yoakkemae · 2 months
🪵( hehe 🫡 )
send 🪵 and i'll say a positive thing about my own blog.
i guess i put a lot of work into my muses... i love and care about them...
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kuratm · 10 days
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@ultmanias asked: i want to whisper in your ears the things i couldn't say. / rikuyu pls
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the suggestion, albeit sounding quiet teasing, actually brought myriad of butterflies to sayu's stomach. many things were left unsaid throughout these years - many which sayu, herself, was guilty of. to think there were simpler times, when crushing was the most difficult part to deal with but now? now, sayu had to deal with the truth of her birth origin and, well...fully accept herself as the princess of darkness. maybe this wasn't in part of maleficent's plans but at this point, did it matter? what mattered more were present times and everyone's undying effort to detect sora. of course, what also mattered was her relationship with riku, and being transparent with her boyfriend. sometimes it was easy but some days, it was easier said than done. regardless, the shorter woman needed to talk to riku...there were so many things she, herself, never said, after all.
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sayu just didn't expect him to approach the topic, but then again, maybe she shouldn't be so surprised - this was years of pinning and will-they-won't-they until neither couldn't take the tension, any longer. with that, the black haired only smiled and looked up at the taller keyblade master. ❛ in that case... ❜ she pauses to take hold of riku's hands, pulling him closer until he's the right height for her to reach. then and there, one hand moves to take hold of his cheek as she moves to peck his cheek and, without hesitation, leaned to his own ear. ❛ could i, too, whisper the things i never said to you, my dusk? there's a lot i haven't said, and i want to... ❜ pausing to slowly pull off, her eyes meet his as she smiles. ❛ it's only fair, you know...? ❜
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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electricea · 2 months
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@ultmanias sent - 🐣💋✨( Munday Communication Meme - Accepting! )
🐣 - Is there anything you're new at, just now learning, or practicing when it comes to RP?
More of an OOC thing and not exactly something new but practising just being more honest and assertive with people and stating my own views - if it means potentially losing a mutual, so be it, but I can be satisfied with letting my mutuals know exactly where my head is at and where I stand. I'm not looking to play games or lead anyone on or feed anyone any mistruths or lies and it's not as though I did that before, I just hated and avoided conflict so much that I thought it better to say nothing at all and sometimes that meant being sort of steamrolled or put into uncomfy situations.
💋 - Are you silly ooc? Casual? Chatty? Do you prefer or enjoy things like small talk, when not rping?
I like to think I'm a good balance - RP is definitely a major hobby and I'm happy to discuss it but it's not my whole life - if a mutual wants to talk anime or gaming, I'm happy to - I actually enjoy small talk as it gives me a chance to get to know my mutuals better not merely as fellow writing partners but as people and potentially friends. While I wouldn't call myself chatty or outgoing, if someone dm's me out of the blue to make conversation, I'll do my best to respond and I won't shut it down or anything.
✨ - Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire?
God yeah, there's so many amazing muns on this website (you being among them!!) that I admire and am in awe of - it's just a matter of working past that intimidation and approaching them first and showing interest.
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strebcr · 2 months
Positivity Meme!
Send in a symbol to let the mun know how you feel about them!
😊 - It makes me happy to see you on my dashboard!
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Ahhh thank you so much :,^D I feel the same way about you! I love your blog and writing so much 😭👍✨️
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floripire · 4 months
4, 6, and 16 for the mun meme uwu
mun memes › @ultmanias
what genre do you primarily favour?
sci-fi, sci-fi-fantasy, urban fantasy. i need some supernatural element in my stories; i need mythology! i need witches and vampires and werewolves and dragons and elves and faeries and everything in between!
what are you top five universes to RP within?
answered here.
how have your faceclaim choices changed over time?
answered here for flori.
udyati's fc never changed and will never change, either, so i'll do my other characters instead: khione goossens / freeze girl used to be s.ydney s.weeney for 0.5. seconds back when e.uphoria just hit the scene. then i changed it to o.livia h.olt and stayed with that choice for years because freeze girl is white in the movie.
recently, though, i changed her fc again to i.man v.ellani because i feel more comfortable writing women of color considering i myself am one. and it just felt right having khione be south asian, like a natural part of her story: her wealth affords her certain privileges but she's still a woman of color in a predominantly white environment / school environment / work environment. most superheroes are white. how does she navigate those spaces?
eleusine also went through a lot of face claims before i settled on the one i have now: i started out with v.irginia g.ardner - i was among the first, if not the first person to use her as a fc - and then i went with keke palmer for 0.5. seconds before figuring out that keke fit other p.jo characters - like the victor twins, holly and laurel - better; then i went on to use s.amantha l.ogan because i saw her in t.een w.olf and was obsessed. but she didn't really scream eleusine to me anymore.
then i used k.aylee k.aneshiro for years and years and years. at that point, eleusine was cemented in my brain as someone distinctly asian.
but the urge to change my fc struck again and it wasn't until i watched the s.ummer i t.urned p.retty and saw l.ola t.ung who had the right amount of sweetness and the right amount of spice that i figured: yes, you're the one. i was sold immediately but it took me a while to go through with the change. once i did, though, i never looked back.
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cauterisen · 2 months
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@ultmanias asked:❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ / from snow white ( i am here for family feelings pls and thanks )
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'Oh, you saw that?' She makes a face, somewhat apologetic. Kimiko's always loved competing, and she's proud of what she's accomplished in tournaments. It's not an easy sport to perform or even to watch though, karate, and she's picked up quite the number of bruises and injuries along the way as a result. Today, it's her wrist. Not broken, but a bit sore. Nothing to worry about in terms of lasting or permanent damage.
'I'll be fine, okaa-san.Just need to rest a while, that's all.' Kimiko hugs her mother's side, a reassuring gesture for both her and her mother. Even if they don't share blood, Queen Snow will always be family to her, and that's not something she takes lightly. Family shows up, and it means the world to her to have her mother be there to be proud of her… or comfort her during tough moments like this one. Her mother is there for her through it all, and she hopes that the more that time passes, the more she can be just as much of a comfort and light presence in her life as the queen has been in hers. She hopes she can be just as kind and strong a queen as Snow someday, even if she has much to learn.
She can't think of anyone else better to learn from, or to be here with.
'Why don't we go shopping for dinner? Maybe watch a movie, just us? It's been a while since we've done that.'
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ouraniatm · 1 year
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@ultmanias asked: you’re still coming tomorrow ,  right ? / from zack !
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cora remains silent, more than usual amount, before placing her hands on hips and arching a brow. ❛ hm...coming to what, again? ❜ she clearly knew what he was talking about - he begged her to come meet his friends many times, after all - but was just feigning ignorance for the hell of it. though, that act soon drops when she exhales and crosses her arms back against her chest. ❛ hahhh...you're acting like everything's all sunshine and rainbows when in reality, they prolly' don't wanna have anything to do with me, and vise versa... ❜ she didn't see the point in meeting people, given her lack of trust and the ever growing bitterness against them, believing for everyone to be petty and dishonest. nobody is pure hearted nor had the "right reasons", this world was far too cruel for that...everyone had ulterior motives, no matter how much you want to see the 'good' in people. that's why cora remained solo, for the most part...she just couldn't be bothered to ever reopen her barbed heart, again.
she looks back at zack, who was the sole opposite of her in many ways, and curls her lips. ❛ besides...what difference does it make if i'm there? it's not like i'm the life of the party, y'know... ❜ his continued optimism annoyed and confused cora, at the same time...did he really not see the harm of "putting his trust" in others? she didn't know and she wished to say didn't care, and yet...at this point, it's kind of hard to...a notion which was more annoying and confusing, honestly. she's cold, uncaring and not the type to sympathize easily...was this the "sun and moon" dynamic she's heard so much about? if so...could it be the moon has found her sun? damn, if this wasn't out of a cliché romance trope she grew weary of.
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dvarapala · 1 year
big ol' happy day of borth to you !! have a wonderful day and may the fo(rce)urth be with you 💖
tessa turns 28 // @ultmanias
aaah thank you so much! may the force and fourth be with you, too! <3 i brought treats to my internship today and i managed to snag a couple for myself!
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idwashed · 2 months
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" — I thought the scent of crippling debt was strong out here. " and he's pretty sure the sign on the store's door said CLOSED FOR BUSINESS! but when had the cunning hares ever followed the rules? especially their leader. hands on hips, brows raised, wise cocks his head to the side, all curiousity. nicole hadn't even messaged him before turning up - which was weird in and of itself. "something happen?" || @ultmanias
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seasfree · 10 months
“   well ,   you’re  extra  clingy  today .   ” / from natsuya !
❝ sue me. ❞ his voice is gruff from sleep, head tucking into the crook between natsuya's neck and shoulder as his arms wrapped themselves around the olders middle. why did he have to get up early again? it wasn't like he had practice today, nor was natsuya planning on going anywhere as far as haru knew.
but his boyfriend did have a tendency to do whatever he felt on a whim, so chances were he was probably up to something.
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❝ what are you doing up? ❞ the 'come back to bed' was silent but hinted at as haru curled even more against the taller, lazily trying to wrap the blanket up around the both of them as best he could.
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kuratm · 8 hours
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@ultmanias asked: long-lost. sender reunites with receiver who has no memory of them. / from xiao !
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was this what humans called fate? this moment, with two people standing on opposite sides with weapons drawn at one another, was one many would call a "tragic misfortune". however, for one such as her, whose sole existence was given by her creator, almighty shogun, was to uphold her code of eternity. she was nothing but the body without a heart - one which has been abandoned and never seen again - and nothing else should stand in her way. she may bear no name, other than the nickname given by inazuma's inhabitants - kaminari no shinigami - but was it truly needed? did a creature meant for fighting and death need to commemorate any semblance of humanity? alas, she wouldn't know for all she understood is to uphold the almighty's eternity.
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hence the duel. the body of eternity fought against liyue's "vigilant yaksha" tooth and nail, without an apparent reason, until this very moment, when they stopped and looked at one another. nothing has been said, just tense silence enfolding the environment which has been rummaged and left in utter disarray - surely, this would leave a vicious mark for future generations to witness and gawk upon. perhaps this should've been the chance to take her sword and finish the final blow...but, she doesn't. was it hesitance? curiosity? confusion? one couldn't tell. regardless, her eyes, devoid of any glint nor emotion, would focus on the yaksha who seemed...hesitant? he looked as if he's seen a spirit and while yes, she could be counted as one...this was the unexpected reaction.
she'd step closer, head tilted and hand still clutching tightly to the sword's hilt, the yaksha took another step back and spoke words she couldn't quite understand. she killed her? she's the one responsible for her death? unsurprisingly, death has become nothing more but an old friend for kaminari no shinigami - so much so that she'd occasionally forget mortals had to suffer through death's sweet grip. that being said, she'd often forget the amount of "sinners" her sword eradicated in the name of eternity. however...this one struck her with curiosity. was he ... filled with anguish? an immortal being, anguished and vengeful of someone's passing?
without saying anything else, she'd only narrow her eyes and peer directly in the yaksha's eyes without a blink and say, in monotone and strained voice - as if trying to force herself to speak:
❛ …who...are you...? ❜
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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electricea · 1 day
ohh i was worried for a second that something really bad happened to ruin the character for you - and yeah how he treats deku definitely isn't great but at least he does develop and change over the course of the series and by the end really does treat deku a lot better and genuinely apologizes and tries to make amends for his past behaviour. if you pull the trigger with him, we should definitely see about a siblings/twins idea!
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xsalvaticn · 1 year
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 @ultmanias​ asked: ❛  don't turn your back on me.  ❜ / from lucifer 
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The tension that rises is almost deadly; the tone that the demon took as Vanitas deliberately began to make his way down the hallway sharp and full of authority. Had any of his brothers been here to bear witness, they probably would of either flinched from their brother’s tone - familiar in reprimanding them - or would of slowly scooted away from the scene. However, Lucifer’s tone only stroke a sharp mixture of rebellion and anger in the human’s chest,  footsteps slowing until he was stopped once more; a significant distance away from him with his back still pointedly facing him.
“-- Oh I’m sorry: did you mistake me for one of your irritating brothers?” He asks in the ensuing silence, hands clenched into tight fists at his side; entire body rigid even with his tone suggesting something like ‘playfulness’; even though his mood was anything but.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate you----
When he pivots his body so he can look at him, blue eyes are sharp in a fierce glare; even teeth are bared in his show of distaste and rebellion.”You might be used to getting your way, demon, but you don’t tell me what to do.” That familiar crackle of energy sparked between them, their connection aside from the blatant hostility tugging between the both of them, but Vanitas viciously kicks it aside.
“You’re not the boss of me, which means I don’t have to listen to shit you say.” His voice is consistent in it’s steely, blue eyes meeting red. “I am not your property --- I may have no choice but to live in this place for the time being and things might of gotten strange be---” Between us... “ ... but do not forget your place.”
Lips purse, holding his gaze for another moment before turning on his heels, turning his back - once more - to the avatar of pride with every intention on walking back to his ‘room’. “Leave me alone, Pride.”
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cauterisen · 9 months
oh boy howdy i get a chance to shower you with my affection because why would i pass up on this?? anyway, man 2023 has been quite a year, huh? even though i feel like i haven't really interacted with you as much as i would've liked, i still enjoy when you shoot messages on disco or the times you do send in asks for our beloved ships with kimiko. they've always held a special place in my heart and even if i'm as slow as molasses, it sparks joy to reply to them
and ofc when it comes to your content, i truly just enjoy seeing your hcs on the dash. how you're able to interweave kimiko into almost every universe. i know it's partly due to how long you've been writing her and your love for her, but it's still incredible
i do hope 2023 treated both you and kimiko well and here's to 2024 ❤️
2023 Is Almost Over
thank you so much monie! you know that i love you so much, and i always have. one of the highlights of my year has been reconnecting with you for sure! somehow i felt like we lost touch in 2022 or so when you took a break on tumblr. whatever happened, i was so happy to see you again! love seeing you back on my dash and seeing your writing for all of the cute ships we have!
2023 has been a wild ride for me, but i'm hoping that 2024 is better and i'm sure that 2024 will include just as many fun times and lovely friendship moments for us whether that means us writing together or writing for each other more or continued discussions about discord just about anything at all. sending you all the best wishes and vibes for the upcoming year. have a good one, monie!!!
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ouraniatm · 2 years
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@ultmanias sent a text: i'm gonna stay right here by your side. / from zack !
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it's shocking, really, how patient this guy's been. cora honestly expected him to grow tired of the cold, abrasive shoulder and parade the same old charade she's been hearing too many times. judging by the way zack looked at her with determination - the same, burning eyes she used to have before everything around her dimmed them down - she's sure this effected him in the exact opposite direction. who in their right mind would put so much faith in a bitch who only sniped or undermined you? she doesn't understand this...she never will.
silence entailed the two, almost suffocating in the rising tension, right before cora scoffs and looks away. ❛ what makes you wanna stay with me? i'd say you just love getting insulted for literally everything you stand for. ❜ she pauses the cynical train for a brief moment, icy eyes slowly looking back at oceanic ones, as if almost hesitantly. ❛ just...why? why're you so insistent on staying? aren't you also tired of my bullshit, like i'm tired of yours? ❜ more importantly...why is her heart trying to tear itself off the barb wires she sewn around them?
soft romantic lyrics ... accepting!
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xheartpages · 1 year
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 @ultmanias​ asked: ❝  are we okay?  ❞ / cloud for jessie !
old ask meme!
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She’d been a bit uncharacteristically quiet, so it probably wasn’t surprising that Cloud would be concerned. Fingers brushed over her chin and jawline as her concentration was less on what was before her and more on the images and scenarios passing through her mind. Of future missions to prepare for. Of what it would mean concerning her bombs, and if she could be more careful in the future ... if she had caused much more harm than good with that last raid into that mako reactor ---
“Hm?” Brown eyes blinked as she’s brought back to the ‘present’, looking up to meet mako-infused blue, brows furrowing as she processed exactly what was said. “Are... we okay?”
Jessie’s behavior was a bit more bizarre than usual despite her best efforts, but did Cloud think that she was upset with him??
“That’s--- No. I mean, yes! Yes, we’re fine!! Jeez...” Her palm bumped her forehead as her expression smoothed into something more natural, usual smile curling on her lips. “Yes -- We’re fine, Cloud. I’m sorry --- I didn’t mean to make you worry or get nervous or anything.”
A small pause, her smile curling further until it was more like a grin; snapping out of her funk in order to reassure the ex-SOLIDER. “--- I’d much rather make you nervous in other ways: and much more deliberately.”
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