#tyler forks
mdshh · 9 months
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Some more pictures of the big day 🥂
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cryoverlife · 4 months
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If you pay close attention, you’ll notice the most relatable character in sbg slowly scooting out of the frame.
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This dude, look at his face.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Acceptance and Headaches
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Carlisle P.O.V.
No one had answered the home phone and I realized that, as she had only just left the hospital premises, she probably wouldn't be home anytime soon. So I waited.
For some strange reason, the hour seemed to go by tortuously slow for someone that's been alive for three hundred plus years.
Regardless, I finally dialed her number and waited.
"Hello?" The sweet voice on the other side asked.
I regained my composure and then asked, "Is this Davina Michaelson?"
There was a bit of a pause on her end. I could hear her scrapping back her chair and muttering, "I'll be back in a minute." to someone who grunted.
"Yes, this is she." She answered.
Hmm, proper grammar. What else was this young girl going to surprise me with?
"This is Dr. Cullen from the hospital regarding your internship."
"Ah." She said and I could hear the distaste start to seep into her voice.
I quickly replied, "I reviewed it and realized all of the questions on this sheet are ridiculous. I had no idea what the form consisted of. If you could please come in on your next available day to sign and fill out a new sheet that will be more towards the actual medical part of the field."
"Will I have to know my blood type?" She asked.
"No, it's unnecessary." I replied.
She snorted on the other side of the phone and then said, "Is there anything I should know?"
"Basic anatomy." I answered, wondering if she truly could name every bone in the body.
"I'll be in tomorrow then." She replied.
"I look forward to meeting you." I replied before letting the phone click.
There was a knock at the door. "Come in." I called.
Alice danced through the door, Jasper following her. I was just slightly surprised and said, "What can I do for you two?"
Alice was buzzing with excitement, per usual, making Jasper looking excited as well. "We met your soulmate at school today."
That perked my interest, "Did you really?"
"Yes." Jasper said which confirmed everything I needed to know.
"What's she like?" I asked curiously. The idea of having a soulmate after three hundred years was exhilarating and also frightening at the same time, though I'd never admit it. Jasper could probably feel it though.
"She's very different." Jasper answered with just the slightest frown.
"Not like anyone I've ever met before." Alice replied which sent my hopes up. "And, she'll be interning under you!"
"What's her name?" I asked carefully.
"Davina Michaelson." Alice replied.
Davina P.O.V.
Dr. Cullen let me hang up on him and I headed back into the house.
"So?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.
"That was Dr. Cullen. He's discarding the internship papers. He wants me to come in for a sort of test on my anatomical knowledge tomorrow." I said, a bit of excitement slipping into my tone.
"Oh." Sam said, but it sounded more like a question.
"I hope I do good on it." I fretted and then smiled. "Anyways, I should head back home. I'd hate to keep intruding on the two of you. I'm sure you have. . . things you want to do."
"Davina!" Sam scowled.
I smirked. I kissed his cheek, realizing his skin was rather hot, and said, "Don't worry, I'll come back soon. I can't resist teasing you."
He chuckled. "Stay safe shorty."
"You too ugly."
I slipped out the house again, starting up the motorcycle, peeling out of the driveway and making my way back to the house.
Once inside, I did my homework before going to the kitchen to make dinner. It was then I realized, looking at the empty cupboards, that I didn't actually have food in the house.
I shrugged my shoulders. I could go without food for one night. It's not like I hadn't done it before.
So I went upstairs, undressing, and climbing under the covers, falling asleep rather quickly.
The next day, I got dressed in a pair of jeans, combat boots, dark red v-neck short-sleeved shirt, and leather jacket. I hurried with the makeup, accenting my lips with coral lipstick and the eyes with an indigo eyeliner. Then I grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder, and made my way outside.
Much to my displeasure, it had snowed last night and the road was slicked with black ice.
I grumbled, dragging the motorcycle out of the garage before I heard a horn honk behind me. I turned, feeling rather anxious at whoever was beeping and saw Sam there with a blue pickup.
I grinned, slamming the garage door down, running to the pickup truck. "Hey Sam!" I said, opening the passenger door, jumping into the truck.
"Hi Dav." Sam replied, shooting me a grin, "Thought you might need a ride this morning."
I laughed. "Thanks."
Then my stomach ruined the mood by growling like a tiger. Sam raised an eyebrow this morning, "You didn't eat?"
"I don't have food in the house yet." I explained sheepishly.
He pursed his lips as he drove down the road, "Did you eat dinner last night?"
My silence was answer enough. He reached behind him- at a red light- and grabbed a box of muffins. "These are Paul's. You can have some."
"I don't know if I want to get on Paul's bad side." I joked as I took the box, setting it in my lap and shifting through it. I only liked chocolate muffins. I couldn't stand blueberry or cranberry yuck! I mean, whose genius idea was it to put fruit in something that was supposed to be a sweet?
"He'll live if you eat some of them." Sam said. "Are you eating lunch?"
I sighed. "I'll eat three meals a day after I go shopping. I just haven't had time in the past two days I've been here. I have lunch at school."
I stuck my tongue out at him before taking every chocolate muffin available.
Sam chuckled, "Your sweet tooth still hanging in there then?"
"Never left." I said, ripping open the plastic wrapped muffin before biting into it. I nearly moaned at the sweet taste.
"You're going to get fat if you eat to much sugar. Then you'll be fat and short."
"Better than tall and ugly." I muttered, poking his arm. "Your arms are pudgy, you're one to talk."
"They're muscular, there's a difference." Sam said, rolling his muscles. I rolled my eyes. "It's freezing, where's your shirt?"
"I'm not cold."
"We'll see when you end up in the hospital with hypothermia." I jested. "And when the doc calls I'll just say I told you so."
"I'm sure you would." Sam smirked. "But if you'd ridden that motorcycle to school you would've been the one in the hospital today."
I snorted, "I'm a boss on it. I wouldn't have crashed."
"You weren't even going to put snow chains on it." He pointed out.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Well doesn't matter now. I'm nice and warm in this truck."
"I'll pick you up after school too." Sam said as we pulled in.
"You don't have to." I protested.
"Okay, do you plan on walking?" Sam questioned.
"Hmm, that might work off all the chocolate calories," I said, pretending to think about it. "Alright, fine, I'll accept your ride."
"Have a great day at school." He smirked. He looked out the windshield and I saw Jasper and Alice were standing there, looking at the both of us. Sam's hands tightened on the steering wheel.
"Oh good, Jaspers here!" I said excitedly. "And Alice."
Sam looked at me sharply. "You're not friends with them, are you?"
I frowned, "Well, I don't think so. But we have class together and they seem nice enough." I pecked his cheek. "See you after school Sammy."
I didn't notice the hatred that seemed to flow between Jasper and Sam as I climbed out of the truck, slamming the door behind me. Sam sped past Jasper and Alice as I made my way towards them with a smile, "Hey!"
Alice smiled, dancing towards me in a disorienting way, giving me a hug. "Hello Davina!"
"Was that your boyfriend?" She chirped as she pulled away.
I snorted, "Sam? No. My brother."
"Oh!" Alice said in obvious surprise. She wrinkled her nose a little and then said, "You don't look anything alike."
I chuckled, "Sorry, right. No, I just say he's my brother. But I guess we're just best friends. Anyways, what did you do after school yesterday?"
"We went to visit our dad at the hospital." Alice said.
"Your dad's a doctor?" I asked in obvious confusion.
Jasper laughed, "I thought you were trying to get an intern position under him?"
I blinked my eyes. Wait. Alice Cullen. Dr. Cullen.
I felt like a prize idiot. How had I not noticed that their last names were the same. I started to blush and Alice giggled, an action that sounded like tinkling bells. "He adopted us."
"I see." I said, blushing furiously. "I knew that."
"Sure you did." Jasper drawled in his accent.
"Alright, come on, class is starting soon." I said quickly, changing the subject, grabbing their hands and dragging them behind me towards the history building. I noticed that their hands were ice cold and felt hard as though they were crafted by marble. It was a strange contrast to Sam's boiling hot skin.
I said nothing, dragging them all the way to the classroom before letting go.
We took our seats and I settled into mine, pulling out my book again before Alice commented, "You really like to read?"
"Yes, it's one of my favorite things to do." I replied. "I absolutely love fantasy worlds and reading feels like I can be a part of the world."
"What world would you want to be in the most?" Alice asked curiously.
"Oh, that's a hard question." I replied, biting my bottom lip. "Harry Potter is a really good one, but so is Vampire Diaries."
"Vampire Diaries?" Alice questioned.
I groaned, "No! Please tell me you've never watched Vampire Diaries!"
Alice flashed a guilty smile, "Never even heard of it."
"Jasper?" I growled playfully.
I sighed, "That's it, I'm going to make sure you two watch it."
Alice giggled, "Do you want to come over to our house to watch it?"
"Do you have Netflix?" I asked.
She lifted a delicate eyebrow. "What's Netflix?"
She had to be kidding me.
I breathed in dramatically, "It's official Alice. I'm going to make your entire family watch it."
Alice grinned.
Alice, Jasper, and I were walking to the lunch table when a snowball came out of nowhere, smacking into the back of Jasper's head.
I turned around and saw Emmett and Edward there, already making more snowballs.
I ducked behind Jasper, "Jasper, you're my shield."
Jasper chuckled, making his own snowball. Alice, somehow, already had seven made and held one out to me.
I took it gingerly, feeling the cold slush in my hand. It wasn't even really proper snow at the moment.
I flung it, hitting Emmett in the chest.
Emmett growled playfully, "You're going to pay for that one Michaelson."
I squealed, ducking behind Jasper again, clutching the back of his jacket. "Jasper!" I whined.
I could hear Jasper laughing his ass off, his body shaking as he made more snowballs, flinging them at Emmett and Edward.
And then Emmett and Edward were closing in on Jasper, Alice, and I. Rosalie was watching from the sidelines, a scowl on her face, probably because Emmett was getting all wet.
Jasper spun, picking me up in his arms- to my surprise- and making a mad dash for the cafeteria while I yelped. Alice dashed next to us and then Jasper put me down once we made it inside. I giggled, clutching Alice's arm. "We escaped!"
"Do you want to sit with us today?" Alice asked with a grin.
"Sure." I said. "Why not?"
I went up to get food. I made it simple today. Just cola and a bag of chips.
I sat back down at the table next to Jasper, opening the soda and chips and started to eat. All five of them had matching stainless steel canteens and were drinking out of them instead of eating anything.
"Our Aunt made us Tomato soup." Edward said, noticing my stare.
"Your Aunt?" I asked with surprise.
"Yes, Carlisle's sister Esme." Alice chirped.
"Dr. Cullen. His first name is Carlisle." Edward said.
What the fuck? His name was actually really hot sounding.
Oh wait, no, I was supposed to not care. I almost didn't get the internship because of the secretary's jealousy. It would look bad if I thought he was hot. So no, not hot. Not hot at all.
"Oh." I said, nodding before popping a Cheeto in my mouth. "I see."
I started feeling rather comfortable with them, which was something I was scared of. The only person I had ever really been close to had been Sam and him. And as he'd betrayed me, I really didn't want to get close to anyone else.
But I wasn't really viewing them as friends, not really. They all seemed like kids to me, like children. Like my children and that started to scare me even more. I didn't like the unusual feelings. I didn't like not knowing my emotions.
"What book were you reading yesterday?" Edward asked me.
"Oh, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." I answered and then blushed. "I like the original book, but I also prefer anything supernatural so adding zombies to the classic was perfect."
"Why would someone ruin a classic like that?" Alice asked, scrunching her nose.
I scoffed, "Ruin. You obviously haven't read it. It's amazing. Here." I fished the book out of my bag and handed it to her. "I want that back when you're done with it."
Alice took it from me, scrutinizing the gruesome cover. "Do you just like horror?"
I thought about it. "I don't know. Horror doesn't really scare me. I love reading it. But mystical creatures is more my jam, specifically vampires, werewolves, witches, unicorns, dragons, those sorts of things."
Rosalie made a scoffing sound.
"What would you rather be?" Emmett asked in excitement. "A vampire or a werewolf?"
Rosalie shot daggers at him and I think she thought I might've been trying to steal Emmett's attention which wasn't my plan at all. Like I've mentioned before, Emmett is big, obviously very safe, but he looks like a blockhead, and his looks aren't my type.
Edward snorted at that moment, covering it up with his hand. I wondered what he thought was funny.
But besides, I was thinking of them like my children. Scary, scary thought.
"Umm both." I stated.
"Both?" Emmett rolled his eyes. "You can't be both."
"You're another one that needs to watch Vampire Diaries." I muttered under my breath making Alice and Jasper laugh.
"But that's a movie!" Emmett protested.
"TV show." I corrected him.
"Besides," Rosalie said with a scoff, "It's not like they exist in real life either."
I grinned, "Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"
Emmett, Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie looked at me blankly while Edward grinned and I looked at him expectantly.
"Were you quoting Dumbledore?" He asked, sounding like he was about to start laughing.
I was silent for a moment before breaking out into a smile, "Edward. Congratulations. You are officially my favorite Cullen."
It was after school. I had mis read the chart yesterday and realized that I actually had last period gym- which kind've sucked because if it had been fifth period, I could've left before anyone else. Instead, I had to wait around fifth period and then go to class at sixth period and leave with everyone else.
During fifth period, I sat at the lunch table and read a backup book that I had brought with me- The Starless Sea.
It was a very interesting book, introduced with three short stories before switching to the point of view of the main character. The third story being about him and he wonders how he ended up in the book. And then he discovers that there is an underground library which is connected by three symbols: A key, a Sword, and a Bee. There are technically three other symbols- Crown, Feather, and Heart- but those don't have as much depth as the other three.
I kind've wished I could be in this world because it was just like the real world, except there were doors all over the world that led to this underground library. I would never have left the underground library if I was in the world.
In gym, I discovered that Bella was in my class, and I started talking to her. She was terrible at Volleyball, but it also seemed that she was incapable of even walking in a straight line without tripping over her own two feet so there was that.
I hated Volleyball. I wasn't necessarily bad at it, but I wasn't very good at serving and I hated the red spots I got on my wrists from hitting the ball like that.
Back on the army base, we used to play a form of Volleyball that was called 'newcom'. Basically, you caught and threw the ball. You would try not to let the other team catch the ball. If the ball landed in the sand, whoever was closest to the ball was out. You could get team mates back in by catching the ball one handed. If you dropped the ball though (one handed catch or not) you were out. If you threw the ball out of bounds, you were out.
I mostly tried covering for Bella, but it was a bit of a hazard. At least when she fell down, she didn't take me with her.
Once class ended, we headed to the locker rooms. I dressed quickly and found myself walking out with Bella.
"Hi. I haven't really introduced myself. I'm Davina." I said.
"Yeah, I know. I'm Bella." She said quietly.
I smiled a bit. "You're new?"
"Yeah, I moved here from Phoenix."
For a girl from the south, she was quite pale. Almost as pale as the Cullens.
"Kentucky." I said, not mentioning which part of Kentucky I was from. As she was from a big city, it was possibly she had heard about Fort Knox and I didn't really want that getting out here.
She stared at my face for a little bit and then said, "Nice. Why'd you move here?"
I shrugged, "I needed to be on my own. That's all. My parents had a house here so I'm living in it now. You?"
"It's complicated." Bella said.
"Isn't it always?" I asked sardonically and we both laughed a little.
She stopped walking, next to a orange pick up truck. "This your ride?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, my friend Jacob fixed the engine himself. His father Billy is friends with my father." Bella explained.
"Jacob Black?" I asked.
"You know him?"
I moved my head back and forth, "Kind've. I know his father and his older sisters more. I hung out with Sam Uley more though. I kind've remember you. Mud pies."
Bella grinned a little, "I think I remember you, but I'd be lying if I said I completely remembered you."
We both laughed for a moment and then I heard this awful screeching of tires. I turned to see an SUV barreling down, having skidded on a patch of ice.
I reacted quickly, grabbing Bella by the arm, hauling her upwards into the truck bed and then dodging to the side as the Suv hit the truck. I didn't get completely out of the way, the car nudging my leg- a pain shooting up it- and I'd hit the corner of the truck with my rib. I thought that would be it, but the damned car decided it wanted to flip over and I wasn't going to be quick enough to get out of it's way.
The car landed on my right leg as I was almost jerked out of the way.
"Davina?" Jasper's voice.
"Where the hell did you come from?" I groaned in pain. I saw him lift the car inches above the ground to slide my leg out from underneath it. I pretended not to notice.
Luckily, it wasn't bleeding- much- just hurting a lot. I didn't think it was broken though- well maybe. My wrist was certainly sprained though from taking the landing that I did.
Edward was standing in the truck bed, helping Bella to her feet.
"The ambulance is on it's way." Edward informed Bella and me.
"I'm okay, really." Bella muttered. "Davina got me out of the way. How did you do that?"
"What? Lifted you into the truck. Well, for starters. . ." my head spun and I cut off before my sight returned and I said. ". . .you're light. And I've lifted heavier stuff. Plus. . .adrenaline."
Shit, what the hell did I do to my head? It hurt so badly, my sight spinning. I blacked out into Jasper's arms.
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blackmagicforever · 1 year
stained glass windows in my mind (i regret you all the time) - Chapter One
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Chapter One: a short love story of three parts
zero. point of start.
The earliest existing memory Bella has of her childhood was of her mother crying while holding her.
She remembers the coldness and wetness of the rain, how the white blankets were soft but provided no heat, and her mom. She had purple, upside down, rainbows under her eyes, glassy eyes, and rained salty teardrops on her small baby head. Her hair was a chestnut halo, and the hot pink shirt she wore looked like a wilting rose petal.
Bella theorized to herself that Renée was murmuring something, but her memory didn’t stretch that far. Just that imprint of the memory, the colors fading as time passed. If she focused on it without trying to pay attention to the memory itself, the colors became more vibrant, and the shapes became sharper.
She had a vague image of both Mom and Charlie holding her. It wasn’t as sharp, as vibrant.
The following memories were a blur of floral stamped sofa covers, the smell of lavender and her grandma’s soup. Mom had fled with baby Bella to the safety of her own mother. She grew up with Mom, and Grandma Maria. Didn’t meet her father properly until she was aware enough to ask if she had a Daddy, like the other girls in her class.
Bella remembers the lesson that came from asking about Charlie.
Grandma had made a strange expression, at that moment Bella didn’t know it was a mixture of pity and disgust. She had glared at Renée, Bella remembers, and snapped in quick Italian at Renée. Her mother’s face had flushed in deep red, snapping in rapid, angry Italian back.
Grandma had turned to Bella, huffing an angry, “Piccola, why are you asking?”
Shyly, Bella had explained how girls in her class asked after her Daddy, and didn’t she have one too?
Grandma had a severe look in her eye and asked if the girls were giving Bella trouble, but before Bella could answer, Renée cut in with a quick, “Nonsense! Children are children Máma.”
Bella kept silent about how her classmates treated her after that. After all, why try to tell Renée if she was going to shrug it off?
As Bella grew up, she kept going back to that lesson as Renée kept shrugging her off. Children are children? No, Bella thought, children are horrible. They are cruel. They are like sharks underneath calm waves, scenting blood in the water.
The good thing that came out of it was that Bella learned Italian as her second language. She hyper fixated on learning it that she caught herself thinking and cursing in Italian as the years went by. She picked up Latin and Spanish as she went.
In all honesty, Bella crammed so many inane things in her brain, so many research binges, that it was no surprise that she ended up in the AP classes. Learning came quietly, but easy to her. The less she said about her balance, or lack thereof, the better.
She held a special love for literature. She seeked refuge within yellowed pages and written prose. Bella loved how her brain turned off and allowed her to immerse herself inside a new universe for her to pry apart and build on it.
She learned to love classics on her Grandma’s lap. Black and white mute movies, old literature treasures, the passage of renaissance art, the subtle self-love of red lipstick and powerful hands.
Grandma Maria taught her with a gentle hand how to cook simple things, and whispered where to find the family recipes if something ever happened. To this day, she kept the old family recipe book with her wherever she went.
From Renée, she learnt the art of budgeting. Of growing up too fast in order to play house with her mom. Just, in the times they played house, it was Bella the mom and Renée the daughter.
As she grew up, Bella found herself becoming tired. Tired of taking care of her mother when it should be the other way around. Tired of becoming an outcast from her classmates because she was too busy maintaining two jobs, the house, and keeping Renée alive. Tired of becoming an adult before she had to.
When Renée remarried, Bella was wary.
Phil was young in a way that he could have been her older brother in another life. Not that it made Renée a cradle robber, she was still in her thirties after all. Phil in his twenties.
It was jarring, Bella concluded to herself quietly. Here was Phil, a handful of years older than her, in a whirlwind love with her mother. Here was Phil, with the nice guy act and charming smile, whose eyes followed Bella when Renée wasn’t looking.
Bella was about to do, she didn’t know, something. Anything. She was getting sick of having Phil suddenly up in her business when Renée wasn’t there. And Renée was never there. Not with the bills, not with the rent, and not when Grandma Marie was wheezing quietly in her hospital room.
pause. ap english lit. a fucking revelation in the wrong place wrong time.
“What about your dad?” Isabelle leans, long blonde hair spilling over her shoulder.
They were comically always paired together. Isabelle Hawthorn, blonde, preppy, popular, with Isabella Swan, brunette, quiet, in the outskirts. Nevermind that they had a derivative of the same name, the two girls were polar opposites. There were about five other Isabellas scattered in their grade.
In AP English Lit. Bella had a fucking revelation. What about her dad?
It came at the wrong fucking moment since they were supposed to be discussing The Great Gatsby and it’s motifs, but Isabelle was talking to a few girls who painted their makeup the same way as the celebrities did at that moment. Bella didn’t mean to listen in, she was just inconveniently right next to the gossiping girl group.
“What about him? Mom refuses to, like, take me there since- y’know… The homewrecker would be there.” Olive with the blue eyeshadow and bleached blonde hair sighs as she pops her gum. “I’d be into going if only to see what daddy dearest can give me. S’ the least he could do after running away with the homewrecker, y’know?”
Olive with pink hair and blue eyes says, “I totally get you, Matty’s got the same thing going. Only… her mom did the running. She went insane and went all hick and plaid.”
“What’s Matty gonna do?”
“What do you think? Drop city life to become a recluse? As if!” Lola with butterfly pins in her hair scoffs. “If anything, I bet she’ll have to, ugh, compromise and just spend a few days with her mom and then live full time here with her dad.”
“Moms usually have prominence over dads when it comes to custody battles though,” Olive with the blue eyeshadow sighs, “I would know after the trainwreck that was my parents divorce.”
“Imagine living in a small town though? Where everyone knows everyone and there’s nothing to do there?” All four girls shudder.
Bella stays next to them, quiet, mind whirling.
zero. follow up to the revelation. mother and daughter bonding fails.
“Bella, what are you talking about?” Renée interrupts Bella.
Bella gets this sudden urge to scream and slam something down and hear it crash.
She breathes in and tries again. And again. And again. Until it takes Phil’s third time post-wedding honeymoon phase leaving for a few weeks to do whatever his league at baseball does for Renée to start getting antsy at being left behind.
Bella angles it to view it from Renée’s love rose colored glasses instead of her more rational and tired way of view.
“Don’t you see, mom? If I stay with Charlie, Phil will have you supporting him there.”
It takes until the end of her second trimester in junior high for her mom to accept the idea of Bella leaving to live with Charlie.
Then it’s just packing and arranging things with the school administration and Forks High School with Charlie’s help.
God. Charlie. It was going to be awkward as hell. It’s been three years since she’s been at Forks. The last two summers she had to spend time with her dad had been down in LA afterall.
It isn’t that Bella hates Forks, it’s just that the wet and cold gives her hives. Not literal hives, unless you count that one moment where she tripped and fell on poison ivy when she tried hiking with some girls and boys in Forks and Charlie. Last time she saw those girls and boys her age had been when she was thirteen. She sometimes wonders about them in the vague sense you think of childhood friends that slowly left you due to time passing by.
She grew up in the comfort of dry heat, bustling city, and huge school campus. With new coffee shops and glee to find new bookstores. Hell, even going shopping the few times she said yes to Renée’s manic wardrobe episodes.
Forks was the antithesis of her usual day to day life.
In this, Bella relates to Renée. Forks does feel like it would be the death of herself.
She didn’t know how true that sentiment would be. Or what would come afterwards.
interlude. before the storm and sunshine.
She arrived on a rainy day. It kept raining, and the only day there was sun, he wasn’t there.
Bella didn’t know if it was a sign, or something, but if it rained (and she hated rain) when he was there, what did it mean that he wasn’t when it was sunny?
one. a new start. only, not. not really.
Forks was just the same as she left it. Except for the Cullens™, a rich family with drop dead gorgeous kids and parents. And Jessica Stanley, who Bella never met but the rest of the kids she used to hang out with did.
High School Politics™ has made Lauren Mallory even more stuck up than when they were thirteen and trying some red lipstick and burning smores. Mike and Tyler have given into becoming jocks, nevermind that Bella still remembers that one time Tyler slipped on wet sand and dragged Mike’s swimming briefs down. Both boys screamed in horror while Lauren and Bella laughed. Eric has found a deep passion in photography and journalism, though he still held a manly crush on comics and manga. Angela was still the same, and thank fuck for that since Angela has been and always will be the sane voice of reason.
Bella was just glad that the childhood summer friendships she had when she was thirteen survived enough for her to slip into the group as if she never left. Sure, the other kids saw her as the new girl, but this group saw her as Bella who once dared Mike to throw himself off the cliff into the water and the dumbass actually went and did it. Minus Jessica, whom Bella was feeling weird vibes from.
pause. a conversation between girls in the bathroom during lunch break.
“Relax,” Lauren soothes her, “Stanley is probably worried about her standing in the group, since we all knew each other since diapers and she’s the new girl.”
“I thought I was the new girl though?” Bella raises an eyebrow.
Lauren snorts, “You were born here, Elizabeth Bennet. Stanley came when she was eight and never settled into our group until we hit middle school.” She sighs, cornsilk colored hair being pulled into a messy bun, “You left us for the heat and city life around the time she settled with us. Bet that she’s comparing herself to you and coming up short.”
“No bet,” Bella refuses, “last time we made a bet, Mike ended up puking fifteen smores while Eric and Tyler recorded the whole thing.”
Lauren sharply moves the mascara wing away from her face before she stabs herself in the eye, she’s snort-laughing so hard she’s shaking. And there was the girl Bella knew.
two. interrogations.
She’s not obsessed, alright? Shut up, Lauren.
Edward Cullen was aggravatingly stupid and enchanting, Bella didn’t know why he called out to her so much.
She has so many questions. About everything.
And then the dumbass goes and saves her from Tyler’s van.
Really, if he didn’t want her to suddenly ask questions and stuff, then he shouldn’t have bothered!
Bella thinks, and she does like to think a lot, but she thinks that she’s actually making progress with Edward! Nevermind that Jessica is glaring at her, Lauren is laughing at her, and the boys are acting weird lately with all the Edward Cullen™ talk. Angela is, as always, a supportive best friend. The bestest.
interlude. nightmare.
Out of everything, Bella did not think of the consequences of poking the metaphorical bear with a large stick.
Fucking vampires?!?!?!?!
“This is way above my pay grade,” She realizes with some horror. Then, of course, that horror became fascination. Because what the fuck?
interlude pt. 2. consequences and complications.
She became distant from her human friend group as the Cullen lifestyle welcomed her. Edward and Alice convinced her that it was for the best. And, well, Bella Swan is just a 17 year old girl who didn’t know better.
pause. a conversation between two girls before a disaster.
“Bella, this isn’t you.” Lauren confronted her before Edward came to whisk her away to the Cullen's house.
“Um, what?”
“This!” Lauren gestures at her. “For fucks sake, you’re wearing the ugly blue sweater that Mike gifted you and sent it to you through Charlie. You swore that you would never wear it because the material was weird on your skin!”
“No! Bella, what’s going on? This isn’t you. You’re literally changing yourself for some rich guy who's going to leave and dump you with a baby on the way!”
“Lauren! It’s not like that!”
“Bella, this is the first time in this month we’re talking.” Lauren says. She huffs in disbelief. “Mike and Tyler are worried, they know how douchebag boys act after all. Eric tried talking to you but you blew him for Edward! Again, may I add! Angela is stress baking. And I just had it with Jessica trying to spread shit about you because you bagged a Cullen.”
“Bella,” Lauren starts before seeing Bella’s face. She became mad. “So it’s going to be like that? Bella, Edward is pulling you away from everyone who gives a fuck about you. Wake the fuck up!”
“Shut the fuck up, Lauren!” Bella throws her hands up, “God, it’s not that deep. Whatever is going on between Edward and I is my business.”
Lauren huffs out a disbelieving laugh, “Not that deep? Not that- Okay. I’m done.”
The two stare at each other.
“Hope you have a happy whatever it is you have with the Cullens.” Lauren snaps. She pauses before storming out the house. “When everything is said and done, just remember we’re here. And say hello at least when we see each other Elizabeth Bennet.”
Bella didn’t know what to say to that. Edward arrived ten minutes later. Then they played baseball. And with baseball came James, and the hunt.
interlude. pt. 3. unnamed unspoken thoughts and conflictive violence.
She admits to herself, deep deep inside her where even if her wrong wired mind suddenly opened to Edward the thought wouldn’t resurface, that Lauren was right and that she was way over her head. But this is the same girl who stuck by her words, even when said words hurt those she gave a fuck about.
She also thought that she would live and become a published author with at least some decades under her belt before dying like her Grandmother Maria. Not, you know, dying via thirsty as fuck hunter vampire.
God, if Lauren was here James would’ve thought twice before crossing Bella.
(If Lauren was here, she would’ve brought a blowtorch with her.)
pause. consequences of actions.
Then there’s the bite, morphine, and fire.
three. the after. because it has yet to end for it to be a happy ending ever after. right?
Bella wakes up in a hospital, with a flimsy alibi that is very ridiculous, and having to convince her mother that she wants to go back to Forks.
After lights out, and ignoring how Edward hovered with self-loathing splattered all over him, Bella resolves to be a better friend to Lauren and co. Just because she has an immortal boyfriend whom she is very much in love with doesn’t excuse her for being a shitty friend.
pause. a kismet look between two girls in the middle of prom night.
Lauren is staring very hard at the cast on her leg and arm. Eric had grimaced and ran away, not before a commemorative photo though. Angela had said her ‘hello’s before ducking away with Ben Chenley, and since when did Ben fucking Chenley date her dear friend Angela? God, Bella was very behind on gossip. Mike was… Bella didn’t know where Mike was. Tyler either.
“Down a flight of stairs, and through a window?” Lauren raises an eyebrow.
Bella looks away and shrugs. Then Edward appears, because of course he does. He whisks her away, leaving Lauren next to the dance floor.
interlude. the blank time skip between parts.
During the summer she spends time between her human friends and her immortal vampire boyfriend and his family. Lauren is very anti-Edward, so is Eric and Tyler. Mike is in between making dirty jokes and fussing. Angela is there for her though, whenever the pointed remarks got too sharp and she wanted warm and not cold and unyielding skin.
endings of a three part short love story.
Then September comes. And with it, her birthday.
And with Edward breaking up with her.
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younes-ben-amara · 4 months
ما من شيءٍ يضيع؛ كلُّ شيء بقدرٍ
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hawkstincan · 11 months
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i have no idea what i was thinking when i decided to choose the screenshot with this angle
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spiritsdiary · 2 months
wc: 788 | content: description of intense weather (??)
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you had made the mistake of issuing a challenge to tyler owens: “impress me.”
and tyler owens would be damned if he backed down from a challenge.
so he got you flowers and brought you along to thursday rodeos with his crew, and he must have talked to your mama too, because how else he could’ve figured out where to get your favorite pie was beyond you.
“nothing ever throws you off, does it?” you asked him the fifth time he showed up at your door, armed with a box of pie and that damn smile.
he had simply shrugged before reciting his stupid mantra at you. “if you feel it, chase it.”
he laughed when you shut the door in his face. you’d be lying if you said weren’t laughing yourself when you opened the box, grabbed a fork, and dug in, the dessert tasting a little sweeter than usual.
while it was nice, you’d grow bored of this routine eventually, and tyler seemed to know that, too. but he had an idea, and while it was stupid as all hell, he was willing to take his chances.
you barely pulled the door open when he spoke.
“i wanna take you out tonight.” well. that was new.
“it’s not thursday,” was all you could think to say in response.
“i know a spot,” he’d said, completely unfazed, with a cheeky wink and a tip of his hat, and really, you should’ve known what he meant.
because why wouldn’t you now find yourself in the passenger seat of tyler’s truck as he veers off the road directly towards a tornado?
“tyler owens, are you crazy?!” you exclaim, the only response being a bout of wild laughter as he throttles it even faster. “you better not be filming this!”
“you kiddin’?” he gestures to the cameras mounted above the windshield. “don’t worry, this’ll be just for us. we can look back on this in ten years and laugh.”
“if we live,” you mumble to yourself, glad of the wind, rain, and tyler’s blaring radio.
he looks at you for a moment, though, a flicker of concern in his eyes. “you ready?”
you don’t even have to think about your answer. “hell yeah, tornado wrangler.”
“‘s what i like to hear, baby,” he says, rolling to a stop in the middle of the field. “and now… we wait.”
“next time, just say you wanna drive me into a tornado.”
“next time?” he raises his eyebrows at you as he flips a few switches and anchors the truck.
“you’re insane,” you laugh, shaking your head.
“i’m startin’ to think that you like that about me,” he replies, nodding to the tornado only feet away as he makes sure your harness is secure. “better hold on to somethin’.”
you should be scared, but when you grab on to tyler’s hand, fueled by adrenaline and exhilaration, you just feel a sudden calm. like you belong here, with him, in his truck, getting hit head on by a tornado.
and maybe that’s why you let him kiss you.
the tornado swirls around the truck, the wind screaming so loudly you can barely hear his music, and you lean into him even though the harness digs into your shoulders. his kiss is gentle, respectful, and you can feel him smiling as you kiss him back, only pulling away to touch your forehead to his.
the winds of the tornado rock the truck, debris pelting the outside, but you’re too wrapped up in tyler to even care. you breathe him in until the sound of the storm begins to dissipate and the beating of your heart fades in your ears.
“you can open your eyes, sweetheart,” he whispers, watching as you lean back into your seat.
his voice spurs you into action, laughing as you undo your harness and jump out of the truck. he’s quick to follow you, smiling proudly as you let out a loud whoop.
“told you i knew a spot.”
“tyler owens…” you say his name again, slowly turning to look at him where he leans against his truck, arms folded across his chest.
you could blame his tight jeans, or his backwards cap, or that damn smile of his for what you do next, but in the end you do it solely because you want to.
because you want him.
you run up to him, your hand bumping against the brim of his cap as you throw your arms around his neck, and kiss him, pressing him back against the hood.
and when his hands take hold of your hips, his mouth insistent against yours, you know that however you challenge him, he’ll always be crazy enough to impress you.
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good evening twisters/tyler owens nation, i am officially throwing my hat in the ring 🥰
© qimirdiary 2024. do not repost without permission.
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cowboybeepboop · 26 days
Are you still taking requests 🤔 if so I got one for you it's more of an idea to start and you can build on it.
Anything with jealous Scott! Him and the reader flirt hes nice to her she drops hints he's to dumb to see them right away. Tyler sees how hard she is trying sees the looks Scott gives her but knows it's all going over his head so he makes a plan with the reader to make Scott jealous and JEALOUS he gets and end it with fluff smut just happiness and maybe some humor!
All the little details are up to you have fun with it. You are a very talented story teller I always failed my creative writing in school🤣
Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: Smut, fluffy and romantic
Word count: 5k
a/n: Thank you so much! I really enjoy writing jealous Scott and writing like romantic smut so hopefully you guys like reading it. As always let me know if you have any requests and I hope you enjoy <3
Working with Tyler has its perks, one of which is being able to travel around the states while chasing storms, another is getting to see Scott. You have a *small* thing for him, something that isn't well hidden.
However, it seems that no matter how obvious you are with your flirtation, Scott is entirely oblivious to it all. He really is oblivious. The man has an uncanny ability to turn everything you say into something platonic.
What makes things worse is that you can tell he likes you too. You’re the only person he shows his caring and soft side to. He goes out of his way to talk to you as much as he can and worries over your safety when Tyler drags you too close to a tornado.
Today is another day on the road as you’re chasing storms, the crew is together having breakfast at a diner. But your gaze stays trained to the dark haired man sitting with Javi and his team.
You sigh softly, poking at your food with your fork, a pout on your lips. The conversations of your friends stays in the background as the only thing on your mind is how you can make it *any* more obvious to Scott.
Tyler leans to you, bumping his shoulder to yours in an effort to catch your attention. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” You look over at him, eyes a bit unfocused, your cheeks pink from being caught staring at Scott.
“Y/N,” He leaned a bit closer, and spoke in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. “I have an idea.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Your head cocks to the side as you turn your body to him.
Tyler glanced briefly at Scott before turning his attention back to you. He kept his voice low.
"You've been trying to get Scott's attention for a while, but he's as oblivious as ever. I have an idea that might work, but you'll have to play along."
“Okay..” your voice is suspicious, eyes narrowing at him, “And what exactly is your brilliant idea?”
Tyler flashed a sly grin. "Well, I know that Scott is protective of you, and a bit possessive at times. So, if he sees me, or anyone else, getting a little too close to you, he might just get jealous."
He leaned back in his chair, looking casual, but you could tell he was up to something. "Trust me on this, okay? Just play along."
You nod along as he speaks, “But what’s in it for you Ty?”
Tyler smirked, enjoying this little plan. "Oh, nothing much. It's just that I like stirring up a bit of chaos, and seeing Scott get jealous would be entertaining as hell."
You giggle at his response, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “Then let’s do it.” Your gaze falls back over to Scott noticing his shift in his seat.
Tyler smiled devilishly. He knew you were on board with his plan. He glanced over at Scott, noticing his obvious discomfort at your closeness to Tyler.
He leans to you, making sure to keep his voice low enough for only you to hear. "Alright, here goes."
He casually placed his hand on your thigh, patting it gently. "You enjoying the food, Y/N?" You squirm slightly under his touch.
Scott can’t help a scowl that comes over his face as he watches Tyler’s hand gently pat your thigh. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on his fork tightened. He tried his best to listen to Javi and the others engaged in conversation, pretending to focus on their words. But his mind wandered back to the sight of Tyler's hand resting comfortably on your thigh.
Your conversation with Tyler dies down as Javi interrupts to ask about where you’re going to chase today. Tyler’s hand moves to your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
Tyler chimes in, "You know, I was thinking we should head north today. There's a storm system that's brewing up there and it looks pretty interesting." He presses a kiss to your temple gently.
Scott’s jaw clenches tight at the sight of Tyler’s lips touching your temple. His eyes flicker with a hint of jealousy, but he maintains his composure, taking a sip of his coffee to hide his reaction.
He clears his throat and looks at the rest of the group. "I looked at the weather reports this morning, and there's more potential for storms further south."
Tyler noticed Scott's reaction, and it confirmed that his plan was working. He could see the slightest hint of jealousy in Scott's eyes and the way his jaw clenched tight. He couldn't help but feel satisfied with himself.
He turned to Scott with a smirk. "Oh, you're right, south does sound like it has better potential for storms. But by the time we’d reach that area they might already have died down.”
You glance between the two men who are sharing strong glares, you look down at the app you had pulled up. “There does seem to be a lot more storms popping up in the northern region at the moment..”
Scott's eyes narrow further as you chime in, backing Tyler's suggestion. He can see the growing smirk on Tyler's face, and it only adds to his annoyance. He takes a deep breath and looks over at you, trying to keep his cool.
Tyler gave your thigh a gentle squeeze, enjoying the effect it had on Scott. "Yeah, north looks like the better option today. Plus, I bet Y/N would want to see some more tornadoes today, huh?" You smile up at him with a small nod.
Scott's grip on his coffee cup tightens as he sees Tyler's hand on your thigh again, and the mention of you wanting to see tornadoes only irritates him more.
He takes another drink, trying to hide his annoyance. "Well, if that's what *you* want to do.." He mutters under his breath, his eyes flickering between you and Tyler.
After a long day of pretend flirting with Tyler and storm chasing you’ve found yourself relaxing with your team at the bar. The ding of the door captured your attention and your gaze lands on Scott. He’s dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, looking so much more attractive than when he’s in his storm par suit.
Tyler, noticing your interest in Scott, takes it as an opportunity to continue with his plan to make Scott jealous. He leans closer to you, draping his arm around your shoulder.
"You're staring again," he says with a playful smirk. "You just can't help but admire Scott, can?"
“It’s hard not to,” you murmur, taking a sip of your drink as Tyler pulls you closer.
Scott's gaze briefly flickers to Tyler's arm as it wraps around your shoulders. He feels a pang of annoyance at the sight, but he tries to keep his cool. He orders a drink from the bartender before turning to face you.
He moves a bit closer, standing beside you with a stoic expression on his face. He gives Tyler a cool glare before looking down at you. "Having a good night?" He asks, his tone neutral. He takes a step closer to you, his body practically sandwiching you between him and Tyler. A slight blush raises on your cheeks as you gaze up at Scott with a smile.
Feeling the tension build, Tyler decides to take things further, playing into his role as your 'boyfriend'. He leans in, his arm still around your shoulders, and places a gentle kiss on your temple. "Yeah, great night so far," he replies, meeting Scott's cold glare with a smirk.
“Mhm, yeah. Great night.” You shiver at the touch of Tyler’s lips on your skin, unconsciously cuddling closer to him.
Scott's jaw clenches at the sight of Tyler's lips touching your skin. He can feel a spark of anger rising within him, but he tries his best to keep his expression neutral.
He takes a step forward, his body now almost pressed against you, effectively sandwiching you between him and Tyler. He looks down at you, his eyes locked on yours, and reaches out to gently brush some wayward strands of hair behind your ear. "That's good to hear," he says, his voice low. "I hope it stays that way."
Your grin grows at Scott’s affection. Tyler, sensing Scott's growing possessiveness, decides it's time to ramp things up even more. He tightens his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. His hand rests on your hip, his fingers gently tracing small circles.
"Oh, I'm sure it will," he responds, his smirk widening. "We're all enjoying ourselves, aren't we, Y/N?" You nod while taking another sip of your beer.
Scott's eyes narrow as he watches Tyler's hand linger on your hip, the gentle touch making his blood boil. He can feel his possessive instincts starting to take over, and he takes another step closer to you, his body now practically pressed against yours.
He reaches out and places his hand on your waist, gently pulling you towards him and away from Tyler. He looks down at you with a stern expression on his face. Your blush grows as your eyes widen at Scott’s sudden gesture.
Tyler’s eyes flicker with amusement as Scott pulls you closer to him. He bites back a smirk, enjoying the effect his plan is having on Scott. He takes a step back, giving you a bit more space, but his eyes remain fixed on the pair of you.
Scott's hand on your waist feels possessive and firm. He continues to fix you with a stern look, his expression intense. "Y/N,” he says, his voice low, “we need to have a word. Alone."
“Okay,” you bite down on your lip, Scott leads you out of the bar, across the street toward the motel. You follow close behind, without a word. Once you reach his room, he unlocks the door pulling you inside.
He turns to face you, his expression serious and intense. His hand, still on your waist, tightens its grip ever so slightly, anchoring himself to you.
“What do you want to talk about?” You relax in his grasp, enjoying every second of his touch.
Scott takes a deep breath, looking down at you with a mixture of frustration and desire in his eyes. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking, his voice low and rough.
"I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me," he says, his grip on your waist tightening slightly.
“I’ll be 100% honest,” you nod with a sweet smile. “I promise.”
Scott seems to relax a bit at your words, his shoulders visibly untensing. He takes another deep breath, his gaze locking on yours.
"What's going on with you and Tyler?" He asks, his voice firm. "Because it seems to me that you two have gotten a bit too close lately."
“Too close?” You question, your head cocking to the side as you feign ignorance.
Scott crosses his arms, a stern expression on his face as he gazes down at you. He notices the cheeky glint in your eyes and the subtle bite of your lip, sensing that you're not quite as oblivious as you're pretending to be.
"Don't play coy with me," he mutters, taking a step closer to you. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. The way he's always touching you, always standing close to you... I've noticed it, and it's driving me crazy."
“Driving you crazy?” You wrap your arms around his waist pulling him flush against you while looking up at him. “And why is that?”
Scott's eyes widen slightly as you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. For a moment, he is taken aback by your audacity, but he regains his composure quickly.
He places his hands on your hips, his grip firm as he stares down at you with an intense gaze. “I can't stand seeing him touch you like that, it's like he's marking his territory." Your tongue darts out to wet your bottom lip as he continues.
Scott's eyes are glued to your tongue, watching as it darts out to wet your bottom lip. His grip on your hips tightens involuntarily, the primal desire within him taking over.
He takes a deep breath, trying to suppress the primal urge to pull you closer and claim you as his own. "The way he puts his hands on you... it should be me."
You smirk, “Then why isn’t it?” Your fingertips dig into his back softly.
Scott's breath hitches as your fingertips dig into his back, sending a shiver down his spine. The smirk on your lips is driving him crazy, awakening a primal urge within him.
He steps closer, his body now pressed flush against yours. His eyes darkened with desire as he gazes down at you. "Because I don't want to push you away," he mutters, his voice low and hoarse.
“Scott, you're so dense.” You groan.
Scott's expression turns to one of mild offense at your words. He takes a moment to collect himself before responding. "I'm not dense," he retorts. "I just-"
He falters, his mind still stuck on your words and the fact that he's been oblivious to your feelings this whole time. He pauses for a moment, his eyes locking on yours. "Wait... You're telling me you..?"
You roll your eyes, pressing your head back against the wall. “I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.”
He takes a step back, looking at you with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. "You...flirting with me?" He repeats, his voice a mixture of sheepishness and confusion. "I don't…"
He stops to think for a moment, his mind replaying all the interactions he'd had with you over the past few weeks. Suddenly, it all starts to click. Another groan escapes your lips as you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment.
Scott's eyes flicker with a mix of realization and arousal as he takes in your reaction. He takes a step forward, closing the distance between you and pins you against the wall.
He gently grabs your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, his blue eyes darkened with desire. "You've been flirting with me for weeks?" He repeats, his voice huskier than before. His gaze flickers down to your lips before he leans in, capturing them in a rough, hungry kiss.
You pull him closer to you, responding to his hands with a quiet moan. Scott's arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer against his body. The sound of your moan fuels his desire, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with an urgent fervor.
He pins you to the wall, his hands roaming over your body, desperate to feel every inch of you. His grip on you grows tighter, almost possessive, as if he's afraid you'll slip through his fingers.
You pull away, gasping for air as his touch sends desire through your body. Scott's lips trail down your jawline, his breath hot on your skin. He nibbles gently at your earlobe, his hands still roaming over your body, exploring every curve and contour, until they come to rest at your hips.
He pins you against the wall, his body pressing against yours, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. "God, you drive me crazy," he mutters, his voice hoarse. "I need you."
Your arms move to his neck, pulling his lips inches away from yours. “I need you too Scott.” His hands grip your thighs, hoisting you up onto him with ease. He pushes you against the wall, his body pressing you into the cool plaster and his heated frame.
His lips are a breath away from yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this," he mutters, his gaze locking on yours.
He presses his hips against yours, his desire for you evident in every movement. Your head falls back as you moan out his name, grinding your hips down on his.
Scott's breath hitches at the feel of you grinding against him. The sound of his name on your lips sending a jolt of electricity through him.
His grip on your thighs tightens, his fingers digging into your flesh. "Ah, God," he mutters, his voice rough and ragged. "You're making it damn near impossible to hold back. You know that, right?"
“Please don’t hold back anymore,” you whine out as you gaze into his eyes. At your request,
Scott loses the last shred of restraint he was holding onto. He crushes you against the wall, his lips crashing against yours in a passionate, hungry kiss.
His hands slide up to your ass, grabbing hold and pulling you fully against him. He grinds his hips against yours, wanting to get as close to you as possible.
"I won’t hold back anymore," he gasps, breaking away from the kiss for a brief moment. "I want you. All of you."
The heat between you and Scott is palpable, filling the room like a heavy summer storm. His hands slide from your thighs to your ass, squeezing and lifting you closer to him, your legs wrapping around his waist. You kiss him back with a passion that matches his own, your bodies moving in a rhythm that speaks of a long-denied attraction.
The walls of the motel room seem to close in around you, the rest of the world fading away as your focus narrows to the feel of his mouth on yours, the beat of his heart against your chest, and the unmistakable pressure of his hardness against your core.
With surprising strength and urgency, Scott hooks his fingers into the waistband of your pants and underwear, tugging them down with one swift motion, leaving you exposed and vulnerable against the wall. He steps closer, aligning his clothed erection with your slick heat, and begins to rock his hips against you.
The friction sends sparks of pleasure shooting through your body, making you whimper and cling to him tighter. His hand remains firm on your ass, keeping you in place as he grinds into you, the fabric of his pants the only barrier between you and his dick. The pressure builds, your breath hitching in anticipation of what's to come.
Scott's hips move with a fierce rhythm against you, the rough fabric of his jeans providing just the right amount of friction against your sensitive clit. Each stroke sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, making you moan and arch your back, silently begging for more. The pressure builds, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the tension coils tighter within you.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your body tightening around him like a vice as the pleasure reaches a crescendo. The room is filled with the sound of your muffled cries and the harsh grunts of his own need. His grip on your ass tightens, his movements becoming more erratic as he feels your climax approaching.
The anticipation is unbearable, your nails digging into his shoulders as you hang on the precipice of release, desperately seeking the sweet oblivion that you know is just within reach.
The friction becomes too much, and with a loud moan, you cum onto Scott's pants, leaving a wet slick stain on the fabric. The intensity of your orgasm surprises even you, your body convulsing and shaking in his arms. Scott's eyes widen, his own arousal reaching new heights as he feels your wetness coat him.
He groans into your mouth, the sound muffled by your desperate kisses. His hips don't stop moving, instead, they pick up speed, driven by the need to feel you come apart around him. The sight of you, lost in pleasure, only makes him want you more, his movements becoming more erratic and urgent. He's so close to the edge himself, and the feel of you pulsing against him is driving him wild.
He pulls away from the kiss, panting heavily, his eyes never leaving yours as he watches the aftershocks of your climax play out on your flushed face. With one last, deep, grind, he whispers, "Fuck, Y/N," his voice a mix of amazement and desire.
Without wasting another moment, Scott carries you over to the bed, setting you down gently. He kisses a trail down your body, leaving a fiery path in his wake. His eyes are dark with lust as he settles between your legs, his gaze lingering on your still-quivering core. You watch, breathless, as he spreads your legs, revealing your glistening sex to his hungry eyes.
He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent, his pupils dilating with desire. He kisses the insides of your thighs, the soft skin of your stomach, and finally, his mouth hovers just above your most sensitive spot. You feel the warmth of his breath against your folds, and your body responds with a shiver of anticipation. He looks up at you, a question in his eyes, seeking permission to continue. You nod eagerly, your hands sliding into his hair as you pull his face closer.
With a groan, Scott dives in, his tongue licking and teasing your clit with a gentle touch that sends shockwaves through your body. He explores you with a passion that's both tender and fierce, his mouth worshiping every inch of your sex. He nibbles and sucks, his tongue flicking and curling in a way that makes your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
You're lost in the sensation, your breath coming in short gasps and your hips moving in time with his mouth. His hands grip your thighs, keeping you in place as he devours you, his eyes never leaving your closed ones, as if he's trying to memorize every twitch and gasp of pleasure that passes over your face.
You're on the edge again, and you can feel him pushing you closer, his tongue swirling and dipping into your wetness, his teeth grazing against your swollen bud. It's all you can do to hold on as the storm of sensation builds inside you, threatening to break.
As the second orgasm hits, you cry out, your body writhing under his skilled touch. Scott doesn't stop, his mouth working tirelessly to draw out every last bit of pleasure from your quivering body. He laps up the evidence of your climax. You're lost in the feeling of his tongue on your skin, his breath hot and moist against your sensitive flesh.
He's thorough, not stopping until every tremor has subsided and you're left panting and boneless on the bed, your legs shaking. Only then does he pull away, licking his lips with a smug smile, his eyes dark with satisfaction. "You taste so good," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "I could do this all night."
With a whimper of need, you pull Scott back up your body, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss that tastes of your desire. Your hands shake slightly as they fumble with the button and zipper of his pants, eager to free his hard length and feel him inside you.
He helps you, his own hands trembling with anticipation, and soon enough, his pants fall to the floor. He pulls his shirt off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Your eyes rake over his sculpted abs and the bulge in his underwear, making your heart race even faster.
"I need you," you breathe against his lips, the urgency in your voice unmistakable.
Scott groans, his hands moving to your shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it aside. His eyes devour your bare breasts, the peaks pebbled with desire. He leans down to kiss and suck on one nipple, sending waves of pleasure through you. You grip his shoulders, arching into his touch.
With trembling hands, you push his boxers down, freeing his erection. It stands proudly, the tip glistening with precum. You stroke him gently, feeling the velvety softness of his skin over the steel of his arousal. He gasps, his hips jerking in response.
"Please," you whisper, your eyes pleading with him to fill the ache that's been building inside you for weeks.
Scott's eyes darken with need as he takes in your naked form, your body laid bare before him. He reaches for his wallet, fumbling for a condom, his need for you overriding all else. He sheathes himself, then positions his cock at your entrance, his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in place.
You nod, your eyes never leaving his in a silent beg, your legs wrapping around his waist in silent invitation. With one slow, torturous thrust, he enters you, filling you completely. You gasp into his mouth, the sensation overwhelming. He stills for a moment, giving you time to adjust to his size, then starts to move, his hips rolling into yours in a slow, sensual rhythm that builds the tension all over again.
You moan, your nails digging into his back as he sets a pace that's both gentle and demanding. His eyes never leave yours, the connection between you intense and all-consuming. With each stroke, the pressure builds, coiling tighter and tighter until you feel like you might burst.
"Fuck, Scott," you murmur, your voice shaky.
He responds with a grunt, his own pleasure etched on his face. He kisses you deeply, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his hips, as he moves inside you. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, along with your muffled cries and his guttural groans.
Your hands clutch at the bedsheets, your body moving in sync with his, the intensity of your emotions is like nothing you've ever felt before.
With a deep, guttural groan, Scott's hips stutter to a stop, his cock pulsing inside you as he reaches his peak. The feeling of his release sends a fresh wave of pleasure crashing through your body, your pussy clenching around him in a vice-like grip. His eyes squeeze shut, his face contorted with the sheer force of his climax.
You hold him tight, feeling the warmth of his seed fill you up as he empties himself into the condom. His body relaxes slowly, his breathing heavy and erratic. As he opens his eyes, you see the look of utter satisfaction and disbelief, as if he can't quite believe what just happened. He kisses you softly, his forehead resting against yours. "I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice filled with a hint of embarrassment. "I didn't mean for that to happen so quickly."
You smile up at him, stroking his cheek gently. "It's okay," you reassure him. "It was perfect." Your voice is a breathy whisper, your body still trembling from the aftershocks of your own pleasure. Scott's eyes searched yours, the intensity of the moment washing over him.
He pulls out slowly, his cock still half-hard, and removes the condom before collapsing beside you on the bed. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, your bodies tangled together in a mess of limbs and sweat. You both lay there, panting and spent.
Scott's lips curve into a weary smile as he finally regains control of his breath and finds enough strength to speak. "That... that was..." He shakes his head, struggling to find the words to describe what just happened. "That was incredible." His voice was laced with both ecstasy and disbelief.
He turns his head to look at you, his eyes tracing the lines of your face like an artist admiring his canvas. "You're,” he pauses, searching for the right word, "god, you're beautiful," he finally whispers, his hand lifting to cup your cheek.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You grin and press a kiss to his lips. His smile widens at your playful quip, and he returns your kiss with a soft hum.
He takes a moment to appreciate the view, his eyes sweeping over your bare form with an appreciative gaze. "You know," he muses, "I have no idea how I've been able to keep my hands off you all this time. You're addictive."
“Addictive, huh?” You slide onto his body, straddling his waist.
Scott's eyes darken with desire as you straddle him, his hands coming to rest on your hips, holding you in place. He bites his lower lip, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Addictive," he repeats, his fingers digging into your flesh slightly as he speaks. He gazes up at you, his eyes roaming over your body, taking in every curve and contour. "I can't get enough of you," he murmurs, his hands beginning to wander. You lean forward, grasping his chin, bringing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
Scott’s hands run up your side, his eyes fluttering closed as you press gentle kisses onto his face.
Scott's heart thumps loudly in his ears as you shower his face with gentle kisses, his breath hitching with each touch of your lips. His hands continue to explore your skin, tracing the curves of your hips, your waist, your back, as if he can't quite believe you're really there.
He groans softly, his body responding to your gentle touch. He tilts his head back slightly, giving you better access to his neck, the pulse point of it fluttering rapidly. "Keep doing that," he murmurs, "Please."
You slide off his body, cuddling into the crook of his arm as you continue to press sweet kisses to his neck.
Scott's arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to his body. He shivers slightly as your lips touch his neck, his skin tingling with each kiss. He closes his eyes, his hand coming up to thread through your hair. He turns his head slightly, nuzzling your hair as he basks in the feeling of your gentle affections.
His other hand gently strokes your back, tracing soft patterns across your skin. "You're going to kill me," he whispers, a hint of both pleasure and torment in his voice.
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purplecoffee13 · 3 months
Nemesis with Benefits - Part 4*
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Keep me awake, buy me a coffee
Summary: “You go on a horrible date, and there’s only one address that pops in your mind when you think about blowing off some steam…”
Wc: 4.3k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warnings: SMUT, degradation kink (kinda), use of sex toy(🤭), bit of bondage, tiny bit of jealousy/possessiveness
A/N: I passed my exam and in celebration I have written for you this new part of Nemesis with Benefits chapter! Hope y’all like it😋
General Masterlist
Series Masterlist
"And so, he said he couldn't get it, so I had to get my brother's car and drive an hour to get the keg!"
You fake a laugh, noticing that the sentence is supposed to be some sort of a punchline. Oscar's eyes twinkle with amusement at the sound of your fake giggles, and you have to do your best not to shiver at his prideful nod.
It has been three weeks since Tyler's party, and since... the events that occurred in Tyler's bedroom. Afterwards, you had picked up your life as usual, convinced that the itch was scratched and you could go back to more important things.
However, the memories of that night resurfaced your mind every single fucking day, like clockwork. Some nights you'd give in, bringing yourself to an orgasm with the help of your vibrator, but most nights you pushed the sinful thoughts down as far as possible. It made you less fun to be around, though. A bit snappy, huffing and puffing about every little thing that didn't work like you wanted it to.
So, when Benjamin suggested to set you up with this guy he knew, you couldn't agree quicker. You didn't quite care if you would get a love match out of it, you were mainly hoping for a good fuck.
Unfortunately, that wasn't going to be on the program tonight. The guy, Oscar, was the biggest fucking bore you had ever met.
Okay, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. He has his interests... or better said interest: drinking beer. Every story he has told so far this evening is about drinking in some kind of way. He doesn't tell any jokes, he just says the ends of his sentences a bit louder and waits for you to laugh on cue. After about three stories, you caught on.
So far, you're on story number six, and he has not yet asked one thing about you. This date is a bust, you're going to have to admit defeat.
"Excuse me for just a minute, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You say with a polite smile, sneakily grabbing your phone as you stand up and walk away to the toilets.
Once you're out of Oscar's sight, you hurry to the bathroom and quickly get into a stall. Unlocking your phone, your fingers work fast to get to Rebecca's name and click on 'call'. You put the phone to your ear, waiting for her to answer. She is quite quick, answering you in just a few seconds.
"'Sup girl, how's the date?" She asks casually.
"Unfortunately, he's got the personality of a wet sock. I'm gonna need you to fake an emergency, please?"
"Oh my god, is it that bad?"
"I can't listen to one more second of this guy's stories. All he talks about is beer! I mean, I like myself a beer, but you can't possibly fill up an hour and a half of stories about beer!" You exclaim, making Rebecca giggle.
"I'll call you in five minutes."
With a bit more hope, you walk back to the table, and brace yourself to be bored with another beer story. You almost laugh to yourself when Oscar, like you predicted, brings up another story of the time where he drank almost half of the keg and puked in the bushes. With your jaw clenched, you lay down your fork, having lost your appetite entirely. This is the worst fucking date ever.
You count down the seconds until the phone rings, and your heartbeat rises in excitement when it does. You fake a frown, telling Oscar that you need to pick up really quick. The second you answer the call, a string of screaming and crying sounds from the other side of the line.
You should have known that Rebecca would go all out, she's a theatre major after all, but it still throws you off a bit. Holding in your laugh, you put a bit of your own acting skills to use.
"Rebecca?! What— what's up?" You hold the phone closer to your ear again. She cries out something along the lines of 'He cheated on me!'. You glance at Oscar, who is positively terrified. Mission accomplished, you think.
"Stay where you are, okay? I'm on my way!" You say as you get up from your seat, grabbing your purse. Rebecca says something else about wanting to die, and after that you hang up.
"I'm so sorry, I've got to go. This was fun, text me." You spit out before speed walking towards the exit. You hear Oscar shout out how he doesn't have your number, but you act like you don't hear him.
The second you are outside, you dial Rebecca again. Like before, she immediately picks up.
"Did it work?"
"Yes, you're a genius, thank you!" You smile, looking around to see if maybe there's a taxi near. "Now I just need to get out of here before he catches up with me or something."
"I already called an Uber for you."
You let out a dreamy sigh. "Are you an angel sent from heaven?"
"Actually, yes, I am." Rebecca jokes, and the two of you chuckle. "No but seriously, it's not big deal. It should be there now I think. It's a black Volvo."
And as if on cue, a car matching the description pulls up in front of you. You put your hand up, signaling that the driver is here for you, and walk towards the door.
"Thank you so much babe."
"No problem. Debrief tomorrow?" She asks as you slide into the car and silently greet the driver.
"Yes, over lunch?"
"Sounds good, I'll text you tomorrow. Love you."
"Okay, love you, bye." You say before hanging up the phone. The driver turns around, asking where you want to go. You give him your address, and he begins driving. It is quite a drive from your place and from campus, this restaurant.
You look out the window, reeling the ridiculously bad date. You're a bit disappointed; you were really hoping to have a fun night tonight. Sighing, you look at your phone screen, allowing a forbidden thought to crawl to the front of your mind.
After fiddling with you hands for about five minutes, going back and forth with your stance on your own idea, you make a decision. Swallowing, you unlock your phone and go to your message app.
Where r u?
The realization kicks in your mind the second you send the message. What the fuck are you doing? You go back to the chat, holding your finger on the message to delete it, but then you see three dots.
Home, why?
Text me ur address
You stare at the word he sent you for a couple of seconds. You scoff. As if he doesn't know why you are texting him right now. You think for a bit, deciding on what to send him.
I want my panties back
It doesn't take long after you've banged on Harry's door that he opens it. He wears a smirk on his face, his signature look it seems. He likes this, the fact that you're going to give in. Technically, you already have, but you aren't going to admit that.
He doesn't say anything, merely stepping aside to let you in. You stride into his apartment, letting your eyes fly over the apartment. It is not what you expected at all. The boring beige and grey colors you had imagined would dominate the color palette of his living room is instead a navy blue. There is nothing grey about this place at all.
Nevertheless, you ignore all the things you want to say about his apartment, and turn around, hands on your hips.
"So?" You shrug, insinuating for him to give you your panties back. You both know it's not what you're here for, and Harry raises his eyebrows, as if having accepted the challenge to see whoever can hold up this act the longest.
"It's probably somewhere in the panty drawer."
"You have a panty drawer?" You frown, disgusted with him even having such a concept.
"Women always seem to leave them here." He says, casually strolling towards his bedroom. You follow him with a sigh. Entering his bedroom, you try your best not to look so surprised over how beautiful it is. The deeper shade of dark blue that coats the walls looks very pretty in comparison to the light bedding, curtains and other furniture.
When you turn around, you see your panties in Harry's hand. He holds it out for you to grab, but pulls away just when you try to do so. You give him a pointed look, but he doesn't seem to care. The second attempt to snatch the panties from his grip fails as well, and you find yourself groaning in frustration.
"Stop being a fucking dick." You bark at him.
"Fine." He shrugs. You reach for the panties again, but Harry catches your worst with his free hand. His eyes search yours. "Tell me why you really came here, and I'll give you your panties back."
"I came here to get my panties." You say through gritted teeth, blood rising to your cheeks. The touch of Harry's fingers on your wrist heats your skin up even more than his infuriating actions do.
"Try again." He grins, dimples showing and everything.
"I came here to get my panties." You repeat, glaring at him with nothing but fury behind your eyes. He throws the panties behind him, and they land back on his drawer.
"See, I think you're lying." Harry says, stepping a bit closer to you. You lose your breath at the proximity, and you feel like you might start sweating. Harry notices, and smirks, pressing his thumb into your wrist. "I can feel your heartbeat, you know."
You huff, not sure you're able to keep this up any longer. Harry lets go of your wrist and sneaks his hand around your neck instead. You feel the blood pumping through your veins as he leads you backwards towards his bed.
"I think you're a little bit frustrated. You couldn't get me out of your system, so now you're here to beg for my cock." His low voice vibrates through the room before he pushes you onto the bed, standing over you. "Did I guess that right?"
When you don't answer, Harry scoffs.
"Fine, you won't mind if I find out for myself, will you?" He asks, pushing your legs apart. You obey him silently, shaking your head. You refuse to admit defeat, but you're afraid that the second his fingers touch your pussy, it'll be game over.
Harry's fingers slowly trail up your leg, taking his time with his victory. You hold your breath, the pounding of your heart making it feel like it might jump out of your chest, as you stubbornly hold his stare. His fingers wrap around your panties and gently pull them down, the smirk on his face only growing the further the panties are pulled down your legs.
The cool air that hits your cunt nearly makes you shiver, but you resist the urge, and focus on maintaining the last shred of dignity you have by holding up that poker face of yours.
You watch Harry observe your pussy, as if it is the first time he's ever seen it. Despite knowing that he is dragging this out to tease you, you can't help but ball your fists in anticipation of what he's going to do or say. When Harry's eyes flick up to yours again, you let out a hint of a sigh.
"Well, well, look who's turning out to be a liar." He says cockily, tongue running against his cheek. Your face remains stoic, and you refuse to say anything. "What am I going to do with this, hmm?"
He looks at you for a few seconds, a thought running through his mind. Then, he suddenly walks away from you and to his closet. You lean on your elbow to sit up a bit, trying to see what the hell he is doing. When he turns around, he is holding a small box. Your eyes widen when you see the picture on the box.
"Are you open to trying out this toy?" He asks, nearing you again.
"I'm not going to put a vibrating egg inside of me that has already been inside of like seventeen other people." You argue, shaking your head in disagreement. Harry quirk up an eyebrow, the right corner of his mouth tugging up.
"Seventeen is an oddly specific number." He notes, and you roll your eyes. Of course that is what he pays attention to.
"It's the first number that came to mind." You reply, unimpressed by his attempt to seem funny. He laughs softly, putting the box down beside you.
"It's new, I just bought it. It's not even out of the plastic wrapping yet." He tells you as you scan the box. The shiny plastic coat around the box makes you believe he is indeed telling the truth. You think it over for a second, still not entirely sure.
"Why'd you buy it?"
Harry shrugs. "Well, technically I didn't buy it. The website had this deal about getting an extra secret toy, or something. I honestly don't really remember, truth be told I was kind of high when I ordered it."
You sigh, your lips cracking into an unavoidable smile. Of course he orders sex toys while he's high, the bloody idiot.
"Okay, yes. I've always wanted to try it."
Harry looks pleased with your answer, and he is quick to return to business. "Alright then, get further onto the bed and lean your head against the headboard."
Your stomach bubbling with excitement, you crawl towards the headboard and wait until Harry comes walking over with a belt. When he signals for you to give him your wrists, you don't hesitate to do so, biting your lip impatiently as he ties your wrists above your head.
You wait for him to put the batteries in the toy and test it out on his hands—which seems like it takes forever—before he finally saunters back to you. He sits down on the side of the bed, and brings his hand down to your cunt, inspecting it with his own digits.
You gasped out at the sudden contact, not having expected it to be so much and out of practically nowhere. Without a word, he pushes a finger inside of you. You try to catch up with your breathing but it is hard with Harry pumping his finger in and out of you, especially when he decides to add another one.
The frown that paints your face and expresses the emotion that your shut eyes can't portray, have Harry picking up his pace a bit. The squelching sound of your wetness only increases with every time he sticks his fingers inside your hole, but you manage to keep quiet despite the immense pleasure that makes you want to scream out.
It is only when Harry removes his finger that a slight whimper falls from your lips, and Harry feels the immediate results of it: tighter pants. Figuring you are wet enough now, he grabs the toy from his lap and brings it to your pussy.
"'M gonna put it in now, okay?" He announces. You squeak out an 'okay' and watch as Harry lets the toy disappear inside of you, filling you up ever so slightly. He softly restrains your legs from closing, watching in awe at how your chest rises and falls at the hand of your breathing.
"You okay?" He asks when he's put the toy all the way in. Your heavy eyes fight to stay open as you answer him with a soft 'yes'. He nods, looks down at the remote in his hands, and gets up from the bed. Your eyes trace his every movement, heart pounding at the thought of what his next step could possibly be.
He walks over to his dresser, and grabs the panties which you came to retreat in the first place. He turns around and stalks back to you, standing in front of you now on the end of the bed. One hand in his pocket, the other one holding your panties.
"You wanted these, right?" He asks. You nod, and open your mouth to respond, but the feel sudden vibrations cause you to let out nothing but a string of moans.
"I asked you a question." Harry taunts you, walking over to you. "Did you want these?"
The chance at an answer is interrupted once again by the increasing speed of the toy, and you shriek out at the intense feeling of it. Your body squirms, and you feel yourself getting fed up by these stupid games Harry is playing.
"Alright then, let me ask you a different question. Why did you come here? Honest answers this time." He warns, sitting down next to you again. He strokes your shaking leg. You take a deep breath.
"I was on a date." You confess. As soon as the sentence has left your mouth, the rhythm changes. Your hips buck at the sudden switch. Harry, with his jaw clenched, nods at your honest answer.
"Doesn't explain why you're here." He replies nonchalantly. You sigh in frustration.
"I— I needed... I was frustrated, and I thought he could help me, but he couldn't." You say, hoping he's catching onto what you're saying. From the look on Harry's face, it seems that he does.
"So you came to me to relieve that frustration? How sweet..." He concludes arrogantly. You can't put him in his place, though, because that's exactly why you came here.
You don't expect him to add his thumb to your clit for extra stimulation, but he does. You cry out his name along with a few profanities at the increased pleasure, especially now that he's changed the speed to its maximum.
"Hmm, just this once, that's what you said, right?" He taunts, pressing his thumb down a bit harder, leaving you nothing but a whimpering mess under him. You lower your arms unconsciously, but Harry pushes them back.
"Wish you could see yourself, tied up and crying for me like the desperate slut you truly are. Knew you'd come running back, begging for my cock. Knew one time wouldn't be enough for you." The filthy words fall from his lips so easily, as if second nature to him. It sounds so good with the combination of his voice and accent. The degrading words bring you to the edge, and his fingers push you right over it.
"Ah, shit! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" You whimper, eyes shut as your entire body moving along with the aftershocks of your orgasm. While still coming down from your orgasm, you hear the faint sound a belt unbuckling, but you only open your eyes when you feel the bed dip.
You watch in awe as Harry leans over you, and hiss when he takes out the egg. He puts it on the nightstand along with the remote before aligning his hard, bare cock with your wet hole. And just like that, he pushes himself into you.
You wince at the change of size, breathing deeply as he enters himself entirely. It is easy to slide in considering how drenched you are, but you still have to get used to his girth again. Harry sighs at how tight your pussy feels around his cock, uttering out some curse words as he lets you adjust to him. And then, he begins to move.
"Shit, you’re so big… it feels so good." You pant, your eyes fluttering shut. Your senses are entirely focused on the way Harry is building up his pace inside of you and his lingering touch on the rest of your body. He is everywhere; he massages your tits, grazes his fingers over your thigh, and grips at your waist.
"I know baby, just the way you needed, hmm? Worth breaking the one-time rule, isn't it?"
"F-fuck... yes Harry."
"Glad you came to your senses and called me, sweetheart. Not like that guy could've satisfied you the way you needed." He cockily remarks, and it almost feels like the comment is more for himself than to you.
"Maybe he can." You decide to stir the pot. Your core flutters at the low chuckle that leaves Harry's mouth. He pulls himself almost all the way out of you, before he thrusts into you with way more force. You moan loudly at the feeling of him reaching your g-spot.
"No he can't, sweetheart. Otherwise you wouldn't have texted me after your shitty little date, begging to be fucked dumb by me." He says, resuming to deeply thrust into you. You have lost nearly any ability to truly form coherent sentences, only borderline pornographic moans managing to escape you. Your face is curled up, and you clench your fists together.
"Fuck you—" is all you manage to croak out.
"I am fucking you, baby. And you love it so much, I can tell you’re close. Are you gonna do it, baby? You gonna soak the cock of the guy you hate most?" Harry teases you with his words, but his fingers are back on your clit. It doesn't take long after his touch reaches your most sensitive nub before you begin to spasm under him. A long string of high pitched whines accompany to euphoric orgasm that overcomes you.
Instead of slowing down, Harry begins to chase his own orgasm, driven by the way you are clenching around him, and picks up his pace. The sound of your bodies clashing against each other and your panted moans are like music forming a symphony and you can't quite fathom how good the two of you sound together. During sex, that is, not in any other situation.
"You fuck me so good, Harry. I hate it." You confess, still woozy from your orgasm and how deeply Harry is driving into you right now. Not even a few seconds later, Harry's hips still, and he lets out the sexiest groan you have ever heard in your life. He falls over you, catching himself with his hands. He keeps himself and his seed buried inside of you as he tries to steady his breathing and looks at you, curls hanging in front of your face. A smile creeps on both your lips.
"So... can I have my panties back?" You joke, and Harry laughs accordingly. A silence follows soon after, one in which Harry pulls himself out of you, unties your wrists, and carries you to the bathroom to clean you up.
Afterwards, you walk back to the bedroom together, where Harry puts you back on the bed and tells you to wait there while he grabs you some water. You obey, but your eyes fall shut by accident.
When Harry returns, he sees you, lying on your side with your eyes closed, breathing deeply. For a second he thinks about walking you up, but it quickly dawns on him that he doesn't really feel the need to do that. He has tired you out quite a bit, and he's already seen you naked, so what does a few hours of sleeping next to each other really matter?
*The next morning*
It was quite the shock to open your eyes and realize you weren't lying in your own bed. It had come back to you swiftly, the events of last night, and you were quite disturbed with the fact that a smile was the first bodily reaction you had to the memory.
You didn't want any unnecessary drama or awkward conversations, so you decided to sneak out.
Now, on your way home with the bus, that same smile paints your face again, that is until you are interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You immediately pick up when you see Rebecca's name.
"Hey, how are you?" She asks once you've greeted her.
"Good. Better, knowing that I am never ever going to date again." You exaggerate, mainly for fun.
"Don't say that! You'll be fine." She urges, her voice letting her gentleness shine through like it always does. "Anyways, I wanted to ask, where are we having lunch?"
"Uhm, how about that new place across your street?" You suggest, and Rebecca contests in an agreeing hum.
"Sounds good!”
You smile. “Okay, then I’ll meet you there at… twelve?”
“Perfect, and then you can tell me why you didn’t go home last night.” She says, and you can tell she’s holding back her laugh, but your face pales entirely. When you don’t respond, she’s quick to continue. “I saw that the Uber ride ended on some street near campus, so you definitely didn’t spend the night home right?”
You take a deep breath, a thousand possible lies running through your brain as you think of a response.
“I’ll tell you over lunch.” You finally say, and distance your ear from the microphone at the sound of a high pitched squeal coming from the other line. You giggle at your friends’ enthusiasm, but your stomach is heavy with the weight of this blown up lie.
After that night at the party, you thought, that would be that. You’d never hook up with Harry Styles ever again, and the event would be erased from your memory. Although, it didn’t exactly, as you thought about it every night, but you didn’t expect yourself to do this kind of shit. And the worst thing is, it feels too good to stop. You don’t want this to be the last time.
So, you better think of some elaborate lie to tell Rebecca.
Your head shoots back to your phone screen when it lights up and the familiar ping of a text sounds through the bus. You lower your volume and unlock your phone to see who texted you this early in the morning.
You forgot your panties again
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Could I ask for an Edward Cullen x male reader where the reader is Bella’s best friend (who moved right after her)- He ends up becoming infatuated with him instead, and they just have a happy time??
This is Different...
Twilight timmmmeee- time to reach into the archives of my memories and pull random facts from my ass.
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy <3
Requested by: Anon
Edward Cullen x Male!Reader
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Bella had to kept telling herself to wait just one more week, because then (Y/N) would be there and she could vent to him about how weird this town was.
The two had grown up together in Arizona and were practically inseparable. Their parents did that thing where they were convinced Bella and (Y/N) were going to date and get married and all of that, which just isn't happening. But it made his dad easier to convince when they asked if (Y/N) could move to Forks, Washington with Bella.
(Y/N)'s parents had just gotten a divorce and his dad was moving anyways, and he was old enough that he just wanted to stay with his dad (and little sister that would come to visit every once in a while) until he was an adult.
So after Bella left to Forks, (Y/N) and his dad started packing their bags and started their trip.
Bella could not wait to tell him about the school, the weird but oddly charming students, and the standoffish Cullen family.
Finally the week came to an end and Charlie drove Bella to pick them up from the airport.
(Y/N)'s father, James, had planned to buy a car once they got to the new house, but Charlie had so kindly offered to drive them until he did get one.
At the airport Bella ran up to (Y/N) and he caught her in a hug, laughing at her eagerness.
"Looks like somebody missed me!" (Y/N) squeezed out a laugh, Bella cutting off his air supply with the grip of her hug.
"It's been absolute agony without you here, I have so much to tell you- and warn you about."
"Oh damn, that doesn't sound good," (Y/N) replied as Bella helped pick up one of his bags.
"It's crazy out here." She nodded, and the two shared a look that only childhood friends could share.
"Any cute guys?" they had a hushed conversation to the car, Charlie and James too wrapped up talking about fishing to pay attention.
"I'm sure you'd find them cute," Bella scoffed, throwing a teasing smile over her shoulder as she loaded the trunk.
(Y/N) scoffed back, betrayed at her diss.
"I'm sure you went for the stalker-ish one anyways." With a sly smirk he got into the backseat, closing the door on her denials.
(Y/N) had settled in, conveniently living next door to the Swan's house, and drove with Bella in her old truck to school that Monday.
"So, Jessica is into Mike and Angela is with Eric. And Tyler flirts with everybody, but nobody goes out with him?" (Y/N) recapped from the tangent of drama Bella had been giving him.
"Yup, pretty much," Bella confirmed, turning into the school parking lot.
"And all of the Cullen's are super hot- but they're dating each other?" (Y/N) asked, more suspiciously this time.
"Well, they're all adopted, but yes. Except for Edward- but I already told you what happened."
"Yeah the weird smelling thing and the he disappeared just to come back with a different eye color."
"They could just be colored contacts," Bella corrected, still not sure herself.
"Strange... Welp, let's do this," (Y/N) sighed as he got out of the passengers seat of the car.
Bella shrunk into his side, all of the attention on her once again. Last time it was because she was the new girl, but now it's because she had her attractive best friend with her.
"Yo, Bella!" Mike called out, giving (Y/N) a confused glare.
Bella waved back and started walking over, (Y/N) following at her side. Leaning down to whisper in her ear (Y/N) held back a laugh, "You left out the part about Mike's crush on you."
Bella just rolled her eyes as they met up with the group.
"Everybody, (Y/N)- (Y/N), everybody," Bella lazily introduced.
"You just moved here, right?" Angela asked, holding Eric's hand as they lent up against Tyler's van behind them.
"Yes, I did. I grew up with Bella in Arizona and where she goes I go," (Y/N) laughed, nudging Bella in the side jokingly.
That's when he noticed her distracted state. Following her line of sight he realized she was staring at a car full of probably the most attractive people he'd ever seen.
"Who's that?" (Y/N) asked the group, acting clueless to get more information.
"Those are the Cullen's-" Jessica jumped right into the rant about their family.
When she was done she came closer to (Y/N), grabbing hold of his hand as she batted her eyelashes at him. "Let me show you around!"
Shrugging, (Y/N) waved to Bella, who rolled her eyes at Jessica's obvious flirting.
"Where'd you find that guy? He's so hot," Jessica gushed to Bella at lunch. (Y/N) hadn't sat down yet so she'd finally gotten a second to ask.
"We grew up together- he wasn't that hot when we first met, trust me," Bella almost snorted, playing with the food on her tray.
"You guys aren't like..." trailing off she wiggled her eyebrows to imply.
"No- god, no," Bella laughed. "He's like my brother."
"Oh, good. Less competition then," Jessica sighed.
"I don't think you'll be having much luck either, Jessica," Angela pointed out, nodding in (Y/N)'s direction.
He was flirting with some guy in the lunch line, the guys face bright red as he laughed at something (Y/N) had said.
Jessica looked heartbroken but Angela and Bella just laughed about it.
When (Y/N) finally joined them Bella raised an eyebrow at him.
"What?" (Y/N) shrugged indignantly, opening his milk carton.
"Not even a full day in and you're already jumping on them," Bella teased, popping a grape into her mouth.
"Hey, you told me there wasn't any cute guys here, I just wanted to see what he was like," (Y/N) protested. "I didn't even like him that much. Kind of a dick."
Hearing a sudden and loud snort of laughter, (Y/N) and Bella turned around to see the Cullen's lunch table, Edward hiding his face as he looked towards the windows as his siblings glared at (Y/N). Or maybe they just all had RBF- save for the short girl with the pixie-like hair. She smiled at (Y/N) and waved, so he waved back.
"They're so weird," Jessica whispered as she dug into her lunch.
"How much have you actually talked to them?" (Y/N) questioned, taking a bite of his apple.
Jessica didn't answer for a minute, looking kind of embarrassed. Angela rolled her eyes, answering for her. "Once- and it was Edward rejecting her."
(Y/N) snorted and then apologized, "Sorry. It just seems like you're holding a grudge on people you barely know." He then changed the subject, not wanting to make an enemy out of Jessica.
She really seemed like a good friend, he didn't want to go pushing her buttons, that'd be mean.
"Mr. Molina, it's nice to meet you. I'm your new student, (Y/N)."
"Ahh, Mr. (L/N), is it?" (Y/N) nodded. "You can sit in front of Edward Cullen. You're lucky we had an empty seat," he joked, pointing to where he was talking about.
That was when (Y/N) got his good first look at Edward Cullen. His gaze was intense, just like Bella had said, but it was less scary than she described it.
Seemed like a guy worth getting to know.
Walking over to the desk with Bella, (Y/N) held out his hand to Edward. "You're Edward Cullen, right? Mr. Molina told me to sit in front of you, but I've heard stories and wanted to introduce myself." He smiled confidently.
Edward hesitantly took his hand and shook it, (Y/N) not reacting to the hard coldness of his skin.
Or at least he didn't show it- (Y/N) was immediately thrown off but didn't want to put off this attractive guy.
"Like you said, I'm Edward. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." (Y/N) winked and sat in his chair, not looking back at Edward or Bella once.
Bella just rolled her eyes with good nature. She'd seen him do this before, if she'd felt uncomfortable or threatened by someone, (Y/N) would draw the attention to himself. That's what worked about their friendship, he could take the attention that she didn't want.
At the end of class, (Y/N) packed up his things and then helped Bella do the same. He waved to Edward with a "Bye!" and they left.
Out in the parking lot his siblings all waited for him by the car.
"What's up?" Emmett asked, his arm around Rosalie.
Alice squealed, "Oh! It happened, didn't it? I thought it was Bella at first but then I saw him and just knew it would happen!" She jumped up and down and clapped her hands.
"What happened?" Rosalie questioned again, Jasper smirking as he sensed Edward's emotions.
"He fell in love," Alice stage-whispered. She was teasing him, of course, but Edward grumbled all the same.
They all piled into the car but before Edward got in he looked across the lot to see (Y/N) leaning on the truck hood talking to Bella.
He hadn't fallen in love. He couldn't- not with a human.
With Bella it was just an obscene thirst... but this was different.
Sorry to cut this short, I wouldn't be opposed to writing more for this! I just think this is a good ending and leaves an open spot for a potential part 2!
Hope you liked it anon!
-Author Max <3
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mdshh · 9 months
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While Carter was at work, Chloe organized him a surprise party 🥂
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when the party is over, but guests wouldn’t go 😂
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tikosblogg · 1 month
My Brothers Best Friend..
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Summary: Noah is your brother’s best friend, that you happen to have a huge crush on.
Warning: smut….thats all, with some plot tho.
A/N: Bestfriend Noah is my number one trope, but gotta love brothers Bestfriend too😅❤️ this is the hair I imagine Noah with in this.
As people shuffled from one table to the next I sat at our usual spot, at our favorite lunch spot in town, my heart racing as I glimpsed at the love of my life, Noah Sebastian Davis striding over with effortless confidence, his inked arms moving in rhythm with his laughter. His hair falling around his dark eyes, and every time he flashed that charming smile, it left me breathless.
“Hey, Kitty” he called out, his voice teasing, as he ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes, trying to mask the fluttering in my stomach. To everyone else, it might seem like just a nickname. But to me, it felt like a secret between us, a small bond forged in the teasing that had become routine.
“Don’t call me that,” I whined, patting down my hair trying to keep my tone flat, but I could feel the corners of my mouth betraying me, threatening to break into a smile.
“Aw, come on!” Noah leaned against the table, his tattoos on display like a gallery of artistry. “It’s cute.”
“Not cute. Annoying,” I shot back, although I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I didn’t know how to explain to him that every time he called me “Kitty,” my heart raced, my panties dampened and I felt everything shift into a different dimension.
My twin brother Tyler, seated across from me, smirked knowingly. “He’s just messing with you, Katy. You know how he is.”
“Yeah, well tell him to pick on someone his own size!” I snapped, though my tone was lighthearted.
Noah laughed, a rich, deep sound that made the corners of my stomach flutter. “But you’re the funnest target!” He poked a fork into my plate playfully, stealing a piece of my lunch. “And admit it, you love the attention.”
“Ha yeah..,” I muttered, more to myself than to him. The truth was, I loved this attention too much. It was infuriating and intoxicating all at once. I watched as Noah leaned over the table, a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly enjoying our playful banter.
“See?” he said, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. “Admitting it is the first step. Next, we’ll work on accepting it.”
Before I could retort, he waggled his eyebrows in that infuriatingly adorable way of his, and I felt heat bloom in my cheeks again. I couldn’t help it – he was beautiful, all sharp angles and easy laughter, covered in stories told through ink.
Tyler asked for the check, signaling that he’s ready to get the hell out of here, Noah stood up and shared a knowing glance with me. “we’re rehearsing tomorrow at my place, you should come with Ty. I’ll show you some new songs we’ve been working on, I need more opinions.”
My heart did a little jump. I had been to his rehearsals with Tyler before, where the music pulsed through me, and the electric energy of the band’s passion radiating off him. I loved watching him lose himself in the music, his eyes lighting up as he sang.
“Yeah, maybe,” I said noncommittally, though the flutter in my chest made me want to say yes immediately.
Noah looked at me long enough that I felt my heart race again. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“Fine!” I threw my hands up, relenting. “I’ll come, but only if you promise not to call me ‘Kitty’ the entire time.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Not happening, kitty.”
As he walked over to the front counter with Tyler, I couldn’t shake the hopeful feeling blooming inside me. Noah was my brother’s best friend, and there were boundaries I probably shouldn’t cross, yet this connection between us felt electric and alive.
I reclined on my bed, scrolling aimlessly through my phone It was a quiet, typical evening at home for me. The sunlight poured through the half-closed curtains, casting a gentle glow on the pale pink walls of my room. The day had been uneventful, and I found myself daydreaming much more than scrolling through social media posts.
Suddenly, I heard two deep, familiar voices yelling from downstairs, their laughter piercing through the tranquility of my sanctuary. Curiosity turned my laziness into movement; I dropped my phone down to my chest, my heartbeat quickening. What on earth was happening? Before I had the chance to investigate, my bedroom door swung open, swinging nearly off its hinges. I let out a startled shriek.
Standing in the doorway were Tyler and Noah, the two most chaotic forces in my life. Tyler’s expressive face was full of mischief, and Noah—gorgeous, tattooed Noah—grinned widely, the corners of his lips curling up as if he had a secret that only I could unveil.
“Surprise!” They yelled, almost in unison.
In a flash, Noah leaped onto my bed, landing right on top of me. I was engulfed in a storm of laughter and confusion as I was instantly pinned down by Noah’s hands, his fingers darting into my sides, tickling me mercilessly. I squirmed beneath him, half-giggling, half-screaming, my laughter echoing in the confines of my room.
“Tyler, help!” I gasped between bursts of laughter.
But Tyler merely bounced up and down on the edge of my bed, brandishing a pillow like a sword, and began swatting at me with it. “You can’t escape! This is what you get for being moody towards us all day!”
Amidst the chaos, I felt the familiar fluttering in my stomach when Noah’s fingers brushed my skin, an electric warmth that set my cheeks ablaze. There was nothing more maddening than feeling trapped under Noah while knowing the reason behind my blushing cheeks had nothing to do with the tickling. As he caught my gaze, there was a moment—just a moment—where I thought he might be having the same thoughts. But then I was thrown back into the whirlwind of laughter as they finally relented and let me sit upright, gasping for breath.
"Okay, okay! What do you want?” I managed to ask, still catching my breath.
“We’re ordering pizza and picking up some beers to watch the UFC fight tonight, and we obviously need someone to help us make fun of the guys getting punched in the face,” Tyler announced, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
I raised an eyebrow, pretending to contemplate. “Pizza and UFC?”
“Uh-huh,” Tyler chimed in, nudging Noah with his elbow, earning an exaggerated eye roll from him.
“Join us, Kitty,” Noah said, his voice low and inviting, making my heart pitter-patter against my ribcage.
Finally, I nodded, unable to resist their playful enthusiasm. “Alright, I’m in.”
The boys whooped and hollered, and it was as if my protestations didn’t matter at all. They bounded out of my room like the glimmering stars out of my reach, leaving me with the heady blend of embarrassment and giddiness.
Once they departed, I leaned back against my bed, taking a moment to collect my jumbled thoughts. I couldn't remember a time when Noah’s presence didn’t invoke butterflies in my stomach. He was everything I admired—incredibly talented, with his music echoing through our quiet neighborhood from the garage two houses down from our home. Sometimes I’d eavesdrop on their band practicing, losing myself in his raspy yet melodic voice. Those moments felt like brief glimpses into the life I wished I could share more intimately.
The playful bickering between Tyler and Noah brought a smile to my face as I dressed quickly, donning my favorite band tee and a pair of comfy jeans. I didn’t want to look too made-up — I just wanted to be comfortable around them. The anticipation of spending the evening with Noah and my brother filled my head with daydreams of laughter and joy. It also brought the slightest hints of anxiety; what if Noah tried to talk to me while Tyler was distracted? What if I accidentally blurted out how I felt?
“Do you ever stop thinking?” I muttered to myself as I ran a brush through my hair. Perhaps that was my problem—overthinking everything.
I skipped down the stairs, joining the boys just as they returned with a stack of cheese pizzas and a case of beer. Noah looked up and caught my eye, flashing that breathtaking smile that could light up the darkest corners of my worries.
“Look who decided to join us! Katy finally freed herself from her phone.” Tyler teased, shooting me a playful wink.
“Yup, I’m here for the pizza,” I said, smirking.
“Good, because I’m starving!” Noah replied, plopping down on the couch. I settled into the space beside him, my stomach flipping nervously, but my heart raced with a euphoric thrill.
As evening wore on, laughter filled the room, intertwining with the excitement of the fight on the screen. There was a playful dynamic between Tyler and Noah that pulled me into their world, and I loved every second of it — especially being so close to Noah.
It wasn’t until he leaned towards me, sharing popcorn and a honeyed comment about a knockout punch, that I felt my heart race again. His arm brushed against mine, sending shockwaves through me, and I glanced sideways, catching a glimpse of him studying me for a split second. The moment felt suspended in the air, fragile yet electric. A thrill surged through me, whispering that maybe, just maybe, the butterflies I felt weren't one-sided..
My brother was the life of any party, but tonight he was immobilized in the recliner, a sixth beer consuming him like a heavy blanket. I couldn’t suppress the chuckle that escaped my lips as I watched him and the way he was sprawled out, snoring softly, blissfully unaware of the world spinning around him.
The living room was engulfed in darkness, save for the flickering light of the television, the only witness to the silence that enveloped the house. My heart raced as I shifted my gaze to Noah, who was sitting beside me. His tattooed hands rested casually on his thighs, the dim light showcasing the intricate designs that danced along his skin. I often wondered what stories each tattoo told, but my own story was simpler. I watched Noah, admiring the way he simply existed.
Awkwardness washed over me. My fingers fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I glanced over at him, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Should I say something? Do something? With Tyler out for the count, my usual social safety net was gone, leaving me feeling exposed, vulnerable. Maybe the best course of action was to get up and distract myself; I stood up abruptly, shaking off the nerves that crept up on me.
“I’m gonna clean up,” I announced, more to fill the silence than anything else. I walked toward the kitchen, my heartbeat thudding loudly in my ears. I wasn’t afraid of the dark, but with only the glow of the TV behind me, the shadows felt alive, wrapping around me like a second skin. I focused on the trash can, tossing in the empty beer cans and the remnants of our late-night snacks, but my mind wasn’t on that. It was racing somewhere else.
Suddenly, I heard shuffling behind me. Startled, I spun around, half-expecting an intruder. Instead, it was Noah, slipping into the kitchen like a shadow. I huffed out a laugh, hand clutching my chest as I felt the adrenaline course through me.
“You scared me,” I said, mustering a teasing tone, though the truth was my heart raced for entirely different reasons. He gave a small, sheepish smile that sent flutters racing through my stomach.
“Sorry,” he replied quietly, his voice low and soothing. My cheeks heated as he reached up, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. The simple act sent electrifying shivers down my spine, and I nearly forgot how to breathe.
His gaze bore into me, filled with an intensity that made the world around us fade away. He stepped closer, invading my personal space in a way that made my throat dry. I looked up at him, suddenly feeling small and fragile under the weight of his presence.
“What’s wrong, kitty?” His voice dropped to a whisper, and that simple nickname for me danced like a feather against my skin. I found myself frozen in place, staring at him, at those dark eyes that held unsaid promises and secrets. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, the kind I had only ever read about in stories.
“I—uh…” My words stuttered out, falling flat as I felt a rush of heat wash over me. In that moment, I could barely think straight. My heart pounded, thrumming against my ribcage as I stood there, caught in a moment that felt suspended in time.
Noah shifted slightly, the warmth radiating off him pulling me in like a moth to a flame. His fingers danced along my lips, tracing a path that set my nerves ablaze. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he breathed, the words wrapping around me like a warm embrace.
His voice, low and husky, ignited something deep within me, something I had kept hidden beneath layers of shyness and uncertainty. I whimpered, both in surprise and in longing. I wanted to reach out and pull him closer, to bridge the divide that felt both exhilarating and terrifying, but instead, I stood still, swept away by the gravity of the moment.
Then, just as quickly as it had begun, he pulled back, that boyish grin blooming on his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he winked, that familiar spark in his eyes still illuminated by our connection. And with that, he vanished back into the living room, leaving me behind in the dark kitchen, breathless.
When I took a moment to collect myself, I leaned against the cold countertop, my heart still racing. The encounter played over and over in my mind, each detail electrifying me like a surge of caffeine. Noah had chosen to reach out, to bridge the gap between us, and my shyness suddenly felt like a hurdle I was desperate to overcome.
What had just happened? Did he really mean what he said? The thought sent my mind reeling. I could only hope that he did, that behind those tattoos and carefree laughter, he felt the same pull toward me that I had felt toward him.
The soft glow of the setting sun filtering through my curtains cast a warm golden hue across the room. Everything felt surreal—my thoughts tangled like the fairy lights draped around my bedside. I had spent the entire afternoon consumed with worry, anxiety pulsing through me like a restless current. I decided not to go to Noah’s band practice with Tyler today. After what had happened between us last night, I could hardly bear the thought of being around him.
I flung myself onto my bed, a flurry of sheets and pillows engulfing me. The warmth of the memory rushed back: how his deep voice had murmured in my ears, “what’s wrong Kitty?,” and how his gaze had felt like fire, igniting something within me that I had desperately tried to keep contained. All night, I had replayed the fantasy of his lips against mine, imagining the taste of him, the softness contrasted with the rough edges of his skin. I buried my face in my pillow, smothering a small whimper. This was torture.
The clock on my wall read 6 PM. I knew their practice should be over soon, but it felt like a lifetime ago that I decided to skip out. Anxiety coiled in my stomach, squeezing tightly. With no other options in sight, I padded into the bathroom. The shower washed away the weight of my thoughts, leaving only the comforting sound of water cascading around me.
After a thoroughly long soak, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my room, feeling slightly lighter—a moment of respite, perhaps, but short-lived. My heart nearly stopped when I saw him: Noah, sitting on the edge of my bed, clad in his usual black hoodie that hugged his powerful form, the tattoos peeking out like art pieces on a stark canvas on his throat. He had an annoyed look on his face, and I couldn’t help but let out a small shriek of alarm, hand flying to my chest.
“You have to stop scaring me like that!” I huffed, heart racing as I registered his intense scrutiny. He didn’t respond. Instead, his gaze lingered on me, and I felt a flush creep up my cheeks. I awkwardly stood at the edge of the bathroom door, half embarrassed, half entirely captivated.
“Why didn’t you come with Tyler?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling through the space, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.
“I… I was tired,” I managed to stutter, avoiding his gaze. But I felt him watching me, studying me—all of me. There was something almost predatory in the way he was looking at me, like I had become the only thing he could see in the world. I could feel a knot of tension tightening in the air, and it was thick enough to cut with a knife. Noah didn’t seem convinced.
“Really?” His brow raised in disbelief, and he motioned me towards him with his fingers, a simple yet commanding gesture. I walked cautiously, my heart racing and instinct screaming to turn back. As I approached, he grabbed my hips, pulling me to stand between his thighs. There was something intoxicating about the closeness, something electrifying as our bodies aligned and we nearly became face to face.
“I’ll ask you one more time.” he murmured, his hands sliding up under the towel, brushing against the bare skin of my hips. Time seemed to hold its breath.
The reality of the situation hit me, ambushing all my reasoning. “Noah…,” I whispered, but I didn’t know what I was trying to say. He was so close, my skin tingling as I realized how dangerously little space there was between us. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him, to feel the soft warmth of his lips against mine.
“Why didn’t you come?” he repeated, his tone more insistent now, tinged with an awareness of the game we were playing. His hands paused on my hips, the tension coiling tighter, as he searched my eyes for an answer.
I weighed my options. I could tell him the truth—that I was terrified of my feelings, the longing that turned into a burning urge whenever he was near. Or I could gather my courage…and show him.
In a sudden rush of bravery, I leaned forward and pulled him into a heated kiss, our lips crashing together with a passionate urgency that had been building for far too long. It was as if a dam had broken, and the secret yearning that I had held within was finally free.
He responded immediately, his hands tightening around my waist as he deepened the kiss. I melted into him, feeling his warmth envelop me, and my heart raced even faster. It was chaotic and beautiful, every nerve in my body alight with electricity. I could taste the ink and warmth of his skin, both sweet and forbidden.
We pulled apart, breathless and eyes wide. Noah’s dark eyes searched mine, a mix of surprise and desire flickering across his face. He slowly dragged my towel off of me, letting it fall at our feet. I gasped, my cheeks flaring with heat, but he pulled me down onto him, straddling his lap, as he pulled me into another kiss that felt frantic, but also exhilaratingly perfect.
I melted into him, kissing him back with a fervor that surprised even me. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped my lips as he ran his hands down my back, gripping my ass. He ground my core into his hardening length, as he grunted in pleasure.
His lips left mine, trailing gentle kisses down my jaw and to my throat. I moaned his name, gripping his hair in my fingers, the overwhelming sensation washing over me like a tide.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, Kitty,” he murmured against my skin, his breath sending shivers cascading down my spine. “Me too.” I whispered, not believing that this was finally happening.
Before I could think anything else, he twisted us around tossing me onto my back. He pulled off his hoodie, before crawling up the bed between my legs. His big hands gripped the insides of my thighs, pushing them apart as far as they’d go.
“Fuck kitty, your pussy is fucking perfect.” I whined at his vulgar words, silently begging him to touch me. He leaned down, biting the inside of my thigh his cheek lightly brushing my swollen clit. “Fuck Noah please.”
He smiled up at me, settling onto his stomach. “I’ve got you baby.” without another word, his tongue met my clit, as he softly flicked it over and over. I moaned, softly bucking my hips against his face. He pulled back, one of his hands slid up, gripping my hip, as his other softly rubbed down my slit.
He rubbed two of his fingers around my dripping hole, before slowly sliding them deep inside of me. I gasped at the stretch, his long fingers hitting the perfect spot. “Fuck noahhh….please.” I begged, already missing his mouth. He leaned back down, sucking my clit softly.
My fingers flew back into his hair tugging on it hard, as he groaned against me. “You gonna cum for me kitty?” I nodded, crying out as he pumped his fingers harder. “Oh fuck yes yes yes..” I babbled like an idiot, fully riding his face and fingers at this point.
Before I knew my orgasm was flooding my body. I whined his name, as my thighs tensed around him. “Ohhh fuck good girl…..just like that.” He groaned, as he continued fucking me through it. He slowly pulled out of me, before sucking my release off his fingers.
He hovered back over me, kissing me. Our tongues gliding across each other. A loud ringing interrupted us, as we pulled away. Noah pulled his phone from his pocket, as he stayed hovering over me. He answered with a smirk on his face. “What’s up Ty?”
My heart stopped, as I tried pushing Noah off of me, as if Tyler could somehow see us through the phone. Noah smiled before gripping my throat, and pinning me to the bed. I fought to keep my mouth closed, trying not to moan out loud.
“Yeah she’s just drying her hair right now, we’ll be there soon.” His eyes never left mine, as he smiled down at me. I softly whimpered, as his fingers tightened slowing down the blood flow to my brain making it fuzzy. I could feel myself getting wet all over again.
“Yeah she’s fine, just said she’s tired. She definitely looks exhausted.” He chuckled down at me. “Don’t worry she finished, we’re on our way.” He hung up the phone, putting it back in his pocket, releasing my throat, as he placed a gentle kiss to my lips.
“We have to go meet the guys, they wanna go get dinner. They sent me here to get you.” I couldn’t help the slight pout on my lips, from not getting to feel him inside of me fucking my brains out. He stood up laughing down at me. “Go get dressed, we’ll finish this later.”
He left my room, as I sat there dumbfounded. Noah Sebastian….the guy I’ve been in love with for two years….my brother’s best friend…just ate me out…..and said we aren’t finished. I couldn’t help the excitement that filled my body. I can’t fucking wait.
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iveleftitwithyou · 6 months
ruderal pt. 1 | paul lahote x reader
hi everyone! this is my first ever twilight imagine (and the first fanfic i've written in like 5 years) and it's already looking like it will be somewhat of a series. would love to hear your feedback (good or bad) on this, or if you want a second part :)
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word count: 1.1k | based off a random writing prompt generator
you never know who you’ll run into at a funeral - or, in this case, the reception.
the church gymnasium was full of Forks residents, gathered to celebrate the life of Deborah Lewin. she worked as a teacher in the town for 30 years, long enough to teach the kin of some of her first classes of students. so, it wasn’t a surprise that the echoey cinderblock room was nearly full of people. 
you were seated at a table towards the middle of the space, sharing it with some of your friends who you’d had class with back when you had Mrs. Lewin as a teacher. you gazed out upon the sea of figures dressed in black, taking a mental inventory of all of the familiar faces in the room, when you spotted a face you didn’t expect to see entering the door.
“oh my god” you winced, averting your gaze and lowering your head immediately before you had the chance to be spotted.
“what?” your friend Ruby said, slightly panicked at your sudden, albeit quiet, outburst.
“Paul’s here.” you deadpanned, planning your escape as you spoke.
“Paul Lahote?” you hadn’t seen him in years, since he broke up with you over the phone for seemingly no reason on a random wednesday night. 
“what other Paul could it be?” it came out harsher than you intended, but right now, you couldn’t seem to care that much. 
of course, you looked up at the exact wrong time - Paul was looking at you from across the room. he stood in the food line next to Jacob Black, holding a ladle full of potato salad in one hand and a paper plate in the other. 
before you could even really recognize that he was, in fact, staring at you, the two of you made direct eye contact. in the split second before you instinctually looked away, you could have sworn you saw Paul’s face twitch into the same shocked expression that you wore on your face as you watched him walk in the room just a few minutes ago. however, there seemed to be something more behind his eyes, too; you couldn’t tell if it was fear, or pain, or sorrow, but there was something else there.
“do you want to leave?” Ruby’s words snapped you out of your small trance.
“no, i’m not here for me. i’m here for Mrs. Lewin. Paul’s not important enough for me to need to leave.” your words were unconvincing, even to yourself. you’d never truly moved on, never forgiven Paul for what he had done. he couldn’t even explain why - he just kept repeating that it was “for your own good” and “you’d be better off without him.” it stung that he would be willing to throw away nearly a year of time spent together, and to not even dignify you with doing it in person?
“i think i’m going to step outside for a second. it’s really hot in here and this sweater is not helping.” you tugged at the collar of your thick turtleneck. it was normally one of your favorites, but the mixture of anxiety and embarrassment bringing your body temperature up was enough for you to want to rip it off of your body as soon as humanly possible.
Ruby nodded, eyeing you suspiciously but recognizing that asking any questions right now would be entirely unproductive. the redhead turned back to your other friends, starting to tell the story of when Tyler Jackson broke her arm under the slide in kindergarten.
the cold, damp air brought you back to a somewhat normal headspace as you stepped outside. it was times like these, standing under an awning, watching the rain fall on the trees and the parked cars in front of you, that you wished you smoked cigarettes. you bet that it would help calm your nerves even more; to distract you from the feelings that had been stirred up tonight.
but, you had none, so you opted to take deep breaths in and out instead. your eyes closed and you slid down the wall, planting yourself cross-legged on the concrete. after a few minutes of meditative breathing and counting the raindrops that dripped onto the shrubbery in front of you, you heard the old church door creak open.
“y/n?” a small, deep voice asked. you still had not looked up from the shrubs, but you knew that voice anywhere. this time, though, it sounded different. weaker.
“what do you want, Paul?” your tone was laced with annoyance. despite whatever feelings you had remaining for him, he was probably the last person you wanted to talk to right now. 
“can i sit with you?” he asked, taking a small step forward. he waited for your gentle nod before awkwardly parking himself next to you, but not too close. you were grateful for the space that remained, already regretting your split-second decision to allow him to join you.
“now will you tell me what you want? why you’re even bothering to speak to me?”
“i miss you.” he sighed. you could see him rubbing his temples with his impressively large hand, eyes covered and a slight wince on his face as he waited for your reaction.
“you miss me? you fucking miss me? go to hell, Paul. you’re the one who ended things - over the fucking phone, might i add - not me. you have no right to come over here and act like you even deserve to be sitting next to me right now, let alone telling me you miss me.” you were on your feet now, trying and failing to keep your voice down as you watched Paul seem to recoil at your tone. you were still confused why he was acting like this; usually, nothing could crack his tough exterior, but here he was with his knees to his chest pushing himself against the church wall, not even making eye contact with you.
“now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m going back inside. this day is not about you, or me.”
“y/n, wait-“ Paul’s voice was cut off by the closing of the heavy church door. 
you sighed as you walked back to your table, joining your friends once again.
“hey y/n, feeling better?” your friend Jordan asked. you smiled a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes, nodding a little too fast. he didn’t seem to notice - they must not have seen Paul follow you outside. for that, you were grateful, in no mood to discuss whatever just happened.
part 2 here :)
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blackmagicforever · 2 years
stained glass windows in my mind (i regret you all the time) - Summary
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Bella Swan is collectively done with the supernatural.
A whole family of vegetarian vampires? Sure. Her first boyfriend lusting over her blood way too much for the norm? Okay, she can work with that. A hunter chasing her all over the U.S. because said boyfriend pissed him off? Well, it could've gone worse. Boyfriend suddenly breaking up with her after his brother nearly took a bite at her? It hurt. No lie. Hurt like a bitch.
The thing is, Bella knows heartbreak intimately. She knows not to get too hung up on the what if’s. Take a look at the train wreck that was her parent’s marriage.
What made her reach her limit though, was veggie vampire boyfriend playing on her insecurities while breaking up with her.
Who the fuck was he to do that with her feelings?
And she wasn’t even touching the situation going down La Push.
or: in which pre-Twilight Bella makes an appearance and takes over. Because I refuse to think that if pre-Twilight Bella saw herself post-break up, she would’ve been horrified.
(character study-ish)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Bunker Nights
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Tags: Angst, mentions of past physical and emotional abuse, nightmares, panic attacks, eventual fluffy smut, and protective!Dean
Betas: @winecatsandpizza
Word Count: 4,667
Fic Aesthetic: Yours Truly
A/N: This is a repost from my old Tumblr account. I am in the process of transferring all of my fics over to this one. I hope you enjoy :)
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One year.
It had been exactly one year since you ended it with Tyler and you still suffered from the aftershocks of the abuse. Even though your body and mind weren't subject to his fists or harsh words, you still felt worthless. Every day the memories of the torture you went through filled your mind.
The moment you met Sam and Dean in the shitty hole-in-the-wall bar, your personalities clicked. You needed a distraction and somewhere to live, and they needed help in their line of work. So when they offered to let you stay and help them hunt you agreed without hesitation. 
Finally, things seemed to be looking up for you, or so you thought. Two weeks after moving into the Bunker, the nightmares started.
These weren't just any run-of-the-mill bad dreams either. No, in these dreams, Tyler was torturing and trying to kill you. The vividness left you screaming and crying in your sleep almost nightly. The nightmares plagued your mind every time you went to sleep.
Neither of the brothers said anything to you about it, so you tried to pretend everything was fine. It was one of the hardest things you've had to do if you were being honest with yourself. The physical training alone sometimes brought on a panic attack. Even though you knew Sam and Dean weren't trying to harm you, your mind was starting to become your biggest enemy. 
You could tell they wanted to ask you about it, but they also knew that you weren’t one to talk about your past. The only thing you told them was that you and Tyler had a rough breakup. The thought made you laugh. Calling it a rough breakup was putting it very mildly. 
The day before your first hunt went surprisingly well. You went the entire day without any panic attacks or a questioning glance from either of the Winchesters. Even though you couldn’t remember the last time you slept, it didn’t stop you from humming in the kitchen while you cooked everyone dinner. Not to mention, the copious amounts of makeup you used to make yourself look less like a zombie. You made a mental note to get some more of the coverup you hid your dark circles with. 
Sam rounded the corner as you filled everyone’s plates, one of his eyebrows rising quizzically. 
“You’re extra happy tonight, Y/N.” 
You shrugged and continued to hum as Dean joined you both at the table. 
“Yeah, what’s gotten into you? You win the lotto or somethin’?”
You gave them both your signature eyeroll and took a pull of your beer. 
“What? I can’t be in a good mood now?”
Sam cleared his throat and looked over at his brother before staring back at you, concern evident in his eyes. 
“Of course you can, Y/N. Dean and I …  well, we’ve noticed that you’ve been having nightmares.”
Your eyes narrowed to thin slits. If this was their attempt to keep you from going on tomorrow’s hunt, then they had better think again. 
“I’m. Fine."
You enunciated your words, making sure to look at both of them sternly. Sam scoffed and set his drink down.
“I don’t call it fine when you wake up almost every night screaming, Y/N”
All you wanted was one day, one day where you could just forget about the grim night that awaited you.
“They’re just dreams, and I’m going tomorrow no matter what. I’ve been training for this day for months, and a stupid nightmare isn’t going to bench me.”
The hostility in your voice caught them off guard, and you suddenly weren’t hungry anymore. You pushed the contents of your plate around with your fork, the awkward silence becoming more deafening by the second. Dean was the first to break it, his soothing tone of voice practically making you sick to your stomach. You knew they wanted you to stay home, and it pissed you off even more that your brain somewhat agreed with them. 
“Look, Y/N, we just wa-”
You slammed your fists on the table cutting him off mid-sentence. 
“ENOUGH! I’m not here to be your charity case! I came here to hunt, not for you to feel sorry for me!”
Before either of them could say anything you had stormed down the hallway to your room. Slamming the door for good measure, you finally let yourself unleash the angry tears you’d held back. You knew they were only trying to help, but being pitied didn’t sit with you well. You’d grown accustomed to it after being with Tyler for so many years, and it made you feel like everyone was hypersensitive to your feelings. 
Once the tears stopped, you were left exhausted and feeling numb. Falling asleep right after an outburst would definitely bring on a nightmare, so you opted for a long hot shower instead. The moment the water cascaded over your skin you felt the stiffness in your muscles leave your body. You spent extra time massaging your scalp and even used your lavender soothing body wash to help calm your nerves. 
Finally, in your pajamas, you slid beneath your covers and sighed deeply. Couldn’t you just have one day where you didn’t have someone worrying about you? Deciding not to dwell on it any longer, you turned the bedside light off and let yourself fall asleep. 
Fear, raw fear coursed through your body as you ran. You’d just told Tyler you wanted to see other people and he’d tried to force himself on you so you’d stay. He pinned you against the wall, his breath reeked of stale beer as he kissed down your neck. The feeling of his lips made you shiver with disgust. When he reached for the hem of your shirt, you raised your knee hard and fast hitting him right where it counted. 
Tyler yelled in pain as you broke free, running as fast as you could to the door. 
“Ow, FUCK! God Dammit, Y/N! Come back here you fucking bitch!”
Cold air hit your face as you ran barefoot into the woods behind your home. Branches hit your exposed skin leaving little cuts in their wake. You could hear Tyler shouting after you as you found refuge behind a big tree trunk. Your chest heaved and you shivered as you tried to stay still and quiet. 
Tyler’s footfalls and yelling became louder by the second, and you were sure he could hear the thundering of your heart. Just as you thought you were in the clear, strong arms boxed you in, the bark of the tree cut into your back as Tyler stared menacingly down at you. 
“There you are… you pathetic little slut. You shouldn’t have done this, Y/N. You should have just come home like the good little bitch you are and kept that pretty, little mouth shut.”
His fingers grazed your cheek briefly before his mouth was on your own, the taste of his tongue made you almost vomit. 
“Now, we could have done it back at the house, but seeing as how you made a scene, I think I’ll just take you right here.”
You tried to push, shove, kick, anything to get him off you, but it was of no use. He began to forcefully rid you of your clothes, and all you could do was scream. Scream for anyone to help you.
“Stop! Please, Tyler!”
Sobs racked your body as he pawed roughly at your skin. You could feel him now, shaking you, calling your name.
“No! Just leave me alone!”
You bolted upright in your bed, a cool sheen of sweat covered your skin and the sheets. Dean knelt in front of you, concern etched in his features. 
“Y/N! It’s okay! It’s me… it’s Dean.”
You blinked a few times before covering your face with your hands, tears of relief streaming down your cheeks. 
“D-Dean… I’m… I’m s-sorry for waking you up. I… It was just another d-dream.”
You tried to sound confident between your sobs, but you knew he wouldn’t buy it. Hell, even you knew how pathetic you sounded. Ever so slowly Dean sat on the foot of your bed, his hand coming to rest gently on your knee. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew he was looking at you with worry in his eyes. 
“C’mon now, Y/N. Don’t bullshit me. You and I both know that this is past the point of being 'just dreams'. I want to help you, but you’re going to have to work with me here.”
Using the back of your hands to wipe the loose tears away, you finally got the courage to look at him. His eyes were soft, kind even. The lopsided smile he gave you was the moment you finally let your walls down. Dean was here to help you, not judge you. 
“O-Okay… so umm… what do we do now? How do I stop dreaming of these… these horrible things?”
Dean started to move his thumb across your kneecap. In any other situation you’d be in a fit of laughter, but at a time like this, it was soothing. 
“Do you trust me?”
Those four words made you swallow thickly. Trust wasn’t something you took lightly, and Dean knew that. Sam understood this too, but Dean was different. He could count on one hand the people he had full trust in.
“Yes, of course, I trust you, Dean. Believe me, I want these nightmares to stop just as much as you do if not more.”
He stood and held his hand out to you. Your eyebrows knit in confusion, but you took it anyway and let him lead you to his room. The Bunker was eerily quiet at night, but you knew you were safe. You stood at the threshold, watching him as he padded across the floor to his bed. Your cheeks flushed as he rid himself of his t-shirt, leaving him only in his low-hanging grey sweats. You never let yourself think about Sam or Dean this way before, but you weren’t a prude. Every woman who came in contact with them knew how attractive they were. 
Dean cleared his throat bringing you back to reality.
“You comin’ sweetheart? I don’t bite...much.”
He winked, and you knew he was trying to lighten the mood, but who were you kidding? You couldn’t share a bed with Dean. That would make things weird, and that’s the last thing you wanted to do. Nightmares or not, you weren’t going to jeopardize your friendship. 
“Dean...I-I don’t think I can do this… I’m pretty worn out from crying so let’s just say we forget about this night and I’ll go back to my own bed… I’m sorry for being a burden. I’ll just.. I’m gonna go…”
You turned to leave, but not before Dean caught your arm. 
“Whoa whoa slow down, Y/N. What’s wrong? Is it because I took my shirt off? ‘Cause I can put it back on. I’m just used to sleeping without it on is all.”
You sighed and shook your head. 
“No, it-It’s not that. I just… I don’t want this to ruin our friendship ya know? I don’t want things to get weird or anything.”
Dean shook his head and chuckled. 
“So, don’t let it get weird.”
His look went back to firm before he continued. 
“Y/N, be honest with me. How long has it been since you slept, and I mean really slept?”
Your eyes went to your feet, your toe rubbing across a rough spot on the old floor. 
“I umm… I haven’t slept in four days…”
A flash of concern laced his features as he pulled you back into his room. 
“C’mon, sweetheart.”
He pulled back his covers and got under them before patting the other side of the mattress invitingly. 
“Come here, Y/N. You need sleep just as much as I do. I promise I won’t try anything with you. I mean, I’m a cuddler so, I might do that, but nothing else, I swear.”
You lowered your head in defeat and crossed the room before climbing into bed next to him. He carefully wrapped his arm around your waist, feeling you tense a little, before relaxing. Neither of you talked, but there really wasn’t any need to. You already felt more at ease in Dean’s arms. The smell of his shampoo and pheromones calmed you. Mere minutes later, his breathing evened out, and his light snoring filled your ears. Moments later, you were asleep. 
It became a routine that none of you spoke about. Every night, you would get ready for bed in your room and slip into Dean’s, silently climbing into bed beside him. True to his word, he was a cuddler but instead of the apprehension you’d expected at his touch, you only felt warmth and safety.
He was never inappropriate either. His hands stayed firmly in the safe zones, holding you around your middle if you decided that spooning was the position for you; his lower half was always carefully angled away when you woke up. If you slept curled into his side, he kept his hand on your shoulder or waist, never anywhere else.
The nightmares weren’t dispelled so easily. But being with Dean, they were normally stopped before they were over - he was a naturally light sleeper and the slightest twitch in your slumber had him waking you with gentle reassuring murmurs.
It was three weeks before your first night with no memories assaulting you. You woke with your face against Dean’s bare chest - you’d fallen asleep there the night before. His skin was warm under your cheek and you sighed, closing your eyes and allowing the haze of sleep to keep you still for a little longer.
“You slept well,” he muttered without opening his eyes and you smiled.
“No nightmares,” you whispered.
“Good.” Dean yawned, stretching his arms up. “I think I slept pretty well too.”
The covers slipped down with his movement and you couldn’t help it; your eyes went south to the straining erection that was fighting against the elastic of his pajama pants.
His hand wasn’t fast enough to snatch the covers back up and when you raised your head to look at him, his face was beet red.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, “s’morning and everything… y’know.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, patting his chest.
“It’s not,” Dean grunted, clutching the covers over his lap, “you didn’t want this to get weird.”
“You having a…” you swallowed, unsure how to phrase it, “an erection, isn’t weird. It’s perfectly natural.” With a shrug, you slid your eyes away from his, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I’d say it’s a compliment.”
He blinked, processing what you’d said before his mouth set in a thin smile. “Can’t help what happens when I sleep next to a beautiful woman.”
You were sure your face was about to burst into flames and you giggled. “Now you’re making it weird.”
Dean smirked - not one of those sarcastic expressions, more playful, devilish. The way you expected he’d look at a woman he wanted to -
“Besides,” you added hurriedly, shifting a little way away from him, “I’m not your type.”
“Who says?” he challenged and you pulled back, frowning.
Dean moved, pushing himself up with his arm. “You say you don’t wanna ruin our friendship but I can’t keep spending the night with you warm next to me and pretending I’m not craving you in every way possible.”
His declaration left you speechless - what were you supposed to even say to that?
Thank you?
Dean chuckled, leaning in a little closer. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered and you were struck by the thought that no man should ever look that pretty when asking that question. With scruffy bed hair and sleep lines on his face, Dean managed to look like he’d fallen out of a GQ photoshoot.
Your reply, when you finally forced it out, was barely a squeak.
His lips were soft when they pressed against yours but you couldn’t relax. Your entire body was stiff with trepidation; you felt hot and cold all at once and it took only seconds for Dean to notice your tense posture.
Breaking away, he cupped your cheek, dragging his thumb down to rest on your chin, making your eyes meet his.
“Talk to me,” he urged softly.
The temptation to shut off, to not tell him anything, warred with the need to spill your illogical shame for what had happened. You knew Dean would never blame you but seeing the pity in his eyes would be unbearable.
But he deserved to know what he’d been protecting you from. At least, in part.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve,” you took a shuddering breath, dropping your chin away from his hand, “since I’ve been with anyone. And the last time wasn’t…” Your eyes closed and you tried to forget the rough touch on your skin.
Dean’s hand moved, resting on your hip and the warmth of his touch seeped into you, forcing you to look at him again, letting his gentle touch replace the horror from before.
“You know I wouldn’t hurt you,” he coaxed, smiling softly. “I could never hurt you.”
What you feared most was nowhere to be found in his face. His sincere green gaze focused on you, filled with nothing but lust and affection.
You moved closer, startling him with a chaste kiss, your little moan swept away by his hum of appreciation and when he tugged you closer, you moved with him easily, losing yourself in the warmth of his skin.
Dean didn’t push, letting you set the pace and you were content with kissing, feeling his hands roam your body. You licked into his mouth, breaking only for air; you weren’t paying much attention to the way you pinned him back onto the bed, straddling his lap so you could kiss him and run your hands over his solid chest and stomach.
He laughed, arching when your fingers caught a ticklish spot, which only prompted you to do it again.
“Quit it,” he chuckled, grabbing at your hands but keeping his touch light.
Dragging your right hand to his lips, you sucked in a breath as he kissed each fingertip, his eyes locked on yours the entire time.
He continued down over the palm of your hand, tracing the throb of your heartbeat to your wrist. By the time his soft lips reached the inside of your elbow, you were practically mush - before he could continue, you used your free hand to cup his face.
“Later,” you promised.
Dean’s eyes sparkled as you rolled your hips, reminding him of the erection straining at his pants. “Fuck,” he groaned, letting his head fall back, “don’t do that.”
The tone of your voice had him narrowing his eyes at you. “Because if you do, I might not be able to help myself.”
“What if I don’t want you to?”
Dean pushed himself up onto one hand, abruptly enough that you squeaked and giggled, smiling when he used the other hand to cup the back of your neck and draw you in for a deep kiss.
“Do you want me as much as I want you, princess?”
You nodded, feeling the heat in your cheeks rise, his nose squished against yours.
“You know you can tell me to stop at any time, right?”
“I know,” you whispered, initiating another kiss, dragging your tongue over his.
Shifting his weight so his back was straight, Dean’s hands landed on your hips, grinding you down harder against his cock. His fingers trailed up underneath the thin tank top you’d worn to bed; he groaned when his thumbs brushed the underside of your bare breasts.
You lifted your arms, letting him pull the top up over your head, giving him full access to your breasts and Dean leaned in, brushing his nose across the top of one.
“You’ve got no idea how beautiful you are,” he murmured and you smiled, folding your hands around the back of his head as he started to worship your tits with his tongue.
His cock was twitching against your core and Dean grunted, pushing one hand underneath the covers to shove his pants down.
“Sorry, it’s getting a little uncomfortable down there,” he joked, resuming his attention to your nipples and you gasped when his teeth grazed one solid peak teasingly.
The sudden desire to feel his skin on yours was a full-body craving; you shifted and pushed at your shorts, managing to drag them down without dislodging him.
The sound Dean made when you were finally perched nude in his lap was only amplified when you pushed him back, using your feet to shove the covers down. His cock was warm and throbbing against your bare slit and you whimpered, grinding against him and he broke away from your breast, groaning loudly.
“Fuck, Y/N -”
“Sssh,” you ordered, sliding down his body until you were straddling his thighs, wrapping one hand around his shaft before you could stop and think about it.
Dean’s chin tilted up and the veins on his neck popped with the strained angle of his neck, a low moan accompanying the bob of his Adam’s apple when you licked the tip of his cock.
He kept his hands at his sides, clenching them in the sheets, giving you all the room you needed. It wasn’t something you had an entirety of experience in but Dean seemed happy enough to let you explore, finding the sensitive spots at the base of his length. When you cupped his balls with your other hand and fondled them gently, Dean emitted a noise of pure lust and warmth swelled in your core in response.
Stroking him slowly, you watched a bead of precum seeping from his slit; the urge to taste it was more than you could ignore. The salty tang was worth the way Dean’s entire body twitched and he looked down at you, tucking his chin into his chest.
“You know there are limits to torture, right?” he muttered, raising an eyebrow and you giggled, continuing to stroke him as he moaned under his breath. “Jeez, Y/N, you’re gonna… fuck…”
“You’ve got a dirty mouth,” you chided, your gaze fixed on the way his cock fit in your hand. Your fingers didn’t quite touch either side, not until you reached the slightly flared head and you suddenly wanted to know what it felt like to have him buried inside you.
The thought was enough to provoke a sudden rush of wetness between your thighs and Dean groaned as you rutted against him, barely acknowledging your own movement. 
A tiny voice in the back of your head stilled your movements, doubt settling in the pit of your belly. Shouldn’t you be frightened of this? After… after him, there hadn’t been anyone and this felt like something that should be shaking you to the core.
But all you could feel was pure adrenaline and desire pumping through your veins; everything was focused on the way Dean felt underneath you, the warm weight of his cock as you stroked him, and the sounds of pleasure he was making.
“Dean,” you whispered, meeting his eyes, “I wanna fuck you.”
He muttered a curse, biting his bottom lip when you released his cock and crawled further up his body. There was no objection - Dean continued to let you set the pace. You lifted yourself, slipping two fingers between your thighs, sinking them into your body.
“Y/N…” Dean muttered, covering your hand with his own, “let me.”
You nodded, letting him take over, whining when he pushed a single digit into you. Just one of his fingers felt bigger than your two, more calloused and filling. He pumped them a few times, smirking when you closed your eyes and tilted your head back, enjoying his slow touch.
All too soon, you grew impatient for more but before Dean could add a second finger, you tugged on his wrist. “Want you,” you pouted, leaning over to kiss away any protest he could make. Lifting your hips, you pinned his hands beside his head, smiling against his lips. “Stay.”
Dean obeyed, groaning when you slipped one hand down to grasp him again, lining his tip up with your soaked entrance. Lowering down onto him, you whined, lifting again when your body struggled to accept the intrusion. With a few more thrusts, you had him halfway inside and his body was shaking with the effort of holding back.
Lifting up once more, you pushed down, taking him to the hilt. The shock of being so full made you yelp and Dean’s hands were on your hips, holding you steady so you could adjust.
“Gah,” you moaned, resting against his chest, “you’re… fuck.”
“Now who has a dirty mouth?” Dean teased and you pulled back, smiling. “Want me to put my hands back?”
You nodded, waiting for him to return his hands to the pillow before sliding your fingers up to lace them with his.
When you started to move, rocking gently on him, Dean closed his eyes, a low rumble in his chest letting you know that it felt good. The way he reacted made you a little bolder and you lifted yourself, letting him withdraw a few inches before taking him to the hilt again. 
“What?” you asked, worried you’d done something wrong with the way he moaned your name.
His cheeks were a little red when he answered. “I’m close and you haven’t -”
“Oh,” you blinked, ceasing your movements, unsure what to do, “do you want me to stop?”
“God, no,” Dean chuckled. “I just wanna make sure you cum too.” The way he said it, his low throaty voice almost catching on the words, made you shudder and clench around him. “Sit up straight,” he instructed - you obeyed, a little puzzled until you felt how much deeper it let him be.
You moaned, circling your hips as Dean’s jaw clenched. Your lips parted in a little “o” when he responded with a slight thrust, one hand untangling from yours to hover over your mound, his thumb settling just above where his cock was inside you.
“That okay?” he asked and you nodded, squirming needily. Intense pleasure was on the edge of your senses, teasing you with the promise of climax but you craved more. Dean’s thumb traced your clit and a spark made your hips jerk. “That’s it,” he coaxed, “keep moving for me, baby.”
Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you started to rock, much like how you had started. The throbbing inside you increased with each glide of his thumb over the sensitive bundle of nerves. Electricity ran through your veins prompting your head to fall back as you whimpered into orgasm.
“Cum for me, Y/N,” Dean murmured his other hand on your hip now, guiding your rocking motion when you fell over the edge.
It was calmer than any orgasm you’d ever experience but possibly one of the best. Dean’s climax followed yours within seconds and he stopped touching you, letting you fall forward onto his chest, panting heavily.
Although you’d barely moved, you were sweating, exhausted and more sated than you’d ever felt. An overwhelming sense of calm swept through you; even though your legs were shaking with the effort of simply existing, you felt peaceful.
Eventually, Dean had to move, helping you clean up before he slipped back into bed with you. Neither of you spoke as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and drew you back against his chest, letting you curl into his side.
“Get some more sleep,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
You nodded, closing your eyes without a reply and letting the last ebbing waves of bliss carry you off.
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hwadam-stories · 7 months
(black!fem!) mea harper!reader x ceo boss!dhan tae-oh
ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
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I do not consent to my work being reposted, — stolen or translated anywhere else.
⊹ CW: long post, emotional cheating, unrequited love, depression, fluff, drama, etc.
⊹ SYNOPSIS: Celebrating his niece's birthday at a restaurant, Dhan recognizes you from across the room as his past lover from five hundred years ago and is determined to stop at nothing to be with you again.
⊹ A/N: this is my first serious fanfic, feedback on this pilot (comments, messages & reblogs only!) will help me consider continuing it with motivation. Canon divergent / somewhat canon compliant to the MEA CULPA (2024) film by Tyler Perry with some crossover aspects thrown in. I hope you enjoy!
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⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Does Your Majesty wish to meet again in our next lives?" You asked, wrapping your arms around him.
"Of course, were you considering abandoning me?" Dhan replied, chuckling.
"Okay then, when the time comes, I'll be your master once more." You promised. "Your love. Your pain. Even your very last breath, please give them all to me."
"They are all yours, y/n."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
There was a time when those words meant everything to him.
A time when finding you meant everything to him.
But after his fifth life, Dhan had given up on his search and the phantom pains have haunted him ever since.
It was a pain that wasn't his, a pain that never faltered in reminding him of his failure despite the many times you two were reincarnated throughout the last five hundred years.
Your souls were connected after all and even though this pain has brought him a great deal of misery, part of him hoped you weren't feeling anything.
Presumably, because he was always reincarnated as a man, he assumed you would be reincarnated as a woman but other than that, he never really had any concrete way of finding you. It was safe to assume that since his ethnicity changed, yours did too.
Not that he particularly cared what race you were now, all that mattered was that he was reunited with you. But that promise has become nothing but a fleeting dream. A delusion Dhan couldn't completely let go of because this pain meant that you were alive, somewhere out there. Hopefully looking for him too.
In every lifetime after the first one, he always accumulated a great deal of wealth somewhere in his mid to late twenties under the name of Dan.
In this era, he was Dhan Tae-Oh, the boss of a CEO corporation in Korea and came from a long line of gangsters that reinforced the values of family and business to a rather high degree.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Tonight, he was celebrating his niece's 9th birthday and his sister-in-law's most recent promotion in the fashion industry.
His younger brother, Charles Kang, arranged everything at the finest Italian restaurant in all of Chicago, Illinois, called up Dhan three days before and here they all were.
"You know, we got lucky tonight." Charles set aside his fork and knife for a sip of wine.
"I initially planned to invite more people for Abby's dinner party but a larger group had already reserved a bigger table and I snagged us the only one they had left."
Now that Dhan gave it a second thought, Piccolo Sogno was unusually packed tonight and much busier than he had initially anticipated.
Even looking over his shoulder he could still see the glimpse of the same crowd he passed through, still waiting in line outside.
His assistant, Seon-woo, mentioned something about a on the rise celebrity artist being one of its more known customers over the last couple of years. No one Dhan had really heard of or cared to for that matter.
"Their celebrating their mum's birthday, I heard." Susan remarked, her posh accent gleaming through. She looked past her husband and over her shoulder, seeing the large the table behind them.
There were about five people and that one particular redheaded woman must've been the birthday mom. "Surely Abby won't mind sharing her special day when two cakes come out." Susan teased.
"You got me a cake?!" Abby gasped, beaming with a smile. "Is it a big one?"
"You can only have two slices, young lady." Susan tenderly pinched her daughter's cheek. "The last thing we need is you bouncin' off the walls at 2 o'clock in the mornin' on a school night."
Abby pouted and brought those puppy eyes straight to her uncle.
Dhan stifled a laugh, hiding that cheeky smile behind a half closed fist. "I'm sorry Abby, not even that can convince me to break your parents rules but I'll make it up to you when dessert arrives, I promise."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Dessert was served in the form of a double stacked white and pink frosted cake decorated with strawberries and red icing for the words "Happy 9th birthday, Abigail!"
Candles were blown and nine year old Abigail Kang became tonight's birthday girl that the staff (and some nearby tables) sang to. Pictures were taken and there were smiles all around.
The gift that Dhan purchased was a reasonably expensive one but not something he would ever think to showboat about. He simply had some connections here and there and thought to put them to good use for the short time he was going to be in Chicago.
"All fourteen of Taylor Swift's albums!?" Abby squealed, wrapping her arms around her Uncle Dhan and squeezing him tight. "I love it! I love it! I love it!"
Dhan laughed nervously, patting her head and squeezing her shoulder tenderly. "Your arms squishing my insides make that explicitly clear."
Everything was going great. Dhan was feeling great.
That is, until things weren't great anymore.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Dhan suddenly gripped the edge of the table to stop himself from keeling over on the floor of the restaurant.
His chest became uncomfortably tight and his head began throbbed with a splitting sensation.
The phantom pain had returned.
For the sake not wanting to make a scene or ruin what was already a perfect night, Dhan got his breathing under control, keeping some stoicism to his face to not alarm anyone.
The tightness in his chest seemed to lessen but the throbbing in his head wasn't going anywhere.
"Pumpkin, why don't me and you freshen up in the girls' room and leave the boys here, yeah?" As if on cue, Susan took her daughter by the hand and headed straight for the bathroom.
"Dhan." Charles sighed, addressing him in a somber tone of their birth language. Entirely oblivious to what his brother suffering with. "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I'm really glad you could make it tonight."
He listened to his brother -- or at least tried to.
The words were being drowned out by a sudden ringing in his ears, leaving him momentarily stunned that it almost felt like the world around him was going to spin.
But he wasn't feeling nauseous from the alcohol or a sudden fever. It felt more like ... resentment.
It put a bitter taste in his mouth and made him clench his fist at the end of the table until his knuckles went white.
His brother hadn't done anything wrong and yet Dhan was being swallowed whole by the sensation, not knowing where to place it.
It's just ... if his brother wasn't the problem, then who?
"Oh look! Her Majesty, The Queen has finally arrived." A woman's voice cackled in the air.
She was an older looking caucasian woman with red curly hair and wine red lipstick, belonging to the group that booked a table for a total of nine and judging by what the already opened and nearly empty wine bottle, she must've had a bit too much to drink.
That's when he saw you approach the table.
It was you. It was really you.
His soulmate.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Don't worry son, your second wife will be on time." Azalia, your mother-in-law cackled, caressing the cheek of Kal, your husband.
His awkward shuffle of a smile made it crystal clear that whatever came out of her mouth tonight, he wasn't going to come to your defense anytime soon.
What can you expect from a man that holds his disrespectful mother over your marriage of three years?
What's worse is that Azalia had the nerve to invite the one woman she favored more.
Your husband's childhood friend, Jenna.
The same childhood friend that had become the topic of your marriage counseling session that your husband Kal had ditched midway through for this dinner party.
A session that you had to finish by yourself, making you the one who arrived late.
Jenna was a tall, light skinned woman with dark curly hair and a bright red dress with a V neck to show off a window of cleavage and a shortened skirt to show off her toned and slender legs.
And to add salt to fucking wound -- Azalia made sure Jenna sat next to your husband while you sat at the end of the table with your only friend and sister-in-law, Charlise.
"I'm sure you won't mind, y/n. You and Charlise probably wanna talk anyway."'
You looked at Kal, searching his gaze for something, any sign of him speaking up to his mother but to your utter disappointment he just let it happen.
You can only push down the intense feeling of resentment and agitation with a passive aggressive smile, taking your seat at the far end with Charlise.
This was going to be a long dinner to get through.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Apart from a brief exchange of words from your brother-in-law, Ray Hawthorne, and the couple sitting across from you, Charlise was the only saving grace at this table and frankly the only reason you kept it together as long as you did.
As much as you wanted to tear off that terrible red wig and burn it, you tuned out your mother-in-law whenever she made any more chide remarks about you.
Not much of a point in ignoring your husband, he was too focused on Jenna and giving Azalia one of the most expensive birthday gifts you had ever seen.
A silver and gold watch that you knew your unemployed husband didn't have the money for.
"Happy birthday mom, from me and y/n."
You scoffed in utter disbelief and stood up from your seat, grabbing your purse. "If you'll excuse me, I think I need some fresh air."
"Oh, well you take your time. We're doing fine here." Azalia insisted, smiling from ear to ear.
Kal was on the verge of getting out of his seat, expressing concern. "I can come with you babe--"
"No." You snapped coldly, barely sparing him a glance as you waved him off dismissively. "I'll be fine on my own, thank you."
Kal frowned, lowering himself back down with a defeated expression. "A-Alright, just don't stay out there too long."
You sighed into the night air, hands pressed against the metal railing while the people behind you carried on with their evening under the lit up patio roof. Glasses clanking, people laughing, wine pouring and plates clinking.
All of it was just background noise to drown out one particular thought that you couldn't run away from.
Maybe it's time to put this relationship on permanent leave.
It's not a pleasant thought. It never was. You and Kal had known each other for eight years and had been married for the last three of them. You've had your ups and downs like any other couple and got through it but this? This was too much. His mother was too much.
But that's probably what SHE wants. The sooner you're gone. The happier she'll be.
You only stuck it out this long because you genuinely loved Kal and Charlise was the anchor keeping you grounded.
As one of Chicago's most successful defense attorney's alongside your brother-in-law, you had everything and yet nothing at all with how your marriage was starting to fall apart, on top of shouldering the numerous bills since Kal lost his job as an anesthesiologist.
God, where did it all go wrong?
"Having a rough night?"
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the deep and smooth voice of a man walking up beside you. The cool night's breeze washing over you both.
He was a tall and handsome man of Korean decent. The darkness of his long hair making the crimson color of his eyes seem as though he were some beast straight out of a fairytale.
Alluring eyes that stared into you with a hint of sincerity and invitation.
You can barely hold in a chuckle, crossing one arm over the other to let your wedding ring glint in the moonlight. "That would be the understatement of tonight."
He sees this and can't hide the smirk on his face. "I don't blame you. In-laws can be infuriating like that sometimes. Especially mother-in-law's."
The restaurant wasn't exactly that big in terms of table arrangements so it makes sense one's antics would be overheard when they're standing around the biggest table in the room.
You chuckle again. The tightness in your chest starting to lighten but your smart enough to keep up you guard to shut down any potential flirting, even the harmless kind. "Can you expect anyone to act cordial on their birthday? I've been here all night without a single drink of my own and tolerating her has been exhausting."
You certainly weren't the type to open up like this to a stranger of all people but it felt good. Yes, you had your friend, Charlise, but there was something different about this man. Something oddly familiar.
"Because she's acting like a cunt towards you and only you and you feel that if you didn't step out when you did you would've tore her a new one right infront of her favorite son and the entire restaurant?" He guessed your exact feelings with a cheeky smile.
You exhale a baffled laugh.
It's like he knew exactly what you were feeling.
"Oh, so you're a mind reader now?"
He raises his right hand, jokingly. "Guilty as charged, your honor."
The both of you laugh.
Dhan smiled, staring longingly into your eyes. "A pleasure to meet you, y/n."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Eventually, you were back inside the restaurant. Sitting comfortably beside Charlise and ignoring another passive aggressive comment from Azalia.
You had been gone for a solid eight, maybe ten minutes tops.
The dinner eventually ended and everyone was putting aside their plates and gathering up their coats and belongings while Ray generously secured the bill.
That's when the waiter approached with an expensive looking bottle of wine.
Ray dismissively waved his hand. "No need to send over anymore wine, sir. You can take that back, the dinner party is over."
The waiter shook his head. "I'm sorry sir this isn't for the table. I'm looking for a y/n, is there a y/n here?"
You raise your hand slightly to get the waiter's attention. "I'm y/n."
The waiter smiled at you, presenting the bottle. "Piccolo Sogno would like to formally gift you our most exclusive wine to enjoy right at home. On behalf of a generous courtesy from Mr. Tae-Oh, ma'am who wishes you a fine night. Thank you for you dining with us."
A bit stunned, you still accepted the bottle. That name alone already clued you in to who this was from.
Unaware of your husband's jealous gaze, you can't hide the smile on your lips as you read the note on the bottle.
A drink to wash away all your frustrations - Dhan.
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