#uk fireworks shop
showtimefireworks1 · 3 months
Buy Discounted Fireworks Online for Your Next Celebration
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Find more info at: https://t.ly/1Ebmt
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simmyseo · 2 years
Buy wholesale fireworks UK from Cube Fireworks online
AUGUST 6, 2021
In the United Kingdom, festivals like Christmas and Diwali are considerably popular. Every year, natives of the UK celebrate these events with immense joy and enthusiasm. They fire the fireworks that make these events more colorful and elegant. Fireworks are an essential part of any eve that cannot become satisfied without these items. The most commonly used fireworks are ground wheels, sparklers, fountains, and rockets that anyone can blow to celebrate. People prefer to buy fireworks in bulk at affordable prices and Cube Fireworks is their prominent choice. It is the most trusted discount fireworks shop UK that has an extensive collection of reasonably priced rockets, fountains, cakes, and sparklers.
We bring a modern approach to fireworks
Gone are the days when people used to celebrate eve only with sparklers, candles, and wheels, etc. Now they often show interest in aerial fireworks that are capable of filling the sky with impressive effects. Cube Fireworks has brought a large array of these fancy aerial fireworks that hit the sky to display colorful effects that soothe the eyes. Our sky filling range of mercury selection box, cheetah selection box, and vampire box has huge sky lighting effects. These all are the discount wholesale fireworks UK that you can buy under a reasonable budget and can order online to get home-delivered.
Our prices are matchless
We feel immensely proud to proclaim that you cannot find the best price for fireworks other than Cube Fireworks. Our fireworks vary from high to low and low to high range, so you can make a selection as per specific needs. For such a purpose, you just need to visit our site www.cubefireworks.com and can sort the collection to add to your cart. Whether you want a normal variety of fireworks like wheels and sparklers or seeking the aerial effects such as rockets and multi-shot cakes, you can buy wholesale fireworks UK from us. Our prices are matchless as you can get an online quotation to compare with others to find the difference.
Apt for every occasion
At Cube Fireworks, you can get fireworks for every occasion to make it remarkable. We are not only providing an assortment of rockets and sparklers for Christmas and Diwali, but can also deliver for personal events like weddings, birthdays, and parties. You can get UK discount wholesale fireworks in volume to save a sturdy amount of sterling pounds as it can lessen the rates up to the half of printed prices.
Offer win-win deals to customers As a buyer of the fireworks, you can get a win-win deal by consulting Cube Fireworks UK. We are located in England and have established a discount fireworks shop UK where you can visit to take a look at the samples of fireworks. It can be a lucrative endeavor for you as we provide a great rebate on the fireworks to blow for events like Christmas and Diwali. You can also get top-quality assurance and when it comes to delivering the orders, we have a fast and secure transit network to render the delivery service.
Buy Wholesale Fireworks UK
Discount Fireworks Shop UK
Discount Wholesale Fireworks UK
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
A neighbour of one of the 12-year-old machete killers barricaded his home with barbed wire and metal bars in an attempt to keep the “scum” out, it can be revealed.
Two 12-year-old boys are thought to have become the youngest knife murderers in the UK after being found guilty of a brutal machete attack on “loving and protective” Shawn Seesahai, who was stabbed through the heart in a Wolverhampton park.
Jurors on Monday unanimously convicted the youths, who are also believed to be the youngest defendants convicted of murder in Britain since Robert Thompson and Jon Venables – at age 11 – were found guilty in 1993 of killing two-year-old James Bulger.
Residents close to where the two 12-year-olds carried out the brutal machete attack told on Tuesday of how one of the boys, who cannot be named for legal reasons, plagued the local area.
They painted a picture of a “nasty piece of work”, whom they accused of damaging street lights, pinching scooters and posting fireworks through letterboxes.
Regularly skipping school, he would ride across the local playing fields on a mountain bike and loiter outside shops and alleyways long into the night as part of a gang of youngsters of similar age, they said.
One neighbour was so scared of the youngster’s behaviour that he barricaded his home with barbed wire and metal bars.
He told The Telegraph: “He was coming back at four o’clock in the morning. I thought why was a 12-year-old coming back at four o’clock in the morning?
“You could see he was carrying a knife. I told the police he was carrying and I told the social services he was carrying a knife.
“He was out every night of the week. He was in gangs. Gang members would be in that alley waiting for him.
“I don’t want him breaking into my house when I’m out. I barbed-wired it all. I screened the window.
“His friend was always with him. They were always together, pinching, night after night. Scum, that’s all he was.”
Another added: “I can’t believe that the force that was used would have come from someone so tiny.  He was a thoroughly nasty piece of work.”
The boy, who is thought to have lived with his grandmother, is also said to have been a “horrible neighbour”.
Mr Seesahai, who had only been in the country for six months and was originally from the British Overseas Territory of Anguilla in the Caribbean, was attacked as he discussed plans for Christmas with a friend in a park in Wolverhampton last November.
The fatal wound to his back was more than 20cm deep and the blade went through his heart and almost came out of his chest.
He died at the scene after the attack, in which the boys used a nearly 17in-long (42.5cm) blade.
Shortly before the fatal encounter, his attackers, who “often” carried a machete, were passing it between one another at Stowlawn playing fields in East Park, Wolverhampton.
The victim’s friend told the trial he was forced to run for his life but Mr Seesahai stumbled as he tried to flee from the boys.
After refusing to answer police questions in the aftermath of the murder, the boys both gave evidence to jurors, blaming each other for inflicting the fatal blow.
As well as failing to summon help for Mr Seesahai, the youths showed no remorse for what they had done in the 24 hours before their arrest – with one cleaning the machete with bleach and hiding it under his bed.
They told the court they both played video games in the hours after the killing, claiming they did not know Mr Seesahai had died until the following day.
Jurors heard one of the defendants posed, wearing a mask, with the murder weapon for a picture hours before the killing, and was found to have 11 areas of blood staining on his clothing.
The boy was also seen with blood on his hands in the aftermath of the murder, while his friend had a small area of blood staining on his right trainer.
The youth who owned the black-bladed machete was incriminated by his heavily blood-stained clothing and man-bag. He said he bought the machete for £40 from a “friend of a friend” who he refused to name but police said there was evidence he had searched for knives online.
His hoodie, found by police inside out and mixed in with other clothes in a washing basket, was bloodstained on the front of the right sleeve, the front and back of the left sleeve, the right chest and the lower left front.
Officers searched a storage space under a bed and recovered a machete. A tracksuit with apparent blood stains on it was also seized from a laundry basket at one of the schoolboys’ homes.
In an interview released after the verdicts, Mr Seesahai’s parents Suresh and Maneshwary have said they will never be able to get over the loss of their 19-year-old son who always told them he would “shine” and take care of them.
Suresh Seesahai said: “This world is a different world, kids are dangerous now. If we don’t pay attention to them, this will keep happening.”
Mrs Seesahai added: “Twelve-year-old kids should be at home doing school work and then going to bed. I have two children and at 7.30pm they had to go to bed because they have to follow the rules of the house.
“Before that they do their school work and have a little rest.”
Last month, police chiefs said that illegal dealers were selling weapons to under-18s via social media channels, including TikTok, Snapchat and those run by Meta.
Some teenagers, often those involved in drug dealing, want to buy large-status weapons like zombie knives or machetes.
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theretirementstory · 11 months
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Remember, remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot.
Yes tonight is “Bonfire Night” in the UK, where an effigy of poor old Guy Fawkes (a Yorkshire lad) is remembered as he sits atop the burning fire. The bonfire is normally accompanied by a firework display.
We said goodbye to October this week and November arrived and with it more wet and windy weather.
I went to the hospital for a consultation and the haematologist was very pleased with my health. I only need a blood test once a month now reduced from once a week. I am still waiting for my appointments for the radiotherapy but I was told I would receive a phone call so I just have to wait. The appointment was very quick this time (which was good) I got home just as the daylight was going.
I was busy sorting lots of “stuff” for the charity shop and I was being rather ruthless. I drove into deepest darkest Haute Marne to my friends house then she drove me to the Emmaus charity shop. Wow, I was blown away, there were young men waiting with a “supermarket” trolley to collect the items from your car, they asked what was inside the boxes/bags so that they could put them into an appropriate “chest”. The car was quickly emptied and although we didn’t go into the shop it was a lovely ride out. I had a coffee and a chat with Sarah and Jonathan then left their home while we still had daylight. It was a lovely afternoon and we are going to do something another day soon.
My cleaner had been at my home twice this week. I managed to deal with the paperwork for her wages and I was very pleased with myself. She rang me on Friday to say that she had tested positive for Covid! Oh my goodness, me with the low immune system, let’s hope I am ok.
A note appeared in my letterbox saying I had a letter to be signed for. I collected it from the post office and it was a recall notice for my car. I went to the local garage and am booked in to get the car checked, it’s not until December but hopefully everything is fine with the car.
A couple of disappointments this week, firstly I needed one more ball of wool to finish the baby blanket. Drove up to the shop and, you guessed it, not one ball left! I did manage to pick up one ball of the blue colour (only 3 of those left) and I am now “knitting Nora” trying to knit this new blanket and have it finished before 24 November 😳. The second disappointment was the clothes I ordered on-line. The parcel arrived and I tried on said items only to find that they were too big 😩. I packed them up and posted them back and have placed an order for a smaller size 🤞that they fit much better.
“The Daddy” was doing his second job, volunteer photographer for Scarborough Athletic FC, on Saturday. It was a first round FA Cup match and to be honest I think all the family were following the score. Scarborough held the lead from the 27th minute. 3 minutes of added time was given at 90 minutes and at 90 + 2 minutes the opposition scored 😭. It’s a replay on 14 November.
“The Trainee Solicitor” has been looking at ways to reduce his outgoings. He has changed his home insurer and is looking at other ways to cut costs. It’s easy to be “led” when you are first buying a house and I am pleased that as things are due for renewal he is checking out similar options.
“The Ex-Graduate” has had a very busy week, working 45 hours this week. It was busier than usual due to the fact that it was school “half term” holidays, add to that the wet weather and everyone wanting to be inside! That’s a recipe for busy, busy, busy!
Right let’s have a look at this weeks songs. The first is from 1996 😳 it is Un-Break My Heart by Toni Braxton. Lots of reasons for liking this song, great singer, great guitar just lovely to listen to.
Talking of great guitar, here is another example. Parisienne Walkways by Gary Moore feat. Phil Lynott. This dates back to 1978, yes it does, I had to go into the singles box to check my copy of the record!
I haven’t had any visitors this week but have had messages from Maud, Monique, Denise a friend from the old knitting group and Claudine a friend from the new knitting group. Apparently, the new lady to the group has been hospitalised with viral meningitis!
I have been busy looking for a birthday present for a friend in the south of France. I think I have managed to find something and have also a thought for another year.
My week seems to have involved not much “out and about” more clicking of needles, but that is how it goes sometimes.
My neighbour, up the street, has been putting up a six foot high wire fence around first his back garden and now his front garden. I don’t understand, it makes it look like a fortress and even more puzzling is the fact that he doesn’t own his home he just rents it! I had the shrubs removed from my front garden to open up my space and this man seems to want to “shut himself off”. Each to their own I suppose.
Quite a few people have had fences put up around their back gardens this year but I really would hate my shrubs to be removed where would the birds go? I love to see them swooping around the garden.
Well it’s time to go, I can hear the needles calling me 😂.
Bon dimanche.
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brainjuicey · 1 year
guys I'm going to speculate about personal wealth as the only viable option to achieve a quality of life in modern ireland because of a systemic failure of the gov.
the cultural and social climate in Ireland is incredibly isolated and mainly survives on the community driven status quo, and part of that means talking to anyone on the street about anything. its taboo to hold a prejudice against men (you'll find no sympathy or self awareness in the good hearty country people for the actions of others because they're so convinced of their own Catholic virtue) I like that their belief and strength comes from a place of goodness but at the same time 😀 as a young person there's no space for change (I want to posit the growing perceived idea that most change in Ireland is bad, in the last 40 years the country has changed dramatically in every way)
as governmental policy, regulations and aspirations were influenced by western advancement, the approach to urban planning and management has gotten bloated and useless. rapidly, life in Ireland changed, often reflecting the cultural urban centres of the UK. the ideology behind that choice is found in every corner of the irish design industry "new is good, old is bad," and the only use for old world customs and traditions is tourism. Ireland is fundamentally about living a simple life and while those wealthy enough to access the resources can do that (education, comfort, fine commodities), everyone in between rural country life and "high society" (the majority of the population) has been left in limbo. for young people it can seem like the only choice is to become a wealthy Dubliner, go abroad, or stay home and work in a shop or pub. there's no shame in any of these. again, people have been trying for decades to create alternative routes that ultimately submit to the same rules and guidelines. any chance at true enjoyment of social security and standing must be enjoyed alone. the gov plays no part in the organisation or support of communities. people are disillusioned with police for inactivity and unfairness. the gov is like an absentee parental figure, building massive housing estates with no engagement or organisation of most often- large groups of vulnerable people with children who grow up idle and angry. housing for upper class people are no different, devoid of organised thought and a poor mimicry of the enjoyment of Irish homes- the peace of isolation. instead they are hostile.
i think the anti-social sentiment of citizens disillusioned with Irish life (quite a lot of people) comes from a disappointment and anger towards a longstanding neglect of responsibilities of the Irish government. anyone should be able to contact their representative and do what they want, be it fireworks or a driveway or a solarfarm or a playground or parking spaces or turning an empty building into something new.
I reject the free markets ability to come into a decrepit area that people suffer for, homes uninhabitable in the town centre, footpaths unusable and unsafe, and take advantage of the market to create a luxury-amenities business.
while being bi-partisan to any prejudice or resentment is a prize quality in old Irish culture, modern Ireland is riddled with resentment. an economically diverse society openly mirroring a hierarchy is a relic of medieval times— a historical period still present in the Irish cultural mindset. in this way, the urge to be all the same is a negative hindrance on improving quality of life. the answer isn't personal wealth, or thinking you've found the solution (a cushy lifestyle that you've carved out for yourself, half in half out of society when it suits you). progress has to be momentous enough to encompass everyone in the community, a socio-cultural-economic boom of energy that inspires people enough to embrace their traditions actively and not abandon them as a sacrifice to achieving a "better" life.
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday!!! What are the most popular traditions in the world of your story (or at least the ones in your character's lives)? What are the ones your characters love the most? If any, what are the most interesting local foods of your regions? What are the cultural aspects you’re most proud of in your works?
Thanks for the ask!
Ok, sorry for the late response. I’ve been a bit busy lately with school stuff. Plus, I needed to really think about this one lol.
You see, my story is set primarily in northern part of London in 2010. I have an idea of what London is like now (I don’t currently live there, but I’ve been there enough times), but it would be different back then, you know? Slightly.
There are of course plenty of great things to see and do and go to in a bustling city like London, and this is partially the reason I chose it to be the main setting for my story. That being said, I didn’t properly think about any particular places that my characters would like…
So this is quite a good question! Let me think…
Some really great events/places/cultural aspects of London include:
Notting Hill Carnival (this vibrant celebration of Caribbean culture, featuring colorful parades, music, and dance)
Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night (not just a London thing lol. On November 5th, people across the UK, celebrate Guy Fawkes Night - a tradition that involves fireworks displays and the burning of effigies representing Guy Fawkes, who famously attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605)
Christmas Markets (during the holiday season, various Christmas markets pop up around North London, offering festive foods, gifts, and entertainment)
Regent Street Decorations (During festive seasons like Christmas, Regent Street, which leads into Oxford Circus, is adorned with dazzling decorations and festive lights. London really knows how to Xmas lol… these decorations are always STUNNING)
Fish and chip shops lol
Sunday Roast (popular British tradition)
Brick Lane curry (Brick Lane is in East London. It’s famous for its vibrant curry houses offering a variety of Indian, Bangladeshi, and Pakistani dishes)
Oxford Circus (renowned for being a major shopping district, with a wide range of shops and department stores like Zara, and H&M, as well as smaller boutiques and specialty shops)
Those are just a few examples. I could go on and on lol.
I feel like I need to think a little deeper about how these things might affect my characters and overall storyline (I mean, I haven’t really thought about this stuff before… like I’ve said before, my main focus with my stories is to really expand on characters, not so much on the setting. But it’s ok - this question really made me think deeper about other aspects of my story. So thanks!)
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Buccaneers Baker Mayfield Signature Shirt
Buccaneers Baker Mayfield Signature Shirt
A likely decline in the Christmas TV lineup. Even when trapped in the Buccaneers Baker Mayfield Signature Shirt for days on end, most people have enough devices to avoid having to interact in this archaic way. If the economy picks up, more people will travel. And of course the end of Christmas high street/main street shopping, in-person retail just won’t survive, unless there’s a physical need to go to a store. Less and less people attend family services, a trend that has been going on for decades. Municipal councils can stem the tide of decline by bringing in parades, rides, markets, beer gardens, outdoor skating, a petting zoo, fireworks, street dj nights, park concerts etc and after Christmas, they can create central places to recycle trees, paper, boxes, and sales for unwanted toys, charity drives etc Bring those leftovers to the homeless, and failing that, the municipal composting program. The holidays are a good time for groups to suspend their normal rules, let some hair down and make a real difference to people, the excuse, it’s Christmas. One of the UK supermarkets turned their awning into a light tunnel that received tens of thousands of visitors, and got lots of good press. Staff are usually willing to make the effort, and management are keen to do something, it’s a matter of co-ordinating and making it happen. Rather than indulging in more selfish office practices, you could actually boost the community and get more people through the door instead. For private firms, open days are a brilliant idea too, you can combine it with recruitment to create an informal jobs fair, very handy at the holidays as lots of people become unemployed at this difficult time.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Labour MP slams Tamworth riots amid hotel comments criticism
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/labour-mp-slams-tamworth-riots-amid-hotel-comments-criticism/
Labour MP slams Tamworth riots amid hotel comments criticism
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A Labour MP has slammed violence targeting asylum seekers in her constituency, including an attack on a hotel she mentioned in parliament days earlier.
Sarah Edwards, MP for Tamworth, described the riots at a Holiday Inn in the Midlands town as “shocking & disgraceful” on X, later releasing a statement further condemning the violence that targeted refugees housed at the hotel.
“It is not protest. It’s not legitimate. It’s a crime and violent disorder. An assault on the rule of law,” she wrote.
“This behaviour will not be tolerated on our streets. Tamworth is a welcoming and caring community.
“Those who are intent on stoking disorder and division are not welcome and do not speak for Britain or for Tamworth.”
It comes after a mob of far-right thugs attacked the Holiday Inn, smashing windows and attempting to start fires inside the the building.
Police protecting the hotel were attacked with missiles, fireworks, and petrol bombs leaving one officer injured with a broken arm. 
“It is fortunate that no one inside the hotel was injured, but rest assured those involved in the violence will face the full force of the justice system,” said Edwards.
The Tamworth MP has faced calls to resign, after mentioning the same hotel in a speech to parliament on 30 July, saying her constituents “want their hotel back”.
“In Tamworth the Holiday Inn has been used for asylum purposes for years and the simple reality is that residents want their hotel back. Tamworth benefits from local tourism and as I have said before in this Chamber, the Holiday Inn should be for holidays,” she told MPs.
“I therefore welcome (the) announcement that the Border Security and Immigration Bill includes plans to end asylum hotel use.”
The New Arab has approached the MP for comment but received no response by the time of publication.
Another Holiday Inn in Rotherham, was also targeted by a far-right mob on Sunday, with terrifying scenes of staff and guests huddled in the hotel as extremists pelted windows with stones and ignited fires.
Violence erupted last week following the killing of three children n Southport, North West England, with a 17-year-old detained in connection with the murders.
The suspect has been named as Axel Rudakubana, who was born in the UK and lived locally. There were false reports, widely circulated on social media, that the suspect was Muslim and came as a refugee.
Islamophobic and racist violence has erupted across the UK since then, with mosques, police, shops, and people of colour targeted by mobs.
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has pledged a tough response to the riots and dozens of people have already been arrested with many more being identified by police.
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warningsine · 2 months
LONDON, Aug 5 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said violent protesters who had targeted Muslim communities would swiftly face the "full force of the law" as he sought to quell days of anti-immigration rioting.
The fatal stabbing of three young girls in the northwest English town of Southport last week has been seized on by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups, with disinformation spread online and amplified by high-profile far-right figures to spark disorder in towns and cities.
"Whatever the apparent motivation, this is not protest, it is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on mosques or our Muslim communities," Starmer said on Monday after an emergency meeting with police and prison chiefs.
"The full force of law will be visited on all those who are identified as having taken part."
Police chiefs said they had arrested 378 people since the start of the unrest and warned of "lengthy prison terms" for those found guilty of violent disorder.
The violence erupted last Tuesday after social media posts said the suspected attacker in Southport was a radical Islamist who had just arrived in Britain and was known to intelligence services.
Police say the 17-year-old suspect was born in Britain and they are not treating it as a terrorist incident. The suspect's parents had moved to Britain from Rwanda.
Interior minister Yvette Cooper said rioters had felt "emboldened ... to stir up racial hatred" and that the protests were not a proportionate response to concerns about near-record levels of immigration.
"Reasonable people ... do not pick up bricks and throw them at the police," she said.
Protests, mostly involving a few hundred people, have continued across the country, with shops looted and mosques and Asian-owned businesses attacked. Cars have been set on fire and some unverified videos on social media have shown ethnic minorities being beaten up.
Australia and Nigeria were among countries to issue warnings on Monday to citizens resident in or travelling to Britain.
On Monday evening, protests spread to Plymouth in southwest England. Several hundred anti-immigration protesters wearing English and British flags faced off against a greater number of counter-protesters, kept apart by police in riot gear.
Protesters threw bricks and fireworks and scuffled with police. Sky News said three police officers were injured.
In Rotherham, northern England, protesters on Sunday tried to break into a hotel that housed asylum seekers in what Starmer called an act of "far-right thuggery", following protests on Saturday in other English cities and in Belfast.
Starmer said a "standing army" of specialist police officers would tackle outbreaks of violence where needed.
Northern Ireland's assembly will end its summer break a day early to discuss the violence.
Police have blamed online disinformation, amplified by high-profile figures for driving the violence.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson and previously the leader of the defunct anti-Islam English Defence League, has been blamed by media for spreading misinformation to his 875,000 followers on X.
"They are lying to you all," Yaxley-Lennon said. "Attempting to turn the nation against me. I need you, you are my voice."
Elon Musk, the owner of X, also weighed in. Responding to a post on X that blamed mass migration and open borders for the disorder in Britain, he wrote: "Civil war is inevitable."
Starmer's spokesperson said there was "no justification" for Musk's comment. Musk later criticised Starmer for a post on X which identified mosques as needing particular protection.
In Whitechapel in London, lawyer M. A. Gani, 33, said the British Bangladeshi community was "living in fear".
"We've never seen this kind of far-right groups (being so) active and anti-immigrant," he said.
"I hope that the UK (government) will take initiative to calm down the situation."
Britain's technology minister, Peter Kyle, met representatives of social media platforms including X to remind them of their responsibility to stop the spread of racial hate and incitement to violence.
"There is a significant amount of content circulating that platforms need to be dealing with at pace," he said.
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paletalegear · 2 months
Trump Supreme Court Supreme Court Supreme Court Shirt
Trump Supreme Court Supreme Court Supreme Court Shirt
A likely decline in the Christmas TV lineup. Even when trapped in the Trump Supreme Court Supreme Court Supreme Court Shirt for days on end, most people have enough devices to avoid having to interact in this archaic way. If the economy picks up, more people will travel. And of course the end of Christmas high street/main street shopping, in-person retail just won’t survive, unless there’s a physical need to go to a store. Less and less people attend family services, a trend that has been going on for decades. Municipal councils can stem the tide of decline by bringing in parades, rides, markets, beer gardens, outdoor skating, a petting zoo, fireworks, street dj nights, park concerts etc and after Christmas, they can create central places to recycle trees, paper, boxes, and sales for unwanted toys, charity drives etc Bring those leftovers to the homeless, and failing that, the municipal composting program. The holidays are a good time for groups to suspend their normal rules, let some hair down and make a real difference to people, the excuse, it’s Christmas. One of the UK supermarkets turned their awning into a light tunnel that received tens of thousands of visitors, and got lots of good press. Staff are usually willing to make the effort, and management are keen to do something, it’s a matter of co-ordinating and making it happen. Rather than indulging in more selfish office practices, you could actually boost the community and get more people through the door instead. For private firms, open days are a brilliant idea too, you can combine it with recruitment to create an informal jobs fair, very handy at the holidays as lots of people become
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showtimefireworks1 · 4 months
Exploring London's Premier Fireworks Shops
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Find more info at: https://t.ly/YNCjl
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charcherry-weekly · 3 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 205
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. I think I might have a crush on somebody. Either that or its getting hotter around here. Either way, we've got news here.
His name is SCART
As of late, there have been efforts on the writing a public transport bill for the creation of a local public body in Scarab City. The current proposed name for this body is SCART, which stands for Scarab City Area Regional Transport. Reportedly, it is named after a once popular european 21 pin AV cable. As of reporting, the details of the organization are still being solidified, as well as how it will interface with the Desertian Transit Authority that currently offers services there. Further details to be determined.
Beef Extra Rare
Over the weekend, your dear newsletter writer finished and submitted None Pizza with Left Beef Chapter 3 part 1 for the RPG Maker Network Gaymak2024 pride month game jam, and with ample hours to spare. The estimated gameplay time is 20 minutes and the difficulty is reportedly easy, though there were mild complaints about the UX, in regards to the quicktime event bar's feedback. Other than that, the reception was pretty good. This game and the other two chapters can be found on my itch.io account. It will be a long time until part 2 is handled, so in the meantime I will be resuming work on the comic, which is approaching the spaghettivase floppy disc arc.
Classified ads
Help wanted!! Needed experience with treating metaphysical maladies. Contact frozenLake for details.
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-2425 to schedule an appointment, new client slots open this month.
Chao babysitter wanted! Must be good with young children! Please contact a chao parent (most likely one from Desertia town) if you are interested.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand -Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Driftwood stand
Masquerade mask stand
Traditional Shop: - Whistle, beast (5 gp) - Netting, camouflage (20 gp) - Cobbler's Tools (25 gp) - Backpack, weaponrack (25 gp) - Tent, large (30 gp) - Rope, spider’s silk (50 ft.) (100 gp) - Tent, hanging (20 gp) - Tent, pavilion (100 gp) - Mirror, Steel (5 gp) - Tent, small (10 gp)
That should do it for this week. There wasn't much that happened on the 4th, other than Skye staying up to watch the vanilla UK elections, silent fireworks (responsibly) going off on Mt. Phoenix, and (less responsibly) fireworks being introduced on Neo Alternia. Now if you excuse me I am going to douse myself in cold water. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/442/charcherry-weekly-issue-205
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bllsbailey · 3 months
Friday Morning Minute
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Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 
Biden Hilariously Does Holiday Meme of Himself While Hunter and Ashley Get Into the Fireworks
At this point, Biden is just trying to keep his head above water as the pressure on him just continues to mount as more and more calls keep being raised against his candidacy.
Nigel Farage Redux: Reform UK Party Ascendant As British Voters End Conservative Party's 14-Year Reign
Farage had said he was through with politics but could not stay on the sidelines as the kingdom falters.
BOMBSHELL: Report Reveals Extent of Biden's Mental Collapse, Including Terrifying Quotes From Friends
The country does not have a president right now. 
Today on Capitol Hill...
Quiet still, other than vulnerable House Dems fleeing the sinking SS Biden. 
White House What's Up
Fresh off his Fourth of July Follies, President Joe Biden will head to Madison, Wisconsin, Friday afternoon for a campaign event. Then he'll return to Wilmington, Delaware, presumably for a quiet weekend. His interview with George Stephanopoulos is set to air Friday evening at 8:00 pm Eastern. 
Full Court Press...
In theory, it should be a relatively quiet day in the courts, although the Wisconsin Supreme Court is set to release a couple of highly anticipated decisions Friday regarding the legality of ballot drop boxes and legislative powers. 
Over in the Southern District of New York, Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-NJ) trial continues. His legal team rested Wednesday without him testifying. His co-defendant, Wael Hana, is expected to call another witness Monday and it remains unclear if the prosecution will be presenting a rebuttal case. Either way, it's likely the case will go to the jury sometime next week. 
What day is it? I don't know if it's a function of getting older or what, but this holiday in the middle of the week stuff really throws me off anymore. It's Friday...but it feels pretty much like a Monday. Except that a lot of people (yours truly excluded) have the day off and will treat it like a Saturday or Sunday. Me? I'll be keeping an eye on things here — oh, and filling in for Tony Katz Today over at WIBC from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern if you're looking for some afternoon radio. 
Alright, I know it's the Fifth, but this one was too on point not to share...
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topshotterfireworks · 4 months
Light Up the Sky (Pink or Blue) with Topshotter Fireworks UK’s Gender Reveal Fireworks!
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Are you expecting a bouncing bundle of joy and itching to share the exciting news with the world? Topshotter Fireworks UK has the perfect way to add some explosive excitement to your gender reveal party — with gender reveal fireworks!
Gone are the days of tired old cake colors. Announce the arrival of your little prince or princess with a dazzling display of fireworks that will leave your guests gasping in awe (and maybe shedding a happy tear or two).
Topshotter Fireworks UK: Your One-Stop Shop for Gender Reveal Fireworks
We know you want a gender reveal that’s as unique as your soon-to-be arrival. That’s why Topshotter Fireworks UK offers a variety of gender reveal fireworks to suit any style and budget:
Smoke Bombs: Paint the sky pink or blue with vibrant smoke grenades that create a dramatic and colorful reveal.
Firework Fountains: Watch in wonder as sparkling pink or blue bursts erupt from these ground-based fountains, perfect for a safe and dazzling display.
Aerial Fireworks: Take your reveal to new heights with a selection of gender reveal fireworks that light up the night sky in a spectacular display of pink or blue.
Combination Packs: For the ultimate gender reveal finale, choose a combination pack that includes a variety of smoke bombs, fountains, and aerial fireworks.
Safety First at Topshotter Fireworks UK
Making memories shouldn’t come at the expense of safety. That’s why all our gender reveal fireworks are legal to use in the UK and come with clear instructions. We recommend checking your local firework laws and regulations before using any fireworks.
Top Tip: Planning Your Gender Reveal Fireworks Display
Find a Safe Location: Ensure you have a clear and open space away from houses, trees, and flammable materials.
Have a Water Source Handy: Always keep a hose or bucket of water nearby in case of emergencies.
Read the Instructions Carefully: Before lighting any fireworks, be sure to read and understand the instructions.
Designate a Firework Supervisor: Assign a responsible adult to supervise the firework display.
Let Topshotter Fireworks UK Make Your Gender Reveal Unforgettable!
With Topshotter Fireworks UK’s gender reveal fireworks, you can create a magical moment that will be remembered by you and your guests for years to come. Visit our website or contact us today to find the perfect fireworks for your special occasion.
Light up the sky and celebrate the arrival of your precious little one with Topshotter Fireworks UK!
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bigshotterfireworks · 5 months
Where to Buy Fireworks: Closest Shop to You
Looking for the best fireworks shop near me? Buy fireworks online in UK at our online fireworks shop! Enjoy fireworks delivery right to your doorstep
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demolitionscontractor · 7 months
Demolition Contractors in the UK: Unveiling the Masters of Deconstruction
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Are you envisioning a grand renovation project or planning to clear the slate for a new construction venture in the UK? Well, you're going to need the unsung heroes of the construction world – demolition contractors. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of demolition in the United Kingdom, exploring the key players, their methodologies, and why you should care about these masterminds of destruction.
The Symphony of Demolition: Beyond the Wrecking Ball
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the UK's Eco-Friendly Demolition Methods, let's dismiss the notion that demolition is merely about swinging a wrecking ball with wild abandon. In reality, it's an intricate symphony, an orchestrated ballet of machines and skilled professionals. Demolition contractors are the conductors, ensuring that every move is precise and harmonious.
Why Demolition Matters
City Evolution: Just as a phoenix rises from the ashes, cities evolve through demolition. Old structures make way for modern marvels, transforming the urban landscape.
Safety First: Outdated buildings pose risks. Demolition ensures the removal of hazardous structures, creating safer environments for communities.
Environmental Consciousness: Demolition contractors are not wrecking ball enthusiasts; they're environmental custodians. Modern techniques prioritize recycling and responsible waste management.
Who Are These Demolition Maestros?
Picture this – a squad of experts armed with cutting-edge machinery, wearing hard hats like modern-day gladiators stepping into the arena. These are the demolition contractors, the silent architects of change.
Qualifications and Accreditation
CITB Accreditation: Reputable contractors carry the stamp of approval from the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), ensuring they adhere to industry standards.
Environmental Credentials: The best in the business consider the environmental impact. Seek contractors with certifications like ISO 14001, showcasing their commitment to eco-friendly practices.
The Demolition Arsenal: Tools of the Trade
Now, let's talk toys – the impressive arsenal that demolition contractors employ to turn buildings into rubble with surgical precision.
High Reach Excavators
Imagine a mechanical giant with a telescopic arm – the high reach excavator. It's the samurai sword of the demolition world, reaching unparalleled heights to dismantle structures floor by floor.
Implosion Techniques
Demolition isn't always a slow burn. Sometimes, it's a controlled explosion, a calculated burst of energy akin to fireworks on demolition night. It's about collapsing structures inward like a house of cards, a controlled chaos.
The Art of Selective Demolition: Preserving the Past
Not all demolitions are about wiping the slate clean. In the UK, where history breathes through ancient structures, demolition often involves selective dismantling. It's like delicate surgery, removing the unhealthy parts while preserving the essence of the structure.
Ever seen a skilled surgeon at work? Demolition contractors can be considered the surgeons of construction – precise, focused, and committed to preserving the patient.
Choosing the Right Maestro for Your Symphony
Alright, so you're sold on the necessity of a demolition contractor, but how do you pick the right one? It's not like shopping for groceries; this is a decision that could make or break your project.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Demolition Contractor
Experience Matters
Industry Tenure: Seek contractors with battle scars – those who've weathered the storms of countless demolitions. Experience is the crucible that forges mastery.
Project Portfolio: Look at their portfolio like a gallery of past victories. The diversity of projects showcases their adaptability and expertise.
Safety First, Always
Safety Protocols: In the world of demolition, safety is non-negotiable. Ensure your chosen contractor follows stringent safety protocols, safeguarding both workers and bystanders.
Insurance Coverage: Accidents happen. A reputable contractor carries comprehensive insurance, providing you with peace of mind.
Demolition 2.0: The Sustainable Approach
In an era where climate change is at the forefront, responsible demolition practices matter. The days of reckless destruction are giving way to environmentally conscious methodologies.
Recycling and Reuse
Concrete Jungle to Green Oasis: Demolished concrete isn't just waste; it's a resource. Many contractors recycle concrete, turning it into aggregate for new construction projects.
Salvaging Materials: It's not about destruction; it's about deconstruction. Salvaging materials for reuse minimizes the ecological footprint, transforming waste into opportunity.
The Demolition Landscape in the UK: A Mosaic of Expertise
The UK's demolition scene is a mosaic of companies, each contributing a unique brushstroke to the canvas of construction evolution. Let's explore the diverse players in this dynamic field.
National Giants
Keltbray: Think of them as the giants of the demolition world, with a national presence that echoes through the urban jungle.
Erith Group: With a history dating back to the 1960s, Erith Group is a stalwart in the demolition realm, known for handling complex projects with finesse.
Regional Artisans
McGee Group: If national giants are the symphony conductors, regional artisans like McGee Group are the soloists, adding a local touch to every note.
Coleman & Company: Birmingham-based Coleman & Company combines heritage with innovation, embodying the spirit of the city they call home.
Demolition: More Than Meets the Eye
So, why should you care about demolition contractors in the UK, especially if you're on the other side of the Atlantic?
Imagine building a ship in the vastness of the ocean – that's your construction project. Now, think of demolition contractors as the lighthouses guiding your ship through the storm. Their expertise, precision, and commitment to safety ensure your journey is smooth, navigating the turbulent seas of deconstruction with finesse.
Conclusion: The Demolition Symphony Continues
In wrapping up this exploration of the UK's demolition landscape, it's essential to appreciate the artistry and expertise embedded in every demolition project. These contractors are not just demolishing structures; they're crafting a symphony of change, sculpting the urban landscape into something new, something better.
So, the next time you witness a building crumble or a structure gracefully bow out to make way for progress, remember the unsung heroes orchestrating the demolition symphony – the demolition contractors of the United Kingdom. They are the architects of evolution, shaping the cities of tomorrow through the controlled chaos of today.
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