#twst ride x reader
yuri-is-online · 16 days
Jamil never gonna beat the cozy boy allegations, bro probably makes Yuu spend the night at least once a week to "study" and just uses them as a charging port and get his touchstarved ass some snuggles. Very comfy very cozy the pillows everywhere kind of make him look like a playboy bunny model with how it's set up very nice I approve
Oh Jade is so going to have some sort of fucked up voice line, but so is Cater I remember his Halloween SSR's original summon line about filling you to the bone ( ` ꒳ ´ )✧ Jamil deserves some cozy snuggle times tbh, him using Yuu to recharge is cannon. He didn't realize being around someone could feel this relaxing, but he's not complaining. Napping together can be a date if you are usually too busy to hear yourself think, and that applies to both of you.
With Jade I'm picturing him batting his eyelashes at Yuu "Oya how bold of you to ask to share~" as if he isn't purposefully taking up as much space on the bed as possible and making it painfully clear where he expects you to "lie down." If you don't get the hint immediately that's ok, his hands on your wrists tugging you forward to straddle his lap will make it very clear. Forgive him, prefect, he's still new to human customs like sharing a bed. Won't you educate him? He'll be a quick study, promise.
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HIII can u do the prompt number 5 for floyd pls :D (romantic)
Also i saw that you eanted ppl to put 2 backup characters and prompts so my backup characters are lilia and leona and my backup prompts are the fairytale scene and the taste of salt :D (also romantic)
Take ur time and ty ! 😍
Tandem Bike; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Content Warning; Swearing(?), semi-serious mortal peril /hj
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; I hope you know how to ride a bike, cuz Floyd is no help in the matter! Hope you enjoy!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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“I don’t think this is a good idea, Floyd,” you gulped, looking down the hill.
Floyd laughed behind you on the tandem bicycle, and you could feel the bike reverberate from it. “Ehhh, are ya scared?~” 
You dug your heels into the ground, making sure that the both of you wouldn’t end up going down the hill without knowing where you were going. The last thing you needed was to hit a pothole or a big enough rock and end up getting hurt. “Not scared,” you huffed, “just thinking.”
Floyd rolled his eyes, “We’ll just be up here all day then! Come on, Shrimpy.” He nudged your feet, but you dug your feet in further, cementing the bike into place. Floyd sighed and slumped his head on your shoulder. “You were the one that wanted to ride this thingy, but now you’re gettin’ cold feet about it?”
You took in a deep breath. Yes, it was your idea to take the cute tandem bike you found in the shed out for a spin, but your cycling partner had never ridden a bike before, and you also didn’t want to crash. “Just give me a minute, okay.” You clenched your hands on and off the brakes.
Floyd just looked at you curiously, before a wild smile took over his face. And when you eased up on the brakes again, he pushed you both forward. “Minute’s up!~”
And down the hill you went. Being angry could wait for later, as your main concern was making sure you were both staying upright and avoiding the aforementioned potholes and rocks. Floyd was cackling behind you, helping you steer a bit, but mainly just enjoying the wind wiping up his hair and watering up his eyes. And eventually, you started slowing down, coming to a more manageable pace that didn’t leave your hands clenching for dear life on the handlebars. But once you came to a complete stop you exploded in laughter; a mix of relief that you hadn’t died, of pure joy, and the infectious cackle that was coming from behind you.
“See, Shrimpy! That was fun,” Floyd poked you in the back. 
You got off the bike, legs a bit shaky from the adrenaline. “Yeah, it was a little bit fun.” Wait, I'm supposed to be mad at him! You could never stay mad at him for very long though.
Well, gravity is a thing, a thing that Floyd was not accounting for, and he wasn’t supporting the bike up, so he and the bike tumbled to the ground. And instead of sulking, he just laughed and got right back up.
“Wanna go again?~ This time I’ll steer!” He laughed, and hugged you, squeezing you gently.
You let out a long sigh, decompressing. “No, absolutely not,” you pushed against him slightly so you could put your hands on his shoulders.
Floyd pouted, “You’re no fun ya know.” There was no bite, he was just being pouty since he was planning on making you shriek as you both had no idea where you were going, but downhill, and downhill fast.
You hummed, kissing his cheek to bring him out of the dour mood. “And you’re no fun if you can’t go on little adventures with me. Can’t do that if we crash on that cursed thing,” you pointed your chin at the bike.
Floyd looked briefly at the bike before turning his attention back to you. “Okay, okay, okay, I got the memo, Shrimpy…” He placed a quick kiss and bite on your lips before pulling back with a wink, taking a look at his handy work. 
You could feel the slight sting. His bite wasn’t sharp enough to draw blood, but it was enough to make them puffy. “Are you proud of your handiwork?” 
“Mhm!~” Floyd pressed another kiss to your lips, but this time it was gentle, soothing the stinging sensation.
And you bit his lip back, deciding that you deserved some sweet vengeance.
Floyd pulled back, and the shocked look on his face turned into pure glee and he was doubled over laughing again. “Damn, Shrimpy! I should do that more often!~”
Wait, what?
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @identity-theft-101, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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Could you do a yandere Idia, Malleus, and Floyd with a darling who acts like Jane Doe from ride the cyclone? (If you can’t do this I understand!)
I liked the play
and I love her ballad
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Jane Doe Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
(Y/n) (L/n) is known best for your stiff motions and disconcerting observations. Usually met with fear, impervious to insults you don’t understand, and often forgetting your name you certainly become a person of interest to many. And the many that get to know you realize you’re not nearly as frightening as they perceived nor do you mean to be creepy just confused. Unfortunately for them the more people who begin to realize this about you tend to get closer to you. Not on their watch:
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Idia Shroud
“You know what I think is scary? That a bear who happened upon some cocaine started eating and became addicted. What stopped the bear was not his desire to use the energy he got from this new prey but because he died. It disturbs me how far addiction can disguise the hand of death.”
“If this is some round-about way to tell me to stop gaming then I don’t buy it.”
He’s not as off-put when he realizes you don’t fit into that ‘normie’ category
Nor do you fit in his slot as an ultimate gamer
Well he can fix that really fast
It starts with putting a controller in your hand
And he slowly finds he doesn’t get nervous around you…for awhile
He still finds his hair alighting in pink flames when your cheeks touch as he governs you over your shoulder
Or how he overheats at your willingness to follow his menial acts for your friendship affection
“Y-yeah n-normal friends sit very close no matter the setting!”
“Like this?”
“And I should wrap my arms around your waist like this?”
And you are none the wiser when you’re practicing all his lessons with others that he’s watching with absolute rage
So like the game master, he is he keeps his eyes on the field having cameras anywhere and everywhere watching your every awkward movement
Fanboying when he gets the perfect angle of you curiously tilting your head
And for the trash NPCs that bother you him+ he’s using his technical prowess to put them six feet under
“Ha, stupid NPC they really thought I’d let that slide?! Fat chance.”
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Malleus Draconia
“Would you like to brush my doll’s hair?”
“I would like to but it seems her head is missing.”
“Hmmm, that reminds me of something.”
“Oh? How so?”
“I’m sure I can–” 
*Detaches head from body Frankenstein style*
“Oh yes I still can.”
“Oh my–”
Not only do you have no fear of him but you are the most interesting character he has the pleasure of meeting
You're so unorthodox he’s never bored
Not that he ever would be
He truly falls when your blunt affection for him as friend lover+ stirs something deeper in him
He can’t begin to imagine life without you being beside
Him learning from him and freely sharing your observations
And despite many others cringing at your creepy statements
He delights in them
“It truly is horrific how easily guinea pigs decide to cannibalize their young.”
“Haha! Yes, that is true. If you were in their place would you do the same? I ask because I can relate to the jealousy of the male. I would rather keep you to myself for all eternity.”
He doesn’t hide his affections and immediately dives into courting you 
And you don’t have the knowledge to turn him away though
But should any unfortunate interloper put it lightly on your radar that you don’t have to accept
He’s smiting them then and there
“See. (Y/n)? He says such negative things and the lightning struck him immediately after. It is only the balance of cause and effect.”
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Floyd Leech
“Ah, that is what I’m called…right?”
“Hmmmm nope, your name is Shrimpy!”
He’s had the most fun with you in a long time
Anything with you around is fun
Whether its because everyone’s reactions are fun when you talk 
Or how you make people run perfect for an ambush
To say he gets angry at your occupied attention is an understatement
It's more than joy 
its you 
your his, his territory, his name-forgetting shrimpy that belongs to him
“Your eyes are nice.”
“Ahah that’s cute Shrimpy! I share them with Jade!” 
“They’re wild…like that of a carnivorous predator. The kind that gut their prey while still alive.”
“Awww Shrimpy! Marry me.”
If it isn’t a given that he squeezes anyone who diverts your attention
But he can’t help but decide you don’t need to move at all from his reach
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cvlutos · 2 years
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EVERY Tuesday, exactly at noon, does the stone clock tower chime. Without delay, you hear the sound of trumpets, the marching of hooves, as the golden gates of the palace open. Wide and big, as the card soldiers, in perfect position, march upon horses of black and white, wearing that of red with swords attached to their hips and spears within their hands. Preparing for the Queen’s weekly hunt. The crowd cheers, waves banners, as they yell sayings of good luck.
The cobblestone path is tight, crowded with people, big and small, infants to the elderly, all in hopes of seeing the benevolent Queen off. Even if this same celebration will happen next week as well. In seeing him in all his grandeur. Something you’d “sadly” miss, with your woven basket tight in hand, warm and heavy from the fresh baked delights, all from the Clover bakery. You shimmy through the tight crowd, moving in the opposite direction and were, quite frankly, in the way, even as you walk along the side house and store walls. You mummer ‘excuse me’ and apologize as you go, giving sheepish grins to those who spared you a glance.
You would rather be at home, yet you promised your mother you would go. You promised to go to the bakery, to buy your grandmother’s favorite treats and sweets and deliver them to her. She lives just outside the town and in the center of the thick woods, just on the other side in a small cottage in the middle of the northern woods. A journey you’ve made countless times, and on less crowded days. Yet today, your mother was extra worried, extra concerned for your grandmother’s well being. Even if you promised, you’d go first thing in the morning tomorrow. Yet she forced you anyway. Well, guilt-tripped you into going.
‘What if she’s already dead? Hm? What would you do then?’
Return home? Tell the authorities? Cry? Yet the look on her face told you she didn’t want any back talk, so you gave in and left.
You forced yourself further down the path, spotting the familiar opening that you’ve always taken. The town you live in is surrounded by a large stone wall. Tall and thick, with only one way out of the village, and one way in. Yet this impenetrable wall has a hole, fairly big, that anyone could fit their largest ox. So you had no trouble merely crawling or walking through. The alley that led to your secret path was uncrowded, as if waiting for you and you alone.
You shimmy forward, pushing past local residents. Some allowed room for you, having noticed you, others merely rolled their eyes. You pop your head past the road barricade, searching the long stone road. The card soldiers were far. Far away to where you could make it without interrupting them, or them even noticing you. You step over the thick string, glancing one more time, before you make haste. Darting onto the clear, wide road. Ignoring shouts and gasps as you make your way to the alley. Stopping to catch your breath, you turn around. Some of the crowd are merely laughing you off, others completely ignoring, some glared at you disappointedly, yet none made a move to call the guards on you. Your eyes scan the road. You hadn’t dropped anything, and if you did, you’re sure no one would even notice.
Slightly proud of yourself, you continue on, moving past the eccentric alley system, moving quickly past houses and shops, jogging towards the large wall.
You’d be fine.
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The crowd becomes silent, and everything pauses. A send off has never once stopped. The Red Queen, golden crown glinting in the sun, his hand raised high. His horse stands still, the same confident and demanding energy as his owner, bows his head, as the Queen flows off the saddle. Heels clicking against the stone road. He walks forward, taking exactly five precise steps, before crouching, leather gloved fingers swiping along the stone. How he saw just a small thing, no one will ever know. The squished remains of strawberry cream cheese tart, a small delight. He rubs the cream between his fingers before rising just as quickly, holding out his hand for a napkin. It appears within a second. He turns on his heel, glaring eyes scouring the crowd, before landing on an older man.
“You! Who ran across here!?”
“Uh! I have no clue, your—your majesty.” He gives an embarrassed, clumsy bow, keeping his eyes glued to the ground. “Then you tell me?” The Queen looks at another, a young woman, who automatically stiffens her posture, face paling.
“A-a man! A young man. With—with a wooden basket and red cape.” The crowd nods along eagerly.
“In which direction?”
Multiple hands point towards the alley, all in fear to face the Queen’s wrath. With a single snap, five card soldiers appear by his side. “Search for the one with a red hood. Such disrespect shall not be tolerated.” There’s a chorus of ‘yes! your majesty.’ Yet not a soul moving til the Queen re-asummed his position upon his horse. “We will resume! While in search of this Red Hood!” His voice is thunderous, and as if nothing happened, everything returns to normal.
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The leaves crunch beneath your feet. As you continue your long trek, the path is winding and bumpy, covered in wild leaves and branches, the cobblestone hidden beneath the foliage. The basket sways within your hand as you walk and wander along the familiar path. The cool breeze flutters your crimson cloak, and you pull the hood to cover your head and protect your ears. Wishing to have worn pants instead of trying to be cute with your red shorts and white knee-length socks.
The Queendom is never cold, unless the Queen desires cold weather.
It always remains at the perfect temperature, always a warm summer breeze and a perfect summer day. And as you venture deeper into the woods and further away from the Queendom, the cobblestone path slowly crumbles and slowly turns to dirt. You stop at the threshold, glancing behind you. Something about today seems different.
You hope it’ll be a good day.
You venture into the woods.
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“Ruggie. I’m heading out. Ill be back.”
He lets out a low yawn, stretching his muscles as he walked towards the cave entrance, not giving Ruggie, his right hand, a chance to respond, leaving the hyena beastman to do whatever it is he’s doing. He pushes past the thick vines of the cave, leaving the warmth of the cave and giving a shallow nod to a young wolf beastman who currently was guarding the large camp, with the others like him. “Ill be back before dawn.”
“It’s noon? And the Queen and his guard is hunting today. Far from us, but still. Are you sur—” The lazy king gives a short wave, swatting away the beastman’s concerns, stifling another yawn, leisurely wiping tired tears from his eyes, while the wolf opened his mouth to speak.
“Jack!” The duo looks towards the urgent voices. Two young beastmen, a young tiger and an older bear, both you jogged frantically, seemingly having to run across the majority of the temporary camp. They slow to a stop, giving a quick bow to their pride leader before turning to Jack.
“The Queen’s Knights. Theres five of them! Theyre asking for you presence!”
“Of course. I’m on my way. Leona.” Jack turns to their sleepy leader, only to find the place where he stood empty. He’s brows furrow, before quickly giving up and motioning for the two to lead the way.
The Queendom of Roses and the Pride of Kingscholar. While the Queen occupies the Northern woods, the Kingscholar current occupies the East portion. Over months of arguments and fights, the Kingscholar Pride has been slowly forced to the outskirts and south, while the Queendom slowly takes over the North and East.
Jack and the two beastmen run side by side, running towards the end of the camp, coming across the five poised card guards. They all sit on white pristine horses, not moving an ounce as Jack slows and straightens out his white button-up shirt. “Where is Leona Kingscholar? We shall only speak to one of authority.” The voice is muffled by his thick metal helmet, clasping to his reins and swords.
“He’s away. What you need can be spoken back to him.” Jack crosses his arm, keeping a scowl upon his lips as the knight scoffs.
“I shouldn’t expect more from your kind,” Jack clicks his tongue but doesn’t speak, letting the knight continue, “There’s a human boy in red. He has ruined the Queen’s sendoff and thus must receive punishment. If you find him, you know best to hand him over immediately.”
“I have no such obligations.”
“Right—” You can hear the confidence in his voice, as he shifts the reins, getting ready to move, “It’s only best to consume your meat fresh. I hope you don’t get red fabric between your fangs, wolf.”Jack gives a low growl as the horse becomes spooked, rushing over, earning a yelp from the knight and gasps from the other silent four. They watch the group ride off into the forest, before letting out a huff.
“Jack. What should we do?”
The tiger beastman speaks first, which earns a thoughtful sigh from the wolf beastman. “Nothing. I’m sure Leona will find the boy before we do. Continue as you were.” Jack turns on his heels, rolling his shoulders as both boys shout and eager ‘yes’. This camp is only temporary until they reach the eastern mountain’s summit, and beyond that will be the savannas once you cross the mountains. Something Leona has been avoiding for the longest time.
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The farther you walk, the darker the woods get. Yet the twisting and winding path doesn’t lead you astray, a path in which you’re acquainted with. And as the trees grow closer and the leaves block the sun, it feels colder, as luminescent mushrooms and flowers that grow alongside the path glow in hints of blue and yellows, give you little light, while pollen that glows a soft purple flutters through the air. It’s absolutely enchanting, with towering thick trees and small sections which sunlight peeks through, highlighting the vibrant green plants and bushes. You hum softly, playing different games as you walk, occasionally eating one of your grandmother’s snacks.
“Youre quite far.”
You screech, nearly jumping out of your skin at the new presence of a voice. You look around and see no one. Your heart pounds against your ribcage. After a few moments, you left out a huff, slowly calming yourself.
“Especially during the Tyrant’s Hunt,” There’s a low chuckle that sends shudders down your spine and you look around frantically, “He might very well mistake you for a deer.” A rock zooms past your head, barely missing you and striking the tree behind you. Your body stiffens.
“Can you not speak?” It’s taunting and drawn out and you shiver as if ghost hands caress your body.
“What do you want—?”
“Now that is the question,” The voice lets out a low hum, and you hear the shuffling of plants, “I am quite hungry.”
You get a horrible feeling, and nearly trip, as something, or a someone, bolts through the thicket. A lion beastman. Before you can react, nails digging into your shoulders, and the new weight forces you to fall back, and momentum pushes you and him to roll over yourselves. Until you’re once again on your back, with the air from your lungs. Your eyes fly open, staring into amused deep emerald green eyes. You wince at the feelings of nails digging into your shoulders, close to breaking your skin and making you bleed, but he doesn’t. Only giving you the sensation of nails breaking skin. Your heels dig into the earth as you desperately try to regain your breath.
“Oh… Dont look like that. You act like I’m going to eat you. Well,” His hands move from your shoulders, letting you crawl backwards and away as he rested on the balls of his feet, forearms resting on his thighs as he tilts his head to the side. Eyes trailing you up and down, staring at the expansion of your bare thighs and legs, a low whistle slipping past his lips. “I might. In a more human way.” A shiver rolls down your spine as you use your cape to cover your legs. He visibly looks displeased as he looks at your face.
“Little Red Riding Hood on the run from the Queen.” He hums and youre eyes widen as you stagger to your feet.
“What? I didn’t do anything?!”
“Doesn’t seem that way,” his tail flicks lazily, his finger drawing in the dirt in clear boredom, “you somehow made the little tyrant mad.” He stands and you step away, he makes no move toward you. Green eyes gazing around the forest before stopping and landing on the path, in the direction in which you came. You follow his gaze and when you look back, the lion beastman is extremely close, his nose brushing against yours. You jump away and he rests a hand on his hips, while the other holds out your forgotten basket.
“I would get going little red. Unless you want to be headless.”
You take your basket and glanced the path, you could hear the pounding of hooves. You grimace before turning around, sharing one more glance at the beastman before darting down the path, back onto the road to grandmother’s house.
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There’s six. Six horses, five knights, one tyrant.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, kicking up dirt and letting out a yawn, he was pretty hungry. Maybe you’d and your grandmother might make a good snack after he’s done here. He counts the seconds before the Tyrant comes into view, an ever-permanent scowl upon his youthful face. He’s pristine and upon seeing Leona, he ordered his soldiers to stop and with ease slides off his horse and marches 10 steps before glaring at the Lion Beastman.
“Queen’s rules dictate that youre not allowed within the northern forest on Tuesday afternoons. In all honesty, I should send you and your pride further east for such disrespect of the Queens’s rules.” His words are venomous, speaking precisely that has his knights flinching even if the words weren’t for them.
“It’s Tuesday? I had no idea. Oops.” Using his pinky finger, he cleans out his ear with a bored expression, earning a harder glare as the Queen struggles to remain calm.
“No matter. Do what you want. I have more pressing matters.” He holds out his hand, and immediately, a parchment scroll is placed within his hands. The Queendom of Roses has always been the most efficient and quick. Undoing the rolled parchment and holding up the paper, your face was drawn most beautifully, a perfect reflection almost.
“Pretty isn’t he.” Leona furrows his brows, watching the Tyrant marvel at the photo, his nose scrunches in disgust.
“What are you on, Riddle?” Gasps and quick inhales come from the knights, yet the Queen doesn’t seem to mind, only few can call him by his name.
“If you must know. He disturbed my send off, and I assumed he was some ruffian. But to now see a drawing of him. He is quite cute and I am in need of a King,” He tilts her head with a gleeful grin, that seemed misplaced and lovesick, “Though I will have to break him in, make him more obedient. But I’m sure it’ll be worth it.”
“You truly are sick.” Riddle face morphs from love-struck to angry, rolling up the parchment delicately, before clearing his throat.
“I suggest you go. Unless—” A arrow shoots past Riddle’s head and grazes the fullness of Leona’s cheek before striking the tree behind him. Green eyes widen a mere fraction, and the tyrant beholds the tiniest smile. The card soldiers werent mere decoration, yet they arent that smart either. One of them must be a skilled huntsman.
“You know what I am capable of. I hate to have to make you my target instead.”
The leader of his pride rolls his shoulders lazily, with his thumb wiping away the blood on his cheek. “Absolutely. Id hate to make you angry. Know if you’ll excuse me, this lion is quite hungry.” And without another word, the lion stalks into the unknown of the woods.
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The path to grandmother’s house seems a lot longer than it usually does. Usually you’d be at her tiny cottage within an hour or two, yet it feels like days since you entered the woods and encountered the lion beastman. As if the forest was alive, living, breathing. As if the path beneath you were snakes whose bodies twisted and turned, knocking you off your feet.
You land with a hard thud, shaking your head. The forest is darker than before. How long has it been? You know the path and you know it well yet; you search your surroundings lazily, feeling as if you were submerged in thick oil, and the word seemed muffled. You spot vibrant red mushrooms that seemed to inflate before releasing a thick white gas. Hallucinations. They’re carnivorous mushrooms, but they’re never active during the day, nor on the path. Theyre new. As if purposely planted, but that’s ridiculous.
And it couldn’t possibly be night.
You struggle to your feet, gripping the basket and meandering.
Until a beacon.
Off to the side of the path, nestled in between two large trees, if you walked further down the path you’ll come across the small cottage village, with her golden porch light, was your grandmother’s house. With her stone walls and wooden roof were covered in moss and mushrooms, while her red painted door was visible. You pick up your pace, stumbling occasionally as you reach her rickety wooden porch, a wide grin upon your lips as you knock on the old door.
“Grandma!” You call through the wood, yet no reply. You grab the gold doorknob, turning it and slowly pushing the door inside, letting yourself in.
It’s the same as you remember, with the fireplace on, with fresh logs. There was no collection of dust, and the couch looked recently sat on. Her throw blanket and decor pillows were out of place. You close the door behind you, slipping off your shoes, and placed the basket on the dining room table. While undoing the strings of your cape and calling out to your grandma. You move deeper into her home, before reaching her bedroom. You knock.
“Oh, darling! I’m feeling quite sick, but come in. Come in.” Her voice sounds the same, and your tense shoulders drop, as a smile spreads across your face as you open the door. Only to find her bed empty and made, with the window wide open. You step further into the room, looking around, before you hear a soft click and you spin around, only to find the lion beastman from before. He isn’t looking at you, but instead squeezing a small bird.
“Mimic birds are quite useful. Able to mimic to the voice of anyone and anything once they hear it.” He releases the bird, and it frantically flies out the window. You step back. “You—My grandma!” You suck in a panicked breath and the man only shrugs. Striding his way towards you, his hand moving faster than you could comprehend to grab your face and squeeze your cheeks.
“What do you think—” His free arm slides around your waist and forces your close, you try to push him away, “I did. Maybe I ate her. Gobbled her up like a big bad wolf,” He faux pouts before clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes in personal annoyance, “Or lion, that fits better doesn’t it.” He shakes your head aggressively, speaking like a mother would to a child when they’re fussy,
“Maybe ill eat you up. Wouldn’t you just like that—” He lets you break away with a laugh, watching your glare, and he tilts his head and eyes moving out the window.
You can hear horses.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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Carnival Fair (Epel x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Vomiting mentioned Note: Reader is implied to be the same height as or shorter than Epel
“Alright, next ride!” Epel grinned wide as his eyes scanned the carnival. “Where ‘r we goin’?”
“The Scrambler sounds fun,” Deuce said. He looked down at the small carnival map in his hands, little dots marking everything of interest. “That’s over to the right. There’s also that water ride over there,” he said as he pointed to the ride in question. 
“That kiddy shit?” Epel scoffed as he smirked. “C’mon, Deuce, ya gotta have somethin’ better than that.” 
“Well, when you guys are done bickering,” Ace glanced over his shoulder at you all as he walked away, “you can meet me at that coaster over there.” 
The roller coaster in question was called Sunside Sweep. It looked fun, but you weren’t sure if you were ready for something so thrilling. You and your little group -Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel - had just eaten all that junk from the food trucks, and you knew it would come right back up if you went through even one loop. Ace would realize that soon. You knew you couldn’t stop him if you tried, so you just waved at him as he left. You scooted closer to Deuce to look at the map. “How about the little river boat ride?” you asked. 
“Again, that shit’s for babies.” Epel rolled his neck, a small pop sounding from it as he groaned. “Ah want somethin’ that’ll be fun.” 
“How about The Blender?” Jack piped up for the first time since lunch. “That looks fun - not too bad on the stomach, either.” 
At least one other person was thinking of your digestive systems. You looked over towards the ride in question; you watched as it swung back and forth, the bottom half of its body turning as it went. Not too thrilling, yet not too boring. It was-
“Good enough, ah guess.” Epel shrugged as he started heading towards the ride. “But ah’m with Ace - ah want to get on a coaster after this.” 
“Alright,” Deuce said as he folded the map and tucked it back in his jean pocket. “The Blender it is.” 
You smiled and nodded as you walked after Deuce, Jack close to your side as you went. The aftertaste of cream soda and funnel cake still lingered on your tongue - so good! You hoped to get a little more sweets before you had to leave. 
“You alright there, [Y/n]?” Epel asked as he eyed you curiously. 
You sat on a bench in front of the entrance to The Blender, hunched over with your hand over your mouth. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be fine.” 
Your reassurance was ill received. Jack kneeled down in front of you, ears flattened against his head. “Take it easy, alright? Maybe we should stay off of the rides for a while.” 
“But the carnival closes in two hours!” you protested. “By the time it opens again, we’ll have to go back to the college. I don’t want to-” You mumbled a groan as your stomach grumbled uncomfortably. You managed to finish your sentence in a garbled whisper, “I don’t want to ruin this.” 
“You won’t ruin anything,” Deuce reassured you with a smile. He sat next to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “We’ve been out here since this morning - we’ve had so much fun. We can go back to the hotel if you want.” 
“No, no,” you shook your head, “I’ll just…stay here for a bit.” You forced a smile as you looked from Deuce to Jack. “I’m sure my stomach will settle after a few minutes. I’ll catch up with you guys once I’m better.” 
“Alone?” Jack furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. “I don’t like the sound of that. What if you get worse and need someone?” 
“I have my phone, remember?” You held up the phone Crowley had given you months earlier. It wasn’t the most reliable device, but it’d get you through in a pinch. “I can call someone to come get me - and you guys can text me whenever you want!” 
“[Y/n],” Deuce started, voice filled with concern, “we can’t just-”
“Ah’ll stay with them.” The three of you looked up at Epel, who now stood in front of you. His hands were shoved in his jacket pockets; that letterman looked really nice on him, you thought. “Y’all go on ahead.” 
Your expression fell and you began to shake your head. “Epel, no, I’ll be-” 
“That weren’t a suggestion.” He flopped down in the seat opposite you. He directed his next words to the other two present. “Y’all go find Ace, see if he still wants to ride that coaster. I’ll meet up with y’all when [Y/n]’s better.” 
The two boys stared at Epel for a moment, as if trying to get a read on him. To your surprise, they made no argument - they simply nodded and smiled. Deuce glanced over at you, “We’re only a text or phone call away. If you ever need us, don’t be afraid to.” 
“Yeah,” Jack affirmed. Though his smile remained, he looked you dead in the eye with his next words. “And don’t try and push yourself too hard. If you’re faking being better, I’ll know. I-”
“Yeah, yeah, you can smell it.” Epel waved Jack off and gave him a lopsided smirk. “Go on, get! Tell me if Ace vomits his guts up.” 
With another nod and a chuckle from Deuce, the two turned and made their way to the Sunside Sweep. Though you smiled at them as they left, the moment they took their attention off you both, you frowned and looked over at Epel. “You really don’t have to stay here with me. I know you looked forward to this more than anyone.” 
“Eh,” Epel shrugged his shoulders, “it’s just a carnival. Not like ah’ll never get to go to one again.” 
That didn’t make you feel any better. You didn’t notice your frown morph into a pout as the guilt overwhelmed you. Your eyes grew big with sadness at the thought of Epel missing out on yet another thing he wanted to do. And you’d all finally managed to sneak him away from Vil’s eye! It wasn’t fair…
Epel glanced over at you - his expression fell as he took in your sad look. “H-Hey, what’s with the pout? Ya looked like a kicked puppy.” He smiled to try and cheer you up. “It really don’t bother me.” He poked at your cheek, “C’mon, buck up!” 
You wanted to believe him, you really did…but your mind kept wandering to how excited he’d been the day before. He was the one to suggest the fair to you all; Epel had been the one up really early, anxious to go. You glared down at your stomach in a mix of shame and frustration. You knew you shouldn’t have eaten all that food…
Epel observed your current state and sighed. “Ahlright, if ya really wanna make it up to me,” he stood up from the bench, “let’s go on the ferris wheel.” 
You raised your head as you eyed Epel, confused by the suggestion. “You said it was a baby ride.” 
Epel clicked his tongue and scratched the back of his neck. “Well, it’s not that bad. ‘Ts not the worst ride in the world.” He glanced down at you with a lopsided smile. “That and, ah mean, if that upsets yur stomach, yur real bad off.” 
You supposed he had a point. You glanced over at the ferris wheel, watching as it turned at a slow, languid pace. It looked rather peaceful…you gave a small nod as you slowly stood. “Y-Yeah, I guess it’ll be fine.” 
Epel smiled, relieved that you agreed. He tugged at your wrist and gently pulled you along with him towards the ride. Thankfully, there wasn’t a line when you arrived. Epel reached into his pocket and dug out two tickets and handed them to the ride operator. They tucked the tickets away in a pouch on their belt before they led you up the stairs to where the carriages docked. There was a railing either side of the stairs for you to grab…yet Epel held your hand the whole way up. He glanced at you as the next empty carriage came to a stop; he glanced back when the operator opened the door and directed both of you inside. 
Once safety tucked inside, sat on benches opposite each other, the operator closed the door. Seconds later, you began to move. You lightly gripped your bench as the carriage swayed as it traveled upward, pulled up by the wheel. You bit your lip to hold back a grunt as your stomach turned at the slightest movement. Epel seemed to notice your discomfort - within seconds he was beside you, hand rested on your knee as he examined you. 
“You aren’t gonna throw up on me, are ya?” he asked, looking a little nervous at the thought. 
“N-No, I think I’m fine.” This time, your smile was not forced as you looked Epel in his pretty blue eyes. “Thank you…for making sure I’m okay, I mean.” 
“Well, ah mean, what didja want me to do?” he asked, voice laced with a small chuckle. “Leave ya there to die? I ain’t like Ace - I’m not an asshole.” 
You let out a small giggle. “It’s still a little weird to hear you cuss out loud like that.” 
“Ah know, right?” Epel leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head, his right leg crossed over his left knee. “Keep waitin’ for Vil to pop out from behind somethin’ and squawk at me for it.” 
“Is he treating you better?” you asked. “Since his overblot, I mean.” 
“Yeah,” Epel replied with a nod. “Still scolds me fer somethin’ just ‘bout every day, but ‘s not as bad.” He glanced at you as his teeth peeked through his smile. “He’ll even compliment me every now ‘n again.” 
“That’s good.” You straightened your posture; you suddenly felt a lot better. “I’m happy he’s allowing you to be more free - more like yourself. I like it.” 
“Oh yeah?” Epel now smirked as he uncrossed his legs and arms, sitting up before he inched closer to you. “What’chu like ‘bout me?” 
“W-Well…” Now you suddenly felt nervous. His gaze was more intense than before, like he was trying to look into your very soul. Paired with that smirk on his face, he looked…attractive. Well, he always did, but…it was different. You scrambled to think of something. 
“I…I like how laidback you are. You’re a lot more confident, too. It…suits you.” 
“Mm, yeah?~” He inched closer with every passing second, so much so you had to scoot back along the bench to allow him room. “Ya like how manly ah can be? When ah’m out of all that frilly stuff?” 
“What you wear doesn’t matter.” Something shifted in Epel’s gaze, but you couldn’t tell exactly what it was. “I guess it’s because you can be more…free? You don’t have to remind yourself of manners and other things; you can be yourself. I like that you can just be…well, you.” 
Epel took in your words for a moment, as though to let them soak into the deepest parts of his brain. In those seconds, his expression had fallen into something akin to surprise - shock, even. Then, slowly, that expression came back, but this time the smirk was wider than it had been before. His eyes narrowed as he got even closer, so close your back now pressed against the wall of the carriage. The curve of the carriage’s body made your back contort to its figure. To do that, you had to sink down a little in your seat - to where Epel now towered over you. 
“You know how cute ya look when yur all genuine ‘n shit?” Epel lowered his face down towards yours. “Real cute, sweetheart~” 
Your heart pounded in your chest, a flush of red rising to your cheeks. You’d never seen Epel like this, so forward, so…hot. Hot was the word, yet you never dared let yourself think it. Epel was your friend, one of the guys! You wouldn’t let yourself think of him as something more, but now…now it was all you could think of. 
“Tell me somethin’, sweet thang.” His lips were now beside your ear. Even at this angle, you could still glimpse that handsome grin. “Why do ya think I wanted to stay with ‘cha?” 
“T-To make sure I was okay?” 
“Ye, that,” his hair tickled your cheek as he got really close to your ear, “and because ah don’t want the other guys tryin’ to take what I want.” 
Your heart nearly lurched out of your chest as the carriage suddenly came to a stop. In that quick commotion, you almost didn’t notice the lips that brushed against your cheek. But you did - you were sure your cheeks were as red as Ace’s hair. Epel suddenly scooted away from you, then pulled you back up to a sitting position. As soon as you sat up, the carriage door opened. In stepped Ace, who was led into the car by Deuce. He looked pretty bad, face a near green color as he glanced in your direction. 
Deuce clumsily sat him on the bench opposite you and Epel, Jack stepping in behind him as the door slammed closed. You glanced out the small window on the door to see the ferris wheel’s operator, who looked a little too happy to leave you all in there with Ace. When you turned your gaze back on the redhead, you could see why: he looked ready to pass out, or barf, whichever came first. 
“Da hell happened to you?” Epel asked. 
“This is what five rides on two different coasters, with four sodas in-between, will get you,” Jack replied as he sat beside Deuce. He glared at Ace, who sat next to the large window of the carriage. “I told him not to do it, but he wouldn’t listen.” 
Ace grumbled something unintelligible in response, though didn’t even bother to look at Jack to deliver it. He simply stared out the window, gaze a thousand yards away from where they were. Deuce simply shook his head, a sorry smile on his face as he patted Ace’s shoulder. “It’ll wear off eventually, man, don’t worry.” Deuce mumbled something under his breath as he took his hand off Ace. “Hopefully before Riddle finds out what you did.” 
You nearly jumped out of your seat at Epel’s laugh bellowed out next to you. “What did ah tell ya?” He lifted his index finger into the air, “One braincell.” 
“C’mon, Epel, give the guy a break,” Deuce said, though a snicker lay hidden beneath his words. 
“Oh, like he gave me a break when ah dropped my lunch all over myself that time when ah-”
You didn’t hear that next part - you were distracted by the arm Epel draped over your shoulders. Though you smiled as the three continued to talk, and as Ace continued to glare and grumble (he even managed to flip the bird once), you were constantly aware of how secure Epel held you. He nary took his arm off you the rest of that afternoon at the fair. And whenever you’d peek over at him, he’d catch you - then smirk and wink. 
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letterstoear · 9 months
Rainy skies
Notes: Jamil x reader, platonic, friends, magic carpet ride, still new to writing Jamil, letter, fluff, short letter.
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Dear friend,
Amidst the freshly poured rain we made our way far into the night. Do you recall the fresh smell of grass and trees soaked from the raindrops? I’ll make sure to remember them even when you have forgotten them.
Still, you never paid attention to any of my warnings about going out. Instead, you pulled me onto that magic carpet to travel all through the night. I hate to admit it, but I can’t say I regret following you.
During our trip I discovered many sights I had never noticed before about NRC. Such as the chestnuts hidden behind the school building or even the unusual events which happen at night. Seeing those first years getting dragged by Floyd was a shocking sight to see. What’s even more shocking was how it appeared Malleus enjoys looking down at the world from the rooftops of the school. It’s no wonder Sebek and Silver always run into troubles when looking for him.
Once we reached the clouds, I was surprised to see the moon so close to us. It felt as if I could reach out to grab hold of it. At that moment I felt free. Free of my duties, free of worries, free from anything that held me responsible. Such a scary feeling. This taste of freedom can drive one mad if not watched closely. However, I know one day I’m going to reach that status of freedom.
Maybe tonight we’ll have the chance to go out once more. I want to feel that same feeling I felt that night with you.
No, on second thought, I don’t think I’ll do so. I shouldn’t get so carried away with such a feeling, I have my duties I must attend to. I have nothing to offer in return in thanks for showing me that wonderful sight. There’s nothing I hold that would balance out what you showed me. Still, I would like to return the favor. Why don’t we meet up after school tomorrow, from there we can find something together.
Till then,
Jamil Viper
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serendipitous-girl · 28 days
goodnight! Also reqs r now closed cuz school got busy as soon as i opened them lmao
Next time i open them i think my fandoms r gonna be twst and rtc
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notoriouslyella · 2 years
Request Status: Closed!
What I write for:
Twisted Wonderland
Ultimate Spider Man
Young Justice
Ride The Cyclone
Genshin Impact
What I write about:
(Fluff, Angst, Platonic, Romantic, Hurt/Comfort)
Have fun :)
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yuri-is-online · 20 days
Tsum Tsum event with Yutu where his tsum didn't get the hidden identity memo and isn't wearing a mask or a hoodie, it's just a free range Yutu out in the wild following Yuu around. No one recognizes the little guy but they see his little dorm uniform and start asking questions it's not like Yutu can really defend himself because they don't know it's him. And his tsum knows that and is rubbing all the attention its getting from Yuu in his face.
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Hello hello! May I request a Floyd drabble taking inspiration place in the original disney's classic (where honest John and Gideon are based of) version of playful land "pleasure island" (except they don't turn into donkeys there, maybe just wood puppets).
But basically on what he would do there ^^
I'll wait til next time requests are open to ask for jade too since there is a character limit, also so you don't overwork yourself!
Nothing More Fun than Friends
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader
Word Count; 550+
Author's Note; I haven't watched any translations, so this is just my own guess at what's in the park (I did look into the wiki for Pleasure Island, which is ... interesting).
Do not put my work into AI, I can and will turn you into a puppet   Link to Masterlist
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Bright lights, flashing, blinking, spinning. These lights reminded Floyd of fireworks, just with the loud bang of gunpowder replaced with cheery and fast-paced music.
There were games all around, and countless fast rides that were bound to get his blood racing. 
And there were no rules.
No adults are here to enforce them. 
There was no Azul to remind him how to act, and Jade was elsewhere amusing himself.
So Floyd was alone, alone with all of the fun choices he could pick from. Yet, none were all that enticing.
Yes, they would be fun in the moment, but he knew that after the second or third time, he would grow bored of it, moving to the next thing. Plus, he was getting a vibe from that Honest guy; he knew a schemer when he saw one. He knew to not trust him, so his guard was up, and his mood dour.
“Like a reef,” he grumbled, looking up at the bright lights. 
His analogy wasn’t far off; although it may be bright and full of life, a reef is home to many dangers, it just looks more safe from the abundance of it. And much like many reef fish, those two (Fellow and Gidel) were most likely hiding something up their sleeve.
Game knew game, and he knew they were fishing for something.
He slowly walked up to one of the many games, eyeing the prizes. None of them really screamed to him, but he just wanted something to do.
But there was no one manning the game. Floyd could just steal one of the prizes, but that was no fun and too easy.
Eh, wonder where Shrimpy is? They could make this place more fun.
Floyd’s eyes lit up; yes, even in a place called Playful Land there was no one more amusing than pestering you.
“Shrimpyyyyy~,” he called out and ran up to you once he found you, wearing a wide smile. “Heyya!”
You jerked in surprise, but sighed once your brain registered that hey, it’s just Floyd. “Heyya yourself,” you chuckled. “Did you find anything fun?”
Floyd’s smile briefly flattered, “No. This place is a dump.”
A dump? I thought he would be all over this place? Huh, guess I was wrong then. Weird. 
Floyd shrugged, looking around at everything with boredom. “Nah. Plus none of this is any fun without someone tagging along.”
So he was lonely? “Well, wanna join me on this ride?” You asked him, nodding your head towards an empty line for the drop tower.
Floyd looked towards the ride, and back towards you, his face lighting up. He grabbed your hand and marched over to the ride. “Okay, Shrimpy!”
The buckles magically did themselves up, and slowly, the two of you made the slow trip upwards. Everything started shrinking, getting smaller and smaller until it stopped at the top.
Floyd was laughing loudly, but he was holding onto his supports for dear life, knuckles turning white. “Isn’t this great?!”
“Dropping in three–”
You gulped, looking down briefly. 
You closed your eyes.
And you and Floyd screamed at the top of your lungs as you both raced towards the bottom.
“AGAIN!” Floyd said in between his laughter, out of breath.
This was the first time he was truly having fun here, and he was intent on riding this high for as long as he could.
Tags; @azulashengrottospiano @bloomstruck @eynnwwyjth @hydra-sea @identity-theft-101 @ithseem @krenenbaker @lucid-stories @officialdaydreamer00 @syrenkitsune @the-v-lociraptor @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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nyankochan · 13 days
TWST Headcanons: Housewardens at Disney World
Pairing: boyfriend!housewarden x gn!reader
Content warning: none
A/n: inspired by my recent trip to Disney. For sake of the story, it will be at Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida (though I have been to the one in California and Tokyo!)
Riddle Rosehearts
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Has never been to Disney before. It’s his first time
Lowkey scared of roller coasters and you tease him about whether or not he’s actually tall enough to ride
Fantasyland is his favorite area. Really liked Its a Small World
Did like the Mad Tea Party at first, but the spinning made him motion sick and he was pretty much done after that
Wants to get autographs from the characters, but worries it seems too childish. You have to basically initiate every character interaction
Definitely gets a sunburn from waiting outside in the long lines
Gets pins as souvenirs for Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater
You two get matching keychains which he clips to his school bag as a reminder of your trip together
Leona Kingscholar
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Farena was taking Cheka and forced Leona to go along to make it a family trip. He begrudgingly agreed to go along since he was allowed to bring you.
Begrudgingly also wears the “Kingscholar Family Disney Trip” shirt you and his sister-in-law get
You guys stay at one of the park resorts
Leona really has no interest in any of the little rides, though he puts up with it because it excites you.
His favorite area is Frontierland. Big Thunder Mountain is his favorite ride (though he will never tell you that)
Also really liked Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean rides.
Hates waiting in lines and buys the fast past for everything
Doesn’t want any souvenirs (thinks they’re dumb) but caves and gets a couple pins and a matching shirt for you guys to wear at the next park you go to
He’s honestly ready to go after a few hours. The walking and heat get on his nerves, but he sticks it out for you (and Cheka)
Azul Ashengrotto
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Also his first time to Disney
Complains about the price of the food (it’s freaking expensive so who can blame him)
Also not really a big rollercoaster fan, but doesn’t mind going on some of the rides like Peter Pan’s Flight and Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid.
Gets motion sick
While on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, the ride captured an ugly photo of him screaming during the big drop and you refuse to delete it, despite his protests.
Turns collecting and trading pins with the cast members into a literal auction. Manages to get a bunch of rare and exclusive pins
Blushes furiously when taking pictures with any of the Disney princesses
Nearly passes out from exhaustion by the time you guys make it to your hotel. He’s never walked so much in his entire life
Kalim Al-Asim
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World’s biggest Disney Kid
You guys probably stay at one of the top resorts right by the park, so you get there right as it opens.
Offered to buy out the entire park but you vehemently opposed.
Loves Adventureland. The flying carpet ride is his favorite
You practically have to keep a tight leash on him or else he’ll run off without you
Very much spends money carelessly in the gift shop. He wants to get a souvenir for EVERYONE he knows and whatever you want he will get without hesitation
Buys several pairs of ears and depending on where you’re at in the park, he rotates them out to be able to wear each one.
Enjoys taking pictures with all the characters. His autograph book is basically filled by the end of the day
Gets you two basically VIP seats to the firework show at the end of the night. You have the perfect view
Vil Scheonheit
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Wears matching couple Disney shirts
Is overly prepared: sunblock, check. Water bottles, check. Snacks, check. Umbrella, check. Rain poncho, check. Anything else you could possible need, he has it in his bag
Takes the world’s best photos of Cinderella’s castle. How he managed to do that with so many people is a mystery. (He doesn’t post anything until after you leave to avoid fans)
The rides sometimes take photos of the guests during them. Every photo Vil looks flawless while they manage to catch you screaming or not paying attention. It’s infuriating
Honestly, Vil cares more about taking pictures with the characters than getting on any actual rides, but you do a nice mix of both.
People lowkey mistake him as a prince or someone as part of the cast that they can get an autograph from
Refuses to get on any water rides or rides on water as he’s worried it would ruin his hair and makeup
During the fireworks show, pulls you in close to kiss you in front of the castle. Props to one of the photographers who happens to catch that magical moment on camera
Idia Shroud
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Did not want to go at first. Only goes because Ortho really wants to. The three of you wear matching shirts
Hates the crowds. Like, a lot
Obsessed with Tomorrowland. You have to literally drag him to other parts of the park. Otherwise he’d stay there all day
Space Mountain is his favorite ride.
During Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor, he gets picked out in the audience during the skit, the spotlight shining on him. Nearly dies then and there
Buys a bunch of the munchkins surprise boxes and is trying to collect the entire set
Also the type to buy fast passes. Or he hacks into the system to code your cards to have infinite passes. Waiting in line? Never.
Secretly knows all the lyrics to most Disney movies. You catch him singing along during the parade
Though his social battery is damn near dead by the end of the night, he toughed it out because of how happy it made you and Ortho
Malleus Draconia
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It’s his first time at Disney too. You get him a first time visitor button from the guest services desk, which he is very giddy about
Lilia and the others tag along, but Lilia makes sure that Sebek isn’t breathing down Malleus’s neck so that he and you can actually enjoy the park
The Haunted Mansion was his favorite ride. He loves the dark ambiance of it. He makes you all ride it at least 3 times.
Mickey ears don’t fit quite right around his horns, but you make it work
Likely believes that the princesses are actual princesses of different neighboring kingdoms and you don’t have the heart to correct him
Also doesn’t really understand that the characters, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are people in costumes
When you can’t see the parade well, he lifts you up with ease.
Is amazed by the fact that there’s ice cream shaped like Mickey Mouse
Gets you a reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table. The dinner is like a fairy tale, with character appearances and fine dining. You guys have the perfect view from your table to watch the fireworks
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bluessmutifyplaylist · 9 months
Separate Yandere Malleus (Hubby), Rook (Hubby), Leona (Lazy), Jamil (Babygirl), Azul (Babygirl), Jade (Menace), Floyd (Menace) and Sebek x Female!Tanjiro Reader SFW and NSFW please?
She’s kind, helpful and supportive, always willing to help others and she doesn’t expect anything in return? How cute (Naive), and after getting a taste of her kindness and care, he’s not going to let her go (And is now very territorial/protective of his soon-to-be wife/wifey)
Why can I see Floyd saying ‘Wifey’? (Rook would just make poems upon poems about how much he loves calling her his ‘Darling’ or ‘Wife’ and would violently tremble in joy if she just looks at him Top Tier Romantic/Stalker)
Sorry if that’s a lot, I’m a little knew to asking about Smut Requests (But I love my Twst Men so much, especially Malleus, Idia, Rook, Jamil and Azul, they just need hugs)
This is SMUT, and consensual, despite being Yandere.
Warnings: Yandere, Stockholm Syndrome(?), naive reader, creampie, breeding(?), unprotected sex, all characters are adults, sex with the intention of having children, slight dumbification, Malleus has 1 dick (sorry monsterfuckers), somnophilia in Malleus’s
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Leona Kingscholar
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You supported him even in his darkest moments, no matter if he was rude to you back. You were there, and the way you would take Cheka when he wasn’t feeling super great really had him appreciating you in a way that he never thought he could before. So, once you had graduated, he asked you if you would marry him.
Of course, this comes from a much darker place in him. He was never going to let you go, even if you refused him. Luckily for him, though, you were in tears as you accepted his proposal, happy to be marrying the love of your life. You were wed rather quickly, with it being a small ceremony, and it was the first time you had seen Leona cry because you just looked so beautiful walking down the aisle. That moment was one you would cherish forever. 
Now, your wedding night was a different story. With how hard he was thrusting up into you, making you see stars. You could feel his cock pounding your insides, and you were thanking every god in existence that you married this man. You were two orgasms in already, and you were approaching a third, while he still had his first to go.
“Look at you, my naive herbivore being fucked dumb.” Just hearing those words made you falter and stutter your movements, but it didn’t stop Leona. He was making you ride him through your orgasm, and you were so sensitive. He let out a groan as he came inside you, saying, “I’m not stopping until you are filled with my cubs, baby, so you better keep going.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
He knew you were the one when he showed you his cecaelia form for the first time. Instead of being disgusted or even afraid, you used a gentle hand as you played with the tentacles that were pulling you closer and closer. Eventually, you found yourself face-to-face with the Housewarden, and you threw your arms around his neck as you pulled him into a kiss. He immediately reciprocated, and he laid claim to you that night.
Years later, you both were married, and he was a successful business owner. You were in the upper-middle class of the ocean, and you both were talking about starting a family. You were already his housewife, keeping the house clean because you both agreed on it (and because he didn’t want you going anywhere that he didn’t have control over). 
You weren’t about to complain, though, because he had you in the missionary position. It’s a bit basic, but fuck did it feel good. He was desperate; desperate to fill you up, desperate for you to feel pleasure, desperate to push himself to another climax despite the overstimulation. Your legs locked around him as he started releasing ropes of cum inside you, and you had the orgasm of your life.
“I love you, honey~” Your voice was strained after about two hours of moaning. He laid down next to you, and you laid your head on his chest. He started drawing patterns on your back, and he said I love you in return. You leaned up and gave him a kiss on the lips, and then trailed it down his chest… lower and lower, until round 2 was started.
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Jade Leech
You were his the day you burst into Azul’s office and demanded that your friends be let go of their contracts. Hardly anybody would have that amount of confidence, and he found himself obsessed. He’s stalking you, he’s making sure his brother knows that you are his territory and his alone. You could always smell that he was there, as he didn’t know about your keen sense of smell. But, you didn’t mind it.
Years later, you both were married, and it was an interesting marriage. Your in-laws absolutely adored you, Floyd tolerated you, and Jade was still as obsessed with you as he was back in your NRC days. In fact, he wanted to give you a reason to stay forever, so he brought up the idea of having kids. You had many siblings back in your home world, which you never found a way back to, so it was understandable that you would want a big family yourself.
So, that’s how you got here, you being folded in half, your legs being pressed to your shoulders as he pounded you into oblivion. For the past 4 hours, you have been in every conceivable position you can think of, and this was going to be your final one. If you wanted a big family, that is exactly what you were going to get.
“Darling, how many kids do you want? Do you have an exact number? Or am I going to fuck you and keep you full of children until you say that you don’t want anymore?” Just the thought of having so many kids made you orgasm. You realized that you wanted to be with this man for the rest of your life, and you wanted to be surrounded by a family that the both of you created, and you were definitely going to enjoy the process to achieve your newfound dream.
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Floyd Leech
He claimed you as his also the day you walked into Azul’s office, as no one ever had the courage, bravery, or stupidity to do it. When he went to squeeze you, you wound back enough to headbutt him, making him drop you. From that point on, you had become his new obsession. You were the only one who could beat him in a fight, so it was kind of obvious that this would happen.
As much as you Floyd simps would probably want to be married to him, he’s just not that big on marriage. He’s not that big on commitment in general. However, he knows that he’s committed to you because he wants you to be committed to him. Plus, any thoughts against marriage flew out the window when he saw you stretching and yawning.
Hours later, your neck was covered in bite marks, some a bit bloody, but he just licked it all away as his cock was buried inside your cunt. He had cum inside you about 2 times by now, and your muscles were sore from being contorted into a multitude of different positions. He had a newfound need to make you his little wifey who was stuffed with his kids 24/7.
It wasn’t until there was a bit of a bulge in your stomach from all the cum he had released when he pulled out of you. You were on the verge of unconsciousness, but you felt his arms wrap around you and pull you close. His body was warm, the final lull to sleep that you needed. It was a rare but sentimental Floyd, where he watched you, in such a vulnerable state… marriage is the best option to make sure you are his.
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Jamil Viper
You were the first thing he could actually call ‘his’. He did not have to give you to Kalim, and he was never going to let that happen. In fact, during his overblot, he made his feelings known to you by keeping you at his side. However, you wanted your Jamil, not the one controlled and bound by the ink. After, in the infirmary, he asked if what you said still rang true, and that was where you had your first kiss.
Skip to years later, and you both were married. He still works for the Al-Asim family, but you couldn’t ask for a better husband. He has told you about his hesitancy towards having children of his own, as they would most likely serve the Al-Asim family as well. You understood, but you still wanted to have children with him. He told you that you could have one child for now, and see where it went from there.
Round 1 started right then and there, in your kitchen. He bent you over the counter, railing you from behind. Before, whenever you both would have sex, he would use protection. This time, though, he went in raw, and it was the first time ever that you both truly felt each other, and damn did it feel euphoric. You couldn’t even think anymore.
Of course, this was not exactly a fitting place if you were going to conceive your first child. So, he picked you up into his arms and carried you to your shared bedroom once you had your first orgasm of the night. There were many more to come (get it?) and you were barely getting started. You will not be able to walk for two days, and you will be walking out with hickies… mostly in between your thighs.
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Rook Hunt
When he first discovered you, he immediately started stalking you. However, he wrote you sonnets, limericks, and poetry of other sorts for your eyes and ears. He sang your praises, and to lastly win over your heart, he serenaded you properly, under your window. You told him to wait there, and you ran downstairs and glomped him, making out with him on the ground. If it weren’t for his desire to make your first time special, you would have probably conceived a child right then and there.
However, he did wait until marriage… which was less than a year after you graduated. He had a steady income, and he already had a cottage in the forest in the Shaftlands. He always had a fantasy of a big family in a cottage, being a hunter and having his beloved wife by his side as an equal in the home. He cherished you, making sure that he provided for you in every way you needed. You became a housewife, as you would like to be there to take care of your children.
Speaking of, not a single night has passed since your wedding night where you haven’t fucked like rabbits. Sure, you both were still young, but you had been talking about this since you both were in NRC. You felt like you were ready to take on the challenge of rabbits. So, every night, you were filled with his cum. You were claimed as his, with all the hickies all over your body, with the sinful stretch his cock always seemed to give you… it was heaven in Twisted Wonderland.
It did not come as a surprise that you fell pregnant merely a few weeks after your wedding. The news made your beloved hunter so excited. Now, you could never leave him for your world. You had children that tied you to him. During your pregnancy, he is a devoted lover. He makes sure all your needs are met, and that includes the needs that are in the bedroom.
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Malleus Draconia
You were his first friend outside of his retainers. You showed him kindness, and you were not scared of him at all. That alone made his draconic instincts want to kidnap you and keep you all to himself. However, he was able to hold off just a little, and you came to him on your own. The rose you had presented him with remains preserved, even years later, as it is a token of your love for him. He was a bit delulu, but aren’t we all?
It was a big request to ask you to marry him, as you would become the queen of a great nation of mostly fae folk. However, you were up to the challenge, and the people loved you. However, there was great pressure for an heir. Again, you were up to the challenge, but you discussed it with your husband first. You both concluded on a large family, so that the children wouldn’t grow up isolated (and totally not because Malleus wanted to see you round over and over again).
That night, all the staff had been advised to vacate the corridor in which your shared chambers resided, as you were not able to quiet yourself. You went a total of 8 rounds, one of which you were passed out for, but gave him the ‘okay’ to fuck you through that brief nap. Any chance of walking was out of the question. You could barely lift your head, and you had to be tended to by maidservants for a week. Unfortunately, Malleus couldn’t tend to you himself, as being the King meant that he was busy.
The entire realm rejoiced at the news of your pregnancy, and you had the world’s best doctors at your disposal. Everyone was concerned about making sure that the heir survived to take the throne, but they were also a tad worried about them being half-fae and half-human, as it meant that their lifespan would be shorter than a typical fae’s. Neither you nor your husband cared, however, as you were just happy to start a new chapter of your lives together.
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Sebek Zigvolt
His pride denied him the pleasure of accepting his feelings for you in the first place, and he instead wrote anonymous poems for you that he would leave at your desk. You had no idea who it could be, so when someone claimed it was them, Sebek shouted that it was he who wrote the poems and not the plagiarist. He looked like he was about to fight the poor unfortunate soul, but you placed a kiss on his cheek, telling him that you accepted his feelings and not the other person’s.
About the topic of marriage… he would prioritize being a knight first. However, when he sees a time in his career, he will definitely get married to you. He enjoyed that he was in Briar Valley often and he just needed to train new recruits, and he would return home to you cooking dinner. As for children, the topic would blurt out of his mouth as you voiced your sadness about being lonely. You loved the idea, and as irresponsible as it was, the way you looked at him with newfound dreams in your eyes, he carried you to the bedroom and started right away.
You had discovered that Sebek had a hidden breeding kink, and he loved seeing your face as he came inside you over and over. The husband you thought you knew was giving into the primal instincts deep within him, and you were loving it. His fangs had made their mark all over your neck and shoulders, claiming you despite the ring on your finger showing you were taken.
The Zigvolt family, as well as Lilia, Silver, and King Malleus, were all excited when you announced your pregnancy. However, only the two of you would know what sinful things took place for this to happen. Know that this is not your only child, even if you don’t actually have another one. He wants at least two, and he is willing to adopt.
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wolfiesmoon · 13 days
When you suddenly cry in front of them :(
Riddle, Vil, Kalim, Malleus x gn!reader (riddle's and vil's are explicitly post overblot tho it's not super important)
i'm back to entering tartarus every day (school started again) so i thought i might as well distract myself with some hot twst guys :)
i havent been very active i know, i just cant get myself to do anything at all these days 😞i am so so sorry for making a kinda lazy short collection of blurbs but i need to get back into my writing groove somehow
(as a sidenote, i'm worried some of these might be ooc? i sincerely apologise if they are :( )
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RIDDLE honestly doesn't know what to do with himself. He never really got the comfort he needed whenever he cried as a child so he had no idea how to comfort you now. He scolds himself internally for not immediately acting and just kind of freezing up beside you so he panics and tries to recall of all the times he saw someone else comforting others in order to end the extremely awkward tension as quickly as possible. He pats your back somewhat rigidly and says "There, there." In an all too awkward manner. You're caught off guard so hard by the sheer akwardness of Riddle's comfort technique that you burst out laughing, troubling Riddle even further. "W...Why are you laughing now?" The dumbfounded expression on his face is the perfect medicine for forgetting your troubles just now. Riddle unintentionally just cheered you up. After the incident, he seemingly becomes less strict with you and starts asking about how you're doing umprompted, which always pleasantly surprises you. Sometimes, Trey even shows up at Ramshackle dorm, holding a tart of your favourite flavour and saying he got orders from Riddle to deliver it to you.
VIL drops his usual strict nature for a bit. Of all people, he would be the one who could tell you were constantly acting strong and unbothered by everything going on around you. He thought of it equal parts admirable as he did foolish. Such intense emotion is not something to keep bottled up inside you and you made him realise that. His expression is surprisingly soft as he places one arm on your back, gently stroking it. He talks you through your feelings with a big sense of maturity and care and you're suprised by just how much he cares for you and your feelings. You don't exactly get that same impression when he's scolding you for not sitting straight or not wearing your uniform properly... regardless, you're very thankful for his words, even the harsher ones about needing to tell someone about things like this. "Tell me, if you must. I will always listen." After the incident, nothing much changes, really. Atleast from the perspective of others. He still gets on your case for not wearing your uniform properly, but he also asks about how you're doing when he gets the chance and does not accept simply "fine" or "okay" for an answer. You simply must elaborate why that is.
KALIM enters big brother mode. He's comforted crying siblings for various reasons before so what makes you any different? He gives you a tight hug, gently rubbing your back and trying to cheer you up with comforting phrases. He'd also try making jokes you to cheer you up and the puns are so bad you might as well start laughing. He didn't even start asking what's wrong but instead waited for you to tell him yourself. He surprised you with how mature (or perhaps just experienced) he is when it comes to crying people. You feel much better even only after a few minutes and you ask Kalim how you can thank him for hearing you out. "Seeing you smile again is reward enough!" He replies and you feel like crying again (but this time not from sadness or stress). After that incident, he always personally invites you to Scarabia parties, hoping they might inject a little joy in your life and keep your mind off things. If you're not a fan of parties, he takes you on carpet rides around the dorm instead.
MALLEUS is shocked into silence. You were smiling at him as sweetly as you always do just a moment ago... He knows how to comfort someone in theory, but now that he has to put it into practice, it feels like he's forgotten everything. He needs to show you that you can rely on him when it comes to your comfort, and that includes crying around him. This might just be one of the most heartbreaking sights he's ever had the displeasure of witnessing. He vows to himself that he never wishes to see you cry again (unless it's at your wedding) and would do anything to prevent it. He wordlessly pulls you into a secure hug, worried that if he does anything else, you might start crying even more. You hug him back and just sob in his arms, thankful for his warm embrace. "It will all be okay, child of man. I'm here, after all." And somehow, you can't help but trust those words with every fiber of your being. After the incident, Malleus ends up confessing what happened to Lilia and Lilia goes into one of those "Oh, how my baby has grown..." rants. But he also does say that Malleus should start inviting you to new places to keep your mind off things and help you let loose. So he does just that, with an added sprinkle of gargoyle-hunting and gargoyle facts. You're now very well educated about gargoyles lol.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 month
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Author's Note: This is the first of four requests from an old blog of mine (@twst-but-gayer). Sadly, I never ended up writing anything due to various factors, but I really liked some of the reqs and saved them all these years, so I figured I'd do them in my spare time now! Major shout out to anyone who remembers my old blog ❤️
Pairings: Ace x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/bottom!reader, sub/top!Ace, adult Ace, dirty talk, mild overstimulation, scratching
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Shy top Ace exhales a shaky breath, pushing his cock past your rim. Your body swallows him right up, squeezing with a pleasurable tightness that has a cold sweat running down his spine and the sides of his face.
Shy top Ace who needs to be told to move. He thrusts his hips, keeping a steady pace as he stares at your hole—the way his dick disappears inside of you inch by inch. You could even call him memorized right now.
Shy top Ace leans down, asking permission before he kisses you nervously, using your waist as leverage to fuck a little deeper into you. Deep moans right next to his ear only serve to make the guy flushed, completely beet red even though it's his cock pounding your hole.
Shy top Ace who squeals when you wrap your legs around him, locking your legs in place and preventing him from pulling out while you happily milk his cock. “Ooooohh shit- gimme all of that cum, big boy~”
Shy top Ace who fucks himself to overstimulation because your ass just feels waaayy too good! He can't stop pumping his dick into your cum-filled hole!
Shy top Ace relents—unable to refuse when you challenge him to fuck you again, harder. “Oh, c'mon! You can do better than that, you said you could top me, so prove it.” you provoke, “Do me harder. Make me your bitch, if you think you can~”
Shy top Ace does a damn good job after you egg him on—his thrusts become more brutal, leaving you speechless and short of breath. Your hands cling to his back in a vice grip, leaving behind trails of red lines, some even a bit bloody from how hard you're digging in.
Shy top Ace fucks you exactly how you wanted him to; rough, without limits. All the while you grind your hips to feel his dick drag and push against your warm insides.
Shy top Ace fills you twice before you flip him over and straddle his lap, sinking back down onto his (still very, very hard) length; you ride him with passion, greedily pleasuring yourself until you physically can't sit up any longer.
Shy top Ace sighs into your shoulder, pulling you close after you collapse on top of him. You're both sore and sweaty after all of that, but you can't stop smiling and giggling, even as Ace keeps your ass plugged and his cum sloshing around inside of you.
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cvlutos · 2 years
✦ | 03.27.23 |
✦ | Violence | Sexual Themes | Smoking | Murder | Gore(?) | Blood | Tread carefully, my love.
✦ | Synopsis: | You deliver letters all across the eight districts and Ramshackles. A quite fulfilling job, until one day you and your neighbor have a horrible mix up. He's involved in something he shouldn't be and you just happened to be the last person he talked too.
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Mafias are no joke.
They're dangerous. Violent. Some more than others. Yet it has been covered in gold, glamorized til the point of no return. Yet it isn't senseless murder, but only a few words can deem any murder from senseless to meaningful. It's best to not interact with them at all, it's best to simply know they exist and avoid them. Unless you desire end with them, or below.
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Splattered drops of rain beat down on his form, shoes slippery as he turned down alleyways, shoulders and body slamming into the stone walk, nearly falling over himself to run away. His sight blinded by his wet hair, and clothes stained in dirty and blood.
He's been deemed a thief.
He can hear the loud shouts of orders from behind, the barking of dogs, and heavy footsteps that didn't stop and falter in the rain, an unmoving force that was moving faster than the boy. He continues twisted and turning, praying to any god, that he survives, he has to survive, the people have to know. They must. He stumbles out into the empty street, hands frantically wiping at his face, gasping and spitting out water, a moment to slow.
The sound of a gun rings out, ripping through the flesh of the boy, his body within moments topping over from the sheer-velocity and force, feeling the bullet rip through skin and rest painfully within his back. He blinks the tears from his eyes, as his body lands face first into the cobble stone ground.
Those chasing him slow, staring the dead body be continuously beat down by the rain, and the rolling crackle of thunder, there's a hushed spread of commands, 'Grab the body. We'll show the Boss.' Voice is blank, as if almost grieving at the unnecessary loss of human life, before turning to his partner- his "friend", who easily tucked the gun away. A shark-like smile spread across his lips.
"He was wanted dead—Now he's dead." He merely shrugs, while the man with a spade symbol upon his face scowls.
"He was wanted alive. You went against the rules." The merman merely shrugs once again, making a 'blah' sound at the mention of the Queendom's rules.
A senseless murder to one, meaningful murder to another.
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Death Certificate letters are the worse letters to ever have to deliver.
The road bumpy beneath your bike wheels, your leather satchel within your metal basket. You offer smiles to those you pass, those who worked in the gardens, picking and planting fresh vegetables and fruits, a group of older women and young girls, that always offer a wave and without outfail a dinner invitation, always adding 'the more the merrier' and there right, it's fun to not eat alone.
You ride your bike over twisted and bends, passing a small library where the owner watered his windowsill flowers, waving at you, and you wave back with a small smile. He's an old man, wrinkly and gray, with a single wooden leg, some say he got it during a fight with the Octavinelle Mafia, though most the others think he's lying, but a good lie never hurt no one.
The Ramschackles are diverse and lively midday, pressing on the breaks as a young man and his children blocked the road, letting his cattle walk through, leading the towards the pasture on the other side. He greets you, asking about your day, as his son climbs the old fencing shouting for the cows to go faster, and his daughter begs to ride the cows, pulling on the pants of his father. You remember the birth of the twins, nearly 6 years ago. You can't help but smile, giving each kid a piece of candy which you got from visiting Heartslabyul, which the father silently mouths a 'thank you', his wife had died in the last fall.
Once the last cow passed, your sped off, familiar with every bump and lump, though all the large rocks having been removed by a group of men, promising to make the road safer for you, and they did. Even covering up the major holes with dirt to make it even. Even amongst the mass of houses and homes, you can see the house that the certified was for, Ms. Louis, a widower, and now, a mother without her son.
Turning a sharp curve and halting in front of her home, kicking down your kickstand and climbing off your bike, yanking you satchel from the basket and fixing down your hair and clothes as you walked up the narrow stops, skipping the creaky board, as your rummaged through your bag. Before you can even knock, the door swings open, just as you grab the envelope.
"[Name], you're here." She speaks with a soft inhale, as if she ran from her kitchen to answer, she has deep eye bags, and her black hair is messy and undone. She attempts to smile, but you can tell by the shakiness of her hands, she's panicking—scared.
You pass her the envelope, yet you can't speak, far too afraid that your voice would crack, and you'd witness this woman all five stages of grief before she could open the yellow envelope. She doesn't wait til your leave, ripping off the edge immediately, you can see her green eyes begin to water, she already knows what awaits her. She tosses the packaging aside, hands running over the thick cardboard paper, fingers tracing the words of her son. She breaks down in sobs, and you hold her, feeling her frail form lean against you, arms wrapped around your shoulder, as she cries and speaks in broken sobs.
"H-he's dead! They-They kill-killed him!" She hiccups, voice cracking, you can feel her already broken heart shattering. Her crying gains the attention of others, some already sure of the fate that her son befell the moment he left the safety of the Ramschackles. Others asking to look at the certificate, as your pull away, watching them read over the piece of paper.
"Bullshit! That boy was no thief!" A neighbor, he shots angrily, holding the paper firm in his hand, as he points to Ms. Louis. "He ain't no thief!" His wife pats his arm, wiping the tears from her eyes, shaking her head at her husband's outburst. "He ain't mean it, Liz. He just hurtin""
"I know. I know." Liz let's put an exasperated laugh, shaking her head as she wipes her tears, walking down the steps and taking the paper back. "I know my Tommy was doing good," she lets out a shaky sigh, before turning back to you, "he always does good. Forgive me, it's been long since I've cried so hard. I know my boy wouldn't want be sobbin' over him like that."
"It's good to cry." You respond with a smile.
"They'r right. Tears ain't hurt nobody.” The husband speaks with a firm headnod, wagging his finger as Liz merely laughs making her way the steps to her house.
"Im in the process of finishin' that onion soup, with the chicken, if you wanna stay for lunch." The husband and wife immediately agree, the wife promising to get the newest loaf of bread to eat with it, as the husband made his way towards the house. Liz glances at you, hopefully. You feel bad, but pat your satchel.
"I got a few more letters, but save me a bite." You hop down the steps as she laughs, climbing back onto your bike and ringing the bell a few times, with a chuckle, before racing off.
The Ramschackles have always and will always be resilient.
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"You had not the jurisdiction!"
Within a room of Crowley Hall, surrounding a table stands seven people. The Red-Rose Tyrant, The King of Beasts, The Deep-Sea Merchant, The Silly Sultan, The Fairest, King of the Underworld, and lastly The General. Tension is thick, palpable, you can almost taste it on yourself tongue.
Vil Schoenheit, The Fairest, was the first to speak, a clear scowl upon perfectly glossed lips, hair pulled back into a bun, clearly tired and annoyed. "Azul, we were supposed to agree,"
"And we did. Forgive me if Heartslabyul was too slow. Floyd is of course an uncontrollable force, and we wanted him dead, no?"
Azul Ashengrotto, The Merchant Of The Deep, has a faux pout, his voice drenched in fake concern, a heavy trench jacket hanging over his shoulders, eyes behind silver glasses beyond amused.
Riddle Rosehearts, The Red-rose Tyrant, stucks in a breath through his teeth, clearly angry, with the furrowing of his red brows. "You had no right. Under law, Floyd's head he be placed along my wall. Our suspect was not supposed to be killed."
"He was a thief. Isn't theft against your laws?" Leona Kingscholar, The King Of Beasts, stands directly infront of Riddle, still across the wide table, a deeply bored expression upon his face, yet his eyes seemed to glow in amusement.
"Exactly. I don't see why I'm such a target for such hate." Azul lets out a pitiful sigh, causing Riddle to slam his hands against the table, nearly knocking over various glasses, he glowers at the mafia boss of Octavinelle.
"If he fought back! You mercilessly killed him upon Heartslabyul soil! Do not deny it!"
"He had information, why give him a chance to live," Azul pushes up his glasses, a cruel grin spreading across his face, "unless you were working with him?"
Leona shakes his head, eyes fluttered close. "For shame."
"That wouldn't be a good look upon Heartslabyul either." Azul continues, before a clearing of a throat cuts him off.
Lilia Vanrouge, The General, the stand in for Diasomnia's Boss. "He had information. Information he shouldn't have. Information that resulted in his death. A shame it is..."
"It was senseless." Riddle crosses his arms, a scowl deep on his face still.
"But the information made it meaningful." Azul continues to keep his artificial smile, eyes on Lilia. The fae merely clears his throat, crossing his arms, a smile child-like grin on his face.
"We cannot go back in time to do differently. Our next step of action is to find if he could've possibly told another person. Any ideas Idia?"
Idia Shroud, The King Of The Underworld, his eyes dart across him screen before nodding. Using his fingers to spread out a image of the Ramschackles, showing the image of a tiny hovel with a rickety iron fence and old stone pathway.
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"Hey, [Name]! This is absolute gold! I gotta tell ya!"
A young boy with blonde hair, and freckles walks beside you as your push your bike. He's holding a letter that you delivered to him simply moments ago. He waves it excitedly. He was a mafia fanatic, loved anything and everything about the place. To the point it had you concerned sometimes. The letter you had given him was from the Thomas Louis, or Tommy.
"Let me tell ya! If I get this to the news! Ooh Wee! Imagine! All that money." He punches the hair, and you shake your head.
"Don't go messin' with the Mafias."
"They aint gon' hurt no nobody like me." Henry has always been excitable, there's not a moment you haven't seen him without a smile that rivals the sun. "Well, I ain't gon' be a nobody for long." He voice quiets, but the smile is still there. Silence.
He opens his mouth to speak again, until a familiar chime of a bell and a holler of 'Henry' sounds loud and clear. "COMIN' MA!" He glances back at you with a grin. "Tomorrow. Imma tell you all about my big plan."
"I'm excited to hear about it." You watch him let out a happy laugh, before running off with a final wave. You spot your home in the distance, picking up your pace, as your place your bike against the metal fence.
Now, you love your home within the Ramshackle, your Lil hovel, and your small garden with your cat. You love it, truly you do. You love your neighbors, and you love the festivals that the Ramshackle holds. You love it all.
Your leather satchel hangs off your hip, filled to the brim with different letters and papers from your most recent trip. You just returned from Scarabia, having a good easy delivery for the old man that lives up the street, and after a long day, you're finally home.
You push past the old rickety iron gate, and up the stone pathway, eyes searching along for your familiar feline friend. He usually waits for you. Hopping the old creaky steps, until you stop right in front of a card. Perfectly placed with gold decor. 'For Ramschackle's Perfect. You're invited to Crowley Hall' written directly on the front. Ramshackle's Perfect was only a joke type name among the people that lived in, said Ramshackle.
Who else would call you that?
You pick up the letter, glancing around the porch, before slipping inside your home, and closing the door behind you. Crowley Hall, also known as the Grand Dinner Hall, a place where all important events took place, especially the meeting of all seven mafia leaders. Why would someone invite you with no other information?
You flip the card, there's nothing else. Your shoulders slump, you shouldn't go. Yet, you stare at the words once again. It could be important or lead to trouble for the other people of Ramshackle. Your eyes drift over to your clock. It was only 7 pm.
You had five hours.
You glance back at the thick fancy card. Five hours before 12. You feel a familiar purr, and glance down at your cat, Grim rubbing against your legs. Five hours, and well, as long as you're back before midnight. You'll be fine.
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ⓒ 2023 cvlutos — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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twistedwonderworm · 1 year
this is my first time doing a request but can you do a Bottom Leona x Male reader with smut if you haven't already?
Here you go bro, hope it's satisfactory!!! I have never written a fic this fast in my life.
Also you better fucking come home after this, Leona. Happy birthday motherfucker XDD
Pillow Prince (TWST NSFW)
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x M!reader
Warnings: overstimulation, breeding kink, hair pulling, degradation, rough sex, dom reader, bratty, pillow prince Leona, multiple orgasms
Word count: 632
Appearances really were deceiving. Take Leona Kingscholar for example. Standing at least six feet tall with an intimidating glare, most people thought that the second prince of the Sunset Savanna could dominate just about anyone. Though, they don't know just how much of a brat he was and how much he loved it when Y/N put him in his place.
Leona's face was shoved into the pillow as Y/N pounded into him harshly. His hand was tangled in the beastman's hair, tugging on it occasionally to hear his partner's whines and pants.
"Look at you, begging for my cock to wreck you~" the human purred in Leona's ear, pulling his head out of the pillow again. Tears streamed down the housewarden's cheeks from the overstimulation he was enduring. The sheets were already filthy from him coming once, but with how much precum his twitching cock was drooling, Y/N knew he was going to be coming again soon.
Once he knew Leona was on the edge, he pulled out of him, ignoring Leona's irritated grumbles as he flipped the larger male onto his back. Leona's beautiful skin was glistening with sweat from the heat of the room and their… activities, and he was panting. His cock looked painfully hard, the sight making Y/N grin cruelly.
"How do you think the other Savanaclaw students would feel if they knew their housewarden was such a pillow princess~?" The human asked, his fingers teasing Leona's nipples, tugging and pinching them gently.
Leona mewled, but didn't answer his question, so Y/N decided to punish him by hiking his legs up onto his shoulders and plunging back into his tight heat. Leona threw his head back and nearly screamed in ecstasy at his boyfriend's rough, punishing pace. He had never known the human could move this fast, and his was loving it.
Y/N grinned as he fucked his boyfriend into the mattress. With a dorm full of beastmen with sensitive hearing, there was no doubt that they would be able to hear how much their housewarden liked a cock in his ass. Leona's body soon tensed up as he came with a scream, but of course the human didn't stop. If anything, he got faster, wanting to absolutely wreck him.
"I-it's too muchh…" the lion whimpered when Y/N reached between them and started jerking his cock again, "I-I cantt…"
Y/N grinned and cooed, "Of course you can, baby boy~ give me one more orgasm and then I'll fill your slutty little hole. I'll breed my little lion as long as he gives me one more orgasm~"
Leona panted and squirmed with the overstimulation, but he nodded. His moans were getting desperate now. Y/N was getting close now. Leona so good squeezing around him. He pushed the beastman's legs up against his chest, and started pounding into him harder.
Leona gasped and tried to grab something to hold onto, his hands fisting the sheets. They soon tore as a third, even more intense orgasm hit him, causing his vision to go out as he screamed out. His body clamped down around Y/N like a vice, and he pushed in deep as he burst inside, his seed painting Leona's insides white. Another whine from the overstimulated lion, but Y/N still ride out his orgasm before collapsing on top of him.
They lay together, sweaty and panting but satisfed. Leona nuzzled into Y/N's shoulder, and the other laughed at his cute behavior. He was always so snuggly after sex, especially after the more intense sessions.
"We should clean ourselves up, darling," Y/N said, but Leona answered with a snore. This just made the human laugh again, and he pulled him closer. A bath could wait then he supposed.
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