#tyy for the questions!!
feykiller · 11 months
6, 7, 8, 16, 25, 26 for thalia?
Yess my new baby!
Bg3 Tav Questions
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Current batch is Karlach, Shadowheart and Lae’zel. That is not to say she isnt close to the others, but these 3 in particular share a good bond with her. Karlach responds best to her enthuasiasm of life, so they often spend their time to the fullest enjoying themselves. With Shadowheart its more sweeter, genuine care for one another’s well-being and with Lae’zel they’re frenemies but god help you if you even look at Lae’zel wrong.
7. Romantically close with?
lmao GALE. It’s Gale and they have this little rivalry going on but they also happen to be the only person each other can talk to for magic stuff. Shadowheart seems to have a little crush on Thalia based on the fact that she actually approached Thalia first. And boy I still havent gotten the little Astarion stargazing dialogue out of my head even though the only time she has gone out with him in the party, he disapproved of her actions.
8: Who are they suspicious of?
With this current group? She’s kind of suspicious of all of them lol. Not in a “hey I dont trust you” way but more of a “You’re hiding something and I am going to find out what.” She has a need of knowing everything about people lol its how she feels safe.
16. Do they have a favourite creature in the Faerun?
People can pry the owlbear cub from her cold dead hands. She is a bird lover, and if she knows theres a bird nest nearby she will find some trinket nearby to gift it to them. God bless speaking with animals.
25. What arcana major best represents your Tav?
I. The Fool
It resonates with her being free from the shackles of her previous life before joining the Morningdoves, her curiousity and enthusiasm of new paths and experiences. It also resonates with the fact that she walks forward her path full of wonder and optimism, that she never suspects she’s walking on a thin tight rope.
26. What animal best represents your Tav?
I would like to think a rabbit. Haven’t decided what kind though.
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mrghostrat · 9 months
Pero like, what is Crowley dooooooing, dropping big bucks on styluses (styli? What's the plural here?) and.. shipping it to Azi? When did they swap addresses. Are they ~like that already? Did I miss what Crowley does for a living in the BNF Au? Maybe I glossed over it but like (insert the Crowley snake emote with the look over glasses here.) Highly enjoying all your current WIPS. I'm gonna have to read Mon Cheri soon enough. 🥳
no don't worry, you haven't missed anything. considering this is aziraphale's first time mustering up the courage to ask if crowley even has a job, he hasn't dared ask too many personal questions yet. we find out in ch5 🥰
i'm aware there are some details missing that might cause pauses and confusion (especially when it's slow releases like this; it might be a little less jarring to someone who binges it once it's finished), but i do quite like the reality of filtering in little bits of information slowly over time, and letting a whole picture fall into place after a few chapters.
like when you're talking to mates over DM, you'll refer to old conversations and jokes because you both know what's going on, and you aren't going to give full exposition before everything you say. having their conversation be a little gappy like that makes it feel (imo) like we're actually reading through somebody's chat logs, and learning about those people as we go. it's part of what makes the genre fun to me 🥰
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villainanders · 4 months
specifically the title mr impossible
god. um hmm. I like the concept that stief said all of the titles are supposed to be different things people can call ronan. I don’t understand how call down the hawk fits that schematic but it buys a fun concept. Also love that he would hate being called mr impossible if it happened in any context other than aurora calling him that when he was like 5
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 6 months
I don't know if this one is hard enough, but... For both twins, if there was no other option... would they ever betray each other? How far would they be willing to act against the other's interests?
ohhh this is horrible..... ohh tyy so much! really putting them under the microscope for real... 10/10 for both of them they do not like this question.
[sorry it took so long bit cecio wouldn't stop talking and then celia wouldn't talk] warning in celias section for the death of the narrator
[i answer triangle questions on the premise of the characters have to answer truthfully & i often use a veiwer stand ['you'] in as a narrator and so i played with that in celias section]
"Would I betray Celia?" Hes shaking already, fists clenched, at one small question- so unlike his usual collected self.
"Betray my only blood left, betray my older sister who raised me into the man i am now-" His anger reaches its peak, handsome face warped with ugly wrath. Then something breaks, his voice going quiet "-for better or worse?"
Silver eyes turn away from you, internal conflict written all over his face. if you had to chose you think you would say the winning emotion is shame, but before you can justify that choice, his face is wiped blank of emotion, returning to a plain stony mask, but this time there is no false humor or kindness in those silver eyes, and in the moment the blue sheened silver seem more like steel.
"i would never betray my sister, sell her out for my own gain. i may be a selfish monster and unashamed of it, but i will never tear down my family for coin or reputation, and if i was forced to, my dear sister would be last on that list. To betray my sister would be to betray myself, because her interests are my best interests."
his overly careful intonations seem to betray his true emotions, but it is not anger that threatens to overwhelm him, not anymore. eyes squeezed shut, he massages his temples with his fingers and as the fight leaves his body he sighs in defeat
"If there was no other option? if i had to chose? then it would depend on who im betraying her for. if i had to chose between Celia and the rest of our family- well, its what she would want me to do. we need Celia, but shes stuck in so many ways, and she knows it. the right answer is that if i had no other choice i would betray her in exchange for the safety of the rest of us, sacrifice Celia for Ramettos future, god knows the rest of us don't have a chance to change either."
"but that's the right option, the one she would want me to take, even as she hates me for having to be the one who makes that decision." hes leaning back in his chair, and you could swear he starts smiling as he continues talking, "for all my work is separated from my sisters i don't think i could every be forced into an ultimatum without her knowing- hell i don't think i can do much of anything without her knowing- and im sure whatever i do against her orders is allowed by her as she knows i wouldn't do so without my own reasons."
"that all is to say, i would never be in the position where i am forced to betray her because she would rather betray herself than put me in that position."
he grows quiet again, what little pride he could take in his sisters likely actions falling into melancholy.
"what am i do do but as my sister, my leader wishes, what she says is best for me?"
he looks to the side, eyes avoiding your gaze, eyelashes fluttering closed.
"I would betray her and hate myself for the rest of my life- and with that betrayal, that choice, i would understand my sister in a way i never would have be able to if i did not stab her in the back with the sword she gave me."
Celia stares, eyes glowing in the dim light, written on her face confusion at the question, at the audacity in questioning how far her love for her brother goes.
Gold stained lips move slowly, enunciating the word with force,
Something glimmers in her hand, a glimmer of light arcing through the air towards you. Its surprisingly painless, even as the floor slams against your body, deep bruises the least of your worries. as your vision fades you see her stand to loom over your soon to be corpse, and you can almost hear the rest of her answer-
"I would sooner betray myself."
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sugarwyns · 11 months
Just a fun idea
   If Nova was a romanceable npc in mtas then what dialogues would she have ( like one for each relationship level (Acquaintance, Buddy, Good Friend, romance), you can skip levels or add more lines if you want )
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Hiya! I haven't seen you around yet, so I'm assuming you're new - I'm Nova, one of your fellow builders! Come find me if you need a buddy to go ruin diving with.
My birthday's on Summer 15. When I lived in Seesai, I spent every single birthday at the beach. I can't really do that anymore here, so my new thing is just sitting by the oasis.
If you ever need to get ahold of me, ask Kor or Daphne where I am, they'll probably know! Oh, wait, but...what if you don't know where they are...hmm. I'll get back to you on that!
Kor told me you're from Highwind! That's cool, I've always wanted to visit. You think I'd be...blown away?...Sorry, that was bad. Ignore that!
Uh oh! I forgot my pass to the salvage yard expires today...you think Rocky will let me extend it for, like, a discount...?
Moving to Sandrock gave me a bit of culture shock. I do miss Seesai a lot, but I really think I'm better off here than I was there.
There you are! Daphne stopped by earlier to give me a few melons from the Moisture Farm...care to share some with me?
I love collecting minerals and whatnot from the desert, but I am so intimidated by the Boxing Jacks there. Every time I see them coming from the corner of my eye, I can't help but yell!
Good Friend:
My brother lives in Walnut Groove. He's a real successful Builder there. To be honest, I don't care for building that much, but...it's a stable job, at least. Don't know if I'll live up to the expectations he's set, though.
I used to be the apprentice of a well-known Builder in Seesai. She was really kind to me, even when I made mistakes all day. I was so sad when my apprenticeship ended! In fact, she made me my bandana and pickhammer as a parting gift. I try to write to her every few weeks.
I have a really small collection of Old World stories and movies. It gets boring watching and reading the same things over and over again, though, so I hope I'll find more stuff in Sandrock to mix up the collection!
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Confession Accepted:
Oh? I can't believe it, you beat me to it! Of course I accept.
Confession Rejected:
I'm...really flattered, I promise, but...I'm so sorry, I just don't think we're at that level with each other...
General Lines:
I made you this bracelet the other day. You don't have to wear it, if it's not your style! Buuut...I do have a matching one, sooo...
I've wanted to visit Seesai for a while, but I was always too nervous to go through with it. I think if you're by my side, though, I'll be able to manage.
Hey! What are you doing today? You wanna go eat at the saloon? I'll pay, don't worry!
Honey?...mmm, no. Sweetie? Hmm...Oh! Sorry! Just trying out nicknames for you...baby?
When I first got here, I felt like I had something to prove. I don't even know who I was trying to prove something to! But now that you're here, I feel like the last of that pressure came off of my shoulders.
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Day of the Bright Sun:
• I put in a few accessories I made over the last couple of weeks. I hope whichever person ends up with them likes them!
Showdown at High Noon:
Wow, the atmosphere is amazing! Everyone is so amped up for this. I didn't participate in anything like this back in Seesai, so I can't wait to see who comes out on top!
Day of Memories:
This festival has different ways of being celebrated in other cities, but they all have one thing in common - they're all so beautiful.
Tour de Rock:
I'm so bad at sandrunning. Maybe I'll just...watch and cheer everyone on!
Running of the Yakmel:
Can I tell you a little secret? I'm kind of scared of Yakmel! They're cute, but they're huge! I try to avoid the ones around the outskirts of town when I can.
Winter Solstice:
I've been looking forward to eating some skewers all day! What better way to kick off the start of a new year?
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cee-grice · 10 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday, Cee!
What kind of humour (if any) do you like including in your writing? Puns, banter in dialogue, something else?
Can you share your favourite example?
heyy Sam, ty for the ask!!<3
oooo, I do like including humor, yes, although it very much is tailored to my specific tastes haha. I do write a lot of banter, but I also really like doing... situational humor? like, nothing funny is objectively happening, but the circumstances of a situation are just. ridiculous lol. not necessarily in a way that'd be amusing to the characters, but amusing to Me lmao. I love putting characters in situations that are sooo stupid but they have to treat them seriously<3 idk if that counts as humor but it's humor to Me lol (there's a big reveal in the second part that I came up with mostly because I thought it'd be hilarious lmao)
If we're talking more about conventional types of humor, then yeah, I'd say banter is what I do most :v I've already posted by favorite examples which you can find here and here, but for the sake of new content...
“Have you ever been charmed?” Quil asked one day during a lesson. Endra was trying to meld two quartz marbles together. Keyword—‘trying’. Endra startled, losing his grip on the pieces. They clinked as they hit the table and rolled away from him. “Uh— That’s not really hard to do?.. I mean, not to say I’m easy, but, y’know, I like… things,” he stammered, scurrying after the escaped marbles. “By magic, Endra.”
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myrfing · 1 year
4 🫡
le void has arrived with a beautiful question...thank you...
4. Do they have a canon mount or minion? What's its name(s)? 
his bigass gray destrier chocobo is his canon mount. he stole it from the adders and now they can't say anything because he's the warrior of light. his chocobo likes him they have a quiet mutual respect. he doesn't actually like riding dodos for too long in canon because he thinks he's too heavy. I was thinking the wacked up as hell lynx of divine light also appears to take him around places hard to reach for a chocobo too but I haven't actually gotten that mount for him yet LMFAOOOOOO. I will save the minion half of this question for another ask with the same numbar...🫡
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stargazerbibi · 5 months
8 and 15 plss! 💕💕
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
i've been told Portugal and Spain get confused a lot, but, aside from those American street interview youtube videos (not representative imo), i've never seen it happen. Cristiano Ronaldo did a good job putting us on the map xD
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
anything said and/or written by Fernando Pessoa, he's everywhere ("Tudo vale a pena quando a alma não é pequena", "Quem quer passar além do Bojador tem que passar além da dor", etc)
also, people from Lisbon, the capital, are sometimes called "alfacinhas" (= little lettuces) and that's very funny to me 🥗🥗
caramelo (caramel, the sweet stuff that is put in deserts, etc) can and is used as an endearing insult
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hyenabrainedpup · 6 months
4 & 18 :3?
4. genie has granted you 3 nsfw wishes, what do you wish for?
absolutley wishing for a cute little cock with a knot juuust above my clit, the ability to fucking cum (it is so irritating haha) and maybee some sort of ability to sexually shapeshift since i both want a tail very very badly and i only seem to not hate my boobs during sex haha
18. you can only do one thing to your partner sex wise for an entire month, what do you pick?
blowjobs all the way if i'm not receiving anything, i have such an oral fixation and i just adore the cute nosies she makes from feeling my mouth and knowing that it's me that's causing her all that pleasure
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hourly-yugi · 2 years
Who is more dramatic, Seto or Pegasus?
ooo this is a hard one
this is a very long post im so sorry
i think that both of them are very dramatic, but i feel pegasus is more flamboyant and theatrical. i feel like he puts more effort into the act and its more like a performance for him and that makes him such a fun character
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he orchestrated a whole plan to get yugi to the island and own kaiba corp in the Most Steps Possible - like im sure there wouldve been an easier way
like all the things he did were insane: stealing yugis grandpas soul just to battle him, buying a whole island for said purpose, staging a coup at kaibacorp just to use the holographic tech there, keeping little mokuba IN A PRISON CELL
seto takes himself too seriously when he says something so bizzare which makes him more dramatic imo,, and like he just Does Things like out of nowhere just because he can (like the whole putting the guys head in a suitcase and stepping on him situation)
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like this whole sequence of events - like he enacts his revenge on yugi for beating him in a card game battle by making a whole theme park of death - is such an overreaction (or is it idk i feel like he sort of deserves it after having his soul eaten by monsters)
plus extra:
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spoiledmilks · 6 months
Good timezone! Dropping in OUTTA NOWHERE because I simply must speak: I LOVE YOUR ART. The colors you use and the styles are soothing to me it's lovely. And also your venti gives me life btw. Like he's been my favorite since I got into genshin and I love how you draw him... SQUISHABLE??? idk but he looks so perfectly shaped to hug and squish and I love your venlumi too it's all so good!! Please have a wonderful day <3
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mommyclaws · 1 year
for the powers au! do all cats have them or is it just the clans? and if it's the latter than rusty having powers might be like a "well we gotta bring him in" type of deal
I feel like firestar could have interesting pool of choices!! like he could tell when others are lying but not know what the truth is just,, that they're lying. Or he could have a silly main character power of just being in the right place at the right time lmao
Ivypool and Hollyleaf could be interesting too since like!! do they have powers? Are the three's powers more grand than others cats? Lotta questions but!! I'm curious :)c
My biggest idea for now where their powers come from is the Moonstone/pool.
Remember when cats had to go to the moonstone when they got apprenticed? Like that. They aren't born with powers but Starclan gives them a power when they start their apprenticeship. Sometimes. So technically, the powers are not only the "clans", but the moonstone/pool are claimed as clan territory and I doubt they let anyone else near it.
Fireheart being born with powers is interesting though... if the stone gives powers via... idk some starclan radioactivity. Ig theres a chance Jake could have passed it to Rusty or Princess could have given birth to Cloudkit with powers making the clans more interested in accepting them bc being born with powers to them seems like Fire/Cloud were chosen by Starclan.
For Fireheart's powers I was going to stay generic! He's the protag, gotta have something flashy. He has fire powers, like to engulf himself in fire. I do imagine most cat's powers are linked to emotion too so if he's angry he might burn the ground beneath him or if he's frightened he might not be able to summon his flames in the panic. Same for most cats abilities as well!
I'm kinda interested in changing up a scene from the first arc where Thunderclan camp burnt down... Bluestar was already struggling with faith and now shes like "Fire was supposed to save our clan, but now it's destroyed!" And takes it as a pretty direct sign that maybe Fireheart isnt the choosen cat she believed he was...
Now that you mention it ig the three's powers are considered "normal" now lmfaoo 😭 depends on how I go plot wise, but the three's powers are probably going to be stronger than most!
Ivypool will most likely get a power! Hollyleaf... I'm not sure yet.
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cinastre · 9 months
giselle + middy!
i think this would be really cute!! i think middy would really bring out the joy and brightness in giselle and really get her to take pleasure in the small things. i think it would be really sweet overall, just a couple of cute ladies being gfs
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latelyloxiv · 1 year
7, 11 or 26 if ya wannnaaa :)
7. Answered over here. X
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
I've got a Lisa frank diary I've had since i was 8 and Bella Sara horse trading cards I've had since i was 8 as well
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
moderate! I like spice and can handle most pepper spice but it's not something I seek out all the time
questions from this post.
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puppyeared · 2 years
In regards to the OC Ask post: 2, 3, 9, 19~☆
(unanswered go to auggie, already answered ones go to presto)
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it?
theyre a magician so they chose their stagename entirely based on cliches, since presto is a magic word!! her character design came first, so really i wanted a name to match what she already had (magicians suit, tophat, white rabbit, etc). i can also see her naming herself that too lol
19. If they had a theme song, what would it be?
this one!! i also considered it for augusta, but i think auggie is closer to Persephone by Sidney Gish.. this one is playful and it feels like all the words are there just for the fun of it, definitely something that fits presto <3
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3. What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high-pitched, etc)
Whenever I think of auggie’s voice I always think of like, young male voices. So like Lucas in smash, gumball TAWOG, etc.. I did a little digging and I think her voice claim would be strawberry crepe cookie’s eng dub; it’s like high pitched but kind of in a young way? Not too forced, kind of scratchy in some part but a rounded kind of feel idk
9. What is their main love language? (gifts, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation)
Physical touch!! She’s a huge cuddle bug so she likes long periods of time just laying on someone’s lap or leaning on their side <3 she moves around a lot so she tries to work some physical affection into everyday movements (swinging arms while holding hands, patting hands on the back when hugging, etc). She purrs if you squeeze her hard enough lol
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httpshujii · 1 year
Ray my dear the "weird ask game" if you want to: 21,23,28 and 29 👀
Feel free to ask back whatever you want
♡...I still watch this one show called In The Night Garden. And I also listen to its soundtrack.
♡...I don't notice my habits unless someone points them out. But I realized that I hold onto my friend's shirt or jackets if I'm in a big crowd with them just so I don't get lost from them.
♡...*me sitting with 2,405 liked songs* ummmm...Me Gustas Tu-Manu Chao, Consume-Chase Atlantic, With or Without You-U2, Love Addict-Michael Cimino, and Highschool Sweethearts-Melanie Martinez.
♡...I alr answered this one here !
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