#tyler posey x reader imagine
houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
I Thought I Was Protecting You
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"Despite your best efforts to keep it a secret, I know about Y/N. Would be such a shame if something happened to her." An evil smirk was sent the alphas way before Deucalion disappeared.
"Scotty! Ready to go out?!" You danced into his room wearing jeans and a plain crop top ready to go to Lydias' party. "What if we stay in tonight?" Scott suggested anxious about Deucalion. "Again? This is the third weekend in a row you've wanted to stay in." You pouted sitting on his bed. "I just don't have a good feeling about tonight." "That's what you said all those other nights." You crossed your arms and Scott knew he couldn't keep you in the house forever.
"Just stay next to me okay?" He wrapped his arms around your head, your head resting on his abdomen. "Okay, baby." You kissed his abs through his shirt smiling up at him as you pushed him into his closet to pick out something to wear. Once he was dressed he lead you out to his car driving both of you to Lydia's party. Once you arrived Scott kept a protective arm around your waist making sure nothing happened to you. You didn't know about the supernatural and Scott wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.
You guys danced for an hour before you were getting parched. "I'm going to go grab a drink baby." You yelled over the music letting go of Scotts' hand and he grabbed it again taking a step forward to go with you. "Scott I'll be okay alone. It's right over there. Go talk with Stiles he's been trying to hang out with you all night." He looked nervous to let you go and you gave him a short sweet kiss before walking into the house. Scott watched you walk into the house and then started looking around the party.
He felt eyes on him and he looked up to see Deucalion standing on the roof his heart dropping his eyes immediately searching for you inside the house. He looked back to the roof Deucalion no longer there and Scott ran inside the house looking for you. "Y/N! Y/N?! Y/N!" He shouted searching the house his breathing becoming heavier. "Y/N!" He exclaimed happily finding you talking to one of your classmates. "Sorry to interrupt but we gotta go." Scott grabbed your hand leading you out of the house to his car.
"What the hell Scott?! I was in the middle of a conversation!" You crossed your arms angrily watching him sigh and start driving back to his house. "I'm sorry baby we just had to go." Scott's fingers strummed against the steering wheel knowing you were gonna ask more questions. "Why? Because you were getting bored and didn't wanna be there anymore?" You rolled your eyes thinking he made you leave for his own selfish reasons.
"No, I have my reasons." You huffed slouching in your seat and looking out the window. Once you arrived you went up to Scotts' room grabbing your keys planning on leaving. "Sleepover, please." He sounded like he was begging so you dropped your keys on his desk turning to face him. "What's going on Scott? You've been acting weird since you got back from camping with Stiles." You wrapped your arms around his neck wanting him to be open with you and tell you if something was bothering him.
"Nothing is going on." He denied and you sighed playing with his hair. "You've been helicoptering me ever since, you never want to go out anymore, you're looking over your shoulder every time we do go out, do you want me to continue?" "Look it doesn't make sense now but I promise one day it will, just trust me please." You decided not to ask any more questions just wanting a peaceful night with your boyfriend.
"I trust you, Scott. Wanna join me in the shower?" You smiled and he eagerly nodded picking you up and taking you to his bathroom turning on the water. He turned to you kissing you softly before getting on his knees unbuttoning your jeans kissing up your legs and thighs. He stood up grabbing the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head and unclasping your bra. "I love you." "I love you more." You pulled his shirt over his head while he took his pants off.
You both washed each other and held one another, the shower being the most non-sexual intimate moment you guys have had in a while. When you guys got out Scott dried you off kissing every part of your body savoring you like he was going to lose you. "Let's go cuddle." You dried him off before heading back into the bedroom and he put on a pair of boxers while you stayed naked and got underneath the blankets. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to his body while you nuzzled into his chest.
"Goodnight my beautiful girl, I love you."
"Goodnight my handsome boy. I love you more." You squeezed him tight before closing your eyes letting sleep engulf you not knowing Scott kept himself awake for as long as possible to make sure you were safe. He looked down at your peaceful state knowing he would do anything in the world to protect you. He would die for you and he knew he might have to.
You woke up the next morning alone in bed and you rubbed your eyes sitting up and getting out of bed to put on one of his sweatshirts and boxers. Your head snapped up when hearing glass break downstairs. You opened the door not hearing anything more but decided to go down to make sure Scott was okay. You were halfway down the stairs when you saw Scott being held up against the wall by some sort of monster thing.
Your heart started racing not believing what you were seeing. "Run," Scott yelled looking at you and the monster turned to look at you dropping Scott and approaching you. You backed up towards the door reaching for the doorknob before Scott intervened fighting the thing. You froze with your hand on the doorknob watching the interaction your jaw dropping when seeing it stab Scott with its claws. "Scott!" You wailed tears streaming down your face as the creature picked Scotts' body up throwing him into the wall opposite of the room.
You swung open the door running as fast as you could down the street not looking behind you. "Get in." A man said cutting you off with his car rolling the window down. "Who the fuck are you?" You asked through tears your chest heaving. "A friend of Scott's. Now get in." You sighed looking behind you at Scotts' house before hopping into the stranger's car. You looked over at him and he had jet black hair a leather jacket on a scowl on his face and he intimated you. You cried quietly looking out the window thinking how you'll never see Scott again and if this stranger had something to do with it.
He pulled up to Scott's work and you've never been more confused. Why in the actual hell were you at the vet when Scott was at home dying. He opened the door leading you to the back room not saying a word so you decided you weren't going to either. You heard the door open and your body stiffened thinking you were next but Stiles, Lydia, and Isaac walked into the room looking at the stranger behind me.
"Guys, what the fuck is happening? Scotts at home he got attacked by some creature and he's there dying, he got stabbed with the thing's claws!" You explained freaking out and they all looked relatively calm. "Y/N he's okay-" Lydia started and your eyes widened laughing in disbelief. "No, he's not he's at his house bleeding out he-," You got distracted when you peered out the window to see Scott walking up the driveway looking good as new. You were extremely fucking confused but were more than thrilled to see your boyfriend alive.
You ran out the door the third wave of tears starting as you ran towards him throwing yourself onto him and clinging to him. "I thought I lost you. I saw you-you were bleeding-you got stabbed with its claws-what was that thing." You rambled on not knowing where to start having so many questions. He grabbed your face in his hands making you look at him tears streaming down his face. He never meant for danger to get that close to you, he knew you were traumatized now, thinking he died and witnessing it. "You're never going to lose me. I'm so sorry baby . Follow me inside and I'll explain."
Over an hour later Scott was done explaining and you sat there in disbelief not even knowing what to think. Your boyfriend was a werewolf. He can heal, if gets stabbed he heals, shot, he heals, anything he heals. And your friends helped him fight supernatural creatures. And you somehow became Deucalions' target. He gave everyone a look to get out of the room and they all left going outside. "I understand it's a lot. I didn't plan on telling you this soon but I can't really come up with an excuse for what you saw this morning." You didn't answer but you put your head in your hands staring at the ground.
"Y/N you're not safe around me." He breathed out sighing knowing what he has to do to keep you safe. You looked up at him fearing his next words. "I-I think we should break up. I have to keep you safe. I love you." He held your face in his hands' tears dropping from his eyes. "Please don't do this Scott." You stood up crying not wanting to lose him twice in a day. "I love you so much which is why I have to do this." You frowned placing your hands on his chest trailing them up to the sides of his neck.
He closed his eyes letting himself sink into the feeling of your touch one last time. "I love you so much too." You whispered kissing his jaw and then his lips. You pulled away after a few minutes looking into his eyes before leaving the building. Scott ran his hands through his hair looking back up when hearing the door open. "I need a ride home." You whispered not looking at him forgetting that his friend drove you here.
You followed him to his car him opening the door for you. You guys drove in silence both of you trying not to cry. He parked in front of your house and you looked over at him kissing his cheek. "I love you, Scott McCall. Stay safe." You said getting out of his car and heading into your house.
------------2 Weeks Later----------
Your parents went to work so you decided to shower and binge-watch your favorite show. You were a mess due to the breakup, you saw him every day at school making it harder to get over him. Not like you wanted to but you had to. You locked all the doors and windows jumping into the shower staying in there for about thirty minutes having nothing else better to do. You put your clothes on leaving the bathroom and going down into the kitchen to make yourself dinner not seeing the open window.
You heard a shatter come from the living room and went to check it out thinking it was just your cat. You looked into the living room seeing a vase broken on the ground your cat was nowhere in sight and you sighed turning around and being face to face with the werewolf who attacked Scott. You let out a scream before he grabbed you throwing you into a wall and stomping towards you as you scrambled to your feet running up the stairs.
You threw anything you could at him being the most scared you've ever been in your life. He made it up the stairs and you ran into your room closing the door locking it and barricading it. You crawled under your bed sobbing and flinching when hearing him bust your door down. You were dragged out from under your bed your screams resuming and he dragged you to the stairs throwing you down them. Your vision was blurry but you were able to see him walking slowly down the stairs.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket knowing you had to call Scott. You hurriedly clicked on his contact him picking up after three rings. "Y/N?" "He's coming, Scott, he's coming." You cried harder when hearing the roar Deucalion let out. He picked you up throwing you all over the house his claws leaving a gash across your chest. You were still on call with Scott and his jaw clenched when hearing your blood-curdling screams over the phone knowing it was all his fault. You were bleeding out, vision becoming black but not before seeing Scott bust through your door in full transformation fighting Deucalion.
You passed out in the middle of it, Scott fought off Deucalion picking up your body using his super speed to run to the hospital calling for his mom. The nurses took you out of his arms bringing you into the operating room leaving Scott in the waiting room pacing back and forth losing his mind. The rest of the pact rushed out of the elevator going over to Scott. "Is she okay?" Lydia asked and Scott stopped pacing looking at the pact. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault." He repeated collapsing on the floor tears falling from his eyes. The pact consoled him until the nurses came out saying they could see you.
"You should go in first. Alone." Stiles said and Scott nodded heading to your room and knocking on the door before heading in. You sent him a small smile moving over signaling you wanted him to sit on the bed with you. He bit his lip trying not to cry knowing it was all his fault. "I thought I was protecting you by breaking up with you. I only put you in more danger." He whispered grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb over it. "But you were there to save me." You sat up carefully grabbing both of his hands. "You almost died because of me." "But I didn't."
"Scott please don't blame yourself. I'm alive. I'll be fine." You gave him a small smile which he returned. ""Scott please don't blame yourself. I'm alive. I'll be fine." You gave him a small smile which he returned. "You were never supposed to get involved. I'm so sorry." He frowned looking at the stitches on your face the bruises and cuts all over your body and he knew underneath the hospital robe there were gashes across your torso.
He kept rambling about how it was his fault and how sorry he was even though you kept telling him to stop blaming himself. You grabbed his cheeks pressing your lips to his cutting him off. "Listen to me Scott. This isn't your fault at all. You did what you thought was best for me, I don't blame you so don't blame yourself." You looked into his eyes and he nodded and you wiped away his tears pulling him into a hug.
"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked into your neck making you smile. "Of course I will be."
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stapley0urmouthshut · 2 years
Y/N: do you trust me?
Liam: no.
Y/N: smart man-
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cvntycunt · 4 months
masterlist ⵢ
req anything !
 ⠀⠀no contact (ongoing)
(1), (2)
forbidden connection (coming soon)
(1), (2)
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codychristiantreasures · 11 months
Truths, bets, and buddies.
Let’s pretend Theo was in the TW Movie.
You’re in the show + movie in this scenario
This was so rushed because I wanted to get it written down before I lost the idea
Warnings: mentions of kissing and making out, mentions of drinking
You had all just gotten to Tyler’s house after the Teen Wolf Movie watch party. He thought it would be fun to have a couple people over for some drinks and to hang out.
You were all squished together on the couches, talking, drinking and having a good time. You hadn’t even realized that over the past hour you have slowly been leaning into Cody’s side. He had his arm on the back of the couch behind you so it made for a very comfortable position. You looked up at Cody and apologized and tried to get up. He put his hand on your shoulder and said “Don’t worry. You’re good” with the sweetest smile. You smiled back and got comfortable again. This wasn’t abnormal for this group. You were all very comfortable with each other.
After a couple more rounds of drinks, Tyler puts a game onto the table in front of everyone. “You guys want to play a drinking game? It’s pretty much truth or dare without the dares and you have to drink if you have done what is on the card.” He says to everyone. “Sounds easy enough. Let’s play” Dylan O says.
“Drink if you have ever gone camping with another person playing” Dylan O reads. Everyone drinks, remembering the wild camping trip you all went on last summer. You smile to yourself, thinking about when you and Cody went on a walk together during that trip and he kissed you. Holland reads the next card “If you have more than half a drink left, drink up!” She scans everyone’s drinks and calls out everyone needing to drink. You were able to dodge that round.
“Drink if you have kissed another person playing” Cody reads out. Everyone drinks, including you and Cody. No one thinks anything of it because your characters had a brief romance in the show so you all carried on with the game. You pick up a card and read it to yourself first. “This is a good one.” You thought to yourself. “Everyone who is older than you, drink!” You said with a grin. “That is all of you! I’m safe.” You said again watching everyone take a sip. Sprayberry finished his drink and said he was going to get another. You then stood up and told him you would get everyone another round because it was the least you could do after pulling a lucky card. “I’ll help you carry them” Cody said while getting up. You walked into the kitchen, pulling out everyone’s drinks when you felt Cody’s hands on your hips. You turned around to see him smiling at you. “This outfit looks so good on you. I mean you look good in everything you wear but this looks reeeeally good. This is all coming out wrong. I didn’t mean for that to sound like you don’t look good-“ “Babe, it’s ok. Stop rambling and kiss me already.” Cody wastes no time and leans in. You didn’t think that much time had passed, so caught up in your makeout session with your boyfriend. “You two just won me $40” Sprayberry said, causing you two to stop suddenly. “So how long has this been a thing? I could get another $20 if it’s been since the camping trip last summer” “Well I guess you’re $60 richer” Cody says while laughing. “Wait, you guys were betting on us?” You asked Sprayberry. “Yeah? Sorry! We placed bets because some of the group didn’t think you guys were together and you know us, always a competitive group.” “What gave us away?” Cody asked. “Besides me walking in on you two just now? You two are always together, you’re more touchy feely than usual, the way you look at each other now. The list goes on.” He says with a laugh. Sprayberry leaves the kitchen with the drinks and you two hear him say “pay up! You all should have listened to me!” You and Cody bust out laughing and return to your friends.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Hoechlin- Our Love
Season 1 Bloopers/Gag Reel
“B unit or T unit?” I ask holding a film slate in my hand
“Just 2 mark” Jeff replies
“2 mark… it’s not going down” I laugh pushing the moving part down
“I think I did something last night. I had a dream about someone,I had a dream about someone, but someone else got hurt” Posey says as Scott. I cross my arms looking him up and down “And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened”
“You think you attract the diver… woah that’s not right” I laugh messing up my line
“Guys I attracted a diver!” Posey yell fist bumping the air
Tyler and I are currently running through the woods when I trip over a branch
“You ok?” Tyler asks trying to hold back a laugh while also helping me up
“Yeah I’m fine” I laugh
Tyler, Dylan, Posey and I are doing a scene. Tyler is stood shirtless while I stand next to him, it’s kinda hard to not glance at his abs
“They’re a lot freaking nicer than you are” Dylan and Posey try to fist bump but completely miss making us laugh
“Oh I can show exactly how nice I can be” Ty laughs.
In my scene I’m meant to run up the steps of the hale house towards Tyler who’s at the top of the stairs
“Ok action” Russel calls. I run up the stairs but slip due the high heals I’m wearing
“Damn it” I yell getting up steadily. We reset and I run up again but again I slip I catch myself on the hand rail braking it as I fall “I broke the set!” I shout pouting
“How?” Tyler laughs walking down the stairs to help me up “how do you fall and brake the handrail?”
We reset once again, finally I manage to do the scene without falling. Once cut I dramatically sigh in relief making everyone laugh.
Tyler and I both have our arms handcuffed over our heads. Once again Tyler is shirtless
“Who can do the most pull-ups?” Colton shouts from behind the cameras
“Me obviously” I say “are the bars safe for us to?”
“Yes” Jeff sighs knowing where this is going
“Ok 3, 2, 1.. go” Tyler and I do as many pull ups as possible, obviously Tyler does more because look at his muscles! But hey I still did a fair few.
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its-an-obsession · 2 years
A Trek Through The Woods
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: You have known Stiles and Scott since you were in preschool. When on the night before sophomore year, the boys roll up to your house in order to find another half of a body. Like always, Stiles doesn't always think his plans through. Of course the three of you - well more like two - are caught by Stiles' father
A/N: Enjoy this sneak peak of my Teen Wolf Fanfic! I hope to finish this story soon, so you all can read it! I will be publishing it on Wattpad btw :)
This takes place on the first episode of season one
(Your Outfit)
Warnings: none
Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall x-reader
(Your Outfit)
It was a cool Sunday night in contrast to today's weather being a bit warm. 11:30 am read the clock that sat beside my bed. I hummed to the music from my computer's speaker. Before heading to bed, I read the book that we needed to read for our English class. 
Of course, the boys hadn't even started to read The Giver, blaming it on how distracted they were with preparing for Lacrosse tryouts. Earlier today I had been with Scott and Stiles to help them with said tryouts. My mom - a nurse at Beacon Hills Hospital - was fast asleep in her room across from mine.
She worked tirelessly at the hospital all day. She was lucky to have a night to herself, which wasn't something that she got often. Melissa McCall and my mother have known one other since they were in middle school, leading to me Scott becoming friends at the age of two.
My nightly reading and listening to music were cut short by the ringing from my phone. None other than Stiles Stilinski's cross-eyed expression appeared on my phone screen. I paused my music and closed the book. "What's up?" I answered. From the other side of the line, Scott could be heard muttering something in which Stiles told him to shut up. "What're you doing right now?" Stiles questioned. I set my laptop on the end of my bed. 
"Just hanging out. Mind telling me why you're calling me at 11:30 on a Sunday night?" I replied, yawning. Stiles stated that the two of them were outside my house. Like he had spoken, they were leaning against Roscoe - Stiles' blue Jeep - with their eyes staring at my bedroom window. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" I knelt in front of my window. "My dad left 20 minutes ago from a dispatch call. Two joggers found a dead body in the woods. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, even State Police," a small smirk appeared on Stiles' freckled face. 
Scott reached over and snatched the phone from Stiles to say something. "Yeah, and he thought it would be a great idea if the three of us went to look for the body," he commented. I rolled my eyes with the phone still beside my face. With further convincing from the boys, I rubbed my cat's head before putting on my favorite green jacket and pair of boots (Outfit One). 
I already knew that it was going to be chilly tonight. The door downstairs was loud as hell, so I resorted to the window. My cat watched me as I slipped through the opening. My feet landed softly on the grass, barely making a sound. Stiles pulled out of the driveway to head towards wherever the hell we were going. 
"Just out of curiosity, you two do realize that it is the first day of school tomorrow, and both of you have lacrosse practice?" I poked my head between them. "First thing I told him," Scott pointed to Stiles. There were barely any streetlights, just one at the beginning of the road and one in front of a turn to a trailer park. "Wait, didn't coach say you could join the team?" Stiles asked. He stole a glance at me before looking at the road. 
"Awe, yes, because being on a team with ten horny high school boys is something that I want to be a part of for the year," I remarked, leaning back in the seat. They decided to not respond to my retort, knowing I'd lead the conversation any further. "I'm going to need a little more information about what we're doing?" I buttoned my jacket as I spoke. 
Stiles explained how the police weren't sure if the individual was murdered, but they did know that she was a female and in her mid- twenties. "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are we looking for?" I inquired. "That's the catch, they only found half," Scott turned to me. The mischievous smirk that sat on Stiles' face gave me an unwelcoming feeling.
"And we're going," he added. 
(Later - Same Outfit)
Stiles parked the Jeep right in front of the gate. A wooden sign hung from the middle of a chain: Beacon Hills Preserve - No entry after dark. Scott and I exchanged a glance before looking at Stiles who stood in front of the silver chain. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jacket. "Are we really doing this?" Scott's voice remained low. 
"C'mon, you're always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles pat him on the shoulder. I brought a leg over and the two followed shortly after. Scott muttered how things happen in this town. "That doesn't count Ms. Prescott thinking someone was breaking into her house, but it was just some rogue racoon," I noted. 
We set forth in search for the other half of the women's body. Personally, I had no interest in finding this body but somebody needed to supervise these two teenage toddlers. "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott claimed.
I walked in the middle with my eyes keeping a look out for anything suspicious. "Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles remarked. Our friend grumbled and insisted that he would be making first line this year. 
Their flashlights waved around the dark forest. The light illuminated certain features of the Beacon Hills preserve, introducing new pairs of glowing eyes from - what I hoped - a bunny or fox. "Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream even if it's pathetically unrealistic," Stiles went on.
The night's cool breeze brushed against the back of my neck, goosebumps rose. Scott occasionally shined his flashlight onto the ground so I wouldn't trip and fall. "Which half of the body are we looking for exactly?" he questioned. "I didn't even think about that," Stiles replied.
"Okay, here's another zinger, what if whoever killed the body is still here?" I shared a look with Scott. Despite neither one of us being able to makeout the emotion we were displaying, I could tell he worried. 
"Also something I didn't think about," Stiles responded. 
We approached a hill that kept us from peering ahead. Both boys got up first. Scott brought an arm out to help me up, such a gentlemen. I set my hand into his so I could easily get up. "Stiles, it's super comforting that you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," I wiped the dirt that landed on my palms. Scott took a much needed puff of his inhaler. 
I directed him towards the tree beside us so he could rest. He pressed his back against the trunk, chest rising up and down; his hands shook as he zipped up his bright red jacket. I began to feel uneasy by his state.
"Stiles, I'm thinking this wasn't such a-" I cut myself short when 'the spas' began bolting down the other direction. He dropped behind a fallen tree. We landed on the other side of him (GIF Above). From the corner of my eye I could see a wide grin creep onto Stiles' face. 
The three of us heard voices in the distance, but none of which that we were able to depict who they belonged to. Stiles leapt to follow the source of the sound. I called after him with Scott trailing behind. A bright line shined in Stiles' face which resulted in him falling on top of me. 
Our asthmatic friend must've hid before we were caught. Deputies surrounded us with flashlights directly on us, the light reflecting off of their badges. "This little delinquent belongs to me," Sheriff Stilinski disclosed. He saw that I was stuck underneath his son. I shoved Stiles off of me so I could get up from the ground.
Stiles popped up, wiping the dirt off of himself. "Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned with brows raised. "No, not the boring ones," Stiles' chest rose up and down as he wittily responded to his father's question.
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Stiles spotted a few leaves stuck in my messy hair. He went to reach over to pick them out, but I slapped his hand. He was persistent until his father grabbed him by the ear. Mr. Stilinski led us over to the lit up sheriff's car so he could drive me home. I just hoped my mom didn't wake up during my escape.
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givethemsmut · 1 month
The Pack | Chapter Four
Characters: Dylan O’Brien, fem!reader
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien, Dylan x You
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D Y L A N ‘ S P O V
It was hours later and I still hadn’t come out of my room until it was time to eat again or all the deliver pizza was gone. I headed to the kitchen and ran into Posey with Alex, the new blonde, hanging on his every word and muscle.
I was still pissed at him and purposely let my disgust show at their flirting in front of me. “Hey man. Sorry about earlier but you had to hear it.”
I slammed down my water down and turned to him, “Take your own advice. You don’t know her but it’s okay she’s over and you’re screwing? Whoa slow down, killer.” I turned to Alex, “You’re like the fifth girl this month. Makes you wonder if he cleans his sheets, huh?”
I took my keys off the counter and headed towards my car. I needed a break from my best friend. I just started driving with no destination until I texted her.
ME: Let’s meet up. I’ll come to you.
She was reluctant. She said she was busy but we both knew it was a lie. I had to settle for texts.
ME: Sorry about Tyler. Ignore him. You aren’t some rebound okay? As soon as I bumped into you I knew I wanted to know you.
HER: Six years is a long time. You must be heartbroken. You have to heal.
ME: I’m bummed but I’m not devastated. I’ve seen you more in two days than I’ve seen her in months, okay? We were trying to hard to make it work.
HER: What do you mean?
ME: All we were good at was having sex. We didn’t talk anymore. We didn’t wanna see each other. We weren’t being there for each other anymore.
HER: Still…
ME: Still nothing. So what we got wasted and fucked. We made it right - we hung out, talked. We didn’t bail and call it a regret.
I didn’t text him back at all. I had class to focus on and avoiding Brody who was waiting across the street to make sure I wasn’t being held hostage by a stranger. I pretended not to see him in the meantime.
Making a violent work place for my Dad wasn’t an option so forgetting Dylan ever happened was my only option left.
I loved Brody and that hurt enough being rejected for something so lame. I can’t imagine Dylan’s heart being rejected after six years worth of memories. For the next two weeks I kept to myself, Alex, school, and Starbucks. Those were my GPS markers and I realized how lame I was but it kept the organ in my heart from breaking.
My dad was actually home one Tuesday night which was odd considering he had a lot of night shoots lately. I was heating up some soup when he sat down at the island inquiring about Dylan.
“So what’s going on with Dylan?”
I raised an eyebrow confused, “Well that was weeks ago. Thanks for asking.”
I sat down with my soup and a water across from him at the same kitchen island as him. “No, seriously. He’s been a raging teenager on set.”
“He’s young enough. He also plays a teenager. Method acting?”
“Him and Tyler are normally full of laughs, energy. Did you guys fight? Break up? Was it the sex part…? Not everyone will be Brody.”
“Dad! God! You can reserve this conversation with Dylan on set. I’m not talking about this with you.” I stood up completely overwhelmed and pushing my soup aside.
His eyes withered down to pure sympathy, “I don’t know a lot but I know Brody pressured you… if Dylan is pressuring you…”
I let my eyes fix on him while I spoke, “You can’t have issues with sex when you have no comparison. And we didn’t break up because we never dated. Look, I don’t know what his tantrum is about. I haven’t spoke to him in weeks.”
Abandoning my dinner entirely, I tossed my MacBook on my bed and closed my bedroom door behind me. The chirp immediately jolted my head towards the open computer showing Alex was trying to FaceTime me. Once I hit accept, I saw Tyler next to her once I was paying attention.
“Girl! Where have you been?!”
“School, Starbucks, home. Repeat. I see you’re chilling with Tyler still…” Maybe giving Alex a GPS marker was to just make myself feel better.
She must have been on her phone because he fell out of frame and was moving, “You probably don’t wanna hear this but it’s like going really well. He’s so sweet. Let’s be real… a total babe too. He’s been staying with me. He has to escape Dylan for while.”
“Why is everyone concerned with Dylan? And telling me?” I groaned between my words, sighing too heavily after.
“Girl. You happened. You left him without any word or explanation.”
I shrugged, “Talk to your new man. He’s the one who pulled Dylan from his room to tell him I was a bad idea. I just agreed.”
“Well he’s been acting crazy. Being a diva on set, giving Tyler attitude, booking up with random girls and drinking. It’s crazy! Completely downhill as far as Tyler has told me.”
“Well he can’t act like a child because one girl blew him off. He’ll survive. Girl, I gotta write a paper. I’ll text you tomorrow.” I closed my computer so fast I felt the fire ride up my neck into my cheeks. I was embarrassed and a little in love with being his downfall.
Brody pressured me to give him every ounce of me but not having me didn’t ruin him either.
The next morning I stopped at Starbucks for a venti iced coffee before class. I could feel my eyes burning and watering at the exposure of the LA sun from not sleeping. All I did was turn and turn, physically wrestling my decision to not even give Dylan w chance.
My only morning class was a lecture too as if I wasn’t already struggling. Sitting in the back I hid in plain sight when about 30 minuets after a packed class was losing focus the old, heavy, door sounded. I couldn’t see without glasses but I heard his voice and instantly slipped deeper in my seat.
Shit. Dylan.
He interrupted the teacher, “Hey, um sorry sir it’s an emergency. Life and death.” He raced up the stairs to me after scanning the room and I hoped my blending in skills finally worked.
I could hear the entire class was whispering, clamoring, trying to place his familiar face.
Am I literally the last person alive to not watch Teen Wolf? Really?
He kneeled down whispering, “Hey. Can you come with me? I pulled a lot of Teen Wolf strings to find your classroom.”
I closed my MacBook quietly before swallowing my pride, “Dylan. I’m in class.”
He grabbed my bag, “And? I just got you a hall pass.”
I didn’t move so he turned to the class, addressing them like he was about to make a speak. “Hey guys. I’m Dylan. I play Stiles on Teen Wolf on –“
I grabbed his arm urging him to stop. “Fine. You win,” as I got up leading him outside. Soon as we were safely in the hallway I asked him, “Mind telling me what this about?”
He shrugged, “I wanted to see you. My car is over there, blue Jeep, hop in.”
I sat in the bucket seats of his car, climbing inside the same car I parked next to the day I ran into him. “Heard you’re being awful to everyone.”
He played shocked well, mouth open and almost laughing because he knew it was true. He said, “Me? Nah. I’m always a peach.” He smiled big and started his electric blue colored Jeep. After driving 10 minuets in silence he said, “Okay. Caught me. I was a dick to everyone… I didn’t wanna stop knowing you okay? I don’t like being the guy who fucks for the sake of getting off.”
I was shocked he felt that way. He must of saw how shocked I was because he continue, “Okay, calm down. You don’t have to be so shocked. Your dad is our produce, he doesn’t tell you things?”
“Not about the cast and sex…”
Dylan pulled into a small local shop, “I refused to do a sex scene in Teen Wolf. They added it for ratings. Not for the character development.”
I was now even more shocked. His job is to act, really anything, and he refused because of personal morales. We both got out and I asked him, “If we weren’t wasted would you still have had sex with me?”
He opened the door to the shop for me, “Kissed you sure but not sex. Welcome to my favorite restaurant. We’re going on a real date so you can reject me like a normal person.”
I couldn’t help but smile some, he was smooth and he view on sex was genuine. Similar to mine instead making myself fit into someone’s box. We found a small table in the corner with a large window and he started ordering everything when half way through he turned to me, “Can I order for you? Do you want anything or just me…?”
I laughed knowing he was anyways. “So Alex and Tyler…?”
Dylan laughed, “This month. I mean no offense. Girls like the abs and the wolf status then get bored and leave. But yeah she’s been around. She was on set the other day too.”
“Two divas on set, wow. My dad was complaining and trying to blame me for your behavior. Somehow our not existent relationship is effecting you. He even asked if we had an argument.”
Pushing himself closer to me, “I may have lost it a minuet. He’s a hypocrite! She’s on set, new, they don’t know each other and fucking like bunnies. I actually like you and he tells me it’s a problem? Fuck off, bro. We have bad timing, isn’t that every romantic comedy?” I laughed seeing him fired up was funny as anything. “Least your dad thinks I’m boyfriend material.”
I laughed again the food arrived my mouth salivated at how perfect a meal this was. Our conversation felt endless. Everything from his sister’s journey on coming out, his parents, worrying about the future.
After we made it back to the car it was hours later. Both of us settling in the car he turned to me, his hand reaching out to touch my leg. “So I shouldn’t be asking you this but how’s adjusting to life post virgin?”
I nearly hugged myself feeling very vulnerable at the time, “It’s different… before I could focus but now I’m like distracted constantly. It’s like an itch you can’t scratch. Anything can distract me and I’m all of a sudden I’m… you know.”
He jumped in and finished my sentence, “Horny?” Putting his hand on my thigh and gently squeezing, “You gotta get it out of your system. Your body knows it’s new.”
I got excited just from his hand so much I quivered inside against the butterflies. “So I’m just suppose to sleep with anyone until I’m use to it and it’s not distracting anymore?”
I was being sarcastic but he turned to me even more, “No. Just with me. My place or yours? Let’s avoid our best friends judging us.”
15 notes · View notes
mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Sneaking Around - Tyler Posey
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Tyler Posey/Reader
Word Count: 6.224
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (both receiving), fingering, boob job, trailer sex, mentions of weed, weed usage because TPose is always high af
Notes: SO. This WAS intended for Posey Week for @thelittlestkitsune and @sincerelystiles but I got incredibly behind on it. But I didn’t want to leave it be. I promised Lau I would finish it. I hope you all like it. I feel weird writing for Posey and dunno if I portrayed him alright.
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Are there things you never thought were possible? Things you couldn’t tell others about? Do you ever do things you regret?
Yes? Well, that’s good at least.
This isn’t like that. Sorry to tell you.
Sure, you never thought this was possible. Sure, you vowed never to tell the others. But did you regret any part of this? Absolutely not. This was the best things to happen in your short life.
That time you decided to start sneaking around with your costar to do… not so pure things together.
The first time anything happened started a slippery slope you were sliding down faster than you could even describe. You had worked with Tyler and Dylan for years, being the best friend of Scott and Stiles on the show since the pilot episode. You had grown close to the two boys. They were your best friends after all.
After Allison was killed at the end of season three, it was decided that Scott needed a new love interest. Well, decided for sure. Jeff had dabbled with the idea that Allison liked Isaac, and Scott was moving on from his first love. And moving on to who exactly? His best friend, Brittney.
It wasn’t deep into season four, maybe the third episode in or so. You couldn’t remember exactly. You just know there was supposed to be some kiss between your character and Tyler’s.
Well, between you and Tyler.
Your anxiety was on overdrive, having slipped off set between scenes that you weren’t in. You hid out between your trailer and Tyler’s, a tiny enough space that you could sit comfortably without anyone really finding you. Your hands were shaking, deep breaths escaping your lips, quietly telling yourself to calm down.
You didn’t hear the crunch of footsteps on the asphalt or them calling your name. You only registered that someone was there when they sat next to you, wrapping their arm around your shoulders. Your head snapped up, locking eyes with the dark eyes of Tyler, a sad smile on his face.
“Hey. You alright?” he asked quietly, his fingers playing with the sleeve of the shirt you were wearing. You sighed, shaking your head, no words filling the air between you guys. “Is it the kiss? Because I promise I haven’t eaten onions today.”
You cracked a smile at his joke, shaking your head. “Good to know I don’t have to smell your stinky breath like always,” you told him, Tyler shoving your arm gently in return. “I’m kidding, T. But it is the kiss. I’ve just never done something like this, you know?” Let alone with my best friend. “I’m just paranoid it’s not going to be good. I don’t want to mess up or make a fool of myself.”
“Come on. You’ve kissed guys before. I know you have. It’s no different. And we will take all the time you need to make sure you are comfortable. Don’t let me push you into something you aren’t ready for,” he replied, staring at the pout on my face. He shuffled in his spot, his ass wiggling against the ground as he fished in the pockets of his jeans for his cigarette carton. He slid the top open, smiling at the contents. “If you want, I have an idea to calm you down.”
“You let me suffer and I can kill myself off on the show before Scott has to kiss Britt?” You asked jokingly, Tyler shaking his head.
“No, nothing like that. I have the next best thing to death though,” he laughed. You cocked your head, your eyebrow raising at him in wonder. He grinned, his pearly whites flashing for you. “How do you feel about smoking some weed to relax?” He asked, pulling out a joint from his carton.
You giggled, shaking your head. “You want to get high now, T? Is this the best time?”
“If it’ll calm you down, then yes. It’s the perfect time.”
You grinned at him, taking the joint in one hand, your other hand slipping into his pocket to fetch his lighter without his permission. “A few puffs won’t hurt I guess. But if anyone asks, we never did this. I’m not losing my job because you wanted to get high.”
“Dude, I’m high all the time and they don’t do shit about it. They won’t fucking fire you. Now hurry up. I need me my weed.”
And high you got. You should have stuck to sharing the one joint he pulled out, but it was burned quicker than you though. You had swapped taking hits, Tyler showing off with the tricks he could do with the smoke as he exhaled. Your mind was growing fuzzier with each hit, your body relaxing into a blissful state. Tyler insisted on pulling more out, the sound of your laughter getting louder the longer you sat together.
Tyler took the current blunt from your fingers, placing it between his lips. “Like, why don’t people practice scenes like this all the time?” he asked, inhaling deeply from the smoke. As he exhaled, he coughed slightly, hearing you laugh at him. “Like, we practice lines and stunts, but why not shit like kissing? We have to be comfortable, right?”
“Dude, you’re so right. All the time,” you told him, stealing the joint. “If we practice, we wouldn’t have to worry once we are on camera.”
“Oh, I have a brilliant idea!” Tyler screamed, jumping in his spot. He excitedly turned towards you, a grin on his face. He took your free hand in his, rubbing it with his thumb. “We can practice right now! If you get used to kissing me before we get called to set, you won’t have any problem doing it on set!”
“Really, T?” you asked, unsure if you should. He nods vehemently, the smile never falling from his features. “Well, alright then. But this is just a one-time thing off set, alright?”
Tyler agrees, the two of you finishing the joint you were smoking. Your body felt light, but your head and heart felt heavy from emotion. Tyler was perched in front of you, holding your face in his hands, shifting forward to press himself closer to you. His nose rubbed against yours, his hot breath fanning over your lips. Your own breath hitched in your throat, eyes slowly fluttering closed in anticipation for what was to come. His lips brushed against yours softly, barely touching them. He didn’t apply more pressure, leaving you eager for more.
“Come on, T. Don’t tease,” you joked, your hands running up his arms, tracing the McCall pack bands on his left arm. Your lips skimmed his as your spoke, Tyler gasping for air slightly.
“You know you like it, babe,” he joked, leaning forward finally to mold his lips with yours. If you were cold before, you weren’t now. You felt like you were on the sun, your body burning from his touch. The spark of his lips on yours ran along your veins. His lips fit to yours perfectly, moving against them slowly to begin, allowing you to get a feel for it. Your nails scraped unconsciously against his skin, your body pressing closer to his, if that was even possible.
He pulled away slowly, the soft sound of your lips separating meeting your ears. Your tongue ran over your lips, your eyes remaining closed. You weren’t ready to be done. You weren’t completely sure if it was the weed that had dulled your senses or your desire to actually kiss the man in front of you, but you just knew you needed to feel his lips against yours, his tongue massaging yours, his hands on you.
“More?” he asked shortly. Your response was quick and simple: pressing your lips to his again. You fell to the side, Tyler moving to straddle your hips, his mouth never leaving yours. He supported himself with one hand on the asphalt, the other hand pushing your shirt up slightly to rub the skin of your hip. Your hips pressed against his, feeling the bulge that was growing in his dark jeans.
His hand dipped down to your ass, giving it a squeeze through your shorts. Your lips parted, your moan getting lost in his throat. Tyler took his chance, his tongue slipping into your mouth and dominating your tongue without as much of a second thought. You didn’t argue though. This was beyond amazing.
“Tpose? Y/N?” You both heard, your lips breaking apart quickly and both of your clambering to your feet. Your straightened out your clothes, brushing the black speckles of the ground off your body as Dylan rounded the corner, watching sight of you hidden between the trailers. “There you are! You’re needed on set.”
Tyler nodded at his best friend. “Thank, bro. Appreciate you looking out for us.”
Dylan looked between Tyler and you, smirking at your flushed face. “And what were you guys doing exactly?” He asked, and you knew what he was hinting at. Dyl was the only person who knew about the slight crush you held over the Mexican boy next to you. He promised never to say anything, but he was obviously hinting at it now. That little shit.
“N-Nothing, Dyl. We were just talking. I was nervous for the scenes and you know I over think things,” you rambled, Tyler glancing at you. Dylan quirked an eyebrow, the smirk growing wider.
“Talking? Right. That’s why I smell the weed,” he said, the blush on your cheeks darkening. “I’m offended guys. I wasn’t even invited. I thought we were friends.” He feigned being hurt, his hand on his chest before turning on his heel. “Next time, wait till after work. Now let’s go. We have scenes to film.”
Tyler kissed your cheek as Dylan walked off, chuckling slightly. “Well, that was fun. But maybe he is right. We’ll save it for after work next time. Because this was a one-time thing, right? We promised.”
If only you both chose to stick to that promise.
For weeks, things seemed to escalate between you both. You were glad no one seemed to pick up on your activities, never questioning why you always seemed to disappear at the same times. It always began with the idea to sneak off to someone’s trailer to take a few hits of a joint. But it always led to something more. And over time, things got hotter between you both.
Simple kisses turned into frisky make outs on the couch.
Frisky make outs turned into hands traveling up and down parts of the body, Posey having a fascination with your tits. His hands always seemed to find their way to them, groping at them through your shirt or, if he felt adventurous enough to slide under said shirt, through your lacy bra.
The feeling every so often turned into something a bit… riskier you could say. One could say it was because of the large amounts of weed that was in your system the first time it started, but it never stopped from there. You never wanted to admit it to him, but you liked it.
Hell, you loved it.
You loved feeling his hands drifting over your body, your lips always together after you shared a few joints, letting the smoke in your lungs do its magic. Your fuzzy mind always seemed to process exactly what he did to you, the feeling of his hands on your body etched into your memory. You always wanted more from him, hating that you were falling for him with each passing day.
You weren’t even nervous about today. Quite the contrary actually. You were excited about the episode you were shooting. But, much like every day, you found time to slink away with Tyler, hiding out in his trailer to “relax” with him.
If relaxing meant smoking a joint or two and making out on his couch.
You were practically on his lap, your mouths moving hastily against one another. The sound of your lips smacking against his filled the small space, his tongue finding its way into your mouth every time he pulled away for a quick gasp of air and reconnecting your lips. Your leg was strung over his lap, his fingers running up and down your silky skin, feeling the goosebumps forming under them. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, hands twisted and tangled in his dark locks.
His hand found its way to your ass, sliding under the ends of the shorts you were wearing to squeeze it through your panties. Your moaned reverberated in this throat, Tyler groaning against your lips. You were pulled closer to him, your body virtually on top of his at this point. The kisses grew hotter, messily moving against each other, never once ceasing in their efforts to please the other participant.
Tyler pulled away abruptly, blinking down at you, his eyes slightly glazed over from the weed in his system. “Can we try something new?” He asked quietly.
“Of course, T,” you responded, unsure if he heard or not due to the low volume of your voice. He tugged at the hem of your shirt, looking between it and your face as if to ask if it were ok. You giggled, lifting your arms and allowing him to tug the black, off-the-shoulder top you wore that day off your body. He glanced down at your body, the fabric slipping from his fingers to the floor as he gaped at your chest.
“Fuck you’re hot,” he mumbled, a blush rising to your cheeks. You attempted to cover your chest, Tyler catching them before they could. “Nuh uh. You’re beautiful and I want to see every part of you. You know what that means?”
You shook your head, Tyler tugging your strapless bra down, letting your breasts pop out, nipples growing hard in the cool air. His fingers wrapped around one, gently fondling it in his hand. A small noise slipped through his lips, something along the lines of “so soft and perfect” you thought. You openly moaned at the warmth on your chest, Tyler taking it as a sign to continue what he was doing.
His fondling got harder and faster, his head dipping down to wrap his perfectly plump lips around the other, kissing at the hard peak. His tongue flicked at it while he kissed it, pulling away to lap openly at the bud, swirling his tongue in circles around it. Your pussy ached for the same attention, legs rubbing together unconsciously. Tyler was too focused on your breasts to notice, groaning happily as he nipped and sucked at your skin.
His fingers found your shorts, playing with the button on them. He glanced up once, seeing your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling on him on your chest. He grinned against your skin, popping the button on your shorts and slipping his hand into them. His finger rubbed slightly at your clit, a loud mewl hitting his ears. Taking that as a good sign, the pressure on your clit increased, tracing different shapes on the swollen nub.
He finally pulled from your tits, pushing you back onto the couch and tugging the shorts and panties off your legs. A small part of you said this was wrong. You weren’t dating him. You were just coworkers, friends, best friends. Not girlfriend and boyfriend, lovers, a couple of any sort. But the nagging part of you was very small.
Like, .0001% of your body. No bigger than the nail on your pinky toe.
You had dreamed of this more and more the more you snuck around with him, the more things did with each other. You yearned for him, hoping he felt some semblance of the same towards you. You wanted to feel him touch you, to please you. And you hoped that time was now.
He kissed down your stomach, lips wrapping around your clit. Your back arched, moaning loudly from his simple action. His tongue would run along the entirety of your folds a few times before flicking at your nub, your body squirming more and more whenever he did. Your hand found his hair, wrapping around the spikes he had styled today and tugging at them roughly.
“Fuck, T,” was all you could say, your voice overly raspy from the arousal in your system. You tried to get more words out, but all Tyler would understand was ‘Tyler’, ’fucking great’, and ’more’. He smiled against your slit, two fingers finding their way into your pussy. “Fuck!” he heard you say, volume louder than ever.
He had you right where he wanted you.
His fingers pumped fluidly into you, curling just the right amount to send waves of pleasure through your body. It was like he knew exactly where to hit, the tips of his fingers rubbing the most sensitive spots on your pussy walls and pressing into your g-spot every time he thrust back into you. His pushed in and out of you as godly speeds, your body wracked with countless waves of pleasure.
His fingers spread you open wide, his thrusts never once halting in their movements. Your nails scratched at his scalp, yanking at the silky dark locks on his head, moaning his name for his satisfaction. He loved hearing it roll off your tongue with ease, his cock growing harder every time his ears heard your countless sounds. He was determined to please you, his tongue speeding up against your clit, rubbing it in different directions with only one objective in mind.
Making you cum.
“Come on, princess,” he whispered against your clit, his breath hitting the enlarged nub, making your body quake with want. His seductive words met your eardrums, lodging their way into your mind, letting it echo endlessly throughout you. Your breathing picked up, suddenly able to feel every pore in your body seeping with desire. Your walls were clenching around his fingers, contracting with every pump he made. Your head fell back into his couch, back arching with the orgasm that unleashed itself without your consent, your body not arguing the feeling of release. Your juices coated his fingers, slickening them as he pumped the remainder of your orgasm through its cycle.
When he felt you relax, he removed the digits from inside you, licking them clean. “So sweet, just like you,” he muttered, sitting back on the couch. He went to reach for your shorts, not paying attention to you. You rolled off the couch carefully, trying to make little noisy with your shaky body. Your nestled between his legs, pushing them apart roughly. The shorts in his hand slipped from his grip, landing on the couch. His eyes drifted back to you, meeting your smile. “Um… hi?”
“I want to pay you back, T. Please?” You asked, tugging at the shorts he had thrown on for comfort. His mouth fell open, gaping like a fish out of water. Your hands gripped at the waistband, waiting for some indication that he was alright with this. Your mind started to doubt this was right, your hands shaking with hesitation.
“A-alright,” he finally got out, his voice huskier than before. “Just this once, right?” He asked, your head nodding in compliance with his words.
Fuck, you both should have known that was a lie in the end.
Tyler lifted his hips just enough so you could tug the shorts down, his boxers coming with them. His cock sprung free, slapping his clothed stomach upon release. You licked you lips, admiring the well-endowed man in front of you. It had been a while since you had been with anyone, but you knew already, just from the sight, that he was larger, wider, tastier and overall better than any man in your life.
Your fingers wrapped around the shaft, your thumb smearing the precum he had released around the tip. Your friend’s hazy eyes watched you closely, sinking further into the couch to enjoy whatever you had in store. “Damn, princess. You look good holding my cock,” he shot off, no filter shielding his words.
You fought back the blush, stroking him carefully in your hand. It was slow, taunting the Mexican boy easily. He grunted loudly, signaling his displeasure with the slow motion. “Well, would you prefer me holding it, or sucking it?”
He eyed you, laughing to himself. “You want to know what I prefer? I’d prefer it between your beautiful tits after you suck me so I can cum all down your sexy mounds you have,” he muttered.
“Damn, T. That’s deep,” you joked.
“I’m not that deep yet. I’m not inside you.” Damn, the filter was gone thanks to today’s smoke session. He had gone full-blown perverted talk. But you couldn’t deny that you liked it.
You grinned, leaning forward to wrap your lips around the head of his cock, tasting the salty sweet liquid he seeped out for you.  Your tongue swirled around the red tip, Tyler’s groans and grunts steadily growing louder. He felt your lips curl, knowing you were smiling around him. You were enjoying this. You were pumping his shaft, beginning to bob your head in the same rhythm. Your tongue run along every inch of his length, feeling the vein on the underside of his cock pulsing rapidly. Your cheeks hollowed naturally, the feeling around him constricting comfortably. This was the best feeling he had in a while, and it sure as hell beats his hand jerking him off every night.
You pulled away with a small pop, licking along his length a couple times before moving forward, hugging your breasts around his length. You looked down at it, confusion written on your face. Your brow knit together, Tyler chuckling at the expression on your face, finding it adorable and arousing simultaneously.
“Never done a boob job, princess?” He asked. You shyly nodded, kissing the tip of his cock.
“Sorry, T. Maybe this was a bad idea,” you said, beginning to pull away. He shook his head, his hand darting out to stop you.
“Let me take care of it then. Just hold your pretty little self right then, squeeze tight around me, and let me do the work.” His feet planted firmed on the ground, pushing off the balls of his feet to thrust up into your chest. The feel was awkward, you had to admit, but it was strangely hot to feel him between your breasts, the twitching and pulsing of his cock pressing into your skin.
Your watched his face contort with pleasure, his eyes squeezing tightly shut as he thrust himself into your chest. His motions were fast and uneven, but he was focused on getting to his peak. He groaned loudly, reaching with one hand to grip at your hair.
“Suck me, baby,” he grunted out, pushing your face into his tip. You hummed, running your tongue over the slit, savoring his fluids on your taste buds. Your lips wrapped around him, letting him thrust into your chest and mouth. “That’s right, baby. Just like that. Just like that until I’m ready. Then I will paint your tits with my cum,” he mumbled seductively.
You hummed around him, nodding slightly. You had never heard him like this, but you liked hearing it. You let him continue what he was doing, his motions growing sloppy rather quickly. The combined feeling of your lips and tits were too much for him, his breath coming out in hard pants. A few beads of sweat dripped down his brow, his forehead scrunching together.
“Fuck, baby. I’m so close. Fuck, Y/N,” he mumbled to himself. You smiled, pulling away from his tip. Globs of hot, white cum spewed from his tip shortly after, caking your chest in is fluids. Tyler moaned loudly, your name befalling his tongue. He dragged on every syllable of your name, his head falling back to rest on the couch. His thrusts got slowly, completely halting when no more cum spilled out of him.
You pulled away from you, Tyler looking down at you. You were covered in him, and he loved the sight. He wished he could take a picture to remember it forever. You grinned, reaching over to grab a few tissues, cleaning his cock first before cleaning your chest of his release. You watched him twitch, his cock growing softer over time. Standing from your spot, you pulled your shorts back on, collapsing next to him to snuggle into his side. His arm wrapped around you, resting happily on your bare breast.
“That was amazing,” he said, snuggling into your hair. You smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Can you imagine actually having sex?”
You thought about it, opening your mouth to answer until you both heard a knock on the door. “Shit,” you mumbled, tugging your bra back up to cover your chest, slipping your shirt back on. Your costar almost fell off the couch in his attempt to stand, fixing his shorts and hair. He headed for the door, opening it after you gave him a thumbs up, telling him you were good.
Dylan was on the other side, raising an eyebrow. “Again guys? You’re lucky Jeff doesn’t know you are smoking weed all the time. He might physically kill you. I just came to tell you that you are needed on set, Scotty,” Dyl joked, Tyler looking at the time.
“Shit. We lost track of time is all. Thanks D-Balls.” He turned back to you, winking once. “I’ll see ya later, princess.” Tyler rushed off before you could respond, leaving the trailer with Dylan. He smirked at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Are you ever going to tell him the truth?” he asked. You shook your head, Dylan frowning. “You guys would be cute together though. I just want my two best friends happy. And to not have them smoke weed without me.”
You cracked a smile, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “You know the best weed times are with you, Dyl.” But these are special times we can’t share with you. “I promise. No more.”
Blatant lie that was.
Not even a week later, you were stumbling into your trailer, lips attached to Tyler’s, a heated kiss being shared between you guys. This was pure passion at this point. You had one kissing scene and you couldn’t wait for more. You hadn’t even had time to sneak away to smoke anything, yet here you were, kicking your trailer door shut, your heels falling off by the door. Tyler was kicking off his Nikes as he stumbled backwards, falling onto the couch with you on his lap.
“Is this really happening?” he asked, your lips still nearly atop his. “Because I’m not complaining. I always thought the last few times we kissed or even when I fucked your tits, it was because we were smoking. I figured I was bat shit crazy for it. So, is this really happening?”
“Oh, for fucks sake, T. Yes, it’s happening. I have a fucking crush on you and I those kissing scenes made me a little hot and bothered. All I can see is us hiding out in your trailer making out, you fingering me, me sucking you. God, I’ve been waiting for this,” you rambled, leaning in to kiss him again.
He pulled away.
“Wait wait wait. You have a crush on me?” He asked dumbly.
“That’s what you got from that? Tyler Garcia Posey, are you serious right now?”
“What? I’m making sure I’m getting my facts straight first,” he said, his hands meeting your waist. “I just wanted to make sure my feelings were mutual before I stick my cock inside you and make you scream wildly.”
“Mutual?” You asked, finding it was your turn to ask a dumb question. “You like me?”
“That’s what you got from that?” He joked back, tugging your tank top over your head before you could register what he was doing. “Now, are we fucking or not?”
“Oh, we definitely are,” you told him, latching your lips to his. Your tongues fought visibly between your mouths, Tyler place hot kisses to your lips. He tugged you close, his cock pressing into his jeans already. Your kisses were fast and sloppy, but every connection, there was a spark you felt in your being. His lips meshed with yours perfectly, occasionally wrapping around yours to control the kiss the way he wanted.
His fingers fiddled with your bra, struggling to unhook it without disconnecting from your kiss. His groan was eventually drowned by your throat, pulled away so he could unhook the red lacy bra you wore. The straps slid off your arm, Tyler yanking the intrusive material from your chest and throwing it across the room without looking.
He dropped you onto the couch, standing up to remove his shirt and jeans. He nestled himself between your legs, leaning down to kiss you. Except, it was to kiss your breasts, not your lips. His lips wrapped around your hard peak, kissing it roughly, tugging at the bud with his teeth. You moaned his name rather loudly, squirming underneath him. His wet appendage lapped at the bud, flicking it in different directions. His hand cupped the other breast, pinching the nipple, massaging the mound between his fingers.
He swapped breasts, kissing at the other one, leaving red marks all along your chest. His fingers went to your shorts, popping the button on them with ease, especially compared to your bra. He pushed them down your hip, your ass wiggling to help get them off your legs. Your panties went with them, leaving you completely bare under him.
“T, I don’t want to waste time. No foreplay,” you told him, seeing him glance up at you. “Just the good stuff.”
“Good stuff?” He asked, a hint of sass in his tone. “You mean cock in pussy?”
“I mean me screaming your name. Duh,” you stated, Tyler laughing at your response.
“One in the same, princess,” he stated calmly, kicking his boxers off and letting his cock spring free, already fully erect in front of you. “Because you won’t be able to resist screaming for me once this one is inside you.”
“Well, what are you waiting you?” You asked, putting on your sexiest voice. Your opened your legs as wide as you could, Tyler’s eyes widening at the sight. “I’m ready for you, T.”
“Um, c-condom?” he asked.
“Pill. Don’t make me say it again. Dick. In. Pussy. Now.”
The man above you didn’t hesitate a second time. He jostled forward, pushing your legs back, spreading them further apart. The tip pressed to your folds, his hips jerking forward, allowing himself to slide inside your already wet pussy until he was fully sheathed. Your moans filled the trailer in harmony.
Tyler’s fingers dig into your legs, giving you the shortest moment to adjust before pulling back, nearly coming free before sliding back inside, your moan dragged out the entire time. He started slow, obviously teasing you, but he couldn’t keep that up for long. He was too impatient, and you knew that.
It wasn’t long before he was speeding up, pistoning himself inside of you. The sound of your sweaty, slapping skin filled the hot air around you, your moans joining the noise occasionally. The tip of his cock tapped your cervix, pressing against your sweet spot with ease. The friction, regardless of how wet you were, against your walls sent your sense overboard, your walls closing around him spontaneously. Tyler groaned whenever you did, his cock twitching inside you in response.
He dropped your legs, dark bruises already forming from where he was holding you. He leaned forward, kissing at your lips a couple times before burying his face in your neck. His thrusts sped up, if that was even possible. He was already pounding you like a beast. He just added in the speed of a god. The way his hips rolled against yours sent shivers up your spine, his pelvis rubbing your clit perfectly every time he thrust forward. Your moans went straight into his ear, the man above you grinning at the sound.
His lips met your neck, nipping and sucking at the soft spot at the juncture between your neck and shoulder. You were bound to have countless hickeys there come tomorrow considering his reckless attack. Make up was bound to give you a hard time, that’s for sure.
Your hands wrapped loosely around him, fingers tangling into his locks. You scraped at his scalp, tugging at his hair with reckless abandon. You didn’t care if it hurt or if he liked it. You needed something to grab at, to exert some kind of release on without your own release exploding through your body like fire.
Tyler pulled from your neck, moving your legs to wrap tightly around his waist. His thrusts were growing sloppier, his panting becoming ragged. Your eyes locked with his, staring into his dark brown eyes. No words needed, just tugging him down to meet your lips, sharing an intimate kiss. He grunted against your lips, tilting his head to the side to kiss you happily. His motions grew weaker, breaking the kiss to gasp as his cock sputtered, spilling every bit of his load inside you. The feeling of his hot juices inside you spurred your own release, your juices mixing with his. Your walls clenched around him, feeling his length twitching inside you as he spilled the last bit of his seed into you. His thrusts slowed, gently riding out your highs together.
Your bodies relaxed, Tyler pulling out slowly and collapsing on the couch behind you. You laid on your sides, his arm wrapping around your waist and hugging you close. His nose buried into your hair, grinning into it. “That was beyond amazing,” he mumbled.
“Yes, it was,” you replied, turning to face him better. “This isn’t the only time though, right? I don’t like the one-time things.”
“We never followed through with it anyway,” he chuckled, peppering your cheek with kisses. You giggled, letting your fingers lace with his.
The door was kicked over, Dylan waltzing in. His eyes locked on your naked formed, instantly covering his eyes and turning around. “I saw nothing, I swear.”
Tyler tugged the blanket you kept on the back of the couch over your bodies, shaking his head. You hugged the cloth close, hiding your face it in. “You know, you can always knock, D-Balls,” Tyler told him.
“Well, you guys can go home to fuck like a normal couple,” he said back, turning to you both. You shared a glance with Tyler, shrugging your shoulders. Dylan shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “You guys still haven’t gotten together. Seriously?”
“You see, we admitted feelings? But never took the time to say we were a couple?” Tyler said, his statements coming out more as questions. Dylan gave him a blank stare, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Really? You guys have been sneaking around to smoke weed, without me might I add still, and getting all lovey dovey for weeks, but you can’t start dating like normal people?”
You poked your head out from the blanket, staring at your other best friend. “You knew we were sneaking around?”
“I’m not stupid. I’m the only one that realized what was going on. I just wanted say anything because I wanted my friends happy and together finally. I’m tired of hearing you complain about the other,” Dyl stated, leaning on the wall. “Plus, Posey is a shitty drunk and mentioned you tit fucking him.”
Your mouth fell open, slapping Tyler on the chest. “Seriously?!”
Tyler stared down at you, blushing madly. “I-I don’t even remember telling him that.”
“Shitty drunk, Tpose. You have no idea,” Dylan said, turning to leave. “I was going to ask if you guys wanted to go to the bar, but you’re busy. Maybe another time. And fucking date already. If not for your sake, for mine. Then I know you guys are sneaking around to fuck because you guys are cute together. And save the weed for our apartment!”
Dylan left, shutting the door before he got a response. Tyler rubbed his face with his hands, sighing. “I’m so sorry. I don’t even remember telling him. And I was going to ask-“
“Yes, I will be your girlfriend,” you cut him off, twisting around to kiss him.
“Well, that’s nice,” he mumbled when you pulled away, his lips skimming against yours. “I was going to ask if you wanted to get dinner though. I’m starved and I haven’t even smoked today.” You gave him a dull look, Tyler laughing. “Fine, fine! I love you, don’t hate me. You are the best girlfriend ever.”
You rolled off the couch, Tyler watching your cute, round ass shuffling around to gather all your clothes.
“Damn straight, bitch. I’m the best there is,” you told him, giving him a wink. “Now get changed. You owe me dinner.”
Yup, never regretted this for a second. If you had to choose to do it again, you would sneak around with him again in a heartbeat. Maybe next time though, Dylan O’Brien wouldn’t try to cockblock you.
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elegyqv · 3 years
theo : "why are you always taking pictures of me?"
Y/N : "i take pictures of everyone, raeken."
Y/N's camera roll :
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inspired by @aristocrat
𐐪𐑂 masterlist
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emilym7411 · 3 years
⚠warnings⚠: smut, threesome (Scott, Stiles xreader), anal, unprotected sex (reader is on the pill), language, multiple orgasms, finger fucking, tongue fucking, pet names (darling, love, princess, slut (once or twice) ect.), lmk if i missed any💙
A/N: Okay so, this story might not be AS good bc i did rush it a little at the end. Anyway...happy reading darlings😌💜
I moved to Beacon Hills almost a year ago with my family. I was stressing my ass off the first day of school. I didn't know where anything was and i sure as hell didn't know who anyone was, but when coach introduced me to Stiles and Scott all my nerves somehow just disappeared.
They showed me where everything is and they introduced me to the rest of the group. I instantly got along with everyone, but something about Scott and Stiles just kinda drew me to them.
We've known each other for almost a year now and the feelings i have for them just won't go away. I know it's wrong to feel this way about both of them, but i can't help it.
It's wrong towards both of them and so i decided i should get my mind of them...
I was on my way to a night club with Kiara, Lydia and Malia, because what better way to get my mind of Scott and Stiles than to get drunk?
We were dancing, drinking and having so much fun, i almost forgot about the boys. Notice how i said almost...
We where sitting at our table, everyone was wasted, me on the other hand...i was just a little tipsy.
So when my Scott called me, asking me to come to his house immediately and that it was urgent, my heart sank.
I said goodbye to the girls, called a cab and just like that, i was on my way to Scott's house. My nerves where through the roof and my mind was racing with thoughts about what the hell he wants to talk about.
I finally arrived at Scott's house. I lifted my hand and was just about to knock on the door, but it opened before i could knock. Stiles was standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face.
"S-Stiles, what uh- whatcha doin here?" I asked surprised
"Well hello to you to Y/N" Stiles said cockily
"Ohh yea, shit uhh hey." I said nervously, looking anywhere but his eyes.
"So, aren't you gonna invite me in?" I asked, finally looking at his eyes.
Without saying a word, Stiles just stepper to the side and gestured with his hand for me to come in. That cocky smirk never leaving his face, not even for a second.
As i made my way to the living room, i heard Stiles shut and lock the door behind me.
When i finally stepped into the living room Scott was seated on the couch, watching some sort of movie.
"Hey?" I said questioningly. As i said this though, i felt Stiles walk up to me and stand directly behind me. He was standing so close i could feel his body heat on my back and his breath on the back of my head.
Suddenly, Scott paused the movie and looked over at me and Stiles, a smirk also evident on his face.
"You know, this doesn't really look as urgent as you made it sound over the phone." I said  looking at Scott weirdly. I could still feel Stiles behind me, so much so that it sent shivers up my spine.
"Well we had to get you here somehow princess." Scott said cockily.
The nickname went straight to my core. I pressed my thighs together, but just a little bit to get some sort of friction.
Stiles let out a breathy laugh behind me.
"Already pressing your thighs together and we haven't even done anything yet." Stiles whispered in my ear.
His hand moved started to move up and down my arm, giving my goosebumps.
"You know i can smell you right?" Scott asked as he stood up and walked closer to where my and Stiles where standing.
"W-what?" I asked, confused by what he meant.
"I mean. I can smell the arousal on you Y/N. I can smell the wetness on that pretty little thong of yours. And i can smell the fact that you're inlove with me and Stiles." Scott said slowly, still approaching me. By the time he was done talking, he was standing right infront of me.
"Well i'm guessing by what you guys are doing, that you don't mind the fact i'm inlove with both of you and that you two, feel the same way." I said, a little out of breath and nervous. "Or am i wrong?" I asked while keeping direct eye contact with Scott.
"Ohh princess, you're definitely not." Stiles said from behind me. Scott just smiled.
After a few seconds of no one saying anything, Scott spoke up again.
"You look amazing by the way." Scott said, looking me up and down before looking into my eyes and placing his hand on my cheek.
"This pretty little number really leaves little to the imagination." Stiles whispered in my ear.
One of Sitles' hands moved to my hip, while his other hand brushed my hair away, exposing my neck to him and Scott.
Stiles started to trail soft kisses all over my neck. I let out a breathy moan as my head fell back onto Stiles' shoulder, giving him more access.
Scott just stood there with his hand on my cheek, looking at me and Stiles, before he finally moved his hand into my hair. He pushed my head to the side, just enough so that he and Stiles both have access to my neck.
Stiles was on my right and Scott was on my left side. My eyes where closed and my head was rolled backwards. Both of them where sucking on my neck, leaving there marks.
One of my hands went into each of the boys hair, pulling softly at their strands, earning soft moans from them.
Scotts hand wandered to the back of my dress. He found my zipper and started pulling it down. Once the zipper came to a stop, both boys stopped what they where doing. They looked at me with lust filled eyes as the dress slipped off my body and onto the floor. Their eyes went wide when they saw my bare breasts, since i didn't bother wearing a bra.
Scott lunged towards me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He walked to his bedroom, Stiles was following right behind us. When we got his bedroom door, he slapped my ass before opening the door and walking inside.
He threw my down onto his bed. Scott removed his shirt before climbing on the bed and sitting right between my legs.
"What if your mom walks in on us?" I asked
"She's on night shift, which means she won't be back untill tomorrow morning." Scott replied.
"Okay." I said, smiling at both of them.
With that, Scott grabbed my face and started kissing me. The kiss was hard, yet still filled with passion. Stiles also removed his shirt, before positioning himself on the bed, behind me.
Stile's legges where now on either side of me. He moved my hair into one of his hands before he started kissing my shoulder, neck and upper back.
Me and Scott eventually pulled away for air. Scott shimmied down the bed, just enough so he could rapp his arms under my knees and pull me down. My head was on Stile's crotch and when i looked up, Stiles was already looking down at me with a cute smile on his face. I smilled back.
"You sure you're okay with this?" Stiles asked me, genuine concern in his voice
"Absolutely." I replied, giving him a reassuring smile.
Scott then stood up from the bed to remove his pants. When he was finally done, he climed back on the bed, positioning himself on his knees between my legs. His fingers hooked around my thong before he pulled it off, throwing it on the pile of clothes that where already on the floor.
A soft moan escaped my mouth when the cold air made contact with my heat.
Scott then layed flat on his stomach, throwing my legs over his shoulder.
He licked a long stripe up from my entrance to my clit, collecting all of my juices.
"Fuck." I moaned softly, arching my back a little.
"Taste so fucking good baby." Scott said, looking at me.
Stiles moved his hands towards my breasts, squeezing them and playing with my hardened nipples, while Scott moved his tongue all over my soaking core. He sucked my clit and moved his tongue in figure 8's. Scott teases my entrance with one of his fingers.
"Stop teasing." I said out of breath
"I wanna hear you beg for my fingers."
"Fuck, please. Please, i'll behave. Please just stop teasing me." I begged.
With that, Scott plunged two of his fingers inside me, curling then upwards while still sucking on my clit.
I could feel Stiles getting hard at the sight of his best friend finger fucking me.
My orgasm was nearing, i started clenching around Scott's fingers as he kept a brutal pace with his fingers. One particularly hard flick of his tongue on my bud and i was spiraling over the edge. My back was arching off the bed and my hands flew into Scott's hair. Moaning loudly as i came around his fingers.
Scott slowed down his pace as i came down from my high. I was breathing heavily and my legs where still slightly shaking. Scott remover his fingers, licking them clean before he and Stiles stood up again.
They removed the rest of their clothing. Stiles and Scott switched places.
"I'm gonna need you to turn around for me love." Stiles said.
When i finally opened my eyes, they immediately went wide at how big Stiles is.
"Like what you see huh?" Stiles asked with a wink
"Yea actually, i do." I replied winking back.
When i finally turned around, i sat up on my hand and knees. Scott wasn't as big as Stiles, but he was still pretty big.
I kissed Scott again, but pulled away when i felt Stiles sticking his tongue inside my entrance.
He kept tongue fucking me and Scott grabbed one of my breasts and started to lick and suck on my nipple.
Another orgasm was fast approaching, but this time, right as i was about to cum, Stiles pulled away.
"Stilesss." I whined looking over my shoulder to look at him.
"Relax darling, i just want you to cum when i'm inside you." Stiles said
I looked back at Scott, then down at his member, before looking at him again.
"I want you to fuck my mouth." I told him. I was a little surprised that those words really left my mouth, but fuck it.
"Wait, really? Are you sure?" Scott asked, not totally sure if i meant it, but when i smiled at him and nodded, he looked reassured.
He sat up on his knees, placing his member infront of my mouth. At the same time Stiles was lining himself up with my entrance. With a final "are you sure about this?" From both of them and a "one hundred percent" from me. They both entered me.
Scott made my hair into a make shift pony tail while moving in and out of my mouth at a slow pace.
Stiles gave me a few seconds to adjust, before he started to move, but he was also moving slow.
So i took matters into my own hands. I started pushing back into Stiles and i moved my head faster around Scott's member.
"Ohh, looks like she likes it rough." Scott laughed.
"What do yoi think Stiles, should we be rough with her, treat her like our little slut?" Scott asked
"Well if that's what she wants, than yea." Stiles said.
Before long, both of them where slamming into me. Tears where running down my face.
"Fuck, so fucking tight princess." Stiles moaned.
Stiles kept spanking me and i swear there's going to be marks on my hips from how hard he's grabbing me.
I came around stiles's member this time. Scott pullee me off his cock so that they could hear me scream as i came.
Stiles then stopped, giving me one hard thrust before pulling out.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.
Scott layed down on the bed. Getting comfortable before both of them helped me ontop of him.
Scott slipped the tip of his member inside of me, before i sank down completely.
Stiles placed his hand on my back, pushing me down untill i was flush against Scott.
That's when i felt it. Stiles placed his tumb against my other hole.
"Woah, woah, woah. I've never done anal before." I said panicked, as i sat up and looked at both of them.
"Just trust me love okay. It's going to hurt at first, but it will get better okay." Stiles said, placing his hand on my cheek, before leaning in and kissing me. The kiss was soft, passionate and calming.
"If you want to stop at any time, just say so okay." Stiles said, looking into my eyes.
"Okay." I said after a few seconds. Stiles smiled before kissing me again.
I got back into position. Stiles placed his thumb on my hole again.
"You okay?" Stiles asked. I only hummed in response.
Scott started playing with my hair, trying to relax me. Stiles finally pushed his thumb in. I clenched my eyes shut. Clenching around both of them.
"It's only gonna hurt more if you clench sweetheart. Just try to relax okay." Stiles said
I nodded, relaxing again. Stiles started moving his fingers and after a while, the pain was mostly gone. I started moaning a little and that's when Stiles pulled out his finger.
He took some of his spit and used it as lube. He placed his member at my hole, making sure i was okay before pushing in.
The pain of being stretched like that, hurt like a bitch, but was still an amazing feeling at the same time. After a minute or so, of letting me adjust, i finally gave him and Scott the 'go ahead' to start moving.
When they both started moving in and out of me at the same time, the feeling of pure pleasure was overwhelming.
After they found marching pace, it didn't take long for me to cum...twice.
The room was filled with moans from me, Stiles, and Scott.
Another orgasm was fast approaching and i could tell that Stiles and Scott where nearing their orgasms too.
After a few hard thrusts, i came with another loud moan, clenching as both of their members twitched inside me before shooting their loads into me, painting my walls.
After we came down from our highs, they pulled out of me, Stiles watched as their cum leaked out of me, mixing with mine.
They helped my lay down, before both of them layed down on either side of me.
"So does this mean we're like a couple now?" I asked
"Do you want to be a couple?" Scott asked, looking at me and Stiles
"I mean sure, but i'm not gonna do anything with you Scott, no offense ofcourse. I just don't swing that way." Stiles said
"Yea no, i totally agree." Scott said
"So you two are basically just going to be sharing me?" I asked
"Basically yea." Scott said
"Ohh hell yea! No fine men sharing me. It's a win win." I said smiling at them.
"You really are something spesial Y/N" Stiles said
"Aww thank you."
Stiles and Scott just shook their heads and laughed. 
A little while later, we cleaned up and just watched some movies downstairs, before we went to bed and finally fell asleep.
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
Scott McCall - Games
Warning: Smut
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My friends and I were at Lydias house for a party of course and there were tons of people filling her living room, kitchen, and her backyard. My eyes fixed on a dark brown haired boy otherwise known as Scott McCall. Scott and I were best friends a little more than friends but only the sexual part of it. I wanted to be more, so much more but I knew Scott would never.
I was leaning against the kitchen island sipping my drink while my eyes were scanning the living room and I saw Scott being grinded on by some chick while he was kissing her neck while making direct eye contact with me. I felt my blood boil and I let out a low growl hating the sight in front of me. Scott smirked and winked at me knowing I was mad. He was feeding off my anger absolutely loving it.
"Okay Scottie two can play at this game.....and I play better." I whispered seductively knowing Scott could hear me. I walked over to where Stiles was sitting and sat right next to him practically on top of him and grabbed his hand and placed it on my thigh. I kissed his cheek then slowly kissed down his jaw to his neck nipping and biting on his soft skin. I heard his breath hitch and I smirked standing up grabbing his hand and leading him to where everyone was dancing. I stood in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck and leaned up to whisper in his ear.
"I see that you're turned on Stiles, what do you wanna do to me huh?" I whispered Scott listening in on the conversation and his eyes flashing red not liking you all over his best friend at all.
"I want to touch you, god I want to fucking touch you everywhere." Stiles breathed out and I spun around so my ass is against his crotch and I moved my hips against him. No one knew about Scott and I so Stiles had no reason to move away or stop this. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my tits and I moaned quietly as he squeezed them and kissed my neck leaving little marks. I reached behind me and tangled my fingers in his hair tugging slightly. Stiles's hands wandered up and down my body and I could feel him getting harder the more he touched me.
I looked over at Scott and the girl was kissing his neck but he was paying no attention to her as his eyes were locked on mine. I felt Stiles breath tickle my neck and I looked up at him and he was looking at Scott putting two and two together and Stiles smirked leaning down to my ear.
"Wanna make him real mad?" Stiles smirked spinning me around pulling me closer to him and smashing his lips on mine sliding his hands to my ass giving it a squeeze. His tongue slipped in my mouth and I placed my hands on his chest feeling his torso. I pulled away resting my forehead against his both of our breathing heavy. I felt a tug on my arm pulling me away from Stiles and I knew it was McCall and that he had had enough. He guided me upstairs pushing me into an empty room pushing me on the bed.
"God you're going to regret that" Scott growled at me his eyes devouring my body and he slid my pants down my legs and ripped my shirt off leaving me in my matching lingerie. Scott licked his lips leaning down to kiss me all over my body and he nipped at the skin. He was looking at my neck with an angry look on his face because his best friends mark was on me. Scott pulled his pants down aligning himself with my entrance and plunging into me. I screamed out in pleasure as Scott was slamming into me. He smacked me across the face and covered my mouth with his hand so I wouldn't make a sound. I lifted my legs up higher and his head fell slightly as he breathed slowly taking a quick break so he wouldn't finish so quickly.
"I'm sure that Stiles wouldn't need a break, he would just want to fuck me" I sighed wanting to test his anger and I was met with glowing red eyes once again as Scott reached out and started choking me pounding into me harder than he ever has before. I arched my back moaning out Scott's name over and over again and my mouth formed an O shape as Scott hit my g spot repeatedly.
"You think it was cute to be all over my best friend? I'm going to make sure that you know you're mine. All mine." I smirked at Scott's words his eyes still red turning me on more than ever seeing his alpha side. He demanded me to get on all 4s and I obeyed sticking my ass out at him and I felt a hard smack and another and another. I gripped the bed sheets as I felt Scott's huge cock teasing me and when I least expected it he slammed into me causing me to jolt forward and Scott placed his hands on my waist pulling me back and I screamed in pleasure as I felt his whole length in me filling me up.
"I'm gonna cum" I managed to breath out as my eyes were screwed shut the sensation being too much for me handle as I came and Scott's pace quickened before slowing down signaling he was releasing as well. He pulled out and laid next to me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear looking into my eyes. "You're fucking mine." Scott growled pulling me close to him shoving his tongue in my mouth making me moan quietly and Scott smiled pulling away and helping me get dressed.
"All yours." I smiled pushing him away from me and getting on my knees for him kissing his tip before wrapping my lips around him taking him whole in my mouth making him tremble slightly. "Holy fuck Y/N." He moaned and I pushed him down so he was sitting on the bed and I climbed on top of him aligning myself with his tip sinking down on his length moaning at how he stretched me out. I started bouncing on him my tits bouncing up and down and he was in a trance as he watched them bounce in his face. "God you're perfect." Scotts hands were roaming all over my body grabbing at my skin and leaving marks everywhere possible.
"Scottttttt." I screamed throwing my head back in pleasure as he kissed my throat. "Cum on my cock baby." That's all it took for me to release all over his length as he thrusted into me helping me through my orgasm and him releasing into me. My head fell to the crook of his neck gaining my breath and leaving light kisses on his shoulder before going to his neck leaving dark red hickeys on his neck. "Now that whore will know you're taken." I giggled kissing his lips and hopping off of him as we both got dressed and headed back downstairs. The girl that Scott was dancing with earlier was walking towards us and I smirked grabbing his face smashing my lips to his and his hands slid down to my ass grabbing it and slapping it. I pulled away slightly and smiled at the girl as she rolled her eyes and walked away.
"No more games?" I asked Scott to make sure.
"None, I'm yours and you're mine."
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There's a First For Everything, Right?
Pairing: Scott x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warning: 18+ content,Smut, first time sex, riding (In Editing)
A/n: This was my first smut and wrote it a long time ago. By the way this takes places before Scott was a Werewolf. 
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You have been friends with Scott since you were seven, and is the reason you know Stiles. Over the years you've grown close with the two, maybe a little too close. Yes, you did, and still do, have the worlds biggest crush on Scott. You thought he was kind, funny, smart... he's every thing you ever wanted in a man. But Scott doesn't feel the same, in his eyes all you are is his kid friend. When you turned 16 Scott made time to go hang out with you. All day all you guys did was watch F•R•I•E•N•D•S, eat snacks, and talk in your bedroom. Thankfully your birthday landed on a weekend so you had the whole day together. Which brings us here, now.
You and Scott are watching "The One Where Ross and Rachel... You know"(S2 E15). You started thinking and you didn't know why but you decided to ask Scott an embarrassing question. "Hey Scott have you ever, done the deed with anyone?"  Scott spit out the soda he was drinking, not ready for that question."Uh no I- uh I haven't had sex with anyone... ever." Scott said in an awkward manner. "Oh well that's cool. I mean not because your a virgin- the like the fact that you haven't done it  is lame, cause it's not-" It was as though you couldn't stop your mouth from moving before Scott thankfully cut you off. "It's fine I get what you mean." He voiced with a slight laugh as he went back to Watching TV.
"Oh okay, cool... umm so I uh... I was thinking and I wanted to ask you something, I mean you don't have to say yes, just keep that in mind." You stated a bit playing with your fingers not daring to look at Scott
"What ever it is I'm sure I'd say yes Bunny." Awe, Bunny; The nickname he gave you because years ago, when you asked why he said it was because of how quiet you were when you first met eachother. However, now when he calls you by the nickname it makes your heart flutter."Would you ever wanna... y'know, with me?" You cringed at how you phrased the stupid question you should've never thought about. "Are you asking if I want to have sex with you?!" Scott practically yelled and jumping off your bed. "Say that louder I don't think my neighbors heard you." You whisper-shouted followimg suit after him. "Can we back track here, you're saying you want to have sex with me?" Scott questioned in the same quiet tone as you. "Yeah sort of." You shrugged.
"Well, how could I say no." Scott said more enthusiastic than you would have expected.
"If we're gonna do this we can't tell anyone... Not even Stiles. Okay?"
"Yeah. Got it. Done."
"And it can't effect our friendship." You said and Scott nodded his head in agreement.
"So you wanna add any rules?" You asked.
"Can't think of any." Scott said and you nodded.
"Are we really gonna do this?" Scott asked.
"If you're up for it." You said in a questioning tone.
Just then you heard the font door close "I think my mom is gone. Y'know, if you wanna." You said, he nodded and you put your hands on his face, and he whispered "Trust me, I do." Finally you crashed your lips into Scotts. The two of you stood there for a moment kissing one another until Scott started running his hand up your shirt groping and kneading the flesh of your hips. "Scott" you breathed out. Before you could think you pushed Scott to fall on your bed and straddled his hips.
Scott started frantically removing your shirt exposing your bra, his eyes immediately falling to your breasts. You lean over him so now your cleavage was touching his chest "Don't be afraid to touch me Scott." you whispered in his ear. His lips found yours once more in a passionate kiss. You pulled away to take Scotts shirt off, he sat up slightly so you could do so, you carelessly throw his shirt on the floor. "I think it's time to take these off." You said giggling as you unbuttoned his pants and his helped you take them off before throwing them to join his shirt. He rolled you so you were now below him, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he rolled his hips into yours, you could feel his bulge on your covered core. Scott was kissing your neck now attacking your sweet spot. "Scott please" you moaned out wanting more of him. Scott then started removing your pants throwing them with his. His hand rested on your thigh as he made his way back to your neck, kneading your thigh slowing inching towards your wet panties.
Scotts lips attached to yours in a sweet kiss as he inserted one finger inside of you, sliding your panties to the side, your moan trapped in between yours and his lips. You gently pulled Scotts hair as another finger teased your entrance, soon he had two fingers knuckle deep in your pussy. Scott started kissing your neck again as he pumped the two digits in and out of you, at every thrust of his hand you would buck your hips up as you moaned his name. Scott then pulled his fingers out and started fumbling with his boxers.
 "Wait wait wait, Scott, we need a condom." you said still a little breathless 
"Right uh, do you have one..?"
"Yeah, no."
"It's alright I think I have one in my bag." Scott said getting up and making his way over to his backpack in the corner of your room.
"Soo... were you just expecting to get some?"
"No, today Stiles heard we were hanging out,  he gave me a condom as a joke... Hey he was right, I guess I would be needing it."
"Could you please hurry up, I don't wanna fall asleep waiting on you." Scott rifled through his bag and found the square gray package. Scott rushed back over to your bed and opened the package with his teeth as he hovered over you, once the package was open the condom fell on your chest "smooth McCall" you said laughing at him. Scott picked up the condom as he watched you laugh. "Is something wrong?" You asked, just then he kissed you believe it or not more passionate then before, you were stunned for a second but soon melted into the kiss, your lips detached form eachother "Your just so beautiful, I'm so glad I'm doing this with you." you blushed at his kind words; You didn't even noticed when he put the condom on. Scott then started kissing your neck and removing your panties "You can always stop me if things become to much." he muttered in your neck, you just hummed as you felt his cock tease your entrance, slowly pushing into you, he stayed there for a minute giving you time to adjust to his size, you bucked your hips up signaling that you wanted movement. 
Scott started slowly pushing himself inside you and slowly pulled out of you, it felt weird at first but this amazingly awesome feeling took over. "Oh god, faster." you breathed out arching your back as Scott started picking up his pace, he started kissing your neck once more turning you into a moaning mess. Your nails dug into his back, "Harder" you bucked your hips "Oh Bunny, you have no idea what you do to me." there it was again the nickname only this time hearing it gave you pleasure, he rolled so you were now on top. "Ride me bunny" he said still inside you. You didn't hesitate to start bouncing on is cock, your hands on his chest as his were on your hips pulling you down harder against him. Your motions become weak as your orgasm washes over you, your walls clench around Scotts length. Scott again flips you so he is now back in control as he strives to reach his climax too, at that moment you come, not long after he came as well filling the condom. He then pulls out and pulled the condom off before cuddling your half naked body
"We should do this more often." Scott said nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck
"I agree... Scott?"
"Yes bunny?" 
"Is there any chance you have another condom?"
Helloo, so I wasn't that proud of this one, if you didn't like it I totally understand and apologize, I'm still in the Editing process and somethings might become very different or change completely (for the better) I'm removing unimportant details/dialogue.
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realityescapee01 · 3 years
Dating Tyler Hoechlin...
You working with the music score team for the new Teen Wolf movie.
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Everybody immediately liking you. Most of the guys having a crush on you because you're so adorable. Cute. Loveable.
Tyler Posey and Dylan O'brien being the ones who have the biggest crush on you.
All of them not knowing you are Hoechlin's girlfriend. They all had a video chat with Tyler once and Tyler said: by the way guys, have you met Y/N? Everyone saying they like you so much. They adore you. And him saying: That's good. She's my girlfriend.
Ohmygod! Everyone's so shocked and happy to know that. Because you are so awesome. And Hoechlin is equally awesome. They all ship you so hard. Posey and Dylan apologizing. "Hoech, Dude! We're sorry. We're crushing so hard on your girlfriend." To which Tyler just laughed and said "I knew it! I can't blame you. She is very loveable." The two boys pledging to behave and guard you from outer threats. Tyler laughing and thanking them. "You better. I'd be there in 2 weeks."
Posey and Dylan are always with you, making sure you're okay and happy. Posey always singing and jamming with you on breaks. Sharing songs and bands. Dylan joining in as the drummer. Posey making sure you get your coffee fix and delivering Tyler's orders for you. Sometimes Tyler orders deliveries for you. Coffee. Desserts. Japanese food. Your favorites.
You hanging out with Posey and Dylan. Them asking you things about you and Tyler. How you met. Who confessed first. How long you've been together. What you like most physically about Tyler. And you would answer: his eyes. You love his eyes so much. And the two would nod vigorously. And then you'd say his smile... and then his everything. Then they would nod vigorously again, in chorus. Then they would tell funny stories about Tyler from way back.
When he calls you, the others are behind you, giggling. You laughing at them. Tyler also laughing at them. And it turns into a group video call. "Ohmygod! You're so cute! The two of you!!!" Dylan would be so giddy. Swooning. Tyler would say "Aww, thanks man." And then they'd talk some more. Until Dylan would say: "Enough guys, let's leave them lovey doveys alone." And they'd all leave but would tease you with: "yihiiiiii" and would make hearts with their hands. Tyler would laugh out loud at how you'd blush on it.
Tyler finally arriving on set from his other project. And everyone was so giddy and excited for you two to see each other. "Ohgods, you guys!" You would exclaim as they wait with you for Tyler to appear. His car pulling up and him coming out of it. Tyler smiled at you and greeted them. "Hey, guys!" He said as he walked towards you and then hugged you. The gang behind you squealed. Both of you laughing at them. Tyler shooing them away. "Shh! Go away!" him saying playfully at them. "It was so nice to see you guys again. We'll catch up later. I'm taking Y/N out for lunch." To which everyone answered "Alright. Have fun." Posey and Dylan making hearts with their arms as they sent you off.
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more works here on my master list. thank you.
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Divine move. Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Posey- Insecurities
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Being in the public eye has its positives and it’s negatives. Unfortunately some days the negatives seems to out way the positives. When I was asked to come back to film for the Teen Wolf movie I was more than excited to. I couldn’t wait to see my best friends, some who I’ve not seen for a while now and working with my boyfriend,Tyler, again I just couldn’t wait. But I know since we finished the final season I have put on weight which the media have picked up on. Tyler and I have been dating since season 4 of Teen Wolf and tonight is date night. We have both been busy today filming but knowing that it was only a day shoot for all of us we decided that today would be perfect. Weirdly Tyler has told me to get ready in my trailer.
So here I am trying on dress options I had brought with me. Trying to get ready for my date but I just can't find the right one. I'm looking at myself in my full length mirror. Sighing I sit on my couch and look at Instagram for ideas, maybe I can text Holland or Shelly to run to mine and Tyler’s hotel room and get me some more clothes. However instead I end up seeing different Instagram models. Stupidly I begin to compare myself to them. The extra skin on my stomach, my thighs, my arms. I sit there not realising that I'm crying until my trailer door opens
“Tyler wants to know if your nearly ready because…. oh my god YN what’s wrong?” In runs Holland, shutting the door behind her “Are you hurt? Feel sick? Has something happened between you and Tyler?”
“No” I shake my head
“Then what’s wrong?”
“Just in my head”
“About what?” Holland is now by my side pulling me into her
“Why does he love me?”
"What do you mean? YN Tyler loves the hell out of you, do you not realise how much he talks to the boys about you? God he doesn't shut up about you YN he loves you. What’s brought this on? You know he loves you”
“I know he loves me, but why. He could have anyone. A model for Christ sake, but he chose me” Holland then looks over at my phone and sees that I’m on Instagram
“You really need to get off social media if it’s hurting you so much. These bodies are fake, you are real and that what Tyler loves about you. So let’s get you dressed and redo your makeup because Tyler is waiting”
"I'm not in the mood to go out now. Can you tell Tyler I’m not feeling well”
“Not gonna happen because either way you have to see Tyler, you live together remember. And anyway he has something planned so come on we have got 30 minutes before the love of your life will knock on that door with a bunch of flower"
Just as Holland had said 30 minutes later, Tyler knocks on the door with a bunch of peonies, my favourite flowers.
Tyler takes us for a picnic on the lacrosse field, this is where we had our first on screen kiss together, but also where we had our first off screen kiss. Where we both fell in love
"Babe are you ok? You've been really quite"
"I don't want to ruin our date"
"Talk to me. We can have more dates but I can't help you if you don't talk to me and tell me what's wrong"
"It's just..." I sigh placing my head on his shoulder "I see these girls on Instagram and then there's me. I'm nothing special and I just don't understand how you could love me when I look like this. I know you love me, but you could have anyone, the media tell me enough that I’ve started to believe them”
"Hey, look at me” I lift up my head and look into Tyler’s eyes “you know what I see. A beautiful, caring, sexy woman who puts other people before herself. I love you YN YLN"
"Even though I'm not stick thin with huge boobs and perfect flowing hair"
"You are perfect to me. Everything about you, I'm not with those Instagram models for a reason. I will do anything to show you that it's you I want. I never what you to feel like I don't want you so that why I'm going to do this" I look at him confused then shocked as I watch him shift and keel on one knee and pull out a box "I have loved you from the moment I set eyes on you. I don't care that you don't look like those Instagram models, your beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So YN YLN will you marry me?" I begin to cry
"Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you" Tyler puts the ring on my finger and then there's loads of cheers, I look around to see all our friends running to us
"I told you he had something planned" Holland tackles me to the ground in a hug me
“Carful don’t break my fiancé”
“Ahhh your a fiancé!” Shelly squeals with Crystal. I get up and hug Tyler, gently placing a kiss on his lips
"I love you YN"
"I love you too Ty”
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its-an-obsession · 1 year
Sweet Nothings
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | Full Masterlist 
Summary: One thing about Scott McCall is that he loved little acts of service. If you needed help with something, Scott was there to help. Before dating Scott, the two of you had been best friends, cliche I know. It didn't matter if you and Scott had been together for almost a year, he continued to show his affection. It was always that little things that made the two of you as a couple.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Liam Dunbar -> Your Younger Brother
Warnings: none
Scott McCall x-reader
(5th Grade - Third Person View)
"Hey, look at this," a little Y/N Dunbar picked up a rock. It was shaped in almost a perfect triangle. Scott opened his hand. Y/N set the unique stone in his hand. He smiled, running a finger over the edges. "It's so cool," he grinned. Y/N responded with one as well, her hands in the pocket of her skirt.
I spy with my little tired eye, tiny as a firefly A pebble that we picked up last July. Down deep inside your pocket We almost forgot it Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
They were having a Fourth of July celebration at the lake. Y/N's father was setting up the fireworks on the dock for that evening. "How do you think this happened?" Scott sat on the hammock, holding up the rock. Y/N shrugged her shoulders and sat down beside him. They swung on the hammock.
Y/N moved her legs back and forth, trying to make the hammock go a little higher. She gripped onto the hem of the fabric. She watched her baby brother, Liam, play with Mrs. McCall. Liam played with some dirt while Melissa tried to prevent him from eating it. "Oh, does your brother eat dirt?" Scott pursed his lips.
"What? No," Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Yes, he does," Scott shoved her shoulder. Y/N shook her head again and shoved his shoulder just like he did. Their little wrestling match was interrupted.
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're pushing and shoving
Y/N's mother called them over for dinner. "Race ya," Scott said. He jumped from the hammock and bolted to the table. Y/N followed after him. She joined him at the table, grinning when her mother handed her a plate of food. "Thanks, mama," Y/N said, taking a big sip of the Lemonade.
Scott reached across the table to grab the ketchup. Melissa slapped his hand, reminding him of his manners. She set the bottle beside his plate. Scott shrunk in his seat and let Mr. Dunbar put ketchup on his hotdog. "Thank you," Scott said. Y/N's father rubbed Scott's brown hair. Scott brought his arms up, pushing the man's hands away.
Y/N giggled at her best friend. She moved to the side before Scott could push her. "Do we need to remind the two of you to keep your hands to yourself?" Mrs. Dunbar said. "No, ma'am," the two kids responded. She smiled, handing her husband a bottle of beer.
(8th Grade - Third Person View)
Y/N kicked the soccer ball to Liam, then dodged when he kicked. She was always surprised at how good he was at soccer. "You wanna snack?" Y/N trapped the ball underneath her foot. Liam nodded and took off his flannel. Y/N smiled and walked into her house.
Scott was standing in the kitchen, helping Mrs. Dunbar bake some cookies. Scott was humming some song he heard on the radio, Sweet Nothings by Taylor Swift to be exact. Scott's smile grew when he saw Y/N walk in. "I saved the spoon for you to have the cookie dough," Scott held the wooden spoon.
You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
"My favorite part," she grabbed the spoon from him. Scott mixed the chocolate into a separate bowl as Y/N ate the dough. Mrs. Dunbar put a cookie sheet into the oven after Scott finished with the chocolate. Y/N grabbed some chips for herself and Liam.
"Why don't you two go play with Liam. I'll call you in when the cookies are done," Y/N's mother said. Y/N nodded and took Scott's hand. They ran outside to see Liam playing with the ball like it was a basketball. "That's not how you play, Liam," Scott opened the bag of chips.
Liam ran over. Y/N handed her brother a bag of chips. "What do you guys want to do after this?" Scott asked. "We could play hide and go seek," Y/N suggested, her voice muffled by the chips.
Both boys said that was a pretty good idea. After finishing their snacks, they played a quick game of soccer before switching to hide and go-seek. "Ten, eleven, twelve," Scott counted. He covered his eyes, standing behind a thick oak tree.
(12th Grade - Y/N's Point of View)
It was the Fourth of July, but this time Scott and I were a couple. We stayed at the same lake house we went to every Fourth of July. The two of us were lying on the dock, looking up at the sky. "I'm thinking of a number between six and ten," Scott said. "Uh, five," I guessed. "Correct," he pointed at me.
He kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, resting my head against his shoulder. "I wanted to read you something," Scott said. He sat up from his spot and brushed his hands on his shorts. He pulled out a sheet of crumpled notebook paper. Scott cleared his throat. "Violets are blue, roses are red," Scott read.
On the way home I wrote a poem You say, "What a mind" This happens all the time
I withheld my laugh, pressing my lips together. He looked up from the paper with raised brows. "What?" he said. "What a mind," I shook my head in amusement. "Are you making fun of me?" he dropped his hands. I shook my head again, not wanting to say anything. "You are so laughing at me," Scott said.
"I'm not laughing at you, Scott," I insisted. "You are," he smirked, leaning in. He held my face, bringing me in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss as Scott set a hand on my waist to bring me closer. "Hey, guess what I still have?" he said. Scott reached into his pocket again.
My eyes grew when he pulled out the same triangle-shaped rock from when we were ten. He set it into my hand. "I can't believe you still have it," I said. The rock's surface was still smooth from when we first found it. I had no idea that he kept it all these years.
"Of course I still have it," Scott said, "I knew when you gave it to me that I loved you." My brows furrowed. "Scott, we were ten," I said. "I know. I love you like Stiles loves Star Wars," he shrugged.
'Cause they said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're pushing and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was nothing
I laughed, kissing him again. "Y/N/N, Scotty! Dinner!" Melissa shouted. Scott sighed against my lips, not wanting to get up. I leaned back with a smirk on my face. "Race ya," I jumped up from the dock, hearing the boards creak as I ran over them. I looked behind me to see him gaining up on me.
"What? You're cheating," I said, referencing his werewolf abilities. He beat me just by a second. My mom set up a plate for me and Scott, putting it on the picnic table. Scott and I sat side by side, as usual, facing the sunset. I took a long sip of my Lemonade and handed Scott the ketchup before he could reach across the table.
He shot me a wink and put ketchup on the hotdog. I handed him a napkin just as a drop of ketchup fell onto his plate. "You need a bib, Scott?" Liam said from the end of the table. Scott looked up and glared at my younger brother. Liam gave him a look back and went back to eating his dinner.
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more" To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
After eating, Scott and I sat at the edge of the dock. My father and grandfather were setting up the final touches on the fireworks. A few seconds went by and a burst flew into the air. I felt the cold water hit my toes.
"You wanna go in?" Scott gestured to the water. I smirked in agreement. I took off my romper, leaving me in my favorite swimsuit. We watched the fireworks go off one by one from the water. Colors upon colors glided into the air, reds, golds, blues, greens, and purples.
Scott watched as my face lit up. He splashed me every so often. "Dude," I said, splashing him back. It fell quiet between us as we saw the fireworks go off. I could hear my family cheer at the different colors. Scott tapped me on the shoulder, making me look at him.
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're pushing and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
"Wha-" my sentence was cut short by the feeling of Scott's lips on mine. He set a hand on the back of my head. "I love you," he said, pushing hair away from my face. "I love you too," I smiled.
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