Cross doodles of newest au. still don't have a name. :P puppet killer is there too.
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the boyo
creepy mode under cut. Tw for unreality.
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xomeiiluv · 2 years
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kinda of remake drawing i did in 2020 <3
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athenafire · 2 years
‘ protec, attac ‘ 
send me   ‘ protec, attac ‘    for my muse’s reaction to yours knocking out someone who was threatening mine. 
To say Meredith was surprised would be putting things mildly. Every time she left the mountain this happened. People would point and whisper, say nasty things just loud enough to act subtle, but still she could hear.
Dirty, smelly, wild, a witch...all words used to attack her. But none ever were bold enough to actually face her down. To boast about how even the prettiest rose can become ugly without a mans hand to guide them. But this one went so far as to raise a hand to her.
An invitation the wild woman would gladly accept. She waited for his hand to come within range, so she could bite his fingers off, and show him just how untamed this mare truly was.
But the hit never came. Instead, another knocked him flat on the ground. He didn't move, and Merediths eyes silently fell on the mans attacker. "What'd you risk your social standing for?" she asked bluntly.
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daydreamingtetch · 1 year
(starter for @alicesought )
All he could hear was the ringing in his ears and the lingering of Jonathans voice calling out his name. Now, Jervis was smart, extremely so, but even he had lapses in his judgement when it came to his actions.
Dealing with highly unstable but technologically advanced devices that may have been heisted from a lex corporation vehicle that tried to route its way through Gotham...that was one of those lapses.
No matter his roommates insistence to pass this off to some poor schmuck he refused to listen. Besides, they had gotten it secured and in their grasps, why would they simply throw that opportunity away?
Luckily for Jervis, he got what he wanted! But, got more than he bargained for as with the right amount of tinkering the distinct sharp featured steel cube activated. Now, he would love to remember what happened after that but all he truly remembered was a quick but striking blinding light and a jolt of electricity... And a fall...
One that seemed to go on further than he had even processed.
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He must of hit his head hard from how it felt when he awoke again but this wasn't the main priority... As far as he knew he wasn't in the right place. Not only from the messy interior but just the overall lack of recognition of any of the decor.
"Ooookay okay easy-- steady.." He told himself as he stumbled to his feet, leaning onto the wall. This place looked...occupied enough, so context clues point to he wasn't alone.
Jervis didn't know if he wanted that to be true or not in his current state. A quick pat down of of himself made him realize that he did have his cards on hand...but that's it.
"At least I have that in case..." he whispered to himself. Jervis breathed in then sighed as he prepared himself to do a very stupid thing.
"Hello? Anyone home?"
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aulysoldacc · 5 months
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aulysfanficsstuffs · 5 months
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a voice kept hearing me for hours and hours in my dreams I cannot open my eyes until all of the sudden.. 
I gasped and got awake in the middle of the night I thought it was a gunshot nearby but it wasn't just something 
It could be a sign. Of something bad happening.
Sabrina:""IS THIS A SIGN!? Oh no. Oh no."
I panicked and start taking deep breaths and looked at the window and saw a forest that I don't remember seeing it.
Sabrina:"Why is there a forest is this some sort of joke!?"
I wondered thinking that this can let me go missing. Forever I started getting out of my room to get my phone and it's... 4:35 A.M i quickly go back to my room and text with the group chat. 
Sabrina:"guys have you see this before? There's a forest in my city that appeared out of nowhere it seems like a abandonded forest"
Kiana:"Sabrina I don't know maybe I have seen it today I haven't see this forest before and anyone it looks like a trap but big."
Daniel:"guys why are you texting in 4 A.M?"
Kiana:"she's talking about a forest that I don't remember that appeared out of nowhere."
Iris:"jeez I saw it today I'm afraid we could be missing people if we go there. I don't want to get teleport into some fictional world where we have 2 alternates of ourselves."
Aoki:"guys are you ok? What's going on here?"
Iris:"Sabrina saws a forest at night and we saw it too."
Aoki:"I haven't see it bcuz I'm in a different neighborhood and I never see that.but I wanna go there."
The group chat starts a big argument And i didn't join them. And straight up going offline instead. 
I made a big choice wonder if I could go there or not and I didn't care I immediately go there. I wear my dress and accessories on and leave the house. It was quite Slient and Kiana joined me too wearing A shirt and a jacket As we are in the forest I feel a bit dizzy and loss unconscious. 
Kiana:"Sabrina are you ok? Sabrina?-"
A black portal opened in the ground and we fall eventually I tried open my eyes until I fell into a road and hit my head but luckily Kiana survived and Tell me this when my eyes are closed
Kiana:"I guess it's not... Wait. SABRINA WAKE UP!"
She tried to wake me up and I woke up. I look around and im in a city that I don't remember where this is from maybe a cartoon network show?..
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starlizlia · 4 months
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((so had to reCreate this introduction post again due my phone being lost so yeah..))
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Hey my name is lia or aulia please call me auly or Autumn if not Friends or Close friends. I'm a girl who was in Indonesia and loves to make Fanfic AUs that are just... often out of context. I love cartoons and Books. I may probably have adhd.
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My birthday is 11/28
I'm the author of SabrinaVerse(Formerly as unknownverse cuz i found that the Title was actually Used for a undertale AU but i will Change its fanfic title later on quoteV.) And recontinuation.
I mostly make teen titans fanart tho.
I hate tables(just joking)
I often become delusional when it comes to 2014 or 2018 tumblr things or my alternative self
I'm a Beginner fanfic writer.
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Teen titans fans
Project sekai fans(Except for Any toxic people in the fandom)
Anyone who loves lightning and thunder(from teen titans)
Anyone who has the same interests as me(including Anyone who didn't have the same interests as me cuz I love ya <33)
Mitski listeners or fans
Puffy(puffy amiyumi) fans
Rhythm game people
Anyone who's above 10.
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Anyone who supported canihavepromo or misterobvious
Anyone Below 10(it's ok if your turning 10 this year.)
Toxic religious people
People who mocked islam
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Teen titans
Samurai jack
Cyborg kurochan
Project sekai
Purple-Active but wanting to leave the Fandom.
Orange-sometimes active
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blog-classicalruby · 3 years
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‘The Silent Daycare’ A pj’s daycare manga
It’s not the first page lol I’m still practicing :d
Idk I’ll think about the storyline and then start drawing the first page ig •^• dunno ;-;
Yea Ik it has some errors ;-;
Pj’s Daycare belongs to @blogthegreatrouge
Paperjam belongs to @7goodangel
Cray belongs to @weezy-pup
Art by @blog-ru-and-palette / me
Hope you liked it!
Have a good day/night :>
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vintage--owl · 3 years
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More pony art cause i draw these guys a lot more then anyone else. This is for a different universe, the UnknownVerse. Its my main next gen and one ive done a lot of editing to the canon story line! I have posted something for the UnknownVerse here before but I didnt do much with it lol.
In this universe, AJ is trans!male ~ <3
1) Even before Aj's transition, there was always some kind of sexual tension between him and Rarity, everypony could see it, even the two could but at the time Aj was in his old body and didnt feel comfortable exploring any kind of relationship until his body transition. It wasnt till after the ceremony that he found a new kind of confidence and a want to try out his new body. Of course Rarity was more then happy to help him try out. 2) It really didnt take long, it was just one time but that was all it took for Rarity to get pregnant. Sure there was sexual tension between the two, but they never planed on taking it any feather then friends with benefits, let alone start a family. Rarity wanted to regret it so badly but she just couldn't bring herself to. She loved Aj, she even found herself caring for the little foal she was caring, but it didnt stop her form being overly dramatic about the whole thing. Rarity didnt want the foal, she made that clear, but was more then happy to give the foal to Aj or even put them up for adoption, Aj on the other hoof saw fatherhood as his next mission, he also didnt see himself having a marefriend or getting married so he was more then happy to take the little foal off of her hoofs and raise him. They'd decided that the foal will be raised by Aj and Rarity would be a kind of aunt till the little fella 3) The pregnancy went pretty event free, no issues or too much morning sickness. Rarity was able to carry the foal to full term, even tho she was getting far far larger then her mother ever did with Sweetie belle. When he was finally born, Rarity was in labour for over 8 hours and  when he was finally screaming she saw just how big of a boy he was. This also shocked Aj and he asked Granny Smith. She told him almost all the apples where born pretty big compared to normal earth ponies. Born as Apple Branch, he was overly loved by his father and his mother even stood up to the role, no longer was she aunty. Unfortunately, both his parents had found love in their lives and started a new family each. Aj marring Burt oak and Fleur de Lis, while Rarity married Capper. This left Apple abandoned at the age of 8. He was still living with AJ and his new family, but he didnt get the same love he used to or what his siblings got. Hes the best big brother, but he has separation anxiety and depression. He tends to spend his teen to adult years in the everfree forest as Zecora's apprentice. Due to his interest in potions and elixirs, his cousins and siblings started to call him Poison Apple and he adapted to that new identity pretty quickly
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realized i forgor to post the digitized puppet killer.
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i like his spooky little face
idk if i need to add any trigger warnings. feel free to tell me if i do.
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xomeiiluv · 2 years
Unknwonverse Poster [re-draw]
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Unknownverse old version from july 30,2019
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You can see how much i have inprove in just shorts years i love it <3
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black-okamii · 5 years
. . . don’t expect too much from this, it’s just another Undertale AU . . . it’s just made for fun . . . It won’t come out very soon anyways . . . It’s too much suspense for a not well planned tale, isn’t it? . . . You still here?. . . Well, then enjoy the wait . . . because there’s still an untold tale to finish, if you understand what I’m talking about . . . .
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daydreamingtetch · 1 year
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"Ah! I though you were off to take a nap. Well, if you want to know, uhm... well... I'm doing fine. enough. You know actually scratch that, very good now that I think of it. yes."
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aulysoldacc · 5 months
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Sneak peek for like unknownverse chapter 2 or something
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aulysfanficsstuffs · 9 months
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Hello everyone welcome to Auly's other account this account may post fanfics,AU's And other stuffs.
Some fanfics or AU's i Made may contain topics like:swear words,blood,gore and more. Please if Ur sensitive to these topics I highly recommend don't read it.
Orange-maybe scrapped
-bloodloss pressure issues(diary of a wimpy kid)
-unknown phone number(Mascotverse & Olympicverse)
-lost ones eye(trolls)(SCRAPPED AU OR MAYBE NOT)
-Moonlight academy(ocs X Mascotverse)
-A fallen star!(teen titans X project sekai)
-unknownverse(Oc insert AU)
And many more.(I forgot the names)
That's all the introduction thank you!
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burningbutwhite · 5 years
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      wandering  on  her  own  was  not  recommended;     carol’s  words  of  a daughter  no  longer  there   ring  in  her  head  every  time,   ‘ running  was  not  enough  for  her. ’     if  trouble  found  mika     -     if  mika  couldn’t  bring  herself  to  fight  against  the  things  wanting  to  harm  her    -      it  would  be  game  over.      but  it  is  something  she  has  to  do,    isn’t  it?      toughen  up   and  not  be  so  ...   so  NICE.     knowing  this  does  not  stop  her  from  flinching  when  she  hears  a  sound,   whirling  on  her  feet  to  face  the  area,   palm  poised  over  the  hilt  of  a  blade.    as  much  as  she  hopes  her  pressed  lips  are  intimidating,    the  wide  bambi  eyes  that  gaze  at  the  other  are  bound  to  lose  the  effect.   “ didn’t  anyone  ever  tell  you  not  to  sneak  up  on people? ”    //    @s9-23 
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