saewokhrisz · 1 month
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theartofmany · 4 months
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Artist: Philipp Grote Title: Entrance to the vault
"Second part of the project done for Jama Jurabaev's Unreal Engine 5 course"
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trunswicked · 2 months
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Less than a month to go!!
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urbanrelics · 2 months
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Information about this abandoned church is extremely scarce. The church was built in 1877-1878, during the period when the city was experiencing enormous population growth due to the developing steel industry. During that period no fewer than 34 churches were built.
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The church has a specatuclar blue vaulted ceiling, hence the name 'Sapphire Church'
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Along with the demise of the steel industry, the population also lost interest in Catholic worship. Many churches fell into disuse and some were even demolished. This church was desacralized in 2019 and sold to a private developer. It is not clear what the plans are.
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The church is now showing critical signs of decay, which are beginning to affect the structure. Not very hopeful regarding the survival of this very beautiful building...
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viejospellejos · 1 month
El mensaje de un agricultor a la Unión Europea:
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pepperstreak · 1 month
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maciej-smolen-urbex · 2 months
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Rail Rolling Stock Repair Workshops | Urbex 13 / 2019 | Object A / Entrance Hall / Main Building / Splice 2 of 3
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a-whispering-echo · 5 days
The Half-Way Unhinged Mage
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UE Dust, my beloved <3
alt vers under the cut!
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gregor-samsung · 17 days
“ Il presupposto, quasi esplicito, su cui sorse l’UE fu che i paesi ‘peccatori’ (Italia e Grecia in particolare) avevano vissuto fino ad allora al di sopra delle loro possibilità, eccedendo in spesa pubblica ovviamente non immediatamente redditizia. Ricordiamo le prediche in proposito. Certo, ogni tanto ci viene detto che basterebbe l’importo dell’italica evasione fiscale per risanare il debito che ci strangola e ci rende sorvegliati speciali all’interno della UE. Ogni volta però si conclude, con un sospiro, che si tratta di un male incurabile. E allora, ancora una volta, non resta che «pestare» quelli che «stanno sotto». E anche, forse soprattutto, a tal fine, si provvede ad instaurare, di volta in volta, un esecutivo «europeista». Il teorema non fa una grinza. Salvo che in un punto fondamentale, che vorremmo qui brevemente tratteggiare: alle vere e ataviche carenze italiane potrebbe porre rimedio un gigantesco investimento che incrementi proprio la pubblica amministrazione, ma questo è l’esatto contrario di ciò che «chiede l’Europa». È lamento quotidiano, e ben fondato e largamente condiviso, che da noi manchi adeguato e sufficiente personale in tanti settori vitali: magistratura (giudici e cancellieri: il commissario UE alla giustizia ce lo rimproverava cifre alla mano esattamente il 9 luglio scorso), ispettori del lavoro (le morti bianche sono il nostro flagello quotidiano), scuola (abbiamo ancora le vergognose classi-pollaio di gelminiana memoria particolarmente pericolose sotto ogni rispetto), guardie carcerarie (le vicende e i pestaggi recenti sono una macchia), sistema sanitario nazionale (il lamento in proposito fu molto forte quando l’epidemia sembrò soverchiante). E si potrebbe seguitare. Ci ordinano contemporaneamente di ridurre la spesa pubblica, di far funzionare il nostro paese (e di saldare prima o poi il debito). Arduo: «né pentère e volere insieme puossi / per la contradizion che nol consente» (Inferno, XXVII, 119-120). “
Luciano Canfora, La democrazia dei signori, Laterza (Collana: i Robinson / Letture), gennaio 2022. [Libro elettronico]
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blackpointgame · 1 month
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sleep-nurse · 4 months
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sopping wet cat hima nation
AND WHY SHE FOREHEAD ❗❗❗❗❗❗❓❓❓❗❗❓❓❗❗
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jloisse · 4 months
L'OTAN a un plan génial pour l'Ukraine en 2024.
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randomfansstuff · 2 years
geniuenly thinking about The Pit makes me sick in so many ways. not only was it a narrative moral downfall for cwilbur as we've never seen before, it was also a showcase of c!tommys care for justice+c!tubbo and c!technos readiness for violence
but even more than that, I think about what happened afterwards. not in the usual sense, like what the ccs did afterwards, but the implications everything had for the characters.
just... c!tommy laying there, bloody, beaten unconcious by someone he looked up to as c!niki and c!tubbo tried tending to his wounds. c!wilbur and c!techno walking off, not saying a word, c!wilbur wearing a grin on his face that only fades when hes completely alone and c!techno ready to wash the blood off his hands.
we didn't get to see everyday in pogtopia.
c!tommy sitting quietly infront of the boiling potato soup, c!techno giving everyone a bowl as if nothing happened, and c!wilbur is just. quiet. just for a few minutes. before he starts talking about the next steps of the plan, and c!tommy just zones out and stares at the soup. he doesn't feel hungry. he only feels the pulsing ache of his bandaged wounds. he gets snapped out by c!techno, who coughs once into his fist to get his attention.
from then on, c!tommy listens on. he may be injured, but his general is talking. his brother is talking too, somewhere, in there. and a soldier always listens to his general. and tommy always listens to wilbur.
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urbanrelics · 2 months
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As the title already suggests, this visit concerns the once beautiful, but now abandoned and dilapidated villa of a former doctor... Especially the large salon, with the lush Persian carpet and the beautiful classical murals, appeals to the imagination.
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The villa - where, miraculously, water and electricity still work - shows very little signs to the former doctor's practice. Only on the landing an old chest, filled to the brim with prescription booklets, reveals the profession of the former resident.
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Nothing is known about the doctor and his family. The abundance of bedrooms and bathrooms suggests that a large family once lived here.
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A beautiful hallway and staircase lead up to the second floor with the many bedrooms.
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viejospellejos · 15 days
El Plan de Vigilancia Masiva de la UE sobre Chats Privados desvelado por un eurodiputado alemán.
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La reciente filtración de una versión del reglamento sobre el "control de chats" ha desatado polémica por mantener intactos sus planes de vigilancia masiva, amenazando la privacidad digital en la UE.
Esta propuesta, inicialmente presentada en mayo de 2022 y destinada al loable objetivo de combatir el abuso sexual infantil, siempre fue criticada por implementar una vigilancia extensiva de las comunicaciones privadas de los ciudadanos.
El documento filtrado revela que los componentes más controvertidos del proyecto no han sufrido cambios. Patrick Breyer, eurodiputado alemán miembro del Partido Pirata de Alemania, y muy crítico con la propuesta, ha publicado el texto que será discutido próximamente, con la intención de su adopción en junio.
Según Breyer, la nueva versión no altera la esencia de las órdenes de detección, y las medidas propuestas, como limitar las búsquedas masivas a "servicios de alto riesgo" o informar solo de los casos reiterados, son ineficaces y podrían terminar vulnerando la privacidad de las comunicaciones digitales. Además, señala que la regulación comprometerá la encriptación de extremo a extremo mediante el escaneo del lado del cliente, poniendo en peligro la seguridad en línea y la privacidad de millones de usuarios.
Este es un ejemplo más de como con excusas licitas como es el caso, se corre el riesgo de ir eliminando libertades y el derecho a la privacidad de los europeos. Lo que no entiendo es como esto no ha salido a la palestra y mucho menos que no sea un ESCÁNDALO mundial.
Documento completo AQUÍ
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kvetch19 · 7 months
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