#ummmmmm yeah I’ll be by myself for a while
orangekittyenergy · 4 months
Help…I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of my own making! What have I done 😆
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(You know I had to add a slutty version in there)
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Movie Time?
Media IRL
Character Isaac Hempstead Wright
Couple Isaac X Reader
Rating Smut
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I heard the door knock so I bolted to the door and opened it wide seeing Y/n stood in her little yellow sundress looking very cute and sweet,
“Hi,” she giggled,
“Hi,” I smiled giving her a little kiss and letting her in,
“Who was at the door?” My dad yelled from the sofa,
“Just Y/n, we'll be in my room!" I yelled grabbing her hand to tug her up the stairs,
"Leave your door open!"
"Don't argue Isaac. Or you stay in here."
"Fine!" I complained keeping my door open as little as possible, "Ummmmmm so come on baby!" I pouted grabbing her ass, and kissing all over her
"Isaac your so excited can’t I at least sit down and we start a movie,” she teased,
"Noo come on, please! Please I will literally take anything at this point!"
"Anything?" She giggled,
"ANYTHING! But you can't leave me like this baby."
"Alright," she giggled, playfully laying on the bed on her stomach
"uhhhhhhh you mean it?"
"Yes go on, but then we watch a movie like you promise?."
"I uhhh I promise !" I bolted over giving her back a million kisses pushing up her cute little dress to reveal her ass to me "uMmm you look so good!" I groaned giving her ass a playful spank as I tugged off her little cotton daisy-printed panties, "Can I uhh really?"
"You're fine,"
"Ohh thank god!" I gasped immediately grabbing her hips I couldn't wait not a moment longer, I undid my jeans and kicked them off stroking myself a couple of times but not like I needed to I was completely ready for her, actually a little over ready for her, but after so long of desiring her I'm not surprised now I actually had the opportunity I went... a little crazy. The moment I slipped inside her I wanted to cum, she felt so so good! but I didn't have time to hesitate my hips worked on their own fueled by my hormones biting my lip hard as I didn't scream even if I loudly moaned into my mouth I was in my own world of utter pleasure, she grabbed a pillow and used it to muffle her own moans which only made me go faster knowing I was pleasing her as much as she was pleasing me, I dug my fingers into her ass while I got to a decent pace, and then I moved my hands up her dress and grabbed her breasts as my hips went crazy on her, slightly rubbing her nipples as I knew how close I was
"Isaac please" She gasped moving one of my hands to her clit, I smirked and rubbed her clit mercilessly as I thrusted hearing the sofa squeak under us until she tightened around me and screamed into the pillow feeling her hit her wave which was enough tip me over too burying myself as deep inside her as possible
"HOLY FUCK-" I groaned as the most intense orgasm I had ever had rushed through me almost making me faint
"Yeah... Holy fuck-" She gasped too, “Movie time?”
“Yeah you get cosy I’ll set the movie up,” I chuckled pulling out and giving her a sweet kiss, 
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
Hello the love of my life, how are you? I’m here to annoy you as always and I was tagged to ask questions but I wanted to add a little bit of ✨spice✨ so these are my questions. I love you so much
How do you get your inspiration?
If you could explain your love language, how would you explain it and which name would you use?
Which are your favourite authors from here?
Which are your favourite fics?
What’s the last thing you read?
Favourite song? Favourite food?
Why is your comfort character your comfort character?
When do you realize you found your comfort character?
Which things do you have in common with your comfort character?
Bye! <3
BABE u are too sweet 🥺 ty for the questions I will answer them now 💖👇🏻:
How do you get your inspiration?
A few ways 😏:
1) getting my heart broken
2) being horny
3) angsty music or going to the theater or reading a really good book
4) the scenarios I make up in my head so I can fall asleep
5) people who send in asks/thoughts to my inbox, y’all are so creative and amazing 💖💖💖
If you could explain your love language, how would you explain it and which name would you use?
Idk much about love languages but i think I took a quiz one time and it was like acts of service and words of affirmation. So yeah I’ll die if you tie my shoe and call me baby 🥺
But also like physical touch... on the down low. only when it’s not sunny outside. don’t ask me to explain that cause I can’t.
Which are your favorite authors from here?
Hmmm I don’t really read from here anymore but they used to be Julia (anakinswhore), she’s on ao3 though as @ anakincanchokemethanks and all of her Star Wars works are on there, she’s also on here as @playlist-library and @mordekaisersbitch
Also @ sunsetkenobi but she’s on ao3 now as @melethwi
and @anakinlove she just knows so much about Star Wars, and she’s a talented artist, and she writes super cute fluff 🥰
There’s probably more I’m forgetting but if you check out my tag #ficrecs you can find ppl I read there
Which are your favorite fics?
Rain Must Fall - anakincanchokemethanks on ao3
A Hard Days Night - anakincanchokemethanks on ao3
After Hours - melethwi on ao3
Alone With You - melethwi on ao3
Shiver - melethwi on ao3
Again there’s definitely more, just check out #ficrecs
What’s the last thing you read?
... 🤭 i actually don’t read much Star Wars anymore. I feel like I’ve seen it all idk 😭
So I’ve been reading a lot of aot fan fiction now for eren and levi oooppsss but ummmmmm @ yagamisdiary has a really good eren ff on wattpad called Parasite yall should go read it it’s soooo good it’s all I read 🙏🏻
Favorite song? Favorite food?
Favorite song ... is a hard one.... I can never choose. so here’s a playlist of my all time favorites, yaknow the ones that never get old and just instantly put me at peace 🥰👇🏻
As for favorite food, either sushi or avocado toast or hot sauce 🙏🏻
Why is your favorite comfort character your comfort character?
Bc he’s pretty and smart and he has a sexy voice and a metal arm and his tiddies are nice and so are his abs and he’s so so tall and he’s like mean but not so mean that it’s awful but like he could be awful if he wanted to, but he’d never be mean to you unless you deserve it because when he loves someone he loves them way too much and I just think he’s cute so yeah 💖
When did you realize you found your comfort character?
Funny story, one of my friends has the same last name as Anakin’s actor and I saw this pic of him when I looked him up:
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and I just thought he was super super hot, but I’d never seen Star Wars before, I didn’t even know what the difference between Anakin and Luke was, or Obi-Wan and Han-Solo, and I didn’t know that Anakin was Darth Vader or anything. And then my friend sent an edit of that shirtless scene in rots and I just— I just about busted all over myself ngl 😳🤚🏻
So I finally sat down and forced myself to watch all the movies, basically fell in love with that stupid mf, and a couple months later at the start of quarantine I made this blog and never looked back 🥰🥰🥰
But it was really weird for me ngl, cause like, he’s not even my type. My type is dark hair, dark eyes, hates everyone, quiet, introverted, detests the idea of love.
But Anakin’s like... lighter hair, light eyes, Chad to the Max, loves ppl so much he kills children, mommy’s boy, car nerd, dramatic, etc.
Idk. Something about this mf 🙄🤺🤺🤺
Which things do you have in common with your favorite comfort character?
-both douchebags
-both have anger issues
-both been fucked over one too many times
-both holding on by a thin fucking strand
-both hate children
-both chads 😏
-both love hugs but are too afraid to admit it
-both impatient and are always accusing ppl of things they didn’t do based off of our own insecurities
-both hate meditating but probably should
-both fall in love with things way too quick and way too much
-both a little narcissistic but also hate ourselves
-both like to sip martinis while watching drama unfold
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-he’s an extrovert and I cry in public situations
-I cry way too much honestly
-but it’s ok cause he’s a wuss for tears
-he’s good under pressure
-he can run a lot without losing his breath
-he can flirt good but I just insult ppl when I try
-he understands mechanics and shit and i’d combust if you asked me to hand u a wrench
-but I can take a straight shot of tequila while I think he’d vomit if he didn’t pour 8 cups of fruit mixer in 😏
-I think he would tastefully use swears, but I just let em fly
-could probably beat me in an arm wrestling match until I make him let me win and then I’d be happy
-this isn’t making sense anymore and you didn’t even ask me for differences 🤣🤣🤣
•••This was fun!! Thank you Leah 💖 I too am counting down the days until Halloween, you know what’s up!!! Best holiday ever 🥰🎃•••
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jacepens · 3 years
1: HamilTurn(you can differentiate if needed) or MCU, 2: Washette, 3: Anna Strong
And generally a fandom list would be nice to know what to pick from ;) (Love you♡)
You said HamilTurn or MCU and I say both, I'm going to try my best haha. But anyway, thank you!:) Apologies in advance if this gets rambly, but that's the point of this right? Anyway, for ease of scrolling sake, I'll probably put a cut if this gets long but don't worry, it's just me talking a whole bunch lol. Ok, thank you again!! <3 (love you too!)
1. Hamilton/Turn (fandom)
Favorite character: I have to say Lafayette for both. Oh and Mary
Least favorite character: I have no real reason behind this so sorry but Burr, and Simcoe for many reasons
5 favorite ships: washette, lams, hamliza, benwash, whamilton
Character I find most attractive: ...all. But I have to say overall Brian Wiles as Lafayette. That face just…🥺
Character I would marry: Mary Woodhull or Eliza
Character I would be best friends with: you know I'm not sure, but in an ideal world Lafayette (both versions) or Ben but I feel like we wouldn't be best friends. But also everyone, is that an option? Even some of the "villains" would have good stories to tell
A random thought: I feel like most people in the fandom now are so new (they joined in with the movie release!) and unaware of the uh atrocities of back in the day. And y'all are lucky, but those of us who know. Know. (yes, I was unbearable but that's ok because I was having fun, and despite what I just said: have fun in your fandoms even if you're "unbearable", just keep it welcome to all and enjoy the enthusiasm you have for it:))
An unpopular opinion: Oh boy. Maybe stop making quick judgments about people based on what they write/who they ship? There is a line, but I've genuinely never seen it crossed by anyone at least openly sooo just let people have fun? And don't say anything about something? Unless it's actually harmful but even then, keep it to a dm or something and have an open discussion. Just let people vibe, please? Especially younger fans. Just, I’ve seen a weird amount of negativity towards them. They’re kids having fun, we all used to be like that so please, be kind and patient. They’ll learn if they make a mistake. Ok? Ok cool:) (maybe not unpopular but still I wanted to say it)
My canon OTP: Am I allowed to say lams?
My non-canon OTP: washette, wow, who would've guessed? xD
Most badass character: Mary my beloved
Most epic villain: Robert Rogers hands down
Pairing I am not a fan of: no one murder me, but in general I'm just not a fan of jamilton. also whatever was the deal with Anna and Abe
Characters I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): um. Where to begin? Honestly I think every woman in Turn at one point or another, except perhaps Peggy in my opinion. Oh but especially Anna. Also Simcoe. With Hamilton, probably again everyone at some point, but the way Angelica was written just feels so overwhelmingly fictional it bugs me. (But at least Hamilton had some genuine relationships between women, not great but still)
Favorite friendship(s): Ben and Caleb, Washington and Lafayette (what?? yes, you fools. lol). It may sound a tad ~cringey~ but I generally like Hamilton's vibe with the boys, maybe it's just the gender envy, but it's kinda cute and fun.
Character I most identify with: well jeez, I won't lie but Washington. In both versions, except god knows I could never be that chill. Also a dash of Laurens.
Character I wish I could be: wow what a loaded question ummm. I don't want to be like him, but I want to be like in his position so Hamilton lol. Playing an active role but I know personally I am not cut out for a battlefield, so a desk suits me well.
2. MCU (fandom-that I am so out of date from, please take all of this with a grain of salt)
Favorite character: so when I was younger it was Tony Stark but now it’s definitely Wanda and T’challa
Least favorite character: ummm. I genuinely couldn’t tell you, I’m very out of date
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): wandavision, …ngl I can’t think of anymore, I honestly never shipped many and wandavision was like the only couple I remember really liking. Oh, I don’t know them but Loki/Mobius and/or Sylvie
Character I find most attractive: embarrassing confession time, Loki was my first bad celebrity crush. Wanda now and Shuri is cute. Also Sylvie
Character I would marry: if I could, Wanda 
Character I would be best friends with: Vision and Peter Parker
A random thought: y’all it’s been so long since I’ve touched MCU I should catch up/refresh shouldn’t I?
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion but I’m going to say it anyway. Personally, I really don’t like the movie Civil War, I think it’s what sorta made me disinterested in mcu. It’s been years since I’ve watched it so maybe I would have a completely different opinion if I saw it today, but at the time it just felt so...wrong? And childish? I literally don’t even remember why they were fighting or how that movie even ended (I feel like it just wasn’t satisfying??) but I think also, as a kid or teen watching that, it reminded me sooo much of the dumb drama that, you know, kids get into. I mean, getting your friends on someone’s side like that?? Like, I know they were mad but- but there are other ways of dealing with emotions??? And involving everyone's friends too? So yeah, it just felt off to me at the time, and looking back now, from what I remember, it just frustrated me. Especially as a kid who deals with dumb drama like that all the time, kids would want to see a better example especially from adult superheroes or at least not be reminded of the bs they have to go through sometimes. But, rant over, that’s all just my opinion:) 
My canon OTP: wandavision
My non-canon OTP: ummm. I guess just Loki/Mobius and/or Sylvie lol
Most badass character: I have to say Natasha but actually there are many
Most epic villain: when I was younger I liked that Ultron was voiced by Robert California from the Office lol
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t know if it’s popular but I never liked Tony and Pepper. What happened with her?
Characters I feel the writers screwed up: I guess I’ll say Thor because I just felt such a weird difference in his personality that did not make sense to me
Favorite friendship: Wanda and Pietro!! Honestly I think a lot, there were a lot of good friendships but I can’t think of which ones are my favorite
Character I most identify with: ummmmmm. 
Character I wish I could be: My gut says Thor
3. Washette (ship-bless you<3 get ready for rambles oh no)
When I started shipping them: So I first had the thought in 7th grade while my history teacher was talking about them and my little brain went: haha that’s pretty gay. (teacher keeps talking about them) wait a fucking minute, that is pretty gay! But it wasn’t until I got sucked into Hamilton that I really started actively shipping them by reading fics and what not, but something about them became an instant favorite. And later (little personal story time) I pretty much completely stopped reading fic and being active in fandom for years and actually, when I got my first panic attack that - no joke - lasted for 5 hours, for some reason my brain (as it’s decaying lol) said I want to go and reread all my favorite washette fics and also do what I was I always too scared to do. Write!! So that night I binged the fics and found myself falling in love again, feeling all the old passion I had for them again, and the next night (still very shaken) I wrote an outline of a good ol washette confession + kiss that was extremely thoughtful and good, and honestly, I have not actually used that outline yet! Maybe I’m saving it. But yeah, this is a long answer, but I have a weird amount of attachment to them and this ship, I wish I knew why too. <3 
My thoughts: so many. Too many. First of all, I love that I have so many versions of them in my mind, right? When I started writing, I had never watched Turn but then I did and then it was like: hell yeah, another washette set. At this point, my brain has created it’s own unique version of them but it’s like, they’re so versatile! That’s one neat thing about this fandom as a whole, we get more than one character and personality and that’s just fun right?! More specifically on washette I mean, they’re just so sweet. Historically, their relationship is unique and cute, and you’d have to be a fool to think that to Washington Lafayette was just another friend. Even strictly platonically, it was something special and it’s so obvious I just love them. Ok. Enough thoughts for now <3
What makes me happy about them: the loooove, the comfort they found in each other, the fact that like every person at the time documenting them knew and understood they were special to each other like, they were just that in love. 
What makes me sad about them: oh so much that I try to ignore lol. There is the one year when Lafayette went to France and all his letters to Wash are like: “I have not received one letter from you, but it’s ok, I love you and I know you love me too :)” WHO WAS NOT DELIVERING THESE LETTERS, I HAVE NAMES, NOW I WANT ANSWERS. Anyway, also just most things that happened when Laf went back to France. And then when he visited America in 1824 and visited Washington’s grave. Yeah. ow. (also, you know what, I have done too much research on this event. lmk if you would like a post)
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: Generally, I’m not annoyed by much in fanfic at least with them and what I’ve seen. I’m still nostalgic for the old school nonbinary Laf fics, so it ain’t those. Literally maybe it’s because I’m starved for content but I can’t really think of anything, I love it all.
Things I look for in fanfic: back to the whole starved for content thing, I am a library of washette fics but I think if I was to pick a certain thing that I would love it’s just um fluff? And honesty, if that makes sense. Love confessions are very good as well. Canon era, please :) pining but not too much that it hurts me lol
My wishlist: literally all my wips. If I could whisk them into existence I could die happy and knowing I have put a variety of washette content in the world. Something else though, more fics :’) I love writing but sometimes I want to curl up with a cozy, new washette fic like a cup of hot chocolate and be surprised and learn something new and just..yeah:)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: what. Ok but actually, Martha and Adrienne because they are both honestly perfect for them and I love them too (I’m going to be biased, especially Adrienne)
My happily ever after for them: Can Lafayette just move the family to America? But also, it’s sad, but like I know Laf would be sad in America while France suffers. So...maybe a world where things in France go better and Lafayette gets to visit Washington more often and bring the family!! (Washington visit France too??)
4. Anna Strong (character)
How I feel about this character: I like her! She’s fun and…strong (oops lol) and she’s made some mistakes sure, but I feel like she did her best to learn from them and move on
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Honestly, I know they didn’t have a lot of interaction in the show but Anna/Mary has potential. And Anna/Edmund
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: her and Ben and Caleb
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really can’t think of anything unpopular
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: in general, her having more screen time with less men you know? I mean like one-on-one kind of scenes. Also I would’ve liked to see at least her and Selah talk. Like, really talk. They never really did that, right? I just have so many questions about them
Favorite friendship for this character: Anna and Ben
My crossover ship: I have no idea
And well, I know it’s been a few days but for a fandom list, I’m just a weeb lol but here
Octopath Traveler (my beloved)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Star Wars
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Persona 4
Zelda (to a point)
What We Do in the Shadows
Sailor Moon
Literally anything historical
Ok!! I tried to add a lot because I’m not sure what you might know or not haha. But thank you again!! I had fun <3
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sdottkrames · 4 years
2020 Writer’s Year In Review
Thanks for the tag @thedumbestavenger Sorry it took me so so long to answer this. Life got in the way :)
Total number of completed fics: 34! 
Total number of words: 102,364
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less or about what you expected? definitely more! I never expected to write anything, to be honest. But I started reading Irondad fics and was so inspired by the talent and remembered how much I used to love to write. And so I wrote something and took the leap to actually create an AO3 account and post it! That was Jan 13, 2020. And then people actually liked my stuff! I got comments and kudos, and I made wonderful friends. I couldn’t believe it! (still can’t, to be honest). So yeah, I definitely didn’t expect to write as much as I did, but I am forever grateful for it.
Fandoms written in: about 90% of my fics are MCU (and most of those are Irondad, because they’re the ones that inspired my writing in the first place), but I’ve also written a couple Mentalist and Percy Jackson fics as well!
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Hmmmmmm. Can you choose a favorite child? I’d have to say....I am super proud of my last gift fic, 
Did you take any writing risks this year? Well, posting and writing anything in the first place! But I think participating in Comfortember. It was a huge stretch or me, but I absolutely loved it. It was so much fun!
Most popular story of the year: I’m Just Saying if You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him (Ha!) which I love dearly. It was the first story of mine to receive any traction, and boosted my confidence so so much.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: ooooooh. Um, I wish my fic We Will See Each Other Through It All got a little more love. This one was suuuuuuuper fun to write, and was inspired by entirely real experiences, which I think is super fun. Plus who doesn’t love Irondad cuddles?!
Most fun story to write: Ummmmmm. I had a lot of fun writing 
Most unintentionally telling story: Oooooh. Definitely Can We Get Back to Science (Please!) It’s my rewrite of the one IM3 post credit scene where Bruce falls asleep on Tony bearing his soul to him and says he’s “not that kind of doctor” and while I’ve never been where Tony and Bruce were, I have definitely needed to hear “I would care if you were gone.”
Biggest surprise: The amazing response. I was writing for myself and the fact that I’ve made friends who I hope to be friends with for the rest of my life!
I’ll tag @yes-i-am-happyaspie @doctornineandthreequarters @frostysunflowers @funky--lil--spider @itsy-bitsy-spider-fan and @iron--spider if y’all want to! :)
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Survey #345
“this is the year where hope fails you  /  the test subjects run the experiment  /  and the bastards you know, is the hero you hate”
Do you have any scars from burns? No. Have you ever built a snowman? Yes. Growing up, Dad would always help my sisters and I make them. Good memories. How about a sand castle? Yeah, but not any impressive ones at all. Just the ones where you fill a pail with sand and flip it over. Have you ever used crutches? Tried when I tore a ligament in my foot, but the pair we had were too tall for me to use them comfortably at all, so I never really "used" them. Have you ever been in a tree house? No. Would you ever move to China? No. Did you ever go to daycare as a kid? I went to one for literally a day because Mom was disgusted with how I was treated. I accidentally wandered into the wrong room or something and one of the guardians slapped my hand when she scolded me, and I think I sobbed the rest of the day, but partially because I had AWFUL separation anxiety from my mom. Afterwards, Mom just had people she knew babysit my sisters and me. Who’s one of the most talented people you know? What are they talented at? As for people who are still in my life/I still consider to "know," I'm unsure, but only because there are so many talented people in my life. One of my older sisters is a fantastic cake decorator and artist in general, and my little sister is truly skilled with working with children; she's a kid magnet. Sara is really good at animation, and I wish she'd do it more! Do you usually pay with cash, debit card, or credit card? Cash. I don't have a credit or debit card. Are you the type of person who can make friends with just about anyone? Yeah, but I have my limits. I'm very open-minded and can befriend people with a wide range of beliefs and personalities, but I know where to draw the line. There comes a point where giving your friendship to someone is like passively supporting their ways, and I don't want to do that if those are overwhelmingly negative and/or hateful. Have you ever experienced a medical emergency? Well yeah, I overdosed on cold medicine. I was surprisingly okay, but I assume it's because I was taken to the hospital fast enough for fluids? Idk. What was the last thing you borrowed from someone? Ummm no clue. Are you muscular? Uh, no. When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a booth or a table? Booth. What’s something you think everyone should do/experience at least once in their life? Love. Has your car ever been broken into? I don't have a car, but neither of my parents' has been. Have you ever recorded yourself doing a cover of a song? No. Do you watch television shows more in the dark or the day time? I just don't watch TV. Are there any movies out there that basically make you want to puke? None that I've seen, no. But I won't watch The Human Centipede for this exact reason, as I KNOW it would make me hurl. Any secrets you’d never tell anyone? No matter how close they are to you? Yes. Do you consider yourself a promiscuous person? Not even slightly. Do you know anyone who has AIDS? What about yourself? I don't know anyone with it, no, and I don't have it either. Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? No. What’s your favorite hair color on the opposite sex that you love? I like colored hair, but if we're talking natural colors, then black. Have you ever had a child before? If so, what’s his/her name? Nope, never gonna have one. Which baby animal is your favorite? Meerkats for sure. I also love kittens. Do you like jam on your toast and biscuits? Yeah. Are there any plants in your home? No. What food does honey go best with? *shrug* Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Yeah. Have you ever reread a book? I read Because of Winn-Dixie twice, and I've read Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari countless times, although after the first read, I skipped over Clutton-Brock's massive tangents that had nothing to do with meerkats. They really took away from the book, imo. Would you ever like to own a chandelier? Sure, like above the dinner table. It's not a big deal for me, though. What scent is the last body wash you used? Oh my god, it's this cinnamon bun scent that I got for I think my b-day, and I LOVE it. It's going to suck when it's gone. Do you have any religious symbols in your home? Probably somewhere, I just don't pay attention. What religion do you identify with, if any? None. Do you enjoy flavored coffee? If so, which flavor is your favorite? I don't like coffee at all. Do you know someone who has asthma? Yeah, my mom. What is the most controversial thing you’ve done? Come out as bi, I guess. Other than interviews, do you ever “dress to impress?" No. Are you currently listening to music? Yeah: "The Man Who Made a Monster" by Dance With the Dead. When was the last time you got really nervous? I should NOT be blanking on this, but I sure am. I don't think I've been REALLY nervous in a while, but certainly nervous like... always. What was the first thing you ate today? I had a bagel. Have you ever had one of those elementary-school boy/girlfriends? No; I didn't have my first boyfriend 'til the 7th grade. Name something random in your car: I don't have my own car. What do you want to tell someone who has died (and who is it, if anything)? I wish I could tell Steve Irwin thank you and that he truly did change the world. I think a lot about just how unspeakably proud he would be of his children and how madly in love he'd be with Bindi's newborn. That family is the definition of wholesome, and I desperately wish Steve was still around. Have you ever stolen from a friend or family member? Wow, no. Would/did you cheat on someone for revenge? Or if they wouldn’t find out? No, that's incredibly childish. If you got pregnant right now, would you keep the baby? The only way I could get pregnant right now was if I was, God fucking forbid, raped. I don't think I'd be able to keep it; it would scar me for life, but at the same time, even though I'm pro-choice, I don't know if I could go through with an abortion without feeling like shit and forever thinking "well you could've just given it up for adoption." I don't like thinking about this topic. Any history with eating disorders (or tendencies)? No, thankfully. I've had bulimic thoughts before, but I've never acted on them. Does your family have a secret? No. If single, would you knowingly be who someone cheats on someone else with? Nooope. Guilt would eat me alive. Have you ever contemplated physically hurting yourself or another? I have hurt myself, but never other people. Choose one living person you’d like to meet. I won't have lived a full life w/o meeting Mark at least once laksdj;flakwjer. Who is someone you know would take a bullet for you? My mom would without a millisecond's hesitation. I'm sure Dad would, too. The next time you are on an airplane, where will you be traveling to? Most likely Illinois to visit Sara again. Where is your dad from? Ohio. Aside from your own, whose house did you last set foot into? My older sister's. What is something that makes you very squeamish? Vomit is #1. Do you even use an alarm clock, or do you just use your phone? I use my phone. Have you ever moved to a different state? No. Lived in NC my whole life. Can you do long division in your head? I can't do math in my head period. Do you have a wide imagination? Oh yes. Would you mind living on a farm? I wouldn't want to. Farms take way too much maintenance. Do you enjoy watching horror films? Oh yeah. Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? No, but I'd love to. Who are you in love with? Nobody. When is the last time you took a picture? I took a picture of Venus like a week ago when I had her out of her terrarium and she was just coiled between my arm and the laptop, totally chillin' out. I was IN a picture just a couple days ago, because my eldest sister came over to visit with her husband. It was great. Do you wash your own car or make the car wash do it? I don't have a car. Are you a fan of parties? Not big ones, no. I'd enjoy chilling out with a few people I'm friends with/know, just chatting and hanging out. Next trip you’re going to take? I don't know. My sister Misty's wedding is coming up soon, but we doubt we'll be able to go because of 1.) Mom's car would never make the drive, and 2.) Covid, and Mom's immunocompromised. It sucks, but she's being understanding about it. Were you in honor roll in school? Yeah. If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be? If I'll ever be happy with my life. What’s your favorite lunch meat? Ham. Do you drink your soda from a straw? I don't like to, no, because I drink faster via a straw, and I like to drag my soda out throughout the day so I don't go through more than I should. Do you like hot sauce? Yesssssss. Do you like Ellen Degeneres? Sure, she seems like a great person. Who do you think is the cutest celebrity? UMMMMMM like have you ever seen Mark Fischbach laugh?????? Did you ever play softball? For quite a long time as a kid, yeah. Would you like to live to be 110 years old? No, that sounds like torture. I don't want to live to where I'm essentially a walking (if even) corpse. No energy, no strength... no thanks. Do you like getting your picture taken? NO. Ever seen a tornado? Thank fuck no. When you were little, did you do gymnastics? No. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? I know a number of people who are. Two are due very soon. Do you like being the X or the O when you play tic-tac-toe? I like being the X. Have you ever tried crowd surfing? No. Do you like the movie Bambi? If so, who is your favorite on there? I've actually somehow never seen it, though I would like to. Do you like onion rings? No. Are you more afraid of going to the doctor or dentist? I'm not really afraid of either, but I dislike going to the doctor more. Have you ever been to an animal shelter? Yeah. Have you ever bought yourself or someone else lingerie? No. Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? Nothing more than needing glasses. When you were a teenager, did your parents set rules about dating? Not really, besides the obvious age gap stuff. I was allowed to follow my heart with who I was interested in, really. Have you ever lived with a person who you tried to avoid at all costs? There were times like this with Dad when my parents were still together and he was in a bad mood, especially if he was drinking. Have you ever committed a crime that directly harmed another person? No. What is your worst childhood memory? There was this very weird three day period where I could've sworn up and down I was constantly on the verge of puking. On the third night, Mom finally took me to the hospital, but they couldn't find anything wrong. Oddly enough, I felt better the next morning... The whole situation was fucking awful for someone who was and still is terrified of vomiting. Do you remember where you first drove to after getting your license? I don't have my license. What did you get into trouble for the most when you were a kid? Being on the computer too much. What is your favourite game show to watch? Family Feud with Steve Harvey. When’s the last time had to cover a coworker’s shift? Never. Is there a word you have an emotional connection to? "Petrichor." How about a sound? Any emotional connection to a sound? LOTS of songs. Where is your favourite place to get fries? Bojangle's. Their seasoning is *chef's kiss* Do you always have a stock of alcohol in your house? No. Have you ever fainted? Yes. Do you get out of bed on the left side or right side? Left. Do you fall asleep with your mouth open or closed? It embarrasses me for some reason, but usually open, because I have a hard time breathing through my nose when I lie down for some reason? I don't take allergy medicine though when I'm really supposed to, so that might explain it... Is there a book you keep telling yourself you’ll read but still haven’t? I have Margaret Atwood's The Testaments that I want to read, but Wings of Fire has taken precedent, so I really don't know if I'll get to it. It would also be nice to catch up with Erin Hunter's Warriors, but that I know I won't do. Did your family ever own a vacation home? No. Have you ever opened a wine bottle? Nope. Have you been inside of a police station? No. What would you never change about yourself? I mean, there's a number of things. I would never allow myself to lose my empathy and compassion for others, for one. I'll never grow a head too big for my body. Do you pretty much need a car to get around where you live? Yeah. Public transport isn't a big thing here, especially outside the cities, and living in the South, places are pretty spread out/not within reasonable walking distance. Have you been to Australia? No, and I'm honestly too scared to go, even though I think it would be extremely cool. All the venomous animals just frighten me, and I find huntsman spiders to be TERRIFYING, regardless of how harmless they are. Do you mind drinking room-temperature water? UGH, I absolutely do mind. I HAVE to drink cold water. If it's even slightly on the warm side, it makes me want to gag.
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gay-for-paulson · 4 years
About Me
I was tagged by @grilledcheeseandguavajelly :):):):):P:)
Do you make your bed?
Yes, but...sloppily?? Like I really only *pristinely* make it when I wash my sheets which is about once a month, and then most days it’s just a quick straightening up before I head out the door. I think it’s more inviting when it’s not perfect ^_^
What’s your favorite number?
89, but I’m also fond of 74!
What’s your job?
I’m mainly a customer service manager at a grocery store by my house, but I also work as an office manager, and a cashier when I’m needed.
If you could go back to school, would you?
I’m an art student, and I stopped going to school a little bit ago to focus on other things, but honestly? I’m not sure whether or not I really want to go back because art school kind of crushes your spirit, not gonna lie.
Can you parallel park?
To quote @grilledcheeseandguavajelly “Can I? Yes. Do I like to? No.”
A job you had that would surprise people?
My last job was at Disney World! I worked at a seafood restaurant and had to wear a bonnet!
Do you think aliens are real?
Fuck yeah, I do! There’s no way in frozen hell we are the only forms of life in this entire universe. No way at all.
Can you drive a manual car?
Nope, and I hope I never need to hahaha
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Honestly? Sleep. I sleep way too much and its probably not healthy, but I fucking love sleeping! Or even just staying up all night, when no-one else is awake, that’s also nice.
I want one so badly but, I’m terrible at decisions. So I just need to work out the ‘where’ and ‘what’ parts and I’m golden.
Favorite color?
I love a pastel mint, or like a good millennial pink ;D 
Favorite type of music?
I genuinely love most genres of music, I just don’t necessarily love all songs that fall into those genres. I think my favorite-favorites though are Pop, Classic Rock, and Yacht Rock.
Things that people do that drive you crazy?
I’m mainly thinking of things that customers do while I’m at work and the biggest thing is: PEOPLE DON’T READ SIGNS. “Excuse me, where are the chips?” “Aisle 1.” “Where’s aisle 1?” READ THE SIGNS????? “How much is this?” I DON’T KNOW, LOOK AT THE SIGN UNDERNEATH IT!!!! Oooooooooh that one gets me a l o t.
Do you like doing puzzles?
Hell to the yes.
Any phobias?
Bees. Generally just bugs that buzz. Ummmm, jellyfish, sharks, sometimes the dark if I scare myself enough haha
Favorite childhood sport?
I did elementary school cheerleading, does that count??
Do you talk to yourself?
More often than not, I’ll talk out loud to my cat. Other than that, I might sing things to myself.
What movie do you adore?
Okay here we go, these are the movies that I adore the most at the moment: Blue Jay, Down with Love, Levitation, Swimmers, Carol, The Intervention, Ocean’s 8, ummmmmm... yeah!
Coffee or tea?
I love both, but I don’t really drink either all that often. I choose water over most other drinks!
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
I’m pretty sure it was an astronaut!
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a-heart-of-kyber · 5 years
My dog is very much watching me very closely in a “You aren’t allowed to leave me again.” way and I feel bad about it, but he also feels softer than I remember which is stupid because I was only gone for 4 days. 
Which ummmmmm yeah if anyone was curious as to where I’ve been....thanks tumblr for becoming my diary. 
Trigger Warning: Suicide
TW: Suicide
So, Monday night my dad and I got into another extreme argument because I am becoming extremely (and very clearly) incapable of handling...him and the way he is and by that I mean his emotional/verbal/psychological abuse and thus this argument resulted in once again me commenting “I just want to fucking kill myself.” because idk if you know but I’ve been treated for suicidal thoughts and depression before so this shit isn’t new.
What’s new is my dad saying, “Why don’t you just do it already?!” 
So...not to be topped apparently, I very pissed off went to go take some pills because clearly the why to get through to someone like me is to present a challenge. Eventually...the pills were removed from me which once again resulted in me getting more screamed at and then my dad saying to never talk to him again and me and my mom went to stay with my sister. 
Which turned into me going to the ER because my mother asked me too. 
Now...I’m not saying this can’t help other people, but the entire resulting situation did not help me other then getting me away from my dad for a few days...which I could’ve done at my sister’s. 
Spent 21 straight hours being babysat in the ER with barely any word from anyone about anything. Wearing paper and listening to people screaming. Being told after I did everything voluntarily that if I left I would be arrested until I was driven to a facility 2hrs away by a constable. 
Yep...spent 3 days in a psych ward. Lets not discuss intake. 
I wanted to leave as soon as I got there. All of the staff was more or less in agreement that I didn’t belong there. Half the techs/nurses thought I was a social worker and were very confused. 
Do you want to know what it’s like being hit on continuously by a vulgar/violent ex military man who forced himself onto another one of the women there just hours earlier? It’s not fun I can fucking tell you that much. Idk how I’ll handle being told my eyes are pretty in the future tbh. “Can I stare at you because your eyes are the prettiest I’ve ever seen? I love you because you read. Can I have your name/address/phone number/email address? (I’m going to ask you this repeatedly! While I intermittently attempt to start verbal and physical fights. So like...try not to be scared over not giving me this info and annoying me or anything and also don’t think about me potentially stalking you in the future!) Take my hand. Touch me. Dance with me.”
The others were fine and some were nice and everyone was just trying to get better, but I spent 2 nights thinking this guy was somehow going to break into my room.
The psychiatrist didn’t force me onto any medications because he thinks I just need to learn how to handle stressful situations. But also he thinks I should maybe take something, but my thoughts on that as ‘I’m going to wait til I’m away from the guy who very clearly could sexually assault me thanks.’ All of the other patients were just like “It’s a miracle you’re attempting this without medication.” 
Maybe...at a different time or a different person this all could’ve been more helpful, but I’m mostly just angry and waiting for actual therapy for my depression/anxiety. 
Also...back home. We’ll see how that goes I guess. 
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1, 3, and 20 for the writer questions thing, please!
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing 
The brunette girl with eyes to match scanned the group of people quickly and quietly before sitting down at the table they’d all been assigned to. On the one hand, she hoped for a friendly face; a smile or kind word to greet her. On the other hand, she’d rather remain invisible as she sat and waited for things to begin. Such is the way of ambiverts -especially this one in the morning. She wasn’t necessarily not a morning person but certainly she hated being said ‘good morning’ to by anyone.
‘I know it’s just polite and kind’ she told herself internally yet again when she was forced to give a polite smile and a quip of ‘mornin’‘ back at another eager beaver, ‘but gosh can’t we just ease into things? No need to greet each and every single person all the time. I’ll speak when I’m ready.’
As things went on she found her mind wandering away from the proper thing to be paying attention to and instead found her mind rehearsing a scene from a story of hers. Sadly, this one was a personal one that couldn’t be shared with the world because it was a fanfic of literally two other stories and so she’d have to content herself with enjoying it in the solace of her mind.
Since she was junior high age she found her mind focused better on her writing when she was meant to be doing something else important -like math class or work. Occasionally she found inspiration and motivation in the middle of Sunday Mass. That was one thing she could never get over -was it God granting her peace of mind enough to use her gifts or was it temptation? Hard to say.
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write? 
Ooooh um I like it when I do fanfics based on an existing movie with my version of events woven through because I can follow the movie scene for scene when I’m having trouble finding inspiration while writing and then I can put my own scene(s)/spins in later on. AKA my Nutcracker Prince Retelling on Patreon and my Haunted Mansion fanfic on Fanfiction
Favourite thing to write though is something that I’ve completely made up myself and gotten the ideas for myself and am having a fun time writing with little writer’s block. And it has to have some fantastical element and/or not be based in our existing world coz then ‘fact checking’ is me making headcanons lol
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
oooooh tough one ummmmmm I’ll chose 4 sentences from different works if that’s ok? I redacted names from one so it doesn’t reveal spoilers for a future book ;)
And for those few moments, with Alexander Gracie, Emma and Ezra looking on, Jamie clung to the one person he’d have spent his entire life beside if fate had only given him the chance.
He trembled as he felt the empty space beginning in his heart which was only ever reserved for her.
His scream echoed across the field shattering the peaceful quiet of the night.
“[…]I swear to God I don’t know how I kept it together I was so fight or flight and angry and scared and confused and focused at the same time and if she had fucking killed you [REDACTED] I just… I was just doing what I had to do to protect you and everybody from those guys and from [REDACTED]— […]”
(I’m fond of the above coz it’s the first time I used the F word in my writing and also I find this a really powerful scene for this character so yeah)
Actually can I cheat and add more? coz I’m proud of the banter of this scene:
“Don’t…talk…we’re…almost there Drake!” Gorgo stuttered, raising his controller a bit higher as though that would help his gaming skills.
“Yeah but– we’re…” Draco trailed off into another yawn.
“Not dead yet,” Gorgo finished for him. “Two levels Drake. Think of what that means. Two left. If we beat them, we’re–”
“Dead. Tired; dead tired,” Draco interrupted, “Listen, I know you want to brag to,” he yawned, “Quatre but I can’t go on. I know I’m normally the night owl but,” another yawn, “I’m beat.”
“Yes you are,” Gorgo pointed out, “you died.”
Draco shook his head, “Well I’m off to bed then. Comin’?” Gorgo didn’t answer. “Alright. And just so you know,” Draco mumbled, heading towards the staircase, “I totally didn’t mean to do that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Gorgo droned, “whatever.”
Draco laughed slightly, which turned into a yawn. “Night then.” There was no reply.
THANKS @shakespearevillain FOR THE ASKS THIS WAS FUN!
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quantumarvel · 5 years
@oh-snap-bucky and I like to scream fic concepts at each other a lot. I, somehow, convinced her to let me share them with yall. Here’s a recent one. 
It all started with this post (please read the tags)
Tumblr media
Courtney: can we talk about this cause wow 
Sam: you thought up an entire fic 
Sam: we stan 
Sam: sitting under a tree and rEADING 
Courtney: Sammy help me out here cause I may just roll with this
Courtney: how do they meet? 
Sam: Park? Library? Cafe?
Courtney: library 
Courtney: he looks vaguely homeless and he’s BRILLIANT and studying something to do with poetry 
Sam: English major? I think yes 
Courtney: and she’s studying at the library and has to keep pushing her glasses back up her nose and she’s tapping her pencil on her chin 
Courtney: and he can’t help but SAY SOMETHING cause she’s pretty ya know but also cause she’s currently reading the only copy of the book he needs 
Courtney: and she’s like ha good luck cause this poet guy doesn’t make any sense 
Courtney: and of course Bucky understands it 
Courtney: but poetry isn’t her major, she just has to read it for like this one class she has to take so she can get her teaching degree 
Courtney: he’s all knowledgeable in poetry and junk and she just… doesn’t get it. Like at all. And he thinks its adorable. And she’s all “I’m gonna be a history teacher idk why i even need this.”
Courtney: and being the flirt he is, he offers to tutor her 
Courtney: and she knows EXACTLY what he’s doing 
Courtney: says yes anyway  
Courtney: so they start meeting up on Thursdays at the library 
Sam: I support her saying yes anyway 
Sam: bc we get that
Sam: take your chance girl 
Courtney: they spend a couple of hours talking about how this poet dude was annoying and pretentious and a douche and he’s like, “just imagine all this being said but the whitest, richest, most uptight dude you can think of” and she starts to Get It but also thinking of it like that makes it SO FUNNY 
Sam: “oh so he’s just being a spoiled brat?” 
Sam: okay so for how long do they meet at the library? 
Courtney: oh this lasts the rest of their first semester. They met in like September and they get together every Thursday and she invited him to a Halloween party some of her friends are throwing and they accidentally show up in complimenting costumes (probably different Breakfast Club characters cause I’m dumb) and he complains about having to go home for Thanksgiving (she still doesn’t know what kind of a family she comes from) and they text the whole break and when they get back they hang out so much more than just on Thursdays and by the time Christmas rolls around, they get each other the sweetest gifts right before they leave for break and standing in the train station (they’re both taking trains home but going different directions), he realizes how long he’s gonna be without her and they’re both getting kinda choked up, more than you would if you had to leave a friend for a nearly month and they’re making all these promises to call and text and “maybe I’ll write you?” and after like the nineteenth hug, 
Courtney: he realizes that the girl he’s been halfway in love with since the fall maybe likes him back? the girl he’s been opening his jacket to tucking her against him to shield her from the “stupidly cold” wind. the girl that shares her candy corn and bring him hot chocolate when the temperature drops below 40. the girl who reads poetry books that he recommends cause he just KNOWS that if he finds the right style, she’ll fall in love with it. the girl that he spends so much time with that he knows which colors mean what on her color coded notes. the girl that he helped bandage up when she was too busy staring at a dog to notice the raised pavement and when she tripped, he felt it in his chest. the girl that tells him that she knows he deserves better than the hurt he carries in his eyes. the girl that doesn’t know anything about his past, but knows him. the girl he feels so lucky to be around. that girl. she’s looking at him right now like it hurts her like it does him to part ways. and maybe he realizes then that he has a chance? so he musters up just enough courage to press a kiss to her forehead and walk her to her train. as he watches her disappear down the tracks, he decided that when he sees her again after the new year, he’ll take her to a museum or a planetarium or a park or something, and he’ll ask her to take a chance on him.
Courtney: (he doesn’t get the chance because when she asks for his address to send him a Christmas card, she really drives up to Brooklyn from Boston just to give him a New Years kiss. his parents aren’t home (to his relief) but Becca absolutely adores her)
Sam: ummmmmm
Sam: that’s gorgeous 
Sam: and so so so heart wrenching 
Courtney: it’s only like 200 miles yeah 
Sam: only 
Sam: for a kiss 
Sam: that’s a lot 
Sam: for a FIRST kiss at that 
Courtney: okay I should clarify 
Sam: yes please do 
Courtney: she get there at like 7:30pm and he answers the door and he’s so happy to see her but he’s like “?? why are you here?” and she’s blushing and “well I wanted to talk to you... in private...” which makes Bucky look over at Becca who’s 15 and standing at the other end of the foyer. “It’s my house too.” And he just rolls his eyes and takes his girl outside cause that’s not the fight he wants to have rn. anyway so they go walk through the garden and it’s all so pretty cause the Christmas lights are still up and the stars are out. “what do you have to talk to me about that’s so urgent that you couldn’t wait until next week and had to drive 200 miles instead of just calling me?” he’s all smiles. “I, um... I wanted to tell you that I uh... I think I like you? Like a lot? No, I know I do. And I have, for a while. And I can’t it out of my head, when you kissed my forehead at the station, and I KNOW that sounds ridiculous and childish but I can’t stop thinking about it and how maybe you like me too and yeah sure that could’ve waited but I needed to KNOW cause to be perfectly honest, I’d really like to be your New Years kiss this year, which again, dumb and childish but I do and so I didn’t really think, I just decided to take a chance. I’m sure I’m making a complete fool of myself right now too, like that idiot poet we read about in September but you told me something once about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking chances and so that’s what I’m doing, I’m taking your advice, so you really have no one else to blame here but yourself and-“ he finally just puts a hand over her mouth cause he can tell she’s working herself up into a frenzy. When she finally looks up at him, he’s smiling. He takes his hand away, “you came a few hours early for a New Years kiss” And for some reason that embarrasses her more than anything else has. “Ugh I know I just, I just couldn’t wait any more. I paced around my parents house for three hours and spent another two in this diner once I got to town. Think I would’ve gone mad if I waited any longer.” He laughs and tells her “well it’s...” a quick glance at his watch “7:59pm right now. It’s midnight somewhere.” And even though he takes his time, and she knows what he’s about to do, the kiss still surprises her.
Sam: I’m screaming 
Sam: “It’s midnight somewhere” 
Sam: I can imagine Becca totally seeing all this happen from the window
Sam: keeping quiet bc “that was kinda sweet I guess” 
Sam: okay okay okay even if you don’t write this part i gotta know 
Sam: what happens after New Years? 
Courtney: Oh after New Years, they’re disgusting. STUPIDLY in love and constant heart eyes and “darling/baby/doll/sweetheart/honey” and they’re ALWAYS TOUCHING. like, hugging all the time and holding hands and tucking hair behind her ear and linking pinkies and he always has an arm around her shoulder and it’s all adorable and innocent and TOOTH ACHINGLY SWEET. she reads to him and plays with his hair (braids it when it gets long enough) and laughs at all his jokes and just adores him. he cooks her dinner a lot and carries her books and takes pictures of her and gives so many sweet kisses on her forehead, temple, nose, chin and (finally) mouth and just adores her.
Courtney: he picks her flowers in the spring when they have a picnic by a pond and she ties them together into a crown and puts it on him. that night, he takes one and presses it into the back of the book she gave him for his birthday
Sam: I love this so much 
Sam: he wears the flower crown 
Sam: and rocks it 
Courtney: she meets his parents at his birthday party. they insist on throwing this big party every year and this is the first year since he was like 10 that he actually enjoys it. she wears this pretty floral dress and curls her hair and just about knocks the breath out of him when he opens the door. she’s nervous and he squeezes her hand as they walk up to them. all she really remembers is Bucky introducing them and the way her mom smiles and says “so you’re the one that got him to finally shave that hobo scruff” and thing is, she wanted him to keep it cause she loved the expression on his face when he saw how it turned her skin red but he insisted on shaving it for a job interview (that his parents didn’t know about) but Bucky saves her from clarifying by saying that he’s going to take her to get something to drink. they drink punch that turns their mouths red and stay huddled together giggling in the corner (Bucky was doing his best impression of Mr. Harris from his dads company) until his mother comes and insists that he comes and mingles with company people cause in her mind, Bucky will be joining his father soon. Bucky tells his girl to meet him at the pond behind the house in half an hour before being dragged off
Sam: the look of “help me” as he’s walking away but like his ma is talking so much and his gal tells him to pay attention and he just winks before giving her this ridiculously gorgeous grin 
Sam: her and becca chat a little more and she introuced her to their grandmother bc grandma Barnes couldn’t wait another second more 
Courtney: I love Grandma Barnes 
Sam: boo me too 
Sam: literally her and his gal get on like a hose on fire and she completely forgets to meet him and he appears after waiting five minutes 
Sam: his hands rest on her shoulders and he looks between them “see you two seem to be having a ball”  
“oh we are” 
“I was just telling this sweetheart about your 11th birthday party, do you remember that one James?” 
Courtney: “There was a petting zoo incident.” 
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vgckwb · 5 years
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 47: Darkside!/Dark Kitty
Gabriel was pacing around his office. Nathalie was watching. “So, you want me to meet with Judgement Wolf to see if we can figure something out,” he said.
“That’s the idea” Nathalie said.
Gabriel looked at his assistant. “Do you think this could work?” he asked.
“It’s worth trying” Nathalie said. “You would want to pursue any avenue to bring back Emilie, right?”
Gabriel looked out his window. “Of course,” he said. “But I would need a way for him to get to me without him revealing my identity.”
“We can think of a few options” Nathalie said.
“Very well” Gabriel said. “Let’s make an attempt.”
Meanwhile, after school, Luka and Juleka were walking out of school. “Hey!” a voice shouted at them. The siblings looked at the point of origin. She was an older girl, about 17, and she had orange hair in a ponytail, glasses, brown eyes, a white shirt, a green hoodie that was unzipped, a red and black plaid skirt, black stockings, white and green tennis shoes, and a black case strapped upon her back. She ran up to them carefully. “You’re the two guitarists of Kitty Section, right?”
“Um, yeah?” Luka said.
“What’s this about?” Juleka asked.
The mystery girl set her case down, opened it, and pulled out a black bass. “I wanna join you band!”
“Ummmmmm, OK?” Luka said.
“I can join?!” she asked.
“No” Luka said. “I mean, not yet. We’d have to audition you first.”
“Yeah, and this is kind of a friend thing, and you just kind of showed up” Juleka said. “Sooooooo…..”
The girl smiled and nodded. “I get it. We can do that. Can we do it now?”
“Uhhh, we weren't planning on meeting today…” Luka said.
“Please?” the girl asked.
Luka sighed. “It wouldn’t hurt to ask Rose and Ivan.”
“I guess not” Juleka said. “I’m still not sure about her though.”
The girl giggled. “I’m sorry. I haven’t even introduced myself yet. My name is Ashe.”
“Well, I’m Juleka, and that is my brother Luka” she said, pointing at Luka who was texting.
“Well, I’ve got an OK from Rose. Now let’s see what Ivan says” Luka said.
Mylene was approaching Ivan, who was checking his phone. “So, do we have plans this afternoon?” she asked.
Ivan looked up sadly. His sadness transferred to Mylene. “The band just called an emergency meeting. Is it OK if I go?”
Mylene felt left out, but she said “Of course.”
“Great! And I promise you, we’ll do something tomorrow!” Ivan said. He gave Mylene a kiss on the cheek and left. Mylene felt bitter about the decision and got out her phone and started texting.
Later, Mylene was sitting on a park bench by herself. “Hey Mylene!” Marinette called out. Mylene turned to see Marinette waiving with Alya right behind her.
The two sat down next to Mylene. “So, what’s up girl?” Alya asked.
Mylene looked down. “Well, it’s just, Ivan’s been spending a lot of time with Kitty Section lately. I’m worried we aren’t spending enough time together anymore.”
“Do you think Ivan doesn’t like you anymore?” Alya asked.
“That’s insane. Ivan is crazy about you” Marinette said.
“Yeah, he got akumatized twice because he didn’t know how to tell you he loved you” Alya said.
“Not helping” Marinette said.
“It’s not that” Mylene said. “It’s just, whenever Ivan and I aren’t spending time together, and I’m not doing anything with you guys, he’s off doing something he’s passionate about. Meanwhile, I just spend my time missing Ivan. I just don’t know what to do with myself.”
Marinette and Alya looked at each other and nodded. “Well, we’re here now” Alya said.
“Yeah” Marinette said. “So, do you want to be with him, or like, figure out something you want to do on your own?”
Mylene looked up. “I like that second choice. You all have your own passions. I wanna find something for myself!”
“That a girl” Alya said. “So, let’s brainstorm. Your father’s an actor, do you wanna try that?”
Mylene shook her head. “You remember how I did during the movie we made. I don’t feel comfortable doing that kind of thing. At least not yet.”
“Well, you’re so kind and gentle. Why don’t you try volunteering somewhere?” Marinette suggested. There are animal shelters, charities…”
“My mom works at a food pantry sometimes” Alya said. “They always need help there.”
Mylene looked determined. “Alright. Let’s do it!” Marinette and Alya smiled. The three of them left.
Meanwhile, at the Liberty, Kitty Section was sitting down while Ashe was on stage. “Thanks for letting me try out” she said. “I know you just met me, but I hope you’ll be impressed.”
“Before you start, we have a few questions” Luka said.
“Shoot” Ashe said.
“How’d you find out about us?” Ivan asked.
“I saw some of your videos online” Ashe said. “You’re pretty good.”
“Why do you want to join us?” Rose asked. “Not that I would mind…”
Ashe looked at the band. “I really like music. I’ve always wanted to play in a band. The way I see it: you need a bassist. I can play bass. Simple as that.”
“What makes you think you’ll be a good fit for Kitty Section?” Luka asked.
Ashe smiled slyly. “From what I’ve seen, you guys play my kind of music. I really admire your energy and attitude.”
“Are you nice?” Juleka asked.
Ashe was taken aback by that question. “She means ‘Do you think you can friends with us?’” Luka explained. “We’re a tightly knit group. You could play well, but if you’re only here to play, than I suggest you leave.”
Ashe smiled. “I see. Well, I certainly hope we can be friends.” She sighed. “Most of mine abandoned me…”
The band was shocked. “I’m sorry” Juleka said.
“No, you’re right,” Ashe said. “Getting along is just as important as being able to play well. Now, are you ready?”
“Go for it” Luka said. Ashe began to play for them.
Meanwhile, Mylene, Marinette, and Alya arrived at the food pantry. Alya waived down the person in charge. “Hi Marie” she said.
“Hello” Marie said. Marie had black hair tied up in a ponytail, a grey shirt, jeans, black shoes, and an apron.
“This is Mylene” Alya said, introducing her. “She’d like to help around here.”
“Oh, how wonderful!” Marie said. “Just take an apron, and, let’s see… OH! I know. Lorenzo needs some help sorting cans. Why don’t you start there?”
“OK” Mylene said. She went to grab an apron.
“And, since you two have been here before, why don’t you help with deliveries?” Marie asked.
“Uh, sure!” Marinette said.
Mylene walked into a room and saw a lanky boy with black hair, olive eyes, a black hoodie zipped up with an apron over it, jeans, and black Chucks. “Um, are your Lorenzo?” Mylene asked.
The boy looked up. “Yes. And you are?”
Mylene smiled. “Mylene. I just started here. Marie says I should help you.”
“Well then, let’s get started” Lorenzo said. “I’ll show you the ropes.”
Mylene learned from Lorenzo and together, they sorted cans all afternoon. The two became fast friends. The same was happening over that the Liberty. Kitty Section was impressed by Ashe’s playing skills, and they started a jam session once the solo stuff was out of the way.
Once their sessions was over, Luka said, “Man, that felt great.”
“Yeah, I’d say you pass” Juleka said.
“Me too!” Rose said.
“I agree!” Ivan said.
Ashe looked at Luka. “Well, what do you think?”
Luka smiled back at her. “Yeah, I’d say you pass.”
“Yes!” Ashe said, pumping her fist.
Anarka rushed out. She looked worried, but then saw Ashe and was curious. “My, who be this?” she said.
“Oh. Right. This is Ashe” Luke said.
“Hi” Ashe said.
“Well, hello” Anarka said. She squinted her eyes and then returned inside.
“What was that about?” Ashe asked.
“I don’t know” Luka said.
“Yeah, usually mom is a lot more free spirited” Juleka said. “I should go check on her.” She went inside.
Luka looked at Ashe. “So, why do you play bass?” he asked.
“Well, I can play an assortment of instruments” Ashe said. “I’ve learned when I was very young. But the bass has always been my favorite. My mom plays bass, so I feel connected with her when I play it.”
“I see” Luka said.
Richard’s car pulled up and Richard got out. He looked onto the boat. “It’s her!” he called out.
May got out and got a look. She started to approach the ship. “Oh no” Ashe said.
“What?” Luka said.
“Ashley!” May said, getting close to the ship.
Ashe shrunk into herself. “Hi mom…”
“Mom?” Luka said.
“Yes” Juleka said, coming out on deck with her mom. “Apparently, she’s May’s child. She ran away when she and her dad were in Versailles. He called May, May told dad, and dad told mom, who upon seeing Ashe knew who she was, and called dad back that she had been found.”
Luka looked at Ashe in disbelief. “Is this true?”
“Yeah…” Ashe said.
“Ashley!” May said, getting on the boat. She hugged her daughter. “Don’t scare us like that!”
“I was fine” Ashe said.
May broke the hug. “Your father was really worried.”
“Good!” Ashe said. “He deserves it!”
“What’s gotten into you?” May said.
“Everything!” Ashe said.
May was shocked. “Well, I’m sure we can talk it over with your father once we get to London.”
“No!” Ashe said. “I hate it in London! I’m never going back! Everyone hates me there!”
“Honey, you can’t mean that” May said
“I do!” Ashe cried out. “School is a nightmare. Dad’s away a lot of the time. You left me. No one cares about me…”
May saw that her child was upset. “Well, I’m sure we can figure something out,” she said.
“NO! I’m never going back! You can’t make me!” Ashe grabbed her bass and ran off of the ship.
“Come on! We gotta follow her!” Luka said.
“Right!” Richard said. The band, Richard, May, and Anarka all chased after her.
Ashe found an isolated space. She sat down, took out her bass, and started strumming. She stopped and broke down crying.
Meanwhile, in Hawk Moth’s lair, Hawk Moth monologued. “Well well, a lonely soul who just wants to be free. Surely we can help this struggling artist. Fly away, my little akuma, and set her free!”
The akuma flew off and fused with Ashe’s bass. “Dark Kitty! I am Hawk Moth. Your new friends and new band are about to be taken from you? I won’t allow it! I’m giving you the power to make sure you and your band throw the best concert Paris has ever seen! The cover charge for the acquisition of this venue will be Ladybug and Cat Noir’s miraculous!”
“Yes Hawk Moth” Ashe said. The purple-black aura formed around her. The was about the time everyone else caught up with her. Once the aura faded, she now had the look of a black leather tank top with three belts on it, a black leather skirt, black stockings, black pumps, black shoulder pads with white edges that carried a black cape, and a black Kitty Section mask with a white horn and white streaks of lightning coming out of the eyes at the top.
“Ashley?” May said.
“It’s Dark Kitty now, mom!” she said. “And me an my band are about to put on the greatest concert Paris has ever seen! However, you aren’t invited. You can still see the concert, but you have to view it from the special ‘downer’ section.” She strummed her bass, aimed it at the three adults, and then transported them.
“Where’d they go?!” Luka said.
“I just told you” Dark Kitty. “Now, it’s time for us to set up!”
“Hold on! We’re not going to play like this!” Rose said.
“Yeah! We’re not your band!” Ivan said.
“What they said” Juleka echoed.
“You’re turning me away too?” Dark Kitty said. “After we had such a good time this afternoon?”
“We had a good time with Ashe! Not you!” Luka exploded.
“Pity” Dark Kitty said. “Still, I have the power. You will be there.” She strummed, aimed, and made her bandmates disappear. “Now, every good concert needs some attendees. Let’s work on that!” Dark Kitty began to prowl.
Marinette and Alya were out delivering food. “This is great” Marinette said.
“Yeah, but it would be easier if we had a car and could drive” Alya said.
Marinette bumped into Adrien. “Sorry” they said at the same time.
Alya started laughing. “I’m sorry. It’s just that moments like this make me realize that you two were always meant to be a couple.”
“Thanks?” Marinette said.
“So, what are you doing out here?” Adrien asked.
“Well, we’re helping the local food pantry by running some deliveries” Marinette explained.
“Wow” Adrien said. “If you’d have told me, I would have helped.”
“Well, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing” Alya explained. “We were trying to help Mylene out since she was feeling down.”
“I see” Adrien said. His eyes widened. “LOOK OUT!” He grabbed Marinette and ran off.
Alya was confused, but was then hit by a bass blast from Dark Kitty. “WOOOOOOOOO!” She said. She began walking off.
“That’s it!” Dark Kitty said. “Now, let’s find more concert goers!” She went off in a different direction.
Adrien and Marinette were hiding in some bushes. They nodded at each other. “Tikki! Spots on!”
“Plagg! Claws out!” They transformed and followed Dark Kitty.
At the food pantry, Mylene and Lorenzo were wrapping up for the evening. “I’ve gotta say, this has been a wonderful experience” Mylene said.
“Well, you’re welcome to come anytime” Lorenzo said. He smiled. “I had a good time too.” There was a silence. “Say, I know this might sound crazy, but would you want to go out with me?”
Mylene was shocked at the offer. She remained calm and said “Sorry. You’re a really nice guy and all. But I have a boyfriend already.”
“Oh” Lorenzo said. “Of course.” He sighed.
“It’s OK” Mylene said.
“Yeah…” Lorenzo. “It’s just, see, I had a crush on this girl but she moved away before I could do anything about it.”
“Oh no” Mylene said.
“Yeah. I’ve been in kind of a funk since” Lorenzo said. “I’ve been volunteering to get my mind off of it.”
“What a coincidence” Mylene said. “I decided to volunteer because I don’t know what I want to do with my life yet.”
“Hm. I guess we’re just two peas in a pod” Lorenzo said.
They heard some noise coming from the front of the food pantry. “What was that?” Mylene asked.
“I’ll check it out. You stay here and hide. Call the police if I don’t get back!” Lorenzo said, leaving the area. Mylene peered through the door only to see Dark Kitty putting Lorenzo under her spell. “WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!”
“Perfect! Pretty soon ALL of Paris will come to my concert!” Dark Kitty said. Mylene went back and hid. Dark Kitty saw the door flap.
She was about to investigate further when she was cut off. “Great. Another situation caused by a Kitty Section rip-off” Ladybug said.
“I’m the real deal. Dark Kitty’s the name, and I’m the latest member of Kitty Section” she said. “Everyone’s setting up at the Eiffel Tower. I’m out here rounding up a few fans!”
“Wow! A Kitty Section concert at the Eiffel Tower?! Can you Mark us down for tickets?” Cat Noir asked.
“Of course I want you two to attend, but the price of entry is going to be your miraculous!” Dark Kitty said. She fired off blasts from her bass, while Ladybug and Cat Noir dodged it. They kept dodging and moving around.
Judgement Wolf managed to sneak up on Dark Kitty and get a hit in. “Judgement Wolf!” Ladybug and Cat Noir said.
“That’s gotta Sting!” Cat Noir added
“Sorry I’m late. I had to hide to transform” he said.
“You! How lame of you to do a sneak attack like that!” Dark Kitty said. “For that, you’re going to the downer section!” She played her bass
“No!” Cat Noir said. He tried to save Judgement Wolf, but ended up getting hit and transported as well.
Judgement Wolf and Cat Noir ended up in a black box. “Well that Wentz south fast” Cat Noir said.
“OK, what are you doing?” Judgement Wolf said.
“Famous bassists” Cat Noir said.
“I see” Judgement Wolf said.
“Cat Noir! Can you get us outta here?” Anarka said.
“And please! Save my daughter! She was just Akumatized!” May said.
“Yeah, I’m sure your Cataclysm could break through this” Judgement Wolf said. He looked out the window that was there. “But maybe here is safer.”
“Why?” Cat Noir asked. He got a look out and he saw that the box was floating above the city close to the Eiffel Tower. He also got a look at the other members of Kitty Section who were just standing still, deep within a trance. “Oh. Yeah, we could escape, but Dark Kitty could just put us back here if she found us. Plus, we have you guys to worry about. Not to mention that drop. I think we need to bide our time for now. Ladybug will come through in the end.” They all nodded.
At the food pantry, Dark Kitty turned and said “Now Ladybug! It’s time for you to join them!” However, Ladybug was nowhere in sight. “Where’d she go?”
“Dark Kitty” transmitted Hawk Moth. “Don’t worry about her for now. You’re putting on a spectacle the likes of which Paris has never seen. You also have captured two of her teammates. She’ll have to come to you sooner or later.”
“Of course Hawk Moth” Dark Kitty said. She left the food pantry.
Ladybug hid in the back room and sighed once Dark Kitty left. “Ladybug?” Mylene called out.
“GAH!” Ladybug shrieked. “Oh good. I thought you were under her spell or something.”
Mylene shook her head. “Are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine” Ladybug said. “Are you OK?”
Mylene nodded. “I think so.”
“Good. I need you to stay here and keep out of sight” Ladybug said.
“I can’t just do nothing!” Mylene said. “If what she said is true, she has my boyfriend! I can’t let her get away with that.”
Ladybug sighed. “I understand how you feel. She has my boyfriend as well.”
“Cat Noir?” Mylene said.
“Yeah…” Ladybug blushed. “But the best thing for you to do right now is stay put. I have powers. You don’t. Imagine how your boyfriend would feel if you got hurt because of him.”
Mylene thought about it. “I get it.”
“Thank you” Ladybug said. “Now, let’s not go into enemy territory empty handed. Lucky Charm! A sword?”
“Wow. That’s a bit more violent than your Lucky Charm usually is” Mylene remarked.
Ladybug remembered the sword. “I’m not going to use it violently. I’ve gotta make a stop!” Ladybug left.
Marientte walked into Master Fu’s parlor to see Master Fu and Hao-yu. “Master! Hau-yu! Paris is in trouble and Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Judgement Wolf are incapacitated!”
“I see. Let’s fix that” Master Fu said. He opened up the miracle box. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Choose wisely; such powers are meant to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over you will retrieve the Miraculous from them.”
Marinette had a look in the box. She grabbed the mouse miraculous. “If she wants something big, maybe we should fight with something small.”
“An excellent choice” Master Fu said.
“Gotta go! By Master! By Hau-yu!” Marientte left.
“Does this happen often?” Hau-yu asked.
“Well it’s been getting more frequent” Master Fu said.
Mylene was sitting around in the back of the food pantry. “I wish there was something I could do,” she said.
“And there is” Ladybug said. Mylene was surprised. “Mylene Haprele. Here is the mouse miraculous. Which grants you the power of multiplication. You will you it for the greater good. Once the job is complete, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?”
Mylene nodded. “Of course Ladybug!” She grabbed the box and opened it.
Mullo popped out. “Ah. How exciting!”
“Oh my!” Mylene said.
“Don’t worry. I’m nice!” Mullo said. She reached out her hand
Mylene smiled and shook Mullo’s hand. She put the miraculous on. “So, what do I do?”
“Just say ‘Mullo! Get Squeaky!’”
“Ok. Mullo! Get Squeaky!” Mylene transformed into a hero with a pink headband going over her hair that has Cat Noir-like mouse ears, a mostly grey skin-suit with black hands and black boots, a black belt with a pink buckle, and a grey Ninja Turtles-like mask. “Wow!”
“Now, let’s get going!” Ladybug said. The two heroes lept into action.
Dark Kitty was getting everything set up for the concert. The crowd had amassed, the lights and sound were set up,the band had these stands they were on, there was a big TV attached to the Eiffel Tower, and news crews were reporting on it. “Oh! I’m so excited!” she said.
In Hawk Moth’s Lair, he had a thought. He nodded at Nathalie and contacted Dark Kitty. “Dark Kitty. I have a favor to ask of you. Tell Judgement Wolf to meet me at the Arc de Triomphe. I want to speak with him.”
“Really? OK” Dark Kitty said. She got on her stand and told her unwilling band mates “I’ve got another errand to run, but then we can start our concert. Isn’t this exciting?!”
“Yes Dark Kitty” they all said in unison.
Dark Kitty hopped on her stand and it became a board that she could fly through the air on. She flew to the black box and said “Hey wolfy! Hawk Moth wants to meet with you at the Arc de Triomphe. So I’m letting you go. Don’t try anything funny.” She strummed her bass and Judgement Wolf fell through the floor.
Judgement Wolf found his direction and landed safely. “Huh. I wonder what this is about” he said. He made his way to the Arc.
Once he got there, he was face to face with Hawk Moth. “Hello Judgement Wolf.”
“What’s stopping me from using my power on you right now?” Judgement Wolf asked.
“Straight to the point” Hawk Moth said. “My assistant Mayura is close to the concert. She’ll create a sentimonster if you don’t cooperate. And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
Ladybug is already down Cat Noir and myself. Plus, from what I’ve seen, all of the other known heroes have been put under Dark Kitty’s spell. If she can even find a new hero, that’s still going to make it a bigger mess than it could be. “Fine. What do you want?” Judgement Wolf relented.
“Good boy” Hawk Moth said, condescendingly. “I was hoping you could help me. Nooroo says you could.”
“That’s odd…” Judgement Wolf said. “I thought you didn’t want to reveal yourself.”
“I don’t” Hawk Moth countered. “But Nooroo says you could help me in other ways.”
Meanwhile, Ladybug and Mylene’s hero form arrived at the Eiffel Tower. They managed to keep out of sight. “Alright, we need to think of a plan” Ladybug said. “Hey, what should I call you?”
She thought about it for a bit. “Scouries” she said.
“I see. I like it” Ladybug said. “I bet Cat Noir will too.” The two heroes giggled. “Now then. Lucky Charm! A bag of marbles?” Ladybug looked at Scouries, the intricate set-up, the black box floating in the sky, and Dark Kitty’s bass. “I bet her akuma is in the bass.”
“Are we going to make her trip and fall? Like in the cartoons?” Scouries asked.
“Not in that sense, no” Ladybug said. “But we can trip her up. Here’s the plan.”
Judgement Wolf was in the midst of his conversation with Hawk Moth. “So, you need my help with something.”
“Yes” Hawk Moth replied.
“I’m not turning my back on Ladybug” Judgement Wolf said.
“Of course. If I thought you were that kind of person, I wouldn’t need to coerce you like this” Hawk Moth said.
“You are a tricky fellow” Judgement Wolf said. “What do you want?”
“Well, there are a lot of details to get into” Hawk Moth said. “I was hoping we could plan for future meetings here.”
“I see” Judgement Wolf said. “In that case, let’s lay some ground rules. No meeting on days with akuma attacks.”
“Agreed” Hawk Moth said. “But that doesn’t mean I’m just going to give up.”
“Same” Judgement Wolf said. “Also, we should keep the meeting place consistent. I hate having to run around and get vaguely sourced invitations to meet someone.”
“Very well” Hawk Moth said. He closed his eyes. “Well, it looks like the show is about to begin. Maybe you can go and watch it for yourself.” Hawk Moth left in a hurry. Mayura fell back as well.
“Well, that was interesting” Judgement Wolf said. “Let’s see how big this concert is going to be.” Judgement Wolf left as well.
The cameras started rolling. Dark Kitty called out to everyone “Alright Paris, are you ready to party?!” The crowd cheered back. “Then let’s get started. Hit it!” The band played “I Love Unicorns.” The crowd loved it. “Thank you! Thank you!”
There was some strange clapping. Dark Kitty looked down and saw that it was Ladybug. “That was a nice opening act there. Now it’s time for the headliner” Ladybug told her.
“Ladybug. You’re just in time for the show” Dark Kitty said. She used her bass to blast at Ladybug. Ladybug dodged it and leapt up to the lights. Dark Kitty kept blasting, but Ladybug kept dodging to the rest of the band, to the tv, and to the stereos. Finally she made her way to the mixing booth. Her earrings started to beep. “Ha! You’ve already used your Lucky Charm. All I have to do is wait you out!”
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t worry about that just yet” Ladybug said. The TV went to static. The lighting fixture got detached and was hanging by a thread. The instruments began falling apart. The mic became unplugged. The TV fell off behind the band, luckily hurting no one.
“Grrrrrr. How did you do that?!” Dark Kitty demanded.
“I used my Lucky Charm, didn’t I?” Ladybug said.
Dark Kitty was still mad. “Well, seeing as you’re almost out of time, I just have to do this.” Dark Kitty aimed her bass carefully at Ladybug and strummed it.
Ladybug was teleported into the box as well. “Ladybug! They got you too?” Cat Noir said.
“Relax Kitty, this is all part of my plan” Ladybug said. She looked around. “Where’s Judgement Wolf?”
“Hawk Moth wanted to talk with him” Cat Noir said.
“I see. Well, we’ll talk about that later” Ladybug said.
“Care to Phil me in on this plan of yours?” Cat Noir said.
“Sinc we’re here, let’s free these people” Ladybug said.e
“Gotcha. Cataclysm!” Cat Noir called out.
Dark Kitty was standing there, having just dealt with Ladybug. “Now that that’s settled, let’s fix this!” She went to play her bass when she noticed little marbles sliding down the strings. “What the?” The black box exploded, and Ladybug and Cat Noir freed everyone.
Dark Kitty took her bass off to fix the problem, but she got kicked in the back by a returning Judgement Wolf. “Oops” he said. Her bass began to fall, but she went to grab the strap. However, once she got a hold of it, the strap broke off from the bass and the bass continued to fall.
“Equalize!” Scouries’s voice called out. A full-sized Scouries then appeared forming from a bunch of little Scourieses. She then used her jump rope to attack and subdue Dark Kitty.
“Nice” Judgement Wolf said.
“Thank you” Scouries said.
Ladybug and Cat Noir came back from rescuing everyone. “Where are they? Lemmy attem!” Cat Noir said.
“Relax” Scouries said. “It’s almost over.”
The bass crashed to the ground and broke, freeing the akuma. “Thanks” Ladybug said. “No more evildoing for you, little akuma. TIme to deevilize! Gotcha. Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!” She threw the bag of marbles in the air. The ladybug fixed all of the damage caused by Dark Kitty.
Ashe appeared out of the purple-black aura with her bass. “What happened?”
“Pound it!” the heroes said.
“So, I’ve been defeated once again” Hawk Moth said. I might be low now, but I do have a bass-line for my plans for the future!”
Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Scouries’s miraculous began to beep. “We should go. Are you OK by yourself?”
“Yeah. I think so” Ashe said.
Ladybug nodded. “Bug out!” The four heroes left.
Once they were hidden, Scouries asked “I know you know, and I know Judgement Wolf has to know, but why is Cat Noir here?”
“Well, we’ve resolved to be more open about our plans for dealing with Hawk Moth” Ladybug said.
“I can leave if you don’t want me to know” Cat Noir said.
“No. It’s fine” Scouries said. “Mullo! Un-Squeak!” She transformed back into Mylene. Cat Noir and Judgement Wolf raised their eyebrows.
“Good luck on Mr. Wolf’s test” Mullo said.
“Thanks” Mylene replied. She gave back the miraculous. “Well, I should get going.”
“Wait! How did you do all of that?” Cat Noir asked.
“Oh. Well, I activated my power, which caused a bunch of little clones of me to appear. I then hid in Ladybug’s hair as she took me around to various places. While she was distracting Dark Kitty, I was doing whatever I could to mess up the concert. Once Dark Kitty aimed her bass at Ladybug, I jumped off of Ladybug with the marbles she summoned and onto the bass to mess with that.”
“I see. How clever” Judgement Wolf said.
“Well, you know what they say. Les is more” Cat Noir said. Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“I really should get back to the food pantry” Mylene said. “Seeya!” She ran off.
Ladybug and Cat Noir ran out of time and detransformed. “Well, speaking of being more open” Marinette said.”What were you doing with Hawk Moth?”
Judgment Wolf looked at them and said, “He wanted to speak with me. I think he wants help.”
“You’re not going to give it to him, are you?” Adrien asked.
“It depends on the type of help he wants” Judgement Wolf said. “He didn’t seem to have an interest in using me. However, I suspect that there may be more to this than expected.”
“Well, I trust you” Marinette said. “Just keep us informed.”
“Will do” Judgement Wolf said. He left.
Marinette grabbed Adrin’s arm. “Come on. Let’s return this together.”
“RIght” Adrien nodded. The two walked over to Master Fu’s.
Ashe came out of the Eiffel Tower. “Ashley!” May called out. Ashe looked up and saw her mom, Luka and Juleka’s parents, and the band sans Ivan. May came up to Ashe and gave her a hug. “It’s OK.”
Ashe hugged back. “Thanks mom.”
The hug ended. “Tell you what. It’s pretty late. Why don’t you spend the night with me and Richard and I’ll talk with your father and see what we can do.”
“Thanks” Ashe said. She looked at Kitty Section. “If it’s alright with you, and if I’m allowed to stay, I would still like to be a part of the band. But I understand if you wouldn’t want that?”
“Are you KIDDING?!” Rose said. “We’d love to have someone like you.”
“Yeah. You kind of cool” Juleka said. “A little troubled, but we all are.”
“Besides, you’re practically like our step-sister” Luka said. “How could we say no to family?”
Ashe hugged Luka. “Thanks!” Rose and Juleka got in on the hug. “Where’s Ivan?”
“He said he had some business to take care of” Luka said.
Lorenzo entered the food pantry. “Mylene! It’s safe to come out now!”
Mylene walked out texting someone. “Oh, hi Lorenzo” Mylene said.
“Mylene! Thank goodness you’re alright!” Lorenzo said, hugging her. He broke the hug soon after. “Are you OK?”
“Yeah. I just hid here until the whole thing blew over” Mylene said.
“MYLENE!” Ivan said, entering. He saw her across the room. He ran up and hugged her. “Are you  alright?”
“I’m fine Ivan” Mylene said. “But thanks for asking. Lorenzo, this is my boyfriend.”
“I see” Lorenzo said. “You have a great girlfriend.”
“Thanks?” Ivan said.
“So, where do you go to school?” Mylene asked.
“Well, I just moved here last week. Starting tomorrow, I’m transferring to Francois Dupont High School” Lorenzo said.
“Really?! That’s where we go to school” Ivan said.
“Really? Well, then I guess I’ll see you around then” Lorenzo said. He walked out.
“What was that about?” Ivan asked.
“He’s just been having a hard time recently” Mylene said.
“Well, maybe we should help him,” Ivan said.
“I like that idea” Mylene replied. The two shared a kiss.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
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I was as quiet as a little church mouse, doing my best to make sure that my boots didn’t make much noise on the dirt, I had no lights putting my little bag on my horse ted giving him a little pet to keep him quiet, I climbed on and made sure to go slow and quiet trying to sneak away into the night,
“Where are you off to whitey?” I heard making me jump out of my skin 
"God bloody damn it maggie ya almost made me shit myself" I complained 
"Where are you going?"
"Just goin' for a ride?"
"At this hour?"
"Yeah. Its a nice night though I'd take a ride"
"Where to?"
"Ohh nowhere In Particular" I answered sheepishly
"So, you ain't heading off to bella luna?"
"Uuuuuuughhh… ummmmmm no. Of course not I uhh I don't even know the way" I lied 
"Don't you whitey?"
"Uhhh no. No Idea" 
"You got a couple days off from the office ain't ya?"
"Alright" she nods "have a nice time whitey" she says slipping a couple of bucks in my hand and winking at me before she went back in her house I nodded and headed of quickly and quietly out of labelle, past the old witches place and off towards the place I admittedly know very well, it took a while by now the moon high into the sky as I arrived on the vast property, with to he large Impressive beautiful black and blue house. I tied ted up in the stable beside the house hearing the music from within light spilling from each and every window, I went over stepping onto the portch where I saw Lillian stood smoking her ciggertte
"Ah evening whitey,"
"Evening, ya girls busy tonight?"
"As always" she smiled I headed inside and saw the usually sites the lovely house full of chairs and tables all with men with women on their laps wearing not much at all, the large stairwell in the middle of the hall where any free girls stood often with their fans, music playing from the piano by the bar, I looked around a moment and then I heard her 
"My my, deputy whitey winn, haven't seen you in a while" 
I looked up and saw her in that beautiful blue dress her hair in beautiful curls a blue rose knotted up on her hair, her black and blue fan in her hand gently batting at herself
"Well I had to make time to come visit the most beautiful lady in new mexico"
"Humm you kidder" she laughed coming down the stairs hitting me playfully with her fan, "why are you really here mr winn? My little house in trouble?" 
"No, not at all madam. I simply… missed ya" 
"Did you now? Alright" she smiled "go on up I'll be there in a moment" she smiled kissing my cheek I nodded and happily headed up the stairs "lilly your in charge honey" she smiled before following me up to her room…
I smirked laying in the soft cotton sheets, watching as y/n stood doing her hair fixing her hair in her little vanity mirror completely naked I couldn’t help smirking and staring at her sexy ass, I sat up a little bit and slapped her ass 
“Excuse me” she complained 
“What? Don’t ya love me my little butterfly?”
“I do, but I still do not enjoy -”
“Getting a spankin’, well sometimes ya need it” I smirked
“And sometimes you need a very serious spanking whitey” she giggled 
“Ya love it, ya wanna come and ride on me a little while” 
"Well, save a horse, ride a cowboy, as I always say" she smirked climbing onto my lap
“And often do” I smirked slapping her ass pulling her closer “so shall we have a little more fun before I have to ride on back to Labelle?”
“Don’t you wanna stay here with me?”
“Of course, I wanna stay with my little butterfly”
“Then your staying here with me” she smirks kissing me gently 
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andthest0ryg0es · 7 years
Do You Really Want Me - Chapter 30
Izzy is quiet on the ride from her house to his, scrolling through social media, wondering why Jared pushed her away. “He doesn’t want me,” Izzy texts Kate.
“He left? We’re on our way to his place for dinner now,” Kate responds immediately.
“We’re in the car. He kissed me. I wanted him. He didn’t want me.”
“Did he say he didn’t?”
“He wouldn’t let me touch him and said we needed to leave,” she texts back quickly.
“Who are you texting so frantically over there?” Jared asks, reaching across the car to squeeze her thigh.
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“Why don’t you want me?” Izzy blurts out, without thinking, tossing her phone in her purse.
“What?” Jared questions, oblivious to her thoughts. “Babe, why would you think that I don’t want you? Of course I do. Are you crying again?”
“No. Yes. You kissed me. I wanted more. You wouldn’t let me touch you,” Izzy explains, breaking down once more.
Jared quickly pulls the car over onto the shoulder, slamming it into park. “Look at me,” he orders. “Let’s get one thing straight right now,” he tells her, softening his tone and wiping her tears away. “I want you every day. I want you now. I’ll want you tomorrow when you’re standing over the coffee press and everyday after that. Iz, I love you.” Izzy glares at him, unhappy with his response and bites at her lip. “What?”
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“Sex, Jared. Make up sex. It’s kind of our thing,” Izzy cries out. “You didn’t want me.”
“Ohhhh, I did but I didn’t want to rush it,” he tells her honestly, trying to fight his smile. “Trust me when I say it was very hard.” Jared kisses Izzy’s lips tenderly when her eyes flicker to the bulge in his pants. “Don’t be dirty, princess.” Izzy giggles and kisses him again, quickly, licking her lips. “Later, I promise.”
When Izzy and Jared pull up at his place Shannon’s jeep is already inside the garage. Izzy hops out of the car, darting inside the house. She runs right past Shannon and everyone else still working and straight to Kate, who is opening a bottle of wine. “No! If I can’t you can’t,” Izzy tells her, leaning over the glass and taking in the scent of the wine. “I can have a sip, right?”
“No!!!!!” Shannon and Jared shout simultaneously. Kate pushes Izzy’s nose from inside her glass.
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“Self respect,” Kate suggests, holding back her laughter. “Let me get you a nice bottle of water.”
“I hate all of you!” Izzy pouts, hopping onto a barstool.
Jared walks around wrapping his arms around Izzy’s waist and kissing her cheek. “She’s been a bit m-o-o-d-y today,” he tells Kate and Shannon, trying to make her smile.
Shannon laughs loudly, hushing it immediately when Izzy glares at him. “You’re so pretty, Iz,” Shannon tells her, smiling goofily and hiding behind Kate.
“Pregnancy hormones are a real thing guys,” Kate says, practically forcing herself between Izzy and Jared, running her hand down her friend’s back. “Leave her alone. She’s had an emotional week.” Jared kisses Kate’s cheek and nudges her ribs lightly, reminding her that he’s got Izzy’s back.
“Hey, I can hear you talking about me,” Izzy tells both Kate and Jared. “I’m not ‘m-o-o-d-y’. Why don’t you try having everyone around you point out everything you can’t have,” Izzy snarls at Jared. “It just sucks,” she mumbles, leaning her back against Jared’s chest. Jared tightens his grip around Izzy, holding her tight and kissing her face repeatedly until she laughs.
Shannon places a small gift bag on the bar and slides it over to Jared and Izzy. “What’s that?” Jared asks, leaning over the bar to peer into the bag.
“Just open it,” Shannon insists, his eyes full of pride. “It’s for the baby,” Shannon says excitedly as Jared picks the bag up, immediately handing it to Izzy to open. Izzy pulls a tiny t shirt from the bag emblazoned with a pair of sunglasses that says “COOL LIKE MY UNCLE” on the front.
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“That’s so small,” Jared sounds frightened but Izzy rushes around the bar throwing her arms around Shannon, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you, Uncle Shannon,” she tells him with a giant smile on her face. Shannon holds her in a bear hug and they both look at Jared carefully examining the tiny garment.
“Imagine if I had given you guys the shoes I found,” Shannon laughs, wiggling his eyebrows as Jared finally looks up at the two of them.
“What’s for dinner?” Kate asks, taking Izzy’s hand and slowly pulling her from Shannon’s arms. Jared and Shannon glare at each other from across the bar, silently conversing about dinner while the girls sneak out of the room together.
Kate pulls Izzy towards one of their favorite couches and they plop down. “You sure you’re okay?” Kate asks, smoothing Izzy’s hair off her shoulder.
“I’m fine, Kate. You don’t have to worry so much,” Izzy assures her, holding her friend’s hand in her lap as they cross their ankles on the coffee table like they always do.
“I’m always gonna worry. That’s my job. Now I get to worry for two of you,” she says, running her hand across Izzy’s stomach.
“He loves me,” Izzy tells her. “He’s a moron, but he loves me,” she says laughing.
The guys emerge from the kitchen with plates of food in their hands and set them on the dining table but the girls are too wrapped up in their bubble again to notice. Jared smiles seeing Izzy happily wrapped up in Kate’s arms and legs again. “Is it wrong that I still find that hot, now that Kate’s technically my sister in law?” he asks Shannon, pointing towards the girls as Kate places a kiss on Izzy’s shoulder.
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Shannon smacks him upside the head. “That’s my wife, man,” he protests, but then breaks into a huge smile. “But they are still hot,” he admits. “Girls, time for dinner,” Shannon calls out to the girls from where they’re standing.
“Omg, that smells amazing,” Izzy says loudly, pulling Kate up from the couch with her and dragging her into the dining room.
“Iz, it’s pizza. They ordered pizza,” Kate laughs, shaking her head as they walk through the room.
“Hey, if I cooked my unborn child would be homeless,” Jared deadpans, grabbing Izzy by the waist as she walks by.
“I still have a house,” she nudges him with her elbow, kissing his cheek.
“Barely, I nearly burnt it down last night. Better safe than sorry.” Jared tries to fake a pout but Izzy quickly captures his lips in a sweet kiss that they are both automatically lost in.
Kate rolls her eyes at their affection, “Okay you two, I’m sure you’ve done enough of that in the last 24 hours.”
“We haven’t actually,” Izzy pokes her lip out, not wanting to take her eyes off Jared when they finally break apart.
“Soon,” Jared whispers his promise, pulling her to sit with him at the table instead of where he’d initially sat her plate, whispering his love for her over and over again in her ear as she engages in conversations with Shannon and Kate.
“So, Jared what do you think you’ll do when that baby starts moving around in there, poking out of her stomach like an alien trying to escape,” Kate asks, completely ignoring the look of horror on Izzy’s face.
“Wait. What?” Izzy questions.
Kate continues, “Iz, you don’t remember when we were in college and that bimbo in your sorority got knocked up. I thought that thing was gonna come out of her stomach. That shit is what made me decide never to have kids,” Kate explains with her hands. Shannon feels a sudden chill that makes him him jump out of his seat in disgust at the thought.
Jared wraps his arms tighter around Izzy’s waist, protectively embracing her stomach with a smile on his face. “I’ll sing him back to sleep after I record it to show my brother over and over again,” Jared says with complete confidence.  “You aren’t scaring me Kate. I’ve been doing my research. I know what to expect.”
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“We’ll see about that when it actually happens,” Kate huffs and Shannon instinctively wraps his arm around her, both soothing her and holding her in her place.
“I think he might handle it better than you,” Shannon whispers in her ear. Izzy laughs and kisses Jared’s cheek.
After dinner Kate grabs the plates to clean up, urging Izzy to stay put. “Babe, I’m gonna go talk to her,” Jared whispers after Kate disappears into the kitchen. Izzy promptly takes the seat over once Jared’s gone, returning to her conversation with Shannon.
“Hey, ummmmmm… Kate, did you know the first time I saw Izzy I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I made the biggest ass out of myself and you laughed at me. The second time and third time were pretty close to the first.”
“Yeah, Jared I remember,” Kate says rolling her eyes.
“You told me how stubborn she was and you convinced me that I should ask her out. It was you that pushed me and her. You bribed her to come over that night and you made her give me all those second chances. I know I fucked up and I know I lost your trust but I do love her.”
“She can’t be alone, Jared. You don’t know what that does to her.  You weren’t there. You don’t know how broken she was when her mom and brother died or when her dad lost it or when her fiancé cheated on her. I was. This, what you did on that beach, was worse. I’d never seen her that upset before,” Kate confides in Jared.
“I’m really grateful to you and Shannon for taking care of her when I fucked up. And I swear to you that it’s never going to happen again. When I realized how long I’d been gone and she wasn’t there anymore I lost my fucking mind. When I ran into Shannon I was searching for her and you attacked me and everything got fucked up,” Jared tells her.
“You hurt her. Make her cry one single day and Jared Joseph Leto, I swear to you on the life of your unborn child that I will make sure you suffer a slow and painful death,” Kate warns him, poking her finger into his chest.
“I’d expect nothing less,” he responds, grabbing her pointing finger and pulling her in for a reluctant hug. “I’ve got a surprise for you and my brother, but mostly for you,” he tells her after releasing her, pulling a printed airline ticket from a kitchen drawer. “I was an ass and I ruined your honeymoon and I’m sorry. I thought you needed a redo.”
“What? You did not,” Kate yells excitedly. “I can’t believe you did that,” she continues, wrapping her arms around Jared, any lingering anger she may have had towards him resolving in that moment. “When did you…”
“The day I got home. Kate, I promise you can trust me. I’m not going anywhere. I love her and the tiny little monster growing inside of her with everything I’ve got.” Jared’s eyes light up with the mention of his child. “Don’t tell her I called him a monster. How can I already love something so much that I know nothing about?”
“That’s what fathers do,” Kate tells him with a smile. “You are going to be a great father, but, Jared, we don’t know if it’s a boy yet.”
Jared shrugs his shoulders and blows Kate off. “Izzy thinks it’s a boy. I’m following her lead on this one.”
“Following whose lead?” Shannon asks from the doorway.
“Your brother did something right! We get a redo on our honeymoon,” Kate tells him the news excitedly, completely ignoring his question.
“Awesome,” Shannon says nodding his approval at his brother. “Ummm, the pregnant girl outside wants chocolate sooo… I hope you fucking have some.”
“There should be a basket of Mast chocolate around here somewhere,” Jared says, immediately setting to work searching the pantry and cabinets for chocolate for the mother of his child. Shannon and Kate take their time finishing the dishes and wiping down the counters until Jared finds it, and the three rejoin Izzy in the living room.
“Hey Shan, do you think you and a few of the guys could help me move that stuff from Izzy’s this weekend,” Jared asks his brother as Izzy tears open a chocolate bar.
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“Move what?” Izzy asks, barely pausing in unwrapping her treat and shoving it in her mouth.
“The baby's stuff,” Jared tells her quickly, pulling his phone from his pocket and responding quickly to an email.
Izzy looks to Kate with an almost panicked expression. “But I thought you bought that stuff for the baby. Why would we move it?”
“I did,” Jared says slowly, realizing the tone in her voice has changed. He glances up to see Shannon staring back at him with a warning look. “Iz, we can hire a company if it would be easier. We can move everything at once.” Shannon’s face falls and he shakes his head in disbelief.
“Why?” Izzy asks him, crossing her arms in defense. Kate whispers in her ear to stay calm. “Calm, I’m calm. Jared, I’m not moving. I like my house. Kate and I bought that house when we first decided to move here. It smells nice and it’s girly and I have a hall and stairs and...it’s my home. This is your house. It’s all manly and bachelor pad. I can’t raise my child here. There’s always a hundred people around.”
“Iz, we can move to another part of the house. I’ll put walls wherever you want. Boundaries for Baby, we’ll call it,” Jared jokes, trying to pull her close for a hug.
“I’m not moving. Boundaries,” Izzy says sarcastically, pushing him away and standing. “You still have none. How should I expect your employees to have any?”
“Iz, that’s not true and you know it,” Jared points out boldly.
“First you break into my house and set up a whole nursery without any input from me and now you’re moving me into your house without a word. We haven’t discussed this at all,” Izzy barely manages to keep her voice below a scream.
“You said you loved the nursery, that it was perfect,” Jared defends.
“What if I wanted a different crib or lamp?” Izzy panics, searching for anything to prove her point.
“We’ll get whatever you want. It’s just stuff, Iz. I just wanted you to see I was serious about our family,” Jared tries to console his irrational girlfriend once more, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her back down to the couch. “It makes sense for you to move in here, I guess I just assumed you’d want to,” he sighs, looking to Kate and Shannon for help before he fucks this up worse.
“Shan,” Izzy starts to plead, closing her mouth promptly when Shannon looks up at her.
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“Izzy, you two need to work these things out on your own but you know he’ll worry when you’re there alone. Fuck, I’ll be worried. We’re almost always here. Why be alone when you could be here with family,” Shannon urges her, standing by her side and putting his arm around her shoulder. “That’s my blood in there. Think about it. You don’t have to decide today,” Shannon tells her, glaring at Jared to back off her just a bit.
“Kate, you’re on my side, right,” Izzy asks, wiping a tear as it falls.
Kate shakes her head. “Iz, I love you more than anything but you should be here. What if you go into labor or God forbid something happens and you’re alone. With this traffic it would take any of us nearly an hour to get to you. Besides, we need a bigger office. We could sell the house and use the equity for a bigger location with more storage for all our supplies we’ve gathered.”
Izzy looks at Jared but she’s too exhausted to fight with him tonight. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed,” Izzy says shortly, kissing Shannon on his cheek. Izzy pouts as she grabs Kate’s hand and pulls her away from Shannon and out of the room with her.
“I want my child with me too. I don’t want to miss anything. It makes sense,” Jared can be heard telling Shannon as the girls disappear down the hallway. Kate can’t hide the amused smirk on her face.
Izzy sighs. “What?” Izzy asks with a huff as she pulls Kate into Jared’s bed with her, tucking them both under the covers.
“You’re going to sleep at his place. You won’t move in with him, but…”
“Why does he just assume I’m going to move in with him? He didn’t talk to me about it at all! He does that all the time and it drives me crazy,” Izzy complains, cuddling into Kate’s arms as she strokes Izzy’s hair soothingly.
“You’ll train that out of him eventually,” Kate assures her. “But you can’t reject every idea he has simply because he had it. He’s right, and you know how much I hate to say that… Promise me you’ll at least think about it. We’ve got a while before the baby comes so you have time to think it over for a while. No one expects you to make that decision today,” Kate insists.
Izzy hums a reluctant, sleepy agreement, her eyes closed and her body relaxed. A few minutes later the boys slip into the room quietly. Kate disentangles herself from Izzy as Jared slips into the other side of the bed and pulls her close, whispering his thanks to Kate as she leaves the room with Shannon.
Tag List: : @msroxyblog @bradlea23 @babiiface16 @nikkitasevoli @maliciousalishious @snewsome756 @missechelon @iridescxntsolitude @meghan12151977  @jletos-guinness-girl @flowhi @bluegirl4life @blondiefrommars @ddg90 @iridescxntsolitude @cleoleto @elwin-smaragd
If you’d like added or removed from the list please let me know!
Thank you @jletolove4eva for getting me thru 2017 and putting up with my holiday writer’s block. You’re a saint and I love you.
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briteboy · 7 years
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yelling @ santi, i’m evil again (what else is new), SOME REALLY REALLY OLD ASKS, one GoT spoiler at the very bottom (beware)
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Lou and Fiona deserve happiness pls let it happen ty
they do ;-; it will happen, don’t worry, no one suffers forever <3 i’ve actually been planning out lou’s story and i’m excited to actualize it hehe
I just read all of Santis story. Dear god, it is amazing. I cannot begin to describe how much I love it. I have been really sick lately and have such a hard time concentrating on anything for more than one second but I have not been able to look away from this story, not even when I re-read it for the third time. You are an amazing writer and I have fallen in love with every charachter you have introduced. I teared up so many times and my heart began beating fast, it was really an experience.
OH MY GOD ;___________; YOU READ IT THREE TIMES WHAATDOSOIGODFSKL holy shit thank you so much, i don’t even know what to say right now lmao ;-; i’m just kinda in awe that i was able to grab your attention like that and that you enjoyed it so much and just askjdjfsd THANK YOU i can’t say anything else but just thank you, people like you make this all worth it <3 
A case of the novembers is the kinda story you read and you just know its going to stick with you for awhile. Like ones day, you'll be long gone in the future, doing something totally different, older wiser, all that bullshit, and you'll just randomly remember what a bittersweet story it was.
OMFG ;___; holy heck asjdjnfkdkjs this really got me right in the heart lmao. that’s the kind of story it’s always been for me and seeing other people interpret it that way as well is just mind boggling, thank you <3 
You are evil. My poor heart hurts. ;______________;
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you've ruined my life
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Life hack: listen to the entire Hamilton soundtrack whilst working out at the gym. By the end of it, you'll have lost half your body weight due to sweating and crying at the same time (pls help this was such a bad decision)
OMG that’s me with grimes’ art angels lmao i go hord to kill v maim and venus fly
hamilton fans also go hord i respect it. learn more about history get swole killing two birds with one stone
Okay this is so fucking random but a while ago you did a post where you talked about perfect bby gianni saying that he spent a lot of time in introspection and like Thank you 'cause now I have a word to put on this thing I do when I try to figure why I feel certain things or what my relationship with people/random shit is and why and yeah I kind of understand myself a little better now so thx a lot!!! 😘😘😘 Also, you're great.
i think i was actually talking about santi (’cause that’s where we’re at right now, in that period of introspection for him heheh) but YES omg that makes me so happy ;-; it’s a good word lmao and i do the same thing, in fact i’m always trying to figure out my relationships with everything in order to understand myself more. that’s kinda why i’m so into astrology haha. i’m glad you finally got to pin down that feeling for yourself, it’s the best when that happens <3 YOU’RE GREAT TOO 💫
let’s start protesting santi in the streets
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Hi!! Umm I'm guessing you do but just in case, did you know there was a tear accessory? I think it's an eyeliner (cause you mentioned having to draw them yourself)
yeah i do! i mentioned the ones by s-club, i’ve used those a couple times. but i like drawing them myself because i feel like it’s weird to have the same single teardrop every time one of my characters cries (and we all know they’ve been crying a lot lately lmfao) if they didn’t cry often i probably wouldn’t feel compelled to draw the tears. but i don’t mind drawing them honestly, it’s kinda fun lmao. thanks for your consideration <3 
so im sitting here thinkin....... what if santi goes on this trip and coms back and lou is in a relationship!?!?!
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i want to die
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wait santi tried to kys :'(
WHERE U BEEN he did  :{
what font do u use in your histories?
hi u have a really pretty blog and I hope you have a good day
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@teishajenaie on instagram looks like Rooney to me, idk if you'd agree but ??
i see it!! definitely in the eyes and nose. also sorry i answered this literally like 3 months later lmao
gooey by glass animals gives me santi vibes :) ive been listening to it on repeat (bc im tht bitch) and it was making me think of you and his story! c: i hope you dont mind me over here lmao anyway, im excited to see where it goes and real excited for a back story for lou!! <3 lots of love
omg haha that’s actually funny because i used it in that one scene of him tripping, although it’s like completely a gianni song to me (at least personality-wise, it’s even on his playlist on my character page) and noooo i don’t mind, i love that song and i love when people recommend me songs!! i have a whole bunch of recommendations in my inbox that i need to acknowledge omg. anyway I’M EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED, especially for lou’s story, it’s coming up reeeeeal soon <333
i feel so late to the party but i Just started reading your story like five minutes ago and im absolutely entranced by it already and i cant wait to catch up and finally understand what to heck is going on
this was sent literally forever ago when santi and molly were out there being wild in the desert lmao so i hope you caught up and everything. “entranced” omg that’s such a wonderful word i’m honored
i didnt think i could love you more but the fact that you watch arrested development makes me so happy. i cry. my boyfriend has a mr manager, bluths frozen bananas shirt thats literally my favorite thing ever.
OMGGG YES i watched it once forever ago and i need to re-watch it asap lmao. I’M PRETTY SURE I BOUGHT THAT SAME EXACT SHIRT FOR MY BROTHER FOR CHRISTMAS ONE YEAR
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Just a biiig prank. Huge
this one is from so long ago i don’t remember the context but i laughed at loud when i read it. huge
i was playing with uncharted for the first time today and they said Navarro in it and i was like THATS MY BOI SANTIII
santi infiltrating everyone’s lives my bf played uncharted tho!! it looked cool. like indiana jones. i liked the marketplace part. a monkey stole his apple
Hi sunny! I really am in love with your story (even if it's tearing me apart at the moment) and just wanted to say you're cool Stay strong ma dude
HI THANK YOU <333 you’re also cool my dude and i’m sorry for tearing you apart (if it makes you feel any better this story tears me apart on a daily basis)
what packs and expansions do u have for ur game?
ummmmmm all of them except vintage glamour and fitness stuff. i wish i didn’t buy some of the stuff packs lmao but what can ya do i actually didn’t even get vampires or bowling or parenthood until like a month ago lmao i’m late to the party
Oh shit she's been dead hasn't she. Like this is all a drug or alcohol infused bender of mollys memory, she's probably never left. They're probably still at the hospital. I hope I fucking wrong but shit I also hope not. Poor santi
we’re so far past this but i just wanted to publish this anyway lmao it was a good theory! and this person was so sure of it it kinda made me wish it was true lol. sorry if that disappointed you but i’ll always remember this one in my sad sad heart 💔
how long did it take for you to make friends here? I started a simblr because I really like storytelling with my sims & I thought it'd be fun to meet people who enjoy that, too, especially since I don't have many friends irl...but I've been here for quite a few months now and it seems like no one even cares that I'm here....everyone I try to interact with pretty much ignores me after a message or two....I'm just feeling really discouraged about my presence here :/
I’M REALLY SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THIS SOONER ASKJDKJFSDKA (i’m sure it didn’t help the fact that you feel ignored, i really really hope you see this) but okay uhhhhhhh i only had acquaintances from 2015 up until like this year? then i started really becoming close with people. so it took a while lol, but i think everyone starts off slow because it’s mostly about the actual game we’re playing at first and then making friends just happens through that. don’t get discouraged, like i said it took a while for me. you really just need to reach out to the people you’d like to become friends with, reply to their posts, give your genuine thoughts, say something that’ll make their day...people notice that no matter what they have going on, i promise. i hope you’re still here and hanging in there. don’t get caught up in who’s talking to you or not talking to you, just do your thing, enjoy what you do, and people will notice you. <3
3. Hi so I just wanted to say that I love your story, I'm here for every update. I'm an s3 player I play s4 every once in awhile but s3 has my soul. I love Santi and I know he will be happy in the end, whether it's with Lou or not(hopefully it is tho) I only want him to be happy. I go through so many emotions in one post, like this is a tv drama and I can’t wait for the next episode. This is the end of my cut and paste. Have a nice day.❤️
HI HELLO <3 this is so sweet and i can’t believe you actually care about my story lmao thank you i’m glad you have faith in his happy ending, i don’t want anyone to think i genuinely like making my characters suffer lmao. i only do it to make the happy ending more satisfying. asjdfjksd comparing my stuff to film or tv always makes me so giddy so THANK YOU ily <333
"Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes" (Beyonce) reminds me of Molly's situation soooo muchhhh aaaahhhhh
OMG YES what a good connection. good song good connection yaeeahhh better call molly with the good hair
Ummmm... hello! I just read through your whole story with Santi and I'm like... holy fuck. Not only is your story wonderful, your editing is so good. I'm surprised I didn't shove my eyes up against my computer screen. Please continue making wonderful things and being great. Signing off 12:31 in the morning, I hope you have as much fun as you want to
“as much fun as you want to” omfgasdkngjd why did that make me laugh so much. don’t have too much fun, have the responsible amount of fun anyway HELLO thank you soooooO much ;-; pls don’t shove ur eyes up against the screen i’m almost positive that’s not good for them. but i appreciate this so much thank YOU for being great <3 signing off at 2:18 in the morning after ignoring this message for months now (i’m sorryyyyyyy) but um ily
HELLO??? I JUST READ A SERIOUS CASE OF NOVEMBER FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I'M LIKE CRYING???? y u do dis to me I hate you and love you at the same time
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(I need to rant I'm sorry) My uncle is really positive towards the army and war and stuff like that and all day he's been going on about how it should be mandatory to serve in the military, especially for "little brat girls" like me? And it's stressing me out so much I want to cry :( The army and war is something that genuinely scares me and I don't want anything to do with it, but he's just going on and on! What should I do?
this is literally sooooooooo late and i feel so bad i’m sorry, i hope this still helps you out and i hope you see it tho okay. i’m pretty sure this was even before the trans military ban like whew idek what your uncle must think about that. tbh just ignore him, like i know it’s hurtful but like...what is his point in telling you this? i would’ve literally been like (sarcastically) “ok then sign me up” but i’m also a lil shit so that’s probably not the best thing to say. but really like the only thing he’s trying to do is feel powerful by means of expressing his militaristic (no pun intended) opinions to someone far younger than him. it’s so that he feels bigger and better than you (especially by calling you a brat). he’s a sad man and anyone who relies on the military, of all things, to shape a person probably doesn’t have a strong sense of self anyway. i love you okay, just ignore him, don’t let him stress you out <3
I'm a little high and it's late but I have a lot of courage now so I've been following you for a while and I just want to tell you how much I love your story! I have come across other places on tumblr who do this but none have captured me as this one did! You are amazing and I am in love with this story! Thanks fo being you! :)
ONMG YOU HAD TO BE HIGH TO SEND THIS LMAO that was me this weekend anyway thank you so much, it floors me every time anyone says these kinds of things to me and it never gets old ;-; you are so amazing ok <333
you can't possibly be offended by a homophobic joke in game of thrones, it's set in medieval times. they had several lgbt characters in it, it's not the show that's homophobic, it's the characters, which is accurate for that time period.
o i can and i will lmao i mean i get where you’re coming from but with that logic you could say it’s only accurate to put homophobic jokes in today’s media just because people are still homophobic in the time live in. i know it’s the characters, but you do understand that someone writes those characters, right? it’s bad writing. it’s lazy and pandering and because of that it’s offensive. idk if you know the exact dialogue i was referring to but it was so completely unnecessary lmfao. they could’ve made a million other jokes. regardless of how it offended me it was just BAD lmao
@ I wanna watch GoT anon: don't. It's just so fucking bad. The definition of overhyped tbh (and btw, sunny, PLS HELP HE SCREWED HIS FUCKING AUNT WTH)
LMAO SOMEONE ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME? wow bless u. it is definitely overhyped, like it was good at first but it’s been riding that hype through these past couple of seasons to disguise the bad writing. i understand being entertained by it, but i’m always surprised when people think it’s actually well written at this point...it’s so cringey and now thanks to the season finale this fanbase will be justifying incest. great!
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exofluffstuff · 8 years
Do you want to be my real girlfriend?
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(Requested Chanyeol’s Scenario) Words: 2,844 Genre: Fluff/Cute
Background: You got invited to start in the New  Season WGM (We got Married!) but you didn’t know that you were staring with you crush of all time. Will you guys fall in love? Or right after the end of the show, you guys break it up?
(Reader x Chanyeol) 
Reader P.O.V: 
Story: *Ring* *Ring* I heard a phone ring. It was my managers, phone ringing, “Hello”  he answered. “Yeah, this is her manager” he said. “OH!, wait until she hears this” he said. “Y/N!!” he called. “What happened, Jackson” I asked. “You need to hear this!” Jackson started to say. “ So, I got I call from the producer of We got Married and he said that he wanted you star on the new season” he said excited. “But I can’t, I got a lot of projects coming up and you know it!” I said. “But you don’t even know who is going to be with you” he winked. “And I don’t even want to know” I snapped. “You been drooling over him over the years and now you have the chance to be with him and actually get married to him and you don’t even want too!. Whats wrong with you girl!!” He said with a sassy attitude. “What the heck are you talking about, Jackson?” I said confused. “You know! don’t be dumb” he said. “You don’t play stupid with me Jackson, who is it?” I asked sounding curious. “Who else could it be?” Jackson said. “You know I can’t read your mind, you know that right?” I asked. “Of course, I know silly” he said smirking. “You know, it starts with a C and end with a L” he said marking each letter with his fingers. “Umm….Chantel? no that’s a girl’s name….ummmmm Channel, that’s another girl’s name…Ummmmmm” I said thinking out loud and I could hear Jackson laughing at me. “Ok I give up, you tell me” I said. “IT”S CHANYEOL, you silly girl” he said practically screaming. “OH!!! NO!! that can’t be!” I said. “You know I am very super duper awkward when I am alone with my crush!”  I said almost panicking. “Don’t worry about that!, all you have to do is just follow the script.” Jackson said. “Ok, so I will just follow the script. When do we start filming?” I asked. “Tomorrow” said Jackson proudly. “TOMORROW!, that’s to soon, I…I need to prepare myself!” I said. “ You’ll be ready don’t worry about that, Ok!” he said calming me down. I just nodded. 
The next day came in really quickly than expected, and I just started to get really nervous to the point that Jackson had to do everything for me. “Are you sure, you can do this?” he asked. “Yeah, yeah” I said. “Are you sure?” he asked concern as he picked up the phone. “Yeah! I can do it, please don’t cancel this is. This is a very rare opportunity and I don’t want to waist it!”. I said as I motioned him to put down the phone. “Ok but as soon as I see you really stressed out, I’ll cancel it, ok?” he said. i just agreed. What can go wrong this is just a televised show and nothing is real so why worry so much maybe after this we can stay as friends right?. *ding dong* the bell of the apartment rang. “I’ll get it” said Jackson. He opened the door and let the person in. “Are you ready miss?” asked a unfamiliar voice. “Yeah” I said. “Ok follow me, I’ll give you the ride to the set” he said as he looked at me and back to my manager. I decided to follow him and my manager followed behind us. We got out of my apartment and straight into the parking lot. The man got into a black van and told us to get in. Jackson opened the door and I headed in and he then got in. We buckled up and the man started to drive.After a 15 minute, we finally arrived at our destination. I hoped out of the car and a pretty girl was waiting for me. “Hello Y/N, I hope you had a pleasant trip. My name is Katy and I’ll the one asisting you and helping you through out this set. I will be basically your secretary just for a few days, just until we finish your shootings and everything with this show.” she said cheerfully. “Thank you Katy” I said with a smile. “Please call me Kat” she said. “Ok, Kat” I said with a wink. “We have to get you’re makeup done, oh and here’s you’re script just in case if you forgot one of the lines” Kat said. “Thank you very much” I said. She directed me to a very little room, where a women was organizing makeup and picking out lip tints. “Hello Y/N, I am July and I’ll be your makeup artist, fashionista and stylist just until the shot of ‘We got Married’ is over.” the women said. “Nice to meet you July” I said with a smile. She just nodded. “Seat here” she said motion me to sit down in a chair. I sat down and she quickly gave a very good look at me and said “You have very definied fetures, I see. You have very pretty big eyes ”. “Thank you” I said. “Ok, so let’s do a natural/polish look” she said with a smile. “I trust you!, do your Magic July” I said while agreeing with it. “Great, lets get started! Do you mind me putting on so music? It’s helps me to get more inspired” she explained. “Don’t worry, I love music” I answered. She got out her a phone and a bluttoth speaker, turn it on and put on the song that she wished so desperately to hear. As I hear the rythymn, I noticed that it was Lotto from Exo, I can’t but to sing to each every word. “So, are you a fan!” July asked as she applied primer. “Yes!!” I said sounding very happy/ excited. “Oh!! Somebody is very happy! Who is your bias?” July asked. “Is it Chanyeol??” Kat asked very curious. “Um…” I started to say but my cheecks failed me because I started to get red as a tomatoe. “It is isn’t?” Kat said. “I knew you two would be perfect together for this show!” Kat and July said in unison. “What?!” I asked. “Just before I came in, I heard Chanyeol said that he was a fan of your acting and that he was so happy that you got picked and accepted to act with him!” Kat said sounding very convincing. “Did he?” I said. “Yes!” she said with a glow of truth in her eyes. I can’t belive that this is happening, he being a fan of me!?. While I though that this was going to be a only sided crush thing but I see that maybe he could fall for me. After makeup, hair and outfit was done. Kat leaded me outdoor where we were going to start shooting. ‘Remember every line Y/N’ I said to myself. Just as we got to front of the coffee shop I could see the 3 camara men inside. One of them came to me to start filming my every move and word I said and did. I was very nervous, I could feel my hands shake but I kept on walking and smiling. I got inside the coffee shop and I could see Chanyeol looking awed at me. As I got closer, I could feel my heart race. He got up and said “Hi I am Chanyeol and I am very happy to finally meet you” I could sense that was also nervous. “Hello, I’m Y/N and I am very pleased to meet you” I said as I smiled widely at him. He just shuckled. “Please set down” he said as he motioned to sit down. “Would like anything at all” he said. “Yeah sure, can I have a vanilla latte?” I said sounding more as a question than I would wanted it to. “Ok, I bring it right up” he said as he walked away. After 5 minutes or so he came back with his drink and mine. “Thank you” I said sounding very cute. “You are such a cutie.” he said as he pinched my cheecks. I blushed. “But even cutier when you blush” he said smiling. I just nooded feeling embarased that my cheecks just failed me that instant. “How old are you” he asked. “I am 23, you?” I asked. “I am 26” he said. “What do you liked to do, besides acting?” he asked sounding curious. “I absolutly love watching movies, hearing music and dance to it” I said as I looked him the eyes. “Oh!, that’s good” he said raising his thumb and give me a thimbs up. I laugh as his suden ramdom reaction. He chuckled. We continued to talk just until the screw screamed ‘Cut!, that’s it for today’ bringing me back to reality. The director came to me and said “Sounding very natural, I love it!. Keep it up”. I thank him. He then left. “We’ll see you tomorrow then. I love every single part of it. I wish this was real though” Chanyeol said frowning. “Yeah me too” I said sounding sad. He then cheered up a little bit. “Chanyeol we have to go, you have to shoot a video with guys in 30 minutes” his manager screamed. “Ok, I’ll be there.” Chanyeol screamed back and looked at me. “It’s ok, see you tomorrow then!” I said as I walked to Katy. He smiled and waved to me. The man that drove me out of my apartment this morning came back and told me “Miss, ready to return back home?” “Yeah” I said. After the 15 minute drive, he droped me off. I walked to my apartment inserted the password and got in. At my entrance was a box of rosses. I looked to see if they had the right direction. Yes it does, weird. Who could it be?. I opened it and it revealed a letter and beautiful dark red roses. The roses were so beautiful, that I quickly put them in a vase with water. Then pick up the card and it said ’I had a very lovely day with you. I hope these roses remind you of me -Yours Truly Chanyeol’. What such a sweet letter, I could hear my heart and feel it racing. Is this even real, I asked myself over and over again. After me realizing that tomorrow morning I have to film again, I decided to head over to the shower and do my normal skincare routine. I did and decided that it was time to go to bed. But I could feel my emotions getting to me and I could even close my eyes. I decided to watch some movie or something. I went over to the kitchen and made a myself a mint tea and headed back to my room. I drank the tea while watching a movie that a channel was showing. After some minutes, I feel fast asleep. 
 The next day came as fast as the day before. I could hear my alarm ringing but I ignored it a couple of times. *ding dong* I heard my bell ring. I decided that it was time to wake up. I quickly got out of bed and to the bathroom to at least wash my face and brush my teeth. *ding dong* I heard the bell ring again. I quickly dried my face and ran  to the door. I opened the door to reveal :July, Katy and chauffeur. "Hi, why are you guys are here?" I asked. "Your manager gave us call, telling us that this was going to happen; and that's why we are here" Katy said. "Yeah, we need to hurry the crew are going to start filming in a hour!" said July. "We need to start now!" Katy said. Wow Jackson really knows me too much!. I just nodded. "Ok sear here" said July. I obeyed sat down. She quickly started to do my makeup and hair. After 15 minutes, July did all of her magic. "Ok I think we are ready"said July while looking for any imperfections. I nodded. "Ok time to go" the  said. chauffeur I agreed. We walked out my apartment and headed to the parking lot. I quickly recognized the black van and opened the door and headed in. "What's the theme of today's shooting?" I asked. "It's just a nice, cute date in the park" said Kat. "Nice!" winked July. I laughed.  After a 20 minute drive, we finally arrived at our designated location. The park looks just what I imagined. i never been here before though.  The van parked and I quickly headed out.  I saw the 3 camera men from yesterday and    Chanyeol looking more handsome than ever. I smiled and waved a camera men came to my side. “Hello” screamed Chanyeol with a smile. “Hi” I screamed back.  I walked towards him with a radiant smile and he returned the gesture. After sometime talking, he decided to lead me over where the scene of lake lays and randomly there was already a mini picnic settled right there in the middle. “Was this your idea?” I asked and said exactly as the scrip says it. “Yes” he said. He gestured me to sit down over the blanket and I did. We started to talk and laugh. Our conversations were good and just real conversations nothing written here. Which I know that they are going to be edited. I had a wonderful date.
After one month of filming, it was the last episode to film, which was the weeding. I was devastated and I could feel my world collapse. I was the happiest in this month but everything has to come to a really. I was so depressed that I really did not wanted to come out but I knew I had agreed to this and this has to end here. And I have to move on. But the thought of it, it breaks my heart. “Let’s get ready, I know you feel sad but we have to do this” said Jackson. “But, I can’t I....I .... love him” I said suddenly surprising myself with tears falling down. “It’s real, huh? “ Jackson. I heard someone come in the changing room and I decided to wipe away my tears. “Ready Y/N?” said July. “Yeah” I said forcing a smile. Let’s this over with I said to myself forcing a happy attitude and I don’t care attitude. July did my hair and my makeup. Just as she was done my dress arrived. It was a beautiful corset white as snow ball gown. It looked elegant, sexy and very sophisticated. It was the dress of my dreams. Why! is the producer making this harder for me!! WHY!?. July finished the makeup and told me to put on the dress. I did and it looked so beautiful and wonderful on; that I started to cry. “Why are you crying , you look so perfect?” asked July. “Is you that, I have mixed emotions going on, I can’t take it” I sincerely said. “Don’t worry everything will turn out alright, okay?” she said trying to cheer me up while she fixed my makeup. I just nodded and ignored my feeling and got into the paper of the character that I got hired for. After 10 minutes, the weeding was starting and it was my turn to walk down the isle with my dad hand in hand. My dad faked a smile since he knew that this was not real and I did too. I even cried when I was supposed to, it was a real emotion but let the director believe it was part of my acting skills. We said our bows, exchanged rings and even kissed. The kiss was so passionate that made me believe it was so real. The weeding was over and someone screams “That’s a wrap up, everyone clap for these two amazing actors!, thank you so much Y/N for being part of this season and you too Chanyeol” said the producer. Both of us just smiled. “Can I speak to you, in private?, meet me in the balcony”  Chanyeol whispered. I just nodded. He quickly headed off. I actually decided to quickly change into something more comfortable and quickly headed to the balcony. As I got closer, I could see Chanyeol passing back and fourth. As I got closer, I said: “Chanyeol, what’s wrong?”. “Listen, Y/N I know all of this was just a set up and wasn’t real” he started to say. “Yes” I answered. “But ever since the coffee shop day, I can’t stop thinking about you...every time you smile you make me go crazy and that kiss today was amazing , I .....I love you” he said as he grabbed my face and kissed my lips passionately, I kissed him back with the same passion but with tears. He looked at me worriedly as he dried my tears with his fingers. “So, will you be my real girlfriend” he asked. “Yes!” I said as I grabbed him and kissed him. 
I apologize for any grammar or misspelled errors. Have a good day or night.
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michameinmicha · 7 years
if u want to do all the sp asks...? i'd like to read that honestly ._. hope this ain't weird...
noooo thats not weird thats super sweet thanks anon
30 South Park Asks(this got really long somehow so i put a cut here)
1. Favorite main character and why they’re your favorite?
Kenny McCormick and because he’s the best.(i think he’s super cute but also kinda disgusting and also funny and also loyal and loving and multi-faceted and i just love him okay)
2. Least favorite main character and why they’re your least favorite?
uh this is kind hard? depends i guessi don’t like Cartman for example but i think he’s an interesting character…?maybe Randy Marsh? i don’t like him and i don’t like his Stories in the show usually… ahhhh idk this is a hard question…..
3. Favorite side character and why?
ohhhh i love Karen so muchh she’s not really that much of an interesting Character on her own but i love her relationship with Kenny obviouslyplus i love most of the fourth graders and the goth kids omgthat’s all i can think of rightnow
4. Least favorite side character and why?
i don’t like most of the grown ups they’re boring and annoyingand they sometimes steal the spotlight (especially in new seasons) that i think should be more about the kids but w/e
5. List as many of the South Park kids as you can in order from fave to least fave!
oh god uhhhhhhKenny, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Wendy, Ike, Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, Bebe, Nicole, David, Karen, Token, Heidi, Cartmanuhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm is that enough? i feel like my brain doesn’t work right today sry…
6. Any characters you feel you can relate to?
Obviously Kenny, couldn’t tell u why thoStan especially the assburgers episodesKyle every time he gets angrysame with Wendy
7. Favorite adult and why?
oh man…. Sheila Broslovski…?she’s annoying but also pretty badass
8. Least favorite adult and why?
pretty much all of themmr garrison is bad pc principal is bad randy marsh is bad i cant even remember that many spontaneously but i dont like most of them so…
9. Any characters that you think deserve more spotlight?
KENNY most of the girlsCraigs gangthe goth kids are always super enterntainingu get my drift
10. Any dead/one-time characters that you want back?
loved damien he was greatalso le mole
11. Are you someone who has a lot of headcanons for SP characters?
i have headcannons for my faves (especially kenny ahhhhhhhhhh)i think i have a lot of ideas for most of the kids but idk how accurate they are so i mostly just kinda keep them to myself i guess
12. Tell me a headcanon that you have for [character name]!
theres no character name here so u get one for kenny (Hah! who wouldve guessed): i imagine he’d have pretty crooked teeth but his parents can’t afford braces for him and he’s kinda envious of stan and kyle who both get braces in their teens (i imagine cartman has annoyingly perfect teeth and kyle hates him for it) and he thinks they look really cute and wishes he could have them too. when he’s older he saves up for a while and get himself these invisiline thingies and he likes them even though they’re not as cute as normal braces
this kinda got outta hand i’m sorry
13. Favorite ship? Tell us why!
Stenny (also like k2) (and stylenny)i honestly dunno why i guess kenny’s just my fave and stan’s my second fave and also i just think they would have such a sweet friendship to lovers thing and i love them dearly ok
14. Least favorite ship? Tell us why! (But don’t tag it; that’s rude!)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwell since literally everything gets shipped by someone i feel the need to say kid/adult, non-con and incest (fucking obviously)i don’t really like cartman in any relationship because i dont really like cartman(i’m not very interested in style although it can be very sweet don’t get me wrong i wouldnt put it as my least favourite i just think it’s a little overrated)i just generally could get into most ships if its well written and the other way around i guess…?
15. List as many SP ships as you can think of in order of fave to least fave!Stenny, K2, styenny, creek, Style, stylendy, bunny, crenny, staig, stendy, cryle, kenman(?), kyman
(can’t think of more spontaneously)
16. Favorite episode and why?
i love the super hero ones and the lord of the rings-y ones and also episodes that are about kennyalso the ones about the kids are usually good i just like them to go on adventures and have fun ok
17. Least favorite episode and why?
episodes about the grown ups i feel like i’m repeating myself here but yeah they’re boring and annoyingironically enough i don’t like most of the topical, political episodes too much
18. Describe an episode you’d like to see happen someday!
i think i saw this described by someone once and it kinda stuck with mean episode where kenny’s family get super rich for some reason (and probably loses all their money again by the end of the episode since this is still south park) i just think that’d be interesting and also a good setup for some much needed character development 
19. To you, what’s the most meaningful moment in the show?
i have no idea how to answer this honestly?
20. To you, what’s the most disgusting/worst moment in the show?
oh god are you kidding me? the whole show is disgusting…
21. Do you enjoy episodes that have a focus on the parents/adults?
ummmmmm i think there are some that i liked…? 
22. Do you enjoy when episodes/seasons have an overarching plot?
oh dudey that’s a question to write a book on…i think it could be good but they’re not very good at it yet…?maybe in a few seasons… there’s potential definitely but i’ts kinda hard to answer because the old seasons dont have an overarching plot but to me are way better than the newer ones which haveif that makes any sense…?about episodes i loved the two parters of the lord of the rings thingy so yeah…?
23. What’s the first episode you ever watched?i’m not sure but the first one i remember watching on german mtv in the middle of the night once was the wikileaks lemmiwings one (with the hamster trying to destroy that gossip site (god i’m bad at describe stuff today)) then i saw the assburgers ones in the netherlands on tv before i actively watched all seasons starting with the first
24. What’s your favorite South Park song?
la resistance!!!!!minorities at my waterpark is a sweet one too tho
oh god and the lets make bullying kill itself is so gooood too yes!
25. How and why did you get into South Park?
because of fanart i saw and i wanted to get to know the charactersi bingewatched it all like two years ago (?) in the summer holidaysbefore that i had only come across it on tv in german only and i really don’t like the dubbed version but when i saw it in the netherlands in english with subs i realised it’s way funnier in the original so i started watching it
26. Have you ever felt weird for liking South Park?
kinda when i try to explain why i love the characters to friends who haven’t really seen the show (or who have seen it and thought it was bad) but generally i dont hang out with people who make me feel weird for liking the things i like so its not really a problem
27. Have you watched every single episode?
i think i didnt see some of the latest season
28. Have you played any South Park games? Which ones?
i really wanted and still want to get the stick of truth but its kinda hard to get the uncut version here so i haven’t
29. How well would you say you know South Park trivia?
not very; i’m so bad at remembering stuff
30. Tell us a SP fact; any one will do!
there’s very little cannon facts about how the kids are gonna grow up and pretty much a lot about them and their appearance and stuff at all and you can literally imagine them in any way you want and i think that’s beautiful
i’m sorry this got kinda confusing and repetitive and vague (my brain didn’t cooperate with me as much as i wouldve expected)but thank you for asking me it was fun still 
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