#ty Ilysm 💜
mari--lace · 1 year
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
🌺 favorite poetic quote from a published work
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
🍌favorite funny quote from a wip
🍓 favorite poetic quote from a wip
🥀 I was pretty undecided for this one, but this is the fic I think about for angst, so... yeah. Chapter 15 of my writober collection, it's set during the Blip. Matt doesn't take it well. :)
Later, Nat makes him sit and gives him a plate with some eggs and spinaches. He knows she won’t leave him alone until he eats, so he does. Slowly. She’s got a plate for herself, too, so they eat in silence for a while. “It’s been six months.” Matt turns his head to the floor. He doesn’t want to have this conversation. “What happened today?” Nothing. He met Anna Nelson, so what? It doesn’t matter. It’s not like not meeting her changes the fact that Foggy vanished along with half of the universe. Matt was spared, because of course he was. Anna said she was happy to see him. She shouldn’t have been. Matt isn’t.
🌺 I rarely think of my works as poetic, and I'm not exactly sure what I'm about to quote fits, but I do think "What's in a soul?" might be my most poetic work—in a broad sense. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with this dialogue.
“Who are you?” Her heartbeat quickens; this might be the first time it's done that since he's known her. “I'm the ghost of a sister. I'm the ghost of a friend. I'm the ghost of a killer and a hero.” She pauses. Her heart slows back to its usual steady rhythm. “I'm a shadow who is more comfortable talking and fighting with a vigilante than surrounded by people who say they love her.”
🍎 this was tricky because I don't actually have many wips? And the majority of them aren't angst. I did find an old one I'd forgotten (rip) that I think fits well enough; I received a prompt asking for "an angsty blurb of Matt telling Jen about his past with Elektra that ends on a happy/hopeful note" and started to fill it, then life happened and I never got the chance to work on it again. I'd like to complete it in the future. Anyway, here it is (please note that I don't hate Elektra, I actually quite like her):
“I mean. How is it even possible to be this unlucky with dating? My exes are the worst,” Jen slurs the last word a bit and reaches for her cocktail. Matt takes a swig of his beer. Exes, huh. “Like, one of them was paid to go out for me. To take a sample of my blood. How is this even real, Matt? It shouldn’t be.” She downs the last of her appletini. “If there was a contest for the worst exes, I’d win hands down.” She turns to face him and, guessing from her tone, she smiles. “Maybe that’s why I got to meet you then. Karma or something like that.” “I don’t know,” he says, fidgeting with his glass. “I was my ex’s literal mission, so I think I could compete.” “Mission?” Matt drinks. He’s been looking for the right moment to tell Jen about Elektra for a while, but bringing that out now was probably a stupid move. A night out to vent at the lawyer bar isn’t the best context for a serious conversation. Is it? “Matt?” Jen sounds different now, and oh, he realizes after a moment, she’s hulked out. If he understood her metabolism right, she should be sober in this form. He smiles at her. “Yeah. It’s kind of complicated. I meant to tell you about it, but I’m rethinking the timing a little.” “I’ve had enough alcohol anyway,” Jen says. “Want to go back to my place?” Matt takes one last swig, then nods. “Sure.”
🍌 so what I'm about a quote isn't "from a wip", it's the whole wip. It's a brief exchange that came to my mind a few nights ago and I'm not sure if I'll ever develop it further than that. It's stupid, but I guess I find Italian stereotypes funny, so... Here we go with an outraged Frank Castle:
"What are you doing?" "Pasta." "That's not how you cook pasta, Red."
🍓 the ending of a very recent (like... today-recent) mlb wip came to mind for this 👀 Again, poetic is relative, but yeah. Go Chloé:
One week before, it felt like her world was falling apart. It was, in a way. If something breaks, though, you can put the pieces back together. Chloé did just that: she built herself back up, making space for new pieces beside the old ones. She’s still Chloé Bourgeois. A new adventure is calling to her, and she’s said yes.
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forest-hashira · 6 months
“Flop writer”
MA’AM (gn). SIR (gn). BESTIE.
Your writing is a gift and it brightens my day every time i see it. I’m so grateful you’re here to share it with us.
i'm really glad you like my stuff that much peach! and i really appreciate your sweet words, but it's hard not to feel like a flop when all but a couple fics i've posted get less than 100 notes (especially when one of the things that exceeds that is far outside of what i normally write) 😔 but i do very much love my ppl who always hype up my stuff!!! it's just... y'know. it's discouraging for me as a writer a lot of the time.
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byanyan · 1 year
ok more asks tomorrow... kind of amazed I got anything done tonight as it is tbh
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skywalkcranakin · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
Aww thank you tasya 💜💜 right back at you <33
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base0h · 1 year
imma say this with no shame, i’ve never submitted a single request before 💀 yes, not a single one even tho i’ve been here for almost 2 years now -
so as you’ve submitted an amazing request for me before, i’m here to submit one ;)))
can we please get our beautiful doctor law, lost in the woods zoro and for the sake of august 6, our favourite rubber ball luffy with an S/O who looks absolutely perfect, but can’t seem to understand that she’s flawless and still gets self conscious all the time because she thought that people were staring at her and complementing her to make fun of her? like she thought that all those words were fake and people were being sarcastic.
i’m nowhere near flawless but i thought that a guy back in high school were making fun of me for all the compliments 💀 when we talked for the first time in a while a few weeks ago, i talked about that and he was offended af like ‘i literally told you i tho j you’re beautiful and cute everyday, how am i making fun of you you little-‘ 💀
so yeah, thought it’d be a fun little scenario <33
hope you’re doing good!! in case you haven’t heard it from someone today, ily <33
a/n - HI MY DEAREST LEAH 💜💜 AHHH TY FOR REQUESTING! I loved the request you did for me omg I still have it saved and I keep going back to it :)) ilysm and i love this idea 😭 and yes that guy from your high school is right, you’re literally amazing and gorgeous and I will make a point to tell you that (this is a threat)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, kinda crack (I’m sorry I can’t ever be serious)
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- this guy has no shame and will tell you everyday that you look awesome
- “Oooo! That outfit looks badass y/n!”
- “WHOAA YOU LOOK LIKE SHANKS!” He had sparkles in his eyes, I mean- he just thought you looked so cool because you were wearing a super long coat! And colorful- pants.. (Just take it as a compliment I know it’s not a compliment but it is to Luffy) shanks has horrible fashion sense
- btw you changed out of your outfit that day 💀
- In public, you’re literally so perfect that even marines don’t want to capture you. They’re too dumbfounded that you’re so gorgeous, their brains literally explode, and they become dumb asf just looking at you
- but- you happened to think that they’re staring at you because they think you look weird or ugly
- So you cover up most of the time, all the staring has made you even more self conscious than before. Even when people compliment you, it seemed fake even though they were telling you the truth
- Luffy noticed you got uncomfortable with all the staring so he literally started growling and hissing at them (he’s feral) and acted as your little rubber guard dog
- “hey don’t look at y/n!”
- he didn’t know that they were looking at you because you were pretty, he thought they were admiring how strong and cool you looked
- so before that, he was all proud and showing you off in public
- “Isn’t y/n cool?! Yeah shishishi~ I know!”
- “Literally no one asked.” -random civilian
- luffy beat them up, no one talks smack about his gorgeous, beautiful, awesome y/n
- one day you got the courage to tell Luffy what you’d been feeling, and asked him if he really thought you were as cool and beautiful as he said you were
- “Huh?”
- man was confused. Like what? Are you joking right now? Because it’s not a very funny joke 💀
- “What do you mean?? I thought I told you yesterday that you looked as cool as shanks?”
- luffy that’s not a compliment when it comes to clothes
- “Yeah but- are you sure? I don’t think I look that cool.”
- he was so confused, how could you not think you looked cool??? His brain wasn’t working right, it just didn’t- make sense!
- “Y/n, you’re awesome! I don’t lie like Usopp! BELIEVE ME! YOU’RE AWESOME AND COOL!”
- he started shaking you around and wrapping his arms around you about 6 times, choking you and preventing you from breathing
- “Shishi!! Ok!”
- it was a traumatic wake up call. Let’s just say that now you believe what Luffy says 😭
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- he might not say it that often, but he thinks you’re a literal angel sent from heaven (has never said that to you because he’s a shy guy)
- but if you’re perceptive enough, you can catch him staring at you wherever, and whenever
- you could be tidying up the submarine, and he just can’t help but stare at you, his work can wait
- his eyes are blessed every time he sees you, I mean- how could you be so perfect? When you turn around to look at him, he’ll look back down at his work at the speed of light, trying to hide his red ears with his hat
- you swore you could’ve seen him staring, but whenever you ask, he just ignores you, “I don’t know what you’re talking about y/n. I’ve been working.”
- “you were staring at me.”
- “No I wasn’t.”
- “Yeah you were!”
- “Yeah because you look pretty in that shirt!”
- a silence echoed throughout the submarine, and both of your cheeks started to turn pink
- “You think I look pretty? Really??”
- man wanted to run away, but he didn’t want to make you feel bad, so he just awkwardly hid behind his hat in a cheap effort to make it seem like he wasn’t turning as red as a tomato
- “Yeah.. You’re pretty.”
- That right there is probably the biggest and most meaningful compliment you’ve ever received
- But still, even with a lot of other people saying you were pretty in public, it still felt like you just didn’t believe them
- all the staring actually made you even more self conscious, were their compliments just fake? They didn’t really mean their words?
- you weren’t THAT gorgeous right? (YES YOU ARE)
- “Law do you think I’m pretty?”
- He almost choked on his tea, he was literally shocked that you’d ask that dumb of a question. He looked mad at you, but then quickly wiped that expression off his face
- “Y/n. Bepo has made fun of me for WEEKS about how I keep staring at you. I don’t know how else to say it-? You’re pretty! Ok?”
- you’d never seen law so flustered before, his cheeks were literally bright red, his ears flushed the same color
- the great surgeon of death was at a loss of words because he couldn’t express in words just how beautiful and amazing you were. But law being as red as a tomato was kinda funny 😭
- “Law… You look like a tomato..”
- “Don’t make fun of me! And don’t tell the crew.”
- sorry law, but they were watching the whole time 💀
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- with the way zoro is, he’s kinda bad at giving compliments, and he’s better at insulting people (mostly sanji)
- but when he first met you, he almost dropped his beer. He was amazed at how perfect and gorgeous someone could look
- he questioned whether he had died or not because wtf you looked like an angel
- since he was drunk, he swore he could’ve seen wings and a halo on top of your head 😭
- little did he know, you’d be joining the crew, and he’d be able to spend all the time in the world with you :)
- Zoro truly did believe you were some angel, all throughout your time together, he was still confused whether or not he had died and gone straight to heaven
- “Zoro?? Hello? Are you sleeping with your eyes open?!”
- he hadn’t realized that he’d been staring at you for so long that he looked like he had just been sleeping with his eyes open 💀💀💀
- “Uh no? I’m awake.”
- “You’re staring through my soul.”
- “Huh? I can’t help it if you’re so pretty! It’s your fault!”
- “WHA-??”
- zoro then paused, he had just admitted outwardly and quite loudly that you’re pretty. And bro just blamed it on you 😭
- “Why is it my fault?! And- I’m pretty?”
- marimo didn’t answer because he was so embarrassed
- this argument continued for a while before Nami told you two to shut the fuck up so she could get her beauty sleep :’)
- but still, did zoro really think you were that pretty?? A lot of people told you that, but it felt more meaningful coming from him
- so a little while after your argument, you went up to him and just blatantly asked him
- “Zoro, do you think I’m pretty?”
- “I literally told you that an hour ago.”
- “yeah I know but do you really think so?”
- “Y/n why tf would I say it if I didn’t mean it?”
- Welp. There’s your answer, but your question kinda made him pissed 💀
- “Zoro I was just asking!”
- “Why though?! You don’t make any sense!”
- yeah don’t start with him- he just doesn’t get it, but you managed to get him to say you’re pretty about 30 times in that same argument so 👍
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a/n - damn zoro 💀
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jahayla-parker · 4 months
ooooh, what about tom holland x reader where she's a huge fangirl for harry styles? maybe a smau?
British Civil War : Tom Holland x Reader (ft. Harry Styles)
Description: Smau, Y/n is a major fan of British singer Harry Styles, and it shows on her Instagram. However, her British actor boyfriend Tom Holland is ready to defend his position. Fluff
Warnings: flirting, playfulness, light teasing, shirtless Harry Styles and Tom Holland
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liked by tomholland2013, hazosterfield, zendaya, and 6, 362, 916 others
yourusername: My tombstone shall read that I died tonight, from breathing the same air as @/harrystyles #loveontour #screaming
P.S. Dear Harry Styles, I adore you. 💕
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hazosterfield: At least u died doing what you love 😜
yourusername: ooop 💀
tomholland2013: 🤨
nikkihollandphotography: looks like you had wonderful seats dear!
yourusername: @/yourbffusername and I definitely won’t be able to see him again from any other distance and be satisfied after tonight 🙌
tomholland2013: What’s this “again” about? 🧐
hollandfanatic17: not Tom fighting for his life here lmao
bananahanna24: please post your fit! Gotta see how you dressed up for tonight’s show!
yourusername: Don’t worry, my story is going to be spammed with more photos from tonight soon! 🤩
tomholland2013: glad u had a great night love xxx
yourusername: ty babe, I adore you almost as much as I adore Harry Styles 😘
tomholland2013: almost?!
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liked by holland_maggie, yoursername, kristaholland4evr, and 1, 536, 975 others
british_boyfriends: I just read an article that said that @/yourusername’s celebrity crush is/was @/harrystyles and it got me thinking… they look pretty similar, no? #british #tomholland #harrystyles
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yourusername: 😌 he is so pretty
british_boyfriends: screaming! You responded!!!
british_boyfriends: wait which boy? 👀
tomholland2013: not sure how I feel about this…
yourusername: ily 🥰
harryholland64: lmao this is great
yourusername: right? 😆
tomholland2013: 🙄
hollandfanatic17: omg the comments!!!!
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liked by stylernikki, yourusername, harryswife1, and 8, 247, 916 others
harrystyles: Thank you for another incredible night! I’ve truly got the best fans!
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styles1D: killed it again! 💚💛💜♥️💙
yourusername: omg he posted a photo of me 😍
harrystyles: @/yourusername lmao, ty for coming lovely, hope you had a good time
bananasforharry: omg dckkoufddjk he responded to @/yourusername
hazosterfield: I now understand why @/tomholland2013 is rolling his eyes while @/yourusername is grinning like a fool 🤣
hollandfan213: I’m dying, the way the Holland fandom has taken over this comment section is insane 😅
gina_2013_h: i keep waiting for @/tomholland2013 to comment about it lmao
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liked by harryholland64, yoursername, hazosterfield, and 9, 744, 182 others
tomholland2013: Are puppies enough to bring you back to me? @/yourusername 🥺
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hazosterfield: mate stoppp bahaha
nikkihollandphotography: Isn’t she home with you right now?
yourusername: yes 🙄 lol he’s just being dramatic
tomholland2013: @/yourusername am not
yourusername: I’m literally sitting next to you Holland 🤦‍♀️
tomholland2013: you know that’s not what I mean 💔
yourusername: oh shush, you know I love you 💕
tomholland2013: as much as Harry Styles?
tomholland2013: love? Why are you sneaking out of the room? 🧐
hollandfanatic17: ahhh I loved this interview!!!
harryholland64: bruv, he doesn’t even know who she is chill
yourusername: He posted a photo of him and I on his insta thank you very much 👏 😝
tomholland2013: irrelevant
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liked by harryholland64, yourbffusername, zendaya, and 7, 619, 568 others
yourusername: It’s only been a couple of days, and I miss you 🎶
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tomholland2013: I just wanna make you happier, baby
yourusername: quoting Harry Styles? 😍 ilysm
tomholland2013: @/yourusername anything for you darling, xxx
hazosterfield: ya caved mate 🤣
yln_holland_8: She went to another one of his shows?! Poor Tom is legit having to share her time with Harry now lmao
harryholland64: omg he so saw you girl 😱
yourusername: ikr?! And he clearly wanted a hug 🥹
harryholland64: I…. I can’t tell if you’re joining in on the sarcasm or not and that kinda scares me lol
hollandfanatic17: Can’t wait for @/tomholland2013 to petition for Spider-Man to fight Eros in the next Marvel movie now haha
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liked by harryholland64, yourusername, hollandstyles22, and 362, 853 others
handsome.styles: Harry Styles x Spider-Man 🕸️ for the rest of LoT, I will be posting various fun Harry themed videos on my YouTube channel Handsome Styles. Today's video is Harry Styles showing off his on stage Catching Skills
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harryholland64: @/yourusername
yourusername: 👀😍
tomholland2013: Really @/harryholland64?! 😠
holland4life: Girl do you even know what you just did with that AI photo? 🤣
handsome.styles: I didn’t tbh and was v confused when it blew up so much haha. But I’ve been caught up to speed now, ooops 😇
hollandfanatic17: which Spider-Man do we all think that @/yourusername would choose in a universe where they both exist?
styleswifey_: not you kicking up drama in the Holland fandom haha
hazosterfield: lmao y’all won’t let him catch a break huh?
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liked by harryholland64, yourusername, hazosterfield, and 9, 764, 223 others
tomholland2013: training as I’ve found myself in the fight of my life
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hazosterfield: this ought to help you catch up mate 💪
yourusername: holy sh- 🥵 T! 😍
tomholland2013: @/yourusername See something you like, darling? 😏
yourusername:@/tomholland2013 I… I’ve got no words
tuwaine: I think this means you won bruv @/tomholland2013, Harry’s never left her speechless 🏆
yourusername: is that what this post’s about? 🤦‍♀️
yourusername: If this is what comes of me fangirling for Harry Styles, I’m never going to stop cause 🥵🤤
tuwaine: eww I’m leaving this convo now 🫣
tomholland2013: I think this backfired….
holland_t_wife: hot damn 😱
zendaya: not you trying to compete with Harry Styles’s shirtless performances 🤣
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liked by tomholland2013, tuwaine, zendaya, and 8,335,964 others
yourusername: Love on Tour with my love ❤️ @/tomholland2013
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tomholland2013: ❤️
hazosterfield: Trying to indoctrinate him I see 😂
yourusername: He just needs to see the amazingness for himself 🤷‍♀️
zendaya: Is this like the 5th show you’ve attended for this tour? I love the dedication girl haha
yourusername: it might be 😇
tomholland2013: At least the 5th..
tuwaine: can’t believe you got him to go with you
hazosterfield: nah, he’d go anywhere with her
yourusername: @/hazosterfield 🥰
harryholland64: Haz is right, i can’t believe it took this long for him to go with her to make sure she stays his
tomholland2013: @/harryholland64 watch the implications mate, I trust her
yourusername: @/tomholland2013 💜
tuwaine: yeah @/harryholland64, it’s @/harrystyles he doesn’t trust 🤣
nikkihollandphotography: Hope you two had fun! ❤️
tomholland2013: I confess, I get it now 👏
yourusername: yay! @/tomholland2013 🥳😍
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liked by tomholland2013, yoursername, holland_tom_13, and 764, 983 others
styles_holland: apologies for the grainy photo, I wasn’t expecting to see @/yourusername and @/tomholland2013 tonight at LoT 🤩
(also I somehow missed capturing the photo of them kissing while Harry was performing 😭)
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hollandfanatic17: It might be ‘Harry’s House’, but @/yourusername seems fixated on a different British man 😌
yourusername: 🤷‍♀️🥰
th_marvelicious: ahhhh the way they’re right next to the stage but she’s only looking at Tom 😭
tstanleyh13: Get you someone who chooses you over Harry Styles like y/n did with Tom 👏👏👏
yourusername: forever my choice, everyday, always ☺️
thomaspidey: does this mean she’s done obsessing over @/harrystyles?
yourusername: No 😎
tomholland2013: lmao no, it just means I’ll be participating in the obsession
justafan13: Tom supporting y/n’s fangirling over Harry Styles was not on my bingo card but here we are 😂
hazosterfield: looks like it was Tom’s house tonight 💪
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Taglist: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifeysblog15 @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny
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Peter Parker / Spider-Man Masterlist
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sugarcoated-lame · 1 year
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living comfortably out in jackson with this older joel and he still fucks you deep and slow like he did all those years ago. takes you home after going to the bar in town and let’s you ride him, but let’s out a chuckle when you ride him hard.
“easy there, darlin’. blow this old man’s back out if y’ keep ridin’ me like that.”
(also your new layout is so cute i love it!!! 🥰)
this contains smut, so 18+ minors dni!*
*extremely loud sounds of me falling down the stairs*
Hhhhfejvjekf oh my god SEB !!! <33 Joel thots are literally just what I needed right now while I’m suffering in bed from my period so thank you 😭💜💜
You and Joel live a quiet, comfortable life in Jackson, the two of you sleeping in on mornings when neither of you are scheduled to be on patrol, enjoying cups of coffee and listening to the sweet sounds of Joel playing his guitar on the porch, cooking dinners together and cuddling on the couch in front of the fireplace.
The two of you like to joke about his age, and you love to tease Joel about what an old man he is, because you know it riles him up and because secretly, he loves it. Loves it when he gets the opportunity to prove you wrong, how good he can make you feel, to show you just what this old man can do to you.
Fucking you deep into your mattress, his body a comforting weight leaning over your back as he thrusts into you from behind, torturously slow and oh so deep until you’re writhing for him, crying out for him with each harsh slap of his hips against your backside as he hits that spot deep inside you that leaves you seeing stars. Joel tuts at you, a smirk on his lips at what a desperate, mewling mess you’ve become underneath him, his beard tickling deliciously at the skin your as he leans down further to whisper in your ear.
“old man, huh? Look at what this old man is doing to you, darlin’.”
And him taking you home after going to the bar got me thinking, maybe you work nights as a bartender at the tipsy bison, and you just know Joel would be coming by the bar each night to pick you up so that you won’t be walking home alone. He shows up at the same time each night like clockwork, where you wait with his usual drink sitting atop the bar, the two of you chatting quietly amongst yourselves, just enjoying each other’s company while Joel finishes his drink and you pour a drink of your own before making the short walk home. And then riding him once you get home? Absolutely!!!
Too eager to wait to make it upstairs to the bedroom, your lips are on Joel’s the second you walk through the front door, hands scrambling to tear off his coat and unbuckle his belt and his jeans before you’re pushing him down onto the couch. After removing your own clothes just as frantically you’re straddling his lap, sinking down onto him in one swift move, knowing you’re already more than wet enough to take him. The rhythm of your hips is fast and erratic from the get-go, moving frantically against Joel’s as you rise and sink back down onto his length, nails clawing into his shoulders to keep yourself steady, your breathy moans mingling with his deep grunts. His big, rough hands grip your hips and Joel lets out a groan that morphs into a throaty chuckle as you begin riding him harder.
“easy there, darlin’. blow this old man’s back out if y’ keep ridin’ me like that.”
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Hhhhnnnfjgkejg this has me screaming like a feral gremlin 🫠
Aaaah thank you so much my love, I’m so glad you like the new layout, you’re so cute and I love you!! <333 And thank you for sending in these amazing thots, they’re absolutely gonna be living in my head rent-free for the next like week haha ty, ilysm !!!! 🥰😘💕💜💕🌼
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jakelinestradlin · 2 months
send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile! add a heart so we know how long the chain's been going! ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎🩷💜❤️‍🩹💚💘🩷🧡💚💓❤️‍🔥
You're precious.
TY, ILYSM ♥♥ I'll send this to @nenynra @nenynrawrites @izzystradliniscute @izzystradlindoesitforme @prettypersuasion @valupuyhol @roughtradeversion @shout-at-the-nightrain ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎🩷💜❤️‍🩹💚💘🩷🧡💚💓❤️‍🔥
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ihearnocomplaints · 9 months
Positivity beam go! ♥️💖💕💕♥️💕💖♥️💖♥️💕💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💕♥️💖♥️💕💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💖💕♥️💕💖♥️💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💖💕♥️💖💕♥️💕💖♥️💕💖♥️💕💖♥️💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💖💕♥️💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💕💖♥️💕💖♥️💖💕♥️💖💕♥️🎉
Okay dumped moot frien affection on ya
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ty bestie ilysm ‼️💜💥
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slylittlewizard · 1 month
getting to replies i owe on those open starters soon and memes. ty guys for being patient with me! i appreciate all the love , it makes me so happy kjdsnks. xoxox. 🥺 💜 and a shoutout to @4lexnilsen <3 my literal bestie fren soulmate ilysm.
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rot-decay-erosion · 2 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going and make someone smile! Add a heart so we know how long the chains been going! ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎💓💙💝💚💘💜💕❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❣️🫀❤️🧡💚🩷🫶🏻♡
why can I only see this in safari but not the app? 💀 ILYSM THO TY <3333
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userlaylivia · 5 months
i fear i may be late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAKINS !!!! i hope your day was as wonderful as you are (although that is impossible) you deserve all the good things in the world !!! ty for being so kind and lovely and ethusiastic and positive !!! you are such an amazing friend and i love you dearly <33 MWAH 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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marimbles · 1 year
26, 27, and 30 for the artist asks if they tickle your fancy? 💜💜
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
hmm. well there was that one time someone on Twitter warned their followers about me and put out a trigger warning for pedophilia because of this stupid doodle I made lol. did not expect THAT !
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27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
eh not really? if I have an idea I just kinda dive in! or I’m just doodlin for fun so it’s like a warmup only it IS the good stuff. and by good stuff I mean bad stuff<3 haha
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
answered here!
ty bren my little bean ilysm💋
artist asks
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allythesimp · 11 months
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Hi! I drew some fanart of Hanaki! She was so cute I just needed to draw her😭😭💗💗 Since I didn’t really have much time it’s not that good, but I hope you like it! I really love her 🥺 type of face so I drew that as well😔💘 Bye!
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planet-marz1 · 6 months
100000000/10 one of the sweetest people i know, i’m so happy to be your friend mari! 🩷
JANAAAA ty my dear ilysm & I'm lucky to be your friend too 💜💜
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umemiyan · 6 months
decided to split up My Boys to (maybe?) make this a lil easier lol.
me & toru: white cat (me) + golden retriever (him) energy. blowing bubbles and eating ice cream and piggyback rides and watching bad movie just to talk through them and make fun of them. bubble tea three times a day. snuggles turning into cuddlefucking. eye masks & shoulder rubs before bed. i try to be nice and make him homemade dessert and he won't stop sticking his fingers in the dough/batter/frosting to "taste test" it (he eats half of it before i can even bake it). he's my big spoon but suguru's little spoon.
me & sugu: white cat (me) + german shepherd (him) energy. absent touches while we sit on the couch together reading our own books (we forget the books and kinda wind up making out). sharing a glass of wine while making dinner together. walks in the park regardless of weather. my pleasure is more important than his (he insists). black tea one sugar for him and hot chocolate for me. washing my hair when i don't have the spoons to do it myself. washing his hair when he's too low to keep up with his haircare routine.
ok i'll stop there before i get way too carried away lmao. excited to see what you come up with!!! ty in advance robin ilysm 💜💜💜
i'm about to be jealous of this fun date!!!
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𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗡 & 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗨. ⌇ you make my dreams (come true) by daryl hall & john oates
satoru and suguru are taking you to the boardwalk for some fun and games! they insist on an carefree evening of entertainment where you all can walk around, smile, laugh, and hold each other's hands. they're quite competitive when it comes to games, however—it can be a little embarrassing, but as long as you're there to rein them back in, things will be just fine. oh, and satoru will be consuming far too much sugar, so be prepared to deal with that.
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moots describe your selfship and get an 80s date & song!
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