#txt facebook
paperw0rmz · 10 months
Haha no but like wouldn’t it be such a funny prank to like start using older social media instead of hoping onto the newest ones and trying to revive them.
Haha wouldn’t it be so funny if we all started to use Flickr again haha, you know the website/app that was built for photo sharing and just that so it doesn’t even have likes just comments and “faves” which work as a saved file haha
Wouldn’t it sooo funny if we revived Flickr wouldn’t it guys it would be so funny haha you know it still shows you chronological stuff unlike other apps wow isn’t that soooo weird haha
It’s also like soo weird that you can organize photos into little sections like Pinterest and it’s free option allows you to host thousands upon thousands of photos n stuff and if you want to pay less than the basic Netflix fee and still not have ads (unlike Netflix and other social media) you can just do that.
It’s also just like sooo #indiesleazeEmoHipsterCoquetteCore or whatever the fuck
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icrowler · 5 days
I ADMIT I think cringe still exists... but differently. The new cringe is corporations trying to appeal to us /young people... bring back bullying and bully brands. Can't stand hearing another "stream popped off, no cap, very demure" from a fckn Aldi ad
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swagstar · 6 months
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The Hell
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codgod · 4 months
my smallidarity community got approved yippee ^-^ now i’ve gotta figure out how these things work
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babyyfaceddemon · 7 months
Sometimes i get the strange urge to download twitter and facebook for attention and shitpost reasons but then i remember i could just start shitposting on tumblr.com
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
obsessed w/ bob saying that louise still hasn't accepted his friend request "and I know she's seen it" in the slumber party episode bcuz that implies both that bob has a facebook account he actively uses (also mentioned in his birthday episode in season eight) and that they let their NINE YEAR OLD daughter have a facebook account that SHE actively uses and refuses to accept her parents friend request on. so much backstory given in so few words. Why do they have facebook
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ackee · 6 months
sometimes i remember i only started 'rendering' my art in 2019 after studying it from someone's art and attempting it myself. it was someone i never really interacted with. like they have no idea i ever was inspired by their art. what if some person out there studied My style and carries me with them in that way.. wooaaaahhh....
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marcsnuffy · 2 months
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loupsgarou · 10 months
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*totally did not steal this from facebk shhhhh*
i put “Panicking, Flailing”… y’know, like so
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ofpd · 1 month
it's weird how in israel there are a decent number of zionists who are actually serious about ending the occupation of the west bank & establishing a two-state solution (unlike in the usa where ime the majority of liberal zionists either have entirely vibes-based politics or are just reactionary towards anti-zionism—bc it exists in the usa in real numbers, as opposed to how it's completely outside the mainstream overton window in israel—in a way that makes them forget that they have political goals more specific than the vague idea of zionism) like on the one hand it's nice that there isn't quite as sharp of a divide between zionists and anti-zionists here and you're able to collaborate with more people whom you largely disagree with towards specific pressing goals but on the other hand it's crazy that often even among smolanim you can't just assume that someone isn't a zionist. like it's definitely not outside the overton window among smolani activists but it's not a given the way it would be in the usa
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itingtmywly · 7 months
glad to have tumblr twitter tiktok and diacord in the rimes like this, some guys are probably losing their minds
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writerman · 3 months
Blows my mind how fucking stupid people are over they/them pronouns. Arguing over it being grammatically incorrect?
Sorry have you never uttered the sentences:
Where are THEY going?
What about THEM?
Are THEY ok?
I like THEM
About an individual? Can’t imagine you’ve lived your entire life and not done it even once.
All sounds perfectly fine and all understandable to me. And even if it didn’t who the FUCK cares, let people live their individual lives.
Does all sense just fly out the window at the mention of pronouns because you want to scream until you’re red in the face that the world is too woke and you don’t understand?
Makes me so angry.
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ourlittleforever · 5 months
why are there so many confession blogs now... I don't wanna sound like a hater or like I'm trying to start ~drama~ (this is the only post I plan on making on this matter) but like. this can only end up badly you guys. you know that, right
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l3visthighs · 6 months
I’m really about to be sitting here at work all day booping people. Tumblr what have you done zjedjsnsnekdjd
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
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ackee · 8 months
apparently i drew this a year ago. nothings changed
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