#ugh i really should overhaul my blog here... whatever
ufolane · 2 years
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after not touching the site for six years, i'm back to playing flight rising and it has me in a CHOKE HOLD. HOLY SHIT dragons are hard to draw but im having lots of fun pushing my limits and testing new stuff
here's two of my not-exactly-living bogsneak boyos, benji and blight!
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floof-ghostie · 3 years
*Stands on soapbox*
Chapter 297 makes you wonder how bad your crimes have to be in order to get into Tartarus. I know that killing people with your quirk and stuff falls into the general line of villainy, but I think this should also apply to things like:
Illegal experimentation
Black market stuff, like illegal support items
Basically, tech related quirk crimes. The league of villains got their support items from the black market, so it has to be illegal. This kind of thing should definitely land one in Tartarus.
Which brings me to my next point:
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We all know that we have wanted a new female villain (because Toga is kind of the only named one at this point), and Hori delivered in the form of Prisoner 656698. We saw her quirk in action, and it's most likely some kind of electricity quirk. Whatever kind of quirk it is, it was strong enough to control the cell doors, and set Overhaul (ugh) free.
So this could mean two things:
1. Based on her electricity quirk, she could be related to Kaminari, who has a similar electricity quirk. They do look somewhat alike; the hair, the eyes, the quirk. This could serve as a development point for Kaminari, though I hope not. I don't like it when female characters exist solely for male character development points. But nevertheless, it might serve as a "I'm not like you, and never will be" point for Kaminari, as they fight.
2. Based on the points above and depending on how bad your crimes have to be to get thrown into Tartarus, Prisoner 656698 could be a former support hero gone rogue. And yes, I know I have stated this numerous times on my blog and you're tired of seeing my support hero propaganda, but I can back this claim up properly this time! I have receipts!
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I know it's blurry, but do you notice how she knew how to open the door here? She might have seen these kinds of locks, computer systems, or methods of containing villains during her time as a support hero. Also according to how U.A's support course works (not saying she went to U.A), you learn to use your quirk to help you make your support items. She probably knows her way around circuits, and computers due to the nature of her quirk, so that's how she managed to break Chisaki out so easily.
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This could be a stretch, but how much do you guys want to bet that she studied the Tartarus system from the inside? I mean, observing how the system makes you suppress your quirk and stuff, or else you get shot. Based on what she said about the system not responding to her quirk, maybe she conducted "experiments" in her cell, like gradually activating her quirk so she could see how far she could go before they start getting suspicious (I hc that her quirk runs on her body heat, but that's a whole other story). She was probably planning on breaking out long in advance, before Shiggy came to bust people out. Also, her compulsion to help Chisaki? Stems from her years of finding ways to help heroes. She's probably a neutral kind of person, only really caring about herself and a select few. We don't know how long she's been in Tartarus; she could have made friends with Chisaki during that time.
As for how she got in? Well that's easy. She could have done what I said before:
1. Black market support items, or hacking jobs
2. Saw the dark side of hero society, and used her support items to bring down heroes
3. Illegal/unethical experimentation. Personally, this is the one I'm going with.
4. Hacking. Another one I'm going with.
So yeah, that's the refined version of my theory. Villains like Dabi, Toga, and Shigaraki shed light into how corrupt heroes can be, so I think we need a villain with ties into the support industry to show us the dark side of support heroes. Basically what I'm trying to say is:
We need a support villain
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