#unfortunately the guy is like 8 years younger than her so it wouldn't work
tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
what if yotsuyu had a brother that was given to a shinobi to be raised and trained shortly before the doman rebellion failed........
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vkookjamz · 4 years
|| Prologue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
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| 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑡-𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 |
"𝘉-𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭..?"
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬'𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯. 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦..
Y/n's POV
"What the hell hyung-" Jungkook hissed at the older.
Taehyung rose up, moving to stand aside as the younger replaced his previous spot kneeling down beside you.
"What happened?? Why is y/n in here like this??" The males brows knitted together as he rolled up the sleeves of his dark grey sweater, reaching down to pull the drain emptying the tub.
You were weak, you could still feel a slight dizziness in your head, and your cheeks were flushed.
The white cream colored baggy long sleeve you wore stuck clinging to your body, your black shorts dripped with excess water that had soaked into the now heavy material.
Surely you couldn't tell either of them or anyone else what had really happened just yet- you wouldn't even know how to explain it yourself.
Sighing at the continued silence that followed after his questioning, Jungkook then lifted you into his strong arms with ease, holding you only for a moment before he grabbed a towel to dry you off.
Hearing the tone in Jungkook's voice, you couldn't help but feel a little worried since he was the overly jealous type.
And after all, you and Tae probably looked a little too close for comfort without a proper explanation in his eyes..
"She was overheating- and her head was in pain so I had to cool her down"
Tae spoke smoothly, tucking his hands into the pockets of his slightly oversized pale-tan khaki pants.
"Why didn't you call for me. I could've helped her" Jungkook said lowly, earning a slight eye roll from the older.
Sensing the tension, you let your hand cup Jungkook's cheek to make him face you. "I said not to- I didn't want to worry you.."
You felt bad having to lie, but you would've felt worse if your current state had caused any more friction between the two older males.
After all, Taehyung was one of Jungkook's closest hyungs-
Feeling your touch seemed to put the worried male at ease as he gave a slight smile your way, to which you returned.
Taehyung cleared his throat with a hum, running a hand through his hair as he let himself slowly back out of the bathroom.
"You should get her changed into something comfy, maybe one of my silk shirts, she does love rolling around in them" he chuckled with a slight smirk before disappearing out of the room.
Your eyes widened slightly and you already felt the familiar heat rise to face.
'Aish Taehyung..'
"Oh really?"
You glanced back to Jungkook, feeling his arms that held you somehow pull you in closer against his firm warm chest.
"I- That was when I was a kitten of course-" you laughed nervously trying to avoid any further talk on the matter.
"Well, you're still my kitten"
Yoongi's POV
"Hyung are you sure this is the place?" I looked to Jin as he stepped out of the passenger side of my car.
We had to drive nearly to Incheon to get here, we were basically at the western edge of Seoul.
"Yoongi, I may be old but I'm pretty sure I know where I got my car towed" Jin retorted as he stepped out shortly after me.
Locking the vehicle, I put my keys into my coat pocket and stepped forward looking up at the small, worn out building.
"G.E.- "
Huh, their signs missing a letter- this place looks like it hasn't had any business in years-
"This doesn't look like a place were they keep towed cars"
The other let out a sigh, once again taking out the small crumpled piece of paper to show me.
"Yah, I'm aware of that, but this is the address on the receipt they gave me so wether it 'looks' like a place where they keep cars or not this better be where my car is" Jin huffed shoving the paper that he had previously been waving in my face back into his pocket.
I knew I should've let Jimin drive him here instead of me-
Without any further complaints, I followed the older up the short flight of steps and walked inside the establishment.
It was cold inside, slightly dim but the flickering of a single light on the ceiling provided some light.
At least the sun was still up by the time we got here, already I got the sense I definitely wouldn't wanna be in this place at night-
The interior was painted a dull white that probably only became dull with age, along with matching marble tiled floors.
Potted plants were neatly placed at each corner of what appeared to be a waiting area, with only two black leather furnished chairs against the right side wall from the entrance.
"I guess we just wait here-" I spoke taking a seat as Jin gave me a glance after he himself finished eyeing around the room.
"Wait hell, I want my car and I'm not waiting in this creepy room for longer than I need to-"
"Ah, you're finally here. And you've brought a friend excellent"
The both of us looked forward to the front of the room where a large desk counter was placed, watching as a slightly smiling man stepped out from the door behind it.
"Hyung you know this guy?" I mumbled under my breath, getting up from my seat as I kept my eyes on the stranger as he headed towards us.
"No-" Jin replied quickly tugging on my coat sleeve, as if to help me get up quicker.
The man looked older than us, his hair was black and appeared to be gelled, no grey hairs so maybe in his late thirties or early forties.
Oddly he was dressed nice, despite his outfit being all black.
He wore a dark black dress shirt, black pants, and some nice matching leather shoes of which I'm sure were from an expensive name brand.
One wouldn't get the impression this guy worked at a place that handles cars- more of an office type place.
"Kim Seokjin I presume? You're car is out all ready to go, and you are?"
I narrowed my eyes and looked down at the mans hand that extended to me, finally deciding to reach out, I gave it a shake.
"I'm with him" I responded vaguely before clearing my throat.
"And you are?" I repeated the mans words to him causing him to chuckle.
It sounds familiar but I couldn't imagine anyone else having that name.
"My father was into historical figures so I'm sure if you know anything about the Joseon dynasty you'll understand its meaning" he responded after seeming to notice my thinking.
He sounded almost prideful.
Guess I'll have to do some digging on that with Jungkook later.
"If you don't mind, we've got a bit of a drive back so, my car?" Jin bowed his head respectfully and took out his wallet.
"Oh there won't be any need for that it's already taken care of" Hanseong waved his hand as he started walking right towards the way we entered.
Quickly, I smacked Jin in the chest with the back of my hand, causing him to stare at me with his eyes wide and mouth agape as if he was about to snap.
"If this weirdo says you don't have to pay then you DON'T HAVE TO PAY" I  whisper yelled raising my brows at the other before I followed behind the stranger.
As we all exited, there was Jin's car, parked perfectly right beside mine.
I looked over at Hanseong, who stood outside the doors of the building watching as Jin inspected his car, who then nodded at me signalling everything was alright.
"Everything in order Mr. Kim?" The older man questioned tucking his hands into his pants pockets.
He nodded getting into his car and closing the door.
"Yes- thank you- you were very quick and professional, I'll be sure to give you 10 stars on yelp" Jin chuckled nervously to which I just rolled my eyes.
Following Jin, I got into my own car and gave him an annoyed glance as I started the engine after he did.
Raising my head, I looked one last time to the smiling older male through my windshield before he spoke.
"Sounds good, have a safe drive back. Mr. Kim, Mr. Min."
He waved turning on his heel only to disappear into the building as we pulled out of the buildings driveway, and began to head back home.
As I drove following shortly behind Jin, it took me maybe thirty minutes after going through all that had happened for me to realize.
The last thing Hanseong actually said.
"Mr. Min"
I never told him my name.
A/n: Please excuse my late update, they will be that way for awhile due to health reasons, I was supposed post this back in September but unfortunately I had to go to the hospital. Please be assured I'm recovering and it's hopefully nothing too serious. As always I hope you enjoyed~
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Weekend Away
Two weeks ago I ended up at Lake Seneca for a friend's bachelorette party. It went pretty well all things considered. Three of the girls I had never met and were the bride's age (aka: much younger than me) and the other four, including the bride, I haven't seen probably in years.
How I got invited I really don't know. I had a falling out with one of the group a couple years back. Everyone was mad at her for doing something horrible I'm not going to talk about here. There were a lot of emotions from everyone, involved or not, and I decided to separate myself from it all. I was remembered for about two weeks before everyone went about their business without another thought for me.
But that's just the way it goes. Always has been, probably always will be. I have a reputation in my own head: the girl everyone "loves" but no one interacts with. "Oh, you know so-and-so? OMG I LOVE HER!!" Meanwhile, we haven't actually spoken in two years. Story of my life.
Needless to say, the prospect of staying in a house with these 7 people was stressing me out. The kind of stressed where I sit and think about all of the things I need to do or make lists, but never actually get around to doing those things. That's how I found myself sitting in a Kmart parking lot crying at 9:40 the night before I was supposed to leave for this trip with nothing to wear.
I had a legitimate fear that I was going to be the one who ruined the trip pictures because of the way I look. I'm obviously pretty heavy, I don't buy myself nice clothes, I'm plain and never wear makeup or jewelry, and my standard hairstyle is a ponytail. There's my nutshell. So, yes, I was anxious about nearly everything that weekend.
All in all, I guess it wasn't bad, though. We went to Watkins Glen and started with what was supposed to be "a nice hike up the falls." 😐 "Don't worry, there's steps and hand rails." 🤔 It was also 1.5 miles up hill including 832 stairs just to get to the top. ☠ Then another 1.5 back down. My legs were shaking and felt like overcooked spaghetti by the end. 🍝 But hey, exercise, right?
I had to stop several times-since asthma makes me it's bitch- and have everyone stare at me while I wheezed and tried to not die. Fun times! 👍 Here's some pics.
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We survived I guess.
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Next we hung out at The Oasis at Hazlitt. That was fun till it wasn't. A few guys were trying to pick up certain members of the party. I was also drunk and may have shot my mouth off a few too many times. My favorite:
Us- (leaving)
Them- (spouting nonsense I didn't care about)
Me- Yeah, well sorry you're not getting laid tonight. Looks like you put in all that hard work for nothing. Bye!
Unfortunately we ran into them at the next place too. I ate a bunch of pickles and drank more. The night ended with them somehow figuring out where we were staying, us freaking and checking the house while wielding kitchen knives, then deciding planks were a good idea. Spoiler: stupidest fucking idea since hiking the gorge.
However, I think pickles are the best hangover cure now. I thought for sure they'd make me sick, but I woke up at 6:30, sore everywhere but not a hangover in site. Yay pickles!🥒
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We also stole lots of glasses. Sorry Hazlitt.
Went to a few places the next day. Bought a little wine, ate some food, had some laughs. It was mostly a good time. We did have an issue with where we wanted to go for dinner. They wouldn't accept our reservation for 8 people but then wouldn't seat us because we didn't have a reservation. 😲 Whatever. We found something better. Ended up at a place called Thai Elephants and it was amazing.
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They let us have a reserved table as long as we promised to be out before the party got there. The food was BEAUTIFUL! I got pineapple curry with mussels, squid, and shrimp. It was also ridiculously spicy. When she asked how it was I told her how good but spicy it was for me and asked for an order of coconut rice to help. When I got the check she had comped the rice! It was already a $20 bowl of curry and I think I left a $10 tip because they were so good to us. I hope everyone else did the same.
Now for the sad part. When we were packing up to leave the next day I pulled my leftovers out of the fridge to take home and saw that it leaked. But when I went to wash off the container and repack it, it was actually shattered. Apparently someone knocked it out of the fridge and there were little plastic pieces in it. 😢 I was sooooooo looking forward to eating that and had to throw it away!!! I've been checking every local Thai restaurant around to find the same dish and no one makes it with all the different seafood. Next time I'm up there I need to make a stop and get some more. I'm still not over this.
We packed up, cleaned, and left the next morning. But not before stopping at the discount wine store to buy all the wine we liked. Lol we had a full cart, it was ridiculous. I also bought garlic and dill cheeses from the store after a stop at Dunkin.
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A Frozen Chocolate and a blueberry donut. Yeah, aside from copious amounts of wine this was my big cheat and I don't regret it.
We also decided to do a plank challenge for some reason. So now I do planks every day and it sucks. Better than my usual no exercise though.
So that was my weekend away. I'm still not fond of any pics that were taken because I look like a whale especially compared to the other girls. I definitely felt ignored and forgotten about at points, but that's pretty much my superpower. So, it is what it is and I just try to deal with it. The bride had a great time and that's the only party that really matters.
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