#undefined female inquisitor
ohh for the pride themed ask maybe maybe 3 + 5 for Liam and Ari, and 16 :D
[ask game]
Hi!! Thanks for the ask :]
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Oh this one is fun LMAO because in a way he always "knew" he was attracted to men but he was. a little bit silly about it. Basically he knew about gay people existing well enough, however he did not register that being anything but straight or gay was a thing. So he knew he liked girls first and figured, well, guess that means i'm straight. Kind of a shame though cos sometimes boys are also really cute.... Anyways, it comes up with a friend at some point in his late teens, and when Liam told him his friend was there like "buddy i've got news for you" As for being probably-acespec, that's not something that he ever really considers? Defining that just never occurs to him and doesn't really matter to him either
He's always found it a bit hard to relate to his peers in a lot of things, so his perception of gender/sexuality in relation to the others/ the norm wasn't something that stood out to him as Specifically Noteworthy. As far as gender goes i think it was less "figuring himself out" and more.. the circumstances in which he grew up automatically influencing his perception of gender? The Qunari system makes more sense to him but he understands the human categorisation enough to know how he relates to it. The first time he had a strong opinion on gender in relation to him was once he was inquisitor; he was fine playing along, but would not accept any female/feminine gendered terms for himself as a rejection of the religious aspect of being Inquisitor. Sexuality/romanticism wise he never had much of an interest but never bothered to question or think about it deeply? It is what it is and what happens happens.
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
It was clear pretty quickly that he is bi and also that he is alloromantic lol. The ace-spec thing is still vague/undefined but i figured that his attraction/progression of attraction is probably Not Quite Allo (?)
...Honestly i can't assure you that his romantic feelings are 100% allo either but like. Idk how allo attraction works so don't ask me lolol.
It went hand in hand with getting into HCs about Qunari and their relation with gender with friends :) Once that started to brew and i started playing Ari more (had a biiig pause in his playthrough) it was pretty clear that him being cis or het didn't make much sense. From there it was figuring out his (vague) backstory and how his environment growing up would've influenced his identity (gender-wise and otherwise)
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
Don't think i did? Although i used to be sure that he was Fully Allo and now, well. that's up for debate xdd
He used to be more or less cishet lmao. Which idk if i'd call that being "established" at the time since i hadn't played much with him/ thought much about him yet, but it is very funny to think about now
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wayward40k · 7 months
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:: BASIC INFORMATION :: Nicknames / Aliases : Thea (close relations & squadmates only) Gender / Pronouns : Female / She / Her Age : 24 Species : Human [Perpetual, Psyker]
:: APPEARANCE :: Hair : Brownish-red, mid-back length and usually tied up in a short ponytail or braid. Skin : Fair, freckled across the face and chest. Eyes : Emerald green. Height : 5’ // 132 cm Markings (scars, tattoos, etc) : Visible scar perpendicular to her jaw on her left cheek. Multiple scars from death-injuries. Build / Physique : Lithe, athletically muscled.
:: PERSONAL INFORMATION :: Occupation : Inquisitor [Ordo Malleus], former Tempestus Scion [151st Zetic Eagles] Alliance : Imperium of Man Homeworld : Toriskon [ Imperial Death World ] Social Level : Socially awkward, not used to casual interactions. Likes : Recaf, being physically active, not sleeping, psyber-raven companion. Dislikes : The Dreams, personal questions, people that don’t mind their own business. Romantic / Sexual Orientation : Demiromantic / pansexual Relationship Status : Single (ships happen in their own AUs)
:: ABILITIES & SKILLS :: Physical Skills : Trained as a Tempestus Scion in both melee and ranged combat, keeps physically fit. Hardier than baseline humans should be, increased healing speed. Mental Skills : Increased resistance to mental intrusion, highly increased resistance to daemonic influence. Increased resistance to pain. Remains calm and focus under intense pressure. Stubborn. Psyker Abilities : Can see and repair Warp rifts and fluctuations. Can ‘unmake’ Warp entities in the Materium, may outright erase weaker daemons. Can encourage the rapid healing of fresh injuries. Often has a psyber-raven companion that can be used to scout the area. Other Notes : Alethea has a series of unusual psychic limiters that seem to have been implanted at some point in her spine. These limiters choke her power, and cause intense agony while and after using her psychic abilities. Her potential is undefined, though even with her power presently limited, she is capable of holding her own against most general and lesser daemons.
:: STORY INFORMATION :: Daemonhunting Inquisitor : As an agent of the Ordo Malleus, Alethea is primarily skilled in hunting down and destroying daemons. She is not prone to trusting agents of Chaos, or most Xenos. It’s not, however, impossible to change her opinion on beliefs that she’d otherwise be willing to defend with her life - you just need to be smart and subtle about it. Her Lord Inquisitor, meanwhile, has a reputation for being an angry, sadistic man. Incognito : Being awkward as she is, Alethea doesn’t enjoy most people knowing she’s an Inquisitor, and she’s not prone to using the rank to get her way. If it’s possible, she’ll hide among her Tempestus Scions, wearing her own set of identical armor, and the group as a whole will be acting on orders of Inquisitor Crescere as relayed through their squadmate, Thea. Watched Over : Alethea and Serge are siblings, in a sense, and becoming a daemon hasn’t hindered his desire to try to protect her. He secretly entrusted her with a fragment of his soul, and now she’s his only hope of potentially returning to being human. He may show up out of the blue to chat and make sure no one is going to disrupt his plans. She doesn’t know he’s ‘alive’. Hunted by Shadows : There’s dark truths hidden in her past, Alethea just doesn’t know it. Her personal records are largely redacted and would require a higher level of clearance than she presently has to read them uncensored. Certain actors have less than pleasant intentions for her if she happens to earn their ire, intentionally or otherwise. Forever Fighting : Being fairly young, Alethea is still unaware of her nature as a perpetual. If she dies, the memories of the death tend to fade before her body repairs itself and she wakes up. However, the more she dies, the faster she revives, and eventually those memories will be kept. It’s only a matter of time before someone witnesses her apparently immortal nature…
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[FIC] In the Heat of Summer - Slightly NSFW
Late to the party for day 2 of @cullenappreciationweek: Day 2: Commander Cullen
Thank you to @ekoorb03 for the awesome beta!
Summary: It's summer in Skyhold and it's hot. Cullen and the Iron Bull are sparring, and Bull isn't the only one not wearing a shirt. You get a front row seat to the action, and the temperature just shot up about a hundred degrees!
Read it on AO3
The summer sun high in the sky greets you as you exit the Great Hall, trying to escape the endless prattle and demands of the simpering nobles your position forces you to deal with. As the cool breeze fluttering through the tree branches ghosts over your hot skin, you sigh in relief, happy to be free of the stifling air inside the keep.
As you hop down the steps to the courtyard,  you turn your head to the raucous shouting ringing out from the training yard where a crowd has gathered. Curious, you increase your pace as you jog toward it. When you draw closer, you curse your diminutive height because you can't see anything over the heads of people circled around the fenced-in area.
"Show 'im, Commander!" someone shouts near the front of the crowd.
"That's the way!"
You frown. Cullen? He’s fighting someone in the ring?
The clashing sounds of steel on steel reach your ears as well as the grunts of the fighting men and an embarrassing heat pools between your legs. Maker, you have to know. You push forward and as the onlookers notice who is jostling them for space, step aside to allow you through. Being Inquisitor has some perks, after all.
When you get to the fence, the sight your eyes behold stuns you into silent motionlessness. Dancing around the Iron Bull with a grace that no man his size should possess is Cullen, your Commander, and the man you have been pining for since the moment you saw him on the battlefield near the Temple of Sacred Ashes. And he is completely bare-chested.
You think you might faint as you watch him deftly block an attack from the Iron Bull with his shield and jab forward with his own sword. Sweat glistens on the rippling muscles of his chest, shoulders, and arms as he brings his sword up to catch the head of Bull's great ax with a force that shoves the larger man back.
You finally have some answers to things about him that you've wondered about, alone in your bed late at night. Things like, for example, does he have hair on his chest? He, in fact, does: soft golden down covers his pectorals, now darkened with sweat which narrows into a trail that arrows down his impossibly toned abdomen and disappears into the waistband of his pants...which are hanging low over his muscled hips. You bite your lower lip. Maker, if those breeches fall any lower, you’ll get the answers to the other questions you have about your Commander’s gorgeous body.
You scrabble up the fence and perch there to watch the rest of the fight. The Iron Bull has strength and stamina on his side, but Cullen has agility and tactical experience. The two warriors are evenly matched and watching them spar is a joy.
"Hey, Cullen," Bull calls out as he tries to get in a blow under the ex-Templar's shield. " Thought you oughta know. You got a special audience."
Cullen neatly blocks him and casts a quick glance toward the sidelines. You can tell when he spots you, for his eyes widen and his defense falters for a second. Taking advantage of the distraction, Bull lands a glancing blow to Cullen's left shoulder. You gasp, covering your mouth as Cullen staggers backward under its force. But Cullen recovers and maintains his balance, shifting his stance and swinging his sword threateningly.
"Now that was a dirty trick, Bull, " Cullen hisses through his exerted panting.  A dangerous smirk crosses his lips. “But it doesn’t matter — I’ll still best you!”
He launches himself into a leaping spin, performing a shield bash that stuns the big Qunari and lets him land a  hard blow against the other’s large hand with the haft of his sword, sending his opponent’s great ax flying to the other side of the arena. Sticking his sword into the ground, tip first, he tosses away his shield and offers his hand.
"Do you concede?"
Bull laughs loudly and engulfs Cullen's hand in a hearty shake. "Yeah, I concede," he says. "Appreciate the spar, Commander." The crowd erupts in loud cheers of victory and congratulations for the Commander.
“It was a good fight. Thank you for helping me  with this demonstration." Cullen nods to Bull, clapping him on the bicep, then turns to the recruits gathered on one side of the training yard. "And that is how you can best a much larger and stronger opponent."
The young recruits, apparently impressed by their fierce and experienced Commander, send up a rousing cheer. You watch as he gives them some further instructions before dismissing them for the afternoon. The sun shines down on his blond head,  picking up the paler strands in his golden hair. Would it feel as smooth as it looks? You shake your head to get rid of the image of you running your hands through his thick locks. He is the Inquisition’s Commander, and you are the Inquisitor. There is a war going on, and you have no time for such foolishness.
You are about to jump off the fence when you notice that on his way to the Herald’s Rest, Bull has stopped beside Cullen to tell him something, nodding his horned head in your direction. You can’t quite hear what he says, but Cullen shoots a quick glance at you and his cheeks pinken slightly. Bull grins wide and gives the Commander a shove toward you. What were they talking about?
You don’t have long to wonder, because as Bull leaves the ring, Cullen faces you and regards you with his golden eyes. The intensity of his stare unnerves you a little...okay, it unnerves you a lot, and you nearly topple backward over the fence when he starts walking toward you. No, he is stalking toward you, with all the savage grace of the lion he is nicknamed for.
And then he is in front of you, all 6 feet plus of him, so close that you can see the droplets of sweat clinging to his chest hair. You watch a droplet run from his collarbone down to where the hair is thickest at the center of his chest and swallow, very aware of the heat of him standing before you. You dare to glance up, and Maker, you almost wish you hadn’t because he’s looking at you with heated golden eyes.  He places one hand on the fence on either side of you and continues appraising you, one corner of his mouth turned up in that smirk that always makes you melt.
He raises one honey eyebrow and says "So, Inquisitor, did you enjoy the show?"
You blink and stare into his eyes."I —  yes, I did," you stutter helplessly. The scent of fresh sweat, dirt, and man is nearly overwhelming.
"I'm glad to hear it," he murmurs and leans in closer. "And now, my lady, I seek a small token of your...appreciation. Would you allow your humble Commander this?"
That golden stare is anything but humble. You lick our lips; your mouth has gone as dry as the Hissing Wastes. “W-what do you want?”
A warm chuckle rumbles through his chest. “Nothing so onerous, dear lady, I assure you. “ A hand comes up to hold your chin between his thumb and forefinger so that you can’t look away from his gaze. “It is only a kiss I seek. Surely you would not begrudge a man so little?”
So little, indeed. What would he say if you told him that you fear you might explode into a million pieces at the touch of his lips? That you’ve dreamed about kissing him every night since Haven? You lick your lips again, clenching your hands into fists to prevent them from reaching out to touch all that tempting skin that was so close, even as you feel yourself leaning forward toward him.
“Yes, alright, Commander,” you rasp out, your voice cracking from the dryness in your throat.
His smirk widens into a grin that shows off his beautiful white teeth. He leans in again and covers your lips with his. His lips are surprisingly soft, and the outline of his scar presses against your mouth. What would he do if you licked it?
Then his tongue presses against the seam of your lips, asking for entry, and already drunk on his nearness, you open for him. He slips it inside your mouth and explores its contours, sliding against yours, so slick, wet and delicious. Boy does the man know how to kiss!
And he tastes so good, of peppermint and his unique flavor  — better than you ever dreamed on those lonely nights alone in your tent. You drink him in and slide your own tongue against his, kissing him back with a fervor that you are pretty sure you've never felt for anyone else. He tilts his head and slants his hot mouth over yours to deepen the kiss, and one of his hands buries itself in your hair while your own wrap around his neck. When he lifts you off the fence and pulls you against him, your legs find his waist and wrap around him.
The kiss goes on and on, and you don’t want it to stop; you would happily die in his arms. Your erect nipples, separated from his hot skin by only the thin fabric of your sleeveless camisole, brush against his hard chest. A needy moan rises from your chest as his strong hands cup your ass and press you firmly against his erection. You grind against it, desperately seeking friction to assuage the ardor rapidly taking over your mind and body.
“Atta girl, Quiz!” It’s Sera’s voice, carrying down from her room above the tavern.  Other sounds come to you then, too: the hoots and hollers of the crowd that hasn’t yet broken up and are now shouting out encouragements to Cullen. Your cheeks heat as you pull away from his lips and he chases after the kiss before leaning back, one brow arching in question.
“You should let me down now, Commander,” you whisper.  “We, um,  have an audience.”
But he does not release you. Instead, the insufferable man tightens his grip on you and that damn sexy smirk of his turns up the scarred corner of his mouth.This close up, you can see each little crinkle at the corners of his eyes, and Maker, how you would love to kiss each one.
“If you think I am letting you go now when I have just discovered what a fiery minx you are, you are quite mistaken.”  With one hand holding onto you, he vaults over the fence, using his other hand for leverage and stalks through the crowd, making for the stairs to the battlements.
“Where are you taking me?” The pool of fire between your legs threatens to engulf you because you think you already know the answer.
He glances down at you, taking the steps two at a time. “To my chambers, Inquisitor. I need to debrief you in private about some important…matters.”
You smile, waving to the soldiers you pass as your Commander carries you off to have his way with you. You couldn’t be more pleased.
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Fic Rec Friday: “Demons, A History”
Title: Demons, A History Author: ThievingHippo (tumblr), ThievingHippo (AO3) Rating General Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M, Gen Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Characters: Blackwall | Thom Rainier/Female Inquisitor, Blackwall, Thom Rainier, Female Cadash, Female Inquisitor Tags: Pre-Relationship, Character Study Length: 15,522 Words Status: Complete Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3321470/chapters/7258724 Summary:
They’re always lurking. A prickle in the back of his mind or an undefined shadow. Thom Rainier’s fought demons his whole life. And it’s harder than ever to fight them once he meets the Herald. A study on Blackwall, Haven, and testing resolve.
This is probably one of my favorite pieces about Blackwall/Thom Rainier. It's well developed, engaging, and really dives deep into the experiences that make up this character. From home life as a young boy, to the Breach as a grizzled warrior, this fic really paints a complete, complicated picture of my favorite Marcher bear. I think what I liked best about it is the way @thievinghippo wrote it - not just in the beautiful prose, but also in the formatting, the juxtaposition of the vignettes. I found it really compelling as a reader, drawing me in and really showcasing how much he has changed from who he was into who he tries to be. All in all, it's one of my favorite fics about this character, and was the first thing I read of their work. The rest of the series is great but this one... oh, this one is amazing.
See more of my fic recommendations!
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ao3feed-mchanzo · 7 years
Unite and take a stand
by Valpur
Some names stand out in the Inquisition's tales, but there are many other common people fighting in the backlines and striving to give Thedas its peace.
Hanzo joins the Inquisition looking for redemption. McCree to escape trouble, and is determined to make the most out of this experience.
Words: 9733, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game), Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hanzo Shimada, Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, Jim (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Dagna (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age)
Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada
Additional Tags: Dragon Age Inquisition AU, scout!Hanzo, scout!McCree, mage!Genji, Undefined Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Many other characters make cameos
from AO3 works tagged 'Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada' http://ift.tt/2qiTIRx via IFTTT
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mchanzo-ficrecs · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game), Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Characters: Hanzo Shimada, Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, Jim (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Dagna (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Dragon Age Inquisition AU, scout!Hanzo, scout!McCree, mage!Genji, Undefined Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Many other characters make cameos
My two favourite ships in one place, though of course it focuses on McHanzo. Dagna fans will also rejoice because McCree and her have a very cute interaction in this. A good one shot AU! - Yng
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ao3feed-handers · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2V16HFG
by wateringhole
I have no idea where this came from. I just started typing, and it sounded like a great idea. So there we go! I'm writing this for me, it's not beta read, nor is there an intended plot. I'm just seeing where it goes. It's kind of a test thing for me, see what I can do when I let myself fart out words instead of obsessing over them, which invariably has resulted in me abandoning the fic. Poly gayness abounds, hooray? Unless the characters write themselves different.
Also, if you read this, then be aware that it assumes you've played the games.
I'm aware of the tense issues. Not likely to fix em...and also, I am largely glossing over major events except in cases where things happen differently enough that I feel like writing em out. I'm not gonna force myself to get shit out.
As a result of this being for me, I really don't care whether people think it's good or not, so I'll delete any negative comments. Especially if you think Dorian being demisexual means erasure somehow, despite the fact that the cisgays get the most exposure in fandom and demi folk get near to none. If that's a problem for you, just read another fic.
Words: 28385, Chapters: 12/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Fen'Harel | Solas, Varric Tethras, Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Bull's Chargers (Dragon Age), Zevran Arainai, Josephine Montilyet, Leliana (Dragon Age), Alistair (Dragon Age), Cole (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age), Vivienne (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Anders, Fenris (Dragon Age), Merrill (Dragon Age), Hawke (Dragon Age), Garrus Vakarian, Stephen Strange
Relationships: Inquisitor/Who The Fuck Knows, Fen'Harel/Inquisitor, Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age), Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Inquisitor/Dorian Pavus, Anders/Male Hawke
Additional Tags: Breaking the Fourth Wall, Everyone Is Gay, what the fuck is happening, Pro Anders fic, Pro Fenris Fic, Pro Solas Fic, Pro Everyone Fic, Just Be Nice About Everyone, Polyamory, Dorian is Demisexual, My First Work in This Fandom, Otherworld travel, Not Canon Compliant, Multiple Crossovers, Inquisitor is dense, Inquisitor is a ho, May or may not be porn, who knows - Freeform, making it up as I go, No Plot/Plotless, By which I mean I haven't planned a damn thing, Maybe there will be a plot eventually, Abstract thoughts, Ratings may change, Tags May Change, Everything may change, whatever, Haven't gotten the multifandom shit settled yet, I hope she's not a mary sue, Genderbending, Modern Girl In Thedas...sort of, Middle Earth, Mass Effect - Freeform, Elves everywhere, Sera will be so upset, She can deal with it, Cassandra is a cranky pants, Blind Inquisitor, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Concept Art Solas (Dragon Age), Dom Solas (Dragon Age), Undefined Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Polyamorous Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Slow Burn, Rivalmance (Dragon Age), Genderfluid Inquisitor, Mention of previous rape/non-con, Self-Indulgent, Self-Insert, Don't Examine This Too Closely
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2V16HFG
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In the Fade, Our Secrets Dream
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/30cdz3R
by My_Immoral
"Inquisitor, I hope you understand I cannot return your...affection."
Cassandra Pentaghast dreamed that her answer had been different.
Words: 1513, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Cassandra Pentaghast
Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Cassandra Pentaghast
Additional Tags: Dream Sex, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Strap-Ons, Light Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Wet Dream, Lesbian Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fix-It of Sorts, Bisexual Cassandra Pentaghast, Undefined Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/30cdz3R
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andinarcadiai · 6 years
Magick without tears liveblog
Letter A, Letter B
Onwards to Letter C! 
I am arranging to send you the official papers connected with the O.T.O., but the idea that you should meet other members first is quite impossible. Even after affiliation, you would not meet anyone unless it were necessary for you to work in cooperation with them. I am afraid you have still got the idea that the Great Work is a tea-party. Contact with other students only means that you criticise their hats, and then their morals; and I am not going to encourage this.
But what if they can explain it better than you? What if progress moves faster with multiple people working toward the same goal? What if a free exchange of ideas with other like-minded people sparks an insight? What if she could use the help?
Also, who gives a shit about their hats?
Your work is not anybody else's; and undirected chatter is the worst poisonous element in human society.
So direct it, you idiot! Have classes & meetings focusing on particular topics! Ya know, like school!
The Great Work is the uniting of opposites. It may mean the uniting of the soul with God, of the microcosm with the macrocosm, of the female with the male, of the ego with the non-ego—or what not.
Ok, good. This is actual solid theory! I’m going to side-eye his female vs male thing in regards to trans/non-binary/genderfluid folk, but he hasn’t necessarily said anything hugely insulting yet, so letting it go, but...
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By "love under will" one refers to the fact that the method in every case is love, by which is meant the uniting of opposites as above stated, such as hydrogen and chlorine, sodium and oxygen, and so on. Any reaction whatever, any phenomenon, is a phenomenon of "love", as you will understand when I come to explain to you the meaning of the word "Point-Event". But love has to be "under will," if it is to be properly directed. You must find your True Will, and make all your actions subservient to the one great purpose.
Oh Good! He does actually explain! ...kinda. Some of that is just science. I’m hesitant about categorizing any time two things combine as “love.” But “Point-event” has promise in that regard. I do wish he’d explain better about the True Will and great purpose he’s always on about, but maybe give it time.
Ra-Hoor is the Sun God; Tahuti is the Egyptian Mercury; Kephra is the Sun at midnight.
But at least you got around to it eventually.
And he’s wrong, btw. Kephra/Khepri is Sun at morning & midday while Tum/Atum is the Sun at evening & night. Admittedly, Egyptology was still very very shitty at this point in time, so honest mistake. Still a mistake tho.
About your problems; what I have to do is to try to teach you to think clearly. You will be immensely stimulated by having all the useless trimmings stripped from your thinking apparatus. For instance, I don't think you know the first principles of logic.
So teach her, bruh! Don’t just make her feel bad about shit and then saunter on out! Also, not everyone gets taught the principles of logic (Howdy, it me!), so if you think it’s a horrible failing, go help!
You apparently take up a more or less Christian attitude, but at the same time you like very much the idea of Karma. You cannot have both.
Ok, this I like. But not from him.
He’s already smashed together Egyptian, Buddhist, Judaic, Zoroastrian, Taoist, and Islamic thought! He is so not one to talk!
But he’s got a point that mixing your metaphors and systems of belief gets... complicated real fast. Picking a paradigm and sticking with it is probably a better way to go.
This old and very good rule (which I have always kept) was really pertinent to the time when there were actual secrets. But I have published openly all the secrets. All I can do is to train you in a perfectly exoteric way.
So what’s the difference between how you teach people when everyone can know things vs when only a few people can know things? Wouldn’t you have to teach in any case? I think he just misses the secrecy and spoopyness! 

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Your questions about the Spirit of the Sun, and so on, are to be answered by experience. Intellectual satisfaction is worthless. I have to bring you to a state of mind completely superior to the mechanism of the normal mind.
Oh yeah, cuz understanding something with your brain never helped anyone actually accomplish something, right?!?! Some of us have to intellectually understand things first! And way to be unspecific about the superior state of mind nonsense! 

A good deal of your letter is rather difficult to answer. You always seem to want to put the cart before the horse. Don't you see that, if I were trying to get you to do something or other, I should simply return you to the kind of answer which I thought would satisfy you, and make you happy? And this would be very easy to do because you have got no clear ideas about anything.  

You, sir, are horrendously insulting! If your student has “no clear ideas about anything” whose responsibility is it to clarify? IT’S YOURS!!!!
Plus, you tell her to go with her instincts, forget about intellectual understanding, and not think about things. Then when she asks you what to do exactly, you berate her about having no clear ideas and that you don’t want to give her just whatever answer will satisfy her!
As you say above, you cannot have both.
For one thing, you keep on using terms about whose significance we are not yet in agreement. When you talk about the "Christian path," do you believe in vicarious atonement and eternal damnation—or don't you? A great deal of the confusion that arises in all these questions, and grows constantly worse as fellow-students talk them over—the blind leading the blind—is because they have no idea of the necessity of defining their terms.
Ok, this is actually a good point. Defining your terms is actually important. Which, hopefully, means he’s going to get around to defining how he’s using “love” and “will” and all that. Because, as he himself points out, confusion becomes worse when terms go undefined.
Then again, you ask me questions like "What is purity?" that can be answered in a dozen different ways; and you must understand what is meant by a "universe of discourse." If you asked me—"Is this sample of chloride of gold a pure sample?" I can answer you. You must understand the value of precision in speech. I could go on rambling about purity and selflessness for years, and no one would be a penny the better.
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She’s asking you what is purity because she wants to know how you’re defining the term, dumbass! She is, right there, doing the exact thing you warned her about in the paragraph before, and now you don’t want to actually get down to it and define your terms because “no one would be a penny the better.”
This is some creepy gaslighting tactics right here! Breaking down her intelligence, telling her to define terms, then refusing to define terms! It’s despicable.
P.S.—or rather, I did not want to dictate this bit—Your ideas about the O.T.O. remind me of some women's idea of shopping. You want to maul about the stock and then walk out with a proud glad smile: NO. Do you really think that I should muster all the most distinguished people alive for your inspection and approval?
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The affiliation clause in our Constitution is a privilege: a courtesy to a sympathetic body. Were you not a Mason, or Co-Mason, you would have to be proposed and seconded, and then examined by savage Inquisitors; and then—probably—thrown out on to the garbage heap. Well, no, it's not as bad as that; but we certainly don't want anybody who chooses to apply. Would you do it yourself, if you were on the Committee of a Club? The O.T.O. is a serious body, engaged on a work of Cosmic scope. You should question yourself: what can I contribute?
Heck yes, I would take people who chose to apply! It proves that they care and actually want to join the damn thing! Otherwise you fill the place with people who don’t really give a shit and who don’t have a stake in anything! People who care are more motivated to work, and work hard!
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Secrets. There is one exception to what I have said about publishing everything: that is, the ultimate secret of the O.T.O. This is really too dangerous to disclose; but the safeguard is that you could not use it if you knew it, unless you were an advanced Adept; and you would not be allowed to go so far unless we were satisfied that you were sincerely devoted to the Great Work. (See One Star in Sight). True, the Black Brothers could use it; but they would only destroy themselves.
Then why is it a secret, HMMMMMM?!?!?!?
Either: 1. couldn’t use it anyway (not advanced Adept) or 2. Black Brother (destroys themselves) or 3. ACTUALLY GODDAMN HELPFUL!!!!
So glad this is the end of the letter cuz I need a break from this guy for a bit!
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