BOOM street smarts
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its 5 am and i have chosen crossover crack instead of literally anything helpful
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ask-amip · 2 months
Hey, welcome! This is a casual A Monster In Paris ask blog! We have pretty lenient rules, so don’t worry too much about them!
Be respectful, no NSFW asks, no bigotry!
Radqueers, (pro) endos, paraphiles, maps, TERFs, etc!
That’s all we have to say! Feel free to send as many asks as you like!
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pacosemnoticias · 17 days
Homem morre atropelado por carro na EN101 em Guimarães
Um homem, de 59 anos, morreu atropelado por um carro, ontem à tarde, na EN101, em Sande S. Martinho, Guimarães.
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O alerta foi dado às 15h59.
Para o local foram acionados os Bombeiros das Taipas e a Viatura Médica de Emergência e Reanimação de Guimarães, mas já nada foi possível fazer para reverter a situação e o óbito foi declarado no local.
Foi acionada para o local a Unidade Móvel de Intervenção Psicológica de Emergência (UMIPE) do INEM para prestar apoio psicológico aos familiares da vítima.
A GNR está a investigar o acidente.
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cetxceos-blog · 7 years
La biología marina no es una ciencia independiente, al contrario la ciencia de la biología más aplicada al mar. Prácticamente todas las disciplinas de la biología están representadas en la biología marina. Por ejemplo hay biólogos marinos que estudian la química básica de los elementos vivos.
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drillmaster · 8 years
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@Regrann from @hgumip - ⚓🇵🇦 Nuevos Aspirantes al Honor Guard 2017 🇵🇦 ⚓ Ánimo muchachos, si se sacrifican en cuerpo y alma serán héroes y sus hazañas serán contadas a través del historia #ForzaHG #Aspirantes #honorguard #merchantmarine #umip #Honor #Determinación #NeverGiveUP #BeaHero #Bealegend ✴️ Education is 🔑! ✴️ www.thedrillmaster.org +++ When ordering from www.paradestore.com use code T186816 at checkout, thank you! +++ End slavery ✖ @enditmovement +++ #TheDrillMaster: I judge military drill competitions and am the only trained and certified visual judge in the #MilitaryDrillWorld. Message me to train and certify as a DrillMaster and adjudicator! +++ ✔️Do you want a professional DrillMaster Audio Performance Critique of your routine? ✔️Want to train to be a judge or certify to instruct? ✔️Want to write an article? Get published on my website! +++ IG Partners: Follow @military.adventurecamp Follow @seacadetmemes! +++ #honorguard #ceremonialguard #ceremonialteam #JROTC #CAP #SeaCadets #ColorTeam #ColorGuard
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A Novel Eclectic Approach for Cancer Therapy with Liquid Knife & Immuno Therapy: UMIPIC, it may Overtake many Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for all Stages of Solid Tumor_Crimson Publishers
A Novel Eclectic Approach for Cancer Therapy with Liquid Knife & Immuno Therapy: UMIPIC, it may Overtake many Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for all Stages of Solid Tumor by Baofa Yu in Novel Approaches in Cancer Study 
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Recent years cancer immunological therapy is getting very popular and many new drug have been approved by FDA like PD1 and PDl-1, however, in clinical practice of cancer treatment, it looks very limited efficacy for advanced cancer, so that physician started to use comprehensive plan by combination chemotherapy with PD1 as a novel strategy with a better clinical benefit. Since chemotherapy and radiation therapy always produce the side effect like loss hair, vomit and neutropenia, and surgery is limited for many later stages of cancers, also surgery damages body shapes with functions, esophageal cancer was removed with reconstruction and put stomach into chest and stomach never has normal function; a lot of cases showed surgery can’t be performed because tumor location in special site, like tumor location in posterior vaginal wall or vaginal carnal, surgery just is not allowed to do the procedure, if remove the tumor in these location, it will make a hole to connect to the rectal. Because of the extremely toxic side effects, many cancer patients cannot be successfully completed a surgery or a complete course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and some cases even die from the side effects of surgery or chemotherapy or radiation therapy due to a patient’s poor tolerance.
For more Open Access Journals in Crimson Publishers please click on: https://crimson-publishers.blogspot.com/2019/10/crimson-publishers-impact-factor.html
For more Articles in Novel Approaches in Cancer Study please click on: https://crimsonpublishers.com/nacs/index.php
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i cant stress this enough i have so many old ass doodles of them that i never posted here like a good amount of very random doodles
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pacosemnoticias · 23 days
Centro de apoio psicológico do INEM atendeu mais de 4.800 chamadas este ano
O centro de apoio psicológico do INEM atendeu 4.837 chamadas de pessoas que necessitaram de intervenção psicológica nos primeiros oito meses deste ano, uma redução de 650 contactos face ao mesmo período de 2023.
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“Entre janeiro e agosto de 2024, o Centro de Apoio Psicológico e Intervenção em Crise (CAPIC) do Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM) recebeu 4.837 chamadas que necessitaram de intervenção psicológica, o que representa uma média mensal de 604 ocorrências”, adiantou o instituto em comunicado.
Criado em 2004, o CAPIC é atualmente constituído por uma equipa de 31 psicólogos clínicos com formação específica em intervenção em crise, emergências psicológicas e intervenção psicossocial em catástrofe.
Segundo o INEM, estes profissionais garantem o apoio psicológico às chamadas telefónicas recebidas nos Centros de Orientação de Doentes Urgentes (CODU) 24 horas por dia e, quando necessário, deslocam-se aos locais através das Unidades Móveis de Intervenção Psicológica de Emergência (UMIPE).
Os dados hoje divulgados a propósito do Dia Nacional do Psicólogo, que se assinala na quarta-feira, indicam que, nos primeiros oito meses de 2024, o CAPIC recebeu menos 650 chamadas do que no período homólogo de 2023, sendo que 64% dos utentes que recorreram a esse serviço eram do sexo feminino.
“Comportamento suicidário, alteração emocional ou do comportamento ou incidente crítico foram os principais motivos que levaram ao contacto com este serviço do INEM”, avançou o instituto.
Já a UMIPE tem registado um aumento do número de ativações face a 2023, tendo sido acionada para 922 situações este ano, mais 292 do que no mesmo período do ano anterior.
O acionamento destas unidades móveis pode acontecer em situações como o início do processo de luto na sequência de morte inesperada ou traumática, assistência a vítimas de sinistros ou a seus familiares e amigos, situações de risco iminente de suicídio, emergências psiquiátricas que impliquem risco de vida para o próprio ou para outros ou intervenção com vítimas de abuso ou violação sexual, adiantou o INEM.
O CAPIC pode ser contactado através do Número Europeu de Emergência – 112.
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cetxceos-blog · 7 years
Oceanografía 🌊
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mimosamacroblr · 4 years
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#creativerunning www.panamarunning.blogspot.com www.panamarunning.wordpress.com (at UMIP) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCBmJW2prlN/?igshid=1vupqwhuj0jf0
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“こんな真夜中に 窓をあけたまま 寝ていたら 夜が入ってくる じゃないか” - つげ義春/夜が掴む (via pootee) (via suyhnc) (via thinkupstudio) (via oosawatechnica) (via shinoddddd) (via nemoi) (via yellowblog) (via krmy) (via qiring) (via shayol) (via reservoir) (via petapeta) (via dewfalse) (via jinakanishi, heimin) 2010-02-11 (via gkojay) (via shinoddddd) (via umip) (via mmmmmmmmmy) (via erewwa) (via daisydiary2) (via precall) (via halmatch) (via toyolina) (via dominion525) (via mamemomonga) (via itsushi) (via cocokashi-co) (via chiyozi) (via nemoi) (via hayami) (via juzu) (via musashi0129)
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Iris Publishers - Current Trends in Clinical & Medical Sciences (CTCMS)
A New Hope for Cancer Therapy with Liquid Knife & Immuno Therapy: UMIPIC
Authored by Baofa Yu
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Recent years cancer immunological therapy is getting very popular and many new drug have been approved by FDA like PD1 and PDl-1, however, in clinical practice of cancer treatment, it looks very limited efficacy for advanced cancer, so that physician started to use comprehensive plan by combination chemotherapy with PD1 as a novel strategy with a better clinical benefit. Since chemotherapy always produce the side effect like loss hair, vomit and neutropenia. Because of the extremely toxic side effects, many cancer patients cannot successfully complete a complete course of chemotherapy, and some even die from the side effects of chemotherapy due to a patient’s poor tolerance. The extreme side effects of anti-cancer drugs are often caused by the poor target specificity of such drugs regarding the tumor in the patient’s body. The drugs circulate through most normal organs of patients as well as the intended target tumors (less than 5% of the drug reach the tumor), while over 95% of the drug circulates through the whole body of the patient.
The more and more cancer patients do not like to choice to chemotherapy, it is pushing the oncologists to be in the embarrassed situation to suggest the therapy for the patient who lost surgery opportunity, in the fact for most late stages of cancer, how many choice our oncologists can give? a few choice, today I do like to introduce one treatment which is suitable for the most of latte stages of solid tumor with benefit, UMIPIC, ultra-minimum incision personalized intratumorally chemoimmunotherapy.
UMIPIC is a unique eclectic approach for cancer treatment utilizing the intratumorally injection of a combination of chemotherapy drugs (including Dox and Ara-C), coagulant agent oxidant to maintain the chemo agents at the injection site for a longer period of time, and a hapten for hapenation with intracellular tumor-associated antigens to stimulate the patient’s immune response while the tumor is been de-bulking like liquid surgery knife. Safer and more aggressive (higher dose) administration of toxic chemotherapy drugs that go directly into a tumor site with slow release, is an obvious and beneficial alternative to systemic treatment. The local retention afforded by intratumoral administration results in slowed and/or reduced entry of drug into the systemic circulation, minimizing exposure of distant tissues to the drug, and thus, resulting in a lower incidence of systemic side effects a more tumor killed. So far, there are 56 clinical trials found for intratumoral chemotherapy (ITCT) by visiting the website at the following: https://clinicaltrials.gov. But there is not one integrated with immune therapy and surgery knife to action like de-bulk.
In 1994, Dr. Yu developed the new concept of using the tumor itself as a drug carrier. Injection of anti-cancer drug ethanol saturated liquid into the tumor can generate a kind of intratumoral autologous therapeutic coagulum which can function as an antitumor drug depot. This autologous therapeutic coagulum can sustain or store anticancer drug in tumor and the surrounding tumor tissues to kill the tumor cells that have not been killed through ethanol coagulation treatment. It makes a fitting complement for the inadequacy of pure ethanol tumor treatment. A study of retaining drug in injected tumor demonstrated that the retention half-life of anticancer drug Ara-C in the tumor was 160 minutes following depot injection compared to only 6 minutes following intratumoral injection of Ara-C aqueous solution, thus increasing the drug retention by approximately 27 times [1]. The problem of using ethanol is that is is limited by the dosage for the patient and is also limited by tumor size (when the volume of tumor is large, it can dilute ethanol making it inefficient). Now Dr. Yu found oxidant is good role to replace the ethanol to coagulation of tumor as a drug carrier for slow releasing [2].
From 2003 to 2006, Dr. Yu also published many papers showing that the combination of intratumoral drug with hapten modification improves the immunogenicity of tumor cells, effectively inducing or activating body’s antitumor immune response and had 276 patients with cancer reported [3-5]. It indicates that when hapten is added to the UMIPIC, it plays an important role in stimulating immune response.
The UMIPIC is comprised of commercially available drugs for intratumoral injection which includes oxidant as coagulant, chemotherapy drugs and hapten. Intratumoral injection with UMIPIC, it produces its antitumor role in the following aspects:
The first aspect is coagulation by the oxidant. “Tumor coagulation” refers the process by which the blood clots to form solid masses, or clots, and their components and extracellular matrix are transformed into a kind of soft, semi-solid, or solid block. This transformation is induced by oxidation, which makes openings in the membrane of tumor cells. This creates higher permeability of membrane that allows the drugs to penetrate into tumor cells and eventually leads to the death of coagulated tumor cells and enhancement of the cancer drug entering agglomerated tumor cells.
The second aspect is the concentration and sustainability of the drugs, the two key elements: Drug dosage and amount of time for destruction of cancer cells. Tumor coagulation also creates a “drug depot” which not only increases local drug action concentration (dozens or even hundreds of times more than the normal concentration by intravenous chemotherapy) to kill the tumor, but also retains the drugs within the tumor and gradually releases them from inside to the outside to kill residual tumor cells around tumor tissue. This “drug depot” not only extends drug action time in the tumor, but also prevents the leakage of anti-cancer drugs from the tumor, and lowers systemic drug concentration, toxicity and side effects.
The third aspect is stimulation of immune response. Tumor cells killed by the tumor coagulation effect and the chemotherapeutic agents could release intracellular proteins including tumorassociated antigens, which may already interact with hapten in that active reaction with tumor oxidation. The tumor antigens induce a personalized systemic immune response and the haptenation of tumor antigens could further stimulate immune response, thereby eliminating recurring or metastatic tumor cells.
The schematic diagram is shown with the function of components in UMIPIC and the Procedure of UMIPIC: Guided by CT, find the optimal route and angle for introducing the needle intratumoral, the needle is inserted into the tumor, connected to the inflator, the regimens of UMIPIC were slowly delivered into the tumor; a high pressure supplied by the inflator; the solution (UMIPIC) can penetrate into the extracellular matrix of tumor and facilitate forced diffusion. Same injection could be repeated to same tumor or other tumor several times according to evaluating by CT and physician or investigator brochures [6-9].
In the past years, UMIPIC treated lung cancer, median overall survival was 11.23 months in the UMIPIC (test) group and 5.62 months in the ITCT (control) group (P<0.01). The 6-month and 1-year survival rates of the UMIPIC and ITCT groups were 76.36% versus 45.23% (P<0.01) and 45.45% versus 23.81% (P<0.05), respectively. Two cycles of UMIPIC treatment (N=19) conferred a significant survival benefit compared with two cycles of ITCT (N=29); significant benefits in survival time were also found with UMIPIC (N=20) compared with ITCT (N=13) when both were utilized without hapten treatment.
Also UMIPIC for liver cancer with good result: the benefit rates (complete response + partial response + stable disease) were 78.68% and 81.52% in the UMIPIC and ITCT groups, respectively, with no statistically significant difference; however, the median overall survival was 7 months for UMIPIC (test) and 4 months for ITCT (control), respectively (P<0.01). The 6-month and 1-year survival rates for UMIPIC and ITCT were 58.88% vs 32.3% and 30.37% vs 13.6%, respectively (P<0.01). Single and multiple UMIPIC revealed significant improvement in overall survival compared to that of ITCT.
In the past years, UMIPIC treated pancreatic cancer, for single drug, median survival was 6.45 months for UMIPIC-S vs 4.98 months for ITCT-S, (P<0.05), one-year survival rate was 28% for UMIPIC-S vs 5% for ITCT-S (P<0.05). For double drugs, median survival was 15.5 months for UMIPIC-D vs 3 months in ITCT-D (P<0.01). The 6-month survival rate was 76.67% for UMIPIC-D vs 18.18% for ITCT-D (P<0.01) and 1-year survival rate for 56.67% UMIPIC-D vs 9.09% ITCT (P<0.01).
UMIPIC is a simple, clinically effective drug for a broad spectrum of tumors with minimal side effects through ultra-minimal invasive surgery under the guide of CT or ultrasound. In conclusion, UMIPIC provides a new method of decreasing tumor mass while boost the patient’s own immunological power to fight against micro tumor cells in a specific and innovative manner, which is one of its advantages over any treatment. Another advantage is that it is not limited in terms of tumor size, number, or location in the lung, liver, pancreatic or any location of tumor. In future, it is possible that UMIPIC may overtake in the treatment of all stages of tumor in the lung, liver, pancreatic or any location of tumor. UMIPIC can take the place of surgery and chemotherapy or radiation therapy in patients who are not suited for surgery or chemotherapy. We hope to continue to investigate UMIPIC therapy with double cytotoxic drugs with double hapten under clinical study to improve effectiveness.
Today, it is time to think how to replace the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy which produce a damage of patient with cancer, we believe UMIPIC has provided a new eclectic approach for the treatment of primary all solid tumor at anywhere of body, even pre surgery and during of operation. UMIPIC is safe, easy to operate, and reproducible with good benefit for all solid tumor.
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcms/fulltext/a-new-hope-for-cancer-therapy-with-liquid-knife.ID.000524.php
Indexing List of Iris Publishers: https://medium.com/@irispublishers/what-is-the-indexing-list-of-iris-publishers-4ace353e4eee
Iris publishers google scholar citations: https://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=irispublishers&btnG=
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dunia-it · 5 years
Wine Patches Coming To Allow UMIP Emulation - Works Around Issues For Ryzen 3000
Wine Patches Coming To Allow UMIP Emulation – Works Around Issues For Ryzen 3000
Coming up this weekend with the Linux 5.4 kernel is emulation/spoofing of the SGDT/SIDT/SMSW instructions around UMIP for allowing newer 64-bit Windows games to run on Wine and Steam Play (Proton). With newer CPUs like the AMD Ryzen 3000 series that support UMIP, these instructions are not allowed to run in user-space with Wine due to UMIP. So while the first stable kernel release is…
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tqvcancun · 5 years
Con Linux 5.4 se ganará compatibilidad con algunos de los juegos más nuevos de Windows
Ayer, Linus Torvalds lanzó Linux 5.3. La nueva versión del kernel ha llegado con muchas novedades, algunas de ellas, como es habitual, en forma de soporte para nuevo hardware, pero para el padre de Linux eso ya es pasado. Ahora mismo ya está centrado en Linux 5.4, la próxima entrega que ya ha abierto la ventana de solicitudes de lo que incluirá la versión del núcleo de Linux que llegará a mediados de noviembre.
No es ningún secreto que Linux no es la plataforma preferida para los desarrolladores de juegos, pero tampoco lo es que cada vez añaden más títulos para nosotros, en parte gracias a plataformas como Steam. En ocasiones, los juegos no funcionan en Linux y esto mejorará, en parte, en Linux 5.4 gracias a un parche que llegará de la mano de CodeWeavers que ayudará a que algunos juegos de Windows y 64bit se ejecuten mejor en Wine y otro tipo de software como Crossover o Proton. Los principales beneficiados seremos los usuarios de equipos Intel y AMD.
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Linux 5.4 será un poco más para jugones
El cambio introducido (vía Phoronix) en el parche de CodeWeavers añadirá soporte para emulación para las instrucciones SGDT, SIDT y SMSW (Store Global Descriptor Table Register, Store Interrupt Descriptor Table y Store Machine Status World respectivamente). La funcionalidad UMIP (User-Mode Instruction Prevention) en los procesadores más modernos evita que estas instrucciones se ejecuten en modo de usuario. El problema es que esas instrucciones suelen ser usadas por programas de Windows y pueden presentar problemas al ejecutarse en entornos como el de Wine.
El código del núcleo UMIP ya ha ofrecido una emulación de instrucciones para procesos de 32 bits, mientras que con Linux 5.4, los SGDT, SIDT y SMSW están cubiertos para procesos de 64 bits. Esto a su vez ayuda a algunos juegos de Windows de 64 bits que se basan en estas instrucciones. Sin este soporte de emulación, esos juegos se estaban bloqueando en las CPU recientes al tropezar con las instrucciones afectadas.
Entre los juegos que se ven afectados por este problema y podrían funcionar en Linux 5.4 tenemos:
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Metro Exodus.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Wolfestein: Youngblood.
Soulcalibur VI.
Gran Theft Auto.
Devil May Cry 5.
Team Sonic Racing.
Por lo tanto y aunque Linux nunca será Windows (gracias al cielo), Linux 5.4 será un poco más para jugones.
Fuente: Linux Adictos https://www.linuxadictos.com/con-linux-5-4-se-ganara-compatibilidad-con-algunos-de-los-juegos-mas-nuevos-de-windows.html
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I do a little dance
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see i told you i would try design some fun outfits
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Danilo Díaz Granados recomienda: Los 5 mejores psicólogos en Rubí
El municipio de Rubí se encuentra a las afueras de Barcelona, se extiende a lo largo de más de 30 km cuadrados y en él viven más de 75000 habitantes. Debido a su población e importancia como municipio, en Rubí se pueden encontrar entre sus servicios clínicas de psicoterapia y profesionales de la salud mental. A continuación repasaremos a l**os psicólogos más recomendables que ofrecen psicoterapia en Rubí**. * Artículo relacionado: "[Cómo buscar un psicólogo para asistir a terapia: 7 consejos](/clinica/como-buscar-un-psicologo)" ## Los mejores psicólogos que ofrecen terapia en Rubí A continuación veremos algunos de los psicólogos más recomendables que ofrecen asistencia emocional en Rubí. ### 1. Raquel Molero @image(17926, left) En la calle Cal Gerrer número 4 podemos encontrar a **una de las psicólogas más recomendables en Rubí, Raquel Molero**. Está psicóloga se licenció en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y posteriormente complementó su formación con un máster en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud y dos posgrados, uno en Psicooncologia y otro en Abordajes Psicoterapéuticos de los Trastornos de Personalidad y el Trastorno Mental Grave. **La terapia desde la que parte Raquel Molero es la cognitivo-conductual**, una de las más contrastadas y avaladas por la comunidad científica, aunque también la combina con otros modelos y recursos, como la EMDR, TDC, ACT y las técnicas de relajación y meditación Mindfulness. Entre las alteraciones psicológicas a las que Raquel ofrece psicoterapia se encuentran los trastornos de la personalidad, la depresión, los traumas emocionales complejos, el trastorno de estrés postraumático y los casos de estrés y ansiedad. **Es la directora de la clínica Ara Psicología**, donde ejerce de psicoterapeuta y donde además instruye en formaciones. * Para ver sus datos de contacto [haz clic en este enlace](/autores/ara-psicologia). ### 2. Judit Albella Otra de nuestras mejores opciones si buscamos psicoterapia de alta calidad es **Judit Albella**, con consultorio propio en la calle de Dante. Está psicóloga se licenció en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y ejerce su trabajo de forma independiente dentro de su gabinete privado. **Los ámbitos en los que trabaja son los de la psicología clínica y de la salud, la educación y el deporte**. Por otro lado, entre las terapias que aplica en sus sesiones destaca la cognitivo conductual, aunque también la combina con otras como la terapia reve estratégica. Presta asistencia psicológica tanto a niños y adolescentes y adultos, y tanto a individuos como parejas. Entre los servicios adicionales que ofrece se encuentran el coaching y la psicología deportiva para deportistas de alto rendimiento. ### 3. Montserrat Castro Balasch **Montserrat Castro Balasch es otra de las psicólogas más recomendables** que podemos encontrar en el municipio de Rubí. Tras licenciarse en la carrera universitaria de psicología, esta profesional se especializó en la corriente cognitivo-conductual y en el área de la psicología clínica y de la salud. Además **es también experta en los trastornos de niños y adolescentes**, habiéndose formado en el terreno para ofrecer psicoterapia a jóvenes con trastornos del aprendizaje, dislexia, frustración por fracaso escolar, asistencia a niños superdotados y orientación escolar, además de ofrecer apoyo emocional a víctimas de bullying. Ofrece también psicoterapia adultos en el tratamiento de los trastornos más habituales. ### 4. Guillermo Parra Lorenzo **Guillermo Parra Lorenzo es otro de los psicólogos a tener en cuenta en Rubí**. Se licenció en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en el año 2009 y tienen su currículum dos masters: uno en Psicopatología Clínica del Adulto y otro en Psicobiología y Neurociencia cognitiva. Ha ejercido de psicólogo en la Fundación Ciutat i Valors y en la Unidad Móvil de Intervención Psicológica (UMIP). Este psicólogo también tiene experiencia como profesor siendo tutor asociado en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Entre las alteraciones mentales a las que Guillermo Parra puede dar solución se encuentran **el tratamiento de los trastornos del estado de ánimo y la depresión, los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, los procesos de duelo** en casos de pérdida de seres queridos y el abordaje del alcoholismo y otro tipo de adicciones. ### 5. Irene Moreno **Irene Moreno se licenció en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona**. Tiene además tres masters con los que complementa su formación, uno en Psicología General Sanitaria, otro en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud (itinerario infanto-juvenil) y otro en Psicopedagogía Clínica, aunque también tiene un posgrado en Práctica en Psicoterapia y varias formaciones entre las que destacan la de Terapia Familiar Sistémica y la de Necesidades Educativas Especiales para Niños con Altas Capacidades, Dislexia o Trastornos del Espectro Autista. Ver Fuente Ver Fuente
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