#tysm for asking roo!!
blankticket · 6 months
Munday 10-13!
10) What do you love about Vash?
i love that he gets somehow even worse about self-preservation.
we go from ep 2 "no thanks, i'm not a fan of pain!" vash undergoing a wacky zany funny looney-tunes chase sequence where he's doing everything to avoid getting shot by a town's worth of grease guns….
to ep 10's early segment of telling wolfwood not to start a fight while he just fucking stands there to take a sniper round fired at him out of vengeance. you can even hear vash quietly grunt in pain as his blood splatters onto wolfwood. and there isn't even a "no, please believe in me / i really can still get the plant back" line of protest or anything, the guy just takes his leave with his head hung low lol. it's awesome
i think he can have negative character development as a treat. it makes the whole thing of the finale's climactic 'i'm vash the stampede' line hit harder anyhow
11) What do you hate about Vash?
plenty still. it all folds back into his ego being the main source of what i hate about him i think. this assumption of his that he is the lowest of the low in every and any world driving his various behaviors of like …
'oh, i should keep this to myself so i don't burden anyone', 'i really don't want to talk about myself so i'm going to do everything i can to divert the talk to focus on the other person, or go quiet or flee if that fails', etc. but self-neglect, self-sabotage, self-harm, ultimately all these things do not only hurt oneself alone
it's a faulty, warped kind of selfish "pacifism" where any pain (even if worth suffering) is stolen, smothered, and suppressed. isn't it more exhausting this way than to simply act on what you know you deserve? how is it any fair to not let anyone help you simply because you believe that no one can or should help you? who is vash to be deciding that? it's arrogance and vanity and ego, even if ostensibly it looks like humility. vash makes it easy to understand where his in-world critics are coming from lol
12) What about Vash amuses you?
i think him being really, really bad at lying is really fucking funny. making him reap what he sows is definitely one of my favorite things to rp out w him
13) What about Vash makes you sad?
see question 10's answer up above lol. while i love that he gets worse on that, it is also sad too. i can't imagine how wolfwood must have felt in that moment, at once violently seeing (and feeling, through his fucking blood splattering on him) just how bad vash has quietly grown to be with his lack of self-preservation/idea of what kind of treatment he deserves from people.
wolfwood going on to ask vash "did you think sacrificing yourself would make everyone happy?" right after, and then the scene cutting right to the bloodied experimentation table of the eye… wow. this show's crazy good. real sad also
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
hi🤭 you know me, i love suna :3
so could i request a ler suna lee reader fic? gn ofc^^
SUNA!!! :D Oh my god the boy! Mr. Bendy straw himself! YES! What are the words to describe how much I love this guy? Friend, I've gotcha covered!
This was supposed to be in combination of another fic request with the Miya twins; but I'm pretty sure Tumblr ate that one 😅 So eh; whomever asked for that; here you are! :D I hope y'all like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada @sp1racle
“Ready…?” Atsumu waved a hand between the three of you, shaking with barely restrained mirth. You were no better, cheeks hurting from how hard you were smiling. Only Osamu seemed sane- cool as a cucumber.
“Wait-” Suna stopped you, adjusting his phone. “Okay.”
“...Go!” Atsumu cried, the three of you shaking your fists. After three thumps, the results were in.
“YES!” You cried, jumping up and down with glee as the twins groaned- your scissors beating both their paper. “Come here!”
“Wait- wait we have to go agahahain!” Atsumu all but squealed when you charged him, grabbing his sides and squeezing rapidly. Beside you, Osamu joined in. “Nohohohohoho whhihihy mehehehe?”
“Winner gets to pick the target!” You cried back, stopping after a few seconds. The three of you returned to the circle, Atsumu rubbing his sides with a laugh. “Ready?”
“Steady…” Osamu added, dragging it out as Atsumu giggled. “Go!”
Another three thumps.
“DAMN!” Atsumu cried as his brother whooped, his cries of frustration turning into laughter when he was tickled once more. “Thihihis isn’t fahhahir! Y’lahahall have an ahahahliance!”
“Please- like we’d ever team up.” Osamu rolled his eyes, shooting you a quick wink that made you grin. Nearby, Suna gestured to Aran, handing him his phone.
“I want in.” He decided, joining your game.
“Yay! Suna’s gonna play! Suna’s gonna play!” You cheered, clapping. Atsumu whooped, and Osamu groaned.
“That’s right! You’ve got your alliance, I’ve got mine!” Atsumu ran over, throwing an arm around the blocker’s shoulders. “Isn’t that right, Suna?”
“I’m not aligning with anyone.” He prodded the blonde, making him spasm and giggle. “I’m just here to make things interesting for the video.”
“Sure sure. Y’all ready?” Osamu asked, putting his fist in. Four fists entered- only one could win. Ready…GO!”
Three thumps. Then..
“AHH!” You squealed when Suna’s fingers dug into your ribs from behind, the loss barely registering as you fell back into him. “Nohohohoho, dohohon’t!”
“Winner picks the target.” He growled playfully, going a second longer before releasing you. “Get ready, you’re the only one I’m aiming for.”
You blushed, the twins cooing at you both from their spots. Aran coughed over his laugh.
“Oh it is ON!” You declared back, more determined than ever to win. You were gonna wipe that smug look off his face.
The game went on, and as he promised; every win Suna gained he used on you. It was almost unfair, given how good of a tickler he was.
“Dahahhang it!” You cried when he won again, already laughing before he could touch you. “Yohohohu’re chehhahahting!”
“No way- I’m just good at this game.” Suna snickered, playfully clawing at your belly as you doubled over with  a squeal. “Say- next round’s winner should get a full minute to tickle someone.”
“Wahhat?” You cried. The twins gasped in glee.
“Yeah! Yeah! I’m gonna tickle ‘Samu so bad he’ll pee!” Atsumu cried in triumph, earning a kick from his brother.
“Shut up! I’m gonna win! You’ll be seeing stars when I’m done with you!” Osamu barked back, glaring. Seconds later the twins were having their own battle; their pushes and shoves quickly dissolved into a tickle war of their own. You leaned back into Suna as you watched them roll around in laughter.
“I think they forgot about the game.” You smiled as Aran carried on filming them, making commentary here and there.
“Good. They’re annoying.” You tsked as you looked back at him, but his smile snatched away the scolding on your lips. “Besides, I much rather play with you and you alone.”
“Is that so?” You turned in his arms, wrapping them around his waist as you stepped closer. “Well, in that case…game on.”
Suna blinked, confused. Then…
“AH!” He yelped out when you scratched into his back, clawing at the back of his ribs rapidly. Once he was down on his knees you ran for the hills- laughing the entire time. “(Y/N)!”
“Snooze you loose, Tarou~” You called back with a wink, flying out the gym doors with a howl of mirth as he gave chase.
You didn’t make it very far.
Worth it.
Thanks for reading!
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youredreamingofroo · 6 months
hello, roooo! the oc emoji asks are so intriguingg. allow me to send you 🕷️ and 🙊 for roo heheh 🙂‍↔️🤞🏻 ALSO TYSM for always hyping up my baby camilla aaaaaaa 🥺🫶🏻
AAA FELI! Thank you for the ask!! Also YOUR WELCOMEEEE I love hyping up my mutuals' sims and Camilla is just so gorgeous (go check her out, this is a PSA 🫵🫵) that I cant help but HYPE. HER. UP!!!
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Onto the emoji asks ~
🕷️ [ Spider ] - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? - Roo has a bunch of big fears, and I can't choose so here's all his biggest fears; rejection (art imitates life), tight spaces (claustrophobia), dying and spiders (ironic cuz of the emoji LMAO). In terms of mundane or irrational fears... it's hard to say because whether a fear is irrational/mundane is kind of subjective, so uhhh, here's a couple other fears that you can debate on whether or not are irrational; driving (not being driven, but driving himself), "apeirophobia"/"megalophobia" (excessive fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable / fear of large objects), change, and being stared at (despite liking eye contact, we love an indecisive king)
🙊 [ Speak-no-evil ] - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? - So honestly, when I first saw this, I actually was stumped LMFAO which is kind of a first for one of these, I'm not sure how to answer this but ! I'll do my best LMAO. Roo doesn't like to be a broken record, albeit he does repeat things, but he doesn't like to keep saying the same thing, he perceives himself as being annoying- that being said, he can never shut up about Leo, Rylan (his friend that has not been introduced </3) has heard more about Leo than he has heard about Roo himself, and with recent events (the dream kiss), he's been on about Leo more and more.
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artnerd1123 · 5 years
Dimentio's Writer:(oh shoot i forgot to say this when ya first posted it my bad!) you did a really good job on the father and son dynamic between Aiden and Journal! it just feels so natural! good job Arty!
@ the ‘don’t make me dad u’ drabble
Ty fam!!! It was really fun to write!!! Hopefully we’ll get more of those shenans later :D
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keepswingin · 2 years
I know you don’t go there *gestures at the Eternals* but. Consider that if your ever did dip your toes into it, you’d have a reader lined up and ready to go. Because that mini fic you dropped is kind of my favorite thing I’ve read this week/Makkari… is she the key we’ve been looking for/ *faints like i love it sm* so tysm for sharing(by way of zombiedadjokes)<3333
Hahah wow thank you so much for the super sweet ask!! (I laughed out loud and then showed roo who proceeded to be like what the hell anyway) but this made me smile and I’m so so happy you enjoyed the fic idea! ☺️
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wip wednesday! 
@fodlani tagged me and earlier @antigonick tagged me back to share something (tysm pauline) <3
im gonna tag: @coldshrugs, @wayhavn, @trvelyans, @starrypawz, @zarneki, @rosykims, @roses-and-roo, @heartbrreak, @native-mason, @lilas, @weakzen and anyone else! go for it!
i haven’t written much this week, but. yeah simple stuff.
He takes his hand, callouses rough but his fingers are gentle—wrapping gauze around stitches lining his knuckles. Weaving in between his fingers with expert motions. Pollux looks away. Keeping his eyes to himself, hand flexing in Ortega’s hold.
“Pollux relax…”
“I am relaxed.” He snips, frowning and Ortega sighs. Shaking his head, he pulls tighter on the gauze.
Just outside his view the TV flickers against the living room wall, the barely perceptive tone of voices fluttering by and gunshots. Must be some assorted late night B rated action film, or one of those old superhero classics. Back when boosts and mods were still wild legends, reserved for comic book pages, or the big screen. Too many people throwing their lot in on dice rolls and coming up as corpses instead of the people on screens.
Things he doesn’t understand still, a culture he knows only in fragments, and it’s too late to ask questions.
“There…” Ortega smoothes and tucks the gauze in properly, letting go of Pollux’s hand.
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roonilwazlibweasley · 3 years
Hey Aditi! I've been following you ever since I got into Tumblr earlier this year and you're blog is simply AWESOME!! The way how you deal with those stupid anons and your moots, y'all are soo cool! You just made me hate TF even more, so thanks a bunch!! I couldn’t honestly stand Draco and Felton stans.
Anyway, I dunno how to ask this but can we be moots?? I'm sorry if it's awkward, I'm so awful at interacting. 😅
Here's a bit about me. Just call me Worm or Roo (whichever you prefer), I'm 15 turning 16 this December, I love Ron Weasley ❤♥ and Romione, Ronarry, Hinny and Perciver are my loves. I'm a desi too! 😄😁
aghhh tysm!! muah you make me sound so cool 😃
yes I would love to be moots <33 hmm I'll call you roo :) omg I love meeting fellow desis 🥰
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mistaeq · 4 years
can I request a kakyoin x reader oneshot where the reader has some trouble sleeping bc theyre a night owl? tysm!! 💕
Kakyoin Noriaki: Emeralds and Cherries
TW // Kakyoin doesn't rerorerorero
Thank you for your request! Hope you enjoy!
Where Kakyoin and a night owl crush on each other while they can't sleep, Hierophant Green is a dick, neutral!s/o
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You were growing kinda nervous. You were used to not sleeping entire nights, but you would have needed to, this time. The next day you would have had to go through the desert, and with no sleep you probaby would faint on the golden sand. The crusaders had been sharing a nervous mood as well, recently, and you could totally feel it on your shoulders.
You sat up on your hotel bed, and tried to drink a glass of water in a breath. But that didn't do any better. You just weren't able to feel sleepy, but if you didn't sleep, the crusaders would probably get angry at you for wanting to rest in the middle of the desert. You soon realized you needed someone to lull you with his voice to sleep, or maybe talk together. You walked to the crusaders' rooms, and just stared at them.
You walked past Joseph's door. He's in shape, for his age, but he's still the oldest one, better not wake him up. You look at Jotaro's door, and the menacing aura coming from it sends shivers down your spine. Waking Jotaro up means dying. He would totally comfort you, but you would die out of awkwardness.
You walk past an empty room. Joseph had mistakenly booked six rooms, for the five of you and for Avdol. You missed Avdol. Jotaro said he was safe and sound, and that he would have joined you again soon, but you didn't agree with their choice of not telling Polnareff. The poor french boy had been so restless, blaming himself for Avdol's "death", that when you walked past his room and finally heard him peacefully snoring, you decided not to wake him up. He needed those hours of good sleep.
The only one left was Kakyoin. In your mind, Kakyoin was just perfect. Not too rude, not too cheesy, always ready to listen to what you had to say. You were just about to knock at his door, when a voice stopped you.
"May I help you, y/n?" you got startled, and turned quickly around just to see Noriaki, right in front of you, with a pillow in his arms.
"Yes... maybe... what are you doing?" you asked, giggling a little. He just looked so adorable. He yawned, his cheeks the same color of a sweet cherry, and then got closer to open his room's door.
"I went downstairs to ask for a bigger pillow... I need to be comfy if I want to sleep well..." before closing the door behind himself, he kinda remembered you had told him you needed help. "Oh... how can I help you?"
"I'm having... a little trouble sleeping... So I was wondering if you could..." you got shy, all of a sudden, and felt as if you were annoying him. He just said he went to ask for a new pillow to sleep well, you would have just kept him awake for no reason. "...uhm... nevermind, Noriaki... I'll just go back to my roo-" as soon as you moved a step away from Kakyoin's door, his hand grabbed a wrist of yours.
"Sleep with me... maybe?" he offered, with a sleepy smile. Did he really ask you to...? But he looked so tired...
"Noriaki... thank you for asking, but I really think..."
"When I said maybe, I didn't mean it." Kakyoin pulled you closer. "I was telling you to sleep with me." you wanted to accept and to refuse at the same time. But you understood he wouldn't have let you go without being sure you were okay, so you had no other choice.
"If you say so..." you started to believe you were crushing on Kakyoin. When his hand moved from your wrist to your own hand to pull you into his hotel room, you felt your heart jump and beat a little faster. He was handsome, cute and caring. After you closed the door, he invited you to sit on his bed with him. But you didn't. Not immediately.
"Would you like a glass of water? To calm you down?" as nervous as you were, drinking another glass of water would have only make you throw up. You shook your head.
"Thank you so much Noriaki... but my stomach is kinda dancing in my belly right now... it's better for me not to eat or drink anything..." he grew a little bit more worried.
"Sit, y/n..." he patted right on the bed, next to him.
"But it's your bed, Nori..." again, he grabbed your hand and pulled you on his bed, smiling. "I'll sleep on the floor tonight, I promise, I just need some company..."
"What? No, we'll share the bed! I can't see my name written anywhere on this bed... looks like it's not mine." he joked, to make you at ease. You smiled. His hair weren't the same as always. The huge lock of cherry-colored hair that usually fell on his forehead now mingled with other hair. You found him incredibly attractive and cute. "Tell me what keeps you up at night." he asked.
"I'm just... used to going to sleep really late... so when I have to sleep this early, I just... can't, and this makes me mad..." you felt Noriaki caressing with his thumb the hand he had grabbed to pull you on his bed, and your heart jumped again. "I don't want Jotaro or mr. Joestar to get angry at me for this... I have to sleep, or tomorrow I'll faint..."
He quietly giggled.
"I'll be there to catch you, then." his answer reassured you. "I've been restless many nights, but... had no time to feel tired, during the day. Everything was just so fast, an enemy stand user everyday... and probably tomorrow won't be any different." he stayed silent for a couple of seconds, staring at his thumb caressing your hand. Then, talked again. "Let's play a game."
"A game? Shouldn't we be sleeping?" he sticked his hand under his pillow. And pulled out cherry flavored Pockys. That game?
"No, if we're not tired. Sometimes doing something you enjoy to relax is way better than just sleeping." Kakyoin smiled. "Also ...if you're wondering why do I have Pockys under my pillow, it's because I get often hungry, during the night." you laughed. But your cheeks were probably as red as his hair. Did he really want to play that game?
"Y/n, you don't have to go far enough to touch my lips, if you don't feel comfortable... I'm just looking for an excuse to eat something and have fun at the same time." oh. Clear. Not that he liked you. But you lowkey wanted to taste his lips. Now that you felt calm enough to eat something without throwing up, playing with Kakyoin looked like the perfect thing to do. "May I get the chocolate end of the Pocky? You know I love cherries..."
As soon as he put a Pocky between you, you felt a laugh creeping up your shoulder, and after a couple of seconds of biting, you giggled, leaving the Pocky hanging from Kakyoin's lips. "Thank you..." he giggled too, happily eating the whole Pocky left. "Let's try again?"
You tried a couple of other times, and everytime you managed to get closer to his lips. You couldn't see it well, because of the shadow of the night, but you were kinda sure that Kakyoin was staring at you. In a particular way. The fourth time you started to bite on the ends of the Pocky, you felt a shadow moving behind you. Maybe it was just the shadow of you and Noriaki moving, so you stopped thinking about it. There were a couple centimetres of Pocky, between you.
You had to decide whether to break it or keep on biting and touch Kakyoin's lips. He seemed to think about it too.
But Hierophant Green perfectly knew what its user wanted. You felt something pushing you towards Noriaki, your lips slammed against his. He flinched, not expecting his own stand to betray him and expose his true feelings like that. But as he felt you were actually kissing him, he couldn't help but kiss you back. You felt your cheeks burning.
You and Kakyoin were now involved in a sweet cherry flavored chocolate kiss, the man pulling you closer. First he pulled you in his room. Then he pulled you on his bed. And now he was pulling you on his lips. Things escalated fast, but you were incredibly grateful for this. Noriaki broke the kiss for a second, cupping your cheek with his hand.
"Do you still want to sleep on the floor?" he teased, smiling and caressing your lips with his thumb. He was kinda grateful Hierophant Green exposed him, now. You shook your head. You just wanted to melt into Noriaki's arms, they felt so warm and good. "I might enjoy having you sleeping on my chest."
"I'd love to..." you blushed, as he lay down on the bed pulling you with him.
You ran a hand on his chest, his pajamas was slightly opened. "How long have you had feelings for me, Kakyoin Noriaki?" you suddenly felt twice more comfortable with sleeping next to him.
"I started to fall in love since that time when you refused to let me eat you ice cream's cherry..." he pushed his thumb under your chin, his arm around you shoulders, for you to look at him. "I just thought you had a lot of courage..." Noriaki laughed.
"I like cherries, it's unfair that you always get to eat them first..." you caressed his red hair, and cupped his cheek. "I love cherries..." you both stayed still, staring into each other's eyes, your breath and heartbeats going at the same pace, and- "I don't want to hurry you or something, Nori, but this is the part where you kiss me again."
"O-Oh, sorry..." he smiled and stopped daydreaming, pushing his lips against yours. His tongue pushed against your lower lip, asking you permission to have some more.
You parted your lips a bit, letting his tongue explore your mouth, his hands gently caressing your hair and your back. A thought ran through your mind for a second, and you laughed in your kiss. "What...?" without even knowing what it was, Noriaki smiled, moving a lock of your hair behind your ear.
"I think our voices' volume is a little too high... wouldn't it be funny if we had woken Jotaro up and suddenly Star Platin-"
"ORA" a purple giant fist broke through the door, Star Platinum coming at you with a menacing aura. You were just... joking. Did you actually wake Jotaro up? You hid behind Kakyoin, Jotaro's stand was terrifying, as it approached. The green boy kept you behind him, but he was sure Star Platinum wouldn't have hurt them.
In fact, the purple stand opened his fist to reveal a little note, which Noriaki took, just before Star Platinum's disappearing.
"Congratulations, lovebirds. Now shut the fuck up, will you? People are sleeping. I am people.  - Kujo Jotaro"
Your lover huffed, and answered the note.
"Fuck you. Sleep well. ~Kakyoin Noriaki" You giggled, hugging him from behing while he gave the note to Hierophant Green, to bring it to Jotaro. You snuggled against his back, and yawned.
"You tired, cherry?" you heart jumped and raced. You were his cherry, weren't you. You nodded, watching him laying and pulling you on his warm chest. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and your head was right on his heart. "Y/n... would you enjoy it if I sang you a lullaby?"
"I would love it..." you mumbled, closing your eyes and listening to Kakyoin's calm breathe. He inhaled.
"Twinkle, twinkle, little stand..." was he changing the lyrics now? You held him closer and giggled. "...how I wonder what you are. Up above The World so high, like a Crazy Diamond in the sky~" you felt your whole body relax under the effect of Noriaki's soothing voice. He was stroking your hair. "Then the crusader in the dark, thanks you for your tiny stand, how could he see where to go, if you did not twinkle so..?"
After a couple of verses, you were already sleeping tight on his comfy chest, your little body wrapped around his. Kakyoin was just so happy, he looked at you another time, before closing his eyes too. The next day you had to go through the desert.
Unfortunately, the next day would have been a bad day, for his eyesight. But he couldn't know. So he just enjoyed you the night before.
"I love you, cherry."
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pureheroine2013 · 3 years
happy birthday roos!!! hope u have a wonderful awesome day u deserve it! <3
(p.s. as i was rushing to click to send u an ask & accidentally unfollowed & re-followed raaah i'm an idiot entirely mb) xx
HIII thank you so much dear!!!!! Also don’t worry about it it’s happened to me a million times, no worries at all <3 tysm sending u a hug and a kiss!!!!
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clowture · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Learn to know your mutuals and followers! :) (hope ya don't mind this chainmail thing!?)
!!! oooo this is fun, tysm for the ask!
1.) Clowns in all their silly glory!! And augustes ‘n pierrots especially ;w;
2.) My (2) friends that tolerate my stupid shenanigans are my heckin everything!! Wud die 4 them in a heartbeat
3.) Cooking for fam ‘n friends is surprisingly gratifying I’ve found!! It makes me feel v warm and comfy inside but that might just be the 200 degree kitchen pfft
4.) All my mutuals on this clown site!!! God it makes me so happy seein’ ya’ll thrive (♥ω♥*)
5.) Ok not to be a fokken n*rd but my clown oc is a constant source of joy and bemusement,,, Roo is such a ray of sunshine :o) eheh 
Ok iunno if I have 10 mutuals that wanna do this too but!! imma tag some of ya! and don’t feel pressured to do this!! I can’t send asks from this sideblogs or I would’ve done that x.x 
@clownmoontoon, @clown-culture, @mackamorra, @clowmn, @hirashi679, @pierrotpal, @thesunandmooncourt, @fizzy-izzys-circus
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kuntastick · 6 years
mutual tag
-tagged by @kuntented  tysm<3
nickname: colitas zodiac: sagittarius height: 166 cm age: 22 time: 21:11 fave bands/artists: Qian Kun (ofc), Shinee, Block B, Florence and the machine, Marina and the diamonds, bigbang. song stuck in my head: If I can change your mind - Haim last movie i saw: COCO kill me last thing i googled: cursed images nintendo  xdxdxdxd other blogs: my old side blog died in 2015 do i get asks?: I had one today... for the first time why i chose my username: it's a combination of my gamertag and the love of my life average amount of sleep: oofff recently like 9 or 10 hours for my medication lucky number: 18! what am i wearing: tmnt tshirt dream job: animation producer please dream trip: atm, to Cancún, Quintana Roo fave food: COSTCO PIZZA OMG play any instruments: I'm very good at playing mayonnaise fave song: Gotta be you - 2NE1 play any sports: cycling every day baby hair color: Ombré? eye color: extra dark brown most iconic song: dancing queen wtf language(s) you speak: spanish, english and very basic Italian. random fact: when I'm arguing I usually laugh a lot I do not know why askldjs describe yourself as aesthetics: bubble tea, polaroid photos idk
tagging: @kunoutsold @qianloveclub @neo-yukhei @1kuns i don't have mutuals and i’m trying to make some frens. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to ofc
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get to know me meme
i got tagged by @roses-and-roo tysm friend! <3
im tagging anyone who wants to do this my brain feels a bit like swiss cheese atm
name/nickname: owen or luke
pronouns: he/him or they/them
star sign: gemini uwu my moon is in aries and rising virgo so honk honk
height: i dunno like five foot two (160cm)
favorite bands: radical face + bastille + glass animals
favorite solo artists: mitski + king princess + st. vincent + daughter
song stuck in my head: new york by st. vincent
last show: I have no idea
last move: probably princess mononoke but it’s been months
when did I create this blog: 2013. eight years ago in like. august
what do I post: garbage
last thing I googled: does a spell casting focus have to be visible to be used?
other blogs: none that are active
why I chose my URL: it’s a funky lil name. my first url had more meaning but this one is just for funsies
do I get asks: on occasion! i appreciate em w memes a lot though
average hours of sleep: idk like 7
dream trip: i wanna go to louvre at some point, but a place with an aquarium would be nice
favorite food: toast. or couscous. i have ~sensory issues~ with complex flavors in foods
languages: english
favorite song: atm it’s vibing between mama’s gun by glass animals and another place by bastille
last book I read: i’ve read since then, but the most recent one i remember is theft by finding by david sedaris
top three fictional universes I'd like to live in: legend of zelda, treasure planet, and howl’s moving castle
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