#uhh he appears in every game what do I tag this
panco-1812 · 1 year
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Funny Kirb meem. Let him swear.
Translate : At 7 years old I said : “Hey friend, don’t be like that. It makes me mad, and I don’t like it“ But now I said : “Fuck you.“
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
So I may have been browsing through your AEIWAM tag and came across your writing of Komamura saying it's too hot in summer when you have a fur coat you can't take off. By that logic he's gonna always be sitting beside Hitsugaya in Captain meetings if he can swing it, especially in the early days, cause that boy is like a mini air conditioner next to him. XD
Wolves are winter creatures. The double coat, the snowshoe paws, the proclivity for cuddlepiles- if Sajin could move somewhere that never got above 40F he'd be in heaven. Alas, he lives in a major city that hits triple digits in the summer, so he keeps close track of the little pieces of winter he can find.
The first person to realize his little game was Unohana. She knew about the wolfman thing- Yamamoto trusts her as much as Sasakibe, and persuaded Sajin that, should a medical emergency arise, it should not also be a medical surprise.
She is of course, the pinnacle of Medical Confidentiality.
...but his name came up during one of the Shinigami Women's Association meetings/boozing sessions, and a distinct schism appeared.
On one side was Soi Fon, Nanao, and Herself, who all found Komamura to be very polite, professional and reliable if somewhat reticent and at times, aloof.
"I swear I can't get more than three words out of him!" Nanao despairs.
"I like him. He knows how to Shut Up." Soi Fon agrees.
"He's a very private man." Unohana nods.
Across the table, Isane and Rukia are baffled.
"Captain Komamura? Ten feet tall, bucket head? That Komamura?" Rukia the so-called Ice Princess asks, gesturing to indicate their height disparity. "What the fuck are you talking about? He's SUPER friendly and will hang around to talk FOREVER."
"Yeah, every time I go to the 7th he always asks me to stay for lunch and wants to know how everyone in my family is doing and swap horror stories from the ER for tales of crazy people in the intake queue." Agrees Isane, wielder of the ice cloud Itegumo. "It's embarrassing, but one time I was more than two hours late getting back because we get to talking!"
Everyone stares at everyone else, baffled.
"Did- did I do something to piss him off?" Wonders Nanao.
"Huh. Maybe he just picked up on how much I hate small talk on the job?" Soi Fon shrugs.
Unohana is silent, thinking.
"GUESS WHO BROUGHT TEQUILA!!" Matsumoto Rangiku announces as she kicks in the door, holding four bottles of liquor, only three of which were still full.
"We need you to settle a debate!" Rukia demands at once.
"Ooh! I love passing judgement on things that don't effect me!" Rangiku coos, sitting down, her chest making an odd 'clunk' sound on the table "- there's also salt and limes!"
"It kinda effects you." Soi Fon waved her hand noncommittally. "How would you describe Captain Komamura?"
"Tall, Heavily Armored and Mysterious?" Rangiku shrugs, pulling the box of kosher salt out of her cleavage.
"...more like his personality." Isane clarified.
"Oh! Uhh... You know what? He's one of the few people that's ever complimented me on streamlining like 80% of the paperwork we have to do." Rangiku nodded, fishing the limes out as well. "Always has stuff done waaaay before I expected and I feel like a bit of a jerk for not replying immediately, but never complains if my stuff comes in late."
"Does he hang around and talk, or is he just really businesslike?" Nanao asks, eyes narrowed behind her glasses.
"Hmm..." Fowns Rangiku. "Kinda varies by the day- Sometimes he's all business, other times he'll stay and chat. I always assumed he wants to talk but sometimes he's got work, you know?"
There is much confused muttering as the limes are cut, when Unohana raises a finger.
"...How is he with Lieutenant Hitsugaya?" She asks.
"Oh, he ADORES Toshiro!" Rangiku nods enthusiastically, salting her shot glass. "He actually does the majority of Toshiro's Bankai training now because The Old Man handed it off to him so he could focus on teaching Zaraki Everything But Kendo- which, bless him for doing that, Shiro-kin could literally freeze my tits off!- and he really does a good job listening to Toshiro's concerns and confusions- he's a sensitive boy, you know? And Koma-kun is so gentle with him and to be honest I always eavesdrop on his advice because I could use it too. Delightful man all around." She nodded, and moved to down her drink.
"...Why?" She asked, pausing her drink and glaring suspiciously at Unohana.
Unohana nods with the clarity of enlightenment. "Nothing serious, but everything makes sense now." She smiles, then cracks into a small giggle. "It's rather charming, actually."
"Care to elaborate?" Soi Fon grumbles.
"Yeah that answered NOTHING." Rangiku glares.
"We noticed an interesting disparity in his behavior." Unohana explains, pushing her own glass towards Rangiku to fill. "For me, Captain Fon, and Lieutenant Ise, Komamura-Taicho is very polite, but sticks to the matter at hand and will not volunteer any further conversation. For Lieutenant Koetetsu, Miss Kuchiki and apparently Lieutenant Hitsugaya, he has all the time in the world and is quite the chatterbox."
"...Weird." Rangiku frowns, intrigued by the puzzle. "For me it's like, half and half?"
"Not quite, I think." Unohana smirks. "What do Isane, Rukia and young Toshiro all have in common?"
The Resounding Silence of Thinking Very Hard around the table was a bit of a disappointment, but they were about three bottles into the evening already.
"Can't be Height." Nanao hummed. "Rukia and Shiro-Kun are shorter than a stack of pancakes but Isane's got legs that are too long for the cover of Vouge."
"Isane and Toshiro are both silver-haired, but not me, and he doesn't seem to be particularly close to Ukitake-Taicho and I think I've actually seen him run out of a room to avoid Gin." Rukia puzzled.
"What? RUDE." Rangiku protested.
"They're all under a century old, right?" Rangiku pondered.
"No, I'm almost two hundred!" Isane sighed. "Oh wait- we all graduated early from the Academy!"
"Ehhhh, I graduated because I got adopted, I'm not a genius like you and Shiro-kun." Rukia waved. "Also, how would HE know that?"
"You're all Lieutenants!" Rangiku perked up.
"Not yet I'm not!" Rukia protested.
"Pfsh- you run half the division anyway. Jushiro should promote you to Co-lieutenant with Kaien already!" Rangiku waved.
"Its- it's complicated." Rukia mumbled. "Also, Nanao-chan is a Lieutenant and he doesn't like her!"
"Does it have to do with how freakishly huge he is?" Soi Fon asked.
"...Yes, actually." Unohana decided. Sajin might not have so much trouble thermoregulating if he was the size of a regular wolf. She reasoned privately.
"Also, He likes Nanao-chan just fine as far as I know. I think it's less about how much he enjoys your company- which I think he does, he's not one for putting on facades- and more about how much he enjoys your Proximity." She clarified, taking her shot. "Oh, this is good, what is it?"
"Cabrito Blanco." Rangiku read off. "Huh. The Cabrito on the label sure ain't Blanco." She frowned at the brown goat.
"None of us have transferred out of the Division we started in, but again, how would he know? and that hasn't got anything to do with Proximity..." Isane frowned.
Rukia slammed her glass down. "WOW that's got a kick. Maybe uhhhh... None of us wear perfume, but Gin doesn't either. I hope. I don't want to get close enough to find out."
"He's really not that bad-" Rangiku sulked. "OH, 'Blanco' refers to the tequila and this is that goat's white tequila!" She realized.
"Sometimes I wish I could take a weekend vacation in your brain. Its machinations fascinate me." Soi Fon teased. "Hmmm... Lotta close but no Cigar, you're all young-ish, Isane and Toshiro have living relatives and Rukia has a large adopted family, but again, not exclusive or Proximal. You're also all S-rank duelists with- OH!"
"Shh, I'm enjoying the flailing." Retsu grinned.
"Pfff- okay, that is kinda cute and I don't blame him." Soi Fon giggled. "Sometimes I'm real glad my seat is right next to The Old Man for the same reason. Or opposite reason, I guess."
"Bwah?" Rangiku frowned.
"I do the same thing with You, Momo and The Old Man that He's doing with them." Soi Fon grinned. Rangiku frowned, peculiar machinations grinding slowly through the tequila, before she suddenly cackled, head thrown back so hard Unohana had to reach out and grab her by the scarf to keep her from tipping her chair over.
"OH NOOOOOOOO!!" She wailed, shoulders shaking. "Oh- that's cute but Toshiro can NEVER find out he'll be such a brat about it!"
"Sorry I'm late, I had to finish the latest report on the Rice Farm Subsidy Fraud Investigation!" Momo panted, jogging in late. "-What can't Toshiro find out about?"
"There is SOMETHING that You, ran-chan and Yamamoto-sama share, and it's the same thing but backwards as what Me, Hitsugaya, and Isane have in common that Komamura-taicho really likes it or something, and THEY know but won't TELL US and its MAKING ME CRAZY!" Rukia wailed.
Momo stood, expression blank for a few moments. "Wait. You didn't know?"
"KNOW WHAT?" Rukia wailed.
"That Komamura hangs around with people with Ic-Mmpf!" Momo started to reveal but was abruptly tackled and the rest of the sentence smothered in Rangiku's Cleavage.
"With WHAT?" Nanao demanded. "What do they have that I don't?"
"-Hang on." Isane frowned, the slowly turned to her captain, squinting. "Is. Is this a... Physics Issue?"
"That's one way to phrase it." Unohana smiled as Momo flailed for air.
"Oh my Gooooood..." Isane groaned. "Why doesn't he just ASK? I'd happily go over and give Itegumo some practice, I hate summertime too!"
"Huh?" Rukia glared, as Momo finally fought her way free and gasped for air.
"Itegumo? That's your- ohhhhhhh." Nanao realized. "That's. Okay yeah that's actually really cute." She giggled. "Poor guy. The armor can't help with that, can it?"
"That's what I keep telling him but it's-" Unohana waved her hands and grimaced with frustration. "-He wears the armor because he's facing the *stupidest* form of Political Persecution I've ever heard of." she sighed.
"Really?" Asked Momo. "Captain Tousen said Komamura told him it's because he's got a major disfigurement or something?"
Unohana sighed and rolled her eyes. "Komamura is FINE, he's just- It's complicated and medically private but trust me, the helmet is a reasonable precaution against an absurd problem."
"Oh." Momo winced. "Well, I'm glad he's medically alright at least!" "I'm so fucking confused." Rukia whimpered, deflating over the table in despair. "Is. Is hanging out with me making him less sick or something??"
"...Yes!" Unohana smiled. "Or at least, makes his condition more physically comfortable."
Rukia turned that over a few times. "...Talking with him is helping?"
"Yes, but only if you're in the same room with him. Doesn't work over the phone." Unohana nodded.
"Okay." Rukia said, reaching for the nearest bottle. "Lets talk about something else."
Years Later, after the Bedlam of her attempted execution and Subsequent Rescue, Rukia finally saw Komamura's face.
It was a bit awkward, walking into the hospital room in search of her brother to find a nine-and-a-half foot tall wolfman wearing the Seventh Division Captain's Haori visiting Momo. It took her a moment to realize who he was, and another as some neurons connected and she squawked indignantly, pointing at him.
"My apologies, Lieutenant Kuchiki, but-" He sighed, ears flattening back against his head with Chargin.
"AIR CONDITIONING?!?!" She bellowed.
Komamura scrunched back, chagrined. For a massive apex predator, he did an excellent Kicked Puppy face.
"Rukia!" Momo protested faintly from her hospital bed. "Keep your voice down, I don't want Toshiro to find out!"
"Find out what?" Hitsugaya grunted, stepping out from behind Rukia.
"Ah, Well-" Komamura started to explain.
"...Summer is very uncomfortable when you have a fur coat you can't take off." Komamura winced.
"Uh, duh?" Hitsugaya rolled his eyes, strolling into the room. "I didn't know you were chilling Koetetsu and Kuchiki here as well, but I kinda figured you enjoyed the cold when you stayed at my Bankai training like, five times longer than Gramps ever did."
"My apologies for the deception." Komamura bowed his head.
"It's no big deal." Hitsugaya shrugged, putting a hand up to indicate he wanted help up onto the hospital bed, and Komamura obliged.
"See? I use you being tall too." he smirked.
Komamura sighed fondly as the boy sat down between him and Momo. "Momo makes me chill all her juice too, but she never seems to warm up my tea." he handed her a juice box from the vending machine down the hall, covered in condensation.
"It would explode." Momo grumbled.
"Skill Issue." He shrugged and she affectionately swatted him on the leg. "Anyway, don't dogs cool off through their paws?"
"I'm from a wolf clan, but yes." Komamura cocked his head with curiosity, then alarm when Toshiro casually grabbed his forearm and started tugging his Gauntlets off.
"I don't mind being a human ice pack, especially not when it's nintey-eight freakin' degrees out, but be efficient about it, yeah?" Toshiro grumbled, tossing the gauntlet aside and plopping Komamura's pawlike hand on top of his head.
"...Thank you." Komamura smiled gently, and ruffled his hair a bit.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Hitsugaya shrugged, playing the tough guy even as his ears turned red. "At least you're polite about it! Freakin' Zaraki literally just grabbed me- like, put his whole arm through the office window! and threw me over his shoulders once. Jerk."
"TOSHIRO!" Momo yelped, hand on her face. "You almost made juice come out of my nose!" She half-giggled while Rukia snort-laughed at the mental image.
"Hey Kuchiki!" Hitsugaya growled. "He's got two paws!"
"You can't boss me around! You don't outrank me anymore!" She grinned.
"I have seniority." he teased, and the bed started to shake as Komamura tried not to laugh.
"You really don't need to-" Komamura tried to diffuse the argument. His voice was rock-steady but the wide grin betrayed him.
"You gotta follow my orders though!" Ukitake said cheerfully, appearing in the door. "Hi Lieutenant Hinamori!"
"C-captain!" Rukia yelped, spinning around to Salute. "What are your orders, Sir?
"Shh, nothing's happening. But I did hear you squawking from two floors down, so what's happening?" Ukitake smiled down at her.
"Captain Komamura has APPARENTLY been hanging around me and the other Shinigami with Ice Zanpakuto and using us as Air Conditioners!" Rukia glared up at her commanding officer.
"...Rukia," Ukitake patted her head and smiled gently. "Do you remember where Lieutenant Kaien's desk was?"
"Second door on the left, right next to your office, Sir!" She nodded.
"Right! And where's your desk?" Ukitake asked, leaning in closer to her.
Rukia blinked, confused. "...It's immediately adjacent to your desk in your offi- GOD DAMMIT! NOT YOU TOO?"
"Yep!" Ukitake cheerfully patted her head and then palmed it to turn her around to face Komamura. "Hop to it!"
"Technically, I got the Idea from him, when I saw how he'd rearranged the furniture..." Komamura whispered as he helped her up onto the bed as well and Rukia groaned in defeat, settling next to Komamura where she could sulk at her captain from over the wolfman's broad shoulders.
"Oh, stop pouting!" Ukitake teased, sitting down on the chair beside Momo's bed and leaning back. "It'll be winter soon enough. Actually, Your friend Mr. Yasutora told me about a fascinating wintertime holiday in the Living World-"
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fertilize-my-eggs · 7 months
“ why can't I get a girlfriend huh?? ”creepy incel shigaraki x fem chubby reader noncon smut
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A/N: hello!! This modern quirkless au oneshot, I don't have any plans for this one sorry. This is more of fanon unhinged feral shigaraki and extremely delusional asf in this. If I miss any tagged let me know and I'm sorry if it isn't proofread!! ( There the full story in A03 )
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“ why can't I get a girlfriend huh?? ” 
It's echoing in your mind as he holds your neck tightly with his slim fingers, how did you get here? 
Well you were having a terrible day, seeing this strange blue haired man everywhere you go.
At first you just saw him as a regular customer while you were working at a game store, he happened to appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night.
He taps on your shoulder as he gives you an unnerving nausea, you try your best to be polite.
“ What can I help you s-sir? ” this man didn't know any personal space as he leaned in and said.
“ Any options on this game? ” He rasfully spoke as he tapped on a cover that looked like an RPG with cute anime girls on it.
You were clueless when it comes to games, you look into his blood red eyes.
“ uhh… it's a great game, with a strong main character with a love stor- ” he rolled his eyes as he huffed in annoyance.
“ ughhh does it have sex scene in it?? ” you blink at him a few times.
“ Excuse me? ” There was long awkward silence as you felt a chill run down your spine as you tried your best not to judge a customer too fast.
“ well I've never played it but- ”
“ but? How the hell did you get this job in the first place if you don't know any game… npc females.. ” he whispers the last part quietly but you hear it loud and clear as you cleanse your throat.
“ I'm sorry sir. ” he ignored you completely as he put the game back on the shelf as he collected the games he was interested in. You rushed to the register as he put the games on the countertop.
You felt unsafe by this one customer but it's your night shift and it was your closing time. 
All you have to do is scan the products and send him on his way home, you grab one game at a time as you scan it. Maybe he was just grumpy and had a sour mood today or…
You flinched as his fingers resting on your hand as he said.
“... you.. are very beautiful.” you quickly removed your hand as you put a fake smile on.
“ Thank you… sir. ” he was giving you the ick and he didn't like how you reacted from his touch.
“ your cost is $67.45, would you like a bag sir? ” he nods his head as he remains quiet, watching you put the games into the plastic.
He grabs the bags as he walks to the door to leave, you thought you'd never see him again but boy are you wrong.
You started to feel a pair of eyes staring behind your back whenever you went to your job, you spotted him in a public area. At first you thought you'd had hallucinations seeing him and his long blue locks hidden in his hood, all black clothing as he disappeared into the crowd of people.
You noticed little things disappearing as well, you couldn't find your dirty panties. You were quite messy by leaving your clothes around the house, you were able to find them sooner… but it never comes back, your pillow cover has a questionable sticky texture and it smells horrendous!
It's been a couple of days, you decided to report it to the cops about your stalker but they simply told you that they'll take action if he does something… meaning they weren't gonna help you out and you were helpless.
You were woken up by him in your pitch black room, his hands at your throat not too harsh but it was firm.
You couldn't speak as you begin to tear up.
“ hello.. y/n. Aren't you glad to see me? "You could see his sharp eyes staring at you as he began to speak.
“ I don't understand…” he tilted his head as he loses it a bit so you could breathe a little.
“ I try to be nice.. but every female always rejects me, they always want a male that treats them like trash.”
“ They call me ugly weirdo… a freak of nature.” his fingers lightly rubbed your skin.
“ I’m a nice guy I-...” he leans in so close that your noses are touching.
“ I don't understand… ”
“ Why can't I get a girlfriend huh?? ” he raised his voice. It's echoing in your mind as he holds your neck tightly with his slim fingers.
“ I'll treat you right, give you everything baby. ” he slowly licks your cheek.
“ I'll let no npc hurt you…I'll murder them just for you ~. ” this man is a psychopath, you need to escape but somehow he reads your mind as he begins to chuckle.
“ trying to leave? You're not in your own room darling.. you're tied up in my room, I'm surprised you didn't wake up. You're a heavy sleeper hahaha ~ ” you blink a few times to process what he said as he removes his hands.
“ What the hell are you talking about?!? Are you insane??? ” you begin to sob out, taking the air in as he flickers the light. He was right it wasn't your room, it was far different from yours as you noticed familiar underwears on the floor.
“ I grew tired of jacking off to your filthy panties so I want the real thing.. "You were yank harshly as he spread your thighs wide.
“ Stop!! release me plea- ” you cry out, feeling his rough lips on your sensitive area, you start to squirm fast as he surp you like it was his last meal. It was so sloppy and  inexperienced, this man didn't know how to please a woman.
You yelp as your eyes look down at him, he rubs your skin softly as he growls.
“ stop moving like that unless you want harsh punishment? ” You were unable to speak due to how terrifying this situation is and you don't want him upset, who knows how he will act.
You shake your head but he slaps your thighs hard as you sob out.
“ I need words. "You look away as you look back to his vermilion eyes.
“ no.. ” he wasn't having it but you could see the faint smirk on his lips, he clearly enjoys this.
“ you're my little plaything.. my player two mhmm~ ” you arch your back up feeling his hot mouth on your pussy, you made a high pitch moan as he slid his digits into your hole.
“ ohh god~!! ” his hungry lustful eyes stare at you.
Tongue flick your clit in harsh circles, his fingers crossed, push up your wall to find it..
Your eyes blink the tears away, you can't let this man have his satisfaction so you bite your lips and look away.
His hand landing on your thighs again as you scream in pain.
“ Keep staring at me… you really want me to punish you so bad hehe~.. ” your eyes wide in fear.
“ no!! Please don't. ” You begged him but he chuckled and went back to eating you out.
His arm wrapped around your thighs as he used his thumb on your clit, rubbing it fast and hard circles.
You couldn't wait any longer as your unwanted orgasm hit you fast, your eyes rolled back and your toe curled in.
“ shit… ahh fuck.. ” you pant heavily, feeling the bed move by him humping the sheets. You can hear his pathetic whimpers and groans as he swallows all your juices.
It's felt like hours as you're crying hard from the overstimulating, he continues to eat you out and bring out three orgasms.
“ please… no more. "You pant heavily, he gives a few sloppy kisses to your clit then finally move away.
“ We're just getting started with this gameplay~ you need to be trained to take this cock hehehe~ ” he purrs sweetly, seeing his face covered in your cum.
“ Please let me go, I don't want this... ” he rolled his eyes at you and he begins to mock your voice.
“ I don't want this, I wanna go home!! You're NOT leaving coz you're mine~!!! Your home is here with me. Don't you understand that!! ”
He grabs your neck firmly as he leans in.
“ I'm your boyfriend… shigaraki tomura~ ” you blink at him, you think you hear his name on the news being a japan world wanted criminal what the hell is he doing here in this country??
He has no patience as he grabs his thick long cock to your entrance as he begins to slide in, you scream at him to stop.
“ stop!!! it's fucking hurt! Please-. ” he covered your mouth fast.
“ God you're such a brat-... don't know how to shut up… mhmm but you feel so good and tight aughh~ ” he pushed more of it, pulling out slowly as he looked down.
“ oh… I see why it was hurting, you're losing your virginity.. ahh it's okay baby~ we are losing it together.” the blood covers his whole length as you closed your eyes tight, your mouth was open letting out a silent scream.
He caresses your cheek tenderly.
“ soon I'll destroy your mindset, you're become my wife… fuck~ ! ” His body language changes as he thrusts faster and harder into you.
“ Soon you'll carry my children.. ahhh  shit can't wait until you produce milk.. ” he leans in to bite your nipples, sucking it gently as he humping your body. Your mind went blank and a sobbing mess from the unwanted pleasure.
He harshly pushes your thighs to your head as he moves at fast paced.
“ I can't wait to see you nice and round of our baby ~. ” he kisses your breasts softly.
“ we got plenty of time to breed your insides~ aughh fuck~!! Want to make you a perfect mommy.. ” he whimpers out, his cock sliding in and out of your slippery cunt.
He covered your mouth as he smirk wide.
“ I'll fuck a baby into you in many rounds until you're full with my cum. ” he sigh heavy, your shaky eyes couldn't see him properly as you feel your head getting a headache and see blackness around.
“ Are you ready player two? Ready for our new save? A new life together you and I~ ” you felt heat in your core as he made a high pitch groan releasing his white thick cum hitting your wall, you felt it filling fast as you cried out and he removed his hand to passionately make out with you.
The cries were muffled as he bit your bottom lip, pulling it away as he rode his high. He called out your name and his dick twitched excitedly as he pants.
He kisses your face sweetly.“ I love you.. I love you Y/n you'll never leave… and if you do. ” you knew he was just manipulating you, his whole act seem so fake as his eyes have a shine in them.
“ you'll get a severe punishment if you do~ ” his thumb rubs your lips softly.
“ you're mine… you're my beautiful wife.. ” he looked down to rub your belly tenderly.
“ our beautiful baby as well~.. ”
“ you're insane.. ” he looked into your eyes and coo sweetly.
“ insane? No no no baby.” he pulled your face close.
“ I'm only insane for you.. my love for you is passion and if anyone touches what is mine. ” he grabs your neck softly.
“ they will die..” he begins to move his hips as you begin to cry.
“ You belong to me~.. ”
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voidsentprinces · 9 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @eorzeanflowers
Tagging: @under-the-blood-moonlight @placesyoucallhome @meatball-headache-part-2 @ashenbun @eriyu @windup-dragoon @strawbebbynya @disciple-of-frost and uhh...Viewers Like You. Do it. DO IT OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN WITH ATHENA! Or don't...I haven't unlocked Pandaemonium yet...or probably ever.
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An obscure character who doesn't appear until the Finale of Avatar the Last Airbender. They are the deadliest opponent Team Avatar ever faces including Ozai later in the finale. And like any good villain instead of fracturing the force to make them go off on their own and leaving Aang alone. The Melon Lord forces the Team to work together and utilize their strengths. And makes Aang face his doubts about defeating Ozai and killing him. But also brings out that the rest of Team Avatar have no qualms about Ozai falling even Zuko. Which is why it falls to Aang to find another solution of his own. Truly the Melon Lord is the series most iconic villain even if they are only briefly in the series. But if anime like say DeathNote has taught me anything, a character can show up for 5 seconds and get an entire backing behind it.
2. Kanaya
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She's a lesbian alien vampire with a fashion sense and a chainsaw and she uses the blood of her enemies as her lipstick. What the fuck isn't there to like?
3. Kanji Tatsumi
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He's just a REALLY GOOD GUY, okay? Dude is just trying to make it out of here alive and live his life. After experiencing gay panic by being attracted to a masculine presenting person.
4. Astarion
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The sexiest character all through the alpha pre-release, is the only person not trying to sleep with me. He's there for if I want to murder a son a bitch or if I was to take another path out. Dude has been nothing but a supportive bro from the onset. Respect.
5. Makima
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We here on this blog respect women's rights and women's VERY WRONGS
6. Haurchefant Greystone
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7. Arthas Menethil
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The walking embodiment of a sunk cost fallacy turning a hero into an iconic villain.
8. Mae Borowski
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Man I knew a few people like her, so she is kind of like a nostalgic friend.
9. Ranni the Witch
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In every FromSoft game, I find at least one character who I put my entire all behind. But is the first time, there was an ending that felt worth while in pursuing who I was happy to follow til the ends of the earth. It didn't feel like I was fulfilling my destiny but helping someone else fulfill theirs. Even if she is the reason the game started to begin with.
10. Samwise Gamgee
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What is there to say? Just Samwise Gamgee.
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voiddemon · 2 years
damn girl im for real gonna have to just. make a voiddemon 'here's why everything is this way and here's my bullshit' post. anyway here's every au ever made by MY ASS explained poorly
older orbs: everyone is older, maybe by like 10/20 years. sometimes when i post under older orbs it's like between them being proper adults and them transitioning into being adults. mostly do this with my gay shit because it's fun for me. :) This thing is very very old and has changed a lot as my headcanons have
streamer au: joke au where everyone streams and like every game is just a crazy livestream. most of the time it means the games actually happen and it's livestreamed, but also they just livestream on the side. idk it was fun to draw and think about
LM au: little mermaid skirfluff i've written like. a lot for this shockingly. i lied actually it was only 7k ish words but i've drawn a LOT for it. the whole thing is a lot. go through the lm au tag if you're really interested but tldr mermaids, homosexuals, shadow kirby makes one really stupid decision and it pays the fuck off, dmk is homophobic and got a divorce, prince fluff goes through way too much for a happy ending for real. yin and yarn go through a lot too but they're ultimately good guys. also kin-yarn is canon and somewhat plot relevant, as during the climax they figure out what skirby really is since KINE fuck you. hate and war.
FLIPPEd LM au: very different and not explored super in depth. it's not actually based off the little mermaid really. just makes prince fluff a mermaid who is really homosexual and shadow kirby some guy. yin and yarn are bad guys in this one, since fluff leaves them in charge of everything while he turns himself human to convince skirby to be homogay with him. they then take over but things get better.
western: it's this whole thing and one of those big aus that basically change the whole story and it's like go write a book but no i don't. i haven't posted about it enough to talk about it actually. tldr the mirror world is a physical place, and the mirror worlders start essentially a tiny war with their counterparts. dmk steals galaxia and then gets chased into the fairy lands (k64 land, which hasn't really happened yet), shadow kirby takes a lot of L's then wow what a surprise prince fluff is here, shadow dedede gets his house blown up because dmk and skirby blew up Chateau Dedede (to get galaxia).
anime skirby: Shadow kirby either voluntarily or involuntarily is sent to the animeverse during star allies and grows as a person. he and anime kirby bond and have a cute adoptive brother thing going on and it's the best part of the whole thing. skirby being sent there ultimately puts the world in danger because of how nightmare from the anime works but it all turns out okay in the end'
the unnamed au in which KATAM is delayed until after star allies, but around the time when KATAM should have happened dark mind still appears and takes full control of the mirror world: read the title. uhhh shadow kirby got split into 4 different dudes, shadow dedede is possessed forever and is reduced to a mindless pawn to keep all four of them in check, dark meta knight is girlbossing and thriving and driven by his own ego. the mirror worlders kidnap meta knight to provoke everyone and also for the lols. everyone gets their ass thoroughly kicked. all of the star allies go home happy. prince fluff is a star ally in dmk's place which really isn't relevant but i think it's fun.
evil prince fluff aus: this has so many like offshoots but the main two are: he's gay and evil AND he's just evil. in the gay ones he's usually snapped and lost his shit and decided if he can't be homosexual he's just going to take over the world. in the non-gay ones he's probably possessed by one of the uhh jamba heart things that showed up during star allies. usually yin-yarn is involved regardless of the variant, and he eggs fluff on and works with him (planning to just take over and use him as a puppet eventually)
nightmare scenario: the most out there shit ever actually. nightmare has feelings and is more of a person beyond being a being that only exists to cause nightmares and be bad and stinky and evil. he finds patchland and sets up camp there since it has a dream fountain hidden away from everyone on that planet, and dreamland is close enough on a planetary level that he can hop to the dream fountain there. he creates prince fluff for fun and accidentally brings him to life by dropping him in the dream fountain. Nightmare proceeds to have a custody battle with some fucking guy, he then goes off to be evil and is killed by kirby, then everything else happens as normal and Prince Fluff generally grows up to be haunted by who his father is. nightmare is actually for real dead so over time the universe is shifting the burden of existing as a manifestation of nightmares onto him, which sucks because he's trying to be a good person despite his instincts to do crime. for gay purposes this makes everything SUPER FUCKING COMPLICATED. also prince fluff is hiding who made him from everyone and acting like he doesn't know.
kin-yarn tnt wizards: tjhey have sex on poinjt beta
there's more but like those are the ones i remember/have revealed to the world. you have no idea how much gay shit i have inside my silly brain.
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maguro13-2 · 1 month
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.26
"9 Years ago"
"Resort Island"
Seto : Hmm? What is this place?
Solva : Looks like we just traveled into one of the Doll's memories.
Saya : We're in the last stages of Sega's Console Era, it had been a major era for the company before the Playstation and the Xbox, Nintendo and Sega had been stepping into the world of 3D Environment before Sonic Adventure was created.
Solva : I remember. This is the incident they were talking about, the Tails Doll Incident.
Seto : You knew?
Solva : Yeah, yeah, master had a great memory on what happened during that incident. Ever since that doll lost in a footrace to it's original counterpart, he was starting to play a game of tag and he was this doll that the scientist desigined him to only have participated in one job, it's this race and only appeared in one of the titles before he disappeared.
Seto : Sega loves to have the nerves that doesn't bring back characters past, no wonder why they left out that Fang guy.
Solva : Fang? I thought his name was Nack the Weasel.
Seto : He is, but no...It's actually Fang.
Seto : All of these characters from Sonic's past we're forgotten and never came back. But who would've known that the company was had began to forget every company they did, but for the company...Corporations and corporate greed...aren't my thing for a cup of tea.
Solva : It's hard to believe that franchises like these on any consoles had forced the company to go out of business with that hard ware. Unlike SNK, they used to be in the hardware business. Oh wait a sec, that's the name of a company that make arcade games.
Seto : References. References, I wonder how are we going to do with that company?
Saya : No time to chit chat, we must be carefully make our moves to get into covert.
Seto : Uhh, right! No time to hang out, we better make the perfect timing. When the game of tag starts, Tails Doll is the first to tag his robot comrades, let's what happens when this doll plays a game of tag.
Solva : Okay, guys. Get ready...the game is about to start.
Eggrobo : Alright, doll. Looks like this game is about to get serious.
Tails Doll : I'm gonna make you eat those words, pal.
Metal Knuckles : Try us.
[Start Fanfare by Richard Jacques]
[Can you Feel the Sunshine by TJ Davis & Richard Jacques]
Seto : [To Solva] Hey, you feeling about listening to Nostalgia?
Solva : Yeah, I know...It's that darn music that played throughout the ears.
Saya : Guys...I don't think we're playing the game, It's the song that everyone talking about, that fan-favorite song in a Saturn game.
Seto : Hold on does that mean...
Solva : Uh-oh, It's the doll's favorite song. And I can't get it out of my head...
[they began to cover their ears]
Seto : Ah, Jeez louise! That song! Why do I feel like they've been listening to it for years? Can't resist...
Solva : Make it stop! Make it stop!
Saya : I have no idea why does this always happened in the game! Some composer for a Sonic Title that does not have to make this music so hard!
Seto : If only we can only to find a way to resist ourselves from that fan-obsessed music. We would never be in this mess...That's it, we can cover our ears with this. Som good piece of gum*
Solva : I got a better idea, wear these!
*Put on headsets*
Seto : Thanks, I always I wanted to do the noise pollution! What are they?
Solva : They're called Headnotes and I believe that they have the opportunity to keep the noise pollution into your hears.
Seto : Thanks for your advice! That stupid song we'll never get into our heads!
Eggrobo : No, Tails Doll! Stop! What are you doing!? My insides are pouring out! UWAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Metal Knuckles : Hey! No! What do you think you're doing!? Step off, man! AAAAAAHHH!!
Metal Sonic : You fool! What have been you doing!? Stop! This is playing a game of tag, what kind of game is this!?
Seto : What's that doll doing now!?
Tails Doll : This is for abandoning me! This is for failing me! And this is for ruining my career!
Metal Sonic : Look! I said I was sorry, I didn't meant to ruin your career, you only had one job, one job and that's it!
Solva : Sounds like we're in deep grave danger, that doll is turning against on his comrades.
Saya : It sounded like he's starting a revenge plot on...Oh no.
Seto : What?
Saya : He's heading straight to you know who.
*Points to Super Sonic*
Seto : That can't be good! If he tags the last one, the incident might be happened again, we must prevent that incident happening from before! Stay on my six.
Solva : Ryokai!
Classic Super Sonic : This game of Tag is boring. I'm outta here.
Tails Doll : And now...you're mine!
Seto : Now!
*DBZ SFX : Jump*
Tails Doll : What!?
*GLASS Breaking*
Tails Doll : No! How did you know that I was gonna do that!?
Seto : Heh! I won fair and sqaure, now that the idiots won't even have to free you again or you tagging your comrades on purpose. Guess what, that game of boring tag wasn't a game of tag at all, it was your dirty scheme to have revenge on the hedgehog that beaten you in a footrace on that day! Too bad that you've been thrown a like pieces of trash for a washed up doll you are.
Tails Doll : Well...You're nothing but a whiny little b*tch that makes you a hot headed person. But what's the matter you got cold feet or you're just gonna stand there like a bunch of chickens. I guess this is the part where you die in this entire realm, you'll be having your bodies to be tasted by being the first of my victims! *laughs evilly*
[Destiny Confrontation by Akira Yamaoka]
Seto : Okay then, now we're playing real this time! Looks like you're losing your sunshine after all, can't be loosing if you're begging for it.
Solva : You'll be having a mouthful of worms when we're through with you, now give us the info.
Tails Doll : You want the info, I suggest that you should feel lucky about that girl's place of origin throughout the galaxy...But too bad, when I get crush some spirits like yours, I'll be squashing every grapes and make your blood aged fine like wine!
Maste Hand/Announcer : TEAM SETO...VS...TAILS DOLL!
Tails Doll : You'll never know about the demons that controls the night, I shall give humans fear with all my might!
Seto : Just say when!
Solva : You're on!
Saya : I am needed of energy assistance to beat you down!
Master Hand/Announcer : Ready...? GO!!
*Starts the battle*
Tails Doll : I slained many humans to cower in fear and when the time is right, I am fed with the doctor's orders and I decided to plan a diabolical coup to overthrow this man's life, but "NO"! Metal Sonic decides to take my plans away from me and get to do all the fun he wants. So I devised a plan that I used the heartless to destroy that pitiful doctor once and for all.
Seto : Yeah, right! In your dreams, dolly! Your plans always fail, you won't be making diabolical schemes any more.
Solva : We won't have to proven your tricks to see how much effort is it for you to be so uncool to let all that sunshine go to waste!
Saya : What a repulsive doll you are, so much that you had to be wasted with all that potential you have left in your system. That's why decided to abandon like street trash! The only thing left for you is this realm you created! That's girlie stuff for ya!
Tails Doll : Cocky little brat! Don't worry, this will teach you a lesson!
*Energy Sound effects by Hidenori Arai"
Seto : Woah! Look out!
Solva : I always hate having fun with those guys! But this is not the way how it goes! So you wanna play huh? Don't worry, I'll play with you..
*Converts to her sadistic personality*
Solva : *sadistically* Come out, come out, wherever you are? I'm just getting a little fun, but this is the real fun you should know about!
*uses hers powers to create her scythe*
Solva : *sadistically* I can make you a stuffed animal filled with blood in your body, let's play for real...Doll!
Tails Doll : I'll tear you to pieces! RRRAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!
Tails Doll : You...a predator, you've to be joking me!
Solva : Well I don't like your tone, you make me so satisfied, but clever and being a total worthless plush who wanted to make you my b*tch to be played. Let's play a game of who gets to be severed first.
Tails Doll : Wisely! Let's settle this, chick magnet! Time to have your flesh cut and eat them like raw meat!
Solva : *sadistically* Two slow, ya coward!
Solva : Hmph! Too easy!
Tails Doll : GYAAAAAAHHH!!!
*DBZ SFX : Collapse*
Tails Doll : ...You!
Solva : *Sadistically* Score one for Solva the mad girl!
Tails Doll : *growling angrily* ....You're better than I expected, I never thought a bunch of pipsqueaks would do anything for you two, but if you want us to cut me some slack I'll give you a little demonstration! But for now...This game of charades is going to change! Playtime is over! TRANSFER POWER NOW!!!
Seto : W-What!?
Solva : *reverts to normal personality* What now!?
Tails Doll : Haaaaaaaah....
*DBZ SFX : Energy warbling*
Saya : Oh no! It's going to fuse with an embryo, an embryo in which he implanted himself with some kind organic creature!
Tails Doll : I allowed my vital signs to combine these special powers with an embryo that I was implanted with special organic powers! These powers will demonstrate that the Embryo inside me will activate and I will fuse into becoming the ultimate combination that will end all of you! Fu...sion...HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
*DBZ SFX : Fusion+Energy Wave*
Seto : No way!
Solva : Uh-oh!
Saya : What is this bright light!?
*Scenario ends to dinner*
Eve : Hold up, you're saying that Two-tailed was responisble for the Tails Doll Curse incident, but how on earth did you prevented that happened? Like me, Eve Neuschwanstein, it never happened a long time or perhaps that it happened when I was supposed to prevent ever happening.
Seto : We discovered in that realm that it was this Doll that had something to do with getting his revenge, he turned on his comrades for calling himself a failure and used a plot revenge to unleash the curse from himself. Luckily, he was going to tag Sonic in his super form, the one he raced out with. After we managed to stop immediately and we dedicated that we have no choice but to fight against him.
[Warmth by Kenichi Tokoi]
Eve Neuschwanstein : Yeah, I'd like the sound of that.
Seto : So...How long are you gonna stay and watch horror movies? we have gain access to the movie theater to proceed movie night at headquarters, it's residential since the entire castle's a facility.
Eve Neuschwanstein : Movie night at the castle, is where humans go and watch movies at this castle?
Seto : Precisely, built by the mad scientist himself, we do have a little free time at the facility.
Eve Neuschwanstein : Wow...Having movie night at the castle sound great...Movie Theater's venues for the robots, right. But do we have movie night at home?
Solva : Sure, because we want to do breaks or even postpone our missions during free time.
Eve : Good for you.
Solva : I had years of practice of being a housewife girl in the castle. I was queen of the popularity since I lost that role as a predator.
Eve : The predator, you mean those criminals that Solva used work back in the world of "NEEDLESS"?
Solva : Huh? What are you talking about?
Eve :I mean...both me and Adam became a girl before the Time Eater erased it all single traces of our world. You were ringleaders of the predators, but then after Time Eater erased the world of Time Eater, something went wrong, both you and your personality has started to comeback.
Solva : Are you saying that the world of Needless was erased? How'd that happened? So I was a criminal back in the world in Needless, but when Seto and I Isekai'd between both worlds, I became a lovable Housewife girl and You Seto was the hero girl. Guess we did lost another universe before we started working for the reaper and therefor...
Seto : Therefor what...?
Solva : Therefor...You originally a member of the mercenaries guild who has a deadly sin of greed, and always thing about money. But after you died and got isekai'd, you let go of the sin of Greed and became a growing and energetic hero is not too greedy.
Seto : I was originally a greedy human being, but when Master Grim found during an Isekai, I became his apprentice and proposed myself as the next Shinigami of Japan, that's my dream title. I collect the souls of a million sinners and evil creatures that fight off against.
Eve : If only there was one person alive, maybe we could do something about it. I bet someone knows about us.
Disc-Chan : Then perhaps, you would see the details about one's world and universe all together, it hasn't felt like since the Time Eater lost everything.
Eve : Disc-Chan. You're still here in the castle.
Disc-Chan : Although I didn't eat anything from human food everyday, I only eat it once with a human digestive system. I don't know if an android or a machine can eat human food, that's real messed up. Don't worry, I can manage myself, I am an android.
Eve : You're still a smart thinker, Disc-Chan. But did you die when the world of NEEDLESS was destroyed by the Time Eater thingy?
Disc-Chan : Not much. But ever since Sailor Moon died in a horrible shuttle accident, it feels like that she's been alive somewhere from this point since we founded alive on the Lunar Base operated by Richard Osmond.
Eve : She hasn't seen the forces of evil for only a year, But I did mentioned about the birthplace of Maka Albarn.
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 2]
Maka Albarn : What? My birthplace? Where is it? Where could my birthplace be?
Disc-Chan : Relax, Albarn. Usagi and her friends finally discovered what the real birthplace of yours look like, communications from the satellite confirmed that the place and origin of Maka Albarn was the sanctuary that was established by the Phantonian Empire, it was built and created by King Phanto, the King of the Phantonians aka Lord Phanto I.
Solva : That's...the one who is responsible for all of those mask enemies back in Subcon! The Mask Enemies who guards the keys to Subspace, were connected to that guy, even the Shy Guys.
Seto : [to Maka] Mrs. Albarn, tell me your father didn't hid the truth that you were born in the sanctuary created by the King of the Mask Enemy?! Tell me that isn't true!
Maka Albarn : ....It's true, my human father never raised me on earth. But my other father did, Lord Phanto III, my mother and other father raised me at the sanctuary to make me the hero that I wanted to be, but I lied, I had nothing to do with the humans. Lord Phanto III himself decided to create a new sanctuary on the Earth's Moon.
Seto : But that's where the Lunar Base is at.
Solva : So where is the sanctuary that you were raised at?
"Mask Enemy of Subcon is really an intergalactic being...?"
"How can we not know about him, how did we knew about that...!?"
"So I believe Sailor Moon eventually knew that Lord Phanto III has created a new sanctuary that was created and established onto the moon..."
"That's all I can remember what the mask enemies of subcon had to remember..."
"And now that my sister knows where I was at...I could finally know if I coming back to Jupiter...but I can sense that my place of origin..."
"I'm sensing that my place of origin is in the Jovian System..."
"What does my ancestral father have to do with conquering Moons anyway...?"
~ Level 25 : Tails Doll's Game Pt.2 ~
0 notes
fruityutas · 4 years
wild | l.yy
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yangyang x gn!reader
not proofread
genre ~ best friend!au, pining, one-sided love, angst, happyish ending
wc ~ 1.9k
warnings ~ cursing? uhh mentions of food, and ofc the angst lol
synopsis ~ yangyang would always be your best friend, but a person in love can only take so much before their breaking point
note ~ based on troye sivan’s song wild, and part of the blue neighbourhood series
taglist ~ @du0tine , @badwithten​ , @softsungchan​
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the school year was coming to an end, and that meant summer was beginning. liu yangyang, your best friend, was raving on about all the plans he had for you two. you were barely listening, focusing more on him than what he was saying. you’d liked yangyang since middle school, and that was seven years ago. now seniors in high school, he still didn’t know. you honestly did plan on keeping it that way, but plans get spoiled all the time don’t they?
“hey, are you even listening?” yangyang snaps you out of the fantasy land in your head. “uh, yeah you were talking about… uh the water park?” he rolls his eyes. “no. but good guess, you doofus.” times like this made your heart pound. he was so close to you, staring into your soul. it made the butterflies erupt in your stomach. it was getting harder to avoid your feelings for him, the past seven years building them up. “should we get some ice cream? i heard this new place across town is really good.” you nod in agreeance and get up, dusting yourself off. “c’mon we can go in my car.” you both walk the short route to his house before he drives you to the shop. the hot air signaling the first breath of summer in your quaint town. the bell to the shop rings its sweet tune to alert of any customers coming in. yangyang races ahead of you and begins his order, turning to you after he finished. “i can get mine, it’s fine.” “if you don’t order right now-” you punch him in the arm before stepping up to the counter. “one scoop of mint choco in a cone please.” the worker makes quick work, and soon you’re stepping back outside into the humid air with cones in hand.
cause there’s still too long till the weekend, too long till i drown in your hands. too long since i’ve been a fool.
harboring your feelings for yangyang was hard, especially since he always looked so kissable. you hated yourself for not acting on your feelings. every time he talked about a girl, it broke a piece of your heart. you knew he didn’t like you back, and you tried to accept that. still, loving someone who could never love you back in the way you wanted was painful. everything about the world around you reminded you of him. almost every second of free time was spent with him, and when you were younger, you made a pact with each other. “i solemnly swear that we’ll always be best friends.” you smiled at the memory of you sitting with him in your backyard, sweaty from a game of tag, muttering the words to each other. if keeping yangyang in your life meant being hurt from this one-sided love, then you would hurt for the rest of your life. he meant so much to you and throwing that away was out of the question.
you’re driving me wild, wild, wild.
the first month of summer, yangyang kept his promise of hanging out with you, but he met someone during that time. she was everything you wanted to be to him. delicate face, soft voice, amazing personality. to say you were jealous was an understatement, every waking moment of the day you wanted to despise her so much, but it was impossible. she was perfect in every way. the days went on and yangyang would still hang out with you, but he would constantly talk about her. it hurt knowing he found someone to like, and it not being you. but you made a promise to yourself to be happy as long as he was.
never knew loving could hurt this good.
the weeks went on, and yangyang lessened his interactions with you in favor of his girlfriend. you would always say that it didn’t matter, but oh boy did it hurt. he told you one summer night that he thought he loved her. “she’s just so…” “perfect?” he snaps his fingers in agreement. “how do you always know what i’m trying to say?” you send him a small smile, patting his shoulder. “because i love you.” it came out a mumble, not meant to be heard by him. “what was that?” you stutter out a cheap excuse, terrified he heard you. “be...cause i’ve known you for so long!” yeah nice save idiot. 
the days grew longer and air hotter. it was the second month of summer and you were getting busy preparing for college, packing all your things little by little. you’d still call yangyang daily like normal, and talk about future plans and your days. you were going to the beach in three days, and yangyang was supposed to join you, it was a tradition between you. “oh, i forgot to tell you that i can’t come to the beach this year.” you stopped packing clothes, dumbfounded. “well why not?” a sigh was heard from his end. “i promised yingqi that she could pick a day to have a date and she chose wednesday… i wouldn’t have been able to do both since they overlap. i’m sorry but i promise that i’ll make up for it.” you stay silent, tears forming in your eyes. “uh, ok well that’s cool. just um, let me know when you come up with something else we can do. but listen i gotta go my mom is calling me for dinner, i’ll talk with you tomorrow yangs.”
you’re driving me wild.
the beach trip was lonely without yangyang there. your parents could tell his absence affected you more than you’d like to admit. it just wasn’t the same without him there. after getting back, you didn’t hear from him for three days. you were worried that maybe something happened while you were gone so you went to his house. his mother opened the door, giving you a much-needed hug. “it’s been so long, y/n! where have you been?” you laugh, she was always the worrier. “it’s been a bit busy with college preparations and all. do you know where yangyang is? he hasn’t texted or called in three days.” she snorted, letting you in the house. “that girlfriend of his has taken a lot of his time lately, but he’s up in his room right now.” you nod and yell a thank you as you ascend the stairs. creaking open his bedroom door, you call out to him. “yangyang? are you in here?” you hear shuffling from his closet, and a string of curses come out. “yeah, i’m in here.” you chuckle and walk further in his room. “is everything ok? i’ve had radio silence from you for three days.” he walks out with a few hoodies in hand. “oh yeah, shit. i’m sorry about that. i meant to call you after you got back but yingqi decided that would be the perfect time to call me. and then i went on some dates with her and it slipped my mind. dude, i feel bad.” a fake smile makes its way to your face, masking the pain. “it’s ok, you were spending time with your girlfriend. no biggie.” how could he see he was hurting you when he didn’t even pay attention to you?
“what are those hoodies for? are you finally cleaning out your closet?” he fakes offense to your statement. “of course not, i’m giving these to yingqi. i think she’d be cute in my clothes.” you hum unenthusiastically. “you’re weird.” he rolls his eyes and grumbles. “anyway, did you wanna hang out today? i missed you.” he nods and his hair bounces, which was just so cute to you. “yes i actually have something planned to make up for me missing the beach.” you laugh, slightly in annoyance and slightly in happiness. “well what is it?” “a surprise, doofus.”
the day was well spent, yangyang took you to an amusement park and let you do whatever you wanted. you had a good time with your best friend and you felt as if everything was falling back into place. he dropped you off at your house and told you that he’d call you tomorrow. the butterflies that erupted in your stomach made you feel guilty. you can’t feel like this anymore, he had a girlfriend. but oh, you craved him to be yours so bad.
you make my heart shake, bend and break, but i can’t turn away and it’s driving me wild.
summer was ending soon, and you’d be going off to college. you were terrified of losing yangyang, the days of interaction slipping away. you met yingqi twice, and you couldn’t even try to force yourself to hate her. she was an angel to you, and even wanted to be your friend. you gave her insight on yangyang, and she treated you with such respect. that night, you cried yourself to sleep. she was so perfect for him, and it hurt so bad to see her live out your dreams. hold him, kiss him, wear his hoodie and cuddle with him. you were in so deep that you couldn’t breathe. drowning in your own feelings for your friend, with no escape. how will you ever tell him that you’re in love with him when he’s in love with another? your wounds will never close, and new ones appear every time you see him with her. you promise yourself to get over him, but subconsciously you know that it’s no use. you couldn’t get him out of your head, he was your everything without even being with you. 
you were restless that night, and it showed in the morning. your parents asked if you were feeling ok, to which you said yes. no, you aren’t. you barely told them where you were going before racing out the door to yangyang’s house. you had to tell him. even if it meant jeopardizing what you had. his mom answered the door again and you sped past her, yelling a good morning and a sorry. you bust into yangyang’s room, your mind set on explaining everything. “dude, what are you doing here so early?” you don’t answer his question, getting straight into your confession. 
“yangyang i have something to say. i’m in love with you, and i have been since middle school. i’ve memorized every detail about you, from your favorite color to the way you like your eggs.  i have never told you because i was afraid of rejection. the pain it would bring me and the risk of losing you as a friend. but i’ve had enough, i can’t pretend anymore. i’m happy for you, don’t get me wrong. you’re my best friend and i’ll always support you, no matter the hurt it causes me. to be honest, i’m scared that doing this is gonna ruin what our friendship is, but i really need you to know. i’m both happy and hurting that you’re dating yingqi, and no matter how hard i try, i cannot hate her. she is so perfect for you in every way, and i hope for the best because she really likes you. being your best friend is amazing and i wouldn’t trade it for anything this universe has to offer because i care about you. so i hope this doesn’t fuck everything up, but you deserve to know and i really don’t want our dynamic to change.” you take a deep breath and look over to yangyang, who is staring wide-eyed at you, mouth agape. “you don’t have to respond. i get it if you don’t wanna be friends anymore.” he shakes his head. “i just… don’t know what to say. but we’ll never stop being best friends, ok? you mean too much to me, please remember that.”
it’s driving me wild.
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rosaliepostsstuff · 4 years
Chapter 5 - Of Halloween and Fred’s bluntness
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tags:  @weasleysbees ; @gloryekaterina​ ; @thatguppienamedbae​ ; @sagittarius-flowerchild​​; @hufflepuff5972​ ; @pandaxnienke​ ;  @izzyyy-1
if you’d like to be added/removed, send a DM or an ask
warnings: swearing, sexual references, mentions of food and eating, alcohol consumption word count: 1749 a/n: This might’ve been the most fun to write chapter yet. Surprise in form of diving into George’s mind for a chapter! a/n 2: I planned out and published the chapter titles in advance on purpose, as a little teaser, so you could try to figure out what the plot could be and I cannot express enough how excited I am for the next one 
If you have any feedback, please let me know!
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 George woke up from blissful sleep to be met with a dull headache. He went to reach and open the curtain of his four-poster, rubbing his face in the process and winced immediately, reminding himself of previous day’s events.
He lay back on the pillow, his bottom lip throbbing slightly.
He brought his fingers to the swollen lip, touching it carefully, thinking back to how your fingers would brush over it delicately as you tended to him last evening. You were too good for him.
Fred’s heavy groan, signalling his wake up, distracted George from going down the same path again as last night when his thoughts went spiralling, going over and over the short conversation you had right afterwards, until he passed out and fell asleep.
He stretched in his bed and lazily got up, ready to start the day.
 They walked down the spiralled steps quickly, on their way to grab lunch, as it was way past time for breakfast. George slipped into the common room and saw you waiting at the table, writing something in your small notebook. You looked up soon enough and your eyes lit up when they met his, you slammed shut the notebook and slipped it into your bag.
“Hi there,” you waved to the three boys, walking up to them. Your gaze travelled to George’s lip and he noticed concern flood your eyes right away. You truly looked like an angel, smiling like that.
“How’s it feel?” you asked, twisting your face a bit and pointing at his mouth once you started walking. “Alright,” he answered, nodding, “it seems to be healing well, whatever you rubbed in it must’ve helped,” he smiled. “Ah see, magic,” you said, smugly, trying to appear mysterious. “Pure love,” Fred exclaimed, walking in the front, “and just the right amount of spit,” he added, turning to you for a moment, making the rest of you laugh.
 “Have you managed to finish your costumes?” You asked enthusiastically, before bringing a forkful into your mouth. “Yup,” George replied, clearly proud of himself. “We’re gonna look absolutely wicked, I’m so glad we agreed on this,”  Lee stated, and you smiled wider at the boys.
“Are you doing any make-up?” Fred asked. You bit your lip in thought, “Dunno… I mean, they’re cartoons, I don’t think they wear make-up..? But maybe…why?” “If you’re wearing make-up, and we’re not” Fred gestured between himself and George, “then we won’t be matching anymore,” he reasoned. “True. I could come over and we’d do it together, I could help you out. Might be fun. George..?” you asked, checking if he had any objections. “I’m cool,” he said, shrugging.
 George was lying in bed, in his outfit, waiting. Lee was putting on some finishing touches to his costume and Fred was still in his boxers and socks. Five minutes before the appointed time, they heard your signature knock on the door.
You walked in and upon seeing Fred’s ‘too-close-to-naked’ butt turned to you, twisted your face and gagged as a hello. “You’re early, sunshine,” Fred said cheekily, walking behind his bed and pulled back the curtain to get dressed behind it. George took a moment to notice how cute you looked in your costume. “On time, five minutes early,” you countered and went to sit down on George’s bed.
You gave him an appraising look, scanning him from head to toe and he felt a strong urge to pull his skirt down, making you chuckle. “Nice legs,” you winked. “I’d argue,” Fred declared, raising one of his own legs tantalizingly from behind the curtain.
“What’s up with your face?” Lee gave you a puzzled sort of look, only now turning to you properly.
Now that George thought about it, it did look a bit weird.
“I prepped my face and did my foundation, I’ll do the rest once I know what those two want me to do to their faces,” you said.
Yes, yes now that would explain it.
You opened your makeup bag and pulled some stuff George had no clue about. He’s never actually seen you do your makeup. At school, if you’re wearing any, he always saw you already in it. The only opportunity would be perhaps while you’re staying at the Burrow, but then you rarely bother wearing makeup.
Fred insisted on being your subject first. He wasn’t a very good one, though. Rather impatient and very mobile, restless, earning himself a few smacks on the shoulder from you.
Then it was George’s turn. He sat on the bed, facing you, and you shifted to sit as close as possible, to make your job easier. He felt your breath on his face as you scanned it carefully, then you got to work.
It came to his attention he rarely got to see your face from this perspective. Right in front of his eyes, and so close. All of your facial features, so familiar to him, he got to know even better.
“George…” you scolded him gently. “What?” he asked, genuinely confused. Were you talking about something and he wasn’t listening? No, he’d have noticed, he was staring at your lips. “Don’t move away! I can’t do it precisely when you lean back and I have to reach like that.” “I’m not leaning back,” George denied. “You’re leaning back, mate,” Fred pointed out and George realised he was, in fact, involuntarily leaning further back every time your face got closer.
He straightened his back once again and this time your face got pushed away like it was the same magnetic pole as his.
“You’re getting circles under your eyes,” he went to distract you, “you keep staying up lately.” You sighed softly, like you always do when he calls you out on something, but you know he’s right. “I don’t think I’ll have to anymore. Or not much longer, so I’ll get better with my sleep,” you explained. “And are you finally going to tell me what is it, that you were doing?” he asked accusingly. These past few weeks you kept brushing him off with ‘I’ll tell you soon enough’. “Better yet,” you smirked mischievously, “I might show you today if we leave before the sunset. It won’t be as impressive in the dark,” you stated, making the three boys’ curiosity peak.
You carefully put on some finishing touches on George’s lips, careful of the cut. “Voila!” you exclaimed, pulling away to admire your work.
Fred looked at his brother with a frown, then glanced at himself in a mirror. “You did a wonky job on my eyes!” he said, pointing his finger. “Uhh- you did a wonky job staying still,” you replied, grabbing all the necessary products to finish your makeup in front of a mirror. The boys found watching you do it surprisingly satisfying.
 “Oh, and Julie’s coming over later so I’ll be hanging out with her,” Fred noted as the four of you left their dorm. “Congratulations,” George said sarcastically and Fred gave him a look. “So what?” “So, you know what hanging out means. I need you out of the room,” Fred replied, accentuating the last part.
George groaned. He knew he’d be tired after going out and the prospect of not being able to get back to his room for Merlin knows how long was not welcome, but he didn’t argue.
“Oh come on, Merlin knows you should get laid. You’d relax a little,” Fred stated (Lee snorted in the background) and George glared at him, feeling betrayed. Fred looked at your surprised face, “and you too. Both of you, actually,” he added, waving his finger between George and you. (Lee crouched down to avoid collapsing from laughing so hard.)
You and George stared at him with your jaws dropped, mortified. “Oh, my sweet little beans, I didn’t say you have to get laid with each other!” Fred clasped his hands dramatically, “…necessarily,” he added with a sweet, mischievous smile.
George smacked his brother across the head. You started laughing, partly as a defensive reaction, partly because of Lee’s contagious laughter.
 On your way to Hogsmeade, you went off-course a little. You led the boys towards one of the outer sides of the castle, near the clocktower courtyard and a path leading to the lake. Once you were out in the open, it was hard to miss – a huge, windowless, wall, and on it-
“Pink toad can suck a butt?” Lee read out loud. “What is that?!” Fred questioned in disbelief. You crossed your arms on your chest proudly, “Moss graffiti. Alicia and I did this,” you explained gazing once again at your masterpiece. George looked at the writing in amusement, “And you did all this-“ “In the cover of the night, yeah,” you replied before he could finish. “They’ll never catch me,” you whispered theatrically. “It was worth losing a little sleep. It’s so stupid it’s hilarious.”
 By the time you stepped through the gate of Hogsmeade, George’s legs were pretty cold and he concluded that in this temperature a little wind between the legs doesn’t seem so great after all. Looking down at his pink dress, he silently thanked himself for giving in to you when you told him to wear tights because he would’ve felt really stupid right about now.
He looked to his left and could see your wide grin as you bit your bottom lip in excitement, looking around all the decorations. With a little help of magic, your hair was now the exact same shade as Bubbles’, tied in two neat pigtails. Dressed in a very similar dress as his, but blue, you clutched your stuffed octopus to your chest.
You made sure to take a group photo as a souvenir for the future and then commenced your Halloween celebrations. Trick or treating with lots of tricks and playing games, you got complimented on your group-coordinated outfits every now and then. Butterbeer was flowing, candy was consumed and memories were made.
That evening George was thankful as ever for your company in the common room while his twin occupied the dorm.
With most of your energy drained, legs falling out and bellies full of unhealthy snacks, you lay on the couch in front of the fire, talking nonsense.
As both of you grew more sleepy and the pauses in your conversation grew longer, he got lost in his thoughts. Perhaps his brother was right. Perhaps he should just get laid.
Perhaps, he should get over himself.
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hyungwonmyheart · 4 years
Right On Cue
Group: Astro Pairing: Moonbin x Female Reader + Jinjin Words: 1,087 Tags: dom/sub relationship, spanking, punishment, bratty sub Summary: Tired of Moonbin ignoring you while playing pool with Jinwoo, you don’t choose your words wisely during a confrontation and Moonbin makes you pay the penalty...chosen by Jinwoo.
You were bored.
Sitting on the couch in Moonbin’s game room, you’d been reading while he and his friend, Jinwoo, played billiards. You weren’t sure how many games they had played, only that so much time had passed that you were now on Chapter Five of the novel you just started. Too much time, in your opinion. You marked your place, closed the book, and sighed. Glancing at the window, you realized it had grown dark already. You were so engrossed in the story, but even that couldn’t hold your attention anymore.
You checked your phone. Jinwoo had come over around 4:30PM, and it was now close to 6PM. You sighed again. Five chapters, you thought. Those were decent sized chapters, too...How much longer are they going to play?
The guys were laughing to themselves, talking about something that seemed to amuse them. You tapped your fingers on your knees. Then, your stomach growled. Well, it was dinnertime. You wondered if they had figured out what to have as far as food went.
Moonbin had been playing long enough. You were hungry, deprived of attention, and needy. A dangerous combination.
You stood and scampered over to Moonbin. He was watching as Jinwoo readied his shot while holding his pool stick with both hands, the handle resting on the floor. You slithered your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, your breasts firmly against his back.
Letting go of the stick with one hand, he tenderly rubbed your arm. “Hi,” he greeted.
“Hey,” you replied, nuzzling his broad back.
His eyes remained on Jinwoo, who just missed the striped ball he was aiming the cue ball for. Moonbin laughed and said, “Close, so close!” He went to move, but realized you were still clinging to him. “Uhh, babe?”
“Hm?” You played naive.
“Let go. It’s my turn.”
“But you’ve been playing for so long,” you whined, “and I’m hungry!”
“Then go make yourself something to eat.”
You puffed out your cheeks. “I thought we were going to eat together! You’ve been playing this stupid game forever!” You looked over to the other man for support. “Aren’t you hungry, Jinwoo?
“I mean, I could eat,” Jinwoo chuckled.
Moonbin leaned his pool stick against the billiards table and grasped your wrists, pulling them from around his body. Lifting a hand, he gingerly patted the top of your head. “Are you starved for attention, sweet lamb?” He knew the truth. You could be a real brat when you felt neglected.
There were times when you hated to admit he was right, especially when he hit the nail on the head. You nodded your answer.
He chuckled lightly, a smile gracing his lips before his eyes narrowed on you. His hand left your head and found your throat. Backing you up against the pool table, Moonbin had you pinned. “I was entertaining our guest,” he cooed, “but apparently yet another lesson is needed to teach you how to use proper manners.” His fingers tightened on your neck.
Your eyes were as wide as they could be while your entire body trembled with anticipation for what would happen next. Like he said, you had a guest here...even if it was only Jinwoo. Sure, he knew about your dominant/submissive dynamic with Moonbin, but Moonbin wouldn’t “teach” you in front of him… There was no way. That would be too...hot.
“What kind of punishment does she deserve, Jinwoo?” Moonbin asked his friend.
Jinwoo smiled, leaning on his pool stick. “Every brat deserves a good spanking,” he determined.
“Ahh, yes. Good choice,” your boyfriend exclaimed, letting go of your throat.
You swallowed hard before you were spun around. Moonbin bent you over the side of the pool table, immediately lifting your skirt and pulling down your panties. As your ass was exposed, your face flushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, okay?! I understand that I was wron--” You were cut off as Moonbin’s hand clapped against your ass. Your mouth dropped to allow a squeak to escape.
“Oh, you understand? Are you saying you knew it was wrong when you were rude? When you interrupted our ‘stupid game’?” Another swift smack to your ass and another ‘EEP’ from your direction.
“It’s not a stupid game!” You blurted, looking to Jinwoo and then at Moonbin over your shoulder. “I shouldn’t have called it that!”
“That hurt my feelings, you know. I don’t call your hobbies stupid…” Moonbin caressed your tender skin.
“Yeah, that wasn’t very nice,” Jinwoo had to comment.
The longer Moonbin rubbed your ass cheek, the more you tensed. “Is that new book I bought you good?” He wondered.
Tears welled in your eyes as you waited for another spank. “Yes, sir…”
“Tell me about it.”
“Uhh...Well...It’s about a--”
Moonbin smirked. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” He asked.
You buried your face in your hands, knowing he was toying with you. You loved it. Taking a deep breath, you rested your hand on the table’s green felt and murmured, “It’s about this girl--”
You moaned loudly. You abruptly covered your mouth, afraid to give away how much you actually enjoyed this.
“This isn’t a punishment at all, is it?” Jinwoo questioned.
Moonbin laughed. “Nope.” He ran a finger along your slit and declared, “She’s soaked, too.”
You wiped your bleary eyes, trying not to wiggle your hips against his finger. If he went any further, Jinwoo would probably see a side of you that you’d never live down. “I said I was sorry!” You pouted. “I won’t make fun of your game anymore!”
A cat-like grin appeared on Moonbin’s face before he fixed your panties and flipped your skirt down. “Thank you for the apology,” he said, lewdly licking his fingertip.
You spun around and playfully slapped his arm.
He laughed again, but brought you into his arms. He dried your cheeks with the sleeve of his shirt. “What do you want for dinner?” He asked, embracing you tightly.
You melted into his arms, clutching onto the back of his shirt. “...Anything. I’m that hungry,” you mumbled.
Moonbin looked over to Jinwoo and winked. “All right. Let’s go get something to eat.”
Jinwoo started gathering the pool balls and arranged them for Moonbin. “What about that new restaurant downtown? My treat.”
You pulled away and looked to either of them with bright eyes. “Yes! Please?!”
Moonbin pat your head, and this time it was without ulterior motives. “Since you asked so nicely. Sure.”
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lilolpotato · 4 years
How about a scenario about Kuroo's childhood friend who's also his crush coming to see Nekoma play at the training camp and ending up spending the night there?
Okay! I love it! I hope I did it okay, I got a little nervous bc this is my first request like EVER!
Kuroo x Reader: See You Again
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
“Tetsu! Wait for me!” You yelled as you chased after you friend, your pigtails flying as you sprinted. “Aww you could’ve waited for me! I promise the cute little bunny would’ve let me pet them!” you pouted. Little Kuroo looked at you, scolding you. “That rabbit might’ve had cooties! I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You were too scared to pet the bunny alone, so you asked your best friend Tetsurou to hold your hand. “Don’t be mad at me Tetsu~ I’m sorry... you know the bunny wasn’t as cute as you Tetsu! Thanks for protecting me. I’m gonna miss you...” your eyes went wide and filled up with tears. “I’m never gonna see you again!” You cried and plopped yourself on the grass. Kuroo’s eyes widened in worry and sadness as he gave you a hug. “Y/n I promise we’ll see each other again! You’re my bestest friend in the whole wide world! Even if you move to another planet, I’ll protect you!” You burst into tears again. “Pinky promise?” You held out your tiny finger and he entwined his with yours. “Super duper uper shmooper promise!” You smiled. “I have to go say bye to Kenma! Let’s go Tetsu!” You both sprinted across the driveways to your other friend.
After you left to your new home, Kuroo whispered to his dark haired friend, “I want her to be the mommy to my daddy.” Kenna’s eyes widened. “You want to give her smooches?” Kuroo shook his head quickly, “Ew gross no, I want to play house with Y/n for real.”
You’re now in your third year of high school, thinking back to that fateful day that you moved. You go to Fukurodani High School, and don’t talk to Kuroo that much anymore. You don’t even have his phone number! You quickly finished packing your bags. You know your friends Bokuto and Akaashi play Nekoma at their volleyball training camp, and you remember Kuroo loves volleyball.
You insisted to your friends that you were curious about the sport, which they quickly encouraged since they (Bokuto especially) want you to go to more of their games. But maybe the real reason you went was because you were curious if your childhood friend would be there, and if he would remember you. The idea of reconnecting was appealing to you.
“Y/NNNN HEY HEY HEY! ARE. YOU. READY!!!!!” You laughed, screaming back, “YES YES YES! But you better carry my bags, I’m too lazy.” You joked. Of course, Bokuto being Bokuto, he sprinted out the door with your bags.
Time quickly passed as you talked with your friends on the bus, (the coach let you come with them because you did manager duties without really being a manager and they really appreciate you for it) and you were at the training camp.
You sat down with Fukurodani, and spotted Nekoma. You walked over there, your excuse being that you ‘wanted to fill up your water bottle’. You did just that, and someone tapped you on the shoulder. “KENMAAA!” You yelled tackling him with a hug. He wasn’t exactly who you wanted to see, and you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. But you wouldn’t let it show, as you excitedly bombarded him with questions, which he answered with a small smile and almost bored tone.
You didn’t notice a pair of eyes watching you with surprise. Kuroo watched you talk with Kenma, a blush on his face as he noticed you grew up. “Oooh, captain’s got the hots for Fukurodani’s managerrrr!” Lev elbowed Kuroo as the team looked over curiously. “GO WORK ON YOUR RECIEVES WITH YAKU LEV.” Kuroo yelled, blushing even more now.
You looked over at the commotion and your eyes made contact. His whole face was red, and you quickly ran over asking, “Tetsu?” And while you went for a hug, he stretched out his hand for a... handshake? “Uhh okay then Tetsu!” You laughed it off, and shook his hand. You tried to make small talk but he answered in short sentences. You figured he was nervous for the camp or something, and waved goodbye as you walked back to your school.
Lev facepalmed, “Cap, you’re terrible at talking to pretty girls.” Kuroo looked embarrassed. He was usually very smooth with the ladies, he was pretty good looking after all, but with you? It was a completely different story. Kenma gave Kuroo a look, “if you want to marry her you’re going to have to be smoother than that.” He said in a monotone voice. Kuroo laughed it off.
The day went by with Kuroo sweating and trying to focus on volleyball while admiring you and reminiscing, and trying to plan in his head what to say to you. You wondered if Kuroo disliked you now, while admiring his abs that showed every time he jumped to block something. You stopped paying attention to the game a long time ago. Helping the Fukurodani team and drooling over Kuroo’s abs made time fly by quickly, and soon it was late.
The training camp was a couple hours away from your home, so you figured it’s best to just stay the night which none of the coaches disagreed with. They figured this was safest. As you talked with the managers and lied in bed, the thought of Kuroo suddenly disliking you kept you up. Your water bottle was empty, so you went to get more water.
You walked towards the water fountain, you heard the noises of volleyball shoes squeaking against the gym floor. Someone was practicing this late? The water fountain noisily filled your water bottle and the squeaking stopped. A little scared there was some volleyball ghost, you started walking quickly, singing to yourself to calm you down, (even though it was terrible to listen to) and keeping your head down.
You bumped into a wall and you poked it, noticing it was weirdly shaped for a wall. “Are you done groping me?” Kuroo laughed, holding your hands in his and pulling them away from his chest reluctantly. “Sorry, I...thought you were a wall. Not that I grope walls. Or anything in particular. I’ll shut up now.” Kuroo chuckled at that, and twisted your hair in his fingers. “No more pigtails?” You smiled, looking away, “I grew out of them. You couldn’t sleep either?” Kuroo smiled happy he wasn’t as awkward as before, and how smoothly the conversation was going.
“I missed you.” He said, with a faraway look on his eyes. Realizing what he just said, he turned a bright red. You looked down and a slight pink appeared on your cheeks. “I missed you too Tetsu. You should’ve kept that promise!” You joked trying to lighten the tension. Kuroo smiled slightly, and realizing he had nothing to lose, he said “I should’ve kept in contact. Especially because I have the biggest crush on you.” Your eyes widened comically as did his. “I mean had. I totally mean had.” You smiled shyly at him, “That’s funny because I do too.” And then he asked, looking in your eyes, “Would you be mad if I wanted to kiss you?”
Suddenly your heart was pounding and so was his, not butterflies but a whole damn zoo in your stomach. Nothing mattered, not that you both might be caught, not how sweaty he is, not even that he might not be the same person he was before. All that mattered were the words you were about to say, “Would you be mad if I wanted you to kiss me?” And then your eyes met as he bent down smoothly to press his lips against yours.
It wasn’t fireworks, it felt like your lips were on fire and numb. Your mind went blank as you subconsciously went on your tiptoes, sliding your arms around his neck and into his messy hair. One hand of his was on your waist, the other gently holding your face to his. It wasn’t innocent, that’s not your Tetsu, it was passionate and warmed your heart.
You had never felt more adrenaline rushing through your veins, it felt like an adventure and you know that he never changed. He’s your Tetsu. As you both breathlessly part, you can’t make eye contact, but Kuroo is more himself now hat he isn’t blushing and tripping over himself like before.
He tucks your hair behind your ear and gives you a grin, a little smug, but so so endearing that you can’t help but give a little grin back. “Do you maybe want to go laser tag sometime?” You ask him, as he chuckles lightly and says “Y/n l/n are YoU AsKinG mE oUt?” He joked, “this is so cheesy.” You replied smiling. “Nah, I was thinking we could go to a petting zoo instead, pet some bunnies.” He grinned.
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excuseme-howdareyou · 5 years
Day 7: Nightmares | Time Travel | Mythology AU
Dick's voice was tiny and quiet and barely more than a whisper. Still, Bruce rolled over in his bed and blinked sleepily at the small boy standing in his doorway. His blanket was wrapped around his shoulders, making the short preteen appear even smaller buried underneath the mass of fabric, and the nervous look on his face made Bruce's throat feel tight. 
Sitting up, Bruce rubbed the sleep from his eyes and chanced a glance at the clock. 4:27AM. "What is it, chum?" he asked.
Dick pulled the blanket tighter around himself. "I can't sleep," he admitted quietly. 
Not entirely unexpected. The Manor was still new to him; it was a far cry from the circus and no doubt-
"I... I had a nightmare."
-and oh.
Bruce swung his feet over the edge of the bed and beckoned Dick to come closer with his arm spread out in gesture for a hug. The 12 year old needed no other initiative and launched himself across the room. He was almost a teenager, but Bruce was still able to easily pick the lad up and settle him into a tight embrace. Gangly elbows and knobby knees curled up and Dick was almost lost in the swatch of blanket, but Bruce held onto him -blanket and all- with as much tightness as he dared. 
It had been two months since the death of the Graysons, one since coming here to the Manor. He did not have to ask to know what the nightmare was about. 
One little hand squirmed out of the blankets to grasp tightly onto the sleeve of Bruce's nightshirt. He did not let go after that and Bruce did not try to stop him. 
After all, Dick needed to be able to hold onto him to make sure he didn't fall too.
The first time Bruce caught Jason in the middle of the night, he was standing on the kitchen counter in his bare feet, trying to reach the container of cocoa sitting on the top shelf. He was also cursing up a storm under his breath. ("Who the hell puts stuff up this high? Stupid tall people.")
"Late night snack, Jaylad?" Bruce asked with a smile and leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. 
Jason nearly fell off the counter in his surprise. "Bruce!" he whirled around, his hold on the cupboard door the only thing keeping him balanced in his haste," I was uhhh..." His eyes darted around the room nervously. Then his shoulders drooped in defeat. "Please don't tell Alfie I was standing on the counter."
Bruce couldn't help but grin. "It'll be our secret," he promised," Though I've learned it really is impossible to hide anything from Alfred. The man knows everything."
He and Jason had a running theory that Alfred could read their thoughts.
(It still hasn't been disproven, by the way.)
Recognizing that Jason still hadn't gotten his cocoa, Bruce walked forward and with his immense height easily reached up and grabbed the tin container. He handed it to a sheepish Jason, who jumped off the counter. 
"So," Bruce continued by getting two mugs out of the cupboard as well," Had a craving for hot chocolate?"
Jason had the container on the kitchen island and pried the lid off. "No, I uhh..." he frowned, even as he reached in and grabbed the measuring spoon inside," Couldn't sleep, ya know? Figured a hot drink might help."
The smile slid off Bruce's face. He knew what 'couldn't sleep' meant. 
"Wanna talk about it?" he asked. 
Jason looked like he was about to blurt out his thoughts, but then changed his mind as he dumped a spoonful of cocoa mix into each of the mugs. "Nothin' to talk about," he muttered sourly. 
Bruce knew from experience it was best not to press. 
Doesn't mean he wasn't going to stay in this kitchen for an hour, drinking hot chocolate with his son. And when Jason toddled off back to bed, he seemed... calmer, more at ease. And when he yawned, wide and tired and Bruce caught a glimpse of that chipped canine tooth, he couldn't help but tussle that head of messy hair. 
"Hey!" Jason protested.
"Goodnight, Jaylad," Bruce leaned down and pecked his lips on Jason's forehead," I'll be here in the morning when you wake up."
Judging by the smile on the boy's face, it was the right thing to say.
Tim wouldn't tell Bruce when he had a nightmare. But he had certain tells that if someone looked, they could tell he was having a restless night. 
It took Bruce an embarrasingly long time before he noticed it. He wanted to blame it on the fact that Tim lived across the street at his own house and so Bruce didn't see him after patrol was over. But even from the front steps of the Manor, it would've been obvious to see. And so it was actually Selina who brought it to his attention, one of her 'visits' to the Manor to see if she could rouse Bruce into a game of manor-tag. (Only this time she marched straight up to him and whacked him over the face with a sofa pillow)
"Go look outside your front window, you dense idiot," she frowned at him, then left for the night. 
And that's how Bruce found out that Tim climbs up onto his roof whenever he can't sleep. How long he's been doing it, he doesn't really know and Tim wasn't telling. But Bruce could recognize that look in his eyes; the empty stare as Tim sat on the peak of his roof and gazed -almost longingly- at the driveway leading away from his house. 
He didn't make a sound when Bruce sat down next to him, just glanced up then went back to staring at the road. Bruce wondered what he saw there. Or if... he was daydreaming about something he wished he saw there. 
"Nightmare?" he asked. 
"No more than usual," came Tim's reply and wasn't that just a stab in Bruce's heart?
"Wanna talk about it?" 
Tim shook his head. 
A few minutes passed before Bruce noticed that Tim was starting to droop. Whatever nightmares plagued him, exhaustion was still catching up to him. Without a word, Bruce reached over and tugged the teenager over into his side with one arm wrapped around his shoulders. Surprised but not fighting it, Tim tilted his head until it rested on Bruce's shoulder and yawned. 
"Whenever you're ready, we'll head back to the Manor," Bruce told him. 
Tim blinked up at him in confusion. "Really?" he asked," But I thought I had to be here in case Ms. Nefzger came early tomorrow?"
Ms. Nefzger, the housekeeper that only shows up every three days. Bruce felt a sweep of guilt that that was the reason why Tim was staying in this large house by himself; to keep up the ruse. "If it happens, then I'll deal with it," he said instead," Tonight, Alfred's got the guest room ready for you, then tomorrow you can chose which room you want for your own."
The smile Tim gave him reminded him so much of another boy with dark hair and blue eyes. "You mean it?"
"Yeah, Tim. I really mean it."
It was the small parade of animals down the hall that garnered his attention. 
First it was the damn turkey, leading the way with a ruffle of feathers. Then the click clack of Titus' claws on the hardwood floor, the sound preceeding the sight of his large head appearing. Through his open door way, Bruce then saw the shadow of his youngest son, right at Titus' side and holding Alfred the Cat in his arms, as the menagerie paraded past. 
Equal parts curious and concerned, Bruce rose from bed to follow after him. He supposed he was lucky that Batcow wasn't part of the proceedings. 
Damian and his pets stopped. "Father?" Damian turned around, surprised to see Bruce standing right behind him. 
"What's wrong?" he asked, noting that his son was still in his pajamas and slippers," Is everything okay?"
Damian opened his mouth, hesitated as if he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. Then, with a scowl, he announced," Just doing a patrol of the house, Father."
It didn't take a genius to realize that probably wasn't what he was really doing. "Mmhmm," Bruce couldn't help but smile fondly at him, then guessed," Couldn't sleep?"
Somehow not expecting his bluff to be called, Damian froze at the implication that he'd been found out so soon. "I..." he blinked," Maybe?" He held unnaturally still, as if half expecting to be sent straight back to bed.
Bruce was enough of an old hat at this by now. "Yeah, me too sometimes," he reassured him. He reached out and laid one hand on his son's shoulder, wanting to give him a hug but not wanting to disturb the cat in his arms. "What can I do to help?" he asked. 
Damian stared at him in equal parts awe and confusion. "Umm," he fumbled for words," Well, sometimes... Richard would sit and watch Animal Planet with me?"
"You got it," Bruce smiled and gave his shoulder a squeeze before straightening up," Shall we get a snack first? How's hot chocolate sound?"
They were halfway through the 'Ice Worlds' episode of 'Planet Earth' when they were joined by a third person. "Rough night?" Jason whispered as he leaned over the back of the couch and saw Damian fast asleep snuggled between his father and Titus. Bruce had to tilt his head back to get a look at his second oldest and wondered when he'd come in. 
"He couldn't sleep," Bruce answered back just as quietly, not wanting to wake Damian," Everything alright? What are you doing still up?"
"I'm a grown man, Bruce, I don't need a bedtime," Jason scowled at him, but it didn't last long as Tim appeared at his side and lightly slapped him on the back of his head. 
"Stop getting so offended over everything," Tim scolded him, then turned to Bruce," He just finished his stakeout and came to harass me for my case notes."
Yeah, that sounded like Jason. 
Just then, Jason noticed the duo of cocoa mugs on the coffee table. "Hey, you had hot chocolate without me?" he pouted. 
Holding back a chuckle, Bruce told him," It's still in the same place as always, Jay." Then he couldn't help but grin," Need any help reaching it?"
The word Jason signed back at him would not be polite to repeat out loud. "Make me a cup too!" Tim whisper-shouted at his retreating back. 
"Ooh, I thought I heard David Attenborough," and all of a sudden there was Dick on the other end of the couch, munching on a granola bar he probably had stashed away in a pocket somewhere. (At this point, Bruce was over questioning where he came from)
"Just don't wake your brother," he whispered and got a pantomimed 'lips-locked' from his eldest. It was all in vain though, for as soon as Jason returned -with two cups of hot steaming cocoa- he shooed Titus off the couch so he could take his spot. The dog's movement woke Damian, who blinked sleepily at the troupe all around him. Finally, his eyes landed on Jason, who'd taken Titus' spot. 
"Todd," he grumbled, and the drawling way he spoke it told them he was only half awake. 
Jason smiled at him," Heya Baby Bat," then gestured at him with his open arm. A moment later, Damian leaned over in the opposite direction of Bruce and was soon fast asleep on Jason's shoulder. Bruce wanted to be jealous that Jason stole his cuddling time with Damian, but couldn't deny how adorable it was. 
(Dick thought the same thing, cooing at Jason and tried to hug his other arm, only to have Jason whisper-shout at him," Hey, don't spill my cocoa!")
A small form curled up on Bruce's other side and he looked down to see messy dark hair and sweet dark eyes. "Movie night?" Cass blinked up at him. 'Wasn't she at Barbara's tonight?' Bruce wondered, but gave up trying to guess. He was all too happy to wrap his arms around her shoulders (except where Tim was apparently using her as a pillow, cuddled up and sipping on his cocoa) and hold his only daughter tight. 
"Yeah, family movie night," Bruce whispered back. 
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
the arcade boy - ldh
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the arcade worker ! haechan and customer!reader 
this is pretty cheesy ngl but i just saw this scenario in my head one day and HAD to write about it! this is also for @strawberryhyucks hehe <3 
this is also part of my nct dream job au !! you can read:
diner boy! renjun  bubble tea worker ! jeno 
word count: 2.9k 
feel free to send in requests / tell me your thoughts! thank you :)) 
“late again i see” the manager of the neo zone arcade, taeyong, shook his head at the puffed-out boy.
“sorry, the bus drove straight past me! i had to sprint here” haechan was still trying to catch his breath, hands grabbing the sides of the counter to stable his stance.
“it’s fine, rest up in the break room, and get ready to work in 10 minutes. got it?” taeyong responded in a calmer manner, feeling bad for the boy. haechan nodded, making his way to the break room.
“dude! i thought you were finally going to get fired” mark chuckled from the corner of the room, shoving haechan softly.
“i’m so close to it though. i need to find a more stable ride to and from work” haechan huffed again.
“here’s a thought! get your damn licence!” mark rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to him.
“yeah yeah, it’s not like i have a car to drive anyway! why do you think i’m working here?” haechan replied, laying his head flat on the table.
“you’re so dramatic, better get ready to work. taeyong isn’t gonna catch us slacking off today!” mark cheerfully exclaimed, waltzing out of the room.
“we’re seriously going to the arcade again? y/n, is it because of the cute guy who works there?” jaemin teased.
“what? no! i just want to win this panda plushie! is that so much to ask?” you bit the inside of your cheek, feeling called out by your best friend’s accusations.
“yeah sure, i’m only helping because i want you to get more coupons so we can get free food” jaemin chuckled, as you both entered the arcade.
“i’ll go get the tokens!” you announced abruptly, practically running to the counter. jaemin just shook his head in amusement, knowing the true reason you were so excited.
as you waited at the counter, your heart was beating a mile a minute. you crossed your fingers that haechan was working today. not like you two were friends, or even acquaintances. for a matter of fact, he was the cute boy at the arcade, who always happened to be working when you wanted to play some games...
“hello! may i help you?” a voice called from the side, causing your head to shoot up in anticipation. there he was. he had a black denim jacket over his white hoodie, with his name tag crookedly attached onto it. his hair was covered with a beanie, only some strands hanging out from his forehead. he had a bright smile on his face, which made you melt inside. you were pretty good at hiding your complete admiration for him. but haechan on the other hand, not so much.
it was well known between the arcade staff that haechan found you attractive. he would rave about you to mark, praising how good you were at practically all the games in the arcade. and most importantly, how you were his ideal girl.
“well why don’t you just go for her then?” mark always asks.
“because she clearly has a boyfriend! i’m not a homewrecker” haechan would respond. mark just shrugs and continues listening to his friend ramble.
“could i please have 10 tokens?” you smile softly at him, watching as he just nods and grabs some from under the counter.
“here you go” he hands you the bundle, his fingers grazing over yours. you shyly smile, while counting up the tokens,
“oh you gave me 15” you gave him a confused look, as he softly chuckled,
“just giving you some more chances to win that panda, y/n” he replied, looking down at the counter.
you were practically combusting at this point. he knew your name. well, considering you came there pretty much every day after classes, he would remember your face. and it didn’t take long for him to pick up your name, due to the amount of times jaemin would whine it when he wanted to go home.
“thankyou so much, haechan” you gave him a small wave before making your way back to jaemin.
“god you’re such a loser” jaemin teased, pulling you to his side and slinging an arm around you.
“i know” you just sigh, not seeing haechan stare at the both of you, feeling his heart tighten. he didn’t even know you all that well, so why did it hurt him so much to see you taken?
“see you tomorrow mark!” haechan chuckled as he removed his name tag from his jacket.
“i hate how you changed shifts” mark whined, watching as haechan waves cheerfully, practically sprinting out of the arcade. at the same time, he felt his body slam into someone else’s, much smaller.
“ouch” he heard the familiar voice mutter, his eyes widen with shock, looking as you were trying to stand back up.
“i’m so sorry” he mumbled repeatedly, helping you stand.
“it’s okay, that was pretty embarrassing!” you smiled up at him, which made him feel less worried.
“where were you rushing off to anyway?” he watched as you flattened down your shirt and look at him.
“i was uh, coming back to get that panda” you tried your best to not blow your cover.
“so determined for it, i might just have to break in and get it for you” he chuckled, as you laughed along. it was clear to you that he had just finished his shift. but you really didn’t want him to go,
“i’m hungry, do you want to get something?” you blurt out, avoiding his eyes. haechan was just as shocked, trying to contain his excitement.
“sure! i- i mean, if you want to” he responded, almost in a mumble. you looked over at him and smile before leading him towards the food court located right next to the arcade.
“you like curly fries?” he pulled out his wallet, waiting in line to order.
“of course! who doesn’t?” you slightly giggle, still not believing that you two were properly hanging out.
haechan just nodded along, before stepping up to order. you also pulled out your wallet, ready to hand him half of the bill. but he stopped you, paying for the meal himself.
“oh haechan, you really didn’t have to” you poured, walking with him to an empty table.
“it’s okay, really!” he replied, unsure of how to even act around you. for all he knew, you had a boyfriend. jaemin. who he believed he could never compete with. thoughts of being with you alone, gave him some mixed feelings, which you eventually caught onto. it made the atmosphere awkward at times during the meal, but you tried your best to not get you down. maybe he wasn’t that into you, you thought. on the other hand, haechan was mentally beating himself up, feeling guilty for asking you to hang out when you were taken. of course he was complete infatuated with you, but to him, he wanted to win you over. the right way. he wanted you to be his.
“thankyou for the meal, haechan. i am so full right now” you chuckle, walking with him out of the building.
“no problem! i hope you get home safely, see ya!” he hurriedly exclaims, not waiting for your response.
“oh maybe we should do it again sometime” you whispered to yourself. your thoughts consumed you once again, he’s definitely not into me.
“so you’re telling me, you guys ate together and he just left right after?” jaemin furrowed his eyebrows as you both were walking out of the school gates.
“yeah! he just ran off like he would rather do anything but talk to me” you sighed, mentally cringing at that moment.
“well maybe he was nervous!” jaemin shrugged, unsure of how to justify the clueless boy’s actions.
“or maybe he’s just not into me” you poured, slumping your shoulders.
“gosh you’re dramatic” jaemin rolled his eyes before ruffling your hair, you shoved his hands away, fixing up your appearance.
“i’ve never seen you like this, y/n. you must really like him” he continued to tease, skipping along the footpath while giggling at you.
“you’re a literal child, go buy me some frozen yogurt” you nudge his shoulder as you both walked to the nearby mall.
meanwhile, haechan was starting his shift at the arcade.
“woah you’re on time for once” mark teased, patting haechan on the back.
“mark, can i ask you something?” haechan mumbled, pulling aside the older boy.
“uhh sure what’s up?” mark gave him a concerned look, putting down whatever he was planning to do.
“i treated y/n to a meal yesterday, and well, i kind of ran off after, leaving her hanging” haechan explained, also mentally cringing at himself.
“god you really have no game. why did you run off? i thought you liked her?” mark questioned.
“well she’s clearly dating that guy she’s always with! they look like a great couple. i felt so guilty for being with her and flirting! like i’m not about to be a homewrecker!” haechan sighed, pulling at his hair.
“dude, i know you’re a good guy and all, but think about this. did she ever mention once that she had a boyfriend?” mark rolled his eyes playfully, resting a hand to the younger’s shoulder.
haechan shook his head,
“and was she actually invested in all your conversations?” mark raised an eyebrow,
haechan nodded in response.
“what i’m seeing here, is that she might be into you too. why else would she agree to eat with you, when she was walking into the arcade? she clearly didn’t come to play games! and she came alone! put the dots together dude, you’re supposed to be smarter than me!” mark shook haechan’s shoulders furiously, laughing at the clueless boy.
“oh god, what if you’re right?! i totally messed up with her!” haechan groaned, pulling his head down to face his feet.
“don’t be like that. if she’s still interested, she’ll come here again. you must have noticed she only really plays one game. the claw machine, AND it happens to be the machine closest to the counter. i’m just saying” mark shrugged, giving haechan’s a small nudge and heading off to finish his duties.
haechan stood, putting the pieces all together. he smiled to himself before helping out mark. maybe he stood a chance.
“y/n, i want to get an iced coffee! they have the deal with the little macaroons! ” jaemin groaned playfully, pulling at your arm as you lead him to the arcade. 
“i wanna see if haechan’s working, that’s all!” you rolled your eyes, “i’ll be quick!” you smiled, dragging your best friend who would rather be eating a good burger, along with you.
“code red” mark smirked, looking over at you, haechan’s eyes followed.
“w-what do i say? should i even talk to her? that’s the boyfriend” haechan mumbled, slowly pacing, avoiding eye contact with you.
“goodluck buddy” was all mark could say, before he left to fix a broken game.
you looked over at the counter, smiling at haechan. he smiled back, you took it as a good sign.
“see! it won’t be awkward, go talk to him now! i need to get that deal” jaemin shoved you softly before patting your shoulders and running out of the arcade.
you took a deep breath before taking small steps towards the boy. he could feel you approaching, and tried to pretend he was doing some ‘important work’.
“hi” your voice was shaky.
“hey” he responded, immediately drawing his attention to you.
“about yesterday...” you started,
“i shouldn’t have left you! i feel so bad” haechan admitted, avoiding your eyes. you let a smile creep up on your face,
“it’s okay. i actually came to ask if you would like to go out...again? like a proper...” you couldn’t finish your sentence,
“like a date?” haechan breathed out softly, trying to push away the feeling of excitement. you nodded enthusiastically, glad he was able to catch on.
“i mean, i’d love to, but i’m, wouldn’t your boyfriend he uncomfortable with that?” haechan stammered, nerves slowly taking over.
“boyfriend? you mean jaemin?” he just nodded, now knowing his name. you started giggling uncontrollably, causing him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“oh god no! he’s wayyy too flirty for me. we’ve been best friends since middle school. he’s not my boyfriend” you explained. haechan automatically felt a huge relief, bringing himself to blush.
“i-im sorry for assuming! if i had known, i would have asked you out ages ago” he admitted, now it was your turn to blush.
“r-really?” you murmured, shocked at his words. you were about to continue the conversation when taeyong interrupted.
“i’m not paying you for small talk, so you will both have to finish this conversation after hours okay?” he sternly spoke to both of you,
“i’m sorry! it was my fault” you slightly pouted, which made haechan’s heart beat faster than it already was.
“it’s okay, i’m sorry taeyong, i’m getting back to work” haechan responded, watching as the older boy nods and walks to the back room.
“text me when you want to go on that date” you smiled widely, handing him a slip of paper with your number. haechan was speechless, never in a million years did he think he would get this far with you.
you waved at him before you left the arcade to go find jaemin to rave about the good news. mark approached the love struck boy, shaking his head while chuckling.
“ahh young love. my son has grown up!” mark fakes crying, haechan just shoved him slightly.
“whatever grandpa”
*new message*
haechan: hi! is this y/n?
y/n: yes! hi haechan! :)
haechan: about that date, i’m thinking we should go to the park? maybe have a picnic? i’m sorry if that’s lame
y/n: i think it’s perfect! let me know the location and time and i’m there!
haechan: sweet, i can’t wait :)
you put on your most flattering floral dress, hoping you weren’t dressing too extra. of course you wanted to spruce up your appearance, especially since its your first proper date. you sent some snaps to jaemin, asking for best friend’s opinions and all,
“dude, he’s gonna love it. that outfit POPS off” jaemin’s wise words stuck with you as you made your way to the park. you held a small basket with you, filled with small snacks you found in your house. you both planned to go to a ramen restaurant after, knowing your huge appetites.
you stood under the tree he suggested you’d meet, swinging the basket side to side softly. your heart was beating out of your chest. you were finally going on a date with the cute boy at the arcade. it excited you more than anything you had experienced.
“well hey there stranger” haechan’s voice echoed close to your ear, which made you blush. he pulled you in for a short hug, which you weren’t expecting. you let him embrace you, smiling into his shoulder.
“oh crap! you actually packed a lot of snacks! if i had known, i wouldn’t have just bought the mat and a random packet of seaweed” he softly sighed, you just shook your head in amusement due to his cuteness.
“it’s fine! i wanted to bring these just for you” you smiled as you both sat on the mat. haechan couldn’t take his eyes off of you. you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on. as you were explaining the snacks you had brought, haechan was debating whether or not it was the right time to give you his gift. as you wrapped up your explanations, haechan looked up at you.
“i have a present for you” he blurts, nervously waiting for your response.
“what? haechan! you really didn’t have to! these are just some jam sandwiches-“
“no no, i’ve been planning to get you this for a while” he shyly admitted, watching as you started blushing. he pulled out a plushie from his backpack. your jaw practically dropped, it was the panda plushie you had been trying to get from the claw machine.
“oh my goodness! this is the cutest thing ever, well besides you anyway” you slyly slipped in the last comment, leaving haechan frozen.
you smirked at the boy, taking advantage of his clueless nature, by giving him a small peck on the cheek.
“thank you so much. how did you get this? don’t tell me you broke into the machine!!” you chuckled, imaging the situation.
“no no! i actually won it! i swear, even ask mark” he put his hands up in defence. you nodded along, admiring the thoughtful gift.
“haechan” you softly spoke, shuffling yourself to sit side by side to him, so that your shoulders were pressed against eachother.
“i really like you, i’ve liked you since i first saw you working”
haechan’s eyes widened, unaware of how long you’ve actually had feelings for him. he took your hand in his, smiling at you.
“i really like you too, for quite a while. i was just scared to ask you out” he sighed, gently rubbing his thumb over your skin.
“i’m glad we’re here now! i don’t regret this one bit” you lean your head against on shoulder, snuggling closer to him.
“me neither” he mutters softly, still playing with your hand.
the cute boy from the arcade became your boyfriend after that day. jaemin teased you everytime you wanted to visit haechan at work, and mark did not hold back with his teasing either. haechan made you feel like a kid all over again, carefree and happy, and you were eternally grateful he came into your life.
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crybabysunflower · 4 years
Anime nostalgia
For a 90s or an early 2000s kid from India like me anime has been a part of our lives, despite not even being aware of the word 'anime' and it's real origins. The iconic animated shows we had watched back in our childhood were not always American, some of them were from Japan too. Although I don't watch many of these shows now, I still remember some moments of it, I still remember a little about it's central plot, it's theme and the feelings I had while watching them.
Some of my childhood favourite anime series
Crayon Shin-chan
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Who can forget this annoying but wise little boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, (who is mainly known as Shin-chan in India), his shopaholic mom who is always hyped for discounts, his laid back dad and finally his (not so) innocent little sister who has an obsession for shiny objects and uhh... handsome young men.
This anime did not have a specific storyline, it was just centred around the lives of the Nohara family. I also remember many other supporting characters such as Shin-chan's eccentric (paternal) grandpa, his friends (Kazama, Nene, Masao, Bo and Ai), his aunt who is a passionate photographer and many others.
I also remembered many parents disliked this anime and that's understandable because Crayon Shin-chan has a mature plot (it belongs to the Seinen category which means it is for mature audiences).
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Doraemon is another iconic anime series which still airs on the same channel as Crayon Shin-chan. Just like Crayon Shin-chan, this anime series didn't have a specific storyline as well and was centred around the main protagonists- Nobita and Doraemon.
Doraemon is a cat-like robot from the future who has come to help Nobita because he has a dark future. Nobita has a crush on Shizuka (who also has a crush on him too), Nobita is often bullied by Takeshi (who is well known as Gian) and his sidekick Suneo.
Suneo is a wealthy guy who has a habit of flexing about his expensive belongings and his lavish lifestyle to the rest of the main cast. Nobita is pretty much relatable for me except I don't consider myself to be some sort of underdog (because despite being poor in studies and sports, Nobita is actually an intelligent boy and he can run really fast as well). I was first introduced to the concept of time traveling through Doraemon.
I had (and still have) some strong opinions on this show, I find Dekisugi as an unnecessary character, not because he is a Mary sue but because his only purpose in the show is to be Nobita's rival in recruiting Shizuka's love, also he doesn't always appears in the show. I think the people behind this show could've made Suneo as Nobita's rival, in this case and if they wanted someone who is good at academics, sports and many other activities they could've made Suneo possess such attributes.
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I first watched Zatchbell back in 2013, when it used to be aired in Hindi. While I didn't always get to watch it (because the channel where it aired wasn't available in my TV that time) I still have some memories of it. The lead protagonist of Zatchbell Kiyo was the first no nonsense type character I had ever watched in some action anime (because usually in such anime series the lead protagonist are the loud, hyper, happy go lucky type).
Unlike the anime series mentioned above, Zatchbell had a definite storyline. After every thousand years in the mamodo world a contest is held where the participant mamodos are sent to earth with a book which contains spells, the spells are to be chanted by their human partners when they need to fight another mamodo. During the duel if a mamodo burns the book of another mamodo, then the defeated mamodo (the one whose book is burnt) is ousted from the competition and is forced to return to the mamodo world.
I remember an episode of Zatchbell, it was called Sherry's Rhapsody of life, that episode showed Sherry as a hopeless little girl who was rescued by another little girl named Koko, Koko told Sherry something like "there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel" I still can't forget that episode.
Inazuma eleven
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Inazuma eleven was the first sports anime I had watched, and back in 2011 when I was in the 4th grade, I had been a great fan of it (although I only got to watch the first season). It used to be aired on Cartoon network. Here the main characters were mainly known by their English names, such as Endou Mamoru's name was Mark Evans (and he was a goalkeeper). As a sports anime, it was centred around football.
Despite not really being a sports enthusiast, I still used to get hyped up watching the game, I remember I used to be excited about what type of team they are going to compete with (since those teams are kind of eccentric).
I do remember a few characters, but I sadly have forgotten their names, I remember there was a spiky blonde haired character, who despite being good at football had decided to quit, because his sister had met with an accident when she was on the way to watch her brother's match. There was also a member in the Raimon football team (to which Mark belongs) who either had DID or used to get possessed by his dead brother's spirit.
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The first anime I had watched was the Pokemon original series back when I was in kindergarten, I never watch it for its storyline, I first, only watched it because I used to find Pokemons cute.
As a child I wasn't a tomboy yet I was still interested in an animated series which were mainly popular among young boys. I later got more interested in knowing the types of Pokemons when I grew a little older, and the Diamond and Pearl series is still my favourite. I remember as a kid I used to make cutouts of my favourite Pokemons out of cardboard all because I wanted a Pokemon bag tag.
Later, in 2013 when I first learnt to use the internet, I had an obsession for searching about fictional characters, especially Pokemons, I used to randomly choose a Pokemon and then go straight to Bulbapedia to know about it and then started surfing from one Pokemon to another.
One of the only thing I can flex about myself is that although it has been years since I watched Pokemon, I can still name several Pokemons and their types other than Pikachu.
I wanted to participate in the First Anime Challenge but unfortunately it was too late. I don't know how this blog will turn out, I had really fun writing this and I feel a little satisfied after writing this.
The anime series I have mentioned above are not the only ones I had watched during my childhood, I have only mentioned my favourite ones.
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phaticserpent · 4 years
My Girl in Red
Chapter One
Anon asked: oooh! How about a Peter Pan fanfic but the character/reader is a lesbian. And Pan is confused why said character/reader doesn't seem to return his gestures
Summary: Young Jay abandoned her home with her older brother when Pan cane to town. That was nine years ago, she spent her entire life training alongside the Lost Boys. She spent her entire life being cared by them - which wasn't awful, but better than what her parents could do. A sudden curiosity sparked to explore the possibilities of love. She struggles with acceptance and looks to suppress such emotions, leading her into a spiral of disasters. But those disasters can't compare to the hope she gets when another girl lands on the island.
<Jay was seven years old when she left for Neverland, she is not nine years old>
The leaves rustled and a figure cloaked in the tree drew in a sharp breath, they watched the boy cautiously on the ground, who started frantically looking around. He didn't seem to react until an arrow was released, but it was already too late. Satisfied, the figure jumped from the tree branch to see Josh pinned. "Josh zero, Jay five." She laughed.
"No fair." He ripped the arrow out of his shirt and handed it back to her.
"Come on Josh, you were here longer." A new voice appeared. Pan. His attention then turned to Jay, who was busy reorganizing her arrows. "I must say, you're improving a lot faster than any of the Lost Boys. Anyone but Felix. Good job Jay."
"Thank you Pan!"
"You all worked hard, so take some free time before dinner." He dismissed us and vanished. The Lost Boys cheered and scattered themselves into the woods. Jay smiled and headed straight for the beach, the sunset was sure beautiful but her attention was elsewhere. She waited a few minutes until she saw the glowing tails. Although the rumors of mermaids being violent are true, they were nice. Sometimes.
"Jay! It's good to see you!" The one with auburn hair sung - not Ariel.
“My! You’ve grown so much!” Another exclaimed.
“Your hair is so pretty!”
“Aw, you guys! My hair is just......messy. I’ve been rolling around in dirt.” Jay chuckled. “Compared to your hair, my hair is just dirt.”
“So, any gossip? How are you doing with the lost boys?”
“Not really gossip but to answer your second question, according to Pan I’m ‘improving better than any lost boys’.”
“Okay girl.” One mermaid cheered.
“So what’s going on with the other realms?”
“Not much.” One mermaid shrugged.
“The savior lifted the Evil Queen’s Curse in Storybrooke!” Another cheered.
“There was a curse?” Jay tilted her head. “Damn, sometimes I want to see the outside world.”
“Right.....you came to Neverland as a child.” All the mermaids sunk deeper into the water. “The outside world is a mess. Neverland is much more clean and unproblematic.”
“The outside world is a man’s world.” A mermaid scoffed. “Be fortunate you got away.” Jay raised a brow.
“Oh no, totally. It’s a man’s world out there but I’m here surrounded by twenty boys. So I’m fine.” Jay stated sarcastically. The mermaids all laughed.
“I think Pan likes you.” One mermaid smirked. All the others started ‘ooh-ing’. “Do you like him back?”
“Uhh......I don’t really see him romantically.”
“Brotherly?” A mermaid asked. Jay shook her head.
“I don’t even think he likes me?” Jay shrugged.
“Obviously Pan is excellent at hiding his emotions, but I can tell he has a soft spot for you.”
“You should ask him out!” A mermaid suggested, jumping into the air and returning with a big splash. The other mermaids mumbled in agreement as you lightly chuckled at their enthusiasm.
“Okay.....I’ll try.”
Jay bid farewell to the mermaids and returned to camp. When a figure stood at the entrance, arms crossed and casually leaning against a tree. "You're late." Pan claimed and his eyes rolled up and down her figure. "Your clothes are wet."
"Okay Captain Obvious, what else do you want to say?" Jay smirked. "I decided to spend my free time being free. Why swim naked?"
"Love, I thought I taught you better. You're going to get sick."
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."
"You know the first rule of being a lost boy.....lost girl." Pan corrected. "You don't have to apologize. I already set some dry clothes in your tent, go get changed. Quickly." Pan gestured with his head. Jay slipped into her tent and threw all the ocean drenched clothes outside. Replacing it with the warm garments he provided and rushed outside. The aroma of pork filled the entire camp, Jay sheepishly dodged the frantic lost boys as her stomach growled.
"Jay, over here!" She scanned the scene to see Josh and a few other boys grouped together. They waved her over, she stopped as Felix handed her a plate of food and thanked him. She quickly joined the group, settling beside Jack.
"Hey guys, what's up?"
"Do you want to join our game of tag tomorrow?" Devin jumped in.
"Great!" After a heartfelt song from Pan, he sent everyone to their tents. Jay seemed to linger a bit, wondering if she should ask him now, but he disappeared into the jungle. Disappointed, she returned to her tent and wandered off to sleep.
At first, her dreams were filled with her time at camp, Jay could barely remember her parents. The only people that were there for her, was her brother and Pan. The dream of Neverland faded and there was only light. Serene, warm, yet blinding light. From the distance approached a woman. She had a familiar presence. Though her face was blurred, Jay could make out the rest of her features, she was dark skinned, curly haired, and wore a red dress.
"Love, why do you run from me?" She asked. Her hands reaching to touch Jay, but she pulled away. "Don't run from me my love. I've been looking for you."
"Who are you?" Jay cried out. But the woman vanished. The sunlight breached through the tent's fabric and her words echoed through Jay's mind. Who was she? Why did she call me 'my love'? The game of tag was somewhat distracting, but every time the woman in red popped into her mind, Jay was tagged 'it'. Of course, she got her revenge on the boys by running them down. The game ended with William being tagged. Pan watched with a smug grin and rewarded them with another free time. Jay headed down to the beach to greet the mermaids, and to ask about the woman in red.
“You look stressed sweetie.”
“You could say that.” Jay huffed. “I saw a woman dressed in red call me ‘my love’ and told me not to run away from her. Who is she?” The mermaids all whispered amongst themselves, before one with white hair swam closer.
"It is said that the goddess of love disguises herself as your soulmate. So whoever she looked like, is your lover.”
“But she’s a woman.”
“And the problem is?” Another mermaid batted her eyelash. “Sweetie, you’re gay. Maybe even bisexual.”
“No. I’m not gay.” Jay denied. “I.....I have feelings for Pan.”
"Jay! Let's go!" Felix shouted. Jay quickly left and the mermaids all began shouting ‘good luck’. "Since when do you talk to the mermaids?"
"Ever since I almost drowned." Jay retorted, in which Felix let out a short laugh.
"What do you talk about?"
"Nothing that might be of interest to you."
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yangsrose · 4 years
Blurbs of my WIPS
The order of these are not the order of them being released, but rather in a random order
if you would like to be added to the tag list for any of these please send an ask or reply to this post!!
WIP #1: Xiaojun Fic (heavily based off of the book "Son" by Lois Lowry)
Water. That’s all you felt around you. Water sloshing up and taking over every little part of you, leaving little to no air for you to breathe. You slowly felt your body get submerged by the harsh waves, and before you knew it, you were sucked into the black abyss. You closed your eyes to stop the harsh stings of the salt water, feeling a peaceful spirit come over you as you sunk deeper and deeper into the water.
The next thing you felt was a burning sensation in your lungs. Wanting to get rid of the water that was forcing its way up, you coughed out the cold, bitter liquid that was congesting your lungs. A pair of sweet, warm lips met yours, serving as a contrast to the sea water, and you felt air being forcefully pushed into your airways. You opened your eyes and blurrily saw a man towering over you, his small yet muscular frame hovering over you in worry. You closed your eyes once again, feeling tired from the effort put into taking out the water in your lungs and once again sunk into the familiar black abyss.
WIP #2: Ten FBI AU (based off of this time stamp)
Ten’s job was fairly easy. Or so he liked to believe that. I mean, all he did was just sit in front of a computer and monitor people as they surfed the internet on a daily basis, and make sure that they didn’t do anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. Since he was one of the newer recruits, he was scheduled to look over the more innocent people such as the ones who never searched up anything bad or out of the ordinary. His daily searches consisted of “how to bake a cake” or "how to make a necklace". Innocent stuff as these topics whizzed by his computer screen daily, leading for an easy job on his end. That however, changed when he got assigned to you.
Your searches weren’t… bad or anything, they were just more on the questionable side. In the beginning, your searches were always definitions to words, or just memes that you didn’t remember to save but really needed to send to a friend since you thought it was appropriate. For example, once you searched up “chicken with a knife meme”. Since your search included the word “knife”, Ten was alerted of it, but he dismissed it, not taking the search seriously since he too had that same meme saved as a contact picture for one of his friends.
It wasn’t until your searches became a bit more... progressive for a lack of better terms that Ten began to grow worried. Your searches started pretty innocently, such as “How to erase fingerprints from a surface” and he just suspected that you accidentally got fingerprints on a laptop screen and just wanted to erase them. But after a while, you began searching up things like “acids to get rid of blood stains” and “blunt surfaces that can cause a head trauma.” That caused him to become concerned. He began to monitor your searches more closely, and it wasn’t until recently one day when you searched something extremely concerning that he realised that you were someone that required to be monitored at all times.
Ten called for his boss, showing him the most recent search on your end. “Non-lethal stab wounds'' popped up on the bright screen, and Ten looked back at his boss to see a mirror expression of wide eyes looking back at him.
“I think we have to send you undercover.” Ten’s boss said. He simply nodded and got up from his seat, walking over to his apartment to get everything ready for his mission.
WIP #3: YangYang Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Wait wait wait don't shoot I'm a human I promise!" the young boy held up his hands and walked out from behind the wall the he was using as his hiding place. You refused to lower your weapon down, not wanting to let your guard down out of a fear of being tricked into your own death. You made eye contact with him and felt your hands shake, fearing that the worst might come to you.
As he walked closer, you realised that he was in fact who he claimed to be, the light tan colour of his skin glowing under the moonlight. You felt the gun drop from your hands and your body seemed to work on its own, causing you to run up to him and do the unthinkable.
You kissed him right on his lips.
WIP #4: Kun Astronaut AU
Being one of the only female biomedical engineers in NASA led to some pretty beneficial aspects of your workspace. For example, you were never asked to stay longer than an hour before sunset, out of a fear that you wouldn't be able to reach home safely. The only downside was the fact that you were the smallest one on the team, which put you in some... well, for a lack of better terms, unfortunate circumstances.
If anyone asked you how you ended up face to face in a underwater lab with your workplace crush, you would not be able to tell them why you were in this situation, but what you could tell them was that even after working strenuously underwater for the past 48 hours, Qian Kun still had the softest skin known to mankind.
WIP#5: YangYang Racer AU
why did this take so long to find an except that actually made sense😭
“You'll love YangYang trust me. He’s a first year just like you, and he’s single” Hendery said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Why does that matter.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at the older boy’s antics.
“Just saying.” Hendery said, shrugging his shoulders. You sighed and shook your head, being hit with the smell of freshly roasted coffee as soon as you entered the cafe. Hendery looked around and spotted his roommate, whose back was currently faced towards the both of you. Hendery walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, causing the male to turn around. As you made eye contact with him, you felt your breath hitched up in your throat.
The boy in front of you was absolutely ethereal.
His dark brown hair swept over his forehead, parting a little in the middle. HIs wide eyes scanned over the both of you, scrunching up as his gummy smile overtook his face, standing up to greet you. He was absolutely adorable, resembling a small puppy or sheep with his fluffy hair flopping over his eyes. Hendery noticed your state and smiled before muttering a soft “whipped” under his breath before introducing him to you.
“This is my roommate YangYang. He’s studying automotive engineering as well but secretly he wants to be a formula one racer- OW why are you hitting me? That’s the truth, right?”
“No one’s supposed to know that!” the younger male gritted through his teeth, sending Hendery a fiery glare.
“Sorry about him, Hendery has trouble keeping his mouth shut.” YangYang said, glaring at Hendery in the process.
“I’m y/n.” You muttered, feeling shy all of a sudden. YangYang beamed and stuck his hand out to you to shake, which you took gratefully. You felt your hands get clammy at the thought of holding hands with him, and you felt as if you were stuck in some sort of a trance as you shook his hand.
“Okay love birds you both can hold each others hands at the table let’s get going come on now.” Hendery walked towards the table while turning back to smirk at the both of you. You and YangYang let go of each other's hands and followed Hendery to the table, feeling your faces grow warm at his comment. You gritted your teeth and walked over to the table, silently vowing to never let him use your notes the next time he asked for them.
WIP #6: YangYang Haunted House AU
"YangYang I swear if you try to scare me one more time I will leave you here all alone and I don't care if you're the only way that I can get out of here."
"Uhh y/n? That wasn't me. I'm over here." YangYang said, appearing from the small passageway that was in front of you.
"Wait. If you didn't tap my shoulder, then who did?" you asked, feeling the hair on the back of your neck raise. You turned around and found yourself face to face with a bloodied man holding a pickaxe who was currently swinging it uncomfortably close to you. You felt a scream rise up on your throat and you screamed while grabbing YangYang's arm, using all the strength in your body to pull him along with you. YangYang soon began running faster than you, and he started pulling you after him through the numerous twists and turns.
"Next time you ask me to go anywhere with you I'm saying no" you said, venom seeping through your voice along with deep gasps for air.
"Agreed" YangYang said, regretting every action that led up to his decision.
WIP #6: YangYang Gamer AU
"So you're saying you've never played a single game in your life."
"Do coolmath games count? Because if so I am a beast at fire boy and water girl." you said, your eyes lighting up at the fond memories of playing that game. YangYang sighed and rubbed his temples, feeling stressed at the fact that there was a lot more than he expected to have to teach you.
"Okay how about this. You, me, tomorrow after school in my dorms to learn how to play games because there is no way that I am letting my best friend go their entire life without knowing how to play anything other than coolmath games."
WIP #7: Sungchan Spider-Man AU
"You're Spider-Man. The one who was just on the news." you said, feeling your heart rate accelerate.
"No? What are you talking about? I think you had too much caffeine and too little sleep let's get you to bed now." Sungchan said, maneuvering you over to the door.
"Sungchan, I just saw you crawling on the ceiling and you just shot a web out of your wrist. I even pinched myself so I know for a fact that this was not a hallucination." you said, your speech accelerating with every word. Sungchan sighed and tried to look for a way to cover up his odd behaviour, but in the end opted against it when he realised he was still wearing his suit.
"Please tell no one." he pleaded, turning around to face you with the biggest puppy eyes.
"So it is true" you whispered, your eyes growing wide at the revelation. The last thing you remember was seeing Sungchan's panicked eyes as he lunged forward to catch you before darkness enveloped you.
WIP #8: Johnny Secret Agent AU
"What do you mean run?" you asked, turning to face your partner.
"I may or may not have accidentally set off a bomb timer somewhere around here and if we do not book it out of here in the next two minutes we are going to be like the toast that you had this morning."
"Hey! Just because I like my toast slightly burned does not mean that you can make fun of it."
"You call that slightly burnt? The whole bread was a different colour and the house smelled like smoke." you scoffed and rolled your eyes before turning away from Johnny, wondering why the both of you were still here.
"What's taking Mark so long?"
"Listen here Mark if I die I will haunt you in my sleep please find a way to get us out of here." Johnny said, speaking into the in ear that was directly connected to your "man in the chair" back at the headquarters. You heard frantic typing as Mark tried to find a way out of the room, but as every second passed, it was apparent to you that you and Johnny were one second closer to your great demise. Thinking quickly, you grabbed Johnny's hand and ran out of the room, hearing Mark's voice as he directed you throughout the area, leading you two to safety only a few mere seconds before the bomb went off.
WIP #9: WayV Social Media AU
You think your roommate is going to take you out sometime soon, but you don't know whether it's with a knife or on a date.
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crescentbunny · 4 years
5 WIP/WIP Wednesday Thursday
I was tagged by @rosenkow to share some of my WIPs! I do not have much to share, but I will still try to deliver. I know, it is thursday, but I just now got some free time so… Thank you for tagging me!
I tag: God I’ve seen everyone on my dash do this recently so if we are mutuals or I follow you please do this because I would love to know what you are working on! Hell even if I don’t know you post your wips and tag me so I can follow you and check it out!! @writers or @artists who would like to share their WIPs. Feel free to pass up, should you not have the time for it.
5 WIP (mostly prompts I plan to complete)
Shilus - Rogue Spectre AU - Nihlus and Shep traipse the galaxy having hijinx  busting the bad guys while navigating a very unconventional relationship. Is Shilus the ship name? It is now I guess. 
Solavellan - I just finished DA:I and ran the gauntlet of feels so I cranked out about 4k in angst/anger into a fic that ran away with me - about their time together, and exploring relationship stuff that wasn’t seen in the games. I also made it FAR more horrible and angstier than the game because I’m a heathen. Will finish and post someday - I’m trying to make it a “short” fic - aka not 170k like ORBB.
Shakarian - After the war and Shepard’s death, Garrus finds a Cerberus facility full of clones - with just one small flame haired baby left alive.  I’m about 2k into this. I also desperately want to do a Shakarian First Contact AU. It WILL happen. 
Mass Effect AU - I mean COMPLETELY AU. All the ME species on one planet, in a fantasy setting full of monsters and huge wooden sail barges. Then the Elder Gods appeared. Each race has selected their best warriors to assemble a team to eliminate the threat. Follows all our favorite characters. I am SUPER excited for this but won’t start it until the sequel to Of Reapers and Burnt Beginnings is done. Not sure anyone even cares about this kinda stuff but I SURE DO
Of Shallow Graves and Glorious Cinders - (OSGGC) Most of ya’ll will already know about this one, my continuation of the Shakarian story from ORBB. I’m sitting about - uhh 24k in? Not sure how long it’ll be, I’m guessing about the same as ORBB 170k.
WIP Wednesday Thursday Snippet from OSGGC : 
The desolate, smoldering, gray landscape of Menae smelled heavily of burnt flesh and spent heatsinks. 
Garrus sighed.
The coms in his helmet clicked on but a beat passed and no one spoke. He pulled up his suit diagnostics to confirm function. Hm. Static burst loudly through the helm before the dampeners kicked in, causing him to spit a curse. It clicked again and a few bars of… music… played through the speakers before the signal cut out and quiet returned. 
That… was odd. He wasn’t sure what compelled him to turn around and face the way he had come but he took a few steps and the coms clicked back on to static and muffled noise. He hurriedly brought his stuit read out back up. Channel 1447B was transmitting.
1447B. The Normandy’s ground team com.
No sooner had he processed the channel number then the muffled noise grew and cut through the line loud and clear. The song was loud and fast with a powerful voice crooning over… uh… guitars? Right? That’s what the human’s called them?
“Uh, no offense Loco, but what the hell is this anyway?” A man’s voice.
There was a familiar disgusted noise. “I can’t believe no one ever gave you a Queen education Vega. All those tiddies and not a single neuron in there - wha - you fucking bastard ass creature-” a clipped double blast of a shotgun ensued.
A bark of laughter. “There arn’t neurons in tiddies anyway.”
“Why are we doing this now?” Liara.
“Because you looked like a deer in headlights Miss Broker. Freddy takes the edge off-” The signal stuttered and static returned.
Clarity descended on him, cutting through the fog of exhaustion and every muscle hummed as his insides clenched tightly.
She was alive. She was here. Garrus holstered his sniper rifle and sprinted back towards the encampment.
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