La belleza según la IA según los humanos según lo mismo de siempre
Estoy probando todas las inteligencias artificiales que puedo, porque siempre que sale una nueva droga la consumo para testear. Con esas que generan imágenes a partir de texto les pedí lo siguiente: mujer hermosa. En inglés también. Beautiful girl, woman, pretty, hasta girlfriend. Nunca apareció alguien con rasgos indígenas, afrodescendiente, trans, asiática, gorda, tampoco vieja, enana, entre otras variables que se les pueda ocurrir, no no: occidental y muy hemisferio norte, joven, casi siempre ojos claros a no ser que le pidiera otro color, sin tatuajes y seguro que si le pregunto hasta era cristiana. Maquillaje a veces sí y otras no. La ropa también occidentalísima, casual o de fiesta o en traje de baño muy de vez en cuando (algunas tienen una especie de pudor algorítmico). Esa mujer hermosa según las distintas IA no lo era si estaba trabajando, no tenía ningún uniforme como bombera, moza, enfermera, piloto. Tampoco tenía ni la más mínima cicatriz, rara vez un lunar. En general piel lisa recién salida del mármol. La única excepción fue (me pongo de pie) la IA de Canva, que al escribir beautiful woman me dio los resultados de la imagen que acompaña este post (primero intenté con pretty woman y me informó que “algunas palabras podrían generar contenido ofensivo o inapropiado, reformula la frase o vuelve a intentarlo”, algo parecido me dijeron otras IA al pedirle por ejemplo fat woman). Los mismos resultados con hombre hermoso. Vi tutoriales, leí guías, apliqué los diferentes modos y filtros cuando los había, lo usé indirectamente desde chatGPT cuando era posible...nada, el resultado insistía en ser el mismo. Qué bueno que no me perdí este último estertor de la humanidad, esta postrera arcada con vómito hegemónico incluido. Nos extinguimos, sí, pero antes creamos estas inteligencias maravillosas para expandir nuestra mierda mejor, más lejos, más mierda. Nos extinguimos, sí, porque no nos exigimos. Más de lo mismo. Hasta el fin de los tiempos. Ya es costumbre.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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elyasdoodles · 3 months
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notsomeloncholy · 2 months
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Disjointed thoughts on making the voidbugs mmmmm buggier
My chickenscratch says:
"Organic mask (able to be molted (?), bio remnants of pale king and lady)"
"Void formed eyes (still swirly)" (my brain goes void sea lookin vibes, for context)
"Translucent eyelids"
"Not strictly necessary (void naturally repellant)-vestigial? In a way? Uses them for expression post-freeing"
Then it's just ghost and hollow slow blinking like cats :>
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avatarofcats · 1 year
Lots of sad fics about MC inevitably getting older and dying, but consider this; accidental immortality? I’d like to imagine everyone getting stressed and worried because they know you’ll die in less than 100 years, and we all know how demons don’t really notice the passage of time in the same way that humans do, and it cracks me up to imagine the boys celebrating your 50th birthday to only just realise you’ve not aged a day since they met? satan peering at you in a perplexed way from across the dinner table as you reach forward with a perfectly youthful hand to cut the cake for everyone,for him to just reach out and grab your hand, inspecting it for signs of aging as mammon grumbles in the back about “hey, whaddya think ya doin’, chump? Ya ain’t their number one-“ to have him wave a hand to indicate silence as he looks at you with a harrowing gaze. “You’re 50, right? Shouldn’t you.. look…different?” His punctuated confusion just sets off a bomb in everyone else’s heads as they realise that truly, their darling mc hasn’t aged a day? How could anyone have not noticed? Cackling tbh
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tofixtheshadows · 3 months
Thinking about genre and how Dungeon Meshi says This is a comedy/drama about food and ecosystems and being hungry and so it does not reward violence beyond what is necessary to feed yourself and others. There is no real final battle, there is no bankai, you will throw away your swords. Mithrun's hyperviolent revenge-suicide mission utterly fails and leaves him a husk, and he can only start his life over again when he gets up and helps make a meal. He thought he could use Kabru to get what he wanted, but he couldn't, because what Kabru always wanted was to help people, and that's how Kabru makes it through the dungeon in the end, and why Mithrun is enraged that he couldn't kill Laios like he assumed he would. Kabru saves Falin's life, he saves Mithrun's life, he spares Laios's, just like how Laios spares Thistle's. You cook for each other. That's how you save the world.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Broken Wings
A few days before his coronation, Clockwork came looking for the boy who was staring into the void dejectedly, Danny had really thought that being a halfa would at least give him the chance to stay a little longer with his family.
However, as the ghost features were displayed in his human form and his parents suspicion increased, Danny understood that he had become too ghost for humans, it was just depressing to note that even in Infinite Realms he was too human for ghosts as well.
He loved the green freckles on him, he loved how his eyes had flashes of constellations, and even though it was a bit strange, he loved the little crystal in his right hand made of ice, he felt it made him a bit similar to Frostbite; but when he started to freeze everything with his touch he freaked out.
"Difficult times are coming" the master of time commented, caressing the halfa's hair "your coronation will increase your power and although the ghosts will be fine, you won't be able to return to the human world"
"I didn't want to be king" the halfa murmured sadly "I didn't want to leave the world so early"
"No, I guess not" Clockwork sighed "You must be careful, one of your royal duties will make you see things you wish you didn't, I'm not going to stop you but try to make the right choice"
Danny couldn't understand this until a few days after his coronation, when his consciousness expanded through the dimensions and he began to see people's deaths, their thoughts, regrets, dreams. And he could do nothing more than offer them a home in the Realms or guide them to a peaceful rest, praying that it would be enough.
With each passing day he felt more restless; It was then that the death of Jason Todd played in his head, he saw the boy who wanted to fly and he remembered himself when he had the dream of visiting space, he remembered when he learned to float like a ghost and compared it to the moment when Jason discovered Robin, he couldn't help but want to give him a better ending.
Jason Todd's soul was sad and stubborn, he flatly refused to rest, but he also refused to become a ghost; Danny couldn't help but sigh as he saw the little core forming in his hands.
It was then when he broke the rules, more or less; he waited for the moment when a catastrophe would occur in the boy's dimension and sneaked into Jason's grave, placing the small core in his living body and feeding it with his ectoplasm. He didn't know if that would be enough to make him a revenant or a halfa, but it was the best he could do.
"Please fly into the night sky for me" the halfa said sadly as he walked away. He knew he was being unfair by leaving Jason in his own grave, but what if it didn't work? Would he leave a body far from his resting place? No, he did enough, what happen next depends on Jay.
Danny hoped Jason wouldn't resent him for it if he found out in the future. He clapped with joy when Clockwork told him that it worked, but the time master frowned, telling him that he couldn't return to said dimension for a few years.
So it's understandable that Danny was upset when after a few years he decided to travel back to check on Jason and found the boy alive but with his little core surrounded by contaminated ectoplasm.
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stra-tek · 1 year
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Strange New Worlds dress uniforms! Love that they're dipped in that TOS cheese
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popyfruit · 26 days
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danielcalmdown · 5 months
Another character I've been thinking about is Tiago, but again. I'm a bit thick n don't know if he was supposed to be another caricature of a character, going from one addiction (alcohol) to another (full time worship), or if he legit found something in that hole beyond the pale and this world, that could be real cool? Idk what are the creationism theories of disco elysium world, but it feels somehow true. (Tho i am naive so maybe he just convinced me that easily lol)
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19seachelle19 · 5 months
I have another theory that is probably not true and is out there but I wanna say it anyways. What of Cassandra’s and Ankarna’s child is actually Helio. What if Sol took over Helio as his “son” because both of Helio’s parents were erased from history. And Helio is the way he is because some of Sol’s worshippers specifically changed him to be like that so that he supports Sol. Or maybe during the Sol followers meeting the Ankarna followers, Helio was kind of given during that. I don’t know, but its just a thought I had
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fairweathermyth · 1 year
Thinking about the triumvirate that makes the whole: Fitz, Nighteyes, the Fool. Thinking about how Fitz can never let go of the past. Constantly looking back, reliving his life's events, dwelling on regrets. A storyteller and a chronicler of histories. Thinking about Nighteyes and his wolf’s mindset of the Now. Always reminding Fitz that it’s useless to worry about things that are already done and can’t be changed, or about things yet to come that are out of reach. The only thing that matters is the moment you’re in. Thinking about the Fool, the literal White Prophet, reading the threads of all possible futures and guiding them onto the paths and patterns he desires. Eyes always fixed on the future, always focused on what comes next. Human, wolf, prophet. Past, present, future.
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Thinking about love in season 2 of The Bear and how Carmy seems to conceptualize "love" and "fun" as opposites — because for him, they historically have been. It's something I really noticed in Fishes (2x06): how vocally and genuinely everyone in his family — including in-laws and functionally adoptive members like Richie and the Fak siblings — loves each other, but also how deeply entwined that love is with stress and chaos and criticism.
Natalie is nicknamed, by people who love her, after a mistake she made years ago and which is still held over her head when she tries to help in the kitchen. Donna loves her children and is loved by them in turn, but she's constantly on the edge of a meltdown, unable to offer or accept support. She spends hours cooking them a beautiful dinner, and then she drives a car through the wall. Michael reminds Carmy he loves him and tries to give him advice, and then he gets in a massive fight with Uncle Lee at the dinner table and starts throwing forks. Cooking is clearly so important to his family, but doing this activity they love, and especially doing it around the people they love, so rarely results in a feeling of "amusement or enjoyment."
And so it's no surprise, really, that the career Carmy loves is one that gives him panic attacks and made him throw up before work every day, or that he (and Natalie and Sydney) not only decide on such a radical transformation of the restaurant but give themselves a ridiculously sort timeline to complete it. He's stressed and miserable a lot of the time, but is it really something he loves if he doesn't feel that way?
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tarsusingkirk · 3 months
it was 11:07.
not it was 11. not it was around 11. not, oh, it was 11:10. not some general time. he sat in the dark in that shack for hours thinking, ruminating, obsessing over armand's call. carving the minutes of it into his mind, lost lost lost in more ways than one
it was all he had, time. the passage of nights upon nights, alone with the rats he forces between his teeth.
he doesn't know what happened to louis, and all he can hear is armand's detached voice echoing, echoing in his mind. he carves those echoes, those quick, sudden seconds of the call into his mind.
he plays armand's voice, he replays armand's words, repeating each word to himself in the wretched solitary of the shack until they become noises, like the indistinct buzz of botflies, devoid of meaning.
was armand toying with him? was louis even there, together, with him in san francisco? he separated from louis all those many years ago in paris, a blink of an eye. a blink of a bruised and bloody eye, flickering shut in a detestation for what it sees reflected in the apple of its eye. the nights crawl on behind his closed eyelids, the noise of carving dripping down his ears hot and wet.
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
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Do you think AFO was trying to steal Yoichi's embers, as if he could take his Quirk Factor through the leftovers to be together again?
But he only erased Yoichi instead, by trying to steal what was left? And the incomplete Factor couldn't be stolen, because of how miniscule it was?
The same as Yoichi before One For All? That measly Factor that could only give, and nothing else, that even AFO couldn't notice it?
Did All For One kill Yoichi again on accident?
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stellerssong · 6 months
like fuck ME, man, the thing about Lucienne is that she can be kind of prickly and straitlaced and opaque and dryly sarcastic and chilly AND she can be capable of acts of incredible faith, generosity, good humor, care, and forgiveness, and neither of those things have to be mutually exclusive! it's called the fundamental dichotomy at the heart of human nature and we all have it in us! god DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!
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goatvaxing · 3 months
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an organ all the same
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