catadioptrics · 2 months
10 & 11
Questions for Problematic/Villain muses
10. Is a healthy relationship (platonic or otherwise) possible with your muse?
Not in the long term. Nico's very nice at first, but he's the kind of person that tends to cause problems for his friends without taking accountability for it and doesn't see any problem with using people for his own goals, so his relationships tend to turn sour eventually.
11. Do you feel like your muse can fall/be corrupted further if pushed?
Oh, definitely! Right now Nico's minding his own business, but with the right motivation he could very easily start working on a plan to destroy the entire multiverse all over again. He's already slightly considering that idea, but don't worry about it too much.
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area-zero-rogue · 2 years
( Starter for @unchcsen ; Myth & Meeting )
The harsh summer sun blanketed everything in its warmth as the rich life of the surrounding wilderness sang from every direction.
Why must it be so hot today? I would appreciate even the tiniest breeze at the moment…
Tiny beads of sweat across her forehead were quickly swiped away as she reached down to retrieve the leather-bound journal and tin of pencils stashed in the bag on her hip. Mimikyu stood by her side, watching as the researcher worked at piecing together more of the information gathered from the ruins the group visited that day. As Skeledirge lay in a sunny patch to sunbathe and Corviknight perched atop a nearby pillar after stretching his wings, Rosario knelt down to examine a large piece of marble she had dug out to get a better look at.
No amount of weathering could inflict this type of damage to a material like this, no… The face is rather cute, which is a shame.
The remnants of the statue before her had certainly become this way from someone or a Pokémon. She sketched the features she could make out then took a photo of the actual piece to add to the journal later on. Now, she had to try and figure out why this specific one had been destroyed and not the other two just down the cliff, opposite of the nearby arena. The myths and legend of Hisui were certainly proving a much harder challenge to decipher compared to previous regions visited. Where she had previously come across many people with at least some degree of knowledge in regards to the stories of their particular region, here? It seemed very few had the whole story; only very small fragments or an even greater amount of inconsistencies between each story told.
“At this rate, it would be a miracle to find someone who might know of this particular statue and Pokémon.” She vocalized in frustration, opting to sit in front of the statue as she recorded her thoughts next to the drawing.
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healbellls · 1 year
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That's an unique way of greeting someone.
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murmursdraconic · 1 year
2. is there a scar they don't like to talk about? -&- 3. do they have any "mundane" scars? caused by a paper cuts, falling against a corner, an operation... ? (for Shay)
Scar HCs [Accepting]
Shay will talk about any one of her scars if you ask. Granted she needs to like you enough to talk to you. She has layers and layers of scars to talk about, even ones that aren't seen or supremely faded over time. Luckily she heals well.
As for mundane scars, the has one on her chin that she got from just falling. She was tripped by a tree. It smacked her in the face. It's the most noticeable one on her face.
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paradlseguardian · 2 years
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By ways of sign language;
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monterraverde · 1 year
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
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It wasn’t until episode Ignis DLC where he ratgrabbed my god damn heart and refused to let go
As for a new tumblr QOL feature?? A way to trim threads on Mobile, because im tired of possibly flooding peoples dash’s with my inability to be home at my computer
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emmetrain · 2 years
"AITA for demanding that someone give me something precious - some sacred relics, let's say - because I desperately needed them, and then when they refused, and I couldn't defeat them in battle, I summoned a violent ancient god from another dimension and - actually, you know, I have changed my mind about asking this question, please go about your business and have a nice day."
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"OP NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE US LIKE THIS! WE WANT TO HEAR THIS. Is this someone's creative-writing again? Anyway, this sounds crazy enough to warrant a response!"
"YTA, OP. I was with you till you summoned an ancient god from another dimension. Look, if these relics are so important to you, you should have get better at battling. Sucks to suck. If it was that important to you, you should have defeated them in battle!!! Come on, OP."
"Anyway, you sound entitled, and I need more info on why you need these sacred relics. If you have an actual reason to need them, like saving someone's life, then... Look, ancient god is an overkill. You should have used poison or something to knock them out, take these relics out of their hand, and continue on your tracks. You went off the rails by tattling on them to an ancient god."
"Also!!! Asshole, you already have an ancient god on your side!!!! WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Please think for a moment. You are going to lose this god's trust and waste your limited time with them to do what?? Get a bigger, badder god? Learn to cherish and use the one you have! Sheesh."
"Please keep us updated on your life. Your life sounds too interesting, it's like watching a train wreck. Can't keep my eyes off."
"I am still sad about the spreadsheet I forgot to save and this dude is sad that his ancient god couldn't beat someone. How are we living in the same world???"
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swordofruln · 2 years
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How would childhood/younger James feel about the way his life has turned out so far? Is it anything like he expected? Have there been any surprises?
I think he'd be very happy, honestly. I mean - obviously there's been some big wrinkles (hello Hisui) but overall? Being married with a child on the way, being a registered Fairy specialist, having had all of this life experience and being able to help Alto's Rangers as his day job?
Yeah, that's something James couldn't have ever imagined for himself. I honestly don't think he ever expected to leave Galar!
And on an OOC level, @irxnmaiden and I meeting and ending up with this amazing character development was something I never saw coming either. Ivy is a very big part of why I keep coming back to James and why I love him so much; she's so supportive and willing to put up with my batshit ideas.
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abyssonance · 1 year
i feel like someone needs to judge Volo and Giratina has every right lol
Plop your Muse in my inbox for a single word judgement
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catadioptrics · 3 months
(ssh i'm not here but) i'm taking your reblogging of that post to mean the party don't start until Giratina walks in and actually Volo would agree with that 101%, that temple of sinnoh party did not start until Giratina walked in and started to fight. and also Giratina did kinda leave for the night and didn't come back so. this is truth.
your mind
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🥀…. a complaint. (for Leo)
Send a flower to hear…
"Rustboro's pretty alright as a place to live in, but if there's one big problem it's the fact that getting out of this town is a fucking pain in the ass."
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"Mauville and Fallarbor are right around the corner, but you can't go there by car because no matter where you go there will always be a mountain blocking the way so you have to take a flight to get anywhere. I'd move to Lilycove if it wasn't for the commute."
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exnusquam · 2 years
👍 lol
Send me a 👍 for a vibe check!
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3.5/10. Volo fails the vibecheck for his inability to truly let go and for having dared to make the mistake to try and remake a world that was not his to design. It was originally at 0/10, but has since risen a little because Arceus has grown to enjoy making his life hell. Maybe one day they will grow softer on him, if he shows he has the potential to grow into a better person, but given how delusional he is now, thus is unlikely. He shall remain as their toy.
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iruludavare · 2 years
12 & 21 (for the munday meme)
Munday Meme || Accepting
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12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
{ ooc. aaaaa within the pokemon franchise?? I do miss writing Courtney and Lysandre. The shadow triad too. AND GROVYLE (THE GROVYLE).... But in that specific case, the pmd eos side of the rpc is dead and likely will remain that way until explorers of sky gets a remake. Which is a damn shame because that game has genuinely changed peoples' view on life and Should be a story that's brought to the younger generations.
Outside of pokemon, tbh I would really love to bring back Saias or Aversa from Fire Emblem (my beloveds). I just really don't have the time to juggle more than 2 or 3 blogs right now 😔}
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
{ ooc. yessssss. Listen you give me an enigmatic but extremely well-spoken character and 9 times out of 10 I will be resisting the urge to pick them up as a muse. That sort of speech pattern and their mannerisms are so fun to write. It's why I gave both qualities to Sarana and why sometimes I can produce a shit tonne of writing for her in a small window, but Serena's stuff might take a little longer! Tbh I've been holding back the urge to write Cogita and Olympia for a g e s }
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paradlseguardian · 2 years
💜: What do they consider to be the bravest thing they’ve ever done? Would those closest to them agree?
🤍: What’s the most difficult moment they’ve ever supported someone through? Does that person know how hard it was on them?
💜: What do they consider to be the bravest thing they’ve ever done? Would those closest to them agree?
🤍: What’s the most difficult moment they’ve ever supported someone through? Does that person know how hard it was on them?
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Supporting Arven after the whole time machine culmination. He knew that it must be particularly hard for him because Sada was his actual mom and his relationship with her had already be difficult to nonexistent, and while the guilt over having had such a better relationship with Sada than her own sod had, he knew Arven needed someone who... understood. Someone who understood the loss. He wanted to be that for Arven. It was the least, Koraidon could do, in his own mind. Koraidon never told Arven about his own struggles with the situation. Koraidon never considered those struggles great enough to justify burdening Arven with them.
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monterraverde · 2 years
Does your muse name their pokémon? Is there any theme to their names if so? && Do they keep their pokémon in their pokéballs, or allow them to roam freely?
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Her nickname theme is all over the place but yes.
Dragons and Dragon adjacent pokemon get mythological names (Fafnir, Adniel, Vidofnir, etc.)
Every other pokemon gets a goofy name based off either their face or just them whole selves. (Bappy, Gremlin, Smudge)
She lets one mon out at a time to roam alongside her, its usually Bappy, but in places where he wouldn’t do well (Like Montanevera) She usually brings out Pompeii, her Camerupt… and because he makes a nice space heater.
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