lol this might be very specific but this is Tumblr so I’m hoping at least someone else can relate to it but anyone else in that weird place with their gender (I can end this here tbh) where you’re comfortable enough with your agab for people to call you their bf/gf or say “I’m one of the boys/girls” but also that’s pretty much it but you also present a lot like your agab so whenever anyone asks for your pronouns you’re like “I use any pronouns, ty!” in hopes they use literally any other pronouns apart from your agab ones but you’re too scared to be like “please use these one instead” because you fear you’re not “valid enough” to use those pronouns or you want to present more in the opposite style but you still feel like you wouldn’t fit in but also if literally anyone else told you that this is exactly what they’re going through you’d be like “OMFG NO YOURE SO VALID AND YOU DONT NEED TO PROVE YOURSELF TO ANYONE YOURE SO PERFECT AND ILL USE THOSE PRONOUNS TO REFER TO YOU” but since it’s you going through it, you need to prove yourself to everyone in the world before you can feel validated and accept or is that just a me thing lol?
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About Me
vent blog - yes, you can reblog anything and everything I post unless I specifically state otherwise :)
TLDR: 20, They/He Queer, Severally Mentally Ill
DNI: pro/ed pages (pro recovery is fine), racists, terfs, homophobes/ transphobes/ etc, anti-feminist, ableist, body shamers, fetishizers (anyone who glorifies any toxic behaviors, fetishizes mentally ill ppl in any way, people with savior complexes who think every mentally ill person needs “saving”; etc), anyone under 13 (these spaces aren’t spaces you should be in lol. i understand wanting people who can relate to you but it can be equally as damaging if you’re not careful. coming from a former 13 yo who was in spaces they shouldn’t be, take care of yourself)
♡ 20
♡ Queer/ Gender-fluid
♡ They/He
♡ Demi-Sexual/Romantic
• heavy preference in women/ fem presenting people
♡ Anxiety
♡ Bipolar
♡ EDs
• won’t elaborate/ talk about it
• anti “pro-ana/ ed”, “meanspo/thinspo”, etc pages
• pro-recovery pages are fine <3
♡ Autistic
♡ Psychosis
♡ Safe Space for anyone struggling. <3
Hey! I’ve decided to start a new tumblr :] I had one years ago and it kinda got big but people were taking things in ways that made me uncomfortable so I abandoned it. I’ll probably be using this to vent/ ramble/ get my thoughts out there so big TW for any topics mentioned above and more. Browse this page with your own discretion.
As you may be able to tell from the list above, I am pretty mentally fucked. It’s not the complete list of my disorders but probably the ones I’m most comfortable disclosing. I hope to provide a safe space where people can relate and find comfortable in. I know sometimes all you really need is to know people are out there with the same experience and being able to interact with them helps so I hope to be that person for some of you if possible <3 feel free to send me ask with questions or if you need some advice and I’ll try my best to give some advice when possible.
Comment “🖤” (if you’re an adult) or “🤍” (if you’re a minor) under any of my posts if you wanna be mutuals! (Please be honest about your age lol. I’m not asking for you to be specific but I’d rather know off the bat if my mutuals are minors or adults because there’s strict boundaries I have for different age groups.)
I’ll probably edit this in the future but just wanted to get something together quickly to pin <3
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