clownhoodieguy · 7 months
I'm going to be one of those fucking weirdos who dressed up really elaborately, and either be really loud and annoying, or very edgy and cringe. I'm going to be a disturbance, there won't be a single eye not glued to me, not a single face undisgusted
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thebreadtree · 1 year
My last 10 minutes went as following:
Playing DA:O and being disgusted by the Brood Mother
Going on Tumblr to undisgust myself
Laughing at Thrawn
Choosing the Brood Mother over whatever they did to Thrawn
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erabundus · 1 year
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@momijiba &&. said... "I know you don't have a actual stomach to digest but why are you having needs to taste the flavors of candles and other undisgustable things?"
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❝  texture  and  morbid  curiosity.  ❞  there  isn't  a  scrap  of  HESITATION  before  he  gives  his  answer  —  if  anything,  ren  seems  almost  proud  of  the  part  he's  had  to  play  in  wreaking  this  havoc.  it's  been  a  delightful  source  of  entertainment.  (  and  he  is  always  ravenous  for  some  new  drama  to  sink  his  teeth  into.  )  ❝  don't  tell  me  you've  never  smelled  a  candle  with  those  finely  tuned  senses  of  yours  and  thought  it  was  the  least  bit  appetizing?  there's  no  SHAME  in  it.  ❞  he  reaches  out,  patting  the  human's  cheek  once,  twice,  three  times  with  an  innocent  smile.  it's  hard  to  tell  whether  the  gesture  is  intended  to  be  affectionate  or  just  condescending  enough  to  be  IRRITATING  —  yet  knowing  ren,  the  answer  lies  somewhere  in  the  middle.
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❝  you're  my  FAVORITE,  kazuha.  ❞  as  though  that  was  ever  a  question.  ❝  so  i'll  give  you  a  bit  of  advice  i've  been  withholding  from  the  vermin ...  don't  eat  wax.  ❞
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theskyexists · 11 days
Kaos is one of the few shows that doesn't make me cringe at the sex scenes. They're brief, they serve the story enormously, they're kinda really undisgusting?
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I'm inherently undisgusted and indestructible
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badley · 6 years
i want to be THIN
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demonprincezeldris · 3 years
Okay but Meliodas’ first meeting with the commandments, proper meeting that is, came a lot sooner than either he or Zeldris was expecting. It happens not long after Zeldris and Meliodas have their talk. In order to ensure Meliodas doesn’t go back on his deal of resting after ten questions, Zeldris decides to give him a hands on lesson about demon grooming and pack habits, explaining that his habit of nuzzling and sniffing at him has a purpose. Demons are pack animals and Zeldris nuzzling and licking him like that allows him to take in and memorize his scent as well as put his own scent in Meliodas to ward off other demons. As well as being how they groom their young. Meliodas is mildly surprised at how undisgusted he is by that and chocks it up to a long forgotten instinct deriving comfort and relaxation from his brother’s actions. Before he knows it, since Zeldris is very thorough because it’s the first time Meliodas has been groomed in over 3200 years, he’s dozing off, softly purring.
Then… Gloxinia and Drole come in. They and the other commandments had spotted Zeldris sneaking into his rooms with a very recognizable bundle of blonde hair and… well… their curious it’s got the better of them. Glox and Drole had missed their old friend and most of the commandments haven’t actually had a lot of close encounters with Meliodas the Lost. He always kept his distance or ran away before so of course they’re gonna want to see the lost prince. Zeldris is grumpy and protective of his sleeping brother, but relents provided they not disturb him. Unfortunately for them… even though they each managed to get a good whiff of the freshly groomed young demon before it happened, someone did in fact disturb them and Melidoas woke to a room full of demons. Needless to say it doesn’t go well since his first reaction to any of the commandments appearing near him is to lash out and try to run away
oof. Meliodas is definitely going to be startled when he wakes up and sees nine other demons besides his brother around him.
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Uhhh Makoto, kinda weird question but do you have a secondary bathroom planned? Based on the number of people and what bathrooms that can travel typically are it’s not gonna be plesent.
I’m trying to be as undisgusting with this question as I physically can, but it’s very hard.
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I take it we all remembered to go before we fly off?
*Everyone nods.
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And I take it the camper has a built in bathroom.
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It does. But you have to remove the excrement's manually. They’re flushed down into a tub, and the tub then needs to be disposed of.
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Well, I can handle that.
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You sure? Sounds like grim work.
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Well, on account of being uninvited, I’ve gotta prove my usefulness somehow.
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Don’t worry. It’s not much different from changing diapers.
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Changing diapers? I didn’t think people would trust you with their children.
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Why wouldn’t they? I love kids! And kids love me! N-Not in the creepy kind of way.
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Well, to answer your question, I’m sure we’ll figure out secondary bathroom arrangements when we arrive at that bridge.
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wagabagabobo · 4 years
Wow I’m absolutely 100% an UNdisgusting person with public grace and dignity unlike some people I know and don’t know lmao
Not sure what I was so worried about. Idk who Helen of Troy is but she is not better than me. GOD I am beautiful and kind
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upyrica · 5 years
This girl I know is very sweet but she actually smells like farts. She always tries to cuddle me in classes and I have to act undisgusted. Any advice? I know she showers every day and has good hygiene
Unpleasant body odour while good hygiene is maintained may be a symptom of a health issue; that, however, is likely not your place to comment on.
What you can do is politely yet firmly insist that you do not wish to be touched. You are well within your rights to set boundaries regarding your private space and body contact without further explanation or excuse.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“Whereunto snatchd with fears”
“No plot to stay, her feet distance  ranckorous speche, and thee am fit  to my brest. Whereunto snatchd with  fears as thou blame touched euer by the  men those very lovelines, and  I. Found we her hull,” straight! And so 
perpetrates tell of her husband, the  blackening in the  opend wash my hair, while I lie,  everything said, and gaze took pity of  the white vesture sickly to  the glazed like then aspire, yet  not up unto heart. Also the reed  which seemd far alone of my life beguiled  hark them freshly individes the  children gone that lyfe is: though  hideous prick thy lustle; and wrecked claret  seen, with that rather  smite rose harnes trembling an  every arrowes, my sonness  then shore up with lemon, Ghosts,  anothers wracke, so diuide ilk spring  it on that besides  sufferers: that long. S still retaine now  it could neuer want man walkd out here  bids all in it not sullen-seeming  towers a lily fires, ere she  this general noiselle, with  a commenced years a  thing been babbling in  from fiction was in heauenly  spred, he next days or must not somewhat  and brush her smile of  you anywhere, the Lady  Ida: each in my fate, attempt! D  with all happines, just such  that we can be gayne salt agained  to this they be Punic ( they found that desyre, accord, then, like to  lookes deadly quarrely the 
which cut of the most  the said: Cuddies thinking saw such golden  false desting breake my hart before  through the large trees and collapse,  and a little snatch attack of heaven  fayre, maketh in hues away is  Heavens fine your her below 
more augment to rest it green across 
that not delight is broken.  Imagine  you alone, perhaps sae landing hearted  as false, hue, or say I  derides, like cast his civilisation,  have the wouldst garden officer  foot repayre. To be diuretic.) 
Flame, Bannockburn, Passchendaele,  Babi Yar, Vietnam. How yet run away  much loue from my souls, pilots of love  is it the blushd so much long  the east amid marry; for  desire! Your Head of merit it  be praysd of the bald, & wasted. 
Ll for I lose convenience:  the way. Me out occasions tramplight,  when the nice ye  may loved your lately these resto! Of  Sommers dancing so late deares doe her 
aided praying round about accuse  of true loue-affamisht have seemes  to be world have still she footmarks  were awake, all warmth,—I plucked with  furiously lamb in a patching,  passingle ball. In the  thro all to all wear of that  in could kinds cannot early  endlesse and blush Cupid fountaining in 
my bridges temptation of  blisse hy, which a stuff, all stoopegallant  our and since more shedding.  Me, dearne to meet  but braves  has beetle 
bird a-wing…. So loytring in my  back is the chapel believe to  feeling out of flight it fades  of yre, the undisgusting throught?
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deputychairman · 7 years
I WANT TO DIE I just conjugated my verb wrong and unwillingly used the ‘tu’ form to my cleaning lady, I don’t get much practice with ‘usted’ because only old men with Franco moustaches who think they’re important use it and I don’t care about being over familiar with them, but this is the lady who undisgustings my flat every week AND motivates me to perform a bare minimum of domestic labour while she’s here because what else am I gonna do, sit on the sofa and eat bonbons while she works? I choked off my Verb of Wrong halfway through and just kept talking but I don’t know what the correct etiquette is here????? It’s too late to apologise but maybe I should have apologised? Someone send me a Spanish verb table, this is an EMERGENCY I can’t speak again until I can get the formal you form right
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janinelagace · 5 years
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Undisgusting Painted Basement Floor – https://ift.tt/2qmE7lX
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esotercisms-blog · 8 years
I wake up thoroughly disgusted and it is the job of those around me to undisgust me.
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transgenderer · 4 years
i think my disgust reaction is stronger than most people (i mean, its hard to say, box-beetle) but ironically i think my disgust reaction is much narrower than most people, like im extremely bothered by poop and rotting but im totally undisgusted by like, bugs or fresh (unrotted) gore or basically any sex acts
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almahdirevo · 5 years
Buh buh i just was doin it in jest #nxtnorthamericantitle keith just walked out with the thing will the undisgusting era crumble especially since the tag champs didnt do their thing in the same night ? #firehhh @wwe #wwenxt
— Mahdi Refinement Allah (@AllahRefinement) January 25, 2020
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