shachathabrah · 6 years
M!A: For one week you are no longer a fallen angel, rather an icon of angelic purity.
From the time he tripped on nothing and started hurtling towards the floor to the moment he’d hit it, it felt as though he’d fallen a hundred stories and burst through a curtain on the other side. Arms crossed in slow motion to shield his face, the impact sending a ripple through him that had... drastic effect.
The clothing he wore melted off of him like ichor, replaced by white garments like splashes of paint. His wings suffered a similar fate, though rather than drenched by pigment the black shades almost literally exploded from the appendages to reveal a sleek white beneath the inkiness. After landing on the ground, and sitting up, his insides rattled within his ribcage; tension through the roof as every muscle in his body tensed in preparation for something else to happen.
He didn’t have to wait long.
The second his wings had been pulled forcefully from his frame his halo had sprung out too, and while he had no way to see the ring of anti-light he could feel it spinning at a dizzying speed. The smoke that emanated from it twisted wildly, and he felt the item stretch - opening widening until it fell down over his head and tightened. Around his throat.
Hands flew up to stop it before it choked him, Cath letting out a shriek as the halo burned him - hands pulled away to reveal angry red lines across his fingers, worried for the object to come into contact with his throat. Though when it did he was relieved to find it didn’t burn, but it was snug; an energy hummed from it he did not like. He pulled himself to his feet, panting heavily, dragging himself to the bathroom to see just what had happened.
Imagine his surprise when he saw the white wings, the white garb, and the perfectly pristine, golden halo floating atop his head. The other halo now sat snugly around his neck in full view, still giving off a feeling similar to a CRT television shortly after being shut off. He touched it, hissing as it burned the pad of his finger, shaking it off and running it under cool water. He only noticed then that his claws were gone, replaced with nails that were far more normal-looking than he cared for.
This was.. This had to be a curse. Instantly, Daud crossed his mind - the fucker did know his full name, and had access to all manner of dirty magic he could force upon him just for funsies. It made sense then, testing out the now far more influential hold he had over the fallen angel. Huff. See if Cath ever sat on his dick aga -
“Fuck!” Cath yelped in pain, a sudden jolt of electricity in his neck sending him flat on his ass on the bathroom floor. Wh. What the fuck? He reached for the sink basin again, struggling to pull himself up on it as he twitched and suffered the after-shocks of the... literal shocks that had, evidently, come from his halo-turned-collar.
White clothes. White wings. Golden halo. A jolt at nasty thoughts. Just to test he let his mind briefly flirt with the idea of having a good hatefuck - and he was again rewarded with a zap that sent him to the floor.
The bastard. The absolute bastard. Twitching fingers pulled his phone off the floor where it had landed some feet away, managing a very succinct and angry text of ‘what the fuck did you do to me’ to the only person that could have possibly come up with something like this.
Angelic purity. As if the universe didn’t already consider him a cosmic joke.
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nepheliad-blog · 6 years
@unblessxd replied to your post: This just in, time is a social construct.
i mean time literally does mean nothing here kid
That’s true. We’re above time. Time can fuck off.
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guromantlc · 6 years
i cant believe last night i had a whole ass panic attack over the fairy guy again
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unblessxd replied to your post: Can confirm. Would not approve.
wasnt asking
He’s mine, so you wouldn’t be seeing him without my approval.
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@corkscrews-and-iron-petals @famelicose-sanguine @unblessxd @errantstreetrat @inocciduous-krioboly
wow theres a few of you there aint there turnin up outta the blue fadin in from the fog like some kinda flock of mysterious creatures only moments after i place this on the ground  like some sorta sustenance for you to eat the names Daev im the prince and knight commander of the unseelie court what are your names and what can you do for me
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iridescentspirited · 6 years
{{People on the relationships page so far: @xinzei @guromantlc @tetroxy @homociclal @byrdofplay @unblessxd @princeofnecrophilia
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shachathabrah · 7 years
i totally lost our conversation but im interested in 
everything about you tbh
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nepheliad-blog · 7 years
@unblessxd replied to your post: I had to make an example of a human today. That’s...
whatd they do this time
I don’t think they realized that Fae have good hearing. So I overheard them talking about me as I walked by. Rumors. Disrespect.
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guromantlc · 7 years
please dont dump snow on us
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die hard bad habits edition
Swearing | Fingernail chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self-criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama seeking | Secret teller | Spitting | Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the bottle | Yelling | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing | Stealing | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free loading | Littering | One-Upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking during performances | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out  | Ignoring | Over critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful | Competitive
tagged by @unblessxd
Tagging @corkscrews-and-iron-petals @inocciduous-krioboly
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iridescentspirited · 7 years
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nepheliad-blog · 7 years
@unblessxd replied to your post: I don’t think so.
That’s a human.
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nepheliad-blog · 7 years
@unblessxd replied to your post: I’ll pretend like I’ve never seen that.
dont be a prude you got made somehow didnt you
Look, I know, but that doesn’t mean I wanna see some total stranger call you that.
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shachathabrah · 7 years
#looks just like you
what the fuck youre the ogre here if anything
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shachathabrah · 7 years
my hands are fucking cold
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nepheliad-blog · 7 years
@unblessxd replied to your post: So now we have a food cart covered in molten iron...
you covered what in what
A cauldron broke with a ration of our iron in it. And it spilled out onto the streets for a second and a food cart got caught in it. It’s GreatTM.
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