#u know in parks and rec when ben and leslie would say 'i love you and i like you?' bc there's a huge difference between them
ladysophiebeckett · 8 months
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mind you, they got back together two days ago and this is the face he's making when she starts complaining about betty getting a living wage.
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strangesmallbard · 7 years
1, 2, 7, 15, 25, 28, 37. you don't have to answer them all! I'm very curious and I love your fic!
ghfgGHF thank you so much!! this made me smile oh gosh. i’m sorry this is so late, i haven’t been on anything but tumblr mobile in a good while and i tend to only lurk on there.
1. Describe your comfort zone– a typical you-fic.
swan queen LMAO. anything with a lot of women tbh, i haven’t completed a fic with a dude narrator in so long. romance could probably be considered a comfort zone even though it’s not irl. i love writing one-shots, and they’re either in a short prose style w/ more humor and attention to dialogue or long-winded, almost stream of consciousness. i usually write aus these days for ouat lmao, but i also like working w/ canon if there’s something interesting i want to expand on. i’m also trying to get more comfortable writing multichaps w/ longer plots! it’s challenging bc my brain is a mess, but v fun.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
hmm, nothing super in particular comes to mind. maybe best friends to lovers? snowed-in? i’ll keep thinking on this one. i recently wrote a meetcute in the airport, and that was really fun.
3. Share a snipped from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
hoo boY i think this section from “there’s always love if you need it,” which is a year in the life fic post emma breaking up w/ ho0k. i like this bit bc i feel good about the descriptions, imagery, and i feel pretty solid about the characterization which is rare bc i’m always nervous about that.
After Emma leaves Killian, she considers leaving Storybrooke. It wouldn’t be forever, she reasons, just to get her bearings, walk along once familiar streets in the skin of a once familiar life. She used to be a lot of someones and no-ones, and now she doesn’t know what shape tomorrow will take.
But she doesn’t leave. She finds herself driving to 108 Mifflin Street and ringing the doorbell. Regina answers and Emma is brought back to her last someone, when nervous, confused energy burned in her belly and something like hope burned equally bright in her chest. She didn’t know it was that word, then.
“Emma,“ she says, not Ms. Swan. “I heard.” Concern curves the end of the consonant, and Regina shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Her hand grasps the door frame, maroon nail polish catching cool porch-lamp light.
Emma wants to say, I was ready. Emma wants to say, I felt hollowed out like a pumpkin during halloween, all my everything somewhere else and I don’t know where. Emma wants to say, I’m tired.
She says, “Still have that glass of the best apple cider I’ve ever tasted?”
(regina’s smile is like sunset along the maine coast; gradual, soft, picture-worthy but you don’t want to spare a moment looking away.)
“Of course.”
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
god “when in the chronicle of wasted time.” regina saving emma w/ true love’s kiss. can you imagine. GOD
25. What do you look for in a beta?
oh man i haven’t Officially Looked for a beta in a long time. usually i pass it off to trusted friends and i’m like PLEASE TEAR THIS APART. what i would look for though is someone with a similar style?
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
oh gosh!! i love so many that i’m gonna expand this a little bc even in swen i have so many. so here’s three swen, two non-swen.
amycarey, deemn, skywideopen, wagyubeefy, and montparnasse! 
what i love about amycarey’s fic is that emma and regina (and their relationship) are still so recognizable in every single au. like, no matter what the premise is, it’s like AH YES THERE THEY ARE. and all of her aus!!! some of my favorite sq fics. down the rabbit hole was such a beautifully written and healing fic, it’ll stay with me always.  
deemn’s fics are like…gosh every single word she puts together in a sentence. i feel SO much. if you like swan queen and haven’t read who needs shelter yet please read who needs shelter please let that fic be part of your life. 
skywideopen wrote an AMAZING sw!dw fic that was absolutely everything i ever wanted out of a sq!dw fic, it was so emma and regina i cried, and it was also so true to the dw universe! spark is absolutely amazing.
wagyubeefy writers wicked fic and it’s !!! wicked was my first fandom and i always wanted a modern oz au, and boy does wagyubeefy have modern oz aus! they translate the issues of wicked to a society that also deeply reflects ours and has an incredible take on elphaba, glinda, and every character and have such a seamless, clear way of telling stories and !! so awesome.
montparnasse writes for hp, dragon age, and other fandoms and their narration/use of language is so gorgeous, like. i can’t even convey. they write rarepairs for hp like tonks/fleur and ginny/luna and each fic has just so much beautiful imagery and description and characterizations. GOSH wow.
37. Talk about your current wips.
aah!! unfortunately they are Very wips bc i have no time until the summer to work on any of them. but! here they are.
“one step, not much (but it says enough)” is my first tentative step back into multichaps, and one chapter is released already! the premise is that henry goes away to college, and emma/regina suddenly are confronted with their feelings w/ each other and It’s a Mess, also someone is trying to destroy sb, so that’s a mood. it’s also solidly in the romcom genre w/ some very sharp/sad moments, and i’m having so much developing sb into the hilarious mess it should be. the parks department hates the charmings. lesbian nights at the rabbit hole
unnamed as of now but i lovingly call it the “disaster road trip au” even though the road trip is only half the fic. it’s a college au and the basic premise is that emma and regina dated in highschool, they break up, emma moves away, years later in college she runs into zelena and they miraculously start a wild friendship. over winter break they take a road trip and end up having to pick up regina along the way and it Is A Mess and i’m excited to write it.
unnamed parks and rec au. if you’re on twitter u might have heard of this one, but regina is leslie, emma is ben, marian is ann, mm is chris, and hook is jamm.
that x files au i think i’ve been working on since last summer OH boy. regina is mulder and emma is scully but they’re also both mulder and both scully. one day i’ll figure it out.
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sweetcron · 4 years
i probably went too hard on all these but....one of my summer classes just finished and i was like yeahahhHhhahah
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
totally depends where i am and how much time i have, but typically ill have yogurt & something small but sweet so i dont go insane
12. name of your favorite playlist?
god right now my favorite is handle without care, which is just stupid songs im into right now
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard, except i always get it caught on shit so typically i just throw my keys in my bag anyway
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
oooo hard one, my initial thought was sour gummy worms, but probably... either that or sour skittles. oh but fuck lemon & black licorice jelly beans together......im excited to have 0 followers & 0 friends tomorrow
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
percy jackson was dope. im trying to come up with another that i even read and frankly cannot
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
honestly i just sit like a fool all the time, but i like to be very reclined and almost horizontal, if im forced to sit more upright i like crosslegged or with my leg(s) pulled up to my chest
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
depends on the season or length of time, recently it’s been my black high top vans, usually it’s my docs. for a long time it was black converse.
18. ideal weather?
i like when it’s a little sunny, kind of overcast, but a little cold, like enough to wear layers but not suffer
19. sleeping position?
on my side, curled up, ideally holding pam(ela indestructable underworld), my adorable stuffed sloth
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
depends on what it is, but I have a planner sort of thing i really like for planning, a sketchbook/painting sort of notebook for more emotional shit and then my twitter that nobody follows and is private for really emotional shit
21. obsession from childhood?
i loved making like..dirt, water, and grass mixtures in an empty gatorade bottle. apparently this is not a common experience.
22. role model?
everyone to an extent, but also nobody. but to pin down a specific person, probably my therapist lol
23. strange habits?
i keep listening to shiny from moana? also i keep wanting to change my hair.
24. favorite crystal?
oh god, i love opal, but i dont know. most are pretty but some are awful. it depends, and id have to look at a million pictures for any resemblance of a legitimate answer
25. first song you remember hearing?
that’s so hard um. i dont remember very early but i do remember hearing crush, crush, crush by paramore and thinking ew crushes are gross even though i had a crush on a dumbass at the time, and welcome to the black parade and crying
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
warm, probably a concert but past that, walking around, going to thrift stores or record shops. 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
a concert, again but past that going home, or getting a warm drink
28. five songs to describe you?
oh LORD!!!!! this is hard, but i did my best
1. caught in the middle - paramore
2. grow - muna
3. cool for cats - squeeze
4. cut my lip - twenty one pilots
5. tubthumping - chumbawumba
29. best way to bond with you?
share music with me, be vulnerable and share what is going on with you
30. places that you find sacred?
being in trees and being alone listening to music that means a lot to me loudly
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
i have a mustardy yellow shirt that’s got vertical lines that are raised from the shirt, and then a flared leg jumpsuit sort of thing that’s like plaid, with black and white and grey. then docs, and yeah i love that outfit. adore it. even better with a jean jacket with fleece lining.
32. top five favorite vines?
also so hard but after doing this i think im gonna throw up from laughing so hard
1. dancing puppet
2. get outta your mind
3. cat
5. krispy kreme
33. most used phrase in your phone?
that’s a great question, probably me asking people what to do with my hair
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
none currently, but always “meat, it’s what’s for dinner”
35. average time you fall asleep?
depends, but usually 10ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
probably some rage meme like brian or whatever
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
depends on what im doing, but usually duffel.
38. lemonade or tea?
arnold palmer babie!! but it depends, usually i’d say tea, i really like lemon ginger (especially pukka but its expensive)
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
i dont know if i’ve had lemon meringue pie, but lemon cake sounds better i think
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
i remembered this and it is entertaining, in middle school (i was...prolly 14? 13?) someone said “someone likes uuuu” to me and i was like. “......k” and they were like..... “it’s a giiiiiiirl” and i again, was like “.......k” and so literally, i fucking spent the rest of the class being like, hm! apparently i dont care. and thats how i realized that idc about gender when it comes to liking someone lol
41. last person you texted?
max, @laetan​. follow him if u dont i love him
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
women’s pant pockets are cursed. jacket pockets enlighten me, especially when there’s one normal and then one like, on top of that pocket but the entrance is horizontal. that’s my favorite.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
all? but let’s rank them 
1. jean jacket, my absolute fav, i have like 5 jean jackets and it’s bad. i always want more
2. hoodie, with a jean jacket is even better, but COMFY!!!!
3. leather jacket, look like a badass with one piece of clothing!!
4. bomber jacket, dont have a lot but always make me feel cool
5. cardigan, makes me feel like an old lady, but also really comfy idk. even the worst is amazing
44. favorite scent for soap?
i love lemon, but any fruit is good. or like, vanilla
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi usually....fantasy is usually too much and superhero is usually annoying. unless it’s spiderman. i adore spiderman
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
oversized soft t shirt and like, soft shorts/boxer things
47. favorite type of cheese?
GOAT CHEESE!!! also sharp cheddar and pepperjack
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
pear. i feel like i’m not talked about a lot but people like me and nobody despises me??
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
i really like “you can start over each day” and “only skeleton bones remain” (FUCKING CLIKKIE)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i feel like ive cried laughing so hard, or almost thrown up, but i dont know why, and that’s almost better
51. current stresses?
just general body things, appointments, school in the fall, graduating, etc
52. favorite font?
it depends on what im doing, but i love my own handwriting, i like times new roman, hate arial with a PASSION!!!!! brawler is nice but doesn’t bold well. handwriting fonts are cool too
53. what is the current state of your hands?
left hand’s nails is in silver glitter and right hand’s nails are blue/purple glitter. perpetual hangnails. still a hint of a scar from cutting my hand on a razor, and remnants of blisters from rowing
54. what did you learn from your first job?
that you can be kind and see change without changing the entire world, and that men are creepy as shit
55. favorite fairy tale?
i dont think i have one? max probably has a good one that i’d love. new ask game send me ur favorite fairy tales and ill read them and review them
56. favorite tradition?
my mom makes me a half birthday cake every year, it’s really cute and idk why it warms my heart
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
fuck dude, umm this is hard and also a lot
1. my extreme self hatred!!
2. my extreme concern for other people’s thoughts, just honestly like dressing and listening to whatever and not really caring, ill always care, just not as bad as i did
3. letting go of things and trying to grow because of pain rather than viewing it as a waste of time
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
uhhhhhghaghhaghdshaghdhsaghadshg i dont know this is hard
1. finding dope ass socks at thrift stores
2. thinking creatively and trying to make something stranger than others like it
3. i can draw p well???? i guess? i designed my tattoo does that count
4. winning contests. i won like, 10 last year? like wtf
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
recently it would be life’s a sham and then ur wow, in reference to life’s a bitch and then you die and also shamwow. so that. or just constantly referring to things as bad boys, like. dishes.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
there’s different kinds? but ummmm i dont know, i dont want to google anime types. can i say like a miyazaki movie and be done with it
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
i dont know, can i do a song? bc i really like I’m alive in spite of me recently, also like this graffiti that i say that said 33 might mason men couldn’t put me back together again
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh boy, i asked my gf for help on some
1. nick miller from new girl
2. peter b. parker from into the spiderverse
3. dean mccoppin from iron giant for some reason
4. emile from ratatouille 
5. a mix of ben and leslie from parks and rec
6. a weird mix of chris and ron from parks and rec
7. rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid
63. five songs that would play in your club?
1. come down by anderson paak
2. send me on my way by rusted root
3. doses and mimosas by cherub
4. replay by iyaz
5. rap snitch knishes by mf doom
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
yeaaa got a lot, most prominent are on my legs, partially just stretch marks, and then the one on my forehead from when i got stitches
66. favorite flower(s)?
i love carnations, marigolds, roses, but really anything, fuck
67. good luck charms?
i don’t have any, i used to wear a bracelet my gf gave me but it broke. *insert gif of me trying to remember when it broke and if that’s when everything went to shit*
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
centipede jelly bean. worst thing ive ever had. it wouldn’t go away for a day even with eating other things and drinking water and chewing strong gum. horrible
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
i have no idea. truly
70. left or right handed?
i am right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
houndstooth, i really don’t like it for some reason
72. worst subject?
i am oh so bad at writing, it’s really hard for me. but honestly recently every subject is horrible.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
this was mentioned before, but black licorice and lemon. i’ve only had it with jelly beans, so maybe it’s not as good in other formats
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
depends on what it is, if i think a migraine is coming then i take it pretty low, maybe a 4, otherwise i can deal with it up to like a 6 or 7, unless i’m needing to focus
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont know when, but i do remember where. i was at a drive through bank in a rental car with my parents and brother in oregon, and i put the tooth in the lid of a plastic water bottle.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
jalepeno potato chips are soooo good but, honestly, tots are the best. mashed potatoes are good too
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
depends on the direction it’s facing and climate, but i’m growing some ivy right now and it’s so pretty and cool. also a christmas cactus that my great great great grandma or something like that started and has been passed down!!!! and a ..... leafy boy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
absolutely coffee from a gas station, i dont trust sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
my school id because i’m smiling. i look stoned or dead in my id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
i didn’t entirely know what this meant, so i googled both and went oooooooo to jewel tones so. jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
i say both, i don’t know which i say more frequently because i live where there aren’t ....... lightning bugs. ore fireflies. whichever. lol
82. pc or console?
i dont game much, but i like my psp a lot, or like a joystick sort of sitchhhh
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
podcasts, i don’t listen to much of either
84. barbie or polly pocket?
can i throw in a third variable of bratz?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
either, but probably mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes?
depends on the kind, but i love frosting and cupcakes are fun, so cupcakes.
87. your greatest fear?
that i will lose everyone i love or push them away? eeeee
88. your greatest wish?
to be content and hopefully other people are content alongside me
89. who would you put before everyone else?
honestly my gf, max, and steph. and my mom. yeyeeeee
90. luckiest mistake?
oh god we could go deep or not. probably not. so like, buying pamela, my stuffed sloth
91. boxes or bags?
depends on the situation, but bags are fun, can put patches on them, plastic bags are boring and boxes are useful, help organize or carry lots of things
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
sunlight absolutely, i love it. i then would say lamps are better than fairy lights which are better than overhead lights. fuck overhead lights
93. nicknames?
for me? okay lets GO. delly, delly boi, dell, d, glen, glenjamin, glenny, yenaled. there’s a lot of weird/gross ones that i dont want to share.
94. favorite season?
fall in theory, summer in stability.
95. favorite app on your phone?
wasn’t this already asked? CAUGHTCHA
96. desktop background?
switches between 3 pictures around colorado that my gf took
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
good question, i honestly don’t know. can i say the 80s or 90s? if not like, before racism existed. yeah
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lameiskate · 7 years
Do you take pictures of yourself on a daily basis? No
What is the first liquid you drank today? .......wine bc I’m trash :)
Have you ever been to Los Angeles, California? I have not
Do you believe in angels? No :)
Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke? Or do you not care either way? Pepsi but idrc I’ll drink either
Is there anything in your past that you used to regret, but now you don’t? Idk maybe
When is the last time you ate donuts? Like two weeks ago
Are you left handed? No
Do you use your left or right thumb to press the space bar? LEFT THAT’S WEIRD
Have you ever had a Hershey’s bar with almonds? HELL YEAH I HAVE
Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? yeah :(
What cell phone company do you have? AT&T
Do you text on a daily basis? What about hourly? Yes &sometimes
What button on your keyboard do you press most besides the space bar? Shift probably
What’s the last song you listened to? Navillera - GFriend
When is the last time you sneezed? I... IDK
Who is the 3rd person you talked to this morning? Grandma ????????? Aunt Gina ?????
Are you dating the last person you talked to on the phone? I’m not dating my mom sorry :/
Do you like surveys that have good grammar and spelling? If the questions have good grammar ya idc if trash is written by someone else bc most of mine are trash :)
Does your knee hurt? No
Has anyone ever bitten your knee? u know I’m gonna be honest and say probably
Do you know anyone whose name starts with an X, Q, or U? I don’t think so
Do you know anyone whose name ends with a J, Q, or W? Uhhhhh Idk
8 Friends.
Has 8 ever eaten in front of you? They have not
Have you ever been on a date with 1? no she has an std
Does 2 remind you of any cartoon characters? TINA FROM BOB’S BURGERS HONESTLY
Is 6 your best friend? SURE
Can 4 count backwards from 69 to -248? ..yes?????
Can 2 touch his/her nose with his/her tongue? Idk man maybe
Have you ever been outside with 1 when it was below freezing? No!!
Has 1 ever been skating with you? No!!!!
Has 5 ever let you borrow clothing before? I DON’T WANT HIS CLOTHES
Would 8 and 7 make a cute couple? Jesus christ no
If 2 and 3 both were in a wreck at the same time, would that be sad? r u ok
Did 4 go to 5’s last birthday party? No!!!!!!! His birthday is after school is over!!!
Did 5 go to 4’s wedding? SHE AIN’T MARRIED
Who is sexier: 3 or 7? THIS MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE
Is 3 your best friend? I don’t have friends I made all of those people up :/
6 and 7 just confessed they love you. You’re single. Which do you date? What the fuck neither :)
More questions about you!
Has anyone ever called you sexy? No
Do you have children? u know that scene from parks & rec where bobby newport’s campaign manager is in ben and leslie’s house and their kids r running around and shes just like ew ur life sucks mine is amazing well that’s me
Do you like raisins? NO
Would you buy three 12-packs of coke products if you liked Pepsi? ...Yeah fam coke products r more than just coke smfh
Did that question even make sense? NO
What is your favorite bug? NONE
What color is your camera? I don’t have a camera
Do you speak any language besides English? I can romanize & wrute Korean words and sentences and read/speak some of them for context???? It sounds like a lot but it’s not even rly basic Korean that I know idk what 2 call it?????? ...BASICALLY I’M WORKING ON IT
Can you eat cheese? HELL YEAH I CAN
Who was your favorite teacher in middle school? Mr. Stevens
Was math your worst subject in high school? Idk if it was math or chemistry
Are you in college? Yes
Have you ever driven a purple car? No
What about a green car? No
Do you drink hard liquor? The most hard liquor I’ve ever had was a single shot of bourbon like 5 years ago
Do you like scrabble? It depends on whether or not I’m winning????
What were you doing on April 21, 2008? Do u think I would rly know that
Can you count to 113 in a language other than English? No
What should you be doing now instead of this survey? WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT
Do you have a printer? No
What is your favorite food? Mac & cheese :)
Do you like sweet and sour chicken on white rice? HELL YEAH
Do you even like corn? ….Sure
Have you met anyone new yet today? Actually yes
What is your biggest pet peeve? I HAVE SO MANY GOSH WHERE DO I BEGIN I guess I’ll pick ppl who don’t clean up after themselves
Have you ever overheard a conversation you weren’t supposed to? Probably
Do you wish it was 10 hours later than it is now? I do not
Have you ever been to New York City, Chicago, or Indianapolis? TECHNICALLY I’VE PROBS BEEN TO NYC but no
Do you want some pie? No
Have you ever stayed up until 7:30 AM? HOMIE I’VE STAYED AWAKE FOR 40 HOURS
Have you ever lived in Pennsylvania, Arizona, or Hawaii? No
Do you like ants? NO
Did you like the movie Antz? I’ve never seen it
What is your favorite Disney movie? Lilo & Stitch
What do you think of “Octomom”? FMSKDLFMSDLKF
Do you like octopi? SURE
Do you wish this survey was longer, shorter, or neither? Idc
What was your favorite ice cream flavor when you were little? Vanilla???
Is it still your favorite? No
By the way, what is your name? K8
And what time is it? 11:51 PM
What time zone do you live in? Eastern
Do you like drums? Sure why not
Have you ever drank goat milk? I have not
What is your favorite soft drink? Ginger ale
I see. So do you want to go to bed? YEAH BUT MY HAIR WON’T DRY
What’s your favorite video game? Kingdom Hearts
Do you like cats? Sure
Are goldfish your favorite fish? Tbh yeah
How many pets do you have? None
How old is the oldest person who lives in your house? 60.... something
Do you wish your house had a basement? It does have a basement
Do you like vanilla pudding? Sure
Which band is your favorite? English All Time Low Korean Apink
Does Taylor Swift suck? Ok homie imma be honest sometimes her personality sucks!!!
What do you smell right now? Nothing
What is your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice
What is your opinion on gay marriage? HELL YEAH
What is your opinion on gay adoption? HELL YEAH
Care for a cookie? No thnx
Do you like crumpets and scones? I’ve never rly had them
Do you wish this survey was over yet? Actually ya it's gettin old
Why are you still taking this survey? I HAVE NO IDEA
Are you currently in a relationship? No
Are you happy about that? Yes tbh
What is your favorite David Cook song? HOLY SHIT DECLARATION IS MY SONG
How many more minutes until you will next eat? 483294823904
Is there a “merged” restaurant in your city (like Taco Bell/KFC)? Actually ya we have the Taco Bell/KFC
Do you like Pizza Hut? I don’t rly remember
Is A&W your favorite brand of root beer? Sure
Did you like this survey? Sure
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