#uhh guess I’ll see tomorrow
peapod20001 · 1 year
Ooooohh godd.
#vent#hep me </3 I feel sooooo uhh. negative. uhm#I’m having difficulty feeling rn I did smth to trigger this I think#see. I know I’m not fully there cus my sister is being silly and cute but I’m kinda. putting on a smile#instead of it being my natural reaction. mmm.#ooohohoogoho why can’t I just talk to peopleeeeee why is is contact so close yet so far awayyyy#ghhuuugg. I’ll just. finish my drawing and post it. bury this. get ignored. yadda yadda#I don’t like making ppl feel sorry for me but see also. I have less than 4 years experience holding relationships this close. so I am uhhh.#very bad. at starting and holding conversations. continually checking in. making myself be someone ppl wanna keep around. yknow#siigghhhh uhhh. realized that the reason I’m so good at creating a bunch of fleshed out ocs that can pass as real people is cus I want ppl#to be around me. and to uh. stick around for more than a year. and be genuine. and easy to read. and understand#yea. also they’re to help me understand ppl cus I don’t got enough experience with real people to understand how to people#it’s much easier to play out a conversation between characters. and know they’re inner dialogues. and their history. and why they’re speakin#the way they are. and I can replay it over and over until I understand it inside and out. and hope I’m able to play the part I need when#it’s called upon. mhhhmmm. woaoowwww we’re going into the own mind tonight huh? will anyone read this far? lol. idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#the only thing that gives me any idea of who has read a post is if they like it. or if they come in my inbox like ‘:( sorry. condolences’ ha#haho. preemptive thanks and hugs y kisses love u. mmm it’s so hot outside but I’m sooo literally cold rn yknow how it is boys#ahh. love seeing people get along with others sooo much. gives me so many ideas on how to write my characters. being lovey on each other.#ahmm. yea. soo. let’s hope tomorrow I’m better and less. like this haha woaoowww wish I knew how to be human#I will NOT be crying tonight. or maybe I will. idk. we’ll see I suppose. tears have already been shed today so I guess anything is possible
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hi can u do a walker scobell x reader fic of u meeting the percy jackson cast as his gf for the first time thank uuuu!!
iPhone screen
Walker Scobell x gn!reader
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Summary: It’s only walkers 5th day of filming for the Percy Jackson series and Leah, Aryan, Charlie, and Dior find out he has a partner through his iPhone wallpaper.
Warning(s): different povs
A/N: Thank you so much for the request love! If there’s anything I can fix please lmk <33 also the italics were being really mean to me so sorry if those are messed up.
Walkers pov
It was my fifth day on set, and it was going pretty normal. I was sitting in a chair off set scrolling on my phone next to Leah and Aryan since it was our break. Leah looked up from her phone and looked over at me.
“Hey Walker?” She smiled and cocked her head a little, I looked up from my phone and over at Leah.
“yeah?” I look at Leah who is staring at my phone where my lock screen is showing.
“who’s that on your lock screen?” She asked with a slight giggle causing Aryan to look up. I proudly held up my phone showing off my lock screen which had a picture of my partner, Y/N, on it.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, my partner Y/N!” I proudly said as I watch Leah and Aryans mouths gape open.
“Your dating someone?” Aryan said while on the edge of his seat, so was Leah. I gave a nod and pulled up a picture of us when we had went to Universal Studios for their 15th birthday and proudly showed the picture.
“Well why haven’t we met them?!” Leah exclaimed with a smile plastered on her and Aryans faces. Aryan spoke up.
“you should totally bring them to set tomorrow walk,” Aryan said as he straightened out his posture in his seat. I thought for a moment.
“Will Rick allow it? I hope I’m not pissing off the producers if I do that.” I shrugged and put my elbow onto the arm rest of the plastic chair. Aryan looked over at Leah.
“I’m sure he will. I brought my best friend on set that one time.” Leah said, “Why are they like annoying?” She asked, I don’t think she was trying to be mean with that. At least I hope.
“No! They’re really chill.” I said with a smile and looked at the picture I had pulled up on my phone and smiled a little more.
“Then bring them! I’d love to meet them!” Leah said as Aryan nodded in agreement. I gave a nod in response.
“I’ll bring them then.”
Later that night, around 12am I guess, I texted Y/N while I was lying in bed.
You: “Heeeyy sweetheart?”
My love<3: “yeeees?”
You: “would u wanna come to set tmrw? My friends wanna meet you :)”
My love<3: “uhh lemme check with my mom.”
You: “kk”
My love<3: “she said it was fine as long as I can get a ride :)”
You: “sure! Me n my dad will come get ya tmrw morning.”
My love&lt;3: “What time?”
You: “Around 8:30”
My love<3: “that works for me. Night ilysm!”
You: “gn hon, ilyttt”
Your pov
The next morning I had to get up around 7:00 which kind of sucked. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and brushed my teeth, combed my hair etcetera, etcetera. I waited at my front door for Walker to show up like a dog waiting for its owner to get home from work. I hummed a bit before seeing his dad’s car pull up and I immediately opened my front door and ran out.
“Walker!” I called out excitedly at the smiling face I was so used to seeing as I ran to the car that was sitting in my driveway.
“Y/N!” Walker called back, he rolled down the window to the passenger seat and looked at me. “Hello my dear.” He said dramatically and kissed me. I smiled and opened the door to the backseat.
“Hey walk,” I smiled and waved at Pete, walkers dad. “Hi Mr. Scobell.” He gave a wave and a tired smile, which made sense, it was 8:00am.
We got to set in around a 30 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. But the set was..intimidating. It was huge and already had cameras everywhere and a big parking lot. Walker looked at me through the rearview mirror with a smile.
“You nervous?” He giggled. I nodded “A little.” I said even though my hands were shaking. “you don’t have to be nervous, everyone is really nice.” He said, “And they’re all really excited to meet you.” That made me calm down a little, I mean, remembering Walker would be with me made everything better. Me and Walker hopped out of the car and started to walk to Walkers trailer where he introduced me to his makeup artist and his hair stylist. He was sat down in the chair where they did his hair and makeup and I sat in the chair next to him. Then Aryan walked through.
“Hey walk- oh, hi!” He waved at me, “Are you Y/N?” He paused walking for a little to talk to me, never knew I was that interesting.
“oh, yeah. I’m walkers partner.” I shook his hand and he had a big smile on his face. “cool! Nice to meet ya!” He said with a handsome smile on his face and walked off
“see you later!”
Walker perked up, “That’s Aryan, Leah should be here soon cuz she’s always late.” He laughed as I saw Leah walk through. She was even prettier in person. ”Am not!” She playfully punched walkers shoulder lightly as she had a smile abroad her face. “I’m Leah, I’m guessing your Y/N?” She asked and shook my hand
I gave a nod “Nice to meet you!” I said. She let go of my hand and replied with a small laugh. “Lovely to meet you too! See you two later.” She walked off to her trailer and Walker looked at me with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.
“I think you’re gonna have a good time on set today.”
“Me too, Walk, me too.”
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burn-before-reading · 2 months
Love in the Time of Socialism
joost klein x artist!reader
art, mush, and ramblings about life
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warnings: depression (ish), burnout, reader character in some vague mental health funk
word count: 2k
a/n: slight prequel to blue is the colour of your eyes but can be read as stand alone. just same artist reader. vaguely romantic but just ramblings and getting feelings out haha. started this when I was in more of a bad mental state (lol) but im fine now so it got kinda tame by the end of it. still not proofreading anything
title from the song Love in the Time of Socialism by Yellow House
Rpf below the cut—
Normally Joost has to call you because its the only way you will actually look at your phone. Its more often that not you find yourself fixated on planning out your next project, and your friends have to force you back into reality. There was that one time no one had heard from you in over a week and thought you were dead, when you were just working. You hadn’t realized how many texts you missed and apologized for scaring your friends half to death. Especially Joost.
So now you leave your ringer on, and now they call.
Tonight, however, Joost calls and you aren’t in your studio. You are in your bed, where you have been for the entire day. and also most of yesterday. There isn’t a reason in your head specifically why this has happened. you MEANT to get up. Theres a list of chores and things to do just sitting on your desk, but you woke up late, so now nothing will get done. At some point it just became too stressful to even get up and look at it. You roll over and stare at the contact picture of him, smiling with some dumb fish eye lens he thought was funny. You debate not picking up at all.
But you can’t ignore him.
“Hi Joost.” your voice came through the phone more hoarse than intended when you answered, you don’t remember the last time you talked to someone. “Whats going on?”
“the others wanted to go out for drinks tonight, you hadn’t responded so I wanted to check you were joining us.” You could imagine him rocking back and forth on his heels in the middle of his living room while he talked, it was either that or pacing around.
“uhh..” Drinks at a bar was the last thing on your mind. In any other situation you would have loved to be around your friends, but right now you just needed to avoided as much as possible. “Not a good night, tonight. Sorry, I’ll have to join you guys next time.”
Joost felt like something was off, you sounded tired. “Is everything okay?”
“I’ll be fine I just… shit brain day. bad brain thats all. It happens.” You did your best to summarize how you felt without actually admitting anything, you weren’t sure how to explain anything anyway.
“ Oh Im sorry, would it be good, if I came over? I can keep you company, if thats okay?”
“you don’t have to, I’ll be fine tomorrow. I want you to have fun. ” you insisted, but he pressed on.
“I don’t mind, the group would understand. Have you eaten today?”
“Like… a meal? yes, or well, no. I had a soda..” You glance at the half drunk soda from the night before, now flat. “and uhhh..”
“I’ll pick something up.” You could hear him on the other end gathering things together, keys, wallet, probably his ipad.
“.. thank you. I’ll see you in a bit, I guess.”
Joost knocked on your door about an hour later. In that time you were able to get out of bed and make your way to the bathroom to change and make yourself somewhat presentable in front of a guest, and to the kitchen to make coffee despite it being 8pm.
You opened it to see Joost with a sheepish smile as he extends his arms out for a hug. “Hi.”
“Hi Joost.” you take the step to hug him, feeling his body heat contrast with the cold nighttime. “I’m glad you’re here.” the two of you head inside to your living room where he empties his bag of take out to reveal a couple different thai dishes and egg rolls. It was hard to not admit you weren’t at least a little bit hungry.
The two of you ate in mostly silence, making small talk about different projects you two have going on, or the fact that the two of you were in between projects. He done with touring for the time being and in the process of working on a new album. You loosely avoiding talking about any current work plans but mentioned one or two paintings you finished for a private gallery commission last month.
“ Just some paintings of animals and nature-ish symbolism. Honestly my heart wasn’t really in that one, but it payed the rent so.” you shrug and shove noodles into your mouth.
“Well now you have the time to work on your own stuff, right?” he commented, leaning back into your couch and looking down at you sitting on the floor instead of any of your own furniture. “Draw whatever your heart desires.”
“I mean I guess.. Im just glad to be done with the oil paints for now. I swear i think I was gonna die in my studio from all the chemicals. I dunno, I finished that whole project last month, I haven’t really been very productive since then.” you trail off and Joost gets a concerned expression on his face.
He sinks down from his spot of the couch to join you in the floor. The fluffy rug brushing against his legs as he adjusts his new sitting position.
“Its okay to take a break, you know.”
“I know I know, I just get frustrated. I never seem to have my energy directed towards the right thing. Whenever I have all those big projects from other contractors, I can brainstorm and think of all these interesting ideas I wanna work on, but I can’t because then I would get behind on the art Im being paid to do.”
“mhm.” he nods, to indicate he’s following along.
“ And then whenever Im done with those projects, I just get… tired. and my focus is gone. and Everything just feels…” you gesture the last bit with your hands, scrambling your fingers, to imply your thoughts. You aren’t looking at him, but you can still see him nodding in your peripherals. Joost always seemed to understand your thinking and explanations to things, even if you thought they were messy.
“Do you want to try painting right now?” he asks. you just shrug your shoulders.
“I don’t know what I would paint.”
“You can paint our dinner, or, or yourself, or your plants maybe?” he suggested and stands up. “Can I paint too?”
“Oh we’re actually doing this?” Not that you didn’t want to, but this self doubt had creeped into your mind again. That failing to produce something decent would prove that you’ve lost all your talent, your skill.
“yea we can have a little painting party!” he chimed, but he hesitated walking over to your studio to grab stuff, still giving you the space to reject his idea.
you looked away and started nervously tapping your fork against the table.
tap tap tap tap
“…sure. We can use my watercolors, Ive been wanting to use them more often anyway.”
the coffee table became a little more cluttered as you set up the paints for the two of you. Joost using an old set 24 pans and you using a newer set of watercolor tubes you were gifted last year and never opened. You watched as Joost immediately dipped his brush in water and started activating the blue paints, spreading it onto his paper in big random strokes.
“what are you painting?”
“not sure yet, maybe im painting you.” he looks up and smirks. you scrunch your nose up.
“why are you using so much blue. am I a smurf?” you joke and he just shrugs and points to your own paper.
“Just mess around, can’t be any worse than what im doing.”
tap tap tap tap tap tap
you fidget with your own brush for a few seconds lo get before grabbing a big mop brush and wetting your paper with clean water. Taking your smaller brush again, you pour out a small amount of yellow and mix it up with some more water. You hesitate for a moment longer before letting the brush lightly touch the surface, creating a burst of colour on the paper as the colour seeps onto the page. You make a few more random marks before switching to another warm colour and repeating the process, now watching the colours bleeds and mix into each other. You look at Joost paper and see that he is actually now trying to paint you, the blue fortunately was able to be mostly contained to the background.
“Do you ever think about what you would do if you weren’t a musician?” you ask.
“I dunno I think after this I could have a pretty successful art career.” he teases but sees in your face the question is more serious. “I don’t know. I started off with youtube, but if I wasn’t doing that… its hard to think about what my life would be like if I didn’t follow this path.”
“I always have this feeling deep down, that I made a wrong choice somewhere along the line. I was thinking about going to school for psychology, I also wanted to work with animals at one point, be a vet. I enjoy art, don’t get me wrong, but I just worry that in making it my job Ive just drained all the passion I had for it.”
You let the paper dry before staining the page with lines of dark burgundy, creating hands and a human heart. he hums as he listens, not adding anything, but simply letting you vent. beginning to piece together your mood from earlier. “I don’t have any jobs lined up right now, which is what Ive been waiting for, to work on my own stuff, yknow? I haven’t had the time ive wanted to make something for myself for a while. But now I just feel, I feel like ive been frozen.”
“things seem to be okay right now. I like what youve made. ” you look down and see the scribbles youve made with your paint. hands clasped over a broken heart. you shrug and smile softly, signing the bottom.
“Just a scribble, you can have it if you want.” You hand the paper over to him. “thank you for coming by, its… its nice being around you. Helps a bit.”
Joost takes the paper and studies it for a second. “I really like it, maybe I should come by more often.”
“If you bring the food we can have art nights whenever you want.” he holds up his paper. The blue bleeding into your skintone and hair since he didn’t wait for anything to properly dry. “I might stick to my ipad though, I don’t know why you like this paint.” he scrunches his nose at it. you laugh and it makes him smile.
You notice for the first time how bright his eyes look when he smiles, but you brush the thought away.
“Feeling a bit better?” he asks as he lingers by the door on his way out.
“a bit. like I said It was just a mood, I was gonna be fine tomorrow most likely… I still appreciate you coming over.”
“Don’t ever be afraid to call or text okay? Im always here to talk if you need. or just to listen.”
“definitely. Ive been meaning to uh, talk to someone about all this stuff anyway, you’re not a professional but ill keep it in mind.”
he grins and goes in for one last hug. you feel him slightly squeeze you and linger a little longer than usual before letting go. With one last glance he waves and head off. You see him pull out a cigarette for the walk back. It takes you a second to close the door. standing there watching him walk off until he turns a corner and disappears. Closing the door you sigh and go the clean up your living room.
You notice he left the portrait he drew of you. signed at the bottom with a smiley face next to his name.
It gets hung up in your studio above your desk.
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ggidolsmuts · 1 year
Sin, Hormones, and the Starlet’s Boyfriend - Le Sserafim Yunjin, Somi
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A/N: Apologies for the shit gif, I can’t figure out how to do this properly.
Yunjin exits from the bathroom, sighing. It's shark week for her soon, she can already feel the telltale signs. Her usually exuberant nature has slightly floundered and flagged, becoming more quiet, and noticing things that were not quite going her way. The other members recognize it too, and thankfully they are accommodating to her, not being nearly as loud around her today.
"Hey girl!" Not Somi though, Somi has one setting and that setting is taped on "full power".
"Hey Somi!" Yunjin smiles and waves in return. "How are you doing?"
"Doing good, doing good, thanks for doing the challenge for me!"
"Of course, same here!"
"You know, maybe we should do a collab sometime, I love the songs you wrote!" Somi gushes.
"You do? Really?"
"Of course!"
"Yeah... I mean yeah of course, we should totally collab!"
"Great, you should come by!"
"Sure, how about tomorrow?" Yunjin doesn't even pay attention to what she just said until it's too late. Why tomorrow? Her inner introvert curses herself.
"Ooh that sounds good, drop by my home studio, we can work on it before we put it in front of a producer, bring your guitar okay?"
"Ah yeah, that sounds great, see you then!"
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Yunjin shows up the next day at Somi's place.
"Hey, come in, come in!"
"Whoa, nice place!"
"Thanks thanks, come, do you want some water?"
"Sure that works."
"Great, anyways, so I was thinking..." Somi talks animatedly, and Yunjin responds in kind—maybe this collab could really work! Before she knows it they've moved to Somi's room, playing around on her sound setup as Yunjin plays a few chords.
"Hey babe, dinner's ready— oh!" The two of them turn around to the unknown voice. "Hello?"
"Oh hey oppa, this is Yunjin."
"Yes, from Le Sserafim right? Nice to meet you."
"Ah yes, nice to meet you!" Yunjin quickly stands up to greet him. "And you are...?"
"Oh, just an oppa I know." Somi says casually, before putting a finger to her lips. Yunjin gets the gist immediately, and mouths "Boyfriend?" to Somi. But he answers for her.
"Yes I am her boyfriend."
"Yah we had plausible deniability!"
"Oh come on, she's not stupid. Ah yes, I am just the oppa who calls you 'babe'. Anyways dinner's ready, come out to eat."
"D-Dinner?" Yunjin checks her phone—time flew by a lot faster than she thought! "It's getting late, thanks for having me over Somi!"
"You should stay for dinner!"
"No no, I don't want to impose on you and your boyfriend."
"No it's fine, we like having company, we made more than enough, right oppa?" Somi shoots a look at him.
"I umm, I will, I guess?"
Somi drags Yunjin to the dinner table, where there are two prepared plates of delicious pasta waiting.
"Oh, he's already made it for you two, I really should—"
"No no, sit." Somi firmly pushes Yunjin into a chair. "He can make more."
"Yep, you two go ahead, I'll just be a sec."
"What does he do? I don't think I recognize him." Yunjin asks, noting his tightly fitted shirt.
"Yeah, he's not a celebrity, just an office worker at a chaebol, you know the type." In her opinion he could certainly pass for a celebrity—good looking and fit, where did Somi even find someone like that? And where's hers? Slowly Yunjin teases out the details of how Somi met him, and she envies Somi's luck.
"Hey Yunjin," he calls out to her. "Do you like penne or fettucine?" He holds out two bags of pasta for her to choose.
"Uhh, penne's good."
"Great, coming right up." He turns away from her, and she watches him roll up his sleeves—the simple act sends a sinful thrill through Yunjin's body. Fuck, no office worker looks like that. She turns back to find Somi typing away at her phone, and Yunjin gets on her phone, not really looking at it, just trying to distract herself from thoughts of him. He's good looking, he cooks, he has a stable job, his forearms are muscular, like he could really finger—
I wish for what's for—
Yunjin shakes her head vigorously. Stop! she tells herself. He's Somi's boyfriend!
"Why the fuck does he have to be so hot?"
"Sorry?" Yunjin's blood goes cold as she hears him right next to her, a plate of pasta in his hands. Oh god did she just say her thoughts out loud?
"Ah? Umm I, umm, just the weather I mean, it's been so hot the past few days."
"Oh yeah, tell me about it, I still have to dress up for work too, ugh. Here you go." He puts the plate in front of her, and it smells delicious. Damn it, not only does he cook, he cooks well!
"T-Thanks." Yunjin quickly digs into the pasta, her face flushed. She almost jumps out of the chair when she feels a foot tap her knee under the table. Somi has been sitting across from her the whole time, and now she's looking quizzically at Yunjin. Suddenly she feels the weight of guilt, of even thinking about Somi's boyfriend like that, what does she even say to Somi?
"I, I have to use the washroom! Be right back!" Yunjin yelps before quickly dashing for the toilet. A dread fills her as Somi gets up too.
"Sure, let me show you where it is." Somi grabs Yunjin by the elbow, steering her down the hallway and into her bedroom instead of the bathroom. "What was that?" she asks, and Yunjin knows there's no getting out of it.
"I'm so sorry Somi, I didn't mean it, it just came out!" Yunjin presses her hands together, begging for forgiveness. "I would never do a thing!"
"You think he's hot?" Yunjin turns red but stays silent, but Somi doesn’t let it slide. "Answer me."
"I... yes. I'm sorry Somi!"
"Why are you sorry? Hah I mean I think he's hot too, it's part of the package, and his package is—" Somi shakes her head. "Anyways, what's going on, where's this coming from?"
"Sorry, it's just one of those times, you know—"
"You are hormonal and you're horny." Yunjin's shocked at how simply Somi puts it, but she can't bring herself to deny it. "You're not seeing anyone?" Yunjin shakes her head. "Tch, of course not, you're in a new girl group."
"I'm so sorry, I'll leave right away after dinner, or if you want I can leave right now, I'll make something up."
"No, stay. Do you want to fuck him?"
"No Somi he's your boyfriend, I can't—"
"Not can't, do you want to? If you don't say no I'm treating that as a yes."
Yunjin opens her mouth, but no sounds come out other than some weird croak. Somi smirks, suppressing a laugh.
"That's settled then, stay after dinner, tell your members you'll be late home tonight. I'll make it happen." Yunjin lets herself get shown to the bathroom, and she sighs as she looks herself in the mirror. Is she really going to fuck Somi's boyfriend? That's not like her!
But you didn't say no. The little voice in her head tells her, and her abdomen is already getting warm. Somi was talking about his package, how big is it, and maybe his arms are muscular from carrying her around— Yunjin shakes her head to clear her fantasies, but no, it's too late, she's already getting wet. Yunjin groans and tries to focus on other thoughts—she sees two toothbrushes on the counter, guess he really does live here too, do they fuck in her bedroom, maybe in this bathroom too?
Oh my god! Yunjin shouts internally before splashing water on her face. She needed to cooldown, to just go out there and eat her fucking pasta.
And pray she doesn't soak through her panties.
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"Everything okay? You and Somi were gone for a long time." You ask as Yunjin returns from the bathroom, face slightly red and... wet? "You have some water on your face."
"Oh you know oppa, girl talk," Somi quips.
"Yeah, just tired, had to wake myself up." Yunjin corroborates. You offer to make her coffee, but she declines. You shrug and continue finishing your dinner. You can't help but wonder what went on as Somi tries to engage Yunjin in small talk, but her friend is strangely reticent.
"Thanks for the delicious dinner oppa, we'll be working in my room okay?" Somi pecks you on the cheek before pulling Yunjin from her seat.
"T-Thank you!" Yunjin bows deeply.
"Sure not at all, no need to be so polite." You chuckle and smile, but Yunjin only blushes deeper. You try to catch Somi's gaze, wanting to ask if Yunjin's okay, but your girlfriend ignores you, dragging her back to the room instead.
"S-Somi, are you really okay with this?"
"Yeah it's not a huge deal, better for me too, there are times when I can't keep up with him."
"What do you— Oh." Yunjin realizes what she means, and her desires that she managed to keep in check for the rest of dinner begin leaking out as she squirms.
"He's very... passionate, for lack of a better word. He comes back from work, and the first thing he does is jump me, do you know how many recordings I've had to delete because he just scoops me up and I can't even turn off the mic?"
"Oh, umm no..." No, Yunjin didn't know, but now she wishes Somi kept those recordings. "S-Sounds troublesome."
"Speaking of troublesome, the clean up, oh my god, he just explodes in you— Oops, sorry, I shouldn't tease you should I? Poor you, you must be so on edge." Somi stops, seeing Yunjin rubbing her thighs together.
"You don't have condoms, do you?"
"I think we do, but..." Somi checks her usual drawer. "Ah sorry, we must have used the last few over the weekend. Don't worry, he's good at pulling out, just tell him."
"O-Okay, that's fine." Yunjin answers quietly. The last few? Just how much sex do they have? And am I really doing this? She can still pull out— Yunjin shakes her head again, bad choice of words.
"I'll go talk to him then okay? Just give us a couple of minutes." Yunjin nods silently, not trusting herself to speak as Somi exits the room. Should she just get up and leave, just make up some excuse? She can just take care of herself back in the dorms.
I wish for what's— It's not forbidden if Somi allows it right? Right? Right?
Yunjin stays seated, silently pulling off her socks. Even that friction makes her wetter.
"Hey oppa, let me take over the dishes." You feel Somi's hands wrap around you from behind, and you dry your own hands on the towel before grabbing her own.
"Oh? You're going to do the dishes for once?"
"What do you mean for once! I always do the dishes!"
"Yes, when I have like one plate left you take over."
"Tsch fine, no, I was thinking you could do something else for me." Somi presses herself more tightly into your back, making sure you feel her generous chest properly. Her hand drifts from your waist to your slacks, undoing the button.
"Yah, isn't Yunjin still here? It's one thing to have the relationship found out, it's another to just be openly doing this while she's here!" you hiss as Somi snakes a hand into your boxers, stroking you slowly to stiffness. Despite your words you reach behind and easily find Somi's ass, squeezing her through her shorts.
"Mmm yes, squeeze it, it's gonna feel so good for Yunjin too." You squeeze Somi firmly before stopping.
"I think my new friend in the room needs some help with guys."
"I'm sure she can find someone, she's an idol."
"Oh I meant now, like within 5 minutes. She looks like she could use a good fuck, she's been on edge since she saw you." You resume squeezing Somi's ass from behind as you process her words and pretend to "clean" the last plate.
"I see, and you want me to do the honors?"
"Well, it's clear to me she wants you to do the honors, and I could do with a break tonight."
"You say that like you're not going to come watch, and then join in."
Unbeknownst to you and Somi, Yunjin has quietly opened the door, just to see what's going on. She sees Somi hugging you from behind, but with the faucet running she can't hear you and Somi talk. What she can tell is the content of your conversation, her eyes widening as your hand drifts to Somi's ass, firmly groping her.
"Fuck..." she breathes quietly. When was the last time she was grabbed like that, when has she ever been grabbed like that? Any second thoughts about leaving are dashed—she can't pretend to leave now, otherwise it would be "catching" them in the act and make things even more awkward. Her gaze is glued to his hand, finally letting go of Somi before turning off the running water, and hurriedly Yunjin sneaks back to the room. She hears some whispers, and then a small laugh, and then footsteps.
"Hey..." Yunjin stands up and greets you quietly. You spot her socks strewn on the floor.
"So... Somi wants me to do whatever you want."
"I..." She's distracted by you already unbuttoning your shirt, getting flustered. You leave your shirt open and place her hands on it—it is for Yunjin to take off. Her hands tremble in yours, but she doesn't shy away, pulling it down your shoulders and off your arms. Her eyes trail down your body, and they widen as they land on your taut slacks. Yunjin bites her lower lip, and then licks her bitemark.
"Would you like me to treat you like Somi?" Your words jolt Yunjin out of her trance. I wish for what's forbidden...
I am so going to hell.
Yunjin nods, and you immediately pull her in tightly. She lets out something between a whimper and moan as you grab her firm butt—now she's being treated like Somi!
"Oh shit, oh..." she gasps as pleasure floods her body, every knead of your hand seeming to turn her on even more. You leave measured nips on her neck—light enough to not leave a mark, firm enough to not be ignored. Yunjin turns to face you, and she lets you suck on her lower lip, tugging it before letting go and hungrily pressing your lips on hers instead. Yunjin jumps when her hands land on your skin, as if she forgot she had her own hands. She makes up for lost time, hungrily roaming your back and arms, feeling your muscles.
"Y-You do this with Somi?" she gasps as you bring her down to the bed.
"Oh I do a lot more with Somi." Yunjin exhales delightfully when she feels your hand slip under her top, brushing and admiring her abs, abs that she was proud of. But pride goes before the fall, and Yunjin let's out a soft mewl as your hand falls past her abs, teasing her and landing on a creamy thigh. Yunjin is toned and tight in all the right places, and you give her the most sinful of massages, pressing into her thighs, a firm thumb making it's way up her leg.
"M-More." Yunjin's surprised with herself—somehow she hasn't covered her thighs in slick yet with how hot she's feeling right now. At your nudging she takes off her top, and you kiss the slight dip in her petite chest, making her suck a breath in—fuck she needs this! Her hips push off the bed willingly as you slip a hand beneath her shorts. You play with Yunjin over her panties, letting her soak them. She whines and groans before eventually grabbing your arm. Just feeling your muscles makes her want it, and Yunjin begins to speak her desires.
"Finger me." She has no time to react or prepare herself, and a loud cry is the result. Yunjin immediately feels stuffed—that can't be just your finger! Her head spins as you wiggle and curl the finger inside her, her walls resisting your efforts to open her up. One more finger is added, and Yunjin's mouth drops open, much like you are opening her up below.
Fuck! Her thoughts shout as you begin moving, and Yunjin can almost feel your fingerprints in her, pressing against her tense muscles, massaging her from the inside. Her own fingers are nowhere near as thick, and you have two in her! You make sure you are a knuckledragger inside her, curling and pumping her slowly, multiple points of pleasure firing off in her brain as you twist and scissor and push. You turn Yunjin into a mouth-breathing knuckledragger—she's drooling onto the bed, her knuckles grinding on the sheets as she twists and grabs what she can.
"N-No more!" She begs when you touch her entrance with a third finger.
"You can do it." Her pupils are dilated, and her breathing hastens as you slowly push in. Yunjin's mind seems so far away from herself as the pressure inside her compresses her senses, slowing her thoughts down, shrinking the area of her body she needs to feel.
No it's too much, so big, so— "So fucking good!" Yunjin squeals her own disagreement with herself loudly. It is not too much, it is fucking perfect the way your three fingers fuck her—three sparks go down her spine with every push of your hand. She grabs your forearm, feeling the muscles flex as you start pumping them inside her over and over. Her legs spread even more lewdly for you, urging you to get deeper with every moan.
"D-Deeper, more! Please more!" I need this, I'm so close! You can hear Yunjin's thoughts from her pussy, each clench and squelch a prayer for you to make her cum. She moans and throws her head back when you add a fourth finger—not inside her, but on her clit.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck~" Somi's cheeks are red as she listens to Yunjin cry out from her bedroom. There's no doubt you're making her cum, and her hands drift down her body as she remembers what you like to do to her. She wonders if Yunjin can handle it.
"Fuck me! Fuck! Mmm... Oh yes!" Yunjin hushed moans fill the room as she buries her face in the covers, trying not to be embarrassingly loud—she's back to her exuberant self, voicing her pleasure freely. She jerks when you find her g-spot, pressing on it with each finger in sequence. It becomes too much, she's burning white hot, her vision going dark. 
"S-Stop, stop! Enough." All of the non-pleasurable sensations rush back at once when your fingers withdraw—stickiness between her legs, sweat on her hair, her legs suddenly sore from being taut for too long—all berating her.
Why the fuck did you tell him to stop?! Yunjin ignores her body's complaints, focusing on a deeper hunger. You already know what she wants as she kicks off her shorts and underwear, and you begin undoing your slacks, your eyes devouring Yunjin just like she's undressing you with her gaze.
"I want you to fuck me like Somi."
"The intimate way or the rough way?" You laugh at her confused expression, like you have truly stumped her.
"There's more than one way?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"I assumed you would just, you know, pound her into the bed, rail her from behind, pull on her hair—" Yunjin pauses when she realizes she's just telling you everything she imagines you and Somi do.
"Well, that's the rough way, I guess."
"What's the intimate way then?"
"Slower, I definitely don't pull her hair, more kisses, a longer session." Fuck yes! Yunjin's hormones rage through her—that's exactly what she wants right now.
"Let's go with that then."
"Sure." You toss off your slacks, and a thrill goes through Yunjin's body as she sees the much more defined outline of your shaft. She lets you roll her over, so that she's prone on the bed, and suddenly the room is dark.
"Mmph!" You're kissing her needily, and her entire body is hot again. She quickly realizes why—you've thrown the covers over both of them, like a couple enjoying a playful night together. She trembles, your hands running down her bare shoulders sending goosebumps up her neck. You leave her for a moment to remove your boxers, and already Yunjin misses your touch. She freezes when you're on top of her, when she realizes your shaft is rubbing at her pussy lips. She's secretly glad you put three fingers in her—there's no way she can take you otherwise! She also remembers something important.
"W-Wait, I'm not safe today. If you cum in me, I might get pregnant."
"You will," you mutter in her ear, and you swear your cock got slicker from rubbing against her pussy. Yunjin looks at you steadily, and you hold her gaze, waiting for her to tell you what she wants. Her expression wavers, your slight movements against her grinding away her common sense, and all she does is turn away from you, burying her face in the pillow. That's all you need from Yunjin.
"Ah..." you groan as you sink into unfamiliar territory, and it is mirrored by a loud muffled moan from Yunjin. She definitely feels a large part of why Somi likes you. "Fuck Yunjin, so tight." She once again can only manage a muffled whine. As she's adjusting around you Yunjin is thrown off by your soft laugh, and even that mere vibration sends sparks through her.
"Let's make sure we're equally naked hmm?" Yunjin turns red as she realizes what you mean—throughout all of this, she still had her bra on! You expertly unhook her bra and pull it off her.
"S-Sorry, I know it's not as big as Somi..." she mumbles, gasping as you reach around to fondle her.
"Don't be sorry, I'll let you in on a secret." Yunjin looks at you quizzically. Does he not like Somi's tits? Does he prefer mine? Even if they're smaller? Really? Really?! Unknowingly you dash Yunjin's hopes, but you don't think she minds.
"Guys won't care when they're balls deep in you." You thrust down sharply, burying yourself fully in Yunjin's prone body. You tighten your grip on Yunjin's chest, pulling her up towards you a little as you press your chest down on her back. You groan and grunt into her neck, reveling in her tight wetness, feeling Yunjin clench and gasp around you as your tip touches her cervix. 
"Fucking hell Yunjin, I'm right."
"W-What?" she says dreamily, suffocating under the pressure of your body on top of and inside her.
"If I cum in you, you will get pregnant." You whisper in her ear, driving the point home with another deep thrust into her creamy wetness. Yunjin was well aware, and now you know it too—she's ovulating and horny, her hips subtly pushing against you. Pinned and squirming beneath you, Yunjin has never been in a more vulnerable state, her idol career in a precarious position.
Yet she says nothing, choosing to shut you up with a needy kiss, her hand squeezing your hand on her breast, urging you to keep going. You do as she wants.
"Oh fuck!"
Somi sneaks into the room, finding no one immediately. But the moving lump under the covers is not fooling anyone, that and the muffled moans and grunts coming from it. She takes a seat opposite the bed, watching the two pairs of feet do the four feet tango. Just watching those feet is enough to get Somi to slide off her shorts—the smaller pair stay taut together, toes curling and uncurling as they lightly bounce on the bed. The larger pair of feet around them are more spread, pressed into the bed for leverage. Her fingers drift down between her legs, her lazy strokes mimicking the curl of Yunjin's toes—Somi wasn't looking to get herself off just yet.
"More, right there!" At Yunjin's prompting your legs clamp around her slender legs, lifting her feet under yours. Your hips slam against her toned butt, the light smacking sounds of flesh on flesh filling the covers. The smell of sweaty sex snuffs out all of Yunjin's coherent thoughts, your cock driving down on her g-spot sending wild signals through her body. The talkative and loud idol is reduced to a keening and groaning mess.
"Oh fuck..." Yunjin rasps before falling, dropping her head into the pillow before crying out loudly, each wave of pleasure forcing a wail from her. Her entire body is taut beneath you, small tits and toned cheeks shaking and quivering as she clenches around your cock. For a few brief moments Yunjin blanks out, her mind painted over with orgasmic bliss. And then it is over quickly, and she sags into the bed, her breathing labored and hoarse, like she's danced the hardest choreo in her life.
Things would get harder still, and Yunjin finds herself rolled on her side, a leg lifted as you press against her sweaty back. She shuts her eyes at the sudden brightness, blinded by you throwing the covers off—it was getting just a little too hot. You spot Somi at the foot of the bed, and she just does a shooing motion at you, mouthing "Keep going!" while the other hand does small slow circles between her legs. You raise Yunjin's leg just a little higher to give Somi a better view.
"Mmh! Shit! Fuck! Oh my god!" Yunjin's mouth spews foul curses as you literally fuck her sideways, plunging into her slick tightness and going deep on every thrust. You cup a breast, lightly pinching a nipple, and Yunjin croons to the sky. "Yes yes yes!"
I'm going to cum again, he's making me cum again already! Yunjin reels from the pleasure, her own hand drifting to her clit, just a little bit more, just one more touch...
"Nngh!" You grunt, pushing deep into Yunjin and holding yourself there. You throb like mad inside her, but Yunjin's ascent to climax is brought to an abrupt halt.
"D-Did you cum?" she asks confusedly. No, I was so close!
"Very close," you grit your teeth and try to ignore her clenching around you. "Last chance." Yunjin realizes what you mean—you could still pull out, cum on her thighs, or she could offer her face for you, or her mouth. As she looks down her body she finally sees Somi, but she's too aroused to be embarrassed about being watched. Rather, her thoughts go back to what Somi said earlier.
"Speaking of troublesome, oh my god he just explodes in you."
I wish for what's forbidden.
Yunjin hurries to grab your arm, feeling you begin to pull away from her.
"No don't. C-cum in me, do it in me, I want all of it." Her breath catches as a third leg rubs against her calf, teasing her.
"You heard her babe, go ahead and cum, let her feel what you make me feel." Somi's up on the bed beside you, and judging by how her breasts and stiff tips press delightfully against your back, she's naked as well. The angel and the devil—Who’s who? You wonder—are each in an ear, both urging you to sin, urging you to lead Yunjin into sin. 
You find Yunjin's neck, taking a harsh suck on her flawless skin—your bite of the forbidden fruit. Your hands go to her hips, and now you're pulling back on her, getting as deep as you can in her. You adjust your angle on every thrust, trying to find the perfect connection, you find it on the fourth try; that, or the pleasure simply becomes too great. Your tip presses against her cervix, and Yunjin seems to arch back a little, opening herself more, and the slight grip on your tip electrifies you.
I'm a—
The first explosion mess makes Yunjin gasp, the sudden warmth filling her womb. The second explosion mess makes her choke on her breath, the thickness and volume of your potent load overwhelming. The third explosion mess triggers her orgasm, as her body reacts primitively to the sensation, wanting to milk you for everything, to contain every fragment of the explosion inside her. Somi helps both of you out, a finger on Yunjin's clit and a hand on your balls, making sure you pour of it into her. She delights when her job is done correctly, a stream of cum leaking out of the connection and onto her thigh. Each rutting thrust from you makes a little more leak out, but you're still sending more into her.
Your grip weakens eventually, and you have to drop Yunjin's leg. But there's no hiding the mess between her legs—Yunjin's been properly mated. You let her roll on her back, and your load is a slow moving flood out of her. She covers her eyes with an arm, a mess and finally in de-stress.
"You okay?" Somi asks.
"Yeah, that was amazing, just... Just give me a moment." Yunjin's ferally satisfied lizard brain ponders what just happened; She just asked Somi to let you fuck her, then she had you cum in her, and she definitely needs a morning after pill now, but she doesn't regret anything at all—it was exactly what she needed.
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After all that, Yunjin still blushes when she uncovers her eyes again—Somi's cleaning your cock with her mouth.
"I knew you would want to join in." You quip, running your hand through Somi's hair.
"Hurry up and get hard again."
"Bend over and I will be."
"Typical." Somi fires you a glare, but she does as you say, getting on all fours next to Yunjin. "Was he good?"
"Yeah, it was great. Thanks. Do you want me to—" Yunjin makes to get up, as if to give you two privacy, but Somi stops her.
"No it's fine, besides, I already saw you two, only fair that you get to watch."
"Yeah, I can show you the rough way Yunjin," you offer with a smirk, punctuating it with a sharp thrust into Somi.
"Ah! Fucking give it to me oppa!" Yunjin's entranced by Somi's expression, her white teeth gleaming in a near-maniacal smile even as her brow furrows slightly on every thrust. You did not start off gentle with Somi at all, and if you were getting all the way deep with Yunjin, surely you're smashing into Somi right now? Part of her shudders at the thought of how that would feel; the other part of her gets aroused again. 
She's inches from Somi's face, watching the blonde's mouth drop open, moaning freely at your rough treatment. Somi's face slackens, then her eyes shut tight, her tense body not hiding the jiggle of her breasts as you continue to thump into her. In one instant Somi's eyes snap open, and Yunjin's gazing straight into her hazelnut eyes. In the next instant Somi grabs Yunjin and kisses her.
"Nnnghmmmmm!" Somi screams into Yunjin's mouth, her tongue thrashing inside Yunjin as you drive her to a pent-up orgasm. Yunjin feels the rawness of Somi's orgasm, and she leans into the kiss, a hand on her jaw, and soon she's lost in a makeout session, their teeth slightly knocking as you keep the pacing up, pumping Somi through her orgasm. Fresh from her climax Somi is extra into it, and she drifts her own fingers down Yunjin, plunging unhesitatingly into her creamy core.
"Mmm!" Yunjin squeals in surprise, and Somi stops to look at her, biting a lip to stifle her moan a little. Yunjin blushes and nods, and soon her nails are digging into the sheets, curling like Somi's long fingers are doing inside her.
"You can grab her, you know." You put a hand on Somi's scalp and tug, opening her throat to let out loud hearty cries. Yunjin whines when Somi cums again, the busty blonde's fingers quivering and jerking inside of her own pussy. She's a little envious as she watches Somi's tits bounce and jiggle, and without thinking Yunjin reaches out for one globe, squeezing it and marveling at the softness.
"Oh fuck, yes Yunjin, squeeze me!" Somi's lips find Yunjin again, and soon they are moaning against each other. Each thrust you put into Somi shoves her fingers deeper into Yunjin, who in return gropes Somi even harder, her fingers digging into Somi's soft flesh instead of the sheets.
"Fuck, he's so deep!" Somi groans, and Yunjin nods and kisses her again. She knows exactly what Somi means, having just felt that minutes ago, and she lets Somi whine and whimper into her. That is, until you pull on Somi's hair again.
"I can't hear you babe."
"You're too deep fuck! Are you trying to knock me up too? Ah! We only have one morning after pill left, are you going to— Fuck! Decide who's going to take it?" You lean over and grab Somi's other breast, squeezing it alongside Yunjin. It makes Somi whine even louder.
"Depends, which of you is going to cum first?"
Yunjin let's out a surprised moan as Somi starts moving her fingers actively, as if determined to make Yunjin peak first. But she recovers quickly and begins playing with Somi's nipples, pinching and twisting them to produce harsh gasps. You inevitably speed up as you near your own peak, and the ending is a real photo finish.
"Nooooo! Hnnngh!" Somi grunts, peaking when Yunjin scratches a nail across her clit, and the sudden increase in pressure pulls you over the line. Your load bursts from your tip and splatters inside Somi, and the sight of you bent over your girlfriend, growling and no doubt filling her just like you had filled her earlier sends Yunjin over the top, throwing her head back and trapping Somi's hand between her legs, contracting around the fingers mindlessly rubbing on her g-spot. The three of you collapse in a heap, and you quickly roll to the side, catching your breath after two vigorous rounds with the two beauties.
Yunjin finds herself face-to-face with a flushed and satisfied Somi, and tentatively she slips a finger into her friend, feeling how tight and creamy she is, filled with your load.
"Don't... My cum..." Somi sighs, and Yunjin pulls her fingers out just as Somi does the same from her. Their fingers are both coated in your cream, and their thoughts are on the same possessive post-coital wavelength.
My cum now. A soft sigh escapes both of them as they finger themselves, cleaning their digits with their slick. Of course, their juices don't clean it off fully, so when they proceed to finger each other again, trying to get more of your cum from one another, your seed just mixes inside them. They continue swapping cum from pussy to pussy, a collab of the filthiest kind, until the erotic haze of sex and sin finally dissipates, and you're left with two blushing idols. It's a miracle that you don't get a third wind, but you truly had nothing left to give.
"Wow, I... I can't believe I did that." Yunjin voices her thoughts out loud.
"Did it feel good?"
"Yeah, but—"
"That's all that matters then, sometimes you need to cut loose from being an idol, and take care of yourself. You're welcome to use the shower if you want."
"Right, thanks." Yunjin quickly shuffles off to the shower, leaving you to cuddle Somi in bed.
"So you did join us hmm?" You peck Somi on the nose, and she giggles and kisses your chin.
"I'm surprised you didn't get hard again, I don't know what that was at the end but fuck it was hot."
"It was, but I'm all tapped out."
"Yunjin drained you that much huh?"
"Don't get jealous on me now, you wanted me to fuck her. Something about you taking a break for tonight, hmm?" You appease Somi by grabbing her some tissue to help clean herself.
"Fine, you get off easy this time."
Yunjin gets out of the bathroom fully dressed, hair tousled and lightly made up. A pang of envy goes through her as she sees you two cuddling together—maybe she too could have that one day, but not right now.
"Thanks for letting me use your shower."
"Of course. Oh wait one sec." Somi jumps out from the covers, thankfully covered in your oversized shirt, and quickly ducks into the bathroom. She comes back with a pill for Yunjin. "Here, you should take it."
"Y-You said there was only one, won't you get... pregnant?"
"It was a joke,” Somi presents her own identical pill to Yunjin. She leans in to whisper. “It makes him go a little harder, he thinks I don't know it, but he gets off on that super hard."
"Oh... okay, thanks then." Yunjin blushes at Somi discussing your kink so freely. The two of them walk out of the bedroom arm in arm, and Somi gets each of them a glass of water before downing the pills.
"There, like nothing ever happened." Somi fires Yunjin a glance, her intention clear—this never happened.
"Right, yes." Yunjin pauses as she walks to the door. "What about the collab?"
"Well, we've already worked together on oppa, I guess we can work on a song too." Somi jokes crudely, but her smile is kind. "I'll let you know?"
"Sure, thanks Somi!"
Back at the dorm Yunjin dodges many questions, most of all why did she need to shower at Somi's place, but she manages to explain it away as a bad kimchi stew spill. As Yunjin sinks back into her bed though she can't help but think of what just happened. How she already wants it again.
I need what's forbidden... I am so fucked.
She turns her head into her pillow and moans.
A/N: Welp, that was a smut alright. I will say, surprisingly Le Sserafim’s song lyrics lend a lot to inspiring fics, I guess that’s a good thing? I tried to do a play on their title name for the title of this fic, but eh, not my best effort there. Anyways, I really like the song, especially when they had that first verse in their MMA show, that Hydra performance is sick. Thanks for reading!
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mimi-hirinnn · 7 months
Sleepless Night
Tighnari x Sleepdrunk/Reader
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You sighed in annoyance pulling your hair out of your scalp.
“I don’t get it! Well no…I do but still…” You grumbled in annoyance.
Your back hurt, your hands and wrist hurt from all the sitting and writing trying to cramp for your upcoming test. The Akademyia class you were in had a upcoming test which was…tomorrow…and it late night.
“I should have studied earlier…I shouldn’t have fallen asleep earlier…”
You groaned on your desk defeated, your eyes felt so tired that they felt like they were gonna close at any minute. Not to mention you had a massive headache that wouldn’t go away for the life of you.
“Should make more coffee…” You tiredly said and got up only to stumble on your desk and drop all your equipment and papers on the floor.
“Not again…” You mumbled not when your heard a laugh across the room near your door. You jolted and looked up to see who it was.
“T-tighnari!” You muttered out face turning red.
“Relax, here I’ll help you.” He offered his help.
“No! It’s okay! Just regular clumsy me…” You stated.
“Cute…” He muttered but you were unable to catch him.
“Pardon?” You asked politely.
“Nothing.” He simply said with a slight smile that turned into a smirk after seeing your confused expression.
“Are you still studying?” He asked looking over your table.
“A-ah yeah…” He picked up your paper and placed them down your desk and you did the same too.
“Thank you…well I need to go-!” You started to try and walk off but Tighnari’s hand stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
“Uh…I need to uhh make coffee…”
“Didn’t you just make a cup earlier?”
He then sighed, “If you’re going to lie, at least try and sound convincing and cover up the fact that your cup is right here.” He scolded grabbing my cup from my desk with a hand on his hip.
“Haha…uhh Karkata made that for drinking…”
“For who? You or Karkata?” He asked with a slight smile.
“Karkata…” You tried lying but there was no use.
“I don’t think Karkata can drink that type of thing.” He said in tone like he was offended a bit by your horrible lie, who were you kidding nobody would fall for that lie maybe a child but Tighnari…
“Cute you thought I would fall for it or no?” He hummed.
“N-no!” You muttered out but in reality you were hoping he bought your terrible lie.
“Uh huh.”
“Okay fine…Karkata didn’t make it…I did…”
He hummed as he placed the cup down.
“Lying is bad Y/n.” He scolded like he was saying it to a child.
“I know, I know…”
“Then why did you lie?”
“W-well- because! You would stop me if I made another cup of coffee right?”
“Maybe? But now that you lied, yes.”
“H-huh! That’s not fair!”
“Fair to me, you’re the one who lied with a terrible lie to. Did Cyno teach you that?”
“No…he would probably say, “Nah, I lied because it brewed in my head like my coffee…that makes no sense…okay maybe I can’t copy his jokes but still..”
Tighnari sighed heavily, “Well it was…alright…” Now he lied, it was bad but he couldn’t say that to you.
“Just admit it’s bad…or else you’re the one who’s lying now…” You replied making Tighnari’s scoff.
“Fine it’s bad. Rather tell the truth then lie I guess in this situation. Anyways out of track.” He said then continued. And you stood there not even listening much since your head was hurting more now but then, you felt the pain in your head get worse causing you to lose balance and stumble but Tighnari’s arms were there to catch you.
“Woah, be careful. Are you okay?” He asked concern now written all over his face.
“I’m okay…just a bit dizzy…” You winced in pain a bit.
“Is your head hurting?”
You stood there silent taking in his scent finally realizing you’re resting your head on Tighnari’s chest causing you to retract back.
“Ah sorry-no no! I’m okay just a bit tired that’s all!” You tried to reassure pulling away from his embrace as Tighnari let’s go almost hesitantly.
“Tired.” He scoffed. “Your face is paler now than before.”
“I’m fine…”
“Stop lying you idiot! You aren’t fine.” He finally snapped.
“Do you think not sleeping is going to help you get a higher score on your test?” He yelled.
You stood there not knowing what to say…
“Look Tighnari…please don’t yell…” You said with a frown, your eyes were so tired.
He then gently grabbed your head. “I’m sorry…I just…when you do things like this…stupid things like this, I can’t help but worry! You’ve been locked in your room the whole time today. You didn’t even bother to eat until Collei or I came to your room to give you something…”
“I know..but I promise I’m okay Nari…” You sleepily said you were less jumpy than before hand. Maybe it was his relaxing scent..? You go up to him and place your head on his chest again.
Giggling, “Hehe so soft…so warm…” you muttered then looking at him with a sweet and cute look on your face.
Tighnari only looked at you with a blank face but then it turned a bit red and he started to frown.
“Don’t say things like that with that kind of face…” He muttered out.
“Why? It’s true. You’re so warm and soft…and I like it…sometimes it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that I-!” Tighnari quickly covered your mouth with his gloved hand shutting you up.
“Shhh…someone is here.”
“Hmm?” You hummed tiredly and gently removed his hand off.
“Probably one of the forest rangers.”
You weren’t listening much and stared at his lips while he talked but you were so out of it now. Before you knew it, you were leaning in towards his lips.
“Hey are you even listening-?!” He asked before he was met with a tired “hmm?”
Before he knew what was happening your lips were slightly touching while his breath hitched a bit.
You two stood there looking at each other and you took the first move and closed your eyes and kissed him. His lips were a bit soft and you didn’t see the shock expression on his face. You stood there kissing him and after he processed what was happening. He didn’t realize when he started kissing you back.
“Master Tighnari where are you…?” A young girl called out, it was Collei. “Ohh maybe he’s with Y/n?” She told herself you and Tighnari could hear her footsteps get closer and closer.
You only huffed out of breathe when Tighnari pulled you away.
“Y/n, have you seen Master Tighnari- oh there you are Master!”
“C-Collei, is something the matter?”
She only looked at you two and how close you were to each other.
“Am I…uh interpreting something…?” She asked with her innocent look.
“Nope, go ahead Collei. Y/n here was just being stubborn as ever to go get some rest anyways mind that, is there something you need?”
“Ah okay well, I wanted to ask if you saw if anyone took—?” She continued but you didn’t put any mind on it but only looked at the hand he has on your shoulder.
Still drowsy with sleepiness, you were taken in by his scent while looking at his lips again, imagining again to kiss them.
You got up in the middle of their conversation and tippy toed to Tighnari’s face aiming for his lips once more.
Tighnari was quick to catch you and blocked your lips with his gloved hand with a panicked but frustrated expression.
“What are you doing!” He whispered in your ear as Collei rambled about something of hers that was missing and saw as well however dense about what you were trying to do.
He proceeded to flick your forehead.
“Don’t lean into me, I know you’re tired but there’s a bed right there. Anyways, I think I saw Amir taking to the storage room. Look for it tomorrow alright? It’s already getting late and I don’t want you staying up late okay? It’s bad for you.”
“I know I know…I’m just worried about it…” She muttered softly.
“I’ll help you look for tomorrow okay? Now off to bed.”
“Okay…goodnight Master Tighnari and Y/n!”
“Goodnight Collei.” Tighnari sighed as you waved her a sloppy goodbye.
After Collei left Tighnari only looked away from you and pinched his nose temple, his eyebrows frowning.
“What were you thinking?! What if she walked in and saw us huh? And what’s with you all of sudden? This is why lack of sleep causes problems! If it were someone else they might have taken advantage of you or get upset with you!” He scolded as he ignored most of his lecture and only stared at his lips once again.
“Hey! You aren’t listening again…” His tongue clicked with annoyance with a frustrated look on his eye.
Once again you only leaned it and kissed him so needly. Pushing your lips into his causing him to stumble and fall to the ground with you on top of him. You pulled away and whispered, “I need more…” While gave in with a sign and started kissing you back.
You only looked at him after you two finally pulled away, his face was beyond red. His ears were now down like a sad puppy. By the looks of it, he seemed embarrassed to be seen like this.
You only grinned in a teasing manner and grabbed his ears still sleepy.
“What? Do you not want me to see you like this?”
He didn’t say anything but his ears twitched making you giggle.
You had enough fun and were too tired to tease him further.
You got off him as he also got up on his feet, still not making eye contact with you. That’s when you grabbed his hand.
“Hey what are you doing-!”
You dragged him to your bed as you both landed on your bed, him wrapped around your arms, softly embracing him.
“Wait- I’m too heavy-!”
“No…” You whispered, “I’ll rest if you stay with me…”
Finally giving in, “Alright you win.” You then mumbled, “I love you…” And quickly fell asleep leaving a dumbfounded but smiling Tighnari.
“Goodnight, I love you too…”
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zabala0z · 18 days
TMA S3 FINALE (and me screaming)
I don’t know where to start. Maybe the fact that everyone I like in this podcast always dies? Yeah I’ll start there. What the fuck guys. What. Like. What?????
I’m not going into my usual format but holy shit. MAG 119 was like motion sickness but for my ears. The music. I hated it so much. That organ. Tim. Tim. I knew he raised too many death flags, Jesus. Like I’m happy and all for him but GOD NO. AND DAISY??? Though when she started attacking the shit out of Breekon and Hope, I did internally cheer her on. The fact they tried to act as Basira made me wanna scream. Now that I think about it, was Daisy being influenced by one of the entities?? Like The Slaughter?
Basira is so much stronger than me. Like genuinely, I think she got bumped up a couple places just by her sheer logic during 119 and I am so impressed 💀 so much so, I’m wondering if she had like any internal help, y’know??
Orsinov is like one of the most horrifying sounding characters here. The moment she put on Gertrude’s and Leitners voice, I shrieked. Something about the sing-song voice, the way she inflects certain words makes my head spin. Like Michael.
Little backtracking, Martins situation with his mom is like devastating. And the moment Elias started speaking, I knew he was gonna pull out some traumatizing shitty news to give Martin, I hate him.
Fast forwarding: Jon’s dreams
Okay. So. Jon I guess is in some sort of coma and man are his dreams fucked up.
All the people that appeared in there were the people who gave physical statements. Not super hard to figure out but we had Dr Lionel Elliott, Tessa Winters, then Daisy but obviously she’s not there (DAISY 😭), Karolina Górka, Jordan Kennedy, I think the melted woman refers to Jude Perry, the hunters (Julia and Trevor), Naomi Herne and then the pitying figure. The only woman I would think would fit this vague description is Sasha because of course it’s vague, he doesn’t remember her and I’m going to sob.
Bit scared on what Jon is turning into. Whatever it is, it’s not anything good. He’s watching a lot and I guess he’s watching other people’s dreams- or nightmares- and just….watching??? I’d be terrified.
Elias got arrested. Love it. Though, “Be seeing you” I HATE YOU. 🫵🏻
Would be happy but god damn PETER LUKAS has replaced him and I don’t know if that’s worse or better because we at least know Elias’s actions and his limits. We don’t know much on Peter and I don’t like him at all. At least he’s giving them paid leave. And a counselor. I personally need a counselor for this WHOLE SEASON.
When people told me “good luck” when I started getting into TMA, I laughed it off. I should’ve taken it more seriously because I have never felt more distinct and unpredictable emotions than listening to this podcast. I think that’s all my thoughts. Mostly I’m just uhh dying here. I hate everyone and this podcast and I’ll be listening to the beginning of Season 4 tomorrow!
Again, thank you to everyone who has been following my mini rants and crappy theories. Remember when I thought Gertrude was living in the tunnels??? But seriously, thanks to anyone who has been like fully reading through my posts. School has been wack and the people, and just the podcast as a whole has been making my time less stressful 💀 anyways that’s too emotionally vulnerable so thank you!!!
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
for the event :3
may i request smt among the lines of: fine i'll admit it - i need help.
my first idea was dabi needed help with getting off hehe but you can adjust anything if it works better for you <3
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- 🥛
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ♡
MDNI +18
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That night you returned late to the base. Shigaraki had sent you on a mission to gather some essential information related to Shie Hassaikai, which of course you succeeded. Though it wasn’t an easy task to do, and exhaustion had taken over your body. The rest of the gang was already asleep except Spinner who was on guard, so you guessed it’s better to update the boss tomorrow instead of waking him up at these late hours of night. Sleep wasn’t something you all could get often when being wanted villains.
As you went upstairs, heading to your room, a faint noise coming from the room next to yours had you stop in your tracks. Dabi’s room.
It sounded like a groan, a frustrated one, mixed with heavy breathing. You weren’t fond of spying behind doors but your curiosity didn’t help. Maybe your teammate was hurt, or getting suffocated in his sleep, so it was best to take a small peek, just to make sure things are alright.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of him, shirtless, lowered jeans, resting on his bed while his hand was slowly pumping his pierced cock. The way he was doing it, slow movements before tightening the grip on his head, his balls flexing at the movement and his head falling back..it looked like he was reaching that pleasurable feeling but at the same time not reaching it at all. And he seemed frustrated, his dark eyebrows furrowed, biting his lower lip.
You didn’t even notice you were almost drooling while looking at Dabi, an unfamiliar warmth growing between your legs with each beautiful sound he’d let out, your eyes glued on his toned scarred body.
“..enjoying the show~?”
His voice startled you, embarrassment and shame creeped in your face. You thought of running and pretending you didn’t see anything, but you’d only be lying to yourself. Dabi didn’t even bother to cover himself, but instead he just smirked smugly at you, a red tint covering his cheeks as well. You entered slowly, gulping nervously and barely keeping eye contact.
“Well.. not sure about that. Seems like you’re uhh.. suffering rather than taking pleasure from this” you said with a teasing tone in your voice.
“And what do you mean by that, huh?” he raised an eyebrow, taken back from your tone. He should be the one teasing your little voyeur ass, not vice-versa.
“I mean.. do you even know how to do it? I think you do need some help” you grinned while Dabi frowned at you, insulting words ready to spill out of his mouth as usual. But he was too desperate to cum, for the past 20 minutes he had failed to do so. You gave him a knowing look, and he gave up resisting
“Tch, fine I’ll admit it- I need help” he grunted and his consent was all you needed to hear.
Whether with your own hand or mouth, that night you made Dabi cum almost 5 times. Each time he came, spilling his warm seed deep in your mouth, you made sure not to waste a single drop. He moaned at the way your skilled hand jerked him off so good, the way your tongue teased his tip, smearing the precum before deepthroating him. It was becoming too much. But you were a little devil too, edging him until he begged you to let him cum. Overstimulating him until he begged you to stop.
Oh man, it was music to your ears, the way he whimpered and his breath hitched, the way his cock throbbed in your mouth as he desperately whispered “more”, the way he was gripping the bedsheets and his azure eyes rolled back, by the end of it all you were drenched too. Dabi could swear he’d never cum so much in his life, but your little tricks had him come undone multiple times. Maybe needing help wasn’t a bad thing after all, and he might reach for it more from now on.
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Kyle and Kenny x reader meeting
(all characters aged up to 18-20)
“Oh! God… fuck!” You haphazardly wiped your keyboard before the water could seep further in. Bebe snorted and you smacked her, trying not to laugh.
“Girl, what is going on with you? You’ve been all distracted since lab this morning?”
“I knowww.” You groaned, “I keep thinking about how much work that class is going to be.” Wendy rolled her eyes playfully.
“We all know that it’s because Kyle’s in that class and your hoping to be his partner.” She sang at you, taking another bite of her salad.
“No… no. Why would you think that?” You closed your laptop, looking away.
“Y/N, it’s ok! Kyle’s actually really nice. Just a bit standoffish to girls. He’s got trust issues, thanks to Eric.” Wendy tried to reason.
“Yeah, no shit. He won’t even look at me.”
“He’s just insecure! I bet if you asked him out-“
“Absolutely not!” You interrupted Wendy, “I can’t even talk to him normally! How am I supposed to ask him out? I’ve never been good at talking to guys! Let alone someone who’s actually smart and attractive, like Kyle.” Your comments were met with silence, actually, more like barely-held-down laughter, “What?” Bebe stared pointedly to your left. You mentally cursed yourself a million times before glancing carefully where Bebe had indicated. Stan and Kyle stood there, bags and books in hand. Stan was smirking at Kyle and Kyle had looked up and away from you.
“Kyle, you should be Y/N’s lab partner! She’s really smart! And nice!” Wendy quipped, quickly breaking the tense silence.
“Uhm, what? Oh! Yeah, sure. If… uhh… she wants to.” You stared down at your water bottle, feeling the awkwardness in your teeth. You could feel the girls looking at you before Wendy responded,
“She would love to.”
You leaned against the wall, watching Craig blow smoke into Tolkien’s face, making him cough while the rest of you laughed.
“Goddamn… Fuck off.” Tolkien coughed at Craig.
“You should’ve driven us to KFC, man.” Craig shrugged.
“Your lunch is almost over anyways, we’ll go after Y/N’s last class.”
“Sweet!” You smiled excitedly.
“So… Y/N…” Tolkien looked at you mischievously.
“Soooo what?” You responded, taking a drag of Craig’s joint.
“I heard Mccormick wants to talk to you.”
“I don’t know!” Craig snorted and Tolkien smacked his arm before continuing, “Stan told Wendy and Wendy told Bebe, who told Clyde, that he’s wants to talk to you in your English class.” You furrowed your brows at him and sighed.
“Well, I guess I’ll find out. Doesn’t he, like, hoe around a bit?”
“That’s what it seems like, but he’s a good dude. Much nicer than Cartman. I honestly don’t know why they hang out.” Craig huffed. You nodded and shrugged as you checked the time. 12:49. English class. You guessed you would find out what the hell was going on in about ten minutes.
“Ok, I gotta roll. See you guys at 4? Tolkien’s car.” They all made various sounds of assent as you wandered through campus to your class.
As you sat down next to Jimmy and pulled out your notes, you heard someone pull out the chair to your right. Looking up, you realised it was Kenny… with is hood down for once.
“Hey…” He sat down and began tapping his foot nervously.
“What’s up?” You asked, leaning back in your chair.
“Well, I missed yesterday’s class and I need some help catching up. Can you, like. Uhh… maybe help me out? I just missed, like, all of the stuff about the essay topics and requirements.” He seemed to be looking everywhere but at you. And you knew damn well that stuff was all on the Powerpoints.
“Sure, why not. My place, tomorrow? Just bring me coffee and its a deal.” You figured you may as well take what he said at face value. He seemed to have lost his laid-back and confident facade.
“Awesome! Uhh. Just let me know what time.” He gave you a bright smile and pulled out his notebook as the teacher started the lesson.
pls pls be nice, i havent ever written for south park before but i want to get back into writing <3
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skzimagines · 1 year
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Part 4
Characters: Lee Know x Female reader
Genre: | friends to lovers |
Warnings: 18+ minors dni | smut |
Summary: After an argument between the two, Minho tries to make things right with y/n.
“Minho.” I whisper, opening the door enough to let him in.
“Hi..” he whispers, sliding through the door, watching me as I shut and lock it. I step back, giving him some space. Crossing my arms over my chest, hugging myself. “W..what are you doing here?” I whisper. “I came to uh.. I came to say sorry.” He says, putting his hands in his pockets. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way, you were going through a lot. I should have just been there for you.” He takes a deep breath and sighs. “And uh… I shouldn’t… have uh.. told you about… how I feel.. in that way.” He scratched the back of his neck in a nervous way.
I drop my arms and throw myself into him, taking him into the biggest hug I’ve ever given. He wraps his arms around me, laying his cheek against the top of my head. “I’ve missed you so much.” I whisper into his chest. “I missed you too, more than you could imagine.” He whispers back.
We pull apart, look at each other and start laughing. I grab his hand and pull him the rest of the way into my apartment. “So.. what do you want to do?” I ask. “Anything you want to do.” He says with a smile, squeezing my hand that I had forgotten was holding his. “Movie night?” I ask with a childish grin. “Movie night.” He agrees with a smile.
We’re in the middle of a murder documentary when Minho suddenly laughs, making me jump. “What the hell are you laughing at?” I ask, puzzled at what he may find funny about a murderer hiding 31 bodies under his crawlspace. “Fucking amateur, I could’ve done better than that.” He laughs. I look at him like he’s crazy. “I worry about you.” I say, before turning my attention back to the show.
A few minutes pass and Minho moves to get more comfortable. Stretching out his arms and putting one around my shoulders. “That was so cliché.” I chuckle. I see a blush form on his ears. “It’s the best I could come up with.” He chuckles.
The show comes to an end and I walk Minho to the door. “I’ll come over tomorrow, after work. If that’s okay?” He asks while sliding his shoes on. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I say, opening the door for him. He slides out of the door, turning around to say goodbye. “So uhh.. we’re okay then? I suppose?” He asks with a small smile. “I mean, I guess so.” I say jokingly rolling my eyes. “Oh please, you know you can’t live without me.” He says, lightly pushing my shoulder. We laugh before taking each other into a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He says, slowly pulling away. Still holding on to my waist, starting at my lips. “Yeah, tomorrow.” He catches me staring at his lips as well, he slowly moves his face closer to mine, before pressing his lips to mine. The kiss is sweet, not rough. Filled with complete love. I moan into it as he slowly pulls away. He lets out a sigh. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a very long time.” He whispers. “I wish you would have done it a long time ago.” I say back with a smile. He smiles back and let’s go of me. “Okay, so uhh.. I’ll see you tomorrow then!” He says, slowly backing up. “Okay.” I smile back. He walks down the pathway to my apartment, tripping over the crack of the sidewalk. Whispering a “oh shit.” To himself. I chuckle as I watch him walk away before shutting the door.
Part 5
Tag list: @yumiblogs @chubbyanarkiss @chansbabygirlsstuff @multeciahucho @leaneverleaves2 @park-shina @greysweaters-blog @hwangshoneycake @jisunglyricist @armystay89 @illmakeyousaywow
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
wc: 781 a/n: i'm telling you now, I may fall short on this but we will do our best lmao and idk what happened to my cute banner. forgive me.
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“♪♪ Spooky Scary Skeletons, Send shivers down your spine~”
You had been cleaning around the Ramshackle dorm all day because to be honest, it just needed more TLC than what you had been able to give it lately. It was the last day of September, but this was just the beginning of your real spooky season.
Every year you’d do a deep clean and then decorate your home in festive decorations. Bright green and purple witches’ hats and cauldrons, a bucket on every table with Halloween candies, and your favorite ghosts and pumpkins placed in just the right spots.
Decorating Ramshackle felt different than when you’d do your house back home, but you were trying to make the best of it since this was your favorite holiday. So you woke up this morning and immediately got to work and turned on your spooky music playlist after breakfast.
You stopped in your tracks, trying to figure out why on earth someone would be here this early- and on the weekend nonetheless. You tossed your cleaning rag onto the couch and opened the front door. 
“Hi, I have some pumpkin spice drinks for-,” they acted like they were reading a nonexistent label on the two drinks in their hands. “For a Y/N? Do you know them? They’re still supposed to tip me for these~”
The hyena beastman standing in your doorway gave a fangy grin as he handed you one of the drinks. “Rug, what are you doing here? Do you realize how early it is?” You stepped aside so he could come inside the dorm.
“Mmph,” he said with a nod as he drank his drink and plopped down on the couch, scooting the dirty cleaning rag away from him with his hand. He placed his drink on the coffee table, making sure he was using the coasters sitting out.
“I mean, yeah, I know what time it is. It’s spooky time.” You rolled your eyes at him and chuckled. “Okay, sure, but why not come over later? It’s like the crack ass of dawn right now,” you said as you leaned over the back of the couch next to him. “What? You don’t want my help? Aren’t you putting up your decorations today? Sure looks like you could use me. Y’know I used to work for a Spirit Halloween one time. It was a seasonal gig, but this guy was the one in charge of putting up all the displays.” 
He looked so proud of himself as he spoke; he was so happy to share his Halloween decoration accomplishments with you. “Oh, wow~” you said sarcastically. “You mean I’m here with a world renowned Halloween decorating connoisseur? And to think I go to the same school as them! Amazing…”
“Alright, butthead. I guess I’ll just leave then.” He got up from the couch and grabbed his drink. “Ahhh, guess all those… fun… fall ideas I had can go down the drain…,” he said in a sulking tone as he took a few steps towards the door before turning back to look at you.
“Don’t give me those eyes, you heathen.” You playfully glared at him, racking your brain to figure out his silly little schemes. “What kind of ‘fun fall ideas’ are you talking about?”
“Oh… it’s nothing. Nothing you wanna go do with me anyways. Guess I’ll have to find another to enjoy this Rugtober with.” He had his hand on the doorknob and a wide grin on his face as he looked at you. He knew what he was doing.
“Rugtober? What the hell is that?” you chuckled as you put your drink down and grabbed your cleaning rag once again.
“Uhh?! Only the best time of the year- and if you wanna join, you have to get a ticket from yours truly.”
You narrowed your eyes at him again and crossed your arms over your chest. “What’s the ticket gonna cost me?”
Ruggie opened the door and took another big sip of his drink. “Where’s the fun in me telling you? I’ll see you tomorrow, at the crack ass of dawn again, shyeheehee~”
“HEY?!” you shouted to him, his head popping back in before the door shut completely. “You’re just gonna leave? I thought you came to help decorate?!”
Ruggie looked around and snickered. “You look like you got it taken care of, Y/N. Seee youuu tomorrroowwwww~,” he sang as the door shut. You stood there and wondered what plans this “Rugtober” season would bring to you. At least this stupid pumpkin drink he brought you was going to fuel you through your cleaning, but you couldn’t help but wonder what he was scheming.
© Pumpkin Divider | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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casuallybirthing · 11 months
Couldn’t sleep much last night. The baby… it’s coming out really slowly and had just enough pain to stop me from falling into deep sleep.
The baby is fully crowning right now. My pants are bulging and I don’t think the baby will come out tonight.
Dammit I didn’t get to ask to work from home so I guess I’ll just have to push the baby hard tomorrow morning or uhh… show up to work with the baby dangling between my legs.
Let’s just see how it goes.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Who is in My House?
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: you are always going to continue to play with your husband lmao
Synopsis: "He just left, so come over" prank has Jackman in SHAMBLES
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Deciding that you wanted to play another prank on your husband, you started a group chat with all of the members of PG to get some ideas. You had been throwing ideas back and forth for about a week and a half when everyone agreed upon which one you should do. 
Everyone voted for you to do the “He just left, come over.” text prank that had been floating around Tik Tok and you already knew your husband was probably going to have a mental breakdown or be completely pissed off. 
PG would be going out to lunch, while you stayed home and pretended not to feel well. You knew that Jack would be hesitant to leave you, but you would have to reassure him that you were okay to make this work.
Clay told you that he would text you when they all got to the restaurant so that you would then send the text to Jack.
Everything was a go and you couldn’t wait.
“Baby, are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I don’t like leaving you by yourself if you aren’t feeling that well.” Jack said while pushing your hair up out of your face that had fallen. 
“I promise, I’ll be fine. Just bring me back something. I’ll just probably drink some tea and go to sleep.”
“You’re absolutely positive?”
“Yes, boo bear. I’m okay.”
“I love you and you better say it back this time.” Jack said while eyeing you.
“I love you too, more than anything else in this world.” You answered before laughing as he leaned down to kiss you.
“We shouldn’t be gone long.”
“Take your time, I want you to have fun. If I need you, I’ll text you.”
There was also one other person who was in on the prank and Jack was about to lose his shit when he found out.
No one other than Dua herself.
She was currently on her U.S. tour and she had a show tomorrow night in Atlanta. You quickly sent a text of the details of the prank last night and of course she was in.
About 45 minutes had passed when you received a text from your brother-in-law
Clay- He’s here. Everything is a go.
You- Lmaooooo it’s showtime
You ‘accidentally’ sent Jack a text thinking that someone was coming over to the house and you knew it would send him into a panic.
However, someone really was coming, but he didn’t know that.
You wanted for the prank to be a little different and that Dua would eventually show up.
You- He’s out with the rest of PG, you can come over! I could use the company.
Jack noticed that the notification sound went off alerting him that he had a text from you. He was hoping that you were okay and didn’t need him, but he got a lot more than he bargained for.
Knowing what was happening, Jack’s eyes went wide as PG was trying not to laugh and looking at the menu to distract themselves.
“Uhh, Jack? You okay?”
“Mm hmm.” Jack quickly answered, trying not to make a scene or make a big deal out of it.
“You sure? I mean you’re usually pale as shit, but it seems as if you got ten times paler when you looked down at your phone and read whatever wifey sent you.”
“I…” Jack started to say, but quickly stopped himself.
“She was all like ‘I don’t feel good’ earlier and now I see a text saying that I’m out with yall and to come over? If someone is in my fucking house, I’m about to murder them and then I’ll deal with her. I guess she meant to send that to whoever and not me.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing, it might just be Saweetie. I know she said she would be staying in Atlanta for a few days.”
“Nah, the way she worded it made it seem like it was someone else.”
“You worry too much. Y/N doesn’t have eyes for anyone but you. We’ve been wanting to come here for a while so your ass better not get up from this table. You see the way she acted with that Anitta girl and she sees how you acted with Giveon so do you honestly think she would do anything to break your trust?”
“Clay, facetime her right now. She might not answer if it’s from me.”
Clay simply shrugged and did what he was told.
It rang for a few seconds before your bright face came on the screen.
“Is that my favorite Harlow child? Hi, my baby!”
“Hey, Y/N, Jack just asked me to call you to check on you. He told us you weren’t feeling that well.”
“Well aren’t you sweet? That’s why I keep you around.”
“You know we should have gotten married instead.”
Jack rightfully smacked the back of his little brother’s head and all you could do was laugh.
Clay purposely angled his phone so Jack could see you and took note of another person in the background and Jack’s eyes went wide.
It was so quick, that Jack didn’t really get a good look as to who it was. 
“In another life, my love. I’m fine! I actually feel a little better since drinking the tea.”
Jack immediately snatched Clay’s phone from him and questioned you not wanting to put it off any longer.
“Baby girl.”
“Yes, pookie?”
“First of all in another life, my ass. I have no hesitations to throw your favorite Harlow child off the nearest cliff. And who the… you got someone in my house I don’t know about?”
“What? What are you talking about?” You curiously asked to play along and not try to laugh.
“Mamas, do not fucking play with me. I got that text message you obviously meant to send to someone else.”
“What text? Baby, I’m confused. Are you feeling okay?”
“I will jump through this phone right fucking now. Who the fuck is in my house?”
“Uh? Besides me? Your children. I just finished walking the golden girls. I think Blanche misses you because she curled up next to your pillow.”
“Do not get smart with me. I am going to ask you one more time.”
“No one, baby! I’m here by mys…..”
Without warning the facetime call cut off and if Jack was mad before, he was pissed off now. 
“That’s it, I’m kicking both of their asses.” Jack said getting up and grabbing his keys. Clay put one hand on his shoulder to get him to sit back down.
“I didn’t even see anyone else on the call. You feeling okay?”
“How could you not?! They were sitting to the left of her.”
“Jack, is yall house haunted? If it is, I can’t stay there no more. Black people don’t do ghosts. I mean truth be told I know Y/N doesn’t either and if I know anything about ghosts and her, she’ll probably run them off.” Shloob said while taking a sip of his iced tea.
“No, it’s not haunted! There was literally another person there with her!”
“Well, try calling her back.”
Jack then whipped out his phone and proceeded to do so all for it to go to voicemail.
“She cannot be fucking serious right now. I’m getting my shit to go.”
Jack hopped in his jeep and was speeding down the highway to get back to your shared home.
He didn’t even bother parking in the garage and left the car out front before making a beeline to the front door.
Once opened, he walked around to the living room to find you sitting on the floor playing with your two piglets.
You looked up to see Jack and the pissed off look on his face.
“Uh, baby? Why are you back so soon? And where is my food? Look babies, daddy’s home!” You said while looking down at the both of them. They saw Jack and immediately got excited.
Jack was steadily looking around and checking behind the couches as well as in the closets.
Jack didn’t even bother to answer you as he was continuing on with his search.
“Who the fuck you got in here, huh? I’m about to kick their ass right now.”
“Are we still on this? No one, baby. Except me and our tribe of children.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Hmm well okay. Have fun searching.” You replied as you went back to playing with two of your children.
Jack tore up the house from top to bottom looking for someone that he thought had been in the house.
Once he gave up his search, he went downstairs to see you and Dua on the couch talking and laughing.
“Correction, our house, baby.”
“Hi to you too, Jack!”
All Jack did was stare at her and give her the evil eye.
“See, I knew you had someone else in here.”
“Babe, Dua just got here five minutes ago.”
“Y/N….. I know what I saw on that facetime call!”
“I told you he was crazy. You should move in with me, now he’s seeing shit. Next thing you know you’ll have to put him in a nursing home.”
“Dua, shut your ass up and move away from my wife! Six feet at all times!”
“Okay since we’re all saying names, I’ll do my own. Dua!”
“Baby girl…..”
“Yes, pookie?”
“Is that... Is that a camera?”
You took off running while Dua was laughing and with Jack following quickly behind you and catching you.
“Now, I know you didn’t think you were going to get far with those short legs of yours did you?”
“Well, it was worth a try.”
“Jack! Since I’m here, let me get a copy of that video!”
“I mean it was better than me asking for your wife to sit on my face.”
“See, now I’m really about to have to beat your ass. You always come over here and act outta pocket.”
“Beat my ass? I’d rather eat hers.”
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Liked by jackharlow, claybornharlow, saweetie, dualipa, 2forwoyne, lilnasx, druski2funny, and 3,184,907 others
y/ninsta: my husband mad at me yall lmaooooo
jackharlow: y/ninsta I’m legally separating from you tomorrow 😐
lilnasx: what happened this time? lmaooo
claybornharlow: lilnasx another prank by wifey 😂
druski2funny: y/ninsta why you stay stressing my man out?!
2forwoyne: seeing him freak out about that text message was TOP TIER
jackharlow: HOLD THE FUCK UP
jackharlow: PG?!? YALL WERE IN ON IT?!
urbanwyatt: jackharlow we may or may not have an entire group chat that the primary reason is to prank you
shloob_: I told her not to do it
quiiso: shloob_ you stay throwing our asses under the bus. you were it on it too
jackharlow: urbanwyatt and to think I call you my best friend
saweetie: y/ninsta give that man a break! that hairline keeps going south because of the stress!
jackharlow: DIAMONTE!!!
saweetie: yes Jack?
jackharlow: saweetie after I get done kicking their asses, you’re next
y/ninsta: much thanks to dualipa lmaooo had my baby looking everywhere for you 😭😭
dualipa: y/ninsta glad to be of service!
jackharlow: dualipa where were you even hiding?!
y/ninsta: jackharlow you never looked in the backyard!
dualipa: jackharlow lemme at the wife and I promise not to do it again
jackharlow: dualipa one of these days, you about to learn to stop playing with me
dualipa: jackharlow so is that a yes?
jackharlow: dualipa it’s a ‘I still have my bb gun and I’ll shoot you’
dualipa: jackharlow you wouldn’t shoot your wife’s friend!
jackharlow: dualipa now, who told you that lie? you can get all this smoke any day of the fucking week and saweetie is next
saweetie: jackharlow now why am I in it?! 
y/ninsta: saweetie that hairline comment lmaooooo
jackharlow: y/ninsta you laughing a little too loud over there for my liking. on your knees.
sza: oh my
y/ninsta: jackharlow DO YOUR WORST
claybornharlow: now I understand urbanwyatt’s pain
jackharlow: y/ninsta but don’t think this makes up for the shit you pulled today. consider this war and watch your back
y/ninsta: jackharlow may the best Harlow win (that’s me) but imma need you to make me cum first
jackharlow: y/ninsta who said that I was about to let you cum?
y/ninsta: jackharlow wait, what? 🤨
jackharlow: and dualipa if you so much as utter a WORD I’ll end you 😡
dualipa: jackharlow 👀
dualipa: y/ninsta I’ll make you cum kbye
jackharlow: DUAAAAAA!!!!
433 notes · View notes
absolutewhore101 · 1 year
hi hi! so im not sure if you're taking requests? but if you are could you do one that's from the voicemail one? where she gets calums hoodie in the mail & leaves him a voicemail this time? thank you so much!! 💜
Another Voicemail
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A/N: bonus points if you catch the taylor reference at the end <3
Pairing: Calum Hood x GN!Reader
Summary: sleeping without you is difficult, but your voice makes everything better
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 740
Minors DNI
It had been two weeks since Calum had left you that voicemail, and though you still talked every day, there had yet to be a night where you hadn’t fallen asleep to it. 
The sound of his voice, as broken and distorted as it was through the phone, was the only thing comforting you enough to fall asleep. 
There were still several weeks left in the tour, and you were anxiously awaiting Calum’s hoodie to arrive in the mail like he’d promised. 
But then a third week passed, and nothing. No hoodie, no new voicemails, nothing. 
You weren’t sure what had happened. Did it get lost in the mail? Has he not sent it out yet? Does he not plan on sending it to you?
You quickly dismissed those thoughts, knowing full well that he wasn’t going to go back on his promise for any reason. In all reality, they probably just hadn’t come across a place where he could send it from.
Your phone rang from across the room, and you quickly walked over to answer it, slightly confused to see Ashton’s face lighting up your screen instead of Calum’s. 
“Hello?” You said.
“Hey! How’s it goin’?” He asked, much too casual for your liking. 
“Fine.” You said suspiciously. “What’s going on? You sound weird.”
“I said four words and I sound weird?” He asked.
There was a pause before he spoke again.
“Alright, fine. Calum hasn’t been sleeping that well. He sent his hoodie out to you a week ago and you haven’t gotten it yet and he’s being, like, weirdly anxious about it.”
You nodded. So he had sent it out. Why wasn’t it here yet?
You were about to answer when your doorbell rang.
“Hang on, Ash, I’ll be right back.” Setting your phone down on the counter, you made your way over to the door, opening it to see a small box left on your doorstep. You smiled. 
Perfect timing.
“Just out of curiosity, what time is it where you guys are?” You asked Ashton. 
“Uhh, about 11 PM. Why? Was that the door?”
“Yep! Don’t tell him, but his sweatshirt just got here.” You said, picking it up out of the box, immediately bringing it to your face to take in the smell of him. 
“Nice!” Ashton replied. “So I'll let you go so you can talk to him.”
You said your goodbyes before hanging up, and you immediately dialed Calum’s number. 
He picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, sweets.” He said. You could tell that he was doing his best to sound excited, but the exhaustion was clear in his voice. 
“Hi, baby.” You said quietly. “Ash said you’re not sleeping too well. Are you doing okay?”
“‘Course he ratted me out. I’m fine, honey, just miss you is all. Have you gotten my sweatshirt yet? I sent it out like a week ago.”
“It got here about 5 minutes ago.” You chuckled. “But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t already wearing it.” 
Calum smiled to himself, the image of you in his sweatshirt bringing him more happiness than he could explain. 
“Good. I know it’ll help you with me not being there, and all.” He said. 
“Hey, I have an idea.” You said. 
“What’s that?”
You smiled.
“I’m gonna hang up, and when I call you again…”
“Don’t answer?” He guessed, chuckling at your antics.
“Correct. I love you, Cal, so much more than I could ever tell you.”
“I love you, too, sweets. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
You smiled, hanging up. You took a few moments to decide what you were going to say before redialing his number, listening as it eventually went to his voicemail. 
“Hi, baby. I know you’re having a hard time sleeping right now, but just know that we’ll get to see each other soon. Hopefully much sooner than we currently have to wait. I just want you to know how much I love you, because I don’t think I could ever fully express it in words. I know people tend to say that they love someone to the moon, but I love you all the way to Saturn. I’ll send you something of mine, just so you don’t miss me too much. Get some sleep, honey, you need it. I love you.”
By the end of your voicemail, Calum was sound asleep, a soft smile decroating his face.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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do-it-jakey-baby · 7 months
An Unlikely Encounter
Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: language, physical violence, mentions of agoraphobia (I think that’s it, sorry if there’s more!)
TAGLIST: @torniturntomyarrow
Sorry, no smut in this one! But I promise there’s more juicy content around the corner. 😉
Chapter 3
3.6k word count
You froze solid as her words sunk in.
You’re trending.
Everyone thinks you’re Jake Kiszka’s new girlfriend.
Your world seemed to spin at a nauseating pace. You could hear your best friend still speaking to you on the other end of the phone but her words fizzled into the abyss. Your fingers frantically darted across the screen of your phone as you searched across social media, finding your face plastered across every site, every Greta Van Fleet hashtag. You were there in every nook, cranny and corner of the fandom. People were asking the same questions. Who is she? Does anyone know her? Where did she come from? Is she British? Is she Jake Kiszka’s girlfriend? Is she nice?
“Y/N!! Hello?!” You hear blaring from your outstretched palm.
“Katrina, what the fuck is happening?!” You babbled, barely fighting back the sob that was threatening to bubble up from your chest. All of the commotion had Jake running back into the room, his eyes wide and hands flailing.
“Y/N, what is it? Are you ok?”
You put your phone on speaker. “Kat, please, you tell him. I can’t think straight right now.”
“Uhh… ok, I’m guessing that’s Jake with you? Hi, Jake. I’m Katrina, Y/N’s best friend.”
“Hi, Katrina. Yeah, it’s Jake. What the fuck is going on?”
“You might want to see for yourself, my guess is if you check any of your social media accounts it’ll be there ready and waiting.”
Jake scoured the floor to find his jeans and retrieved his phone from the pocket. Unlocking the screen, he clicked into an app and sighed. He knew this all too well, anyone who got even remotely close to one of the band members was dissected by their fanbase almost instantaneously.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I should have known better before asking you to get in the picture with us earlier.”
You were still in a state of shock, going from a nobody to a somebody within the space of 24 hours was eating away at you. You’d never experienced anything like this before, you always faded into the crowd. You rarely received attention and you kinda liked it that way.
“What happens now?” You speak up, your voice meek and raspy.
“I’ll call the guys, but it’s not a big deal. Shit like this blows over, it’s not a controversy. Danny has a lot of female friends, he’s well versed in this.”
“Ok, in your world it might not be a big deal, but it is in mine. I am a nobody from a small town in South England, Jake. Now my face is all over the internet!” You throw yourself down onto the bed in frustration, hiding your face in the peaks of the duvet.
“If it helps, babe, most people are just commenting on how pretty you are.” Kat chimes in. You’d almost forgot she was still on the phone.
“I’ll leave you to it, but I want you to call me ASAP and fill me in. I want to know how the hell you managed to meet our favourite band. Sorry, Jake, but a girl needs the deets.”
“I understand. Well, hey, I’m sure we could arrange something so that you get to meet your favourite band too.” Jake chuckled.
“I’ll take that as payment for holding my best friend captive for the last 24 hours, Kiszka. Y/N, I’ll call tomorrow. Love you, bye.”
Jake sat beside you and placed a gentle hand on your back. You let out an exaggerated groan and lifted your face up to look at him.
“Make all of your accounts private, if they aren’t already. It’ll blow over, angel.”
He placed a soft kiss to your forehead and handed you the damp washcloth.
“Thank you, but I actually just think I’ll jump in the shower, if that’s ok?”
“Of course, angel. I’ll go warm it up for you.” He squeezed your thigh and moved to the bathroom. You heard him flip the water on, the sound of it splashing down onto the shower tray instantly soothing you. It was just what you needed, you longed to feel the steam on your face and wash away the stress you’d ensued over the complete bomb your best friend had dropped onto your life. Yeah, maybe you were overreacting, but the thought of your face being burnt into every fan’s memory was filling you with dread. You began to sweat again, pulling yourself back into a panic, but just as you started slipping Jake was there again. The comfort of his presence lulled you back into a feeling of security. He grounded you, and that was a difficult thing for anyone to do, let alone a man you’d known for a mere 48 hours. He took your hand and guided you off the bed, pressing it against the small of your back and drawing you in. His other hand manoeuvred to cup your jaw and he captured you in a kiss that was sweeter than honey. You were falling under his spell so quickly, you hadn’t even realised the extent yet.
“Mind if I join you?”
“I was hoping you’d ask.” You breathed, grasping at his hair as you pulled him back in for another kiss.
You and Jake spent the entire week together. You’d made passing comments about how you were intruding on his time with his band and should probably get going, but he was having none of it and always insisted you stayed. You couldn’t help the incessant intrusive thoughts from bouncing off every corner of your brain.
Why would he want to spend time with me?
Surely I’m just something to pass the time?
He’s going to get bored of me soon and move onto the next girl…
But each time, he silently proved you wrong. You’d never experienced intimacy like this. He was so attentive to your every need, always making sure you were comfortable, thinking about even the smallest of details. He had learnt so much about you and continuously surprised you with how much he absorbed. He knew your favourite bubble tea place that was tucked away secretly behind the bustling streets, and that your go-to was the honeydew melon milk tea (soy milk, you were lactose intolerant), light ice, semi-sweetness, with lychee popping bubbles. He knew you struggled in public and had previously battled with agoraphobia. He knew all the right places to touch you and could turn you into a whining, shaking mess at the snap of his fingers. He was unlike any other man you’d met before and any other man you’d ever meet again. The feelings that you felt after your week together were terrifying, because you knew he could disappear at the drop of a hat and all of the walls you’d meticulously built up over time would come crashing down around you, crushing you under the rubble and burying you alive. The unknown left you feeling nauseous with crippling anxiety. You liked control, craved it. If you were in control, the only person who could hurt you, was you. But here you were, your fragile heart entirely in the hands of another being.
On his last evening in London before they left for Dublin, Kat invited them over to her flat for dinner. You had joined her early to help her prep, your hands shaking as you chopped the tomatoes.
“Y/N, dude. Will you chill, please? I don’t fancy a trip to A&E tonight because you’ve severed your finger.” She rolls her eyes and places her hand on top of yours, signalling for you to put the knife down.
“But I want to help! You can’t do everything Katrina, even if you’d prefer that I wasn’t in your way.” You giggle at her, picking the tea towel up off the side to wipe your hands.
“Yeah you’re right, get the fuck out of my kitchen before you burn the place down.” She winks. You ball the tea towel up in your hands and throw it at her, it landing on her head, draping over her face.
“You have 3 seconds to get out of my sight before I kick your ass.”
“Ok, ok. I’ll go and get ready. Call me if you need me.”
“I won’t!”
You walk away, chuckling to yourself. You loved your friendship with Kat. She was more like your sister than your best friend, the only person who was a constant in your life, and she held a special place in your heart. There wasn’t much room in there for anyone else, you’d closed yourself off from the world long ago. Too many disappointments, people came and went and you weren’t interested in temporary. You sat down at your vanity and stared at the reflection in the mirror. Did tonight have to come around so soon?
You’d just finished off your hair when you heard the doorbell chime. Standing up, you smoothed the front of your satin skirt and took a deep breath. As you opened the door you were greeted by 4 beaming faces.
“Y/N, you look positively radiant, my dear!” Josh’s voice rang out as he pushed to the front and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hi Josh.” You smiled into his curls.
One by one the boys greeted you with friendly embraces and entered the flat, until it was just you and Jake stood there.
“Hi, Angel.” He grinned, bending to press a kiss to your cheek. You turned your face and your hand found your way up into his hair as your lips crashed against his. Jake, seemingly taken aback by your forwardness, relaxed and melted into your kiss. His hands snaked around your waist and he pulled you closer into him.
“Miss me?” He teased, lips still pressed against yours. You pulled back, raising an eyebrow, before turning to make your way in. You hear him chuckle to himself softly.
“Thank you all so much for coming.” You address the room.
“It is our pleasure, thank you lovely ladies for hosting.” Sam replies. He’s over by the oven next to Kat, watching her intently as she stirs the sauce on the hob. Kat is probably one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen, her features are sharp and pixie-like, with big green eyes like pools of molten emerald. Her long, auburn hair is naturally curly and is styled in a half up-do. It’s not hard to see why Sam is hovering.
“So, Kat, how long have you been a fan?” Sam questions, leaning on the counter next to her.
“Who says I’m a fan?” She responds with a wink.
“I did!” Jake yells from the sofa.
“I never said who I was a fan of.” You think you can just about see Sam’s heart pounding in his chest, like something out of the Looney Tunes. The thought makes you snort on your drink, but you quickly re-direct the attention away.
“Who’s hungry? Kat’s made her family’s famous spaghetti.”
“And no, you may not have the recipe.” Kat smirks.
Everyone tucks in and you hear a symphony of slurps and mmms.
“Kat, where did you learn to cook like this? It’s amazing!” Danny asks.
“My Nonna is Italian, so she’s very strict about how my family cook. This recipe has been passed down through generations.”
“Jake is somewhat of a chef himself.” Josh offers, receiving a swift elbow to the ribs by Jake.
“I’m not that good!”
When everyone has finished eating and complimenting Kat on her culinary skills, Sam jumps up from the table to retrieve the dirty plates and carries them to the sink.
“Oh yeah, who are you trying to impress, Sam?” You probe.
His head snaps to look at you and his cheeks flush. “Uhh no, no one. Just being a helpful guest.” He grins sheepishly. Kat walks over to him, placing a hand on his arm. “It’s appreciated Samuel, thank you.” She places a quick kiss to his cheek and opens the dishwasher for him.
“Oooo Sam’s got a girlfriend!”You tease.
The evening seems to pass in a flash, everyone seeming to love Kat just as much as they love you. As they prepare to leave, Jake stands and clears his throat. You look at him in anticipation.
“So, as you know we’re continuing our tour in Dublin tomorrow, then we have another two UK venues before we head further South.” He pauses, glancing at the boys. “We’ve all been talking, and if you want to we’d love you to come to our last stop in Europe.” You stand, wide-eyed, wondering if you’ve heard him correctly.
“Your last show is in Portugal.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, everything would be taken care of. Your flights, hotel, tickets and VIP passes.”
“Jake, that’s too much.”
“Y/N, we’ve made two fantastic friends this week. We want you to be there.” Josh smiles, placing his hand over yours that you didn’t event realise was nervously clawing into your knee. Kat looks over at you and nods. She runs her own business so is free to to clear her schedule, and you’re currently in between jobs and in the meantime have been helping her out with admin and other ‘tedious shit’ she has no care for.
“Ok.” You breathe. The lads whoop and cheer around you, pulling you both into a group hug. Danny pulls out his phone and gathers you round, flipping his camera to the front and yelling “Say cheese!”. Jake loops his arms around your waist as you all huddle together to get into the frame. Just as Danny presses the button to take the photo, Sam plants a kiss onto Kat’s cheek.
“Mind if I post this to my story?” Danny asks.
“Yeah, fuck it. My face is everywhere now anyway.” You laugh. Kat nods her approval and the photo is uploaded. You all say your goodbyes and Jake lingers by the door, his face sombre.
“Hey, you’ll see me in two weeks.” You place a hand on his cheek.
“Two weeks too long.” He huffs, lacing his fingers between yours. You stand there for a few moments, soaking up the last moments with him for a while. He caresses your cheek and captures you in a tender kiss. The world seems to slow to a stop and it’s just you and Jake in that moment, nothing else matters but him. Jake Jake Jake.
He pulls away, eyes filled with sorrow. “Goodbye, angel. Take care of yourself. I’ll message you every day.”
“Bye, Jake.” The door shuts and then he’s gone. You sink down to the floor, warm tears rolling down your cheeks and onto your hands.
Why are you crying? Sort yourself out, woman!
Kat’s footsteps echo down the hall and she finds a space on the floor next to you, wrapping her arms around you.
“Hey, you just think about us tearing it up in Portugal. None of that, please.” She gestures to your tear streaked face and hands. “I’m going to the shop to pick up some tequila, god knows you need it tonight. We’ll stick on a shitty movie and talk about all the carnage we’ll create, they’ll never invite us anywhere again after this.” She laughs and you join in, always finding her playfulness infectious.
“I’ll be back before you can say ‘I miss my rockstar boyfriend’”.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You smack her arm, then allow her to pull you off the floor. You plod into the bathroom and remove your makeup, then slip into some cosy pyjamas and settle down onto the sofa. A few moments pass and you hear a knock at the door. Chuckling to yourself, you assume Kat has forgotten her keys for the millionth time, so begin making your way to the front door.
“When will you learn to-”
Your blood runs cold at the sight before you.
“Connor, what the fuck are you doing here?” Your ex-boyfriend stands there, disheveled and reeking of cheap vodka and cigarettes.
“What the fuck are you doing? Not just giving it out to any randomer like the filthy slut you are. You’re fucking Jake Kiszka?!”
“It’s none of your fucking business who I’m fucking!”You huff.
The fury bubbling from within him is evident, he’s shaking in blind rage with his fists balled at his sides, knuckles white.
“How long have you been fucking him? You’ve always oozed groupie mentality, you disgusting whore. I’m sure he’s just using you for an easy lay.” He spits.
“Get the fuck out of here you freak! What you’re stalking me now?! You don’t own me, Connor!”
He charges into the door, knocking you down in the process. As he lunges forwards, two men walking past spot the commotion and run to pull him off you. They throw him onto the pavement outside and he shuffles to his feet before fleeing the scene.
“Are you ok, love?”
You can’t even respond, your whole body wracking with sobs as they roll from deep within your chest.
“Y/N, what the fuck?! What’s happened?!” Kat screeches from across the road, her arms littered with shopping bags.
You zone out as the two men explain what they witnessed. How had your evening taken this much of a turn? In your trance you’re being lifted and placed into your bed. Kat thanks the men and sees them out, then crawls into bed behind you and holds you, stroking your hair gently until you cry yourself to sleep.
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askstevella · 6 months
Things my husband says 🐾
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—Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!OC
~ god help Stella 😅
Stella: Please tell me you didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
Steve: I didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
*the doorbell rings*
Stella: *cross her arms* Who’s at the door?
Steve: *smirks* I think you know.
Steve: What’s does IDK, WDYM and ILY mean?
Stella: I don’t know, what do you mean, I love you.
Steve: I love you too but you’re not gonna be any help, I’ll just ask Sam.
Stella: I-
Kendall: *tapping on the table*
Steve: *tapping back*
Stella: Stop that please.
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Steve: What would you do if I died today?
Stella: I’d die tomorrow.
Steve: Marry me.
Stella: Already did.
Stella: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Steve: That’s not a lot of inches.
Stella: I-
Sam: *at Stark party* Uhh I think we lost him.
Bucky: No we haven’t. Watch this.
Sam: Huh?
Bucky: *shouts* Your wife is useless piece of sh-!
Steve: *pops out of nowhere* SAY THAT AGAIN MOTHER—
Stella: So Steve got drunk last night.
Thor: Oh no.
Stella: And tried to set our marriage certificate on fire.
Steve: Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!
Steve: Did it hurt?
Stella: *rolls eyes* Let me guess, when I fell from heaven
Steve: No.
Stella: What?
Steve: *smiling* Did it hurt when you fell for me?
Liane: Hey what are you getting Steve for his birthday?
Stella: I am married to Steve and gave him 2 kids, that’s enough presents to last him for a lifetime.
Steve: Hey, you married Captain America, you didn’t do so bad yourself.
Stella and Bucky: *kidnapped by Hydra and HIVE*
Strucker: Soon the Captain and his team will arrive, then will see what true power tastes like
Bucky: Let us go asshole.
Strucker: Not a chance—
HIVE Agent: *hears guns blazing through the halls, grunts and screams of stuff being blown up* Uh sir, who was that?
Bucky: Your fucked.
Stella: *grins*
Steve: *bust the door open as he snarls* Say your last prayers, Strucker!
Stella: *looks at him while he’s drawing and mutters* I’d date you.
Steve: *smirks, definitely heard her* What?
Stella: *blinks and half scoffs* I said, I hate you.
Steve: *smiles to himself* I hate you more.
Bucky: *drunk on Asgardian liquor* Sam is the hottest person I ever met.
Steve: He is your fiancé.
Bucky: Bullshit. I can’t stand the guy.
Steve: So why did you just say find him hot then?
Bucky: Cause I got eyes, Steve.
Steve: *under his breath* I don’t wike it.
Natasha: *gasps*
Steve: Nat don’t—
Stella: *at 3am reading* Wow, some few hours earlier some couple just tried to kill each other in their own home. Can you imagine someone ever snapping like that?
Steve: *trying to fall asleep glaring at her* I can.
Steve: If I dislocated John Walker’s arm, would they arrest me despite being the original Captain America?
Stella: Yes. Yes they could.
Steve: I’m dying!
Stella: WHAT?
Steve: -of hunger!
Stella: Oh thank heavens.
We might need a Steve one soon 🤔 what do we think? Which couple is next? Liane & Ethan? Rose & Finn? Peter & Rei?
Please like, comment and share 🫶🏼
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @sherloquestea and etc
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irukas-son · 1 year
Heeey, I recently got into YBC and I'm obssessed sooo, I was wondering how our bi guys (Yuri and Tamura) would confess/ask to enter a relationship with a fem reader?
Thank you very much!
heyyy thank you for request and my deepest apologies for the late response
So for Yuri, I feel like he just… has one, it was never a secret, it just never was brought up. Let’s imagine Jimmy doesn’t exist, he has a lover back in his hometown and if you look CLOSELY to him and his things, you can definitely see hints that give it away, because he’s definitely not hiding it. His Lock Screen is a picture of her, he gets weekly letters from his hometown and the envelopes aren’t the way parents would decorate them… lipstick stains, glitter, Sanrio stickers… they even smell like a girl. Oh and the chokers he wears are definitely his girlfriend’s… or they just share their wardrobe.
For Tamura, it’s definitely different.
He graduated Mori academy and went to a university in a bigger city.
There, he was able to become friends and form a good mixed group. He was cordial with all of them except one girl. He would tease her, bully her even, he once told her she looks like a stapler. She has thick skin though and it never really affected her, she just met him… but she did notice that he didn’t treat anyone else like this. Why her?
Whenever they cross paths, walking alone, he just shies away or looks away. “He must really hate me,” she thinks to herself. But she couldn’t be further from the truth. 
So back in Mori he never had the luck he wished with Yacchan, and definitely didn’t learn his lesson! He still treats his crush the way he treated Yacchan. 
That’s until one of his new friends confronted him about it. “You cannot just call people staplers, Tamura! Go apologize,” a guy took him apart after his comment. 
“Ugh, fine, MOM!” Tamura replied.
“Hey, broom head!” Tamura yelled across the empty corridor where he spotted her. She turned around, and then cursed herself to having recognized herself as “broom head.”
“Ha, you act- uhh,” Tamura stuttered as she looked into his eyes and frowned.
“What?” She snapped back at him, walking towards him.
He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. “I, um, wanted to apologize about the stapler thing and, uhh, I guess how I call you ‘broom head’. Not the coolest thing,” he mumbled the last part. 
She watched him, unsure how to react to the sudden apology. It was surprising, but also brightened her spirits. “Um, okay. Just don’t do it again… I guess?” He whipped up his head, bafflement written on his features. As she took in his appearance, something stuck out to her. 
Was he blushing? Or had he run up the stairs of this building?
“So you forgive me?” He asked… smiling. Like he’d won the lottery or something. What a strange guy… he was still hot though. 
“Why not?” It was annoying, but it wasn’t like he was irredeemable. 
“Oh that’s really goo- I mean, thanks.” A beat passed between them, before he added, “So… what you doing here?”
“Just waiting for a professor for a paper I was clearly not graded properly on, but his office hours are in like 15 minutes.”
“Oh,” he simply said, but it didn’t seem like he was leaving anytime soon. She broke the silence, “Tell you what, let’s hang out at the park. At lunch. So you can make it up for me, deal?”
He smiled again, and she couldn’t help but smile back. He replied, “Sounds good.”
So, after a less-than-ideal meeting with her professor, the lunch shared with a good looking guy almost felt like a reward. In a short amount of time, chatting away with Tamura, delight spread through her.
“So, good date?” she asked as they were walking back to campus.
A blush flooded his face. “I— Uh, that’s what it was?” He laughed nervously. She could’ve almost described him as ‘cute’ in that moment .“Yes, yeah of course.” 
“Great,” she said. They were about to part ways for their classes, but she risked herself in adding, “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
He hummed in agreement. “See you.”
And that's how he got a girlfriend.
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