#uhm i just think thay he deserves to feel pretty and delicate...
mxddyhero · 1 year
Day 6: dress(es I wanna see him in)
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unformula1 · 5 months
jealousy and regret (OP81 x LS2)
part 1 part 2: “eugh… alexander albon” oscar gets smacked in the face by his talk with logan and alex. w/c: 1576 day 28 of loscar posts until we get a loscar podium (series masterlist) masterlist
“I’m sorry. Do you know where… Logan is?” Oscar quietly asks one of the engineers.
Oscar hears the all-familiar voice and turns around.
He’s met face to face with the blonde-haired, blue-eyed American.
And just like clockwork, here comes Alexander Albon. The British-Thai 2019 rookie who honestly, Oscar has nothing against, other than the fact that he pretty much stole Logan away from him.
Alex slides next to Logan, hand swung around Logan’s shoulder, leaning onto him.
“Morning Oscar.” Alex says.
Oscar purses his lips. 
Shit. Oscar shouldn’t be like this, he should be glad that Logan has someone to support him better. Oscar should be happy for Logan…
He pushes the thoughts to the back of his head and does his best to suppress them as Alex starts invading Logan’s personal space.
He grits his teeth, clenching his jaw. 
“What brings you here?” Logan says with that wide smile on his face. 
That makes Oscar feel slightly better, at least Logan still smiles at him.
“Uhm… you.” Oscar blurts out, clearly something didn’t go through a filter.
The silence in the room suddenly becomes louder, the awkwardness is tangible and the tension grows thicker.
Alex’s arm slides away from Logan’s shoulder, he’s still standing within Logan’s personal bubble though.
Logan clearly doesn’t read the room well.
“Oh… what’s up then!” He says, the excitement in his voice sharply contrasting the clear tensions building up right now.
“We should…” Oscar finally puts his words through a filter, “Talk. We should talk.” Oscar clears his throat as he finishes.
Obviously Oscar sounded awkward because Logan cocks up an eyebrow, which is something Logan does when he’s unsure of what’s happening. Oscar silently bets Alex doesn’t know that.
“I mean…” Logan chooses his words carefully, “Yea. Of course, I think so too. We really haven’t talked in a while.”
Oscar’s uneasiness fades off and he smiles, a small chuckle escapes too.
“We’ll get to talk later, sometime soon yea?” Logan thinks before saying.
Oscar nods, “Yep. Yep!” 
“Right, so see you then?” Logan says.
“Alright!” Oscar says, internally cheering.
It all disappears in an instant when Alex and Logan walk off, being unbearably close as usual. However, something ruins it all, Alex leans into Logan, whispering something into his ear and Logan chuckles loudly at it.
God Oscar absolutely hates it.
The delicate barrier between internal jealousy and external jealousy shatters.
He’s so gonna get Alex out of this story. He’s so gonna get Logan back. He’s so gonna become Logan’s number one again.
Who did Alex think he was?
A few (admittedly painful) hours pass and Oscar sits in his driver’s room. Suddenly Lando’s murder plan doesn’t seem too bad now.
Speak of the devil.
Lando swings open Oscar’s door.
“Osc. You’re acting strange.” Lando says.
Straightforward, as always.
“How so?” Oscar says, hiding his misery with a fake smile.
“Don’t try that on me.” Lando says as he walks into the room, slamming the door shut behind him, “Spill right now.”
“I already told you. Williams drivers. Me and Logan.” Oscar says, his voice with a tinge of annoyance.
“Yea well usually you don’t dwell on it for too long, and haven’t you already talked to Logan?” Lando shrugs.
“Yes but it’s not that simple, Lando.” Oscar says, eerily monotonously.
“So… there’s something more?” Lando inquires.
Oscar rolls his eyes. He’s gonna hate Lando for this.
“I hate how Alex is close to Logan.” Oscar admits.
“Woah.” Lando says, his hands raising up, “What?”
“Alex doesn’t deserve it.” Oscar, once again, feels the jealousy completely removing his filter.
“They’re teammates, they’re going to be close. Just like us!” Lando says.
“Yea well, he wasn’t there for Logan when Logan was crying on a hotel bed.” Oscar scoffs, “You know who was? Me.”
Lando’s taken aback. He processes Oscar’s words first before trying his best to phrase the next sentence nicely.
“That’s very pretentious of you.” Lando says.
And it’s like a slap in the face for Oscar, he finally realises what he just said. Shit. Then the past few hours of murder plotting hit him in the face as well. Double Shit. He’s really letting this jealousy take over him.
“Fuck.” Oscar whispers.
“What?” Lando asks, moving slightly closer to Oscar.
“I feel horrible. That was so horrible of me.” Oscar buries his face into his hands, “I don’t know what’s gotten into me. These past weeks, it’s just been jealousy, jealousy, jealousy.”
Lando nods a few times.
“Well…” Lando thinks, “You should talk to Logan about this. Maybe apologise for being possessive too.” 
It’s obvious Lando means it as a joke but Oscar feels like it’s a punch into the gut. He’s been insanely possessive. 
“But seriously, talk to Logan about this.” Lando shrugs.
“Okay.” Oscar says as he stands up, brushing past Lando and walking out the room.
“I didn’t mean now… but okay.” 
Oscar sees Logan filming Williams' media in the garage, right next to Alex. He suppresses the thoughts, constantly reminding himself that Alex deserves it.
They end shortly after and Oscar makes his way over to Logan. He, rather rudely, inserts himself into the picture, standing next to Logan.
“Hi Oscar.” Alex says, which prompts Logan to greet Oscar.
“Hey Osc.” Logan says.
“Can we talk… like right now.” Oscar says.
“I mean, sure, with Alex or…” Logan replies.
Oscar hesitates. Would that help?
“Okay.” Oscar says on instinct.
“Alright, cool.” Logan says and pats the seat next to him for Oscar to sit.
Oscar sits down, in between the two Williams drivers. He takes a deep breath before starting.
“Is this about Lando?” Alex jokes which prompts a laugh from Logan. Oscar laughs too, but with slight bitterness.
“No… it’s about you two.” Oscar says.
“Oh.” Alex replies.
“You know what, this is getting out of hand, I’m just gonna get straight to the point.” Oscar rambles.
“Why the hell are you two so close?” Oscar says, directing the question to Logan.
This question takes both Williams drivers by surprise, and seeing as though this question came without a filter, it surprises Oscar too.
“Because we’re teammates…” Logan says.
“Yes I know that but you two are… close close.” Oscar exaggerates his hand movements.
“Uhm…” Logan hesitates, “I guess Alex has been pretty nice to me, being a great person and all that.”
Oscar can feel his jealousy rising again, even more when Alex smiles at Logan.
Logan proceeds to tell his entire story about Qatar and all the races, along with how Alex helped Logan. 
“Alex sat next to me while I cried, because I had no one else.” Logan says and it feels like he’s on the brink of tears.
Oscar’s jealousy gets replaced by guilt. He had no one else.
“Everyone hated me. Well, exaggeration but that’s how I felt.” Logan says and Alex places one hand on Logan’s thigh, “But Alex was there. So it was better.”
Shit. Shit. Shit. Oscar can feel the guilt piling up.
And then it finally dawns on him. Alex deserves Logan, not Oscar. In fact, Oscar doesn’t deserve Logan.
He’s placed everything else above Logan in the past year. Logan and his friendship didn’t matter to him, he was blinded; and while he was gone, Alex was there, to sit next to Logan while he cried on the hotel bed.
God he’s been a horrible friend. Everyone there knows that. Alex knows that, Logan knows that too. 
He let Logan go and now, like some brat, he expected Logan back again. He really was pretentious. He only cared about Logan once it got too late. He pretty much ignored Logan for the better part of the year, burying their friendship 6 feet deep.
Oscar can feel his regret building as Logan looks into Alex’s eyes. Usually it would be jealousy.
This was his second chance. 
“Sorry.” Oscar manages, a sting in his throat preventing him from speaking.
“What?” Logan asks.
“Sorry Logan.” Oscar repeats.
“For what…?” Logan’s oblivious.
“Being a shit friend.” Oscar says as he stifles a sniff.
“No… definitely not.” Logan laughs, “You’ve been a great friend.”
“You don’t need to lie.” Oscar sobs slightly.
Alex pats Oscar on the shoulder.
“Sorry to you too.” Oscar says to Alex.
Confusion builds on Alex’s face but he doesn’t inquire further, which is to Oscar’s benefit.
“It’s alright mate.” Alex says.
Oscar falls into Logan’s embrace, they hug.
Alex winks at Logan and gets up, “I’ll see you two soon.”
“I’ve been nothing but horrible. Please… forgive me, please.” Oscar says, his voice muffled from burying his head into Logan’s chest.
“Mate… I really have no clue what you’re talking about.” Logan says, his voice laced with concern.
Oscar looks up into Logan’s eyes, sniffling. He takes another deep breath, cleaning away his tears.
“You will not believe the things I have been thinking about these days.” Oscar says, “I’ve been so… so horrible.”
Logan cocks his eyebrow up again.
“I’ve been jealous.” 
There, he said it. Somehow it lifts a giant weight off Oscar’s chest.
“Of me and Alex?” Logan asks.
“Yes. Exactly that.” Oscar replies, “But I’ve realised. I’m a bitch.”
“Hey! Don’t say that about yourself.” Logan says, quickly hugging Oscar again.
Oscar struggles to get something out.
“I forgive you man. Let’s start again, yea?” Logan says while hugging Oscar.
Oscar nods, once again.
Logan pats Oscar’s head as they hug for a bit.
------ a/n: hope you like it lol. a little rushed but i tried to make it work.
EXTRA SCENE (Completely non-loscar related btw)
Lando have they talked? tell me they’ve talked Alex They have. Yes. Lando and they talked about their friendship right. Alex Yes Lan They did. Lando great! Alex I know. Who would’ve believed Oscar would be jealous. Lando me. i said it before Alex No one believes you anyway. Lando do you forgive oscah? Alex Yes. Because if I was him, I’d be jealous of me and Logie’s perfect relationship too Lando blah blah shut up. Alex Tell Oscar I forgive him And that Logan is all his again. I’ll still be a great teammate though. Lando Oscar says thank you.
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vanillann · 4 years
aphrodite and her son cupid (spencer reid x f.reader)
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finally got to part two, also if you asked for a part two i tagged you!!
word count: 1.6k
aphrodite and her son cupid mastlist
“Spence, just call.”
Spencer, JJ, and Morgan sat around Spencer's desk in the bullpen with Spencer's phone in the middle of the desk. The lockscreen of the Doctor Who cast that Penelope had picked out forever ago was one but the screen was clear of notifications.
“I can’t.”
“You can Pretty Ricky,” Morgan clapped down on Spencer's shoulder, giving a pearly white smile while trying to get him to pick up the phone.
“I can’t, it’s been three week since she gave it to me and statically-”
“No static, just call,” JJ pushed the phone slightly, giving a sweet smile that would have worked if Spencer nerves weren’t so highl.
“I-I can’t JJ,” he voice switched, saddened from the fact of everything slowly getting to him.
JJ looked to Morgan, her plan was falling apart and all she had left was Henry's plan, which she knew wouldn’t work but it’s all she had left.
“Okay Spence the topic is dropped, how about you come to dinner tonight with Will, Henry, and I?”
Spencer would never pass up dinner with Henry, never in a million years.
“Sure, where are we eating,” Spencer dared looked at his phone one last time before he looked back at JJ.
“It’s a nice Thai food restaurant about 20 from my place.”
The lighting was beautiful, dimmed down and little lights hung everywhere. Spencer definitely had never been in a Thai food restaurant this nice before, but he didn’t eat out much anyways.
“Jareau,” JJ smiled at the host, looking to Spencer to make sure he wasn’t looking, before leaning over to whisper to the woman's ear.
Henry was about to jump out his shoes out of excitement, this was his plan after all. He was hoping his Uncle Spencer would make it easy for him, I mean come on who doesn’t call the pretty lady, but he was prepared for this.
“Right this way,” the sweet lady, who couldn’t stop smiling at JJ, carried them to the back room with the extra seats. Once they pulled back the beautiful golden curtain, Spencer felt he was going to be sick.
There sat Ms. (L/N), her hair in the perfect arrangement, a beautiful black sweater sat on her shoulder with a black and pink floral skirt at her waist.
Spencer Reid didn’t get speechless often, Will knew that.
Suddenly a small stack of menus fell to the floor, Spencer wasn’t paying good attention as we see. This bought all eyes, yes I mean all, to Spencer as he nervously tried to pick up the menus that covered the floor now.
Two delicate hands reached for a stray menu, smiling as she handed it back to the good doctor. Henry was jumping in his seat, a bright smile on his face as Spence nervously looked up at the sweet teacher.
“Ms. (L/N),” Spencer was shocked his voice was clear.
“Doctor Reid,” she smiled down at the ground, itching behind her ear as if she was embarrassed.
Will thought he was better at profilings her than Spencer was at this point.
“W-what uhm, what are you doing here?”
“I come here everyone on the first Saturday of the month,” he spoke gently, the two slowly standing up full once the menus were back in their rightful places.
“Oh,” his words trailed off, looking over at JJ who sat with her family, at a completely full table. The only other empty table in the backroom was the extra seat across from Ms. (L/N).
He was going to cry, like sob cry from embarrassment at this rate.
“I-uhm, I think JJ must have forgotten I was joining them tonight, I suppose I should head out,” time to make a run for it.
“You can eat with me.”
Why did Spencer have to like incredibly nice people?
It was almost annoying how he felt he could never say no to her. It got so bad Spencer hasn’t come within 100 miles of the school since parent day.
“Are you sure?”
When (Y/N) nodded her head, JJ and Will fist bumped under the table. Henry boucher in his seat as Spencer made his way across from Ms. (L/N).
His plan was going just how he wanted it.
“How have you’ve been Doc?”
Spencer smiled at the nickname, one he missed more than on thought possible. It was odd, attaching the nickname to her but it felt weird when Garcia called him that last week.
“I’ve been busy, nothing new I suppose, You?”
He didn’t lie, he would never lie to her if he could help it, he just overplayed how busy he was.
“Good, the kids keep young,” she looked down to her menu, looking up at Spencer before frowning.
“You didn’t grab a menu for yourself?”
Spencer looked at his placement, everything but a menu was in his sight. How does one forget the very thing he knocked down? Maybe it was other things to be focused on, but Spencer wasn’t spilling that yet.
“Here,” Ms. (L/N) picked up her chair, moving it to the other side of the round table beside Spence and held the menu out for both to read.
She could have called for a waiter, sure, but it was just nicer to offer. Yeah that was the only reason. She definitely wasn’t making a move on the sweet attractive Doctor that has ignored her very sad attempt at flirting.
Spencer smiled, looking over the menu held in her multi-color painted nails, ones the kid must have paint with how sloppy they look.
“What do you normally get?”
“The Mango Salad, it’s a personal favorite,” she looked to her right,smiling at Spencer as he himself quickly looked over the menu. She liked the way when he read his jaw locked slightly, he was so focused he didn’t even think to move it.
“Are you both ready to order?”
The two looked up, eyes wide as the waitress stood with a sweet smile as a notepad waiting for the order.
“I believe so.”
(Y/N) let her napkin fall to her plate, little giggles falling from her lips and she laughed at Spencer's sour face.
“Definitely don’t mix them too,” Spencer took a sip of his water, ignoring the way her laugh made him want to do it again just for her.
“I told you so.”
It was true, she made very clear the two wouldn’t mix but he thought best to try it before you brush it off.
He’d definitely brush it off next time.
JJ and Will kept a close eye on the two, enjoying the family dinner and the smile Spencer had tattooed to his face.
“I wish he could’ve just called her, it’d been so much easier,” JJ spoke to Will as she ate the last bit of her soup. She was pretty sure Spencer forgot he even came in with them.
“Yeah, me too doll.”
Will was proud of how well JJ and Henry were doing with this plan, almost scary how good they worked together.
Henry jumped in his seat, prepared to get in the car and hear his favorite profiler, next to his mom, talk about the crush he has on his teacher.
It wasn’t so much to ask, Spencer to be happy, but the universe apparently decided against it. Henry was mad at the universe for that, he knew his Godfather didn’t deserve that.
Meanwhile back to the small table across the room, Spencer was preparing to leave the sweet lady, watching JJ slowly pick up her coat from across the room.
“I’m glad I could speak with you again.”
This was (Y/N) sad way of telling him to call, please God for him to just call her.
“Me too, sorry about not calling,” he did feel bad, but he wasn’t as confident as Morgan with this stuff, he didn’t think he could handle her voice that close to his ear in honesty.
“It’s fine, you’re busy I get it.”
She smiled as he stood up, slowly placing his coat back over his shoulder as Henry came skipping over to the table, smiling at his favorite teacher.
“Hiya Henry,” Ms. (L/N) reached out and fixed Henry's button on his shirt, something that made Spencer panic. She was perfect, he was sure of that.
“HI Ms. (L/N),” his voice was high and excited, as usual when things went as planned.
Spencer didn’t waste time, waving at (Y/N) and goofy smile on his face as he slowly exited the restaurant after JJ and Will, Henry never leaving his side, The boy bouncing on his feet until he was buckled in the backseat beside Spencer.
“So...” JJ trailed off, turning to look at Spencer from the passenger seat of the car.
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling as he imagined the look on your face when you found it.
“How was it?”
“Nice, I suppose.”
Suddenly the plan was falling through.
“Are you going to call?”
“Maybe, but I have a feeling she’ll call first.”
(Y/N) unlocked the door to her apartment, tired as she let her bag fall on the light blue kitchen counter.
She slipped her flats off, turning back to her bag to find her phone so she could call her mother. A small slip of paper looked to be almost tapped to the front, folded with god knows what.
(Y/N) slowly removed the paper, un-folding the paper to the note that was left.
I’m sorry I didn’t call, but maybe you could keep me in check
She felt her teeth run over her bottom lip, unlocking her phone and opening the text message app. She punched in the numbers, smiling as she typed out the text.
Spencer was about to get out of JJ car when his phone dung, Without thinking he fished it out and smiled at the contact pop up.
I’m not calling first, but maybe a text couldn’t hurt.
JJ, Will, and Henry didn’t need to ask who the text was from.
how do we feel about this story??
criminal minds tag list:
@itsarayofsunshine​ @m-n-m @aquarius-pisces-rose @victomizedbyreginageorge @avaxreid​ @erinxneil​
spencer reid tag list:
aphrodite and her son cupid tag list:
@hypotheticalforest​ @bobo-bush @eternalharry​ @friendlyweirdobaby​
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