#ty for the ask friend <3
twinknote · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers:)
aw ty for this! tbh it's good to have an excuse to be thankful for things that make me happy bc there are Many things making me Unhappy rn
my goofy ass dog who i finally got to spend time outside with today because it was finally not 90+ degrees out
music for sure. music has never not been one of the most important things to me, but lately it feels like it's one of The Things that's getting me thru life
gay and/or trans friends <3
anime :) i should start watching smth bc i don't think i've watched anything since uhhh. probably since i watched sxf in december?? and then i rewatched the first half of bsd when i was petsitting for my sister in april but didn't finish it bc the only reason i started rewatching is bc she has crunchyroll and i don't. Sad! (yes i have a link to a site but. that's annoying and i wanna watch it on da tv)
dismantling my internalized diet culture and fatphobia and seeing others do the same <3 it is Very hard to do, especially when you grew up with a parent instilling it and enforcing it for You specifically. but thankfully there are smart and kind people in the world who have realized that Actually. none of that makes sense or is medically proven and actually maybe people should eat food :)
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blackjackkent · 4 months
4 for Matty for the dark OC meme!
(Dark OC Asks)
Finally getting around to answering this. XD Today has been hectic.
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4. What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares?
I was going to say "we see it in game!" but as I'm thinking about it, the ME3 forest dreams are really not Matty's worst nightmare. They're awful, don't get me wrong, with all the whispers of his dead friends and the boy running away and dying, but it's oddly peaceful and quiet and sad more than anything else.
There's no way Matty's actual worst nightmares aren't about Akuze.
He dreams of the day he spent when all the rest of his squad was dead and both of his legs were broken and the thresher maw venom was slowly working its way through his veins towards his heart. He dreams of agonizing pain and utter solitude such as he has never experienced before or since. And in the dream, no one ever comes to save him.
These dreams definitely become a lot less frequent during the war when the forest dreams start to take over. Those are awful in their own way - but never the worst.
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braxiatel · 2 years
For spotify 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 99
I see you also wanted to know #1 😂
1: cold weather by glass beach
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Gotta be honest, this was a surprise. I don’t recall listening to it that much. I think it might honestly be that it was first in my liked songs for a while? Don’t get me wrong it is a great tune, I just didn’t expect it to end up as my most listened to. 
3: Money Game, Pt. 2 by Ren
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I am not immune to the good times. But other than being the song from critically acclaimed fanvid sea shell Scar saturday it’s also just a great tune? I really like it, it’s well composed, the lyrics are clever, and I agree with the themes, so yeah this is actually the song I expected to be my #1 song of the year.
5: Where Is Your Rider by The Oh Hellos
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Uhm. So this one fan video kind of came along and rewired my whole entire brain. You know how it is, right? (stream 3rd life on youtube)
7: Never Love An Anchor by The rane Wives
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At this point some of you may be detecting a theme... stream 3rd life on youtube.
9: My Heart’s Grave: by Faouzia
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I think this is possibly also one of those “it was high on the liked songs playlist for a while” cases. It’s a good song though, I like the beat drop.
99: (already answered)
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kenobihater · 6 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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mblue-art · 11 months
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late halloweeen dooodleee
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aubeezz · 4 days
Hello i just wanted to say that the way you draw eugene is so beautiful and sparkly and shiny and omygod i love em sm, theirs hairs are so pretty and i think they might be one of my favourite oc from yours :') AND ALSO, I DONT KNOW WHO THE FELLA WITH THE EYEPATCH IS BUT THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND THEM AND EUGENE TOGETHER, THEY ARE SO CUTE OMYGOD I LOVE EM, ALRIGHT THAT IT GOODBYE THANK YA-
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TYSM?!?! EUEUEUEE.. Eugene my beloved oc... the one with the eyepatch ^^ Her name is Cass! She belongs to my friend Connski :3 she's Eugene's partner after a slow and painful pirate slowburn </3
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gambeque · 10 months
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hellow i like them teehee
they look so awesome u just made my day holy shitt 💚💚🦖
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
What animal do you think users are one for all?
I don’t wanna limit myself to just one per… take these with the disclaimer that it’s just one iteration of an answer! This is purely based on vibes instead of anything symbolic.
Yoichi: Weasel
Kudou: Red fox 
Bruce: Badger
Shinomori: Elk
Banjo: Wolverine
En: Fruit bat
Nana: Leopard
Toshinori: Lion
Izuku: Black-footed cat
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vaguely-lavender-er · 8 months
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I see your Klavier: “Sparkle on!” art and counter with Simon: “Fuck off.” art
Here’s a still:
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And here’s the OG post 😋
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pop-squeak · 30 days
For your tng doodle requests: perhaps Data tried to open a jar but miscalculated how much strength to use... Oops 😛
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couldn’t resist sneaking geordi in there too
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blackjackkent · 1 month
Prompt fill for @thedarkstrategist from this ask meme: [ 🛁 ] - running them a bath, Shadowzel.
“She is in pain,” Lae’zel says, pacing back and forth before the bar on the Elfsong’s bottom floor. The ale Karlach purchased for her sits undrunk on the wood bartop; she seems to have forgotten its existence. “And it is a pain I do not know how to soothe,” she growls. “It is maddening.”
“Yeah,” Karlach says, watching Lae’zel’s quick, restless movements with an air of sympathy. “Fucking sucks, when someone you care about is hurting. And this kind of hurt… whoof.” She breathes out, rattling her lips heavily. “I lost my parents, back before the Hells, but at least they went… normally, y’know? Bad fever, overturned cart. Things like that happen to people. This, what she had to do… that’s a whole different ball game…”
“This is not helping,” Lae’zel says curtly.
“I’m commiserating,” Karlach says with a slight shrug. “I don’t really have an answer for you. ‘s not the sort of thing you fix.”
Lae’zel comes to an abrupt halt and turns to face Karlach directly. “There must be something,” she says. “I--” She breaks off abruptly and scowls down at the battered slats of the floor. “You know of these things,” she mutters. “I do not. I must have your help.”
“These things?” Karlach cocks her head slowly to one side.
A pause. Lae’zel flushes, her jaw working with frustration at the struggle to articulate her own feelings. “Romance,” she finally says carefully. Another pause, then suddenly rapid, “No. Not romance. Something more. The gentleness that comes with it. I feel the need for it, but do not know…” She falters, her ears flushing a deep olive. “I do not know what to do.”
“Oh.” Karlach would be tempted to smile, were it not for the fact that Lae’zel looks so terribly agitated. “Well, I’ll let you in on the first secret I know,” she says, “which is that we’re all making this the fuck up as we go along. I certainly am.” She nudges the barstool next to her with her boot toe. “C'mon, sit down."
Lae'zel sits abruptly, a soldier obeying orders. Karlach studies her for a moment thoughtfully. "Y'know," she says slowly after a little while, "sometimes when my engine's real bad, Hec'll just... do things for me. Just so I don't have to. Get my dinner served up, or clean out my armor, that sort of thing. And it helps." She rubs at her jaw. "I think, with this sort of shit... it's not about fixing. Not really. It's about... just being there, and holding some of the weight. Helping her keep living, while she sorts it all out."
Lae'zel considers this with narrowed eyes. "Yes," she says slowly.
Karlach's teeth flash in a cautious grin. "We've got a proper bathroom in our rooms upstairs now. You could draw her a bath, bring her dinner after... give her a night not having to think about anything."
Lae'zel nods. "Yes," she repeats. Her whole body is stock-still except for her fingertips which fidget almost imperceptibly against the floral-carved edge of the bar. 
Karlach's smile softens. "The way Hec tells it - it'll make you feel better too," she says gently. "Maybe feel a little less like your head's eating itself alive." She claps Lae'zel on the shoulder. "Look. We're gonna make this happen," she says. "And I'll help. She likes night orchids, right? I'm gonna go right now over to Bonecloaks and shake that woman down for every blossom she's got, and then Jaheira and me'll take the boys off on an adventure for a while. Leave the rooms upstairs all yours till, say, ten o'clock?"
She doesn't expect thanks - the whole crew, by now, is well aware that Lae'zel doesn't tend to say it out loud. What she does get, though, is a sudden tight grip on her forearm from the gith's long-fingered hand; a gesture of camaraderie - or perhaps the clinging of a drowning woman to a driftwood life raft. "That is... generous," Lae'zel mutters.
"Just doing my part to make love bloom," Karlach says airily.
Lae’zel flinches, her color deepening again. “We have not spoken of love,” she says stiffly.
Karlach lifts her eyebrows innocently. “Oh, are we not saying that part out loud yet?” she asks.
“Kainyank…” Lae’zel grumbles, rolling her eyes - but Karlach notices she doesn’t argue the point.
Shadowheart sits on the bed, leaning against the window, her knees drawn to her chest. She’s dimly aware that the others haven’t come back from dinner yet, but it’s hard to muster the energy to care. Ever since the House of Grief, she’s felt drained, empty, surrounded by the shattered pieces of a world she doesn’t know how to reconstruct yet. She feels broken.
There’s the soft sound of a footstep up the stairs. Rustling movement in the center of the shared floor of their lodgings. The sound of running water from the magical taps in the bathroom. Shadowheart ignores it all, focusing her eyes on the progress of a fly climbing up the outside of the window glass. 
Then-- “Shadowheart?”
Something in her heart loosens just a little, hearing Lae’zel’s voice. It’s astonishing, given how they began, the way that Lae’zel has come to mean protection, and understanding, and calm. Lae’zel is safety in a way that none of the others are, because Lae’zel too has had her life taken apart, and the two of them have built a new one out of the ashes. “Yes,” she says softly, forcing herself to stir and lift her head. “I’m here.”
To her surprise, she finds that Lae’zel is standing watching her with a bundle of deep blue flowers in one hand. The gith shifts awkwardly and then sets the plants down on the nearby table. “I--” she says haltingly. A pause, and then she presses on doggedly as if expecting a burst of laughter from some corner at any moment. “All day you have sat here alone. I have drawn you a bath. Will you come?”
“A bath?” Shadowheart tips her head, mildly bemused.
“Yes.” Lae’zel shifts her weight slowly from one foot to the other. Then she adds, almost sheepishly, “Karlach said it would help.” A pause, then so low Shadowheart almost can’t hear it, “Let me help. Please.”
A sudden tight lump settles in Shadowheart’s throat, making it hard to speak. “Lae’zel--”
“I said I would protect you,” Lae’zel mutters. “But there is no enemy to strike. There is only this. These small things. It is not much, but…” 
“No.” Shadowheart slowly uncurls herself from the tight ball in which she has spent the last few hours. The barest hint of a smile pulls at her lips for the first time in days. It’s not about the bath, not really - she didn’t need or even really want one. It’s the reminder that there is more around her than the impenetrable shadow Shar has draped over her world. That Lae’zel is driving it back with both fists, even when she doesn’t think she knows how.
“No,” she repeats softly. “That sounds perfect.”
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zukosdualdao · 5 months
Thoughts on what the Gaang would call Iroh post canon? Toph obviously would stick with Gramps, but I'm not sure about the others. I feel like just calling him Iroh might be too informal, but I don't know that any of them would feel close enough to call him Uncle for a good while yet. (Other than Zuko, of course.) There's always General Iroh, but I think that's a title he'd like to put behind him. I cannot remember for the life of me how any of them address him the few times they're all together.
ooh so what i remember of the instance in canon of the gaang referring to him:
sokka calls him iroh when detailing the plan to rescue katara and zuko and try to take down the dai li in tcod, and katara calls him general iroh in sozin’s comet. there might be some other instances (i feel like i remember at least one instance of aang referring to him by name but i could be wrong), but mostly i remember them calling him “your uncle” whenever zuko brought him up in the latter half of book three.
with that in mind:
sokka still definitely calls him iroh. onlookers might indeed find this too casual, but neither of them care, lmao. though he would do just do this anyway, part of it is because of iroh's history, and while i think sokka does trust by the end of canon and especially post-canon that he is a changed man, his pragmatism insists on that distance a little bit. but i also think they come to quite like, understand, and respect each, though sokka still just calls him iroh because he would prefer to just refer to people by their names in general. this works out for iroh, who would much rather people call him by his name or an affectionate moniker than any sort of official title these days.
i think katara might still refer to him as general iroh directly proceeding post-canon (she means, as i believe she did in sozin's comment, it as a reference of respect to iroh's actions trying to make up for his past wrongs, a la leading the battle to take back ba sing se with the white lotus.) he eventually tells her that she doesn't have to, though. it's a gradual switch, as she still catches herself doing it a lot, and though she wouldn't be the first one in the gaang to do so, she'd probably occasionally call him uncle iroh as they come to know each other, but mostly calls him iroh.
does toph call him gramps in canon? i don't remember, but if so, ADORABLE, and regardless, i can totally see it. he does not mind this at all, he gets that it's an Affectionate Nickname. if they're in a more formal setting that calls for something (like a summit or something) she might call him iroh, but really, it's mostly gramps.
i think aang might call him general or even prince iroh - mostly because it stood out to me that he called hakoda 'chief hakoda' when meeting him - but the second iroh says he doesn't have to, it's all uncle iroh all the time! (he is the first, outside of zuko, to call him that.)
i think suki would probably stick to iroh for a long time, mostly because she didn't know him very well in canon, but once she and iroh do grow to know each other well enough, she might use uncle iroh occasionally.
i have to include my buddy zuko, even though we know he mostly calls iroh 'uncle'. he does sometimes still call him uncle iroh, which we see a couple of times (esp in book one i think) in the show, but that's mostly just in casual settings. one notable thing is that NO ONE is allowed to call iroh just Uncle like zuko does. that's his uncle, excuse. (no one ask me or zuko to explain why it's different when they call him uncle iroh. it just is.) though this is entirely unspoken. aang tries this once and receives a glare from zuko so strong that he refers to him only as "zuko's uncle iroh" for a month straight, including to iroh's face. lmao.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
could i please get some of nicky and joe dancing please <3?
You certainly can, my friend! <3
I may have accidentally made it a little angsty (and they look like they're not dancing rip but I promise they are)
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
Any headcanons about Chay and Khun? We have very little of them interacting in canon but what's there is SO interesting to me
ahh, my two beloveds!!! yes!!!
the first time Khun shlorps Chay up for craft night, Chay's beyond annoyed by Khun never asked and just assumed he had no plans (which, he didn't, but Khun didn't know that!). he sticks as many heart sequins on the furniture as he does the craft cars until Khun notices and bolts laughing while Khun yells he's an ungrateful brat behind him. Khun kidnaps him again the next day for lunch (again! with the no asking!!) and unloads a bottle of glitter on Chay's head to "make you fabulous enough for my presence, hmph," and Chay laughs and enjoys lunch despite himself.
weeks go by and Chay actually begins to relax more with Khun and appreciate his company. he asks Khun when his next craft night is and Khun lights up with glee. it's at this craft session that Chay goes to grab a brightly colored box he assumes is washi paper and gets his hand smacked away by Khun and scolded, "no touching the bombs!!"
Chay blinks. "the what."
"those aren't bombs," Arm says absently as he carefully positions two paper cranes on his motorized car, "didn't want to scare the kid, i'll add them later. those are just the fuses and some spacers."
"bombs??????" Chay insists again, louder.
because the thing is, Chay doesn't like violence. he doesn't like his self-defense lessons, he doesn't like violence on his doorstep, and for all that he can appreciate and even admire Porsche and Kim's fighting to protect (provided they don't get hurt), Chay really doesn't like fights happening around him.
but this is mafia. moreso, this is Korn's mafia, and Korn likes things messy, bloody, and chaotic, and Khun of all people understands the need to protect your loved ones even when your ability to do so is severely limited. so Chay's going to participate in Khun's coping mechanisms like making glitter bomb cars for home defense until Chay can figure out his own ways to look out for and support his brother and his boyfriend without physically fighting, because it's important to Khun no one else suffer the feeling of helplessness like he did.
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crescentfool · 1 month
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adventures in makomart!
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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