#undertale ranking
nyatbinary-81 · 5 months
god i fucking need isat and oneshot to blow up like undertale did. theyre a similar flavor of indie game and theyre SO good. the spritework is all gorgeous, they have good quality of life (like run buttons), theyre made by like 1-3 people each, they each have unique gimmicks, theyre SUCH GOOD NARRATIVES that im genuinely hesitant to spoil, theyre chock full of optional dialogue, you the player are a Character in one of them, isat is timeloops which is Like undertales resets but its actually About the 'resetting' thing in a way undertale Isnt and also its queer and also its GOOD. if you dontnhave 20-40 dollars or arent sold on Buying them yet, jelloapocalypse has a good isat video on his main channel and a full (voiced!) playthrough on his second channel, and markiplier has a playthrough of oneshots first half, as well as there being existing fandubs and such.
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^ they look like this for reference. arent they so cute and compelling. dont u wanna see these little guys and their big hats and cloaks in their Narratives.
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stuffyflowers · 24 days
Ykw I like making polls for funsies I love finding out public opinion on random shit. Here’s one
Use whatever criteria matters the most to you (Aesthetics, bullet patterns, music, difficulty, creepiness, etc)
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pilkofi · 3 months
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also made some doodles underneath,,
cw: smoking
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lifeof-pink · 7 months
love how in orv you have these voyeuristic gods that livestream people dying for profit and then you read the webtoon and they literally look like they’re about to start playing hopes and dreams and his theme at max volume
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honestly my favorite thing ever, their appearances are so misleading, i think id fucking die in the apocalypse not because someone would kill me but because as soon as i saw one of these guys leading the scenario the higher functions in my brain would shut off and id try to pet them because LOOK AT THEM ?
if embodiment of surveillance state and late stage capitalism then why friend shaped????????
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n01r-kn1ght · 8 months
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I guess Part 1/? of the wip I did last year
I would have made more but I don’t really have the time rn
Anyway this is just a silly crossover that I thought was cute
The world of ranking of the kings kinda fits pretty well and Bojji makes an excellent stand in as Frisk, as determination and kindness are his core values
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abandoned-quiche · 1 year
Oh hey I got a good one
Rank ut/dr characters by if they pour milk or cereal first
alphys: milk first. she vehemently defends this decision against everyone who says it's the wrong way. also, she exclusively eats cereal from like, those japanese snack loot box services that send you foods from japan.
papyrus: milk ONLY. cereal is "A SUGARY CONFECTIONARY TREAT THAT HAS NO RIGHT TO BE CALLED A BREAKFAST." meanwhile milk is full of strong bones. when it comes to breakfast he prefers oatmeal
papyrus is right btw most cereals have no right to be called a breakfast. anyway
sans: you do NOT want to know how this man eats his cereal but i'm going to tell you anyway. he pours orange juice into a bowl, pours chips ahoy cookies into it, and mashes it together until it is an orange chocolate cookie sludge with little chunks of solid cookie in there. and then he eats it with a spoon. he has to eat breakfast in a separate room because of it. as punishment and because nobody wants to see that. he always "accidentally" walks into the room everybody else is in anyway eating his "cereal" because he "thought of a joke" or something. they hate it so much. he loves it
undyne: doesn't eat cereal because itll rot her awesome sharp fish teeth, but she knows alphys is doing it the wrong way
napstablook: they always have to use a very small amount of milk in their cereal because their tears fall into the bowl, watering down the milk, making their cereal soggy, and increasing the amount of liquid by a lot, which would cause it to overflow and spill, causing them to cry more because god why
mettaton: cereal-in-the-shape-of-mettaton's-face after milk-in-the-shape-of-mettaton's-face. by the way, every item of food merchandise he sells is available as ghost food as well. he's one of the staples of a ghost's diet on the surface because of this, as there aren't many ghost foods available. in the underground ghost produce was a lot easier to come by but on the surface they now make up an even smaller portion of the porpulation than they already did so it's tough to come by. thanks mettaton!
mew mew: hates mettaton for the way he does his cereal, but honestly, she would hate it no matter how he did it. eats mew mew cereal. cereal before milk
toriel: doesn't encourage eating cereal because it tends to be unhealthy, but occasionally takes a cheat day. milk before cereal. doesn't understand why there's a debate about this. as far as she's concerned the only wrong way to eat cereal is sans's way
asgore: milk before cereal. would let the children have cereal as a treat sometimes if toriel wasn't around. "our secret".
flowey & chara: absolute snobs about this. HATE anyone who does milk before cereal. not literally of course.
susie: milk first, because she's not the one who pours the milk.
thanks for the ask! :D
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itzy-pitzy · 2 months
Art dump with some of my old drawings I just found from a year or 2 years ago
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One picture is from how one of my sketchbooks looked like and you can see there my favourite characters from anime, comics, shows, or games, and thanks to that, you got to know me a little better
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Ranking Ships part 1!: Alphyne.
Rating: 10/10
Opinion: OTP
Type: Canon
Reason: Aside from the fact it's canon, I love their dynamic. Hot-headed warrior lesbian fish lady x nerdy anxious bisexual lizard
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anotherrosesthatfell · 2 months
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Here are my favourite characters
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utytimeline · 2 months
Ranking the Flowey "Specimen" Fights
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First of all, let me just say that I have no explanation of where these ideas came from or why the tracks for each phase of the Flowey fight are called "specimen." I know the whole thing is meant to parallel the SOULs in UT OG, but where did Flowey get some of these ideas? As for the term "specimen," I've seen the theory that Alphys was injecting various materials with DT, and Flowey was imagining if they had come to life like he did. Makes as much sense as anything I could have come up with.
Ratings are on a scale of 1-6. Fights are listed in no particular order. And for the record, I already know my opinions differ from those of the larger population.
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Not super-creepy, not tough to fight, not a lot of lore, and the music's actually kinda chill. I feel like the music only feels so creepy because of the context. Really, the scariest thing in this fight is... that face....
Music: 4 Battle difficulty: 2 Creepiness: 2 Lore implications: 2
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Call my crazy, but I swear I see Prunsel and hear Jevil in this one. Otherwise, it's just weird and a little difficult.
Music: 2 Battle difficulty: 5 Creepiness: 4 Lore implications: 3
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HANDS. DOWN. THE. WORST. One Flowey face is bad enough, but him summoning multiple versions of himself? Which are blood red and always swipe at you at the worst possible moment? I LOATHE this one. Plus, it's the UT-verse version of "scary beyond all reason." Even more than any Fell that I've seen. The music is probably the least scary thing about this fight, and even that gives me BOTW blood moon vibes.
Also, gotta wonder why Alphys would have labelled this one "polygonal." The heck was she experimenting on? A snowdecahedron?
Music: 3 Battle difficulty: 6 Creepiness: 6 Lore Implications: 1 (it's just all Flowey)
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Did Flowey watch Coraline or something??? And the music- it's like a mashup of Your Best Friend and The Circus.
The most intriguing thing is the use of the finger guns, which, of course, we can recognize from Omega Flowey's fight. The question then becomes: did Flowey get the finger gun idea FROM Clover and Star? Especially since he shoots nails, which... I get the pun, "finger" + "nail," but nails also have the highest attack of any ammo other than friendliness pellets.
Music: 1 Battle difficulty: 4 Creepiness: 3 Lore implications: 5
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Dude, check it out, the Floweynator.
A little difficult, not too bad. Not really too creepy, unless you stare too hard at Machine Gun Flowey's face. It is interesting to think that Alphys was experimenting on machinery with DT. Because, you know, she built Mettaton by sticking a SOUL in a robot.
Also, I've seen the theory that Flowey learned about nuclear bombs and things like that from Chara, so he probably learned about machine guns and hovering drones and things from Chara, too.
Music: 5 Battle difficulty: 3 Creepiness: 1 Lore implications: 4
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I think this is my favorite, actually. Yeah. I'm being totally unironic.
Honestly, it's just creepy. First of all, how does Flowey, a monster who has presumably never seen the surface, know so much about blood? Possibly from Chara, but I have trouble believing that a kid could have told him that much about how the human body works (then again, we are talking about Chara...). Not to mention Flowey getting the heart monitor sound right, that would be very difficult from just a description.
The most obvious solution (to me, anyway) is that Alphys was using an organic lifeform for testing. Since she said she wanted to test a subject that didn't have a SOUL, and we know from Dina that there are non-sentient animals in the Underground that are either kept as pets or used for food, the most likely answer is that Alphys was using a snake or bird or something.
But consider...
What if Alphys was using a human body, or at least samples from a human body, as the "organic" subject??? Technically, the human wouldn't have a SOUL anymore, because their SOUL is already in a glass case behind Asgore's throne room.
Music: 6 (I know most people think it's boring, but I think the heart monitor just adds to the creepiness) Battle difficulty: 1 (not difficult at all to dodge) Creepiness: 5 Lore implications: 6
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thethirdbill · 11 months
I’m live tonight (7pmCT/5Pacific) Celebrating 100 Games on the gaming channel and making a tier list!
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silverkilnor · 11 months
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Did a top favorite 25 games thing, you guys are free to judge lol
Most of it is kinda interchangeable tbh, but the top 5 and my #1 favorite game are definitive
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hotter = Faster
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Please don’t let them in the kitchen.
tbh i’m kinda unsatisfied with this bc i suddenly started struggling w anatomy and just had to accept the very juvenile mistakes (like Gold’s arm in the second panel)
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n01r-kn1ght · 7 months
Part 2/???
<<Previous - Next>>
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Yeah kick his ass goat mum
Just a small continuation
No big plans, just ideas for certain scenarios and character interactions
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twistedtummies2 · 8 months
God of Gas / Belch King / Burp Factory / Ye Olde Gasbag / No Thanks / Who?
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Sans is a tough one, when it comes to my kinks, because...well...he's a literal skeleton. SUPPOSEDLY, he has no skin, no organs, etc. On the other hand, he's clearly able to eat (he loves hot dogs with ketchup), and even seems to bleed when he's struck during one route of Undertale. It's one of the many enigmas of his being: how does a skeleton do that sort of stuff? I have no sodding clue. XD So, let's ignore all other kinks and interests, and also try to ignore the logic of how this even works, at least for now. When it comes to belches...let us presume that, if Sans can eat, and therefore digest, things, he probably produces gas of some sort or another. So, with that in mind...I think Sans, given his sort of "trolling" personality, would be the type to belch in a teasing and deliberately annoying way. Like, I can see him burping repeatedly just to irritate Papyrus, or to tease somebody who is "into" it, or perhaps even engaging in a belching contest with Undyne or something. It's all in good fun, regardless, just know that if you ask him to stop? He's going to take that as an invitation to keep going. Papyrus would complain about his ears being ruined...you know, if he HAD ears. :P Anyway, the logical issues do lower Sans' placement a bit, but in terms of the type I imagine him being, it's a very fun one. So...I'm gonna give him a "fluctuates in the middle" ranking, for now.
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