#twst realist!mc
harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
MC's stepmother: MC, I told you to clean the bedrooms! What are you still doing there?
MC: Cooking.
MC's stepmother: How dare you answer to me!
MC: 'Cause you're asking.
MC's stepmother: Hmph! Clean the bedrooms! And stop being lazy, you pitiful brat! *walks away*
MC: 'You pitiful brat' *while making a face*
Their father: *walking into the kitchen* *chuckles when he sees them*
Their father: I've heard your mother—
MC: She's not my mother.
Their father: Okay. I've heard my second wife yelling. Don't mind her. She doesn't know any better.
MC: I've got used to it. And I still despise you for marrying again. You should've stayed single.
Their father: Come on. We're not talking about this again.
Their father: Anyway, I have a good news for you. *shows them an invitation letter*
MC: What's that?
Their father: An invitation to enter Night Raven College~! Haha! I knew you would be chosen!
MC: ...
MC: You know I don't have magic.
Their father: You do! It— It hasn't awaken yet, but you do!
MC: I'm 16 years old, Dad! I went to different schools of magic, had undergone trainings to awaken this "magic" which I didn't have.
MC: That invitation must be fake.
Their father: No, it's not! It has the official seal and your name on it!
MC: *looks sternly at him* Did you use your connection?
Their father: *guiltily* No.
MC: Dad—
Their father: You should hurry! The carriage will be arriving any moment! *pushing them out of the kitchen*
MC: How about the food?!
Their father: My second wife will do it! Quick! Quick! Run along! Enjoy your youth!
MC: Seriously?!
Their father: I'm gonna miss you. *sniffles* Don't forget to write!
MC's stepmother: *hands them her credit card* Use that.
MC: I don't need it. I have my own money.
MC's stepmother: Just use it, I'm telling you.
*The carriage has arrived.*
MC's stepmother : That child is claustrophobic. Is it okay if you not ask them to be inside that... *looks creeped out with the "gate"*...thing?
MC: They'll put me to sleep. I won't even know.
MC's stepmother: ...
MC's stepmother: I slipped an axe into your bag.
MC: ...
MC: Are you crazy?
MC's stepmother: What?
Their father: Enjoy your trip! Me and my second wife will be fine here!
MC: *rolls eyes and gets into the gate*
MC: *on their first arrival*
MC: *sigh*
MC: Can I drop on my first day?
Professor Trein: Not possible.
MC: But I don't have magic! And you didn't have to give my dad a refund if that's what you're worried about.
Professor Trein: You might be a late bloomer and we're not giving up on you.
MC: Ugh...
Crowley: Is this our new student? *has approached them*
Professor Trein: Yes.
Crowley: Welcome to Night Raven College. What do you think of our school so far?
MC: Just like any other schools I've been from.
Crowley: *gasped* I don't think I can accept that. Night Raven College is the most prestigious school in all Twisted Wonderland!
MC: There's Royal Sword Academy.
Crowley: They're our rival! *clears throat* We promised to your father that we will awaken your hidden magic. You need to trust us.
MC: You accept nepo-babies. Why would I trust you? *their father is a well-known movie producer*
Crowley: ...
Crowley: Let's go to the Mirror Chamber. Follow me.
MC and Professor Trein: ...
MC: He's not trustworthy.
Professor Trein: I can't disagree with you.
MC: *ends up in Ignihyde*
Idia: ...
MC: ...
Idia: Do you have any questions?
MC: No. I just want to go home.
Idia: Mwehee! Me too. *clears throat* Sorry. No one will bother you in Ignihyde. I can assure you that.
MC: Thanks... I can see that all of you here are minding your own business.
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zinfindoll · 2 years
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Aftermath | Rated: G | reader pronouns: none CW: none AO3 link Part two to "Slumber"!
Woken up, you're faced with an important decision while dealing with the aftermath of Malleus' overblot.
Your dreams were whimsical.  Of you playing in a field of flowers, to going to an amusement park, then finally, to you relaxing on the shore of an ocean.  It was just you — nobody else was around as you sat on the beach, gazing out at the ocean serenely.  The sun seemed to be setting, but it had been for a while, hanging stagnantly in the air and dying the sky of reds and purples that any photographer would have killed to capture.
It was just you, on this beach, staring out at the ocean and trying to remember why you had felt so stressed.
Your memories were jumbled.  The world of Twisted Wonderland seemed a lifetime away, small fragments barely seeping into your mind.  It was hard to make sense of them.  At some point, you felt stressed again, as if your peaceful life on this beach wasn't natural, but the moment you got that feeling, a fog seemed to settle over your mind.
No.  Everything was just fine.
You don't know how long you had been sitting on the beach when you finally got up, turning around.  The scenery morphed into a clearing into the woods, and despite the strangeness of it, you didn't find any fault with it.  The trees dipped low, creating an almost hidden nook in the forest as wildflowers dotted the clearing.  It was magical, breathtaking, and...
Yet, something felt off.
That fog threatened to take over your mind, its soothing fingers trying to reassure you that you were safe, but this time you brushed it off as you noticed somebody else in the clearing, snoozing away peacefully on the grass.  He had to have been around your age, with glass-like skin and silver hair that spread out around him like silk.
Up until now, you hadn't seen a single other soul in this (reality?  dream?  space?) place, and so naturally curiosity took ahold of you.  For some reason, he looked familiar, but you weren't sure you had ever seen him in your life.
In a bed of thorns laid Silver, peacefully resting, an odd green glow surrounding him.
Silver...  Silver?
Your head started to hurt a bit, causing you to grimace as you took a step forward.  Your legs felt like lead, but the closer you got, the more your mind seemed to regain its clarity until you were collapsing by his side, trying to clumsily shake the teen awake.  Fragments of your memory were still floating around, not quite allowing you to piece together the full picture, but you understood enough.
Something was dearly wrong.
"Silver...  Silver!  You have to wake up!  Please..."
The boy stirred, purple eyes fluttering open as his eyebrows knit together, mumbling your name in confusion.
"Where...  are we?"
You wished you had the answer to that question.  You didn't, though, so instead you tried your best to fill the knight in on the situation.  "I believe...  We're both under a sleeping curse.  Malleus...  He...."  It was a struggle to tell Silver that his lord overblotted, but Silver seemed to get the memo, a heavy sigh leaving him.
"I understand."  Closing his eyes in thought for a moment, he seemed to be dredging up his own memories of what had happened before Malleus had cursed him.  "You found a way home, didn't you?"
"Ah..."  So, that really was the cause.  Malleus couldn't stand the thought of you going back...  ". . . Yes.  Crowley made a breakthrough, and I had told Malleus about it."
Silver nodded, standing up before helping you up.  He didn't seem as lethargic as he sometimes was; was it perhaps because he technically was asleep in your reality?  Neither of you planned on staying here long enough to find out.
As more memories seeped through, your surroundings seemed to shift.  You were still in the clearing, but no longer did it look magical.  The flowers were wilted, the trees now without leaves and all jagged branches.  Thorns seemed to poke out in the darkness, viscous black ink dripping onto the ground.  Where the overblot droplets met the ground, it seemed to corrode, the grass and flowers folding in on themselves and disintegrating.
No longer was this world enchanting.  It had warped into its nightmarish actuality, as if to punish you for fighting against Malleus' curse.
How did you two get out, though?  Malleus was one of Twisted Wonderland's best mages, and you were a magicless human from a different universe.  Was there even a way out for you?
Silver nudged you along, hand on his sword.  "Come on."  You didn't need to be told twice, following close behind him as he lead you through a narrow path in the woods.  Not for a second did you take your eyes off him, afraid that if you looked away for even a moment, he would disappear and your surroundings would shift once more.  That worry never came to fruition, though.  Without any other problems, Silver had managed to guide you both out of the woods and at the entrance of the Diasomnia dorm. 
The sky was dark green, almost black with the storm clouds hovering menacingly above the dorm, and everything was covered in thick thorns, blocking entrance.  Withdrawing his sword, though, Silver made quick work of the thorns, allowing you two to pass and enter the building.
The dorm was empty.  Everything cast alight in green, you had never seen Diasomnia look so dead before, dust floating around in the air as everything else seemed eerily still.  Like you had walked into a picture, everything stuck motionless and unchanging for eternity.  Nothing else could be heard besides your quiet footsteps, yours and Silver's steady breathing.  Where did you two go in the dorm?
Thankfully, your question was answered.  Some hallways were blocked by thorns too thick for Silver to cut down, and without his pen, there was only so much you all could do.  The thorns seemed to lead you and Silver down a path until you eventually made it to the room you had met Malleus in.  The doors, which had previously been barred shut in your reality, were now open, one door looking as if it had been almost ripped off its hinges.
The air seemed to shimmer around you as you and Silver stepped in, the scene before you contorting into something almost cartoonish as if you were looking through a bubble.  You recognized the people in the room, but you struggled to make sense of the scene before your eyes.  Leona, Ruggie, and Jack all seemed to have confronted Malleus, the large phantom behind him reminiscent of a huge dragon.  Lilia and Sebek were somewhat in the middle between the Savanaclaw students and their dorm leader, trying to appeal to Malleus.  What was most jarring, though, was what was floating behind Malleus...  
Floating on beds of thorns, were you and Silver, ensnared and glowing lightly.  You both looked so peaceful in your sleep, but when you looked closer you could see the trail of dried tears on your cheek, a light smudge of black on the corner of your lips.
Silver seemed frozen beside you, taking in the scene with a severity you had never seen on his face before now.
The others were talking, but you couldn't hear them.  It sounded distant and warbled, as if your ears were clogged with water.  It was a strain to even hear them, let alone try and make out what they were saying.  Likewise, reading lips was impossible with how the scene rippled like a disturbed pond, constantly moving the images.
Slowly, though, the phantom behind Malleus seemed to dissipate, his attire changing back to his normal Diasomnia form.  You and Silver had clearly arrived at the tail end of whatever confrontation had broken out as Lilia stepped forward to comfort Malleus.  From behind, yours and Silver's bodies ( god that was so weird to think about) were gently lowered to the crown, the thorns dissolving into thousands of green sparkles.
And yet, you still remained asleep, even as Jack ran towards you, catching you before you could hit the ground (not like you had plummeted to behind with, you had been let down so softly ).  You could barely hear him, but it didn't take a genius to guess he was calling out your name, trying to wake you up.
You looked beside you towards Silver, only to see him gone.  Glancing back at his body, you saw the way Lilia had gone over to him, kissing his forehead gently, seeming to break the curse that had caused him to sleep.
Why were you still asleep?  Malleus was brought back to his senses; why were you still cursed?
Jack had turned to Malleus in anger, and you could tell by the look on Leona's face, his ears pressed back, that he was also berating Malleus.  The fae in return had slowly gotten up and walked over to you, Jack seeming to hover over your body for a moment before stepping back.  His eyes didn't leave Malleus or you, but Malleus took no notice of him.  His attention was solely on you as he caressed your face, a thumb swiping over your lip to rid it of the black ink that had smudged when he kissed you earlier.
Malleus murmured something, but you couldn't hear it.  His grip on you tightened as he pulled you closer, and he stooped down, lips hovering over your own for a moment.  He hesitated to kiss you, before moving up slightly, lips pressing softly onto your forehead as if to coax you awake from the sleeping curse he had inflicted upon you.
The bubble you were in, watching this scene, suddenly popped.
Your eyes felt unbearably heavy when you woke up, squinting them closed more before struggling to open them.  You felt fatigued, your body drained as you looked up.  All you could see was Malleus, holding you close and looking relieved to the point of tears as you finally were freed from the curse he inflicted upon you.
When he spoke, he used your name, your true name and not 'Child of Man', and you found it hard to find yourself angry at him.  You were much too tired for anger, or any other spiteful emotion.
"We need to...  Talk," you slurred out to him, before sleep took you once more, body needing to recuperate from the magic.
When you next awoke, it was not in the arms of Malleus, but in the infirmary.  Sunlight filtered in brightly through the windows, and judging by the amount of small gifts and flowers littering the window sill (most gifts shoddily wrapped), you could safely assume you had been out for a decent amount of time.
You didn't wake alone.
Snoozing on your lap was Grimm, and when you shifted he immediately bolted up, eyes wide as he noticed you were awake.
Practically bawling, Grimm threw himself in your arms, and you immediately hugged him back.  Shushing him as you would a scared child, you glanced out the window, glad to see the sky was back to normal, no thorns to be seen.
After Grimm had finally let go, your day was filled with visitors from all sorts of dorms.  You had apparently been asleep for three days — three days as your body got much-needed rest from what it had been through.  The rest had caused you to feel rejuvenated, if not a bit restless as you were forced to spend one more day in the infirmary.  Your friends had used this time to swing by, expressing well wishes and filling you in on everything you had missed.  Even Crowley had popped in, letting you know that everything was set for you to go home now should you wish to leave (which was very fun to explain to Grimm and the ADeuce duo, who had been in the room when Crowley decided to swing by).
Despite all of your visitors, though, Malleus never came.  It wasn't until late in the night, when Ace and Deuce managed to drag Grimm off, that Lilia had swung by your room by himself.  Despite his usual smile, the air felt somewhat heavy, and you spoke first, suddenly feeling tired once more at the conversation that was ahead of you.
"I didn't mean to hurt Malleus," you started, but Lilia shushed you.
"It is not your fault that he overblotted," he cut you off.  "In honesty...  It may have been brewing for a while.  As his guardian, I should have noticed the problem in his feelings, but instead I fed into them.  But please, do not hold this against him, either."
"I don't."  Your response was mindless and swift, but after taking a moment to think about it, you realized you really didn't hold it against him.  He hadn't been in his right mind, and while you perhaps were a bit frustrated with how everything had played out, anger wasn't one of the emotions you felt towards your friend.
Still, you wanted to talk it out.
Lilia had been speaking, but you hadn't truly been paying attention when you unapologetically cut him off.  "I want to talk to Malleus."  Realizing moments after how rude your interruption was, you could feel yourself flush.  "Er...  Please."  If anybody could convince Malleus to come see you, it'd probably be Lilia.  Sure enough, Lilia didn't take your interruption or you ignoring him to heart — he only gave you an enigmatic smile, patting you twice on the head before heading out to probably find his ward.
It was only a few moments before a couple of fireflies floated into the room, one landing on your nose and distracting you as the very man you had been waiting for all day appeared.  The firefly on your nose floated off, allowing you to give Malleus your undivided attention as he shifted in place, arms crossed.  He didn't meet your eyes for a moment, and you had to think — for somebody usually imposing, he seemed more reminiscent of a scolded child, or a pouty toddler.
You sighed.  You were just glad he had been pulled back to reality from his overblot.
"I'm not mad."
Finally, his gaze met yours, searching your face to see if you were lying.  When he didn't respond, you continued, leaning back in your bed.  "I'm...  A bit upset with how everything turned out.  I don't appreciate being put under a sleeping curse."  Your voice was stern, and you made sure to not break your gaze from Malleus.  "But..."  Your shoulders slumped.  "I can't find it in me to be mad at you."
"You should be," he murmured.  ". . . I hurt you."
He was right.  You should be; and while you weren't mad, it didn't mean your relationship with him could just easily bounce back to normal.  Overblot or not, he had broken your trust.  It would take time to recover that, time which you may not even have should you choose to go back and stay in your world.  You told him as much, wanting to be firm that, despite the lack of hostility, you did not condone what he did to you and Silver, watching as he seemed to slump slightly.  He didn't argue, though — chances were, Lilia had given him a similar lecture.
"Crowley found a way to keep the portal stable should I choose to go home," you started slowly, gauging his reaction.  "I don't have any magic, so I can't open it back up to come back, but if somebody were to open it on this end for me to allow me to come back..."  You trailed off, hoping for Malleus to catch the hint.
He did.  "Child of Man...  Are you saying you'd want to come back to this world?"
Did you?  You weren't entirely sure yet, but the thought of leaving your friends behind hurt, and you figured it may be better for you to visit here than to have them visit your world.  The thought of somebody like Malleus, or the Leech brothers, or even Ace in your world was enough to make you shudder at the chaos.  Best to not deal with that.
"At the very least, it'll be possible for me to travel between the two.  So I won't be gone forever."
"You'd want to come back, even after what happened?"
Even after I almost cursed you to sleep for a thousand years? He seemed to mean.
You leaned forward, gently grabbing his hand, calling out his name softly.  He watched you carefully, emerald eyes hopeful.  "I...  Care for you a lot, Malleus.  Of course, I care for my other friends greatly, but..."  You busied yourself with looking at your conjoined hands, watching as your fingers intertwined with his own.  "You hold a special place in my heart, even with what had happened.  I don't want to leave this world on such a dark note with you.  I want... To continue to spend more time with you."
Your voice cracked at the end of your confession, and Malleus had finally closed the distance, pulling you into him in a comforting hug.  You were still in bed, but he had sat down, practically pulling you into his lap as he held you close, your face buried in his chest.  Fingers stroked your head, and while you couldn't see Malleus' face, you could imagine the soft look on it that he often donned when around you.
"Even now, you're not afraid of me...  You're truly something else, my dearest Child of Man."  An amused huff left him — at least, you think he was amused.  "Truthfully...  I don't want to part with you, even for a moment.  If you'll allow me, I'll rebuild the trust between us.  I, too, care for you greatly."
Pulling back slightly, Malleus tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.  "I didn't ask back then, but I will ask now...  Can I kiss you?"
Once again, it was your name, and not his nickname for you, that left his lips. Heart fluttering, you could only nod, allowing him to tenderly place his lips upon your own, a kiss soft and sweet and conveying all the emotions neither of you had spoken out loud.  When you finally separated, you leaned your forehead against him once more, feeling somewhat tired from the long day of visitors and the heavy conversations.
Sensing your fatigue, Malleus once more stroked your head, holding you firm in his arms.  "Rest.  I'll stay right here."
Unlike before, when you had resisted sleep in Malleus' arms, knowing about the curse he had placed, you found yourself more willing to relax.  There was no curse, or overblot, or betrayal here.  It was just you and Malleus, and while you knew you'd need to rebuild that trust with him, for now, you felt safe in his arms.
And so, you allowed yourself to sleep once more.
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jessamine-rose · 7 months
So I finally found the time to read Chapter 5 + the Hades event of What in Hell is Bad? and AAHHH LEVIATHAN?!! God, his character is so interesting and I can’t wait to see more of him.
Idk I just find his personality and cold attitude towards MC quite refreshing. Not to mention that he has such a lovely voice and beautiful appearance…….aaahhh he’s so intriguing <3
AND LEVIATHAN’S H SCENE?? Let’s just say that my inner sadist was very happy with how it turned out. Honestly, we need more characters who are masochist + power bottom ψ(`∇´)ψ
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 1 year
Unnecessarily Convoluted Analysis of TWST Dorm Architecture
Putting that Art History degree to use 💪 I am getting my Masters in art history, so I am like semi qualified?? to do this. Tried my best with some of the dorms since some don't have an explicit cultural/architectural parallel irl. And obviously lots of liberties taken since I'm sure the people at Disney were not going for historical accuracy
Masterlist here
Much of this analysis can from my Spolia fic (Malleus x Light Fae MC)
Diasmonia: Early Gothic
Gothic- but early gothic. It's got a few flying buttresses, indicative of technology in later gothic movements- but in combination to the lower ceilings (lower than later gothic), fewer levels (celestory, triforium, doric columns, and shorter windows makes me think it's early gothic (more towards Norman architecture/Sens Cathedral), because it's a lot simpler and less technologically developed than high gothic (larger windows, rose windows, higher and pointier style, flying buttresses, more decorative stuff like Corinthian columns and stained glass). Still, I think the Fae would be been more concerned with its structural integrity against the waves of time- therefore gargoyles become a very prominent symbol in protecting this eternity and preservation of architecture since it basically prevents rain/weather from eating away at the building.
There's some interesting symbolism with Malleus' fixation with gargoyles, but I'm sure you can make that connection on your own based on what's out in Chapter 7 and how he reacts to both Lilia's and MC'S impending goodbyes.
Gothic was actually a term used by the French to demean the style, since it was seen as more 'savage' and 'lower' than classical architecture- which is symmetrical, solid, and values very literal and realistic (albeit idealized) characterization. Gothic architecture in contrast is a lot more airy, focuses on light and windows, and values more allegorical representations, which is why it resonated so well with the religious ruler and monarchies because they were able to not-so-subtly point to their influence and power in every single way without it being in your face all the time.
Because of this very stank contrast, it was labeled as "gothic" because people were criticizing it to be "savage" and "unkept". The goths were painted this way because they were mainly responsible for Rome's downfall, leading to the dark ages. Regardless of the French ruthlessly roasting the goths, this type of design flourished after the dark ages because technology was beginning to be advanced once more, and materials were more readily available.
My theory would be that the fae began to first develop this architecture because they had the advantage of magic, but then the humans were influenced by it- which leads them to high gothic (Noble Bell College), as well as Baroque and Rococo architecture (like the Pomefiore dorm). The Fae kept their style of early gothic since they didn't really see a point in changing much- maybe just more decorative gargoyles called grotesque as a symbol of the Fae's gratitude in their protection against time.
Also the hallways have what are almost like ribbed vaults which was one of the primary and first symbols of gothic architecture because they allowed more weight to be distributed to the vaults, and therefore allow for bigger windows.
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Another distict characteristics in gothic architecture are clearly defined elevations.
Traditionally, they will have the celestial at the top, then gallery, then the main arcade (especially as we get into the later gothic periods and buildings get even taller and taller). Of course Disney isn't completely accurate with these things, but it seems that they're sort of going for that vibe, as many things end up being as our contemporary notions of historical design often creates a vague iconography of things that is often a copy of a copy of a copy of the original medium.
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However I do think the intention to mimic the original design is still there overall, and combined with many of the other elements such as the prevalence of pointed arches that are a symbol of gothic architecture, and the sheer number of windows that were allowed originally due to the technological advances of the gothic era (and of course Malleus' own obsession with gargoyles), I think it would make sense to categorize this is like "gothic adjacent".
If I were to redesign the diasmonia dorm however, I would definitely begin by fixing the exterior- but I think they were referencing Malificent's tower in the Disney movie than any sort of historical accuracy lol. You win some, you lose some.
Pomefiore: Rococo with a touch of Art Noveau
Very obviously modeled after French Rococo architecture- the illustration of the hallways of Pomefiore dorm are almost exactly like the Palace of Versailles
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It is definitely a toned down version- but pretty spot on, right? When I first saw the Pomefiore dorm I immediately Googled a picture of the Palace of Versailles cause I knew I saw it somewhere. Autistic spidey senses at it again.
Honestly wish they went more all out with the chandeliers, and had painted ceilings on the dorm colors- but I feel like they got the general vibes right. It feels closer to Romanesque with its simplicity but it still holds an aura of decadence and frivolity that I like. Very rich, extravagant like it's members (maybe not so much Epel lol)
Elements of Art noveau in the furniture (the peacock chair) and the embroidery of the uniforms.
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Also, the peacock chair sort of reminds me of James McNeill Whistler's Peacock Room. He was an American impressionist that was sort of the forefront of art nouveau, since impressionism was one of the mainstream movements that really began the explosion of Japanese inspired design that is also used in Art Nouveau aesthetic.
(Vil would definitely have this room if he could)
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The carpet in the room reminds me of William Morris' designs, and just art nouveau in general.
As far as I can tell, the exterior is based on a variety of German castle styles from 13th century Romanesque styles, to 18th century Neo-Gothic styles. Which is coincidentally what a lot of the castles on Disneyland are based off of.
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Everything is very florial, Corinthian, and extravagant. I love it. It's very baroque, I dig it.
Please don't come for me I'm not as well versed in Non-Asian and Non-Western architecture except for religious architecture in Turkey and Jerusalem so I'm gonna try my best with this one
So I think it mixes a lot of the icons we think of in association to Arabic architecture like domes, pointed/ogee (rounded, then pointed)/multifoil (multiple curves) arches, and ornate floral designs that derive from the use of calligraphy in Islamic structures (as iconography, or pictures depicting the faces and bodies of religious figures were not allowed).
And I think all those tiny buildings resemble Minarets, or tall towers built adjacent to mosques where the muezzin can issue the call to prayer. But the artists were probably like "hm. Not enough. How do we make it more arabic??" And of course the contemporary orientalist perspectives that dominate the artistic realm made they go "quick just add a bunch of domes"
I think Kalim's room and the lounge in particular best shows the general "airiness" that parallels Islamic acthicture (ie the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque on UAE)
Open air courtyards are also a characteristic element of Islam architecture, which you can see with the areal view of the dorm, and also makes sense with Kalim's unique magic.
Jali window designs (the intricate gold metal covers on the arches) are also popular on Islamic architecture
The Haga Sophia in particular has been described to have a dome "suspended by the heavens", as the section connecting the building and the dome is made entirely of arches that allows the sunlight from the heavens to pour inside the building. Though the haga Sophia is a very special case, as it was occupied by varying religions with different architectural styles at certain periods- I think it's also a good representation of our contemporary prototype of Arabian architecture that makes up the final design of the dorm.
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Ignihyde: Classical Greek
Looks like it's modeled after the Parthenon, which was built during the Classical period on Greece where Athens was flourishing as a center of mathematics, technology, and architecture. These are sentiments which becomes reflected in the Renaissance afterwards, such as symmetry and a very systemic way of approaching things. I think it fits perfectly with this dorm, since they're the "tech geeks" of NRC
It's got your pediment, your doric columns (would have preferred ionic columns but whatever Disney), your arcades. Pretty straight forward unlike the actual movie it's based off of lol (Hercules has so so many mythological inconsistencies. Like why are you talking about Achilles in the movie??? Trojan was hasn't even happened babe stop manifesting that shit)
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I think the symmetry and order of Classical Greek design goes well with the overall futuristic look Ignihyde and the Island of Woe are going for. Pretty clever, Disney.
Heartslabyul: Tudor Revival Style
Though Alice in Wonderland is set in the later 19th century, I think the Tudorian Revival style than began in the beginning of the 20th century just shortly later fits best.
Turdorian revival style is characterized through half timbering, which is like the timber panels you see on the surface of the building; oriel windows (windows that jut out); mock battlements; and courtyards.
The Tudorian revival style also takes elements from Elizabethan era architecture and perpendicular gothic architecture, hence the long gallery and the tudorian four point arch)
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The glass panes in the lounge leaves me to believe it's sort of like a glass house where part of the house is sort of like a greenhouse. This is characteristic of Victorian glasshouses that rose with the availability of timber, paint, and brick and the popularity of botany in the Victorian era propelled by botanical imports from British colonies. Architecrs like Joseph Paxton were also known for his opus magnum- the Crystal Palace, which held the Great Exhibition of 1851 (kind of like a world expo with the theme of industry and art) also popularize the movement- and was a significant sign of wealth, as glass and window taxes were especially high. But in the later century when iron and steel frame construction was advanced, people could be built out of iron and window panes, so they could be assembled easily, and also afforded by middle class citizens.
So it's basically a mix of Elizabethan and Victorian revival styles (tudorian and gothic), which is in theme with the Victorian period the original media is set in, albeit taking inspiration from styles little later in the period.
Again- I am blind when it comes to Non-Asian/Non-Western architecture- but this one was kinda confusing cause it really doesn't have any architectural cohesivity??? Like it's just got a general "jungle vibe" which I'm not surprised at because Disney is infamous for glossing over non-white cultures and kind of just simplifying them into a "general vibe" which wow yikes my guy
Kind of reminds me of Mese Verde, which are structures made directly within a cliffside, or the Great Mosque of Djenné and the African Heritage house in Kenya which have very smoothed, natural designs that blend into the environment
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What I could gather from my research and my juicy autistic brain, savannas are regularly subjected to wild fires- so a lot of the heavy, rocky architecture and interior style makes sense, opposed to one made of wood (which are mostly in the inside of the structure, besides the roof which I imagine is less likely to catch on fire). Much of the building seems also to be directly carved within natural rock formations- a very functional use of the resources around you- very savannaclaw!
The textiles in each of the dorm members' rooms resemble Kente fabric, a style of hand weaving from Ghana, originally reserved for royalty but now commonly worn for ceremonial occasions and such. Also unlike other African textiles styles, it's strictly a male practice. I think it would make sense for Sunset Savanna, a place where women are highly respected and perhaps take on more political and military positions- leaving largely men to the practice of textile making (both are honorable acts- not comparing the two). There aren't distinguished aesthetic styles of textiles that differentiate each weaving from another- rather, it is divided by technique and region- so this is not like a definite connection, just thought it was interesting to includle
Textiles seem to occupy the only decorative role in the entire dorm- so perhaps there is significant cultural significance? Maybe there is a certain region that's known for their practices? Or is weaving a symbol of adulthood or growth and therefore is why they're hung up in each of the dorm member's rooms with the exception of Ruggie, who may not have had the socioeconomic privilege of making one? Or does the practice vary across species? Much to speculate 🤔
Octavinelle: Art Deco and Art Nouveau
Saved this one for last because oh boy I don't even know where to start with this. Obviously the design is very creative and I love it, but there's a lot less historical elements I can use to analyze the style, kind of like the Savanah claw exterior.
But it leans towards the art deco style, which is most fitting for the business dorm I think.
Elements of Art deco like geometric aspects of design, thematic and aesthetic consistency, and decorative/geometric windows are seen throughout the dorm interior and exterior
But I think the art nouveau elements are also there too, with the cheeky sea-themed elements that use natural shapes and icons into the architecture, design, and surfaces of the dorm.
Otherwise, not much else to say about this dorm 🤷 it's not really based in anything historical but there are bits and pieces of art nouveau and art deco in there, but I definitely wish they would lean more into the art deco elements since I think it would go well with the general themes of the dorm values.
So uh, yeah. Told you it would be convoluted.
Feel free to add and or correct!
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I heard of a summer event with stitch! And mc in octavinelle is yuuta who work in ramen shop. So in savannaclaw, did everyone knows yuuka's a girl?
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Yes, I know! I like to keep up with TWST news. You can find posts about the Stitch event and the Episode of Octavinelle manga on my blog; feel free to join in the discussion!
There’s been no indication (so far) in the Episode of Savanaclaw which would tell us that others think of Yuuka as male or female. Personally, I think it’s likely that everyone knows she’s a girl and just rolls with it + treats her like a normal person in spite of that because Yuuka has no real reason to hide her sex from everyone. (Plus, I don’t think it’s entirely realistic to have large swathes of the NRC population treat her drastically differently just because she’s a girl.)
It just serves no narrative purpose and doesn’t add to anything. In fact, I would argue it would actually subtract from the overall narrative since everyone being aware of Yuuka being a girl and her still standing up to Leona creates an interesting dynamic. It goes the same way for Leona; he wouldn’t underestimate Yuuka just because she’s a woman, he’d treat her like an equal and a worthy opponent. This is especially true when we consider that Leona specifically comes from a culture where women are strong and respected; if Leona didn’t realize Yuuka was a woman this whole time (like, if he learned she was a woman post-getting his ass kicked), then we’re deprived of this bit of nuance and complexity in their developing relationship as Yuu and OB boy.
P.S. Ironically, Yuuka is the most bishounen looking of all the manga!Yuus so far 😂
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Post-graduation hcs part 1
I have been thinking about what might await the boys once they graduate, realistically speaking. I'm tempted to do another hc series similar but them as parents or with a s/o or something 🙈. Sorry, some are shorter than others. Hope you like them:
🌹 Riddle
He moved in an apartment with Trey and Chenya temporarily until he has enough savings to live on his own, alternatively moves in with his s/o, if he has one, ideally after graduation. He had been preparing for an independent life away from home post-overblot without telling his parents and when the moment arrives there's probably a big fight between them, especially when Mrs Rosehearts discover he won't study to become a magical doctor like she planned.
In his birthday vignette he shows interest in studying law, so I think he would be a judge. To me it's canon because it's a reference of how the Queen of Hearts was the judge in Wonderland trials.
Riddle disappointed his parents —more like infuriated Mrs Rosehearts— and had multiple arguments with his mom about what his future but he no longer cares what she says. He might like to continue being in contact if they come to terms he's free to do whatever he wants with his life; most likely only his father accepts this. #DisneyletRiddlehaveatleastoneredeemedparentchallenge
Riddle will need time to heal and accept this rupture is the best for him, but he'll still look at the past and mourn for the childhood and family he never had. He likes his job but sometimes he feels beyond exhausted after certain cases. Praying he gets the growth spurt or self confidence on his height he deserves 🙏
♠ Deuce
Deuce had one goal already in mind since his early freshman days, being a police officer, and by his determination you can bet he worked on it until the dream became a reality. Needless to say mama spade is super proud of her boy.
Oh the delinquent angsty teenager becoming a police. The irony. The amount of comments and stories his mom will share with his friends when they come to their hometown. They're not letting it live down.
Trey mentioned in chapter 5 that the best mages from fire and policemen are recruited by an international organization called Arcane Response Unit, which if I remember correctly it's the one that responds in OB cases when they aren't extremely dangerous. I find it sweet imagining Riddle and him keep seeing each other due their jobs.
❤ Ace
I'm sorry I have no idea which career he could be interested in (╥﹏╥) Maybe when we know his unique magic and more about him I'll write something else. But you know that joke shop the Weasley twins had where they sold magic artifacts and miscellaneous stuff?? Yeah, that could suit him. I believe he could have more ambition than just owning a shop though...idk
After graduation I can see Ace, Deuce, Grim and MC choosing to share an apartment while studying their major studies, if MC is still in TWST of course. Main trouble gang now as roommates, imagine the chaos.
♣ Trey
If he's roommates with Chenya and Riddle, they split chores: he's in charge of the cooking most of the time. He's also the one who keeps most contact with Heartslabyul classmates due his popularity as the "dad friend", but his closest relationships aside from Riddle are with Cater and Adeuce. Often reminds them via message to rest and gets upset if he finds out they have been slacking on a healthy lifestyle after moving away from home.
Either chooses to run his family bakery after his parents retire or becomes a chef in some restaurant. I imagine Azul would be interested in keeping Trey close or tries to hire him for his restaurant business.
♦ Cater
Your Cay-Cay keeps being fire on Magicam! ✧⁺ /hj
Just like Ace I believe Cater tried to make the most out of his school life, so planning from the start what he exactly was going to do wasn't in his top priorities. He knew he still wanted to have time for social media, and despite some minor existential crisis about his future he was realistically listing his abilities and cons in his search for okay-ish jobs.
Eventually he set up for working on social media management or marketing: him being able to read the room + being updated with the latest trends and internet language + meme culture + his obsession liking of Magicam + knowledge to make great pics to post = Best job for him!
In spite of the time being a publicist for brands and influencers take he still updates his Magicam account. Not exactly a worldwide star but I can see him having around +500K overtime and even hitting the million there or in his twst youtube channel. Because of his job and hobby he still cross path with Vil sometimes.
About his family... Just like Riddle I see him looking forward to move in #ASAP, but Cater kept in contact with his family because their relationship still could still be fixed. Therapy may be needed to further explore and heal his family issues and roots of his depression but eventually he's better, if anything still a bit salty with his sisters (don't get me wrong everyone here should go but Cater is in the list or easier to convince) Extra good sis points if they are the ones who talk with Cay-Cay about going to therapy and agree to go with him if asked <3
🦁 Leona
For a moment I wrongly thought "This man is filthy rich, I 100% can see him not doing anything with all the money he has if he feels like it." before the realisation that contradicts his character smacked me in the face. Seeing how he denied the idea of losing without a fight in the tournament I think he'll try to exit his title as being only the second born and make a name for himself.
Given he's a respected leader in his dorm and how he can put in work his leadership skills when the moment requires it Leona would want to be involved in his kingdom management.
Leona has a tattoo that resembles Scar's, and I think that was a symbol of the royal guard, so maybe he'd become royal guard captain. Something like an ambassador or related to military or diplomatic relationships, representing the royal family and travelling for politic reasons.
Knowing Leona he'd be keep ignoring his depression until others talk him out of that procrastinating attitude and force convince him to search help, most likely his s/o or Farena's wife scolding, since it seems he'd do what they tell him even if it's grudgingly. Cheka probably goes to RSA and by then any ill feelings towards his nephew are gone, although he'll always act like he annoys him.
🍩 Ruggie
In Ruggie SSR dorm card is shown Ruggie is fluent at Animal Linguistics. With his participation at the Animal Linguistics Speech Contest I'm positive he could find a job about it, perhaps work alongside Leona as the royal family interpreter.
Regardless of which career he chooses he'll make some good cash and after receiving paychecks he'll spoil his grandma and give small treats to his neighbours by buying a lot of food and making occasional meals for everybody when he visits.
🐺 Jack
Unless he marries somebody whose homeland is different I picture him living in his hometown tending to his cactus. He has a nice house, big enough to raise some kids, and space enough to grew his plants. Man has simple needs and he is content with it.
Definitely the most likely who ends up having a spouse out of all the students, closely followed by Epel and Rook imo.
At first I was blank about his career but thanks to a user on Reddit I agree with them that Jack could be a personal coach or some sort of athletic instructor, for instance ski/snowboard teacher since he likes it. Or a professional athlete.
🐙 Azul
Azul invests in the market and hit big numbers earlier than anybody else. Technically he doesn't need to work anymore or worry about making an income but he still runs a restaurant, expanding his empire as the owner of high quality restaurants both in land and sea. Chains like Applebee's are shit under his foot in comparison lol
Still trying to keep in contact with his dear classmates who he spent so many wonderful days Definitely not because he could use having the Asim new family leader or the royal captain or a honourable judge like Riddle or the STYX leader nono-
🐬 Jade & Floyd 🦈
The ones who mop the floor with Azul's competition
They are still by Azul's side, but they continue in their family business behind the scenes. Probably meet Riddle in the courtyard. Not because they are careless to leave traces behind mind you, Floyd just felt like squeezing some annoying dude and the law is being unfunny and charging him for aggression. Jade is never caught on the things his twin is accused of, but Riddle has the feeling he's never too far from the fights.
Each time the case is closed or paid with community services. Azul pays the penalty fees and the octotrio always act oh so casually about it while getting in Riddle's nerves. Poor golfishie thought he'd see the last of them after ending NRC and now he's near a mental breakdown when he reads "Leech" in his next trial file. Said trials must be a sight to behold, which is why Jade goes whenever he's not busy, amused.
👑 Vil
The octatrio preferably lives on land for different reasons: Floyd has an expensive and varied shoe collection he can't wear underwater, Jade happily built a greenhouse for his terrariums, and Azul has houses both in land and sea to supervise his restaurants and going on vacation when he feels like it.
Despite their shared shady business is likely the twins do secondary jobs to entertain themselves: Floyd keeps starting projects and dropping them once he gets bored, from modelling to participate in monster truck events. Jade studied economics and is in charge of the financial administrations of the business, but is member of a mountain lovers forum and its most active and enthusiastic user.
Vil had already planned his career since a child. However, he continued to expand his horizons: actor, super model, movie director, guionist, activist for lgbt rights and other causes, maybe helping Crewel to make a new fashion collection for upcoming seasons...you know, he takes Barbie's motto seriously. Probably loves being a director because he can envision and lead a movie while being on screen. He's Barbie because he can be everything he decides to be except being more popular than Neige
He keeps in contact with several classmates, including Rook, Epel, occasionally Cater etc. He has an online shop that sells products made by himself, except collabs he makes with other brands like Azul's moisturiser. Don't worry Floyd is okay, they found other merman to use :)
🏹 Rook
✨ Le chasseur de tes cauchemars ✨
Leona and company keep feeling observed, he has many people terrified. If hunter isn't his job then it must be related to beauty, but because he sees beauty in everything I'm not sure. Perhaps he has the same job as whatever his family worked to get all those villas but maybe they are just rich and inherited that CMON DISNEY TELL ME IF HIS FAM HAS A SHADY BUSINESS ALREADY! ARE THEY COPS?? WTF I NEED INFO
If he doesn't follow his family footsteps he could enjoy working as a photographer, capturing the inner beauty of the world both as a naturalist photographer and a fashion one. Hunting and stalking are his hobbies.
One of those who has higher chancer to get married at some point I think, but it's a bit tricky. He sure loves many things but something about it tells me in the present time he thinks he still has so many beautiful things and people to meet that he cannot imagine committing to somebody for the rest of his life yet?? Unless that person was fine he would marvel and compliment and stalk anyone he's around...
Open to having a longtime and stable relationship but it would make more sense if he waits until later in his life to get married in my opinion, realistically speaking at least. But be could also jump straight to marriage if his love for his s/o is that big, if his s/o is Neige, Vil or someone he adores as much as them.
🍎 Epel
Another student who had his future somewhat well thought out since he was a freshman.
Not long after graduation he studies a major degree and works in his family farm, trying to improve the Harveston farmers laboral conditions by implementing innovative methods to grow apples more resistant to cold temperatures...First he has to convince the skeptic elderly that technology and science can mesh together with tradition just fine. (This idea is from what he says in the Harveston event)
As weird as it sounds I can see Epel gaining more muscle after all those years working out. I'm divided between him growing taller or being ripped but continue being the shortest of the first year gang lol
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I know MC themselves probably dont give a flying fuck about the more.... demonic acts the brothers have committed in the past or would commit in the near future, but do you think, at some point, some of the brothers themselves would start feeling guilt ridden about it? Like, some demons try and make (another) attempt at killing amd eating MC and when mammon stops them, they call him a hypocrite and remind him that he himself used to see humans as food. Would he have an "oh my god, what have I done" moment?
I don't think they'll care about what they've done to humans because in the game itself they're pretty unapologetic (Asmo who sleeps with Helene and cause a war doesn't give a fuck, Mammon and Beel who have no issue talking about eating humans and liking it, Lucifer and Belphie who have no problem trying to (and succeeding in killing) MC) but once they're closer to MC I think they'll care about what MC will think about them.
And to illustrate my point I just wrote a fic....
Did I ignore the multi-chapter wip I've been writing for over a year and the oneshot wip I've been writing for two weeks and churn this out in less than 2hours? .....ANYWAY
Unnamed GN! MC × Mammon
Tags: •Blood and Gore •Violence •Cannibalism •Fluff •Established Relationship
For the first time, his human sees what he truly is.
A creature of the night, of bared fangs dripping with the blood of the slain, of endless death and cosmic evil.
A creature finally brought to the light to face their judgment.
A creature that wishes to wail and weep at the realistic thought of finally losing them.
Comments?🥺 feed a starving fic writer? pls?
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catusbeanius · 4 months
Decided to branch out and take notes on my Riddle vignettes! So, here are some Riddle tidbits (I have all his cards aside from his birthday jacket and tsumsitter, sadly :(. Also, why doesn't masquerade riddle have a vignette smh. Gave me a heart attack thinking I never got him)
Tidbit 16:
Riddles calls himself the "King of Heartslabyul" (Suitor Suit vignette pt 2), yet he still appreciates the powerful femininity of the Queen. He says he enjoys the way heels make him stand taller and how the clacks catch everyone's attention (Halloween vignette pt 3)
Tidbit 17:
He shows his insecurities on his sleeve.
In his Suitor Suit vignette pt 1, he mentions to Malleus how the princess won't like him because he's short (he also mentions this in the regular event). He doesn't want Kalim sharing anything about his low P.E score (P.E uniform vignette) and he assumes Vil is making fun of his athletic ability when he was just trying to compliment Riddle in heels (Halloween vignette pt 1-2)
Tidbit 18:
He initially assumes everyone understands things the same way he does, but he can grasp other methods fairly easily.
In his Dorm Uniform vignette (spoiler for the whole plot, if you care), he's trying to help Cater pass his exam and initially gives him a 300 page study guide to memorize in a week. He gets very upset when Cater can't even pass the table of contents, but Trey tells him to think about it from a different perspective. He asks Riddle what method he'd use to eat his least favorite foods, and Riddle responds that he'd dilute it or eat it alongside something he does enjoy. He quickly comes up with a way to help Cater study (through Magicam tags).
Imo, this means he's learned to be open-minded and to listen to people before collaring them immediately (however his gut reaction is still anger)
Tidbit 19:
Kind of in conjunction with the last tidbit, but Riddle is not very confident in things he hasn't mastered. Namely, cooking. He follows directions unquestioningly (can also be seen as his strict rule-following).
Riddle trusts Lilia with only mild-skepticism when he tells him how to make soup (Labwear vignette). I don't know for sure what he put in it, but Lilia tells him to make a strawberry tart soup. Lilia tells him to min-max the nutrients and Riddle is like, "Really? Okay... I guess that makes sense."
Tidbit 19.25
I gotta yap about Diasomnia ONCE, okay?? /j
Anyway, I noticed Lilia was very good at making things understandable for Riddle while cooking. When something was up to Riddle's preference, he basically explained it as, "what do YOU like in food," and, "how much would Trey realistically eat?"
Analyzing TWST vignettes has proven that they are VERY careful and purposeful with who they have interact. Knowing Lilia in his general days, it's very obvious that HE struggled with similar things. Very different circumstances, but they're both loosely following rules/orders to survive. They both grew up in tense environments without the tools for self expression and self understanding.
Does that make any sense??? I think it does.
Tidbit 19.5
I gotta yap about Mally, too.
He talks with Riddle in his Suitor Suit vignette and we learn about his ideals in a king!!
He says Riddle's character is befitting of a king (quickly acting to save his dorm mates) and laments how he can't do the same (since he can't marry a princess willy-nilly). Flash forward to his overblot... Yeah, makes sense. He wants to be a good king/son/student/brother/boyfie, idk (talking about the MC not Diasomnia ftr) and he assumes trapping them from harm is the best way.
Tidbit 19.75
Also, why does Riddle say "noblesse oblige" is a philosophy of the "Realm of Roses??" (in the Suitor Suit vignette again)
As far as I know, the Queendom is never referred to as the Realm of Roses & the translation on the Japanese wiki is the Queendom as well. Idk what's going on.
That's it for my Riddle tidbits! Idk who I'll do tomorrow, but I'm planning on spotlighting a different character every day. I might just do Riddle's voicelines (or I'll do those tonight, who knows). Maybe leave a comment/ask for a suggestion? I can't guarantee a quality tidbit post since this is only based on my vignettes. I also wanna try rereading the entirety of TWST and taking notes (idr if I mentioned that before) but especially Leona's, Azul's, and Jamil's overblots bc I know an embarrassing little amount about them. I only discovered critical thinking the past few years /j
Anyway!! Until next time BD
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makur0 · 2 years
“A new me.”
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synopsis — they were worried that you would never be the same after... that, especially since you were so close to offing yourself. but you manage to come back, as bold as ever. they miss your old self though. [platonic! five eccentrics x amab! reader] PART ONE (?) -> part two
content warnings — sfw, pinch of fluff? angst, mentions of suicide. SPOILERS FOR THE WAR (pre-anime plot), oc inserts
author’s note — did i base MC off of a twst character? yes, yes i did. *bangs head against wall in procrastinating the requests and kinktober*
word count — 2640
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Even Eichi questioned Tsumugi’s choice. You were so secluded, barely anybody saw you, let alone watch you perform your talents. And for the people who have conversed with you, they were pretty sure of themselves:
You were just a shy, talentless waste of space.
You even planted seeds of doubt in the other Eccentric’s minds. Were you cunning like Rei? A perfectionist like Shu? Lax like Kanata, magical like Wataru, or creative like Natsume? What were you?
What did Tsumugi Aoba see in you?
You would ask that question to yourself so many times. Even if you made a unit and went against fine, you would have been annihilated. Did Wataru also know that? Was that why he took you into his own unit? You barely did anything, though... like a substitute. There for the practices, forgotten for the stage.
The only person who could actually see your potential was Rei Sakuma. The one time he talked to you, before you cowered away, he realized it.
Of course, he didn’t say anything. He wanted you to figure it out yourself. Realistically, he was the bridge between you and the other Eccentrics. It wasn’t until the fall of their units that they finally ‘accepted’ you. They saw you as a familiar. 
They wanted to save your innocence from the evil of the world.
Was it because they couldn’t save themselves? They thought that they would use you as a sense of comfort? Or did they actually care for you?
You felt indebted to them, you felt guilty. Here they were, fighting fine head-on while you were hiding in the shadows. Heck, even Natsume who did something similar, wasn’t afraid to go against the Student Council too. 
You never felt more useless.
Self-doubt ate at you, deteriorating your last shreds of confidence. It was your fault that you dragged them into your problems. There they were, protecting you from the eyes of the public, losing their own selves. Breaking into pieces when Shu locked himself away, smashing those pieces when Rei changed permanently, and grinding them into scattering dust when Wataru had accepted his fate.
Was this your fault?
Nobody realized that you were slowly secluding yourself from them. They simply thought that this was your normal behavior. They didn’t think any farther than that.
They didn’t know that you’ve been visiting the roof, especially after a ‘friend’ of yours already committed. 
It was your fault, it finally was confirmed. You dragged somebody innocent, somebody with such a kind heart, to leave the world. You couldn’t even stop them, help them, save them.
You really were useless.
You really were pathetic.
You remembered that one night quite clearly. It was cold, your least favorite type of ‘weather’. The wind was low, but even the slight breeze brought goosebumps to your arms. You were in total darkness- the moon was nowhere to be found. How comical, even the moonshine didn’t bother to see you off. 
The ground was rather far off. Thanks to the lack of light, you couldn’t even see the path that looped around the school. Did that comfort you, that you couldn’t see the end? It was almost like falling down to hell itself, not seeing the bottom of the pit...
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped your arm even tighter, sitting on the edge of the wall. Both of your feet were dangling off the roof, and you were slouching so much to the point that if you leaned in further... off you went.
It really didn’t sound so bad.
You didn’t have a role in the world. Would anybody miss you? Why would they?
Nobody in their right mind would be at the school at this time... unless of course another stupid DreFes was going on. The god-damned performances orchestrated by Eichi himself, the President.
But in case anybody was in the building, you better hurry this up.
What would happen after this? Encased in an endless sleep? Reincarnated? Hopefully not... to save the people you would interact with in case. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
You didn’t bother to turn around at the familiar voice. “Sakuma.”
In the corner of your eye you saw the second-year walk next to you. His raven hair was disheveled, bags under his blood-red eyes, and his school uniform quite a mess. He managed a smile towards you, but you could tell it was strained.
“It’s quite a cold night,” He mused, his voice now forever carrying a tired tone. “I suggest you come in before you get a cold.”
“It doesn’t matter,” You muttered, bringing your legs close to your chest and glaring forlornly at the ground under you. Great, now you had to explain.
“But indeed it does,” Rei said. “I wouldn’t like for you to get sick, my dear [name].”
“Can you leave?” You halfheartedly snapped, not noticing the hurt gaze on the upperclassmen. “I’m... busy.”
“I don’t see it that way. I believe you were just stargazing.”
You sighed harshly, getting more irritated by the second. “I don’t need your opinion, Sakuma. Leave me alone.”
“[name], don’t.”
“What do you mean, don’t?” You hissed, finally facing him with an aggravated expression. “What do you think you can do to stop me?”
Slight panic swirled in Rei’s eyes as you stood up shamelessly on the wall, his hands flying up to you. But when you took a step back from him, his arms drifted back down to his side. “[name]...”
“Why don’t you go back to your friends?” You spat, hugging yourself. “You don’t need to look after me- you never had to. I didn’t ask. Besides, I was just holding you behind.”
“You never were,” He almost rushed, his eyes flitting from your feet back to your face. “Just- step down, please.”
“Why should I listen-”
You bit your tongue in annoyance as the roof door opened, revealing Natsume and the other three behind him. Great. 
“What- what are you doing?!” He snapped, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. “Get off!”
“I have a question for you,” You turned back to Rei. “But I guess the others can indulge themselves. How the hell did you know I would be here?”
“Are you kidding me? Even the stupidest could realize that you weren’t acting yourself,” Shu snapped. Wow, so he finally left his abode.
“Talk to yourself, Itsuki,” You hissed back. “You didn’t even think about the others after you were humiliated. I wonder how Mika or Nazuna are doing, huh?”
“Now now, my flower,” Wataru reasoned, putting his hands up in surrender. “Just step down and we can talk this out.”
“Or just convince me of false facts?” You muttered under your breath, dipping your head shamefully.
“[name], is ‘this’ because of what ‘happened’?” Kanata said softly, and you felt your shoulders unintentionally relax. “Don’t ‘worry’, we can ‘fix’ it.”
“I’d rather you not interact with me nor throw yourselves in my problems,” You said. “But it seems that you lot don’t know when to quit.”
“[name], you’re our friend,” Natsume snapped. “Stop saying foolish things and step down.”
“Oh, so you think you can boss me around now?!” You nearly yelled, your throat becoming dry as you felt your eyes misting. “Is this it’s really about? Afraid to lose your precious artifact? I know I remind you of your past selves, and you don’t want to lose it. The upsetting fact that I had to say it instead of one of you.”
“You think we feel that way...?” Rei’s voice quieted.
Only him and Natsume looked bewildered. The other three broke your gaze, guilt seeping in them.
You cursed under your breath, wiping at your eyes harshly as you failed to stop the waterworks. “Whatever. You don’t want me to do it, I won’t.” You jumped back down onto the roof, but you beelined straight for the exit, shoving past the group and ignoring their almost pleading gazes. “To really think I could go calmly...”
You didn’t bother to look behind you as you descended the stairs for the last time, not bothering to wonder why they weren’t following you. The other five, on the other hand, uselessly stared at each other.
“I think we messed up big time,” Rei whispered, looking more tired than ever.
They weren’t sure to feel guilty or glad that you didn’t show up to school the next day, or the day after... which turned to weeks, months, an entire semester. They never saw you after that incident.
Devastation was over-weighed by their cowardliness to confront you again. How were they sure that they were going to get you back after a single, simple conversation? It may be simple to do that in order to break it up, but repairing that permanent scar... if it ever happens, it won’t anytime soon.
The most affected was Natsume. If he didn’t hate Tsumugi now, he sure did, forbidding him to enter the secret library. He dragged you into this mess, after all. Plus, he didn’t need anybody seeing him drowning in guilt, some of his flasks and tubes littering the ground as broken glass.
Rei could only contemplate as he laid in his coffin, away from the prying eyes of the students. What if he did help you out along the way? Would you have been better?
Wataru seemed to be the least affected, but if you could look closely, when he would pull out his usual bouquet, missing a single flower. And that flower was locked away in a box out of shame.
Shu burned all the costumes, patterns, and accessories he made for you as soon as he did, frustrated tears staining his cheeks. He doesn’t need to dwell on past memories. He needs to focus on his broken fame and how to fix it.
Kanata gave away the fish he had planned to give to you. Just staring at it made him feel all... broken inside. He didn’t like it.
As for you- you weren’t any different.
You locked yourself in your house for a month, only going out to get the necessities to be alive. Otherwise, you weren’t living. Almost like an empty shell that is taking up space, all the joy and ignorance sucked right out.
You couldn’t even feel rage, anger towards the five students that basically used you as their plaything. The only reason they accepted you was because you were just an escape from reality. They never acknowledged you as you... right?
It doesn’t matter. You never want to see them again.
Another month wasted. You didn’t even know what was happening out in public. You didn’t need to. All you needed to know was how long you could keep this up until you timer finally slowed to a stop, letting you run away from the cruel, cruel world.
Running away. You really were pathetic.
Three months passed.
Four months.
But before the sixth month, you heard a sound. And it was that simple sound that got you going once again.
A knock on your door.
It was two people, both males. Why were they there?
“I’m sorry to bother you, sir. My friend and I had recently been... ah, kicked out. We’ve been going around in hopes to find shelter for the cold winter coming. Do you mind?”
Why would you? Nothing really mattered anymore.
Without another word you stepped away from the doorway, silently inviting them in. Relieved looks melted their polite faces, immediately stepping in and letting out a sigh.
“I don’t have much to offer,” you muttered. “But please, make yourselves at home.”
Looking back, this was probably the best decision you’ve ever made.
These two people changed your life forever.
Their names were Hisui and Furoido, and they were the two people who would never leave your side again. The sixth month was slightly brighter with them around, one being extremely polite yet cunning, and the other an unruly mess. They brought joy to your shadow-encased house, your dark life. When the winter season ended, much to their surprise you offered them a permanent home for them.
They were both aware of the things they have done to you. You were first a silent shell, who barely interacted with them, but your cold facade melted and soon the glimmer returned to your eyes. A smile creased your lips, and words flowed out of your mouth more frequently. Offering them a place to stay was almost a silent ‘thank you’. And so they accepted it.
In the stretch of the seventh month, they came across your old Yumenosaki uniform. 
“[name], did you... want to become an idol?”
Mentioning that made you stiffen your shoulders, your lips becoming taut. But you couldn’t deny the curious gaze, and so you confessed: “...Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“What happened?” One asked.
You surprised yourself when you told them your entire story. Did you really trust them that much? You guessed you did.
When you were done, your throat felt dry, and the two males stared at you in dead silence. Finally, Hisui spoke up.
“That is indeed... saddening,” He whispered, a ghost of a pitying expression crossing his face. “I’m truly sorry.”
“Those bunch sound like assholes,” Furoido muttered. “You were right to not listen to them.”
You strained a smile. “Thanks... I guess. A little part of me wants to keep going, but that seems to be the sole factor that holds me back.”
The calculating look on Hisui’s face unsettled you. But when he finally opened his mouth, you were intrigued.
“We can help you back onto that path.”
“We can?” His friend blinked.
The former smiled. “Of course we can. We really are forever indebted to you, [name]. I would be honored to help you achieve your dreams.”
“How so?” You questioned. “Even if you figure it out, there’s no way at this point that I’ll be able to jump back to where everybody else is now.”
“Well,” Furoido interrupted. “There are a number of ways that I can think of, possibly even more than Hisui is thinking of.”
“And judging from your story, I can deduce that you, [name] are an extremely intellectual person,” The other continued. “If we work together to help you... I can almost promise you would be as good, no, even better than if you would if nothing ever happened. Plus, we would be getting a bit of fame ourselves. A bit of a win-win, isn’t it?”
He... he has a point.
“Plus, you would want some... revenge against them, right?”
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and processed everything. After a short second you opened them again, and much to the other two’s delight they were filled with determination.
“Well then,” You mused. “Shall we get started?”
Another decision you would always cherish. You finally witnessed the true talent of the two friends, and thanks to them your own began to grow. Practicing from day to night, analyzing the state of Yumenosaki and even further, Ensemble Square, the popularity of the current idols, the managers and producers behind them, and everything in between.
“You want some revenge, right?”
The sole sentence that motivated you, and changed you. No more cowardly, useless [name]. You needed to show them that you weren’t just a plaything... you were somebody that could be successful and gain the eye of everybody with just a snap of your finger. 
A new you. 
You liked the new you. You felt almost... powerful. Fueled by the raw idea of vengeance, with two solid units right behind you, you felt unstoppable. You didn’t care if people fell from your stampede. They never would feel the pain you went through. It didn’t matter to you.
Ten months gone, but it created a new danger.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Crowley: Mr. Idia Shroud, how's our new student? Are they doing well?
Idia: Um... I don't know.
Crowley: What do you mean you don't know? You are their housewarden.
Idia: Yes. But our first and last meeting was when they got introduced to Ignihyde.
Crowley: *sigh*
Riddle: Idia-senpai, that student has been entrusted to you in helping them to awaken their magic. You're being awfully negligent.
Idia: What do you want me to do? Force them? Just so you know, THEY HAVE NO MAGICAL ABILITIES. It would be a waste of time and source of conflict if I give them false hope.
Idia: Plus, they can't wait to leave this school.
Kalim: Eh? It's been just a week. What's the rush?
Azul: Maybe because they feel inferior attending a prestigious school of magic in the whole Twisted Wonderland and being surrounded by promising mages.
Leona: *laughs* That's a good one, Azul. But no. Have you even met them personally to come up with that conclusion?
Vil: Huh. Is that you defending them, Leona?
Leona: I'm just saying. That Herbivore couldn't care less if they have magic or not.
Leona: So if I were you, Crowley, just give them a refund and let them go.
Crowley: I can't do that. What face will I show to their father if I fail this mission?
Crowley: What will everyone think of Night Raven College? Oh... I can't possibly let them think poorly of our school...
Professor Crewel: *has entered the Mirror Chamber* Headmage, I've brought the new student with me. *dragging them by the hand*
MC: ...
Crowley: Oh, Professor Crewel! I thought you were in the middle of your class.
Professor Crewel: Yes. However, I was interrupted by this student.
MC: I was literally passing by.
Professor Crewel: Silence.
Professor Crewel: They had interrupted my class and I came here to ask for a befitting punishment.
MC: What kind of a power-play is this?
Professor Crewel: Quiet.
Crowley: Hmm... Ah! Professor Crewel! As you can see, Mr. Shroud failed to accommodate MC. Would it be possible if you put them under your strict guidance?
MC: ...
Idia: ...
Professor Crewel: I see. In that case, I'll gladly accept— OW!
MC: *bit Crewel's hand and runs out of the Mirror Chamber*
The housewardens: ...
Professor Crewel: *rubs his bitten hand*
Crowley: Are you alright, Professor Crewel?!
Professor Crewel: Yes.
Idia: ...
Idia: *tries to sneak out*
Crowley: Shroud!
Idia: I will catch them! Yes! *whoosh*
The other housewardens: ...
Vil: That's quite a reaction.
Ortho: The cardiac frequency has reverted to its baseline state.
Ortho: You seem fine now.
MC: Thanks.
Ortho: I heard from my brother that you bit Professor Crewel. Why did you do that?
MC: I didn't mean to. But the moment I heard the phrase "strict guidance", I just had to get out of there.
Ortho: I see.
*MC's phone started ringing.*
MC: *answers it*
MC: If you're just going to yell at me, I'm hanging up.
MC's stepmother: Don't you dare! Your dad's not here and I'm the one who received the call!
MC's stepmother: Why would you bite your professor?!
MC: No reason. I'll go and apologize to him now. So you don't have to lecture me over the phone.
MC's stepmother: ...
MC's stepmother: You better explain to him.
MC: Yes. Yes. *sigh* Bye.
Ortho: What would you need to explain to Professor Crewel?
MC: Apparently, my traumatic experience.
MC: *telling Professor Crewel that they had teachers before that would punish them terribly for failing to awaken their magic*
MC: That's that. I got triggered and I'm really sorry, professor, for biting your hand.
MC: I didn't even consider that you might just be joking.
Professor Crewel: It was entirely my fault, pup. Don't worry.
MC: ...
MC: Huh?
Professor Crewel: I should've been clear when I brought you to the headmage. You interrupted my class because I saw you loitering when other classes were being held.
MC: ...
MC: I had nothing else to do.
Professor Crewel: There are lots. You could visit other dorms. Meet new individuals.
MC: *sigh* Guess I'll just do that. My dad wants me to make friends anyway.
Professor Crewel: And I will train you as well. I firmly believe you're just a late bloomer.
MC: ...
MC: Sir, you'll be disappointed.
Idia: No biting people.
MC: Yes, housewarden.
Idia: Good. And also... Are you sure we should leave your room without a door?
MC: Yes.
Idia: *nods* Though, I went ahead and placed a privacy feature in your room. You shouldn't have any problem when someone suddenly walks in.
MC: Thanks, housewarden. You're being a great help. Now I feel sorry for embarrassing you earlier.
Idia: It's alright. Next time, feel free to send SOS.
MC: Sure do. When the situation is manageable for you, I guess.
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No offense to the devs of twst wonderland but why do the fandom that make angsty yuu/mc fics are hundred times more realistic and better than the actual game yuu/mc 😭 listen if the fans are doing something better than the developers then clearly there is something wrong happening—
I'd rather play as a character like Yuuken or Yuuya rather then y/n in the game
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axvwriter · 6 months
Hello!! I saw you reblogged the oc ask game, so I'd like to ask 🎵🕑💢💔🧭💡 about Bobo, please! If that's too many, then just the ones you want to do!
🎵 What would your OCs favorite song(s) be?
🕑 What time does your OC generally wake up at?
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off your OC?
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
🧭How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
Thank you!
🎵What would Bobo's favorite song be?
I'd say it's the first song she heard from Baentu, which I give a little snippet in Baentu's ref. Gosh I still need to set something up before I feel like I can share Baentu. Which so far is mostly resting on me actually designing the man-eating beasts in the Mycelind Kingdom but I just haven't yet. (I think it's mostly because finding the refs I want takes longer now as I have to consider if what I'm looking at it ai-generated or not.)
I only have a few words of the song as I'm not musically-inclined. My idea being behind it that it's a heartbreak song but Baentu's aludes to it not really being one, just a bit of poking fun at love songs, break up songs, and such as Baentu's aroace. Don't know if I can actually get that idea across if I ever do attempt to write the lyrics. Which would be all I'd be able to do, I can only roughly read sheet music. I'm thinking it would be in the rock/metal genre with some screamo elements. (Keep in mind my grasp of music genres is kind of weak.)
Actually these two songs are what inspired/caused me to base what type of music Bobo likes. Sun Killer by Spiritbox and Promise by Voyager. (text links are to youtube videos)
🕑 What time does Bobo generally wake up at?
I actually still haven't figured out her schedule- I want to be wild and say 4 am but really I should plan out what her schedule usually looks like so I can have an actual answer.
Okay I penned up a rough idea of what her schedule could be and I hope it's not realistic and that I can fine-tune it because I have it suggesting to me that Bobo does wake up at 4am and goes to bed around 11pm. Which would be roughly 5 hours of sleep... which again we pulling into the fantasy/videogame logics as how can someone survive years of so little sleep? Adults are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep (unless they have lucky genetics) and anyone younger tends to need more sleep than that.
I know she's going to have several different schedules for different days too as I didn't cover international affairs, working out, fight practice, time to visit Baentu, and such. Actually I should try figuring out what all the government official positions would be and that might help me better fine-tune her schedules. I know I have ideas for their being councils to handle certain parts of the government.
Twst Bobo should take advantage of her situation and let herself get more sleep but she doesn't want to struggle with fixing her schedule if she ever does get back home. Plus she can use all the free time for studying (like geez Grim and MC must have terrible grades as surely it's like them skipping middle school and going straight to high school) and for getting to try things she never had time for before. Like woodcarving, painting, and with some outside encouragement, video games.
So uh, tldr: Bobo has a habit of waking up at 4 am.
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off Bobo?
Poking fun of the people from her kingdom. Trying to suggest that her kingdom isn't made up of humans or that they're all freaks. Along with just not taking the threats her kingdom faces all that seriously. Calling her a child, immature, someone incapable of running a kingdom. Also just disrespecting boundaries, whether that be her own or the others' around her. She's also a sore loser.
For example, Twst Bobo will snap if someone won't stop trying to touch her face. Most likely this type of provocation will cause her to physically lash out, whether that just be slapping a hand away or trying to squeeze someone's fingers with the idea to break them before snapping out of it. I know already that when it comes to VDC, Bobo cries out of anger that NRC loses. She's quite loyal so despite thinking the song Vil commissioned is generic and lame, that's her team! Bobo then holds a grudge against Neige, but I can't see her actually lashing out at him as he's depicted as so nice. So she'd probably just come off as grumpy in Neige's presence.
Basically Bobo has a temper that can flare up when it comes to pitting herself and those she cares about against something/someone else. Otherwise she tends to be able to keep it under control. If her temper breaks, she's usually able to reclaim control over herself rather quick. Usually she attempts to deal with her anger when she works out. Sometimes she gets way too invested in competitions and losing will upset her greatly.
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
Well I do have it planned than in her adult years that she'll probably have a few failed relationships, so I would think that counts? So she never really experienced any in her childhood. The closest she got in childhood was having a little kid crush on a rock-metal idol. Which of course didn't progress further than that. Though I suppose that just covers romantic heartbreak. I've usually only heard heartbreak when speaking of romantic feelings.
She was definitely heartbroken when her parents suddenly died when she was just eight-years-old. I think I have heard heartbreak being used in terms of familial bonds. Bobo had nightmares for quite a while when they died and actually couldn't sleep without a couple of plushies too. I haven't decided if the plushies are bats or goats. Eventually she did stop having nightmares but it took a little longer for her to no longer need the plushies to be able to fall asleep.
🧭 How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
That's a bit of a tough one to answer. Bobo does like to explore when she can, but she's grown up with tech that she's never had to worry about not having a signal. Tech that's set up to alert guards to her last location if it were to die or something were to go wrong. It's hard to say she can get lost when her kingdom's version of a phone/tablet can easily guide her back.
I do want to say she won't get lost all that easily as she has a rather great memory. So she takes notes of certain landmarks to give her a vague idea of the path she's taking and thus can backtrack if needed. Though if she were to fall somewhere with no easy way back up, then Bobo could possibly get lost. Especially easier for her to get lost if everything looks the same. With her eyesight, landmarks are usually certain glowing mushrooms and/or something that stands out in color.
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
I have several ideas and points for what Bobo's life may be like, mostly her childhood, but I haven't thought out too many specific stories. So I don't know if she's ever had a crazy plan that worked out. I feel like characters that are able to pull off wild stunts are usually ones that think outside of the box and/or not considered someone who thinks rationally/reasonably.
I'd like to think Bobo is quite reasonable. Even if she were to give an idea that causes others to doubt, she'd likely explain it until others can see what she sees. Also she likes to have others understand any of her plans so they can help correct any bits or give better ideas if they have them. If it is a wild idea that others may doubt, she might not even give others a chance to hear what the idea is.
Like the only one I can think of that counts would be the alt-route I wrote for Twst's Phantom Bride event. Bobo wasn't confident her idea would work, but she was certain that at the very least it could buy them all more time.
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destisea-a · 6 months
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      a semi selective , slow activity , canon multimuse blog.  with characters ranging in theme, and media. may include muses from:  𝐎𝐍𝐌𝐘𝐎𝐉𝐈 , 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐑 , 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 , 𝐓𝐖𝐒𝐓 , & 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄.  all characters are crossover friendly, as the majority of my muses are a mixture of headcanon & canon.  may contain disturbing themes, adult content, existentialism, and several more complex or difficult topics. i always try to tag things appropriately-  but if i miss something, feel free to tell me.
𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐎: @godfled / @knghted , @paramythas , @dvouer
it goes without saying but, i do not allow minors to follow my blog, or personals. any who do follow, or interact with my posts will be blocked. i also will not tolerate those who write triggering content and media including p*dophilia, or inc*st. ( I.E proshippers do not interact! )
primarily featuring:  𝐐𝐈𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐘 , from the manga 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐑
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𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 qi/frey ( wha ) , veritas/ratio ( hsr ) , yato/no/kami ( onmyoji ) 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐘 belda/ruit ( wha ) , idia/shroud ( twst ) , suzuhikohime ( onmyoji )
primordial chaos ( hades ) , shieda kayn ( league / friends only ) , yuura ( twst mc ) tang/yun ( dis/lyte ) , poe ( bsd ) , serpico ( ber/serk / friends only )
my name is rhys, they/them or she/her.
be patient with me. notifications here are awful, so i don't always see everything or catch things right away. so long as we aren't rude, it's okay to give me a little nudge if i have clearly missed something i've been tagged in.
communication is extremely important to me in roleplay- as most of my interactions are pretty plot dependent. obviously real life comes first and is always first.
if you write or interact with saccharot ( kae ), do not follow me or block me or whatever. likewise, if you write with kiingsroar ( dia ) or any of their other blogs, i ask you do much the same. i'd be more than happy to explain what happened and why i'm uncomfortable with these users. but please, i don't want them on my dash.
if you want to ship? tell me. i will never assume, or default to shipping with people. of course i practice the same, and like to make it very clear i want to explore a particular dynamic. if things wont work then that's fine! but i need clarity when it comes to stuff like that. i really go 0 - 100 on shipping, and LOVE development, and plotting.
at the very most, i will ship romantically with up to two? of the same muse. but i like to keep that to a minimum. as plotting dynamics is something i put a lot of care and thoughts into-- and don't want my ship partners to ever feel like they're part of a collective or not unique / important to me. IF you'd like exclusivity, tell me. i am more than happy to do that if that's what you prefer. of course, i am more than ok with writing with multiple of the same muse. and exploring other kinds of ships and dynamics to see what clicks!
please, i don't obsessively hover on dash or deep dive on people. i roleplay as a hobby, and rarely prioritize being here. if someone i interact with is GENUINELY an issue, or has done something problematic and troubling- chances are i very likely do not know. or haven't heard about it, because i really only come on tumblr to rp and post art. i am okay with being corrected, or told these things. but do not spark drama, accuse me of things im not aware of, or assume i am okay with it.
pleeeeaaaaaaaase. PLEASE... TAG REALISTIC SPIDERS.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years
This off script au has some serious potential. There are all these types of isekai protagonists like the one-brain cell, the genius, the overpowered one, the one those doesn’t have powers, the one who decides to go with the flow of the story, the one who goes against the story, the so called saint and mean girl who became the heroine. And they lose against some obvious nobody who regularly rummages trash cans.
I mainly thought of the concept because I thought it would just be hilarious--
Like all the transmigrated heroines are like "Really? This is the one you chose? Out of everyone?"
But, realistically, if a bunch of people are transmigrated, obviously, no matter who or what that person's intentions are, if they are aware of the original source material, they'll use it to their advantage. They could use it to stay out of the way and never get involved in the original or maybe they'll use it to get rich quickly with basically zero effort. It doesn't really matter. Human's are naturally selfish and greedy individuals, so they'll use it to their own advantage even if they aren't hindering or hurting anyone. And because they act differently, everything goes "off script". And because they act "off script", so does everyone else, even if they don't have the knowledge of the "original story".
If it's just one person that get's transmigrated, then it's no big deal. One person can only do so much, so the other original characters that are from the original source material are going to do most of the same things. But if multiple people get transmigrated and start acting off script? Then of course the original characters are going to do the same.
Not to mention, I'm looking at it from a perspective, obviously they fell for the original MC for a reason, so unless they do the exact same thing as the original MC, without anything going off script (something that's already impossible with multiple transmigrations), then the "male leads" of the story aren't going to fall for them.
In fact, if were going at it from a perspective of the transmigrated people actively targeting the "male leads" simply because "they know their favorite character so well, so of course they can seduce them" and multiple people do it? Then those actions will no longer have the same effect, it will no longer feel special. So the "male leads" in that case will stop being attracted to such actions and instead might start being attracted to the opposite.
Which is where the MC who regularly rummages through the trash comes in. They don't care what the boys are doing and they don't care about the transmigrated people. They just want to live their life. Add in that since this MC is basically that one raccoon everyone finds in their trashcan, they aren't completely normal either. So they'd be like a breath of fresh air in a twisted sense.
So everyone, not just the transmigrated heroines are all just like.
"Why that one? Seriously, why? Why can't you just choose a normal partner? You have all these people throwing themselves at you and you want that one? WHY!?"
Meanwhile the twst cast are just like--
"That's the one. That's the one I want." And they just try and pick up the MC from the trashcan and try and pack them off home and even though the MC doesn't really care, they're absolutely feral, so they fight them the whole way and are just like--
"Leave me alone! Go find your own trashcan!"
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 2 years
Twst Characters and their Government Assigned Mitski Songs
As a Japanese American lesbian it's my duty to assign these characters their songs from our lord and savior Mitski. Enjoy :)
My masterlist containing stories using some of this analysis is here.
*̩̩̥*̩̩̥ ୨୧ Pomefiore ୨୧ *̩̩̥*̩̩̥
Vil Schoenheit: Brand New City
"If I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive"
I was stuck between Brand New City and Liquid Smooth- or even Working for the Knife. Honestly the angst potential for this man? Autonomical. I'm thriving.
This line in particular gives my Lush/Liquid Smooth vibes- being at the ripening peak of your youth. Despite the development he does go through during his Overblot arc, I think he does still have this fear of growing old and less desirable, as signified through his reactions when he remains old after escaping from S.T.Y.X.
Especially as someone who is the leader of the Pomefiore dorm- he is seen as the epitome of beauty. I mean it's most of his motivation for doing the things he does, so what happens when he no longer has that asset. Of course, he may remain beautiful on the inside (as Rook mentions), but we're all human- there's a very strong desire in him to stay as he is- hot with smooth red blood and as plump as a ripening fruit. I don't think it makes him any less likeable, I actually think it makes him a lot more realistic to see him this way. I'm sure he'll have a breakdown in his 30s and 40s when his impossibly smoothed skin begins to wrinkle lol
He's forever tethered to prettiness and beauty inside and outside- I don't think he could live with himself if that part of himself withered away.
If you like my analysis of Vil, please consider checking out my Vil x Orpheus MC fic Lasting Spring. It's a Vil x Orpheus Inspired MC, some angst/hurt/comfort, and friends to lovers
Rook Hunt: Pearl Diver
"Those creatures of your working mind, don't fear them or their hunger. Forgive the sea, follow the tide with the monsters on your shoulder. Pearl Diver, dive, dive deeper."
Was between Strawberry Blonde and Pearl Diver, but I felt that Pearl Diver fit him best. He's an aspiring archaeologist, he's a hunter which hops from one shiny thing to another- there's always something that he's chasing for the thrill of the hunt, whether that be uncovering the mysteries of bygone civilizations, or his nimble prey (Leona lol). But this is a ceaseless hunger, a thirst which will never be quenched. And I think partially he knows this- though the adrenaline of chasing down and carving his prey is hollow, it reels him back everytime- never lingering too long on anything.
What better metaphor is there than this shiny pearl, slumbering deep beneath the deep seas that he keeps diving deeper and deeper for? I think partially it's passion but first and foremost it is a youthful hubris, and endless hunger for knowledge that I'm sure many are familiar with during your teens/twenties. I think there will come a time where he dives too deep for his own good- but that won't stop him from plunging back into the ocean to find its beauty once more
I explored this characterization in my Rook x Pygmalion MC fic Pygmalion, check it out. It's got angst, slight enemies to friends to lovers, and a lot of hurt/comfort.
Epel Felmier : Your Best American Girl
"Your mother wouldn't approve how my mother raised me. But now I do, I do."
I think this is one of a handful of Mitski's "hopeful" songs- and one which explores the sociopolitical nuances of love that is rarely explored so beautifully in music (especially because the industry is oversaturated with mediocre white people, cishet white men in particular). But I think for Epel, it signifies a similar journey towards acceptance that is told in his arc
The song it not only touches upon racial differences in dating, but also gender/gender performance (as they often overlap due to cultural differences in gender and gender performance) in its overall message. With a pretty boy who learns to accept that part of himself as an empowering part of his whole- this hopeful line rings wonderfully with his development, as he becomes more comfortable in his background, masculinity, appearance, and strengths.
‧✦‧ Diasmonia ‧✦‧
Malleus Draconia: First Love / Late Spring
And I was so young when I behaved twenty-five; Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child, and I don't wanna go home yet; Let me walk to the top of the big night sky
Was stuck between this and I Don't Smoke, or Washing Machine Heart. Either way he's a huge softie who's been sheltered his entire life so the experience for his first love for him would be as intense as this song. The lyrics tend to swing between a painful yearning for the love to never end, and a longing for the love to end as quickly to cease how suffocating and choking love can be when you first feel it.
First love is something that almost bursts at your seems when you first experience this. And it's the best feeling in the world, because you just so so full with this buzzing lightness you've never experienced before. But you know it'll end because of course fairy tale endings of true love and love at first sight don't exist, so you're begging it to be as painless as possible. For Malleus, I think this is how he experiences first love- as well as his feelings for his family (Lilia, Sebek, Silver). He knows its not going to last the eternity he is cursed with (which becomes evident with the current chapter when Lilia begins to show signs of age), and he wants so desperately for it to stretch as long as it can- but also to end as quickly as he blinks so the pain doesn't leave a relentless aching.
"Tall child" I think also describes him very well. Of course he is knowledgeable of things but he lacks the wisdom people gain from experience and the stimulus of life and tragedy. He's been numbed partially to being alone, and by sort of distancing himself from the people who project the image of untouchable monster to him, he becomes that very thing.
Much angst potential for this man as well. I love.
If you like my analysis for him, you'll like my Malleus x Light Fae MC Spolia series (*^-^*). It's got a lot of art history knowledge (gothic period), some friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, and yearning idiots.
Lilia Vanrouge: Pink in the Night
"And I know I've kissed you before but, can I try again, try again, try again?"
This song is interpreted as a romantic love song as many of Mitski's song are, but I only think that's because there's a misconception that romantic love = most raw and powerful love, and I absolutely do not agree.
He knows that there is an eternity before and after him that stretches beyond the things he loves. He may not be alive to see Silver grow old (or vise versa), or be able to support Malleus for the rest of his life either.
But unlike Malleus, he's come to terms with it, and adheres to a sort of absurdist school of thought. He values freedom and dynamic movement- he allows himself to tether his life with others, while also valuing his own experiences and opportunities. So I think these lyrics pair well with his acceptance of the nature of his life compared to the people he loves, in addition to his philosophy of living.
If you want to see a romantic interpretation of this analysis however- you'll like my Lilia x Dullahan Beloved Thy Name fic. It's got your standard hurt/comfort, angst, and I might make a sequel.
Silver: Crack Baby
"Crack Baby, you don't know what you want. But you know that you're needing it. Yeah you know that you want it.
I think Silver is one if the most emotionally intelligent characters in Twst, maybe next to maybe Carter. So the knowledge that he's likely going to be the one who will leave everyone else behind is something which is cemented into his desires and anxieties that are revealed to us in Chapter 7.
I think he also sort of knows that there's more to his genetic heritage than what is available to him. And in addition to the nature of the environment that he grew up in that instills this very fixed fate onto him- the lyrics parallel well to the permanent cravings, thinking, and power (ie his unique magic that has strong connections to Aurora plus the necklace Lilia found beside him when he first found Silver) that we're conceived before he really came to be as a person.
He lived in the foods far from the castle, he didn't have to become someone who serves both his father and Malleus- but he chooses to because of his permanent fate. The fact that he will be the one leaving everyone is internalized and delegated to his desires to make himself useful, memorable- something of substance for these other lives that seen much more grander than his own. This is why he breaks in Chapter 7, wanting only to be useful and give something to Lilia- the preconceived nature of his life has lead him towards the painful truth, and there's anxiety that lives within him because of his family. But of course, this is because he loves them.
Sebek Zigvolt: Real Men
"Though honestly sir, all I wanna do is get naked in front of you. So you can look me up and down and give me your love for being so good"
So, the Malleus obsession, right? Yeah I think he would absolutely break down if Malleus were to ever get hurt or overblot on his watch. He absolutely hinges his own self worth and life on this man because A) he's part fae so he has the means to do so and B) I don't think he's had a chance to mature in order to cultivate his individual character enough. He's young.
This is from one of Mitski's earlier albums, Lush, so I think it's safe to say that this song is from the perspective of a younger woman than she is in say albums like Be My Cowboy and Laurel Hell. Women are taught to be obedient, to never be questioning to their superiors (men), to give and give and give. I wonder- where did Sebek learn this then? Perhaps his Fae mother? During his training as a guard? When he yells at people to respect and give themselves whole to Malleus, he's merely protecting that learned sentiment outwards. There was probably some moments in his life where he was being told the same exact thing.
So maybe in chapter 7 after Malleus' overblot, be learns to be "someone", to actually learn what he's giving when he says he'll give his all to Malleus.
*:゚+。 Scarabia .゚・*..☆
Kalim Al-Asim: Francis Forever
I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me
I think these lyrics best describe his relationship to Jamil.
He genuinely thinks the world of Jamil, but he's also naive- before Jamil's overblot, I don't really think it ever occurred to him that Jamil had been downplaying his own abilities, or that he had any resentment in doing so, because he genuinely thinks he and Jamil are friends. He doesn't fully comprehend that there's a certain power dynamic between them because the people around him have been accommodating to him his whole life, leaving him in ignorant bliss. He expects Jamil to cook for him and be his vice dorm leader because there's a master-servant pretext he doesn't quite understand but has been benefiting his whole life from, but in turn, he also doesn't really refuse when Jamil also asks him to help out. Which, in Jamil's perspective, I'm sure was even more frustrating on his end cause it really means he's actually just fucking clueless lol.
But I do think after Jamil's overblot and he does come to terms with his position, he still wants to be friends with him. And with the understanding of his dynamic and his own desires to continue a relationship with Jamil- he is definitely willing to sacrifice his own small victories as long as Jamil and him are able to still be together, side by side.
I think the lyrics speak to a more evolved side of Kalim that was not fully developed before Jamil's overblot, and it adds a bit of that bittersweetness thats in their relationship that actually strengths their bond in the end.
Jamil Viper: Class of 2013
"And I'll leave what I'm chasing for the other girls to pursue"
Has got to be one of my favorite songs cause it's so short yet so poignant like it just shows how talented Mitski is with just some simple notes on the piano and a few lines
Anyways apart from my Mitski obsession, this line in particular narrates the slow extinguishing of one's own desires to save oneself from being continuously hurt from preconceived barriers. For Mitski, I think here she's observing an industry that's dominated by white cishet people- and for Jamil, it would be in relation to the social/emotional obstacles correlated with servitude.
However, these feelings rarely die down. They stratify against the pressure of time, and in Jamil's situation, it presents in the form of anger and resentment towards Kalim.
Every moment of his life, he's had to measure and count each movement so his body molds into the image that is desired from a Master-servant relationship- and that initial warmth of personal desire slowly grows onto a bitter flame that wells quietly inside him, until explodes in the form of his overblot.
Now as a communist yeah go Jamil eat the rich ✊️ but I think Kamil is, as previously explained, genuinely naive about his status and the way Jamil has had to live. So I can't say the overblot is not at all unjustified- but the collateral damage is definitely not a great look.
If you liked my analysis of Jamil, you'll like my Jamil x Shikigami MC Merciful Crusade fic. Slight enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, discussion of trauma, with a happy ending.
✦·.⋆ Ignihyde ⋆.·✦
Idia Shroud: Working for the Knife
I always thought the choice was mine, and I was right but I just chose wrong; I start the day lying and end with the truth that I'm dying for the knife
Within the context of Mitski, this song is interpreted to be working for a thankless, unforgiving industry that is dominated by mediocre cishet white people/men, but I think it more broadly it discusses the concept of creation, and the artist's relationship to it.
And broader themes apply to Idia's relationship with the construction of Ortho, or what I imagined it was like. In Chapter 6, Idia mentions something about the human heart- about how it is just a hindrance in comparison to more objective systems of the world- like programming, or robotics. But I think here he's not only referring to Ortho's condition as an AI (as AIs evolve and feed off of information and systems created and use as humans, Ortho becomes sentient), but more importantly Idia's own betrayal of the heart.
On Idia's terms, Ortho's death and creation cannot be associated with much objective reasoning. The reason why the brothers tried to escape in the first place was because of the human desire for more in their life- Idia wanted partially to escape the burden of becoming the head of the family, and both of the brothers obviously wanted more than to spend their life from the prison that the family curse unfortunately shackles them to. Though these are perfectly healthy desires to have, Idia has blamed himself for risking both him and his brother's life before they had properly assessed the phantom situation, in addition to not being able to stop the security breech that ultimately (in Idia's eyes) lead to the death of his brother. For him, this relapse in judgement is purely because he avoided looking objectively at things (which in it of itself, is a subjective thought which I think he understands more after his overblot)- therefore, I think he's created a system for himself where there is a statistically low chance of him failing in situations he is not confident in- like his appearance or his socialization skills. What better way to avoid social ridicule than to avoid socialization altogether? And by lowering his self image by the start- there is no way others can lower it even further. Shut yourself from the world- and no one can disturb the objective fact that you're a good for nothing loser that got their own brother killed. No one can shatter your own reality.
But it's undeniable that Idia is a sort of prodigy and a genius- so he's constantly switching between extremely high and low self perception that sort of parallels his internal clashing between his objective way of thinking, and his own feelings.
But I think after his overblot, he's started to come to terms with this internal debate, and accept the fact that it's alright to feel things, and love for people and the world while maintaining his structure of thinking (he seems to think in connections, rather linearly- which can lead to a lot of conclusions of self blame and pity, but those systems can also be used in other, more positive ways), and reality is really what you make of it.
So I think this part of the song that indicates a melding between dichotomies- of regret, hurt, and blame- but also hope and desire perfectly describes Idia's personality, as well as his relationship with the world.
I think a lot of people who've had to deal with attachment issues and have late diagnosed autism can relate to this sort of journey. His way of thinking (ie being able to make metaphors between real life and video games- thinking in systems of connections rather than abstractly in isolation/linearly) particularly resonates with myself, an autistic, and I think a lot of late diagnosed autistics who are also burned out gifted kids (especially if you're the eldest sibling lmao) can relate to his way of thinking, especially if you're also intersectional.
Idia is seriously one of my favorite characters. Autistic rizz strikes again lmao
Ortho Shroud: Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart
"So I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory, I'm not the girl I ought to be- but maybe when you tell your friends, you can tell them what you saw in me, and not how I turned out to be"
Don't worry I didn't forget about our dear sweet boy.
I'm sure when Ortho (the version we see at NRC) was met with some mixed reactions from his family, including Idia. It doesn't take an AI to see that Idia clearly still blames himself for letting the original Ortho get killed- something the current Ortho no doubt at least takes the blame for, because he's not able to live up to the standards of the original Ortho, and make his brother happy again
In chapter 7, he also mentions to his parents "Thank you for treating me as one of the family", so it sort of implies there that he's probably held some guilt before, since Idia has shut himself from the world, and is very outward about his self hatred.
I think after chapter 6 when Idia is able to come to terms with his guilt and way of seeing things, Ortho is able to also have some closure. Rather than viewing himself solely through his brother's eyes, he's able to see himself as an individual. I think his decision to join the drama club shows the evolution he's gone through.
*♡.* Heartslabyul *.♡*
Riddle Rosehearts: Class of 2013
"Mom will you wash my back? This once, then we can forget"
He's the poster child for mommy issues, come on.
He's obviously been through some traumatic shit with his mom, particularly verbal and emotional abuse that has completely shaped his way of attachment and view of himself and others. He holds himself to a high regard because he sees himself as an extension of his mother's (and the queen's) qualities of high discipline and authority- and he holds his mother to a high regard that in turn puts him in a similar, high position. Without doing so, there's probably no way for him to justify the treatment he's had to go through. By viewing his mother as an absolute authority he looks up to, he's able to somewhat justify the harsh standards he was held at, and holds everyone else to (something he shows regret for doing after his overblot). This is why he lashes out so violently when this notion is challenged by others, because that is also putting his mother's treatment of him in question.
Obviously a lot of the respect he has for his mother is born out of the fear that his mother could just be a bad person, someone who does not love him sufficiently enough to treat him with care and softness- but there is also a kind of fucked up form of love in there. Iykyk lol, especially if you've seen the woman your mother was, or see what she's had to sacrifice for you- the way she held you in her womb through the seasons and the hours she's had to push your small body out of you- there's something that wells inside of you that makes you want to be held, and hugged and told everything is going to be okay by her despite all of the burning hate and resentment for the way she's carved these marks into you thay made you feel and see the world with that weeping blood. Then you see her mother, and think- oh. Right.
When everyone goes away for winter break, Riddle tells Trey that he's going to have a talk with his mother- and I think that shows that for him, not all of that high regard for his mother came from fear, and survival- but also, somewhere, love that had traced all the way from his mother, to his body while he was still in the womb, planted deep inside the darkness that lies between where the fibers of our body meet.
This line in particular is heartbreaking because the speaker is asking her mother to face her back, and wash the filth off of her. An act of love, that you can bare to fully face, because of the pain that person has caused.
Ace Trappola
I have no idea for this one. For him and Deuce (also Jack) it's a bit hard because their position in the game is to kind of be the navigators so he kind of lacks enough material for me to make education assumptions of his psychosocial background. If anyone has any ideas please add them below 🙏🙏
Deuce Spade: I Bet on Losing Dogs
"Will you let me, baby, lose on losing dogs?
I know they're losing and I pay for my place by the ring"
Deuce, again, is also hard to do but I think these are the closest lyrics to what his ultimate intentions are at NRC. He really does want to improve and prove to his mother that he can be a son she can be proud of- but he's consistently trying to fight everyone lol.
He's kind of like Zuko from ATLA lmao. But you can clearly see throughout the game that he feels shame for his past and recent actions of trying to solve problems with his fist, and the efforts he puts into studying and becoming a good student. To him, I'm sure it feels like he's betting on losing dogs- that it is simply within his nature to continue to fuck up.
Unlike the subtext of Mitski's lyrics however, he's betting on those metaphorical dogs because he wants to make his mother proud, rather than placing bets on a losing battle because it makes me feel at least something.
So if you do have better suggestions I'm totally open lol. But this was the only one I could think of (;∀; )
Cater Diamond: Nobody
"And I know no one will save me, I'm just asking for a kiss- give me one good movie kiss and I'll be alright"
When I look at people like Cater, I (not only generally avoid them) but I almost always think "Wow. You're a pretty hard worker. So serious, so frantic." (The word I'm thinking of is 必死 and Google is saying the english translation is "desperate" but thats not quite it.). It does make me want ro break them open a bit- not because I think whats inside is valuable in the slightest, but I'm just curious to what sort of thinks they're working so so hard to hide under all of that "effortlessly likeable" facade that barely veils the attachment issues that runs deeply in their bones. But I wouldn't do that, since it would be too tedious and predictable, haha.
Also probably why he's an easy target for his older sisters to be honest lol.
But I digress. This song at its core is about tethering love solely to the external world (which I think humans can't help but to do and is healthy to a certain extent)- and I think it reflects one of Cater's more hidden issues if mental health and self perception which he uses social media to likely numb.
I think someone on tik tok had a good explanation of this (I forgot their username ( ´Д`)) but Cater's character shows the lesser known forms of depression/mental health issues where we seek any sort of stimulation (ie love in whatever form, but anyone as long it makes you feel) to battle the numbness and lack of self perception that comes with constantly being under the oppressive pressure of our own psyches.
"Movie kiss" is also language Mitski intentionally uses to emphasize the fact that it doesn't have to be real- it can be a parody of something and completely staged- as long as it provides some sort of stimulation, kind or like social media.
Trey Clover: I Will
"I can at least be neat
Walk out and be seen as clean
And I'll go to work and I'll go to sleep and I'll love the littler things
I'll love some littler things
He definitely has some self blame for Riddle's situation when his mother came to his parents pastry shop. I think it's partially the reason why Trey values a respectable distance between him and others, and also why he undermines his own abilities. He makes a hell or a lot of effort not wanting to stand out in anyone's eyes, because he doesn't want to cause situations like Riddle's- where his position in someone's life results in trouble for them.
He's nice, but he's not necessarily kind, you know? I feel like he spreads himself pretty evenly among people, completing his role within the social spiral so people aren't hurt from his actions or existence.
This line from Mitski kind of shows thay detached nature- he doesn't want to be a bother to anyone so he assumes a sort of detached "mother" position, being generally pretty nurturing and assuming a nice face so he doesn't have to be weighed with that burden of causing trouble for people.
He's pretty normal otherwise 🤷 everyone except Riddle and Cater in the Heartstlabyul dorn is kind of hard to do
I have a Vampire MC fic for him in progress- ill link it when I'm done!
✧*: Savanaclaw ・゚✧
Leona Kingscholar: I Bet on Losing Dogs
"I bet on losing dogs I know they're losing and I pay for my place by the ring Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down I'll be there on their side, I'm losing by their side"
These lyrics are a perfect parallel to his personality and self perception.
He's constantly putting himself in a losing position (ie skipping class, not putting his all into academic and sports related activities) because he's let his placement assigned to him at birth seep into all aspects of his life.
He shows a lot of symptoms of depression/a mood disorder like hypersomnia (opposite of insomnia), low motivation, losing interest in hobbies, etc etc because he's constantly been surrounded by the fact that he is the second son- and will for his whole life live in his brother's shadow all of his life. I think he avoids being with Cheka not only because he doesn't like kids (relatable) but also because it's a constant reminder that a literal child will achieve what he cannot just because of his birthright, rather than a test of power or intelligence. But obviously he's adult enough to recognize that his nephew is a kid and he shouldn't be throwing his own shit at a child.
He has no care for people's opinions of him or measurements of his abilities because he already knows people will always see him as a losing bet, that losing dog- so he leans fully into the achetype.
Ruggie Bucchi: Humpty
"All the eggshells are on the ground, and I try, I'm trying to pick them up, but they crack and crumble, it's all too much- too frail for me to touch"
Gah Ruggie is also kind of a hard one
But I think there's a certain self image that comes with being a hyena beast beastman especially with the associations it has within Scar's narrative. He consistently mentions to Leona that they should both play their parts and benefit from eachother. I think there's a part of him that hinges his self worth on his ability to serve people not only because of his socioeconomic background, but also his species. He's had to walk on these fragile conditions of self worth his whole life, which is why he's continuously shown himself to be extremely resourceful, and quick thinking about the people he surrounds himself with that must work to his benefit. He's a scavenger, he has to make do with whatever he can, even if that is feeding off the (literal and metaphorical) scraps.
Not my best work lol. Please let me know if you have better suggestions.
Jack Howl: Stawberry Blonde
"I love everybody because I love you; I don't need the city, and I don't need proof; All I need, darling is a life in your shape- I picture it, soft, and I ache"
Difficult for him because he's so?? Well adjusted?? Lol like just one of those people you see you're just like "Ah wow you really actually had a happy childhood". Like such a foreign concept to the dorm leader/vice dorm leaders who are screaming, crying, vomiting into the void lmao
I feel like these lyrics were to be the case if he ever were to fall in love? The song itself is about yearning for something you can't get a hold of, but the lyrics in the beginning just cry absolute adoration that he values in relationships because he's seen it in his own family. As a professional yearner I can definitely say this boy yearns for sure.
*+:。.。 Octavinelle 。.。:+*
Azul Ashengrotto: Nobody
"I've been big and small, and big and small, and big and small again- and still, nobody loves me, still nobody loves me."
Perfect for his overblot narrative lmao.
This one is pretty straight forward, I think Mitski not only narrates the dramatic physical transformations that still make her seeming undesirable- but also the radical changes in personality in ego (as in inflated ego, deflated ego).
This works with Azul's backstory since he not only went through a physical transformation that likely fed into his attachment style and the way he views his self worth, but also the personality changes that reflect the gradual repression of these insecurities that lead to his overblot.
The lyrics also imply that there is a certain condition to being loved that the speaker is not able to fulfil. Now for Azul, I think he's able to fulfil that condition by providing contracts to others- but he internalizes that and uses it to fill the hole that is caved within himself due to a lack of self worth and positive self image. He becomes too power hungry because he's obsessed over these external means of validation to replace any intrinsic value that he has not been able to see within himself.
After his overblot I think he recognizes this dissonance between his external personality and internal insecurity, along with his intentions with others' magics that clearly stemmed from an externalization of his insecurities, and he chooses to accept his insecurities (both physical and mental) as a part of himself. Great redemption arc 🤌
If you like my analysis of him- you'll like my Mute Siren MC x Azul Ineffable Bloom fic. Childhood friends to lovers, lots of yearning, hurt/comfort, and also, flower symbolism/hanakotoba.
Jade Leech
Augh Jade is hard too. I feel like he has a very specific, calculated anger that is not very often in Mitski songs. Her stuff is more like eternally cindering flame- his feels more like a surgical needle.
Any suggestions????
Floyd Leech: A Pearl
"There's a hole that you fill, you fill, you fill. Buts just that I fell in love with a war."
This is a bit dramatic for him but oh well lol. Similarly to Rook, I think he's quick to obsess over things. But unlike Rook who will travel to the oceans depths to get a glimpse of that thing- Floyd is someone who, as soon as he's bored, will just shrug and find another thing that interest him. Partially, I think this is a cycle for him that he continues because of the initial thrill of it- and that goes for his relationships as well. With Azul and obviously Jade he's been with most of his life it's a little different, but for others, say, a romantic partner- I think he would definitely have a tendency to sort of love bomb people before one day he gets bored and begins to pick the person apart. He searches for little ticks he doesn't like, parts of their personality thay he finds annoying- and comes to the conclusion that he's simply done with them. And I think the cycle continues.
Live love laugh Mitski ✌️ I use so much of her lyrics in my writing. There were a lot of characters I had several songs for but I kept it to one per character
★彡 Feel free to add your own interpretations and takes!
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My friend (who I'll call Kay) who plays TWST actually told me something very interesting but also pretty messed up. I might get some stuff wrong but hear me out.
You know how Trey pretty much never called out Riddle whenever he did something wrong because he believed that Riddle's the way he is because of his parents? Which is true but most (if not all) of Riddle's controlling behavior is Riddle's own choice.
Well, Kay said that had MC and ADeuce not stepped in, not only would this had continued (and most likely gotten worse) and Riddle got a job, married and became a father, he would be a carbon copy of his mother: mistreating his spouse and child, all the while being hailed as a respected mage in his homeland. And Trey would still not step in because he still believes that Riddle's the way he is because he's too busy feeling bad for Riddle and himself for not helping Riddle.
Of course, this is just my friend's theory and I highly doubt Trey would let something like that slide.
***CONTENT WARNING: this post discusses themes of generational trauma and familial abuse!!***
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I mean, that’s assuming Riddle doesn’t Overblot from rage and die from it before graduation, right 🥲 He was already in that downwards spiral before Yuu, Ace, Deuce, and Grim called him out for his tyranny…
The “what if” scenario being proposed here reminds me of this theory that someone else posed; basically, it suggests that maybe Mama Rosehearts also had a similar childhood as Riddle, so her treatment of him is her perpetuating what was imposed onto her in her girlhood and feeding into generational trauma and a cycle of abuse. Of course, this theory is mainly speculation rather than based on concrete evidence (since we don’t actually know a ton about Mama Rosehearts), but it’s still an interesting concept to consider 🤔
One point I’d like to clarify is that it isn’t outright stated that Mama Rosehearts mistreats her spouse (although it could definitely be inferred) or in what she ways she mistreats him. Riddle says in one of his Groom-for-a-day voice lines that he wishes the Queen of Hearts would impart the secret to a happy marriage with his own parents, implying that his mother and father have a rocky relationship. Many popular fan interpretations for Papa Rosehearts is that he is meek and cannot stand up for himself (similar to the King of Hearts), but to be honest, Papa Rosehearts could be just as toxic as his wife is; we don’t know for certain.
In any case, that would have been a sad and dark path for Riddle to go down 😔 Having the public image of a respectable and talented mage with a perfect family while that same family is falling apart at the seams behind the scenes… yikes. The more optimistic part of me’s like, “No way would Trey stand for that!! He’d hit a breaking point eventually and do/say something to Riddle!!” … But the less optimistic part of me’s going, “That’s a tough situation to be in. I don’t know what I’d do if I were Trey.”
When I really think about it 😔 I think Trey would not find the courage to intervene (at least not on his own). This isn’t to say that he’s a bad person, but I’m just thinking realistically. It’s difficult for someone—anyone—to stick their nose into another family’s “business”, especially while dealing with the intense remorse that Trey probably is. And the more Trey puts off telling Riddle (which, let’s be fair here, he already has been doing), the easier it will become for him to keep perpetuating those excuses, the more guilt will rack up from him not acting or saying anything before. It’ll get worse and worse, probably to the point where it starts to wear at Trey’s own mental health and wellbeing 🥲 He needs a hard push from an outside force maybe Chenya to really spring into action, because Trey is also in need of a good telling-off 💦
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