#ummmmmm scratches head
sideblague · 1 year
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hermittoberrr 1-4 <:D
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itoshi-s · 2 years
isn't that technically cheating? the fact that you have a bf but still imagine a relationship with rin?
are you.. being for real right now 😭😭
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caracello · 2 years
one of the umm. main things abt ssss is that the apocalypse was brought abt by a global pandemic which reading it again in 2022 is like eerrmmm. ummmmm. well ummm so
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foxintheferns · 9 months
For a Paul imagine: reader has a date night planned, and it would be the first time in a while. But, Paul forgets and switches patrol shifts with someone else. Reader waits up, but eventually realizes Paul forgot and goes to bed.
A/N: Thank you for this one, LOVED writing it. But ummmmmm it gets a lil spicy and they don’t even rly fight so I honestly failed at my own game. He’s just too persuasive, you know? Even the him that I create from my very own thoughts 🫣🙄
CONTENT WARNING: sexual implications, body licking/biting, heavy on the sexy vibez purrr
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[All dressed up, just for me?]
The pack’s patrols have been endless lately. A small group of slightly-too-interested bloodsuckers had been circling in around the Olympic Peninsula, and had unfortunately plucked off a couple of fisherman who had been out on their boats right off the beach. Sam and Jacob wanted all hands on deck for perimeter patrolling, and your imprinted lover, Paul Lahote, was their right hand man. You couldn’t remember the last time that Paul had been home for more than a night in a row, and you’d gotten quite used to -although not happy with- the feeling of an empty bed. You and Paul hadn’t gone farther than a few handsy make-outs in over a week, with Paul typically passing out as soon as he was home and only being woken from his sleep with a phone call from Jacob, or a howl coming from the forest outside the house early in the morning. The other day, you’d expressed to Paul how much you felt you needed a date night.
Paul had been exhausted, home for the first time in two days and apparently barely coherent. “Yeah! Um…,” He had yawned, lazily stretching out his lanky, muscular body and throwing his arm around you as he laid next to you in the bed, “Let’s go to dinner…Saturday night, we can do uh - oh, dinner at the Riverside?”
He had scratched his head, his eyes blinking as he stared across the room at the TV playing a movie.
“That sounds amazing.” You had happily sighed against him, feeling reassured that Paul had seemingly made an effort. You knew he loved you so deeply, and you knew there was nothing that could ever pull him away from you, what with his imprinting causing him to only truly ever see you. But, at the end of the day, the Alpha’s commands came first, and if the pack needed Paul, he was there in a heartbeat. Those commands came so often lately that you weren’t sure Paul even had a moment to realize that he hadn’t paid much attention to you. You’d been helping around the reservation, going to your job at the local farmer’s market, and hanging out with Emily throughout the long days.
Emily had even asked you how you were holding up, noticing that you seemed a bit quiet when you were visiting her last week.
“What’s up, (y/n)? Everything going good with you and Paul?” she had inquired, her hawk-like eyes seeming to observe you quietly for the entirety of the time you spent kneading breaddough together at her and Sam’s kitchen table. You hadn’t met her eyes, slightly embarrassed that she had so easily seen through your facade of…okay-ness.
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, no everything’s good,” You had proclaimed with a little too much enthusiasm, putting more force into your kneading as your internalized emotions presented themselves. Emily had stopped moving, staring at you intently from across the table. You had continued to knead your dough vigorously for several more moments, feeling her eyes burning into you, before you paused as well and finally looked up to meet her gaze.
“Okay…,” You mumbled, your shoulders slumping in defeat, “So everything is not good.” To your surprise, a wave of relief had washed over you as you finally said the words out loud. You had been going crazy, not entirely sure if the lack of affection and attention was in your head, or if you were being selfish, or if it was simply a reality you needed to accept as the pack’s Third in Command’s ‘imprintee’. Emily had nodded slowly, a knowing and empathetic smile creeping onto her lips.
“(y/n)… it’s not easy being an imprintee, I get it. Sam’s been gone every night, too. And if he’s not gone, he’s thinking about being gone, and thinking about who he needs to tell to go on shift. But it’s truly not a reflection of their love for us, I can promise you that.” She spoke in a soft and low voice, staring at you with her gentle brown eyes.
You shook your head, starting to poke at the bread dough again, “I don’t know, Em. It’s like he doesn’t even see me right now.”
She nodded understandingly, “Oh, (y/n),” She murmured, a sad and careful look in her eyes. “Because his soul is attached to yours so deeply, (y/n). You are part of him. He may genuinely, honestly forget that you are two separate beings sometimes, that you are a human who can’t hear his thoughts and know how deeply he loves you ALL the time. He may be so comfortable and happy with you that he forgets you aren’t part of the whole wolf thing, too. It sounds silly, but he’s still a man, after all, underneath all the magic and power.”
You smiled as you remembered Emily’s words, feeling more at ease as you prepared for your date with Paul. There’s nothing to worry about, you told yourself. You stared at your reflection in the mirror now, as you finished doing your hair. It was now Saturday evening, and you were waiting for Paul to finish his day shift. Dinner at the Riverside Restaurant - that was the plan for tonight. Paul had suggested it himself, so you felt reassured that tonight would be a good thing for the two of you. You were giddy with excitement, happy with how you look and looking forward to some long-awaited intimacy with him. You slid into a dress that Paul hadn’t seen yet, a silky spaghetti-strap number with a high leg slit up the right thigh, showing off a generous amount of long, toned leg. You decided to make it a bit more alluring and added a sparkly leg chain from your drawer, one you’d never worn, pulling it up and around your thighs and ass under the dress. You strode over to the floor length mirror in the corner of the room, nudging the dress down to sit perfectly against you, and adjusted your hair. You felt pretty. In fact, you looked pretty damn hot, and you knew without a doubt that Paul would think so too. He never failed to act shocked and overly impressed at your appearance, even when he woke up next to you every day and saw you at your greasiest, or most exhausted.
You grabbed your phone off the dresser next to the mirror, glancing at the time. 6:18pm. Paul usually gets off shift around 5:30, and you wondered for a brief moment if there could’ve been some emergency causing him to be late. Your face paled and you felt your heart rate increase the moment you let yourself consider he could be in danger. Nonetheless, his job was insanely dangerous, and it crossed your mind whether you liked it or not.
You quickly shot him a text.
Hey! Comin home soon?
You decided to try and busy yourself while waiting for him to arrive. You sprayed your favorite perfume on, checked your makeup and hair one last time, and went down the stairs of the cozy house. A crackling fire always helped you relax. You grabbed some of the wood Paul had carried inside the other day, and started to get a fire going in the living room fireplace. Paul had taught you quite well how to make a fire, and you were proud of yourself when you got it going relatively quickly. You lit your favorite candle as well, and decided you’d take the extra bit of time before Paul got home to clean up the house. You figured since he’s been so busy, and so tired, a clean place would be a nice gift for him to come home to. And, keeping your hands busy always helped time pass faster for you. Cleaning felt therapeutic at the moment. You got to work, vacuuming the living room, putting the clean dishes away, and throwing a load of laundry into the washing machine, folding and putting away the clothes from the dryer. You left your phone on loud, knowing that you’d either get a message from him or he’d walk through the front door any minute now. After you finished making the house nearly spotless, added another log onto the fire, and still hadn’t received a message from him, you decided to check the time again. Surprisingly, over an hour had passed, and it was 7:30. You were starting to worry.
You clicked Paul’s contact, calling him. After 6 rings, you heard the beginning of his voicemail - ‘I’m busy, you know what to do’ his gruff and cocky voice came through on the recording. You hung up before the beep, rolling your eyes. You stared down at your phone. Exhaling slowly, you tried to think of reasons why he wouldn’t be answering your text OR call, and would also be late for the date. You tried desperately to not let your mind go to horrible places, and decided to text Emily.
(Y/N): Hey Em- is everything okay with the boys? No answer from Paul, we had a date planned tonight.
Within the minute, Emily responded:
Emily: Sam stopped by only half an hour ago before he went back out, said everything was going fine… maybe call one of the boys? pretty sure Embry took tonight off, he’ll have his phone.
You stared down at her message for a few moments, relief washing over you once you realized that the pack wasn’t in any life threatening danger, but confusion hitting you in it’s place when you realized that that would mean there was nothing stopping Paul from getting home over an hour ago. You swallowed, trying to calm yourself. You flicked through your text conversations until you came to Embry’s name, and tapped the icons until you were calling him.
It rang twice, then Embry’s soft voice came through the phone speaker.
“(Y/n)! What’s up, honey?” Embry was always a sweetheart to you; all of the boys were. You knew they all loved you deeply, and it was hard for them not to - they could hear and feel all of the thoughts that Paul had for you.
“Hey! Um- just wondering, do you know where Paul is?? We had a date planned for tonight and he should’ve been home a while ago…,” You said into the phone, running your fingers through your long hair and starting to pace around the living room, your bare feet padding across the thick carpeted floor. You heard silence for a moment too long.
“Embry? You there?” You asked, unsure if you’d lost connection.
“Uh yeah, (y/n), sorry…I’m here. I, I-didn’t know you guys had a date… I asked Paul if we could trade shifts cuz it’s my Mom’s birthday tomorrow and she wanted to celebrate tonight. He said no problem and that he had nothing goin’ on. I’m sorry, if I’d known I would’ve never asked him,” Embry’s sympathetic voice came through the phone, and your heart dropped.
“Oh…,” you murmured, trying to push aside the sudden onset of shocked pain that washed over you, “No worries, Embry, it wasn’t your job to know about it. Thanks for telling me. I hope you guys have a nice celebration tonight… tell your Mom I said Happy Birthday, yeah?”
“Aw man, (y/n), I’m really sorry, I’m sure he just forgot, you know? He’s rly gonna hear it from me for this one, though, don’t you worry. The guy’s gonna wish he remembered…and yeah, thanks, I’ll tell my Mom,” Embry responded lightheartedly, his tone sincere.
You managed a light chuckle, “Thanks, Em - I’ll see you soon, have a good night.”
After you hung up with Embry, you stood for a moment in the same spot in the living room and let your arms fall, your phone slipping from your hand onto the couch. You felt just about everything you could feel: anger, hurt, betrayal, confusion, disappointment. Above all else though, you felt alone. You seemed to be chronically alone, lately. This was the one thing you’d asked for. After weeks of Paul prioritizing the pack, which you’d understood and had patience for, you had finally expressed that you missed him; that you needed this. That something was missing. You knew now that he hadn’t been truly hearing you. You exhaled loudly, falling back onto the couch dramatically, and stared at the loudly crackling fire in front of you. For a few minutes, you sat stuck in your thoughts, unsure what to do with yourself. Suddenly, your phone dinged loudly. You quickly reached for it, turning it upright to see the screen. You were slightly disappointed to see a text from Emily instead of Paul, your anxiety having built up as you sat in silence, but then felt comforted at the fact that your best friend was always in your corner.
Emily: Did Embry answer! Where’s Paul?
You sighed, reading the message, and began to type back.
(Y/N): Paul apparently gladly took Embry’s shift when he asked to trade. Said he had ‘nothing going on’
You saw the (…) bubble pop up, showing you that Emily had begun typing the moment your text sent.
Emily: Wtf. Paul can be such an airhead, I swear! I’m sure he forgot, (y/n), hope you don’t think for a second that he’d ever do that on purpose
(Y/N): Oh, I know. There just seems to be a lot of forgetting happening recently
:( wearing a new dress and everything
Emily: :( love you (y/n) <3 I bet you look bangin, lady! Call me if u need me okay? Maybe take a bath or something, do a self care night, ya know?
You almost smiled at Emily’s text, and would have if you weren’t feeling so defeated.
(Y/N): Love you Em
You tossed your phone again to the side and decided to throw a few more logs on the fire. You ambled into kitchen, poured yourself a glass of rosé and put your favorite show on, getting under one of the massive fluffy blankets and settling in to try to relax. By 10pm, you were strewn across the big couch, the warmth of the fire having lulled you into a gentle snooze.
You woke with a start to the feeling of hot hands on your skin.
“Baby”, you heard the deep, rough voice murmur against your ear, hot breath hitting your cheek. Your eyes slowly blinked open, and you could see Paul’s massive frame over you as he knelt in front of the couch, one hand on your waist and the other caressing the back of your head.
He pulled back and smiled an immensely apologetic smile, the hand on your waist squeezing gently.
“Hi, sleepy girl,” He said softly, his rich brown eyes gentle and bashful. You didn’t respond, your brain glitching, confused and tired as you tried to piece together why you were mad at him, a difficult task when the man sat right in front of you. His features became more troubled when you didn’t respond.
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am, (y/n).”
You stared back at him, still not answering, and noted his shirtless torso only inches away from your face. When you peeled your eyes away from the abs and back to him, you caught his gaze stuck on your bottom half, and looked down to see what he was staring at so intently. Oh, that’s right. The dress. The slit that ran up the side of your leg was open, your entire thigh and right buttcheek exposed, and a large portion of your bikini line being put on display. You were glad you’d shaved. The faux fur blanket covered the rest of you, your half-bent leg being the one thing sticking out from under the fluffy cover. His eyes were stuck, his gaze lingering on the body chain that wrapped around your thigh, sparkling and glinting in the glowing firelight.
“(Y/n)…,” He whispered, swallowing hard. You watched as his Adam’s apple lifted up, then fell back down with the movement. His breathing hitched, and he finally flicked his eyes back to yours. His features were serious now, his brows drawn together.
“You have to know that I didn’t mean to forget, baby. I truly, honest-to-god didn’t mean to. Embry shifted like 10 minutes ago when he got home from dinner with his Mom just to let me know that you’d called him, and I had like 5 missed calls from Emily once I shifted back and…God I feel awful, (y/n), I figured if I traded shifts with Embry tonight, I’d get tomorrow off and we could spend the whole day together I-…I am so so sorry.”
You looked down, not bothering to hold his apologetic eyes, and took your bottom lip between your teeth as you absorbed his words and thought.
He bent closer, his large hand leaving your waist to caress your face, both hands framing your head now.
“I know it’s more than that, too. There’s no excuse for tonight but… I know I’ve been neglecting you, baby. I realize that now. You’ve needed me and I haven’t been there. I haven’t been there for you and I’m so, truly sorry for that. I’ll do better, I will. It’s easy to forget sometimes that just because you and I have this eternal bond, that doesn’t mean I can just forget to show you I care. And I care, (y/n), I care so much. You are who I’m thinking about when I’m out there on patrol, when I’m protecting this town. You are what gets me up every day. You’re the most important thing in my life. You know that, right?”
Throughout Paul’s rambling monologue, you had lifted your eyes, finally meeting his intense brown orbs. He held your face, gently and quietly speaking his words, not pulling his gaze away from you even for a single moment. He had brought a smile to your lips at several points in his little speech, and you felt wetness begin to prick in your eyes at his words. He had felt it too. He knew something was off between you, too. You felt an emotional release at his acknowledgment of what you’d been holding in for weeks. You could feel his love, deep and primal, radiating from him- oozing from his very being.
He continued to stare, his eyes narrowing and his hands shaking you ever so gently.
“Answer me, (y/n). You know that, right?,” he repeated, his tone and face still serious, but a glimmer of playful energy in his eyes now.
You couldn’t help but break into a wide smile now, and a light giggle fell from your mouth. His face broke into a massive grin at the sound, and he planted a hard, wet kiss on your lips, his mouth soft & hot. He groaned very lightly into the kiss, then pulled back to stare at your face again, proceeding to plant quick and delicate pecks over and over, along your mouth and then your cheeks, around your temples, down your jaw and along your throat. He kept going until you were a giggling, squealing mess beneath him. His hands fell to your waist and he gripped you against the couch, holding you hostage as he continued attacking you with his lips. “Okay, okay! Stop!” You finally broke your silence, your breathless voice coming out in begging pleads as his kisses and strong hands held you captive. He pulled back, his dark eyes now filled with a new expression. It was one you recognized, and hadn’t seen in a while. His gaze fell, trailing down your throat and along your chest, moving downwards until it fell yet again on the exposed, supple skin of your thigh. His jaw suddenly tightened, and his tongue left his mouth briefly to swipe across his bottom lip.
“Christ, (y/n). I really missed out, huh?” His eyes were still on your legs, and his left hand reached out to let the tip of his middle finger drag along the skin of your thigh. “Never seen this dress before,” he muttered, lowering his head to leave soft, hungry kisses, beginning at your knee and moving up until he reached the inner side of the open slit. He flicked his gaze up to your eyes. “You got all dressed up, just for me?”
“Mmm, really should’ve remembered our date, huh Lahote?,” You responded smugly, a smirk on your face as you took in the view of his slightly desperate expression. His eyes darkened suddenly at your words, and he moved his mouth up your body, leaving kisses wherever he could find skin. Between kisses, he murmured deeply against you, his hot breath sending waves through your core. “And what were you planning on us doing after this date, (y/n)?” His eyes shot up to your face now as he lowered his mouth down to the top of your thigh, letting his hot tongue slowly drag across the exposed flesh. You felt your face flush and your heart begin to thump harder in your chest. With his keen wolf senses, you knew he could likely hear the change in your heartbeat, and your fear was confirmed when a mischievous chuckle left his mouth.
“Mmm, yeah. That’s what I thought…,” He squeezed your thigh with his hand, the muscles in his forearm flexing, “That’s what this dress was for, huh? Is that what you’ve really been needing?” His tone was soft, his deep voice babying you, the way that only Paul knew how. He nipped softly at the flesh on your inner thigh, another rough groan escaping his lips.
You decided he didn’t get to be rewarded for his mistake so easily, and snapped your legs closed, crossing your arms over your chest and furrowing your brows. His eyes snapped up to your face, his expression darkening again. He tsked; shaking his head and scowling slightly at you. When you remained still, your arms crossed and your chin lifted in defiance, he narrowed his eyes. Then, his features softened, and he lifted his massive body so that he completely hovered over you. Heat radiated from him, and you secretly ached for him. You wanted him to lower himself down, so that all of him was touching all of you. You stared up at his face, which was now only inches from yours. He could read you like a book; he knew forgiveness came easily to you. There was no fooling him - you knew he was very likely seeing the want in your eyes. He leaned in slowly, resting his soft lips against yours tenderly. When he pulled back, he gazed at you lovingly, now going along with your feigned hesitation and apparently, full of remorse again. Oh, the games this man sure can play.
“Baby…,” he whispered, leaning in against your ear, his hot tongue swiping along the delicate skin below it.
“I’m so sorry, sweet girl. Can you forgive me?” His voice was rough, hunger for you laced throughout but with a tone that was now a beg, filled with a tangible desperation. You knew he’d do whatever it took to gain your forgiveness. And you were ready to let him beg for it for as long as you felt necessary.
A/N: I could totally go further with this. And perhaps, if I was asked nicely, I would 😏
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jades-typurriter · 1 year
Thorn's Hoop-Hole Loophole
CW: Transformation, Accidental Suiting
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“Sophomores and seniors,” hollered a short, pink-and-white cat in a witch’s hat about two sizes too big for his body, projecting his voice all the way to the back row like the ringleader of a circus. “Red wizards and blue wizards too, students and sages of ALL kinds of ages… Welcome!” he chirped, undercutting the booming introduction he had built up for himself—not that his voice was all that imposing, anyway.
“I’m sure some of you recognize me from class. I see a few familiar faces! For those of you who recognize me from, well, from an incident with some transmutation magic a few months back, boy, do I have a treat for you today! We’re gonna do something like that again!”
A few of the spectators tensed in their chairs; one or two jumped straight out and started heading for the doors of the auditorium.
“I’m not gonna do the SAME trick! I promise! The folks in the office wouldn’t have let me into the talent show to begin with if I’d pitched that to them, ahaha.” Most of the anxious members of the audience relaxed, though one of them was still waiting near the exit, just in case. “Anyway, that’ll be the real trick! We’re all magicians here, so casting any old spell wouldn’t be all that impressive—illusions are first-year stuff, too! Instead, you’re all going to watch the Hoodini of Academic Holds do the one thing he’s been banned from doing!” He paused for a moment, scratching his head with one pink paw. “Well, not the one thing, but who’s counting?”
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“We’re gonna need a volunteer, by the way. How abooouuut, ummmmmm…” He looked out over the crowd. A few people (especially the ones who had been on edge earlier) avoided making eye contact; even fewer raised their hands. He settled on someone sitting a few rows away from the front: a timid-looking, periwinkle sea serpent with a pair big, round, pupilless eyes above an equally-round snout. “You! You’ll do just fine! Why don’t you come up here?”
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The dragon’s fins stood on end, ver eyelashes fluttering as vee blinked in surprise.
“Oh! Um,” vee considered, shifting around in ver chair. “Sure, I could come onstage.” Vee rose and shuffled sideways past ver seatmates’ legs to the aisle. As vee ambled up to Thorn, vee held ver claws up in front of ver in a way that reminded Thorn of a friend of his. Not quite as anxious of a gesture, but then, she’d gotten better about that recently. Well enough that she’d be joining him onstage as well, as it happened!
The cat took a dramatic bow to greet ver when vee climbed the steps to the stage, waving a paw in the air behind himself with a flair and a flick. In his grasp appeared a large hoop with a little puff of smoke. He let it go, sending it rolling along his arm, past his still-lowered head, and down the other arm onto the stage; it rolled around and around the dragon on its edge, finally tipping over onto its side and spinning to a stop right before ver feet.
“Why don’t you step into the ring for me, oh brave volunteer?” He beckoned, having slipped right back into his showman’s voice. The dragon obliged, looking uncertainly at Thorn.
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“You’re gonna have to get that tail in there,” he nudged ver, pointing down at the floor outside the hoop. Once vee had gathered it up around ver feet, snugly coiled within the confines of the ring, vee looked back up at the cat; he nodded between ver and the audience, directing them to face forward. Vee gave a little wave with one of ver idly-hanging claws.
“So! What’s your name, bestie?”
“Ahaaah, not for long it isn’t,” replied the cat, smugly. Bowsie cocked ver head to the side, and a few murmurs arose from the members of the crowd who had seen Thorn’s handiwork before. “Oh, don’t worry! It’s great to meet you! As a matter of fact, I’m gonna show these fine folk how to turn you into a friend of mine. A very specific one, in fact! Some of y’all might recognize her, too, once she joins us on stage! That’s where you’re gonna help me, Bowsie. But first, let’s get to know each other a little better, huh? What do you study?”
“Well, ah, I actually just changed my major. I realized I was very interested in fashion, so, I changed most of my classes over to that! Lots of working with unorthodox materials, enchantments for practical wear, you know.”
“Interesting! And a fantastic coincidence—I’ve got just the pattern for you to try on. I promise, she’ll be a real great fit!”
“Ah, that’s right, you said this was… transmutation magic?”
“Ahuh, yep!”
“And… you’re going to turn me into this friend of yours.”
“That’s right!”
“Oh. Goodness,” vee mumbled, hoping that the blush spreading across ver face wouldn’t be visible in the front row. Perhaps the spotlight washed it out? The idea of being somebody else for a bit just sounded… very, very fun!
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“That’s where this hoop comes in!” Thorn explained, bubbly as ever. He produced his wand, seemingly from nowhere, and pointed it at the ring on the ground. “This is your round-trip ticket,” he continued as the ring beginning to vibrate and, ever so slightly, lift from the ground at the wand’s command. “We’re gonna go from the ground up, change you bit by bit! As it passes over you, it’s gonna turn you into someone you might otherwise be studying in one of your enchanting classes. Doesn’t that sound fun?” Turning and winking to the crowd, he added, “And yes, this is all one hundred percent sanctioned by the good folks running the show. I hope you all have a good time trying to puzzle that one out! But, you know what they say about magicians and secrets, and cats and bags, ‘n’ all that. So whaddaya say, Bowsie? You feel ready?”
The dragon nodded, tight-lipped. It was a little embarrassing to be so excited about something in front of a crowd this big, but vee thought vee was holding it together pretty well! Now all vee had to do was sit still and let it happen. Just like getting a shot at the apothecary! Easy as pie!
“Fantastic! Everybody, let’s give my lovely assistant a nice big round of applause, huh?” Politely, the crowd followed along, cheering to send Bowsie off like the onlookers to a ship’s maiden voyage; just like the christening of a new ship, they could only hope vee would come back in one piece.
“And awaaaaayyyyyy we go!”
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As soon as the ring began to levitate around ver ankles, Bowsie could feel ver composure start to slip. They shivered with anticipation, trying to keep still enough not to give it away to any of the spectators. Already, ver feet began to feel heavier; vee lifted one foot slightly, wiggling ver toes. Strangely, the big, plushie paw didn’t leave the wooden panels of the stage—but vee could feel the swish of fabric on fabric! It was like pulling on a pair of leggings that were fresh out of the dryer, or wriggling into a warm sleeping bag on a cold night.
Vee couldn’t bring verself to look down, or ver face might’ve started burning bright enough to outshine the spotlight over ver head. Vee tried not to move too much, either, even though vee wanted more than anything to experiment a little more with ver new, minky parts, for fear that it might somehow disrupt the spell. Every little movement vee made had a little bit of resistance to it, anyway, like the parts of ver body that had been changed were squished between blocks of memory foam on all sides.
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The ring continued to float higher and higher, bringing that warm, swaddled-in-blankets feeling to more and more of Bowsie’s body. At points, it seemed to get stuck on ver new shape—or maybe stuck on itself? It was hard to tell… When it reached ver thighs, it seemed almost as though ver new pillowy outside was spilling out of the hoop, like a comforter being pulled out of the bag that it came vacuum-sealed in. Vee wondered whether vee’d have difficulty fitting into certain places like this—doorframes, maybe even hallways… Vee reached down to touch some of the short fur covering ver legs, now that it was close enough to reach without having to bend over fully. It was velvety to the touch, and it gave way under ver claws the same way that a particularly soft mattress might.
As it slid over ver hips and past the base of ver tail, it unwound from around ver legs, no longer held tightly against verself for the sake of keeping it inside the hoop. Vee caught a glimpse of it at ver feet and could no longer hold still, whipping it up toward their face. It didn’t move exactly as vee directed it—it was still up in front of ver face, but much more slowly and deliberately, nothing at all like the excited vigor vee had put behind it. Maybe vee just wasn’t used to a body made of cloth and stuffing? Vee imagined that a body like that would be a bit more sluggish… It brushed against ver nose like a feather duster, though vee tried to hold it steady. Maybe it was just so floppy that it was hard to control.
Stranger still was the way that vee seemed to be higher up off the ground! No longer holding back from examining ver new body, vee saw that ver lower half was now much longer than ver upper half. It was such an odd sensation; vee could still feel ver paws squishing against the floor, could still feel ver new fabric stretching along ver legs, but vee knew they weren’t that long before. Vee thought that Thorn wasn’t allowed to do transformation magic! Even as the one having the magic done on ver, vee couldn’t figure out what else it could possibly be! The ring kept on creeping upwards, with a pillowy, striped tummy spilling out from inside it, stretching the serpent’s body out longer and longer as vee adjusted to the weight. It wasn’t that much heavier—Bowsie was a stout little dragon before—but it sat differently on ver body, was springier as vee shifted around. When it crept up to ver shoulders, it wrapped around ver arms, leaving massive, cushiony hanging at the ends of ver wrists where ver claws just were. Again, vee tried immediately to get a closer look, and again, they moved in a way that wasn’t quite how vee intended, slower, not exactly the right position.
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Vee began to wonder if it was really as simple as needing to adjust to a new body, but before vee could think too deeply about it, the ring zipped the rest of the way up past ver head, leaving the button-eyed, fluffy-cheeked face of a chipper tiger girl in its wake. 
“Oh my goodness!” plushie cried in a voice that didn’t belong to the dragon. For an instant, Bowsie thought vee had blurted out its thoughts in an excited outburst. There was something stilted—rehearsed—about the voice, though, and the tiger kept right on speaking without ver: “You turned me into Lyra! Incredible!”
As Thorn took another deep bow, gesturing proudly at the result of his magic, Bowsie wondered: who on earth is Lyra? That certainly hadn’t come from ver. As if on cue, ver arms began to move of their own accord. Lyra waved shyly at the audience, even curtsying as they applauded for Thorn’s trick. As far as they knew, he had finally casted a spell in public where something hadn’t gone horribly wrong, but something was definitely awry here!
“Thank you, thank you!” the cat flaunted, keeping the audience on the hook for what he planned next. “And Lyra, thank you again for showing up on such short notice!” He added, with a wink.
“It iiiis a pleasure to be here, Thorn!” She replied, a bit stiffly.
“Now, we’re almost done hoggin’ the stage, folks. All we gotta do is—” Lyra interrupted him with an eep! Beneath the zipper that ran along the front of her body, Bowsie was trying to figure out just what was going on here. The tiger’s arms wobbled as Bowsie strained vers beneath her fuzzy exterior; she felt wriggling in her stomach as the serpent struggled and felt around inside her. She glanced down at herself, then her eyes—flickering through the whole range of emotion from confusion to mortification to accusation—turned to Thorn, shooting daggers at him. For his part, his eyes zipped from her torso, to the audience, back to her, his showmanly smile straining to remain on his face.
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“Ahem! All we gotta do is say thank you one more time and get outta your hair!” He said, tugging Lyra’s paw towards the wings of the stage and ushering her quickly along. Her arms wrapped around her tummy (at least as best as she could manage the gesture), trying to hide the serpent’s movements inside her. “You’ve been a wonderful crowd we hope to see you at the next talent showeverybodyhaveagoodnight!”
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“Thorn!” hissed Lyra as the two (three) of them slipped into the dressing room backstage. “Would you like to explain what this is?!” She unzipped herself, allowing Bowsie’s head to pop out of her chest. Vee suddenly felt shorter again, still higher up than usual but this time because ver were being held up, and not because ver legs were suddenly longer. Vee looked out at Thorn, then craned ver neck to look up at Lyra, whose face looked just as apologetic as she glanced upside-down at ver.
“Um, hello.”
“Hi,” Thorn awkwardly replied. 
“I said I’d be your assistant cause I’m trying to work through my whole thing with crowds, and you pack me in front of a packed house?”
“Not on purpose!” the catboy protested. “The ring was supposed to switch your places! Teleportation magic, remember?”
“Yeah, and instead, it just transported me around… who even is this?”
“Bowsie!” chirped Thorn, eager to change the subject.
“Bowsie,” mumbled the serpent at the same time, musing that this was one of the strangest introductions vee’d ever taken part in.
“You two know each other?” Lyra asked.
“So were you just gonna… send this person to your room? Who you’ve never met?”
“Well, the plan was to switch the two of you around again right after, right? I just picked someone who looked, uh… harmless? Polite! Just, who didn’t look like trouble, so nothing would happen in there in the thirty seconds you’d be on stage for.”
“Well, that didn’t exactly work, did it? You still haven’t answered for embarrassing me like that!” “Uh, I’m still not really sure what happened? It should’ve just been a portable portal, but…” Thorn fished around in the pockets of his puffy little shorts and pulled out a roll of parchment, unfurling and squinting at it. “Yeah… yeah… no, I think I got most of it right? Just, hang on…” As he continued to pore over his notes, Lyra pressed her paws into her own face.
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“Every time, dude. It’s unbelievable.” She looked down at her little passenger and sighed. “So, um. Bowsie, right?”
“I think you heard already, but, I’m Lyra.”
“A pleasure.”
“Likewise! Um, did you at least enjoy your time on stage?”
“Oh, I’m not much of a performer…”
“Well, that makes two of us, ahaha…”
“I, uh, apologize for making it more difficult.”
“Oh! No, it’s not your fault, really! You haven’t caused any trouble in there or anything, it’s just,” she began, gently wringing her paws. “This is usually a more… intimate? Arrangement?”
“Ah,” replied the serpent, ver cheeks beginning to warm again.
“It’s just a bit embarrassing. It feels like a public display of affection, and in front of all those people, y’know…”
“Well… it was fun! You’re very comfortable.”
“Uh, thank you?” Lyra accepted the compliment rather bashfully. “You’ve been a nice… guest?” Bowsie smiled up at her, and she smiled in turn.
“I felt much taller while you were zipped up, you know. It was a bit like balancing on a wobbly chair, except the legs are a part of you? It was definitely odd to get used to, even if we didn’t have much time for it.”
“Yeah, that has something to do with the way Thorn set up my zipper and lining to begin with? I got curious and dug through some of his textbooks, and I twisted his arm about it ‘til we figured out what exactly the spell was like. The easiest way he could think of to give me an interior while keeping me the same size was to… ‘add space’, so to speak? That’s the simplest way to describe it. The flip side of it is that anything that goes in occupies the same amount of space as me, too.”
“It was fun! It really made me think he was transforming me, haha. Why, um, were people so worried about Thorn casting transformation magic, exactly?”
“You don’t want to know,” she said bluntly, averting her gaze. She rubbed her face again, as if trying to wipe the image away from her mind’s eye.
“...I see. Well, it was still exciting to think about.”
“Sorry to let you down, then. We weren’t planning on doing anything to you other than moving you around a little. I didn’t even realize what was going on until you started moving around in there, which—” she cleared her throat, trying to keep her voice from cracking. “—That was really a surprise.”
“At least you kept your composure. I thought you were speaking clearly, at least. I didn’t have to say much at all.”
“Well… thank you. I guess it wouldn’t be public speaking without a distraction, right? I’m trying to get better at it. I’ve had, ah, some bad experiences with speaking in front of a class.”
“That gets a bit easier,” vee encouraged her. “I wasn’t too happy that so many classes assigned oral presentations for their final projects, but after a couple of years of studying here, I feel I’ve improved at least enough to do it when I have to. Just keep practicing!”
“Are you a sophomore? Junior?”
“A junior. Yourself?”
“I don’t exactly study here, um, officially. But I’ve been with Thorn about a year and a half, I think? I want to call him a dependable roommate, but this sort of thing…” She cast a withering look in the cat’s direction—he flashed her a thumbs up and a reassuring smile. “...Well, it happens way too often.”
“I take it he hasn’t taken many courses on applied magic?”
“Oh, he’s tried.”
“Hey, be nice!” he called over his sheet.
“What about you, Bowsie?”
“Oh, I’m majoring in Practical Enchantments! What I’m really passionate about is designing clothes—I realized how interesting fashion was partway through my sophomore year and switched—and I want to try to push the limits of what materials can be worked with, and what they can do!”
“Ooooh!! That’s fascinating, goodness! I mean, you might be able to tell, but,” she gestured broadly up and down at herself, “That’s a field with some personal relevance, haha.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to intrude, but—”
“…Oh,” Thorn finally piped up again. “Well, okay, that’d do it.”
“What?” Lyra asked, exasperatedly.
“It’s, uh, a perfectly functional portal, but I forgot to… make it two-way?” The cat smiled sheepishly at her.
“So we’re just lucky your last mistake gave me a hollow inside.”
“Yeah, I guess so! Otherwise I might’ve gotten myself banned from a different type of spell entirely, ahaha… It, uh, it would’ve been hard to get all your stuffing clean.”
“Huh?!” The serpent squeaked, suddenly much less comfortable in the plushie’s soft interior.
“Oh, uh. Do you want out of there?” the tiger asked. Vee nodded emphatically. Lyra unzipped herself the rest of the way and held out a paw for the dragon to hold as vee hopped out of her chest, turning away from Thorn and now-intimately-familiar stranger to zip herself up. “Sorry about all this, by the way.”
“Well, it was no trouble. Luckily, I suppose,” vee added.
“Right! All’s well that ends well, right?” Thorn bombasted, moving the subject along. “Bolt dodged!”
“Yeah, and I didn’t have to scramble around to bail you out, this time,” retorted Lyra, an unimpressed look on her face.
“Oh, speaking of things I need you to do—”
“—did you happen to grab the key to my room?”
“Agghh,” she grunted, knowing where this was heading. “No!”
“Right, which is a problem, ‘cause you like to lock the door, and—”
“And you forgot it when you left?” She exclaimed. Thorn nodded, still doing kitty-cat eyes above his please-don’t-be-too-mad smile.
“I expected you to still be in there, so…”
“Well, hey, uh… While we wait for the housemistress to come by with a master key, we cooouuuld… watch the rest of the show?” He shrugged, putting on his best play at being disarmingly cute. Lyra was a little too used to it at this point for it to work. “How about you, Bowsie? You feel like joining us?”
“Um. Are the other acts going to go anything like this?”
“I sure hope not.”
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This one was a bit of a format experiment—me and a friend (who would like to remain anonymous) were shooting for an "illustrated storybook" style here, and played around with thumbnails as a means of outlining a written story. The more I write with Lyra and Thorn the more I feel like an episodic structure would suit them well, so a series of short, fun books might be the direction I take with them. I hope you enjoyed it!! If you did, please check out my commissions sheet! This was partially driven by requests from my friend, who wanted to interact with my OCs; I'd be happy to work with you as well! =^w^=
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What happens when Ian or Mickey get sick
ummmmmm idk i would hope they take care of each other heehee
whoever isnt sick goes to work, but texting the other all day to see how theyre doing. (i have very distinct headcanons in how they text. i 100% believe mickey either texts like my mom or uses voice to speech)
mickey: "u up?" "take meds on nightstand" "soup🥫 in fridge" "u up yet?" "u awake?" "u forgot to give ur boss drs note 😡 ur in trouble 😏 "drink gatorade in fridge not the blue🟦 one tho thats mine" "coming home for lunch u up yet?" "omw with more Pepto" "just saw an asshole on a bike almost get ran over LOL wish u were here❤️🖕🦠🔫" "u like tissues with aloe or no?"
ian: "Good morning baby I left you dayquil on your nightstand 💖 done at 3" "Sleep well while I'm slaving away at work 😮‍💨🛌" "There's chicken broth in the cabinet by the microwave you only have to heat it up like 1 min ❤️" [voice message] [voice message] [butt dial] [voice message apologizing for waking mickey up with the butt dial] "coming home soon 💕 Mrs. Liu is making me stop by to pick up soup dumplings for you"
at home they totally give up on the whole "staying away from you until im not sick bc i dont wanna get you sick too." no mouth kisses but other than that everythings the same. lots of kisses on foreheads and the tops of heads. plenty of belly and back rubs and fingers scratching thru hair.
maybe they dont like the other seeing them really sick? so whoevers sick will just lock themselves in the bathroom, go in the guest room, or whoevers not sick might sleep on the couch to give the other more space to breathe. i know when im really sick i hate being around others and just wanna be in my little quarantine box while i die
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tunastime · 2 years
Ummmmmm 17 (you're distracting/you promised) for ethubs if it hasn't already been done? Your writing is so good I love all your stories :D
17. you're distracting / you promised (x) (830 words)
Etho's hands snake around him, body sagging forward to connect his forehead to Bdubs' shoulder. He sinks with little thought as to the repercussions, nosing at his neck, shrouding him in the sheets pulled from the bed. Bdubs laughs, leaning back into him. He reaches up and around his head, running his hand up the back of Etho's neck.
"Etho," Bdubs mumbles. Etho makes a noise to acknowledge him, but it's a weak sound from somewhere in his chest with little to convince Bdubs that he's actually awake. "You comfy?"
"Cold in here, Bdubs," he musters, muttering to the shell of Bdubs' ear. Bdubs shudders, petting Etho's hair.
"Quit mumbling, you're giving me shivers."
Etho laughs, just a huff of air against his neck. Bdubs drags his fingers down and back up Etho's neck, tracing out the bone, like he were remembering where to paint the freckles on his skin. He fiddles with the collar of his shirt, stretched with sleep and still warm against him.
"What do you want, hm?" He asks, rubbing his cheek against the side of Etho's head. He twists the hem of his shirt in his fingers, scratching at the cotton fabric with an absentminded sort of concentration.
"Nothin'." Etho sighs. He doesn't retract.
"Sure," Bdubs drawls. "You're certainly cuddly for wanting nothin'. You ain't a cuddler."
"That's not true," Etho sounds a bit hurt, though Bdubs pins it as feigned. "I cuddle you all the time."
"I don't think throwing your legs and arms across me counts, Etho," Bdubs says, craning to kiss his temple. He drags his hand up through his hair, scratching his scalp. The hair at the base of his neck is fine and soft. He needs a haircut. It falls forward in wavy rivulets, over Bdubs' shoulder, tucked behind his sharp ears. "You sweet thing."
"Mmm," Etho grumbles. He sounds like he's unsuccessfully starting up, like a bad redstone contraption halfway to a workplace safety violation.
"Sweet, sweet, Etho," Bdubs noses the side of his head. Etho squeezes him in his arms.
"Stop," Etho complains, high and whiny and a smidge or so pathetic. Bdubs rolls his eyes.
"Oh, alright you cheat, don't act so shy, you're ridiculous."
He kisses his temple again, leaning in to nose at his hair, running his hand through it. It's soft, freshly washed, but he still catches the metallic smell of redstone and machinery, like a grit under his fingers. Etho sighs, breath tickling his shoulder, and it doesn't help that Etho leans in to kiss the curve of his neck. Etho's hands shift, laying flat around his waist. Etho fiddles with the fabric of his shirt absently, rubbing it between his fingers. When his hands still, Bdubs worries for a moment that he's gone and fallen asleep again. He sighs against the side of his head, speaking into his skin.
"If you're done with your cuddle quota for the day, will you at least sit down to eat something before you wiggle off back to bed?"
Etho huffs. He's not asleep.
"Absolutely not."
"Fine," Bdubs sighs. "Can't say I didn't try."
Etho huffs again.
"Come back to bed," he mumbles. Bdubs shivers again.
"Etho, I have things to do that need daylight."
Etho coils around him a bit tighter, swaying against him. He lifts his head to press his cheek against Bdubs'. Bdubs feels him frown.
"C'mon...Bdubs..." he complains, in a voice almost convincing enough. Bdubs laughs; Etho nuzzles his cheek a little more.
"No! I have to go do the things I need to do. I promised I would,” he leans back against him, voice softer. “I'll be right upstairs, alright? Promise."
Etho pouts as he pulls away just a fraction, full on lets his face fall and his eyes go all round and soft and Bdubs rolls his eyes.
"C'mere," he sighs. Etho's hands leave him, the ghost of the warm impression of him still on his clothes. He straightens before he bends over. Bdubs reaches up to cup Etho's face, bringing him down, hands just brushing his jaw. Etho props himself by his elbow on the back of the chair, hand darting out to cradle the back of Bdubs' skull. He kisses him, quick and soft, lingering just a moment. Etho smiles, something so good on his face (he doesn't get a full, silly, all gums, sharp toothed Etho smile often), looking satisfied with himself.
"Bye, Bdubs," he says a bit shyly, shuffling back and out of the room. Bdubs follows him with his eyes, fond and delicate when Etho turns to look at him again on his trek back upstairs.
"Love you, Etho," Bdubs calls over his shoulder.
"Love you, too," he hears, traveling down the stairs. He smiles. He'll go bother Etho in a few hours, when the sun is fully up and he's gotten enough rest. Who knows when he went to bed last night.
Bdubs turns back to his plate.
His eggs have gone cold.
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Father! Hiro x Kid! Reader
Yes yes yes, another Danganronpa post. As with the previous two it is a request for someone who will remain Anonymous unless they wish not to be, also for the sake of me being able to make dad head cannons on someone in a different format than my last head cannons post. Anywho hopefully you enjoy!
Warnings: Mention of bullying, some cursing, general kid behavior, single dad Hiro, FLUFF, some angst
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Yasuhiro Hagakure
First things first. THE MAN KNOWS MAGIC!
Growing up would be a mix of when you visit your grandparents and they have the DVD movies and having another child in the house
He is the peak of humor and nobody can tell me otherwise!
Before going to school he definitely dropped a few F-bombs, scratch that, A FUCK TON OF F-BOMBS!
Food would be whatever he managed to salvage from his attempt of cooking or he asks Teruteru for help
" U-Ummmmmm little magician? Why are you covered in glitter and holding a water balloon? " You standing there smiling menacingly " I just was playing with Aunty toko! Can you hold still daddy? "
Personal show? You got it! He will do the rabbit in the hat trick all the way down to making himself vanish
To be honest, this man was terrified at first because you were a whole level of chaos he had yet to see
He doesn't know how to handle your rough housing very well with the others (especially Neku and toko)
Don't play hide and seek without him knowing, he breaks down crying and had everyone search everywhere last time to find you in a kitchen cabinet
" I'M A TERRIBLE DAD! I LOST THEM AND DON'T KNOW WHERE THEIR AAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!! " * Ishimaru giving him his 100th tissue * " Don't worry Hiro! We'll find them! " * giggling from within a cabinet * " Wait. . . . . . . ."
He will teach you if you want and will try to let you not quit unless he sees how much you struggle, he'll let you have a break or try teaching you again once your older
Every Christmas he makes it seem like he has to do the reappearing act to get your presents because, and I Quote, " Santa always carries a bag filled with dissapearing dust so he can never be seen, that's how we never get photos of him! "
Everyone has to chime in with hiro because he needs SEVERE help, clueless father
He tries giving you the best life he can no matter what
Playgrounds are your worst enemy because everyone always circles him since he likes doing shows in public
Carnivals are Hiro's worst enemy because everyone in the carnival death glare him, All because he knows abit more than you and took your crowd away for a few minutes!
Definitely has a photo album of you growing up and you interacting with everyone else.
Your mother is a touchy subject since she was " A woman I loved with my whole heart even though I shouldn't have. . . . . " he will tell you about her though! The good parts at least.
SCHOOL! That was a big debate he had with himself because he originally wanted to homeschool you
When he puts you into school he gives one of the most strangest pep talks that sounds like he was saying it to himself
" Daddy, why are you crying? " " I'm fine little magician! Your gonna be fine in school, and make so many friends! " * Que the awkward convo *
Yeah, man cried like a bitch when you left for school the first few weeks
When he finds out your being bullied? 👏 CALL AN AMBULANCE BEFORE HE ARRIVES!
He is more than willing to throw hands with the parents while their kid watches someone hand them their ass!
I know it's outlandish to say he would throw hands but it's his kid, how can he not!
Parent teacher night are a double sided coin, he can either be chill the whole night while getting told how amazing you're doing or will be biding his time until you get home for a explanation on your behavior.
100% Bribes teachers that are complete assholes to pass you or tell them about Fuyuhiko.
" I'm sorry but I'm NOT going to- " * Fuyuhiko walks in * " So how high should I raise it! "
You and the school will beg him to join any school event that happens because he's both funny and entertaining for the kids
Can't help with homework!
" Hey dad what's- " " when did they add letters!?!?!?!? "
He is all and all a really fun dad, 10/10 for the scoring!
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I hope y'all enjoyed that! I know it's short but most of my already made Post's are so I'll try and make them longer in the future!
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voiddemiurge · 3 years
ok so
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Ummmmmm idk if all the slots are filled yet but for kinktober if u have room can you do another Billy Hargrove fic?? Idc what kink I just lovehow u write him
Scare Me Up
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Billy Hargrove x Reader - 728 Words - Kinktober 2021
Kinktober Prompts: Overstimulation Warnings: pwp, references to multiple orgasms, reader receiving oral, no reference to gendered body parts, penetrative sex, descriptions and references to bodily fluids, swearing, enjoy responsibly ❤️
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You pulled your already bruised lip back between your teeth to soften the hoarse moan that tore through your throat as another orgasm wrecked your trembling body. The world around you felt heavy as if the air itself was weighed down with bliss like the strained limbs of your body. Your head was clouded and you couldn’t remember exactly how long you’d been here, splayed out panting and needy on top of dark sheets completely at your lover’s mercy. Coherent speech had left three orgasms ago and your mind reeled from sensation to sensation with no concern for thoughts outside of the next moment. Although you were alone with Billy you tried to keep yourself from screaming, the result of which you could now taste in the slight metallic shock dripping from the lip worried between your teeth. 
Billy pressed a reverent kiss to your quivering thigh and ran a hand lightly up your body tracing each curve and line until he grasped your chin in his hand and gently coaxed your mouth open. “C’mon sweetheart none of that.” You whimpered and gasped as his thumb ran over your bruised lip.  “I wanna fucking hear you this time,” he said wickedly before returning to his kneel between your legs. You babbled incoherently in mock protest as his hands teased your already sensitive body. The feather-light touches had you mewling and close to begging for reprieve and firmer gestures at the same time. It was the most decedent torture you’d ever experienced, and you couldn’t help the strangled cry that left your lips as his hands lightly scratched across your stomach and down your thighs worshiping every curve and fold of your skin. Your sweat-slicked body unconsciously arched away from Billy as he relentlessly worked his mouth over your sex, dripping and covered in the evidence of your arousal and previous orgasms. His hands traced the bites and bruises that detailed your thighs before settling, one arm wrapping around your left thigh his other hand moving to assist his mouth.
You whined loudly as you felt Billy languidly lick your sex. Your trembling fingers threaded in his hair and tugged the loose curls resulting in a moan of his own that vibrated straight through your core. Despite your desperate noises, his actions remained measured and deliberate. He knew every spot of your body that made your mouth run dry and legs shake around him and each time he built you back up to the edge only to keep you there on the precipice of release. Your voice cracked over the syllables of his name as tears pricked at the edges of your eyes. 
“P-please,” you whispered unable to force weight behind your words.
Billy slowed his ministrations to a stop before kissing his way back up the contours of your body tracing every inch of your with his tongue until you were panting and squirming as he settled over you, his familiar weight pressing you down into the mattress. Billy straddled your hips and you could feel his cock hard against you. Your bleary eyes struggled to focus but when they did you were pleased to see that he was just as wrecked as you were, his skin flushed and covered in sweat, eyes blown with desire. One of his hands cupped your face and ran a thumb over your cheek, you couldn’t help leaning into the touch.
“‘Please,’ what?” He asked mockingly the tender touch turning harsh as he forced you to look up at him. Billy groaned as you sucked in a harsh breath and canted your hips against his. 
You turned your face slightly despite his grip to wrap your mouth around his thumb. You ran your tongue around it once teasingly before releasing it with a pop boldly maintaining eye contact while you responded.
“More, please,” your voice had regained some weight but was thick with desire and coarse from hours of begging, pleading, and moaning. 
Billy growled and captured your mouth in a ravenous kiss that left you melted against him as he kissed and nipped his way across your jawline. He buried his face in your neck while you hooked your legs around his hips eagerly waiting as Billy slowly pushed inside you. Your hands scratched along his back as he moved inside you every movement bringing you closer to another world-ending release.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
“Th-the King of Demons never cries out in his sleep…”; or nightmare/comfort prompt featuring adoptive siblings/cousins(?) King, Luz & Hunter + parents Clawthornes & Raine
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY I'm sorry this took so long, if you're even still out there, Anon 😅
“L-luz? Can I—can I sleep with you tonight?”
Luz opened her sleeping bag. “Sure, King. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, of course! I just… thought you might want someone to protect you while you’re asleep is all.” King crawled under the sleeping bag flap, turning a couple of circles and then plopping down. Luz scratched behind his ears, and he snuggled up against her, his breathing slowing down then turning to snores. Luz shook her head with a small smile.
King started to kick. Luz didn’t think anything of it, just scooted a little bit so that he wouldn’t hit her.
Until he started whimpering, then sat straight up. Luz scooped him up, scratching behind his ears. “Oh, heeeey, buddy, nightmare?”
“I don’t get nightmares!” King protested, squirming out of her grip, “Never!”
“It’s okay, everyone does.”
“Not me!” King sniffed, and marched out of her room, head held high. Luz shook her head, but made a mental note to check in on him later.
Wonder what it was about?
King woke up with a gasp, his heart pounding as if he were still falling. His hand almost unconsciously went up to touch his glued-on horn.
Maybe it would have been better if I’d never remembered.
Maybe I should have told Luz.
King shook himself, wandering down to the kitchen.
A pair of reflective eyes stared back at him, and King yelped, leaping at the intruder, kicking and hitting.
“Ow!” A hand grabbed him by the scruff, holding him out, and then a light glyph flickered on. Hunter glared at him. “It’s just me!”
King crossed his arms, still dangling from his grip. “What are you doing, sneaking around in the middle of the night?”
Hunter set him down. “Not important. What are youdoing up in the middle of the night?”
“I asked first.”
“I, am an adult. You are eight.”
“You’re a teenager, not an adult.” King wrinkled his nose at Hunter. “What, did you have a nightmare or something.”
“Nope, did you?”
“No!” King tossed his head, looking away.
Hunter plopped down at the kitchen table with a sigh. “Ugh. I’ll tell you if you tell me?”
“You first.”
“Geeze.” Hunter rubbed the back of his neck. “I, uh. Came down for a snack. Happy?”
“You don’t have to sneak around in the middle of the night for a snack.”
“If you must know, I get hungry in the middle of the night, now anyway, what are you doing up?!”
King shuffled his feet. “Oh. You know. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Not fair. I told you why I was up.”
“Just… a weird dream.”
King paced in a circle. “Fine! A nightmare, happy?”
“That’s no fun. Have you talked to Luz about it?”
“Have you talked to Luz about it?” Hunter repeated, “She could probably help. Or Eda, or Raine—since they’re realadults.”
“Oh. No. It just… it’s stupid, you know? What experiences do I have that would give me nightmares. Besides you living with us rooting around in the kitchen at 1AM with glowing eyes like a raccoon, I mean.”
“Hey! Watch it, rat!” Hunter tapped his fingers against the table. “Mmm. Pretty sure nightmares just happen. Regardless of bad experiences or whatever. I don’t know.”
“Do you have nightmares?”
Hunter finger-gunned. “Can’t have nightmares if you’re an insomniac.”
“Can you teach me to be that?”
“What? No, it’s—I don’t think it’s learned, anyway.” Hunter let out a sigh. “Uh—look—I don’t know—try reading something? To get your mind off of it. Ummmmmm…” Hunter grabbed the crystal ball, typing. “Let’s see… warm milk, distract your brain, breathing exercises—”
“Uh, yeah. Okay. Thanks for trying. Also, maybe turn on a light when you’re up late, you’re kind of creepy in the dark.”
King scampered back upstairs while Hunter made offended noises. He crept back into Luz’s room, curling up with her again.
“Hey, King. King, it’s okay, buddy.”
Luz was stroking his back, holding him in her arms. And he was clinging to her.
“How do you get rid of nightmares?”
Luz scooped him up, starting down the stairs. “What was it about?”
“Falling again.”
“Huh.” Luz flicked Hunter’s head as she passed him, reading a book in the kitchen. “Go to bed.”
Luz set King down, putting the kettle on. “My mom would make me hot cocoa or tea, and tell me silly stories until I fell back asleep. Hunter, do you want any?”
Luz got out three mugs, pouring the hot water and letting the tea steep. “First step: comfort.” She grabbed a blanket and bundled King up. “Second step: tea.”
She sat down with him at the table, handing Hunter his mug. King settled down in a chair, sipping at the hot tea.
“Let’s see… Hunter, do you have any bedtime stories?”
Hunter closed his book. “Uh… yeah, there was this one I’d read—Ahhhhhh… Okay, okay, once upon a time, there was a wise little demon. He had magic to spare, and he’d give it away willingly. Witches and other demons would come to him for help, to cure them of illnesses and curses, to make plants grow in times of drought, and to get advice on problems in their life. One day, the little demon got very, very sick. All of the healers in the land didn’t know what to do.” He glanced at King. “You listening?”
King shook himself. “I’m not falling asleep!”
“Anyway, none of the healers knew what to do, and the little demon got sicker and sicker. Everyone in the land worried and fretted. Without the demon’s magic, how would they survive? So even as he lay sick, the little demon gave away his magic. He made a hat of healing, so that they could heal without him. He made a gauntlet for making plants grow, so that the farmers would no longer need his magic to make the crops flourish.”
Hunter’s voice was starting to fade out, and King forced himself to listen, warm and cozy.
“As he made more and more items, he got weaker, and weaker. And when he made one last item—something to replace the advice he’d once given—he knew that his magic was gone. And the land mourned. Until one person that he’d healed in the past stepped forward. Another little demon, a clever one, but with no magic of their own. And the little demon snatched up the healing hat, placing it upon the wise little demon’s head.”
King was mostly asleep now, but he stirred at the pause. “Then what?” he murmured sleepily.
“And then the wise little demon got better. And even though he had no magic, he knew he would be okay. Because his gifts would help the land, and the land, in turn, never forgot what he did. They took care of him. And the clever little demon who cured him became like his own child, and he lived a long and happy life with the people he loved, and who loved him.”
King didn’t hear Hunter’s “The End.”
He was already sleep.
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summertime-pills · 3 years
Magnetic, Mesmerising
Hi guys!! Here’s a Short imagine about what I think the Grammys with H would be like xx
2.3k words
Warnings - language!!
Cheeky little disclaimer here, I have NO IDEA what Mr Harry Styles is like in real life and I don't claim to know, but based on the little we know about him, I wrote this little blurb to bring me a bit of comfort really?
I couldn't get the storyline out of my head after staying up till almost 4am watching the Grammys this morning 😃.  Needless to say, I still need some sleep.
I am IMMENSELY proud of Harry and all his achievements, I wish him nothing but happiness and endless amounts of love.
If you hate it and you completely disagree, that's perfectly fine but please refrain from telling me as I am soft and will think about it for the rest of my life 😃🤡.
I'm very very nervous to release this bc it's the first time I've ever done something like this??
Ummmmmm anyway, I'll let you get into the story!
Bisous à tout le monde, surtout aujourd'hui 💜💜
It’s also on Wattpad!!!!
"Are you going to actually help me get ready love? Or are you just going to keep taking pictures?"
I look down at the picture I just took and can only come to one conclusion - he's a rockstar. Not that we didn't know it before, but there's something about him today. All clad in leather sans a relatively important clothing article. His hair artfully disheveled, expression tense and chest bare all the way down to the ferns I love to scratch at (he loves it just as much, encourages it even). 
It's funny how quickly that expression melts into an indulgent, slightly chastising smile, when he hears the shutter of my film camera click.
The arch in his brow is accentuated by a faint glow. It's nothing really added onto him, he's just so ethereal, innately, he glows.
My very own encapsulation of warmth, my sunshine.
I hold his gaze defiantly tonight. not slipping up as easily as I usually would, letting a cheeky "I'm sorry, H" fall from my pouted lips, without an ounce of regret in my words.
Shaking his head he laughs to himself as he paces slowly over to me "no you're not, minx"
His hands skim over my similar outfit, the beauty of it, etched in its simplicity. It's a structured, high-waisted leather miniskirt just about dusting my mid thigh coupled with a longline leather blazer and a white feathered boa, which is somewhere carelessly strewn across the hotel bed.
The cut was immaculate and coupled with my heels, I felt that my gangly legs had been transformed into stately model-esque ones which went on for miles.
Seeing as I don't have Harry's confidence, I have a tiny crystal studded bra on, just to protect my "modesty". The girls are tucked away behind nipple stickers so there's no room for slips here.
I honestly would have been content going there in a burlap sack so as not to take attention away from our rockstar here, but Alessandro insisted. "My muse's muse is my muse" he kept repeating. This has now become a bit of an inside joke and mantra between all three of us.
Besides, he's not doing the carpet in the leather so paling into insignificance will be easy for me.
Ring studded hands move back into my peripheral vision as he drags them down the lapels of my blazer, pulling them apart just a touch, to see one of his cross necklaces resting daintily between my clavicles and the glint of the crystals adorning my body. He flits over my waist, squeezing once before allowing his hands to settle delicately on my hips, pulling me into his hold.
Looking up at his face I see the mischief poorly concealed in his eyes, knowing that if I didn't act quickly, shit would get real chaotic, real fast.
"Okay fine, you caught me ... I'm not." I retort with a gentle shrug.
My resulting grin, kicks his smile up a notch as he leans down to press a kiss to my nose.
"I know."
I would do the same but I don't want to leave a red outline on his nose, seeing as I know he'll be flushed as hell in a few moments.
I pull back a little and do his zipper up, fastening the closure; before reaching up, rearranging his necklaces and pressing a small kiss to his chest, hidden by his blazer. His heart is hammering behind his ribcage as I expected.
You'd never know because of the amazing way in which he carries himself. He's laughing with everyone - making them feel at ease, telling jokes, calming Jeff down; but I see it in the twitch of his brows, the periodical playing with his hands - whether that be clenching his fists or tapping his fingers and twisting his rings; and in his complete forgetfulness.
All this morning it's been an echo of "darling, have you seen my ... ?" And then shortly after, like a mole popping up from the ground again, I'm met with a "nevermind! Just seen it"
I don't mind any of it. I'm just ridiculously proud of him and grateful I can take part in his whole process.
His eyes search mine and through the mix of disbelief, excitement and gratefulness, I can see him yearning for the tiniest bit of reassurance, so I open my mouth and allow a portion of the constant thoughts that swim in my head and flood my brain to pour out.
"We're all beyond excited to see you perform and you have nothing to be worried about my love. But if you do get worried, I'll be right there cheering so loud Trevor Noah'll have to kick me out." I run my fingers over his cheekbones, cupping the side of his face as he leans into my palm, "You're going to be electric up there, you always are."
No one can ever take their eyes off him when he's up there on that stage. He's just so enthralling.
He breathes out a tuft of air through his lips. Sounds like a little seed of relief being planted. He brings my palm round to his lips with one hand still situated at my waist, and presses several kisses into it. "Thank you bubba. I love you most"
"Impossible" I laugh, finally pulling away from him as people start streaming into the room again. Touch ups to our faces are handled and I quickly blot at the lipstick pout on his chest, he watches me in an eagle-eyed manner and stops me when the mark becomes faint but not invisible. "Want a little piece of you on me for good luck"
I'm so overcome with emotion when he says that, I completely blank and swat at his arm. Hearing him yelp and retract it from me, "what the hell was that for?" His brows furrowed and cherry lips all pouty.
"Don't say things like that when I'm not allowed to kiss you, H" I retort, donning a slight pout of my own.
We settle for a long hug filled with meaning and reassurance, murmuring the depth of my love for him into his ears as I slink away from him, allowing people to do their jobs.
He puckers his lips at me right before he's whisked off to the stage to prepare and I return the gesture before hanging back to chat with Alessandro and Lambert.
The Gucci mogul wraps his arm round me and reassures me softly as I rest my head on his shoulder "starà bene, mia musa. Andrà tutto bene "
I take his words to heart as I try to calm my raging nerves about Harry. I know he'll be just fine.
He was way more than fine. He owned that stage. No one could take their eyes off him for a moment. His passion for his craft so clearly shone through his voice, his smile, his personality, and yes, especially when he broke off for a short little dance number with Alayna and India.
He looked so good matching me, a small but loud voice in my head kept voicing thoughts to "lick him right up."
To be honest, they're not wrong.
I had run into the crew in the halls prior to the performance, and given them massive hugs for good luck, especially Alayna and India - we'd kept in pretty good touch after the jingle ball performance and India's music is, for want of a more expressive word, blessed.
Mitch and Sarah smashed it as usual but this time Sarah did her job heavily pregnant and so her performance was even more insane to watch than usual.
His eyes scan the crowd halfway through like he's lost me so I intensify my dancing a little and focus on his face so he finds me again. Once our eyes lock, his lips tug up into a half smile and he shoots me a wink almost too fast to catch before taking a deep breath for his "oowwww!" And singing "I just want to taste it". He's now full on grinning to himself and I shake my head at his inappropriate behaviour almost mirroring our interaction this morning. I blow him a kiss as I revel in how proud I am of him and he ends the set on a high.
He's changed into his second outfit, and done the red carpet before coming to find Jeff and I on his table. He laces his fingers through mine and squeezes my hand as hard as he can, as soon as it comes into reach. I hold it up to my lips for a kiss through my mask and murmur a "you were amazing baby" into his ears. The nerves are eating at both of us right now as we anxiously wait for his category. He squeezes periodically and I squeeze back, letting him know I'm right there.
His name is called and we're both stunned into a state of shock and Jeff has to shake us out of it quickly. He saunters up to the stage and collects his award giving an emotional impromptu speech before leaving the fucking Grammy up there.
This man, I swear.
I'm practically bouncing in my seat and beaming beneath my mask. I can't wait for this session to end so I can shower him in kisses, not caring if they leave marks or not.
We get through a couple more categories before the shuffle and we head on back to the hotel. As soon as we get into the car he pulls me into his lap holding me close and murmuring in my ear in unbelief "we did it, I can't believe we fuckin' did it"
"You did it. We were just there for moral support baby. I love you so much, you deserve every single accolade and I'm so proud of you." I smother him in kisses like I'd been wanting to all evening and he takes them graciously. Murmuring a soft "thank you darlin'" for each one.
His phone is buzzing off the hook so we turn it off for now, knowing that the people he really wants to speak to, will only hear about the news in the morning - since it's almost 2am their time.
We know we have to be back in a couple of hours for the second award but we couldn't care less, wrapped up in our little bubble, giggling to ourselves when we remember the whole ordeal.
My baby has a Grammy?
Of course he does, it feels so natural to say.
Both H and Alessandro beg me to change into something else for when he does his second change of the night, so I switch my blazer out for the clueless-esque one he had just taken off and told them to take it or leave it.
Luckily for them, they loved it and Harry took to whispering in my ear just how much he loved it, making my face flush with heat.
"I couldn't do this without you, you know. My muse" he recounts as we head back to the venue, placing a kiss to my wrist.
"I love you so much, I need you to know that."
"I love you most" I whisper back, lightly pressing my lips against his.
"Win or lose, I don't care. I'm just so glad I have all of you. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all. You've been exceptional, and you have all my love."
He speaks up in the car letting everyone hear his heartfelt words to which they respond with various degrees of "love you Harry!"
He leans down again, speaking into my ear "especially you." I smile into his neck, assured he can feel it when he presses a kiss to the top of my head.
We bop around saying hello to old friends and getting tipsy as the night goes on. We dance to the high energy performances, catch up with Lizzo - stopping for multiple pictures, and I almost tear up at the interactions Meg has with Beyoncé and Billie Eilish. She's had such a crazy year, and I'm just so happy for her.
"It's fuckin' Beyoncé" I hear Harry murmur to me for the third time tonight. I stifle a giggle at his statement, knowing that he's sufficiently tipsy and even though I am too, I'm also needing to keep an eye on him so we both don't end up dancing on the tables.
He gets pulled away from me a couple times, but I don't mind, he always comes back to find me - wrapping his arms round my waist and tucking his head into my neck in greeting.
I know it's time to get us home when he tries to pull me into his lap at the table. As much as he loves me, sober Harry would not do that in such a public space so I only allow him to slink his arm around me, despite the pout on his lips and lean over to tell Jeff that we were heading home.
Luckily for me, Harry behaves himself all the way to the car, dropping his head into my lap as soon as we get in.
The fast paced, high energy environment of today is getting to both of us tremendously but he deserves all the attention, love and devotion right now.
I comb my fingers through his short curls, as he practically purrs, loving the way they glide so easily through my fingers. We zip through the city, lights blurring into streaks around us and I marvel over the absurdity of this day. I've been walking through it on a high, not being able to process the enormity of it all.
I look down at the 27 year old man resting peacefully on my thighs, recounting his career and all his momentous firsts.
Words fail me as I try to express my love for him, how proud I am of him, how deserving he is of this and so much more.
It's yours my golden boy.
Everything, all of it.
I love you forever.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
The Monster In The Mirror P15 + 16
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I couldn't deny I was afraid of what I saw, but also intrigued. I wanted to know more, my curiosity burning like a wildfire as I listened to his groans and scratches. Some part of me wanted to be mean to him, I wanted to tease him further.
I laid in the comfy cosy bed often letting out little happy cosy noises as I got comfy he could hear me I know he could as he often reacted to my noises, I giggled innocently and moved my hand to gently touch my clit, it felt so good after so long I hadn't touched it in weeks the moment I touched it, it ached for attention.
I could hear him groaning and whining across the house
I continued rubbing more the sound of scratching on the door until all of a sudden there was complete silence. I sat up and looked into the darkness of the room and I saw the door was open, and I saw nothing but darkness and those glowing red eyes.
"Thomas?" I asked slightly scared pulling the covers closer to my body, he stepped slowly into the room
He didn't speak and just slowly moved closer and closer until he held the tall bed posts glaring down at me with the most evil eyes I had ever seen.
"Thomas?" I asked my fear growing with each second we sat in silence
"Mine" He growled jumping on me-
I went to squeal but he captured my lips in a kiss, he Aggressively pinned my arms above my head and pushed on my thighs with his knees to force me to open my legs he pulled back from the kiss and before I could really notice he had handcuffed my hands around each wrist the chain looping around the bed he growled at me kissing down my neck until he met the covers, he moved back standing at the foot of the bed and ripping the covers off the bed and onto the floor, he stopped a moment looking at me in my nightie as I had removed my panties seeing what I had done to myself "Uuhh... Uughhh.. y/n" he moaned "my y/n, my y/n" he groans kissing my ankles "Thomas what are you doing?" I giggled but he didn't answer he simply tied rope around my ankles and attached each to a long metal pole keeping my legs spread as wide as possible, he licked his lips and growled seeing me this way he hand crawled the bed post as he looked at me like this almost humping the bed post as he looked at me his eye unable to tear away from my glistening pussy. "Ummmm uhhhh so beautiful, so so beautiful" he muttered "y/n, my y/n" he smirked moving to kiss my clit "Uhh Thomas" I gasped in surprise "Uuuummmm so beautiful, so pretty, so sexy, so... tasty"
"T-Tasty? No, no no please don't eat me!" I whined
"My y/n" He groans attacking my clit and pussy violently with kisses and sucks even slight bites, It felt good I couldn't deny it felt amazing, he was so skilled know one exactly where I needed his attention and when I needed it as pleasure bubbled in my tummy, He kissed me like he was ravenous, like he wanted to eat me, his hands on my thighs this thumb stroking my skin I tried to fight away from the overwhelming pleasure as I knew I was close, his kisses attacked my clit, licking in clockwise circles, slightly biting on my outer lips Pleasantly nibbling there, he would press long hard kisses too my pussy sticking his tongue in every chance he got stretching me move, licking his lips at every opportunity making out with me as I was unable to move away or even tighten around him the only thing I could do was wiggle and writhe against the restraints clenching my pussy as the only control I had and release of this pleasure, he would often look up at me those dark lustful chocolate eyes staring at me as he licked my juices off his lips, slowly savouring every drop, I knew I was about to cum but he wouldn't stop
"Thomas... Thomas stop please" I whined gripping my ties closely but he only buried his head closer and with a few tender kisses I hit my orgasm, he smirked against me and continued attacking me with kisses letting me ride it out making sure he got to taste everything as I slightly squirted, I was gasping with breath by the time he moved away sitting up with a evil grin he licked his lips slowly and tenderly before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and then like a cat he licked what juices and liquid remained on the back of his hand all without for a second breaking eye contact, he smirked crawling down to lay over me like a predator approaching cornered prey
"Ummmmmm you taste so good," He growled He leant over me and strangely sniffed me "You smell just like the night we met" He says kissing down my skin
"durring this time, you smell like pure aphrodisiac to me my darling, That's what they covered you with the night we met, It's so good... and all of it emanates right from here" He smirked slipping two fingers inside of me "How am I meant to resist you when you've got pure aphrodisiac dripping out of you?"
"Thomas... what are you gonna do to me?"
"Umm I'm gonna make you my own my darling"
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke x Reader || Part 5
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A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
WordCount: 3,137
WARNINGS: 16+ (Sexual references)
Tears streaming down your face, you ran out of the venue just running not really sure of where you were going but you ran, you did even care who saw you or what people thought, You could see how worried your friends were as you left the venue, how concerned they were for how you were feeling... but you couldn't help it you ran. You ran and ran, feeling your phone buzzing like crazy from the text messages and phone calls you were receiving but you didnt care, you ran and finally you stopped throwing your arms forward resting your hands on your knees to catch your breath, gasping for air.. running while crying really took it out of you. You used your sleeve to wipe your eyes and nose from the snot and tears that made your face a complete mess, your phone still buzzing, you decided to pull it out and throw it on the ground. You were so upset, so angry, sad, frustrated and confused! Luke just told you that he was in love with you, you couldn't believe it, you didnt understand, he was so mad, but you also couldn't blame him.... you didnt exactly make things easy either. You collapsed on the cold wet ground, sitting with your legs crossed and close to your chest, running your fingers through the grass feeling the damp ground beneath your fingers..... you looked up into the night sky and it wasnt until then you realized you made your way to the one spot you loved so much, but was the last place you expected to take your self....... yours and Lukes secret spot by the lake..... *I guess this place makes me happy* you said to yourself....you wrapped your arms around your legs and cried into your legs.....The buzzing of your phone finally stopped, not knowing if your friends had given up or if your phone died, your just happy it stopped. You sat there for a while, just holding yourself until you heard a rustle the tree branches coming from the corner of the lake.... you shot your head up to glance over by the tree, it was the middle of the night after all and you didn't feel like getting murdered... you squinted your eyes to try and see better in the night, the moonlight helped a little but not by much "Hello?" You exclaimed, instantly regretting it *Idiot! dont call out hello, you dont know who's over there* you thought to yourself, then you heard the tree benches rustle again, you stood up and stepped a little closer too see better, squinting even hard now... and thats when you saw it
The top of someones head, a male, you could tell by the broad shoulders and stance that you could see through the branches, Brown hair that was a little shaggy, you figured you should be running for the hills by now but you felt safe, then the head bobbed and you knew who it was..... "Luke!" you exclaimed, with a crack in your voice, in that instance he backed his head down realizing he had gotten caught "Luke, you can come out! I know its you" you said with a frustrated but sad voice, you saw him work his way around the branches until he was in full view, now standing a few feet away from you, you could see his eyes were puffy *Had he been crying too? I mean I know he was crying at the venue.... but did he continue?* you thought to your self "I-Im sorry I kind of just walked and ended up here somehow" Luke said with a crack in his voice, he sniffed in and put his hands in his pocket, you looked down at the ground and then wiped your nose again "Why were you just sitting behind the branches?" you asked softly chewing on the end of your sleeve, Luke sniffled again but this time added a half smile as he looked at the ground then back up at you "Well..... I was gonna sit over by our tree, but then I saw you here.... and I kind of froze" He said shyly with a light chuckle "I didnt wanna scare ya or anything" He continued and let out a light "Ha" then removed his right hand from his pocket to scratch the back of his head "Guess that didnt really work" he said in a shy tone, chuckling at his own embarrassment, you couldn't help but smile a little. You both stood there in silence for a couple seconds while Luke played with his hair in the back of his head, you were just looking at your shoes and then you heard Luke huff a little and you looked up and in that moment Luke bounced forward toward you removing his hand from the back of his head "Y/N! Im really sorry.... What happened back there wasnt cool.... at all! I was a jerk" he said talking with his hands very expressively, you know Luke was passionate or meant what he said when he did that, then he took one more bounce toward you, staring deep into your puffy red eyes, his being just as puffy and just as red "I Love You" Luke said so softly it was almost a whisper, it was so gentle, still looking into your eyes he grabbed your hands gently, just holding them softly in front of you both, never breaking eye contact with you "I Love You so much it hurts..... Im sorry I hurt you these past couple of week, I should have just grew a pair and said how I really felt, but I didnt wanna push you away" He said in the same soft tone but this time a little more expressive, he looked down at your hands, rubbing them with his thumbs "Guess I did that anyway" He whispered in tone that sounded so sad, like he felt so guilty and awful for hurting you..... He looked back up with fresh tears gathering in his eyes "I dont expect you to forgive me or to Love me back.... I just needed to let you know" He said with a crack in his voice as a tear fell down his cheek, you gently wiped the tear from his face removing your hand from his grasp, you looked him in the eyes and then removed your other hand placed it on his opposite cheek and with out hesitation crushing your lips against his, he wrapped his arms around your waist sinking into the kiss, as your lips moved fluidly together, quick and passionately you removed your lips from his both of you gasping for air you looked him in the eyes "I Love You too! How could I not love you..... you mean everything to me you dork" You said breathless, you felt the smile on your face, Lukes eyes grew large just like his smile with happiness, he shook his head slowly back and forth in amazement at you "C'omere" he said in a soft playful tone pulling you back in to continue your kiss.
The next morning you woke up with the biggest smile on your face, you stretched your arms out as you woke up, as you stretched you felt your hand hit something "Ow!" you looked over with wide eyes out of shock, what you saw was to your surprise was Luke laying there on his side with the biggest smile on his face "Goodmorning Gorgeous" Luke said in a soft tone leaning forward placing his lips softly on yours, you just wanted to sink into him and this kiss but then your mind went haywire *I probably have morning breath* you thought instantly pulling away and throwing your hand to your mouth widening your eyes "What?" Luke said flustered and confused at what just happened, you rolled out of bed making your way to your bathroom "Ummmmmm, I just might have morning breath... and well" you said from the bathroom kind of shyly feeling embarrassed, before you could make another step Luke was behind you hold your waist and then pushing each side of your waist to quickly spin you around to face him "You know I have ghost breath, sooooo which is worse?" he said teasingly winking at you, leaning back in for another kiss, you throw your hand up quickly pressing your fingertips against his lips "Luke! Ghost breath isnt a thing, your breath smells like mint most of the time if its not mint its Pizza!" You said flustered quickly turning to the sink with Lukes hands still placed on your waist, He chuckles wrapping his arms around your waist resting his chin on your shoulder from behind you, which made you smile, you started brushing your teeth, you felt Luke move your hair away from your neck and then gently press his lips against the bare flesh of your neck, he could probably feel how fast your heart was pounding, he smiled with his lips on your neck at the rhythm of your increasing heart rate, he continued to kiss you gently making his way up to your jaw line, then up to your earlobe that he lightly bit instead of kissing. You could barely concentrate on getting ready, you were so entranced by his movement that you just went limp closing your eyes taking it all in, which left the tooth brush just hanging out of your mouth, Luke chuckled and gently removed the tooth brush from your mouth setting on the counter, he lightly turned your waist lining you up to the bathroom counter effortlessly lifting you on to it then positioning himself between your legs, gently grabbing your face crushing his lips against yours, you let out a small sigh in between breaths causing Luke to lightly smile within your kiss *Oh im so gonna be late for school* you thought to your self *But I dont care* you continued to think as you threw Lukes orange beanie off his head flinging it across the floor, so you could grasp his hair in order to bring him closer ... In the midst of the passion you hear a knock on your door, causing both you and Luke to freeze, you both shared a look of confusion since your parents were out of town for the week, you were the only one home, then you heard "Y/N! Open up!!!!!" it was Julie "Yeah we brought Ice Cream!!" and Flynn "Yeah! even though its 7 in the morning, so I brought you a breakfast burrito!" and then Carrie "Yeah I brought warm hugs! open up! we are worried about you!" Julie continued, You and Lukes eyes got large not knowing what to do, "Hold on guys!" you yelled from your bathroom, hoping down off the counter, pressing Lukes chest and giving him a look to stay put, in response to follow your orders he saluted you and hoped up on the counter himself, dangling his feet back and forth of the edge, you smiled and laughed, he smiled back, and then used his hand to motion you away, you ran up to him and got on your tippy toes in order to give him one more kiss before leaving the bathroom he leaned down and kissed you back, leaving both of you with the largest smiles.... you quickly ran out of the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind you so they couldn't see "Hey! Guys!!!" you said as you opened the door frantically, to see your friends confused faces as to why you were so happy after what happened the night before
Julie said slowly in confusion as they all stepped into your room, all making them selves at home, Julie took her usual spot on your window seat, Carrie Sat in your white fluffy swivel chair, and Flynn just plopped down on the floor. You took your seat in the middle of your bed, you all just sat in silence for a minute, you looked around the room at your friends with big eyes, pursing your lip up towards your nose, every now and then looking at the bathroom door..... "Okay! why are you so chill and happy?" Carrie asked bluntly "What! Carrie means" Julie chimed in as she stood up to move over to sit on the bed in order to put her hand on your back and give you a half hug "You left the venue last night pretty devastated" Julie continued with a kind voice, "Yeah we were all pretty worried girl! you didnt answer any of our texts or phone calls" Flynn added with the same kindness in her voice "Oh yeah, im sorry about that guys! it was definitely an eventful night.... but im okay now" you said trying to not give everything away, but you were definitely more than okay, but you didnt want them to know everything yet, just not yet, thats when you heard something fall in the bathroom "Awww sh-" you heard Lukes voice start to say in the bathroom "BUT!" you exclaimed to cover up Luke have a mini freak out in the bathroom "I love you guys for coming over to check on me" you said finishing your sentence, All of them looked around confused "What was that?" Flynn asked, your eyes got big "Oh.. that?" You said pointing to the bathroom "It was nothing, something just fell, im sure its okay" You said trying to sound as convincing as you could, Carrie scrunched her face in confusion, then you saw her motion her eyes over to the corner of your room that was by your bathroom door, her eyes got wide, her mouth slightly gasping open, she motioned her large eyes at you, her eyes getting larger as she made eye contact with you, *What is she looking at? why is she looking at me like that?* you thought to your self confused, you looked over in the direction Carrie was looking at, and there it was .... Lukes orange beanie, when you threw it, it must have slid into your room... Your eyes got big and you motioned over to Carrie who's eyes were still large, but now she was slightly smiling "Carrie, why are you smiling at Y/N like that?" Julie asked noticing the exchange between you and Carrie, Carrie blinked as if she was getting out of character and regaining her normal facial expression "Huh?" Carrie said blinking her eyes a little faster than normal "I wasnt smiling weird, I dont know what you guys are talking about! But you know what we should probably get to school!!!" Carrie exclaimed as she stood up straightening out her skirt from sitting. You exhaled in relief to Carrie, "C'mon girls! lets, let Y/N get ready!" Carrie continued making her eyes large again but this time to express to the girls to get up "Yeah I guess your right Car" Julie added looking at you and giving you and tight hug before standing up "C'mon Flynn" Julie said now standing extending a hand to Flynn who was still on the floor, Flynn grabbed Julies hand "Alright, but Y/N you owe us an explanation to why you ghosted us okay" Flynn said as she stood up, you smiled in their direction "I will!" You said standing up to see your friends out, Julie and Flynn leaving first, while Carrie stayed at the door for a moment, she looked you in the eyes "Maam.... you owe me the whole story" She said glancing at the beanie across the room and then looking back at you "Also, say hi to Luke for me" she continued ending the sentence with a wink "I will" you laughed "Love you guys!!!!" you exclaimed loud enough for Julie and Flynn to hear as well. You sighed as you closed the door, turning to lean your back against the door just relieved you made it through that... well you barely made it through, but non the less made it through... you walked over to the bathroom and opened the door to Luke sitting on the floor while Alex and Reggie were braiding his hair and putting clips in it, they all
looked at you with large eyes "Oh hey Y/N" Reggie Exclaimed "I really like your hairspray!" Alex added, your eyes large, barely holding back a laugh, Luke chuckled "Hey babe! I got bored......" he said with a shy smile while glancing up at Alex and Reggie to explain why they were there, you laughed "Here let me help with that braid, your doing it all wrong" you said as you took the braid from reggie.
As you pulled into school, you took in a deep breath, you were nervous because you weren't sure as to what you were gonna say to your friends. You felt Luke take your hand "Y/N, its gonna be okay... you'll know the right thing to say.. you always do" Luke said with a sincere and sweet voice, you squeezed his hand in application to his words, you turned to say something sweet back but instead started laughing "Im sorry! I cant take you seriously with all those braids and clips in your hair" You said through your laughter, Luke laughed and took a clip out of his hair, and motioned it toward you "You want it?" he said with a huge smile on his face, you laughing, push the clip in his hand back toward him, he laughs "What! I think it will look cute" he said through a chuckle as he leaned toward you and perfectly placed the clip in your hair and just stared into your eyes with a smile, it made you stop laughing and just stare back "See.... beautiful" he said softly to where it was almost a whisper, then he leaned in and gave you a kiss, you kissed him back with a smile "I love you" he whispered, you smiled really big now "I love you too" you whispered giving him one more peck on the lips "Good Luck!" he exclaimed with a smile as you went to open the door, "Yeah! thanks im gonna need it! but not as much as you will need getting those braids and clips out of your hair! Reggie completely knotted it!" You said with a laugh, Luke rolled his eyes up as if to try and look at his hair and then sighed "Reggie!!!" Luke exclaimed with annoyance, then Luke sighed once more, looked at you with a smile "Bye beautiful!" Luke said with a wink before poofing out. You smiled as you walked into school but then remembered what you had to do, you sighed and stopped to collect your self *You got this!*
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duker42 · 5 years
Can you write one where the reader is riding levi and it's all hot and sexy but she slows down and tells him shes tried so he had to flip them over and take control? And some after sex cuddles/fluff please? I love your writing so much I've binge read everything on here ^^
Awww you are too sweet! Thank you! And I’m so sorry about the long wait! 😘😘😘😘
💜Taking Over💜
He watched as she bounced up and down on him. She looked so fucking good riding his cock.
Levi’s eyes moved to where Y/N’s tits were swaying beautifully as she moved up and down on his shaft.
Her squeals were echoing off the stone walls of his quarters. The way she was riding him was amazing, her body greedily absorbing him as she slammed herself back down on him.
“Baby, you look so good fucking yourself on my cock.” It took such willpower to keep his tone steady.
Her moan at his filthy words made his fingers dig into the flesh at her hips. Jerking her a bit harder on top of him.
“Ah, ha, ha, L-Lee-viii” He felt her start to tremor around him. She was so close to cumming on him. He couldn’t wait to see her face as she came undone, feel her walls tighten around him.
Suddenly she leaned down, pressing her face against his neck. Her hips were still moving, but not nearly as energetically as moments before.
“Tired.” She panted as she kissed his neck, her tongue flicking against his rapid pulse, making him shudder.
He flipped them over, still embedded deep inside her as he changed the position to have him on top. Her startled gasp made him grin as he pulled back.
“My turn.” He growled as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
His hard thrusts still made her breasts bounce from the force as he held his weight off of her with his arms. Every time he pulled back and slammed himself inside of her again, he pulled another delicious squeak from her.
He fucked her steadily, her body never being empty for more than a heartbeat before he was filling her again. His vantage point spectacular as he watched her eyes flutter behind the lids as he moved.
Her own hips rotated against him. Rising up to meet him, as her nails scratched at his forearms.
When her breath caught he sped up, driving himself into her faster, harder as he pushed them both towards satisfaction.
“Cum, Y/N” His strangled words made the tense coil in her belly explode. The stars rushing into her eyes to blind her as she arched up and moaned his name.
Her satin walls became pure silk as she coated him with her release. The firm, pulsing grip she had on his cock making him grunt as he fucked her through her release. He wasn’t far behind her.
He moved to his elbows, craving the feeling of her breasts against his chest as he pushed into her again. The tingling of his body signifying his own orgasm seconds away as he pulled back to plunge into her one last time.
“Ha, urg, ummmmmm” It made no sense, the sounds pouring from his throat, but he couldn’t contain them as he felt his cum pump into her in wave after wave of toe curling bliss.
When he was done he settled his head against her collar bone, his lips mindlessly kissing her skin as he fought to regain his breath.
He shifted to the side, moving to keep from crushing her, but still staying pressed again her side. His hands stroked where his fingers he dug in, his silent apology for his strong grip.
She turned her head and he busied himself with kissing her. Keeping it gentle and loving as he moved his mouth back and forth over hers.
As soon as he could move, he was going to put her in the shower and wash her from head to toe. His own personal ritual after they were together. It kept things clean and let him express himself without words. He was better in action anyway.
He smirked as the sight of her over him rose up in his mind. He loved it when she rode him, but he never minded taking over.
Mobile MasterList
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 27: A Picture Still Unclear
After Madarame and Yusuke left Ren, Ann, Ryuji, and Sumire were standing there. Ryuji looked frustrated. “What the Hell was that Takamaki?!”
“What?” Ann said, confused.
“Don’t ‘What?’ Me!” Ryuji shouted. “You were like putty in that pretty boy’s hands. What was that about?”
“Don’t tell me…” Morgana said. “Was it… love at first sight?”
“No! Of course not” Ann said. “But… he said I was pretty enough to paint. He he. Imagine that.”
“I think it’s lovely,” Ren added.
“Wha?” Ryuji said.
“I agree,” Sumire pointed out. “It’s nice to get complimented once in a while”
“Totally” Ann said. “It’s been a while since someone complimented me and it felt genuine.”
“Genuine, huh…” Ryuji said. “Hey Ann,” Ann looked at him. “I think you’ve got a nice rack.”
Ann punched Ryuji so hard he hit the sidewalk. “NOT LIKE THAT, YOU MORON!”
Morgana giggled. “You lack tact, Ryuji.”
Ryuji got up, rubbing his sore spots. “Ugh…”
“Like this” Morgana said. “Lady Ann. You are more beautiful than any flower. More amazing than any sunset. More valuable to me than gold. You effortlessly take my breath away any time I see you.”
“Yeah! Like that” Ann pointed out. Morgana’s jaw dropped to the core of the Earth. Ren giggled slightly.
Ryuji seemed confused. “Eh, that whole spiel seems a bit too flowery and fake.”
“Maybe, but it’s effective,” Ren said. “It might even work on you.”
“Ummmmmm, no,” Ryuji said. “I would not be moved by someone telling me that I was ‘more beautiful than any flower’.”
“Well, not in those exact words,” Ren admitted, “but imagine if some cute girl walked up to you and said you’re a big, strong guy, and she had never seen a hunk of man meat like you.” Ryuji got slightly embarrassed, then chuckled a little.
Ann laughed a bit. “If that were to happen, it’d be my job to bring him back to Earth.”
“But wasn’t that what he was doing with you?” Sumire asked.
Ann looked at her, surprised. “Well...uh...I guess…sorry…”
Ryuji looked at Ann. “It’s fine,” he said. “I get it. It’s nice to receive compliments and stuff. Especially from pretty boys like him.” Ann blushed a little.
Sumire giggled. “You know, I think you two go well together.”
Ryuji and Ann got embarrassed quickly. They turned away from each other. “Huh! As if! I would never go out with a moron like him!” Ann said.
“Yeah? Well, I wouldn’t go out with you either! You’d just drive me up a wall!” Ryuji mouthed back.
Sumire didn’t know what was happening. “Um, I meant as friends…”
Ann and Ryuji were somehow even more embarrassed now. “Oh” they both said.
Ren swooped in and put her arms around the two of them. “Anyways, we have a mission to work on. Let’s go meet up with Jose and talk about it, OK?” Ren started walking off. Soon, everyone else did.
Ren looked down to see Morgana still in pain. “My… My compliment…”
Ren smiled. “It’s OK kitty” she scratched his head.
They kept walking. As they did, Ryuji felt a bit guilty. “Hey Ann,” he said. Ann looked over at him. “I, uh, didn’t know you liked that sort of flowery talk. It’s just that, since I’ve known you, you’ve always seemed so above that kind of stuff. In a way, I admire that about you.”
Ann blushed and smiled a little bit. She then got a little mad. “Now why couldn’t you have said THAT, instead of commenting on my boobs?!”
“Well, uhhhhhh” Ryuji stammered.
“Oh, come on Ann-senpai, go easy on him,” Sumire jumped in. “You can see he’s trying.”
Ann looked at Ryuji. She sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Thanks.” Ryuji cocked a grin. They kept walking.
They made it  to Kosei. “Wow. So this is Kosei” Ren remarked.
“It looks so much more impressive up close” Ann said.
“I’ve been here before,” Sumire pointed out. Everyone looked at her. “Well, uh, they were also looking at recruiting Kasumi and I, but in the end, we settled on Shujin…”
“I see,” Ren said. She slowly grabbed Sumire’s hand to show support. Sumire looked up at Ren and smiled.
“Well, now that we’re here, I guess we need to find Jose,” Ryuji said.
“Hey guys” Jose said, appearing in front of them, wearing his Kosei uniform.
Everyone was surprised. “Well that was fast” Ryuji remarked.
“I knew we were beginning our investigation today, so I waited out here” Jose said. “Are we ready?”
“Uh, yeah” Sumire said. “I think so anyway.”
“We are,” Ren said “Let’s go find someplace to meet.”
“Alright then” Jose said. They started walking off.
“By the way,” Ann said as they were walking, “you look really adorable in your uniform.”
“Heh he. Thanks” Jose said, blushing.
Ren whispered to Ryuji. “See, even Jose likes it when he gets complimented.”
Ryuji gently shoved Ren. “Shut up.” Ren giggled.
They walked to one of the subway stations, but in the middle of one of the access halls, Ryuji squatted down. “Man, between midterms and all that walking, I’m exhausted. Can we just like meet here or something?”
Ren looked around. “Sure.”
“Wait, for real?!”
Ren nodded. “I doubt we’d get interrupted. People are coming and going, so I don’t think people will notice particular parts of our conversation. If everyone’s up for it, I’m fine with meeting here.”
“Sure,” Sumire said.
“We have been walking for a while now,” Ann said.
Ren nodded. “Alright, so let’s tell Jose what we know.” They turned to Jose. “So, basically, on our way here, we saw a poster for an art exhibit by Ichiryusai Madarame.”
“Oh, so you think that that Madarame, and the Madarame mentioned are one in the same” Jose said.
“How do you know about Madarame?” Ryuji asked.
“I’m going to Kosei now,” Jose explained. “He’s known as a masterful artist. Plus, he’s mentoring a second year there.”
“Yusuke…” Ann said, slightly worried.
“Yeah. How’d you know?” Jose asked.
“Oh, well, we kind of ran into him,” Ann said.
“More like he ran into us” Ryuji snidely remarked.
“Either way, we met him and Madarame,” Ren said. She got out her phone. She looked at her teammates. “Wanna test it out?”
“It’s the only real lead we have going for us at the moment” Morgana pointed out.
“Besides, the dude seems to be heavily influential,” Ryuji stated. “Even if we do find another Madarame, I doubt they’d have as much power.”
“Yeah,” Sumire said. “Around the time he came on Good Morning Japan, I started to hear rumors as well.”
They looked at her. “What kinds of rumors?” Ann asked.
“Well… I heard that he doesn’t treat his students all too well” Sumire explained. “I also heard some mumblings about stealing, but I didn’t quite catch them. ...I’m sorry.”
Ren lifted Sumire’s face. “Hey, it’s OK. You have a lot on your mind right now. It’s OK that this slipped your mind a little.”
“Besides, we have the information now, don’t we?” Ann said. “I was only asking to see if it could help. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“Hmmmm” Ryuji wondered.
“What’s on your mind Ryuji?” Jose asked.
“It’s just,” Ryuji began, “if Madarame is as big in the art world as he’s been made out to be, why would he steal? Or what for that matter? He could probably buy whatever he wanted to right?”
“Actually, according to Madarame himself, he prefers a more humble life” Jose said. “He lives in a small shack that by any definition wouldn’t be considered extravagant.”
“You’re kidding,” Ryuji said. “That seems odd.”
“Well, I guess we’d need to investigate, but I think we might have a good foothold to begin with,” Ren said. She raised her phone to her face. “Ichiryusai Madarame.”
“Match found” the phone replied.
“Woah! So it is him!” Ryuji said, surprised and excited.
Ren raised her finger at him. She looked at the phone. Much like last time, Madarame’s name was in black. Similarly, there was room for one more line of text to be in black, and another for white text. Ren spoke again. “Shack.” “Match found” her phone said, revealing the second line of black text.
“For real?!” Ryuji shouted. “How’d you figure that out?”
“Well, I guessed that it couldn’t be the exhibit because that’s only for a limited time” Ren explained. “It was the only other location we could link Madarame to.”
“Oh. I see” Ryuji said.
“So, we have two of the words, but we don’t know the third” Ann surmised.
“And THAT’S the take over word” Morgana reiterated.
“Which means what, exactly?” Sumire asked.
Ren looked at her phone. “It means it’s the word the attacker is using to morph Madarame’s distortion. For Shiho, it was ‘Revolution.’”
“I see…” Sumire said.
“Well, two outta three ain’t bad” Ryuji said.
“Well that’s true, but we do need all the words to begin an infiltration” Morgana reminded him.
“Well, we have the perfect chance to investigate” Ann said, holding her ticket out.
“What is that?” Jose asked.
“Oh, right, sorry” Ann said. “When we met up with Madarame, he gave us tickets to his exhibit. But since you weren’t there…”
“Oh” Jose said. “Well don’t worry. All Kosei students were gifted a free pass for the exhibit. The teachers told us it would be helpful to see such mastery.”
“Oh” Ann said. “Well then, it seems like we’re all set. Let’s all meet up and head there tomorrow.”
“But what would that do?” Sumire asked. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but we already know the stuff we’re getting from Madarame after all.”
“No, that’s actually a pretty good question,” Morgana said.
“I agree,” Ren said. “So here’s what’s up. Whoever is taking over has to know Madarame to some extent. The fact that they’re already taking over means that they have to be close. So we might be able to find them and figure something out.”
“I see,” Sumire said. “What a wonderful plan.”
“Well then, I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit exhausted,” Ren said. “I’m going to go relax now that midterms are over.”
“Same,” Ryuji said.
“Yeah,” Ann said. “Let’s meet here tomorrow.” They all nodded and headed back.
Meanwhile, Kosuke entered Leblanc. Sojiro looked at him. “How may I help you?”
Kosuke looked around. “Ah, sorry” he said. He sat at the counter. “I heard about this place from a few friends, and I wanted to see if it’s the real deal. I’m starting a new job tomorrow, and I’m looking to celebrate.”
Sojiro was confused. “Don’t people usually go to bars for that?”
“And be hung over first day on the job? No way” Kosuke said.
Sojiro smiled. “Well then, what can I get you.”
“You know what?” Kosuke said. “I trust you. Dealer’s choice.”
“Hm, very well.” Sojiro got him a cup of coffee and some curry. “Here you go.” Kosuke began dining. “Mmmm. This is very good.” Once he finished, he turned to Sojiro and said “Thank you very much. This was delicious.”
“You’re welcome,” Sojjrio replied.
Kosuke put some money on the table. “Keep the change.”
“Oh, uh, thank you, sir” Sojiro said.
Kosuke looked around. “You know, I think her work would have suited this place.”
Sojiro was concerned. “Who?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing” Kosuke said. “I’m just talking to myself. Thanks again.” He left.
“Man, what a strange guy,” Sojiro said. “He seems nice enough though.” Ren walked in. “You’re back? How are you doing?”
Ren yawned. “I’m a little tired. Midterms and all.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re taking your studies seriously,” Sojiro said.
“I’m going to my room to relax for the rest of the day.”
Ren started walking. “Hold up,” Sojiro said. Ren stopped. “I just had a generous customer come in. Here.” He gave her some of the extra money.
Ren smiled. “Thanks.” She continued upstairs where she vegged out for the rest of the day.
The next day, Ren, Morgana, Ann, Ryuji, Sumire, and Jose met at the access hall. “So, ready to see if we can’t find anything?” Ann asked.
Ren nodded. “Let’s go.” They walked to the exhibit.
When they entered, they were a bit overwhelmed by the large presence. Sumire grabbed onto Ren’s jacket. Ren looked at her. She reached her hand over Sumire and placed it on her shoulder, rubbing it. “So, this is the art world” Ryuji remarked.
“Ah, you made it,” Yusuke said. They all turned to face him. “Huh.”
“What is it?” Ann asked.
Yusuke stared at them. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure if you all were coming.” Yusuke turned to Jose. “Wait, aren’t you that new student?”
Jose nodded. “Yup. I’m their friend.”
“Yeah, we were going to meet him when we met up” Ann said.
“I see,” Yusuke said. “Well, I’m glad that you’re here. Have you thought about my offer yet?”
“Well, uhhhh” Ann said.
“Hm” Yusuke said. “I see you’re still indecisive. Well perhaps a tour of the exhibit will change your mind.” He offered his hand. “What do you say, Miss… uh…”
Ann chuckled. “Takamaki. Ann Takamaki.”
Yusuke smiled. “Very well. Will you please accompany me, Takamaki-san.”
“Uh, sure!” Ann said, taking his hand. Morgana’s and Ryuji’s faces turned pale.
“Very well. Let’s go!” Yusuke said. The two of them walked off.
“Why’d she do that?!” Ryuji yelped.
“No, this is good,” Ren said. “If we split up, we can cover more ground.” Sumire gripped Ren tighter. “But I think some of us are better sticking together.”
“That’s it… It’s just tactical…” Morgana said.
“So, how about you and I go together, Ryuji?” Jose asked.
Ryuji was confused. “Us two?”
Jose nodded. “We’re friends, but I sense you don’t know or care that much about art like this. As a Kosei student, I shall take you along and help you understand.”
“Um, but, we are also going to look for information, right?” Ryuji said, worried.
“Yep,” Jose said. “Now follow me!” Jose grabbed Ryuji’s arm and the two of them split off.
Ren looked at Sumire. “Well, then it’s just the three of us. Let’s get going.”
“...Three of us?” Sumire asked.
“Did you forget about me?!” Morgana shrieked.
“Not so loud!” Ren said, trying to muffle Morgana.
“Oh, right,” Sumire said. She giggled. “Sorry Morgana-senpai.”
Morgana reveled in being called ‘senpai’ again. “All is forgiven.” They walked off.
Each group looked around the exhibit. They were impressed with what they saw. They also kept their eyes and ears open for anything suspicious.
Soon, a bunch of reporters came in. They passed by Ren, Sumire, and Morgana. However, the last reporter was stopped by two security guards. “What?” she said.
“Madarame told us not to let you in,” one of them said.
“Come on guys, it’s just an exhibit,” the reporter said.
“Sorry. Them’s the breaks” the other guard said. They began to forcefully escort her out.
“Hey! Let me go!” the reporter said, shaking the guards off. “I can leave myself.” She began leaving. Ren and Sumire looked at each other and nodded. They left to follow the reporter.
“Excuse me?” Ren said, getting the reporter’s attention. “Um, why did Madarame have you kicked out?”
“Tch” the reporter scoffed. “He just doesn’t like me because I’m on to something.”
“Like what?” Ren asked.
“I’m not telling you!” the reporter said. “I’m not going to give away any juicy info.”
Ren seemed defeated. Sumire felt like she had to do something. “Well, what if we gave you some info? Then it would be a fair exchange.”
Ren, Morgana, and the reporter were shocked. “Ha ha. You’ve got guts kid. I like that. OK, what information can you give me?”
Sumire was in shock. “...I’ve got guts?... Ah! Sorry. No one’s ever told me that before.”
“Ha ha!” the reporter laughed. “It’s alright.”
Sumire refocused. “Well… I’ve heard Madarame has a history of abusing his students… And I’ve also heard a few things about him stealing something… But that’s all I know for sure…”
The reporter looked at them. “Huh. Well, I’ve definitely heard about the abuse…” Sumire seemed disappointed, “but the stealing thing is new to me,” Sumire perked up. “Huh. Alright, I’ll give that to ya. So, where did you hear this?”
“Huh?” Sumire said.
“Well, if I wish to continue investigating, I need to know sources” the reporter explained.
“Oh, um, gosh, I don’t want to get anyone in trouble…” Sumire stammered.
“Ha ha! Aren’t you just the sweetest thing?” the reporter said. “Relaaaaaax. I promise I won’t name names.”
Sumire was still a little hesitant. “...Good Morning Japan. Ssssssome of the crew were talking about it behind the scenes.”
The reporter was surprised. “Wow, I’m impressed. Alright, a deal’s a deal. So, I have heard tales that if someone becomes Madarame’s pupil, and he isn’t impressed with you, he will make sure you don’t have a career in art. I haven’t heard anything about a new Madarame pupil emerging onto the art scene for a while now, and that couple with the abuse rumors has me worried.”
“I see,” Ren said. “Thanks.” They were about to leave
“Wait!” the reporter said. She got out two business cards. “Here. In case you find anything else juicy.” She gave them to Ren and Sumire, and walked off. They looked to find her name. “Ichiko Ohya.”
Meanwhile, Ryuji and Jose stayed behind when the news cavalcade came in. The reporters surrounded Madarame. They heard him give a few folksy answers. “Man, this stinks, let’s keep a move on” Ryuji said.
“Wait,” Jose said. “This is our subject, no? We might earn something.” Ryuji stuck around.
They watched Madarame give more answers. However, someone caught his attention: Kosuke. He turned back to the crowd. “I’m terribly sorry, but that’s all I have time for right now” Madarame said. “However, I will be available for the remainder of this exhibit. So no need to worry.” He walked past the reporters toward Kosuke.
“Woah! Did you see that?” Ryuji wondered.
Jose nodded. “Let’s follow them.”
“Right,” Ryuji said. “Oh, but uh, be careful. We don’t want to be spotted by him.”
“Noted,” Jose said. The two of them followed Madarame, and managed to not be seen by him.
Madarame confronted Kosuke. “I thought I told you to never show your face to me again! Do you still have foolish dreams of being an artist?”
“Heh heh” Kosuke said. “As much as I wouldn’t like to see your face again either, it can’t be helped. See, I’m the head of the security team.” Madarame was shocked, as were Ryuji and Jose. “I’m not on duty as a security guard today, so I thought I’d come by and see how everything was going. Has the security team been to your liking?”
Madarame was unsure of what was happening. “...Yes” he replied.
“Good. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you” Kosuke said. ”After all, you’re important.” Madarame shuttered at that. “So, enjoy the adoration, Madarame.” Kosuke grinned menacingly. “It’ll be the last time you ever will.” Kosuke walked off.
Madarame was still a bit shaken up. However, he composed himself. “Hm. What can he do?” Madarame walked off as well.
Ryuji and Jose turned to each other. “Well, I think we’ve found who’s corrupting Madarame’s distortion.”
“Indeed” Jose said. “But don’t you think Madarame was taking this a bit too well?”
“Nah, that’s just his pride talking,” Ryuji explained. “Which means he’s rotten to the core.”
“I… don’t get this,” Jose explained.
“Don’t worry” Ryuji smiled. “Just like you know art, I know scum like him well. Basically, what’s happening is that even though Madarame got threatened, he’s still holding onto his glory because he thinks that whatever that guy does won’t be worse than what Madarame is hiding.”
“I see…” Jose said. “So, if a human is too proud, they will fail to admit certain things.”
“Yeah, you’re getting it,” Ryuji said. “Let’s see if we can’t find anything else.” Jose nodded and the two of them continued.
Ann was being led around by Yusuke. He was pointing out all of the different intricacies in the art pieces. Ann was impressed. They came to a certain piece. Ann looked at it with high interest. “Hey Yusuke, can you tell me about this one?”
Yusuke looked at it and was frozen. “Urgh. Um, there’s not much to say here…”
“Really?” Ann said. She looked at it again. “But it’s so well done. I think this might be my favorite piece so far.”
“That’s preposterous!” Yusuke said, trying to conceal a blush. “Now let’s move on.”
“Woah, what’s the rush?” someone said. The two kids turned to see Kosuke. Kosuke walked forward. He looked at the painting. “My, it is indeed wonderful.”
“That’s enough!” Yusuke continued.
“Oh, don’t be so modest,” Kosuke said. “After all, you made this right?”
Yusuke was shocked. Ann was confused. “Wait…” she said. “She looked at the plaque by the piece. “But it says it was done by Madarame.”
“Oops,” Kosuke said, disingenuously. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Oh well.”
“Leave at once,” Yusuke demanded.
“Hm. Very well” Kosuke said. “But soon, you won’t have to worry about this kind of thing ever happening again. You can trust your big bro Kosuke, right?” He waited for an answer that Yusuke wasn’t ready to provide. “Well, seeya.” He waved and walked off.
Yusuke was shaken. Ann looked mournful. “...Kitagawa-kun.”
Yusuke was alerted to reality once more. “Ah. My apologies. Please let nothing of what that vagrant may have said dissuade you from becoming my model. Ah. Let us exchange numbers.” Ann threw him a bone. “Thank you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to… uh…”
Ann smiled. “I understand.”
“Thank you” Yusuke said, bowing. He walked off.
Ann frowned. She looked at the painting once more and smiled. If it would look that good, then I’d let him do it. She then focused. But I think we need to take care of some business first.
After their exploration through the museum, the thieves all met up outside by the entrance. “So, how’d it go on your guys’s end?” Morgana asked. “Did that Yusuke character try anything funny Lady Ann?”
Ann looked sad. “No… But I found out some things.”
“What are they?” Ren asked.
“Well, I figured out what Sumire was talking about when she said Madarame was stealing,” Ann elaborated. “Madarame is stealing the art of his pupils!”
“WHAT?!” Ryuji yelled. “That’s INSANE!”
“How do you know?” Jose asked.
Ann looked a little sad. “Well, some guy came up to us when we were looking at a painting. Yusuke was acting weird about it, and the guy said Yusuke painted it.”
“I see,” Jose said.
“Wait” Ryuji interjected. “This guy? Did he look really strong and have spiked-up hair?”
“Ummmm, yeah,” Ann answered. “How’d you know that.”
“Tch. They guy also had a run-in with Madarame where he threatened the dude” Ryuji explained.
“What?!” Ann exclaimed.
“Well, at least we know he won’t get back in,” Sumire said. “The security team is top notch.”
“Yeah, we saw them kick someone out before they got within ten feet of Madarame,” Ren added.
“I’d like to agree with you, but the man said he was the head of security,” Jose explained, shocking everyone.
“Yeah. Dude has a full access pass to Madarame so long as this exhibit is going” Ryuji added.
“Well then, it seems like we have a deadline,” Morgana added.
“So, did you find anything on your end?” Jose asked Ren.
“Well, it’s not as much as you two…” Ren said, embarrassed. “But we learned that Madarame will make sure pupils of his won’t have an art career if they don’t live up to his standards. And it seems he has some pretty high standards.”
“Tch. The dude’s a dirtbag!” Ryuji shouted.
“But we’re still no closer to figuring out that third word” Sumire pointed out.
Ren smiled. “Well the information we have is great. We know who is taking over Madarame’s distortion, we know how much time we have, and we can confirm that we have the right Madarame.”
“Wait that’s it!” Ann said. “Why don’t we ask that Nakanohara guy for more information? He might have some good insight.”
“Good idea,” Ren said. “I’ll contact Mishima in the morning to see if we can set that up.”
“All and all, I’d say we did great today,” Morgana said. “We’re this much closer on our next target. Full steam ahead!” Everyone nodded, then they all went home.
The next morning, Ren got an urgent message from Mishima. 
Mishima: HEY! We need to talk!
Ren: Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.
Ren: What’s up?
Mishima: A user by the name of “hidden_kitsune” contacted me personally and asked if I knew who you were.
Mishima: He wants to set up a meeting.
Mishima: He says he thinks he knows how you do your Phantom Thieving!
Ren looked at her phone. “Oh damn.”
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