#ugh. artfight. bullshit. fucking shit
peapod20001 · 1 year
Bro I’m </3 thinking too hard </3
#vent#ugh. artfight. bullshit. fucking shit#I would rather have banter with my friends than draw for people that don’t care#but alas. the all consuming art game#I love drawing for people in theory but I hate how it makes me feel. do you understand what I mean by this#idk what it is but the fact art fight starts TOMORROW has me feeling like a worthless sack of shit#and that feeling is only heightened by the fact that everyone is going to be invested in it while I fucking crumble for what? the 3rd?#4th year in a row?? god. fucking sucks. I get so in my head with this bullshit every year. but I want to do it#ugh. awful. and I feel worse when people make me things and then I don’t get to send something back#awful gross beast. and now I’m just feeling worse thinking about other things. I’m so overwhelmed#and not a damn person to talk to cus 1. there’s no one to listen and 2. I can’t articulate my feelings! I don’t understand myself!#the only reason I know how to act is because I do research for my fucking characters! I’m my own fucking character!#and I wish someone was there to make me feel special like how I (hypothetically) make my ocs feel!!#ugh. whatever I’m cool and fine and dandy and NOT on the verge of tears and I’m going to eat fucking jellybeans#am I going to have a breakdown every time there’s a Holliday or event? I canNOT be caught feeling like a fucking ball of lint every#valentines day dawg. I can’t be that person. I already did that one time too many ok#how’s it feel to have people enjoy talking to you? cus I’m either too much or not enough for people
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I tried to work it through my head for a moment and went through the rest of their page but I honest to fuck stopped trying after their 5th oc. (They apparently frequently throw ocs into archive once they’ve been attacked then put in another of that hasn’t been attacked, they have a full roster)
There’s a person on ArtFight who throws ocs onto their page but includes NONE of their OWN art in the references. They don’t have any fucking art of that oc, it’s all reference images made by other people. They have over 50 defenses and only attacked 6 times, and i know what I’m about to say next is rude but HELL.
Their art is atrocious, and normally I’d be like “omg bud, look at you go! You fucking got this! Put yourself out there! Improve! Fuck what anyone else thinks, you’re learning!” But they’re flytrapping people. They throw a shit ton of ocs onto their characters list, make it misleading by having a shit ton of Amazing art with no references of their own art style and then BAM.
After so many fucking defenses they reveal their art as SHIT. And it’s like. Ugh. Ugh. I fucking hate when people do that. Like what the fuck? I followed you because of this one singular oc art and then it turns out that oc art isn’t even made by you?
(I’m exaggerating, kind of, they credit the images made by other artists but what the flying fuck, I don’t think people normally even look at that unless it’s Clear that there are multiple different art styles on the same oc and they’re like <sus, oh wait! That explains it> so like what the fuck.)
I understand having reference images other people drew in your oc list alongside your own drawn reference images, it’s a good way to find other artists and sharing the love but this person? Fuck no.
I don’t know, I hate it. It just feels scummy, what they did.
Their bio says that they’re not even gonna try to revenge the 50+ attacks because “if you don’t see your name on this list and you’ve attacked me, it’s probably because I did not see a character on your list that I feel I have enough skill to draw. Sorry :(“ fuck off. The revenge list is empty fuck off.
what the fuck is this bullshit? What is this bullshit???
Anyway I’m fucking irritated and angry, I’m gonna block them and move on. Gods what the fuck.
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