#two is voiced by Kate Higgins who is the voice of Sakura
bioswear · 2 years
Drakengard 3’s english cast is so funny to me because it’s just an endless stream of “wait that’s Sakura from naruto. That’s Sasuke from naruto. That’s Gaara from naruto. That’s shizune from naruto”
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beachcityfamily · 6 years
About the Muses
The Koizumi family is just a regular human family living in the small town of Beach City, Delmarva, and being in Beach City means that they have daily dealings of some sort with Gems. NOTE: this blog is up to date with SU episodes. ((More under the cut, because it’s loooong))
Gender: Male Age: 47 Occupation: Businessman, specifically the owner and manager of a little Asian grocery store in Beach City Voice claim: James Earl Jones
Appearance: Short and muscular, standing in at 5'2", with a real bushy beard on his face, and stone grey eyes that are soft and caring. His black hair is starting to grey a little here and there. Often sports a suit when on the job, but he has been seen a few times in cargo shorts, flip-flops, and a flower shirt during the summer
The head of the family, he is levelheaded and patient, a good father to his three kids. He hails from Sapporo, Japan, and happily moved in to Beach City shortly after he got married. He’s the middle child of 10 siblings, and admittedly his mother’s favorite child. Like most in the family, he isn’t fond of a certain Fryman trying to ask them how they feel about the Crystal Gems, and would easily call on his son Tarou to chuck Ronaldo out of the house. “Sure, you can eat their food, I’d love to support the business, but the second that Fryman boy comes around, RUN,” is something he often says. He proudly dons the nickname of Rocky, a rather affectionate nickname given by his wife. As for the Crystal Gems? “Well… hmm… they do keep us safe, that much is known, but it can be rather dangerous sometimes. Last time something major happened, half the town was destroyed…”
Gender: Female Age: 43 Birthday: May 24 Occupation: Accountant Voice claim: Kate Higgins (Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey)
Appearance: Tall and slim, a statuesque 6'0", she is said to be fox-faced, having a narrow face with high cheekbones and eyes close together, making her rather pretty when taking traditional Japanese beauty standards into account. Her eyes are bright and blue and she has long black hair that goes halfway down her back, and she’s usually decked out in formal wear when she’s conducting business.
Rokuro’s wife, a big city woman from Tokyo. She’s got a pretty face, but she’s also got smarts when it comes to finances. She’s more than happy being Rokuro’s business partner, sorting out the finances and giving him advice. She's extremely motherly and doting, babying her three kids despite their pleas that they’re grown up now. “Grown up? Hah! You’ll always be my babies, even when you get married and have your own kids.” She’s a cat person and very much loves to show off her family of Oriental Longhairs, her… lanky… long… alien goblins that once ate the salmon that was to be dinner for the family. How she feels about the CGs? “It can be scary when others like them arrive, but I know they’ll protect us as best they can. It can be difficult for them, there’s only 8 of them, after all.”
NOTE: As of July 6, 2019, her twins popped! A boy named Tadashi, and a girl named Sakura. OwO Sakura’s the older of the two, and she’s bigger than little bro Tadashi, and they’re both happy and healthy and enjoying being surrounded by kitties. UwU
Gender: Male Age: 23 Birthday: November 12 Occupation: Uhh… student, I guess? Just gonna assume there’s a little college half an hour away or so. He also does odd jobs here to help out the townspeople, too. Voice claim: Travis Willingham (Knuckles from Sonic Boom)
Appearance: BOY, this big boy is ripped and beefy as all hell, but he’s still short at 5'2", and he has black hair and black eyes. Normally, Tarou is decked out in black cargo shorts, brown working boots, and a blue polo shirt in the summer and swaps out the cargo shorts for jeans in the winter… I actually do have sort of a face claim for him. For consistency, I won’t post his FC here, but I can provide if you ask~ :^)
He’s a big flirt, and he often pays for that as a result. Single and ready to mingle for a coffee date, but honestly, he prefers to settle down someday with a woman he cares about. He’s very protective of his two younger sisters, and he’s more than happy to toss out Ronaldo like a sack of potatoes, he tends to find the Fryman boy super annoying. His thoughts on the CGs? “They’ll kick your ass if you mess with them the wrong way… but that doesn’t happen too often, so I think you’ll be okay. Trust me, I tried wooing one of them, she just stared me down and closed the door. Still, they look pretty chill, I’d like to hang out with one of them someday, maybe with the purple one.”
Gender: Female Age: 16 Birthday: April 14 Occupation: High school student Voice claim: Tara Strong (Twilight Sparkle)
Appearance: Long, black hair that goes down to her hips, with an emo fringe covering the right half of her face, with dark blue eyes. She’s usually in a school uniform during the school year, because she’s a privileged rich girl who goes to a private school not far from Beach City. :p Anyways, she rocks denim shorts and a tank top during the summer months. She’s 5'1" and pretty petite all around.
With her little sister, Chihiro is rather outgoing and always doing something in Beach City when the weather’s good. She’s good friends with the Cool Kids and wishes she could be cool like them someday. She’s usually covered in cat hairs, and she’s pretty athletic, being the star player on the basketball and tennis teams at her school. She admires the Crystal Gems, not like the slight apprehension her parents feel. “I wanna be like Garnet someday! Or maybe Pearl! Is there a military school around? Because I’d like to join someday so I can keep other people safe when I’m older.” Little does she know is that she’ll be a big ol’ lesbian in a few years.
Gender: Female Age: 11 Birthday: June 28 Occupation: Grade school student (maybe she knows Onion, hehe~) Voice claim: Claire Corlett (Sweetie Belle)
Appearance: Already as tall as Chihiro, with plenty of years left to grow. She’s lanky and sports a school uniform in the fall and a summery pale yellow dress and flip-flops in warmer weather. She’s got bangs and her black hair goes down to her shoulders.
No longer the baby of the family, Jun’s sometimes Jun-bug by her parents due to her birth month, and her older siblings call her Juni. as a nickname She’s a hypertastic youngin, always curious and checking things out with Chihiro. She’s a real math whiz, but she prefers to be playing with the cats at home. She can usually be seen trying to give Sour Cream a high five, but not quite at that height yet, and she’s admittedly a bit wary of the Crystal Gems. “They’ve been here longer than we’ve been alive… It’s kinda scary, isn’t it? They’ve seen things we haven’t seen, they know things we don’t know… I dunno, it’s all a bit freaky to me...”
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sarazanmai · 7 years
Thoughts on the “Sailor Moon Crystal” English dub. Episode two.
no but really I love how Toei gave us some of the most iconic and important anime in history and their logo is Puss in Boots from a late 60s animation they made
apparently I’ve been saying Mizuno wrong
what I like about the shot of Ami watching Usagi is that it reinforces something key in every version which is that if not for her then all the girls would be fundamentally lonely and worse off
I still love Usagi’s striped outfit in this intro
and Mamoru dresses like an awkward dad, of coarse he does
Beryl is being voiced by Cindy Robinson who plays Amy Rose in the Sonic franchise
“she requires nourishment” this line just reminds me of that Pokemon flash Egoraptor did
I just love Luna’s kitty paws
also despite shooting the idea down Sailor V does end up being a senshi so
Tuxie on the other hand....eh he’s kinda why there is no Sailor Earth but he’s not a senshi but he does have his own crystal....I dunnow he’s special
I will NEVER get over the cats using the damn computer
Umino in this anime exists purely for convenient exposition
Usagi is bi as hell no one can argue with me on this
Ami is voiced by Kate Higgins who was Sakura in Naruto and was the voice of Tails from 2010-2014
a lot of Naruto actresses in this joint, not that I mind
I like Ami’s voice, its very pleasant
I also think these brief flashes to the Moon Kingdom was a nice touch
the child in the orange sweatshirt behind Ami looks like a baby Mamoru
seriously Usagi is more thrown by the fact that she used Ami’s first name (and yes I do know in Japan that’s a big deal especially when you just met the person) than the fact that she called her pretty, she’s bi
love that 90s bitch power suit the monster has going on
also Ami is still calling her Tsukino
I gotta say as a kid I did not appreciate Ami enough, she’s similar to Mamoru in that I needed to grow older to fully appreciate her
“hey, Bun Head I am NOT a garbage can”
so Bun Head is what they’re using to replace Odango Atama, I mean it fits since in the west we don’t really have dango or anything comparable to it but sorry Meatball Head is iconic
you’re REALLY getting in close there Mamoru
and I like how he stays that way as Usagi is all “brah cats don’t talk! kay bye!”
“why does my heart pound whenever I see him?” the kids these days call it thirst Usagi
seeing Usagi use a laptop is still a bit surreal
I always wished the transformation pen was put to more use
damn she’s gonna kill her with homework
okay so her hair thingies serve a use this one other time
“no, I’m too young to die!”
for a split second I really expected a rose to be thrown
I never really understood how mist was a good power
you know that “but you didn’t do anything” meme with Tuxedo Mask everyone loves? I think that applies to this episode
looking at Jadeite I just wonder how he and Mars could have worked as a couple
that being said I prefer this version to the sexist douchebag we got in the 90s (but I also liked Zoisite and Kunzite’s romance so)
speaking of, thar she is!
tune in next time when we get the most awkward bus ride since The Graduate
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