs to the top in the dark with hundreds of locals celebrating Sinhalese new year. What Sri Lanka lacks in size it more than makes up for in sightseeing opportunities, dense rainforest, friendly locals, easy transport, and delicious food. Basically, it’s the definition of a tropical paradise, and you need to get there. Right now. #7 NAMIBIA  Namibia is unlike anywhere else on Earth; a place where you constantly feel impossibly small just by virtue of the magnitude of your surroundings. When the desert rolls on endlessly towards the horizon and you haven’t seen another human for hours, if not days, you start to realise your own insignificance. To be honest, along with being in constant awe of Mother Nature’s finest achievements, that feeling was the most exhilarating one we’ve had on our travels. LEARN MORE: OUR IN DEPTH NAMIBIA TRAVEL GUIDE With the ship-wrecking Atlantic coastline to one side, and the world’s oldest desert on the other, Namibia is seriously rugged, and full of sightseeing opps. There’s Fish River Canyon, the towering sand dunes of Sossusvlei, a wildlife mecca in Etosha National Park, Spitzkoppe’s ancient rock formations, and a rich indigenous and colonial history to explore. Importantly, it’s also home to some pretty darn good beer! #8 HONG KONG  Hong Kong is far more than the Insta-famous phenomenon of coloured apartment complexes. It’s where concrete meets jungle, modern meets traditional. To step into its humming streets is to enter into a sensory maze – it’s chaotic yet orderly; loud yet quiet; multicultural, yet steeped in Asian tradition. While it’s filled with too many attractions to name – our favourites are Victoria Peak and the insanely futuristic ‘Symphony of Lights’ – our best tip is to get off the well-worn pathways and just explore. Around every corner is another photogenic street, the unmistakable waft of Peking duck, a local market filled with colour and life, and friendly locals quietly going about their business. Above the concrete jungle lies actual jungle, with hiking paths leading to some of the most epic views of the city. #9 CHEFCHAOUEN, MOROCCO  The Blue Pearl, as Chefchaouen is otherwise known, is located in the north of Morocco, and sprung to popularity with the rise of Instagram. Prior to its insta-fame, Chefchaouen was a sleepy, backpacker hideaway where marijuana was easily found. Now, its blue-washed streets are busy with travellers seeking a perfect Instagram shot, while enjoying the laid-back atmosphere and traditional medina. Tourism has definitely taken hold of this beautiful town, but it’s not completely overrun it. We managed to escape the crowds and find truly authentic experiences almost daily. The medina is a must see, filled with all sorts of items, as is watching the sunset from the Spanish mosque. Furthermore, the food here is absolutely to die for, so make a bee-line for the Plaza Uta el-Hammam and enjoy a tagine or five. #10 LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM It’s kind of ironic for us to include London on this list considering we make a point of trying to escape it so often.  But we’ve only been living in this city for the last year, and nothing makes us quite as giddy as seeing the Thames as it snakes past the big London attractions; Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the slow spinning London Eye, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, and the iconic Shakespeare’s Globe. For travellers, potentially one of the only good things to come out of last year’s shock Brexit result is that the dropping pound have increasingly made the UK a  ‘value for money’ destination. Ever dreamed of exploring the sights of London, but been swayed by tales of extortionate, budget-blowing prices for, well, basically everything? Now’s the time to go and pay Lizzie a visit. Feeling inspired? You might want to read these: Why you should travel solo at least once in your life  7 amazing European destinations you need to visit  Our 12 favourite experiences from 12 months of travel 5 reasons you need to get to Laos, now  FOLLOW OUR ADVENTURES ON FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | PINTEREST LIKE THIS POST? PIN AND SHARE IT!  JOIN OUR TRIBE & WANDER WITH US Join 30,000+ people and receive travel stories, tips + hacks, and stunning photography to inspire your wanderlust. Straight to your inbox We hate spammers. We'll never be those people. The post Our 10 best destinations to visit in 2018 appeared first on The Common Wanderer.
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