#um yea i just .. well frankly i just think she's neat!
artzychic27 · 10 months
Can we see this: https://youtu.be/Nb7sgIAuECQ?si=w3auY1tDtEVJmDzB, but with the DC AU couples? Like Bat!Zoe and Static!Cosette, Bane!Ivan and Scarecrow!Mylene, Cat!Juleka and Ivy!Rose, etc?
Zoé: So… Cosette and I… We never imagined that we’d meet up and then eventually… Couple up.
Cosette: Our dads know each other. Justice League, and stuff, you know? But, we didn’t exactly meet through them. See, I was on a class trip to Gotham.
Zoé: Terrible idea.
Cosette: Aw, it worked out.
Zoé: It did. Anyway, the Hero Class- total accident, by the way- helped dad and me battle the Joker and his guys. And Cosette-
Cosette: Don’t! Please, no!
Zoé: *Giggles* Cosette saw the Joker pointing a gun at me, got in front of me, and yelled, “DON’T HURT HER!” But… It turns out- *Snickers*
Cosette: Don’t even!
Zoé: It was one of his ‘POW!’ guns! With the little flag? You know those ones.
Cosette: It was so embarrassing!
Zoé: It was sweet, and you were very brave.
Cosette: … Thank you.
Nathaniel: So, um... No one thought this would last. I’m a size-shifting villain who gets angrier as he grows, he’s an alien hero who’s able to fly when he thinks positive thoughts.
Marc: *Takes Nathaniel’s hand* But, we proved everyone wrong.
Nathaniel: As to how we met, I was robbing the bank, literally holding a few people hostage in my fist. And as I was tearing the vault door open, this one bursts in and ties a lamppost around my wrist like handcuffs
Marc: And after that, I kept stopping more of his crimes… Tell them why.
Nathaniel: *Blushing* Starlight, quit it.
Marc: Come on…
Nathaniel: … I wanted a reason to see and talk to you.
Marc: He even stopped right in the middle of causing some chaos downtown because Denise came instead of me. It was adorable! He eventually worked up the nerve to ask me out. And, baby, you didn’t have to commit all those crimes just to get me to notice you.
Nathaniel: Can you blame me? I couldn’t exactly talk to you during school hours with your friends watching my every move.
Marc: And yet, here we are.
Jesse: When I first laid eyes on Anthony, it was during the DC kids’ weekly Villains versus Heroes battle near the Eiffel Tower. All I wanted to do was belt a myriad of love songs to the heavens when I saw my dark angel!
Anthony: I talked him out of it. Though, I was surprised he picked me out of… Literally anyone. I mean, who wants a Demon for a boyfriend, you know?
Jesse: *Takes his hand* I do. And I always will, my love.
Anthony: You weren’t even the least bit terrified when you found out who my grandfather was?
Jesse: You mean Trigon? Enslaver of worlds? Devourer of a million souls? The most feared tyrant in the universe who could easily wipe out all existence as we know it?… Nope. Not at all.
Anthony: Aaw. *Kisses him on the cheek* You're sweet.
Jesse: Yes, and a bit terrified.
Alya: So, Nino and I had just been transferred to DuPont after the... Incidents at our last schools.
Nino: I was in the middle of conning a few idiots out of their lunch money when she walked by, her hair just smelling like lavender.
Alya: You got so distracted that you shifted into several forms until you were just this cluster of different people. It was a mess! And, frankly, kind of cute.
Nino: Only because I had Adrien's dimples, Kim's abs, and Chloé's aerobicized ass, right?
Alya: No, I meant it was cute how you got all flustered over me, idiot.
Nino: Well, who wouldn't? Now, here's the kicker. She asked me out by trapping me in an escape room for three days.
Alya: With food and water, of course. In the end, there was a riddle waiting for him, and he got it on the first go.
Nino: 'There is a fruit, so very sweet! From a palm, it's very neat! A yea or nay sometime today. Palm to palm is just the gate for the fruit is a-'
Alya/Nino: Date.
Denise: I first met Simon while trying to stop a bus full of passengers. The brakes just snapped, and it was going all over the road at top speed.
Simon: I was chasing after the bus, but, you know, I’m not strong enough to stop like a… What? A ton?
Denise: Twenty to thirty, actually. So, I’m flying by to help, and then this one- *Snickers* He flew into a stop sign the very second he saw me.
Simon: I was face to face with a literal goddex! A gorgeous one at that.
Denise: Aw, come on. After we managed to stop the bus and save everyone, we just started hanging out more, stopping the DC villain kids together, and one thing lead to another. We started dating.
Jean: I had just given the performance of a life time. I had gotten the usual red roses, but then someone tosses me a bouquet of green roses. Guess who it was.
Austin T: I think they know, dear.
Jean: *Giggles* Yeah. But, the first time we met officially was when I was helping Zoé stop Marinette and Adrien from releasing laughing gas out into the city.
Austin T: I lent some assistance.
Jean: He trapped them in a cage that his ring made, and I was like, “What sorcery is this?!” And he went, “No sorcery, just space tech. Hi, I’m Emerald Lantern.”
Austin T: If you think I’m about to choose the most predictable name, you have another thing coming. Anyway, he didn’t know I was the one who threw the green bouquet until he saw the cage.
Jean: I was swooning!
Austin T: It was adorable how his eyes lit up.
Rose: The first time we met, we were thirteen, and we tried to kill each other.
Juleka: Nah, you didn’t try to kill me; I tried to kill you. I thought she was stepping on my turf, trying to steal the stuff I was going to steal. Turns out, she was just poisoning a few guys down at some club who have been harassing some poor girl.
Rose: She’s okay now, but anyway, Juleka wanted in on the action, and scratched their faces!
Juleka: Respect women, idiots.
Rose: It was amazing! I had them tied up in my vines, and we both took turns beating them with her sack full of cash!
Juleka: I like to consider that our first date.
Rose: *Kisses her on the cheek* And what a date it was.
Ivan: I was bashing a corrupt official’s head against the pavement one night, after I found out he’d done unspeakable things to lycée students behind closed doors, when I saw her hollow eyes from across the street. I was then plagued with the grimmest of hallucinations of that prison. And after a dreadful ten minutes, I found the bastard of a man writhing and screaming as if he were in even more pain. I knew I wanted her to cull pathetic whelps like that man with me.
Myléne: He asked, then I gave him another dose of my fear toxin. When he snapped out of it and didn’t run away, that’s when I knew he was the one I wanted to spend my life with.
Brecken: Lemme tell ya, it ain’t all easy being a hero-villain couple. I always gotta act polite ‘n stuff when I’m around her hero pals.
Genevieve: And I must endure his friends’ brash behavior from time to time.
Brecken: Aw, you love ‘em!
Genevieve: Not as much as I love you… And, I guess your clones.
Brecken: Hoo, doggies! I love this gal! Anyway, as to how we met, so me and the fellas, as in my clones, were robbing the bank, and after we cleaned it out, we stopped for a bite as this great diner. And if you’re American, they got some great burgers there, makes you feel right at home!
Genevieve: As he was saying, he and his clones barged in as I was ordering. Seeing as we were in a public space, and we both had not eaten yet, the seven of us occupied a table, and just began to talk.
Brecken: I never seen the fellas so engaged. My darlin’s just got that something, you know?
Aurore: Uh, a little about us. My bio dad’s Aquaman, allowing me to breathe underwater and communicate with fish.
Mireille: My bio mom is Black Canary, and I inherited her sonic scream. It’s nice, but I gotta be careful not to scream when I get angry.
Aurore: She’s broken a lot of windows. So, as for how we got together. We were both new to DuPont, and got placed in the Hero Class. It was sort of a program made so we, as the second generation of heroes, could keep an eye on the Villain Class.
Mireille: They’re more chaotic neutral than chaotic evil, but we still keep tabs.
Aurore: Anyway, she had no idea who my dad was yet, so when she saw me at the bottom of the pool one day, she, without hesitation, jumped in, and brought me up for air.
Mireille: I was embarrassed.
Aurore: I was flattered, and I wouldn’t mind her saving me again. You know, from something that can actually kill me. The gesture was sweet, though.
Mireille: I got my favorite top wet.
Aurore: All in the name of love.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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