#tyler james williams fanfiction
chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Y’all got Tyler James Williams fanfiction??
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13 notes · View notes
jazziejax · 3 months
𝐀𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲
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Pairings- Black!OC x Abbott Elementary Cast, later Black!OC x Manny (Can be read as x Reader though!)
Summary- Pilot Episode Experience with Naoya Lovel
Warnings- Swearing, kids, mixed race reader( those aren’t warnings really, just what to expect)
Jazzie’sNotes!- let me know what you guys think!! I’ve been really obsessed with Abbott Elementary recently and I’m contemplating if I want to write S1&S2 just to get to the Manny season. I want to get there fast but I know what won’t be possible with two seasons worth of writing. Let me know what you guys think I should do.
Word Count- 6,358
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“Okay, so you wouldn't put the number on the bottom because that's what?” The older woman asked, drawing out her words as she stood in front of her fourth-grade class, pointing at the whiteboard behind her with her yardstick.
“The denominator.” The class answered.
“Correct, and what do we call the one on top?”
“The numerator.”
“Yes! You guys are killing this lesson.” She smiled as she placed her hands on her hips. She caught the camera crew in the corner of her eyes and then turned to them. “Or should I say I’m killing this lesson?” She smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she posed. It was silent for a moment as they all watched her just smile.
“Wouldn’t you agree?” She’s asked, looking at one of the guys behind the camera. He nodded, moving the camera along with him, causing her to smile and adjust her glasses. “Why, thank you.”
“Hello! My name is Naoya Lovel. Pronounced Now-Ya, it’s Japanese because I’m half Japanese. Don’t ask why I’m half Japanese in Philly, it’s a long story.” She sighed as she shook her head.
“Well, actually, let me tell you the story because it’s actually kind of crazy.” She chuckled, starting to explain, but it then cut to another clip of her in the class.
“Ms.Lovel, we ran out of paper towels.” A student said, standing in front of her desk with paint on the palms of his hands. Noaya looked up, at him, a slight frown on her face. “Ohh, okay, well I have some in my desk.” She started, pulling open her desk drawer. The camera angled down to catch the empty towel box staring back at her. She smirked up at them awkwardly and shrugged her shoulders. “What, I have a constant runny nose.”
“As a teacher, you teach kids how to solve problems while solving your own. In your personal life and at school. And in this school, there are a lot.”
“Ms.Lovel, I need paper towels too.” Another student said, showing her blue and pink palms to her teacher. Noaya then stood from her seat, looking around her room. “Okay, okay class. Give me one sec.” She said, nervously looking around her room to solve her paper towel problem. She the. Saw a stray beach towel near the window on her small bookshelf. “Oh! Here we are, guys.” She said, rushing over to the towel and snatching it up.
“This could be a lesson too.” She smiled excitedly and grabbed a pair of large scissors from her desk. “I probably shouldn’t have these just sitting out.” She mumbled to herself, giving the camera a sideways glance. “So class, this is going to be a hands-on moment. If there are almost thirty of you, how many pieces would I need to cut this into for you guys to share?” She asked, looking at all of them. There was a moment before anyone said anything, the kids thinking over their answer. Then, some of their hands shot up. Naoya flashed the cameras behind her a quick smile before turning back to the kids.
“Noaya, Jacob, and I came in last year with 20 other teachers. We’re three of the four left so…trauma bonding, I guess?” Janine said, in regards to the other girl.
“Yeah, I taught for two years before I got here, I transferred from Addington to here because those people are a bunch of stuck-up freaks who are just in it for a little extra on their check.” She said with a smirk. “And that’s not what I’m here for, I’m here to change lives.” She boated, folding her arms.
“Hey, Melissa, can you please tell “Ta-Nehisi Quotes” here that “white boy” is a term of endearment from the corner store people?” Janie said as she walked into the break room on the second floor.
“Ooh, cheese steaks?” Naoya questioned as she looked up from her papers, knowing the full situation after only hearing the words ‘white boy’ and ‘corner store’.”
“For Zach Ertz, yeah.” Melissa started, turning around with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands. “For him. It’s an insult.” She smirked, then paused at the sight of the cameras in her face.
“Well, you guys, I need a new rug. Mine is officially done.” Janie said.” Coming take a seat right next to the working woman.
“Mhmm! Me too.” Jacob started, taking a seat on the other side of her. “I shook mine out and all the asthma kids had to go to the nurse's office.” This conversation caused her to raise her head, placing her work aside and adjusting her glasses as she listened.
“Yeah, mine’s busted.” Melissa started. “And you can’t class up a rug like you can a couch with a nice coat of plastic.”
“You guys have rugs? All we have is a little mat.” Naoya started, looking between all of them. They all cringed at her words, but couldn’t say more before someone’s loud voice cut through the air.
“Hey-yo! What it does, baby-boo?” Ava yelled as she walked into the break room and over to where they were sitting. “What yall think about this little film crew I bought in here.”
“Distracting makes our jobs harder,” Melissa said disinterestedly, shooting the crew a glare.
“I wish I would have known this was going to be a video thing, I would have made myself look better,” Naoya mumbled, causing the camera to turn her way. She smiled, making her face appear happier than usual.
“But exciting. We about to be on TV.” Ava said, looking between them all.
“Because they are covering underfunded, loosely managed, public schools in America.” Barbra interrupted in a matter-of-fact tone.
“No press is bad press, Barb.” Ava practically disregarded the woman’s claim, continuing to smile at the camera. “Look at Mel Gibson. Still thriving.” She laughed. “ “Daddy’s Home 2”? Hilarious!” She looked around the room, either expecting people to laugh with or or just so confined in her large ego that she didn’t care if they laughed or not.
“Ava’s the worst person I know,” Noaya stated. “I’ve never seen her show an ounce of care about anything other than money. Which is a terrible mindset to have as a principal because you’re literally in the brokeest position of power.”
“There you are.” Ms.Schwartz sighed as she rushed into the room, spotting Ava. “Ava, can I talk to you?” The woman was out of breath as she stood before the principal, and her attire was disheveled. “I-I need an aid. I’m outnumbered there. The kids are crazy.” She ranted this wild look in her eyes. “One of the kids told me to ‘mind my six’ this morning, I don’t know what that means! I need help!” She ranted. Ava placed and hand on her shoulder.
“Calm down.” The darker woman said, cutting Ms. Schwartz off. “They’re just kids. And, besides, aids cost money, and we don’t have that.” She said before flashing a quick smile at the cameras. “Right, but I just—” Ms. Schwartz started again.
“Do you want to split your salary with somebody else?” Ava asked, leaning closer and angling both of them away from the cameras.
“No.” The other woman said dejected.
“No!” Ava cut her off before she could continue to rant. “No, I didn’t think so.”
“Well, if we can’t get aides, maybe we can get new rugs?” Janine chimed up, standing from her seat.
“All I’m hearing is “new, new, new, need, need, need,” Ava answered. “And yet, Barb, one of our best and most senior teachers here.” She continued, walking over to the older woman who sat at the table with Melissa and drank her coffee. “She never complains. What is your secret, Barb?”
“Knowing there’s not much you can do, Ava.” The woman said with a sarcastic smile. But Ava didn’t care to hear her condescending tone.
“So understanding.” The principal smiled, looking around the room. “Be like Ms.Howard, people.” That was all she said before she left the room.
Noaya shook her head as she started to collect her things, knowing the bell would be ringing anytime soon.
“But, I’m not Ms.Howard.” Ms.Schwartz cried from where she stood.
“Ohh, Tina, look.” Janine started, walking over to the stressed woman. “Try some counting exercises, between one and forty the kids start to quiet down.” The other woman gave a slight nod before she exited the room, still in obvious distress. “You, know, a little support might help make things happen, ladies,” Janie said, turning around to face the older two women in the room.
“My support was gonna do about as much as that five-year-old bra you’ve got on right there,” Barbra said as she pushed in her chair. The camera then cuts to Naoya staring at the camera, her jaw clenched. Janine looked down at her chest for a slip second, before covering it up with her sweater and deciding to ignore the woman’s bra statement. “Hey, it’s not impossible to get things. Melissa asked for those new toy cash registers for her classroom and got them.”
“Yeah, those aren’t toys.” The Italian woman stared as she put on her coat. “I know a guy who wired a Walmart demolition. I got a guy for everything. I know a guy right now working on the stadium build. Need rebar?” She asked, looking around the room.
Noya just shook her head.
“No,” Janine answered.
“Melissa is resourceful, capable.” Ms. Howard started, looking between all the younger teachers. Naoya’shead jerked back at what she was insinuating but before she could say anything, Janine placed a hand on her shoulder and started talking.
“Well, I think the younger teachers are capable.”
“Really? Then why is it that Ms.Schwartz’s hair is falling out? Why does Jacob here need a smoking break every five minutes?” The woman sassed, gesturing over to the male beside her.
“I switched to an herbal vape.” He tried to defend himself.
“And why can’t any of you stick it out longer than two years? More turnovers than a bakery.” She hissed before her and Melissa walked out of the door. Once it shut behind them, Naoya turned to her friends beside her.
“I almost lose my job every day dealing with the people here.” She shook her head, resting her butt on the table behind her, the other two following suit.
“You know what? Hell, I think we should still try for rugs.” Jacob’s said.
“Yeah.” Janine agreed.
“You know, before I taught here, I was in Zimbabwe.” Jacob started, causing Noaya to stand up completely and begin to walk to the door. “I was going Teachers Without Boarders, and what I learned—.”
“Jacob.” Noaya cut in, turning to face the two of them. “What did we say you about, like, not talking about your time in Africa?” She said, gesturing between her and Janine. The boy stuttered, trying to come up with an appropriate answer.
“We told you to stop. Yeah, it’s weird.” Janine finished, looking over at the male.
“I have an immense amount of respect for my elders, including the ones I work with.” Naoya smiled at the cameras. “But Mrs.Howard has a smart mouth on her. A mouth that has never been directed at me.” She continued to smile, although strained, and raised her hands in mock defense. “But the day it is the day I got to prison.” And although she was finished, she was cut off by the sound of quick hurried footsteps making their way around the corner. She turned around just in time to catch Janine with a student.
“Noaya, come quick, there’s a fight.” The older woman got out as best as she could, although out of breath. Naoya ran around the corner, practically leaving the child and shirt woman in the dust.
“Damn, she’s fast,” Janine said, briefing glancing at the kids next to her before rushing to follow the running woman.
“What the hell is going on here?” Naoya yelled as she entered the hectic scene with a bat in her hands. She saw the crazed look the teachers were giving her and she shrugged. “I heard there was a fight, I brought it just in case.”
“Where did you get that? I was right behind you.” Janie asked, out of breath with her hands on her knees.
“I didn’t know she had it in her like that.” Melissa nodded a proud smirk on her lips. “I like her.”
“That’s beside the point, what happened?” Naoya asked, looking at the older white woman standing in front of a child. “He hit me first!” Ms.Schwartz said, pointing at the boy across from her.
“Liar!” The boy yelled back at her, being held back by Ms.Howard.
“I’m a liar? I'M A LIAR?” Ms.Schwartz asked a crazed look in her eyes, her gaze solely trained on the little boy.
“I can’t believe she hit a kid,” Noaya said, shock written all over her face as she folded her arms. “I mean, I threaten that I will but I never actually do it.” She shrugged.
“Okay!” Ava yelled, interrupting the conversation between the small group of teachers. “So, not good. Ms.Schwartz was out of line and clearly didn’t know how to handle her class.” The woman sighed.
“You hired her.” Melissa spat back.
“And fired her,” Ava responded. “They give me a lot of power around here. It’s crazy.” The woman smirked.
Melissa and Noaya both gave the camera a look of disbelief.
“In the meantime, Mr.Johnson will be watching her class.” Ava finished.
“Mr.Johnson the janitor?” Naoya spoke up. “Our conspiracy theorist janitor? Teaching social studies? Do we not see the problem with this?” She asked, looking around at the group.
“I think maybe we should alert the school district to this,” Jacob spoke up, getting spins of approval from the rest. “I mean, a child was harmed.” He tried to finish before Ava cut in.
“Hey! Harmed?” She questioned. “I handled this. No need to let them know that a child was harmed on my wa—” She stopped, remembering that she was being recorded, and looked towards the camera. “On the school's watch, to be clear.” She clarified.
“Ava, this is not handled,” Janine spoke up. “There is a 70-year-old custodian who voted for Kanye teaching social studies right now.” The woman stressed, pointing down the hall. “We need help. Look, I know we don’t have any money—“
“Okay!” Ava cut her off. “Alright. I’ll make a small emergency budget request to the district, and then you guys can get pencils and hire aides or whatever else you need.”
“So, even rugs?” Janine asked her entire demeanor from earlier changing at the woman’s words.
“Sure! Just email a request.” Ava replied.
“Okay! I can- I can write an email.” Janine smiled excitedly.”
“Another day in principal life.” Ava smiled at the cameras before walking away, horribly singing some old song. “I believe the children are our future.”
“Um…Hello?” An unfamiliar voice called out as she came into the school building, making their way to stand in front of the desk. “I’m looking for Ms.Coleman.” The man said. Melissa looked up at him. “Oh, yeah she’s—“ She was cut off by Ava rushing up next to her.
“Hello.” Again said flirtatiously, looking the man up and down.
“Hi, I’m Gregory Eddie. I’m the sun for the teacher who, uh…” He trailed off, looking down at the papers he pulled from his briefcase. “Pinter a student.” The man said worriedly, looking back up at her.
“Oh! You’re the sub.” Ava said. “Forgive me, I thought one of my colleagues here hired a stripper for me.” Ava laughed off, dismissing the looks Melissa and Barbra gave her. “Okay.” That was all Gregory could say to that, giving the woman obvious judgmental looks.
“Nice to meet you, young man.” Barbra offered him a kind smile.
“Yeah, nice to meet you, Ryan,” Melissa said, staring at the together papers.
“It’s Gregory.”
“Eh, let’s see how long you’ll be here.” She said, only flexing up after she was done stapling. “Then I’ll remember your name. Okay, Tim?”
Gregory didn’t even have time to fully digest the interactions he just had with the women before him before Jacob came around the corner. “Yes!” He smiled, stalking up to the man. “My dude.” He said, arms open for some sort of hug but was cut short by Gregory putting his hand out. “Oh, yeah,” Jacob said, placing his hand on the one offered out to him. “Keeping it profesh. I like that.” He smiled, leaning against the counter. “I’m Jacob. It’s nice to see another male teacher in here. It’s not a lot of us. Hey, now I got somebody to talk sports with. You like women’s tennis?” The paler man asked, before shooting the camera a sideways glance. “Or, as I call it, you know, regular tennis.”
Naoya was walking the halls, whistling a tune with her bad over her shoulders when she came across a tall, good-looking man in a gray sweater. Hearing her, the man turned around to see a tall, light-skinned woman with a large, light brown puff ponytail at the back of her head. She had on specs that covered most of her face, enlarging her eyes. She was dressed in a slightly baggy pair of dark wash denim jeans with brown shoes that matched the brown in her green sweater, paired with a white shirt underneath. Seeing the mysterious man, she furrowed her brows at him from down the hall.
“Uh, hello.” The man waved awkwardly from down the hall.
Naoya waved back as she made her way closer to the man. “Uh, hi. Are you lost?” She asked, slowing down when she got in front of him. “In a school building?…And smelling like pee and/or vomit. I’m calling security.” She started to back up and pull out her phone, or even yell before she stopped and frowned. “Oh wait, I am security.” She said, moving her bat to her good hand getting ready to swing.
“Wait!” The man yelled, sticking out his hands in defense. “I’m a sub! I’m here to fill in for the woman who kicked the kid.” He defended.
Naoya visibly relaxed as she looked the man up and down, taking in his formal attire. “Okay.” She said, dropping her defensive pose. “That still doesn’t explain the smell.” She said, giving the man a disgusted once over. Gregory stuttered to get an answer, embarrassed by the cameras and such an awkward situation in front of another beautiful woman.
“It’s a long story. A broken toilet, a student wet his pants, another one threw up.” The man shrugged, a look of disgust crossing his face as he thought it all over. At his words, Noaya nodded with a look of understanding.
“No, yeah. I get it. Well, um, congratulations on being here considering…” She trailed off, gesturing around the school and then to him. “If you need anything at all, I’m at the very end of the hall. I'm Naoya Lovel, and I teach fourth grade. I’ll be here to help any way I can, I am known for having everything anyone might ever need, so.” She shrugged and began walking away, pat him, and to her class. The man nodded, a sliver of a smile on his face as his eyes stayed trained on the spot she just left. Catching the camera out of the corner of his eye, she quickly straightened up and then turned the opposite way to face her. “May I ask why you’re carrying a bat?” He asked.
Naoya stopped walking, the bad still in her hand as she angled her body slightly to look back at him. “No, you may not.” She said with a smile before continuing to walk away and into her classroom. Gregory just nodded and walked into his room as well.
“Today was utterly disgusting, but she and Janine seem nice.” He smiled slightly.
“I got a good feeling about this,” Jacob smirked at Naoya and Janine as they and the rest of the teachers gathered outside at the entrance of the school. It had something to do with Ava needing them to see the improvements she made to the school. “Right? Me too!” Janine said excitedly. Naoya rolled her eyes, stuffing her hands in her pockets due to the cold weather.
“I wish I could live in the blissful ignorance you guys call optimism.” She said, looking between her two friends. They only rolled their eyes at the girl, who was usually a pessimistic person, so they didn’t take her words too seriously.
“Good morning!” Ava said to all the teachers before her, who were obviously in no good mood. “Good Morning!” Janine was the only one to respond.
“Gregory.” Ava finished, giving the man a look. Noaya furrowed her brows slightly, throwing the man a sideways glance.
“The district was so moved by my plea that they approved the emergency budget and sent us the money right away,” Ava said to the group. The crowd started clapping, Jacob and Janine were genuinely happy while most were in shock that the district pulled through.
“Okay, we could have hired aides, we could have got rugs.” Ava continued as the clapping died down. “But then I thought, “No. We need something more immediate.” She said, her words causing Naoya to nod her head as she began slowly making her way away from the group. She knew this wasn’t going to end well, and this was her stopping herself from throwing her loafers at Ava’s head.
“Oh, no, no. The rugs are immediate.” Janie spoke up. “They’re like instant Xanax for kids. I explained it all in my email.” She told the group as she made her way to extract her phone from her purse.
“Girl, who told you to send an email?” Ava asked, looking down the steps at the shorter woman. Jannie stopped what she was doing and glared at Ava. “You did.” She hissed, looking at her confused.
“Anyways, I always feel better when I get my hair done.” Ava continued, not caring for what Janine had to say, as she showed off her new blonde number. “Thus, I do better work, like I’m doing now.” She smiled at them. “You know, fix the outside, the inside takes care of itself.” She then gestured up to the giant tarp over the building, the man pulling it down to show a sign.
It was a giant Willard R. Abbott Elementary sign with Ava on it, leaning onto the letters. The teachers just stood there and looked up at the sign, no words were said between any of them. But they all had the same thought.
What the fuck?
“Yall seeing this?” Ava asked, copying her pose that was on the sign.
“A plastic sign?” Janine asked, looking between the woman and the sign.
“Thank God for the school district, because they gave us $3,000 and I had to spend all of it.” Ava said as if she didn’t care about the severity of the words she just said.
“You spent all of the money on this?!” Janie asked in disbelief.
“Rush job, can you believe this quality?” The terrible principal continued.
“This is fucking ridiculous, she has gone too far,” Naoya said as she, Jacob, Janine, and Gregory rushed back into the school.
“Somebody needs to do something before I get my bat back out. Actually, Forget the bat, I’m gonna go get a gu—.”
“Okay! Yes.” Jacob cut her off, trying to ignore the scared look Noaya received from Janine and Gregory, while she just continued to sit in her anger, not even seeing them. “Somebody, anybody but you, should do something.” The man said to the angry woman.
“You know what. I’m gonna do something.” Janine said, as stored up and Naoya. Well, maybe not as much but still fired up.
“Okay, alright. Whatever you do, I will co-sign it.” Jacob encouraged. “Yes!” Janine said. “That is how change works. Someone does something and somebody co-signs it.” He finished.
“I want Jannie to succeed in what her plan is because Ava needs to be out in her place, “professionally”, or whatever Jacob said,” Naoya stated, rolling her eyes. “But I also want her to prove something to Barb. For her sake. Because Janine really needs a mother figure in her life and the constant groveling for Barb’s praise is starting to make me want to choke.” She finished with a shrug. “That’s my girl though, I love her.”
“Hey, you two, wait up! I’m going out to lunch too.” Janie called out to Melissa and Bard as they walked down the hall. The camera caught Naoya, who rolled her eyes at the situation she was just talking about making an appearance as she walked after Janine.
“Oh yeah, where are you going for lunch pip-squeak? Bird feeder?” Melissa joked, putting her purse over her shoulder.
“Thought you’d be working on your next miracle from Saint Ava.” Barbra pushed.
“Ha ha, No.” The shorter woman defended herself. “I don’t think I’ll need anything from Ava ever again.” Janine smiled, her words causing the other three women to look confused.
“What does that mean?” Naoya chimed in from behind them, ready to go out for lunch as well.
“Well, I emailed the superintendent and told him everything Ava has done today. No way she doesn’t get fired.” Janie bragged.
“Oh, for the lives of God.” Melissa groaned.
“Janine,” Noaya said in disappointment. “This is why I told you to tell me.”
“What?” She asked, looking between the three women.
“The superintendent never sees our emails,” Barbra told her. “He has them bounced back to the person in charge of where they came from.”
“Wait, I’m sorry.” Janie stared. “Person in charge? That means the emails go back to…” She trailed off, the dots connecting. Just in time for said person to come in the intercom with an announcement.
“Teachers, it’s come to my attention that some of you—one of you—.” Ava clarified, looking through the glass of her office at the group of women standing at the door, her eyes trained on one in particular. “Think it’s okay to go over my head. So, during lunch break—this lunch break—we’ll be having a trait workshop so that we can learn how to become a woke family.” The woman was clearly pissed off, glaring at Janine from where she sat. “It’s gonna be fun!”
“We are at a crossroads, this is a crisis,” Ava stressed as she stood before the hired group of teachers.
“No, a crisis is eating the cafeteria pizza for lunch.” Naoya chimed in from where she sat in the back.
“Uh, why are we here, exactly?” Gregory asked his seat right in front of hers.
“Well, chocolate drop.” Ava started, causing Naoya to snicker at the name. “I learned that someone here doesn’t respect me. But it’s not about me. Because if you don’t respect me, how can you respect this school?” She continued, causing them all to look at her confused as such a stupid correlation. But, it looks like Ava took that as a look of confusion due to her question.
“You can’t. It’s mathematically impossible.” She finished.
“W-Whoa. Who doesn’t respect you, Ava—I mean, the school?” Jacob asked.
“Me,” Naoya said but seemed to be completely ignored.
“It’s not important. We’re gonna make this a group matter so as too not to single any one person out.” The woman answered him. “Let’s try an excuse where we say whatever we want out loud to each other, no matter how critical. It’ll be fun, let’s start with Janine.” She said, looking over at the short woman who was practically shrinking in on herself.
“Janine?” She asked, smirking evilly.
“Yes?” Janine asked dejectedly, knowing that this whole situation was her fault and knowing that Ava did the exact thing she said she didn’t want to. Single her out.
“You’re pushy, squeaky and annoying,” Ava stated.
Collective disagreement was heated around the room.
“Excuse me?” Melissa piped up.
“Thaya just…” Gregory said.
“When is it my turn?” Naoya asked, starting to take her earring out of her ear.
“No, it’s not bad. No.” Ava defended. “We’re shaking to make us all better. Constructive. Hershey kiss, why don’t you try, start with Janine.” She pushed.
“I don’t want to.” The man sighed.
“You’re right, it should be someone who knows her better. Noaya, Jacob, Barbra?” She asked, looking between the two.
“When is it your turn? I wanna go when it’s your turn.” Naoya stated, folding her arms to keep herself at bay. Gregory glanced back, seeing the look of pure hatred on her face.
“Well, her hair is—“ Jacob started before getting cut off.
“Not!” Noaya and Barba said at the same time, the younger more so talking to her friend next to Janine, who gave the man next to her a look of disbelief.
“Ava, no one’s doing this to anyone.” Melissa started, looking at the woman before her.
“Hold on, I came prepared for this. Sheena, come on in.” Ava said, looking behind her to a student who was sitting behind the library desk.
“Ava, that is my student, she should be at lunch right now,” Janine complained, as everyone in the room looked at the little girl, trying to see what Ava's plan was.
“I am kinda hungry.” The little girl sighed, begrudgingly walking closer to the woman.
“Sheena, remember what we talked about? What was the thing that you wished was different about Ms.Teagues?” Ava asked the little girl. She just stood there, not knowing what to say as the whole room waited on her.
“She got some big feet.” Mr.Johnson chimed in from the very back of the children’s library where he was sweeping.
“Okay.” Janine sighed before standing from her seat. “Everyone, that’s enough. I am the person who disrespected Ava. I emailed the superintendent to tell him that she spent the school's money on a sign.”
“And got her hair done,” Naoya said, Janine, gesturing over to her in agreement.
“I’m sorry, Ava.” She continued. “And I’m sorry everyone missed lunch, especially you, Sheena. But I didn’t it because I care about the kids in this school, and that shouldn’t be a bad thing.” She ranted. “I—Okay. You know what.” She sighed, done talking. She felt as if no one was listening anyway and just wanted to leave. She was on her way out before turning back around. “Sheena, you should have this. I’m sorry.” She said, handing the school pizza over to the girl.
“Uh, no thank you.” The girl said, shaking her head. Janine just sighed again and turned to leave.
Ava chuckled as she watched the girl walk off, shaking her head. “Not a compelling speaker.” She smirked as she shook her head. “Charisma vacuum, am I right?”
Noaya cracked her neck as she stood up. The teachers in front of her filmed a little at the sound and her sudden movements. But she ignored that. “You know what, Ava? I was going to whoop your ass in the parking lot, and as much satisfaction as that would bring me, I don’t want to lose my job. Because I care about these kids. Just like Janine. And she may be a lot of things, like naive, a bit clingy and too cheerful—.”
“Ooh, this is good stuff, let me call her back in here,” Ava smirked as if she didn’t hear the first part of the girls’ speech.
“But she is also right.” Barba cut in, standing up with Naoya. “You know, actually wanting to help the children at this school shouldn’t be a bag thing.” The older woman finished for her. Afterwards, both her and Naoya walked out, letting Ava sit with their words.
They walked out to find the girl in front of her classroom, looking through the window. “Janine, ignore Ava. Big feet are a sign of fertility.” Barbra stated.
“I’m telling you to just give me the signal, I can have her framed for mur—something.” The light skinned girl said, catching herself in front of the cameras.
“Every lunch period, guys.” Was all Janine said before stepping out of their way to show the inside of her class. They both looked in seeing a little boy napping on his jacket, as the library door sounded again. “Every single one, Amir comes and naps in the rug.” She said, informing the whole group as Melissa, Jacob and Gregory joined.
“Mm-hmm. He was in my class.” Barbra said with a fond smile on her face. Mom’s got a lot of kids. Dad’s not around and when she is, the parents fight.”
“Right, so he doesn’t get much sleep. I told him to sleep at his desk, but she says that rug is softer—.” The shirt woman paused, trying to get emotional over the whole situation. “Softer than his bed at home.” There was a moment of silence as all the adults sat with her words. It’s hard hearing about the life of the kids you see everyday, knowing they live lives no one should. And knowing it’s on you to create a better life for them at school.
“You know what? I don’t care I you think I’m good at this or not anymore. I care about whether or not I can make a change.” Janine told Barbra as sternly as she could, which wasn’t a lot.
“Janine.” The woman started. “Teachers at a school like Abbott— we have to be able to do it all. We are admin, we are social workers, we are therapists, we are second parents. Hell, sometimes we’re even first.”
“Mm-hmm.” Melissa agreed.
“Why?” Barbra continued. “It sure ain’t the money.”
“Yup. I can make more working the street, easy.” Melissa chimed in. Causing Jacob and Naoya to look at each other in concern.
“Prostitution?” She mouthed over to the man, who shrugged.
“Look, we do this ‘cause we’re supposed to.” Melissa said to Janine. “It’s a calling. You answered.”
They all looked at eachother fondly, before Jacob started.
“I believe it was Brother Cornel West—“
“Not right now, white boy.”
They all told him, causing the man to retreat back to his corner.
“You want to know my secret?” Barbra asked, ringing the subject back to where it was. “Do everything you can for your kids.” She smiled. “We’ll help. Hey, I suggest we put our money together and buy Janine the rug.” The older woman encouraged. “What yall think?”
“Absolutely.” Melissa said, pulling out her wallet.
“Guys, you can’t.” Janine started, looking between them. “You don’t have it. I know because I have the same salary as you and I overdrafted on a doughnut hole this morning.”
“Don’t tell me how much money I have.” Noaya stated, holding her hand out as a halt to the girl's words. “I do not claim that broke energy.”
“Well, why are you gonna do?” Barbra asked. “Steal a rug?”
“Not me, but I know a guy who knows a guy?” Janie trailed off, looking between Noaya and Melissa. The light skinned girl raised her hands. “I don’t know a cute guy that can steal that many carpets that fast.” She shrugged, a hopeless look on her face as she glanced at Melissa.
“Way ahead of you.” The woman said as she started typing into her phone. “I’m gonna have to bake a ziti.” She said, holding the phone up to her ear. “Hey, Tony, ya big strung, listen, you still working that stabiuk build?” She said into the device as she walked away from the group.
Sometime later, a guys pulled up in a truck around back with a bunch of rugs for them. They all celebrated, going one by one to grab a rug. “Yay! I finally have one! My room was so depressing.” Naoya said as she waked down the hall with her rug.
“You’re on a mission.” Gregory stated, looking at the shorter girl in between him and Noaya. “It’s cool to see.”
“Thank you. Just a day in the life of being a teacher here. You get used to it.” Janine smiled.
“And that smell in the walls?” He asked, pointing.
“Oh no, you’re never gonna get used to that. Sometimes I wish I had a bad nose like Naoya.” She joked, elbowing the girl next to her. The taller woman lightly groaned. “Janine, you know that’s a big insecurity of mine. I have a fear of smelling bad.” The half Japanese girl tried to clarify to the male. “You’re subbing to go full time right?” She asked, wanting to change the subject.
“Um, we’ll see.” He said as they all briefly stopped in the hallway. “This job definitely surprises me.”
“Well, I hope you stay.” Janine said. “For the kids.” She clarified. Naoya shot a quick glacé to the camera, a small smirk on her face. She then decided to walk away. The camera caught Gregory’s eyes jumping from both women walking away, a small smile on his face. He then looked in the camera and dropped his expression.
“I’ll stick around for a while.” He said. “You know, for the kids.”
“Look guys!” Naoya said as she rolled out her shakes rug for her students. They all celebrated, clapping excitedly at the fact that they had a rug now.
“Ms.Lovel, I hate the egales.” One student said, standing next to the woman.
“Yeah, me too, kid. But don’t tell anyone I said that.” She said, patting the top of their head as Ava walked past her door. She paused at the sight of the rugs. Naoya placed her hands on her hips and cocked her neck, making Ava glare at the woman for a quick second before walking away.
“And that kids, is how you get rid of the enemy without fighting.” She said, pointing around the room to make sure they were watching. “Now that we have a rug, let’s watch that nature documentary!” She said excitedly, causing all the students to yell with excitement well.
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cyarsk52-20 · 9 months
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Happy birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎊🎂 I can’t wait for more episodes of Abbott elementary
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theessenceofbeautyy · 2 years
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goodwitchhour · 9 months
welcome to the goodwitchhour!
‘I kiss you like I bite into an apple’
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who I write for;
harry potter
remus lupin (loml)
sirius black
james potter
harry potter
draco malfoy
hermione granger
the dead poets society
charlie dalton (loml)
neil perry
steven meeks
todd anderson
chris noel
doctor who
the 10th doctor
the 11th doctor (loml)
rose tyler
rory williams
criminal minds
spencer reid
aaron hotchner
jennifer jereau
kaz brekker
jesper fahey
nina zenik
chandler bing (loml)
joey tribbiani
rachel green
benedict bridgerton (loml)
anthony bridgerton
bucky barnes
steve rogers
peter parker (mcu & tasm)
matt murdock
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
teen wolf
isaac lahey (loml)
stiles stilinski
allison argent
celebrities/public figures
taylor swift (loml) (not affiliated with g*ylors)
bella hadid
harry styles (loml)
andrew garfield
matt smith
the beatles (primarily george)
queen (primarily roger)
matthew gray gubler
freddy carter
cillian murphy
finn wolfhard
daniel sharman
stephen nedoroscik
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what I’ll write;
fluff — literally anything! platonic, romantic, familiar!!! also good with poly stuff!! (give me poly!marauders requests I beg)
smut — kinks are all good as long as they aren’t too full on (e.g; dubcon, bodily fluids, major degradation, underage characters etc.)
angst — again, nothing too full on (e.g; r@pe, abu$e etc.)
character ship — send me a description of yourself & which of the fandoms mentioned above you’d like me too make a character ship for! (can request poly ship!)
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this list will inevitably continue to grow but this is it as of right now! I have a somewhat busy schedule and am a large procrastinator so I may not get to your requests straight away!
*all characters within smut are 18+* if you’re a minor and you’ve decided to read a post that includes smut, remember that you’re responsible for your own media consumption. I put clear warnings at the beginning of every post that includes smut, so please do not message me just to blame me for something you did or shame me for something I’m allowed to write.
other blog for more antics is @cosmomento
I’m all ready for your requests so lets do this!! happy reading — Elodie <3
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iridescentprose · 3 years
Wet Mops & Pep Talks [Gregory Eddie x fem reader]
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author's note: Wanted to write something for Gregory so I did. I did the best with the little information we know from the show. Please enjoy!
summary: On a busy day at Abbott Elementary, Gregory encourages you to follow your dreams.
wc: 1,832
warnings: humble beginnings of a pre-established friendship/relationship, mentions of vomit, super slow burn, gazing
dedicated to @mloszi
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The sound of shoes squeaking down the hallway and the occasional yells of frustration from the teachers didn't cease to annoy you. You weren't used to being in this environment—hence why you were locked away in Mr. Johnson's office—his "sanctuary" (as he liked to called it), trying to find some peace and quiet.
For the past four days you had cleaned up upchucked chicken noodle soup in one of teacher's classrooms, a mysterious puddle of what you hoped was apple juice in the center of the gym floor, and a pile of confetti in Ava's office (she had recently purchased a confetti machine for God knows why).
"I need a cleanup in 105, over."
Groaning, you quickly closed your laptop and swiped up the walkie-talkie perched on the edge of the desk. Whatever progress you were making on your website for your jewelry making business, quickly dissipated into disgust for whatever you would have to clean up in Room 105.
You just weren't sure how much more vomit you could take.
A gust of bravery made the hairs on your arms stand erect as you swiped up the walkie-talkie to give Mr. Johnson a piece of his mind. Although you were readily available to do the job, you couldn't help but wonder why you had yet to see him pick up a mop. Or why he was always doing something else other than cleaning.
Unfortunately, the walkie-talkie crackled again before you could speak. "Also, just wanted you to know I'm proud of you, [First Name]. You're mama...I know she is too."
Your breath hitched for a moment. Whatever complaint was sitting on your tongue had vanished. Pinpricks of tears entered your eyes and you quickly blinked them away.
Reluctantly, you pressed the button to speak: "Thanks. I'm on the way." You released the call button and gathered all the cleaning supplies you might need for the battle that laid ahead.
"This is only temporary," You kept muttering to yourself as you grabbed an extra set of gloves, numerous bottles of bleach, and the only rusty mop you could find. You strapped them to your cart before making your trek down the hall.
"Oh and can you grab me somethin' from the vending machine?"
You lifted a brow as you eyed the walkie talkie in your hand before strapping it to your hip with a shake of your head. Not only did your job include cleaning up messes, but running errands for your superior as well.
On your way to 105, you dodged kids running down the hall and picked up flyers that had fallen off of bulletin boards. Given how chaotic this school could be, you never understood why your grandpa decided to work here.
"Oh, thank you!"
You turned your head to see Janine approaching you from her classroom. Carefully, you fastened the thumbtack on the flyer against the wall.
"Seems like I should just hot-glue everything, you know? These walls are just...noncompliant, you know what I mean?" She grinned and you shook your head and smiled at her poor attempt to joke with you.
"It's either that or the kids," You muttered as you stepped back to admire the bulletin. It was a flyer for an afterschool step team.
"Hey," Janine stepped forward offering you a motherly gaze. "Everyday gets easier. You just have to find the joy in it."
Your first week here had obviously been hectic, but you were gracious your grandpa was able to put in a good word for you to Ava about getting the job. It wasn't the ideal job you wanted, but at least you had met Janine—among others— who were slowly becoming your friends.
You had a chance to meet Barbara, Melissa, and Jacob and although they had been more than nice, you couldn't help but notice how much bubbly Janine was. In fact, on your first day she had offered to buy you lunch as a welcoming gift.
A sudden crash followed by a set of "ooh's" echoed from Janine's classroom. Her eyes widened and she slowly backed away towards her room. "We'll talk later, okay?" She shot you a thumbs up. "Find the joy in it, [First Name]!"
You stood there for a while after she had left, her words echoing throughout your mind before you continued on to Room 105. You could never imagine yourself being as bubbly as Janine given your circumstances. But luckily, this job was temporary.
"This is only temporary. This is only temporary. This is only temp—"
Grape juice.
It was all over the floor.
You didn't have time to groan in frustration as you got to work. The quicker you cleaned this up, the faster you could get back to working on your website.
Grabbing the mop, you dumped it into the bucket attached to your cart and began to mop up the mess. As you cleaned, you went back to repeating the mantra in your head.
This is only temporary.
This mess was temporary.
This job is temporary.
The sound of footsteps entering the classroom startled you and you lifted your head to meet a young man with neatly buttoned down shirt, a tie, pressed slacks and sleek black dress shoes.
"Sorry about the mess. I would've cleaned it up myself but the teacher's lounge is out of paper towels...and I couldn't find any cleaning supplies."
"They're few and far between," You said with a shrug.
"As are a lot of things here," he said while adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. He then stepped forward. "I'm Gregory. I don't think we've met yet." He stuck out his hand.
You reached out to grasp his and you shook it. "[Your First Name]. Nice to finally meet you."
You didn't meet Gregory on your first day, but you knew of him thanks to Janine. She had given you a whole run down of everyone at Abbott while giving you a brief tour. The first time you saw Gregory, he was teaching while simultaneously breaking out into dance sessions with his class—unbeknownst of you and Janine's presence outside his classroom.
Slowly, you both released each other's hands before you went back to mopping.
"So," You said as kept your eyes to floor. "Do I even know want to know how this happened?"
You could hear Gregory sigh. "Let's just say some of the students thought it would be fun to pretend the trashcan was a basketball hoop and well...you can fill in the blanks." He walked over, carefully avoiding the puddles of grape juice, and picked up the discarded juice boxes before tossing them in the trash properly.
"I see," You said as he tossed the final juice box into the trash. "You must be their new teacher."
"Substitute teacher," He correctly you gently. "Until they can find someone long-term, I'm just...keeping the desk warm until then." He walked over to his desk. Briefly, you followed his gaze to the stack of papers on his desk. From what you could tell, they were handwritten letters and drawings addressed to Mr. Eddie.
A small silence passed between the two of you.
"So you're Mr. Johnson's granddaughter, right?" Gregory asked, breaking the silence. He looked up and you both met each other's gaze before you went back to cleaning.
"Is it that obvious?" You said with a sigh.
"Well, given how much he talks about you...yes." Gregory sorted through the papers before putting them in a neat stack. "Before you got here he kept saying he how proud of you he was for wanting to work with him and following in his footsteps."
You stopped to look at Gregory. "He did?"
Gregory nodded. "Yeah." He studied you with a lifted brow. "Is that a bad thing?"
Sighing, you go back to cleaning. "No offense to him—or anyone—but I don't exactly want to be a janitor for the rest of my life."
You never had the courage to tell your grandfather this, of course.
"So what do you want to do?" Gregory arranged his desk neatly before he walked around and leaned against it. He crossed his arms and gave you his undivided attention. You could feel the surface of your cheeks grow warm but that didn't stop you from saying:
"I want to own my own business."
"What's stopping you?" Gregory asked, with a lifted a brow.
"Family expectations. Disappointment. Fear. Front row seats to Boys II Men."
Gregory frowned.
You shook your head, deciding not to explain the last thing you said. "The point is my family isn't fond of me making jewelry for the rest of my life."
You held up your wrist to display one of your prototype pieces—a pattern of ruby red and gold, crystalized in alternating rhomboid and oval shapes.
Gregory pushed off his desk to get a closer look. He reached out his hand, brushing his fingertips along your wrist as he peered at them.
"You made this?"
"Yeah," You said, trying to remind yourself to breathe despite his close proximity.
He inspected it a couple of more seconds before he stepped back. "You should go for it. You're talented."
"Thanks," You said, returning your hands to the mop. "But my mom called my grandpa for this job as a favor. I just don't want to disappoint either one of them."
It had been a couple years since you had found your passion...and had a decent job. You couldn't bring yourself to ask for favors from your family members, but your mom pushed your pride aside and was gracious enough to do it for you. The job brought a steady income, which was something you needed right now. It wasn't as stressful as working as a barista and you weren't as lonely—the people at Abbott were nicer.
Yet, there wasn't a day that went by that you regretted not going back to college. Perhaps in hindsight, you would be making more than minimum wage by now.
"I see," He said as he began to pace a bit. "I've been there before. Being a teacher—let alone a substitute teacher—wasn't something my father wanted for me."
You nodded, glad to have someone who understood.
"But it wasn't until recently that I realized that...it was a matter of pleasing my father or...doing something that brought me joy," Gregory added with a shrug.
It wasn't until then that Janine's words from earlier echoed in your mind:
Find the joy in it.
You looked at Gregory, a small smile poking through your lips. This conversation, although minimal, was enough confirmation for you to find the joy in the temporary.
For a moment the two of you had gone silent again. Gregory had ceased his pacing, as if waiting for you to speak. You were too distracted to move.
"Thanks for the pep talk," You said as you turned your back to him and started cleaning again, your cheeks on fire now.
"Y-yeah," He said, clearing his throat. "Anytime."
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p-and-p-admin · 4 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.
Hello Lariope and welcome to Behind the Quill, it is a pleasure to talk with you.
Many of our group’s members requested you as an interview subject, but amongst more than a dozen stories in the HP universe you are probably best known for Killing Time, Second Life, and Advanced Contemporary Potion Making.
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name?  
So, there's a really common plant in my area called Monkey Grass. Most people use it as landscaping filler. I thought it was pretty and asked someone who had some what it was called. She told me that it's technical name is Liriope, which I heard as Lariope. This was around the time that book 6 was released, and it struck me as a very witchy name, particularly as JKR likes flower names. Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most? Wow. Probably Neville. I'm certainly not as brainy or as confident as Hermione, not as out-there as Luna, not as athletic as Ginny. I'm less angsty than Harry and less apt to charge off in my own direction. And I am certainly not as thoughtless as Ron, not as strict as McGonagall, not as dark as Snape. And if you've read Second Life, you know my feelings about Dumbledore! But I was someone who took some time to come into my own. Often bumbling or nervous, but when my back is to the wall, brave and honorable. So I'm going with Neville. Do you have a favourite genre to read? (not in fic, just in general) 
I love fiction, but honestly, other than Harry Potter, I don't read fantasy! I tend to like "domestic" fiction, as in Anne Tyler, and literary fiction. I also really love Stephen King, oddly enough. Do you have a favourite "classic" novel? 
By classic do you mean like, the literary canon, or just not fanfiction? My top five favorite novels are, in no particular order, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, It by Stephen King, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, The Temple of Gold by William Goldman, and The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I'm not big into the classics, which is weird for an English major to say. At what age did you start writing? 
I've been writing all my life. The first time I saw Stand by Me at 11 years old, I rewrote it with a new ending because I could not bear the death of Chris Chambers. I think I've always been interested in working with other people's texts. How did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I loved Harry Potter so intensely. I came to it as an adult at a particularly lonely time in my life. When book 6 was released I read it all in one gulp, and then felt kind of despondent when it was over. I thought of the good old rule of the internet, that if it exists, there is porn of it, so I went looking for what I called "Potterotica," figuring that it would give me an opportunity to read more about the characters I loved. I didn't yet have a concept of fanfiction, let alone fanfiction that wasn't erotica! As I read, I had the persistent feeling that I hadn't yet found exactly the story I was looking for. I kept feeling that I would do this or that differently. Then after the release of book 7, I was tormented by the fate of Snape. I really felt I needed to save him. That I couldn't relax until he'd had some love in his life before his death. I didn't have the sense yet that I could change his fate, only that I needed him to have happiness and love before he died.  I have a Master's Degree in fiction writing, so I decided to just give it a try. My first story was terrible!!! It was called If Memory Serves and was archived only on the Restricted Section. But it definitely forced me to reawaken some skills, and whetted my appetite. What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works? 
Hm. I'm not sure how to answer this question. I know that one of the things that I respond most strongly to in fic is a feeling of inevitability--that regardless of how or when, these characters had unfinished business with each other. I hate to use the word destined... but that feeling that there were many points in canon where something minor could have changed which would have changed everything and brought two characters together--and that that could have happened at any point, in any number of ways. I like very much when canon is reimagined or reinterpreted to make that relationship deeper--like reimagining the scene where Snape insults Hermione's teeth to have a totally different meaning in the context of their relationship. I think I am remembering Somigliana's The Traveller being particularly gratifying in that way. Obviously I play with canon a lot in my own work. I like for fanfiction to feel "real" as in, possible in a canonical context. What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter? 
Almost none! I've been fannish all my life, but Harry Potter was the first experience I ever had of "fandoms," that is to say, community built around a narrative. I usually just freaked out over things in private. After HP, I tried very hard to get into the Sherlock fandom, because I had a dear friend from the SS/HG community who was into it, but in the end, I could just never become invested in quite the way I had with Harry Potter. Subsequently, I had children, so I mostly support their fannishness now. If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon? 
I wish Snape could live. I really do. He had a lot left to learn and a lot left to give to the world beyond the sacrifice of his own life to the cause. There are certain things I have ultimately accepted as head canon, as far as pieces of fanon are concerned. Honestly, they are so ingrained that I'm having trouble thinking of any! Sometimes when I watch the movies with my kids, I think, but wait, what about?... oh yeah, I forgot that wasn't canon. Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? 
I need dead silence to compose, because I hear the words in my head as I write and I can't be distracted from them. But I often pick pieces of music that I listen to obsessively in my downtime when I'm writing a story, that I think of as sort of like theme songs. Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova was one for Second Life. Table for Glasses by Jimmy Eat World still calls up Dark Santiago for me. What are your favourite fanfictions of all time? 
Oooh. Ok. So I read a lot of Drarry, and I pretty much love everything that Sara's Girl has ever written. Somigliana's work--the Traveller was amazing. All the Best and Brightest Creatures by Wordstrings (Sherlock). I also really loved greywash's Sherlock fic. There was an SSHG that has been long since removed that was called Dear January--I still think of it.  I loved all the epics of my particular time in the SSHG fandom. Mia Madwyn, Subversa, Loten. Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process? 
Definitely a plotter. I kept pages and pages of working notes and planning points as I was writing Second Life. I always began a chapter with a working document of where I thought the chapter was going, as well as a reread of that portion of canon.  Points of discovery along the way still happened all the time--I'd be in the midst of something I had planned when all of a sudden I'd see some point of connection I hadn't even thought of, and something would open up bigger than I had thought it would be. I remember in particular the end of the Bathilda Bagshot chapter of Second Life, when Snape is running toward James and Lily's house and feeling like time is doubling back on itself--I didn't see that parallel until I was in it.  I think you always have to have room to surprise yourself, even in the thick of your planning. That sense of discovery affects the reader's journey through your work. What is your writing genre of choice? 
Haha, fanfiction is my writing genre of choice. No, I wrote short stories when I was pursuing my degree in fiction, which is kind of hilarious now, as I became sort of known for my long-windedness. Why say 100 words when 10,000 would do? I grew to love the novel during my time in fanfiction. It would be hard to imagine turning back to a shorter form now. But who knows. I always tell myself that once the children are grown I will get back to writing. I was beginning a sort of cross between fantasy and domestic fiction when I had children and I still think the idea has legs. Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why? 
Oh, different ones for different reasons. I think Dark Santiago is the most structurally tight and sound thing I've ever done. Second Life is like a miracle that it even happened, that I was able to control such a behemoth and bring it home. I was terrified the whole way. And weirdly, there's a drabble series that is called The Sins of Severus Snape that I am still really proud of. I think of those like linked poems. A real exercise in being concise for someone who likes to sprawl all over the page. Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it?  
I think I've pretty much covered those questions in all my ramblings. I knew the general structure, I was happily surprised along the way, and I learned to write novels from writing fanfiction, Second Life in particular. How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write? 
There's not a lot of personal parts of the story to me in Second Life. I mean, every character is drawn from me, in a way, just because they come into being informed with my way of looking at and understanding the world and other people. But there isn't a lot in there that echoes my experience. Advanced Contemporary Potion Making was personal, and I think you can feel that in the story. It takes the biggest step away from canon. It wasn't hard to write, but it was hard to live. And now, as I look back, I have a different perspective on my life and on the story itself than I did at the time that I wrote it. What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing? 
Oh man, Stephen King is all over my writing. I don't think I've ever written a sex scene that didn't have a grain of that scene in the sewers of It inside it. Not because of the child thing--I know that skeeves people out about that scene--but because in it, Beverly discovers the power of sex--sex as a force, a life-giving force, something with teeth. I think that idea shows up a lot in Second Life. I like fiction in which you are very much inside the character's heads, and I think that's apparent in my writing. I think I got that initially from Stephen King, who leaps around inside his different character's heads sometimes in the same paragraph! I also think the theme of unending loyalty, the power of friendship, the triumph of good over evil--those are very Kingian themes that I recognized in Potter and then carried into my own writing. Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction? 
Yes. That wasn't always the case. During the time that I was active in the fandom, I was a young elementary school teacher, and I dreaded anyone finding out that I wrote sex scenes with children's book characters. I was very private about my fanfic then, and even a few of my closest real life people did not know. My parents still do not know. My children are teenagers now and into fanfiction in their own right; they know I wrote it, but they don't know my ship or my pen name. My husband has read most of Second Life. I recently started a new job, and during one of those "get to know you" games, I was asked to share something that other people wouldn't guess about me. I said that I had once been a fanfiction writer. How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? 
Mmm. I wrote the stories I wanted to read. Do you know what I mean? I wrote things because that's how I wanted to see them, how I wished they were, and I wrote to my own preferences. But writing in real time, for people who were actually reading and responding--that was crucial to the process. My biggest fear during the writing of Second Life was that I wouldn't finish it, or that I would lose control of it and it would become crap. "Breaking the story," I used to say, and I was terrified of breaking the story. But the fact that there were people experiencing it with me and waiting for it, reacting to it, and giving insightful feedback--that helped keep me very focused and motivated. I never wrote something because I thought it would be appealing to others, but I was so gratified that what I wrote did appeal to others. How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media? 
I had a LiveJournal and although I was not a frequent poster, I read my friends list every day during that time. I read what everyone else was reading and talked about the stories and themes that everyone else was talking about. I made a number very close friends during that time--other authors, people who were reading my stories and commenting. We talked on the phone frequently, and I had a team of beta readers. I went to conventions. I participated in the ss/hg exchange. A lot of those people were my audience, were reading my stories. And many of them became my good friends. I had a policy to answer all reviews when I was writing Second Life, and I did that until I was unable to do it anymore. When I had multiple stories it got much harder. That community changed a lot toward the end of my time in it. People were leaving LiveJournal, and Tumblr was on the rise, which felt like a much bigger pond. AO3 was replacing the smaller archives on which I had really grown as a writer. And once the movies were over and there was no more "fresh canon," people started to drift away. I do think that I might have lasted longer if that tight knit community had stayed in place. It played a big role in my commitment to my work and continued enthusiasm. As a side note, one of the friends I made in the SS/HG community is still my best friend. She is the "aunt" to my children, and we still talk on the phone weekly and visit at least yearly. What is the best advice you've received about writing? 
If you want to write, then write. Make a routine. Write a certain number of words a day. Read them out loud to yourself. You'll hear your own bad habits and improve them.
What do you do when you hit writer's block? 
If I'm already in a project, I will force myself to write a certain number of words per day. I will hold a scene that I'm longing to write out in front of myself like a carrot. Like, if you write this transition part that feels yucky and like you are stuck in it, then you can write the big reunion scene that you know is coming. If I'm not in a project... well, then I don't get through it. I just don't start a new project.  If I need to write a story, as I did during graduate school or during the ss/hg exchange--I would do this thing one of my professors suggested--pick three headlines, words or ideas that have interested you over time and force them into the same story. Dark Santiago was that way. I had the prompt of fortune telling. I added an idea about the way magic works for muggleborns and the ocean town where I was living. Voila: Dark Santiago.   Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing? 
I'm sure it has in ways I can't even see. I remember once talking to a friend on the phone about Second Life as I was writing it, and she pointed out that the fact that I'm a Quaker was informing the story--like my own perspective on war and the horrors of violence were bleeding into the the kind of philosophy of Second Life. Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser? 
I don't. I wish I did! I often miss my time in fandom, the spirit of creativity and community, all those ideas just bubbling out in every direction. Any words of encouragement to other writers? 
I don't believe that the end goal of fanfiction is to become a published writer, just as I don't think every guitarist has to have the goal of selling out a stadium, or every golfer has to want to compete in the Masters. I think you can love a thing without making it your livelihood. You become a "real" author the minute someone else reads a story that you wrote. Many of you reading this right now are people who made me an author. It is, as Stephen King once wrote, a kind of telepathy. I thought of something once, in 2008, in the southeast of the US, and you can read it right now wherever you are, and experience the thoughts and feelings I was dreaming up then. It's a wonderful gift, writing. And working among people who are dedicated to improving their craft and talking about stories and ideas--that is just the very best ground for making something that makes YOU proud. Thanks so much for giving us your time.  
Thank you! I am really honored to be asked
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SinceTumblrChanges:  retype the “spaces” to get links that dont work to work again NAVI 1//2   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  BLOG STUFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAR TREK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ star trek meta               star trek fun            star trek aesthetic   star trek cosplay           star trek fanart       star trek headcanon     star trek fanfiction (even very short ones) star trek behind the scenes        star trek cast (group ones&panels)  star trek fashion & costumes      star trek technology (menace) star trek set design architecture star trek book  (inkl a stitch in time) pythas lok play the dream box = the nexus klingon wisdom          mirror universe       tribbles       klingons vulcans vulcanians    romulans                 zefram cochrane
star trek voyager    tuvok    b'elanna torres    tom paris     chakotay   hirogen    kejal cardassian    neelix                  seven of nine
star trek discovery     paul stamets    gabriel lorca    ash tyler     saru                              jason isaacs
star trek tos      james tiberius kirk       spock      leonard mccoy       hikaru sulu(&george takei)                    nyota uhura                 spirk leonard nimoy             william shatner            
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
use me, on camera, coffee in the morning- @555sage
is this meet-cute to your liking?- @fubureaders
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jazziejax · 3 months
𝐀𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲
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Pairings- Black!OC x Abbott Elementary Cast, later Black!OC x Manny (Can be read as x Reader though!)
Summary- S1E1-Light Bulb with Naoya Lovel
Warnings- Swearing, kids, mixed race reader( those aren't warnings really, just what to expect)
Jazzie'sNotes!- let me know what you guys think!! I've been really obsessed with Abbott Elementary recently and I'm contemplating if I want to write S1&S2 just to get to the Manny season. I want to get there fast but I know what won't be possible with two seasons worth of writing. Let me know what you guys think I should do.
Word Count- 5,680
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“Ten seconds!” Jacob yelled over his shoulder at the people in the room. Melissa and Barbra rushed over to the sitting area in front of the television that played the action news. Naoya sitting the opposite of them on the small couch.
“Oh, we love Action News! Get in early just to watch it.” Melissa said to the cameras. “It just really calms you down after wanting to take a wrench to someone's side mirror in traffic.” She beamed as if what she said was totally normal.
“But the Philadelphia region continues to suffer, temperature in the mid-90s with a heat index approaching 100…” The television said as they all sat and watched.
“Now I’m a proud married Christian woman and I love my husband. But there’s something about that Jim Gardner.” Barba gushed to the cameras. “That non-regional diction.” The woman was practically blushing just at the thought of the man.
“It is so important to support and acknowledge local journalism, okay?” Jacob started. “There’s no agenda here. This is—This is one going, in the streets, powerful stuff.” He explained seriously.
“I get in early just to see my aunt Magnolia on the screen. She’s a news anchor and I like telling her what I like and dislike about her outfits every morning.” Naoya nodded nonchalantly.
“Wouldn’t want to see that dog in traffic.” Jim Fardner said as they all laughed while watching a little Pomeranian dog drive a toy car.
“Yes, Jim.” Barbra agreed, not seeing the confused look Noaya gave her from the side.
“I like the news because that’s when I can say whatever I want and nobody asks any questions.” Mr.Johnson told the cameras with a smirk.
“I’m taking a personal day.” The old man said as he entered the room, looking at the backs of everyone’s heads as they continued to watch the morning news. “Going fishing with my friends. Anyways, toilet papers in the closet.” He said before walking out.
“I hear him.” Naoya nodded, giving the people behind the camera a small smile. “I hear everything. Plus he is a hilarious old man and I wanna know all his secrets. I am this close to cracking him.” She said with an evil smirk making its way into her face as she lined her fingers together to indicate a small amount.
“I saw Jim Gardner once. At the Chipotle.” Barbra smiled bashfully, not taking her eyes away from the television. “Ooh, he orders a bowl so handsomely.” She gushed. Naoya gave the older woman another look, this time more concern than confusion.
It was only a moment later that Jacob was going through the break room fridge, poking around for something. “Who’s branzino is this?” He asked, holding the fish dish in his hands. “This is a very powerfully smelling fish to put in a shared fridge.” The boy complained as politely as he could, closing the ice box with a disgusted look on his face.
“Don’t touch it,” Melissa said looking up from her phone. “I’m making it right at my cousin Annette’s.” She made her way over to have a seat in her usual spot next to Barb. “She thinks she’s the best cook in the family. I’m gonna show her in a non-threatening way. Imma look cuter than her too.” She smirked.
“I have a distant cousin named Annette,” Naoya said, finishing up the delicious breakfast sandwich that she had every morning. “She was psychotic though, used to put poison in the condiments at restaurants.” The younger woman stated, looking off in thought as the rest stared at her in disbelief. “I haven’t seen her in ages. Don’t want to either, she was butt ugly.” She then took a sip of her orange juice.
Just as she finished, Janine walked into the room, putting her bag down on the table in front of Melissa and Barbra. “Guys, the lights in the back hallways have been out for weeks.”
“Thank you for the update,” Melissa said as she applied more makeup.
“What are you wearing?” Barbra asked, looking her up and down.
“And we need to do something about it. Okay?” The short woman tried to sound demanding but it didn’t come off that way. “Uh, Melina, from your class.” She started, pointing at Melissa. “Yeah, she was afraid to come to school this morning. Said it looked like “The Shining.” And I don’t even get how she knows that reference.”
“She loves “The Shining,” Melissa stated.
“It’s a classic movie.” Jacob chimed in.
The camera panes Naoya’s way, who looks at them at their movements. ‘Never seen it.’ She mouthed with a shrug of her shoulders.
“This isn’t okay, alright?” Janine stressed. “And I already talked to Mr.Johnson and he said that there isn’t anything he can do.
“What do you want us to do about it?” Barbra asked the girl tiredly.
“I mean, it can’t be hard. It’s just screwing in a few new bulbs.” The small woman stated.
“Janine, just worry about what can be controlled.” Barbra cut her off.
“Exactly.” Melissa agreed. “All we can do on a hot day like this is our own jobs, anyway.”
“I know what’s right,” Ava said as she barged into the room and made her way over to the coffee machine. “Why is it February and hotter than the devil’s booty hole outside?” She asked.
“Climate Change.” Jacob and Naoya said at the same time, causing them to point at one another in recognition while Ava shot both of them a tired look. “We are living in the middle of its disastrous effects. The permafrost in Russia—” He was about to rant before Ava cut him off.
“Nerd.” The woman said between coughs, which sounded more like a laugh. Naoya rolled her eyes while Jacob just turned back to what he was doing.
“Ava.” Janine started, walking up to the woman who was still laughing from her childish joke. “Can someone from the city come and check on the back hallway lights?”
“Girl, no.” The woman answered, her usual judgmental look on her face. “Do I look like the Kool-Aid man?” She asked, halving around the room. Her eyes stopped on Naoya, who raised her eyebrows in question. “Don’t answer that.” She pointed at the woman, who just shrugged it off. “I don’t have enough juice to manipulate the inner workings of city hall.” The principal continued, looking back at Janine and scoffing before making her way out. “They’ll probably come in the summer.” She said as the bell rang.
“I’m the summer?” Janine asked after doing a double take at her words. But the woman was long gone and the others were making their way out of the room to their classes.
“Tough break. Want some egg white bites?” Jacob asked, easing closer to Janine and holding out a plate. The solemn woman looked up at him with a new determination. “No. I don’t have time to eat.” She said before walking out. Jacob was mid-bite when he turned and faced Naoya, who was putting her bag over her shoulder. And before the man could even speak, the woman stopped him. “No, I don’t want your peasant food, Jacob. It’s insulting that you would ask someone as cultured as myself such a question.” She started before strutting out of the break room. Jacob stood there in disbelief.
“It’s just egg white bites, you put them in the microwave.”
“Janine, what on earth are you doing on that thing?” Naoya asked as she rushed down the hall to the smaller woman who stood on a ladder. She had just come from using the restroom and leaving a class of a bunch of nine to ten-year-olds unattended for even a few seconds could lead to chaos. She didn’t know that chaos would be the grown woman who was the height of a nine to ten-year-old.
“I’m going to fix this broken light.” The woman said determinedly, only a step above the floor in the heightening tool. Naoya made it next to her, seeing the woman wasn’t doing much movement. She placed her hands on her hips, a smug look on her face. “Janine, you are not meant to go to those heights. God gave you your stature for a reason. Plus you’re terrified.”
“I am not terrified.” The woman said, shooting a glance at her. At that, Naoya gave her a knowing look before ushering the woman to go ahead. Janine nodded and looked back at the matter, fear gripping her. She gulped looking back at Naoya. “Okay, I am terrified but I’m gonna do it because I’m on a mission.” She said before carefully making her way up the ladder.
“If this backfires, you buy my dinner,” Naoya asked, after checking in on her classroom through the glass door, seeing them still doing their reading time. At that, Janine gave a confused look to the air, since she was too scared to look down. “Uh, no. This bet is not in my face, at all.”
“Well, at least have some faith in yourself, goodness gracious.”
At that, Janine continued, taking the cover off the lights and continuing to tweak at the wires. “See, look at this. It was just a loose wire.” The woman said, briefly glancing down at the people below her. She then connected the wire with another one, watching as the light stopped flickering. But it didn’t stop for long, the bulbs brightening before bursting in her face.
“Oh!” The woman screamed as she ducked:
“Janine!” Naoya yelled from below her, hosing her arms out in case the woman fell. Instantly, all the rooms were filled with the sounds of confusion and discomfort. The doors opened as the teachers exited.
“Oh, God! Can someone please help me down?” Janine asked, her voice shaking from the fear of the height she was at and the bulb exploding before her.
“And why would we do that since you caused this situation?” Melissa asked as she propped her door open.
“Okay, I didn’t know doing this would cause all the power to go out.” Janie tried to justify, still clutching onto the ladder.
“Well, the power is not all out,” Barbra stated. “It’s on in some places and off in others.”
“It’s off in my room,” Gregory said.
“On in the gym.” The coach said tiredly, slugging up to the group.
“Yeah, it’s off in my room,” Melissa spoke back up. “Thank God we got the A/C or we’d all be meltin’ already.”
“Okay, well before anyone freaks out, the best thing to do in these situations is just stay calm and—” Naoya started as she looked around the group but was silenced by the frantic voice of their terrible and terrified principal.
“Okay! This is it, y'all! The End Times!” The woman said as she rounded the corner in a hurry, a light strapped to her head. “It’s three months early, but it’s happening!” She said, as she closed in on them, giving the closest thing to her a tousle, which happened to be the very thing that was holding Janine up.
“Aah, don’t shake the ladder.” The smaller woman yelled from up top.
“Gregory is the only person that can stay in my bunker, so stop asking.” The crazed principal continued. Naoya’s head jerked back at her words, shocked at the woman’s blatant advancements that were harassment at this point.
“Ava,” Barbra started, holding her arms out in a non-offensive manner to calm the woman. “It is just a partial power outage. Alright, listen up everyone—.”
“Listen to Barbra, y'all!” The doomsday woman yelled, still latched into the latter out of fear.
“Are you kidding me?” Janie asked, clasping at the top of the ladder for support as it shook again.
“This is what we’re gonna do.” Barbra started again. “Everybody without power, please, head to the gym.”
“Head!” Ava chimed in again.
“We will conduct classes there until this is all fixed. It is not ideal—.” She stressed, looking up at the culprit on the ladder. “But it will work.”
“You hear her. Let’s go!” Ava demanded with a nod.
“Guys!” Janie called from the top of the ladder, causing them all to look up at her. “I-I just wanna I-I’m sorry, everybody.” The woman said nervously. “I just thought if I could get up here and get this done then we wouldn’t have to wait and..”
“And look where it landed us, baby girl.” Barbra cut in. “Everybody please head to the gym. We’ve got bigger fish to fry now.”
“Oh, Jesus! My branzino! Everybody out of the way. Out of the way!” Melissa yelled as she sprinted down the hall filled with children.
“Well, if someone can please help me! I feel like I’m one wobble away from death!” Janie begged from where she fluted the top of the ladder. At that, Naoya walked closer, raising her hand to help guide the woman down but was intercepted by Gregory's large arms. The two people glanced at each other, unexpected by the other one's move. Naoya waved her hand, signaling him to help instead. “Thank you,” Jannie said, too spooked to even pay attention to the odd interaction before her. “Okay, give me your hand. Take your time.” Gregory soothed, his large hand latched onto Janine’s. When he was turned away from her, she gave the camera an odd look, scratching the back of her ear. “Whenever you're ready.”
“Okay.” Janine sighed. There was a moment of silence between them all as they waited. “Am I doing it?” Janie asked, just standing there.
“No, honey,” Naoya spoke up, raising an eyebrow at such an odd question.
“Okay, let’s do a count of three.” Janine reiterated, adjusting herself to prepare.
“Okay,” Gregory started. “One, two…three.” He finished and the woman still wasn’t moving. “One more time.” He said.
“This is all my fault,” Janie said as she looked around the gymnasium at all the students. The shock clock then went off, the constant noise startling Gregory, who paused his class to speak to the woman. “Yeah, you probably shouldn’t have tried to do the job of a newly graduated DeVry student, but this is okay.” The man sassed, with an awkward smile as she gestured around the room. Melissa was teaching her kids the best she should with something in flashcards, while Barbra was teaching her students to tell time.
Naoya was on the other side of the room, all her students sitting in rows with their eyes closed and taking deep breaths, with her in the front as a group meditation process. She chose this alternative instead of their gym scheduled gym activities, so the kids weren’t accidentally hitting four-year-olds in the head with basketballs.
Janine sighed, going to pick up her phone that pinged. She read the messages she got from Tariq, and that pissed her off even more. Well, it wasn’t helping her attitude for today.
“I made this mess, and I need to fix this.” She said again, looking around at the distressed room of teachers.
“Okay, but fix this how? Gregory asked her. “It seems very outside of your skill set. You should probably just wait for somebody to get to it—.” He tried to reiterate what Barbra had been saying all along and Janine was not having it.
“I don’t want to wait for someone to get to it!” Janine hissed. “You know, our children have needs that deserve to be met. And I’m going to fix this. Nothing is going to get in my way.” She said determined.
“What if you have to climb another ladder?” Gregory finally asked. “Those seem very tricky for you.”
“No.” That was all Janie gave him. “Not today.
Sometime later, the bell rang, signaling to everyone that it was much time.
“Aren’t you going to lunch, Janine?” Melissa asked as she, Barbra, Gregory, and Naoya made their way to the gymnasium doors.
“Uh, no, I’m actually gonna stay and help the lunch ladies with lunch.” The shorter woman tried to find a reasonable excuse.
“The lunch ladies don’t like you, Janine. They never say hello back.” Naoya said, crossing her arms as she looked at the woman across from her. “So, is that what you’re really doing?”
“Yes!” She answered. “And maybe trying to get the lights back on.” She rushed out at the end, hoping no one heard. At that, the two older women groaned.
“Would you give that a rest?” Melissa started. What do you want? To make the whole school blow up?”
“No!” The woman said as she folded her arms. “Plus, I can’t. Luckily the school was built as a bomb shelter in WWII, so…”
“Let it go.” Barbra practically begged the girl before her before she and the rest of the teachers started walking away.
“Okay, I will.” The woman told them, watching them exit. She and Gregory held long eye contact, both knowing the truth deep down. After they were gone, Janine looked back down at her phone, not paying attention to her friends next to her.
“You’re not gonna let it go, are you?” Jacob spoke up.
“No, I’m not gonna let it go, Jacob, okay?” She said, giving the two of them a look. “I need to right my wrongs.”
“Okay, we’ll count me out.” He said, waving her off.
“I never counted you in,” Janine said to him, confused about where he got that from.
“Well, then count me in.” He restated. “Because I don’t have any lunch plans.”
“Okay.” She sighed. She then looked at the woman next to him, her purse on her shoulder. “Weren’t you going to lunch?” She asked.
“You owe me lunch, remember? Your plan backfired.” She reminded the woman from earlier with a shrug. Janine sighed, turning away from them and walking, knowing they would follow. “That’s not how bets work, Naoya. Both people have to agree.”
“That’s how my bets work and you owe me food, woman!”
“This is just like the one in my apartment, this is going to be easy,” Janine stated as the three of them made their way to the breaker box that was in the custodian closet. “Me and Tariq have to go in that thing like three times a month.” She said them behind her, Jacob holding the flashlight above her head.
“Maybe you should move.” The man suggested.
“Yeah. Tariq says he is “practicing” his credit score.” Janine struggled out and she pushed to get the metal box open. “Apparently 380 isn’t a good—.” She continued to struggle, her words getting lost in her. “Let me try,” Naoya said as she softly nudged the smaller woman out of the way. She gave the box a pull and the thing popped open. She turned and smiled at the two. “I loosened it,” Jannie said, trying to save face.
“Sure, Jan,” Naoya said, going back to looking in the box. “Oh..” she said, looking at the jumbled mess of wires and switches.
“Oh, no,” Janie said, looking at the same thing. “Don’t touch. Not even a little bit.” She read out loud, giving the camera a certain look. “Uh, okay. What’s that say?”
“End of the Road? It’s so hard to say goodbye?” Naoya read out loud, looking at the labels next to some of the switches. “What? Motownphil—These are Boyz II Men songs.” She deadpanned, turning to the rest of them.
“Why?” Jannie asked, moving to stand in front of the box herself.
Jacob chuckled. “It’s ironic ‘cause I’m on Bended Knee.” He joked, giving the camera a brief look. Naoya genuinely snickered while Janie just laughed awkwardly. “Heh. Okay.” She said before going back to the wires. “Oh God, why is that one hot?” Offering them a glance of concern. “Let me try this one.” She said and just a flip of a switch caused a giant spark to erupt, the trio screamed and jumped back to dodge the sparks as best as they could.
“What in the world.”
“What going on?”
Melissa and Barba exclaimed as she entered the hot and dark school building with children running around. “It’s so hot I’m gonna frizz.” Just then, Janie and Jacob came out of the appliance closet, their hair a mess from the static they endured. The three teachers who left for lunch automatically knew who the culprit for everything was.
“Janine! What did you do?!” Barbra asked, quite fed up with the younger woman. “Looking like ‘who shot John.’”
“Barbra, look, I know you told me to let it go, but I couldn’t. Jacob and Naoya—.” At that, she looked back to see where the woman was but she was nowhere to be found. “Jacob helped me open the breaker.” She was quick to accuse.
“I ran away as soon as the sparks started flying. I was looking out for myself.” The woman shrugged as she leaned against the wall next to her. “Plus, I wasn’t about to get yelled at by Barb for this whole mess.”
“It was a chance to support a strong Black woman.” The man next to her breathed out, in a state of shock, quite literally.
“The breaker?!” Melissa asked. “Janine! You can’t do this stuff! What had you come to work today and lose your mind?”
“Look, I—.” She tried to find something to say. “I just have—she gulped—I feel lightheaded.” She said as she swayed.
“Ohh, okay,” Barbra said worriedly as they all closed in on the smaller girl.
“Did you eat today, because I know you didn’t have lunch,” Melissa asked the girl worriedly.
“And you didn’t have any breakfast,” Jacob stated, his tone showing his concern for the woman’s wellbeing. Janine couldn’t even say anything, her balance was off and her mind was delirious.
“Okay, we’re losing her,” Melissa yelled, easing up on the girl. “Do I have your consent to slap you?” At that, Janine fell backward into Gregory’s arms just as Ava and Naoya rounded the corner. “There she goes,” Melissa said over the shocked screams of her colleagues. “She’s out.”
“Yall feel this heat?” Ava asked, just now seeing the sight of the woman on the floor before her. “Oh my God! She’s pale like a zombie! You know, they eat the hottest people first, let me back my tasty ass up.” Ava said, going back to where she came from down the hall. At her stupid words, Naoya was tempted to follow her but snapped out of it when she saw Janine on the floor.
“Uh, okay! I’m gonna go see if I can get some water out of the fridge. Hopefully, it’s still cold.” Naoya said before running off.
“Oh my God, my branzino!” Melissa yelled, moving to push Barb back.” “Excuse me, Barb. She’ll be okay!” She yelled as she pushed the older woman out of her way and jumped over the unconscious woman.
Once Janine woke up from her little coma, the coach told her that all the kids and teachers were outside. She walked out to see all of them playing in the water that was sprouting from the fire hydrants while the teachers lunged in chairs. “Oh, look who’s back in the land of the living,” Melissa said once she saw the small woman exit the school.
“Who opens the fire hydrant?” Janine asked
“Well, as Melissa would say, snitches get stitches,” Barbra said.
“It was Naoya,” Jacob whispered to his shorter friend, pointing over at said woman who was playing in the water with the children. She had her bat at her side, leaning her weight on it as she splashed the kids who came near her to throw water her way.
“That is correct.” Melissa started again. “But I am not talking to you on account of you killing my branzino.” She said, before leaning back in her seat. Barbra gave her a look and cleared her throat. Melissa looked at the woman from under her shades and sighed a little before sitting back up. Barbra then got up from her seat, allowing Janine to take it.
“So that’s it, huh?” Janine asked, looking around at the kids. “I , uh, gave it my all, passed out, and ruined the school day?”
“Oh, you tanked,” Melissa told her. “You tanked Janine. You took the whole school down with you. It was impressive.” She pressed, knowing she was pushing the woman’s buttons.
“Look, I know. I should’ve stopped. I’m sorry.” Janine sighed. “I just felt so bad when I saw that look on Melina’s face this morning.”
“You don’t think it kills us to see those faces in the morning?” Melissa asked her. “What, are we made of stone? You’re not the first person to feel things, kid. We care.”
It was silent for a moment as Janine thought over the woman’s words. “How do you and Barbra stop yourselves from caring too much if that’s a thing.”
“Because it’s the opposite.” Melissa smiled at the girl as she took off her shades. “We care so much we refuse to burn out. If we burn out, who’s here for these kids? That’s who you gotta take care of yourself.”
“Yeah, what’s with you today Nini?” Both women jumped at the sound of Naoya’s voice, while the woman just stood behind them with her bat. “You’re normally bananas, but…” She trailed off, waving at the girl's aura.
“Uh, I don’t know. Just some stuff at home, I think.” Janine shrugged with an answer.
“Oh, okay,” Melissa said with a nod. “See, that’s the other thing me and Barbra learned. All that at-home stuff—you gotta leave it at the door. Otherwise, you open up a whole nother Panera’s box of problems.”
“I think you mean Pandora’s box,” Naoya told the woman sitting in front of her.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s Panera’s box.” She nodded, while Janine and Naoya both gave the camera a look.
Later on that day, Naoya was in her room in the process of changing the clothes she had on into some that she kept in her closet. She enjoyed playing in the water with the kids but she was not going to go home wet. As she was in the process of changing, she got a phone call. Looking down at her phone, she saw the contact and quickly answered the phone.
“Hello, Adona.” The girl sighed into the phone as she pulled a new shirt over her head.
“Oh, well don’t sound so pleased.” The feminine voice over the phone said to her. Naoya rolled her eyes, as she opened the drawer of her desk and pulled out a plastic store bag. She offered the camera a glance, knowing they were probably thinking as to why she kept so many plastic bags in her drawer. But all she could offer them now was a shrug as the voice over the phone continued.
“Anyways, how are you?”
“What do you want, Adona?” Naoya spat, stuffing her semi-wet clothes into the plastic bag.
“What? I can’t see how my own sister is doing?” The woman said over the phone, the hurt in their voice obviously sarcastic.
“No, but I know you. And I know that you only call when you need money. Money for something other than your child.” The younger girl snapped over the phone. All she got in response was a sigh and some shuffling from the other end.
“You know, you don't have to rub it in.” Adona started, and Naoya rolled her eyes at the woman’s words, knowing this conversation was about to go to the argument they always had. “This all would have been so much easier if the rest of us weren’t left out of her will.”
“That’s not my fucking fault, Adona. I tell you that every time you call. Do you think I want the burden of you and the others calling me every month for some fucking bill for me to pay? Not to ask how I’m doing?” Naoya spat at her sister over the phone. She could feel her eyes start to sting, she was never the best at arguing when it came to her family. She’d been called sensitive all her life and it rang true every time she talked to her siblings.
“ “The others”? That’s what you call us? You’re family?” That was all Adona could say back. Naoya rolled her eyes and let out a scoff, pulling the phone away from her face as she sniffed and held her head back, trying to stop her tear flow. After only a few quick seconds, she brought the phone back to her face. “Uh, I can already see where this is going, so I’m gonna end it here. Just send the amount and I’ll talk to you some other time. Take care.” She said before pressing the red button on her screen to end the call.
She placed her phone in her back pocket and moved around her room to gather her things, trying her best to occupy her mind from what just ensued. She was so in her head that she forgot the cameras were there. And she didn’t hear the voice of Gregory at her door.
“Naoya?” He called out to her.
She looked up at the sound of his voice as she placed her things into her bag. “Oh, Hello Gregory.” She smiled, her face showing none of the emotions she was feeling.
“You’ve eaten?” He asked, just standing in the doorway of her classroom.
“Uh, no, actually. Janine was supposed to buy me lunch because I bet that her plan would backfire.” The woman said as she placed her things in her arms. At that, Gregory gave her a questioning look. Naoya raised her hands in surrender. “I know, I sound like a terrible friend. But it’s not that I don’t believe in Janine, I just know how to black a bet. Get it from my father.” The girl shrugged. She and Gregory both laughed lightly. And when it died down, they just started at one another, the air between them oddly peaceful.
“But, uh, are you offering?” She asked, looking at the man before her.
“Uh, yeah. I was going to ask Janine too.” He said, pointing his thumb in the direction of the said woman’s room.
“Cool! Let’s go.” She said with a genuine smile, causing the man to smile at her as well. They walked out and over to Janine’s room, where it looked like the woman was doing something on her phone. Gregory knocked on her door to get her attention. “Hey.” He said.
“Hey,” Jaimie said, looking at the two.
“Have you eaten?” He asked.
“Oh. No. The um, lunch lady gave me that can of peaches but no can opener, so, no.” She chuckled, pointing at the can on her desk.
“What? No fair! You’re so lucky. Well, besides the whole can opener situation. ” Naoya said jokingly.
“Alright, we’ll, you wanna go get something to eat? With me?” Gregory said before Naoya lightly cleared her throat. “With us?” Gregory was quick to reiterate. Naoya nodded, offering the slightly flustered older man a brief look.
“Oh,” Janine said, looking between the two. “I was gonna wait for my boyfriend to finish his show to eat…” She said. Naoya nodded at her words, understanding where she was coming from. Well, understanding as best as she could because she’d never wait to eat for a man. But maybe that was love. She caught the way Gregory’s posture changed at Janin’s words out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t say anything but she did give me a crazy side-eye, hoping he noticed.
“But…no.” The shorter woman started back up with a laugh. “I’m hungry now, so I should eat now, right?”
“That’s typically how hunger works, yeah.” Gregory played along.
“Right! Normal people eat at normal times, like…4:00.” She said, pointing over at the clock on her wall.
“Yeah. All true.” Gregory said with a nod before smiling. “So, let’s go eat.”
“Let’s. Okay.” Janine said with an equally large smile before moving to grab her things. At that, Naoya turned around to head out the door, not wanting to be in the middle of an obvious love fest. She gave the cameras outside a knowing look, a large smirk on her face.
Seconds later, the two of them walked out of the room, Naoya joining them to go down the hall. On their way, they ended up meeting Jacob.
“Oh, hey guys, what up?” The man said.
“We’re just headed to get something to eat,” Gregory answered.
“Oh, great, I’ll join.” The man just inserted himself, not catching the looks thrown his way by the three. “After school crew.” He continued.
“Ooh, “After School Crew.” I like that.” Janine smiled. They all ended up stopping at the lights coming on within the school. They looked over to see Mr.Johnson in the supply closet, standing next to the breaker machine in his fishing gear.
“You touch the lights, didn’t you, Janine?” He asked, shooting an accusatory look the woman’s way.
“Yes,” Janine answered with a defeated look.
“Good thing I got me a system.” The man told her, flicking the breaker box closed. “I’ll make love to you. Like you want me to.” He continued to sing. This caused them to all sigh and continue walking. Naoya stayed behind, a fond smile on her lips as she watched the old man. When he caught the sight of the woman still there, he paused and looked at her.
“You have a good fishing trip?” She asked the man, crossing her arms over another. The man looked at the girl kind of shocked that she asked and that she knew.
“Yeah. Yeah, I actually did.” He said, offering her a smile of his own. Naoya nodded at his words before walking away, following the crew that left her. Mr.Johnson looked at the spot she left, a fond smile on his face as she continued to sing the song.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I loved the Tangled AU! Could you do a Once Upon A Time AU, please?
Once Upon A Time AU
This ones a bit odd, but I actually love it. I loved this show. The first season, anyways. Once Upon A Time reminds me a little bit of me writing a fanfiction and then sort of being over it and fizzling out at the end.
But the first season is like... everything.
I love it so much.
Here we go!
Jack Kelly — Prince Charming
Katherine Plumber — Snow White
Racetrack Higgins — Emma Swan
Crutchie — Henry Mills
Joseph Pulitzer — Regina Mills
William Snyder — Rumplestiltskin
David Jacobs — Jiminy Cricket
Albert DaSilva — Ruby
Vince — Graham
Hot Shot — August
Medda — Granny
Sarah Jacobs — Abigail
Spot Conlon — Captain Hook
Hannah — Belle
Sniper — Neil
Romeo — baby Neil
Okay, so there’s a lot of characters with complicated backstories in this one. I’m only going to discuss a few of them this time around.
Racetrack Higgins (The Savior)
An orphan with a troubled past.
Race grew up in and out of orphanages and group homes, lost and alone
He is a stubborn, determined kid who grew up learning that he could rely on no one but himself
He’d always known he was different. He never fit in anywhere
He was a thief for more than half of his life and he got very good at pickpocketing and conning his way out of things
He grows up to be a bail bondsman
He’s kind of a badass.
On Race’s twenty fourth birthday, there’s a knock on his door just as he’s about to devour a single cupcake that he got after going out on a date with someone he met online which turned out to be someone he was looking for for his job
He finds a little boy with a brace on his right leg. He can’t be any older than seven.
The boy claims to be his son.
Race tries to explain that he doesn’t have a son. He never did.
The boy, who tells Race to call him Crutchie, tells Race that he didn’t know about him yet. But he tells Race that seven years ago, a girl gave him up. A girl named Anya.
The kid goes on about fairytales and how his adoptive father is truly evil and has trapped the town he lives in from its other world.
Race lets the kid in, a bit panicked for a minute before he regains control of himself and tells the boy he’s calling the police. Crutchie just tells him that if he does, he’ll tell the police that Race kidnapped him.
So, Race makes a deal with Crutchie. He tells Crutchie he’ll take him back, like the kid wanted him to, and he’ll listen to the stories that Crutchie had
Crutchie agrees
Race takes his supposed son back to this town. Storybrooke, Maine.
That’s when things begin to get crazy
Crutchie tells Race that he’s the product of true love, the son of Snow White and Prince Charming
Race doesn’t believe him. He tells him that he’s an orphan.
But the kid seems to know an awful lot about him.
Race gets sucked into this strange town after meeting the boy’s father who is odd and a little creepy
He does try to drive back to New York that night.
But he’s driven off the road by a wolf, crashing his car
He wakes up in a jail cell the next day and is stuck in this town. This town where time has just begun to move for the first time in twenty four years.
I could go on and on. Race goes and has been through a lot.
Katherine Plumber (Snow White)
a born princess and a born leader.
She had a happy childhood with her widowed mother up until it is announced that there is a stepfather coming into her life.
Her stepfather is a man she’d met before. Someone who used to be her friend. She indirectly killed the man’s first love
But she doesn’t know that
She just knows that they used to be friends
A couple months go by, after the wedding. And things are seemingly normal.
Until her mother dies unexpectedly.
And suddenly the man turns cruel and all Snow White has left to do is run as the man begins to try and kill him for killing his true love weeks before he was forced into a marriage he wanted no part of.
Snow flees to the woods, leaving the kingdom in the care of her stepfather, the Evil King Pulitzer.
She helps her people from the inside, per say, but is painted as a bandit by the royal castle and is hunted by the palace guards. She learns how to fight and steal and hide.
And one day, she steals from a prince. A very intriguing prince.
And a love story begins.
A prince and a disgraced princess. What could go wrong?
Eventually, the two are able to get married and expect a child.
It’s on the night that this child is born that the Evil King casts a curse over the land, trapping the kingdom in a land without magic, their prison being time as it does not move.
Not for 24 years.
In the real world, Snow becomes Katherine. Katherine Plumber. She’s a second grade teacher at the elementary school in town and a volunteer down at the hospital. Everyone adores her, except for Crutchie’s father, Mr. Pulitzer.
When Race meets her, she admits she’s the one who gave Crutchie the story book he’s become obsessed with. Race laughs and offhandedly asks her who she is in the book.
She says Snow White.
Race freezes for a moment but shakes it off.
Katherine likes Race. They end up becoming fast friends. Really close. And Kath eventually offers Race a place to stay after Race is kicked out of the motel he’d been staying at.
They become best friends.
She’s only twenty six.
Remember time’s frozen.
But Katherine is Race’s mother.
Just… neither of them know it.
Jack Kelly (Prince Charming)
A prince.
Well… sort of.
Born a peasant. He grew up on a farm. His father died when he was young. His mother was all he had.
Or so he thought.
But let’s not get into that now. What’s important is that Jack makes a deal with the Dark One. Pretend to be a prince, and his mother can live out her days on their farm.
He took the deal when he was seventeen.
He hates it.
The king hates him. Tries to torture him in fact, but cannot kill him, as he already lost what he calls his real son.
In reality, it was Jack’s twin brother, whom he was separated from at birth.
The king resents him but forces him to look and act the part, eventually promising him to marriage.
Jack doesn’t fancy his wife to be, but agrees, if only to get away from the king.
While on a trip with this insufferably dull woman, their carriage is robbed. By a single thief. A thief who Jack tackles to the ground.
It’s a woman.
A woman who gives him a scar on his chin by hitting him with a rock and running away.
But Jack doesn’t give up that easily.
He tracks down this thief who has taken a very valuable ring. His mother’s ring.
His name is James. He hates it. He’s called Jack for short to those who know him.
But Snow never calls him that.
“Charming” suits him.
After several adventures with this woman, ones where she saved his life and he saved her’s, after waking her from a sleeping curse, they get married and are expecting a baby.
That night, a curse falls over the land.
As Jack is rushing his newborn baby, Tyler James, to safety, he is stabbed. And he passes out just as the world goes dark.
In the real world, he is a John Doe in a coma at the hospital that Katherine volunteers at.
She reads to him every night.
And when he wakes up, he can’t remember a thing.
He has a wife. A wife thats not Katherine.
But he can’t help but see Katherine anyways.
And that stirs up trouble for the towns golden girl.
Eventually, Jack meets Race. A for a second he remembers.
And then Pulitzer is there to take it all away.
But Jack and Race are practically inseparable after that and end up becoming sheriffs of the town.
Jack is twenty eight.
Okay, since there’s so many characters and so many intricate storylines, I’m gonna stop at these three (my favorite three) for now.
I have another ask for this RP in my asks so I’ll dive a little more into a few other characters (or more on these ones) then. But if y’all wanna hear about specific characters or wanna see some scenes from the show, just let me know!
I do love the idea of this RP…
For more RP’s check out my list here!
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theessenceofbeautyy · 2 years
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miss-authorcita · 5 years
I saw 'Let It Shine' and the way Tyler James Williams looks at Coco Jones during the final song of the movie kinda made me want to write a fanfiction for NoahxReader!
Is that weird??
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distant-rose · 6 years
Fandoms Q10, Ships Q15, Author Q26, Fanfic Q46!
Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
There’s a lot of fandoms I read fic for but I don’t write in. So far, in my fourteen years of fandom, I’ve only written for Once Upon a Time, X-Men, Justice League, Batman Beyond and Teen Titans but I’ve read a ton of fanfiction particularly for Star Wars, Punisher, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, Queen of the South, Labyrinth and Stranger Things.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?  (BONUS BECAUSE I MESSED UP)
Oh my god, where the fuck do I start, I have so many. Killian Jones and David Nolan, Dick Grayson and Donna Troy, Dick Grayson and Wally West, Barbara Gordan and Dinah Lance, Rogue and Logan, Remy LeBeau and Ororo, Karen Page and Foggy Nelson, Sirius Black and James Potter, Kate Bishop and Clint Barton, Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler…there’s a lot.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? 
Yeah. I love a lot of obscure ships actually but mainly for GoT/ASOIAF. For ASOIAF, I’m mainly a Jaime/Brienne girl but I also love Sansa/Margaery, Sansa/Willias, Lyanna/Arthur and occasionally find myself in the Ned/Cersei trash bucket. I also love romantic Captain Charming. I do have A LOT of crack ships like Captain Shakespeare (Stardust)/Captain Nemo (OUAT) and Henry Mills (OUAT)/Sarah Williams (Labyrinth). I can’t think of anything else but I’m sure there’s more.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Honestly? Mainly puns or references to phrases (”The Rabbit Died” a reference to archaic pregnancy testing) or popular culture (”An Ode to Ferris Bueller” a reference to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off where the main character faked sick) that have something to do with that’s happening in the story. Like the “Wolf in the Door” is based off the phrase “keeping at bay the wolf in the door” which dates back to the 1500s and it meant to fight off urges, particularly ones that weren’t necessarily good ones. And since, that story is kinda about a murder spree, those urges aren’t necessarily being suppress the said wolf in the door. Hence the title. 
If I can’t think of something, I generally will pick a quote that I think adeptly sums up the story that features in the fic. It’s kinda lame.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Uhhhh….do I have to choose? Honestly, probably “Seal of Fate” or “Quick and Sudden” for my semi-normal fanfiction pieces. If someone were kinda sorta interested in my super niche dumpster fire series that is “Little Pirates” and wanted to read it for the first time, since you don’t have to read them in order, I would probably suggest “Human Coloring Book,” “Dads Against Daughters Dating” or “Wolf in the Door.”
Ask me questions about fan fiction
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afaimscorner · 7 years
Orientierungsfile für mein A/B/O-Arrowverse:
Fics (inklusive Lesereihenfolge):
„Nennt uns Legenden: Die Legende von Alpha, Beta und Omega“:
Legends-Fic, Arrow Staffel 1-5, Flash Staffel 1-3, Legends Staffel 1-2 bis Episode 2.14. Moonshot, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“:
Arrow-Fic, Arrow Staffel 1-5, Flash Staffel 2, bis Arrw 5.10 „Who are you?“, Oliver/Black Siren-Fic, mit etwas Olicity
„Nennt uns Legenden II: Die Legende der Omegas“:
Legends-Fic, nach „Moonshot“ vor „Fellowship of the Spear“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel
„Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“:
Flash-Fic, Flash Staffel 1-3, bis 3.18 „Duet“, Julian-Fic, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Julian/Barry und Julian/Caitlin mit Westallen am Rande
„Nennt uns Legenden III: Die Legende von Doomworld“:
Legends-Fic, Episoden 2-15 „Fellowship of the Spear“-2.17, Doomworld-Fic, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel, mit Sara/Amaya und Eobard/Ray
„Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“:
Supergirl-Fic, Spupergirl Staffel 1-3, bis 3.4 „The Faithful“, Danversschwestern-Fic mit Sanvers und Karamel als Schwerpunkt, etwas Kara/James und diversen anderen Pairings
„Nennt uns Legenden IV: Die Legende vom Rudel“:
Legends-Fic, Staffel 3, innerhalb des Zeitsprungs von 3.1 bis 3.7. „Out of the Jungle“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel, mehr AU als die bisherigen Fic da anderer Handlungsstrang für Rip
 Geplante Fics:
Crisis on Earth X“-Crossover Fic
Nennt uns Legenden V
+ Diese Fic wurde von der umwerfenden englischen Legends A/B/O-Fic „Handle Alphas with care and cuddles“ (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6430948/chapters/14720536) von yaoigirl22 inspiriert.
+ Was bedeutet A/B/O? Das steht für Alpha/Beta/Omega und ist eine Fanfiction-Trope, die sich vom Tierreich inspirieren lässt und eine Welt postuliert, in der die Menschen neben dem primären Geschlecht auch noch ein sekundäres Geschlecht (nämlich eben Alpha, Beta oder Omega) besitzen. Traditionell funktioniert die Gesellschaft auf Grund von der Existenz dieser sekundären Geschlechter anders als unsere, und es herrscht oft ein gewisser Seximus vor (bezogen auf die sekundären Geschlechter). Autoren nützen dieses Gimmick gerne für Dystopien und/oder gesellschaftliche Kommentare. … Oder dafür um Pornographie zu verfassen. Diese Fic ist mehr ersteres als letzteres. Sorry.
 + Wie funktioniert meine A/B/O-Gesellschaftsform? Aus historischen Gründen heraus werden in der modernen Gesellschaft Alphas und Omegas aber aus unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht besonders hoch angesehen. Betas erhalten bevorzugt Führungspositionen und haben im Grunde genommen das Sagen in der Gesellschaft, da Alphas als zu aggressiv und territorial gelten und Omegas als schwach und flatterhaft bzw. instabil – jeweils wegen ihrem Hormonhaushalt. Im 21. Jahrhundert gilt diese Vorstellung zwar als überholt und veraltet, und es gibt viele Gleichberechtigungsbewegungen, aber viele hängen trotzdem noch den alten Vorurteilen an. Auch deswegen, weil es stimmt, dass Betas eine beruhigende und stabilisierende Wirkung auf Alphas und Omegas haben (wegen den Pheromonen, die sie absondern). In dieser Fic haben alle drei sekundären Geschlechter einen Geruchssinn, der sie dazu bringt zu riechen, was für Pheromone die Angehörigen der anderen Geschlechter gerade aussenden, sprich sie erkennen so die Stimmung der anderen und Hinweise auf Hitze bzw. Brunft.
Omegas erleben sogenannten Hitzen (grob gesagt sie werden rollig bzw. läufig, sucht euch aus welches Tier ihr bevorzugt) und sondern in dieser Phase ihres Lebens Pheromone ab, die bei Alphas wiederum Brunftverhalten auslösen (ja, jetzt haben wir die Tierart gewechselt, sorry) – auf jeden Fall sind dann beide Seiten geil aufeinander und beschließen sich zu paaren und tun das dann auch über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg – im Falle eines männlichen Alphas verhakt sich dieser meistens im Omega, und sie hängen dann längere Zeit zusammen (und jetzt sind wir wieder bei den Hunden gelandet) bis der Penis abschwillt und entfernt werden kann. Betas hingegen werden vom Geruch der Hitze abgestoßen damit sie nicht zwischen einen brünftigen Alpha und dem von ihm begehrten Omega geraten können, was mit unter schlecht für sie ausgehen könnte.
 + Sorry, keine Mpreg in meinen Fics. Männliche Omegas können nicht schwanger werden.
 + Polygamie gilt als normal, wenn auch überholt. Die ideale Beziehungsform wäre eine Triaden-Beziehung zwischen einem Alpha, einem Beta und einem Omega. Aber im 21. Jahrhundert kommen diese nur noch selten vor.
 + Homosexualität gilt als normal, was sekundäre Geschlechter angeht, und bei den meisten auch, was primäre Geschlechter angeht.
 + Es gibt sogenannte Gefährten, eine geistige wie körperliche Bindung zwischen Alpha und Omega, die einst als heilig galt, heutzutage aber als altmodisch angesehen wird und durch die normale zwei Personen-Ehe esetzt wurde.
+ Bei den außeriridschen Völkern haben die Alphas das Sagen.
 + Rudelstrukturen sind nicht mehr häufig zu finden, entstehen aber automatisch wenn größere Gruppen aller drei Geschlechter viel Zeit miteinander verbringen.
 +Sogenannte Prime-Alphas, zu denen sich Eobard zählt, wurden in unserer Zeit noch nicht identifiziert, gelten in der Zukunft und auf anderen Planeten aber als Untergeschlecht vom Alpha und meinen eine intelligentere und stärkere Art von Alpha.
 +Intersex-Geschlechter sind möglich und oft die Folge von künstlich herbeigeführten schiefgegangen Geschlechtsumwandlungen. Alpha-Beta etwas bedeutet, dass die Person mehr Alpha als Beta Merkmale besitzt, während Beta-Alphas mehr Beta- als Alpha-Merkmale aufweisen.
 + Wer ist was? (Spoiler! Manche verbergen ihr wahres Geschlecht oder wechseln es)
 Rip Hunter
Ray Palmer
Nate Heywood
Grandma Palmer
Gary Green
Quentin Lance
Roy Harper
Curtis Holt
Maseao Yamashiro
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Joe West
Lisa Snart
Henry Allen
Jay Garrick (Erde 3)
Kara Danvers
J’onn J’onzz
Jeremiah Danvers
Lar Gand (auch in Universum-1)
 Martin Stein
Jax Jackson
Leonard Snart
Carter Hall (und all seine anderen Inkarnationen)
Vandal Savage
Gideon – programmiert auf Beta
Clarissa Stein
Lily Stein
Zari Tomaz
Rex Tyler
Anna Loring
Henry Heywood
Hank Heywood
Mrs. Heywood
Star Girl
Dr. Mid-Nite
Sydney Palmer
Mrs. Palmer
Felicity Smoak
Paul Holt
Rory Regan
Lyla Michaels
Tommy Merlyn
Robert Queen
Walter Steele
Carly Diggle
Susan Williams
Jesse Quick
H. R. Wells
Ronnie Raymond
Eddie Thawne
Captain Singh
Hank Henshaw
Winn Schott
Maggie Sawyer
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
M’gann M’orzz
Sam Arias
Ruby Arias
Lucy Lane
Linda Park
Patty Spivott
Mari McCabe
John Constantine
 Sara Lance (Prime Alpha?)
Mick Rory
Amaya Jiwe
Eobard Thawne (Prime Alpha)
Damien Darhk
Kendra Saunders (und all ihre anderen Inkarnationen)
Ava Sharpe
Miranda Coburn
Nora Darhk
Jonah Hex
Mon-El Universum 1
Laurel Lance
John Diggle
Thea Queen
Renè Ramirez
Evelyn Sharp
Adrian Chase
Moira Queen
Slade Wilson(Prime Alpha nach Mirakulu?)
Donna Smoak
Dinah Lance
Andy Diggle
Amanda Waller
Ras al Gul
Iris West
Wally West (im Vorwort bei der Aufstellung zu „Nennt uns Legenden IV fälschlicherweise als Beta geführt, das war mein Fehler, sorry, Alpha stimmt)
Julian Albert
Harry Wells (Erde-2)
Hunter Zolomon
Lewis Snart
Nora Allen
Dante Ramon
Alex Danvers
Cat Grant
James Olsen
Eliza Danvers
Maxwell Lord
 Malcolm Merlyn – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Oliver Queen – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Laurel Lance Erde Zwei – Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Caitlin Snow – bisher Beta, wird zum Alpha, nun ?
0 notes
mysticspkmnfankids · 5 years
When writing (characters or fanfiction), do you listen to any music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc. to help you focus? If so, do you have any songs that particularly suit a character? If not, how do you focus?
Oh yeah, all the time! Even for college assignments I’ll usually have music playing. At the moment, I’m listening to songs from Skillet’s 2016 and 2019 albums, which I find are very inspiring.
There is one song that I always associate with Alex, even though it may or may not be completely in his character. It’s called “Guardian Angel” by Coco Jones and Tyler James Williams from a Disney movie called “Let it Shine.” I never saw the movie but when I heard this song play on commercials, I really liked it, and it was around the same time I was first conceptualizing Alex as a character. So, it means a lot to me :)
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