#umm his mom was trying to protect her son who was a Literal Child
Now that I think abt it, Ace and Jeredy were So. Damn. Fruity.
To be friends at work is one thing but Ace quitting STORM just to Co-parent Chase without hesitation (Trying to isolate him from his friends at first ASIDE) to after getting turned into a lab rat experiment to then STILL stay with Jeredy (Just the two of them Alone in a moving train while the kids did dangerous stuff you KNOW what I'm talking abt), like yes, bby I'm gonna rebel against my old boss, help raise the kid you abandoned, and risk my life against literal psychopaths hellbent on world domination at your side, even after getting turned into an abomination of a monster that only YOU could bring back my humanity both literally and figuratively-
And then Sophia gets back and magically the Sunos are one big happy family. Yay!
It's got it all, the drama, the trauma, the heartbreak, Sophia spending so many years away from Chase she doesn't register him as her son anymore and instead choosing to spend time with Beyal (Who has NO IDEA the damage he's inflicting onto Chase and never MEANT TO, he's also just a teen-!!!) To the revelation of an unhappy marriage from the start, and how it accidentally led to Jeredy and Ace to spend more time together, and with Sophia out of the picture there's nothing stoping them from crossing the line, but then there's the regret, Jeredy's obsessions, his terrible emotional ineptitude and supportive, ride or die, heart on his sleeve Jon Ace.
Jeredy getting cold feet and breaking everything off when Sophia is 'Rescued' to attempt to pretend (Terribly, mind you) to be a happy family again, except it doesn't work.
And poor Chase is in the middle of it all, this boy can't catch a fk break.
His dad uses him and pushes him away when he doesn't need him, his mom ignores him (If downright denies his existence to dote on another boy his age -His friend!!!-)
Ace dives into work, running STORM all on his own, and pretends nothing ever happened between him and Jeredy, all the sacrifices, all the words said and left unsaid, all the energy and time wasted...
Monsuno is a tragedy of astronomic proportions, omg
Jon Ace is the reason (at least one of) that Jeredy is on extremely thin ice. Actually, he’s the reason Jeredy is a spaghetti noodle before it gets wet. You don’t just get close to a man after your wife disappears and leaves you your only child without thinking that the man working with you is a good man to hook up with and make a good stepfather for the kid. I don’t help that Jon legit protected Jeredy from Klipse even when he became Toxic Ace because Jeredy remind him that he’s not some puppet monster and instead the man he’s happy being next to.
Like, I swear, if Jeredy didn’t just lie to Chase about Sophia’s actual disappearance and how he might never find her because he can’t find even a single trace of her, maybe Chase would still see that his dad still wants a companion or a partner in his life because he’s been a single father for so long and the fact that he can’t find Sophia no matter what would Chase understand that he’s not replacing Sophia, he’s just wanting to have someone be with him again. And maybe even if Chase finds out that Sophia is alive and can find her, maybe he’d be okay if his family dynamic is changing and that it’s not going to be so bad because it’s Jon that Jeredy would want as a partner. I mean, Chase trust Jon and has done a lot for Jon to be normal again, and Jon does care for Chase even if the methods aren’t always the best so really, Jeredy should have just said something and not lie because season three was rather umm… lackluster in the family department.
(Okay, this season wasn’t lackluster in the family department, it was just a downright, straight up nuclear disaster in the family department)
As for Sophia, I think even she’d agree that her marriage with Jeredy isn’t going to stay a marriage or be the same anymore because of the years she’s been away from her family. And considering that she’d have conversations with Jon about her family before season three, she’d know that Jeredy isn’t the same man she once married and that he has shifted his focus from her to Jon while still knowing that they’ll at least still be able to give Chase a sense of a happy family. But, it’s still kinda weird that she would only bond with Beyal for one episode and not bond with the rest of the team in other episodes of season three because, as much as I understand why she’d bond with Beyal, she should know that her son has other friends and that they also deserve to bond with her. And also, considering that the episode they bonded was about Tebab, why did the writers not include Dawnmaster in this episode? Like, dude was on Master Ey’s contact list and he is willing to body enemy combatants to protect the people in his contract. Heck, Dawn might even be willing to bond with Beyal and Sophia on the basis that it ain’t his first time protecting those with Monsuno Sight.
Sophia should’ve had episodes where she’s bonding with all of Team Core Tech and not just Beyal. Like, she owes Bren and Jinja her time for being the reason Chase doesn’t suffer from major depression, and she owes Dax for being the teammate that Chase can trust even when things look shady. Heck, Sophia and Chase should’ve had an episode together with Six in it (Think before Pet for more heartbreaking reasons) and get Sophia up to speed about the fact she’s now a grandma. Idk what might’ve happened there but like if Chase had told her things and how Six is family despite everything, Sophia might’ve been curious enough to try and bond with her new ‘grandson.’
This would’ve been better for Chase instead of what happened with his family in season three because despite the changes in his family life, Chase can have his mother back while also having another dependable father (Jon Ace) around even if he’s a workaholic. He’s basically getting a bigger family who wants him to be happy and will try to always be there for him. Now add Six in this and Chase can have a family that wants to heal and help each family member with their trauma. Okay, maybe not all of them considering Jeredy, but there’s no way Six ain’t wanting to help Chase if Chase helped him heal from being Klipse’s clone.
Instead we got the most awkward season and series finale and it was so rushed that if Monsuno had been as popular as other anime, it’d have taken Game of Thrones spot for the most rushed ending.
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
very weird that I've seen multiple people in the last couple weeks saying it would be fun if samuel got added to seventeen now bc there's no way people actually think that 🤨
#it just seems so disrespectful to both svt and samuel like its been over 7 years#feels disrepectful to the solo career samuel has built like theyre implying its not interesting enough#and disrespectful to the bond svt have built over the years together#like its one thing to imagine what could have been of he debuted with them and another to say this#but i dont even like that bc samuel was TWELVE when svt debuted#and personally i think it was for the best his mom pulled him from the company no kid should debut that young#which is maybe why people change their 'what-if' to samuel just rejoining svt now#but like i said it just feels disrespectful#obv i know ppl online cant actually make that happen but just suggesting it feels :/#sorry to rant i normally dont like bringing up stuff thats only an issue with a few people but this was just such a weird take#i also saw someone say it was a 'bad career move' for him to have left plds back in the day??#umm his mom was trying to protect her son who was a Literal Child#honestly i hate when ppl get hung up on who trained with who in general and act like they have some eternal bond its not that deep#it also annoys me when ppl say '[idol] was supposed to debut in [group]' when they just trained together#its esp a misconception w svt bc of 17tv. ppl think the other trainees that didnt debut were part of the lineup#but plds said that the trainees on 17tv werent guaranteed to debut/it wasnt the official lineup#'4 members left before debut' no!!! trainees left before debut the only members are the ones that got rings-13#got a bit off topic there but its one of my pet peeves 😔#may delete this later i try not to rant too much on here bc its not good for my mental health to do it too much lol#melia.txt
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singeramg · 4 years
Midnight: Chapter 20
Pairing: Clark Kent-Superman/ Metahuman! Black! OFC
Rating: M
A/N: Okay so I finished this one up as well and honestly I wanted to get it up so I can set my own record for the most chapters I could get posted in one day. I am excited! 
Warning: Smut! I would say Dom Clark, but its more of a frustrated Clark seeing as Gia never listens to him. Rough mostly...
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Midnight: Chapter 20
  “Freeland? My mom was from Freeland, she left one night and never looked back.”
I looked at the room who were all looking at me in expectation of an answer I couldn’t give them. I look at the screen as a photo of an unfamiliar black man comes up on the screen, an old grainy quality photo shows him smiling at a desk somewhere. His smile is kind, but I truly had no clue of who this man was.  
   “What’s in Freeland?” Barry asks as innocent as always.
   “There is not much but some of the files that got transferred have mention of an article done by Alvin Pierce. Considering there weren’t computers back then and his article was never actually published I can’t tell you exactly how this is all connected to the experiments but I have a feeling you find out what his research was about then we will have  a solid start to put whoever is after you behind bars forever.”
 I nod in agreement.
   “Looks like a trip to Freeland is in order. Got an address for me Vic?”
  I ask in a fun tone, looking to get answers for my questions and to my pesky problem of people trying to kidnap me, Clark stands up from where he was leaning on the wall previously, the black rimmed glasses he didn’t need tucked into his shirt pocket. I can feel his flash of worry hit me as the idea processes through his mind.
   “Woah, woah, woah. Gia. Hold on, I don’t think you going to Georgia is the best idea.” 
I look at him with an eyebrow raised.
   “ It’s a sneak and peek visit Clark. Go down there, do a little digging and come back.”
   “ Gia you just got back.”
   “It’s one night Clark.”
I can tell by the look on his face this conversation was not over by a long shot.
 *-“We will talk about this later” he says while looking at me pointedly.*
 *-Fine. Wait you can’t even hear me but if you could I’d tell you to calm the hell down.”*
 *-Gia you must have forgotten you can project your thoughts. I CAN HEAR YOU.”*
 “Shit. I mean...damn... I mean get out of my head!”
He laughs inside of mind
 My eyes widen and Clark raises one eyebrow this time as if daring me to say something. I choose to look away, finally taking note that the room is staring at us...again.
   “Umm...Gia maybe Clark is right. You should stay here and rest.”
Diana says softly, placing her hand on my shoulder.
   “I can’t rest. Don’t y’all get it? Whoever is after me won’t stop. They won’t rest until they have me back in their claws. I am going to Freeland. Victor can you please get me an address.”
   “I’ll go with you. I can protect you in case someone tries to take you again.” Diana offers. 
   “An beautiful Amazonian woman and a gorgeous Black Methuman together is bound to attract unnecessary attention.”
I say with a smirk.
   “How about I go too. An extra set of hands on the ground, Diana can keep the plane going in case we need a quick take off and not far in case we need an extra set of hands.”
 Barry offers and I mildly wonder where he got the bag of sour cream and onion chips from but say nothing about them. I, along with everyone else, turned to Clark who was somewhat the unofficial head of the team, Bruce had said nothing, only keenly observing like he always did. I knew he would only step up if he had to butt in. 
   “And you know I’m always on surveillance. So really it’s like almost the whole team except you, Bruce and Arthur.”
   *-“Still not done talking about this Gia.”*
He says to me in his mind, and waves of unhappiness comes from him but out loud he says.
   “Fine. Just an in and out trip. Do not engage with anybody or anything. Find the information we need to end this and come home.”
I smile slightly and we go about planning the quick trip...
 Kalen was down for a nap, Ms. A and Martha we’re enjoying being kid free for a few hours by watching TV and doing some online shopping, the rest of the team had gone off to do their own things until those who were going had to suit up. Clark and I went into another one of Bruce’s rooms that wasn’t  currently occupied by someone and seeing as Tracy had gone back to mine to watch TV and contemplate if she was doing the right thing by being here, we needed to talk in a different room.
 Clark was still not happy about me going on this trip, his thick arms crossed over his chest as I threw up a noise canceling shield for the room. As I did he started up with me.
   “Gia I still don’t think you should go.”
  “Clark, I can't let this go. These people after us they won’t stop. I can’t live my life afraid and looking around every corner. I subject Kalen to constant moving and identify changes and denying him the chance to be a child.”
 “Anyone else can handle this mission. You were just kidnapped! You haven’t even been back a full 24 hours and you already are trying to run off again. I think Kalen would want you here with him not off chasing a big bad that we haven’t even identified yet!”
 Clark has a vein popping out the side of his forehead out of anger and because I was already still on edge I was pissed too.
   “And what do you think this shit is just going to stop?! It won’t until me and Tracy are locked back in that jail cell of a room. Until every part of the Gia you all know is gone. Can you say you will put me down if I’m so far gone that all I know is this synergy persona they created? They almost succeeded in tearing me away from my son!”
   “I can protect you both. There is no need to put you down because nobody will have the chance to get to you if you just listen!”
 Clark was pissed, I was pissed and I truly didn’t feel like punching Superman dead in his shit right now. He wasn’t getting it at all, literally all he wanted to see was me being helpless, but he didn’t realize I couldn’t let that define me at all. I had to do this. I had to fight for me.
   “I am listening to Clark! I am hearing you loud and clear. I can feel you too! You have zero confidence in me. You think someone is going to snatch me again...”
   “Gia let’s shoot straight here. Did you or did you not go to work after we repeatedly told you it was a bad idea?”
  “Yes but...”
 “I am not finished talking.”
I stood glaring at him and crossing my arms.
   “Gia did you or did you not lead them home after we fought Steppenwolf because you were too prideful to talk to me?”
   “It wasn’t pride...”
  “I am not finished yet.”
I wasn’t going to admit that despite me being highly annoyed with Clark right now, he looked good wearing his confidence. For now all I wanted to do was let him finish talking. I could tell this conversation was getting to him too, as his anger became tainted with his own thunderstorm of emotions.
  “Go on then. Keep talking. Tell me more about the failure I am.”
 I say with an eye roll. Clark being Clark does not like this and starts backing me up, my back hits the sturdy door. I feel my breath hitch in my chest as I become surrounded in Clark’s scent again. The tension went from anger to anger and sexuality. 
  “You always have to say something smart don’t you?”
   “Since when don’t I have something to say? You know me better than that Clark.”
 He comes up to me, his arms caging me in on either side of my face. 
   “Exactly and I know you well enough to know that you are using that smart mouth to divert the attention from talking about your problems.”
  “What problem do you think I have Mr. Kent?” 
 I know he can hear my heart rate pick up because instead of being angry at me he only gives me that smirk, the one that he only gives when his mind is on something other than his high morality. 
   “You think you have to do all of it by yourself still. So hardheaded and you won’t listen until you are hurt oooorrrr.... otherwise occupied. Between you and me I think we both would prefer the other way I get you to listen.”
 I look up at him from under my lashes, and slide my hands up his chest, grasping the dark gray t-shirt he was wearing underneath his favored blue plaid shirt. It was my favorite too but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I gripped the shirt and pulled him down to where our lips could meet. 
 Every time I kissed Clark it was like a religious experience. I never forgot how his lips felt against mine, in all these years, even under control of someone else, he still feels the same. His tongue presses into my mouth and immediately dominates it unlike the previous kisses, he was making it clear that he was in charge this go ‘round. I was more than okay with it and as his  hands slid down to my hips, I tossed mine around my neck. Clark picks me up and I lock my legs around his waist. I moan into his mouth when I feel his length pressing on my core through my jeans. I wasn’t paying attention to how close we were to the bed until he threw me onto it suddenly, both our chests heaving. This was the beauty in my powers because I got the full rebound of both my emotions as well as Clark’s. I could double it back out to him, but honestly his own arousal was enough. 
   “Are you ready to listen yet?”
He asks me but I decide to cheat a little and listen to his thoughts. None of what he wanted to do was concrete, quick images fly on the surface of his mind, clearly this was intentional. He was playing with my lack of training with my new powers. One thing is clear however he was ready to teach me a lesson and I was more than willing to let him. Foreplay wasn’t even needed because I could feel my panties were already ruined and my jeans were going to follow if I didn’t get them off. I snap my fingers, sending my clothes somewhere that I didn’t care about in the moment. Clark basically all but rips his clothes down the middle to get them off. Next thing I know he is back on top of me, and his fingers find my center.
   “Already dripping for me...” he says with a low growl in his voice.
    “Yes for you Kent. Who else would it be for?”
I can’t turn off the snark and I know it’s egging on his need to ruin me. I wanted to see how far he would go. He goes back to hovering over me, my breasts heaving against his chest.
 “Do you ever shut up Gia?”
 “Well it’s a skill I have yet to ma-STER!”
Clark had surprised me by pushing into me, without a warning. I hiss and latch to his back our positioning similar to the first time we had done this. I need time to adjust to the sudden intrusion, and his size, but he knew that which was why he wasn’t moving. The only reason he hadn’t gone in slowly was to shut me up. Can’t say I was all together upset at his action, but as the discomfort faded roll my hips and try to get him to move.
  “Oh no, you are not the one in control here.”
  “Oohhh really?”
  “Yes really. I told you yesterday I like to keep my control and you are clearly out of it. It’s my turn...”
 *A Hour Later...*
   “FUCK! Harder Clark Harder! Shit!”
 We were long past taking our time, or playing it safe. This was not even like our first time, this was actually the opposite. Currently, I was  face down, spine curved as I took back shots from Clark, who was making it his mission to make me pay for every snarky or smart comment I had said to him since we met. Apparently the only payment he was accepting was my orgasms. 
His right hand was holding me by the hip, the other sliding up my spine and then into my hair. He leans down, breathing against my ear. 
   “Are you ready to listen to me yet?”
 My hand grasps on top of the one that was on my hip, and I clench down purposefully on him. He groans and his thrusts falter slightly, and his grip gets tighter in my hair and hip. It was even more of a turn on to see how well he kept control of his strength.
   “Yes! Shit yes!”
 He slows down, his strokes getting deeper, but slower until it’s less thrusting and more of a rolling grind. For someone who had always seemed like his sense of morality made Everything vanilla with him, he surely knew how to wring the pleasure out of me. With Clark pressing his weight onto me, my knees falter and I drop to the mattress. He didn’t stop thrusting and I bit my lips, the tang of blood slightly on my lips.
   “We could have been doing this. I could have been making you feel like this. You were too hard headed. Now you say you were ready to listen to me, but how do I know you will?”
 My walls were fluttering around his cock as I was about to cum again for the umpteenth time in a manner of an hour.  
   “Clark I promise I’ll listen!” I say with my stomach tightening and a whimper blended in. I was not a whiny type of girl but damn be if I wasn’t right now. 
   “The next time I ask you not to do something, you will listen to me right?”
 Unexpectedly, he gets back onto his knees, and pulls me up so his chest is against my back, thrusting upwards, and uses my hair to turn my head to the side. He kisses me roughly, his fingers rubbing my clit as the head of his cock rubs at my g spot at this angle, and  with one of his hands goes around my throat, It takes no time at all to bounce right into the hardest orgasm of the night, which Clark and his super stamina finally falters and he falls over the edge right behind me, filling me up deeply, my name falling off his lips and both of us out of breath, which considering who Clark was, was a feat within itself.
 The light shimmer of the door tells me the noise cancelling shield was still intact even if my legs weren’t. Clark hadn’t pulled out and it seemed like he didn’t want to. He just pulls me back into his arms after turning me around, and despite us being hot, sticky and sweaty it felt nice. I run my hands over the forearm that was wrapped around me, and he plays with the ends of my hair. We lay in silence for a while before he breaks it.
   “Gia I realized while you were gone that I might be Superman but I am not strong.”
   “Did you try and stop a burning oil rig from falling again?”
 I joke and Clark gives me a smile and laughs but I can tell he is serious.
 “No. I just realized I am not as strong as you. Somehow you were able to pick up the pieces of your life and be strong for yourself and Kalen. I couldn’t do that. I failed...”
  “Clark hush. You did not fail.”
  “But I did. Gia when I thought that you had died in that wreck. When I couldn’t hear your heartbeat anymore, I shut down. I couldn’t imagine living in a world without you in it. That’s why I am paranoid about you going anywhere without me. Even a sneak and peek trip with these people after you could have been taken away from us. I can’t let that happen. Not again.”
 I sigh as Clark’s feelings of paranoia, concern and fear meld into his feelings of Love. 
  “A long time ago Gia I promised you that I would leave you alone, that I would say away until you called but that’s a promise I have to break.”
   “Clark at this point if you try to leave I might have to chain you down again.”
We both laugh.
   “No but really honestly. I can’t keep lying to you or to myself. I can’t keep hiding my feelings for you from you because quite frankly it’s exhausting. I love you Clark Kent. I loved you all those years ago and I still do.”
 He breath catches and for a quick moment I fear he would forget forever on how to work his lungs. All the other emotions rolling around with him fade away and his mind basically goes blank.
   “I love you too Gia Smith and I hate that it took me so long to say it but I promise I’ll spend forever trying to prove it.”
  “You already have.”
 Before he can respond there is a knock on the door.
   “So...I...um.. I lost at rock, paper, scissors  which is pitiful because I am fast enough to change my answer but not faster than Victor’s computer eye playback. So anyway, yeah, Umm... Diana says we should be getting ready to leave for Freeland soon. If you can ummm...hear me in there then I guess...”
 Clark and I laugh again as I cancel the shield. I had to put poor Barry out of his misery.
   “Barry yes, we can hear you just fine. Tell Diana and the others we will be down in 20 minutes.”
 Barry must have run back downstairs and back up because he says
   “Ummm.. Mrs. Kent says take a shower and make it 15 and that you two had been up here long enough.”
 With that we both peel into laughter and Barry doesn’t stick around for a response. Clark finally pulls out and while my ladybits tingle in excitement they are more grateful for his removal. 
   “You heard the lady shower it is.”
 Clark says moving to stand while I make use of my limbs again. 
   “Go ahead it will take you less time, you’ve clearly got use of your legs. I feel like I’ve been MMA fighting with the champ.”
 Instead of walking away he leans over and lifts me up into his arms cradle style.
   “She never said not to shower together.”
 “Yes, but I think she implied I needed to be able to walk.”
He pretends to ponder for a moment, then shrugged. 
 “Fine. I’ll get you clean so I can get you dirty again later...”
A/n: What did you think? Are we happy, sad, pissed, looking for quarantine cuddle buddy lol Alright folks I am done posting these chapters for the night so thank you for letting me flood your timeline! Once again I have a love-hate relationship with writing smut so let me know how you feel about it.
As always thank you for reading!
Taglist! (Still open for additions.)
@thethirstyarchive @bloodyinspiredfuck @romyr4 @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @kmcmpmd​ @winchwm​
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 5 years
At All Costs
A/N: I'm finally back to writing some 5sos stuff. Thanks for sticking around! Thanks for reading! (The warnings contain some spoilers but please read them if you're triggered by anything!)
Summary: Ashton has vowed to keep you safe at all costs, especially during your pregnancy. He realizes that he can't keep promises he can't control when something goes wrong with the pregnancy. (Slightly angsty but mostly sad)
Word Count: 2.6k+
Warnings: Swearing and death. Mentions of blood and miscarriage.
This cannot be happening.
You had been doing fine. The doctors said that you were fine after the accident.
But you're not okay. And Ashton can't help but blame them and everyone else in the world for what was happening. The scene kept playing over and over in his head and it felt like the world was closing in on him. You were his world. The baby was his world. If something were to happen to either of you, he would never be the same. 
"Babe, come on. Let me do the dishes." You complained, tired of sitting on the couch all day and doing nothing.
"No. You need to rest. Doctor's orders." Ashton replied, pushing you back into the chair by your shoulders.
"They said I would be fine to do regular stuff three days ago. Please just let me do something!"
"You can sit there and keep me company while I do the dishes."
"Nope. I'm doing them. I'm sick of doing nothing. The accident was two weeks ago. The doctors said I really should try to do something after I was cleared so I'm moving around a bit. I've been sitting around for two weeks. Let me do something."
"Fine. But I'm standing right here in case something happens."
"I'm pretty sure nothing's gonna happen, but whatever helps you sleep at night."
The two of you sat in comfortable silence. You doing the dishes and Ashton watching from the kitchen table, admiring how beautiful you looked with the sunlight from the window outlining your body. It was only then did he see the slightly large blood patch coming from your lower regions.
"Umm . . . Y/N?" He asks skeptically, becoming worried about what was happening.
"Yes?" You replied, unaware of the growing patch of blood on your pants.
"You're bleeding . . ."
"Where? I don't see any blood."
"Your pants. There's a generous sized blood stain."
"Shit, um, I don't know. Let me go change." You say, wiping your hands on a towel and hurrying to your room to grab a change of pants and underwear. Once you had cleaned up you returned to the kitchen to find Ashton on his phone with a panicked look on his face.
"We need to go to the hospital." He states, getting up and grabbing his shoes.
"I think you might be miscarrying."
"I don't think so. There wasn't enough blood for me to be miscarrying. Let's wait a little longer."
"Y/N, seriously. I don't care if you're miscarrying or not. You shouldn't be bleeding like this during pregnancy. Something is wrong and we need to get it checked out."
"I'm fine Ash. I get that you're worried but I think you're overreacting a bit. It's just a little blood. If I keep bleeding we can go. I don't see why you're so worried."
"Y/N you are literally bleeding out of your vagina when you're not supposed to have your period. I have every right to be worried about you. What if something happens to you? What if something happens to the baby? I'll never forgive myself. We are going to the hospital. No questions asked."
"No. We're not going. If something was wrong, I would know. It's my body, I know what's going on with it." You claim definitely, walking towards the sink to finish the dishes.
"Y/N." Ashton warns, slightly angry that you weren't letting him take care of you.
"Ashton." You growl back, pushing off the hand he had placed on your shoulder. "Just leave me be for a minute."
"Fine. You better say something if you start bleeding anymore."
"I will. Now please let me do the dishes in peace."
With that Ashton walks off to the living room to sit down and try to distract himself. He couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something was really wrong with you but he didn't want to try and deal with your hormones. You were even more stubborn than usual throughout the pregnancy and he never could get you to do anything you didn't want to.
It was silent for a few minutes, the only noises being running water and the voice in Ashton's head that he needed to just drag you to the hospital. That was, until he heard a loud thump along with the clatter of a plate coming from the kitchen.
"Y/N? . . . Y/N?!" He shouted from his spot on the couch.
A million horrible scenarios went through Ashton's head as he hurried to the kitchen, where he found you on the floor in a pool of blood.
"Fucking hell!" He began to panic as the pool only seemed to be getting bigger. He grabs his phone and frantically dials 911, getting down next to you to try and wake you up.
"911, what's your emergency?" A calm voice asks from the other side of the phone.
"My wife. She's pregnant and just passed out with a pool of blood around her." Ashton answers frantically, one hand clutching his phone for dear life and the other shaking your shoulder.
"What is your address?"
He rattles off the address of your house as he continues to shake your shoulder in an attempt to wake you up.
"An ambulance is on its way. Is she responsive?"
"Is she still bleeding?"
"Has your wife received any recent trauma to her abdominal region?"
"Umm . . . yes. We were in a car accident about three weeks ago." He was starting to panic. You weren't waking up and he couldn't shake the thought that he was losing you and the baby with every second that passed.
"Sir, I need you to remain calm. Make sure your door is open and your wife is accessible for the responders to get to her. Do you need me to stay on the phone with you until they get to your house?"
"No, I'll be alright. Thank you."
The responders arrive no more than three minutes later and put you in the ambulance, Ashton following close behind and getting in with you. He hears murmurs of miscarriage as they try to stop the continuous bleeding. It felt like his whole world was crashing down right in front of him and he had no control of what was happening. It was his job to protect you at all costs, and he couldn't even do that.
The ride to the hospital felt like a million years and the blood seemed to keep coming. When they finally arrived, Ashton realized that he wasn't allowed with you and had to go sit in the waiting room. It was then when he realized that he couldn't do this alone. He called the first person he could think of; his mom.
"Mom." He sniffled. There was no use in holding back his emotions anymore. It was late and few other people were in the waiting room.
"Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" Anne asks, immediately noticing the pain in her eldest son's voice.
The sobs kept coming, and soon he couldn't control the tears rolling down his face. "It's Y/N. Something's wrong and she's at the hospital and I don't know what's going on." 
"Calm down Ash. I'm sure she and the baby are fine. Why is she at the hospital?" His mother's soft voice helped him calm down a bit and bring him back to reality.
"She was doing dishes and I was in the living room. I heard a thud and I came to find her passed out on the floor in a huge puddle of blood. They said in the ambulance that she might be having a miscarriage but I think there was too much blood for that. Not to mention she passed out."
" . . . I don't know Ash. I can come down if you want? It's going to be a few hours until I can get there though."
Ashton didn't know how she was staying so calm, when his sanity was out the window.
"No, it's alright. I don't want to do that to you."
"You sure baby? It's not a problem."
"Yea mom. I'm sure."
"Okay. I hope everyone's okay. Don't stress yourself too much. It's all going to work out. I love you." The sympathy in her voice was clear, but Ashton tried to ignore it. He didn't want sympathy. He wanted his wife and child to be okay.
"Love you too."
The call was ended and Ashton sank to the ground. Every emotion seemed to catch him at that exact moment. The "what ifs" were constant. The thought of never seeing you again was what hit him hardest. It was his fault and he knew it. If only he had been able to convince you go earlier. Maybe you would be okay.
After what felt like millions of years, a nurse came to speak with him.
"Mr. Irwin?"
"Yes?" His head shot up at the sudden noise in the quiet waiting room.
"The doctor who worked on your wife would like to speak with you."
"What happened? Is she okay?"
"Dr. Rangel will speak to you about that."
She knocked on the door of what Ashton assumed was the doctor's office and heard a muffled 'come in' before opening it.
"Dr. Rangel, this is Mr. Irwin."
"Yes, please have a seat Mr. Irwin." Dr. Rangel replied, showing no emotion. Ashton didn't blame her though, it was two in the morning and she had probably been there all day.
"Is my wife okay?" He asked frantically, wanting someone to give him some answers as to what was going on.  
"She is alive and stable."
"Thank god," He breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't lost you.  "What happened?"
"Your wife suffered from a grade three placental abruption. The placenta in her uterus detached, which is what caused such major bleeding. She went into hypovolemic shock from blood loss and we had to give her a blood transfusion as well as deliver the baby via emergency C-section."
"Our baby was born?" He couldn't help the shakiness in his voice when he realized that he had missed the birth of his first child. It was supposed to be a magical moment and he never got the chance to experience it.  
"It was the only way we could save her and the baby. Unfortunately, your baby did not survive. My condolences." That was the first sign of sympathy he saw from her.
Tears welled in his eyes when he realized that he would never get to meet his baby. Never get to hold it in his arms. It had been so hard for you to get pregnant and you were overjoyed when you found out you were. Two years of trying had finally paid off. Until it didn't. At least you were alive.
"What-" A sniffle interrupted his speech. "What gender?"
"A girl."
Ashton almost broke down right there. He had lost what might have been your last chance at a biological child and to know it was the daughter you had always wanted pained him even more.
"Would you like to see your wife, Mr. Irwin?" Dr. Rangel asked, putting a hand on his arm for comfort.
"Yes please." It came out as a whisper, Ashton not knowing if he could manage much more.
"She is currently asleep from a sedative, but should be up within the next hour or two."
She led him to your room and that was when it really hit him. You had a blood transfusion. You almost died. He almost lost you. You lost the baby.
"If she wakes up, let one of the nurses know."
"Thank you."
Dr. Rangel left the room and Ashton sunk down into the chair next to your bed. Your skin was cold and paler than usual. You looked sick, like you had some sort of serious disease that took all life from you. Ashton knew he was lucky to come out with you alive, but he felt like he had lost the world.
All of the thoughts he had been having for the past four hours were catching up with him and suddenly he felt like he couldn't breath. He felt the panic attack coming but he couldn't stop it. He tried to even out his breathing, but it was so hard. He couldn't seem to stop shaking and he knew he had to stop looking at you. After a while he was able to calm himself down. He broke down again. He was falling apart right in front of you, but he didn't care anymore. The last five hours of his life had been the hardest and he needed to let it all out.
He sat there until you woke up two hours later. He couldn't make himself leave your side again. There was a constant fear that something would happen to you again and he wouldn't be able to save you from it. He didn't have a reason to get up other than to go to the bathroom one time. He couldn't force himself to eat, to sleep, to take his mind off you for even a second.
When you woke up you were met with two things; a dim light in a white room and the worried face of your husband.
"Where are we? What happened?" You ask groggily, making Ashton jump at the sudden noise.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, ignoring your previous questions and bushing some hair out of your face. He put a hand on your cheek and kissed your forehead, a gesture that you appreciated but didn't get an answer from.
"Kind shitty. What happened? Have you been crying?"
"Yea. It's been a crazy few hours."
"Care to tell me what happened? Did I give birth and pass out? I don't remember anything after you going to the living room while I was doing dishes."
The look of relief that was on his face a second ago dropped and sadness overtook it. What in the world had happened?
"This is a long story."
"Tell me."
"Okay," Ashton took a deep breath and told you everything up until he met with Dr. Rangel.
"What about the baby?" You asked with a slightly worried look on your face. He had managed to tell the whole story without mentioning what the fate of your child was.
"She didn't survive."
You couldn't help the wail that escaped your lips as you learned what had happened to the baby you were so excited to have. "How? . . . We were so careful how did this happen?"
"Dr. Rangel said that it was the accident. We weren't able to see the trama at the time so there was nothing we could do to prevent it. Please don't blame yourself Y/N. It's not your fault."
"But it is my fault. If I had just gone with you when you told me to we wouldn't be here."
"Y/N, there was nothing we could to to stop this. The doctor said that we would have had to be at the hospital before you started bleeding to have saved our baby."
There was a minute of silence between the two of you. The only sound being your sobs and his sniffles, neither knowing what to say next.
"What should we name her?" Ashton asked suddenly, bringing a hand to your face to wipe some of the tears.
"I don't know. I never really gave it a thought."
"Should we wait a little longer?"
"Yea. I just . . . I'm not sure I really want to think about her right now. It's too overwhelming."
"I know baby. It's gonna be okay. Take your time." He wanted nothing more than to wrap you in his arms and forget about all of the problems that were flying at you.
"Do . . . do you want to come up on the bed? That chair looks uncomfortable." It was a small gesture, but a big one for you. You weren't one who liked to be cuddled, especially when you were sad. Ashton knew to just let you hang by yourself for an hour or so before intervening, but you needed him right now. He slowly climbed up onto the small hospital bed and wrapped his arms around you, as if protecting you from the outside world.
He couldn't protect you from everything, but he could try.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
For You: Chapter 7 - Little Wonders
Summery: A few weeks pass after their fight and make up. Will they find out the sex of the babies? Who is this woman with the unusual eye brows? Leo and Dex have words. catch up here. As always if you would like added to the tag list. let me know. Rating: Mature Chapter inspiration: Little Wonders - Rob Thomas
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Aria woke early in morning, the extreme urge to use the bathroom jolting her from her slumber. She was 21 weeks pregnant now, and the twins were weighing on her bladder something fierce. After climbing back into bed, she nuzzled against Leos bare chest in attempts to go back to sleep. The realization that she wouldn’t soon set in, today was a big day. Today was their big ultrasound, the one they hoped to reveal the sex of the twins. Their friends had a pool going, Olivia and Drake both thought Girls, Liam and Maxwell thought Boys, and Ellie and Leo thought one of each. Aria did not weigh in on her thoughts, to her she was just happy they were ok. She did not know she was pregnant when Madeline shot her, things could have gone very wrong had she been hit anywhere else.
 "Mmm what time is it baby?" Leo mumbled half asleep. "7:30." Aria sighed. Leo rubbed his eyes, waking up a bit more. "You're anxious about today aren't you?" He rubbed her stomach. "I am, I hope these two behave." She chuckled. "If they are anything like their momma, they will. " he cooed kissing her belly. "If they are anything like their Daddy, they will probably give the tech the finger." She snorted. Leo wore a look of shock and innocence on his face paired with his devilish grin. She pushed his shoulder playfully "I’m so hungry I could literally eat a horse." She joked as she rolled out of bed only for Leo to catch her arm. “Wait here love.” He jumped out of bed and disappeared down the hall. He returned a little later with a tray full of food. “Breakfast in bed? You spoil me super man.” she giggled. “Of course Love.” he settled into the bed as they ate their breakfast.
A couple hours later they were in the imaging office, waiting to be called back. The office had signed a disclosure contract, that they were not to discuss the pregnancy with anyone, however it did not protect them against other patients. An announcement needed to be made very soon. "Hale." The technician called out. Aria and Leo made their way to the room "Hi. My name is Tessa, I will be doing your scan." Aria tried very hard to stiffen her laughter. Leo sat next to her, a wide grin on his face. "Oh man, looks like I am out of gel. Give me a second and I will be right back." As soon as Tessa left the room Aria's head whipped to Leo's. "Did you see that?" She giggled. "I did Love, didn't you know. Dicked eyebrows are all the rage in Europe." he said with a straight face. "I can't with you." She giggled. "She's seriously sporting those Dickbrows."she laughed a little louder, Leo joined in. "Ok, now lets get this show on the road." Tessa announced as she re entered the room. 
As she scanned over her stomach Aria tried her best to pay attention to her two little sprouts on the screen, but her eyes kept wandering back to Tessa’s dick brows. Every time she blinked or moved them, it looked like they were dry humping the air. At one point she couldn’t take it anymore and laughed very loud. Leo smirked, he knew exactly what she was laughing at. "I’m sorry, I thought of something funny." Aria blushed trying to play it off. Tessa continued the scan showing them their babies feet, hands, fingers and their profiles. "Do you want to know the sex's of the babies?" Tessa asked. "Yes!" They said in unison. "We do, but we want to have a reveal. So we don't want you to tell us." Aria explained. "Of course, we can put the gender in an envelope for you." Tessa explained. "Can you tell what they are?" Leo question. "Umm yep, I see baby A's gender." She scanned "And there's baby B's." Tessa smiled as she printed a few pictures. "Everything looks great here, you have two healthy little ones, congratulations your Grace and your highness." Tessa left the room. Once in the car Aria was hit by a fit of laughter "I must send these to Ellie." She continued to giggle. Leo glanced over her shoulder "you didn’t love?" "They were Dicks Leo, on her eye brows. That calls for proof Ellie would never believe me." Aria laughed as she forwarded the pictures she secretly took of Tessa.
After their appointment they went to the palace to meet with Liam. An official statement would need to be drafted announcing they were expecting. Aria had already told her parents the news, shortly after she found out. Since Aria was clearly showing, and with Constantine’s birthday ball two days away, it was now time to let court and country know. Regina was still very cold towards Aria, Leo had it out with her on numerous occasions. Whenever the two of them would stop by, Regina made herself scarce. The announcement had been drafted, and would be broadcast in the papers and media outlets the day after the Ball. Leo and Aria would make their announcement during the ball to the entire court.
Two days later it was Finally Constantine's birthday ball. Aria wore a pastel pink chiffon dress with a long shaw so she could cover her bump as best they could. As they arrived the Herald announced them, Leo caught Dex licking his lips out of the corner of his eye. His jaw tensed and his hand balled into a fist. He had not come face to face with him since he put all of those things in Aria’s head. "He doesn't matter, this is your fathers birthday, and we are finally announcing the babies." She whispered into his ear, calming his nerves immediately. "Of course love. Besides, I am the one with the most gorgeous woman in the room on my arm." He kissed her cheek.
 Dinner was served, followed by speeches. As Constantine thanked everyone for coming, he then turned the attention to Leo and Aria, calling both up to the center of the room. "Welcome everyone, I know I am usually the one raiding the bar and causing the most ruckus so this is a change for all." Several in the crowd chuckle. "You see, a long time ago I met an amazing woman and fell madly in love." Leo turned and smiled at Aria. "Life happened and we were torn apart. Until one day, fate brought her back to me." Leo grabbed her hand. "Even though it had been a long bumpy road, our love proved stronger then anything else." Aria watched on with much admiration, the love of her life gushing with pure joy. "Our love was so big that it needed to expand, and so it is our greatest joy to announce the Royal family will be expanding. Duchess Aria and I are expecting twins." He beamed as a roar of applause and cheers filled the room. Leo leaned in dipping Aria slightly back, one hand firmly in her back, the other on her stomach as his lips captured hers in a deep kiss. Dex quickly downs a tumbler of whiskey and grabs another. Leo looks over to see Dex gritting his teeth. Leo grins like a Cheshire cat, at the satisfaction of Dex’s displeasure. 
They head back to their table, bombarded by their friends with the question on everyone's mind. "What are they?" They all asked. Ellie pipped up "I am throwing a Gender reveal party, you'll all find out then." The group groans. "But when little petunia?" Maxwell whined. "In a week, I have already spoken to Arias mom. The party will be in Pennsylvania." "What?" Aria whipped her head to her best friend. "We wanted to include your parents, so Ellie and I made the arrangements." Leo put his arm around her waist. "Besides, I thought it time I met the parents." Aria half heartedly chuckled yeah my dad is going to be so pissed she thought to herself. As the night went on both Aria and Leo made their rounds, fielding questions about the babies Genders, and when the would the wedding be. Leo had a few plans and did not want to spoil them, so they just told everyone they were focusing on the babies first. Leo had wandered over to the bar for a scotch when Dex approached him. 
"Well congrats Daddy." Sarcasm dripping off Dex’s words. "That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard, Leo being a father. Does Aria really think you'll stick around?" "Jealous Dex? Cant have something you want? And here I thought you said I had an child out there somewhere.” Leo scoffed.” I told you, Aria loves me. Those babies are mine. You're out of your league Dexter." Leo gulped down his scotch and took off for the door, trying to distance himself from Dex before he did something he'd regret at his fathers party. Dex followed, hot on his heels. "She will leave you Rhys, you aren't good enough for that fine a piece of ass." Dex sneered. 
 "What the fuck did you say?" Leo turned to face him. "You'll fuck it up, And she will leave you. I'll swoop in and save the day. " Dex grinned. Anger splashed across Leo's face as he slowly made his way closer to Dex. "Mmm I cant wait to get in between those thighs." Dex teased.  Leo closed the distance, his fist connecting with Dex's jaw. Dex’s face jerked to the side. Leo gripped him up by his collar and pushed him against the wall. "You listen here you dirty son of a bitch. She is MINE, and if you come near her again or try to hurt us in anyway, I will burry your sorry ass." Leo released his grip and walked away leaving Dex to rub his aching jaw. "I will get you back, for what you did to me. Mark my words. " Dex mumbled to himself. He continued to rub his jaw as he left the palace.
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amiyahsoul · 7 years
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Skype Call 💻: Mercedes & Otis Jones
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones & Otis Jones TIME FRAME: Wednesday April 11th, 2017. LOCATION: Mercedes Condo . L. A. NOTES: As Mercedes attempts to bury herself in idle prep for the baby’s arrival she has a surprise Skype call with her father. 
Mercedes hummed along with the music that filled the room.  She was in a cleaning frenzy. The bathroom sparkled and the beds in her condo had fresh, crisp, clean linens. Now she was freshening the kitchen. Her hand circled across the counter wiping down the surface. The house wasn’t messy, just a little dusty from being left vacant for so long.  She blew slightly, starting to get tired. Her exertion was to be expected, but she still wanted to shop for a few extras before heading home for the day. Her hand went to the small of her back, as she was startled by the Skype chime. Seeing Her father's face pop up she rushed to answered the call. as quickly as her short legs could carry her.  She answered the called. Then squinted as a huge teddy bear dominated the computer screen. “Hello, I’m teddy the bear. And I can’t wait to meet my new friend!.” Mercedes snorted, staring at the screen.  “Daddy, that bear is huge. That thing will only scare the baby.”
Otis’ head popped out from behind the bear, huge grin on his face. “You have no proof that it will scare her. She’s going to love it and name him Otis. -I’m having him shipped tomorrow. Your mother would kill me if I tried to bring him on the plane.” He hefted the huge bear moving him off screen.  “Speaking of… tell me you’re having a contraction. Something." He said rubbing his hands together. "I’m excited. A new little girl to spoil and this time I get to do it right.”
Mercedes shook her head. “And she’d be right that thing is ridiculous.” She chuckled, “Sorry," She sung out, "but since last week, I’ve only had some pain but nothing significant enough to go back to the hospital.  She’ll come when she's ready." She smiled.
“Don’t talk about O like that. I know he’s huge but this is my first grandchild.  I am shooting for completely rotten.” Otis raised his eyebrow. “Have you been walking.  It’s what they made your mother do when she was in hospital having you guys.”
“The fact that you have already named him. -DADDY.” She laughed, holding her stomach as she did so. “So you are going to spoil her and leave me with a bratty child. No sir, that is out of the question.” She shook her head no, “Not as much as I should. But she is coming, of that I have no doubt.”
“Spoil completely... Yes, it will happen. It’s my prerogative as a grandparent.  Listen, Mercedes I'm going to give you and her till the end of the week, then I am going to come to L.A. and just wait it out.”  Otis moved closer to the screen. “Umm, Baby…  Why are you in your condo.”
Mercedes raised her hands, “Go right ahead and spoil away. A few days of grandparent over kill shouldn’t do too much damage.” She looked around, the space. “I was cleaning it up for you and mom. I thought you might want more privacy when you’re here.”
Otis smile faltered, “Mhm… well if you want us to stay there we can…” Otis leaned back in his chair staring at his daughter. Since her engagement party this young woman had been on cloud 100 and now her expression was different. “What’s wrong? And before you give me the nothing is wrong cover up, remember I know you better than you know yourself. Even now…”
“Don’t sound like that that. You don’t have to stay here it’s only a suggestion.”  Mercedes shrugged his words off “but there is nothing wrong with me, Da…”
“Bup.. bup.. bup …”  Otis cut across Mercedes. “Don’t hand me that landfill of lies.  You have been a hundred watt bulb for literally months. Now you look like someone snatched all the cheer from you. WHAT IS WRONG?
“I don’t want to talk about it… so can we just leave it. I’m fine, the baby is fine. That’s the focus right now. When she comes and i’m not a human incubator, then I’ll deal with what’s bothering me. It’s private dad. So just leave it.”
Otis sighed, and leaned back in his chair.  “I remember when you lost that little bald headed doll you had as a girl. You stood there with your little arms folded and told me you were fine. But for a week, you barely smiled, and went to bed early and whimpered in your sleep.  Baby girl, you weren’t fine then and you are not fine now.”
Mercedes smiled softly at her father’s little story. “And what did Mom, do to pull me out of my funk?” She asked. She didn’t remember this story at all and was curious.
“Your Mama?” Otis snapped back, shaking his head. “I’ll have you know.  I am a capable parent.  No matter what you and your sister seem to think. “  He told her pointedly. “I took you for ice cream. Double fudge chocolate chip.” he said accenting each word as he went.  “I got you on a sugar high, then took you to the park… I went down the slide with you just the way you used to do with that bald headed doll… What was her name, anyway.” He thought crossing his arms eyes wandering to the ceiling.
“And that worked I talked to you after that?” Mercedes chuckled. “I was a cheap  date.” She grinned.  
“You are my stubborn baby.  Who always takes everyone of your short falls and coming, on yourself. You bottle it all up so tight, trying to figure it out, on your own.  I’ve never understood why you do that. Family is about support. But no one can help you if you don’t open yourself too it.  And the truly messed up part is you want someone to care enough to ask how you feel, while at the same time pushing everyone away.  You were one hell of a maddening teenager I tell you.” Otis told her.
“I’m not a little kid anymore dad.  Aren’t I supposed to figure things out for myself. In less than 15 minutes I’m going to have a baby of my own. I can’t depend on you or mom to order my steps for me.”  Mercedes countered.
Otis snorted, “You and your sister are lucky Mercedes.  You have me and your mother to talk to. You don’t need us to tell you what to do.  Hell, you don't listen anyway, but talking isn’t making a decision, it’s sorting out how you feel.”
Mercedes rubbed her hands over her face. “Not this… Not now. You’ll never understand it will taint my daughter's birth. I don’t want that. I want everything to be perfect when she comes. Not people side eyeing each other. And definitely not your renewed hatred of Sam.”
Otis nodded, “Mhm…” He rubbed his hand down his face and groaned.  “Mercedes I know when I have been defeated.  Now I can kick and scream for days, but you ain’t going to be done with Samuel Evans, especially now.” he said pointing to her stomach. “Until the throw dirt in one of your faces. “As long as he isn’t laying hands on you,” he shrugged. “I’m fine.”
Mercedes wiped at her face, determined to hold herself together. “No, he’d never do anything like that. He’d never hurt his baby…  I’m just kidding. She sniffed. “It’s so much happening in such a short period of time.  I can’t get my footing.” Finally breaking down. “I’ve created a mess. Now I have to live with it.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Leaving that man when you were younger? Mercedes, you have GOT to forgive yourself for that. There was nothing wrong with you deciding not to get married. Do you truly think, that single solitary action created all this.  I don’t know what’s going on NOW  but, I assure you all this is not your fault.” Otis sighed. “I will say this, it was a bad idea not to just leave that man alone.”  He closed his eyes, blocking the protest he knew was about to come, “Nope, hold up. I’m not saying you couldn’t have found your way back to him, but you muddy the water because you didn’t let go. Completely. So now you don’t know if what you are seeing from him now is real, or fake or whatever. Unfortunately, for you, the only person who knows for sure is HIM. And the only way for you to find out  is through time.” He stopped and rubbed the side of his eyes.  “Time I wish you two fools had taken before my grandchild. Or getting engaged for that matter. You needed to feel secure in his changes and him in yours.
Mercedes listen to her father layout her pitfalls. Each lash a whip of truth that that highlighted her real pain. “I know… I just don’t know what to do now. But wasn’t it you who always said a little bit will tell you what a whole lot means? It’s been more than a little bit. And now..." She lowered her face, not wanting to see his I told you so expression. “He already has a son.” She cried “From the woman right before me.”
Otis blinked, and all he could do was shake his head for his child. His poor foolish child. “You still half protecting him so I assume, this child was conceived before you and he were official.”
Mercedes just looked at her father. Even pregnant these types  “Yes, He didn't cheat or anything. but, I… I just… I’ve always wanted what you and mom have and now.” She button her lip and dropped her head again.
Otis thought about explaining his past to his child, all of it. But this wasn’t the time, she was going to have to decide if she loved Samuel enough to stay on her own. That was the only way. It was only luck that kept this situation with Samuel from being himself. But even then building what him and his wife had was hard work. Very hard work. “So… You’re upset there is a living reminder.  I’m sorry baby girl.  This is a less than ideal situation.” He told her, pinching  the bridge of his nose.  “Oh Mercedes.”
“We were building it. Since I’ve been pregnant he has been perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more or better. He was actually getting on my nerves, he barely left the house.  Then the other day, he just up and left. -Stayed out all night and then he told me about being stress by work, and needing a pacemaker. I was upset he just didn't tell me...  And then he told the rest. Why couldn’t he be more careful. I was.”
Otis could kill Mercedes for not listening to him the hundreds of times he’d tried to steer her towards other men. He held his breath. No father wanted to be in this position. To have to brake his own child's heart.  “He tried to bury that information didn't he." he sighed "You know why.” He said simply. “You made a choice months ago. And up until that little party that young man through for you, I was skeptical. But I don’t think any man would go through all that for some one he doesn’t care deeply for.”   
“It just makes me question everything.  I’m I being a fool, dad? I hurt because, I’m not the only mother of his children.. Because I believed that if I could come home and he’d be there, that I was most important.  You know the other day, he told me how hard he tried to replace me. It’s like I’ve heard the words and been looking at the evidence for so long… What if I am being a fool for  continuing to do so?” Mercedes covered her eyes, wiping at her face. “Am I going to teach my baby to be a fool too.”
“Baby, I don’t know.” Otis full lips pressed together, and he looked back up to the display. “Now you want this guarantee?  With him?” He chuckled. “I think you know better then that. Forgive yourself Mercedes for the past. Once you do you’ll be able to make better choices for your future.  And remember that not even your mother and I have a perfect relationship. And as hard as it is to believe. Even if you had married Sam years ago, It would have never been easy. No matter what you want believe. Just think about it. I love you baby girl no matter what you decide.”
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